Fatty stools. Steatorrhea

Steatorrhea is a disease in which the patient's stool contains fatty components.

The stools are more often liquid, but some patients complain of constipation.

In all cases, fatty fecal masses leave an oily, highly visible and poorly washed mark on the surface of the toilet bowl.


The division of steatorrhea into several forms:

  • alimentary, or food form of the disease. More fats enter the patient's body with food than he can process;
  • intestinal. Fats are not absorbed by the small intestine and are excreted with feces;
  • the pancreatic form is characterized by poor pancreatic function due to poor production of lipase (an enzyme designed to break down fats).

According to the type of bowel movements, steatorrhea is divided into 3 types:

  1. Feces contain neutral fats;
  2. The composition of feces includes soaps and fatty acid;
  3. The bowel movements include fat, acid, and soaps.

The disease comes into question when the daily volume of fat excreted with feces exceeds 5 grams.

Features of the disease in children

The disease of young patients is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • externally, feces have a greasy, oily sheen;
  • Flushing down the toilet leaves greasy stains.

Steatorrhea in infants is due to poor liver function due to genetic disorders (may be structural and metabolic in nature). Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have a strong impact on the development and further growth of the newborn.

Deficiency of enzymes main reason oily stool in newborns. Signs of steatorrhea in infants with proper therapy can be smoothed out to complete disappearance.

All enzymes involved in the drug metabolism of the newborn reach the required volume only by 3 months of age. In especially debilitated young patients, metabolism is restored by the 4th month of life.

The reasons

There are several reasons for oily stools:

The cause of steatorrhea may be side effect certain medicines (laxatives and drugs prescribed for the treatment of obesity).


The first symptoms are frequent urge to defecate. Oily fecal masses leave poorly washed off stains on the surface of the toilet bowl, which have a greasy sheen. The color of the feces may be light, grayish or not change the natural shade.

Symptoms indicating the development of steatorrhea:

The body of patients diagnosed with "steatorrhea" is rapidly depleted, which causes weight loss. Polymorphic erythema appears on the skin, the lips are pale and there are cracks in the corners of the mouth. AT oral cavity pronounced signs of stomatitis. Often there is friability and bleeding of the gums, atrophied papillae are visible on the brightly colored tongue.


On palpation, the doctor may note rumbling and transfusion of intestinal contents on the left side or at the location of the caecum. Rectoscopy reveals atrophy of the mucosa, and swelling is clearly visible on the X-ray. Taking a biopsy only confirms the diagnosis - atrophy of the mucous membranes, shortening of the villi, there are no terminal hairs and the cylindrical epithelium has a height below its norm.

Initially, the doctor conducts a detailed conversation with the patient in order to collect and analyze the medical history. Next, the patient is examined.

Before prescribing medication, feces are examined in several ways:

  1. macroscopic evaluation;
  2. microscopic analysis.

In the latter version, stool masses are checked for the presence of the following components:

  • fatty acid;
  • neutral fat;
  • soap.

More accurate examination results can be achieved by radioisotope technology, ultrasound diagnostics, colonoscopy and other instrumental research methods.

Steatorrhea leads to the development of the following diseases: hypolipemia, hypoproteinemia, leukopenia, hypochromia, hypocholesterolemia. May cause anemia, hypocalcemia and hyponatremia.


The key point in the treatment of steatorrhea is to rid the patient of the ailment that caused the oily bowel movements. If it is pancreatitis, then - the intake of enzymes for better digestion of the food taken. The diet is selected by the attending physician individually and is aimed at restoring the normal stool of the patient. General recommendations are the rejection of fatty and spicy foods, the reduction of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

A patient with steatorrhea is prescribed drugs with a high concentration of lipase. All preparations are coated with a special coating that prevents absorption active substances in the stomach. The main medicines indicated for the treatment of steatorrhea:

  • Creon;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Pantsitrate;
  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Almagel;
  • Gastal.

Antacids are needed to neutralize stomach acid, they increase the therapeutic efficacy of enzymes.

Also, patients are often prescribed Cortisone, hydrochloric acid and adrenocorticotropic hormone. Apart from medical devices the patient must follow a diet and take a vitamin complex.


The purpose of introducing food restrictions for patients with steatorrhea is a sparing attitude to the biliary system and a decrease in bile secretion. A low-fat diet is indicated for all forms of steatorrhea: hepatic, intestinal and pancreatic. The daily amount of fat consumed is no more than 50-65 grams.

  • "Peasant" butter;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • milk based products.

The duration of dietary nutrition in patients with steatorrhea continues until the complete disappearance of its symptoms.

Easily digestible carbohydrates are introduced into the daily diet in proportions of 1: 4, higher concentrations can provoke bile stagnation and a violation of its chemical composition.

The more the patient consumes vitamins, the faster the remission occurs. Sometimes multivitamin preparations are prescribed by a doctor specifically.


If steatorrhea is not treated or the patient stopped taking medication ahead of time, then the following types of complications occur:

Serious consequences of untreated steatorrhea is a disorder in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. Over time, the patient may experience psychological problems - difficulties in communicating with close associates, colleagues and unfamiliar people.

Complications can be avoided with timely treatment medical institution and fulfillment of all appointments of the attending doctor.


Prevention of any disease in terms of effort cannot be compared with the struggle that accompanies an already sick person. Excellent prevention of steatorrhea are the following activities:

  • life without alcohol;
  • nutrition in which the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is balanced;
  • refusal of food that is fried or requires a lot of spices to cook it;
  • fractional nutrition.

Secondary prevention refers to the procedures that are performed when a disease is detected. This is a timely therapy, a complete diet with fat restriction.

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Which is characterized by excessive presence of lipid formations in human feces. Usually, this disease accompanied by diarrhea, but normal bowel movements or even constipation should also not be ruled out.

In any case, the excreted stool always “glistens” with fat and is difficult to remove from the surface of the toilet bowl. In today's material, we will talk about this phenomenon, its dangers and methods of therapy. Interesting? Then be sure to read the article below to the end.

So, as mentioned earlier, fatty stools or steatorrhea is an increase in lipids in the stool. Naturally, such a phenomenon is completely healthy person should not be observed and requires due attention on his part.

It is important to understand that steatorrhea differs from other pathologies in the presence of fats in the feces, while creatorrhea is accompanied by nitrogenous secretions, and amylorrhea, for example, by starch grains. Greasy stools are almost always appropriately "shiny" and do not move well from the surface of the toilet bowl.

The cause of such a violation in the work of the stomach and intestines can be many factors.

It is extremely rare that the etiology of fatty stools is a completely normal reaction of the body, often the situation is quite different. Today in gastroenterology, there are three main types of steatorrhea according to the etiological factor:

  • The first is alimentary steatorrhea, which is the result of increased consumption of fat-containing foods and the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to cope with their quantity.
  • The second is intestinal steatorrhea, which develops due to dysfunction of the digestive organs in terms of absorption or absorption of lipids.
  • The third is pancreatic steatorrhea, which occurs due to improper functioning, which poorly produces lipase, which is involved in the process of splitting fatty compounds.

In some cases, alimentary steatorrhea is of a one-time nature and does not require proper therapy, since after the correction of nutrition it disappears by itself. Other types of fatty stools always require therapy due to their pathological nature. Often their appearance indicates serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of any steatorrhea are completely identical. Often the symptoms of this disease are:

  1. previously noted - the specificity of feces (greasy sheen, poor discharge from the surface of the toilet bowl, etc.)
  2. mild abdominal discomfort
  3. violation of the process of defecation (from diarrhea to constipation)
  4. increased rumbling in the gastrointestinal tract
  5. weight loss
  6. skin problems (dryness, yellowness, peeling)
  7. rarely - headaches, severe abdominal discomfort, dizziness and bloating

Having recognized even a few of the symptoms noted above, it is extremely important to visit the clinic and undergo the appropriate diagnosis. Do not forget that even, at first glance, benign steatorrhea can provoke serious disturbances in the digestive tract.

Diagnosis of steatorrhea

Diagnosing a problem with fatty stools is always complex. To implement it, it is first better to visit a general therapist, and after approval from his side, a gastroenterologist.

In general, these specialists will:

  • Careful inspection appearance patient with the definition of various signs of steatorrhea.
  • Collecting an anamnesis by talking with the patient about his symptoms.

Purpose instrumental methods examinations, which are the basis of all diagnostics. As a rule, if steatorrhea is suspected and its vivid manifestation is prescribed:

  1. Microscopic and macroscopic analyzes of feces.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract ().
  3. Radioisotope types of diagnostics.

Often, in the process of examination, it is enough to implement the first two stages of diagnosis, as well as passing stool tests and ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite this, with special appointments, the patient will have to undergo all kinds of studies. You should not ignore the adoption of such measures, especially if they are recommended by a specialist.

Disease treatment methods

The course of treatment for steatorrhea is determined solely by the attending physician, who is familiar with the results of the examinations and knows exactly the cause of the disease. In most cases, therapy does not require surgical intervention, therefore conservative therapeutic measures are implemented.

The latter include:

  • Firstly, taking the appropriate medications. It all depends on the factor that provoked the appearance of fatty stools. Usually, special enzymes are prescribed that improve the digestion of fats in the digestive tract. Such preparations can be supplemented with vitamin complexes and various acids to improve digestion.
  • Secondly, the normalization of lifestyle. Often it is enough to refuse, at least partially, from bad habits, restrictions in loads of various kinds and normal sleep.
  • Thirdly, diet. By the way, the diet should be special, the focus of which is to minimize the amount of lipids consumed. On average, patients with steatorrhea are prohibited from eating more than 50-55 grams of fat per day. Mainly food should consist of low-fat varieties meat, fish, small amounts of butter, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and cereals.

A similar technique for the treatment of fatty stools occurs in 85-90% of cases with its diagnosis. In patients with an extremely specific cause of the disease or with its severe neglect, it is possible to take prompt measures, although this is rare.

Prognosis of therapy and risks of complications

As a rule, gastroenterologist patients with the problem of steatorrhea do not start this ailment by contacting the clinic on time. Under such circumstances, the prognosis of treatment is always positive, and the therapy itself is reduced only to taking appropriate measures.

However, in some cases, due to the specificity of the manifested pathology or its neglect, the process of therapy becomes noticeably more complicated. Despite this, the prognosis is often also favorable, even if the treatment is organized on a larger scale and more difficult.

In the absence of a competent and timely impact on the cause of fatty stools, it can develop into a rather dangerous pathological process. Typical complications of steatorrhea are:

  1. lipid malabsorption and accompanying problems (weight loss, hormonal disruptions)
  2. development of protein deficiency or hypovitaminosis
  3. severe depletion of the body
  4. puffiness
  5. chronic feeling of thirst
  6. severe dehydration
  7. causeless convulsions

The result of such failures in the body can even be fatal. Do not forget that the lack of lipids is a serious thing and often occurs with steatorrhea. It is unacceptable to allow its development, and even more so a long course, therefore we strongly recommend that you get rid of the problem considered today in a timely manner and in full. Otherwise, you should prepare for the worst.

Prevention of steatorrhea is one of the main measures that is required after well-organized therapy of the disease.

In most cases, treating doctors determine preventive measures for each patient individually.

Useful video: bad stools and possible diseases

Despite this, it is possible to single out the basis for the prevention of steatorrhea. In general, it consists of the following measures:

  1. Development of permanent and maximum proper diet. Special attention in this case, you should pay attention to the balance in the consumption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Normally, their proportion in daily food is: proteins - 15-20%, carbohydrates - 50-60%, fats - 25-30%. If it is difficult to count the number of elements consumed, then it is enough: organize fractional meals (4-6 times), eat healthy food as much as possible and do not overeat. Naturally, the rejection of fast food, highly fatty and smoked foods is required. It will also be helpful to limit your intake of fried foods and spices.
  2. Refusal of bad habits or a significant restriction in those. An important role in this regard is assigned to both smoking cessation and the alcoholic "diet". Do not forget that these things equally badly affect the entire human body, including the work of the digestive tract.
  3. Carrying out periodic examinations in the gastroenterological office. In general, something like this should become the norm for absolutely any person. At a minimum, you should visit a gastroenterologist every 2-4 months and at least 2 times a year. This approach is always approved by doctors, as it allows you to control the "gastric" health of absolutely any person and get rid of problems with it as quickly as possible.
  4. According to special indications, the patient is also prescribed certain medications or specific procedures as a preventive measure. Preventive measures of this kind, of course, are not carried out without consultation and approval of the attending physician.

In general, fatty stools are relatively harmless. Often it is provoked by normal physiological processes, but it also happens that gastrointestinal upset is due to real health problems.

In any case, it is important to immediately and correctly organize the treatment of the disease, and then maintain "intestinal health" at the proper level. We hope that the presented material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Health to you!

- this is a condition in which at least 7 g of neutral fat is excreted with feces. This happens due to a violation of the digestion and / or absorption of fats in the body. Steatorrhea occurs regardless of age and gender, it can be both an independent disease and a symptom of another pathology.

According to the mechanism of development

  • Pancreatic. Pancreatic cells produce pancreatic lipase, the main enzyme that breaks down fats. With the pathology of the gland, the production of lipase decreases, and the neutral fat that comes with food begins to be excreted with feces. This type of steatorrhea is considered the most common, so it has a separate code in International classification diseases.
  • Cholecystohepatic. Decreased production of bile by liver cells, changes in its composition, difficulty in entering duodenum leads to a deterioration in the absorption of fats and the development of steatorrhea.
  • Intestinal (enterogenic). With the help of bile and pancreatic lipase, fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which are absorbed into the bloodstream through the villi of the small intestine. With intestinal pathology, this process is disrupted.
  • Alimentary. Steatorrhea occurs due to excessive consumption fatty foods when the intake of fat exceeds the functionality of the pancreas.


  • primary - steatorrhea is an independent disease and develops as a result of congenital changes in the pancreas;
  • secondary - occurs against the background of another pathology.

Laboratory types of steatorrhea

  • type I - predominantly neutral fat is determined in the feces;
  • type II - fatty acids and soaps predominate in the feces;
  • mixed - neutral fat, soaps and fatty acids are present in different proportions.

The reasons


The symptoms of the disease develop gradually. First, the state of health worsens after errors in the diet (eating fatty), then the complaints become permanent.


Steatorrhea is diagnosed and treated by a gastroenterologist.


A necessary condition for the treatment of steatorrhea is diet.


Basic principles of dietary nutrition

List of recommended and prohibited foods and dishes

On the basis of such a list, each patient empirically selects the optimal diet for himself.

Medical treatment


If cholelithiasis is detected, the task of the gastroenterologist is to promptly refer the patient for surgical treatment.

Complications and prognosis

The development of complications of steatorrhea is possible with late seeking medical help, non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations on dietary nutrition and drug therapy.

  • cachexia - an extreme degree of exhaustion;
  • infectious complications - with this pathology, conditions are created for excessive growth with the subsequent development of abdominal abscesses, peritonitis.

The prognosis depends on the type of steatorrhea, background disease, and the severity of metabolic disorders. In 80% of cases, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.


  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • compliance with recommendations on dietary nutrition and enzyme replacement therapy;
  • in case of cholelithiasis, timely referral of the patient to the surgeon.

Patients with identified steatorrhea should be registered with a gastroenterologist, visit a doctor at least once every six months.

  • Food, or alimentary. It is characterized by excessive consumption of fats, which even a completely healthy body cannot digest;
  • Intestinal. Occurs when the mucosa lining the small intestine is damaged. In this case, she cannot properly absorb useful material, coming with food;
  • Pancreatic. It is diagnosed in violation of the function of the pancreas, when the latter produces an insufficient amount of lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat.

In addition, there are three more types of disease: the first - there are neutral fats in the feces; the second is the detection of fatty acids and soaps; the third is mixed.

Causes of steatorrhea

Most often, pathology occurs against the background of poor digestibility and absorption of nutrients. More rarely, excessively rapid excretion of feces occurs. The latter, as a rule, occurs with the abuse of laxatives.

Based on the classification of the disease, we can say that the main causes of the appearance of excess fat in the feces are hidden in the dysfunction of the small intestine, pancreas, and liver. Very often the cause of the disease in adults is chronic pancreatitis. In exceptional cases, steatorrhea provokes cardiospasm.

Symptoms of the disease

As a rule, there is fatty diarrhea, the child's stool becomes quite plentiful and frequent, liquid. However, the opposite situation can also be observed - constipation.

Parents may notice the first signs of a violation by the fact that the feces are poorly flushed in the toilet, have a greasy sheen. The color of the stool does not always change: it can be normal, light, grayish.

The child may periodically experience dizziness, bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, which is localized, as a rule, in the drying of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, constant fatigue, decreased activity. When there is diarrhea, dry cough, pain in the tubular limbs, you need to urgently consult a doctor. In the future, the joints and spine begin to ache. Patients with steatorrhea rapidly lose weight, become emaciated.

The clinical picture includes underdevelopment of subcutaneous fat, dryness and peeling skin, polymorphic erythema may be observed. Lips become dry and pale, cracks form in the corners of the mouth. Stomatitis may occur in the oral cavity, the tongue becomes brightly colored, with atrophied papillae, the gums become loose and bleeding. Urine, like feces, sometimes also becomes oily.

On palpation, the doctor detects splashing and rumbling in the left side of the abdomen or at the location of the caecum. It is impossible to feel the spleen and liver. During rectoscopy revealed atrophy of the mucosa. The results of x-ray examination show swelling, decrease and expansion of the tone of the mucosal folds.

After a biopsy, atrophy of the mucous membrane, shortening of the villi, absence of terminal hairs, a decrease in the height of the cylindrical epithelium and an unnatural position of its nucleus in the cells are confirmed.

Swelling of the connective tissues, gross deformities of the nerve plexuses lead to a violation of the absorption function of the intestine. It should be noted that the disease can occur in chronic form. Relapses are observed very often, as they are easily provoked by negative factors.

Fats are not absorbed by the body, resulting in their deficiency. In addition, it also picks up other useful substances: proteins, fat-soluble vitamins and group B. The cells of the body begin to suffer from a deficiency of nicotinic and folic acids, thiamine, riboflavin, B12. As a result, hypoproteinemia, hypocholesterolemia, hypolipia, hypochromia, leukopenia occur, anemia, hypocalcemia, hyperchromia and hyponatremia are less common.

How to detect fatty acids and neutral fats in a child's stool

The first signs of a violation, as a rule, are noticed by parents: the stools become pronounced oily. Feces are mostly liquid light color. It is necessary to conduct a laboratory analysis of it to confirm the presence of an excess of soap, fatty acids and the fat itself.

The diagnosis of "steatorrhea" is made when more than 7 g of these substances are excreted with feces per day.

The origin of the disease can be determined using a radioisotope study. The latter will indicate the cause, which is associated with the absorption or breakdown of substances from food. And the fat loading method allows you to confirm the presence or exclude diseases of the pancreas and intestines.

What are the dangers of fatty acid salts found in the feces of a child

There is a high probability that this violation will lead to complications. If useful and necessary substances are not absorbed, then the following conditions occur:

  • Protein deficiency occurs when there is a deficiency of proteins;
  • Hypovitaminosis provokes a lack of vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones;
  • Weight loss up to cachexia - a serious disease characterized by severe exhaustion and weakening of the body;
  • Violation of the water-salt balance, an ongoing feeling of thirst, swelling, dehydration (dryness of the mucous membranes and skin), convulsive conditions (involuntary paroxysmal muscle contractions);
  • Oxaluria - excessive excretion of salts of oxalic acid, the formation of oxalates - insoluble stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. The danger also lies in the fact that normally these stones cannot penetrate the bloodstream, but with steatorrhea, reacting with fats, this process is quite possible;
  • Violation of the functioning of organs - the heart, kidneys, brain, respiratory system;
  • Psychological problems. Sleep is disturbed, communication is difficult, activity is reduced.


According to the mechanism of development

  • Pancreatic. Pancreatic cells produce pancreatic lipase, the main enzyme that breaks down fats. With the pathology of the gland, the production of lipase decreases, and the neutral fat that comes with food begins to be excreted with feces. This type of steatorrhea is considered the most common, so it has a separate code in the International Classification of Diseases.
  • Cholecystohepatic. A decrease in the production of bile by liver cells, a change in its composition, difficulty in entering the duodenum leads to a deterioration in the absorption of fats and the development of steatorrhea.
  • Intestinal (enterogenic). With the help of bile and pancreatic lipase, fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which are absorbed into the bloodstream through the villi of the small intestine. With intestinal pathology, this process is disrupted.
  • Alimentary. Steatorrhea appears as a result of excessive consumption of fatty foods, when the intake of fat exceeds the functionality of the pancreas.


  • primary - steatorrhea is an independent disease and develops as a result of congenital changes in the pancreas;
  • secondary - occurs against the background of another pathology.

Laboratory types of steatorrhea

  • type I - predominantly neutral fat is determined in the feces;
  • type II - fatty acids and soaps predominate in the feces;
  • mixed - neutral fat, soaps and fatty acids are present in different proportions.

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The reasons


The symptoms of the disease develop gradually. First, the state of health worsens after errors in the diet (eating fatty), then the complaints become permanent.

  • Change in the nature of the stool. Fecal masses acquire a grayish tint, shine, a whitish coating appears on the surface in the form of a film. Their consistency becomes ointment or mushy, with lumps undigested food. A typical symptom is hard-to-wash marks on the walls of the toilet bowl.
  • Increased stool up to 3-6 times a day.
  • Stitching or cramping pains in the abdomen of uncertain localization.
  • Bloating, rumbling in the abdomen are signs of increased gas formation and an increase in the amount of intestinal contents.
  • Weight loss. In violation of the function of the pancreas, the production of not only lipase decreases, but also enzymes that break down carbohydrates and proteins. The body does not receive vital substances, so the person loses weight, children experience growth retardation
  • Signs of deficiency of trace elements and fat-soluble vitamins. A lack of vitamin K leads to increased bleeding, vitamin E - to muscle weakness, vitamin A - to visual impairment, vitamin D - to the development of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Iron malabsorption leads to anemia.


Steatorrhea is diagnosed and treated by a gastroenterologist.


A necessary condition for the treatment of steatorrhea is diet.


Basic principles of dietary nutrition

On the basis of such a list, each patient empirically selects the optimal diet for himself.

Medical treatment


If cholelithiasis is detected, the task of the gastroenterologist is to promptly refer the patient for surgical treatment.

Complications and prognosis

The development of complications of steatorrhea is possible with late seeking medical help, non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations on dietary nutrition and drug therapy.

  • cachexia - an extreme degree of exhaustion;
  • infectious complications - with this pathology, conditions are created for excessive growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestine with the subsequent development of abdominal abscesses, peritonitis.

The prognosis depends on the type of steatorrhea, background disease, and the severity of metabolic disorders. In 80% of cases, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Fatty acids in feces, a description of the condition

Our intestines hold many functions for the absorption of a large number of different elements. With its complete or partial dysfunction, the patient may experience a condition such as steatorrhea (fatty stools).

In a healthy person, the content of fatty acids in feces does not exceed five grams. If you have diarrhea of ​​this type, then their concentration will be much higher, sometimes their number reaches hundreds of grams.

As mentioned earlier, steatorrhea has several types, they differ in the nature of their origin.

Alimentary (food)

Based on the name, one can guess that the fatty liquid stool in an adult in this case is caused by the quality of nutrition. If your diet contains a large number of fats, then they simply physically cannot be completely absorbed by the body, and the remnants will come out in their pure form, which will lead to fatty stools. Perhaps this is the most common cause such a failure.


Steatorrhea in this case is caused by a malfunction of the small intestine. Fatty acids in feces are a consequence of the fact that they are poorly digested and absorbed. This can be facilitated various diseases, ailments and, of course, nutrition.


A more complex form, since it is not the intestines that suffer, the treatment of which in most cases is quite simple. The pancreas, which ceases to produce the enzyme (lipase) necessary for the breakdown of such acids, is under attack. This entails loose stools in an adult, which must be treated after consulting a doctor.

In addition to several types, a similar problem is classified according to the type of discharge:

  1. Steatorrhea type 1 is distinguished by the content of neutral fats (animal, vegetable) in the feces;
  2. In contrast to the first type, salts of fatty acids (soaps) are observed in the masses, which are able to interact with alkalis;
  3. Adult diarrhea in the third episode will contain type 1 and type 2 symptoms.

Causes of fatty stools in adults

If you ask yourself why fat loose stools can occur in an adult at all, you can be sure that there are a huge number of reasons for such a condition, and only a doctor can accurately determine the root. He will tell you what to do in a particular situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment for your tests. The reason that fatty acids are found in the feces of an adult can be:

  • Diet imbalance towards the use of fried and other fatty foods;
  • birth defect;
  • Liver problems:
  1. Chronic, acute or alcoholic hepatitis;
  2. cirrhosis;
  3. Wilson-Konovalov disease. A hereditary problem in which copper metabolism is disturbed often manifests itself already at a young age;
  4. Hemochromatosis. Also a hereditary disease, but iron accumulates in the body;
  5. Cyst;
  6. Tumors of any origin;
  7. Sclerosing cholangitis;
  8. Amyloidosis;
  • Fatty acids in feces can accumulate due to disorders in the gallbladder and its ducts. The list of possible ailments includes:
  1. Cholangitis;
  2. Acute and chronic cholecystitis;
  3. Giardiasis;
  4. Cholelithiasis.
  • The pancreas can suffer in such cases:
  1. Acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  2. Zolinger-Ellison Syndrome. This is a tumor that causes not only fatty stools, but also pain, heartburn, internal bleeding. This tumor is provoked by hypersecretion (increased synthesis) of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  3. Narrowing of the Wirsung duct (through it the pancreatic juice enters the duodenum).
  • Naturally, the content of fatty acids in feces can be triggered by various intestinal ailments:
  1. Whipple's disease;
  2. Enteritis;
  3. Amyloidosis;
  4. Postoperative condition (resection);
  5. Crohn's disease.
  6. diverticulosis;
  7. Lymphoma (tumor).
  • Some skin diseases(such as psoriasis or eczema) can affect tissues internal organs than cause dysfunction of the latter and fatty stools in an adult if the gastrointestinal tract is affected;
  • Uncontrolled use of laxatives can also cause complicating diarrhea.

Additional symptoms

As you have noticed, such a problem as fatty feces has quite a variety of causes, and those listed above are far from all. Of course, every disease has its manifestations. However, steatorrhea itself has separate symptoms, because it will not be diagnosed in 100% of cases of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other systems. Its signs are as follows:

  • Dizziness;
  • Dry cough;
  • General weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Bloating
  • Lips, nose and other mucous membranes become dry;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet;
  • A noticeable symptom is that fatty feces are rather sticky and do not wash well from the walls of the toilet;
  • Inclusions of fat will also be noticeable in it, and the color of the selection will acquire a light gray tint and a characteristic sheen.

What are muscle fibers in feces?

  • 1 What are muscle fibers in feces?
  • 2 What does creatorrhoea indicate?
    • 2.1 Gastritis
    • 2.2 Pancreatitis
    • 2.3 Too fast movement of the food bolus through the intestines
    • 2.4 Putrid dyspepsia
  • 3 When the presence of muscle fibers is not dangerous
  • 4 Treatment and consequences
    • 4.1 Video - What your chair says
  • 5 How to take a coprogram correctly

Muscle fibers in feces is the detection of undigested particles of protein food in the feces. With a satisfactory work of the human digestive system, such formations should not be.

The process of digestion of food begins in the mouth, then continues in the stomach with the participation of hydrochloric acid, and ends in the intestines, where food masses are broken down by pancreatic and intestinal enzymes. If this chain breaks, hydrochloric acid or enzymes are not enough, then the process of digestion slows down. As a result, not all the protein that enters the body will be processed.

In the feces, just poorly processed or undigested protein is found. The presence of protein fibers in the feces is called creatorrhea.

Doctors distinguish three types of pathology:

Name in the results of the analysis, viewed under a microscope Image Description of the form
Long cylinders with sharp corners and transverse clear dashes (stripes) are found
Fragments are more like squares, rectangles, they have rounded, less clear corners. Dashes (stripes) are placed along the rectangles
The protein mass looks like a shapeless lump. Generally round or oval, smooth surface

What does the creator testify

The appearance of unsplit or incompletely digested muscle fibers in the feces indicates a malfunction of a certain digestive organ. When a creatorrhea is detected, additional studies are required to clarify the diagnosis.

After the coprogram, the presence of pathologies can be diagnosed.


They are evidenced by the unchanged form of protein structures. Pathology occurs due to insufficient (hypoacid) release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. A large number of unchanged fibers with transverse dashes or only their presence indicates total absence secretions (achilia).

acid produces primary processing muscle fibers, an insufficient amount of secretion leads to the processing of not all food, and in the absence of hydrochloric acid, protein structures will enter the feces in a completely unchanged form. The condition after resection of the stomach, duodenum, achlorhydria, achilia can cause the appearance of unsplit muscle structures.


With pancreatitis, the secretion of enzymes produced by the pancreas is disrupted, as a result of which secondary processing of protein material does not occur, amino acids are not absorbed into the blood, but are excreted with waste. Fragments with longitudinal lines testify to the presence of proteinaceous forms.

This type of muscle structure in the feces also indicates a lack of other enzymes produced directly by the intestines. Additional studies will help to establish the disease more accurately.

The presence of slightly altered muscle forms is characteristic of chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, their correction is carried out with the help of medicines containing enzymes.

Too fast movement of the food bolus through the intestines

The presence of smooth lumps without dashes indicates just that the food is processed quite well, but moves through the intestines too quickly, useful substances do not have time to be absorbed into the blood. This pathology occurs due to diseases of the pancreas, liver, and some intestinal diseases. Additional tests will help to establish the cause.

Putrid dyspepsia

A condition in which proteins are not digested small intestine, fall in unsplit form into colon and there they rot, called putrefactive dyspepsia. In the large intestine, inflammation occurs, infection is possible. This leads to the appearance in the feces of a large number of incompletely digested and undigested protein forms.

When the presence of muscle fibers is not dangerous

An informative result of a coprogram for muscle fibers will be only under certain conditions:

  • observing moderation in nutrition for 3 days before the test;
  • balanced consumption of vegetables, fruits with a moderate amount of protein foods;
  • abstinence from alcohol, strong coffee and tea.

In children of the first years of life, the indicator of unsplit muscle fibers is irrelevant: they have a poorly developed digestive system.

In adults, with a diet containing a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, indigestible, spicy foods, after a plentiful feast, the result will be low informative.

Treatment and consequences

Creatorrhea itself does not require treatment, but therapy is necessary for diseases that provoke it.

Treatment of diseases that caused the appearance of muscle fibers in the feces is carried out on an outpatient basis. hospitalization, surgical intervention(laparoscopy) is required in the most difficult cases: with perforation of stomach ulcers, intestines, acute pancreatitis, blockage of the bile ducts.

  1. Diet. In case of digestive disorders, dietary restrictions perform a therapeutic function. Doctors in such cases recommend dietary table number 5. Among general recommendations there will be a ban on the use of indigestible foods, fatty, spicy foods. It is not recommended to eat muffins, fast food, drink alcohol, drink coffee, strong tea.
  2. Reception of enzymatic preparations. They are prescribed depending on the detected disease. Dosages and drugs are selected individually, subtracted from the level of lack of enzymes.
  3. Antibiotics. They are prescribed only in severe cases of pancreatitis and with a bacterial stomach ulcer provoked by Helicobacter pylori.

Advanced forms of creatorrhea, prolonged lack of treatment leads to conditions that are dangerous to the health and life of the patient:

  1. A prolonged lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach provokes an exacerbation of appendicitis.
  2. Lack of hydrochloric acid, enzymes contributes to the formation of ulcers, the occurrence of bleeding. Prolonged latent bleeding leads to anemia, perforation of the stomach or intestines, infection in the blood.
  3. Constant inflammatory process in the walls of the intestine is dangerous due to their thinning, leads to perforation, the entry of intestinal contents into abdominal cavity. The peritonitis arising at the same time poses a threat to the life of the patient.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the digestive tract are dangerous with a high probability of developing tumors benign(polyps, adenomas), cancer.

Video - What your chair says


  • https://mjusli.ru/ja_mama/zdorove_malyshej/zhirnye-kisloty-v-kale-rebenka
  • https://ProKishechnik.info/zabolevaniya/steatoreya.html
  • https://ponosnevopros.ru/lechenie/zhirnye-kisloty.html
  • https://stomach-info.ru/raznoe/myishechnyie-volokna-v-kale.html

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Steatorrhea, or fatty stools, is a condition that occurs when excess fat accumulates in the intestines.

Feces contain a mixture of undigested nutrients, including proteins, fats, dietary fiber, and salts.

Today's article talks about what causes fatty stools and how to treat steatorrhea.

Causes of steatorrhea

Fatty stools are most commonly associated with high fat and fiber content in foods.

Usually, steatorrhea is not a serious health problem and occurs after eating certain foods:

alcohol abuse
oily fish: salmon, escolar, fatty tuna
nuts, especially whole nuts with intact skins
coconut and palm kernel oil
whole grains
artificial fats

In severe cases, when fatty stools are caused by a disease of the digestive system, appetite may decrease, general exhaustion, weakness, anemia, osteoporosis, fever, weight loss, and neurological disorders are observed.

Diagnosis and treatment of steatorrhea

To confirm steatorrhea and find out its causes, the doctor may order a stool test for fecal fat and some other diagnostic tests (tests for cystic fibrosis, colonoscopy, etc.)

Treatment for steatorrhea depends on the cause and severity of the condition.

Mild cases can often be overcome without medical treatment.

refrain from smoking and alcohol
drink enough liquid
limit fatty foods and fiber
add fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to the diet
push for vitamin B12, B9, calcium, magnesium and iron
for heartburn, over-the-counter antacids
with diarrhea - loperamide or diosmectite
take simethicone for bloating

People with severe or chronic steatorrhea need medical attention. If mild cases do not threaten anything other than mild dehydration and minimal discomfort, then with severe violation fat absorption possible serious complications- up to the failure of internal organs.

Medications for steatorrhea:

intravenous solutions with dehydration
enzyme preparations for the pancreas
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
essential fatty acids

Fat in the stool can be both a sign of a "harmless" error in the diet, as well as a symptom life threatening diseases.

Chronic, severe steatorrhea is a reason to go to the hospital for examination!

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator