Bright drawing on the theme of the donor. Donation is a voluntary act of helping a healthy person (donor) to a patient, which consists in providing part of his blood for medical purposes.

The purpose of my work is to obtain a more complete, comprehensive definition of the concepts of blood transfusion, donation, the origins of their origin and the promotion of donation - the creation of a presentation on this topic. Methods: analysis of methodological and periodical literature, analysis of scientific literature on this topic, analysis of Internet sites. Tasks: - to consider the history of blood transfusion and donation, - to reveal the essence of blood transfusion and donation, - to consider ongoing programs in the field of donation, - to create a presentation "Donation".

1. History of blood transfusion and donation Even in ancient times, people tried to be treated with the blood of animals. The writings of the ancient Greek poet Homer say that Odysseus gave blood to the shadows of the underworld to drink in order to restore their speech and consciousness. Hippocrates recommended that patients suffering from mental disorders drink the blood of healthy people. Indications of such treatment with blood are found in the writings of Pliny and Celsus, who reported that patients with epilepsy and the elderly drank the blood of dying gladiators.

Animal blood from therapeutic purpose they drank during the wars, so after the Egyptian troops there were whole herds of sheep, the blood of which was used to treat the wounded. In ancient monuments, there were notes that blood was used for baths. So, the ancient Greek king Constantine, who suffered from leprosy, had blood baths. It was believed that blood is a miraculous liquid: one has only to apply it, as life can be extended for many years. If a person drinks the blood, then it will replace the one that was lost by him.

2. 2. The concept and essence of blood transfusion and donation June 14 World Blood Donor Day. He was selected by three organizations advocating voluntary blood donation: the International Federation of Red Cross Societies, the International Society for Blood Transfusion and the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations.

Of course, any healthy person aged 18 to 60 can become a donor, if he has no contraindications to this. In addition to contraindications, there are restrictions for a number of individuals. So, for example, if a person who has reached the age of 18 wants to become a donor, but at the same time has poor physical development and a body weight of less than 45 kg, then this will be refused. Restrictions on the dose of donated blood exist for first-time donors younger than 20 years old and older than 55 years old - no more than 250 ml. All those wishing to donate blood before this are examined in blood centers or in blood departments by a general practitioner and a dermatovenereologist. The general practitioner collects a detailed anamnesis: finds out what diseases the subject suffered, whether he had operations, whether he was in contact with infectious patients or in territories endemic for one or another infectious diseases. The skin and visible mucous membranes are carefully examined; palpated The lymph nodes, liver, spleen; assessment of the state of the cardiovascular respiratory systems; measured arterial pressure and the heart rate (HR) is calculated; psychoneurological status is assessed. A dermatovenereologist examines a potential donor to identify symptoms that indicate the possibility of infection with syphilis. The donor must have a physical development not lower than satisfactory. Both too low body weight (less than 45 kg) and obesity of II-III degree are equally contraindicated for donation.

Indications for blood transfusion are determined by the purpose that it pursues: compensation for the missing volume of blood or its individual components; increased activity of the blood coagulation system during bleeding. Absolute indications for blood transfusion are acute blood loss, shock, bleeding, severe anemia, severe atraumatic operations, including those with cardiopulmonary bypass. And also to the indications for the transfusion of blood and its components are anemia of various origins, blood diseases, purulent inflammatory diseases, severe intoxication.

Blood transfusion contraindications: 1) cardiac decompensation in case of heart defects, myocarditis, myocardiosclerosis; 2) septic endocarditis; 3) hypertension stage 3; 4) violation cerebral circulation; 5) thromboembolic disease; 6) pulmonary edema; 7) acute glomerulonephritis; 8) severe liver failure; 9) general amyloidosis; 10) allergic condition; 11) bronchial asthma.

Conclusion The work I have done has allowed me to explore a more complete, comprehensive concept of blood transfusion and donation. I believe that the promotion of donation should be ubiquitous. Our college students are also actively involved in this movement. These are Rakova Elena, Tikhonova Karina, Yakovlev Alexander, Popov Andrey, Egorova Tatyana and others. After reviewing the history of blood transfusion and donation, revealing the essence and considering the ongoing programs in this area, I concluded that the goal of my work was achieved.

Donor Day is usually celebrated twice a year. Every year on April 20, Russia celebrates National Blood Donor Day, and June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. This international holiday is dedicated, first of all, to those people who donate their blood for free for the benefit of health and life. strangers, as well as to doctors who take blood samples, control the sanitary condition of transfusion stations, develop methods and equipment, and carefully examine the donated drugs.

In the Fresh-Cards catalog in this section, you can download free beautiful postcards and funny pictures with donor day with solemn wishes in verse and prose, short and long inscriptions and congratulations or without text in the form of thematic images. Virtual postcards are easy to send via e-mail and place on the pages of various sites, as well as in popular in social networks. They can be saved to your phone or computer. The recipient will certainly be pleasantly surprised by the message and delighted with such attention.

Blood donation is the voluntary donation of one's own blood or its components for subsequent transfusion to needy patients or to receive medical preparations(code ICD-10 Z52.0 Blood donor). Donor comes from the Latin "donare" - "to give".

Immune donation is special kind donation, when a donor, by administering a safe dose of a vaccine, creates active immunity to certain diseases. From the blood of such donors, drugs are prepared that are necessary for the treatment of patients with purulent-septic diseases, burns, and infections in newborns.

In Europe, the rate of development of donor donation per 1,000 people, in America - donors, in Russia - only donors per 1,000 people.

DONOR RULES DO NOT. On the eve and on the day of blood donation, it is not recommended to eat fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, as well as dairy products, eggs and butter. Two days before the visit to the station, you can not drink alcohol. Three days before donating blood, you should not take medicines containing aspirin and analgesics. Also, an hour before donating blood, it is advisable to refrain from smoking.

The path of the donor to the SPK. Step one. The path of a donor at the Blood Transfusion Station begins with registration. Here, the donor fills out the necessary questionnaires, in which he leaves his personal data and answers questions about health. For registration, each donor must come with a passport or military ID.

The path of the donor to the SPK. Step three. The next step is to see a doctor. This step is decisive, since right now the doctor decides whether the donor can be allowed to donate blood or its components. This decision is made on the basis of an analysis of the results that came from the laboratory, data obtained from the questionnaire completed by the donor, as well as the general physical condition donor at the time of the examination. Guided by the condition of the donor and the needs of the hospital, the doctor prescribes either giving blood or its components.

The path of the donor to the SPK. Step five. We remind you that during all medical manipulations only DISPOSABLE instruments are used, so it is impossible to get infected. And finally, here it is, the long-awaited Donor event! From those who donate blood for the first time, 250 ml will be taken, and from those who already have donor experience - 450 ml. The plasma dose for beginners is 400 ml.

The path of the donor to the SPK. Step seven. After the donation, each donor is issued a certificate that entitles them to two paid days of rest. The donor also receives material compensation for food - after donating blood or its components, it is necessary to restore strength.

The path of the donor to the SPK. This is how each of us, having spent only an hour of our time and having passed only seven steps to the donor chair, can take part in saving someone's life. You will not be able to find out the names of the children who have been helped by your blood. But this is not important, the main thing is that they are healthy!