Slender Ksenia Borodina showed a figure in a swimsuit. Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit - always a welcome shot Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit

Literally every second celebrity microblog pleases subscribers with spectacular beach photos. When else, if not now, to show off to the fans those chic swimsuits that were selected throughout the year in anticipation of warm summer days., Ksenia Borodina showed another swimsuit on her Instagram, which delighted fans. Bright fabric with multi-colored diagonal stripes catches the eye of the slender figure of the TV star. the discussions, Ksenia's numerous subscribers are trying to find out where you can buy such an elegant swimsuit, but so far Borodina has not answered any of the fans.

Slender Ksenia Borodina caught in Photoshop

Of course, in such a spectacular outfit you want to look perfect. Often, celebrities resort to the help of photo editors to remove some defects on the skin or make the figure more slender. Cunning software developers have already released an application that allows you to "lengthen" the figure. It seems that Ksenia Borodina took advantage of just such a program. The followers of the host of "House-2" drew attention to the fact that the water drops in the picture unnaturally "curve" around Borodina's waist. Their observations were voiced in the comments to the picture.'s loyal fans immediately came to the defense of their favorite: asunya84_84 My God, and people are not too lazy to sit and look through a magnifying glass, are the drops shifted there or not? Well funny
natalauder I fool people. They narrowed the waist, even if they did something, don’t you care? And Ksyusha is thin, petite.
anna_________bn I fell when I read that the drops were shifted😅😅😅oh people people and laughter and sin ... you have to freeze this

Life is bad without a sucker: Ksenia Borodina sells dresses from Ali-Express 5 times more expensive

November 14, 2016

The TV presenter, along with her friends and her husband, is resting in Dubai.

While everyone else is struggling with the hardships of winter, Ksenia Borodina is enjoying the sun and relaxation. The telediva does not forget to share picturesque shots in a bikini.

“How cool, I want to see you too. Take me away, I wish you a cool rest”, “I envy you!!! How cool! The warm sea is fun”, “Such a slender, thin and good chest”, “You are like on a broomstick”, “While everyone is working, someone is resting”, “Ksyusha, it feels like you are untying your girlfriend’s panties on the left”, comment her naughty posts social media users.

Numerous fans of the star "House 2" also expressed the opinion that Ksenia is in great shape and among all her friends has the most slender and sexy figure. Judging by the positive mood of Borodina and her cheerful smile in family photos, she had long forgotten about the conflict with her husband Kurban Omarov, which took place this summer.

Not now better times in her personal life, a friend of the TV presenter Olga Buzova is experiencing. The well-known blogger Lena Miro even expressed the opinion that it was Ksenia who was to blame for the divorce of the TV presenter and her husband. According to the expert, it was Borodina who introduced Tarasov to the new darling, and then spoke about the betrayal of the football player by her girlfriend. The wife of Kurban Omarov does not comment on the accusations against her.

The star of the "TV set" "Dom-2" host Ksenia Borodina is an active Internet user, and regularly publishes posts where she talks about the news of her life and about her family. She also often posts her photos, including quite candid ones, where you can appreciate the beauty of the girl's body. Be that as it may, we always expect new shots from her, because it is very pleasant to look at Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit: she is so beautiful, charming, and the camera loves her.

Without filters: Kurban went too far, but caught himself in time

With whom it does not happen - and spots occur in the sun. Not so long ago in in social networks a photo appeared (the topmost one), in which the husband of the TV star Kurban Omarov took off his “half” without traditional makeup. Fans doubted the natural beauty of their favorite.

Ksyusha has never posted a photo in such a unkempt form. In the pictures, even on the beach in a swimsuit, she looks attractive and sexy, so the “ugly” photo disappeared from everywhere so as not to discredit the presenter and hurt the hearts of fans.

June 2018

In the last pictures from June 20, 2018, fans did not like the “too thin” Ksyusha. What's this? The results of a great Photoshop treatment, or the hard work of a star in the gym that led to this result? Mom of two in a bathing suit and shorts, in an unbuttoned shirt, caused bewilderment of her fans and subscribers watching her life on social networks.

In the photo, “too wasp waist” scared the girl’s fans, many even began to doubt that the presenter was healthy. But the fears were in vain, she reassured her fans, saying that she was simply at the peak of her form and was not going to lose weight anymore.

Photoshoot in Dubai in May 2018

Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit posted a photo with her two daughters. Bright juicy colors are achieved thanks to the processing program. The emphasis is on stylish and fashionable swimming suits worn by three charming ladies, but the main thing is that Ksyusha is in a luxurious form, which is why she does not hesitate to show off her figure. Agree that the photo of Ksenia Borodina in a bathing suit with her beloved children turned out to be very beautiful and expressive. At the same time, she touched the hearts of her fans even more with a caption to the photo, where she expressed the idea that her daughters are the embodiment of the most subtle, sincere tenderness and the greatest love.

Ksenia Borodina forgot to process the photo

In the same 2018, in May, the beauty Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit with a bright print and a big hat posted a picture that fans did not like for its quality. But everything is natural! Not a gram of "Photoshop" was seen here, and if there was, it was at the initial level. Fans did not understand why Borodina could not beautifully process the picture. The face, according to fans, was, as it were, separate from the body, the mole under the eye was corrected, the skin on the chest was very different from the rest of the areas in the degree of sunburn. The fans did not like the “duck” with their lips, and they henceforth asked Ksyusha not to do this - it does not suit her. But a photo of Ksenia Borodina in a bathing suit without Photoshop cannot but arouse admiration for the figure of a mother of two children.

Seychelles 2017

In February 2017, the presenter and her husband went on vacation to the Seychelles, and in the pictures from there, Ksenia seems thin and slender to us. However, she puzzled her subscribers by complaining about the extra pounds gained after the New Year. No one recognized in the photo of Ksenia Borodina in a swimsuit exactly where these kilograms were located on the girl. Fans immediately tried to convince her that she didn’t need to lose weight at all, otherwise it would be too much.

Ksenia Borodina / Instagram

For the youngest daughter of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, this trip was the first long journey. Children and parents spend a lot of time on the beach, as they are very lucky with the weather.


Parents arranged a chic vacation for the heirs.

Ksenia shows a great figure in a swimsuit. The star of the reality show “Dom-2” shared a picture with her friends on the microblog. Women bounce high above the beach, and in the background you can see a local landmark, the tower of the famous hotel and restaurant Burj Al Arab. “Five minutes, the flight is normal,” Borodin signed a funny picture.


TV presenter subscribers noted that she looks good for a woman who has given birth to two children. Her figure is still toned and slender. “Girls, you are super!”, “Such a slender, thin, and breasts are good”, “Cool such”, “Divine as always”, “What perky! Great photo!” Borodina’s fans wrote.