What contains vitamins a f. What fatty acids does vitamin F contain? What is this vitamin

This substance helps to strengthen the bone frame human body, in combination with vitamin D. In addition, it supplies healthy eating joint tissues, which is an effective process for preventing rheumatoid diseases and osteochondrosis.
In total, it consists of 3 acids: arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic. It got its name from English word"fat".

A set of polyunsaturated acids, helps to improve fat metabolism, with regular intake of vitamin F with food, reduces body weight, allowing you to adjust weight.

What is vitamin F for?

This substance is essential for natural reproduction breast milk. Its significant qualities also include the ability to convert cholesterol into a soluble form, removing it from the body.
Inflammatory currents go out and stop under the influence of this element: swelling, pain, redness disappear - this is the case when some organ is filled with blood, and the outflow occurs out of time.
Diseases musculoskeletal system occur when there is a failure in the supply of nutrition to tissue cells, blood supply and lipid metabolism. This is how sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis are formed - the reason is the lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

If the body systematically receives less of them, it begins to gradually become unusable.
In addition, it promotes the proper absorption of vitamins A, D, E, B. In order for polyunsaturated acids to be stored for a longer time and show their effect more fully, they should be used together with foods rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin F and cosmetics

The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the appearance of skin and hair is most visually noted. The cosmetic industry has prepared many effective drugs for skin and hair.

Creams enriched with this element significantly strengthen the protective value of the skin, helping to resist harmful environmental factors and toxic effects.

On top of that, such drugs give a good result in inflammatory processes, helping to restore skin tissue, restraining the withering of the body, increasing skin turgor with systematic use, and helping to retain moisture.
Cosmetic preparations with this substance are produced for both women and men. For example, often men, when choosing a shaving cream, give preference to those that contain a set of polyunsaturated acids in their content. Of course, it is also included in creams for children.

Functions of Vitamin F

Often in publications there is a phrase "irreplaceable fatty acid”, indeed this is true, healthy cell activity is possible only with a constant influx of omega-3 and omega-6 into the human body.

There is another central purpose of this substance. Vitamin penetrates into the structure of cell membranes and implements the protection of the cell from deformation by its poisonous elements, protects it from untimely destruction and transformation into a tumor.

In other words, the right amount of this element will show an anti-cancer effect.
Linoleic acid is needed to create substances that reduce blood clotting, resist platelet adhesion, and regulate blood pressure.

Therefore, this element is an excellent prophylactic from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Where is vitamin F found?

The storehouse of this substance is mainly represented by vegetable oils: olive, linseed, soy, nut, sunflower, corn, safflower and animal fats.

Only unrefined oil will bring benefits. In addition, the sun's rays significantly reduce its presence, as a result, it must be kept in a cold place and without light.

What other foods contain vitamin F? These are corn, oatmeal, pecans.
In addition, there is a lot of it in sea fish, dried fruits, almonds, black currants, legumes, and germinated cereals.

Permissible doses

Medium daily rate vitamin F,

  • children - from 0.1 to 0.25 g;
  • adults - 2.5 to 3.6 g;
  • pregnant women - from 0.2 to 3.7 g.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Especially, the lack of this substance is found in children under one year of age, which is quite possibly due to their limited intake with food, malabsorption, and infections.

Deficiency symptoms in them are expressed by growth retardation, weight loss, flaky skin, thirst with a decrease in the frequency of urination, and diarrhea.

In adults, there is a suppression of reproductive activity, the formation of vascular and heart diseases, the occurrence of various kinds of infections. Often there are diseases of the skin, for example, eczema, hairline, brittle nails.

signs of excess

Excessive presence of this element in the human body is expressed by pain in the stomach, burning, allergic reactions on the skin.
It has no toxic properties, but excessive use can provoke the appearance of extra pounds.
Excessive consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is contraindicated, since they have the ability to thin the blood and thus can provoke bleeding.

Indications for use

  • Dermatoses
  • Eczema in infants.
  • Allergenic reactions.
  • Phlebitis warning.
  • Diabetes
  • Disorder of lipid metabolism.


Characteristics of vitamin F: fat-soluble, quite sensitive to the rays of the sun, heat and reaction with atmospheric oxygen, which leads to the organization of toxic oxides and free radicals. To prevent these processes, it is necessary to use it in combination with antioxidants.

To keep it in the body for a longer time, you need to use it along with vitamin B6, vitamin E or C.
Of the mineral substances, zinc ions have a good effect on the stability of fatty acids.

This substance has a healthy effect on the absorption of vitamins A, B, E, D. Assists vitamin D to realize its purpose of strengthening bone tissue.

Promotes more efficient accumulation of calcium and phosphorus salts in the bones of the body.

Its effectiveness is increased when combined with zinc and vitamins B6 and C.

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Vitamin F called a complex of compounds called unsaturated fatty acids. This element has become known to mankind relatively recently.

It is not a vital vitamin However, its intake is necessary for the normal functioning of body systems.

A few decades ago, vitamin F was not considered very significant for health - this is due to the fact that scientists did not immediately identify the connection between the presence of a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids and the functioning of internal organs.

Over time, numerous laboratory research confirmed that insufficient intake of vitamin F contributes to skin problems, and also impairs the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle.

Role in the body

Vitamin F is composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Science knows a large number of these elements, but the term "vitamin F" is used to refer to only four of them:

  • linoleic;
  • linolenic;
  • eicosapentaenoic;
  • docosahexaenoic.

Despite the fact that these acids are common fats, they are still called a vitamin (the term is used even in scientific medical communities).

Vitamin F is needed for the proper formation of organs and tissues., especially during the period of intensive growth of young children.

Also, the regular use of this vitamin helps to strengthen the nervous system, increasing concentration, improving memory and stabilizing the emotional state.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis and diseases of the organs of vision.

In addition, it performs the following functions in the body:

  • contributes to the production of "good" cholesterol, which is the main element for the structure of cell membranes;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels, increases their strength;
  • accelerates the healing of various skin injuries: wounds, burns, cuts, cracks;
  • as part of complex therapy reduces intensity inflammatory processes in the body;
  • participates in the processes of bone tissue formation;
  • stimulates the production of prostaglandins, necessary for the health of nerve cells;
  • provide the synthesis of lipids, allowing you to maintain a good condition of the skin, hair and nail plates.

The regular use of vitamin F is very important for young men who are planning to soon have heirs - this element affects the formation of sperm, improves its quality and increases sperm activity.

Also, this vitamin will be useful for men over 40 who experience problems with potency.

How to take vitamin F

Until now, scientists are arguing about how much of this vitamin a healthy person needs.

To date The daily allowance for an adult is at least 1 milligram per day. The need to increase the dosage occurs in the following cases:

  • during the period of recovery and rehabilitation;
  • with a poor diet low in fat;
  • after surgical interventions;
  • with a history of diabetes mellitus;
  • with high levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • with skin problems or diseases.

Also, the need for fatty acids increases during childbearing and during breastfeeding. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need about 1.5 mg of vitamin F per day.

Daily need of children in this vitamin fluctuates within 0.6 to 0.8 mg.

Advice! For the full absorption of vitamin F, an additional intake of antioxidants, zinc and vitamin B6 is required.

Vitamin F deficiency

Understanding that the body lacks vitamin F is quite difficult, since the signs of a deficiency are very similar to the symptoms of other conditions characterized by similar manifestations.

Most main symptom indicating a lack of this vitamin, manifests itself in skin problems: it begins to peel off, blush, acne appears, acne.

Often develop different skin diseases: urticaria, eczema, seborrhea and others. In severe cases, even complete baldness is possible, which cannot be corrected.

Young children may experience developmental difficulties, including intellectual ones. They are often tired, parents may notice the appearance of irritability and aggression, as well as constant mood swings.

Other problems that can result from chronic vitamin F deficiency include:

  • nervous disorders;
  • migraine;
  • prolonged depression;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • disorders in the sexual sphere in men;
  • an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis due to disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.

Main reason, leading to the fact that a person is faced with a deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids - is it an unhealthy or monotonous diet, in which the body does not receive a sufficient amount of various substances and elements necessary for normal life.

Indications for use

There are some indications for the use of vitamin F, for example:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases and pathologies of cardio-vascular system;
  • work associated with hard physical labor;
  • periods of intense mental activity (for example, preparing for exams or working on a dissertation);
  • diets low in fat;
  • lagging behind in physical and intellectual development in young children;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Video: "Description of vitamin F"

Sources of Vitamin F

Food sources of both animal and vegetable origin can act as sources of the vitamin.

Plant food: unrefined vegetable oil
  • linen
  • mustard
  • peanut
  • wheat germ
  • cashew nuts
  • pecan
  • walnut
  • coconuts
  • pumpkin
  • sunflower
  • almond
avocado --
black currant --

It is interesting! 15 walnuts or 25 g of cold-pressed oil cover the daily requirement for unsaturated fatty acids.

Video: "Sources of unsaturated fatty acids"

Vitamin F complexes

Taking a synthetic form of vitamin F is prescribed if the diet does not cover the daily requirement for this vitamin. This situation occurs if the menu does not contain products containing unsaturated fatty acids.

The most famous preparations containing vitamin F:

  • "Vitamin F99";
  • "Linetol";
  • "Lipostabil";
  • "Essentiale".

Interaction with other substances

Improves calcium absorption, contributing to an even distribution throughout the body.

Vitamin F: benefits for the body

Photo Shutterstock

Vitamin F was discovered in 1928. It is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and its very name comes from the English word "fat", which means "fat". Vitamin F is not synthesized in the body, a person can only get it from the outside, with food and multivitamin complexes.

What are the Benefits of Vitamin F

The polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up this vitamin complex (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) have an anti-inflammatory effect, help well in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, and effectively cure some skin diseases. They strengthen hair roots, protect the skin from solar ultraviolet radiation, promote healing of wounds and ulcers.

Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, retains moisture in the skin, thereby providing its firmness and elasticity and fighting wrinkles. Therefore, it is widely used as part of various moisturizing creams and therapeutic skin masks. In addition, vitamin F helps to get rid of cellulite. This vitamin is very rich in cocoa powder, which is part of the mass for the so-called chocolate wrap, which makes the skin smoother.

Therefore, vitamin F is often informally referred to as the "vitamin of youth." After all, with its help, the skin and hair look very good and beautiful!

Vitamin F not only contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, but also directly affects the synthesis of fats.

Vitamin F plays an extremely important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system. The fact is that it stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandins - substances that directly affect the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Through prostaglandins, vitamin F supports the entire nervous system, because it is these substances that are mediators in various reactions of excitation and inhibition of muscles and nerve centers.

It promotes the production of breast milk in nursing mothers. In addition, vitamin F improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the skeletal system.

A very important property of vitamin F is the ability to convert cholesterol into a soluble form, thereby preventing its accumulation in the body. And this prevents many cardiovascular diseases. This vitamin protects cells from harmful substances, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

Due to the fact that the indigenous people of the North include a lot of fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids in their diet, they, despite the harsh living conditions, rarely suffer from heart and vascular diseases.

In addition, vitamin F has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for spermatogenesis. With their lack, the production of spermatozoa decreases markedly, and the germ cells themselves become of less quality.

Also, vitamin F will help a person alleviate the condition with allergies, as it contains prostaglandins that prevent the release of histamine. Vitamin relieves swelling, helps to reduce small bronchi, improves blood flow.

This vitamin helps to strengthen the immune system. So it reduces the level of histamine, it helps to fight a number of diseases (including allergic reactions). Together with vitamin D, this vitamin is involved in the process of calcium deposition in bone tissue.

The listed list of the advantages of vitamin F is far from complete, but one can easily conclude how useful and necessary it is for the human body. That is why it is so important to consume foods rich in this organic compound every day.

What foods are rich in vitamin F, and what can its deficiency lead to?

You will need:

  • sea ​​fish
  • nuts
  • sunflower seeds
  • vegetable oil
  • cocoa
  • multivitamin complexes

Vitamin F is an unsaturated fatty acid that our body does not produce on its own. This substance is considered an anti-cholesterol and is found in certain foods. Pharmacology distinguishes it into a separate group and calls it biologically active agents, which have parahormonal and paravitamin properties. Studies conducted by scientists did not immediately give an answer regarding the functions of vitamin F, therefore this substance was discovered somewhat later than other vitamins.

Significance for the body

Vitamin is recognized as indispensable for the human body. It helps to get rid of slags and toxins, as a result of which not only general well-being improves, but also the condition of our skin. Doctors say that the appearance acne and other dermatological problems are directly related to the deficiency of this substance. That is, when the body is not able to cope with an excess of harmful elements, it begins to “throw out” them through the skin. Vitamin F helps relieve inflammation, relieves hyperemia and pain. It eliminates puffiness and promotes the timely outflow of blood from inflamed organs.

In addition, the effect of vitamin F has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism - this biologically active compound normalizes the blood formula and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to this substance, strengthening immune system, and when combined with vitamin D, the condition of the bone tissue improves. Wounds begin to heal, and cell regeneration occurs much faster.

Vitamin F helps in the process of fat synthesis and spermatogenesis. Nourishing the tissues of our body, it prevents diseases such as arthritis, sciatica and osteochondrosis.

Vitamin F is incredibly beneficial for our skin, hair and nails. It stimulates metabolic processes, which positively affects the condition of the integument. In addition, thanks to him:

  • the production of melanin returns to normal;
  • improves skin pigmentation;
  • hair follicles are strengthened, and the curls themselves become elastic;
  • the nail plate receives additional nutrition, fragility disappears and delamination is prevented.

How is it absorbed?

Getting into small intestine, vitamin F is absorbed. After the acids obtained with its help are delivered to all organs and systems. Cells use substances to further construct lipids. With the optimal amount of linoleic acid, which is part of vitamin F, other polyunsaturated acids are synthesized.

However, attention should be paid to the fact that with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, the need for this biologically active connection is rapidly increasing. The accumulation of vitamin F occurs both in the blood and in the muscles, and during internal organs. An adult needs about 1000 mg of this substance per day, which is about 25 g of vegetable oil.

To enhance the effect of vitamin F, it should be consumed along with sources of zinc, ascorbic acid and B6. It is also advisable to include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. This condition must be observed due to the fact that vitamin F is characterized by sensitivity to light, resulting in the formation of free radicals. The same thing happens when it is heated and in contact with oxygen.

Substance deficiency: symptoms

Vitamin D deficiency is most commonly seen in childhood, which is related to the presence infectious diseases, disorders of the digestive tract (in particular, poor absorption), and with an insufficient number of sources of this substance in the diet. Symptoms in this case may be as follows:

  • weight loss;
  • the skin begins to peel off;
  • the epidermis thickens;
  • there is an unformed stool - often liquid;
  • there is a lag in growth;
  • fluid intake increases with a decrease in the frequency of urination.

With a deficiency in adults, reproductive function is suppressed, heart and vascular diseases develop. Skin, hair and nails suffer, eczema may develop. Indications for the use of sources of this substance are allergic and autoimmune diseases, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders.

Excess substance: symptoms

Vitamin F is not toxic, but overdose may cause weight gain. This substance reduces the density of the blood, its abuse is fraught with bleeding.

About the excess in the body of vitamin F will tell you:

  • stomach pain;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • an allergy that manifests itself in the form of a rash.

In addition, if an overdose of Omega-6 polyunsaturated acids occurs, this will disrupt the normal functioning of Omega-3 acid, which can provoke the development of arthritis and even asthma.

food sources

What foods contain vitamin F, any nutritionist will tell you. In the first place in this list is fresh vegetable oil, and not necessarily olive oil. It can be sunflower, linseed, corn, peanut, wheat ovaries and soybeans. And remember, there are more polyunsaturated acids in the product, the raw materials for which were grown in the northern regions.

Of particular benefit will be those oils in which the smell has been preserved, that is, not filtered or treated with dry hot steam. Those. These are first cold pressed products. Vitamin F in in large numbers found in rapeseed linseed oils, and it is they that have the most beneficial effect on our skin. But peanut and soy, although they are rich in composition, they have much less vitamin F.

In addition, nuts and almonds are natural sources of the substance. You should also include corn and oatmeal in your diet. Avocados and brown rice will help fill the deficiency.

Consuming 18 shares of pecans or 12 small spoons of sunflower seeds per day, you will provide your body with the optimal amount of vitamin F.

Vitamin F is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in cholesterol metabolism, fat synthesis, and other vital processes.

pharmachologic effect

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are deposited in the heart, kidneys, blood, brain, muscles and liver. After absorption through the intestinal wall, vitamin F is delivered to the aforementioned organs, where it performs its functions:

  • takes part in the metabolism of cholesterol;
  • participates in the synthesis of fats that the body produces;
  • ensures the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • participates in spermatogenesis;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • takes part in the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • together with vitamin D contributes to the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in the bones;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

In addition, vitamin F is involved in the protection of cells from the pathogenic effects of the environment, which prevents their transformation into cancer cells.

Linolenic acid is involved in the formation of elements that reduce blood clotting, normalize arterial pressure and preventing platelets from sticking together, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Due to the fact that vitamin F relieves swelling, pain, and also significantly improves lymph outflow, it is very often used as effective remedy to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body. Preparations based on are often used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, since the properties of unsaturated fatty acids affect the normalization of fat metabolism, and also accelerate the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. As for vitamin F creams, they significantly improve the appearance of hair and skin.

What products contain

The main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids are vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, linseed, olive, nut, soybean, and a number of others) and animal fat.

In addition, vitamin F is found in large quantities in foods such as:

  • dried fruits;
  • herring, salmon, mackerel and many other types of sea fish;
  • sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, peanuts;
  • oatmeal;
  • black currant;
  • avocado;
  • germinated grains;
  • soybeans, beans.


The lack of the above vitamin in the body is a rather dangerous condition, so doctors strongly recommend preventing the development of this deficiency. The first signs of hypovitaminosis F are:

  • dry skin;
  • occurrence allergic reactions(itching, urticaria, runny nose, lacrimation);
  • the appearance of various inflammations;
  • blockage sebaceous glands on the skin(pores), which leads to acne and pimples.

In addition, the lack of this vitamin leads to a deterioration in the condition of hair and skin: unkempt appearance, dryness and the like.

The main danger of vitamin F deficiency is a violation of the functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Prolonged hypovitaminosis increases the likelihood of stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attack.

In children, beriberi is manifested by the absence of normal weight gain, skin peeling and low growth rate.

Release form

At the present time, vitamin F is produced in the form of capsules of 250 milligrams, fatty and bold creams of 50 milliliters, 2% bold and fatty ointments of 55 milliliters.

Concerning cosmetics, then today there is a huge number of creams with vitamin F, reviews of which are the most positive.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of this vitamin substance are the following pathological conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • allergic diseases;
  • eczema in infants;
  • dermatosis of various origins (eczema, seborrhea, etc.);
  • acne, cracks (including anal);
  • autoimmune inflammatory diseases;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • prevention of phlebitis.

Daily rate

The daily requirement of vitamin F for adults is 1000 milligrams, which corresponds to 20-30 g of vegetable oil.


Excessive intake of vitamin F can cause weight gain, bleeding, pain in the stomach, heartburn, the development of allergic skin rashes, arthritis and asthma.