During their sleep. What is the correct posture during sleep? Joint poses while sleeping together

Is a sleeping person different from a waking person? Of course, even a child will answer. If a person is awake, he can think, hear, see, perceive and analyze information, feel tastes and smells, show a certain reaction to stimuli. If a person is asleep, he is practically immobile. And it seems that all organs and systems cease their activity, and rest as long as a person is in a dream. Is it really? What happens while we sleep with the body, organs and body systems?

body during sleep

It is unlikely that anyone will be news that the most common body position during sleep is the prone position. Why not sitting, standing, or kneeling? The fact is that for complete relaxation, the body needs the same position as standing, but with the condition that the muscles remain in a relaxed state. It is impossible to stand in a relaxed state, because without support for the neck and lower back, a person simply falls. The lying position meets all the necessary requirements as much as possible.

It is clear and obvious that people can sleep in other positions. But is it a full sleep? A person who falls asleep while sitting, for example, in public transport, cannot provide the muscles of the neck and back with support that would allow them to achieve the most relaxed state. A person is sleeping, the neck and back are trying to get rid of tension, but this is actively prevented by the lack of support. As a result, the tissues that bind the vertebrae are stretched, and the joints that provide mobility to the spine are compressed. Not surprisingly, after such a dream, people will experience difficulty with movements and pain in the lower back and neck-collar zone.

It is noteworthy that people who sleep sitting and even standing, as the sleep deepens, begin to “drop” their heads. Muscles gravitate toward complete relaxation, and the body subconsciously seeks to take the position necessary for proper rest. Evidence that the muscles during sleep are in a state of complete relaxation is an experiment that anyone can do: raise the sleeping person's hand, and then release. Your hand will fall!

However, the opinion that absolutely all the muscles of the body rest during sleep is erroneous. The muscles of the eyelids and around the eyes are forced to remain tense, because during the hours when the whole body is relaxed, they have to be responsible for keeping the eyes closed.

And how different is the activity of the internal organs and systems of the sleeping person?

body during sleep

The blood driven by the heart continues to circulate, but the circulation rate and heart rate of a sleeping person are lowered. Breathing slows down and becomes less deep. In slow mode, the kidneys and liver function, the body temperature drops by one degree. But the stomach continues to work as usual.

Interesting discoveries were made by scientists who studied the sense organs of sleeping people. Sharp sounds, regardless of the nature of their occurrence, bring a person out of a state of sleep. Apparently, it was the ability to wake up from the sound that was taken into account when developing alarm clocks! Otherwise, the reaction of the sleeper to smells looks different. Neither the sharp smell of pyridine, nor the pleasant smell of mint, which were used by scientists at Brown University (USA), could awaken the people who took part in the experiment. The Americans noticed that a person reacts to smells only in the phase of REM sleep, and as sleep moves into the phase of slow sleep, sensitivity to smells, even the sharpest ones, weakens and completely disappears. Considering that REM sleep accounts for only 25% of the structure of sleep, it becomes less surprising that many people die in their sleep from suffocation by combustion products.

During sleep, a person's sensitivity to changes in temperature does not weaken. If a person has opened up outside, when the temperature drops to 26 degrees and below, he will wake up. The same happens at temperatures above 37 degrees!

Sleep movements

I wonder why, having taken, it would seem, the most comfortable position, getting into bed, we turn over several times a night from side to side, then from stomach to back, then squeezing, then stretching our legs!? Scientists have determined that movements in sleep can occur as a response to stimuli, or be a consequence of the functioning of the body. So, for example, a person begins to toss and turn in his sleep, if there are some deviations from the optimal sleep conditions for the individual. Noise, sudden flashes of light, changes in the air temperature in the room, the movements of a spouse or child sleeping next to us - all this makes us move. It has been proven that 70% of all movements performed by a person in a dream adversely affect the intensity of sleep. They prevent the body from going into deep sleep. In other words, the more movements a person makes in a dream, the less likely it is to get enough sleep.

Is it even possible to sleep motionless if movements have such a negative impact on the quality of our sleep? Paradoxically, not changing the position of the body during sleep will also fail. Due to gravity, the areas of our body that come into contact with the surface on which we sleep experience pressure. Prolonged pressure on the skin disrupts the normal blood supply to certain parts of the body and causes damage to them. To unload areas from pressure, we periodically turn over in a dream, doing this on a subconscious level! It has been observed that a person sleeping on a hard surface makes 46% more such movements than one sleeping on a spring-loaded bed or sofa. So, it is fair to conclude that the comfort of the surface has a direct impact on the quality of sleep.

brain during sleep

Scientists have conducted numerous experiments to unravel what the brain does during sleep. Most of the results obtained as a result of observations indicate that the brain continues to function, but the nature of its activity changes. During sleep, brain cells are disconnected from peripheral stimuli and begin to classify and organize information received during wakefulness. New information is processed, sorted, compared with that formed by the experience of the past, and sent to the desired cell for long-term storage. The regular absence of a full-fledged night's rest does not allow the brain to release resources in a timely manner for processing and "orderly recording" of the received data, which negatively affects the state of a person's memory.

“Morning is wiser than evening,” says folk wisdom. And scientific experiments do not seek to challenge it. In 2004, scientists from the University of Lübeck (Germany) recruited a group of volunteers and taught them how to solve a certain type of mathematical problem. Participants in the experiment were asked to solve 100 similar problems. At the same time, the existence of a more rational way of solving it was not announced. After the first session, one half of the group was given 12 hours of sleep, the rest of the subjects were awake. During the second session, 59% of the first group demonstrated a simple method for solving the problem, the number of people who found an easy algorithm in the awake group was significantly less (23%). The experience led to the conclusion that during sleep the brain is able to find such a solution to the problem, the existence of which a waking person often does not even suspect.

While we sleep, our body continues to work actively. We can't take care of our bodies while we sleep. After all, nothing is happening to us.

The nose is also "sleeping"

“You can’t wake me up with guns,” lovers of sweet sleep confidently declare. In fact, sharp sounds, regardless of the nature of their occurrence, take a person out of the stage of any, even the deepest sleep, and the principle of the alarm clock is based on this. However, it is interesting that even the most active smells perceived in a dream are not able to awaken the sleeper, although the brain identifies them.

Most likely, the information received by the olfactory organs will smoothly merge with the picture projected by the brain, and while your soul mate frantically runs around with a cup of coffee, you will simply continue drinking coffee on top of the Eiffel Tower in your dream.

Neither the sharp smell of pyridine, nor the pleasant smell of mint, which were used in their experiment by scientists from Brown University (USA), did not awaken the participants in the experiment. This explains the large percentage of deaths sleeping during a fire - a person simply does not notice the intense smell of burning.

Sleep movements

It would seem that the lying position and the absence of the need for physical and mental activity should be expressed in a state of absolute rest. In fact, the body continues to respond to third-party stimuli, such as light, noise, room temperature.

Due to gravity, areas of the body in contact with the surface are subject to maximum pressure, which makes it necessary to change position several times during sleep. On average, a healthy person makes about 25 different movements during several hours of sleep.

At the same time, 70% of them adversely affect the intensity of sleep, preventing us from reaching its deep phase, which is necessary for proper rest and energy recovery. During deep sleep, most of the muscles relax but are not paralyzed, keeping the sleeper from being overly active. These processes explain the danger of sleeping while intoxicated, when a person does not change position for several hours, which is fraught with high blood pressure on certain parts of the body and the prospect of neuropathy.

Eye reaction

In the initial stage of sleep, the eyes roll up, excluding light from reaching the retina, even with half-open eyelids. By the way, by the eyes you can determine in which phase of sleep the sleeping person is.

In deep sleep eyeballs move slowly under the eyelid due to the active blood flow to the muscles and internal organs. The deepest sleep phase also features slow eye movements, but it also reduces heartbeat and general rhythm of life. And during REM sleep, blood supplies the brain of the sleeping person, thought processes are activated, we see colorful pictures of sleep, and the eyes move in accordance with them. These processes are universal for both humans and animals - watch a sleeping cat and understand what trajectory the sparrow flew in her dream today.

"A Fresh Head"

The brain, of course, does not turn off during sleep, but only switches to another mode of operation, continuing to control the ongoing processes in the body. Brain cells reduce the speed of reaction to peripheral stimuli and begin to work on the ordering and classification of information received during wakefulness.

These data are sorted, compared with those already available and sent to the appropriate areas of the brain for storage. Constant lack of sleep takes time to process information, as a result of which the data is confused, and the person begins to complain about the state of memory.

In 2004, German scientists from the University of Luxembourg taught a group of volunteers how to solve mathematical problems of a certain level. Participants were offered about 100 tasks. After the first part of the practical training, half of the students were offered twelve hours of sleep, while the others were awake.

In the second part of the seminar, 23% of those who were awake suggested the best solution to the problems, while in the group of those who had time to sleep, this figure was 59%. This proves that during sleep, information is collated and ordered, allowing you to find optimal solution an existing problem that the waking person is not even aware of.


There are two modes of brain activity - the mode of wakefulness, when a person actively thinks, thinks logically and makes decisions, as well as the mode of sleep or "washing" with CSF of the spaces of the nervous tissue when we rest.

Toxins are concentrated not only in the kidneys and liver, but also in the brain fluid of the body. It is during sleep that the glial cells that surround and support brain neurons shrink, thereby increasing the intercellular space and increasing the flow of fluid that removes toxins from the brain.

During sleep, the glymphatic system increases its activity by about 10 times. If this does not happen, then plaques are formed from the existing toxic proteins in the brain, leading to the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Unfortunately, the pumping of fluid through the brain tissue requires high energy costs and is incompatible with information processing processes, so living organisms cannot do without a full-fledged long sleep.

Height and weight

“Flying means growing!”, Mom used to say in childhood. We hasten to please - it is not at all necessary to experience the state of flight in a dream, and if you measure your height before going to bed and immediately after waking up, then in the second case you will find "added" 05.-1 centimeter.

During sleep, the load on intervertebral discs, they are moistened, stretched and take up more space without being subjected to body pressure. Thus, the spine straightens, although in the evening, especially after a long vertical wakefulness, growth returns to its original parameters.

Sleep also releases the hormone leptin, which reduces hunger, while lack of sleep will boost the production of the opposite hormone, ghrelin, which increases appetite. True, for the active work of the first one, you need to sleep for at least seven hours, and lack of sleep (4-5 hours a day) actively prevents weight loss, even with a strict diet and physical training.

If you overeat before bed, it is best to sleep on your right side, this will allow the stomach and intestines to cope with the load. Of course, you should eat food no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, and then you are guaranteed a healing effect.

Rejuvenating effect

Sophia Loren claimed that the secret of her beauty is a good sleep, and we have no doubts about the veracity of this statement. During sleep, body temperature and blood pressure decrease, the heart muscle relaxes and recovers, the body switches to the mode of saving and accumulating energy.

In addition to these processes, the production of collagen, a protein that strengthens blood vessels and gives the skin elasticity, increases. Due to these properties, collagen is often used in cosmetic procedures and creams, but nothing can replace its natural production by the body.

For this reason, creams containing retinoids that promote collagen production are recommended to be used before bed. In addition, body tissues are renewed during sleep, but the production of growth hormone, somatotropin, can be hindered. elevated level insulin. Therefore, if you plan to get all the benefits of sleep, you should not get used to a late dinner.

During sleep, the cleansing of skin cells is accelerated (especially in the first half of the night), oxygen metabolism improves, toxins are removed and tissue strength increases, which leads to a decrease in wrinkles, an increase in elasticity and a visible rejuvenating effect.

Despite the fact that during sleep our body rests, many interesting processes take place in it, which will be discussed later. What makes these processes more interesting is that most of them we have no control over.

Body temperature drops

Because most muscles become inactive during sleep, the body burns fewer calories than during the day, and body temperature drops. Scientists have found that body temperature tends to be lowest around 2:30 am.

Eyes are moving

Although the eyes are lidded in sleep, they move beneath them. In fact, such a movement even differs depending on the specific stages of sleep.

Body twitches

Sharp twitches and jerks are mainly associated with the first stage of sleep. They are usually harmless, but they can be strong enough to actually wake a person up.

Muscles are relaxed

There is a good reason why most muscles are relaxed during sleep. If they were active, then a person could move around during sleep, which would be extremely dangerous.

The skin is restored

The top layer of skin is made up of densely packed dead cells that are shed constantly throughout the day. During sleep, the metabolic rate of the skin accelerates and in many cells of the body, an increase in activity and a decrease in the breakdown of proteins begin. Because proteins are needed for growth and repairing damage from factors such as ultraviolet radiation, deep sleep is beneficial for the skin.

The brain forgets useless information

People take in an insane amount of information throughout the day. If they remembered it all, they would soon go crazy. That is why at night the brain sorts information and forgets about the unnecessary.

Throat narrows

Unlike most other muscles, the throat muscles do not paralyze during sleep as they are needed to breathe. However, during sleep they relax, causing the throat to constrict. It may also cause snoring.

The body produces hormones

During the stage slow sleep human body produces hormones that stimulate growth, cell reproduction and cell regeneration. It is an important regulator of the immune system.

The immune system is at an all-time high

Sleep deprivation has been shown to negatively affect immune system. One study found that people who received flu shots and were deprived of sleep did not produce the antibodies needed to protect against the flu the next night. Therefore, if a person notices the first signs of infection, he should sleep.

Weight loss

During sleep, a person loses water through sweating and exhaling moist air. This also happens during the day, but eating and drinking cancels out any weight loss. Therefore, good and long sleep is essential for any diet.

Dry mouth

Since saliva is mainly needed for food, and a person does not eat during sleep, the amount of saliva secreted decreases at night. Consequently, the mouth dries up, and thirst is often tormented in the morning.

Grinding of teeth

Research estimates that about 5% of people suffer from a bizarre condition known as bruxism. This is expressed in excessive grinding of the teeth during sleep and can eventually lead to damage to the teeth. Scientists aren't sure what exactly causes this condition, but they think it could be a form of stress relief.

The body is getting longer

It has been found that the height of people can increase by several centimeters in the morning compared to the evening. During sleep in a horizontal position, the spine straightens out, since the weight of the body does not press on it.

Blood pressure drops sharply

During sleep, any person experiences a condition that is known as "night decline blood pressure". On average, it falls at night by 5 - 7 mm Hg. Art.


Scientifically, the disorders known as parasomnias (sleepwalking and other sleep activities) involve behaviors, emotions, sensations, and dreams that typically occur during transitions between some of the sleep stages. Parasomnias are mostly harmless, but there have been cases of people getting injured while sleepwalking.

sexual arousal

Both men and women can become aroused during sleep. When the brain is more active during sleep, it requires more oxygen. As a result, the flow of blood throughout the body increases, causing the genitals to swell.

The brain makes decisions

A recent study showed that the brain can process information and prepare for further action during sleep, effectively making decisions while unconscious. In fact, the brain can even make important discoveries during sleep.


The anal sphincter muscles relax slightly during sleep, which makes it easier for gases to escape from the intestines. The good news is that the sense of smell also weakens during sleep.


Getting rid of toxins allows the body and brain to rejuvenate. People who don't sleep well aren't as efficient at filtering harmful substances, which is why experts say this is what makes insomniacs a little crazy.

unconscious awakening

Scientific studies have shown that people wake up many times during their sleep, but these awakenings are so short that they don't remember them. Typically, these awakenings occur during the transitional periods between sleep stages.

Can you stop breathing

Millions of people around the world suffer from a sleep disorder known as "apnea". The disorder is characterized by pauses between breaths while breathing, and each pause can last for several seconds or even several minutes.

You can hear the explosion

"Exploding Head Syndrome" is a rare condition in which a person hears loud imaginary sounds (such as a bomb exploding, the sound of gunfire, etc.) or experiences a strange sensation of an explosion when falling asleep or waking up. It is painless, but scares the sufferer.

Talking while sleeping

Talking during sleep is a parasomnia in which a person begins to uncontrollably chat out loud during sleep. Such "talks" can be quite loud, ranging from simple mumbling sounds to long, often slurred speeches.

Decreased pain threshold

When the body is completely relaxed to the point of paralysis, the nerves cannot receive pain signals and transmit them to the brain. This also explains why people have trouble hearing smells, sounds, etc. while they sleep.

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At night, I want to sleep peacefully and restore strength. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a person who has never encountered strange and unpleasant sensations accompanying bedtime.

website decided to talk about sleep disorders and other similar things that remain mysterious to science to this day.

sleep paralysis

How does it feel: A person wakes up at night and cannot move. This is mixed with frightening hallucinations and the feeling that there is an outsider in the room. In ancient times, the state was associated with the machinations of evil spirits.

Why does it occur: Normally, when we fall asleep, we are paralyzed so that we do not perform actions in a dream. With sleep paralysis, our muscles “turn off” when the brain is still or no longer sleeping.

Approximately 7% of the population has experienced sleep paralysis at least once (fact). They say it happens more often when sleeping on your back.

Hypnagogic hallucinations

How does it feel: When a person is on the thin line between sleep and wakefulness, he, being conscious, sees uncontrollable images before his eyes. Often these are scary faces and fantastic creatures.

Why does it occur: This is one of the few types of hallucinations that visit mentally. healthy people. Usually children encounter them (fact), and this may be the reason that they do not want to go to bed. Often such hallucinations occur due to stress and simply in people with a good imagination. May appear if you go to bed drunk.

Sleep conversations

How does it feel: Usually the person who suffers from somniloquia (talking in his sleep) is unaware of it. This state is absolutely not dangerous in psychological terms. Unless a person with such a problem is worried that he has blurted out something superfluous.

What comes from: More often somniloquia occurs in men and children (fact). The reason is the notorious stress. The human psyche is trying to resist what he does not agree with in reality.

A dream within a dream

How does it feel: A person has a dream, then wakes up, but strange things continue to happen to him. It turns out that he just dreamed that he woke up. The theme of such dreams was raised in the movie Inception. After that, it turned out that many people experienced this.

What comes from: Esotericists believe that if you saw such a dream, this indicates your predisposition to spiritual practices. But official science cannot explain why this happens.


How does it feel: This state is the opposite of sleep paralysis - consciousness is asleep, but muscle paralysis does not occur. In a dream, people can walk, clean or even leave the house, and this is often very dangerous. In the morning, people don't remember anything.

What comes from: Somnambulism occurs in approximately 4.6–10.3% of the population, with children suffering more often (fact). The cause of sleepwalking is still unknown, as are the methods of treatment.

exploding head syndrome

How does it feel: A person wakes up from the sensation of a loud explosion or pop. Sometimes it seems that the sound was so loud that you can go deaf. It may be accompanied by a rising hum or flash. The phenomenon is not dangerous, but it causes fear in people, some think that they have had a stroke.

What comes from: For some reason, there is a burst of neural activity in the areas of the brain responsible for sound processing (fact). Sometimes the syndrome manifests itself against the background of insomnia or a change in time zone during long-haul flights.

sleep apnea

How does it feel: Sleep apnea is a sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep. The person wakes up. The quality of sleep decreases, the brain experiences oxygen starvation it becomes difficult to sleep. During an attack, pressure jumps, which can cause heart problems.

What comes from: During sleep, the muscles of the pharynx relax, in some people this leads to the blockage of the airways. At risk are people with obesity, smokers, the elderly. By the way, playing the Australian didgeridoo pipe helps with sleep apnea (fact).

recurring dreams

How does it feel: Strange dreams, which constantly reproduce the same plot, were probably dreamed by everyone.

What comes from: Psychologists believe that with the help of such dreams, the brain tries to draw our attention to events that we are not aware of. These plots will return until the situation is resolved (fact).

Fall into bed


It is necessary to sleep qualitatively and fully - our life activity directly depends on this. If the body experiences a lack of sleep, both mental abilities and physical state. We do not notice the lack of sleep at first, but it Negative consequences have a tendency to accumulate. To understand why sleep is so important for us, we decided to tell you about some of the facts that happen to our body during sleep. If you think that the body is completely relaxed, then you are deeply mistaken!

  1. Body temperature drops
    From the usual 36.6 degrees Celsius for us (and who has more), it drops by about 1-1.5 degrees. Due to the fact that all the muscles are in a relaxed state, the body spends much less calories, and therefore the temperature decreases. Scientists have proven that it will be the lowest per day at about 3 am.
  2. Blood pressure drops
    This, again, is because the body is not moving, the blood does not have to circulate rapidly, delivering energy and nutrients to the muscles and organs. Therefore, it runs through the vessels more slowly, which is why the pressure decreases - by about 5-7 millimeters of mercury.
  3. Body twitches and eyes move
    Sometimes we experience involuntary twitches of the muscles of the body, mainly the limbs - arms or legs. This happens in the first stage of sleep, still in the falling asleep phase. And since the brain is not yet completely turned off, we ourselves sometimes notice this. Moreover, the whites of our eyes move - the movements will be more frequent and intense in the REM phase of sleep, and slower, but still obvious, in the slow phase.
  4. Skin cells are restored
    During a good full sleep, the breakdown of proteins decreases. That is, this is the very time when amino acids enter our cells in order to restore their damaged structure or give impetus to the emergence of new cells. This is especially true for the cells of the dermis and epidermis. Therefore, sleep is so important for the beauty of the face and body.
  5. Toxins are cleared
    This process is most activated during sleep. Slags accumulate in the intestines, pass through the liver, settle in bladder. That is why after sleep, doctors recommend drinking a glass of water, and then wait until you go to the toilet, and only then have breakfast.
  6. Hormones are produced
    Despite the fact that during the day the level of a particular hormone in the blood can jump up sharply (for example, insulin after eating sweets, cortisol after experienced stress, ghrelin if you are hungry, etc.), most of the vital hormones are synthesized precisely at night, while you sleep.
  7. The immune system is fully functional
    At night, immunity turns on to the fullest and begins to look for weaknesses in our body, trying to protect them. Scientists even conducted an interesting experiment. If a person is vaccinated against the flu, antibodies will begin to develop in about 10-20 hours. So, if he is not allowed to go to bed that day, the production of antibodies can be delayed for two days, or even more. It is because the immune system does not want to work without sleep.
  8. The pain threshold is lowered
    Due to the fact that our body is completely relaxed, not only the muscles, but also the nerve endings relax. They work so slowly that they cannot transmit pain signals to the brain. And not only pain, but also a variety of other feelings - smell, touch, hearing, etc.
  9. The brain is cleared
    Yes, in the literal sense of the word. The brain does not relax, but continues to work quite actively. And it is in a dream, when external stimuli are turned off, that he begins to “put things in order” inside himself. At the same time, he gets rid of unnecessary information, freeing up new memory cells to remember something really important.
  10. The brain is able to make decisions
    Remember the saying "Morning is wiser than evening"? So, she appeared absolutely justified. It turns out that while you sleep, the brain is able to make decisions. Sometimes it can be a solution to some problem that you have been unable to cope with for a long time, sometimes it can be drawing up an action plan before a future important event, sometimes it can be some kind of discovery.
  11. Decreased weight
    Yes, the changes that have taken place during sleep are not too noticeable. But if during the day we constantly consume calories and eat something, then at night this does not happen. And the basic metabolism continues to work and spend energy. So, if you want to lose weight, do not forget about a full sleep.
  12. Your height increases
    Yes, this is not a joke. During sleep, the spine relaxes as much as possible, as it does not experience stress, and, accordingly, lengthens. Therefore, our growth becomes higher - even by a few centimeters. Check it out for yourself - measure your height in the morning and evening after a hard day and compare the results.
  13. You keep waking up
    Paradoxical, right? It turns out that we wake up many times during the night, and usually this happens when we move from one phase of sleep to another. But these awakenings are so short that you simply won't remember them. Unless, if you roll over for convenience on the other side.
  14. You can talk in your sleep
    Involuntary muttering or even slurred speech during sleep is one of the varieties of parasomnia (it also includes sleepwalking). Some people are subject to it, and some are not. And when you try to listen to your partner's speech during his nightly conversations, you can hear a lot of interesting things.
  15. Sexual arousal occurs
    This is one of the most enjoyable moments. Moreover, in a dream, many can even experience an orgasm. The vessels are dilated, the blood circulates freely throughout the body, and therefore rushes to all organs, including the genitals, and you can feel sexual arousal.
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