Syndrome of children's concussion Komarovsky. Signs and symptoms of a concussion in a baby

An ovulation test strip allows you to determine the days on which a woman is most ready to conceive. They appeared relatively recently, and few know about them. But women who cannot get pregnant in any way use this diagnostic tool to determine the time of ovulation, significantly increasing the chances of conception.

The principle of determining ovulation using a test

In every healthy woman, immediately after the next menstruation, a new egg begins to mature (sometimes 2 or more). Before maturation and immediate release of the egg from the ovary into female body significant hormonal changes occur: an increase in the level of hormones responsible for readiness for subsequent fertilization is found in the blood (see).

One of these is called luteinizing hormone (LH) and can be detected diagnostic methods both in the blood and in other body fluids - saliva, urine. Home diagnostics is based on the definition of this hormone: a positive ovulation test will indicate that the egg is already mature and ready for conception.

When to do an ovulation test

The time of the test is calculated depending on the duration of the menstrual cycle. Diagnostics is carried out for five days in a row, without gaps, in the morning and evening with double testing or only in the morning.

  • With a 28-day cycle, you can test from day 11, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.
  • If the cycle is more than 28 days, the diagnosis begins 17 days before the expected first day of the next menstruation.
  • With an irregular cycle, the shortest cycle that the woman had was taken as the initial figure, for example:
    • with a 32-day cycle, start testing from the 15th day
    • at 24 days: from day 7
    • at 26 days: from the 9th day from the first day of menstruation, etc.

Does ovulation always occur in the middle of the cycle?

Even with absolutely healthy women with a regular cycle, ovulation does not always fall in its middle: this is evidenced by thousands of born children, whose conception occurred on the so-called safe days before or after menstruation. Ovulation is affected by stress, infections, climate change, and more. Therefore, it is possible to “catch” a high level of LH both earlier and later than the dates indicated above, if this is really important for a woman.

Types of tests, diagnostic features

Outwardly, ovulation tests are similar to those for determining pregnancy; urine is also used for diagnosis. Test manufacturers produce different types diagnostic systems that have different price characteristics and reliability.

Strip test or test strip

The most common paper test with a reagent applied to it and a control strip. The test is lowered into a dry and clean bowl with freshly collected urine for 10 seconds, then you should wait for the result within 5-10 minutes.

  • With an elevated LH level, a second strip will be visible on the strip.
  • It can be visible from the first day of diagnosis, but one can speak of a reliable readiness for conception with the color and severity of the second strip, the same as the control one (usually it is 3-4 days of diagnosis).

Test tablet

This system is a plastic case with small control windows: urine should be dripped into the first window, through the other a short time(2-3 minutes) the result will be visible, the same 2 strips with a high level of LH. The reliability of tablet tests is rated higher than that of test strips.

Inkjet rapid test

This system is represented by a strip coated with a special reagent with a control strip. For diagnosis, you do not need to collect urine: the strip is simply substituted under the stream of urine. The result is evaluated after 3-5 minutes. What the ovulation test shows - with a high level of LH, 2 strips will be visible.

Portable reusable systems

Consist of a control electronic device and strips designed to be immersed in freshly collected urine. They are highly informative and allow diagnostics to be carried out on different days of the cycle, allowing you to determine the most suitable time for conception.

Digital ovulation test

A highly informative reusable system that uses the saliva of a woman who changes her physical properties during the cycle. The most accurate diagnostics, eliminating the error. In fact, it is a mini-microscope, it looks like lipstick.

With the help of a miniature magnifying device, a specific pattern can be seen in the examined saliva, similar to a fern leaf or a frosty pattern. This pattern appears only before the release of the egg.

Features of the use of home express diagnostics for determining ovulation

  • It should be understood that the test does not directly indicate the release of the egg from the ovary, but only captures elevated level LG. Those. with a positive ovulation test, a hormonal surge is noted, which indicates the release of a mature egg in the coming hours.
  • The highest level of LH is kept for less than a day, so it is recommended to carry out diagnostics 2 times a day (morning and evening) in order to be more likely to catch this moment.
  • You should not drink a lot of liquid three to four hours before testing, so as not to dilute the urine.
  • When using a digital saliva test, be sure to compare the result with the control picture.

Negative test

  • Determined if ovulation is still far away.
  • An ovulation test after ovulation will also be negative - after the release of the egg from the ovary, the LH level drops.
  • An expired, damaged, poor-quality ovulation test can also show 1 line when there is actually a high level of LH.

When should I start conceiving directly after a positive ovulation test?

This question worries everyone, but the instructions for the ovulation test do not contain such information, and not everyone is able to ask the doctor directly. So, let's figure it out:

  • A positive test tells us that in the next few hours the egg will come out of the ovary, mature and ready for fertilization.
  • The egg cell lives only 24 hours after leaving the gonad.
  • Thus, it is not worth starting conception immediately after a positive test, you need to pause for several hours, allowing the egg to leave the ovary. Optimal time: 5-10 hours after diagnosis, not forgetting that the egg lives only a day.
  • Delay this moment last hours the cherished day is not worth it, since fertilization itself does not occur immediately immediately after sexual intercourse, but several hours later, during which the sex cells move towards each other.

How to increase the chances of conceiving a boy or girl?

It is known that if an egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, then a female embryo develops, if a sperm with a Y chromosome develops a male. There is also a theory that sperm with X and Y chromosomes have different characteristics, which increase the chances of conceiving a child of the desired sex.

It is known that spermatozoa live from 1 to 4.5 days, and spermatozoa with the Y chromosome (boy) live no more than 1-2 days, but move faster than spermatozoa with the X chromosome (girl). The spermatozoa that lead to the conception of a girl are more hardy and can survive up to 5 days in anticipation of ovulation, but are less mobile. That is, if sexual intercourse is performed at the very peak of ovulation, spermatozoa Y (boy) will reach the “target” faster and then the probability of having a boy is very high.

So, to conceive a boy, it is desirable:

  • Refuse sexual intercourse 4-5 days before the expected ovulation.
  • Have intercourse on the day when the ovulation test is positive
  • Intercourse penetration is preferably "deep", which will shorten the path of Y spermatozoa (living so shortly) to the egg.
  • Men should not experience overheating because fever caused by warm clothes, sauna, etc., leads to a reduction in the number of spermatozoa (it is believed that Y spermatozoa die faster from overheating).

To conceive a girl, it is desirable:

  • Schedule sexual intercourse approximately 2-3 days before expected ovulation and do not have sexual intercourse during and for 2-3 days after ovulation.
  • In this case, the chances of survival in X spermatozoa are higher than in Y spermatozoa.
  • Penetration should be shallow, which will reduce the chances of the sperm reaching the target, resulting in the conception of boys, and X sperm will survive and be able to reach the egg in these few days.

Method for measuring basal temperature

It is also one of the ways to determine ovulation, unlike the test - it does not require expenses Money, and requires only regular measurement of temperature in the rectum (every morning before getting out of bed). After menstruation, the basal temperature is usually below 37C, but in the middle of the cycle before ovulation it decreases, and then, if ovulation has occurred, the temperature rises to 37.3-37.6C. The measurement results should be recorded and plotted, this will help the woman determine whether she ovulated and on what day.

Does an ovulation test show pregnancy?

Among the forum users of various women's portals, this topic is hotly discussed, moreover, some of them claim that the ovulation test showed them pregnancy from the first days of conception, while the usual one was negative.

It should be understood that this is not possible. After ovulation is completed, the ovulation test becomes negative, regardless of whether the woman is pregnant or not. All pregnancy and ovulation tests capture different hormones: hCG and LH, and cannot react to each other.

From this we conclude that the ovulation test will not show pregnancy, and 2 strips on it are evidence of impending ovulation (that is, the time when there is a chance to get pregnant), but not pregnancy.

What else is this test used for?

To prevent pregnancy during unprotected intercourse. A controversial method, since it requires constant testing, which is not always economically feasible, but still practiced. If even a weak second strip appears, you should switch to protected intercourse until the second day after the strip completely disappears. However, there is no guarantee.

Can I do ovulation tests every day?

It is absolutely harmless, and if the budget allows - why not. This behavior is typical for, or if it is suspected. You shouldn’t be so obsessively expecting a miracle and endlessly doing tests, but it’s better to calm down and, so to speak, “let go of the situation” - and then the cherished 2 stripes will definitely be highlighted already on the test for diagnosing pregnancy.

Overview of popular ovulation tests

Despite the same mechanism of action, ovulation tests from different manufacturers differ in the reliability of the result. Women have the greatest confidence in 3 manufacturers, a wide range of diagnostic systems of which are presented in pharmacies and retail chains: Frautest, Eviplan and Clearblue.


The manufacturer produces three lines of diagnostic tests to determine ovulation. All of them are characterized by a high degree of reliability:

Ovulation: 5 test strips, suitable for women with regular cycles. The price is about 300 rubles. Planning: 5 ovulation test strips (same as Ovulation) and 2 pregnancy tests. The price is about 420 rubles. Ovulation test cassettes: 7 tests suitable for women with irregular cycles. The price is about 750 rubles.

Eviplan Clearblue

The Eviplan ovulation test No. 5 includes 5 diagnostic strips and 1 pregnancy test. The reliability is high, the same as that of Frautest, but the cost is less, about 310 rubles. Clearblue Ovulation Test - This digital test kit includes an electronic reader and 7 control strips. Electronic reader for a positive result shows a smiling emoticon. The price is about 1000 rubles.


A digital reusable device that promises 100% accuracy. The woman's saliva is used. Includes: microscope, removable glass, instructions and control drawings. The price is about 2000 rubles. Domestic test strips (5 pieces per set), promising 99% reliable results. They are chosen due to the low price - 150 rubles. Inkjet test strips, 99% reliable, but less popular among women. The price is about 200 rubles.

In our article, we will review the most famous and popular trademarks, consider various ovulation tests: which are better, which are easier to use and study the principle of their work and characteristics.

Basic principles for using tests

Ovulation and conception are the main processes in the reproductive function of a woman that do not occur without each other. Therefore, it is very important to reliably know the day the egg is released from the ovary in order to have sexual intercourse on time and get fertilization at the right time. For this purpose, special tests are used. There are the simplest test strips, more sensitive inkjet, modern digital, as well as devices that determine ovulation by saliva.

Before starting to get acquainted with the devices and the principle of their operation, we recall that you first need to be able to calculate the time for testing, so as not to waste time and money. We need to know the first day of analytics. To do this, subtract 17 from the length of your menstrual cycle. This number is formed from two parameters:

  • 14 days - the total length of the second phase for all (after the release of the cell before menstruation);
  • 3 days - the maximum possible period of ovulation (usually 24-36 hours).

For example, if the cycle is 28 days (28-17=11), the first day of the study will be the 11th day, counted from the first day of menstruation.

How to count with an irregular cycle

With an irregular cycle, you need to choose the smallest value from 3-6 values ​​\u200b\u200bmarked on your calendar to participate in the formula. This will only be an estimated date and in such cases the testing will take a little longer.

You should first familiarize yourself with general rules:

  • morning urine is not suitable for analytics due to its strong concentration;
  • the best pick up time is from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
  • limit fluid intake, so as not to reduce the concentration, for 2 hours;
  • it is advisable not to urinate before the study for 2-4 hours;
  • test at the same hour every day.

The principle of operation of all urine tests is based on determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in it. It is characterized by a sharp increase 24 hours before the release of the cell, which is fixed during the study.

Test strips - features and types

Having set out to buy an ovulation test, which is better, a forum and advice from female consumers can help in this matter. Having studied various comments, you will conclude for yourself that at this stage it is most suitable and seems to be of better quality.

We will conduct a general acquaintance with this method of research and begin with test strips.

Ovuplan test

Ovuplan is a simple test that has 1 or 5 strips in the kit. Before use, you need to collect urine, adhering to the rules listed above, lower the test strip into a container for 5 seconds, postpone and wait for the result for 10 minutes.

If the result is positive, both lines will become the same color, or the control line will be slightly paler. This indicates the imminent release of the cell. When the test strip is missing, or less colored than the control, there is still no LH surge. So the next day the test should be repeated at the same time.


Frautest has the same principle of application. The pharmacy sells:

  • Frautest Ovulation in which 5 strips;
  • Frautest Ovulation with 7 cassettes with caps, which are recommended for women with an irregular cycle;
  • Frautest Planning, which has 5 strips, 7 urine containers and 2 pregnancy tests in a package.

Test "I was born"

It is similar in action to the previous test of Klever LLC “I was born”. It contains the same 5 strips.

Ovulation test "I was born"

It is difficult to say which ovulation test is better to buy from strip strips. Each is good in its own way and the difference is only in the price, which depends on the popularity of the brand. Everyone is on the same level of accuracy. And defective strips can be found at any manufacturer.

Inkjet Tests - Differences and Benefits

Jet strips are more convenient, they can be used everywhere, because there is no need to collect urine.

IHA LH ovulation test

IHA LG is a high-level immunochromatographic analytics. The set includes 5 strips with caps. Used according to the following rules:

  • Remove the cap before examining.
  • Hold under the stream for 10-20 seconds.
  • Put on a cap.
  • Lay horizontally.
  • Wait 5 minutes, but no more than 10.

We get the answer in the form of the same two lines that need to be analyzed for a change in hue.

Eviplan and Evitest

Equally well-known brands are Eviplan and Evitest. Each comes with 5 strips. The method of application does not differ from the above. It is only necessary to keep under a stream of the investigated liquid for 5 seconds and evaluate the result after 5 minutes.

The accuracy of inkjet tests is identical to strip strips. It is quite possible to trust them.

Digital tests - a unique technique

Reusable digital tests are considered the most modern and highly accurate.

Clearblue digital test

Clearblue digital is the most popular. The kit includes a mini device, which is a portable electronic device, 7 test strips packed in separate sealed wrappers, and an instruction that prescribes the following procedure:

  • At the time of testing, open one strip, remove the cap from it.
  • Insert it into the device holder so that the arrows marked on them coincide.
  • Wait for the message “test ready” to appear on the screen.
  • Hold the device under a stream of urine for 5-7 seconds or lower it into a container for 15. It is important that the liquid does not get on the body.
  • Put on the surface, after 20 seconds the “test ready” symbol will flash, which will confirm the correctness of the actions taken.
  • Wait 3 minutes. Do not remove the strip before receiving an image on the monitor.

After the time has elapsed, the result will appear on the screen. If there is an inscription “no LH surge” or an empty circle appears, then the answer is no. The procedure must be repeated tomorrow at the same time. If the result is positive, we will see a laughing emoticon, which portends an imminent release of the egg. The image is kept on the screen for 8 minutes.

To complete the picture, you can test in the morning and in the evening. After seeing a funny picture, sexual intercourse should be performed in the next 5-10 hours.


The used test must be discarded, no need to try to reuse it.

Reusable microscopes - advantages

The great value of urine tests in determining the day of conception is beyond doubt. Their biggest advantages are availability and cost-effectiveness. Everyone is able to choose a brand that satisfies the price.

But besides them, there are also devices that analyze saliva. Consider their features to understand which ovulation test is the best.

Operating principle

Science has proven that with the growth of estrogen in the blood, the structure of the salts in the saliva changes, which is fixed by the devices, examining a drop or smear. The salt pattern changes gradually:

  • At the beginning of the cycle, an almost even dotted line is visible in the sample under consideration.
  • Closer to the middle, transverse segments also begin to appear, which is due to an increase in estrogen levels during the maturation of the follicle.
  • During the exit of the cells, the crystals line up in a harmonious picture, reminiscent of a fern leaf.

Varieties of test microscopes

There are a lot of devices of this type of action today.

  • Microscope Ovulux, made in the form of a tube of lipstick. He is able in a matter of minutes, working like a conventional microscope, to give information on a smear of saliva whether the moment of ovulation has come. For what, you just need to get the lens, apply a smear, wait 5 minutes until it dries completely, insert the lens into the device and evaluate the pattern.
  • Test microscope Arbor-elite has a similar effect. The kit contains a set of reusable glasses (32 pieces) that allow you to leave samples for comparison or observation of the formation of a fern leaf and a booklet "Boy or Girl" giving advice on how to influence the sex of the embryo.
  • Mini microscope MAYBE MOM. Similar in use.
  • Eva-test D is a small laboratory. It is characterized by high accuracy and computer data processing.
  • The Ovu test is used not only to study saliva, but also mucus from the cervix, since the structure of the pattern on the day of ovulation is the same for them.

For a more reliable result, it is better to use saliva in the morning, before eating and brushing your teeth. If analysis is needed during the day, conduct it 1-2 hours after eating.

We conclude that the saliva analytics method:

  • accurate;
  • simple and affordable to use in any situation (no need to even go to the toilet);
  • makes it possible to plan the sex of the child with a probability of 80%, knowing the beginning, peak and end of ovulation;
  • predicts a “dangerous moment” for those who want to avoid pregnancy.

What tests are best?

Having considered all types, which ovulation test is better, reviews also confirm this, by urine or saliva, it is impossible to give an exact answer. Girls note the convenience of the tests or devices used. And each praises the one who helped to accomplish the desired - to conceive a baby.

Each of them has advantages. Let's say it's easier to examine saliva than doing a jet test or collecting urine correctly for use with a strip, but price comes into play here. Microscopes and instruments are not cheap pleasure. Although, taking into account the reusable use of microscope instruments, it can and should be calculated for the future, which will be more profitable: buying strips monthly or an expensive purchase used for several years.

For a woman with regular menstrual cycle, any, even the simplest and cheapest test, will serve well in determining the day of ovulation. Therefore they can act according to their material faculties. He is needed rather simply to confirm his calculations of this day.

But in the absence of rhythm in the process, when even the date of the test is taken as an approximate one, it may be worth not spraying into strips, but immediately purchasing a digital test or a reusable microscope. In such a situation, it will be much easier to determine the date of conception. Therefore, only the woman herself can decide which ovulation test is better.

Probably every parent will agree with the statement that the safety and health of the child is paramount. We all know that children are rather unpredictable creatures, often they find themselves where an adult would not even look. Yes, and during communication with other babies, unsafe situations can arise that can threaten the health of the child. According to medical statistics, every year the number of cases of parents contacting medical institutions about the fact that their baby was injured of one degree or another is increasing. The first place is occupied by various bruises, the second - by concussions. Concussion is a fairly common condition (especially in young children) that requires mandatory medical attention. And every parent should know what it is and how it manifests itself in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What is a concussion

A concussion is considered a mild degree of severity of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity and traumatization of the bones of the skull, as well as damage to the nerve tissues of the brain. The most susceptible to pathology are children aged from four to fifteen years, since it is during this period that the maximum physical activity occurs.

Most often, children from four to eight years old get to pediatric traumatologists.

Concussions are often detected in newborns (about five percent of cases) and infants (they account for up to twenty-five percent of cases).

Concussions are most common in children between the ages of four and eight.

The main feature of concussion in children is that the condition is much milder than in adults. The older the child, the harder it is for him to cope with the manifestations of pathology. This is primarily related to anatomical features, namely the structure of the cranium and the unformed brain. An important role is played by special compensatory mechanisms that protect brain tissue and allow you to recover quickly. These include the presence of fontanelles in the skull, the softness and elasticity of incompletely formed cranial bones, the elasticity of cerebral blood vessels, the incompletely formed central nervous system (CNS), and more.

Many underestimate the danger of the condition. But in vain. After all, even when timely treatment subsequently, the child may develop various neurological pathologies, not to mention those situations when concussion therapy was delayed or not carried out at all.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about concussion - video

Causes and factors for the development of the condition

The high rate of injury in early age associated primarily with increased activity. In addition, motor skills and normal coordination of movements are not fully developed in children, and the instinct for self-preservation is practically absent.

Falls from heights are the leading cause of concussions in children under the age of five. Children under one and a half years old very often fall off the bed, sofa, chair, and sometimes even from the hands of the one who holds them. This is mainly due to the banal inattention of parents: mom (or dad) can simply be distracted by something and not notice how the child crawled to the edge of the bed.

It happens that trauma is associated with a violation of safety rules when using wheelchairs or changing tables, which, as you know, have a hard surface. Some parents (or grandparents) casually place their children on top of them, hitting the baby's head. A blow can be completely imperceptible to an adult, but significant for a crumb.

Often, a concussion can also occur after intense motion sickness of the child or as a result of sudden braking or acceleration (this phenomenon among traumatologists is called the shaken baby syndrome). One-year-old children (someone earlier, and some later than this age) are already on their feet and exploring the world around them. Due to the fact that the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the legs are poorly developed, falls and hits to the head often occur.

Falling from a height is the most common cause occurrence of a concussion

Older children have new interests, the social circle expands, games become more mobile and more dangerous. Unfortunately, there are situations when it comes to a fight. Due to the fact that children spend most of their time outside the home (kindergarten, school, various development centers, and so on), it can be simply difficult for parents to follow their child.

Classification and symptoms of the disease

Newborns and babies are not able to say that they are in pain. Therefore, any unpleasant feeling they express crying. This symptom is rather dubious, since it is easy to confuse it with the desire to eat, drink, or with a request to change a soiled diaper. A preschooler and a child of primary school age can still talk about what happened to him, but with older children difficulties may arise, as many prefer to remain silent about what happened and not to devote their parents to their “problems”, fearing condemnation from their side, and this delays the appeal to a specialist and greatly complicates the situation. That is why every parent must know how a mild degree of traumatic brain injury, namely a concussion, manifests itself in a child.

Modern traumatology distinguishes three degrees of severity of concussion, which have their own symptoms:

  1. First, or easy. She is not characterized by loss of consciousness, but his confusion is noted. In rare cases, short-term fainting is possible. Sometimes vomiting may occur, a headache may appear. As a rule, the child's well-being returns to normal within an hour after the injury.
  2. second, or moderate. With this degree, marked excitation or inhibition is noted. A temporary loss of consciousness is characteristic (on average, it lasts from one to five minutes). After the child has come to his senses, he is disoriented in space for some time (usually twenty minutes). He does not understand where he is and does not remember what happened to him (later these memory lapses are restored). After some time, he may complain of weakness, dizziness and headache. Parents may note that skin the child is pale and moist (cold sweat appears), the pulse slows down. He develops nausea and vomits repeatedly.
  3. Third, or heavy. A severe concussion is accompanied by loss of consciousness for up to fifteen to twenty minutes. Waking up, the child is disoriented in space and stunned. He does not remember the details of what happened to him and cannot reproduce it in his memory even after some time. Are noted:
    • temporary decrease in visual acuity (post-traumatic blindness), passing on its own within a few hours or days;
    • constant feeling of nausea;
    • frequent vomiting;
    • severe dizziness and intense headaches.
      • Typical manifestations of the third degree concussion are:
        • impaired coordination of movements;
        • severe lethargy;
        • intense twitching eyeballs(nystagmus) or their divergence to the sides;
        • trembling of the limbs (tremor);
        • increase in indicators blood pressure and pulse;
        • quickening of breathing;
        • drowsiness;
        • noise in ears.

Often, moderate and severe concussions are accompanied by bruises and hematomas of the brain and even fractures of the skull bones.

Each degree of severity of concussion manifests itself in its own symptoms.

It is very difficult to determine the presence of this condition in newborns and infants. However, there are a number of signs that will make parents wary. When a concussion occurs in babies, the following symptoms are noted:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • sweating not related to room temperature;
  • excitement: the child becomes capricious and constantly cries;
  • lethargy: the child reacts poorly to others, sleeps most of the time;
  • severe fatigue;
  • restless sleep;
  • rapid breathing;
  • fast or slow heartbeat;
  • bulging of a large fontanel;
  • poor appetite or complete refusal of the offered food;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation, especially during feeding;
  • the appearance of vomiting.

The main feature of concussion in childhood is that obvious manifestations of the condition may occur after some period of time after the injury, that is, not immediately. If you find the slightest signs, especially if before their appearance was preceded by a blow to the head, you should immediately contact the medical institution for help.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

Diagnosis of a concussion relies primarily on the manifestations of the condition. A child with severe symptoms must be examined by two specialists: a pediatric traumatologist and a neurologist (neuropathologist). In some cases, consultation with a neurosurgeon is required.

In addition to inspection, often resort to additional methods examinations to confirm or exclude the diagnosis and detect comorbidities. Most often used:

  1. Neurosonography (NSG). The fastest and safe method examinations. Informative in the study of the state of the brain in children under two years of age. This is due to the fact that at this age the bones of the skull are not as dense as in older children. During the examination, a specialist can see the state of the brain structures and identify concomitant pathologies (edema, hematomas, bruises, hemorrhages, etc.).
  2. Echoencephalography (Echo-EG). The technique determines the displacement of the midline of the brain, on the basis of which the presence of any formation in it or a hematoma is determined. Such a study fades into the background, as it is not entirely accurate.
  3. Electroencephalography (EEG). The study provides an assessment of the bioelectrical activity of the brain, on the basis of which it is possible to identify injured nerve tissues and the presumed location of their localization, and also allows you to determine the severity of the injury.
  4. Rheoencephalography (REG). The technique allows you to dynamically monitor the tone of the cerebral vessels and the state of its blood circulation. In addition, with the help of REG, you can determine the degree of hemodynamic disturbance. The technique is widely used to study the state of brain structures in very young patients (newborns and infants).
  5. X-ray examination of the skull. Allows you to determine the integrity of the bones of the skull and is used in cases of suspected fractures. The method is widely used, but it is impossible to track the state of the brain with its help.
  6. Computed tomography (CT). It is a modern technique for detecting pathologies of the nervous tissues of the brain and skull bones. Allows you to identify even the slightest foci of bruises, hemorrhages and the presence of a hematoma or any foreign body.
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Unfortunately, the method will not be able to reveal the nature of the injury, since the bones of the skull are poorly visible with its help. Basically, MRI is used to assess the state of individual brain structures. The main disadvantage of the study is the duration of its implementation. There is no such child who could lie still for twenty minutes or more. In this regard, a small patient is forced to give anesthesia before the procedure.
  8. Lumbar puncture. It is used to diagnose pathology in children quite rarely and in the most extreme cases. It consists in the collection of cerebrospinal fluid, carried out by inserting a needle of a special syringe into the spinal canal in the lumbar region. The method allows to detect infectious lesions, hemorrhages and inflammatory processes brain and spinal cord.

Computed tomography allows the most accurate detection of brain pathologies after an injury.

Concussion treatment

Mild concussions require minimal but mandatory therapy. In more severe cases, the child must be hospitalized in a hospital.

First aid

Every parent should know the rules of conduct in case of head injury (especially in cases of concussion).

The main thing to remember in the first place is that in no case should you give the child any medications before seeing a specialist. Since this can blur the clinical picture of the pathology or even aggravate the condition.

If the child is conscious, you should limit his physical activity by laying him on the bed. If consciousness is confused or absent, lay it on its side, and bend the opposite arm and leg at an angle of ninety degrees. This is necessary to prevent the tongue from sinking, to ensure a normal intake of air, proper breathing, to prevent a repeated fall, and to prevent choking with vomit (if vomiting develops). If the child is able to talk about what worries him, ask in detail about it, then to pass the information on to the doctor. In the presence of wounds and bruises, treat them and apply a sterile bandage.

Medical therapy

Any medications are prescribed exclusively by a specialist. In no case should you be amateur and treat a concussion on your own.

As a rule, therapy of mild severity of pathology can be carried out at home and with a minimum set of drugs. Recommended strict bed rest for seven to ten days. In case of more serious concussions, a mandatory hospitalization of the child in a hospital is required. In these cases, bed rest should be observed for ten to fifteen days. Therapy includes the use of the following drugs:

  • analgesics that help reduce pain manifestations (Analgin, Pentalgin and others);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that have an analgesic effect and relieve inflammation (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and others);
  • antihistamines that relieve swelling of tissues and prevent the development allergic reaction on other medicines (Zirtek, Suprastin and others);
  • bromides that have a depressant effect on the nervous system, thereby reducing the excessive excitability of the child (sodium bromide, potassium bromide, Adonis-bromine and others)
  • sedatives based on medicinal plants showing a sedative effect (Dormikinda, Leovita, Valerianahel and others).
  • vitamins, in particular C and group B;
  • diuretics (diuretics) aimed at relieving cerebral edema (Furosemide, Acetazolamide and others);
  • drugs that compensate for the lack of potassium in the body (Asparkam, Panangin and others);
  • antiemetics (Tserukala and so on);
  • nootropic drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain, relieve excessive excitement and tension of the central nervous system(Pantogam, Glycine and others);
  • magnesium sulfate (25%), which relieves pain, dizziness and vomiting, is used in severe cases and with excessive manifestations of concussion.

Drugs for the treatment of concussion - photo gallery

Paracetamol relieves inflammation and pain
Adonis-bromine reduces excitability
Dormikind is a herbal preparation that has a sedative effect. Zyrtec relieves tissue swelling Furosemide eliminates cerebral edema
Glycine improves blood circulation in the brain Cerucal - antiemetic

Related measures

Apart from drug therapy, experts recommend ensuring maximum psychological peace for the child during and after treatment. For the first time after discharge, it is forbidden to watch TV, read and use gadgets (phones, tablets and other devices), physical activity is maximally limited. The child is temporarily exempted from attending educational institutions (usually takes about a month) ( kindergarten, schools and others), schoolchildren after discharge are given exemption from classes physical education for one and a half to two months. In addition, it is not advisable for children to be vaccinated for two to three months after injury, in connection with which the victims receive a medical exemption.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

Treatment prognosis is usually favorable. The child usually fully recovers from the injury within two to three months.

But in some cases, the consequences can be adverse, for example:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • intense migraine headaches;
  • excessive excitability;
  • excessive irritability;
  • unmotivated attacks of aggression;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excessive moodiness and tearfulness;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Prevention of the occurrence of pathology

Prevention of the appearance of a concussion lies in the strict control of the child. He must be supervised by adults at all times. It is very important to conduct preventive conversations on the topic of safety, namely about the rules of the road, dangerous species sports and games and so on. It is imperative to build a relationship with the child on full trust. This is necessary first of all so that he is not afraid to tell his parent about what happened to him. If an injury is identified, seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional.

Elena Malysheva talks about concussion in adults and children - video

A concussion can be a serious condition for a child that can turn into unpleasant consequences in the future. Therefore, any head injury should not be ignored. Only qualified help can help avoid or minimize complications in the future.

Concussion occurs in 90% of all head injuries in children. This is the most harmless damage possible, but this does not mean that it should not be given Special attention. It is important to take timely action to prevent serious consequences for the child.

How dangerous is a concussion for a child?

A concussion is a mild degree of brain damage that is not accompanied by fractures of the bones of the skull. In children, such injuries are very common, and with the right approach, complications rarely occur. A distinctive feature is a brief loss of consciousness after the impact. Changes in the brain occur at the cellular level and are not detected in studies.

Concussion is a common occurrence among children, which can lead to serious consequences.

This condition is especially dangerous for newborns and babies of the first year of life, since at this age the symptoms may not be noticed, and the body is not yet ready for such loads. Older children may report how they feel, and the signs of a concussion are more obvious.

When symptoms appear, it is important to take immediate action and call " ambulance to rule out more serious head injuries. The specialist prescribes diagnostic measures, and if there are indications, he can recommend treatment in a hospital.


Traumatic brain injuries are open and closed (depending on the presence and degree of damage to the bones of the skull). The nature of the damage is also taken into account:

  1. Brain contusion is a dangerous condition that causes swelling of the brain. Can occur both with open and with closed injury. It provokes an increase in intracranial pressure, requires immediate medical attention.
  2. A skull fracture is a no less serious injury that can lead to mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the brain.
  3. Concussion - in most cases, it does not pose a serious danger, the symptoms disappear within a few days.

Three degrees of severity of concussion are classified:

  1. Easy - consciousness is absent for no more than 5 minutes;
  2. Medium - loss of consciousness from 5 to 15 minutes;
  3. Severe - prolonged lack of consciousness, can go into a coma.

The latter condition is the most dangerous, as it can cause irreversible changes in the brain.

Causes and development factors

Concussion in children is a common occurrence. May occur after a blow to the head or to the head. And also sometimes there is a “shaken baby syndrome”, when injury occurs without a strike being made. This can happen with excessive shaking. baby in a stroller or other rough treatment of the baby.

Children infancy who do not yet walk often suffer from the inattention of their parents. The fourth and fifth months are especially dangerous, when the child is just starting to roll over on his stomach. Adults may simply not expect this from the baby, and leave him unattended on the couch, changing table or other elevated position.

Parents of babies who have just learned to roll over should be especially attentive.

Older children, starting to walk, try to climb higher and higher, but the vestibular apparatus is not yet fully formed. Therefore, there are falls and, as a result, blows to the head.

Children are more prone to head injuries as it is proportionately larger and heavier than adults. Among other things, in a child, the fear of falling or damaging something is not yet fully realized, which contributes to the search for new heights. At a younger age, the baby still cannot substitute his hands in time during a fall from a height, which also favors a “landing” on his head.


Small children often fall and hit their heads. It is important to remain calm at such moments and objectively assess the situation. Knowing the symptoms, you can easily identify a head injury. In other cases, do not panic, but carefully monitor the child for the next day.

The first and fundamental sign of a concussion is considered to be loss of consciousness after a blow. When the child comes to, he may not remember a few minutes before the fall. Other main symptoms of brain injury are:

  • vomiting, most often multiple (if the child vomited only once, this may be the body's reaction to stress);
  • confusion (inadequate answers to simple questions, lack of understanding of what is happening);
  • post-traumatic blindness a rare event, occurs only in children, passes after a few minutes or hours);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy or excessive excitement;
  • capriciousness.

If there is no loss of consciousness, this does not always mean that there is no cause for concern. This may be another traumatic brain injury, the symptoms of which appear with some delay.

With a concussion, all symptoms resolve themselves after a few days, if you follow the recommendations of doctors and take the necessary measures in time.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

It is impossible to diagnose a concussion with the help of any research, so the diagnosis is made on the basis of the general clinical picture and symptoms. The sequence is always the following: the child hit, lost consciousness, symptoms appeared.

The symptoms of a concussion in a child must be reacted with lightning speed

Diagnostic measures in a hospital are carried out in order not to miss more severe injuries. The following tests may be ordered:

  1. X-ray of the head. Carried out to assess the condition of the bones of the skull, this is the simplest and most mandatory procedure.
  2. Neurosonography. This is an ultrasound of the brain. The procedure is indicative for children under two years old, when the bones of the skull are still thin. With its help, you can detect a brain injury, if any.
  3. Computed tomography (CT). Allows you to clearly see all the damage, assess the condition of the cranium and brain matter. However, this method is not always used due to the lack of equipment in the hospital.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Such a study is rarely performed for head injuries, as it is very expensive. The method is accurate, it helps to detect any, even the most insignificant damage. An MRI may be prescribed if concussion symptoms persist for a long time, despite treatment and compliance with all doctor's recommendations.

Other examinations may be prescribed for special indications and are rarely performed in children.


A concussion requires the immediate call of an ambulance. Upon arrival, the doctor will without fail take the child to the hospital for examination and consultation with a neuropathologist or neurosurgeon.

When diagnosing a concussion in children, treatment in a hospital is strongly recommended. First of all, this allows for medical supervision during the first days after the injury. And also contributes to the child's stay in a calm environment with an established regimen. Parents may refuse to leave their baby in the hospital if they are absolutely sure that they can create the necessary conditions at home.

First aid

If after a blow to the head there was a loss of consciousness, it is necessary to lay the child on its side. If there is bleeding, it is stopped with an ice compress. Something cold is also applied to the impact site.

If, after hitting the head, the child has lost consciousness, it is necessary to lay him on his side.

When the baby came to his senses, he must be calmed down and not allowed physical activity. It is important not to let him fall asleep immediately after the injury for at least an hour. In this way, possible violations can be detected.

Even if there are no symptoms of concussion in the first hours, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the child. On the first night after the incident, you need to wake the baby several times to assess his condition.

If you suspect a concussion, be sure to call an ambulance. Even if it is a "false alarm", it is better to play it safe.

Treatment with drugs

Therapy in the hospital and at home is aimed at preventing possible complications. The following groups of medicines are usually used:

Related measures

The main condition for a quick recovery is peace, preferably bed rest.. It is not always possible for young children to comply with this requirement. It is necessary to reduce activity as much as possible - to captivate the child with a calm game, to read books to him.

Watching TV, sitting at a computer, using any other gadgets is completely excluded. The eyes should not strain to allow the brain to rest as much as possible from the shock.

After an injury, watching TV is completely excluded.

As for nutrition, it is better to exclude heavy foods for the duration of treatment. It is not recommended to use:

  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty;
  • roast;
  • spices;
  • salty.

These products increase intracranial pressure and contribute to the accumulation of fluid, which can provoke cerebral edema. The influence of food is not too great, but it will not hurt to adhere to such a diet for several days.

Sequelae of concussion in children

In most cases, such an injury does not cause serious complications. Subject to the regimen and recommendations of the doctor, all symptoms disappear within 1-2 weeks. However, with incorrect or untimely treatment (and sometimes regardless of this factor), the following consequences may occur:

  • the impact of weather changes on general well-being;
  • irritability, capriciousness;
  • lethargy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • periodic causeless bouts of vomiting;
  • epileptic seizures are very rare.

In rare cases, such complications can disturb the child for another 1-2 months after the concussion, and sometimes longer. If such residual effects are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor for consultation and development of tactics for further treatment.


With children, it is difficult to take sufficient measures to prevent falls. But you can do the best you can:

  • do not leave babies unattended on a hill;
  • use a helmet when cycling and other active sports;
  • isolate sharp corners in the house where there is a child before three years. And also restrict access to any elevations - window sills, tables, cabinets, etc.;
  • talk with older children, explain the danger of injury;
  • try not to let a large number objects in the house that you can trip over;
  • use non-slip shoes or socks for the child if the floor in the apartment is slippery - linoleum, tiles, etc.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on concussion in children

All children, starting with the first steps, fall and hit their heads. It is not necessary to run to the hospital every time or call a doctor. The main thing is to observe the behavior of the child, not to panic. The kid, seeing the excessive anxiety of the parents, may be frightened himself. For any sign or even suspicion of a concussion or other traumatic brain injury, health care. With timely admission to the hospital, the risk of complications is practically absent.

Concussion occurs in 90% of all head injuries in children. This is the most harmless damage possible, but this does not mean that special attention should not be paid to it. It is important to take timely action to prevent serious consequences for the child.

How dangerous is a concussion for a child?

A concussion is a mild degree of brain damage that is not accompanied by fractures of the bones of the skull. In children, such injuries are very common, and with the right approach, complications rarely occur. A distinctive feature is a brief loss of consciousness after the impact. Changes in the brain occur at the cellular level and are not detected in studies.

Concussion is a common occurrence among children, which can lead to serious consequences.

This condition is especially dangerous for newborns and babies of the first year of life, since at this age the symptoms may not be noticed, and the body is not yet ready for such loads. Older children may report how they feel, and the signs of a concussion are more obvious.

When symptoms appear, it is important to take immediate action and call an ambulance to rule out more serious head injuries. The specialist prescribes diagnostic measures, and if there are indications, he can recommend treatment in a hospital.


Traumatic brain injuries are open and closed (depending on the presence and degree of damage to the bones of the skull). The nature of the damage is also taken into account:

  1. Brain contusion is a dangerous condition that causes swelling of the brain. It can occur with both open and closed trauma. It provokes an increase in intracranial pressure, requires immediate medical attention.
  2. A skull fracture is a no less serious injury that can lead to mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the brain.
  3. Concussion - in most cases, it does not pose a serious danger, the symptoms disappear within a few days.

Three degrees of severity of concussion are classified:

  1. Easy - consciousness is absent for no more than 5 minutes;
  2. Medium - loss of consciousness from 5 to 15 minutes;
  3. Severe - prolonged lack of consciousness, can go into a coma.

The latter condition is the most dangerous, as it can cause irreversible changes in the brain.

Causes and development factors

Concussion in children is a common occurrence. May occur after a blow to the head or to the head. And also sometimes there is a “shaken baby syndrome”, when injury occurs without a strike being made. This can happen with excessive shaking of an infant in a stroller or other rough handling of the baby.

Infants who are not yet walking often suffer from parental inattention. The fourth and fifth months are especially dangerous, when the child is just starting to roll over on his stomach. Adults may simply not expect this from the baby, and leave him unattended on the couch, changing table or other elevated position.

Parents of babies who have just learned to roll over should be especially attentive.

Older children, starting to walk, try to climb higher and higher, but the vestibular apparatus is not yet fully formed. Therefore, there are falls and, as a result, blows to the head.

Children are more prone to head injuries as it is proportionately larger and heavier than adults. Among other things, in a child, the fear of falling or damaging something is not yet fully realized, which contributes to the search for new heights. At a younger age, the baby still cannot substitute his hands in time during a fall from a height, which also favors a “landing” on his head.


Small children often fall and hit their heads. It is important to remain calm at such moments and objectively assess the situation. Knowing the symptoms, you can easily identify a head injury. In other cases, do not panic, but carefully monitor the child for the next day.

The first and fundamental sign of a concussion is considered to be loss of consciousness after a blow. When the child comes to, he may not remember a few minutes before the fall. Other main symptoms of brain injury are:

  • vomiting, most often multiple (if the child vomited only once, this may be the body's reaction to stress);
  • confusion (inadequate answers to simple questions, lack of understanding of what is happening);
  • post-traumatic blindness (a rare occurrence, occurs only in children, disappears after a few minutes or hours);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy or excessive excitement;
  • capriciousness.

If there is no loss of consciousness, this does not always mean that there is no cause for concern. This may be another traumatic brain injury, the symptoms of which appear with some delay.

With a concussion, all symptoms resolve themselves after a few days, if you follow the recommendations of doctors and take the necessary measures in time.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

It is impossible to diagnose a concussion with the help of any research, so the diagnosis is made on the basis of the overall clinical picture and symptoms. The sequence is always the following: the child hit, lost consciousness, symptoms appeared.

The symptoms of a concussion in a child must be reacted with lightning speed

Diagnostic measures in a hospital are carried out in order not to miss more severe injuries. The following tests may be ordered:

  1. X-ray of the head. Carried out to assess the condition of the bones of the skull, this is the simplest and most mandatory procedure.
  2. Neurosonography. This is an ultrasound of the brain. The procedure is indicative for children under two years old, when the bones of the skull are still thin. With its help, you can detect a brain injury, if any.
  3. Computed tomography (CT). Allows you to clearly see all the damage, assess the condition of the cranium and brain matter. However, this method is not always used due to the lack of equipment in the hospital.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Such a study is rarely performed for head injuries, as it is very expensive. The method is accurate, it helps to detect any, even the most insignificant damage. An MRI may be prescribed if concussion symptoms persist for a long time, despite treatment and compliance with all doctor's recommendations.

Other examinations may be prescribed for special indications and are rarely performed in children.


A concussion requires the immediate call of an ambulance. Upon arrival, the doctor will without fail take the child to the hospital for examination and consultation with a neuropathologist or neurosurgeon.

When diagnosing a concussion in children, treatment in a hospital is strongly recommended. First of all, this allows for medical supervision during the first days after the injury. And also contributes to the child's stay in a calm environment with an established regimen. Parents may refuse to leave the baby in the hospital if they are absolutely sure that they can create the necessary conditions for him at home.

First aid

If after a blow to the head there was a loss of consciousness, it is necessary to lay the child on its side. If there is bleeding, it is stopped with an ice compress. Something cold is also applied to the impact site.

If, after hitting the head, the child has lost consciousness, it is necessary to lay him on his side.

When the baby came to his senses, he must be calmed down and not allowed physical activity. It is important not to let him fall asleep immediately after the injury for at least an hour. In this way, possible violations can be detected.

Even if there are no symptoms of concussion in the first hours, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the child. On the first night after the incident, you need to wake the baby several times to assess his condition.

If you suspect a concussion, be sure to call an ambulance. Even if it is a "false alarm", it is better to play it safe.

Treatment with drugs

Therapy in the hospital and while staying at home is aimed at preventing possible complications. The following groups of medicines are usually used:

Related measures

The main condition for a quick recovery is peace, preferably bed rest.. It is not always possible for young children to comply with this requirement. It is necessary to reduce activity as much as possible - to captivate the child with a calm game, to read books to him.

Watching TV, sitting at a computer, using any other gadgets is completely excluded. The eyes should not strain to allow the brain to rest as much as possible from the shock.

After an injury, watching TV is completely excluded.

As for nutrition, it is better to exclude heavy foods for the duration of treatment. It is not recommended to use:

  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty;
  • roast;
  • spices;
  • salty.

These foods increase intracranial pressure and promote fluid accumulation, which can cause cerebral edema. The influence of food is not too great, but it will not hurt to adhere to such a diet for several days.

Sequelae of concussion in children

In most cases, such an injury does not cause serious complications. Subject to the regimen and recommendations of the doctor, all symptoms disappear within 1-2 weeks. However, with incorrect or untimely treatment (and sometimes regardless of this factor), the following consequences may occur:

  • the impact of weather changes on general well-being;
  • irritability, capriciousness;
  • lethargy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • periodic causeless bouts of vomiting;
  • epileptic seizures are very rare.

In rare cases, such complications can disturb the child for another 1-2 months after the concussion, and sometimes longer. If such residual effects are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor for consultation and development of tactics for further treatment.


With children, it is difficult to take sufficient measures to prevent falls. But you can do the best you can:

  • do not leave babies unattended on a hill;
  • use a helmet when cycling and other active sports;
  • isolate sharp corners in a house where there is a child under three years old. And also restrict access to any elevations - window sills, tables, cabinets, etc.;
  • talk with older children, explain the danger of injury;
  • try not to allow a large number of objects in the house that you can stumble on;
  • use non-slip shoes or socks for the child if the floor in the apartment is slippery - linoleum, tiles, etc.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on concussion in children

All children, starting with the first steps, fall and hit their heads. It is not necessary to run to the hospital every time or call a doctor. The main thing is to observe the behavior of the child, not to panic. The kid, seeing the excessive anxiety of the parents, may be frightened himself. For any sign or even suspicion of a concussion or other traumatic brain injury, medical attention is needed. With timely admission to the hospital, the risk of complications is practically absent.