feng shui calendar for march earth horse day

I congratulate you on spring!

Flying Stars and Zodiac Signs!

Feng Shui forecast for March 2018

  • General trends in the influence of Energies in March 2018;Feng Shui forecast for March 2018 according to the Signs of the Zodiac;Who and what will be lucky in March 2018?;Who in March 2018 may have problems and what?
  • What will Flying Stars bring us in March 2018?The energies of which sectors will bring us Good Luck and a financial breakthrough?;In which sectors can there be problems and which ones?;In what sectors are the negative energies of Sha Qi located?

The action of the Energies of March begins

Key Feng Shui Trends March 2018

March 2018- the month of the Green or Wood Rabbit, the Tree on the Tree, or the Radiance of the Dew and the Enlightened Rabbit. March, the heyday of Spring, nature wakes up and returns to life, a period when all living things strive for growth and development.

The growth of Yang energy, the flowering of Wood Energy, everything is updated, new opportunities come, new acquaintances and connections. Enlightened Rabbit brings new ideas and unexpected solutions!

The main characteristics of the Rabbit are sensitivity, speed of reaction and endurance.

The Rabbit is weak, he knows about his vulnerability and has to constantly be on his guard, be ready for any surprises, he has no time to think, decisions must be made quickly, but act immediately, and only such behavior helps him survive!

March, this is the time when it will be useful for us to listen to our intuition! Be attentive to the Signs of the Universe, to what is happening around, noticing the little things and paying attention to events, people, their actions and actions! All this will help us make the right decision, find a way out and avoid problems and troubles!

Star of Romance - Rabbit, awakens us to search for our soul mate. In the spring we are all young, impulsive and arrogant. In the spring, we are ready for new exploits and achievements! In the spring, the World is ruled by Love, the mind recedes when they lose their heads from Love! And the lack of a head and rational thinking is already a danger! Emotions are running high, often the wishful thinking is presented as real, and the truth revealed over time brings bitter disappointment!

Yes, March is a period of accomplishments, discoveries and new opportunities!

But still! Listen to your intuition! Our subconscious works much faster than consciousness!

Yang Energy will tip the scales!

The Magic of the Spring Equinox.

In the traditions and culture of many peoples of the world, it is considered the day of the meeting of Winter with Spring, when nature awakens from its winter sleep and begins new life! The day of the Spring Equinox is considered the beginning of the astronomical year, the day of balance between the forces of Light and Darkness.

For many peoples of the world, the Spring Equinox is considered a magical day, various rituals, religious holidays, traditions, etc. are associated with it.

What is it, its power and influence on our lives. What are the possibilities of using the day of the Spring Equinox. Do's and Don'ts on the Spring Equinox.!

more energy!

This is the beginning !

Retrograde Mercury and its influence

In the legends, Mercury is described as a messenger of God, he brings news from God to people during his direct movement, and from people to God, during his Retrograde movement.

What ? How does the period of Mercury retrograde affect events in our lives? What are the challenges of Mercury retrograde? How to use ? What can and cannot be done during periods of retrograde motion of Mercury? !

Monthly Rabbit and Annual Dog, create a combination of Fire! Oh, passions are heating up and blazing again, although the Yin Fire is not so strong, but still ... I'm tired of this bickering and thrashing in politics, I don't even want to write about it!

Thus, the main motto of March 2018:

the main motto of February 2018

These are the main energy characteristics of March 2018!

Feng Shui forecast for March 2018 according to the signs of the Zodiac

Feng Shui forecast for March 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac.

Who and what will be lucky in March 2018?

Who in March 2018 may have problems and what?

Well, let's start with the main thing! What is the most important thing in spring? Of course Love!

That's where we'll start!

Rabbit we have a Star of Romance for people born in the years tiger, horses andDogs!

/ - Kind and merciful flower of Romance, it makes our life happier, brings auspicious and joyful events! Pure and bright Love! If you are single and unmarried, be careful, you will have a chance and opportunity to meet your soul mate and build a long-term relationship!

If you are married or married, then do not lose your head from sudden attack love and butterflies in the stomach, March will end and the butterflies will fly away!

I recommend being especially careful Dogs! Passions can run high! If the element of Fire is useful for you, then everything is OK, but if it is not useful, then problems may arise! Everything will depend on what Deity the element of Fire represents for you!

For Horses! Please note that the coming The Rabbit can also ruin your family life, so don't relax if your current relationship suits you.

In any case, you can count on a benevolent attitude and sympathy from the people around you! I think this time should be used to establish new connections, useful acquaintances and conclude profitable business and partnership agreements! Or get creative, create, whatever, direct your butterflies to creation!

2 or 3; or in Heavenly Stems of the day Water Yan or Yin water, then you may well count on the help of others in difficult life situations. You will meet with high-ranking, Noble people for you who are able to solve your existing or emerging problems. Don't miss the moment!

noble man- this is a kind of guardian angel, an omnipotent assistant, ready to help in difficult times.

It is believed that if a Noble person is represented by a useful element in the map, then he is able to save you and prevent trouble. If the Noble person is in unhelpful elements, then, as a rule, he comes into play in the final and is able to save the situation at the last moment. One way or another, the Noble One always helps.

If in the Heavenly Stems of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element fire yang or yin fire, then you will have a chance and opportunities will come to improve your financial situation! Don't miss the moment!

People whose birth year ends with a number 5; or in Heavenly Trunks of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element Yin tree, Know that March is the time of your Good Luck! Rabbit- Your Prosperity Star! Of course, as long as the Wood Element is useful to you! This is your chance to meet love, make a breakthrough in your creativity, or for self-realization of your abilities and talents!

People whose birth year ends with a number 8; or in Heavenly Trunks of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element Earth Yan and the Wood Element is good for you, then in March Luck, Wealth and the protection of Heaven will be on your side!

People whose birth year ends with 6,7,8,9 or in Heavenly Trunks of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element Yang Earth, yin land, Fire Yang oryin fire, be prepared for the fact that your attractiveness will become simply irresistible! Use your charm and you will be able to achieve a lot!

People whose year of birth ends with the number 4 or in Heavenly Trunks of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element Tree Yang, unfortunately, you risk losing! It can be money, time, friends, chances and opportunities, beware of betrayal and injury.

If in the Heavenly Stems of the Day your Ba Zi card is worth an element MetalJan. Unfortunately, the coming month of the Rabbit may add to your life some problems related to the risk of injury from metal objects, operations, violence, conflicts and litigation.

However, all these problems can be avoided if you keep your emotions under control! And so, remember, everything is in your hands!

For people born in years Rooster. Take a closer look at your close circle, relatives, friends, it looks like one of them is ready for betrayal, beware of a stab in the back! From you it may sound: “And you are a Brutus!”

For people born in years dragon. Control yourself, your emotional incontinence, lack of patience and endurance can create legal problems for you. Remember the proverb, "Word is Silver, Silence is Gold!" Control your words and statements!

Trips in March 2018

Going on a trip!

Remember that trips to the North in 2018 are not desirable? After all, 5 Yellow settled there! And as usual, the Star Emperor, 5 Yellow is not in a good mood, and as before, the Emperor does not like guests, and does not accept when he is disturbed!

So, in March 2018, travel to the North-West is not favorable! Monthly 5 Yellow is staying there!

But, there are always exceptions to general rule and you can always find a way out using energies that will help smooth out potential conflicts and reduce the impact of negative energies.

To do this, you can use the March 2018and of course avoid and not use the days of your personal Destroyer!

Dear friends!

I remind you that these are chances, opportunities and the probability of predicted events! In order for the event to actually happen, additional components are needed!

Forewarned is forearmed! Use the Energies that are beneficial for you, avoid the influence of negative Energies, and everything will go smoothly! In the end, there is also Feng Shui, the choice of dates, the use of these opportunities, although it will not cancel the event, it will still smooth out the strength and degree of its influence!

Remember that the Ba Zi card is not a sentence, it is only 33% of our Luck!

You can learn how to use the Energies of the Universe for your own purposes and to improve your life. There are a lot of ways and possibilities, you only need your desire to learn how to use the knowledge available to you correctly!

Negative Energies Sha Qi

located in the following sectors

  • Yellow Five - Monthly occupies the Northwest sector.
  • Yellow Five - Annual occupies the northern sector.

As before, you should not disturb the repair of energy in these sectors, otherwise you risk attracting problems and troubles into your life.

Monthly Three Sha in March 2018

Most The best way to avoid problems and troubles is not to disturb SHA energies!

You can work and rest in the 3 Sha sector, the main thing is not to make noise here, do not knock, do not destroy the perimeter of the outer walls, do not dig from the outside of the house in the 3 Sha sector of influence, do not carry out construction and repair work!

Special days of March 2018

special days March 2018

Monthly Collision Days

This is the day when the energies of the day go against the energies of the month. It is undesirable to start any important business on such a day, especially short-term projects.

Days of the Yearly Collision

This is the day when the energies of the day go against the energies of the year. It is undesirable to start any important business on such a day, especially long-term projects.

Days Without Wealth

These are such special dates that are not suitable for any business related to money. The Chinese call them "No Money Days or Days of 10 Evils and Big Defeats"

Lost Days

Day of loss - the energy of the day is directed against the energy of the season, i.e. days of another season. No business started on this day will be successful. the day of energy of true losses makes it unsuitable for starting important affairs and projects. No business started on such a day will be successful. .

12 indicators of good luck in feng shui
12 Rulers follow each other in a certain order and set their priorities for each day.
There are no completely bad or completely good days. They are simply different in nature. And it is better on a certain day to do those things for which it is more intended.
Acting taking into account the influence of the Energies of the current time, you will get rid of problems and live in the flow of Good Luck!

Feng Shui forecast for March 2018

by flying stars

Feng Shui forecast for March 2018 by Flying Stars

The energies of which sectors will bring us Good Luck and a financial breakthrough?

The energies of what sectors can give us problems and troubles?

Southern sector: On the one hand, the combination brings wealth to the inhabitants, although you still have to work! On the other hand, the risk of problems with real estate will increase ... Be careful when processing documents related to real estate. Everything is very contradictory... The sector is favorable for improvement financial position, especially in literary and academic activities, but not good for children's health. Brings to children under the influence of a combination, illness or injury. It is better to remove children from under the influence of the Energies of this sector.

Southwest sector: Wonderful! Use this sector in the month of March, as often as possible! Career advancement, acceleration of all processes in your life, good luck, everything is here! The military, politicians, civil servants, workers, artisans will be especially lucky! Career, growth, development, go for it and you will succeed!

Activation of the energies of the South-Western sector will attract new acquaintances, new connections, useful and the right people you will be in demand and popular. If you want to attract new customers to your business, carry out activations here in the SW-1, SW-2 sector. However, be careful! I do not recommend that you activate sector SW-3, otherwise you risk losing money! And of course, do not forget to check the external environment for the presence of negative Sha Qi in the direction SW-1/2 during activations.

you can get here!

Western sector: Extreme Yin and extreme Yang, both energies are very old, the inhabitants will feel like they are retired, there is no desire to move, dare, perform feats... Sad! The combination is negative for the head of the house, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. Again, the likelihood of frequent headaches, sore throats, poisoning ... If you have important things planned for March 2018 and a lot of plans, it’s better to move to a sector with successful energies, otherwise laziness will overcome you in the SW and all plans will remain unfulfilled!

Northwest Sector: We sit quietly, like a mouse under a broom! No activity, no repairs or rearrangements of furniture. In March, it is generally desirable to spend as little time as possible in this sector! And if your bedroom is located in this sector, and even the bed is in small Tai Chi in the NW sector, then it won’t hurt you to find another place to sleep in the apartment!

The sector is especially dangerous for the military, politicians, civil servants, leaders of all ranks, workers and artisans, and for the head of the house, of course!

And in sector North-West-3 - lives! !

northern sector: I hope everyone remembers that in this year 2018 5 Yellow settled in the Northern Sector? The destructive Energy 5 Yellow is known even to Feng Shui beginners, so don't repeat what can happen in this sector! Just remember! In 2018, the Northern Sector is a conflict zone, a risk zone, for ease of perception, a war zone! Prospects for the development of events, appropriate. So the "don't knock" rule still applies! The arrival of the monthly 9 only strengthens and activates the negative influence of 5 Yellow! It becomes even stronger, more dangerous and more aggressive!

If your Entrance door got to the Northern sector, then I recommend that you please your relatives and move to visit them in March))) Or go on vacation, relax, and March will be wonderful!

I hope you have already hung the Music of the Wind in this sector in advance, back in January?

Northeast sector: Nothing good! Risk of robbery, loss of wealth, injury from a knife or a metal object, sudden sore throat, communication difficulties, conflicts and quarrels! Calm water in this sector will help smooth out conflicts and somewhat calm the clash of Energies of the sector. Bamboo in water will not be superfluous!

Better yet, take security measures, install an alarm, change the locks on the front door, you still have time until March 5!

With such a negative energy in this sector, especially if there is a front door in this sector, it is possible to lose money through theft or fraud, or due to lawsuits. Perhaps betrayal by a close friend or family member. Be careful and careful, less trust and guests, then the risks will be reduced!

Eastern sector: Double Yin! Women are lucky! However, your promotion and career growth is more likely from hopelessness. You are forced to grow and work, because. there is no reliable support near you ... It is difficult for men in such a house with the front door to the East to achieve success and develop their abilities. But, this is only in the month of March, so don’t be upset, life will get better in April ... And, in March, again, diseases associated with the throat, poisoning, female diseases, and of course, strife between women, how could it be otherwise with a double Yin? What to do, the energies will provoke you, BUT you control yourself, do not give in to the mood and everything will be ok!

South - East sector A: Not a bad financial outlook if you're willing to work hard. The sector is good for business and money! Lots of Yang Energy of wealth and prosperity! Excellent! However, the Southeast in March 2018 is completely unsuitable for children. The energies of the Southeast sector are able to provoke not only illnesses, but also wounds in them. In addition, there is a conflict in communicating with children, they have a lot of problems at school.

Unfortunately, the Stars in this sector provoke quarrels and disagreements! Be patient with each other, then the month will go smoothly.

Emotional outbursts can become uncontrollable and lead to problems! Keep your emotions under control! Here! Perfect solution do meditation! It calms the emotions and gives a philosophical attitude. How it works, !

If you are not afraid of risk and competitors, and you need quick money, or you urgently need a breakthrough in business, acceleration of processes in your life, activate the sector Southeast- 3! You will get what you want! Just don't forget to check the outside environment for Sha Qi! In this case, do not activate!


Oh, yes, South-East -1, Sui Po, the Destroyer of the Year, settled there! Also, you know, a fan of ruining our lives!

I consider it my duty to remind! This is only a part of the analysis of the Flying Stars, only a complete analysis can give a complete picture, taking into account the Front and Rear stars, the external environment of your home!

The best sectors in March 2018!

So, the best sector in March 2018 is Southwest! Spend as much time here as possible, use the sector to the maximum! Activation of Energies in this sector will help strengthen positive Energies and bring you Success!

Just keep in mind the activations are carried out in compliance with all the rules and subtleties, otherwise there is a risk of accidentally hooking negative ones!


A small nuance, a precaution! If outside, in the direction of this sector, there is a negative object Sha Qi, then the sector is not activated!

Not bad for money Southeast!

I consider it my duty to remind! This is only a part of the analysis of the Flying Stars, the full picture can only be given by a complete analysis, taking into account the Front and Rear stars, !

What to do, since the Stars did not work out in January? We must use other opportunities, fortunately, we have them!

Activating the Energies of the 4 Noble Ones will help strengthen positive Energies and bring you Success!

Just keep in mind that we carry out activations, otherwise there is a risk of accidentally hooking negative ones!

A small nuance, a precaution! If outside, in the direction of these sectors, there is a negative object, then the sector will not be activated!

Dear friends!

If you really want to learn how to work with Flying Stars as efficiently and effectively as possible;

If you want to make your activations really efficient and effective:

Then I recommend you . The program of the course has been expanded this year! There is something to work with in the New 2018!The lesson turned out to be 12 hours of hard work.More than 100 tables with formulas, calculations, calculations and examples!


Upcoming courses in Chinese Metaphysics

as of March 2018

Ways to use the Energies of the Universe,

to improve your life!

Course schedule

Chinese Metaphysics for 2018

December 08, 2018. Course "Success Strategy for 2019"
1 December 5, 2018.
December 22, 2018.
December 23, 2018 . At 10.00 Kyiv time.
Constantly! « » According to the individual program
January 2018
January 07, 2018. Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 1
January 13, 2018. or Life in the stream of Fortune
January 13, 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time.
January 14, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time. Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 2
January 27, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time
February 2018
February 04, 2018 At 11.00 Kyiv time or Life in the stream of Fortune
February 10, 2018 At 11.00 Kyiv time Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 3
February 11, 2018 at 19.00 Kyiv time
February 11, 2018 at 10.00 Kyiv time
February 24, 2018 at 19.00 Kyiv time
February 18, 2018 at 11.00 Kyiv time Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 4
February 23, 2018 at 19.00 Kyiv time
March 2018
March 02, 2018. At 20.00 Kyiv time
March 03, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time
March 04, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 5
March 16, 2018 At 19.00 Kyiv time
March 17, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time
March 17, 2018 at 14.00 Kyiv time
March 24, 2018. At 13.00 Kyiv time Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 6
March 31, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time
April 2018
01 April 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time. Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 7
April 08, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 5 Earthly Branches and their Combinations in Ba Zi Cards
April 14, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 6 Punishments in the Earthly Branches of the Ba Zi Card
April 15, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time Course "- Fundamentals of Chinese Metaphysics" No. 8
April 21, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time
April 22, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time
May 2018
03 May 2018. At 20.00 Kyiv time.
05 May 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 7 Collisions, Harm and Destruction in the Earthly Branches of the Ba Zi Card
06 May 2018.At 15.00 Kyiv time.
May 13, 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 8 Rooting the Heavenly Stems and Penetrating the Earthly Branches in the Ba Zi Chart
May 25, 2018. At 19.00 Kyiv time time. Course “8 Palaces of Xuan Kong Da Gua. Outside GUA"
May 27, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time.
May 30, 2018.At 20.00 Kyiv time.
June 2018
June 03, 2018. At 13.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Luck" No. 1
June 09, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 9 Symbolic Stars in the Ba Zi Chart
June 10, 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Luck" No. 2 Fundamentals of the analysis of the Four Pillars of Fate; Personality types.
June 16, 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 10 Symbolic Stars in the Ba Zi Chart
June 23, 2018.At 15.00 Kyiv time.
July 2018
July 01, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time.
July 12, 2018. At 19.00 Kyiv time.
July 14, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Luck" No. 11 Practical lesson. Reading the Ba Zi Card of course participants.
July 22, 2018. At 15.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 3 Heavenly Stems and their Combinations in the Ba Zi Card.
July 28, 2018. At 11.00 Kyiv time.
July 29, 2018. At 10.00 Kyiv time. Course "Ba Zi - reading the Card of Fate and Fortune" No. 4 Collisions in the Heavenly Stems of the Ba Zi Card.
August 2018
August 03, 2018. At 20.00 Kyiv time.

By Chinese calendar March 2018 is the month of the Wood Rabbit, starting on the 5th.

In addition, in the Chinese calendar, March 5 is the beginning of the Jingzhe period, the Awakening of the Insects. How to use this month for good, read the forecast.

The month carries the energy of the Tree, so this is a time of growth and development. However, March 2018 itself is not an easy month.

Wood Rabbit is a combination of two characters: Yin Tree 乙 and Rabbit 卯.

yin tree - it is a flower or a bush, flexible, able to change in order to adapt to different circumstances. Has a tactful approach to management.

If you were bornper day or year Yin 癸 or Yang water 壬 (year ending in 2 or 3), then Rabbitis for younoble man.

This means that in March 2018 you will meet good, helpful people, ready to help, regardless of whether you are now in a period of success or failure.

If you were bornin the Year of the Tiger 寅, Horse 午 or Dog 戌, then in the month of the Rabbit you will feel that you have become more charming and attractive to other people.

In March 2018, if you were born in the year of the Rooster, I recommend carrying a figurine or image with you Dogs, this will help harmonize the energies of the month of the Rabbit for you.

The motto of March 2018 could be a quote from Lao Tzu:

« Even the way to a thousand whether starts with the first step».

Important dates of the month

Unfavorable days of the month- March 5, 6, 11, 13, 18, 23, 25, 29, 30 and May 4, 2018. These days you should not start important things. Mistakes, obstacles, violations of plans are possible. Also, these days are not suitable for a lot of activity.

Mercury retrograde period- from March 23 to April 15. During this period, you should not assign important cases.

Travel and activations in March 2018

This month we do not usefor space activationsnorthern and northwestern sectors.


In the southern sector per year Earth Dog visiting year old romance star 4 . And in March 2018, she flew to visit monthly money star 8 white.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit, the prevailing combination is considered favorable.

However, the risk of disagreements between spouses and the risk of injury also increase.

To harmonize the energies, use bright light in this sector.


In the southwestern sector throughout the year of the Earth Dog is the annual star of authority. 6 white, whose energy helps to maintaindiscipline and authority.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit, flew to the southwestern sector monthly star of intelligence 1 White.

This combination is favorable for career development, denotes power and the ability to handle finances. However, try to avoid overexertion and stress.

Place metal objects in this sector to harmonize the energies of the month.

To be as safe as possible, use and .


In the western sector, the whole year of the Earth Dog stays annual disease star 2 Black.

To harmonize the impact of the disease star, use a hollow metal Wu Lu pumpkin (gourd, see image) by the bed or on the windowsill, if the pumpkin is wooden, it must be washed or changed periodically.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit, she was joined by authority star 6 White.

The combination of Flying Stars that prevailed in this sector in March 2018 is favorable for increasing monetary luck and resolving issues with real estate.

However, this combination can also provoke stress.

To harmonize the energies of the sector, use red objects.


In the northwestern sector of space to annual star 1 white arrived monthly dangerous star 5 Yellow.

Monthly and yearly stars of this sector in March 2018 form a negative combination, which can cause problems with money and health.

Be careful, activity in this sector is highly undesirable.


In the northeastern sector, the whole year of the Earth Dog is staying for a yearaggressive and determined Star 3 Jade, which is increases the likelihood of quarrels and disputes, be careful. In the month of the Wood Rabbit, she flew to her dangerous monthly star 7 Red.

This combination of Flying Stars is unfavorable, increasing the risk of financial loss, as well as litigation.

This combination can also cause a loss of trust in friends, be careful.

To correct the energies of the northeastern sector in March 2018, use a vessel with calm water in it.


In the eastern sector, the entire year of the Earth Dog is a dangerous annualrobbery star 7 red . If your front door is located in this sector, beware of theft and robbery, check that your money and documents are in a safe place.

In the month of the Wood Rabbit, she flew to visit monthly star of diseases 2 Black.

This combination of Flying Stars is unfavorable for couples who want to have children. The successes associated with children are melting away.

The Star of Diseases reminds you of the need to take care of your health and boost your immunity.

To correct the energies of this sector, place "singing breezes" in it, place a vessel with calm water. Try more often Allow yourself to attract more money and opportunities! There are energies that can help you break through your money ceiling with powerful techniques from Chinese metaphysics.

May this month bring you new discoveries and pleasant moments!

Your questions and feedback on the article, please write in the "Comments" section below.

Note: I will not be able to answer you where and when to rearrange the table, bed, and so on, since this requires a deep analysis of your space and your bazi map, which is possible within the framework.

Welfare and prosperity to you!

Best regards and best wishes,

The second spring month is also ruled by the energy of the Tree, we see Yin Tree in Pillars and Branches, this tree is softer and more accommodating than the Tiger tree. In nature, the Yin Tree corresponds to flowers and herbs, young bamboo and flexible vines, green vegetables and fruits.

In March, the friendly relations of the month and year continue, like the predecessor, the Rabbit is in very good relations with the Dog, meeting, they are trying to "merge" into the Fire. A winning strategy in March will be a flexible approach to life: friendly, tactful, partner. Rabbits are social creatures, usually they are not bothered by communication and large groups. At this time, I want to finally find time to communicate, to be with my family. We need to use this friendly trend of the month, because in April we are waiting for completely different energies.

March- a great month for thinking and planning new things, but keep in mind that with March 23 to April 14 will start moving retrograde mercury. At this time, it is useful to return to old cases and put things in order, you can continue long-planned things. This is a good time to restore lost ties, renew cooperation, analyze the accumulated information. At this time, old connections will be more useful than new acquaintances, people or situations from the past may appear.

Rabbit- one of the animals of the "Flower of Romance". It makes people more attractive. Since he loves and appreciates art, prefers refined society, go to the theater, to the exhibition, to places associated with beauty. People born in years or days - Tiger, Horse, Dog especially feel its influence. But married couples need to control themselves so that random flirting does not cause family quarrels and scandals. It is better to arrange a honeymoon for your other half.

If you are looking for a soulmate, you can activate the annual “flower of romance” sector - east 2 (Rabbit sector), placing a vase of flowers there, preferably not red ones, since this year and in March there are not the best “flying stars” in the east . For example, March 16 at the hour of the Pig, the day is not suitable for those born in the year of the Ox.

people born on the day Janskaya or yin water can count on the help of a Noble person, people will come to them who will help in solving problems.

But for those born in Year of the Rooster March can be a difficult month. Particular attention should be paid to this interaction for those who already have a collision in the map Rooster - Rabbit, and the tree is not useful. Pay particular attention to 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 March.

If your master of the day yang tree, and wood your useless element, then “robbers of wealth” may appear, usually they suffer financial losses, not correctly decisions made, health problems. Be sure to donate to charity this month. If a wood useful, then new acquaintances, new opportunities will come.

If you have a card strong fire, and the tree is not useful, then powerful resources will come that can cause depression, unwillingness to do anything, there is a lot. Try to express yourself more this month, move more, be outdoors, get creative. If element tree useful, then you will have new strengths for accomplishments, new ideas, learning opportunities - do not miss it!

If your master day Earth and the tree is not useful, then be careful at work, do not express new, especially revolutionary ideas - they may be misunderstood. Your boss may not be happy with you. If a wood useful, then a new man may enter your life, or it may be a promotion.

If your master of the day Metal, then the tree for you is money. With the usefulness of the element, these are new financial receipts, new sources of income. If a wood rejected item, then be careful with finances, do not make impulsive purchases, there may be delays in payments.

Well, if your master of the day Yang or Yin water, then self-expression has come to you, you can become very noticeable, bright, create something unusual, creative, do not be afraid to express yourself!

If a strong tree is not useful, then you can become very assertive, aggressive, or creativity will require too much strength from you. Try to find the measure in everything.

Auspicious dates:

March 8, April 1- these are the most favorable and positive days. Suitable for any cases from which a positive result is expected - engagements, weddings, starting a business, moving, building, traveling, starting treatment. Don't start litigation. Not suitable for those born in year of the snake. There is a nuance - be careful with money and documents these days, losses and robberies are possible.

March 12, 24- suitable for engagement, starting a new job or taking office, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and operations. You can apply for medical care, start a journey or study. A good day to start building, but you can not lay the foundation or demolish old buildings. Not suitable for those born in Year of the Rooster.

March 14, 26- everything started on this day is multiplied. You can sign agreements and open a business, celebrate housewarming, collect debts. Not suitable for a wedding, signing burdensome contracts, entering a new position. Do not take loans and start legal cases. Not suitable for those born in Year of the Pig.

March 15, 27- suitable for buying property, building, starting a trip, negotiations. But be careful - do not plan things in which you want to win, as the energies of this day bring all forces into balance. Now, if you are weaker, your position will even out. Not suitable for lawsuits. Not suitable for those born in the year Rats.

March 16, 28- days are suitable for starting a long process or events from which you want to get a lasting effect. Good for a wedding, starting a new business, signing a contract, hiring an important employee, buying a pet, medical procedures. Not used for travel, moving to new house, short projects. Not suitable for those born in the year Bull.

bad days 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 19, 23, 25, 30, 31 March, 4 April - do not start important things these days.

March 5 and 7 - days of "no wealth", you should not choose these days for signing contracts, business trips, presentations and commercial transactions.

March 9, 21, April 2 develops "punishment of hate" try to respect your partners, do not sort things out on this day.

Days since "star disease" - March 11, 23, 24, April 4 and 5 . These days it is not recommended to visit patients and start serious surgical treatment.

March 29 and 30 days" losses”, all actions on this day will be just a waste of time.

AT March undesirable trips to north and northwest directions, due to the presence in this direction of the annual and monthly stars of the "Yellow Five".

For very important cases, be sure to use the individual choice of dates!

Health in March:

We are all familiar with the poetic image of the “wind of change”. It turns out that the spring wind causes changes in our body, setting it up in a new way. And if for some spring is a pure pleasure, then for others it is a serious test of immunity for strength. It's believed that wind is the most common pathogenic factor in all seasons of the year, but most often in spring. In TCM, “the wind is the master of all diseases”, since it most often damages the body and can carry the rest with it. external factors and have a collaborative effect.

In March, it's time to remember the old Chinese proverb: "Wear more in spring, less in autumn". In other words, do not rush to throw off your winter clothes. Let you be a little warmer than a little cool. It is necessary to get rid of things gradually, as it gets warmer, in order to allow the body to get used to the heat. In people with an imbalance in the element wood, may accumulate and manifest irritability, irascibility. This may indicate a "heat in the liver" syndrome, so try to control your emotions, engage in relaxing practices.

The following recommendations will help you survive spring fatigue and irritation:

  • Try to control your emotions, remember that the cause of irritation is not outside, but inside us.
  • If you feel that you are about to “turn on” - take three deep, calm breaths in and out. Drinking a glass of water slowly also helps to calm down.
  • Enrich your diet with salad greens, parsley, dill.
  • When waking up, it is advisable not to get up abruptly, but to do a few stretches already in bed.
  • It is useful to move a lot: do gymnastics, qigong, yoga, swimming, easy running.

It is worth significantly reducing the use of the following products:

  • pickles;
  • meat, sausage products, cheese;
  • rabbit;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • seafood;
  • garlic

If you can keep the vital energy gained in spring, carry it through the summer heat, late summer fruiting, autumn harvest and winter dormancy, healthy seeds will sprout, ready for a new cycle of development.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of the liver in spring - and then it will take care of you all year long!

Don't forget the basic trends of the year are saved, we just make adjustments every month. This month is a good sector southwest, and a good south.

If you don’t have a good sector or in the bathroom, activations and walks through the technique will help you Qi Men.

North - negative sector. The biggest impact will be felt if you have here bed or front door. Do not start new important projects, do not lend, do not invest in risky projects. Do not disturb this sector, do not make noisy repairs, global rearrangements, be sure to put protection - "salt remedy" or hang metal bell on the door, it is desirable that he rang more often.

AT March action 5 is enhanced by nine, it is advisable not to be here for those who have problems with the heart, eyes, and stomach.

Northwest. The monthly “five” will arrive in this sector, so we stop Mobile and do not carry out activations. This month, there may be a problem with the genitourinary system, as well as ear diseases, hearing loss. If you have an office here - carefully work with documents.

Northeast. Not the most favorable sector this month. Do not leave things unattended, check the locks - there is a high probability of theft. It is undesirable to initiate legal cases this month, especially if you have northeast active movement and front door. Be careful with cutting objects, especially if this is a kitchen. Put here a vessel with water, preferably in a blue vase, or just a jar of salted water (no coins).

East. The star of diseases can bring diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, laziness, unwillingness to move may also appear. Go to the dentist, treat your teeth, drink vitamins. Watch for wiring in this sector. Leave me standing here salt water.

Southeast generally remains a good sector, but can bring a desire to make risky financial investments, take risks, as well as problems with children. If a child under 12 years old sleeps here, then he may have problems at school, or you will no longer find a common language with him. Place item here of red color and do not sort things out in this sector. Be careful with large investments if you have an office or office entrance in the southeast.

South. An excellent sector for those who are ready to work, good financial prospects, an increase in the number of jobs and earnings. You can carry out activations, put active objects. But it is undesirable to sleep here for small children, as well as for those who suffer from rheumatism.

Southwest. In this sector, the topic of career, promotion, and passing exams is relevant. Don't miss the chance to find new job, start new projects, make new acquaintances. If the child does not obey and has problems with discipline, you can put his desktop in this sector. Also a good sector for activations! You can put an activator for promotion in a career or study for the whole month - March 16 at the hour of the Monkey. Not suitable for those born in the year Bull.

West. Prolonged stay in this sector can provoke headaches and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, carefully check the quality of food if you have a kitchen here. A combination of 2-6, however, can generate income from the sale of real estate, if there is such a goal.

Monthly Sha

In these sectors, it is impossible to carry out noisy work - repairs, strong knocking.

Two-hour activations can be carried out

Sha heists

Sha of Disaster

Monthly Sha

sector Monkey

sector Rooster

sector Dogs

southwest 3

northwest 1

brings robberies, loss of money and documents

brings relationship problems, quarrels

slowing down processes, breach of agreements

Usually do not touch the entire sector from the middle of the northwest to the middle of the southwest.

"Warming the Money Star"

Warming up a money star is one of the easiest methods to attract money energy, and the more you do it, the more it works. But remember that much depends on the Luck in which a person is now.

Someone will accidentally receive 100 rubles on the phone, and someone will be presented with a trip to Paris :) The space itself will determine what you can get at the moment, so be grateful for everything.

Well, its most frequent results are an increase in the number of customers, transactions, sales income, if you are in business. If not, maybe your husband will give you an unplanned gift, or an unexpected bonus will be paid at work :) Everyone works differently, depending on your main sources of income. If you are a housewife, then your husband will have more money.

What should be done?

AT specified time and in the indicated sector you need to light a candle. I take thick candles that burn for many hours - they are stable and do not melt much. The candle should burn for 1.5-2 hours.

Be sure to take all safety measures - put the candle in a cup so that it does not tip over, if there are small children or pets in the house - make sure that they do not have access to it.

Do not light a candle in the toilet and bathroom - the effect will be very weak.

For those who have a Yang Tree lord of the day and a tree of an unhelpful element, it is better not to do these activations in March!

Initially, in March, we should activate the northwest, but there is a monthly 5, so we will do it using a replacement technique.

  • March 9 at the hour of the Goat, sector East 2. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse
  • March 21 at the hour of the Snake, sector - East 2. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse

I wish you all a wonderful spring mood.

Here comes the moment when Fire Monkey finally transferred its rights to control the Fire Rooster, and we finally meet the Chinese New Year, which this year lasts, according to Chinese traditions, from January 28 to February 11, 2017.

28 January the traditional holiday of China has come - Spring Festival "Chunjie"» (New Year's Eve lunar calendar), the meaning of which among the Chinese comes down to the awakening and flowering of nature after hibernation. This New Year's festival is considered the most revered and longest holiday in China.

Well, for lovers of Chinese metaphysics, an important date is February 3rd, on this very day, at 18:36 Moscow time, it's coming Chinese New Year according to the solar calendar. This is the turning point that we are all waiting for with hope for the best, because new energies, new opportunities are coming, the next annual cycle of development is beginning!

About the main trends 2017, features Fire Rooster, you can read in the articles on, and in this article, traditionally, a monthly forecast.

February according to the Chinese calendar - the first month of spring, Meng Chun. This month the season begins when the world rules tree element, .

February 2017 year, the tree will be strengthened by the merging of heavenly trunks - JansKoi water and Yin Fire, this merger is conducive to good relationships, communications between people. Especially if Wood is your useful element - don't miss the opportunity! Try to schedule and do important things in February, as March not the easiest one awaits us.

It's time to make investments, profit will depend on them - this year's harvest. And the choice you make now will determine happiness and unhappiness this year. The state of nature at this time of the year corresponds to the mood of the athlete before the start. Nature has not yet woken up, but the smell of spring is already in the air!

If you have Ba Zi in your card a lot of wood element, especially not useful, then it may be difficult for you to restrain emotions, remain calm and restrained in conflict situations and make the right decisions. Therefore, it is better to postpone important matters, but then it will be possible to successfully engage in creative self-expression, a hobby. AT february strive to control your emotions, listen to meditations, or engage in practices that allow you to manage your condition. To a greater extent, this is important if your master of the day yang tree, and there is a lot of element of not useful "brotherhood" or "robbers of wealth" in the map.

申 子 辰

Tiger belongs to the category of "traveling horses", so we are waiting for changes and news, the spring movement will begin in nature and society. And first of all, those who were born in the years Monkey, Rat and Dragon.

people born on the day Yin Metal can count on the help of a Noble person, people will come to them who will help in solving problems. People born in Ox days will become especially attractive to the opposite sex. And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a partner, visit our special on the theme of love, which will take place February 11)

For people born in the year Monkeys, Tiger is a “personal destroyer”, it is advisable for them to be careful while driving, on the road, not to engage in extreme sports (of course, it all depends on the personal map and the favorable elements).

In February, we are waiting for another "corridor of eclipses" - Lunar eclipse February 11 and solar eclipse February 26. Eclipses do not affect everyone, but it is believed that in the period between eclipses, and especially in themselveseclipse days it's better not to make important decisions, as they say "God saves the safe" :)

During Solar Eclipses, there is often a desire to change the world for the better, but remember that such changes must begin with yourself. Do a good deed, help those who need your help. This will give you a boost of good energy.

Auspicious dates:

February 12, 24- days are suitable for starting a long process or events from which you want to get a lasting effect. Good for wedding, starting a new business, signing a contract, hiring an important employee, buying a pet, medical procedures ( 24 February it is undesirable to visit the sick). Do not use for travel, moving to a new home, short projects. Not suitable for those born in the year Rats.

February 4, 16, 28 - days are suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagements, weddings, starting a business, moving, building, starting treatment. Don't start litigation. Not suitable for those born in the year Dragon.

Bad days:

February 9, 14, 21, 26, March 3 - do not start important things these days.

Days since "star disease" - February 7, 12, 19, 21, 24, March 3 . These days it is not recommended to visit patients and start serious surgical treatment.

In February, trips to southwest direction, due to the presence in this direction of the monthly star "Yellow Five". The annual star of the Five will be in 2017 at south, in this direction it is not recommended to travel throughout the year.

For very important cases, be sure to use the individual choice of dates!

Health in February:

Spring is the season of bloom elements of Wood and best time in order to lay the foundation good health for the entire coming year. At this time of the year, “growing yang” becomes the determining factor for our health, which means an increase in heat, movement, energy - both in the body and in all of nature, and besides - activation of the function of the liver system. The body no longer needs the fatty hot food that it used to protect against the cold.

Especially if you notice that you are prone to excessive irritability, symptoms of "heat", flaring in the sides, nausea appear - cut down on fatty foods !!! If your map is weak earth element, then take care of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract.

Should be used in food bitter, pungent and astringent tastes. These three tastes will soothe the Liver and the Wind element in our body. Undesirable a lot sour, salty and overly sweet taste. On the contrary, a spicy taste is welcome - therefore, it is favorable from vegetables for spring. green onion.

Chicken nourishes the liver, so the best food for the spring season is chicken noodles. During this period of emerging Yang energy, it is necessary to avoid irritation and irascibility. Otherwise, the Liver will be severely damaged and you will feel the effects throughout the year.

The annual energies of the "flying stars" have finally changed northeast has become a relatively favorable sector, and our wonderful activations of good luck can be carried out there. But the "Yellow Five" will not go anywhere, but will move smoothly to the southern sector.

P Therefore, the sector of the South in 2017 will be hit by the annual Five. Here we will not carry out activations, remove all active objects from there, red objects. The biggest impact will be felt if you have here bed or front door. Do not start new important projects, do not lend, do not invest in risky business. Do not disturb this sector, do not make noisy repairs, global rearrangements, be sure to put protection - "salt remedy" or hang metal bell on the door, it is desirable that he rang more often.

AT february in this sector it is better not to sort things out, do not quarrel, difficulties may arise in relationships.

Southwest. In the southwest will be located the monthly star " five yellow", which with the annual seven does not form the best combination. It is better for people with an unstable psyche not to sleep in this sector, as the condition may worsen. Watch the quality of the food you eat if you have a kitchen here. Place in the southwest still water vessel such as a blue glass vase. If this is the front door, then for this month hang metal bell, check the safety of the locks, insure the property.

West.« Unit The month strengthens the "jade three", which can contribute to rather aggressive behavior, disputes, liver diseases and dizziness. But in general, the sector is not bad if you use its potential to your advantage. For those who spend a lot of time here, tips on nutrition in the spring and on the ability to control their emotions will be especially relevant. Therefore, achieve your goals without overstrain, being able to stop in time, assess the situation.

Northwest. In this sector, the annual “star of diseases” will settle, and in February it will be strengthened by the fiery “nine”. It is especially dangerous for those who have eye problems, cardiovascular system. If your health is weakened, try to stay here less, add metal gourd or simply metal objects to weaken the deuce.

North. The combination of stars contributes to new creative ideas, promotion at work, attractiveness. But there can be difficulties in relationships, they are not stable. Women who stay here for a long time may experience exacerbations chronic diseases, depressive thoughts. For a harmonious flow of energies, you can put still water vessel.

Northeast. Very soon the northeast will become a wonderful sector, there is very little left! In February the monthly star “deuce” will fly here, so it’s better not to be here for pregnant women, elderly weakened people, possible viral diseases, diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract, especially unfavorable for older women. The energies of the sector can also contribute to quarrels between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. Watch your budget, especially if you were born in Year of the Tiger.

Here you can also put gourd if you have this active place. By the way, when rearranging it every month, do not forget to cleanse it of the energies of the previous month, you can simply wash it under running water.

East. Favorable sector! This sector will help to raise money for those who rely on the support of superiors and higher people, especially in real estate. Use this sector to lay the foundation for future projects, stay here more often, work, spend money activations here, those who have a door on east. Available side effect- there will be a lot of work, there will be no time to rest. Here you can carry out activations, and if you have favorable natal stars, then you can put an activator for a month.

For example, launch Mobile February 6, at the hour of the Serpent Horses). Or February 11 at the hour of the Tiger or Monkey(date not suitable for those born in the year Pigs).

Southeast: Lovely this year southeast will suffer a little from the monthly star 7. It has a metallic nature and is in poor contact with both the annual fiery 9 and the “wooden nature” of the sector. Seven can bring respiratory diseases, allergic skin rashes to those who sleep in this place or if you have a front door here. For protection, you can put something ceramic - a vase, or put crystals, stones. Be sure to follow fire safety regulations and check the electrical wiring, especially if this is a kitchen. It is undesirable to be here for people with a sick heart.

Three Sha months who do not like repair and demolition work, are:

Sha of the month- occupies a sector northeast - 1 (Bull sector). Activation of the energies of this sector will slow down any actions and projects started, create difficulties and problems in any endeavors, ensure stagnation in any of your affairs in work, business, relationships, etc. The Sha of the month is the safest of the Three Shas.

Sha Disaster- occupies a sector north - 2 (Rat sector). Do not disturb the energies of this sector, otherwise you will not avoid problems and conflicts in communication, including with the opposite sex.

Sha Robbery- occupies a sector northwest -3 (Pig sector). The anxiety of the energies of this sector can bring you robbery, theft, loss of money or documents.
The best way to avoid problems and troubles is not to disturb SHA energies! You can work and rest in sector 3 Sha. Usually do not touch the entire sector from the middle of the northwest to the middle of the northeast.

You can turn on a fan or fountain in the 3 Sha sector for 2 hours. You can not violate the integrity of the walls.

"Warming the Money Star"

Warming up a money star is one of the easiest methods to attract money energy, and the more you do it, the more it works. But remember that much depends on the Luck in which a person is now.

Someone will accidentally receive 100 rubles on the phone, and someone will be presented with a trip to Paris :) The space itself will determine what you can get at the moment, so be grateful for everything.

Well, its most frequent results are an increase in the number of customers, transactions, sales income, if you are in business. If not, maybe your husband will give you an unplanned gift, or an unexpected bonus will be paid at work :) Everyone works differently, depending on your main sources of income. If you are a housewife, then your husband will have more money.

What should be done?

At the specified time and in the specified sector, you need to light a candle. I take thick candles that burn for many hours - they are stable and do not melt much. The candle should burn for 1.5 hours, but you can leave it until the end of the day (this is more effective).

Be sure to take all safety measures - put the candle in a cup so that it does not tip over, if there are small children or pets in the house - make sure that they do not have access to it.

Do not light a candle in the toilet and bathroom - the effect will be very weak.

Have a great month and start of the year!