Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery: all the transformations of a former blonde and a real singer. Olga Buzova: photos before and after plastic surgery What cosmetic procedures did Buzova do

Olga Buzova was an unformatted blonde. Despite the prevailing stereotype about the mental abilities of fair-haired beauties, she received a good education, is fluent in several languages, has a sharp tongue and is extremely sociable. The young lady began her path to success in show business with participation in the Dom-2 television project. The star participant not only stayed in the project for a record time, but also confidently stepped forward, exploring new horizons.

Biography of Olga Buzova

The biography of the girl is bright and swift. Olga Buzova is from St. Petersburg, where she was born on January 20, 1986. Her parents were ordinary soldiers.

The girl's reading and writing skills were already developed by the age of three, so she entered the city gymnasium at the age of 5, and graduated in 2002 with a silver medal. At the age of 13, she already tried her hand as a counselor, and at the age of 15 she got a part-time job in a modeling agency.

Parents did not allow their daughter to become an artist, so she entered St. Petersburg University at a serious faculty of geoecology. At that moment, big changes began to occur in the girl's life.

Olga Buzova at "House-2"

In 2004, a casting was announced for the famous TV show Dom-2, and Anna enrolled her sister there. Olya was madly worried before the tests, but she passed them brilliantly, overtaking a thousand other contenders. The girl appeared on the TV set as a platinum blonde with sparkles on her lips and hair, an abundance of bronzer on her skin and a pile of pink little things.

The naive image allowed Olya to stay on the project for a long time - four and a half years. Only the attention of viewers allowed the participant to survive dozens of "conspiracies to fly out." At the same time, she was able to graduate from the university, moreover, get an honors degree in her specialty. On the project, the audience remembered Olya's bright two-year romance with Roman Tretyakov, it was then that the participant received the nickname "busy boy" and an army of fans to boot. The couple was recognized as the most romantic in the 1st season of "House-2", but the lovers broke up.

Until 2008, the bright participant still tried to build relationships with Stas Karimov and handsome Alessandro Materazzo, but to no avail.

Olga's versatile career

The tanned blonde fell in love with the audience so much that her career was not limited to television. Here are just a few of her accomplishments:

  • 2005 - host of the program on the TNT channel "Romance with Buzova" with co-host Roman Tretyakov.
  • 2006 - Roman leaves the project, settling in a rented Moscow apartment, but the "buzyonysh" was in no hurry to leave for her beloved.
  • 2007 - a wax couple beloved by thousands of fans of "House-2" Olya and Roma appeared in the wax museum in Moscow.

  • September 2007 - the heading "Caution, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT", and at the same time participating in the TV show "Black Label".
  • In 2007, the first book “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a Stylish Blonde”, and after it the second “Romance with Buzova”, the pages of which were saturated with the sweet writer’s favorite perfume.
  • 2008 - after Olya's statement about her desire to leave the perimeter, the producers immediately offered the "star of the golden composition" to remain as co-host and Ksenia Sobchak, as well as the position of chief editor in the World of Reality magazine. House 2".

  • In 2010, the bright blonde took part in the Battle of Psychics, and in 2011 she was a bride in Let's Get Married.
  • 2010 - debut on the stage in the play "Honeymoon", and also in "Elegant Wedding".
  • Since 2011, Olga has discovered in herself another passion for singing. Her compositions were included in the song collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of Love", and the first single was the work "Don't Forget", which was published in collaboration with the famous rapper T-killah.

  • In addition, fans saw the favorite in such works as "Robot Child", "Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Taxi”, etc.

  • In 2012, the host of Dom-2 participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars", from where she left with a scandal, saying that the jury's scores were clearly underestimated.

  • An active blonde can be seen in the works "Comedy Battle", "Dancing TNT", "Zaitsev +1", "Bartender", and even in episodic roles in the series "Univer" and "Elena from Polypropylene".
  • In 2013, Olga and Anna Buzova open the Bijoux brand and the Bijoux Room chain of jewelry stores.

  • In 2016, more serious film work followed in the form of filming in the films "Poor People", as well as "Take a hit, baby!".

  • In parallel, the beauty tries herself as a designer, presenting a collection at the Estet fashion week.

  • In 2016, the book "The Price of Happiness" is published.

  • The media person's Instagram is mega-popular, and is named the most read in the Russian Federation. The number of subscribers is 11,500,000. Recently, networks exploded with information that Buzova was leaving TNT, but the latest news from the channel's press service dispelled these rumors.

  • The star has created an official website where videos, photos and hot news about the media person are systematically posted.

Plastics Olga Buzova

The plastic surgery performed by Olga Buzova is most clearly discussed on the network. This is not surprising, because the star has changed dramatically, turning from a pretty blonde into a fatal brown-haired woman.

  • Lip contouring. Before plastic surgery, Olga Buzova had thin lips, which she always painted with a poisonous pink color.

Comparing today's appearance stars and her photo of a year ago, it becomes clear that Olga Buzova looks a little different after plastic surgery. Her lips have become much more seductive and appetizing. Note that Olya did not overdo it with fillers, and her lips did not turn into "dumplings".

  • Cheekbone changes. Comparing the pictures showing Olga Buzova before and after the operation, we note that now the girl's cheekbones have become sharper and more expressive. It's all about the injected fillers, but again, all the manipulations are done carefully and in moderation. There is a possibility that the star, from which her face acquired aristocratic refinement.

  • Rhinoplasty. Olga Buzova before the nose surgery was always embarrassed by its non-standard shape. If we compare the pictures, which supposedly Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery, we note that now her nose looks neater. In addition, the star never goes out without makeup, emphasizing the sharpness of the cheekbones and even nose.

  • Beauty injections. Fresh photos of Olga Buzova showed that the nasolabial folds of the star are almost invisible, and there is not a single wrinkle on the face.

Most likely, these are the consequences of botulinum therapy and mesotherapy + competent make-up.

Interesting! Breast. Fans advise the star to increase her breasts, assuring that Olga Buzova will become much more attractive to males after a bust enlargement operation. The artist says that for her, natural bare breasts look much more attractive than the most ideal silicone implants.

Personal life of a bright blonde

The personal life of Olenka Buzova is known to every dog, because it was originally built under the gun of dozens of cameras.

In 2011, Olya stopped her eyes on the Lokomotiv football player, happily married Dmitry Tarasov. She was called the homeowner, as the man left the family. Tarasov denied all attacks on his companion, stating that his divorce had been brewing for a long time. The wedding took place in 2012. For a while, Olenka was compared with, but after 4 years the beautiful fairy tale ended. The paparazzi sniffed out that Dmitry has a new love, "Vice-Miss Russia" 2014 Anastasia Kostenko. Olga Buzova changed a lot after the divorce, even brought down the tattoo with the initials, previously stuffed on her wrist in honor of her husband.

In 2017, Olga Buzova and Roman Gritsenko, a young member of House-2, attracted the attention of the audience on the perimeter. The guy showed signs of attention for a long time, but the presenter remained adamant. Disappointed Roman switched to 21-year-old Elena Khromina. The enraged presenter gave the guy a dressing, and he apologized for a long time. We will expect continuation and new news from the clearing.

In 2007, Olya was awarded the title of the brightest and strongest blonde in the Russian Federation as part of the Golden Person award.

She continues to sing, topping the domestic charts, acting in films and leading an active social life. What do you think about the radical change in the image of the star? Share your opinion in the comments.

Video: Olga Buzova's new breasts

In 2004, Olga came to Dom-2 as a bright blonde with an abundance of bronzer on her face and body.

She wore pink clothes, added glittery accents to her looks, and experimented with hair length.

For a decade, Olga remained faithful to platinum hair, but after a divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, she dyed her hair in a beautiful chestnut shade.

Olga's new role instantly topped the ratings of the most discussed news on the Web, and her hairstyle "like Buzova's" instantly became a trend and went to all the salons of the country.

While participating in the television set, Olga did not differ in a toned figure, but after leaving the project, she fell in love with the gym and lost 7 kilograms.

The weight loss led to a reduction in breast size and recommendations for mammoplasty by fans. Olga firmly expressed her position and forever closed the topic of bust enlargement: “If you want to make big breasts, do it. I like my".

Olga did not criticize lovers plastic surgery, but for herself such radical methods of beauty transformation were considered unacceptable.

However, fans soon noticed that the TV presenter had compromised her principles: Olga Buzova’s thin lips acquired a seductive volume, her cheekbones stood out, and the nasolabial folds became less pronounced. Olga clearly enlarged her lips, but she did it very carefully, without a "duck" effect.

Buzova's aristocratic cheekbones are explained by some fans with filters and competent makeup, others with contouring. It is possible that the host of Doma-2 used hyaluronic acid-based fillers and non-surgical lifting to correct her face. Gels allow you to highlight the cheekbones, smooth out the oval of the face and remove the first age-related changes.

Olga's change of views on aesthetic medicine provoked a wave of rumors about rhinoplasty. However, photographs of Olga Buzova before and after different periods rather refute the arguments about rhinoplasty than confirm them: a thin nose with a slight hump has not changed over the years and is unlikely to have been subjected to interventions. The maximum that Olga did was to slightly correct the shape of her nose with absorbable fillers.

Olga has come a long way to real herself. Through trial and error, the permanent host of "House-2" escaped from the image of a typical blonde and was able to become a stylish media personality. At the same time, even being in the circle of stars, Olga tried to maintain sincerity, openness and emotionality.

One of the most scandalous TV presenters Olga Buzova has recently changed a lot for the better. Today, her appearance looks more sophisticated. Fans believe that she has repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery. It is difficult to answer exactly, but comparing the photo of literally two years ago, it seems that this is a different person.

Recently, the host of a well-known TV show has dramatically changed her image. Olga Buzova never criticized those who resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, but she did not dare to apply new beauty technologies on herself. However, her opinion seems to have changed somewhat. According to the famous plastic surgeon Gayak Babayan, she made some small changes.


Most often, celebrities change this particular part of the face. The nose itself is the most feature, he sets the tone and charisma for everything. Comparing the photos of today and a couple of years ago, it’s very difficult to say for sure whether it was. Buzova had no visible problems. She always had a neat and graceful nose with a slight hump.

Experts do not undertake to speak exactly about the fact of plastic surgery. A small effect of change can be completely achieved with makeup, and Olga never appears without it. In addition, she actively uses Photoshop. And, finally, recently Buzova has lost a lot of weight. But even if there was an intervention, everything was done very professionally, neatly and imperceptibly.


The fact of change leaves no doubt. Nevertheless, Olga came up here with intelligence and taste. Unlike other girls, she did not increase the "dumplings", but only slightly corrected the shape. Today, her lips look more appetizing, plumper and sexier. Most likely she used and. But again, the work was carried out as neatly as possible. She didn't overdo it. In this case, a professional also worked with her.


When comparing photos from two years ago and fresh, the difference in the outline of expressive cheekbones becomes obvious. Today they have become sharper. Most likely it was used. It is also likely that Olga Buzova decided on, that is, the fatty layers on her cheeks that form their plumpness. But everything is done in moderation and clearly. Nothing to complain about. Olga's face looks very sophisticated and aristocratic.

Previously, she had nasolabial folds, not even because of age, but active facial expressions. But today they are gone, or they are almost smoothed out, and the wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes have also disappeared. Usually at this time, the first signs of age-related changes already begin to appear.

Most likely, all this is the result of regular use of mesotherapy and Botox, as well as moisturizing with hyaluronic acid. As a rule, girls from the age of 25 begin to use beauty injections. But Buzova does not overdo it and does not lose her natural facial expressions.

Why the bright blonde changed her image

All the time, fans knew Olga as the owner of platinum hair and bronzer. The presenter did not change the bright blonde throughout her career. But after a divorce from football player Tarasov, she dyed her hair color, got a haircut and completely changed her image. This is usually what women do. And Olga Buzova did not lose. She broke away from the bored image of a blonde. In addition, Olya started several new projects.

Today Buzova looks harmonious, elegant and aristocratic. Through trial and error, she found herself. Her hair change and color immediately became a role model. Today Olga Buzova is one of the most stylish media personalities.

The result of the changes before and after the former participant of "Dom-2"

In addition to the face and hairstyle, the changes also affected her body. Although Olga was never full, she was not friends with fitness either. But in recent years, she has lost a lot of weight and has become an ardent supporter of sports. Now she regularly visits fitness clubs. Her figure has changed for the better. She became more fit. Buzova even took part in photography, where she showed her new chiseled figure. She also often posts selfies on social network Instagram.

The famous Lera Kudlyavtseva before plastic surgery was a beauty without makeup. But in her youth she worked for wear and tear, so over time I had to do plastic surgery. There were both successful attempts and traces of unsuccessful plastic surgery on the face.

  • There are many rumors about whether the plastic surgery of Alena Vodonaeva was carried out for breast augmentation or is it a natural gift. The result before and after suggests that there was plastic surgery, and her girlfriend both increased and reduced it. As for the face, it’s more like just salon procedures.

  • Of course, social standards require a certain charisma and attractiveness from public figures. And there are special requirements for creative professions. Stars of show business, cinema, the world of fashion should have a bright conspicuous appearance. Famous celebrities in pursuit of the perfect face slim figure, with a snow-white smile, dare to bold experiments on their appearance, resorting to plastic surgery. Alas, such interventions often end sadly.

    Today we will show vivid examples in the photo before and after plastic surgery, as well as the most impressive unsuccessful operations of foreign celebrities who could not stop, changing beyond recognition.

    Catherine Barnabas

    A bright participant in the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina Varnava, has changed noticeably lately. The smooth, long nose is now more accurate. In the photo, the plasticity of the lips and cheekbones is also obvious, and it was not without breast augmentation.

    Svetlana Loboda

    The voluminous lips of the famous singer, former soloist of the VIA Gra group, Svetlana Loboda, are without a doubt the result of plastic surgery. Many experts say that Svetlana's naturally embossed cheekbones and rather big mouth after plastic surgery began to look less aesthetically pleasing and unnatural.

    Maria Maksakova

    The opera diva, soloist of the famous Mariinsky Theatre, popular TV presenter, and even a member of the State Duma also wanted to transform. Maria did rhinoplasty, enlarged her lips and breasts. After the operations, the artist undoubtedly became even better and noticeably different from her former self.

    Olga Buzova

    A modern TV presenter, a former participant in the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, has always been against plastic surgery. However, there are rumors that the plastic lips and nose still touched Buzova. Olga herself did not deny, but did not confirm this fact, leaving the media guessing.

    Lera Kudryavtseva

    Another Russian TV presenter, Lera Kudryavtseva, is ready for any procedures that prolong youth. She did surgery to increase her breasts, lips, change the contour of her nose, and the star also got rid of nasolabial folds. Liposuction and eyelid surgery, rather, also affected Kudryavtseva, since the photo clearly shows the absence of bags under the eyes.

    Alena Shishkova

    Successful plastic in the life of "Miss Russia" played an important role. The former ex-girlfriend of the famous Timati conducted the first experiment with her appearance after the competition. Operations were performed to correct the nose and increase the lips. And the naturalness of the breast is very doubtful.

    Vera Alentova

    A popular Soviet film actress talks freely about her youth-preserving surgeries. Alentova says that there is nothing shameful and terrible in the fact that women want to remain beautiful as long as possible, regardless of age. The artist has done plastic surgery more than once: constant Botox injections, facelifts, blepharoplasty have significantly changed her appearance. But whether Alentova has become more beautiful is a moot point.

    Nicole Kidman

    And in the next photo we see a bright path of changes in appearance due to plastic surgery of one of the most notable Hollywood film stars. In the chic beauty of the 2000s, one cannot recognize the simple appearance of a girl from the 80s.

    Megan Fox

    Megan Fox is a vivid example of how, thanks to plastic surgery, it was possible to make ordinary facial features very beautiful.

    Cameron Diaz

    The reason for the rhinoplasty of foreign movie star Cameron Diaz was three fractures on his nose after surfing. Injuries made it difficult to speak and breathe, so surgery became a necessity.

    Kim Kardashian

    Famous fashion model and actress Kim Kardashian in every way denies rumors of surgical intervention regarding changes in appearance. The only thing Kim freely talks about is Botox injections. But whether there was actually plastic or not, one can judge the changes in the photo.

    In this list, one cannot but mention the cardinal changes in appearance after the plastic surgery of such foreign celebrities as Michael Jackson, Mickey Rourke, Donatella Versace.

    Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson is not only the king of pop music, but also plastics. How much gossip and speculation was about his appearance. Skin grafting is perhaps the most absurd rumor.

    Jackson suffered from lupus and vitiligo. The disease worsened with sunlight. Michael constantly used a lot of makeup to hide pigmentation and prevent the effects of sun exposure.

    The photo shows the loss of pigment.

    In the case of Jackson, the active progression of the disease was facilitated by the stress that Michael received from a 3-degree burn of the skin on his head. It happened during the filming of an advertisement for the Pepsi brand in 1984.

    Gradually, the skin lightened and eventually became completely white.

    But rhinoplasty accompanied the singer almost all his life, starting in 1979. And the reason for this was childhood psychological trauma. His father, Joseph Jackson, constantly abused his children, and Michael was regularly reminded that he had a big nose. This could not but hurt the child's psyche.

    In 1987, Jackson already had a pit on his chin, his shape was changing, and before that time he had already managed to do 5 regular operations on his nose.

    The experiments didn't end there. Michael decided to lose weight in order to have the body of a dancer. With a height of 175 cm, the minimum weight was 48 kg. Such changes were reflected in facial features, which became much sharper.

    Up to recent years In his life, regular corrections on the nose were carried out, which were not always successful.

    In 2009, Michael was often seen wearing a mask, behind which he hid his haggard face with an unnatural nose and sunken cheeks. In the same year, the legendary Jackson passed away.

    An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an overdose of propofol, a powerful drug for insomnia. It was prescribed by Conrad Murray. He was convicted of manslaughter, but Conrad himself categorically does not admit his guilt, suggesting that in this way Michael decided to commit suicide.

    Mickey Rourke

    Outcome plastic surgery Mickey Rourke is one of the saddest in Hollywood. After all, his natural charm and attractive appearance could only be envied.

    But one day Mickey decided to devote himself to boxing, he wanted to win the world championship. And here a series of endless injuries and injuries began: the nose was broken, the joints on the arm, ribs, lips, cheekbone were broken, a large number of concussions were received.

    This was followed by many plastic surgeries. From an interview with Mickey Rourke, we see how desperation is felt in his words: “To correct my appearance, alas, I turned to the wrong specialist. The tissues still did not take root, so many operations had to be done. I have lost my former appearance and it depresses me insanely. With pain in my soul, I look at myself in films. It’s terrible to realize how much worse I have become.”

    Donatella Versace

    Donatella Versace is the director of the House of Versace and chief designer. As a result a large number plastic surgery, her appearance from ordinary and quite pretty has become strange, and sometimes even frightening.

    It would seem that a very small correction would make the face attractive. It was enough to align the teeth and narrow the tip of the nose. But Donatella does not stop and slowly her lips are getting bigger. Moreover, she is fond of tanning, which will noticeably affect the skin in the future.

    A woman is spoiled not only by her lips. Flabby skin tied with rigid corsets looks, to put it mildly, ugly. Although the relief muscles are very noticeable.

    In 2014, at one of the fashion shows, Donatella surprised the audience with her exhausted and creepy look.

    Experiments on your own body change not only the appearance, but life in general. And what will be the final outcome depends on many factors. A vivid example of this is the happy or not very stories of plastic surgery, which most often concern public figures, show business stars and the film industry.

    Olga Buzova, a former participant and TV presenter of the Dom-2 project, is familiar to many. She positions herself as a singer, actress and designer. From a young age, the girl wanted to become famous and she succeeded.

    All sorts of rumors and gossip constantly revolve around her person. Fans are especially interested in Buzova before and after her plastic surgery.

    Olga Buzova is a native of the city of Leningrad. She was born in a military family, so she was brought up in strictness and discipline. Already at the age of three, the future star could read, write, and even studied foreign language. Noticing the girl's giftedness, her parents sent her to school at the age of five.

    As a teenager, Buzova began to earn extra money as a model and counselor in a pioneer camp. The dream of becoming an actress did not leave her head. Mom and dad did not support their daughter in this matter, so after graduating from school, the girl entered the Faculty of Geography. For a long time, the future star was not enough. Taking academic leave, she rushed to the casting of a scandalous television project.

    The ex-participant of "House-2" has repeatedly stated that she is against surgical intervention in your appearance. According to her, she is satisfied with herself and is not going to change anything.

    This point of view delighted her fans, because among the "artificial" stars, she stood out for her naturalness.

    How disappointed were the fans of Olga Buzova when they noticed traces of plastic on the face of their favorite. Comparing the previous pictures of the host with the current ones, you can find differences. For example, the lips of a 29-year-old girl increased in size, which was not without Botox injections.

    Back in 2014, Olga told fans that she did not consider herself a beauty as a child. She was dissatisfied, as it seemed to her, with a too sharp nose and small lips. But over time, I learned to love myself with all the shortcomings. Apparently, she never managed to accept herself completely.

    According to experts, in addition to lip augmentation, Buzova changed the shape of her cheekbones, making them more sculptural. The leading nose has also undergone changes.

    Comparing photos of the leading "House-2" before and after plastic surgery, many fans were disappointed. It seems to them that the girl began to look less attractive, and added a couple of years to herself.

    However, this is just their opinion. Olga's always good mood suggests that everything suits her.