Clove spice: useful, medicinal properties and contraindications. Clove spice: useful properties and contraindications, application Why cloves are useful for the human body

Clove spice is unopened dried flower buds of the clove tree. It is one of the common spices found in Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, East Africa and others. Since ancient times, it has been a popular flavoring agent for various culinary dishes. It is familiar to many as one of the ingredients of gingerbread dough or mulled wine. But few people know about the healing properties of clove buds.

Clove spice description where it grows

It belongs to the family of plants called myrtle genus Sizygum. It is an evergreen tree that grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Its homeland is the Moluccas. According to scientists, it was from there that she came to India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and other regions.

The clove tree itself is a shrub or low tree with leathery, elliptical, dark green leaves.

It blooms with small purple-red flowers, collected in semi-umbrellas. From a botanical point of view, the fruits are considered false berries.

Flowering occurs twice a year, while giving a good harvest each time. The collected buds are dried in the sun until the smell appears. Drying stops when the buds have lost 50 percent of their moisture. When grinding such buds, a characteristic crack is heard.

The seasoning was brought to Europe by Arab traders in the fourth century. But only in the seventh, eighth century, it began to be used as a preservative for food. Although the cost of growing and producing cloves is not very high, merchants kept the place of origin of the spice in strict confidence to maintain a high price.

It was only in the Middle Ages that the Portuguese discovered the growing region, and from the 17th century, the Dutch gained the main control over the growing areas of cloves. They destroyed the plantations of the plant on other islands in order to keep the price and maintain control over production and sale.

But in the 18th century, the French managed to take the seeds and seedlings of cloves from the Moluccas to their territories in Mauritania.

Today, the largest supplier of the spice is Indonesia, Tanzania and Madagascar.

What is useful spice cloves

Despite their small size, clove buds are rich in many useful substances. It contains:

Vitamins: K, C, E, group B;

Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and others;


Essential oil;


Fiber can prevent constipation and improve bowel function,

Vitamin C will help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin K is important for the normalization of blood clotting.

Manganese is an essential element for maintaining the functions of the brain and skeletal system.

Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the oxidative action of free radicals, thereby preventing the development of certain chronic diseases.

A special place is occupied by the presence of essential oil in the buds. More than 50 percent of it is a compound called evengol, which can also act as an antioxidant.

Together with other biochemical substances, evengol gives cloves many properties, which include:




spice clove medicinal properties

In addition to their pleasant aroma Cloves are known for their powerful medicinal properties. The earliest recorded use of cloves with medicinal purpose recorded as early as 240 BC. Local peoples use all parts of the plant for treatment: buds, stems and leaves of the plant.

It has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India and China.

The main medicinal properties of this spice include such properties as:










It is used for diseases associated with the respiratory system, infections of the digestive system and urinary tract.

One of the few scientific studies done has shown that essential oil is effective against bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci.

Cloves are thought to have a slight antihistamine effect. Tea made with cloves has been used to treat hay fever, nasal congestion and sinusitis.

She renders positive influence on the nervous system, reduces tension, anxiety, relieves anxiety.

The presence of tannins imparts astringent properties, which can be quite helpful in diarrhoea.

The analgesic properties of Evengol are used for pain of various origins, including toothache.

Although no studies have been conducted, it is believed that this property of the spice can be used to prevent premature ejaculation.

The use of cloves in medicine

Of greater interest in scientific medicine are antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. The few tests so far have shown that it may be useful in the fight against lung cancer in the early stages.

These same properties are ideal for protecting organs from the effects of free radicals, especially the liver.

One of serious illnesses is diabetes, a disease in which the amount of insulin produced by the body is insufficient or not produced at all. Since the control of blood sugar for such patients through diet is Starting point, then the inclusion of products capable of controlling glucose levels is of particular interest. Studies have shown that cloves can have an effect on blood sugar control.

Cloves use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, cloves have been used for a variety of ailments, including hernia and diarrhea. It has been chewed to prevent bad breath, bloating, and to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general.


Diseases of the oral cavity;

Muscle and joint pain, including arthritis and injury pain;

With eye diseases;

Reduced pressure;

Poor digestion and impaired liver function.

It improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes, reduces flatulence, gastric irritation, dyspepsia and nausea. Clove buds need to be crushed, mixed with honey and taken for digestive disorders.

In gynecology, it is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

To overcome the desire for alcohol, you need to put two cloves in your mouth and hold them in your mouth without chewing or swallowing.

There is no scientific evidence supporting health benefits for many uses. But it has a long history of use among many peoples. One way to do this is to chew one or two buds.

For toothache, essential oil is often used, which must be dropped on a cotton pad and placed on a sore tooth or gum.

You can rub the gums around the diseased tooth with ground cloves.

At respiratory diseases, colds, flu, cloves are added to tea. It is also used as an expectorant for coughs with phlegm.

Clove oil is rubbed and massaged on sore joints with rheumatism and arthritis.

For wounds and bruises, compresses with oil are applied, after diluting it with a carrier oil.

To get rid of a headache, crush a few buds and mix with rock salt. Add this mixture to a glass of milk. It will quickly and effectively reduce headaches.

To relieve headaches in climbers, drink 2 cups of clove tea before climbing. Such tea will help thin the blood and improve oxygen delivery to the brain.

In Asian countries, cloves are considered an aphrodisiac, preventing early orgasm in men.

Mask with cloves, honey and a few drops lemon juice can help treat acne. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Instead of store-bought mouth freshener, use cloves. Brew flower buds and other herbs such as rosemary or mint. Such a rinse will prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, eliminate unpleasant odors.

To make a homemade natural home freshener, boil an orange peel with a few cloves, cool and pour into a spray bottle.

To refresh and give a pleasant smell in the linen closet, place the buds on the shelves, wrapping their cloth.

Infusion of cloves

For treatment in folk medicine, not only whole or ground clove buds are used, but also infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, in the form of tea.

To prepare the infusion, take a few bottles (about 0.5 teaspoon) and brew with a glass of boiling water. Cover with a saucer and let steep for one hour.

The infusion is drunk with indigestion, flatulence, bloating, with reduced pressure, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

You can use it as a lotion for:

Add to water when taking baths and gargling for colds.

Cloves for asthma

6 spice buds pour 30 ml of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and add no more than one teaspoon of honey. Drink this decoction three times a day.

For vomiting and nausea

Mix ground cloves on the tip of a knife with a small amount of natural honey (about 1 teaspoon) and keep in your mouth until the whole mixture has dissolved.

Alcoholic tincture of cloves

To do alcohol tincture, you need to pour 25 pieces of buds into 250 ml of vodka and insist for a week in a dark place.

Tincture is used for rubbing or in the form of compresses for pain in muscles and joints, neuralgia. After application, the sore spot should be wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf. The compress can be kept from 30 minutes to one hour.

Headache tincture

From a headache will help tincture of cloves on dry red wine. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of buds with one liter of wine and leave for one and a half months. In the process of infusion, periodically shake the bottle. Strain the finished tincture and drink 30-50 ml. It will help you deal with insomnia.

How to store cloves

Cloves can be bought in buds or ground. Buds retain their freshness and beneficial features longer. Unfortunately, with improper storage, it can lose its aroma and properties. Therefore, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place. If storing in a glass jar, make sure it is out of direct sunlight.

The use of cloves in cooking

Cloves have a unique flavor that is different from other spices. It cannot be confused with any other. It is widely used in the food industry, adding to flour products, sauces, ketchups, spirits, various mixtures of spices.

It should be used in very small quantities, as in large doses it will kill the aroma of other spices and spices.

In the home forge, it is added to:

homemade syrups;

An orange stuffed with buds is a traditional decoration of the Christmas and New Year's table in many countries.

Contraindications for use

Carnation in in large numbers contraindicated in high blood pressure. Special care must be taken when handling clove oil. In undiluted form, it can cause burns and irritation on the skin. Always dilute it with base oil.

It is forbidden to use essential oil during pregnancy, breastfeeding and young children.

Cloves can slow platelet activity, which can interfere with anticoagulant medications. It has phototoxicity. Therefore, do not go out into the sun immediately after using the oil.

In large quantities, it is contraindicated in:

exacerbation of stomach ulcers and duodenum;

Exacerbation of gastritis, especially with high acidity.

Special care should be taken with people with mental disorders and individual intolerance.

If you follow these rules, observe all precautions, then this spice will become not only a culinary seasoning, but also a medicine.

Most of us are familiar with cloves as a fragrant spice. However, few people know about the medicinal properties of the spice, which is dried unopened buds of the clove tree, resembling small carnations with hats in shape.

It turns out that medicine in many countries has long since adopted the use of cloves in medicinal purposes. So, in the USA and Europe, it is advised for use by people with digestive problems.

In India, it is prescribed to patients to relieve spastic pain. Clove oil has been used in dentistry, surgery and gynecology. The spice is also used in cooking and cosmetics.

Did you know? About 60 medicines have been produced on the basis of cloves.

As you can see, cloves are popular in the world due to their therapeutic effect, and such a variety of useful properties of this plant is explained by its rich chemical composition.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of cloves

In my own way chemical composition clove among spices has no equal. It contains:

The nutritional value of cloves is also high, due to the high content of proteins (6 g / 100 g), fats (20 g / 100 g) and carbohydrates (27 g / 100 g). 33% of cloves is fiber. It also contains ash and water.

Useful properties of cloves for humans

Spectrum useful action cloves on the human body is very wide. It has analgesic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, wound healing, antiviral, diaphoretic and diuretic effects. Its anthelmintic and antifungal effects are also known.

Cloves are used to prevent influenza and other viral diseases. Spices are afraid of golden and white staphylococcus aureus.

Vitamin B complex, which is part of the clove buds, relieves stress, tension, improves memory, stimulates the brain.

Decoctions are made from cloves to treat eye diseases, in particular to get rid of barley. Adding it to food improves appetite, normalizes the digestion of food, improves acidity, and eliminates gas formation.

The spice has a beneficial effect on the normalization of blood pressure.

In traditional medicine, clove oil is used in healing and anti-inflammatory ointments and balms. Clove-based preparations are used for sprains and dislocations in athletes.

Cloves are used in research to develop cancer drugs, which confirm that they can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The medicinal properties of food cloves have found application in dentistry and gynecology.

Areas of application of cloves

In one article, it is hardly possible to consider the features of the use of cloves in various fields. Let us dwell only on some of them, where the spice is used most often.

The use of cloves in dentistry

Cloves are used to solve a number of dental problems. Its anti-inflammatory effect has been proven in periodontal disease, pulpitis, caries and diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

Recommended to relieve toothache decoction of food cloves known for its medicinal properties. To do this, five buds are boiled in one glass of any vegetable oil (olive, sesame, sea buckthorn). The broth is allowed to brew and cool. Swabs with three drops of decoction are applied to the diseased tooth.

Also, to get rid of pain, you can rub clove powder on your gums, drip clove oil on a sore tooth, or simply chew whole buds.

Important! If you follow this advice, you should be aware that the application folk remedies will only lead to short-term pain relief, but not to a solution to the problem. For the treatment of a diseased tooth, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Decoctions and tinctures of cloves are also used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. So, they recommend rinsing with clove decoctions for aphthous stomatitis.

The spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the speedy healing of ulcers. With perspiration and sore throat and tonsillitis, it is advised to chew cloves. With angina, rinses with warm water with sea salt and clove powder have proven themselves well.

In addition, dry clove inflorescences can be used instead of chewing gum that is harmful to the digestive tract - it remarkably eliminates bad breath and maintains normal mucosal microflora after eating.

Did you know? The spice is added in the manufacture of chewing gum in Thailand and India.

The use of cloves for headaches

To get rid of a headache, there are several recipes:

  1. Prepare a paste of 5 g of ground cloves, cinnamon, almonds and water. Apply the mixture to the temples.
  2. Apply a paste-like mixture of camphor oil and ground cloves (5 g) to the whiskey.
  3. A similar mixture is prepared from cloves, salt and milk.
  4. Massage the forehead and temples with a mixture of essential oils of clove (1 drop), chamomile (1 drop), lavender (3 drops), almond (1 teaspoon).

Used to treat frequent headaches alcohol tincture: 5 teaspoons of ground cloves are added to 100 g of vodka, heated and drunk in half a tablespoon.

How to take cloves

We have already talked about several ways to take cloves for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes - to prepare tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, drops, clove-based oil.

Can also be brewed clove tea. Its daily use can enrich the human body with the missing vitamins, cheer up, increase vitality, and strengthen the immune system.

It can also help with diarrhea, bloating and nausea. Teas can be made from cloves alone, or with the addition of other ingredients: cinnamon, ginger, orange, etc.

Important! Do not add more than one or two inflorescences per cup to tea, otherwise the drink may be bitter.

With frequent colds before meals, you can take a mixture of a pinch of ground cloves, black pepper and a teaspoon of honey, her medicinal properties help to survive the autumn-winter period without SARS.

It also has an antiviral effect inhalation with clove essential oil. They help in the treatment of colds, coughs and nasal congestion. To do this, add a few drops to hot water and breathe these vapors.

Clove oil is also used in aromatherapy for calming nervous system, stress, depression. Also, oil (2 drops) can be added to the bath when bathing.

But to strengthen the heart, it is advised to drink mulled wine. Moreover, with a therapeutic purpose, it is better not to boil mulled wine, but to insist for several weeks. To do this, five clove inflorescences are added to 0.5 liters of red wine. You need to insist in a dark place for three weeks.

Add one teaspoon to tea up to three times daily. Also, mulled wine can be prepared in the following way: in 0.3 liters of red wine put sliced ​​orange and half a lemon, 5 cloves, cinnamon, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Drink one tablespoon.

To get rid of a cough, you can use before bedtime a mixture of five drops of essential clove oil, one clove of garlic and honey. For pain in the ears in each auricle instill three drops of prepared clove oil.

Cloves have proven themselves well in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. It is added to massage oil (4-5 drops / 10 ml), used to make a healing mixture.

Swabs soaked in clove decoction are used to heal wounds and acute conjunctivitis.

it spicy plant has a positive effect on women's health. Even in ancient times, it was used to stimulate childbirth, with postpartum hemorrhage and as an abortifacient.

Essential oil of clove can increase the tone of the uterus, normalize menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Also, cloves are a good aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and prolongs sexual pleasure.

How cosmetologists use cloves

In cosmetology, clove essential oil is used. Its main component - eugenol - is part of creams, ointments, balms. It is also used in perfumery.

Clove oil effectively acts on oily and prone to acne skin. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation and dries the skin. To solve skin problems, it is recommended to prepare mixtures based on creams.

Yes, on the face oily skin inflict mixed cream or oil base (10 ml), 2 drops of clove essential oil and 2 drops of lemon juice.

Use a mask for acne from cream or oil (10 ml), 1 drop of clove oil, 2 drops of geranium oil and 1 drop of chamomile oil.

To narrow the pores, mix one egg white, 1 drop of clove oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, 1 drop of sage oil.

You can fight rashes with 15-minute masks from the composition: wheat germ oil (10 ml), clove oil (2 drops), lavender oil (3 drops).

Also, clove essential oil helps to strengthen hair growth and nourish the hair follicles. For weakened hair prone to hair loss, masks with the addition of clove oil are recommended.

One of the simple options for a mask that stimulates hair growth is in 30 ml of any vegetable oil, add 5 drops of clove oil. Rub into hair roots and scalp. Leave for 40 minutes.

It is important to know that clove oil has a very strong effect and, undiluted, can lead to burns and skin irritation, so there are contraindications to its use, in particular, it is prohibited for children and adolescents under 15 years of age.

Cloves and Cooking

To give a unique taste and aroma in cooking, cloves are widely used:

  • when preparing fried and stewed meat, minced meat;
  • in bakery and confectionery;
  • when cooking broths and first courses;
  • in fish canning and sausage production;
  • for cooking compotes, mulled wine, punch;
  • as an additive to marinades (meat, fish, vegetable, mushroom, berry);
  • as part of sauces, mayonnaise.
Clove gives its burning taste to both hot and cold dishes. With prolonged heating, the taste of the spice intensifies, but the aroma disappears at high temperatures. Therefore, in dishes where the smell of cloves should be in the first place, spice should be added as late as possible.

It is important not to overdo it with the addition of spices, since an excessive amount of it in a dish can clog the taste of the main products and give a very strong specific flavor.

It is recommended to add to the broth 1-2 cloves per 1 liter of liquid. When cooking meat up to two buds. Put into the dough 4-5 cloves per 1 kg. Throw in the marinade 3-4 g of cloves per 10 liters.

Ground cloves, along with other spices, are part of the popular Masala spice.

Did you know? To determine the quality of a clove, it must be thrown into a container of water with force. good, useful spice should go to the bottom or float in a vertical position with a hat up. If the spice does not sink, but floats on the surface, this indicates that the heavy essential oil has evaporated from it and there are no useful properties left in it.

Also, the quality of the carnation is determined by putting it between two sheets of paper and rolling it a couple of times with a rolling pin. If at the same time oily spots remain on the paper, then the spice is good.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

Despite the fact that cloves are endowed with a number of medicinal properties, there are contraindications to its use. It should not be used by children under two years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

It is undesirable to take this spice for gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers. Its use should be reduced for people with increased mental stress.

Since this spice can both tone and relieve spasm at the same time, it can relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and raise arterial pressure, cloves should not be used for hypertension, there are contraindications for use by people in a state of nervous excitement.

And pay attention, if all the above remedies do not help you, then for further treatment you will need to consult a competent specialist.

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389 times already

What is a clove

Clove is a spice that is obtained from the dried and unopened buds of the clove perennial tree.

The birthplace of the plant is the Moluccas. Now cloves are grown in Tanzania, Indonesia, India, and Ceylon.

What does a carnation look like

The clove tree is an evergreen shrub or tree with a pyramidal crown that has a strong aroma. The leaves are leathery, petiolate, glabrous, dark green. Carnation blooms 2 times a year. The flowers are purple-red, small, collected in complex semi-umbels. The fruit is a false berry.

The spice has a brown tint. The clove buds are harvested and then fermented under direct sunlight. A quality carnation, if thrown into a glass with force, should sink or float vertically. If the spice floats horizontally, then it is of poor quality.

Carnation field and clove tree - not the same thing. In some indications for the treatment of the body, they converge, for example, with a cold, nervous tension, for pain relief, but they are completely different in composition. In addition, the grass grows in the European part of Russia and Siberia, and the tree loves the tropical climate.

Cloves (Spice): Benefits and Uses

With a very burning and spicy aroma, cloves remind of themselves to those who have tried it at least once as part of culinary dishes. Aromatization with a herbal plant promotes relaxation and peace.

Clove is a unique spice, which contains a fortified complex of groups A, B, P, C, E. The presence of minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber allows spices to occupy a leading position in terms of unique beneficial properties. Dried fruits perfectly freshen the breath, eliminating the smell of garlic and onions.

The clove spice contains the main active substance- essential oil, which occupies 20% of the total mass of the bud. It also has a distinct smell. Useful properties of essential oil of cloves are supplemented by a complex of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, ash, fiber, carbohydrates, tannins and fatty acid, polyunsaturated acids.

Carnation has a wide range of applications. It is used for medicinal purposes in the form of decoctions and infusions. Experts recommend the use of cloves for couples and people with low libido, as it increases attraction, improves sex life.
Also, the spice is actively used in cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy and for weight loss. The spice has found application in everyday life, it is used to repel blood-sucking insects.

For medicinal purposes, cloves are capable of

1 give pain relief, replace medicinal antispasmodics, get rid of germs.

2 The fruits contribute acceleration of digestive processes prevent gas formation.

3 The healing properties of cloves are a secret prolonged intercourse many partners, its composition contributes to a faster and longer sexual arousal both partners.

4 The plant promotes rapid recovery with all types of injuries e.g. arthrosis, arthritis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the diseased joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil for 1 tablespoon of massage oil).

5 Clove oil is effective for treatment of pustules and boils. Apply 1 drop of concentrated essential oil to the boil. For problematic skin, baths with clove essential oil are taken.

6 Helps eliminate eye diseases when rubbing them with a decoction of cloves.
A simple recipe will help get rid of barley - add a few drops of water to a crushed clove bud, mix and gently apply to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.

7 In the field of dentistry This seasoning is absolutely unmatched! It is widely used in dental diseases (stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease). For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, bad breath, it is useful to chew clove buds.

Clove buds can be safely chewed instead of regular chewing gum. The healing properties of the spice will help you forget about diseases such as gum inflammation, stomatitis, periodontal disease forever. And the cloves included in the composition essential oils serve as an excellent mouthwash. Natural relief from bad breath for a penny price!

8 If you notice the first signs sore throat or sore throat, chew on a couple of small cloves. The throat will instantly stop hurting, the disease will be stopped!

Low blood pressure, asthma are also indications for the use of cloves.

9. Several inflorescences (5-6) are poured with water, brought to a boil, cooled and the broth is drunk three times a day. Honey can be added to improve the taste. With hypotension, you can also chew a few cloves, the effect will be no less than from caffeine.

10. Dry debilitating cough effectively treated with a solution consisting of sea salt and ground cloves. Wet is treated with a special tea made from crushed ginger and cloves, but for asthma and tuberculosis, a mixture of garlic, honey and clove oil, which should be taken internally, is excellent.
To relieve a spasmodic cough, take 5 drops of clove essential oil, a tablespoon of honey and a small clove of garlic. Mix everything and consume before going to bed, the recommended dosage is presented in the recipe for one day.

11. The beneficial properties of cloves (spices) are also manifested in effective treatment diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, hiccups and sore throats. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to warm the milk and throw a few inflorescences into it. Drink a fragrant broth in small sips, trying to keep it in your mouth.

12. The invaluable effect of cloves in gynecological area. It helps with infertility and childbirth, increasing the effectiveness of contractions and attempts, normalizes the menstrual cycle, slows down the aging process. female body and enhances sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.

a) Carnation with menopause
With menopause or hormonal changes, all women experience the occurrence of "hot flashes", which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, the beneficial properties of cloves for women are especially valuable at this time.

This recipe will help you cope with age hormonal changes. To reduce pain in the evening, 15 pieces of fruit are poured into a glass of water heated to 40 degrees and insisted until morning. The next day, you need to drink half of the tea before breakfast, and the rest before dinner. To make the spice treatment more effective, prepare a fresh serving of tea every evening.

Each clove bud contains 20% essential oil, as well as aromatic substances such as ylangen, eugenol and caryophyllene, and a high content of tannins. Because of such a concentrated composition, pinworms are simply afraid of cloves, as well as diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and even Koch's wand!

Recipe #1
♦ Ingredients:
♦ Wormwood - 20 g.
♦ Tansy - 20 g.
♦ Cloves - 20 g.

b) From helminths

Recipe #2

♦ Cloves - 100 g.
♦ Flax seed - 100 g.

How to cook: Grind food in a coffee grinder. Place the resulting composition in an airtight container, put in a cool place.
How to use: Take 25g daily medicinal product, diluting it in tea or fruit drink. The duration of treatment is 3 days, after which take a break for 3 days. Then repeat the treatment again. The general course of treatment is 1-2 months.
Result: Elimination of helminths.

14 The spice not only gives dishes an unsurpassed taste, but also has a beneficial effect on digestive system, increases appetite and promotes rapid digestion of food. In addition, it helps with flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, intestinal colic. In order to significantly improve digestion and normalize the entire digestive tract as a whole, you need to chew a couple of clove buds with 1 teaspoon of honey about 15 minutes before meals.

Attention! If there is a stomach or duodenal ulcer, as well as high blood pressure, then it is better to abandon this method of treatment. In other cases, the use of cloves is only welcome!

15 Spice is shown to people suffering nervous system disorders, because, thanks to the vitamins of group B contained in the seasoning, it relieves mental overwork, tension, stress and helps fight depression.

16 Cancer prevention. In families where cases of relatives with cancer have been noted, the use of cloves will be a very good prevention. After all, as you know, this disease is very often hereditary. The fact is that the spice contains eugenol, which helps to normalize the state of the body as a whole, slows down the increase in the number of cancer cells and helps prevent a terrible disease.

17 Cosmetology- an area in which cloves have also found use. So, essential oil can be used for various skin problems - acne, pustular rashes. To prevent the spread of infection on the skin, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas with oil. This will not only relieve redness and itching, but also help skin cells recover.

18 Try making a wonderful mulled wine drink using cloves. Warm alcoholic drink stimulates the work of the heart, relieves autumn blues and depression, especially popular during colds. The most important thing is proper preparation.

For treatment, take 0.5 liters of quality wine, heat a little and add 5 cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. Mulled wine is ready. Adults are recommended to drink as an independent drink, teenagers should add an alcoholic drink a few teaspoons to tea.

There are many recipes for mulled wine, but it is more effective to infuse cloves without boiling for several weeks, since during heat treatment, its vitamins and aromatic substances evaporate and are destroyed. It is better to take 0.5 l of high-quality red wine (not powdered), add 5 cloves to the bottle, add a little cinnamon if desired. Close tightly with a cork and insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with tea 1-3 times a day.

19 For diabetes
In medicine, cloves are actively used in diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels, neutralizes the effect of histamine, regulates the patient's weight.

♦ Carnation - 20 buds.
♦ Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Fill the buds with hot water. Let the composition brew for 12 hours, then strain.
How to use: Drink 75 ml infusion three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Result: Maintaining optimal blood glucose levels.

20 With pancreatitis
Often included in complex treatment experts recommend using an infusion of cloves. The effectiveness of the remedy largely depends on whether you follow the recommended diet for illness.
The given decoction recipe should be used to treat chronic pancreatitis.

♦ Cloves - 20 g.
♦ Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour the cloves with cold boiled water. Infuse the remedy for 8 hours, then strain.
How to use: Take an infusion of 1 tbsp. three times a day.
Result: Elimination of symptoms of pancreatitis.

21 For a cold 5 buds of clove spice must be ground in a mortar to a powder state, then pour a glass of boiling milk. Wait 20 minutes, strain the decoction and drink it warm - drink in slow sips, keeping the liquid in your mouth.

clove tincture

Healing properties have tincture of cloves. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, increase immunity, with bronchitis, sore throat. Also, the remedy is taken for neuroses. Externally, the product is used for arthritis and rheumatism. To prepare the tincture at home, use the recipe below.

♦ Carnation - 25 buds.
♦ Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour the cloves into a glass container, fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid. Infuse the remedy for a week, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Take tincture 1 tsp. before eating.

Cloves (spice): useful properties for children

The use of hot spices for adults and children varies significantly. Babies, of course, need very small doses, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. For example, to remove helminths, a mixture of ground flax seeds and cloves is prepared in proportions of 10: 1. Apply 3 grams per 7 kilograms of weight.

Clove essential oil will protect your baby from annoying mosquitoes. It is absolutely harmless to children, unlike most anti-mosquito drugs, which have a wide range of contraindications and side effects.

Clove tea - a spicy flavor or a healthy drink?

Clove, drenched in boiling water or added to tea, is for many a rich aromatic taste, its medicinal properties especially appreciated in winter and autumn.

We list the main useful properties of tea with cloves:
♦ Eliminates physical tension, relaxes after a hard day and stress
♦ Combats muscle spasms
♦ Eliminates stomach cramps
♦ Promotes activation of digestion processes
♦ Helps with diarrhea
♦ Relieves sore throat during colds
♦ Prevents the development of cancer cells, being an auxiliary drug in oncological diseases.

There are many recommendations for brewing tea with cloves, the differences are only in achieving different aromatic effects. In the classical method of preparation, several dried buds are added to tea, the drink is infused for 5 minutes, and then consumed in small sips.

cold tea recipe
The beneficial properties of clove tea are known to many during colds. The spice added to tea helps to fight against viral infections, a warm drink is recommended to be consumed as a prophylaxis in winter and autumn.

1 Prepare the following ingredients:

♦ Purified boiled water - 0.5 l
♦ 2 cloves
♦ A little ginger
♦ Tablespoon tea leaves
♦ Half a cinnamon stick or a small pinch of dried spice
♦ Lemon slice
♦ 3 tablespoons of orange juice
♦ Sugar to taste

Place the ginger, cinnamon and cloves in a small saucepan with water. Boil the broth and fill it with black or green tea, after 5 minutes add lemon, sugar and orange juice. Drink aromatic tea 3 times a day at home or at work.

2 Another recipe has the equally beneficial properties of clove tea during a cold and will appeal to all milk lovers. To prepare it you will need:

♦ Boiled milk - 0.5 l
♦ Water - 200 ml
♦ Tea brew - 3 teaspoons
♦ Carnation - 3 buds
♦ Grated ginger

Dried buds with ginger pour a glass of water and bring to a boil, add tea leaves, let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain the warm drink through cheesecloth or sieve, add boiled milk. Tea with milk and cloves is ready to be poured into cups and consumed.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

At all times, cloves have been used for healing, but it is important to know when you can use a flower bud, and when only a cap. Useful properties of spices of cloves are very popular among adherents of folk and traditional medicine and contraindications to the plant must be taken into account before its use. Therefore, before treatment, carefully study the recipe.

If you use cloves to prepare marinades or dishes that involve the addition of alcoholic beverages, then the bitterness of the spice can be quickly extracted into the alcohol itself, without benefiting, but only worsening the aromatic properties of the dish.

There is a group of people who should not include cloves in their daily diet:
1. Children under 2 years of age should avoid this species spices.
2. For pregnant women and during lactation, the concentration of spices should be reduced several times, based on a specific recipe.
3. The presence of high pressure is a reason to refuse cloves, as it contributes to its increase.
4. Individual intolerance to clove spice - expressed in allergic manifestations on the skin.

How to choose a carnation

In order to really get help from cloves in a number of different diseases, you need to be sure of its suitability. And to do this is very simple. Take one dry bud and throw it hard into a glass of water. The carnation must either sink or float on the surface of the water upwards with an inflorescence, that is, vertically. If the clove lay horizontally, then it no longer has medicinal properties, because its essential oils have evaporated.


Clove is a spice obtained by drying the flowers of a tropical tree. Due to its rich aroma, it is widely used in the preparation of both sweet and meat dishes, preservation, and drinks. But its most valuable use is in folk medicine. It is mainly treated for respiratory diseases, including the addition to mulled wine. But it is also useful for diabetes, toothache, obesity and as a stimulant.

Beneficial features

Carnation is a tall evergreen tree that grows in countries such as Zanzibar, Indonesia, Philippines, India. Clove spices look like dried and incomplete buds picked from tropical trees. The spice fell in love with its unusual, rich and bitter taste, which gives a piquant flavor to various dishes.

A lot of countries use cloves, but in each culture it is used in its own way: England uses it in culinary dishes, India in aromatherapy, perfumes are produced in France, in Thailand they are added to chewing gum, using the wonderful aromatic qualities of the plant.

But no matter how this spice is transformed, it will never lose its medicinal properties. The health benefits of cloves are enormous, with antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic properties. It is used to treat warts, it normalizes acidity in the intestines. Thanks to cloves, it is possible to improve memory and activate brain function, increase blood pressure, stimulate blood circulation. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for those who have cold limbs.

Clove decoctions are used in the treatment of various eye diseases. Medications and ointments, which include cloves, are often used in sports medicine: to treat bruises, muscle pain and muscle sprains. Thanks to it, the body is restored and wounds heal.

Manganese, which is part of the cloves, normalizes digestion, helps strengthen bones, and activates enzymes. The buds will help ease breathing, free the airways from various inflammations and mucus, improve the outflow of bile and remove stones from the bile and Bladder, they are used to treat oncology and skin eczema. In the old days, the beneficial properties of cloves were used by healers in the treatment of diseases such as cholera, tuberculosis and malaria.

Oils of cloves with orange, cinnamon and walnut will improve mood, drive away melancholy and help get rid of depression. Inhaling the aroma is also good for health, it will relieve headaches, relieve drowsiness, and improve memory. If you apply oil on the skin, it will become the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. Cloves have the ability to destroy bacteria that create plaque and inflame the gums. A solution of the dried flower is recommended to rinse the mouth in order to get rid of unpleasant odors. In cosmetology, it is part of ointments, masks, balms and creams. Invariably used in the manufacture of perfumes.


The composition of dried cloves includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • caryophyllene;
  • vitamin B1;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin B2;
  • sodium;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • furfural;
  • manganese;
  • vitamin PP;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • humulene;
  • eugenol;
  • oleic acid;
  • tannins;
  • fatty substances;
  • minerals;

Scientists have proven that just fifteen milligrams of clove essential oils has as many antioxidants as forty-five kilograms of blueberries. The main concentrate of the aroma is contained in the cap of spices, and the petiole contains the highest concentration of essential oil, which has a specific aftertaste.

If the clove smell should be the main one in the preparation of a dish, then this spice is added as late as possible. Clove scent is not tolerable high temperatures and quickly disappears when heated. It is easy to check for the amount of useful elements in the spice, just throw it sharply into the water. The essential oils that make up the cloves should pull it to the bottom, if there are not very many oils in the cloves, it will float with a hat vertically at the top. If the spice does not sink, but swirls on the water surface, then this means that it no longer contains useful substances. human body elements.

Application in traditional medicine

Cloves have found their wide application in folk medicine. Clove tea will help with a malfunction in the stomach, with bloating, with diarrhea, cope with vomiting and nausea. Just a few drops of essential oil can stop nausea and vomiting.

It is advised to take it for colds and sore throats, for skin rashes and insomnia. Dry cough is treated with a decoction of cloves and sea salt, you can also make tea with the addition of this spice. An infusion of this remedy can support the body with diabetes. If your teeth hurt, you need to chew or rub the gums gently with ground cloves, with aching pain when installing temporary fillings, it is advised to use seasoning essential oil, which will not only provide an analgesic effect, but also help eliminate bad breath.

Asthma is treated by using a mixture of honey and garlic with the addition of spice oil. In gynecology, this remedy helps to stabilize the menstrual cycle in women, increase the tone of the uterus, facilitate childbirth, fight infertility, and treat inflammation of the genitourinary system. Oils are often used in the fight against cellulite in women.

In men, this remedy is used to increase potency and increase erection, for this you need to drink clove tincture. A very popular property of cloves is the acceleration of metabolism, which is of value to people who are overweight.


In order to prepare a healing decoction or infusion of spices, you just need to choose the appropriate recipe:

  • To maintain the body with diabetes, you can prepare the following tincture of cloves. Pour twenty buds of fragrant spices with one glass of hot boiled water and leave for 12 hours. After that, strain and drink the infusion twice a day. Treatment should be long, not less than six months.
  • According to the following recipe, you can prepare an antitumor tincture. To do this, you need to take twenty-five spice buds, put them in a specially prepared container, pour the raw material with one glass of good vodka or 40% medical alcohol, close the product with a lid and put it in a dry and dark place for a whole week. While the product is infused, it must be shaken periodically. Ready-made medicine is taken one teaspoon three times a day before eating.
  • prevent various viral diseases and improve the metabolism in the body is possible by drinking tea with ginger and clove buds. Preparation: take ten grams of green tea, two spice buds, a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of chopped ginger. Pour the whole mixture with half a liter of boiling water and soak for three hours. In order not to give an extra load on the stomach, drink tea in a diluted form.
  • Arthritis treatment is carried out as follows: 7 drops of clove oil are added to any massage oil, mixed and rubbed with this remedy on the diseased joint several times a day.
  • For treatment inflammatory diseases eye mix crushed clove powder with water and apply to the eyelid of the diseased eye. Treatment is carried out for several days until the inflammatory process completely disappears.
  • Digestive problems are treated like this: a teaspoon of honey is mixed with a pinch of black pepper and ground cloves. Taken twice a day. In the presence of chronic diseases of the stomach, this method should be abandoned.
  • Runny nose, cough and cold are eliminated with crushed cloves mixed with a teaspoon of honey. The mixture should be eaten gradually so that it is well absorbed by the oral mucosa.
  • You can get rid of ear pain with the help of a special decoction: 5 clove sticks are added to cold-pressed sesame oil, after which the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. Drip into the affected ear 3 drops 3 times a day.

The first descriptions of the plant go back to ancient treatises two hundred years ago. In nature, there are about 300 different types this plant. The birthplace of the carnation is North Africa, where its flowers adorn the slopes of the mountains, meadows and forests. The vegetative period is two years. Flowers appear on stems in the second year and form a panicle inflorescence of red, pink, or white palettes.

Formed but not yet opened buds are used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Clove oil is produced using the method of dry pomace and distillation of the plant's buds. At the same time, it has high levels of eugenol, which gives the liquid the anesthetic and stimulating effects for which it is so valued.

Composition of cloves

100 gr. cloves contain:

Cloves - 14 Health Benefits

  1. The ability of cloves to improve the digestion process

    The plant has the ability to activate the secretion of enzymes of the digestive process, which explains its use in manifestations of excessive accumulation of gases and bloating - flatulence, toxicosis and increased concentration of acid in the stomach. During pregnancy, the plant in the form of an infusion will help with the symptoms of morning toxicosis. To prepare the infusion, you should take 10-12 dry clove seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and take it before bedtime and in the morning. The use of infusion, improving the muscle contractions of the stomach, not only activates the digestion process, but also has a beneficial effect on its mucous membrane.

  2. Antibacterial properties of cloves

    The ability of cloves to have an antibacterial effect in the Middle Ages was used during cholera epidemics. Hands were washed with an infusion of flowers, and dry inflorescences were hung in living quarters. The chemical components of the plant extract make it a fairly powerful antibacterial agent. They give it the ability to resist many pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Increase the number of white blood cells that produce antibodies aimed at absorbing dead cells. Ancient treatises of Ayurveda noted among the appointments of cloves its properties to strengthen the protective functions of the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

  3. Help cloves in stressful conditions

    Carnation, having a pleasant unobtrusive smell, is able to reduce the excitation of the nervous system, thereby preventing stressful conditions. Tea with the addition of cloves and basil will improve psychological condition, and the essential oils of the plant, relaxing muscle tension, will bring "notes" of harmony and peace to your everyday well-being.

  4. Help with the pain of arthritis

    Anesthetize inflammatory processes caused by metabolic and degenerative changes in the area of ​​​​the joints, it is possible to use applications with the main ingredient, which is the essential oil of cloves. Napkins soaked in plant oil are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflamed joints, warm and leave until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. Eugenol, which is part of the plant oil, will have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  5. The ability of cloves to strengthen bones

    Water-alcohol solution of cloves, in the form additional funds, are often prescribed to people with fractures and bone injuries and this is justified. The presence of phenolic compounds and its derivatives give the plant qualities aimed at the protection and strength of bone tissue. The ability to fill it with useful mineral compounds, which gives positive dynamics in its therapeutic use.

  6. Antimutagenic properties of cloves

    Studies of the positive qualities of the plant have shown that the substance phenylpropanoids present in its composition is able to withstand mutagenic changes at the cellular level and does not allow changing the DNA genetic code in experimental rats.

  7. Treatment of oral diseases

    In somatology, plant extract is used in the treatment of gingivitis, inflammatory process gums manifested in violation of the integral connection of the tooth and gums, which, progressing, is able to turn into periodontitis. Essential infusions of cloves are used in the form of rinses and applications. They eliminate the anti-inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, actively preventing the growth of bacteria, while also providing an analgesic effect. In addition, clove neutralizes bad breath well, its aromatic qualities are used in the production of many pastes, powders and help maintain oral hygiene.

    Few people know, but cloves will help give your teeth a snow-white appearance. Powder prepared from the raw materials of the plant with the addition of 3 grams of gentian yellow can give a snow-white smile in three weeks.

  8. Antioxidant properties of the plant

    Essential extracts of cloves have proven their ability to exert anticarcinogenic effects. Laboratory cramps in this direction gave positive results and determined the ability of cloves to protect organs from the effects of free radicals and resist malignant neoplasm at early dates lung cancer.

  9. The ability of cloves to lower cholesterol levels

    Research published by the American Heart Association noted the natural ability of the plant to stimulate enzymatic activity in the body, which allows you to direct the properties of the plant to decrease in triglycerides What are triglycerides and what role do they play in the body. The right levels and ways to lower blood triglycerides using medical and folk remedies and lowering blood cholesterol. Daily consumption of 10-12 grams of plant powder in the form of seasoning is able to control the formation of cholesterol plaques.

  10. Help of cloves in diabetes

    People suffering from a disease diabetes, you should lead not only the right lifestyle, but also control your diet. Some of the spices used in the diet can help with this disease and cloves are one of them. The properties of cloves, due to the presence of eugenol in it, support normal level sugar readings, which is important for diabetics. ethnoscience recommends consuming a brewed infusion of the plant three times a day, prepared from 20 buds per 250 ml of water. The course of treatment is six months.

  11. Cloves for respiratory diseases

    The plant occupies a leading position as an anti-inflammatory agent and is able to act as an expectorant for seasonal respiratory diseases. In Ayurveda, cloves are classified as a mild spice that can create a warming and relaxing effect.

  12. The tonic qualities of the plant

    Nature endowed almost all spices with aphrodisiac properties. Carnation is no exception to this list. The essential vapors of the plant used in aroma lamps help to restore the surge of vital energy, strengthen male strength, sexual desire and stabilize sexual dysfunction in both women and men.

  13. Cloves - insect repellent

    Along with medicinal properties, essential oils of cloves can serve us in order to repel insects and give freshness to indoor air. 6-7 drops of oil should be added to one liter of water and an environmentally friendly product is ready. Not only flies and mosquitoes are afraid of him, but also annoying kitchen ants.

  14. The use of cloves for cosmetic purposes

    Among cosmetologists, oil is considered an unsurpassed remedy for oily skin care, as it is able to relieve inflammation and irritation of the upper layer of the epidermis with its antiseptic properties. Possessing a tonic ability, it improves the blood circulation of the skin, restoring its elasticity. With its help, purulent rashes are treated and small wounds heal. Clove oil is also used as a hair conditioner by adding a few drops of ether to the rinse water. In the composition of many creams, lotions and balms, you can find a component of cloves.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

If you want to use cloves for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, you should be aware of its contraindications:

  • use with caution in case of individual intolerance;
  • it is forbidden to use infusions from the plant for pregnant and lactating women;
  • not recommended for preschool children;
  • with obvious exacerbations peptic ulcer;
  • people suffering from hypertension and having high blood pressure;

Cooking clove oil at home

Base used olive oil What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 amazing health benefits of olive oil as well as contraindications to its use.. We lower 5-7 cloves into it and boil for 5 minutes, without removing the buds, let the liquid cool. Pour into a suitable container and store in a dark place. When using, heat the oil in a water bath. It is good to add a drop of oil to the water during morning and evening washing.

Treatment and recipes with cloves

Before preparing clove infusions, you should know which flowers are suitable for this. A bud that is too dry and brittle does not contain any benefit, it does not contain essential oils. If a flower bud dipped in water floats vertically, with its base down, its properties will be of help, but if, on the contrary, it lies in a horizontal position, then it is of no use.

  1. Cough

    Hold 3-4 buds of the plant in your mouth until they soften, then gnaw the seeds and swallow the juice released from them.

  2. At the first manifestations of ARI

    Dissolve half a lemon in one liter of water, adding 3-4 buds of the plant. Steam half a tablespoon of the flowers of the carnation plant with one glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and take for seven days.

    With uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding

    Take an infusion of the plant, prepared at the rate of 250 ml of water and one dessert spoon of seeds.

    The same infusion is able to relieve fainting.

Translated from the Latin carnation means the flower of Zeus.
The plant has been cultivated since Ancient Rome, and it came to Europe only in the 16th century. A solution of cloves in ancient Rome not only anointed the bodies, but also washed their wounds after battles.
In France, the flower was considered noble and was awarded the attention of nobles and kings, and in Belgium it was attributed to the plants of the common people. During the French Revolution, representatives of the nobility carried a carnation in their hands, going to the scaffold.
Spanish youths associate the flower with passionate passion and give it to their lovers.
In Soviet times, the carnation flower was the most sought after, because of its inexpensive cost. It was given as a gift for almost all holidays.
Famous French perfumes "Fiji" and "Opium" are based on clove oil.
Gardeners all over the world love these plants for their unpretentious qualities and the ability to delight with colors. It also grows in our regions. There are hybrid varieties of plants with a large inflorescence and unpredictable color shades.