Unsatisfied excitement. sexual frustration

Impotence- violation of sexual function, in which sexual intercourse either cannot be performed at all, or is possible in an incomplete volume, which is associated with difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection.

The causes of any sexual problem can be quite complex and involve closely related physiological, emotional and interpersonal components. Some factors that cause sexual dysfunction are predisposing in nature, that is, they are some kind of biological characteristics or previous life circumstances that create clear prerequisites for the occurrence of sexual disorders.
For example, diabetes or sexual abuse that a person has experienced in the past can be the cause of sexual dysfunction. This cause is then activated by contributing factors such as alcoholism or stress. Finally, there are also supporting factors, such as long-term problems in interpersonal relationships.
By origin, the causes of impotence can be mental and organic.
Disorders may be associated with the ingestion of any substances, as a result of the use of alcohol or drugs, or side effect medications taken.
Disorders can also be psychological in origin, when they are caused by some mental processes(e.g. stress) or social environment. Of the organic causes, impotence can be caused by congenital disorders of the penis or its trauma.
Multiple sclerosis or damage spinal cord, arteriosclerosis or blockage of blood vessels, disease endocrine system in cases of insufficient production of testosterone, diabetes - all these diseases can be the organic basis of impotence.

There are five main forms of impotence: due to functional changes in the central nervous system, due to organic changes nervous system, due to diseases of the genital organs, due to mechanical obstacles, with violations in the work of the endocrine glands.
With impotence caused by a violation of the activity of the central nervous system, we are talking about its two forms: cortical and spinal impotence.
There are the following groups of cortical impotence:
with an increase in the inhibitory effect on sexual function;
with an increase in the stimulating effect on sexual function;
with perversions of sexual function.
The most common form of cortical impotence with increased inhibitory effect on sexual function. When sexual excitability is inhibited, sexual desire decreases to a greater or lesser extent, erection may remain normal, but often weakened or absent, orgasm in case of sexual intercourse is reduced.
At braking of the center of an erection the erection is broken. Appearing, an erection usually disappears just before the onset of sexual intercourse, and there is no ejaculation. Sexual desire in such patients is normal, the sexual centers and genitals do not have disturbances, which is proved by the onset of an erection in a dream or in a state of wakefulness when a woman is close, with thoughts of a possible sexual intercourse with her.
The reasons contributing to the strengthening of the inhibitory effects of the cerebral cortex on sexual function can be various kinds of fears, fear of failure, infection with a venereal disease, the possibility of unwanted fertilization, fear of being taken by surprise.
An inhibitory factor may be bad breath in a woman, accidentally noticed birthmark in an unusual place, etc.
Inhibition of sexual function with a weakening of potency may be due to depression, severe ascetic upbringing, mental overwork, strong negative emotions. Inhibition of sexual function is typical for patients with neurasthenia and psychasthenia.

Cortical impotence is characterized by a rapid eruption of the seed, which occurs before the onset of sexual intercourse, and sometimes as a result of only a mental impact (for example, an erotic performance). An erection may be normal or weakened, but it comes on often and quickly, sometimes for the most insignificant reason. Such a violation of sexual function is often one of the symptoms of general neurasthenia or psychasthenia.
The occurrence of premature ejaculation of cortical origin is provoked by the same psychogenic factors that cause inhibition of erection. If a mentally unstable man, under the influence of any of these reasons, once had a "misfire", he often cannot forget about it, which leads to repeated premature ejaculation during subsequent attempts at sexual intimacy.
The spinal form of impotence is caused by damage to the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation.
Its cause may be sexual excesses, interrupted or prolonged sexual intercourse, masturbation, unsatisfied sexual arousal, etc. With disturbed excitation of the spinal centers, an erection is normal, but often and quickly arises for an insignificant reason. Ejaculation occurs quickly, sometimes before the onset of sexual intercourse. Some patients complain of an increase in nocturnal (and sometimes daytime) emissions.
An increase in the excitability of the spinal centers is usually replaced by their depletion. At the same time, the easily vulnerable center of erection, as a rule, is exhausted earlier, while the more persistent center of ejaculation still continues to be in a state of irritation. In patients with a similar state of the genital centers, rapid ejaculation occurs with a more or less weakened erection.
impotence due to organic lesions of the central nervous system is the result of injuries and organic diseases of the brain (sclerosis, tumors, progressive paralysis). This type of impotence is characterized by a variety of manifestations.
Impotence due to diseases of the genital organs is due to prostatitis and colliculitis.
In the occurrence of these diseases have great importance those factors that cause long-term circulatory disorders and the phenomenon of congestive blood supply in the back of the urethra and the prostate gland.
Stagnant long-term blood supply leads to serous impregnation of tissues, and then to the development inflammatory process in the back of the urethra, the seminal tubercle and the prostate gland.

The reasons for this may be sexual excesses, coitus interruptus, unsatisfied sexual arousal, excessive onanism.
Pathological changes that have occurred in the genital organs cause dysfunction of the spinal genital centers, resulting in a pathological increase in their excitability, which is later replaced by their exhaustion.
Clinical manifestations impotence due to urological disorders and spinal impotence are the same and depend on the state of the spinal reproductive centers. Endocrine impotence is called a drop in the secretory function of the testicles, usually accompanied by both a decrease in sexual desire and a weakening of an erection up to its complete disappearance. Testicular dysfunction may result from congenital underdevelopment or injury or disruption of their endocrinological interaction with other endocrine glands (pituitary, adrenal, thyroid). Age changes in the testicles can also cause this type of impotence.
Impotence due to mechanical obstacles is associated with malformations of the penis (underdevelopment, excessive size, short frenulum), elephantiasis of the scrotum, large inguinal and scrotal hernias, etc.
It is impossible to avoid a decrease in sexual function with age, but it is quite possible to postpone the time of its onset.

In the treatment of sexual disorders, various medications. Difficulties with erection can be successfully treated with hormonal injections, muscle relaxants, and chemicals such as yohimbine, which activates the cells of the sympathetic nervous system, increases sexual desire, and strengthens erections.
A form of such therapy is psychodynamic therapy, which involves a lengthy analysis of the patient's childhood experiences and other psychodynamic factors that may eventually have caused unwanted symptoms.
Hypnotherapy is used as an adjunct to other medical methods, it can be considered a type of psychotherapy that uses relaxation and suggestion.
Group therapy is effective for erectile dysfunction. Despite this, most patients prefer individual methods.
Behavioral therapy is also used in the treatment of sexual disorders. It includes certain physical activities that are practiced at home by a couple or in some cases individually (as a method of self-healing).
When using surrogate (paid) partners, ethical difficulties arise, since sex for money is condemned by public opinion.
Treatment of impotence should be carried out by a sexologist and strictly individually.
Of the non-traditional methods, ginseng tincture, plant pollen, and royal jelly are recommended. In old age, it is recommended to maintain the usual way of life that has developed over the years in everything, including sex. It is noticed that such food products as coffee, chocolate, walnuts, egg yolk, rooster combs support sexual function, and carrots are also useful. Sunbathing is required.
Especially it is necessary to dwell on a health-improving run, because nothing normalizes hormonal metabolism like jogging. Useful evening run 1 hour before bedtime.

The human sexual response cycle has different phases: sexual attraction, sexual arousal, orgasm, and ends with a resolution phase.

Sexual desire (libido) depends on the functioning of the endocrine glands and on metabolism. Also, sexual desire depends on the brain (cortex and subcortical layer) and the reproductive centers of the spinal cord. All sexual centers interact with each other and form a single system.

The degree of excitability of the sexual centers and sex drive in an adult is dependent on the level of hormones.

Libido (sex drive) depends on the innate characteristics of a person associated with anthropology: in brunettes attraction stronger than blondes, shorter than taller; obese women require less effort and caresses for sexual satisfaction than thin ones; southerners have a stronger sex drive than northerners.

Men and women also have different sexual excitability. At the man sexual arousal much higher than that of a woman.

If a the man is excited increases quickly, an erection occurs, and after orgasm and ejaculation, arousal and erection disappear completely, then in a woman, an increase in arousal is a rather long process that requires caresses from the partner. And after an orgasm, the excitement also slowly subsides.

However, in case woman has an orgasm has not come, the outflow of blood from the genital organs occurs very slowly, within an hour or even longer. Lack of orgasm can be due to insufficient stimulation of erogenous zones or too fast intercourse. Then the woman has no sexual satisfaction, no sexual discharge. This leads to the fact that a woman has lower back pain, pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. With a slow outflow of blood, stagnation of lymph and blood occurs in the pelvic organs, inflammatory processes develop, painful menstruation and leucorrhoea (discharge from the vagina).

Absence orgasm It has a very harmful effect on a woman's health, since in the absence of discharge after a strong excitement, a woman experiences a state of frustration - painful nervous tension with a feeling of dissatisfaction and an emotional reaction.

Sensuality develops differently in women and men.

In most women, sexual desire develops by the age of 25-28, sometimes by the age of 30. After 45-50 years, sexual sensuality decreases. AT menopause sexual desire may increase, and at the end of menopause disappears. In some women, it lasts up to 60 years or longer. Alura helps to regulate and normalize the production of hormones, as a result of which sexual sensuality and attraction do not decrease over the years, but remain at the same level.

For men, things are different. Until the age of 25, their need for sexual activity is much higher than that of women. Sexual attraction reaches its maximum by the age of 28-30, after which it begins to gradually decline.

When a man's age approaches "withering", his sex life often activated. This happens, rather, for reasons of a psychological nature, the fear of impending old age.

Decreased sexual potency does not occur in all men. Some retain sexual potency until old age.

The discrepancy between the periods of greatest sexual sensitivity and ignorance of these nuances can lead to a quarrel between the spouses.

The sexual satisfaction of one partner is highly dependent on the other partner. Sexual intercourse is the only paired physiological act of a person. Therefore, if partners in sex or spouses want to maintain a relationship for a long time, it is necessary to treat each other with understanding and patience, if possible, identify the partner’s erogenous zones and, if the man’s erection is not too long, stimulate the partner for longer before coitus. Most often, a woman's erogenous zone is the clitoris. Gel

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, despite all their masculinity and strength, unfortunately, are also subject to various diseases and pain syndromes. And one of the most unpleasant sensations in their life can be a situation when the testicles hurt. In addition to the fact that they are the most sensitive organ in men and any impact leads to intense local pain, it also triggers the general reaction of the body, which manifests itself in nausea and vomiting, sweating, dizziness, weakness, irritability and neuroses. Let's try to figure out why the testicles hurt in men.

The testicles (or texticles) are the male sex glands. They are responsible for the reproductive function of men. Here, the formation of male germ cells (spermatozoa) occurs and hormones are produced, the main of which is testosterone. The testicles are located in the scrotum, as a rule, at different levels, slightly different in size (usually the right one is smaller and slightly higher than the left one). The volume of these organs can vary significantly among representatives of different races and places of residence.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a specialist

Of course, all males can experience pain in the testicles, from a boy to a respectable old man, and the reasons for which it is caused can be quite different from each other. In what cases is a visit to a specialist (urologist or andrologist) necessary? This visit should not be postponed in the following cases:

  • if after a mechanical injury pain do not pass for a long time (from one hour or more);
  • drawing pain in the testicles, which comes and goes;
  • changing the shape of textiles;
  • sudden pain;
  • soreness when touched;
  • pain accompanied by fever, dizziness, nausea.

All these unpleasant symptoms can be the result of various pathological processes. So, let's take a closer look at why testicles hurt in men.


The most common cause when the testicles hurt is an acute injury to the scrotum. There may be a gradual development of pain if the injury is chronic and not too strong. Fortunately, direct damage to the testicles is quite rare, but if the injury was caused by a sharp object, you should immediately contact a specialist to avoid possible complications in the form of infertility or testicular loss.

Testicular torsion

Sudden sharp pains may indicate torsion of the spermatic cord. This happens when the testicle changes its position and twists around the longitudinal axis, thereby blocking the path for normal blood supply and squeezing the vas deferens. In this case, an emergency health care, up to surgical intervention, because due to lack of blood supply, the testicle not only hurts, but can become gangrenous, which will require its removal.

The reasons for this phenomenon are not exactly known, but it does not depend on physical activity, since pre-torn often occurs during sleep. According to statistics, the risk of developing this pathology decreases sharply after 30 years.


Aching pain in the testicles may be the result of a disease such as varicocele or an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord. The causes of this disease lie in the pathology of the vessels and increased blood pressure in the veins of the pelvic organs and scrotum. Acute pain, as a rule, with this disease are rarely observed, but if measures are not taken in time, testicular atrophy is possible.


Acute pain in the testicle is also possible with inflammation of the epididymis - epididymitis. Most of the time, you can spot it on your own. On palpation of the scrotum, there is pain, an increase in the size of the testicle. Inflammation is observed only on one side. The pain increases gradually over several days, in addition, there may be a violation and burning during urination, fever. The causes that cause epididymitis are bacteria, most often gonococci and chlamydia. Untimely appeal to a specialist in this case can lead to infertility and impotence.


Orchitis, or inflammation of the testicles, is the most common complication mumps(pigs). Usually on the third - fourth day after swelling salivary glands, against the background of a sharp rise in temperature, the textiles swell and become painful. This continues for about a week, and then the affected testicles shrink and atrophy over the next two months. Contrary to popular belief, this disease in most cases does not lead to 100% infertility. The atrophied testicle produces less sperm, but the man remains fully capable of having children.

Unsatisfied sexual arousal

Another reason that the testicles hurt can be sexual arousal, which for a long time does not end with ejaculation. This condition (also known as "blue balls") results from the fact that during a prolonged erection, blood stasis occurs, which causes pain. As a rule, these unpleasant symptoms are quite simply removed and a visit to the doctors is not necessary here.


The situation when the testicles hurt can also be caused by a hernial protrusion. The reasons causing it are quite simple - this is due to the protrusion of the inguinal canal of a part of the peritoneum. In this case, there is a feeling of swelling, fullness, especially if the person is standing. With this pathology conservative treatment does not exist - only surgical intervention.

Urolithiasis disease

The cause of pain in the testicles can be an attack urolithiasis, cysts or tumors in the kidneys. In this case, the pain occurs suddenly and disappears after the release of the stone.

Summarize. There are many reasons for pain in the testicles. In addition to all of the above, they can be prostatitis, cancer, STDs and many more pathologies. It must be remembered - if you feel discomfort, then you should not hope that it will pass by itself. Lost time can lead to irreparable consequences, so it is better to immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

The concept of sexual harmony and sexual adequacy

Dysgamia (dysgamia) - disharmony of sexual relations between spouses, causing sexual dissatisfaction, leads to family discord and can be one of the causes of neuroses. Sexual harmony of a married couple is the mutual adaptation of the spouses, characterized by such a level of sexual desire and sexual activity that corresponds to the sexual constitution and temperament of both spouses, which leads to the optimal summation of erotic sensations and complete sexual satisfaction. For the development of harmonious relations between spouses, the correspondence of the level of development of the personality of the spouses, their spiritual kinship, community of interests, life attitudes is of great importance. The stronger the mutual love of the spouses, the more attention, trust and care they give to each other, the higher their ability to establish harmonious sexual relations.
Sexual and behavioral adequacy of spouses is an important condition for sexual harmony. What matters here is the correspondence between the range of acceptability in the preliminary period of sexual intercourse, the technique of sexual intercourse and its final period. The preliminary period of sexual intercourse has a stimulating and activating effect on sexual desire and on the feeling of orgasm. In this period, the correct effect on erogenous zones is more important than its duration.

Types of sexual partners

One of the most common causes Violation of the sexual-behavioral component of sexual harmony is a mismatch of sexual motivation. Depending on the predominance of one or another motivation in a person, the following types of sexual partners can be distinguished:
- homeostabilizing - sexual behavior is based on creating calm and comfort in such a way that sexual issues do not distract from other tasks that are more highly valued;
- game - harmoniously combines romantic and sexual elements, elements of the game, fiction, fantasy are introduced into the sexual act;
- template-regulated type - establishes a certain constant standard of sexual intercourse;
- genital - characteristic of persons who are intellectually reduced, who do not see the difference between sexual desire and sexual arousal, considering it a sufficient reason for action.

The most common causes of dysgamia

The reasons for sexual-behavioral maladaptation can also include the inconsistency in the choice of posture and the lack of actions that contribute to the optimization of the final period.
The occurrence of dysgamy can be facilitated by the unequal degree of initial excitation of sexual partners by the beginning of sexual intimacy. Often a man begins sexual intercourse much more aroused than a woman. As a result, ejaculation may occur long before the onset of orgasm in a woman, and the man is unable to continue sexual intercourse, although the woman feels the need to do so. Sometimes the fading of sexual interest due to the extreme monotony of sexual relations can play a role in the occurrence of dysgamia. Many couples stick to the same form of sexual communication that satisfies them for years and do not feel any need for variations and changes. However, sometimes there are individuals (both men and women) with high "mental satiety" who have this need.
The use of the technique of interrupted intercourse (coitus interruptus) as a means of contraception can also cause dysgamia. In the latter case, the man interrupts sexual intercourse a few moments before the onset of orgasm, and ejaculation occurs outside the vagina. Fearing pregnancy, a woman usually monitors the behavior of a man - whether he had time to interrupt sexual intercourse. This often prevents her from having an orgasm. The moment of approaching orgasm in a man is usually felt by a woman, and its onset is the strongest irritant and starting point of the female orgasm, which is very physiological, since the rhythmic contraction of the vagina and specific movements of the cervix help to facilitate the movement of ejaculate through the cervical canal. Sudden interruption of sexual intercourse often leads to the fact that a woman remains unsatisfied, in a state of strong sexual arousal.
In frigid women, coitus interruptus does not cause discomfort, but it prevents the elimination of frigidity. With interrupted sexual intercourse, more than half of women (67%) do not experience orgasm.
The development of sexual disharmony, as a rule, begins with the first sexual intercourse. In men, at first, a decrease in erection and premature ejaculation are most often observed. In connection with the fiasco taking place, there is a decrease in sexual activity, orgasm is dulled. Women most often develop anorgasmia up to alibidemia.

Variants of dysgamy

Socio-psychological maladaptation
Socio-psychological maladjustment of spouses is a violation of interpersonal relationships with a tendency to negative emotional reactions in relation to each other. The reasons for this type of maladjustment are: mismatch of mutual feelings of love and respect; the presence of character traits of one of the spouses, negatively perceived by the other; inconsistency of views, interests, moral and ethical attitudes; inconsistency of role behavior in the family and the direction of personal tendencies of each of the spouses; inconsistency of the material and living condition of the family with the needs of each of them.
The most characteristic expression of this manifestation of disharmony is a decrease in libido and orgasm disorders in both spouses. Less commonly, there is an isolated decrease in libido, erection or ejaculation in the husband and anorgasmia in the wife. Sexual disorder is selective and manifests itself only in relation to spouses.

Disinformation-evaluative dysgamy
The disinformation-evaluative version of sexual disharmony may be due to the lack of sexual experience and necessary knowledge among the spouses. The development of this variant is subacute and is not accompanied by a violation of sexual function. There is only a decrease in mood before and after sexual intercourse. Misbehavior of spouses during sexual intercourse, the inability to achieve mutual sexual satisfaction, sometimes due to inexperience, lack of knowledge of the physiology of sexual life, or excessive shyness is one of the most common causes of dysgamy, leading to neurosis.
However, no special sexual techniques and techniques are able to lead to true harmony of sexual life if there is no feeling of love, spiritual kinship and mutual respect between spouses in the family.

Dysgamia due to sexual dysfunction
Sexual disharmony due to disorders of sexual function in one of the partners is characterized by the development of various forms of neurotic response to the problem. Secondary neurotic reactions can have a negative impact on sexual function, thus closing the "vicious circle" of factors that aggravate the existing sexual disorder.
The clinical manifestations of neuroses that arise on the basis of dysgamy (dysgamic neuroses, according to A. M. Svyadoshch) are diverse. There may be neurasthenic, anxiety-phobic, obsessive, hysterical, hypochondriacal and depressive states.
As mentioned above, both spouses suffer from sexual disharmony, but women who consider themselves frigid are more likely to see a doctor. In the absence of adequate sexual stimulation, anorgasmia can persist for decades, and sometimes for a lifetime, causing neurotic states. The literature describes a case when an orgasm first occurred in a woman at the age of 60 with adequate stimulation. Prior to that, she lived a sexual life for about 40 years and suffered from neurasthenia. Orgasm came despite the fact that 12 years of menopause had passed and age-related atrophic changes began in the genitals.
With an incomplete (not ending with an orgasm) act, either weak or strong sexual arousal may occur. In the first case, vegetative reactions are not pronounced. Women note that sexual intimacy was pleasant or indifferent to them (there were no vivid sensations). In the second - there are sharp vegetative reactions, a strong rush of blood to the genitals, a painful desire for relaxation. There is a state of nervous tension, frustration, sometimes affective reactions with tears, hysteroform behavior (acute dysgamic reactions, according to A. M. Svyadoshch). The rush of blood to the genitals can last up to an hour, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back. Frequent and prolonged stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs can contribute to the occurrence of aseptic inflammation of the uterus, its appendages and ligamentous apparatus, as well as the growth of fibromyomas.

Features of sexual intercourse in men and women

The average duration of sexual intercourse (from the moment of immission to orgasm) in most men with intensive continuous conduct, as indicated, is from 1 to 5 minutes; often women note that they need one and a half to two times more time. Some women manage to experience an orgasm 3-5 or even 15 times while a man has one sexual intercourse. In some polyorgasmic women, a series of orgasms follow one after another for 30-40 minutes. In most cases, a man's orgasm occurs easier and faster than a woman's. With age (usually after 30-35 years), in many men, due to some general decrease in sexual excitability, the duration of sexual intercourse increases significantly.
The speed of the onset of orgasm in a man and a woman depends on many reasons. Approximately 10-25% of men and 10% of women, due to their constitutional features, usually have an orgasm within the first minute of sexual intercourse. The speed of this reaction in them is a manifestation of individual characteristics.
In a woman, the speed of the onset of orgasm depends, in addition to the innate characteristics of her temperament, on her condition at the time of sexual intimacy (fatigue, fluctuations in excitability due to menstrual cycle etc.), psychoerotic mood for sexual intimacy and, most importantly, on the intensity and adequacy of stimulation of erogenous zones.

Physiological features
One of the causes of dysgamy can be both the excessively large size of the male genital organs, and their sharp underdevelopment, which does not allow for sufficient irritation of the erogenous zones during intercourse. The size of the male genital organ can vary significantly depending on the degree of blood filling of the cavernous bodies.
Although very rare, there are cases when sexual life becomes impossible due to the pathologically large size of the male genital organs, causing pain during intercourse.
The fears of some men that the bride is very petite and therefore easily injured during defloration and, conversely, that their genitals are not large enough to satisfy a woman, are usually unfounded. The walls of the vagina have the ability not only to stretch, but also to contract, and therefore quickly adapt to the size of the male genital organ. Many women note that in the onset of orgasm, the main role for them is played by the mental state, the degree of psychoerotic readiness for sexual intimacy, and not the size of the male genital organs.
For women with a clitoral type of sexual excitability, the size of the genitals of a man does not play a role. Although rare, there are women who experience the strongest satisfaction during intercourse with men who have small sexual organs.
For most women, the more intense the irritation of the erogenous zones, the sooner, other things being equal, an orgasm occurs. In some women, sufficient irritation of the erogenous zones during intercourse is achieved only in a certain position. The imperfection of the technique of sexual intercourse can lead to the fact that the erogenous zones of a woman are not stimulated sufficiently and she remains unsatisfied. The rhythm of frictions, their duration, intensity may not correspond to her needs. The individual features of the location of erogenous zones are also important.
So, many women on the front wall of the vagina 4-6 cm deep from the entrance have a small area with a diameter of 2-3 cm (Point "G"), which is very sensitive in erotic terms. Rhythmic pressure in this area can cause a violent orgasm. The “G” point can be found by inserting a finger into the vagina and, bending it, press the anterior wall of the vagina against the inner surface of the pubic bone.
Approximately half of women have a generalized type of sexual excitability (they have a pronounced erotic reaction is achieved by stimulating both the clitoris and labia minora, and the vagina). Approximately a quarter of women have a clitoral type of sexual excitability. In 12%, on the contrary, the erogenous zone is mainly the vagina - the vaginal type of sexual excitability. Less than 10% of women have the so-called areactive type of sexual excitability with intact sensitivity of the clitoris, labia minora and vagina. In the process of sexual life, a transition from one type of excitability to another and the disappearance of unreactivity is possible.


Of great importance for the correct construction of a treatment plan is a detailed, targeted study of a married couple. In the treatment of sexual disorders, it is important to establish contact, create an atmosphere of sincerity and trust, which makes it possible to identify and discuss the most intimate aspects of human relationships. In many cases this is not difficult. A sick person seeks help, willingly shares his experiences, feeling relieved after a frank conversation with a doctor. Sometimes, however, a feeling of embarrassment, natural embarrassment prevents the establishment of contact, and repeated conversations with patients are required to overcome this condition.
One of the reasons for the difficulty of sexual intercourse in an inexperienced newlywed is a misconception about the topography of the female genital organs, while the help of the newlywed to her husband in this regard may be indispensable. Occasionally, one of the reasons for the difficulty is the lack of nudity of a woman before the onset of sexual intercourse, which makes it difficult to immission.
The main method of treatment psychogenic sexual dysfunction in men and women is psychotherapy. In all cases, rational psychotherapy is used, aimed at eliminating false ideas about sexual function, at restructuring attitudes towards psycho-traumatic influences, and instilling confidence in success. In the process of its implementation, there is not only a logical, but also an emotional impact on the patient. Suggestion in reality and in a hypnotic dream and autogenic training with special self-hypnosis formulas can also be successfully applied. Where the characterological features of the personality play a role in the genesis of the disease, collective or group psychotherapy is indicated, aimed at correcting them. The effectiveness of psychotherapy is greatly enhanced if the second spouse can be involved in its implementation (the "treatment" of the married couple).
If the psychogenic cause of the disease is obvious, a thorough physical examination of the patient is still necessary, in particular, a urological examination of a man, aimed at identifying violations of the prostate gland. Very often, psychogenic disorders are superimposed on a weakening of sexual function caused by a urological disease that is hidden, “asymptomatic” (“silent” protovesiculitis). Treatment in these cases should be complex and staged and begin with the treatment of urological pathology.
During a physical examination of a woman, it is important to pay attention to the development of the external genital organs, the condition of the clitoris and vaginal walls (cicatricial changes, dilatation), pelvic floor muscles, as well as hormonal function (the content of 17-ketosteroids in the daily amount of urine, histological examination vaginal smears).
In case of socio-psychological maladjustment of a married couple, psychotherapeutic correction should be a system of special corrective influences, including individual and collective-group psychotherapy. The purpose of individual psychotherapy is the elimination of negative emotional tendencies in relation to each other, inconsistencies in the direction of their personality in spouses. The tasks of collective-group psychotherapy include optimizing the role behavior of spouses, improving their interpersonal relationships and strengthening the family.
With sexual-behavioral maladaptation, it is necessary to conduct individual instructive-explanatory and collective-group conversations. First of all, you need to find out whether the violation of sexual functions is associated with a disease or whether both spouses are sexually healthy, but the wife does not receive satisfaction due to sexual disharmony. In the latter case, it is important to reveal not only the spiritual relationship between the spouses, but also the intimate details of sexual life, which can play a role in the occurrence of disharmony, and give advice aimed at overcoming it. So, for example, it is revealed whether the wife has ever experienced an orgasm before and under what circumstances.
Whether it arose during sleep or during self-excitation, whether she begins sexual intercourse excited or not, whether her genitals are moistened by the time of immission. Does sexual arousal arise (whether interest appears) by the time the husband finishes sexual intercourse, is she active or passive during intercourse, does she understand what she lacks for sexual satisfaction, what are the postures used, what is the preliminary preparation (prelude), what are the conditions for the implementation of convergence (whether they sleep alone in the room). It turns out the range of acceptability of foreplay for each of the spouses - which each of them considers acceptable, and which are unacceptable, "immoral", forbidden.
If the husband finishes sexual intercourse before the wife and she remains unsatisfied, you can report the above data on possible reasons This, in particular, to emphasize that often women begin sexual intercourse less prepared than men, and need preliminary preparation. Further, they try, if necessary, to expand the range of acceptability of this training. They say that if spouses love each other, then everything is allowed in love that can lead to sexual harmony. It can be pointed out that many women, before the onset of sexual intercourse, need caresses of the whole body, then caresses that provide rhythmic stimulation of the clitoris and labia minora, and only after that are they ready for sexual intercourse. Such training is especially essential for women with a generalized and clitoral type of sexual excitability. With other types of sexual excitability, touching the clitoris may be indifferent or even unpleasant.
The optimal preparation time depends on individual features women. For some women, this is tens of seconds, for others - minutes (usually no longer than 20-30 minutes). Many women let a man know when they feel ready enough to move from caresses to intercourse. Excessive tightening of the preparation can lead to loss of sexual sensitivity. It should be noted that some excitable men cannot afford to caress a woman for a long time before sexual intimacy, as this excites them more than a woman, and therefore they become incapable of a sufficiently long sexual intercourse. In these cases, it is possible to recommend the woman herself to increase her excitability during intercourse by stimulating erogenous zones, for example, by rhythmic pressure on the clitoral area.
Sexual intercourse is normal, regardless of how long or in what form the preparation for it was carried out, as well as what degree of sexual arousal she managed to cause. Stimulation of the erogenous zones, preceding its onset, leads not only to an increase in the psychoerotic mood of a woman, but also to moisturizing her genitals, and also, in the event of strong sexual arousal, to the appearance of an orgasmic cuff, that is, to a narrowing of the outer third of the vagina. Due to this, both a man and a woman feel contact more acutely during frictions.
To achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse, choosing the optimal position for sexual intimacy can be important. With different postures, there is an unequal effect on the erogenous zones of a woman, so sometimes a woman who does not experience sexual satisfaction when using some positions begins to experience it when using others.
If there is a discrepancy between the time of the end of sexual intercourse by a man and a woman, a man may be recommended to have intercourse not continuously, but with pauses - stopping movements when sexual arousal increases excessively. At the same time, during the entire sexual intercourse, apply with your fingers more or less intense, but not rough, rhythmic pressure or light tactile irritation of the clitoris in the rhythm of frictions. Additional irritation of the clitoris, not only in the preparatory period, but also during intercourse, is especially important for women with a clitoral type of sexual excitability. Without this, they may not have an orgasm. However, it can be indifferent or even unpleasant in the areactive and vaginal types of sexual excitability, as well as in the vaginal-clitoral type of excitability, if stimulation of the vagina “turns off” the erotic sensitivity of the clitoral region. It can also be unpleasant with stimulation that does not correspond to the individual needs of this woman (for example, too rough for her), or if there is a negative psychological attitude to such stimulation.
In order for a man to become capable of a longer sexual intercourse, a regular sexual life may be recommended, as well as drugs commonly used in the treatment of premature ejaculation (see the appropriate section).
To establish the cause of sexual disharmony, it is usually not enough to confine oneself to examining a woman. After finding out the characteristics of her temperament, her erogenous zones, individual needs, it is necessary to call the patient's husband and, having established contact with him, in a soft, delicate form, give him advice regarding sexual behavior.
In the process of a conversation with a husband, it is desirable to emphasize the importance of a preliminary psychoerotic mood for sexual intimacy for the emergence of sexual satisfaction. This mood can be created both throughout the day in the process of spiritual communication of spouses, and in the evening, during the period preceding sexual rapprochement. Erotic mood can have a great influence on the level of sexual excitability and the intensity of orgasm.
The husband's attention is drawn to the fact that when an orgasm harmoniously occurs in both spouses, then for a woman it usually lasts longer than for a man, and due to both physiological and mental characteristics, she still needs final caresses. Some women feel disappointed and dissatisfied when their husbands turn away from them immediately after sexual intercourse is over and fall asleep without showing them any more tenderness and attention.
In cases where interrupted intercourse is the cause of dysgamia, it is recommended to abandon this method and replace it with other methods of contraception.
With the disinformation-evaluative variant of sexual disharmony, it is necessary to conduct a set of educational activities aimed at raising the level of general and medical culture. In individual and group conversations, spouses are informed about the norm and physiological fluctuations of sexual function, its dependence on various conditions (mental overstrain, overwork, somatic pathology, the influence of medications, alcoholic beverages, etc.).
In case of sexual disharmony caused by a disorder of the sexual function of one of the spouses, along with the methods of biological treatment and special psychotherapy (see the relevant sections), it is necessary to conduct corrective psychotherapy of the married couple.

Overexcitation in men is a rare but unpleasant problem. Often this phenomenon is faced by young people who are in adolescence. But in some situations, pathology occurs in age-related patients. In this case, it is necessary to trace the frequency of occurrence of overexcitation and the consequences exerted on the body. With an increase in the frequency of attacks, you should immediately visit a urologist. Only a specialist will help to establish the causes of negative changes in sexual health.

Problems in bed significantly complicate family life

Problem Features

In order to understand the phenomenon, it is necessary to understand how sexual arousal develops. The sexual sphere of a man depends on the activity of several systems and sex glands. The first signs of readiness appear in the brain. This department transmits a signal and irritation to the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of major hormones. In men, this role is played by testosterone. When receiving a signal, the pituitary gland increases the production of the substance. Testosterone enters the circulatory system through the vessels. Through the bloodstream, the hormone moves to the reproductive system.

Under the influence of testosterone, a strong vasodilation is observed. The volume of blood flowing to the pelvic organs increases. The fluid puts pressure on the sphincters that protect the cavernous bodies of the penis. Under pressure, blood begins to penetrate into the cavity. The filling of the bodies is accompanied by the formation of an erection.

With normal intimate contact, an erection ends with ejaculation. Ejaculation is formed by the activity of the prostate gland and testicles. A secret is excreted from the gland, which is the basis of the ejaculate. A small amount of sperm comes from the testicles. Ejaculation is the process of completing intimate contact.

But for certain reasons, the process of ejaculation does not occur. In this case, the patient maintains an erection. Prolonged stay in this state is accompanied by overexcitation.

For many men, the refusal of a partner leads to overexcitation. At the same time, there is the beginning of contact - a prelude. There is an erection. The contact itself remains unavailable. With a one-time refusal of a woman, health problems are not diagnosed. The frequent repetition of such a phenomenon causes a variety of complications in the male reproductive system.

In some cases, overexcitation has other causes. Some of them require medical intervention.

Varieties of violation

Overexcitation does not always depend on the consent of the sexual partner. A separate group of patients notes the development of the disease in the normal course of intimacy.

In this case, the man has early ejaculation. Also, overexcitation can occur without sexual contact. There are several factors of such pathology:

  • age features;
  • psychological barriers;
  • the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Age is considered to be the main reason. An unpleasant state is observed in adolescents. At this age, the formation of the work of hormonal and reproductive system. Due to the imbalance, a permanent change in testosterone levels is found. A jump in the level of the hormone is also diagnosed in the presence of external stimuli. If the volume of testosterone decreases sharply during arousal, the blood is stored in the cavernous bodies for a while. This creates an overexcitation.

Symptoms may also appear during adolescence.

Also, pathology in adolescents appears during the formation of the activity of the glands. In an adult male, the testicles and prostate gland work constantly. In adolescence, the glands function intermittently. Uneven activity also entails the development of the problem. In this case, negative processes disappear on their own after the formation of the systems activity.

But in some cases, adult patients face a delicate ailment. This violation occurs due to psychological state. Psychological imbalance causes excessive effort of a man to please his partner. Also, the disease is detected with a variety of problems in professional activity or family. Stress affects the way the brain works. Impulses are distributed incorrectly. The signal about the release of adrenaline reaches the pituitary gland before the start of contact. In this case, there is an early ejaculation or its long absence. To eliminate the psychological imbalance, you need to resort to the help of a psychologist.

Violations are also observed in men suffering from various diseases urinary system. Overexcitation is diagnosed when affected by prostatitis, varicocele, bacterial disorders of the microflora of the urethral and vas deferens.

With prostatitis, an inflammatory process develops in the prostate. Under the influence of prostatitis, a thick secret accumulates in the gland. It cannot completely leave the organ during ejaculation. Part of the fluid remains on the walls of the vas deferens. The gradual accumulation of the secret causes blockage of the channel. The secret cannot be excreted from the gland during ejaculation. There is a preservation of sexual arousal without ejaculation.

Other complications

Varicocele can also cause pathology. With this disease, blood circulation in the pelvis is disturbed. Blood enters the cavernous bodies and the vas deferens from the pampiniform plexus. This plexus on the outside characteristic resembles a bunch of grapes. Under the influence of the disease, part of the plexus undergoes negative changes. A stretched cavity appears on the tissue site. It accumulates blood fluid. The volume of incoming fluid to the organs is significantly reduced.

During sexual arousal, blood is fixed in the cavernous bodies. Due to varicocele, the reverse outflow is disturbed. Excitation persists for a long time. The contact becomes invalid. Eliminates ejaculation.

If you experience any violations in the intimate area, you should consult a doctor

Overexcitation is also characteristic of a bacterial disturbance of the microflora of the urethral and vas deferens. In a healthy man, the microflora has a constant composition. Under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, the composition of the flora changes. Pathogenic bacteria cause pathological changes in certain parts of the canal. Tissue change is accompanied by inflammation. Due to the presence of a pathogenic process, the course of intimacy is also disturbed.

Negative manifestations can also appear due to the high sensitivity of the penis. Nerve roots are responsible for sensitivity, which are located in the tissue of the head and foreskin of the penis. If the number of these endings is large, sexual arousal may end in rapid ejaculation. In this case, only the use of special cosmetics or partial circumcision of the foreskin.

Signs of the development of an intimate problem

Overexcitation occurred in all men during their lives. But in some cases after pathological condition the patient has a number of negative consequences. Doctors recommend visiting medical Center when the following warning signs appear:

  • soreness in the groin or scrotum;
  • unpleasant pulsating sensations in the occipital region;
  • change in the external characteristics of the scrotum;
  • dyspepsia.

The main sign of the presence of pathological disorders is pain in the groin or scrotum. After the disappearance of an erection, a man may complain of pain in the penis shaft or lower part. abdominal cavity. Soreness can last up to four hours. A longer duration of the symptom is a sign of pathology.

The persistence of the trait may indicate the development of disorders with vascular system. The outflow of blood is accompanied by a decrease in tension muscle tone. The persistence of pain indicates damage to individual sections of the vascular fiber. If such a symptom occurs two or more times, it is urgent to contact a specialist.

A rare complaint is throbbing discomfort in the occipital region. This area contains the pituitary gland. It is responsible for the production of the main male hormone. While maintaining a long erection, the pituitary gland continues to work actively. After elimination of excitation, its activity is preserved. This problem leads to pathological changes in the activity of the hormonal system. Further development of the disease is fraught with hormonal disruptions.

After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will select the appropriate therapy

Also, pulsation is a sign of vegetovascular disorders. In this case, the patient will need the help of several specialists.

There are also changes in the external characteristics of the scrotum. They indicate pathological changes in the activity of the testicles and vas deferens. With such violations, there is a slight swelling of the scrotum. There may also be hyperemia. skin. When feeling the testicles, an increase and compaction of one of the gonads is detected.

Changes in the structure of the testicles are fraught with the development of orchitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the steam gland. The prostate stops producing healthy sperm. Such cells do not participate in fertilization. Further aggravation of the disease is accompanied by torsion and loss of the ability to conceive.

A rare symptom of the presence of pathologies is the appearance of dyspeptic phenomena. These phenomena are characterized by nausea, vomiting. This symptom indicates the presence of problems with the psycho-emotional state. If there is such a sign, you should visit a psychologist. Only this doctor will be able to restore the normal function of the reproductive system.

What is dangerous pathology

Do not treat overexcitation negligently. This phenomenon can cause many unpleasant consequences. At frequent relapses A man may develop the following ailments:

  • secondary infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • depression.

The main danger of overexcitation is the development of infertility. The disease is accompanied by a change in the characteristics of the work of the sex glands. With frequent relapses, an increase and compaction of the structure of one of the testicles is observed. In this case, the body ceases to produce healthy cells necessary for the onset of conception.

Also, infertility can also occur due to a violation of the prostate gland. The prostate secretes a secret that serves as a medium for the preservation of the vital activity of spermatozoa. With this disease, a pathological increase in the density and acidity of the secret occurs. In such an environment, spermatozoa lose their motor ability and instantly die. This causes male infertility.

Timely treatment restore harmony in the sexual sphere

To negative consequences includes erectile dysfunction. The constant retention of blood fluid in the cavernous bodies of the penis shaft leads to their stretching. Further sexual contact is accompanied by a partial filling of the cavernous bodies with blood. The erection becomes defective. Also, sexual arousal may disappear during intimacy. Intimate problems arise. Long-term preservation of dysfunction is accompanied by impotence - a complete loss of sexual activity.

At a young age, pathology affects hormonal disbalance. With intimacy, the pituitary gland is activated. Increases testosterone levels in the bloodstream. After discharge, the hormone levels return to normal. Relapses lead to the preservation of pathological changes in the hormonal background. Testosterone levels become low. There are related problems of an intimate nature.

At psychological reasons relapses are accompanied by stress. Availability prolonged stress accompanied by depression. depression can cause complete loss male sexual function.

Troubleshooting Methods

Overexcitation is easy to eliminate by the full completion of sexual contact. To do this, you should properly prepare your partner so as not to be refused. If sexual relaxation with a partner is not possible, it is necessary to resort to masturbation. It should also end with ejaculation. But in some situations, overexcitation does not disappear with full contact. In this case, you need to seek help from specialists.

Initially, you should consult a urologist. He will conduct the necessary diagnostics and examine the patient for the presence of hidden pathologies. If deviations are not detected in the urological sphere, it is recommended to visit a sex therapist. This specialist diagnoses hidden pathological problems in the sexual sphere. In rare cases, a sex therapist works in tandem with a psychologist. Only with such a course of treatment will it be possible to completely get rid of the disease. Delaying a visit to the doctor is fraught with the appearance of various undesirable complications.

The presence of problems with intimacy indicates the development of a latent pathological process. If a man notices such changes, he should immediately visit a doctor. Only in this case it is possible to establish the cause of sexual overexcitation.