When to prepare brooms for a bath. Preparation of oak brooms for a bath: timing, how to properly cut and dry the product


The time to collect material for bath brooms in Russia is subject to special canons. In this case, the main thing is not to rush and not be late. Everyone who loves the Russian bath knows the importance of the timing of the collection of birch, oak or linden branches for the preparation of this bath attribute.

When does the harvesting of birch brooms start?

If in the Krasnodar Territory birch branches should be cut in late May - early June, then in the regions of the South Urals this is done in late June - early July. Inhabitants middle lane focus on Orthodox holiday Trinity. This holiday does not have an exact date, it comes on the 50th day after Easter. In 2019, the holiday falls on June 16th.

A couple of weeks after the Trinity and before Ilyin's day, you need to cut the branches into brooms. The harvesting time is different everywhere, but you can also focus on the condition of birch branches.

The most common variety of birch for collection is drooping or downy. These are white-trunked trees growing to a height of 30 m. The branches are long, like those of a weeping willow. Small wedge-shaped rounded leaves frame its rods in abundance. It is necessary to be in time before the time of flowering of the tree, but wait until the leaves form. Their color will become persistent, saturated green color. On the surface of the leaf with the naked eye, you can see a sugar coating. It indicates that the time has come.

Where is the best place to collect twigs?

The choice of a place to collect material for birch brooms is important. We go into the thicket away from the road, choosing shady places, lowlands and the bank of the river. The tree from which the rods can be cut must have sufficient moisture in the roots. In this case, the leaf will not be deprived of nutrients.

When choosing a tree, it is important to look not only at the crown, which should be correct form, but also the trunk. It should not have strange secretions or growths, except for the chaga fungus. If there is no forest nearby, then you can choose birches that grow in the park area. Fans of bathing procedures with experience have long chosen the tactic of planting their own sources of raw materials - birch trees decorate the area near the house, in the country or in the urban residential area.

If pruning an adult tree, then this should be done in the middle part of the tree. lower branches old, and the top ones are still young.

Preference should be given to 2-year-old trees that do not yet have earrings. These are the most juicy branches suitable for bath procedures. They have not only a ripe leaf has a full set of essential oils, but also young shoots. Substances contained in birch shoots:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese;
  • acids - ascorbic, nicotinic and betuloretinic;
  • provitamin A and vitamin C.

Therefore, a properly cut, collected and dried broom is not only an excellent massage tool in the bath, but also a remedy. Asthmatics, allergy sufferers and those with bronchial problems can appreciate healing properties of this birch product.

How to cut birch branches correctly?

You can cut branches when preparing a birch broom for a bath, with anything. Pruners, garden shears or just a sharp knife are suitable for this purpose. It is important that the cut is even and neat, this will help not damage the trees. It is necessary to cut not from one place, but evenly from different sides. Suitable young twigs with 2-3 branches, densely strewn with leaves.

The length of the cut rod is 0.5-0.8 m. On the clearings, you should pay attention to the growth near the stumps. Here, within 2-3 years, the shoots become small trees. The collection of such material will not damage the forest area. Thin young branches after proper drying will not lose their flexibility. This will allow the bath attendant to make soft whipping movements without hurting the recipient of the procedure.

How to knit bath brooms?

After collecting the material, it's time to start knitting brooms:

  • lay out the collected branches on a small area;
  • we sort, putting aside large, branched and straight stems in separate groups;
  • on large branches we get rid of knots with secateurs;
  • we begin to collect the branches like a bouquet - large and branched branches in the middle, straight and thin along the edges;
  • just above the edge of the intended handle, we tightly intercept it with twine;
  • slightly parted with a fan;
  • after removing the leaves, slightly tighten the broom handle in 2-3 places with twine;
  • on twine, near the end of the handle we leave long ends (5-7 cm each);
  • so that the upper part does not change shape, you can hold it by pressing down with your knee;
  • trim the lower edge of the handle, and remove or loosen the first twine.

When making a broom, you can add oak or linden branches to it. Weave inside herbs - mint or thyme. Such combined formulations increase several times beneficial features steamed bath massager.

How to dry?

When the process of forming brooms is completed, we proceed to drying. For this:

  • lay them out on the floor or other flat surface in rows;
  • avoid direct sunlight or strong drafts,
  • in a day we turn them over to the other side;
  • after the brooms acquire a flat shape, they are suspended;
  • we tie them in pairs for the twine tails left at the end of the handles;
  • we hang brooms on a horizontal pole or a stretched wire;
  • we make a small shift - one is higher, the other is slightly lower;
  • choose a well-ventilated place and leave it until it dries completely.

A dry broom should have a persistent light green color, a pleasant smell. Foliage does not crumble into small components when pressed.

Storage rules

Completely dried brooms must be stored in the same pairs. If there is a large dressing room in the bath, you can remove them from the wire and hang them on nails there. So they are always at hand, emit a delicious smell and serve as an original design for the dressing room.

A dry shed or hay barn is also suitable for storage. Birch pairs can also be stored in hay. Under the top layer of hay, we lay them in a circle with foliage inside the circle. Large paper vegetable boxes are good for storage, they can be stacked, as long as they are stored in a dry and cool place.

Mistakes when preparing bath brooms

If hay is harvested, using the saying: “Mow the scythe until dew”, then the opposite is true with birch. What not to do if we want to get a good broom:

  • do not cut wet branches until the morning dew has gone;
  • do not take stems with damaged, pale or rough leaves;
  • after the rains, wait a couple of days until the birch crown dries out;
  • refuse to collect too young shoots, they can be identified by a light, unformed leaf;
  • when knitting a broom, do not thicken it and do not immediately tighten the twine tightly;
  • the optimal length is 50-70 cm (together with the handle, which is 1/3 of the length);
  • weight is selected individually so that even the most flimsy bather can whip without getting tired;
  • when stored in the attic, do not hang it under the very roof, it heats up and “burns” the sheet;
  • do not cover ready-made brooms with half-dried hay, they will drip;
  • before use, the handle must be pulled with a rope and wrapped with a rag, for convenience;
  • do not use wire for knitting, so as not to injure or burn your hands.

How to steam bath brooms?

Let's highlight several ways to steam a broom:

  • a dry broom is immediately steamed with boiling water for 15-20 minutes;
  • perform preliminary soaking for a day, keeping it for 2 hours in cold water, and then store it in a plastic bag until boiling water is poured;
  • pour hot water for 20-30 minutes, and only then for 10-15 minutes. immersed in boiling water.

Let's take a closer look at each method:

  1. By pouring boiling water over dry leaves, we thereby make the broom short-lived. A properly prepared bath massager can be used at least 3 times, or even more. Express brewing will save time, but will take most of the nutrients out of it into the water. The subtle flavors of the seasonings added will blend.
  2. Pre-soaking in cold water will infuse branches and leaves with moisture. This will allow them not to crumble during use and transfer boiling water stress. Store pre-soaked bouquet in a cool place. Many attendants put the bag in the refrigerator. Not in the freezer. This method allows you to use it several times.
  3. The combination of "hot water - boiling water", the most suitable for preparing for bathing procedures. The broom becomes elastic, the leaves hold tightly, it can be safely used several times. After the bath, it is washed in clean water and dry in a dry ventilated place. It can be a dressing room with good ventilation. You should not leave it on a shelf in the steam room, the residual temperature will dry out the top layer, and the entire structure of the sheaf will lose its integrity.

Separately, I would like to highlight the method used by many lovers to take a steam bath. The process of steaming when heating the bath. After the first warm water appears, the broom is poured with it for 10-15 minutes. The leaves are straightened out. If the container allows, then it is lowered there with the handle down. Thus, moisture through the cuts will penetrate into the stems faster.

After such a soaking, the broom is tightly wrapped in a bag and placed on the top shelf of the steam room. He lies there until the bath is ready. Then it is lowered into hot water (80-90ºС, boiling water is not used). While the bathers are waiting for the 13th drop from the nose, the broom has time to reach the desired condition. This is a tried and tested method that allows you to stretch its service life.

The first warm water is used for pre-rinsing before the steam room. Or you can leave it for the final rinse after washing. Then the body will smell like a birch aroma. Even overdried brooms can be restored in this way and used several times.

The preparation of brooms is a voluntary matter. You can buy a ready-made one at a price of 150-250 rubles / piece, or you can assemble your own and have fun for free. It is advisable to prepare brooms with a margin, then you will not have to save and reduce the number of trips to the bathhouse.

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A broom for a steam room made of oak branches is in second place after birch in popularity among bath lovers. This “second line” is due, perhaps, only to a smaller prevalence wood (it’s easier to find birch in Central and Northern Russia), and oak in terms of its qualities is practically not inferior to its “competitor” in any way, and in some positions it even surpasses it.

Procurement terms oak brooms for a bath and the order of knitting will be discussed below, but in order to know about their main qualities, about what diseases it is useful to use oak, you need to know the characteristics of this type of wood, since these factors are closely interconnected.

This tree is considered the strongest in terms of energy among all species growing in Russia. There are persistent beliefs, by the way, not denied by scientists, that, in contact with oak under any life circumstances, a person receives part of its strength, which means that additional potential appears in the body to fight various ailments.

That is why very often in Russia oaks were planted near the house and turned to them for help, asking them to give health for many years. Today, living in high-rise buildings and not having a suburban area, it is difficult to grow your own"family" oak, which is why many turn to bonsai. This art allows you to grow an exact copy of a real tree, only in a miniature form, in a flowerpot. Oak grown using this technique will always be present in the house, sharing its energy forces.

But this tree is rich not only in powerful energy - it contains in its bark, branches and leaves a large number of substances useful for the human body are gallic and ellagic acids, pectins, pentosans, flavone compounds, starch, sugar, flobafen, protein, tannins and other substances.

For medicinal purposes, oak raw materials are always tried to be prepared during the period of active sap flow to keep all useful properties in it. Any blanks are dried in a place protected from the sun, and they can be stored for five or even more years without losing their medicinal qualities.

oak bark

Oak bark decoctions are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce excessive sweating, heal burns, festering wounds, treat gums and get rid of other diseases. inflammatory processes mouth, with severe frostbite of the skin and bleeding hemorrhoids.

Oak bark is a famous natural remedy

Decoctions are also considered an excellent antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals and mushrooms. As a vitamin remedy, they are used for rickets and scurvy, as a hemostatic agent - for internal bleeding.

It should be noted that this is sufficient strong remedy therefore, before giving it to children to drink, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

oak leaves

For medicinal purposes, young leaves are harvested along with branches. This process is carried out until mid-May, while the leaves are light green in color. They are dried by hanging under awnings and used throughout the year.

Decoctions are an excellent remedy for cuts and abrasions, they disinfect and help ulcers heal. In addition, they are used in the treatment of children suffering from nocturnal enuresis.

Oak fruits - acorns

Only those acorns are considered mature that have fallen from the tree. They are collected and dried away from sunlight - in attics or in well-ventilated sheds, and the final drying is carried out in ovens.

Dry fruits are peeled, then roasted until red, ground in a coffee grinder and consumed like coffee. This drink is useful for various diseases and has the following actions:

  • Bactericidal, astringent, antitumor and enveloping properties.
  • It strengthens and cleanses the stomach.
  • Treats gum disease and soothes toothache.
  • Stops bleeding of various kinds, including uterine.
  • Cleanses the body in case of poisoning.

Broom for a steam room from oak branches

All this was not told in vain - all the components of this magnificent tree, except for the listed methods of use, are widely used in the "bath practice". Decoctions are made from the bark, leaves and acorns, which are splashed on the stove, and brooms, useful in every respect, are knitted from branches with young leaves.

  • The oak broom has fairly wide and strong leaves, so it looks more like a fan. Thanks to this quality, it is excellent for them to pump the heat coming from the heater to the body.

Using a broom is quite comfortable - they seem to rake in hot steam and direct it towards themselves. This quality can be called the first of its advantages over other breeds used to make bath brooms.

  • With the help of an oak broom, it is good to massage, since the tannins contained in its leaves and branches have a great effect on the skin, making it more elastic.

Oak brooms are an excellent tool for bath massage

  • In addition, oak brooms reduce excessive sweating, as they cleanse the skin and activate the metabolic process. Thanks to the same quality, the skin becomes less oily, receives reliable protection against inflammation.

  • The use of an oak broom in the steam room helps to significantly reduce blood pressure which is very important for people suffering from hypertension.
  • To put in order nervous system, you should also go to the steam room, taking an oak "bouquet" with you, since the substances it releases have a calming effect.
  • Such a broom is suitable for various massage techniques - they are passed over the entire body, lightly patting it on the skin, pressed against the body, collecting sweat from it, rubbing certain areas, and also making oak branches on the bench in the steam room.

So that the broom can be used several times, and at the same time it retains all its medicinal properties, the raw materials for it must be properly prepared and dried. A well-prepared oak broom can be used three to five times in the steam room.

Prices for oak brooms for a bath

oak broom for a bath

Preparation of brooms from oak branches

Harvesting oak brooms in the southern regions of the country is carried out from mid to late May, while in central Russia this event is held in the second half of June. At this time, the leaves are small and delicate in structure, and the branches have not yet gained thickness and have not lost flexibility.

You can, of course, harvest throughout the summer, however, the closer to autumn, the leaves become stiffer, and the branches thicker, so the broom will be heavier and less flexible.

You should not cut branches too early, as the leaves will be too tender, not having gained useful substances, so steaming will not give you the desired therapeutic effect, and the strength of this broom will be extremely low.

Branches for such purposes are taken from the lower part of a large tree that grows in the thickest oak forests, where it penetrates least. sunlight. A good guideline for choosing a tree for cutting a broom will be burdocks growing under it, which have large juicy leaves. It is quite difficult to find single branches on old oaks, therefore, most often a branched branch with a dense leafy covering on a good annual growth is chosen. If the young growth on the old branch has the desired length of 500 ÷ 550 mm, then it is cut off and further brooms are formed.

Branches are also taken from young oak trees, having a height of only three ÷ four meters - such trees have the optimal thickness of branches for a broom and the size of foliage.

Branch of “winter oak”

Good brooms are obtained from the "winter oak" - this is the name of one of the varieties of wood that does not shed its leaves for the winter. The leaves change their hue from green to golden, but do not fly around, but hold tightly to the branches, although the sap flow in them stops. This type of oak does not grow in oak forests, but singly, and most often - on high hillocks or on small hills.

It should be noted that the best brooms are obtained from branches from trees growing in oak forests than those cut from single trees.

Rules for collecting branches

Traditional healers and experienced herbalists have developed rules that help to preserve cut branches for bath brooms and collected medicinal herbs for a long time:

  • All natural raw material- both branches and grasses must be harvested in the morning, but only after the dew has disappeared, in dry and clear weather.
  • You should not take already broken off sluggish branches, as when steaming they will gain more moisture, becoming heavy.
  • The broom is cut only from those branches that have high flexibility - they bend well and do not break.
  • When harvesting brooms, wood should be treated with the utmost care. You should not cut it completely or deprive it of large side branches, as this can only harm the plant. If only young shoots are cut in different places of the oak, then this helps him, since thinning the branches is very useful. With the right attitude to the tree, it will supply raw materials for baths and medicinal decoctions for many years.
  • Young oak trees should not be cut off, for which the loss of several branches can be fatal. You need to let the tree take root well and get stronger before using it for your own good.
Video: tips for choosing oak branches for a bath broom

Knitting brooms

After cutting the branches, leaves and knots are removed from their lower part, and then they are laid out on the table in one layer and left for one hour and a half. You can not leave them piled in a heap, since from such storage the leaves can quickly crumble.

After this time, you can start knitting branches into brooms:

  • Each of the branches is shaken, and then they are folded into a "bouquet". The branches are equalized along the upper leaves - they should be located at the same height and create the required density of the broom.
  • Branches with thicker trunks are placed in the middle, but there should not be more than three of them in each of the brooms, otherwise the fan will be too hard, and they can damage the skin. The thickness of the broom handle should not be more than 50 mm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to hold it. The length is usually 100 ÷ 120 mm, and the height of the fan is 450 ÷ 500 mm.
  • Further, the lower part of the branches, left without leaves, is compressed and tied with twine in two places - immediately under the leaves and below, forming a broom handle. It must be remembered that it is still impossible to tighten the handle strongly, it will finally be tied when the broom dries a little.
  • Some modern bath lovers have adapted plastic brooms for tying brooms. self-locking clamps - "ties". They bind the branches lightly at first, then, after drying, they tighten it a little, and already before using the broom, they tighten it tightly.

  • Pens related brooms trimmed with secateurs. And then the finished bundles are laid under not very heavy oppression. This is necessary so that the brooms acquire a flat fan shape, and the branches do not stick out in different directions. In this form, the brooms are left for one or two days.

  • After that, the brooms are hung in a ventilated shed or in the attic. In no case should you dry them in the sun, as the leaves will be overdried and may simply crumble.
Video: a good example of tying an oak broom

Steaming an oak broom

All bath lovers have their own ways of steaming brooms:

A fresh broom is dipped in hot water for one to two minutes, and then it can be steamed.

  • The simplest and fast way to prepare a dry broom is to lower its fan into cold water for three ÷ five minutes, and then immediately transfer to a container with hot water and leave for the same time.
  • Another method involves rinsing the broom in cold water and placing it completely in a bowl with warm water. After immersing the broom, the container is closed with a lid and left for 10 ÷ 15 minutes. The main thing here is not to overexpose it in water, otherwise it will become sour and quickly crumble.
  • In the event that the broom is very dry for some reason, it is placed for 5 ÷ 7 minutes in warm water, and then pulled out, shaken off and held over hot stones, periodically turning. Both the fan and the handle will steam well, and the broom should become soft.
  • Some attendants soak dry brooms in cold water in the morning and leave them in it until late in the evening. Then they are pulled out and wrapped overnight in a dense cloth. A broom soaked in this way is not only soft, but also gives a very rich forest aroma. In addition, it will last for several vaping sessions.
  • Sometimes steaming occurs in a contrasting way, when the fan of a broom is moved from cold to hot water, leaving it in each of the containers for 1 ÷ 2 minutes, and before entering the steam room, it is poured over with boiling water.
  • Other bath lovers prefer to cook a broom on the eve of going to the steam room. After keeping the brooms in hot water for 15 ÷ 20 minutes, they are wrapped in polyethylene and left overnight. After entering the steam room, such a broom will remain heated over the heater - and it is completely ready for bath procedures.

Do not throw water from steamed brooms into the street. She, during the stay of oak leaves in her, is saturated useful substances, and it turns out a kind of decoction. It is used for rinsing the body, washing the hair, or poured onto the heater to create a healing steam. Hair after such water acquires a pleasant shine and receives a significant vitamin dose. A decoction of oak leaves also has a positive effect on the skin, thanks to all the natural substances that this plant is rich in.

Naturally, it is difficult to get the desired results in one trip to the steam room with an oak broom - you need to do these bath procedures every week for a long time. Only in this case, you can significantly improve your physical health and get energy from this amazing tree.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the unique properties of oak, many sauna lovers prefer mixed brooms, consisting of oak and traditional birch branches. This complex combines everything necessary qualities for vaping - birch leaves adhere well to the skin, collecting sweat and opening pores, while oak leaves nourish skin vitamins and strength.

Therefore, when preparing brooms, you need to collect different variants, try each of them for yourself and choose the best one.

Having a good broom is only half the battle!

The first trip to a real bath is better to organize with an experienced person - so as not to harm your health out of ignorance. – read in a special publication of our “sauna encyclopedia”.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian banya without a broom. This is an indispensable attribute, which is present not only for beauty and giving a certain flavor.

No wonder the proverb says: "the bath soars, the bath rules, the bath will fix everything." The medicinal purpose of brooms has been known for a very long time, their beneficial effect on human health has already been proven.

Go to the bathhouse and deny yourself the pleasure of taking a steam bath is not in the rules of lovers of bath procedures. A good broom is highly valued, and experts on the size of the leaves can accurately indicate the time of its preparation. Soft, non-burning steam, plus whipping, similar to a kind of massage, help get rid of many diseases.

What are brooms

The most famous and common brooms are birch. And not because Russia is a land of birch groves. It is easy to breathe in a birch forest, thanks to the release of biologically active substances, they purify the air by killing disease-causing viruses.

Brooms are knitted not only from birch, other trees, herbs and shrubs are also suitable for them.

From what you can prepare a broom:

  • Linden;
  • Juniper;
  • Nettle;
  • Currant;
  • Cedar;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Fir;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Rowan;
  • Tansy;
  • Ash;
  • Birch.

The preparation of brooms for a birch bath takes place according to certain rules and at the right time. This is very important, because the leaves should contain the largest amount of phytoncides, vitamins, essential oils. If the branches are not cut at the right time, then the benefits of it will not work, but it happens that the leaves simply fall off.

The best birch brooms are traditionally harvested for Trinity. It was believed that they have a special healing power, since the leaves at this time are young and exude a unique aroma. The collection of raw materials continues from mid-June to mid-July.

Rules for harvesting branches for brooms

The best time for harvesting birch brooms for a bath is in the morning in dry sunny weather. If the leaves on the trees are wet, then during the drying process they will darken and fall off. Therefore, in rainy weather, harvesting is not carried out.

Rules for cutting branches and choosing trees:

  • Birches for harvesting are chosen growing in ecologically clean places. Away from roads and large settlements;
  • Cut branches closer to the ground. Their length should not exceed 50-60 cm;
  • The most suitable are side branches from young trees;
  • The leaves should be soft, velvety, tender, and the branches thin.

The size of the broom is not of fundamental importance, the main thing is that it is comfortable to hold. Some people like small ones, while others like bulky ones.

Their shape should resemble a fan, not a broom. In order for them to be stored until the next season, it is imperative to comply with the deadlines for harvesting birch brooms for a bath.

To get a good broom, it is not enough to choose and prepare raw materials correctly. This is only half the work, the second half is observing all the conditions.

Methods for drying and storing brooms

The choice of place for drying depends on the quality of the final product, as well as its safety. The instruction for choosing a room tells what conditions it must meet. It is not difficult to comply with them, usually in every private household there are buildings suitable for this business.

Drying and storage requirements:

  • Dry in the shade, carefully protecting from sunlight. This will prevent the leaves from fading and curling;
  • It is necessary to build a canopy with shelves or special devices for hanging;
  • Avoid drafts;
  • The room must be dry and cool. A barn or attic is ideal for both drying and storage;
  • Turn over while drying to dry evenly.

Their useful properties depend on how correctly the brooms will be stored. For this, cardboard boxes with holes for fresh air or a hayloft made of dried meadow hay are suitable.

Residents of large cities with country houses or summer cottages with a bathhouse do not always have time to engage in independent harvesting. In addition, not all of them know when it is better to prepare birch brooms for a bath. There is a way out in this situation - you can buy ready-made ones.

This is convenient and eliminates the need to look for the right material, cutting branches, knitting and drying. All bath accessories and brooms are sold in specialized stores or departments of large shopping centers. The price for them is not high, it is quite affordable for an ordinary buyer.

Healing properties of birch brooms

A visit to the bath improves health, helping to cope with many diseases. The use of a broom greatly enhances this effect ().

Striking them on the body is a kind of massage, in addition, the movement of hot air contributes to the water-salt exchange. Such procedures help to train blood vessels, strengthening their walls.

When preparing birch brooms for a bath, then, first of all, they think about what benefits it will bring.

What useful substances does a birch broom contain:

  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Essential oils and phytoncides.

All of the above has a calming effect on the body and promotes wound healing. It is very good for them to relieve inflammation from the skin and muscles, as well as eliminate joint pain.

It is useful to use it for all kinds of diseases. respiratory tract. All useful substances penetrate the body through the pores on the skin, cleansing them and helping to open up.

Note! Before using a birch or any other broom, you should consult a doctor if there is the slightest doubt that health allows it.

How to knit birch brooms

The most important thing before starting work is to clean the branches from knots where the handle is supposed to be. There should not be leaves, so that it is comfortable to hold on, and the broom does not injure your hands.

It can be big, but don't make it heavy. First of all, it must be comfortable. The most preferred length of branches is 40-80 cm.

The branches are carefully collected and tied with twine, holding them with your left hand. On the opposite side from the leaves, the broom is wrapped with a piece of flat cloth - this prevents rubbing of the skin during use. A long handle should be left at the broom, at least 15-20 cm - so it will be comfortable to hold it with your hand.

Before you start knitting a broom, the branches are moved. It is advisable to sort them according to the length and density of the leaves.

They should be distributed evenly over the entire surface. It is not advisable to use branches where there is very little vegetation or it is dry.


A broom is an essential attribute of a bathhouse; more than one visit to it is indispensable without it. The unique aroma of birch fills the steam room, improving mood and well-being. After it, it is pleasant to plunge into a cool pond ().

Only a broom assembled according to all the rules will serve good helper in strengthening the protective functions of the body. The timing of the collection of material is of paramount importance. The video in this article will go into more detail about the nuances of this process.

Recently it has become fashionable to take a Russian bath. This institution differs from the rest in the use of such a mandatory attribute as a broom. How and when to prepare brooms for a bath? What are they? These questions are often heard today.

A bath broom is a visiting card, and without it it is simply impossible to enjoy a Russian bath. Russian steam room with brooms saturates the body with health. In order for this to happen, it is important to properly prepare brooms for the steam room. This process seems simple, but there are actually some secrets.

Varieties of brooms

In order for the broom to be useful, it is impossible to collect any branches that come across for knitting. What brooms are prepared for a bath? The most common and useful are made from the following plants:

  • birch;
  • oak;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lindens;
  • juniper.

A little less often, brooms are used for a bath, the types of which are indicated below:

  • nettle;
  • sagebrush;
  • Rowan;
  • aspen;
  • bird cherry;
  • needles.

Very useful to add branches medicinal herbs such as St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, currant, raspberry. Such brooms are called combined and combine herbs and the main composition of oak, birch and linden branches.

When to prepare brooms for a bath

Since brooms are used not as an empty bath accessory, but for the benefit of the body, it is important to choose right time for the preparation of brooms. This time is the period when the buds, leaves and branches of trees are filled with useful substances. On the branches collected during this period, the leaves will hold tightly, this is important so that the broom can withstand several steam rooms. Brooms created at the right time will be strong and soft.

The best time of day for harvesting branches is the first half of the day, when the dew has already disappeared. The weather must be dry. If it rains on the planned day, the collection of raw materials should be postponed for a couple of days.

When collecting twigs, you need to check that they are strong, they should not have thorns and damage.

Since in Banya broom often herbs are added, it is also important to know when to prepare brooms for a bath from herbs or with the addition of their branches. Traditionally, the best time to collect grass material is when the grass is flowering. During this period, the leaves become tender, fragrant and soft, and the branches are already gaining strength. According to ancient Russian traditions, it is necessary to harvest raw materials for a bath broom on the 49th day after Easter, on Trinity. This falls around the middle of June.

Also, for branches that are made for a bath broom, environmental friendliness is important. In order for the broom to be saturated with healthy energy, you can not collect branches from trees growing near the road, located near industrial enterprises or located near high-voltage power lines.

How to prepare brooms

In order to do everything correctly, you need not only to know when to prepare brooms for a bath, but also to understand how to do it, following a few simple rules.

  1. It is important to treat plants with care. It is not necessary to cut all the branches in a row, but only the side ones, and it is advisable to do this carefully with a pruner.
  2. To create brooms, you need to collect branches of young plants that are about two to three years old. In such trees, the branches are elastic and bend perfectly.
  3. Branches of weeping birch, which grows near the water, are very well suited for a bath. Its branches must be cut near the ground, they must be straight, flexible and long. The leaves should be chosen not rustling, but smooth.
  4. It is impossible to transport cut branches in bags and other containers folded. For proper transportation, the raw materials are tied with a rope and transported without covering.
  5. In the place where the brooms will be dried, they are untied so that they do not clog and remain loose. Then laid out for a period of about three days to dry. Brooms should not be exposed to direct sunlight indoors.
  6. Before making a broom for a bath, the branches are sorted out, sorted by length. If thorns come across and they plan to use them for special prickly brooms, such branches are folded inward.
  7. From below, each branch is cleared of foliage for a third of the length so that after dressing they do not fall apart. So the broom will last longer.

Bath broom: birch

For a bath, it is often customary to use birch brooms. Why are they useful? Birch is considered a valuable raw material in traditional medicine. It has diuretic, diaphoretic and tonic properties, perfectly disinfects. It contains vitamin C, essential oils, provitamin A, tannins and flavonoids. Such components give birch such qualities as anticonvulsant, choleretic, expectorant.

How to make a broom for a bath from birch branches? Birch is found almost everywhere, so it is absolutely not difficult to collect the raw materials of this tree. Also birch branches- a favorite material for the regulars of the Russian steam room because of the small leaves that slide very nicely over the body. In order for the birch broom to keep its shape better and not be too flexible, several oak branches are added to it.

During the use of birch brooms in the bath, breathing is greatly facilitated, since small birch leaves clean the bronchial mesh well. Also, birch bath brooms help when muscles and joints hurt, and also relieve skin inflammations, such as abscesses or insect bites.

The benefits of oak broom

Oak is considered the most popular and traditional raw material for brooms; brooms are made of strong and durable brooms. Oak is also good because its branches are heavy and the foliage is wide, which makes it possible to get more steam in the steam room.

Oak bath brooms have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, useful for people who have skin problems such as eczema or hives.

Oak branches also help those who have increased sweating of the hands and feet, as well as high blood pressure. True, in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking a bath.

Oak branches are poorly saturated with sweat, so they are always dry. The foliage keeps well on the branch, does not fly around. The tannins contained in the composition of oak branches cleanse the skin well, they are great for those people who have oily skin. It is believed that oak brooms are the best for a bath.

Linden brooms for a bath

Linden broom is considered a classic Russian bath broom. Linden - very useful plant and has many healing properties, treats respiratory diseases, chronic cough, sore throat, has general strengthening and soothing properties. Also, thanks to the linden, the skin is cleansed of acne and rashes.

In folk medicine, a composition of linden decoction, honey and tea is used to remove freckles. Linden is also used to strengthen weak hair, in order to whiten the skin and remove freckles. Also, lime infusions are used by the people to treat headaches, vegetovascular dystonia, to cleanse the kidneys and heal wounds.

When linden brooms for a bath are steamed, a rich smell of apiary, fresh honey and propolis is established in the bath.

Useful eucalyptus

For the preparation of raw materials for eucalyptus bath brooms, bushy varieties of this plant are used. Everyone knows the healing properties of eucalyptus, it helps very well with diseases of the respiratory tract, joints, has wound healing and analgesic properties.

Eucalyptus gives a unique aroma when steamed, which also manifests the healing properties of this plant. Thus, under the influence of eucalyptus steam, a kind of inhalation occurs.

Necessarily included in the attendant's set is a tincture of pharmacy eucalyptus. It is intended for the preparation of a solution that is poured over the walls in the steam room. This choice is not random. Eucalyptus is a powerful antiseptic that has a beneficial effect when warming up the bronchi.

juniper broom

In order to make a juniper broom, you need to collect branches from this shrub. Juniper is a very useful plant. It contains resins, which, standing out in the steam room, can have a good effect on the human condition.

To form a juniper broom, you need to take branches of several shrubs, since if you collect everything from one bush, the plant can be damaged.

Juniper branches are used not only to knit uniform brooms for a bath, the types of these products can combine juniper and oak or birch branches.

Juniper brooms should be steamed with boiling water for half an hour before use, only after that they become usable for bathing purposes. Fir or juniper brooms fill the bath with a healing fresh aroma that strengthens the immune system, gives strength, helps to treat radiculitis, back diseases and rheumatism.

nettle broom

Nettle brooms are also very often used in wellness and medicinal purposes. Properly prepared, they do not burn the skin. The time for collection is chosen when the nettle is still young. Nettle brooms tone the skin well, relieve muscle pain, help with radiculitis, aching joints.

In order for the broom not to bite, it is dipped several times alternately in cold water, then in boiling water, after which it is ready for use. Due to the fact that nettle contains formic acid in its composition, a broom from this plant makes an excellent massage, cleanses the skin, making it supple.

How to dry and knit brooms

In order to get a good bath accessory, it is necessary to properly dry and save the branches. Before putting the branches for drying, you need to examine everything well and sort it out: bad branches, with thorns, those that are very lignified or very thin, are rejected. You need to leave only young, flexible, well-leafed branches that are approximately the same length - from 40 to 70 cm. The branches are tied very loosely and hung on ropes for up to a week to dry.

Before knitting brooms for a bath, you need to look at the prepared and dried branches again. Cut off the leaves at the bottom of the branch so that the distance to the foliage is equal to two palm widths.

The branches are folded in such a way that the thick and large ones are in the middle of the bundle, and the thin ones should be located around. You need to fan them out. In order to correctly determine the diameter of the broom handle, you need to focus on the length of the palm, usually this parameter is five centimeters.

When the branches are folded and the broom is formed, it can be tied. It must be remembered that this procedure cannot be done with a metal wire, since in the steam room it will become hot and can burn your hands. Therefore, dense natural twine or hemp rope is used for brooms. These are durable materials that will help the broom last longer.

Knowing how to knit brooms for a bath, it is absolutely easy to perform this operation: you need to tie up the branches collected in a bundle twice: the first knot is performed at the place where the leg ends, and the second - at a distance of about 4 cm from the bottom of the broom.

How to store bath accessory

After the brooms are tied, their proper storage is important. You can do this in different ways.

  1. In a dry dressing room or pantry, brooms are stacked one on top of the other. Over time, they shrink and acquire the desired fan shape.
  2. You can store brooms in attics, after laying hay under them. The main thing is that the storage place is ventilated and dry.
  3. If the products are stored in the city, then they should be on the balcony or in another ventilated, non-cold place that is not accessible to moisture. During storage, the brooms need to be shifted, moving the raw brooms from the bottom up, and those that have dried well on top will lie below.

Properly stored brooms have green-looking foliage and a pleasant smell. In the event that the leaves have lost their fresh color, this means that the drying process was carried out incorrectly, and the product is considered damaged.

Bath: how to steam a broom

Prepared fresh broom can be used immediately by soaking it in warm water for a few minutes to warm it up. A fresh broom should not be lowered into boiling water, as this will boil it, and the leaves will stick to the skin, burning it.

When using dried brooms, they must be steamed in water, the temperature of which reaches 70 ° C. First, the broom is dipped in hot water for a minute, and then placed on hot stones for five minutes. This will bring a double effect: in addition to filling the steam room with a healing herbal aroma, the broom will become soft and suitable for use. If as a result of these actions the broom remains not soft enough, the procedure can be repeated.

To enhance the effect, you can do this: even at the stage of preparation for going to the bath, a dry broom is doused with cold water, and then doused with hot water, then the procedure is repeated. After that, the broom is wrapped with plastic wrap, where it will be stored, absorbing moisture until it is used in the bath.

In bathing science, a Russian person cannot have trifles. Moreover, if we are talking about a bath broom made of birch branches, then it simply does not turn out to be a trifle to call it a trifle. It is important to know when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019 so that the brooms are of the best quality.
It is difficult to imagine a full-fledged trip to the bathhouse without a broom. It should not only be beautiful appearance but also strong. It is for this reason that birch branches must be collected from the tree in their special season, when they have a lot of juice and strength. Also useful in summer.

  • How to understand that the time has come
  • How to properly tie a broom

How to understand that the time has come

So, many experienced banniks say that the best date to prepare birch brooms for a bath in 2019 is the date after Peter's Day. That is, you can collect branches for brooms somewhere after July 10th.
But in the old days in Russia it was believed that the best brooms are harvested from those birches that are in bloom. That is, there should be earrings on the birch. It was then that the branches were cut off to collect them into strong brooms for the bath. That is, they did the harvesting somewhere in early June.

AT modern world when harvesting bath birch brooms, you need to pay attention to the climate. So, it is difficult to single out the universal time when it is difficult to single out birch brooms for a bath in 2019. But it is definitely considered in modern bathing art that branches with earrings are not suitable for harvesting brooms. Perhaps they were suitable for royal baths, but today everything has changed. So, it is best to harvest branches on a broom in mid-July: this will be the most optimal solution.

About the correct preparation of brooms

When you have chosen the date when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019, you need to collect twigs. After that, you need to properly dry them and collect them in brooms, which are really.

What is important to know when harvesting birch twigs for bath brooms:

It is best to collect those branches that are closer to the ground;
Harvesting should be carried out exclusively in warm and dry weather;
The branches that are closest to the ground are the youngest. It is they who are needed for the preparation of strong brooms;
If the foliage is wet, then when the product is dried, it will become dark and curl, which is very bad for the quality of the broom;
Wet branches collected in a broom can quickly fly around;
If it is wrong to collect branches for a broom, then a birch bath broom will lose most of its useful properties;
It is also important to choose the right birch from which you will take twigs. The ideal option is the one when the branches from a young tree are collected. In general, it is ideal if the tree has not yet bloomed even once, and its leaves are tender and silky.
The birch itself should be beautiful and even, it should not have growths: after all, trees, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. In a diseased tree, foliage and twigs will also be weak and will not bring the maximum benefit that every person expects from going to a Russian bath.

No need to collect branches from birch trees that grow next to the roads. They absorb dirt from cars. So, it is best to go for blanks in the forest or a clean grove. Ideally, if the birch will grow near a stream or river.

To feel the tree and its strength, you need to pick one leaf. Next, you will need the bottom of the sheet: it should not be rough (otherwise, the broom will be rough and hard when used). A suitable leaf is velvety and smooth.

How to properly tie a broom

In this case, words will be superfluous, and especially for you, we have found a step-by-step photo. A properly assembled broom is half the success, and the other half is to choose the right period when to harvest birch brooms for a bath in 2019, as well as choose the right tree for collecting material.