I'm leaving. I made up my mind

Television address Boris Yeltsin's resignation from the post of President of Russia

Ten years later, Tatyana Yumasheva, the daughter of the first president of Russia, shared her memories of the event on her blog.

The December elections to the Duma have just ended, when, unexpectedly for all political scientists and specialists, the communists won one and a half times fewer votes than in the previous elections, and the Unity party, which was supported by the new Prime Minister V.V. Putin, gained almost the same number of votes, how much the Communist Party. It was a sensation. And here something happened. All these days after the election, dad began to think about something intently.

I felt his mood very well. Clearly, something was bothering him. I didn't understand anything. We all have joy. We practically won the election. And dad walks preoccupied, he constantly thinks about something. I tried to ask him, but he waved, did not answer. Three days before the New Year, on December 28, in the evening, he invited his head of administration Sasha Voloshin and former head, and now adviser Valya Yumashev. Dad made an appointment for them at 6 o'clock, five minutes before they arrived, for five minutes the three of us talked about something insignificant on New Year's Eve, who, where will celebrate the holiday, what gifts to give to children, etc. At precisely six, the president's adjutant came up and asked Voloshin and Yumashev to go into the office. They talked for about an hour. When the meeting ended, I went out into the hallway to see them off. They did not look the same as usual, overly concentrated, or maybe some kind of bewildered. I asked, did something happen? Sasha replied, come to me in the evening, we'll talk there. And they got into the car and drove off. I didn't like the look of them. I didn't understand what was happening.
And, somewhere in half an hour I hear, from above from the office, the loud voice of the pope - Tanya! I came to him, sat opposite him, he looked into my eyes and said - Tanya, I made decisions, on December 31 I am resigning.
I was in a hurry. Not expected. Rushed towards him. I hugged you. I have tears. I can't help it, I'm crying. I can't stand it when my dad sees me weak. Somehow managed. He began to explain to me why he decided to do so. That it no longer sees the point of sitting in the presidency until June, this is wrong and unnecessary. People want to see Putin in this post. And why would he interfere? True, he said at the same time that he would never have thought before that he would decide to leave earlier. I always thought that the president is obliged to finalize it before the end of his term. This is his duty. But now, I understand what needs to be done differently. We talked for a long time. I began to fantasize what we will now begin happy life. That there are no visits, meetings, documents, laws and decrees, that we now belong only to ourselves. And this is happiness. He said that only three people knew about his decision - Vladimir Vladimirovich, Alexander Stalievich and Valentin. Now here I am. And no one else. I nodded. Then I suddenly remembered, and I say, but my mother must be told! Dad looked at me seriously, answered, no one should know. And I'll think about Naya. He got up, we went with him to the dining room to have dinner. Mom, Lyosha told something at dinner. I hardly listened to them. Rather, she listened, agreed something, but her thoughts were somewhere else. I thought, how can dad be without a job? In terms of energy, in terms of temperament, he is completely different. He must be in the center of events, he is all on emotions, he must meet with someone all the time, go somewhere, but here, you don’t have to go anywhere and you don’t need to meet with anyone. How will he readjust?

In the evening, I drove up to the dacha Moskva-River-4, where Alexander Stalievich lived, and before and after him, all the heads of administrations also lived there. Voloshin had already prepared the whole plan of action. Who is responsible for what, at what point on December 31 to involve the legal department of the administration, to prepare all the documents necessary for the transfer of power, how and at what time the transfer of the nuclear suitcase will take place, etc. etc.
In the morning, dad met with Vladimir Vladimirovich in the Kremlin. Their first conversation took place a couple of weeks before. But then dad had not yet decided when it would be. But now he told Putin that he decided to leave on December 31, on the eve of the New Year. After a conversation with V.V. Putin was also somewhat embarrassed.
He went up to the third floor to Voloshin, they called me. Vladimir Vladimirovich said that he asked his father not to leave, still think about staying in his post until the end of his term, that he still needs time to gain experience, that it is easier for him when he understands that the president is nearby. But dad said the decision had been made. I saw that, in fact, it is not easy for Putin to get used to the idea that in two days all responsibility for the country will fall on his shoulders. There will be no one behind. And you will have to live with it for many years.

And then came December 31st. I don't even remember if I slept or not. At 6:30 the alarm rang. Lyosha, the husband, looked at me through a dream, muttered, why did I fall asleep so early and again. As dad asked, of course, she didn’t say anything to anyone. No husband, no older sister. Lesha does not yet suspect that tomorrow he will be married not to the daughter of the president, but to a simple girl from the Urals, who no longer has anything to do with the corridors of power.
Three of us gathered for breakfast - mom, dad and me. From the way her mother talked about her immediate plans, it became clear that her father had not told her anything. I got upset. It is wrong that she learns about such a decision from TV. But what could I do? Papa appointed departure from the residence at 7.15. At 8 am - a recording of a televised address to the country about his resignation.
With the TV address in general, such a story turned out. On December 28, as always happens in such cases, dad wrote down his New Year's greetings. At that moment, he already knew that he was writing it just like that, in the basket, it would not be needed. At 12 o'clock in the morning, the new head of the country will address the country. But so that no one would suspect about his plans, he made this record. And then, leaving the Kremlin studio, he said, no, I didn’t like the way they recorded it. Let's re-record on December 31st. The TV crews buzzed, but no, everything turned out well, there is no need to rewrite. And December 31 late, broadcast on Far East at 12 noon, already there New Year, we may not be able to. Dad said, then at 8 am we will write it down, will you have time?
At 7.30 am, the adjutant reports that the cars have been delivered. Dad is in the hallway. Mom accompanies him. I put on my coat. Dad comes close to mom and says, Nia, I'm retiring today. At first, my mother did not understand anything. Then she rushed to her father and hugged him. She cried like I did three days ago. Dad got into the car, I got into mine, the motorcade started off. His last trip to the Kremlin. Well, no, apparently there will be. But, the latter as president.

There is already smoke in the Kremlin. The head of the legal department in Voloshin's office, in the Kremlin studio, they are stuffing a new text for the teleprompter. Television people already know that this is not a congratulation on the New Year holiday, but an announcement of resignation from the presidency. Dad called his closest assistants, with whom he had worked for all eight years, the head of the protocol V.N. Shevchenko and the head of the office V.N. Semenchenko, into the office, and announced his decision to them too. Then the president's press secretary Dmitry Yakushkin was brought up to date, the receptionists on duty, everyone who, on duty, had to learn about this decision earlier than the whole country. Then he went to the studio, recorded a televised address. Vladimir Putin came to the Kremlin, the Pope called Patriarch Alexy, asked him to come and said that it was important that he be in the Kremlin now.
Even the day before, it was agreed that something unforeseen should not happen to the recording (in Moscow, as always, there were pre-New Year traffic jams), V. Yumashev drove the tape with the recording to Ostankino by car, accompanied by the traffic police, in order to have time to prepare it for the twelve-hour daytime broadcast. And Valya rushed to the television center, warning Kostya Ernst, the head of the first channel, so that he would not leave Ostankino anywhere.

I called my mother and said to turn on the TV at 12 o'clock. Dad's televised address will be broadcast. And in the Kremlin they went on as usual necessary procedures. A decree was printed on the resignation of the president. Dad signed it. The nuclear briefcase was handed over to the acting president. The Pope, Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Alexy closed themselves in the office, and the three of them talked for some time. My mother called me on my mobile and began to say that we urgently need to cancel the televised address. You can't bully people. They have a New Year, and you arrange such a hassle for them. I told her, mom, calm down, the decision has been made, watch TV, everything will be fine. At 12 noon, at the time of the announcement of his resignation, dad invited the heads of all law enforcement agencies, as well as the closest members of his Kremlin team, to a farewell dinner. Dinner was served in the hall on the third floor. Just before the broadcast, it turned out that there was no TV in this room. The closest one was in my office, they grabbed him and carried him to the dining room. In silence, everyone listened to the words of the Pope. Then there were toasts, to the first president, to the new acting president. Dad said goodbye to everyone, hugged. He stopped at the very elevator, took out a pen from his jacket pocket, said, Vladimir Vladimirovich, the pen is historical. With it, I signed a decree on my resignation and on your appointment as acting president.
Went down. He raised his eyes to the Kremlin. He waved his hand to everyone, got into the car and left.
In the evening we had a new year. The best of all. He was calm, comfortable, unhurried. There was some new feeling for everyone who gathered at this New Year's table. Feeling of freedom and joy. Dad and we started new life. And that was happiness.

On December 31, 1999, unexpectedly for the whole country, the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, announced his early resignation and transferred powers to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. We publish the full text of his already historic speech.

Dear Russians!

There is very little time left before the magical date in our history. The year 2000 is coming. New century, new millennium.

We all tried this date on ourselves. They figured, first in childhood, then when they grew up, how old we would be in the year 2000, and how old our mother, and how old our children. It once seemed that this extraordinary New Year was so far away. This day has come.

Dear friends! My dears! Today is the last time I address you with New Year's greetings. But that's not all. Today I am addressing you for the last time as the President of Russia.

I made a decision.

I thought long and hard about it. Today, on the last day of the outgoing century, I retire.

I have heard many times - "Yeltsin will hold on to power by any means, he will not give it to anyone." This is a lie.

The point is different. I have always said that I will not deviate from the Constitution even a single step. That the Duma elections should be held within the constitutional terms. And so it happened. And I also wanted the presidential elections to be held on time - in June 2000. It was very important for Russia. We are creating the most important precedent for a civilized voluntary transfer of power, power from one President of Russia to another, newly elected one.

However, I made a different decision. I'm leaving. I'm leaving ahead of schedule. I realized that I needed to do this. Russia must enter the new millennium with new politicians, with new faces, with new, smart, strong, energetic people.

And we, those who have been in power for many years, we must leave.

After seeing with what hope and faith people voted in the Duma elections for a new generation of politicians, I realized that I had accomplished the main work of my life. Russia will never return to the past. Russia will always move only forward now.

And I should not interfere with this natural course of history. Six months to hold on to power when the country has a strong man worthy of being President, and with whom today almost every Russian pins his hopes for the future!? Why should I disturb him? Why wait another six months?

No, it's not for me! Not in my nature!

Today, on this unusually important day for me, I want to say a little more of my personal words than I usually say.

I want to ask your forgiveness.

For the fact that many of our dreams did not come true. And what seemed simple to us turned out to be excruciatingly difficult. I apologize for not justifying some of the hopes of those people who believed that we were in one jerk, in one fell swoop

We believed that we could jump from a gray, stagnant, totalitarian past into a bright, rich, civilized future. I myself believed in it. It seemed that with one jerk, we would overcome everything.

One push didn't work. In some ways, I was too naive. Somewhere the problems were too complicated. We pushed forward through mistakes, through failures. Many people experienced shock during this difficult time. But I want you to know.

I never said this, today it is important for me to tell you this. The pain of each of you responded with pain in me, in my heart. Sleepless nights, painful experiences: what needs to be done to make people at least a little, at least a little easier and better? There was no more important task for me.

I'm leaving. I did everything I could. And not for health, but for the totality of all problems. I am being replaced by a new generation, a generation of those who can do more and better.

In accordance with the Constitution, when I retired, I signed a decree on the assignment of the duties of the President of Russia to Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Within three months, in accordance with the Constitution, he will be the head of state. And in three months, also in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, presidential elections will be held.

I have always been confident in the amazing wisdom of the Russians. Therefore, I have no doubt what choice you will make at the end of March 2000.

Saying goodbye, I want to say to each of you: be happy. You deserve happiness. You deserve happiness and peace.

Happy New Year!

Happy new century, my dears!

Dear Russians!
There is very little time left before the magical date in our history. The year 2000 is coming. New century, new millennium.
We all tried this date on ourselves. At first they figured out in childhood, then, having matured, how old we will be in 2000, and how many for our mother, and how many for our children. It seemed once: this extraordinary New Year is so far away.
This day has come.
Dear friends! My dears!
Today is the last time I address you with New Year's greetings. But that's not all. Today I address you for the last time as President of Russia.
I made a decision. I thought long and hard about it. Today, on the last day of the outgoing century, I retire.
I have heard many times: "Yeltsin will hold on to power by any means, he will not give it to anyone." This is a lie. The point is different. I have always said that I will not deviate from the Constitution even a single step. That the Duma elections should be held within the constitutional terms. And so it happened. And I also wanted the presidential elections to be held on time - in June 2000. It was very important for Russia. We are creating the most important precedent for a civilized voluntary transfer of power, power from one Russian president to another, newly elected one.
However, I made a different decision. I'm leaving. I'm leaving ahead of schedule. I realized that I needed to do this. Russia must enter the new millennium with new politicians, with new faces, with new smart, strong, energetic people. And we, those who have been in power for many years, we must leave.
After seeing with what hope and faith people voted in the Duma elections for a new generation of politicians, I realized that I had accomplished the main work of my life. Russia will never return to the past. Russia will always move only forward now. And I should not interfere with this natural course of history. Six months to hold on to power when the country has a strong man worthy of being president, and with whom today almost every Russian pins his hopes for the future?! Why should I disturb him? Why wait another six months?
No, it's not for me! Not in my nature!
Today, on this unusually important day for me, I want to say a little more of my personal words than I usually say.
I want to ask your forgiveness. For the fact that many of our dreams did not come true. And what seemed simple to us turned out to be excruciatingly difficult. I apologize for not justifying some of the hopes of those people who believed that we could jump from a gray, stagnant, totalitarian past into a bright, rich, civilized future in one jerk, in one fell swoop. I myself believed in it. It seemed that with one jerk - and we would overcome everything. One push didn't work. In some ways, I was too naive. Somewhere the problems turned out to be too complicated. We pushed forward through mistakes, through failures. Many people experienced shock during this difficult time.
But I want you to know. I never said this, today it is important for me to tell you this. The pain of each of you responded with pain in me, in my heart. Sleepless nights, painful experiences: what needs to be done to make people at least a little, at least a little easier and better? There was no more important task for me.
I'm leaving. I did everything I could. And not for health, but for the totality of all problems. I am being replaced by a new generation, a generation of those who can do more and better.
In accordance with the Constitution, when I retired, I signed a decree on the assignment of the duties of the President of Russia to Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Within three months, in accordance with the Constitution, he will be the head of state. And in three months, also in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, presidential elections will be held.
I have always been confident in the amazing wisdom of the Russians. Therefore, I have no doubt what choice you will make at the end of March 2000. Saying goodbye, I want to say to each of you: be happy! You deserve happiness. You deserve happiness and peace.
Happy New Year! Happy new century, my dears!

New Year's television address of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. On this day, December 31, 1999, the first president of Russia announced his resignation.

(Video from the Archive of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center)

How Boris Yeltsin wrote down New Year's greetings(fragment from the book)

"On December 28, 1999, as usual, the recording of the president's New Year's televised address to the country took place. This always happens in the Kremlin's representative hall - a Christmas tree, a large gold clock, the usual ritual and New Year's text. The ORT group, just a few people - director, cameraman, sound engineer, illuminator - worked collected, carefully. I wished the Russians a happy New Year. I got up. The text on the teleprompter went out.

The faces of the speechwriters stretched. I did not make any remarks before the recording, it was a complete surprise for them. "Why, Boris Nikolayevich?" - "We need to work on the text. I give you three days. We will record on December 31."

At this point, the television people were already upset: “Boris Nikolaevich, why on the 31st? - "I repeat once again. We will record on the 31st."

And went to the exit...

Well, I couldn't, I couldn't explain to these sweetest, dutiful people what was the reason for my unexpected "caprice". Thank God, this did not cause surprise, only a slight disappointment: they are used to my character, to impromptu and surprises.

"What if one of them suspected something?" I even slowed down at this thought, the adjutant lost his footing, looked at me in surprise, and also slowed down slightly.

The long Kremlin corridor always gives you time to calm down, come to your senses and think.

Something to think about...

Never before have I kept such an important decision a secret for so long, even from the closest aides from the presidential apparatus.

I have always liked to make decisions on my own. And implement quickly. The adopted decision does not tolerate red tape, conversations, delays. With every hour it loses its strength and effectiveness. Therefore, as a rule, I immediately turn on the "drive belt", the implementation mechanism: first of all, of course, the head of my administration; behind him - assistants, analysts, lawyers, office; then the press secretary, TV journalists, news agencies are also included in the work. Every minute more and more people learn about it, every minute waves seem to diverge from the decision.

It has always been so. During all eight years of my tenure at the top post. As president new Russia..."

(documents, photos, videos)

For a person who survived the "dashing nineties", this period is associated with crime, queues, and the popularization of American culture. And also with the image of the president conducting the German orchestra and dancing "Kalinka-Malinka". It was a time of unlimited freedom, wild capitalism and a reassessment of values. There is no exact periodization, but we can assume that the era of bandits and general devastation ended when Yeltsin stepped down as president.

early years

He was originally from the Sverdlovsk region. He was born on February 1, 1931. The childhood of the future politician passed in the city of Berezniki: here his father worked at the construction site of a chemical plant. After leaving school, Boris Yeltsin entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Received a degree in civil engineering. In his student years he went in for sports, played for the city volleyball team.

Sverdlovsk regional committee

In the mid-fifties, the career of Boris Yeltsin began. He mastered several construction specialties. Joined the party. In 1975, he took the post of secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee. By his order, a high-rise building was erected in the city, which the locals call differently: “Wisdom Tooth”, “White House”, “Party Member”. Yeltsin also organized the construction of a highway that connects Sverdlov with the northern part of the region. Thanks to his active work, the inhabitants of the barracks found housing in apartment buildings.

Moscow city committee

Boris Yeltsin held the post of secretary of the Moscow City Committee since 1985. With his arrival, the purge of the party apparatus of Moscow began. He deprived the positions of many officials in the MGU CPSU. Under Yeltsin, a ban was introduced on the demolition of buildings of historical significance.

People's Deputy of the USSR

Yeltsin did not win the 1989 elections. But one of the deputies refused the mandate in his favor. The first Russian president was one of the most scandalous personalities in Russian politics. In 1989, he was invited to the United States, and, according to the media, he performed in a drunken state. However, this story was perceived as a provocation against Yeltsin, whose views differed from the official ideology. In 1990, the future president was in a plane accident. Hints appeared in the newspapers that this catastrophe was organized by the KGB. In May of the same year, Yeltsin was elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet, in which the notes in the press played a significant role.

August coup

In June 1991, the first national elections were held in Russia. Yeltsin collected 57% of the votes. Two months later, an event occurred that millions of residents of the post-Soviet space associate with the riots in Moscow and the endless "Swan Lake" on television. Yeltsin played a leading role here, turning the Russian House of Soviets into a center of resistance. So there was no huge multinational state. We will not go into the details of the economic and ideological crises that engulfed the country at the end of the millennium. Let's move on to the main part of today's story - to that significant day when Yeltsin stepped down from the presidency.

Courageous act

When did Yeltsin step down as president? At the peak of the difficult situation in Russia. Many politicians and experts even today call Yeltsin's act unprecedented and courageous. Although some believe that this step was somewhat belated.

Yeltsin's policies are criticized by many, Special attention giving miscalculations in the international arena. At the same time, researchers note numerous merits, including the creation of the Constitution.

When Yeltsin stepped down as president

The first president gave the impression of an eccentric personality. The way Boris Yeltsin stepped down as president was perceived by ordinary citizens as a surprise, a whim. On December 31, the country celebrated as usual. This day for every former citizen of the USSR is associated with Olivier salad, Soviet champagne and the President's speech. It is, as a rule, predictable, of little content. But not the last New Year's speech of the first Russian president. This performance amazed the whole world, and later gave rise to many legends. So, Boris Nikolayevich was later credited with the words "I'm leaving, I'm tired." He didn't say them.

When did Yeltsin step down as president of Russia? A few minutes before the start of the new millennium. Citizens tuned in for a carefree celebration, for cheerful conversations and watching New Year's programs. But it was not there. The night from December 31 to January 1 was devoted to talk about Boris Nikolayevich and his successor. TV crews edited a whole film dedicated to the life and work of this outstanding personality with amazing speed. There were no traditional shows with the participation of pop stars this New Year's Eve. Only politics.

Presidential Marathon

Famous politicians and public figures love to write memoirs. More precisely, to order books about yourself from professional writers. Boris Nikolaevich was no exception. In 2000, the book “Presidential Marathon” was published, which contains the answer to the question “Why did Yeltsin leave the presidency?”.

There is a version that he did not plan to participate in the 1996 elections. By that time, it had lost its former popularity, in which the Chechen campaign played an important role. His main opponent was the communist leader Zyuganov. Perhaps that is why he decided to run for a second term. President Yeltsin needed a successor. But back to the events of 1999.

Boris Yeltsin, according to the book "Presidential Marathon", informed Alexander Voloshin and his daughter Tatyana about his decision. My wife found out about it only on the morning of December 31st. Yeltsin told Naina Iosifovna about his upcoming resignation from the post of President of the Russian Federation a few minutes before he got into the official car and left for the Kremlin. By the way, the relatives of Boris Nikolaevich were immensely happy. During the nine years of his presidency, as Yeltsin's widow later said, they were quite tired.

Elections to the Duma were held the day before. The new Unity party, led by the then little-known but sympathetic Putin, showed good results. This was the impetus for making an important decision. But why December 31st? Why did Yeltsin step down as President of the Russian Federation? last hours outgoing year?

brilliant move

By his resignation, Boris Yeltsin predetermined the victory of Vladimir Putin in the upcoming presidential elections. According to most political experts, it was a brilliant move. In addition, Yeltsin relinquished power voluntarily. And this step could be regarded as a courageous act. After all, none of the Russian and Soviet rulers has ever given up power of their own free will. It was an unprecedented event in national history.

In the last years of his reign, Yeltsin often replaced some people with others. The scene in which the President of Russia pronounces the phrase “They didn’t sit down like that!” With a formidable look, after which his subordinates in a hurry take the “right” places, has become legendary. Despite unexpected actions that seemed strange to many, Yeltsin managed to form an effective team.

Six months before he delivered the New Year's speech, which later went down in history, State Duma deputies attempted to remove him from presidential duties. A committee was set up to prepare the document. It contained accusations of the collapse of the USSR, the unleashing of the Chechen war, the genocide of the peoples of Russia. In December it was close to zero. Prime Minister Putin, meanwhile, was gaining great popularity.

Yeltsin resigned from the presidency suddenly, on New Year's Eve. Thus, he caught his opponents by surprise. Putin was appointed acting, who on that significant night delivered his first New Year's address to Russian citizens. The Prime Minister signed a decree the same day that guaranteed Boris Yeltsin protection from prosecution.

Yeltsin's last address was solemn and emotional. Having uttered the final phrase, he fell silent, and, as the operator later claimed, tears were pouring down his face. The Russians were in extreme agitation. They didn't know what lay ahead of them. And a new era was waiting for them - the era of a strong ruler who is unlikely to ever deliver such a speech.