How to sleep on an airplane: tips. Sleeping pills for flying on an airplane: allowed drugs Warm and comfortable clothes

The plane is one of the fastest modes of transport. In a short period of time, it will deliver to anywhere in the world. However, despite this, not all people can tolerate flights, and some are simply afraid. Especially there is discomfort when you need to drive all night or more than 7-8 hours.

Many people cannot sleep during the flight, so they try to resort to the use of sedatives. sleeping pills. Some say that it is not recommended to take sleeping pills on a plane, because. this negatively affects the body, others suggest using alcohol to calm down.

Indications for use

Sedative drugs are prescribed for sleep disorders of various etiologies, as well as at bedtime with severe overexcitation nervous system. They are also recommended for people who often change time zones, which leads to disruption of biorhythms.

Flaws: there is a percentage of the occurrence of allergies

Contraindications: Not.

I have flown over 2 million kilometers. Regularly had to make long-haul flights in the economy class cabin. The main problem was that I could not sleep even on flights of 12-14 hours. I had to drink a decent dose of alcohol, but with my frequency of flights, health would not last long. And it was impossible to work after such a flight. And then I developed a technique to increase comfort. Now I most often make long-haul flights in business class, but here my methodology is quite applicable.

How to make the flight more comfortable? How to sleep on an airplane? I place special emphasis on sleep, because it is thanks to sound sleep that your flight will be easier and faster. And upon arrival you will be able to work or rest. There are a lot of things on the plane that prevent you from falling asleep. Let's work together to create maximum comfort for your body so that it can fall asleep.

1. Before the flight, do not sleep for a long time. Better get up an hour earlier. This will not harm your body in any way, but on this day you will be a little more tired.

2. Choosing a seat in the cabin. If you don’t want neighbors to regularly climb over you or push conductors and passengers wandering around the plane, choose a seat by the window. I love emergency exit seats. Escape hatches most often have a small but comfortable recess that I use for a cushion. In addition, at the emergency exit, the distance between the seats is greater. Another plus is that in many modern medium-haul aircraft (A319-320-321 or Boeing 737), the seats in front of the emergency exit do not recline. The passenger in front of you will be extremely uncomfortable, for which you will be very good. On such aircraft, flights are often made for 5-6 hours. To determine the most comfortable seat on the plane, I use information from the airline's website or a very useful smartphone application from TripAdvisor - SeatGuru. You can enter the flight number and the program will show all the pros and cons of your aircraft cabin. True, charter flights and many flights across Russia are not available there, but then you can study the cabin by type of aircraft.

3. Clothes. What matters is what you fly in. During the day you could have business meetings, you will most likely be wearing uncomfortable clothes for relaxing. Take soft things with you. A thin fleece training suit is best. It's warm and cozy. Nothing will press. Stock up on disposable slippers, although some airlines even in economy class may distribute a personal amenity kit in which they can be. But in order not to tempt fate, it is better to have everything with you. Before boarding the plane or in the toilet on board, change your clothes. Dear ladies, believe me, no one will look askance at you, moreover, half the plane will envy you. Be sure to bring warm and soft socks with you. She sleeps much better when her feet are warm. Airplanes are often cold.

4. Bedding. I always take my favorite thin Scottish lambswool blanket with me. Firstly, I feel at home in it. Secondly, I simply shy away from using public airplane blankets. Be sure to take a pillow. The usual inflatable travel pillow, but with a very pleasant coating. The pillow should not only be pleasant to the touch, but also fit your neck. Feel free to try on the pillow when buying. Also has an eye mask. great importance. It should not put pressure on the face, be soft and close the eyes well from the penetration of light. I use a mask from an Emirates plane. Very comfortable.

5. Noise isolation. The old reliable way - earplugs. But now I'm using Bose QuietComfort 15 headphones with good noise cancellation. I turn on calm music and immerse myself in my world. I love to fall asleep to the sounds of nature - forests filled with birds singing. Complete inner peace.

6. Getting ready for bed. I never try to sleep before take off. Still, something will wake you up. Most often on takeoff shakes. The conductors read out a bunch of all sorts of useful and not very information about the flight. As soon as the plane gains altitude and they are allowed to move around the cabin, people will run to the toilet, the crew will start delivering drinks and food, while continuing to broadcast useful information to the entire cabin. All this will annoy you. Wait this moment. Read a good book or watch a movie. Be sure to eat. On a full stomach, as you know, you sleep much better. After eating, do not forget to go to the toilet. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Do whatever you normally do before bed at home that your body is used to. Now sit back, recline your seat, put on warm socks, wrap yourself in a blanket so that the seat belt is on top of the blanket, buckle up (then in case of turbulence you will not have to be conductors), insert earplugs or wear headphones with pleasant music, an eye mask and good night…

7. If you're afraid of flying or have had a busy day, it doesn't hurt to a large number of sedatives. But don't drink chemicals. Well helps Novo-Passit. This will relieve stress and help you sleep. Just check with your doctor before you go to the pharmacy. He will probably recommend a drug that is more suitable for you.

8. Earn miles to upgrade to business or first class!

Here are 8 easy steps to help you fall asleep on a plane or just make your flight more comfortable.

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Fall asleep on the plane The best way spend time during a long flight. For overnight flights, sleeping on the plane will also help prevent jet lag after you reach your destination. However, the noise sunlight and a large number of people can prevent you from falling asleep. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take before your flight to ensure you have a relaxing flight.


Part 1

Flight preparation

Bring a head support pillow, sleep mask, earplugs, and compression stockings. Assemble an airplane sleep kit that includes all of the above items. The pillow will support your head and neck even if the plane hits turbulence and you doze off in your seat. The mask will keep the light from keeping you awake, and the earplugs will reduce the noise around you. . Headphones can also muffle the noise around you on the plane and help you concentrate on your sleep.

Wear warm clothes that you can easily take off and put on again. Dress in comfortable clothes and don't forget to bring or wear a sweater, as you can get cold on the plane due to inactivity or constant air circulation.

  • You should also wear comfortable shoes that you can easily put on and take off. Taking off your shoes during a flight will improve your circulation and help you sleep. If your feet usually get cold on the plane, you should wear socks with your shoes, or bring an extra pair of socks with you.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and foods or drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or soda, will keep you from resting and falling asleep during your flight. Resist the temptation to have a cup of coffee before boarding. It is better to give preference to water or juice when you are offered different drinks during the flight.

    It is better not to eat before the flight. You will be fooled if you pay a large amount for a tasteless sandwich or a bag of chips during the flight. Not only is airline food expensive, but it can also cause indigestion and gas that will make your attempts to sleep impossible. Instead, have a light, easy-to-digest snack before your flight, such as yogurt, almonds, and oranges, which are a great source of vitamin C and fluids.

    • A smoothie of freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables is also a good way to fill your stomach and not cause indigestion or dehydration. If you really want a hot drink, use a decaffeinated herbal tea. It is advisable that you drink plenty of water both during and before your flight to avoid dehydration.
  • Don't use sleeping pills. Many people use sleeping pills or special sleep aids such as the hormone melatonin. They must be handled with care, as lifting to such a height after using them can cause blood clots or deep vein thrombosis. If you still feel the need to use them, then check with your doctor to find out exactly which sleeping pills you can use before taking anything before flying.

    If you can't relax and sleep during a flight, then a 10-hour flight can feel like an eternity. The following 7 simple secrets will tell you how to fall asleep on an airplane and forget about discomfort, feeling unwell and disruption of biorhythms.

    Have you thought about it? But this is the foundation of the foundations. While waiting for a boarding announcement, how many times do you go to the coffee machine out of boredom? And then you are sincerely surprised that all the way you have no hint of sleep, and your eyes are like two tennis balls. Cut down on pre-flight drinks, especially those containing caffeine.

    2. Don't Sleep Before Your Flight

    Many people like to have a good sleep before a trip. Like, you need to save energy for a tiring flight. Still, watch movies for 12 hours or enviously look at sleeping neighbors, how can you not get tired here ... Isn't it better to come to the airport a little tired? In this state, you can fall asleep on the plane even before they start serving food.

    3. Take music on the road

    Music is a great and long-known way to change the perception of reality. However, many people use this tool incorrectly, without getting the desired result. Before the flight, we download gigabytes of specially recommended music for relaxation or classics, which we immediately delete upon arrival, because “it doesn’t help”.

    Our brain is designed in such a way that if you turn on an unfamiliar melody, it will be in a state of increased activity, trying to process new information. And vice versa, if you put on the usual music, to which you successfully fall asleep at home, then sleep will not keep you waiting. Therefore, you should pre-compile a special playlist that acts on you like sleeping pills.

    4. Do not take a lot of hand luggage

    Having dragged two trunks into the salon, be prepared for the fact that one of them will lie at your feet all the way, interfering not only with sleep, but even with taking a comfortable position. and take a minimum of things with you. This is the only way you can sleep peacefully on the plane.

    5. Think ahead

    Don't wait until you feel sleepy to ask for a pillow and blanket. Do this immediately after takeoff. Most airlines do not carry a supply for each passenger, so whoever took it first fell asleep. Alternatively, you can take your own inflatable pillow and blanket on board. At the same time, grab a sleep mask.

    6. Dress comfortably

    Yes, these jeans fit you just divinely, but if they are even slightly tight at the waist, you will not see sleep. Clothing and footwear for the flight should be light and comfortable. Leave evening dresses and tuxedos in your luggage, and put on your favorite tracksuit yourself. Your well-rested body will thank you for it upon arrival.

    7. Choose Your Location Carefully

    Believe it or not, it plays an almost decisive role in whether you manage to fall asleep on the plane. Take care of this in advance and you will be surprised how comfortable the flight can be.

    If you like to cross your legs while sitting, give up this habit. This position interferes with normal blood circulation in the legs and does not allow the body to relax. It is best when they are straight and only slightly bent at the knees. Increase the angle of the bend when this pose begins to bother, and after a while, straighten your legs back.

    2. Move the seat back

    Prolonged sitting with a straight back creates a load on the lower back. To lower it, tilt the chair back and lie on your back. Alternatively, you can purchase a lumbar pillow and take it with you on flights.

    3. Choose a window seat

    If possible, choose a window seat to have the side of the plane at your side. In this case, you will have one more comfortable position for sleeping in stock: you can rest, leaning to one side, without disturbing your neighbor. If you didn’t get a seat in advance and you didn’t get a seat by the window, ask the flight attendant if it’s possible to transfer to another seat.

    4. Avoid contact with displays before bed

    Try not to use the screens of your gadgets for an hour before bedtime, be it tablets, laptops or smartphones. The light they emit suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

    5. Put unnecessary things on the shelf

    Put clothes, bags and other unnecessary things in the luggage rack. If you leave one of them with you, you will have to put it next to a chair or hold it in your hands. Such objects will certainly create discomfort during sleep.

    6. Watch your diet

    Do not eat within two hours before bed. And don't overeat on the day of the flight. Filling your stomach with more food will force your heart to work harder to support digestion. This will prevent you from relaxing.

    7. Comfortable clothes

    During a long flight, you are unlikely to be comfortable sitting in tight jeans. Put on, for example, soft, not tight pants - they will be much more comfortable. Consider in advance what your clothes are best for the plane.

    8. Bring your sleeping supplies

    During the flight, you may need earplugs, a pillow and an eye mask. The absence of light and unwanted sounds is what you need for a sound sleep, as well as increased convenience. You can also take a small blanket with you if you like to cover your legs.

    9. Try to sleep less before your flight

    Alternatively, you can limit your sleep the night before your flight. Having exhausted yourself, you will sleep like a baby on the plane. But if the flight will be short, then it is better not to bother yourself with this trick. Otherwise, you will not have time to restore strength and after landing you will feel tired.

    10. Take sleeping pills

    If there is a long flight ahead and nothing helps with insomnia, the last option left is to take sleeping pills. For such situations, preparations based on melatonin are suitable. But before choosing a sleeping pill, be sure to consult a doctor.