The child has a heatstroke temperature what to do. How long does heatstroke last? How to treat it? Sunstroke in a child

Summer is a long-awaited time for every child. During this time of the year, especially on hot days, children spend a lot of time outside, so parents should be aware that prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to heat stroke. It is very important to know how to prevent heat stroke and what to do if this trouble does happen to the child.

Many parents underestimate the dangers of heat stroke, but in vain - the duration of the child's exposure to the open sun in the summer season must be strictly controlled

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is a pathological condition of a person that occurs under the influence of high temperatures, in which the process of thermoregulation is disturbed. The body receives a large number of heat from outside, in addition to that generated as a result of vital activity, which leads to overheating.

Long stay leads to heat stroke:

  • outdoors in the summer heat;
  • indoors with high temperature air;
  • in clothes that are too warm for the season.

Causes of heat stroke

The main reason is a strong overheating of the body. With a long stay in a hot room or on the street in the summer heat, a malfunction occurs in the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. The heat generated by a person accumulates in the body and cannot be released.

The process of heat transfer in humans occurs when sweat is produced, which evaporates, cooling the body. Heat is also given off by inhaling cold air and expanding capillaries close to the surface of the skin. In summer, the air temperature is high, which means that body heat is not released to warm it. Other types of thermoregulation do their job well, if you do not create obstacles for them.

In order to protect the child from overheating, care must be taken to ensure that he has something to quench his thirst, and clothes do not prevent sweat from evaporating. Liquid from the surface of the body evaporates only if the air environment drier air under clothing. With high humidity, sweat does not evaporate, but flows down in a stream, while the surface of the skin is not cooled. Clothing should not be too close to the body, so as not to interfere with the removal of heat.

The main factors preventing heat transfer are:

  • air temperature exceeding body temperature at which heat is not removed from the body;
  • high air humidity values;
  • synthetic or too warm clothes;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • physical activity in the summer heat;
  • excess weight;
  • fair-skinned children are more prone to overheating;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • unstable thermoregulation system.

Symptoms in children at different ages

Signs of hyperthermia in children are more pronounced than in adults, and clinical condition can deteriorate very quickly.

When overheated, dehydration and intoxication of the body occur, which lead to serious complications and pose a threat to the health and life of the child. When characteristic features you need to see a doctor.

Symptoms of heat stroke in infants vary. In order to provide timely assistance to the child and avoid the transition of the disease to more severe form, you need to know how it manifests itself and how long overheating lasts in children.

Signs in the chest

Babies under one year old are often supercooled and easily overheated, so it is not necessary to wrap them up in a well-heated room. Heat stroke can be identified by the following signs:

  • baby crying loudly
  • the face turns red, the temperature rises;
  • sticky sweat appears on the tummy and back;
  • signs of dehydration appear (reddened eyes, dry armpits and lips);
  • poor appetite;
  • general weakness, apathy.

In infants, the process of dehydration occurs very quickly, therefore, at the first symptoms of heat stroke, it is necessary to seek medical attention. medical care

If a child has characteristic symptoms, he must be given first aid and contact the medical institution. If heat stroke is not recognized in time in an infant, he may experience severe dehydration, loss of consciousness.

Symptoms in children older than one year

Too warm clothes provoke overheating in children older than a year. This is also facilitated by the increased activity of babies, in which their body temperature rises, and clothes do not allow heat to come out. In unventilated warm rooms, the likelihood of overheating increases.

In children older than 1-2 years, it is much easier to recognize heat stroke, as the symptoms are more pronounced:

  • with a mild degree of overheating, babies are characterized by increased physical activity, leading to a deterioration in the condition;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • skin redness;
  • dry lips;
  • sudden bouts of vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness.

With mild heatstroke, the baby feels weak and constant feeling thirst, nausea and vomiting

First aid for symptoms

At the first symptoms of heat stroke in a child, doctors should be called. Before their arrival, parents must do the following:

  • Move the child to a well-ventilated, cool area.
  • Lay the baby on a horizontal surface.
  • If the child is fainting, it is necessary to raise his legs, after placing a towel or some clothing under them. This position improves blood flow to the head.
  • With severe vomiting, you need to turn the baby's head to the side to ensure the flow of air to the lungs.
  • If clothing is made of synthetic materials or restricts movement, it must be completely removed.
  • To avoid dehydration, the child must be given water to drink. It should be given often in small sips. To restore salt balance, it is better to give mineral water or saline solutions, such as Regidron, Trihydron, Reosalan - this will help prevent convulsions.
  • Any cloth moistened with water should be applied to the back of the head and neck. She can also wipe the child's body or gradually pour water at room temperature. It is impossible to bring a heated baby into a cold body of water.

For heat stroke, apply a cold compress to the child's forehead.
  • Something cold should be applied to the forehead, such as a bottle or a bag. The newborn can be completely wrapped in a wet towel or sheet.
  • For proper breathing, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air with a fan or newspaper.
  • When fainting, the baby can be given a sniff of a cotton swab moistened with a solution of ammonia, which can be found in any car first-aid kit.
  • In case of a sudden stoppage of breathing in a child, if the medical team has not yet arrived, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration. To do this, the baby’s head is slightly thrown back, with one hand they cover the baby’s nose, and with the other they hold the chin. After a deep breath, release air into the mouth for a few seconds. When air enters the lungs rib cage should rise.

Heat stroke treatment

Treatment of hyperthermia begins with the provision of first aid to the child. After the arrival of the doctors, the patient is hospitalized and medical measures are continued in a hospital setting. A child who has suffered a heat stroke must be treated. Otherwise, it is very difficult to avoid serious consequences for the health of the baby.

How to help the baby?

The first task of parents with heat stroke in infants is to lower body temperature. To do this, it must be completely undressed or swaddled.

Then they move on to other cooling methods:

  • wipe the baby's body with water, the temperature of which should not be lower than 20 ° C, too cold water can provoke a deterioration in the condition;
  • wrap the newborn in a cold diaper, which must be changed every 8-10 minutes;
  • put the child in a bath with water at room temperature for 5-7 minutes.

If the procedures are carried out at home, then it is necessary that the air conditioner or fan work in the room. If first aid is provided on the street, then the patient is transferred to the shade.

After overheating, the newborn is provided with a constant supply of fluid to the body. Every 30 minutes, the baby needs to drink at least 50 ml of water or breast milk. With hyperthermia, accompanied by vomiting, the dose of liquid is increased.

If heat stroke is accompanied by cardiac arrest, the baby is given artificial respiration, alternating it with a heart massage. Each breath should be followed by 5 compressions on the lower part of the sternum.

Treatment of babies 2-3 years old

With hyperthermia in a child 2-3 years old, treatment is carried out in a similar way. Emergency physicians evaluate general state the patient and, if necessary, hospitalize him in a hospital.

Treatment for heat stroke depends on its severity, sometimes doctors insist on hospitalization of the child

Scheme drug therapy for children under 4 years of age is as follows:

  • taking anti-shock and antipyretic drugs with a dosage corresponding to the age of the child;
  • intravenous administration of solutions to normalize the electrolyte balance in the child's body;
  • reception hormonal drugs to improve hemodynamics;
  • anticonvulsants are prescribed as needed;
  • in critical situations, tracheal intubation is performed.

Therapy for children over 3 years old

Children of preschool and school age have more stable thermoregulation, but, despite this, they can also get heat stroke when they stay in the sun for a long time or in a very warm room. In a hospital setting, therapy is performed using the following medications:

  • drugs Droperidol and Aminazine are administered intravenously according to the instructions;
  • saline solutions are infused with a dropper to prevent dehydration and normalize electrolyte levels;
  • cardiotonics normalize the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal agents;
  • anticonvulsants Diazepam and Seduxen are used for treatment only when needed.

Consequences of hyperthermia

With hyperthermia, help should be provided immediately. If in the first hours after the discovery of the pathology, no healing procedures, the child will have severe complications:

  1. Thickening of the blood. Occurs due to lack of fluid, leads to heart failure, thrombosis, heart attack.
  2. Severe form kidney failure. In most cases, it appears under the influence of metabolic products formed in the body at high temperatures.
  3. Respiratory failure. Associated with changes in the part of the brain responsible for respiratory function. With hyperthermia, it manifests itself in an acute form.
  4. Damage to the central nervous system, the main symptoms of which are: severe vomiting, fainting, hearing, speech and vision disorders.
  5. Shock is one of the most dangerous conditions that occurs due to dehydration. With an imbalance of electrolytes in the body, the blood supply to most internal organs is disrupted.

With the onset of summer, many people spend a lot of time outdoors, so parents need to know the main symptoms of heat stroke in a child. If the baby's health has deteriorated sharply and he has become lethargic, it means that he has overheated, and he needs urgent help.

This disease is called a painful condition that is caused by prolonged exposure to hot environmental conditions. It occurs at any time of the year, but most often in the summer. The situation is aggravated by the presence of warm or multilayer clothing, synthetic fabrics, high humidity, plentiful food, physical activity.

There is the concept of sunstroke - it occurs if a person does not wear a hat in sunny weather. Symptoms and prevention are similar. Sunstroke is a form of heat. However, there are differences.

These diseases occur for various reasons. Parents need to know what happens in the body when they overheat so that they can provide first aid to their child if symptoms of heat stroke occur.

First aid for heat stroke and sunstroke is the same.

Development mechanism

The human body adapts to different environmental weather conditions and maintains its constant temperature. If the air is very warm, the body begins to sweat actively - this is how heat passes into the environment. The hotter it is outside and the higher the humidity, the more a person sweats. In especially hot weather, up to 1 liter of liquid comes out with sweat in 1 hour.

Most often, infants, children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases. In this case, the processes of heat generation are enhanced, and the processes of heat transfer are reduced. Heat is stored in the body and does not escape.

If a person is hot, he begins to sweat - this is how heat passes into the environment. In particularly hot weather, the body can lose up to 1 liter of fluid in 1 hour with sweat.

When overheated, the blood vessels constrict, the heat does not go to the skin, but remains inside. When dehydrated, the blood becomes thick, blood circulation in internal organs is violated. Blood enters the skin (the face turns red), it is not enough in the organs (weakness appears).

A person begins to have a fever, intoxication of the body, heart failure, which can even lead to respiratory arrest and death.

Normally, thermoregulation occurs at 37 °C (± 1.5 °C). When climatic conditions change, the process of heat transfer changes. In this case, the following consequences are possible:

  1. At the compensation stage, the human body struggles with overheating.
  2. Compensatory reactions disrupt thermoregulation.
  3. If the symptoms are not eliminated in the previous stages, fever appears.
  4. There comes a stage of a decompensation.
  5. Acidosis (a form of acid-base imbalance) occurs in the last stage of overheating.

Thus, when overheated, processes occur in the body that can lead to irreversible consequences.

The reasons

There are two forms of overheating:

  • overheating during physical activity (in young people, athletes, those who work in a stuffy room);
  • classic heat stroke caused by elevated air temperature.
Insufficient fluid intake in hot weather can lead to heat stroke

The following reasons contribute to overheating:

  • prolonged exposure to the street in hot weather;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • the presence of multi-layered or synthetic clothing in hot weather;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • heart disease (including a previous heart attack or stroke);
  • overweight;
  • the use of diuretic medications (read about);
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • use of alcohol or drugs.

If timely assistance is not provided, a person can be seriously injured.


In order to provide first aid to the victim in time, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke in a child and an adult.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what heatstroke is and how to avoid it.

In infants

Heatstroke in children under one year is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • complexion changes: first skin covering blushes, then turns pale;
  • the temperature rises sharply to 38-40 ° C;
  • behavior changes: at first the baby is in an excited state, after which it becomes lethargic, yawns; this happens because the body loses fluid, but cannot cool itself;
  • cold sweat appears;
  • disrupted work digestive system: sick, tormented by belching and frequent stools;
  • cramps of the face, arms and legs may appear (in this article you will learn about and first aid).

The kid can be capricious and cry for a long time, he does not understand what is happening to him, he feels bad.

In children older than one year

With heatstroke, children become lethargic, they have a fever

Children 1 year of age and older have similar basic signs of heat stroke:

  • lethargy, weakness;
  • possible fainting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting (go to to learn how to stop a child from vomiting);
  • rapid pulse, weakly palpable;
  • tinnitus and darkening of the eyes;
  • cracked lips from dehydration;
  • nosebleed.

AT childhood the disease is dangerous by the occurrence of a critical condition, which can lead to death. It is urgent to call an ambulance and take the baby to the hospital. In addition, it comes on abruptly, so it is important to notice overheating at early stages.

In adults

The main symptoms of heat stroke include headache, lethargy, and fever

In adults, the signs of heat stroke are:

  • lethargy, drowsiness, weakness (I want to lie down or lean on my elbows, a person cannot stand on his feet);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • redness of the face;
  • temperature increase up to 40 °C;
  • intestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea).

After that, the person falls into a delusional state, hallucinations occur, the patient loses consciousness. The complexion turns from red to white (bluish), there is profuse sweating. Further work is disrupted cardiovascular systems s (pulse quickens, but weakly heard). In this condition, death is possible.


There are three degrees of severity, depending on which treatment is prescribed.
A mild degree is manifested by headaches, nausea, dilated pupils, weakness and lethargy, rapid heart rate and breathing. Red face, profuse sweating, possibly bleeding from the nose.
Medium severity characterized by severe weakness, passivity: the child is lethargic, lies all the time, he is disturbed by vomiting, loss of consciousness is possible. There is a fever (up to 40 ° C), tachycardia occurs, breathing is frequent and labored.
A severe degree is considered the most dangerous. Convulsions are possible, the person "burns" (temperature up to 41 ° C). The state of delirium, fainting occurs, blood circulation and breathing are disturbed.

AT medical sources You can find the division of the disease into 4 varieties:

  • asphyxia - respiratory failure, fever up to 38 ° C;
  • hypothermia - fever, fever (39-41 ° C);
  • cerebral form - arise mental disorders and neurological phenomena (convulsions, delirium, hallucinations);
  • gastroenteric form - a violation of the digestive system (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, disturbed stools).

Most often, not one form of heat stroke occurs, but several at once.

In case of heat stroke, it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body. It is manifested by the fact that there is thirst, dry mouth, lips crack. It is also important to look for signs of heat and sunstroke.

First aid

At the first suspicion of overheating, parents should call a doctor and provide first aid. first aid.

First, the victim must be moved to a cool place.

It is important to know what to do with heat stroke:

  1. Move the victim to a shade or cool room.
  2. Remove outer clothing (from the baby - a diaper).
  3. Put a cold compress on the head, wipe the body with cool water (adults can be wiped with alcohol or vodka). This will help cool you down.
  4. Give cool water to drink often, but little by little. When fainting, you should not give a drink, as water can get into the inhalation tract! It is better to drink pure non-carbonated drinking water.
  5. If vomiting has begun, the person must be laid on one side, raise his head and tilt it.

You also need to know what not to do with heat stroke:

  • Give antipyretics.
  • Give alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Quickly cool the victim (for example, dipping in cold water).

If you take these actions in time, you can avoid disastrous consequences. With a mild degree of first aid, as a rule, it is enough to restore the body. If it doesn’t get better, call your doctor immediately, he will prescribe treatment for heat stroke.


Most often g miners and children under one year old react to heatstroke with vomiting and diarrhea, fever. If you do not provide first aid, the condition can become critical:

  • body temperature rises to 41 ° C;
  • breathing slows down or stops altogether.

In especially difficult cases, delirium, loss of consciousness, convulsions are observed, a person may fall into a coma. The longer the body is overheated, the higher the risk of death.

If the malaise occurred during physical activity, then this can provoke the development of various complications.


To avoid the consequences of hot weather, a number of preventive measures must be observed:

  1. In hot weather, walk with children up to a year in the shade of trees. Best time for walks - until 11 o'clock in the morning and after sunset in the evening. The most dangerous period is considered to be from 12.00 to 16.00. At this time, you need to stay at home, in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  2. Choose clothes for the baby from cotton or linen fabric (avoid synthetic fabrics). The child must wear a hat. It is better to buy clothes in light colors. You can wear sunglasses over your eyes.
  3. Take water with you for a walk.. You need to drink twice as much as usual. It is not recommended to feed outside.
  4. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet (as they contain water) and reduce the amount of fatty foods. Do not walk immediately after eating.
  5. If the baby was taken to the resort, then it is necessary to alternate swimming and playing on the beach. You can't let him sleep in the sun.
  6. Wipe the baby's face more often with a damp handkerchief or wash with cool water.
  7. Adults are not recommended to drink a lot of coffee and alcohol in hot weather.. It is better to quench your thirst with cool non-carbonated mineral water.

Watch the following video to learn about prevention and first aid for heat stroke.


Heatstroke can cause serious health damage. To avoid unwanted consequences, you need to take precautions. If it was not possible to avoid overheating, it is necessary to determine the symptoms of heat stroke in a child in time and provide first aid.

The holiday season is ahead. We all missed the sun and warmth during the winter. But the sun and heat are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Even in our latitudes, no one is immune from solar and heat stroke. Especially when it comes to children.

Today we will talk about a topic that is very relevant for all parents in the summer: heat and sunstroke. Moreover, the relevance remains regardless of where you will relax with your children - at sea or in the country.

We will analyze the causes and symptoms of heat and sunstroke, first aid, and, of course, the prevention of such conditions.

The consequences of overheating are often underestimated by parents. Heat stroke in children is a serious problem. The insidiousness of this condition lies in the fact that the first symptoms of the disease can be perceived as the beginning of a cold or simple malaise and fatigue.

Late diagnosis always leads to a neglected condition and, therefore, to serious consequences that require serious treatment. That is why every parent needs to know everything about overheating of the body and about measures to prevent it.

What is heat stroke and sunstroke?

Heat stroke is a pathological condition in which all processes of thermoregulation in the body are disrupted due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. That is, a large amount of heat comes from outside. In addition, heat is produced in the body itself (the mechanism of heat production works), but there is no heat transfer.

Heatstroke can develop outdoors in hot weather, in a hot heated room. This can also happen in conditions of not very high ambient temperatures, if the child is wrapped up very warmly.

Sunstroke is a separate form of heat stroke. This condition is characterized by a violation of the state of health due to exposure to direct sunlight directly on the head of the child.

Young children are especially susceptible to this condition. In babies, the processes of thermoregulation are still imperfect due to age. They often develop heat stroke even at low ambient temperatures. Also in young children there is a rapid progression of the disease.

In infants, the diagnosis of overheating is complicated by the fact that children cannot complain, tell what worries them. Yes, and the symptoms of overheating of the child are nonspecific. Lethargy, moody behavior, tearfulness can be for various reasons. These symptoms are not always immediately associated with overheating. Therefore, it is very important to protect babies from the sun and heat, and indeed from any overheating.

Causes of overheating

Although sunstroke is considered a special form of heatstroke, they are not identical. At least because they have different reasons occurrence.

In other words, if a child is in hot weather in the shade, with a hat, then he will not have a sunstroke, but he is not immune from the development of heatstroke.

The cause of heat stroke is the general overheating of the whole body with prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Due to overheating in the work of the thermoregulation center in the diencephalon, a breakdown occurs. The body actively produces heat, but cannot give it away.

Heat transfer normally occurs mainly with the production of sweat. Sweat, evaporating from the surface of the skin, cools the human body.

Additional options for heat transfer are the expenditure of energy (heat) for warming the inhaled air and expanding blood capillaries near the surface of the skin (a person turns red).

During hot weather, little heat is spent on warming the inhaled air. And two other mechanisms of thermoregulation work. Unless, of course, we interfere with them ...

What to do not to interfere? Everything is simple! First, parents should be given Special attention so that the child has something to sweat, and his clothes allow the sweat to evaporate.

There is one more nuance here. Fluid (in this case, sweat) evaporates if the surrounding air is drier than the layer of air directly around the body, under clothing. At high humidity, sweat flows in a stream, but does not evaporate. Simple laws of physics work. Therefore, skin cooling does not occur.

Plus, to avoid overheating, clothing should be loose so that heat from dilated blood capillaries is freely removed from the skin.

Let's summarize what has been said and add something, systematically answering the question: "What leads to a violation of heat transfer?"

So, the following factors make it difficult to transfer heat and cool the body:

  • heat (air temperature above 30 ° C). At temperatures above 36 ° C, heat is not removed from the skin surface at all, and sweat does not evaporate;
  • high air humidity;
  • improperly dressed (dressed too warmly or dressed in synthetic clothing in which the skin cannot breathe, and sweat does not evaporate and is not absorbed);
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (no shade);
  • intense physical activity in the heat;
  • lack of fluid intake (the child drinks little);
  • excess subcutaneous fat in chubby children prevents the release of heat.
  • fair-skinned, fair-haired children tolerate heat worse;
  • taking antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs slows down heat transfer;
  • violation of the heat transfer process may occur due to the pathology of the central nervous system or due to the physiological immaturity of the thermoregulation system in infants.

Heatstroke can also develop in babies who are in a closed car in the heat or during a traffic jam when the car is practically not in motion. When the outside temperature is around 32-33°C, the temperature inside the vehicle may rise to 50°C within 15-20 minutes.

Now let's talk about sunstroke. It is a consequence of the direct rays of the sun on the head of a person. That is, the cause of a sunstroke can be expressed in a simple speech turnover: "Head is hot."

The timing of the symptoms of sunstroke varies. It happens that something is wrong immediately, while in the sun. But often the symptoms of sunstroke develop delayed, 6-9 hours after returning from a walk in direct sunlight.

The main signs of heat stroke

In the clinic of heat stroke, three degrees of severity can be distinguished.

With a mild degree, headache, dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, dilated pupils appear. The skin is moist.

Even with mild form heat stroke, you need to see a doctor. If the child was treated on time, hospitalization is usually not needed.

Heatstroke of moderate severity is characterized by an increasing headache in combination with nausea and vomiting. The skin is red. Characterized by an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C. Heartbeat and frequency respiratory movements become more frequent.

The child has pronounced adynamia (unwillingness to move). There is a confused consciousness, a state of stupor, the movements of the baby are uncertain. There may be a fainting state or a short-term loss of consciousness.

A severe form is evidenced by loss of consciousness, a state similar to a coma, the appearance of convulsions. Psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, confusion of speech may also develop.

On examination, the skin is dry and hot. The temperature reaches 42 ° C, the pulse is weak and frequent (up to 120-130 beats per minute). Breathing is shallow, intermittent. Short-term respiratory arrest is possible. Heart sounds are muffled.

The main symptoms of sunstroke

Pronounced weakness, lethargy, headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Often one of the first signs of a stroke is vomiting or diarrhea. Older children complain of tinnitus, flies. The baby's body temperature rises.

The skin is red, especially on the face, head. The pulse is frequent weak filling, breathing is speeded up. Observed increased sweating. Often there is a nosebleed.

Symptoms of severe damage are similar to those of heat stroke (loss of consciousness, disorientation, rapid, then slow breathing, convulsive muscle contractions).

Doctors single out another concept in violation of heat exchange - heat exhaustion. This condition may precede the development of a more serious pathological condition- heat stroke. Thus, we can say that heat exhaustion is a heat stroke.

With untimely diagnosis or inadequate treatment of heat exhaustion, the process can progress and lead to disastrous consequences, sometimes even fatal.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke in a comparison table:

SymptomsHeat exhaustionHeatstroke
Face colourPaleRed with bright blush
LeatherWet, stickyDry, hot to the touch
ThirstPronouncedmay already be missing
ConsciousnessPossible faintingConfused, possible loss of consciousness, disorientation
Body temperatureNormal or slightly elevatedHigh, sometimes 40°C or more
BreathNormalAccelerated, superficial
heartbeatRapid, weak pulseRapid, pulse barely visible

First aid for overheating

  1. Move the child to a shady or cool ventilated place. Try to keep the area around the victim open. It is necessary to exclude a mass congestion of people (onlookers). Call an ambulance.
  2. Lay the child in a horizontal position.
  3. If consciousness is disturbed, the legs should be in an elevated position. Place a piece of clothing or a towel under your ankles. This will increase blood flow to the brain.
  4. If nausea or vomiting has already begun, turn your head to the side so that the child does not choke on vomit.
  5. Remove outer clothing from the baby. Loosen your neck and chest. It is best to remove tight or synthetic clothing altogether.
  6. The child must be thoroughly fed with water. Give water in small portions, but often. The water should not be very cold, as this can cause stomach cramps and vomiting. It is better to drink with mineral water or special saline solutions (Rehydron, Normohydron). The baby loses salt with sweat. Due to their rapid mass loss, the concentration of electrolytes in the body decreases. This can result in seizures. Salt solutions quickly restore water and electrolyte composition
  7. Wet any cloth with cool water and apply it to the forehead, neck, or back of the head. Wipe the baby's body with a wet cloth. You can gradually douse the body more and more with water at a temperature of about 20 ° C. It is impossible to abruptly bring a heated baby into the water (sea, pond).
  8. Then apply a cold compress (bag or bottle of cold water). A very small child can be wrapped in a wet diaper or sheet.
  9. Provide fresh air. Fan it with fan-shaped movements.
  10. If the baby’s consciousness is clouded, carefully let him sniff a cotton ball moistened with 10% ammonia (available in any car first aid kit).
  11. In an emergency, when the baby stops breathing, when the medical team has not yet arrived, you need to save the child yourself. We'll have to remember what was taught in the lessons of medical or military training. You need to slightly tilt the child's head so that the chin goes forward. One hand should be placed on the chin, and the other should cover the child's nose. Take a breath. Release the air for 1-1.5 seconds into the child's mouth, tightly clasping the baby's lips. Make sure the baby's chest rises. So you will understand that the air went exactly into the lungs. After suffering a heat illness, it is simply necessary to adhere to bed rest for several days. These recommendations should not be violated. After all, this time is necessary for a small organism to restore the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, to normalize some metabolic processes.

Top 10 Rules for Preventing Heat Disorders

Parents should always remember about preventive measures for such conditions. Children are a risk group. They may experience heat or sunstroke even with short exposure to the sun or in a stuffy, hot environment.

Prevention of thermal disorders in children is best dealt with in advance.

  1. When walking in sunny weather, dress your child in light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics. White color reflects the sun's rays. Loose natural fabrics allow the body to breathe and sweat to evaporate.
  2. Always protect the baby's head with a light-colored panama or hat with a brim. For an older child, protect your eyes with tinted goggles.
  3. Avoid resting during the sunniest hours. These are hours from 12 to 16 hours, and in the southern regions - even from 10 am to 5 pm.
  4. The child should not be in direct sunlight, that is, in open areas. It should be in the shade (under an umbrella, the sandbox should be with a roof).
  5. Plan your vacation so that the child does not have intense physical activity in the heat (trampolining, air slides, excursions).
  6. Alternate sunbathing (up to 20 minutes) with swimming. It is better to sunbathe while on the move, and only in the morning and evening. Under no circumstances should a child spend their lunchtime nap on the beach.
  7. Children are strictly forbidden to sunbathe, so do not insist that the child lie on the beach with you (sunbathe). Do not be indignant that he cannot lie or sit still for more than three seconds))
  8. Children need to drink a lot! Under normal conditions, the child should drink 1-1.5 liters of fluid. When the air temperature rises above 30 degrees, this volume can be up to 3 liters of water. Maintaining water balance is one of the important measures to prevent heat illness. Even breastfed babies need extra water. It will be more convenient for mommy to give it not through a spoon, but from a syringe without a needle. In this case, you need to direct the stream of water along the wall of the cheek. So he won't spit it out. Otherwise, he will definitely do it. He will quickly realize that this is not mother's milk at all, but something much less tasty ... Although I must say that some children drink water very willingly.
  9. Periodically wipe the face, hands of the child with a wet diaper. Wash your baby often. So you will help him cool down and wash off the annoying sweat, from which the children immediately develop prickly heat.
  10. Proper nutrition in the heat is also worth paying attention to. In hot weather, do not eat heavily. Children, as a rule, do not want to eat during the hours of the sun. Give your child the opportunity to snack on juicy fruits and vegetables, light milk products. Transfer a full meal to the evening. Do not rush in hot weather to go outside immediately after eating. At best, this can only be done in an hour.
  11. At the slightest suspicion of bad feeling and malaise immediately stop walking or relaxing on the beach. Seek medical attention.

These simple rules will help you and your children enjoy sunny weather without fear for health. May the sun bless you!

Overheating of the body, especially for children, is a very dangerous problem that can lead to serious consequences. Heatstroke in a child - symptoms and treatment of pathology, its signs, first aid for infants and children older than a year are described in detail below. To prevent the deterioration of the baby's condition during overheating and get rid of the symptoms characteristic of him, parents should learn about the features of the manifestation of sunstroke in advance.

What is heat stroke in a child

The pathological condition of a person caused by overheating is heat stroke. It can occur in an adult and a child, but babies (especially infants) are more affected. This fact is explained by the fact that the thermoregulation system is not fully formed in children, and failures in its work can cause serious consequences. To avoid heat exhaustion or alleviate the condition of the victim, it is better for parents to learn about all the nuances of this problem ahead of time.

Thermal overheating (hyperthermia) differs from solar in that it can occur not only under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. The condition develops in a stuffy, hot room or in an open space, under any weather conditions. Heat stroke in children is classified into several forms, depending on the predominant symptoms:

  1. Hyperthermia (symptoms develop in the form of fever, body temperature can rise to 41 ° C).
  2. The asphyxic form is characterized by oppression respiratory function, the appearance of severe shortness of breath, inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system (brain cells are very sensitive to the temperature regime of the body).
  3. Gastroenteric overheating - dyspeptic symptoms (attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea).
  4. The cerebral form is accompanied by neuropsychic disorders (convulsions, dizziness, fainting and confusion).


It is not difficult to understand that overheating has occurred for any reason, you need to carefully monitor the condition of a person. The main symptoms of heat stroke in children are as follows:

  1. The skin is very hot to the touch.
  2. The body temperature rises, but there is no sweating.
  3. There are complaints of headache, dizziness.
  4. In most cases, the skin becomes red, and in severe cases, the skin becomes very pale.
  5. There is nausea, vomiting.
  6. Overheating of the child leads to lethargy, absent-mindedness, weakness.
  7. Symptoms of dehydration are rapid breathing and pulse.
  8. The little victim is naughty, shows aggression, irritability.
  9. Loss of consciousness is also one of the obvious manifestations of overheating.

Symptoms of overheating in a newborn baby

For a newborn, overheating is a particularly serious problem. Fever, fluid loss and useful substances pose a serious danger to the health and life of the baby. It is not difficult to recognize the symptoms of heat transfer disorders in infants; at the age of up to a year, there is no pronounced clinical picture. The main signs of overheating in newborns are the following factors:

  • severe reddening of the skin on the face, which can be replaced by pallor;
  • a significant increase in temperature to 38-40 degrees;
  • overheating in infants causes capriciousness, lethargy, anxiety;
  • cold sweat, belching and frequent yawning appear;
  • the stool becomes liquid;
  • sometimes there are muscle cramps in the limbs and on the face.


Heatstroke in a child characteristic symptoms and treatment of pathology require a serious attitude to the problem. To avoid complications and deterioration of the well-being of a small victim, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the signs of overheating of the body in advance. They are divided into three groups. early signs violations of normal thermoregulation:

  • dryness in the mouth;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • sticky saliva;
  • weakened urination, yellowish discharge from the urethra.

Hyperthermia of moderate degree has the following symptoms:

  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle cramps;
  • tearing;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • "cold" in the legs, hands;
  • appearance of brown urine.

The last stage of the pathology is characterized by the following features:

  • drowsiness;
  • hot, dry skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • severe weakness, no ability to move independently;
  • urination is absent;
  • there are bouts of anger, irritation;
  • weak pulse;
  • loss of consciousness.

Features of hyperthermia in children

Hyperthermia in childhood has some features. Here is some of them:

  1. In most cases, a small victim develops a fever, although the temperature in this condition can be different. For example, heat stroke + bacterial infection in a child's body provokes an increase in body temperature to 41 degrees or more.
  2. The presence of fever is considered a favorable phenomenon, and the development of hyperthermic syndrome is considered negative (the syndrome causes a fever of more than 41.7 degrees). This temperature leads to dehydration and other serious disorders in the body.
  3. In children from six months to 6 years with hyperthermia, the temperature rarely rises above 35.5 degrees, but if bacteria “wake up” in the body, then it can rise to 40 degrees.
  4. In young patients with CNS pathologies, with severe overheating and respiratory diseases, symptoms appear associated with the insufficient effectiveness of antipyretic drugs.

Doctors distinguish several patterns of fever in case of heat stroke:

  • the risk of muscle spasms increases as the temperature rises;
  • 4% of children with overheating suffer from muscle cramps;
  • the formation of paralysis is often characteristic of children with congenital pathologies development of bones and joints, calcium deficiency in the body;
  • against the background of high temperature, an exacerbation of internal inflammatory diseases(otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.).

Causes of heat stroke

In order to prevent violations of heat transfer and protect your heir from danger, you need to know what factors contribute to its occurrence. The main causes of overheating are:

  1. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. The air temperature is over 30 degrees.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake (baby drinks too little).
  4. Increased physical activity during hot weather.
  5. Increased air humidity.
  6. The child is dressed too warmly or wears clothes made of synthetic materials that do not allow the skin to breathe.
  7. Heat stroke is more common in children with fair skin and hair, and in overweight babies (an excess of subcutaneous fat prevents the release of heat).
  8. Another reason for overheating is taking antihistamines. medical preparations. If they treat the victim at the time of hyperthermia, then there will be inhibition of normal heat transfer.
  9. Pathologies of the central nervous system and physiological underdevelopment of the thermoregulation system in newborns.


After heat stroke is diagnosed, first aid should be provided immediately before the arrival of doctors. In such a situation, every minute is important, otherwise overheating can lead to very unpleasant and life-threatening consequences. Complications after violation of thermoregulation:

  • acute respiratory failure;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • kidney failure;

What to do about heat stroke in children

When a child overheats, it is very important to provide first aid immediately. If the victim has a slight overheating of the body, then timely measures will help to quickly return to normal. It is better to call an ambulance, whose workers will be able to provide qualified medical care to the baby. Before the arrival of a team of specialists, the victim needs to be helped independently (as described below).

If necessary, doctors will treat the patient according to the symptoms. When the victim began to have muscle cramps, then special anticonvulsant measures are performed. When blood pressure drops, measures are taken to restore and stabilize it. To restore normal cardiac activity, a water-salt solution is poured intravenously, injections of cordiamine are made. In a severe form of heat stroke, it is customary to treat a patient in a hospital. Emergency hospitalization, resuscitation measures are expected.

First aid

Until I arrived Ambulance The child needs immediate first aid. It is required to carry out recovery procedures that will help cool the body:

  1. It is necessary to remove the victim from exposure to a heat source and direct sunlight. The baby should be placed in a cool, well-ventilated area or at least in the shade.
  2. It is required to completely undress and lay the victim, slightly raising his head.
  3. In case of heatstroke, the child should be covered with a cool, damp sheet or a thin towel. You can also wipe the body with a wet cloth.
  4. You need to give the baby cool water to drink. It is advisable to mix the liquid with soda and salt (0.5 water + ½ teaspoon of salt and soda). Some parents give ready-made saline solutions that are sold in pharmacies. It is better to give fluid often, but in small portions, otherwise you can induce vomiting.
  5. A cold compress should be placed under the back of the head and on the forehead.
  6. If possible, the victim is placed in a bathtub filled with water at a temperature of + 18-20 degrees.
  7. If there is a loss of consciousness, then they give a sniff of ammonia.

Antipyretic drugs

The internal temperature during heat stroke should be tried to bring down before the arrival of the ambulance. When the indicators exceed 38.5 degrees (in a child under 12 months - more than 38 degrees), treatment with antipyretics is recommended:

  1. Paracetamol (analogues - Calpol, Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan, Dofalgan, Dolomol). A single dose of the drug, as a rule, can reduce body temperature by 1-1.5 degrees. The action of the drug often lasts a maximum of 4 hours, if the fever is very strong, then no more than 2 hours.
  2. Viburkol is a homeopathic medicine, it contains only natural ingredients. The drug is sold in the form rectal suppositories which is convenient for use with young children. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Ibuprofen tablets (analogues - Nurofen, Ibufen).
  4. It is forbidden to give children Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Antipyrine, Analgin, Amidopyrine and medicines based on them to eliminate fever.


In order not to provoke heat stroke, you must adhere to certain rules. Here are some tips to help keep your child safe from overheating:

  1. Children are better off in spacious, cool rooms (room temperature is not more than 21-24 degrees). To get such a favorable atmosphere, you can simply open the windows or turn on the fan, air conditioning.
  2. If the weather is hot outside, then you need to dress the baby so that he does not overheat. It is advisable to buy light clothes, things made from natural light fabrics that are breathable.
  3. Doctors advise not to overfeed children in the heat, not to give fatty, high-calorie foods. It is better to feed in small portions, but often.
  4. Children should get enough fluids. Cool drinking gives a chance to maintain a normal water-salt balance in the body. You can drink tea, mineral water without gas, compote, natural bread kvass.
  5. Parents must supervise the child. It is worth limiting walks and physical activity in the heat. If it is necessary to go outside, then the child must be sure to wear a hat and try to move around areas with a shadow.
  6. Rules of conduct on the beach: you can not visit places for swimming from 11 to 16 hours of the day (the greatest solar activity), it is forbidden to fall asleep under the sun, often alternate swimming and relaxing on the sand.


In hot, poorly ventilated conditions and high humidity, there is a high risk of heat stroke. Due to high air temperature human body quickly overheats, the metabolism becomes much faster, and the vessels swell, while the permeability of the capillaries increases significantly. Therefore, with heat stroke, a person’s well-being deteriorates sharply and a number of alarming symptoms appear. This is where the questions become especially relevant: how long does a heat stroke last, and also how can this condition be overcome?

What are the risk factors for heatstroke?

Heatstroke can affect not only those who spend time under the hot sun, but also drivers in their cars, shop workers, athletes and other people of various occupations. Even employees of saunas and baths or an office employee in which the air conditioner has broken down are at risk.

There are 3 components to heatstroke:

  1. Heat.
  2. High humidity.
  3. Excessive heat production.

Also, muscle activity can lead to heat stroke.

At first glance, heat stroke does not seem so serious and dangerous to human health and life, but without timely help, it can lead to vascular collapse, coma, and even death. A person in a state of heat stroke needs outside help and prompt restoration of the water-salt balance. And, if you suspect that a person close or even unfamiliar to you has symptoms of heat stroke, then hurry to offer him help.

Risk of heat stroke in children

Heat strokes are especially common in children because, given their anatomical features increased heat production is often pathological.

This is due to the following features:

  • children's bodies are much smaller;
  • heat transfer and heat production are not stable;
  • the core of thermogenesis is easily irritated;
  • compensatory mechanisms are unstable.

Heatstroke manifests itself much more strongly than in an adult and can cause:

  • the strongest expansion of capillaries;
  • blood clots and arterial-venous shunts;
  • the occurrence of metabolic pathology;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxia and other disorders.

All this is detrimental to a young organism and can lead to the development of kidney, liver and heart disease.

Heat stroke symptoms and first aid

Heat stroke can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • weakness and body aches;
  • severe headache;
  • difficulty breathing and stuffiness;
  • pain in the chest;
  • constant aching pain in lower limbs and back.

Also, with heat stroke, breathing and the frequency of myocardial contractions are accelerated. Hypothermia causes the skin to turn pink with signs of irritation. After some time, blood pressure begins to decrease significantly and urination is disturbed. Sometimes in children with heat stroke, the body temperature reaches 41 degrees, which is very bad for health and is fraught with serious complications.

Symptoms that require urgent hospitalization:

  • the face looks swollen;
  • the skin has a cyanotic appearance;
  • breathing is complicated and intermittent;
  • pupils noticeably dilated;
  • disturbing muscle cramps appeared;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea and gastroenteritis;
  • urination stops.

How long a heat stroke lasts depends on many factors, but, first of all, on its degree. So, a mild degree of heat stroke is accompanied by redness of the skin and a temperature of up to 39 or even 41 degrees. This state can last for 2-4 days spent on vacation. If brain neurons were damaged as a result of heat stroke, then even prolonged treatment with the use of modern medicines will not help to fully restore health.

There is a group of people who are especially at risk of getting heatstroke. It includes those who have an innate sensitivity to high temperatures, as well as people who are overweight, suffer from excessive stress and are in a state of psycho-emotional overstrain, have cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, neurological diseases, are in a state of alcoholic intoxication, smoke, are dressed in tight clothes, etc.

Most often, heat stroke manifests itself in the form of severe thirst (a person cannot get drunk), weakness, muscle pain and a gradual acceleration of the pulse. If the disease flows into a more severe form, then convulsions appear, involuntary defecation and urination occur. The condition may worsen and the patient will begin to vomit and bleed. Although children are more at risk from the sun than adults, they are able to heal themselves without the need for hospitalization due to their reactivity. Adults, on the contrary, endure even a small heat stroke much more difficult and, even with an average degree, require immediate mandatory hospitalization.

If the first signs of a blow are found, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim and carry out the following procedures:

  • drink as much water as possible to stop dehydration;
  • loosen the collar and belt;
  • cool the skin
  • remove synthetic clothing;

In most cases, just taking the person to a cool room or shade, giving water, and moistening the skin with cool water is enough to make them feel better. If the symptoms indicate a moderate or severe degree of heat stroke, you should do the same, but also lay the victim down, raise his legs and call an ambulance.

Medical care for heat stroke

With moderate or severe heat stroke, qualified medical attention is needed.

As a rule, the following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Antipyretics (paracetamol and ibuprofen);
  2. Vasoconstrictors (cavinton, vinpocetine, trental);
  3. Painkillers (analgin and infulgan).

Antipyretic drugs are used only if the temperature has exceeded 39 degrees. Basically, small doses of paracetamol are used; for children, antipyretics are prescribed in the form of suppositories. In very severe cases, infulgan is used intravenously. Antipyretics can reduce the duration of the course of the disease and normalize blood supply. If the patient is not on the mend, in rare cases, hydrocortisone and prednisolone are used. It is necessary to introduce these drugs very carefully, gradually increasing the dose and reducing them when it is canceled. Also, patients are given cleansing enemas and recommended daily cool showers to relieve overheating.

How to treat heat stroke at home

There are a number of ways to manage symptoms of heat stroke at home:

  • apply cool compresses to the head to relieve headaches and reduce fever;
  • apply cold compresses to main vessels and liver to reduce fever and prevent complications;
  • wash the stomach;
  • do warm enemas;
  • wrap in a cool sheet or diaper.

Wrapping yourself in a cool cloth is one of the simplest and oldest ways to deal with heatstroke. In particular, babies are often wrapped in diapers, as this can quickly lower the body temperature, soothe and reduce the discomfort caused by heat stroke. You can also take a cool shower, standing under water for as long as possible. For mild shock, cool packs and compresses are usually sufficient to provide relief. Several procedures and rest will allow you to quickly forget about heat stroke and return to a normal life rhythm.

If all these actions do not bring results and there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, then medications are needed.

In order to avoid complications, it is worth using special preparations and mixtures in addition to physical methods in time. So, it is safest to prepare a lytic mixture (chlorpromazine, dibazol and pipolfen are mixed in novocaine), which quite effectively fights the effects of heat stroke.

For even greater results, you can use droperidol, and with muscle cramps, sodium oxybutyrate and seduxen will help. Do not use antipyretics when the temperature dropped to 37.5 and carry out active drug treatment unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Particular care must be taken when handling children. Do not rush to apply therapeutic procedures and "knock down" the temperature. With heatstroke, it is important to prevent complications, and fever is only one of the symptoms and is not the object of treatment.

When does heat stroke start and how long does it last?

It is difficult to determine the duration of heat stroke, since its first symptoms can always be noticed at the very beginning. Often, dry mouth, feeling thirsty, weakness and headaches already indicate that you have received a heat stroke. However, these symptoms may not be noticed, and only when an arrhythmia appears, the temperature rises and other symptoms manifest themselves, it becomes clear that the matter is heat stroke. Further, it can go into a severe stage, and even cause damage to the nervous system.

Heatstroke and the fever that accompanies it have stages of development and decline:

  1. Prodromal (often proceeds almost imperceptibly);
  2. Rise (sometimes critical or lyrical);
  3. Stability;
  4. reverse lysis.

In the beginning, heatstroke seems to warm up. Nervous system is in an extremely high tone, but peripheral arteries no, at the same time the blood flow is "centralised". Due to problems with peripheral microcirculation, the so-called "goosebumps" appear, chills, trembling and an acute feeling of cold join it. Not missing this moment and starting to act already at this stage, you can prevent unpleasant consequences and overcome heat stroke faster. Different people experience symptoms at this stage in different ways and with varying degrees of severity. Someone clearly feels the changes, while others begin to understand that they received a heat stroke only at the stage of rising fever.

The development of the disease is critical when the temperature rises to high levels very quickly (on average, in 40-45 minutes), but also quickly decreases if measures are taken and treatment is carried out. The lyrical course of the disease is much more dangerous and longer. It is largely prolonged and may not be accompanied by a constantly high temperature, but it is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, pressure drop and accelerated heartbeat. It is important to rest during this entire period and not try to endure the disease on your feet, because serious complications are possible.

With rest and proper treatment, you can quickly move into the stability phase, when deterioration is no longer observed, and move into the reverse lysis stage. At this stage, you will experience a noticeable drop in temperature and an improvement in well-being.

How to avoid heat stroke

As already mentioned, there are people who are predisposed to heatstroke, but they can avoid danger if they are careful. It is important to avoid dehydration, small stuffy rooms, not to be in the sun for a long time and not to wear heavy dense fabrics in hot weather. If you feel unwell, try to go to a place where there is shade and coolness, drink water, moisten your face and head with cold water.

Children must be carefully monitored, always wear a hat, give water to drink and not let them play in the sun for a long time. Even if you or your child is at risk, only attentiveness and caution determines whether there is a real chance of getting heat stroke. Avoiding treatment and serious consequences is very simple, you just need to follow simple rules. If it was not possible to save yourself, then it is worth taking all possible measures so that heat stroke lasts as little as possible and does not give you serious cause for concern.