Which next year is the year of which animal. The Three Main Qualities of the Yellow Earth Dog

We will immediately answer the question of what the upcoming 2018 year according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope will be - the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, which will begin on February 16 and end on February 4, 2019, with the transfer of rights to manage the next year to the Boar / Pig. In this article, we will consider the qualities of the Dog, its habits, inclinations, what we should expect from 2018, what to count on, what to watch out for, and so on.

In the beginning, we note the qualities of these personalities - those born in the year of the Dog, men and women, are always honest, responsible and fair. This is the category of people you can rely on and trust, in almost any situation they will not let you down.

They are responsible in life and in business matters, they can be trusted with almost any information, they will not make it public. For these people, it is important to have a clear sense of the requirements placed on them, a clear description of the duties so that they can imagine the final image of the goal.

A person who was born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar is able to share someone else's pain, take care of the interests of his relatives and relatives, as well as his friends and work colleagues. This person will never miss someone's problems, will always help, will not refuse to lend a helping hand.

In childhood, the Dog will have many difficult situations, she will often have to be nervous about her incompetence complex.

In youth, problems will gradually begin to disappear, although she can do stupid things just at this age.

In adulthood, she will become a big skeptic and at some point become a pessimist, lose the ability to enjoy life.

According to the horoscope 2018 is the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog

Year of the Dog - sign characteristic

Chinese name for the Year of the Dog: Gou

Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog: Eleventh

Time of day of the year Dogs: 19:00 -21:00

Western Zodiac Sign of the Year of the Dog: Aries

Dog Year Element: Metal

Qualities of people born in the Year of the Dog

Positive traits (qualities) of character: These are generous, kind, loyal, reliable and honest people, they are devoted to their ideals and their family, always diligent and responsible, ready to help, they can be trusted and can be trusted, you can rely on them.

Negative traits (qualities) of character: They can be stubborn and intrusive, sometimes they are excessively and unreasonably restless, talkative, pessimistic, they can be disorganized, distracted, unnecessarily strict towards their loved ones and others.


Poems of the years of the Dog (periods of government)

Expectations from 2018 - what will it be, what to expect?

2018 a year will pass controlled by a dog. As the eastern zodiac horoscope says, it should bring peace, harmony and stability to you and me. It is during this period that disputes and misunderstandings will stop, and the economic crisis will end.

Those who are in love, but have not yet formalized their relationship, should legalize them this year, think about the union of destinies during this particular time period. 2018 is a very favorable year for starting a family. Keep this in mind, and also that the next year will be 2019 of the Pig / Boar, which can bring unpleasant surprises, "put the Pig".

This person is characterized by such traits as intelligence and insight, ease of communication, some coldness, sociability and honesty, loyalty and stubbornness, openness and friendliness, laziness.

These people with high demands for justice, they will not tolerate harassment and humiliation, both of themselves and someone close or just a stranger. By any means and at any cost, they will stand up for their own and someone else's defense, seek to justify an innocent person or someone humiliated.

The dog is always "on the alert", he never rests, always at his guard post, he is attentive and restless. It is not easy to take something away from this person. The dog is alert and will not just give up without a fight. It can be closed, and they show their feelings in a rare case, only if necessary.

Men and women of the sign of the eastern horoscope Dogs are a big skeptic in life and to a large extent pessimists, in many matters they are critical of themselves, have little faith in their strengths and capabilities. Willpower, good nature, a sense of humor, a sharp mind and a sense of responsibility help the representatives of this sign to be a person of a wide soul.

On the other hand, the Dog is a considerable cynic, often not shy in expressions and statements, can offend a person with his sarcasm. People who know this person are wary of the Dog, because of her harsh statements and hurtful remarks.

Sometimes this person is too stubborn. Taking on some new business, the Dog devotes himself to it with his head. At the same time, with or without reason, he will criticize everyone in a row who will be nearby at this moment. From the outside, it may seem that she is deliberately going to break off relations, although in fact, she just wants to not be hindered from doing business.

This person sees the world mainly in dark colors, which is why they are talked about - pessimists in life, who expect little from life, because they are not sure of themselves and their capabilities. The dog clearly lacks confidence and determination, this is reflected in everything, in its behavior, lifestyle, communication.

Who is 2018, whose and what will be - Dogs Yellow (Earth)

Who is the Dog of 2018 from the signs of the horoscope compatible with?

The eastern horoscope tells us that men and women born under the sign of the Dog, in relationships with the opposite sex and love, show the same human qualities as in business.

They are intelligent, loyal, reliable and honest. On the other hand, love difficulties can haunt this person all his life. Most often, they themselves are to blame for this, or rather their anxiety and inconstancy in relationships.

People 2018 - zodiac signs

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rat

Both of these people are peaceful, responsive, reliable in relationships, hardworking and energetic, loyal and tactful. The danger of this union lies in the fact that they are both too prone to compromise and, having come, in the end, to an absolutely conflict-free marriage, they may eventually lose interest in each other.

Create "artificial" conflicts in the family (periodically) - this is useful.

Dog and Bull

The dog is gifted with a sense of humor and a wonderful imagination, it is unlikely that she will find happiness next to the sedate, gloomy, boring and picky Ox.

However, on the other hand, if they are already experienced people, they will be able to learn to respect each other's interests and habits, they will certainly be able to live under the same roof, but with reservations, most likely, they will be more friends than spouses.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Tiger

A fairly common union, very often life will push these two together. In marriage, they will complement each other and can be quite happy. The tiger will push the partner, instill confidence in him, and, if necessary, calm him down.

The dog is always there and ready to provide worthy help and support. A very good union, promising common satisfaction with each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rabbit/Cat

One of the strongest and most peaceful alliances a Dog can create with a Rabbit / Cat. She will find peace only with a serene Rabbit / Cat, she will be faithful and devoted to him, while the second will be able to appreciate it.

In this pair, everything will always be fine, unless the Dog is distracted by solving third-party problems, for example, public ones, forgetting about the family.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope dog and dragon

Relations with the representative of the Dragon are unlikely to develop, they will initially be strained, and are unlikely to last long. He is too proud and inflexible, skeptical about the dreams and plans of his partner, so he is unlikely to accept the constant chatter, sarcasm and the clear but caustic mind of the Dog. They are also unlikely to be able to be friends, in general - a hopeless relationship.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and snake

A rather good and promising union, where the idealistic Dog is attracted by the wisdom and depth of the Snake, and she admires her to such an extent that she is ready not to notice the ambition and selfishness of her partner.

The Snake really likes to be idealized, and she also appreciates the honesty, stability and loyalty of the Dog, although she herself is unlikely to pay in the same coin.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Horse

dog in joint marriage, living under the same roof - the representative of the Horse is perfect, which will always support the partner in all endeavors, instill confidence and reassure him, and in return ask for just a little freedom of action. A successful union for both, although promising periodic explosions, without which, you see, no marriage can be strong.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Goat/Sheep

The Goat / Sheep will not be able to tolerate the Dog for a long time, which is not intentional, of course, but will constantly "get" her, she will quickly break off relations. On the other hand, the Dog itself will not be able to endure the Goat / Sheep for a long time, because it is too capricious and stubborn, and it "cannot stand it." The joint life of this couple can be called unstable with the risk of breaking at any moment.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Monkey

This pair has a rather high potential, with good prospects - a fairly stable pair. The dog is attracted by the liveliness and sociability of the Monkey, while the second appreciates stability, justice, honesty, loyalty, reliability and breadth of views of the first.

Although both of them are characterized by a certain level of cynicism, which at some point will complicate relations, it is unlikely that serious consequences will come to pass.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rooster

The idealistic Dog and the detached, carefree Rooster look at life differently, each from their own point of view. At first, the partner may seem unkind, arrogant and pompous egoist, immersed in himself.

The rooster does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself, he needs adoration. The success of the relationship directly depends on the Dog - it will be patient, will support the partner, which means that everything will be fine with them.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Dog

Two Dogs, but only if at least one of them is active, are well compatible. Both of them are complaisant, faithful, reliable, reasonable and will easily determine their place in the family hierarchy of relationships, share areas of responsibility.

It is easy for them in life, because they know perfectly well what is expected of him. Of course, conflicts over issues of leadership are also possible, but common goals will help them find a compromise solution, not quarrel, but hold on to each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Boar/Pig

Quite a promising union, with certain reservations - the restrained Boar / Pig must teach the pessimistic Dog of carelessness, determination and optimism. If the second is able to relax, then the marriage will take place and be happy.

Both of them are reliable in relationships, kind, generous and honest people, their union should be successful, with some minor reservations - you need to give in and trust each other, more often compromise, not pay attention to the partner’s shortcomings.

In conclusion - in general, if you trust the horoscope for the new year 2018, you can say what this period is destined for the hostess of the year to the Dog, it will be the same for all of us.

The dog is capable, in turn, at any moment can change, turn the situation into another, reverse side, radically change your life, its course - draw conclusions!

We remind you what year 2018 is, which animal according to the eastern sign - yellow dog, and it will begin on February 16, the rights of the Dog will end already in the future 2019 on the fourth day of February, with the transfer of rights to the next sign, namely the Pig / Boar.

In this article, we will consider the year of which animal according to the horoscope is 2018, what color, what to celebrate this new year in and what is important to know about the upcoming period ...

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  • 2018 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope: what to wear ...
  • Who's year?

    According to the Eastern calendar, 2018 is considered to be the year of the yellow dog. The animal is extremely friendly. The year dedicated to the dog promises to be affectionate, favorable to the inhabitants of the earth.

    You should definitely get yourself a pet if you dreamed about it, but did not dare to get a cute creature.

    The year of the dog promises to be not only favorable. For many people, the Year of the Dog 2018 will present financial well-being as a gift.

    Now, having figured out what the year 2018 will be, what animal according to the horoscope, let's take a closer look at a true friend of man.

    Loyalty and friendliness forces dogs to do everything possible without exception in order to maintain relations with their own relatives - to provide assistance, protect them from minor trifles, rush to support their comrades, share everything (including the last bone), often excluding the presence of their own hobbies.

    But, these qualities of the character of a “comrade of man” do not mean at all that people in the time frame of 2018 will begin to possess the above qualities. Everyone has their own characteristics...

    Since this is the year of the yellow dog, it should be noted that yellow is the tone of joy, clear illumination of the year, fun, uniqueness, independence, conviction. In combination with the disposition of the owner of the holiday, a bright, exciting time awaits us ahead.

    Recall that the characteristics of a dog are described above - an animal whose name symbolizes 2018 according to the horoscope according to the eastern calendar.

    What color will be in fashion in 2018?

    So, we have consistently come to another important problem: what should be the costume for the 2018 greeting? First of all, in general, let's orient ourselves with the colors.

    Of course, the main accent will be the YELLOW color and all its shades.

    Just do not forget that for people with certain features of the figure, yellow can not only not give beautiful forms, but also highlight flaws.

    Of course, yellow often ages. For this reason, focus on other Christmas colors. yellow color: chestnut, sandy, yellowish brown, bright orange.

    With such a variety of colors, choosing a Christmas dress is not at all difficult. If you have concentrated on the yellow color, in this case, please note that the most beautiful in this shade are outfits in the style of layering, weightless sundresses. Constantly important, looks expensive - a noble metal.

    Since 2018 is the year of the dog, a chestnut tone will come in handy for men. This color is perfect for men's Christmas suits.

    In case you are not a fan of colorful clothes, the dog allows you to wear a dark chestnut dress, choose elegant amber accessories close in shade to wood. The choice of dress model can be different, the main requirement is practicality and convenience.

    Jewelry is welcome, preference should be given to gilding, amber, yellow sapphire, woody. An image for going outside at New Year's time can be assembled dim. A traditional jacket, weightless soft colors (flesh, yellow-red), or a dark chestnut coat will look proportionally in combination with a colorful image.

    What to wear on Christmas Eve? Just as it was established by the owner of the future year, a four-legged dog that runs on its paws throughout its life, special festive shoes, like a Christmas costume, must be comfortable to wear!

    If you chose heels when choosing shoes, they should be extremely comfortable for you, so that the pain rubbed with new shoes does not interfere with fun dancing. This year, the advantage should be given to shoes with an open toe.

    In the costume of which animal to reincarnate children

    Looking for a New Year's outfit for New Year's holidays at school or kindergarten? The first thought that comes to mind when thinking about the costume for the year of the dog is the costume itself for the representative of the celebration.

    The dog is one of the most famous figures in 2018. A more complete dog outfit can be purchased at the baby mall. However, in the case of buying a dog costume, there is a threat that the parents of the children agreed on the New Year's costume for their child. Therefore, a children's matinee in kindergarten can turn into a "pack of dogs."

    Photo: children's dog costume on New Year 2018

    To avoid this kind of problem, it is advised to order a suit in the atelier, making the look unique, inimitable. For example, as a template, you can use the image of your beloved dog character from cartoons, comics or movies. Raise in your memory as many images of dogs from cartoons, fairy tales, and other works as possible.

    Look at illustrations for children's books, remember Soviet children's films. Since the dog is a friend of man, it often flashes in animated productions. Take ideas from works different generations contact your parents for help. With family common efforts, you will create your own unique design.

    Combine elements of dog characters from different cartoons to create something of your own. Probably, this insignificant list of tips is enough to invent a look. Strain your imagination as much as possible, because childhood does not last long. You may not even notice how the baby will stop being interested in cute children's costumes, stop believing in magic, Santa Claus.

    No matter how much you want to realize it, you still have to come to this. Therefore, do not save on New Year's costumes, gifts. Do everything possible so that the child remembers the New Year 2018, the year of the dog. Give him a lot of new memories. Do not forget to take a camera or a camera phone to capture the best moments of a children's holiday in a kindergarten or school.

    What dishes to serve on the festive table to please the dog

    After we figured out the year of which animal in 2018 according to the horoscope, and what to meet, it remains main question: what to cook?

    Photo: dog salad

    Every year, before the holidays, many average residents have a desire to decorate, arrange the table in an unusual way, surprise guests with decor, delicious dishes on festive table. After all, every new year wants to start new life, change certain nuances, and for starters, just beautifully decorate your apartment for the upcoming holiday.

    How to correctly, quickly, easily, simply set the table so that the presented dishes and serving will please not only the guests, but the four-legged favorite of many - the dog? Let's figure it out, consider what must certainly be present on the festive table, because we learned the year of which animal according to the horoscope in 2018, now we need to please it ...

    Dogs are considered relatively picky animals, so it makes no sense to think over a specific New Year's menu. It is desirable that meat and sausage products should be present on the festive table. Possible ham, bacon.

    The hostess of the new year does not single out special preferences among the varieties of the cape: at the New Year's purchase in the grocery store, she can safely put any favorite meat of her relatives in the basket.

    In most families, not a single New Year is complete without salads, such as Russian salad, herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette. Also, each family has its own traditional salad, invariably prepared every year for Christmas celebrations. The hostess of the coming year will gladly accept any salad, be it exotic, prepared according to a certain unique recipe known to several people, or the most unusual, but insanely delicious salad.

    You don't have to worry too much about table setting. We can confidently say that the dog will definitely appreciate the presence of minimalist dishes in white / pastel colors on the festive table. When choosing a tablecloth, look for covers made from natural ingredients such as linen. Such a tablecloth not only looks very beautiful on the table, but is also much more pleasant to the touch than tablecloths made of artificial materials.

    Characteristics of people born in the year of the dog in 2018

    In this subsection of the article you will find not only a continuation of the description of the nature of the dog, but also General characteristics people born in the year of the dog.

    In general, people often quite accurately correspond to the animals in the year in which they were born. The Year of the Dog is no exception. All of the above applies not only to the nature of dogs, but also to people born in this year.

    Also for people born in the year of the dog, extreme exaggeration is characteristic. Expressed in a more picturesque language, they rush from one extreme to another, distinguishing only two stripes in life: white or black. If dogs begin to guard the house, they will either guard it, not sparing themselves, to the last drop, or vice versa, they will not succumb to training, they will not react to hostile people.

    So with people born in the year of the dog - they either do everything, at once, with the highest quality, as far as possible, or do nothing at all. Is this feature good or not? It's up to you to decide. But many still tend to think that excessive perfectionism is a bad quality for career growth, building relationships with people, establishing contacts, achieving goals. But not a small number of people this quality helped in various aspects of life. The main thing is to be able to correctly use this property of character.

    Another characteristic quality of both sides is the ability to keep secrets. This quality, unlike the previous one, will definitely not bring any harm to the owner, but, on the contrary, will leave good memories and thoughts about a person with this ability.

    After all, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with a person who knows how to keep secrets at any time, without fear that the next day all your friends will know about the secret secret.

    Dogs themselves have been helping people solve crimes for many years, save people in the mountains, neutralize bandits ... The positive qualities of dogs in terms of work can be described for a long time, because the list of their merits to humanity is extremely long. Consequently, people born in the year of the dog, like their patroness, are able-bodied, love to work, and completely devote themselves to their favorite work. If excessive perfectionism does not get in the way of diligence, people with such a character can make excellent workers ...

    You have learned which year of which animal will be according to the horoscope in 2018 (the year of the Yellow Dog), now it's time to prepare for the New Year celebrations ...

    Which animal will patronize 2018? This animal is the Yellow Earth Dog!

    On the eve of the New Year, in addition to the traditional preparations for this holiday, many people are interested in what surprises the coming year has prepared for them, what to watch out for and how to influence the course of future events.

    To find out for sure, you need to know which animal will become a patron in the coming year, what are its habits, habits, preferences.

    In the new year 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will become the hostess. And people who were born at different times in the Year of the Dog, this personal patron animal will protect them from sorrows and hardships in a particularly careful way.

    By Chinese horoscope The Yellow Earth Dog will come into its own not on January 1st, but on February 16, 2018. And her term of office will end on the night of February 4-5, 2019.

    In truthfulness popular beliefs, accepts and astrological horoscopes not everyone believes. Although many people pay attention to the predictions of the stars and periodically look through the relevant information in newspapers and on the Internet. After all, knowledge is power! And it is better to be warned about possible troubles in various areas of life in order to correct the situation by changing the course of events for the better.

    How to celebrate the New Year this time?

    Let's remember what needs to be taken into account in the process of preparing for the holiday and how to appease the mistress of the Element of the Earth, who personifies devotion to traditions, moral purity and worldly wisdom, because it is recommended to celebrate the New Year with these aspects in mind.

    It is desirable to meet this New Year's Eve in the family circle, you can invite your closest friends. No need to arrange a particularly magnificent celebration with frills. The dog will not tolerate loud songs, dancing until you drop, arrogance, various frivolities and may be offended. It is better to give preference to quiet gatherings with calm music or funny TV shows.

    Excesses should also not be present on the festive table. Prepare simple familiar dishes, you do not need elaborate gourmet salads and expensive "overseas" snacks. It is desirable that a variety of dishes predominate, which include meat.

    And, of course, do not forget about the treat for the hostess of the year - a fragrant sugar bone, which must be placed on a beautiful plate and put on the New Year's table.

    If you have home pet- this is a great occasion to achieve the location of the patroness of the year. On a festive night, your pet needs to be given Special attention. Arrange a real feast for him, pamper him with his favorite treats. Tie a nice brown or yellow bow around your dog's neck. Let your pet feel like a fashionista on New Year's Eve. Or you can visit a pet clothing store and buy a beautiful outfit for your pet. And if you know how to sew, you can with my own hands make a festive costume. You can also please your four-legged friend with a gift in the form of, for example, a new cozy house bought in a store or sewn with your own hands.

    Since the Yellow Earth Dog is an animal endowed with chastity, you should not bring yourself to a state of extreme intoxication on New Year's Eve. The patroness will not approve of such cheeky behavior. In order to win the favor of the patroness of 2018, it is recommended to choose decorations for the interior of the house in the colors inherent in the elements of the earth.

    It can be traditional decorations:

    . figures in the form of a symbol of the year;
    . fairy lights;
    . artificial snow;
    . confetti;
    . snowflakes;
    . rain;
    . tinsel.

    We have already found out what animal will be in 2018. This animal has all the noble features - kindness, honesty, reliability, loyalty. A heightened sense of justice does not allow the Dog to exist on earth calmly and measuredly. When injustice reigns around, she cannot stand aside and is the first to rush to help those in need. All dogs are incredibly hardworking, hardy and responsible. Therefore, in 2018, any work will pay off handsomely. Especially the patroness will help those who will honestly work for the good of the common cause and protect the right interests. But the Dog is not selfish, the most important thing for her is to do the job. Although, in the event of an urgent need, she can provide herself with material resources better and faster than many representatives of the Chinese horoscope. This year is not worth doing dishonest business. The Dog can punish such entrepreneurs by depriving them of a decent income for a whole year; it does not help mercenary and dishonest people.

    In a team, the Dog gets along with difficulty, as it always rebels against any injustice, rushing to the defense of humiliated and offended people. However, managers and colleagues deservedly respect and value her for her critical mind, ability to quickly navigate the current situation, and find the right solutions. Although many of the Dog's entourage are afraid of its "sharp" language. She will not be silent, she will tell the whole truth in her face, her straightforwardness sometimes becomes rampant.

    Despite his friendliness and open character, the Dog prefers a calm environment with unhurried thoughtful conversations. With her inherent instinct, she accurately determines what kind of person her interlocutor is. Getting along with a dog is not easy. She tends to make excessive demands on loved ones. She is strict with herself and in return wants to receive a similar attitude from her family and friends. Perhaps, more devoted friend than the Dog, not to be found. She will help in difficult times, even if you have to act to the detriment of your interests.

    The second half is also not easy to build a relationship with the Dog. She has a changeable character, her mood can change with amazing speed, she is prone to cynical and caustic remarks. But people born this year always value family and true friendship. Therefore more faithful companion life is hard to find. She will never betray, she will always protect her loved ones, protect her home from the invasion of ill-wishers.

    With many noble qualities, the Dog is incredibly stubborn. She herself calls this character trait purposefulness. The dog always tries to achieve its goal, never refuses the work that has been started, no matter what difficulties are encountered along the way. To many, the nature of the mistress of 2018 may seem secretive. And there is some truth in this. The dog does not like to tell his secrets and share his experiences with anyone. Although almost all relatives, friends and acquaintances turn to her for advice. The dog knows how to give wise recommendations and keep other people's secrets. Meeting the New Year, try to please the owner - the Yellow Earth Dog. And then, throughout 2018, fortune will be on your side!

    Since ancient times, Eastern sages honor one of the twelve chosen animals every year. It is the owner of this or that year that influences the fate of people and influences all events. Nowadays, many people trust the Chinese horoscope, following some of its advice and recommendations. Right now, people are asking... 2018 year of which animal?

    So, the Red Fire Rooster, which was “on the throne” for a whole year, will be replaced and, like the rest of the signs, will “rule” for exactly a year.

    And now let's figure out what, in fact, is the notorious eastern (Chinese) horoscope.

    The essence of the Chinese horoscope

    First of all, it is worth noting that it is inextricably linked with the eastern calendar, which, in turn, fully corresponds to the rhythm of the movement of three celestial bodies across the sky. These are the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

    It's no secret that the New Year in China does not coincide with our New Year, that is, with the traditional day of its celebration. The Chinese New Year comes a little later than the usual New Year for us, so anyone born in January, February or even March can refer to the animal sign of the previous year.

    The most common and popular among people around the world, the Chinese legend about the origin of the eastern horoscope and the twelve eastern signs says:

    "In one of important days The Buddha called all the earthly animals to him and promised a good reward to the first twelve. It must be said that the time was rather cool then, and on the path of the animals there was a wide river that had to be crossed. The first twelve animals coped with the task and the Buddha gave each of them a whole year of reign in the order of a live queue, in which the animals got to the Buddha.

    According to legend, the animals came to the Buddha in the following order:

    1. Rat
    2. Buffalo
    3. Cat, Hare or Rabbit (various Eastern peoples have their own readings regarding the fourth ruling beast of the year)
    4. The Dragon
    5. Horse
    6. Goat or Sheep (according to the Japanese horoscope)
    7. A monkey
    8. Rooster
    9. Dog
    10. Pig

    According to the Chinese horoscope, each of the creatures and objects on earth consists of five dominant elements. These are water, earth, fire, metal and wood.

    Whatever animal is at the head of the year, one or another element is already inherent in it (the year), which leaves a certain imprint on the character of the patron of the year.

    Year of the Dog

    Everyone who believes in horoscopes, the eastern calendar and listens to wise interpretations wants to know what lies ahead for them. So, a very positive forecast has been prepared for the coming year.

    You can forget about the hustle and bustle for a while. According to experts, 2018 will bring only peace and stability. Even experts in the field of economics note the trend towards the end of the economic crisis in 2018. Astrologers, following the prediction of the stars and constellations, recommend buying real estate this year and making other expensive and important purchases.

    Lovers should think about a beautiful wedding this year, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This oriental sign will never “lay a pig”, which is why 2018, the Year of the Dog, like no other year, is perfect for creating a strong and friendly family.

    As mentioned above, the New Year in the East is a little “late” and in 2018 it will come on February 16th. Then the Dog will replace the Rooster. People who were lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Dog are fair, their thoughts are honest and bright.

    Dogs are very responsible in any matters. At the same time, they are extremely creative, exalted and very open personalities. It’s nice to have conversations with such people, make important deals and just be friends. In a person born in the year of the Dog, a whole bunch of positive qualities have gathered that make him a Man with a capital letter.

    The dog will never deceive, will not change, because such a character trait as devotion is “written” by the very year of birth. No one can keep your secret safer than the Dog. In addition, such a person has a noticeable particle of modesty.

    But the Dog does not like to listen and does not know how. Long conversations tire her. However, for a friend, a person born in the year of the Dog will do everything that depends on him. Friendship with him is worth cherishing, because it is easy to lose such a good comrade and partner in many matters, and it is almost impossible to return. It cannot be said that Dogs are vindictive, but they can also be offended. And mental wounds, as you know, are much more “traumatic” than physical ones.

    People born under this eastern sign are not too eager for material security. Despite the availability of finances, the Dog does not seek to acquire expensive branded items or expensive status items, but, in fact, unnecessary trinkets.

    How to Greet a Dog

    A dog is a very sociable creature, even more correctly, a flock. Something, but the Dog does not recognize loneliness. The shaggy “doggie” also has its own preferences in food, so the table also needs to be set correctly. Based on this, we can single out some rules for meeting an active, playful and cheerful Dog, which simply needs entertainment and friendly communication.

    It is best to celebrate the New Year 2018 in a noisy friendly company. Call good friends, relatives and have a fun New Year's party.

    You can’t let the friendly hostess of the coming year get bored - boredom and melancholy should be driven out of your home! Be sure to spend the main night of the year with dancing, crackers, champagne and, of course, a sparkling Christmas tree, under whose fluffy branches treasured gifts are hidden.

    Outdoor games in the fresh air, of course, will appeal to the Dog. So, without hesitation, go after the "first table" to the snow-covered street, sparkling with snow-white snow in the light of lanterns. New year's night - best time to plunge into childhood, even if only for a short time.

    The New Year is not complete without a feast. What does the dog love? Of course, meat.

    If you are not going to celebrate the New Year 2018 among vegetarians, then meat dishes should definitely flaunt on the table. Well, the choice is quite wide: juicy pork roast, fragrant lamb or beef skewers, chicken baked in the oven, duck in apples, etc.

    An excellent and most suitable option for a meat dish for the New Year's table 2018 is meat on the bone. Meat on ribs with honey sauce will be to the taste of both the patron of the year and the guests.

    Well, if you don’t want to eat such heavy food at such a late hour, you can easily find a way out of the situation - prepare light meat snacks. And poultry dishes are considered dietary in themselves.

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