A set of exercises for the musculoskeletal system. The main set of exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system hardening the body

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization

Siberian State University Telecommunications and Informatics

Department of Physical Education


On the topic: "Compilation of sets of exercises for diseases of the musculoskeletal system"

Completed by: student of group C-08 XXX

Checked by: Voytenko L.D.

Novosibirsk 2003



In this essay, I want to talk about what the musculoskeletal system is, how to keep it healthy, and what is the cause of its diseases. Examples of exercises to maintain health, joint strength, and muscle strength will be given.

    What is the musculoskeletal system?

“The musculoskeletal system consists of the bones of the skeleton with joints, ligaments and muscles with tendons, which, along with movements, provide the supporting function of the body. Bones and joints participate passively in movement, obeying the action of muscles, but play a leading role in the implementation of the supporting function. A certain shape and structure of the bones give them great strength, the reserve of which for compression, stretching, bending significantly exceeds the loads that are possible during the daily work of the musculoskeletal system. For example, the human tibia, when compressed, can withstand a load of more than a ton, and in terms of strength, tension is almost as good as cast iron. The ligaments and cartilages of the joints also have a large margin of safety.

Skeletal muscles carry out both static activity, fixing the body in a certain position, and dynamic, ensuring the movement of the body in space and its individual parts relative to each other. Both types of muscular activity closely interact, complementing each other: static activity provides a natural background for dynamic activity. As a rule, the position of the joint is changed with the help of several muscles of multidirectional, including opposite, action. Complex joint movements are performed by coordinated, simultaneous or sequential contraction of non-directional muscles. Consistency (coordination) is especially necessary for the performance of motor acts that involve many joints (for example, skiing, swimming).

Skeletal muscles are not only the executive motor apparatus, but also a kind of sensory organ. In the muscle fiber and tendons there are special nerve endings - receptors that send impulses to cells at various levels of the central nervous system. As a result, a closed cycle is created: impulses from various formations of the central nervous system, going along the motor nerves, cause muscle contraction, and impulses sent by muscle receptors inform the central nervous system about each element of the system. The cyclic system of connections ensures the accuracy of movements and their coordination. Although the movement of skeletal muscles is controlled by various sections of the central nervous system, the leading role in ensuring interaction and setting the goal of a motor reaction belongs to the cerebral cortex. In the cortex of the larger hemispheres, the motor and sensory zones of the representations form a single system, with each muscle group corresponding to a certain section of these zones. Such a relationship allows you to perform movements, attributing them to factors acting on the body. environment. Schematically, the control of arbitrary movements can be represented as follows. The tasks and purpose of a motor action are formed by thinking, which determines the direction of attention and efforts of a person. Thinking and emotions accumulate and direct these efforts. The mechanisms of higher nervous activity form the interaction of psychophysiological mechanisms for controlling movements on various levels. Based on the interaction of the musculoskeletal system, deployment and correction of motor activity are provided. Analyzers play an important role in the implementation of the motor reaction. The motor analyzer provides the dynamics and interconnection of muscle contractions, participates in the spatial and temporal organization of the motor act. The balance analyzer, or vestibular analyzer, interacts with the motor analyzer when the position of the body in space changes. Vision and hearing, actively perceiving information from the environment, are involved in spatial orientation and correction of motor reactions.

    What are the causes of the disease?

The main cause of the disease of the musculoskeletal system is the lack of physical activity - hypodynamia. It arises "in connection with the active replacement of manual labor by mechanized, the development of household appliances, Vehicle etc. Adversely affects the state of all organs and systems of the body, contributes to the appearance of excess body weight, the development of obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary disease hearts."

“In the elderly, under the influence of natural age-related changes nervous structures and the musculoskeletal system, the volume and speed of movements decrease, coordination of complex and subtle movements is disturbed, muscle tone weakens, and some stiffness occurs. All this usually manifests itself earlier and in a more pronounced form in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

“The lack of motor activity of the muscles surrounding the bones leads to metabolic disorders in bone tissue and loss of their strength, hence poor posture, narrow shoulders, sunken chest and other things that adversely affect health internal organs

“The lack of sufficient physical activity in the daily regimen leads to loosening of the articular cartilage and changes in the surfaces of articulating bones, to the appearance pain conditions are created for the formation of inflammatory processes in them.

    What to do?

“Physical exercise and sports increase the strength of bone tissue, contribute to a stronger attachment to the bones of muscle tendons, strengthen the spine and eliminate unwanted curvatures in it, contribute to the expansion chest and developing good posture.

The main function of the joints is the implementation of movement. At the same time, they act as dampers, a kind of brakes that dampen the inertia of movement and allow for an instant stop after a fast movement. During systematic physical exercises and sports, the joints develop, the elasticity of their ligaments and muscle tendons increases, and flexibility increases.

“When working, muscles develop a certain force that can be measured. Strength depends on the number of muscle fibers and their cross section, as well as on the elasticity and initial length of the individual muscle. Systematic physical training increases muscle strength precisely by increasing the number and thickening of muscle fibers and by increasing their elasticity.

It is estimated that all human muscles contain about 300 million muscle fibers. Many skeletal muscles have strength in excess of body weight. If the activity of the fibers of all muscles is directed in one direction, then with a simultaneous contraction they could develop a force of 25,000 kgm.

The main physical culture form of combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system is physiotherapy exercises. It is applied in the form therapeutic gymnastics, walking, health path, games, strictly dosed sports exercises. Therapeutic gymnastics is the main form of exercise therapy. Exercises of therapeutic gymnastics are divided into 2 groups: for the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems.

The first, in turn, are subdivided according to the localization of the impact, or the anatomical principle, - for small, medium and large muscle groups; according to the degree of activity of the patient - passive and active. Passive exercises are called exercises for the affected limb, performed by the patient with the help of a healthy limb or with the assistance of an exercise therapy instructor; active - exercises performed completely by the patient himself.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the main emphasis should be on exercises aimed at strengthening bone, muscle tissue, and joints.

To increase mobility in the joints, you can use the following exercises:

    Starting position - hands forward, palms down. Movement of the brushes up, down, in, out.

    starting position - hands forward, palms inward. Movement of the brushes up, down, inward, outward, in the wrist joint.

    starting position - hands forward. Circular movements in the wrist joints, in the elbow and shoulder joints.

    starting position - hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the left and right with different positions of the hands (to the sides, up).

    starting position - hands behind the head. Circular movements of the body.

    starting position - hands to the shoulders. Circular movements of the pelvis to the left and right.

    starting position - semi-squat, hands on knees. Leaning the legs to the left and right. Circular movements in knee joints left and right.

    starting position - the main rack. Tilt left, right.

    starting position - arms up to the sides. Lean forward until your hands touch the floor.

    starting position - lying on your back, arms up. Leaning forward, hands to toes.

“Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are performed from a wide variety of starting positions (standing, crouching, lying, hanging, kneeling, etc.). Movements to the sides, up, back and forth are carried out both with straight arms and bent at the elbow joints. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle can be widely used in combination with exercises for other muscle groups (legs and torso, etc.).

Exercises for the neck muscles are mainly tilting the head forward, backward, to the sides, turning the head and rotating movements.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs should be selected taking into account all muscle groups that perform flexion and extension of the legs in the hip, knee and ankle joints, as well as abduction and adduction by the hips. These are various movements, straight and bent legs, lunges forward, to the side, back, lifting on toes, squats on two and one leg with and without support by hands, jumping in place, moving forward, etc.

Exercises for the muscles of the body contribute to the development of mobility in the spine. These are basically tilts and turns in various directions. They are performed from the starting position, standing, sitting, lying on the stomach and back, kneeling, etc. After exercises aimed at developing a particular muscle group, a relaxation exercise should follow, which normalizes muscle tone. This is the raising of the arms and their free, relaxed lowering, wide, sweeping movements of the body without tension, leaning forward with lowered arms, relaxation of the muscles in a sitting position, lying down, shaking arms, legs, and some others.

“Exercises for the education of posture. As a rule, with age, as a result of weakening the muscles of the legs and torso, incorrect or forced position of certain parts of the body at work or at home, posture worsens. The constant use of specially selected exercises will help maintain a correct and beautiful posture for many years.

    starting position - hands down to the castle. 1 - 2. Hands up - back, rise on toes, bend over. 3 - 4. Starting position.

    starting position - hands on the belt. 1 - 2. Half tilt forward, rise on your toes, look forward. 3 - 4. Starting position.

    starting position - a stick on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends. Tilt to the left. 3 - 4. Starting position. 5 - 8. Also to the right.

    starting position - the main rack. 1 - 2. Sit on your toes, hands behind your back. 3 - 4. Starting position.

    starting position - emphasis sitting at the back. 1 - 2. Bend over. 3 - 4. Starting position.

    starting position - lying on the floor on the stomach in front of the gymnastic wall. 1 - 2. Turning the slats from the bottom up with your hands, bend. 3 - 4. Starting position. "


    "Home Medical Encyclopedia", editor-in-chief Pokrovsky V.I., Moscow: "Medicine", 1993.

    "Physical Education", textbook, editors Golovin V. A., Maslyakova V. A., Korobkova A. V. and others, Moscow: "Higher School", 1983.

    "Health groups", 2nd edition, Rubtsov A. T., Moscow: "Physical culture and sport", 1984.

Exercises for the development and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the classroom physical culture.

Article of the teacher of physical culture of the 1st category

Pruglo Anna Viktorovna

MAOU secondary school №27

G. Taganrog

Rostov region

Gymnastics in our modern society solves several problems related to the development and preservation of the psychophysical abilities of a person. All types of developing and preserving health-improving exercises, with methodically correct construction of classes, turn out to be associated with the solution of the same problems that are solved by exercises of health-improving gymnastics.

All types of gymnastic exercises, regardless of the specific focus and the main and particular tasks being solved, are reflected in one or another organizational physical culture and sports structure: from health groups to national teams. This, ultimately, determines the social order for the training of specialists who own the theory and practice of recreational gymnastics.

In my practice at gymnastics lessons, I often use yoga-based corrective exercises. The use of these exercises allows you to quickly and effectively improve the student's well-being, his performance and daily activities, resistance to diseases. The effect of physical exercises is significantly increased if they are combined with proper nutrition, daily routine, methods of psychoregulation, the use of hygienic health-improving measures - that is, all that is called a rational and healthy lifestyle.

What is the essence of the healing effect in physical education classes using corrective exercises?

Our body is a complete system. High efficiency, good health, absence of diseases - is possible only if all systems and organs work normally. Many diseases are associated with diseases of the spine. They are called either organic lesion(injury), or hypertonicity of the back muscles (more than 80% of cases), or lack of movement in this section of the musculoskeletal system. Rationally constructed physical education classes should ensure the prevention of diseases of the spine. When doing physical culture with the use of corrective exercises, they should, of course, be safe from injury, stimulate the general "anabolic background", include enough a large number of slow movements with limited amplitude in all parts of the spine to improve nutrition intervertebral discs, use ligaments, contract and stretch the deep muscles of the spinal column to eliminate their "spasms", strengthen all muscle groups of the back and abdominals to create a muscular corset for the spine.

The centuries-old experience of yoga and Chinese health-improving gymnastics leaves no doubt about the importance of using these exercises in physical education classes in elementary schools.

I offer you a set of exercises to strengthen and prevent the musculoskeletal system for primary school students.

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles.

1. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back

Fulfillment: lie on your stomach and stretch out, put your hands along the body, palms down. Do as many chest lifts from the floor as you can. You can perform three series of 5 lifts.

2. Variations of Shalabhasana.

B.K.S. Iyengar, in his description of Shalabhasana, mentions that he helped many who suffered from back pain by using this asana for practice. As an option for back pain, he suggests bending the legs at the knees (shins perpendicular to the hips) and bringing the knees together.

Execution: Lie on your stomach, as always before the exercise, stretch the spine out of the pelvis, move your arms forward and raise both your legs and arms above the floor (figure below).

Count how many breaths you can take until you feel tired in your back muscles and sink to the floor. The number of breaths is better to write down. You can also use the clock and note the execution time. Do not overexert yourself, you need to start small, gradually increasing the exposure time. After rest, repeat the variations of Shalabhasana with different hand positions as shown in the pictures below.

After the muscles get stronger, you can perform all the variations without resting between them. We can confidently say that one who can freely hold Shalabhasana for two minutes will forget about the problems associated with back pain!

Exercises are performed on both sides.

3. Virabhadrasana III and Mayurasana.

As the pain subsides, the practice of Virabhadrasana 3 and Mayurasana (a simple version based on the toes) is turned on to strengthen the back muscles. Here you need to approach carefully so that there is no reverse muscle spasm, and do it only when the back is ready. You can use the simplified implementation of the third Virabhadrasana. To do this, you just need to put your hands on the back of the chair and stretch your leg. It is not necessary to immediately raise the leg parallel to the floor, you can raise it to a distance that will be optimal for the practitioner, and then, as you train, bring the position to match the basic form of the asana.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

1. Tilts from a prone position.

Slow forward bends with bent legs and a rounded back from a supine position. The abdominal muscles are trained, the enslavement of the segments of the spine is removed. Drawing below.

Fulfillment: lie on your back and stretch out, bend your knees and put them a little wider than the pelvis. Slowly rounding the back and pulling in the stomach, rise and stretch in an inclination (the back is rounded, the stomach is pulled in and a little tense). Rising, you can first press your hands on the floor, helping yourself to rise. Then, along the same path, slowly return to the starting position, figure below.

Perform without jerking, start with three sets of five times (exercise for the longitudinal muscles).

2. Exercise to strengthen the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen.

Fulfillment: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head and put your palm on your palm. With an exhalation, rise to your feet, drawing below.

Run three sets of five times. A more advanced version of this exercise is the starting position, as in the figure below.

The exercise is not extreme enough for a sore back, it is performed with straight outstretched legs, strictly with the lower back pressed to the floor. If the lower back rises from the floor, then do not do this exercise. Suitable for strengthening the muscles of the legs, abdomen and iliopsoas at the stage when there is no pain in the back.

as you exhale, raise your bent legs and head, drawing below,

with a breath, we lower our head, and straighten our legs, lower them to the floor and look at the socks, the figure below.

We repeat the convergence of the head and knees. Complete three sets of five sets. For the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, you can modify the exercises by moving diagonally.

3. Exercises to strengthen the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.

Execution: lie on your right side, as shown in the figure below.

straighten right hand forward and lean on the left. Raise one leg at a time, in the final position of the legs together.

Hold the starting position for 30 seconds, then relax and perform on the other side.

Once the back pain is relieved, more advanced asanas such as Lolasana and variations of Navasana can be practiced.

Tilts and deflections

Exercises for lumbar the spine must be done both inclinations and deflections of the spine.

At first, it is enough to do inclinations from exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles with bent legs. Then you can add tilts based on the chair (palms rest on the back of the chair, then on the seat, etc. - a reference point for feeling in the back).

From deflections with pain, it can be advised to perform a soft bending of the back on the pillows. Rolling on a basketball or tennis ball. You can also use a special roller for the back or yoga probs - a slide for backbends. Next, Ardha Urdhva Dhanurasana is performed, picture below.

After that, you can begin to perform the Dhanurasana bridge.


Twisting has a beneficial effect on the extension of the multifidus muscle, interspinous and intertransverse muscles.

The complex of twists "Crocodile" has a powerful healing effect on a sore back. All twists are performed while holding the breath after inhalation with a tightened stomach. The extra pressure in the abdomen helps the discs to push the crowded vertebrae apart.

Fulfillment: lie on your back, stretch the spine. Place your left foot on your right foot and hold your breath after inhaling. Perform several movements, turning the head and toes in opposite directions, as shown in the figure below.

Then switch feet and do the same.

Perform in the same way as the first version of the twist, placing the heel on the fingers, as in the figure below.

and finally knees to the sides, as shown in the figure below.

Exercises are performed in dynamics in both directions.

Very important! All exercises are performed without the presence of pain. Breathing is even and calm. On the basis of these yoga exercises, you can build your individual complexes of classes, depending on your condition. It should be taken into account that the lesson should include frontal stretching, soft twisting on the sides and asanas to strengthen both the deep muscles of the back and the abdominal muscles.

For a more complete understanding of the exercises, you need to get advice from a yoga instructor who understands yoga therapy of the spine.

It should also be added that it is a good idea to use a full breath from time to time with a movement of the diaphragm with maximum amplitude.

In conclusion, I want to say once again that when organizing classes that have the goal of healing, it is necessary to strive to teach our children to take care of their health and understand why these skills are needed in the future life.

Table of contents

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………..1

II. Main part:

  1. Musculoskeletal system………………………..2

  2. The value of physical exercises for the formation of a system of support and movement ………………………………4

  3. The main set of exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal motor system…………………………7

  4. Hardening of the body………………………………....9
III. Conclusion……………………………………………………...10

IV. Literature……………………………………………………… 11


The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health.

No wonder people say: "Healthy everything is great!" About this simple and smart

truth should always be remembered, and not only at those moments when in the body

malfunctions begin, and we are forced to turn to doctors, sometimes demanding from them


No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot save everyone from

all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health! Instead of

dream of "living water" and other miraculous elixirs, it is better from an early

age to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, harden, engage in

physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word,

to achieve in reasonable ways the true harmony of health.

The main thing is a healthy lifestyle - a set of recreational activities,

ensuring the harmonious development and strengthening of health, increasing

working capacity of people, prolonging their creative longevity.

Main elements healthy lifestyle life - fruitful labor

activity, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, rational

nutrition, hardening, rejection of bad habits.

Musculoskeletal system

“The musculoskeletal system consists of the bones of the skeleton with joints, ligaments and muscles with tendons, which, along with movements, provide the supporting function of the body. Bones and joints participate passively in movement, obeying the action of muscles, but play a leading role in the implementation of the supporting function. A certain shape and structure of the bones give them great strength, the reserve of which for compression, stretching, bending significantly exceeds the loads that are possible during the daily work of the musculoskeletal system. For example, a human tibia can withstand a load of more than a ton during compression, and in terms of strength, tension is almost as good as cast iron. The ligaments and cartilages of the joints also have a large margin of safety.

Skeletal muscles carry out both static activity, fixing the body in a certain position, and dynamic, ensuring the movement of the body in space and its individual parts relative to each other. Both types of muscular activity closely interact, complementing each other: static activity provides a natural background for dynamic activity. As a rule, the position of the joint is changed with the help of several muscles of multidirectional, including opposite, action. Complex joint movements are performed by coordinated, simultaneous or sequential contraction of non-directional muscles. Consistency (coordination) is especially necessary for the performance of motor acts that involve many joints (for example, skiing, swimming).

Skeletal muscles are not only the executive motor apparatus, but also a kind of sensory organ. In the muscle fiber and tendons there are special nerve endings - receptors that send impulses to cells at various levels of the central nervous system. As a result, a closed cycle is created: impulses from various formations of the central nervous system, going along the motor nerves, cause muscle contraction, and impulses sent by muscle receptors inform the central nervous system about each element of the system. The cyclic system of connections ensures the accuracy of movements and their coordination. Although the movement of skeletal muscles is controlled by various sections of the central nervous system, the leading role in ensuring interaction and setting the goal of a motor reaction belongs to the cerebral cortex. In the cortex of the larger hemispheres, the motor and sensory zones of the representations form a single system, with each muscle group corresponding to a certain section of these zones. Such a relationship allows you to perform movements, attributing them to environmental factors acting on the body. Schematically, the control of arbitrary movements can be represented as follows. The tasks and purpose of a motor action are formed by thinking, which determines the direction of attention and efforts of a person. Thinking and emotions accumulate and direct these efforts. The mechanisms of higher nervous activity form the interaction of psychophysiological mechanisms of movement control at various levels. Based on the interaction of the musculoskeletal system, deployment and correction of motor activity are provided. Analyzers play an important role in the implementation of the motor reaction. The motor analyzer provides the dynamics and interconnection of muscle contractions, participates in the spatial and temporal organization of the motor act. The balance analyzer, or vestibular analyzer, interacts with the motor analyzer when the position of the body in space changes. Vision and hearing, actively perceiving information from the environment, are involved in spatial orientation and correction of motor reactions.

The value of physical exercises for the formation of the support system and


Movements, the need for which is due to the patterns of growth

body is an indispensable condition for normal development, health promotion,

formation correct posture and mastery of basic motor

skills. In order to become strong, agile, enduring and

able to work, it is necessary to regularly engage in physical labor,

physical education and sports. The ability of a muscle to perform physical work

depends on her previous training. First of all training

increases muscle strength. Under its influence, muscle fibers and the entire muscle as a whole thicken. Exercise improves coordination and

automating muscle movements, increasing efficiency. A trained person, tired of the work done, is able to quickly restore his strength.

Training has a beneficial effect on the state of the skeleton. Especially

strongly develop those parts of the bones where large ones are attached, well

developed muscles. Training has a beneficial effect on the development of everything

organism. Strengthened muscular work significantly increases the need for

oxygen, i.e. contributes to the training of respiratory and cardio -

vascular systems s, the development of the heart muscle and chest muscles.

Muscular work improves mood, creates a feeling

vivacity and ultimately leads to an increase in the vital activity of all

organism. A person should always strive to develop such physical

qualities like strength, agility, speed, endurance. Each of us

many cases that require physical effort, reliable hardening.

Reduced physical activity adversely affects health. At

people develop skeletal muscle weakness, followed by weakness

heart muscle and dysfunction cardiovascular systems s.

At the same time, there is a restructuring of the bones, the accumulation of fat in the body,

development of atherosclerosis chronic disease manifested in

damage to the inner wall of the arteries and circulatory disorders), falling

performance, resistance to infections decreases, the process of

body aging.

The era of the scientific and technological revolution led to a decrease in the share of manual

labor due to mechanization and automation of labor processes. Development

urban transport and vehicles such as elevators, escalators,

moving sidewalks, the development of telephones and other means of communication have led

to the widespread sedentary lifestyle, to physical inactivity -

decrease in motor activity.

The main ways to deal with the consequences of hypodynamia are all

types of physical training, physical education, sports, tourism, physical labor.

Regular exercise and sports, morning exercises,

physical education, walks, tourism are designed to compensate for motor

starvation. Household, work or casual physical activity does not solve

cases, as they tend to develop disproportionately. Specially

well-thought-out physical exercises allow you to align

physical fitness, develop proportionally and diversified.

Physical exercises must be done daily, preferably several

once a day. You can, doing several times a day, spend on it daily

no more than 30-40 minutes. Although, of course, it’s not bad to devote to your physical

self-improvement, health promotion and performance improvement hour - one and a half a day. Almost everyone has such a reserve of time.

It must be remembered that regular physical activity prolongs youth. Tem

more than after 3-4 weeks of classes, they will become a need, they will begin

give pleasure.

Physical exercises are very diverse. Swimming is good in summer

run, play outdoor volleyball, basketball, badminton,

table tennis. Swimming, long running, sports games give a good

load on all body systems, contribute to the development of endurance,

improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. However, it should not

overwork. Fatigue should be such that, firstly, it is not

unpleasant (not to the point of exhaustion), and secondly, the next day it can be felt

shouldn't. If these conditions are not met, it means that excessive

fatigue for which the body is not prepared. For this reason, the load

should be increased gradually, only as the body adapts.

Swimming (and bathing in general) is also useful because cool water

has a beneficial effect on the nervous and vascular systems, promotes

hardening of a person. But even here you need to know the capabilities of your body and not

lose a sense of proportion: hypothermia can not only lead to a cold

disease, it is harmful to the nervous and vascular systems, disrupts the work

some other organs, contributes to the exacerbation of inflammatory

diseases. So don't get carried away by staying in the water for a long time. Out of the water

you need to go out not when the chill is already felt, but a little earlier.

Harmless stay in the water is significantly extended if vigorously

move: swim, play.

In winter it is useful to go skiing, skating. These types of exercises

also contribute to hardening, but here you should beware

hypothermia and fatigue.

Gymnastic exercises have their own characteristics. When doing them

it is easy to dose the load, and not only the total, but also on individual

muscle groups. Easily targeted development physical qualities, influence on

body type. Gymnastics can be performed at home, giving it

a few minutes or several tens of minutes - as needed.

Gymnastic exercises are the main content of morning exercises,

which must be performed daily, starting from it a day. Why is she needed?

During sleep, the movement of tissue (intercellular)

fluids or lymph. The fact is that the lymph moves mainly for

account of the work (contraction and relaxation) of the muscles and movements of the links of the body. But

when a person sleeps, the skeletal muscles hardly work. That's why

lymph almost does not move, stagnates in tissues and becomes clogged with products

cell activity, is a bad environment for them.

In order to remove stagnation, one should move vigorously,

engaging all parts of the body. That's what charging is for.

Its other task is to help the nervous system “wake up” as soon as possible, this

allows you to quickly get involved in the normal rhythm of life. Can be placed before

morning exercises and another task - physical improvement. For

This includes exercises aimed at developing strength, flexibility,

jumping ability, on the improvement of the figure, on the formation of certain

motor skills.

For human health importance has a skeletal state and

muscular system. Their formation occurs in childhood in the process

growth and development of the body. Good posture, i.e. correct body position

when walking, standing, sitting, doing various kinds work, not only

has aesthetic value, but is also necessary condition for

normal development and full functioning of internal organs.

Correct posture does not arise by itself, it must be formed

With early childhood. Defects in posture most easily occur during the period when

there is still a lot of cartilage tissue in the vertebrae and other bones of the chest. After

replacement with cartilage bone, posture defects are very difficult to

fix. If a child, sitting at a desk, constantly stoops and

stoop, take an incorrect posture, hold one shoulder higher than the other,

constantly carries weights in one hand, for example, a briefcase, he inevitably

spinal curvature occurs. This not only leads to external

violations, which are then very difficult to correct, but also causes

disorder of the internal organs, and, above all, the heart and lungs.

In order to avoid the danger of spinal curvature, the student, sitting

at the desk, you should keep the torso straight, and only slightly tilt your head

forward. Between the chest and the desk there should be a free space of 3-

4 cm, forearms should lie freely on the table, legs should be bent

in the hip and knee joints at a right angle, and the feet should

lean on the floor or the footboard of the desk. It is best for elementary school students to use a satchel.

Constantly doing physical education, participating in hiking and sports

games, we must remember that all these activities can be useful for

body only if the physical load corresponds

physical development. Prolonged, excessive physical activity can

bring no less harm to a fragile body than a sedentary image

life. Therefore, participation in sports, long races

distances, in football, hockey, basketball matches must be

be preceded by appropriate physical training and expert advice.

A set of exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system

To increase mobility in the joints, you can use the following exercises:

  • Starting position - hands forward, palms down. Movement of the brushes up, down, in, out.

  • starting position - hands forward, palms inward. Movement of the brushes up, down, inward, outward, in the wrist joint.

  • starting position - hands forward. Circular movements in the wrist joints, in the elbow and shoulder joints.

  • starting position - hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the left and right with different positions of the hands (to the sides, up).

  • starting position - hands behind the head. Circular movements of the body.

  • starting position - hands to the shoulders. Circular movements of the pelvis to the left and right.

  • starting position - semi-squat, hands on knees. Leaning the legs to the left and right. Circular movements in the knee joints to the left and right.

  • starting position - the main rack. Tilt left, right.

  • starting position - arms up to the sides. Lean forward until your hands touch the floor.

  • starting position - lying on your back, arms up. Leaning forward, hands to toes.
“Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are performed from a wide variety of starting positions (standing, crouching, lying, hanging, kneeling, etc.). Movements to the sides, up, back and forth are carried out both with straight arms and bent at the elbow joints. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle can be widely used in combination with exercises for other muscle groups (legs and torso, etc.).

Exercises for the neck muscles are mainly tilting the head forward, backward, to the sides, turning the head and rotating movements.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs should be selected taking into account all muscle groups that perform flexion and extension of the legs in the hip, knee and ankle joints, as well as abduction and adduction by the hips. These are various movements with straight and bent legs, lunges forward, sideways, backwards, lifting on toes, squats on two and one legs with and without support by hands, jumping in place, moving forward, etc.

Exercises for the muscles of the body contribute to the development of mobility in the spine. These are basically tilts and turns in various directions. They are performed from the starting position, standing, sitting, lying on the stomach and back, kneeling, etc. After exercises aimed at developing a particular muscle group, a relaxation exercise should follow, which normalizes muscle tone. This is the raising of the arms and their free, relaxed lowering, wide, sweeping movements of the body without tension, leaning forward with lowered arms, relaxation of the muscles in a sitting position, lying down, shaking arms, legs, and some others.

“Exercises for the education of posture. As a rule, with age, as a result of weakening the muscles of the legs and torso, incorrect or forced position of certain parts of the body at work or at home, posture worsens. The constant use of specially selected exercises will help maintain a correct and beautiful posture for many years.

  • starting position - hands down to the castle. 1 - 2. Hands up - back, rise on toes, bend over. 3 - 4. Starting position.

  • starting position - hands on the belt. 1 - 2. Half tilt forward, rise on your toes, look forward. 3 - 4. Starting position.

  • starting position - a stick on the shoulder blades with a grip on the ends. Tilt to the left. 3 - 4. Starting position. 5 - 8. Also to the right.

  • starting position - the main rack. 1 - 2. Sit on your toes, hands behind your back. 3 - 4. Starting position.

  • starting position - emphasis sitting at the back. 1 - 2. Bend over. 3 - 4. Starting position.
starting position - lying on the floor on the stomach in front of the gymnastic wall. 1 - 2. Turning the slats from the bottom up with your hands, bend. 3 - 4. Starting position.

Hardening of the body

Modern housing, clothing, transport, etc. reduce the impact on

the human body of atmospheric influences such as temperature, humidity,

Sun rays. Reducing such influences on our body reduces its

resistance to environmental factors. Easier to endure frost and heat

a person who from an early age tempered his body, taught him to

temperature fluctuations. Therefore, hardening is a complex of techniques,

which are systematically used to train the body's resistance to

temperature fluctuations in the environment. Hardening - powerful

health remedy. With its help, many diseases can be avoided and

the role of hardening in the prevention colds. 2-4 times

hardening procedures reduce their number, and in some cases help

completely get rid of colds. Hardening has a general strengthening effect

on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves

blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

The main conditions that must be met when hardening the body

are the systematic use of hardening procedures and the gradual

increasing the power of influence. It must be remembered that after 2-3 months after

cessation of hardening previously achieved level of resistance of the body

starts to decline.

The most common form of hardening is the use

fresh cool air. For this, in the warm season are good

long walks, hiking, sleeping indoors with an open

window. At home it is useful to walk barefoot on the floor, and for the first time in a while!

minutes, then every week increase the duration by 1 minute. AT

the cold season of walking is good to complement skiing,

skating, slow hardening run in lightweight clothing.

Increasing resistance to low temperatures also contributes to

morning exercises in the open air or in a well-ventilated


A stronger hardening factor is water. In addition to temperature, water

has a mechanical effect on the skin, which is a kind of

massage that improves blood circulation. Hardening can be carried out in the form

rubbing or dousing with water. Start hardening with water at a temperature

one degree. If there are no changes in the body,

The temperature of the water can be brought up to the temperature of the tap

(10-12 degrees).

Bathing in open waters has a great hardening effect.

In this case, irritation by water is combined with exposure to air. When bathing

warming the body contributes to the increased work of the muscles during swimming.

At first, the duration of bathing leaves 4-5 minutes, gradually it

increase to 15-20 minutes. When bathing for too long or bathing in

very cold water increased metabolism cannot make up for the loss

heat and the body is supercooled. As a result, instead of hardening a person

harms your health.

One of the hardening factors is solar radiation. It

causes vasodilation, enhances the activity of hematopoietic organs,

promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body.

The duration of exposure to the sun at the beginning should not exceed 5

minutes. Gradually increase it to 40-50 minutes, but no more. At the same time, it is necessary

remember that excessive exposure to the sun can lead to overheating

organism, sunstroke, burns.


These are the basic components of health. Remember: a healthy lifestyle

allows to reveal to a large extent those valuable personality traits that

are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. This is before

overall high mental and physical performance, social

activity, creative longevity. Conscious and responsible attitude towards

health as a public good should become the norm of life and

the behavior of all people. Global promotion of a healthy lifestyle

a matter of national importance, nationwide, and at the same time it

concerns each of us.


Collection of abstracts "5pointsRU"

Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius

1001 questions and answers. Big Book of Knowledge "World of Books" Moscow 2004

Great Russian Encyclopedia. ONYX 21st century. 2003

Human Physiology E.B. Babsky, G.I. Kositsky, A.B. Kogan and others.

Biology. Human. A.S. Batueva 2001

Boyko V.V. Purposeful development of human motor abilities. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987.- 208 p.

Volkov V.M. To the problem of the development of motor abilities. Theory and practice of physical culture. - 1993.- No. 5-6. - P.41.

Recently, due to the increase in the number of children with impaired posture, there is a need to create preschool institutions with an orthopedic focus.

Why do modern children often have a violation of posture? Obviously, among the most important reasons should be attributed the high percentage of births of weakened children, the reduction in physical activity due to the priority of "intellectual" activities and, as a result, a decrease in muscle tone, as well as general weakness of the muscles, unable to keep the posture in the correct position. It is important to start the prevention of posture defects and the correction of the existing type of its violation as early as possible so that the child does not experience increased fatigue, headaches and pain in the muscles of the body at school.

Games to strengthen posture, back muscles and abdominals

Objectives: to improve the skills of correct posture in various starting positions, with various hand movements; strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals; improve coordination of movements.

"Fish and Sharks"

They choose the driver - "shark", the rest of the children - "fish". At the signal "One, two, three - catch!" they scatter around the hall, and the one who leads them "salits" - touches them with his hand. To escape from the chase of the "shark", the player stops anywhere in the hall and takes the position of the combatant.

  1. you can scatter only after the command "Catch!";
  2. if, having stopped, the player did not have time or failed to take the position of the correct posture, the driver “salts” him;
  3. caught "fish" go to the wall and take the position of correct posture, standing with their backs to the wall (heels, calf muscles, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of the head touch the wall, stomach is pulled up, hands below with palms forward).

"Sea Figure"

Children, holding hands, form a circle, facing the center. Waving their arms back and forth, they say the words: "Waves sway - one, waves sway - two, waves sway - three, in place, figure, freeze!" After the word "freeze" the children take the position of correct posture, standing, sitting, kneeling. The teacher chooses the best "figure" - a child who has managed to accept and maintain the position of correct posture.

  1. adopted after the word "freeze!" posture cannot be changed;
  2. when repeating the game, you need to find a new position;
  3. the child, unable to maintain the correct posture, steps aside and performs a corrective exercise as directed by the teacher.


Children lie on their stomachs in a circle, facing in the center of the circle, hands under the chin, legs together. The driver throws the ball to any player, he beats it off with both hands, while bending, raises his head and chest. Feet remain pressed to the floor.


Children lie on mats on their stomachs. Hands under the chin, legs together. In front of the face is a cup of water and a boat with a sail. You need to bend over, raising your head and chest, exhaling air calmly into the boat. It should be blown calmly so that the boat floats, but does not capsize.

Games and exercises for the prevention of flat feet

Purpose: to form the skills of correct posture, strengthen the muscular system; exercise in the correct setting of the feet when walking; strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the feet in order to prevent flat feet; educate a conscious attitude towards correct posture.

Relay "Load the car"

Equipment: cars, sticks, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Children stand barefoot, hands on their belts, backs straight, they take sticks in turn with their toes and pass them to each other in a chain, the latter puts them into the car.

Relay with a stick

Equipment: sticks 20 cm long.

Children stand in one line, shoulder to shoulder. The first child takes a stick with his toes and passes it to the next participant without lowering it to the floor.

Complicated option. Two teams compete.

Relay race "Let's build a ladder"

Equipment: the same.

Children stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. Near the first child lies 12-18 sticks. Children pass one stick to each other, and the latter builds a ladder.

Relay with a car

Equipment: rope machine.

Children stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. Near the first child is a car with a rope. He takes the rope with his toes and pulls the car up to the second child, passes it to the next without lowering it to the floor.

Complicated option. Two teams compete.

Imitation game "Wade"

Equipment: a box filled with pebbles (pebbles, counting stones).

Children imitate the movement of mice. With an added step, they walk on the pebbles one after another.

"Paint a Picture"

Equipment: sticks (felt-tip pens, pencils of various lengths and colors).

Children, standing barefoot, make up a variety of plots with their toes, using sticks of various colors and lengths.

"Fold the Pattern"

Equipment: the same and a sample - a diagram-drawing.

Children, standing barefoot, use their toes to make a pattern according to a pattern and pattern.

"Painting with a brush"

Equipment: paper, gouache, brushes.

Children take a brush with their toes, pick up gouache and draw the sun (berry, tree, fence, house, car, etc.).

"Catch the Fish" ("Get the Pearl")

Equipment: a basin of water, floating objects (plugs), pebbles.

Methodology: pebbles and corks are lowered into a basin of water, children “catch fish” (corks) with their toes and take out “pearls” (pebbles) from the bottom.

"Find the treasure"

Equipment: a basin of water, small stones and any object that differs from stones in shape and size. The child stands in a basin of water and, sorting through the pebbles, looks for a hidden object.


Equipment: handkerchiefs (napkins).

There are handkerchiefs on the floor in front of the children. With their toes, children collect a handkerchief into an accordion and release it 2 times (wash it). Then they take the handkerchief by the edge, raise and lower it (rinse) and again collect it into an accordion (squeeze) and hang the handkerchief to dry.

As a result of orthopedic games and corrective work with children, based on diagnostic cards Exercise therapy and examination by an orthopedic doctor revealed positive dynamics in strengthening the muscular corset and the formation of correct posture. But we are convinced that the problem of improving the health of children is not a campaign, but a purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire staff of preschool educational institutions and parents for a long period. It is this form of joint activity that makes it possible to establish the unity of requirements for the physical education of children in the preschool educational institution and the family.

We are glad that, according to the results of the examination by the City Medical and Pedagogical Commission, it was noted that our children do not have any deterioration in their health, but on the contrary, there is an improvement and stabilization.

07.12.2009 13:13:44, ..Lukyana

Strange article.
Against the backdrop of a shortage of kindergartens, and an ugly and unprofessional attitude towards children in the remaining ones ... Talking about the prevention of the support-movement apparatus in kindergartens is at least strange, if not ridiculous.
Let's build a Potemkin kindergarten?

P.S. Recently, a dad took his son out of the garden. Comes, baby's shoes on different legs. He says to the teacher: "You see, tell the child to change his shoes. The son himself can change his shoes." The next day, the same picture... Scaliosis, they say it needs to be treated... And then what will we do with the legs? The teachers don't care about the kids. Mostly mothers of children who go to the same kindergarten work there.

Special articular gymnastics will help to normalize it, as well as increase flexibility and improve posture.

Our expert is Alexandra Romanenkova, master of sports in swimming, articular gymnastics coach.

Team "hodgepodge"

Articular gymnastics has absorbed exercises from a variety of sports areas and methods.

The workout should ideally last 50 minutes, but if it's hard at first, you can limit yourself to half an hour. During the lesson, all muscles and joints are worked out - from the cervical vertebrae to the feet.

All exercises take place at a slow pace: smooth rotations, flexion-extension with repetitions. If the joints have completely lost their mobility, they are massaged with hands.

The program also includes exercises to create tension in a particular part of the body with the help of your own muscle effort. You can simply bend your arm, or you can tighten your muscles and bend, overcoming resistance. Due to this, ligaments, shoulder and elbow joints are trained.

Benefits for the whole body

Gymnastics not only develops joint mobility, but also increases blood circulation, makes metabolic processes go faster, which has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Classes also have a positive effect on the nervous system. The gymnastics includes exercises aimed at stretching the median nerve, which runs from the neck to the palms. The muscles of the neck are considered stressful, and when a person is constantly depressed or irritated, they are clamped.

One has only to straighten these muscles - as the person himself relaxes, calms down.

Everyone can do

It is impossible to overtrain with articular gymnastics, since this is a very soft system. But slight fatigue after the first workouts will be felt, because the joints are involved, which in ordinary life are not used.

With diseases of the musculoskeletal system, many types of activity are not available, so articular gymnastics can play a significant role. Healthy people regular sports are necessary - and joint gymnastics in this case acts as an addition to the main workouts: aerobics, shaping, Pilates. Fitness helps to strengthen the main muscles, and joint gymnastics - small and inactive.

Two or three sessions a week is enough to keep the body in good shape. If something bothers you, for example, a characteristic click when bending and unbending the legs or arms, you should do it more often - 5-6 times. First, of course, you should consult a doctor and understand the cause of the ailments.

Contraindications for articular gymnastics are minimal: sharp pain or pregnancy. But immediately after childbirth, as soon as the woman is mentally prepared for physical activity you can start classes.

Let's get to the exercises!

Shoulder joints

1. We rotate the straight arm, freely lowered along the body, in the frontal plane in front of us.

A feeling of heaviness and swelling will appear in the brush, it will turn red from the rush of blood. Gradually increase the rotation speed.

Shoulder joints are trained alternately. Rotate each hand first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

2. The back is straight. We pull the shoulders forward towards each other, strain, then slightly relax and again with a new effort we give additional tension.

We repeat 8-10 times.

3. Shoulders pull up, release tension and stretch again. Alternate increasing tension with relaxation each time, lowering the shoulders as low as possible. Strengthen the tension on the exhale, and relaxation on the inhale.


1. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, feet parallel to each other (socks slightly turned inward), palms on the kneecaps. The back is straight, we look forward, we do not lower our heads.

We make circular movements with the knees: first 8-10 times inward, then outward (hands help rotation). At the end of each movement, the knees are fully extended.

2. Feet together, palms on knees. The back is straight, we look forward, we do not lower our heads. We describe circles with our knees in one direction, unbending them at the end of each movement. We perform the exercise in the opposite direction in the same way.

3. Feet together, legs straight, back straight. With springy movements of the hands, we press on the kneecaps, trying to straighten them even better.

We perform 8-10 such movements. Let's look ahead.

cervical spine

1. The body is straight, the chin is lowered to the chest. Slide the chin down over the chest. We alternate tension and light relaxation.

With each new tension, we try to continue moving, adding a little effort.

We perform 8-10 such movements.

2. The body is straight, the head is slightly tilted back (but not thrown back). We stretch the chin up.

Then we stop the movement for a second, release the tension a little and again stretch our chin up.

We do 8-10 such movements.

3. The back is straight, the shoulders are absolutely motionless during the exercise.

We tilt our head to the right (without turning) and try to touch the shoulder with our ear. Then we tilt our head to the left shoulder.

4. Circular movements of the head. The head rolls slowly and freely, no need to overexert the muscles of the neck.

8-10 times - in one direction, and then in the other.

Elbow joints

Stand straight, shoulders parallel to the floor, arms bent at the elbows, forearms hanging freely, hands in a soft fist.

We make rotational movements with the forearms around elbow joints first 8-10 times in one direction, then in the other direction.

Make sure your shoulders don't move.

Now do 8-10 circular motions, rotating synchronously with the forearms towards you, and then away from you.


Stand up straight, bend your leg at the knee, thigh parallel to the floor, hand fixes the thigh, lower leg is relaxed.

We perform rotational movements of the lower leg clockwise and counterclockwise 8-10 times in turn.

Be healthy!