Last class hour 11 scenario. Last call Class hour class hour (Grade 11) on the topic


last class hour in 9th grade.

Sounds like melody EnnioMorricone .

1 .Partial congratulations from the class teacher.


Here comes our farewell class. The school does not produce material values.

The results of her work are not measured by measures of weight or length, they are not calculated in rubles. But there is no more valuable product than the school. These are the people, the young generation of the country, our hope and support.

Releasing you into adulthood, I want to offer you High Roles: Attentive observer, Penetrating listener, Person acting not by Word, but by Deed, Objective researcher of human relations, collector of People, good and different, Patron of the Sick and Suffering, Friend of the Lonely. And believe me, no one will test you in all these roles. Try to be human yourself. And then, we will be calm for you.

Good luck.

Now we will find out how well you know your school, teachers, classmates.

1. School quiz

How well do you know your teachers?

    How old is our school principal?

    What color are the eyes of a Russian language teacher?

    When is your first teacher's birthday?

    Which teacher has the most perfect eyesight and doesn't need any glasses?

    What is a physics teacher's hobby?

    What is the teaching experience of your class teacher?

    Which teacher do you think has the most beautiful voice?

Are you good at school?

    How many doors are there in our school?

    Where is the electrical panel that cuts off electricity on the 2nd floor?

    Which classroom is the largest in area?

    Whose portraits adorn the walls of the physics classroom?

    What is the phone number in the principal's office?

    How many “fire escape plans” hang on the walls of the school?

    What color is the teacher's desk in the literature classroom?

    How many steps are there on the stairs in front of the entrance to the school?

Do you remember school subjects?

    In which class did you study the most subjects?

    What phrase did teachers always end the lesson with? of English language?

    How many lessons per week did you have in 7th grade?

    How many physics labs did you have in 9th grade?

    What do you remember most about biology lessons?

How well do you know your classmates?

    Who in our class has a birthday on Valentine's Day?

    Who is the youngest in our class?

    How many people in our class have a middle name Sergeevna (2 +1 Sergeevich)

    Who was the first in our class to smoke?

    Who in our class this year got the most fives, twos?

    Who do you like to write off the most?

    With which classmate would you agree to spend 10 years in the same prison cell?

Class History

    Think back to your very first day at school.

    Who escorted you to school 9 years ago?

    What was the weather like that day?

    What did they give you that day?

    What classroom were you in elementary school?

    Where was the first time you were taken on a tour?

    What was the subject of the lesson that you missed the very first time?

    When did you first fall in love at school?

2. Blitz-survey: "How does school begin?" (One response from each student).

3. 22 declarations of love (a question is pulled out of the envelope and they answer or confess to something, to someone in love (even to a desk)).

    Favorite place in school.

    Favorite activity at school.

    What was the main thing in the ninth grade?

    Favorite moment in class.

    The dearest person.

    What personality traits do you prioritize?

    The dearest person.

    What is the concept of happiness?

    The most beloved and memorable school day.

    Favorite subject.

    Favorite song of school years.

    The most precious word

    How to cope with the difficulties of student years?

    The most precious human qualities.

    What will you do when you meet with evil in life?

    The most embarrassing moment of school life.

    Favorite teacher.

    The most favorite time of the year.

    Are you satisfied with your success?

    Favorite work.

    Favorite lesson.

    Your most memorable school day.

4. 9 years ago, on September 1, we began the annals of our class, I suggest you remember the memorable events (view presentation)

At the end of the class hour, everyone sings the song "Odnoklassniki" together.


(calm music playing)

And you all look with a clouded eye,

In anticipation of new ways and roads,

And then he resounded through all the corridors

Sad, farewell, last call.

We can't get away from these minutes

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And that means not only school childhood

Leaves us with this call.

Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end,

Like a movie tape, dreams end...

No longer relying on someone's clues,

You yourself must solve all the problems.

Not every path will be smooth

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies in front of you like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

Classroom teacher : Today is a holiday that is not marked in red on the calendar, but the whole of Russia celebrates it - this is a holiday when the last school bell sounded for our 11s. Four and a half thousand calls included 11 school years. None of them looked like the other. Some hurried to the first lesson, some called to their beloved teacher, some helped out at a tragic moment when they called you to the blackboard, and you didn’t want to go there at all ...

There were completely inappropriate calls during the test, when everything almost worked out, but you have to hand in a notebook. And there were, to be honest, such welcome, incomparable calls at the end of the school day, quarter, year ... It seemed they would never end! But now it's time for the last call. A decade behind. Behind school years.

This class hour is dedicated to those who are looking for new, untraveled roads in life in order to boldly follow them. Today it is unusual with us, it is unusual in that this class hour is the last class hour in your life. Today we have gathered as a friendly family in our house called "school".
They say that school is our second home. Why the second one? Let's calculate how much time a 11th grade student spends at school and at home.
Six lessons daily, plus electives plus, individual consultations. A plus cool watch plus duty plus extracurricular activities. Plus, cleaning the premises, near the lying and not very close to the lying territories.
How much time do we spend at home? Have you calculated? Therefore, we can rightly say that the school is our first home!

You are a graduate!

And I didn't have time to look back.

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

And there is no friendly hint in the ears,

And erased to the last crumb of chalk ...

So your childhood ended, most of which you spent here at school .... Time moves inexorably forward, but the amazing property of human memory is that it is able to return us to the past, in which time is calculated not in minutes and hours, but feelings, thoughts, experiences. So maybe it's worth trying to go back there, to childhood, at least for a while?

It was....It was....September 1, 2006. Sunny morning, little children with large briefcases and knapsacks over their shoulders, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, crossed the school threshold.

I propose to conduct a quiz "A Moment of Memories"

    How did you feel when you were going to school today?

    How did you feel then 11 years ago? Remember?

    Do you remember your first teacher?

    And what about your first roommate?

    How many students were in your class?

    Why did you get your first two? Did you tell your parents how they reacted?

    Do you remember the number of the office you worked in?

Classroom teacher:

And then there was an exciting transition to the 5th grade, when you came to a new teacher for every lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you to even remember their names. And they were so different. Today you only smile at your fears and fears. Your teachers have become family to you. Even those who worked with you for at least one quarter, half a year, a year - no matter how much! - left a mark on your souls.

Let's continue the quiz:

    Name the exact number of teachers who gave you knowledge for 11 years.

    Name your class teachers?

    If you could turn back time, what class would you like to be in and why?

    To which teacher and for what would you like to say words of gratitude?

    How many classrooms are there in our school?

    Where is the electrical panel located that turns off all the lights on 2 floor?

    Which office is the largest in area?

    What is the phone number at the school?

    How many gyms are there in the school?

    How many tables are in the chemistry lab?

    How many computers are in the computer science classroom?

    In which class did you study the most subjects?

    What phrase did teachers always end their English lessons with?

How well do you know your classmates?

    Who in your class has a birthday during the holidays?

    Who is the youngest in the class? And who is the oldest?

    How many Catherine are in our class? (4) And Dmitriev?

    How many people in the class have the patronymic "Alexandrovich-Alexandrovna"?

    How many people live on one Komsomolskaya street?

    Who in the class set a record for the number of late lessons?

GOOD FELLOWS! Your memory is good.

Classroom teacher : What have our graduates learned over the years of study at school? Let's do a little test, see if they are ready to pass the final exams. There were many items. Let's start with a test of knowledge on some of them. And let's start with the most difficult - the Russian language.
I say words in the singular, you have to put them in the plural:

Exercise 1:
DUGA - arcs RESIDENT - inhabitants GREEK-Greeks
HAND - hands AMATEUR - amateurs UZBEK-Uzbeks
FLOUR - no m.h. TEACHER - teachers Person people

Exercise 2:
I call the verbs in the indefinite form, you must put them in the 1st person:
WALK - walk READ - read WHISTLE - whistle

Exercise 3:
Match masculine words with feminine words and vice versa:
PROVAR-cook TAILOR - dressmaker
CRAVE - no GOAT - goat
OCA - no Sheep - no

Classroom teacher : Consider that you have already passed the exam in Russian. But after all, the Russian language is not only rules, but also the possibility of presentation, or expression. The next lesson is math. You have always been friends with the queen of sciences, at least I would like to believe, because there is an algebra exam ahead. Let's check your readiness.
1. How many math textbooks did you have? – 2 (5th and 6th grade, then there were algebra and geometry)
2. How many steps lead from the 1st to the 2nd floor up the stairs to the mathematics room?
3. How many days are "rubbed out of life" and spent within the walls of this school? (There are 34 weeks in the school year. This is 204 school days. Multiply by 11 years. It will turn out to be approximately 2244 days)

Homework: at least once a year to climb the school steps, sit at your desk to remember the happy moments from the 2618 days spent here.

Classroom teacher : A wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.” Dear graduates, no matter which way you go, don't forget one more road - ROAD TO THE PARENT'S HOUSE, where you are always welcome and loved.

Our dear fathers and mothers! The closest, dear and beloved people! Thank you for helping your children overcome the first road in life, thanks to you they did not turn off it and reached their final destination. It remains to be seen who had a harder time during your studies. I understand that your children have yet to pass exams. I am sure that they will hand over together with you - you will support them morally. But I would still like to conduct a rehearsal of the exam today and now.

(Exam for parents "Flower-seven-flower") A flower is cut out of paper on the board, on the petals of which 7 questions are written. Each parent comes to the board, takes a petal, reads the question and answers it.

2. Questions for parents

1) What would you like to say to the first teacher today?

2) What problems did you have when preparing your child for school, for the first grade?

3) Remember the questions with which your child drove you into a dead end and how did you get out of this situation?

5) If you could turn back time, what would you change about raising a child?

6) What is your greatest joy for the child?

7) When the child brought the first deuce, what did you say or do?

Classroom teacher : Today, at this hour, a museum of unusual things opens in this class. These things are still invisible and are each in its place within the walls of our school. Your task: you must quickly guess these things and their owners.

1. The thing that no day at school can do without. It takes a lot of effort to put together. In this thing, all the lessons and room numbers. (Schedule.)

2. Sheet, which is hung on the board. Drawn with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious battle path of armies and states. (Map.)

3. The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one foot is planted on the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. (Compass.)

4. The object is round, but not used in the gym. Motley, spinning ... With the help of this item, you can travel without dollars, camels and jeeps. (The globe.)

5. An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. (Ball.)

6. This exhibit is very specific, it is a tool of labor for very gifted people, it is a stick with a soft whisk at the end. (Tassel.)

7. A rather plump little volume with very strange content: all the words in it are written in two columns, one of which is more or less clear. (Dictionary.)

8. An object made of thin glass, shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not consumed internally. (Test tube.)

9. And this item or items are assigned to each student of our school, they do not record height, hair color. The owner of these exhibits keeps a strict record of what you take from her, when you take it, when you give it away, and in what form. (Library form)

10. The subject that I will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. (Cool magazine.)

Classroom teacher:

“Everything passes, this too shall pass,” says ancient wisdom. This is the end of our last class. Sad and happy. After the exams, graduation party and ... summer!!! I wish you good luck, luck, worry and worry about you. Everything will be fine, my dearest, best and most beloved students!

Dear dear children,

My favorite, the only class!

I still don't understand

What is happening here now?

Are we parting? It's not true, I don't believe it.

You will come again in September.

I'll hear it again in the school yard.

And I will see again in the office

Your running, noise, mess ...

I'm ready to give everything in the world

If only it were all like that.

But, alas, the arrows go in circles

Only to the right, without any "but".

And now say goodbye to each other

We have only one thing left to say -

Everything that was wrong - you'll forgive.

From any farthest distance

Remember, write, call -

I can't live without your love.

I love you, love you guys

My native, my best class!

I still don't understand -

What will I do without you?

Spread your wings, fly.

Your life is the conquest of heights.

Give all your love to people -

She alone gives meaning to life.

And then there will be a bright road,

God will give you health and strength.

Well, I will pray before God,

May He protect and protect you.

Class teacher: E.A. Gorshenina

Then it is proposed to write your cherished desire on a paper bell. Students write their wishes and tie them to balloons, and everyone goes out into the street together, stand in a circle and, shouting “We are happy!”, Let them go into the sky.

Then the photo session begins.

2. Questions for parents

What would you like to say

today the first teacher?

What problems did you have

When did you prepare your child for school, for first grade?

Remember the questions that

the child drove you to a standstill and how are you

get out of the situation?

when did you first bring your child to school?

If there was a way to turn back time,

What would you change about raising a child?

What is your greatest joy for a child?

When the child brought the first deuce,

what did you say or do?

slide 1)

Today you are a little anxious, (Slide 2)
A little bit happy today
And you can understand, of course,
After all, you have a new path ahead of you!

For graduates, the last school bell is a symbol of the beginning of an independent life and a symbol of graduation. How quickly time flies. Do you remember how it all started? It seems like it was only yesterday: little, sweet, charming girls and mischievous, cocky and talkative boys timidly and importantly walk next to their mothers to a huge building with such a serious name “SCHOOL”. (Slide 3)

Do you remember what mood you were in? What did you feel? What were you thinking?

You crossed the school threshold, heard the overflow of that very first call, slide 4 and a journey into the unknown began: meetings with friends, the first self-deduced letters, words read and always the joy of learning something new, unfamiliar today.

Dictations and tasks, (Slide 5)
good luck, bad luck,
Paragraphs, verbs
And ancient times.
That word is not inclined
That Volga will be lost.
It all starts
From the school bell

Elementary school, understanding the basics, and next to the teacher, that unforgettable, the very First, everyone has her own.

- What are the names of your first teachers? slide 6

They have become second mothers to you. It is with elementary school that fairy-tale characters are associated, who will appear before you as “familiar strangers”

- Guess from the annotation what the work is about?

The fairy tale tells about a friendly team that managed to do a very difficult job... (turnip)

The story of how a once free country was enslaved by an evil tyrant, and how, in the end, one daredevil liberated it ...

The cheerful and agile hero of this work is so accustomed to victories that he lost his vigilance and got into trouble ...

But this “fabulous” time quickly passed:

If you look closely, we are always in a hurry. (Slide 7)
Everyone wants to be big as a child.

And ... our first meeting with you took place. I became your teacher of mathematics, natural history, and then taught you physics and computer science

I look at you and remember the days
When did you enter fifth grade?
Like the first time we were alone
And I, worried, studied you.
There was an interest in me in your views:
What is she? And what are they?
I burned on a slow fire
You burned like field poppies.
Days passed, and months, and years flew by.
And now we are almost alone again ...
Well, what would you like to remember today?
How did you hustle in class?
Did you go to physical education?
Did you study literature?
How did you cover each other
Did they give teachers nicknames?
Yes, it was all once
And you had nicknames too.
But I will remember you guys
Like the coolest class in the world.

You are my first, outstanding, friendly, humane, you are my best students. In turn, I tried to make it interesting for you at school, I tried to fulfill all my childhood dreams: competitions, hikes, performances, holidays, trips ... School friendship ... You are all so different, and all tolerant of other people's mistakes, sympathizing with those in trouble rejoicing at the success of their classmates.

I think that the school has become native for you,

and how do you navigate at school, I’ll check it now:

Slide 9-13

- How many steps does the staircase in front of the entrance to the school consist of?
How many doors are there in our school?
What is the phone number in the principal's office?
What color is the teacher's desk in the chemistry room?
How many steps are on the stairs leading to the second floor?

Do you remember school subjects? Slide 14

In which classroom did you study the most subjects?
- What phrase did the English teacher always finish the lessons with?
- Who is the author of the textbook on geometry?
What subject has the thickest textbook?

How well do you know your teachers? slide 15

When is your first teacher's birthday?
Which teacher has the most perfect eyesight and doesn't need glasses?
What teaching experience does your class teacher have?
Which of the teachers has a catchphrase, which one?

Your memory is all right! Years have passed ... It seems to me that there is something to remember when you part. What? Camping... KVN.. New Year...

The last 2 years have gone by really fast.

- How well do you know your classmates? Slide 16-17

Who comes to class an hour late?
When did your desk mate first fall in love?
- Who keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
Who does their homework on time?
- Who doesn't go gloomy? Do you love sports and exercise?
Who was the first in the class to start smoking?
Whose birthday falls on May 31st?
- Who is the oldest (youngest) in age?

Well informed! I think that a strong, friendly team will not be forgotten even after 3, 5, 8 years.

So day after day, month after month, year after year, you grew not only physically, but also spiritually. Today you are graduates. Look at the "Growing Up Scale". Slide 18

This is how school years end.

So, you are on the verge of serious trials - exams are ahead. But I cannot admit you to them, because I am not sure of your civic maturity, patriotic feelings about your native school, and your creative originality. You need to pass one more test:

Mini-composition: They are dragging tickets. Slide 19

“A declaration of love… to a school rag, etc.”
Evaluation: admitted to the exams (a).
“Wishes to classmates” (letter)

A wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.” Slide 20

Dear parents! Thank you for helping the children overcome the first school road in life, thanks to you, they did not turn off it and made it to the final destination. What kind of energy charge they received from you, especially after the parent meeting. And, probably, the phrase that has already become an aphorism is not quite right, that children learn only for themselves, and not for their parents - and for them too, because they rely on you so much, and today I would like to hear parting words from you, dear parents.

Advice from parents.

It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,
Blackboard, textbook and expensive class ...
Admit it, you certainly hurt
Leave the house that has become your own!

The oath on the school magazine ... (see attachment). Slide 21–22


I am a graduate of the February school, full name on the threshold of the beginning of an independent life in front of my friends, I solemnly swear: to carry the memory of those who taught me and with whom I studied, to always be honest and principled, humane and fair, never stop there, I swear to continue my education, not to tarnish the title of a graduate 2012. If I break this oath, then let:

- my favorite jeans are torn,
- the batteries in my player will run out,
- the laces in my sneakers get tangled,
- Pepsi will spill on my new suit,
- I will never be lucky in gambling,
my favorite show is coming to an end...

My children! Lovely! Native!
How glad I am to see you now
Mature, beautiful, big
Not my first, but my favorite class.

How can I live without you now,
Can I fill the void?
Separation from you I will be ill,
I just don't know what I'll find instead.

Let the years fly by - I will remember
All your eyes radiant kind light
And no matter how long it takes, I will hear
And your voices, and sonorous laughter.

And in many years you will be loved,
Guys, dear, you are unique

On September 1, the Ministry of Education Russian Federation there was an order to measure the length of the nose, the length of the smile of all students. And according to the result provided by me thanks to you, we have:
Grade 11 A has the longest smile ____ (therefore always cheerful mischievous)
Grade 11 A has the longest nose _____ (therefore, they always stuck their nose in and were always first)

Our awards:
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11 grades

In the name of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the building of the February secondary school in office No. 202, graduates of class 11A are awarded. To reward graduates for the acquired skills of love, smiles, joy and knowledge. Accept from them a promise to leave for places of higher education, with the subsequent return to their hometown, as well as with the obligation to attend all meetings of graduates, which traditionally take place every first Saturday of February. And now, attention! Solemnly present a set of medals to graduates of 2012. (Report card)

Medal of Distinction... (Slide 23)

slide 24

The hour of parting has come,
And I can't believe it...
There was a family, there was a house, there was a class -
And everything will dissipate...
Everyone has their own destiny -
Equal happiness to all
I wish. And I let you go
I release you on all four sides ...

Scenario of the last class hour in the 11th grade:

"Memory call for yourself!"

(Slide 1)

Present: 11th grade students and their parents.

Purpose: to revive in memory interesting moments of school life, to remember all teachers with warmth, to say "thank you" to parents and teachers, to bring students to the idea that school friendship is very important for a person.

On slide (2) - the epigraph:

"And in the class the lines of the classics are cherished

Now tell other students

We must the theorem of eternal life

Prove your own destiny.

The first exams are ahead of us,

Everything that you dreamed about will come true.

Only childhood we can not return again,

Like the first waltz, it will not be forgotten!"

Class hour progress

Classroom teacher:

We have in the classroom

Today is a special day

We are happy and sad a little,

Solemnly we gathered today

At the class hour of the "Last Call".

Every year on a May spring day, we gather at our school, saying goodbye to our senior students, graduates of the school. This time you are the graduates, my dear guys. Today is the last call for you. The latter is always unfair. The last one always hurts. Never again will you be a student, never again will you enter a class as a student.

Of course, parting is always sad. But parting means the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another. Ahead is waiting for you new life. Unusual, complex, not entirely clear. But it's beautiful, this new life. And I wish you success in this new, adult life.

(Slide 3-photo We are together!!!)

Good luck, ups and downs,

Life is striped like a mattress.

My peak of teacher's happiness -

You, my children, your entire class.

And I turn to you with all my heart,

I catch myself thinking.

Trust me I'm not pretending

I love each of you.

The last bell that rang for you put an end to a large chapter called "Childhood". (Background music "Where does childhood go?")

(Slide 4)

You are a graduate!

And I didn't have time to look back.

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

And there is no friendly hint in the ears,

And erased to the last crumb of chalk ...

Let's remember how it all began … (Slides 5-6)

Dear parents! For some, 1997 was a happy year, and for others, 1998.

It was during these years that 19 bright stars. 19 babies were born - smart, talented, amazing. You protected them in everything, sleepless nights seemed not a burden to you. Children grew up, learned to crawl, took their first step, said their first word ... This is your immense happiness. In the memory of each of you, dear parents, there are the brightest moments of this period. Here they are! Look! Learn ?

(Slides 7-8)

The children grew up and went to kindergarten, where they began an independent life. Everything was new for them: a strange aunt who loved all children, here they had to do exercises, eat, dress themselves, and even sleep. Because our children did not really want to stay in kindergarten, and saying goodbye to their mother in the morning, they cried or simply did not let go mother's hand and you, leaving your children, hid your eyes filled with tears, and in the evening you ran to meet your treasures. And each of the children, when meeting with you, wanted to tell a lot about how his day went.

(Slide 9)

But the years go by, the children grow up. The year 2004 has come. And again anxiety and excitement ...

Little, cute, charming girls and mischievous, cocky and talkative boys timidly and importantly walk next to their mothers to a huge building with such a serious name. "SCHOOL".

Word to students:

1. On this day, overly excited mothers, looking tenderly at us, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on our festive clothes, which had time to wrinkle and get dirty in just a few hours ....

2. And they asked the same question, while smiling nervously for some reason: - Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day at school?

All: Loved it!

3. What else could we answer?
For example, I did not say that the new shoes are very tight and not even green at all, as I wanted ...

4. I also didn’t tell my mother that I don’t need this tie, “like dad’s”, if you can’t wipe dirty hands on it ...
And most importantly, from sitting in one place for a long time, for example, tingling begins in certain parts of the body.

And so...

All: We all loved it!

1. And flowers, and noise, and turmoil on this day!

2. But most of all we liked the beautiful, smart aunt, who immediately came up to us and took my hand in a friendly way.

3. She had a name not “teacher”, as in kindergarten, but completely different - “teacher”!

4. She was completely unfamiliar to us, but she smiled like relatives, both to us and to our mothers.

1. Communicating with our teacher every day, we comprehended, in addition to the school curriculum, simple truths ...

2. That in the morning it would be quite nice to come to the lesson on time ...

3. What should be written not on the desk and not on the hands, but only in a notebook ...

4. That elders should not be rude, but kids must be protected ...

1. And many other wisdom that an educated person should know, even at such a young age as a 1st grade student.

2. No, of course, parents told us about this ...

3. But the teacher brought all our disheveled knowledge into a system

4. And now we can proudly say that this system ...

Everything is working!

Classroom teacher

You crossed the school threshold, heard the overflowing of that very first call, and a journey into the unknown began: meetings with friends, the first independently derived letters, read words and always the joy of learning a lot of new, unfamiliar things today.

Everyone has only one time in their life

It happens its first, its memorable class

And the first mentor, our first teacher,

He opened the door for us to the country of the first discoveries.

(Slide 10 - photo)

Classroom teacher:

And then there was an exciting transition to the 5th grade, when a new teacher came to you for each lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you to even remember their names. And they were so different. Today you only smile at your fears and fears. Your teachers have become family to you. Even those who worked with you for at least one quarter, half a year, a year - no matter how much! - left a mark on your souls.

I look at you and remember the days
When did you enter fifth grade?
Like the first time we were alone.

And I, worried, studied you.
There was an interest in me in your views:
What is she? And what are they?
I burned on a slow fire
You burned like field poppies.
Days passed, and months, and years flew by.
And now we are almost alone again ...
Well, what would you like to remember today?
How did you hustle in class?
Did you go to physical education?
Did you study literature?
How did you cover each other

Did they give teachers nicknames?
Yes, it was all once
And you had nicknames too.
But I will remember you guys
Like the coolest class in the world.

You are my first, outstanding, friendly, humane, you are my best students. You are all so different, but all of you are tolerant of other people's mistakes, sympathetic to those in trouble, rejoicing in the successes of classmates. This is school friendship. I really want to believe that the school has become home for you.

Let's remember some moments of our school life.

(Music background, slides from a class photo album. Students comment)

Classroom teacher

Within the walls of the school for 11 years you attended more than 10 thousand lessons, more than 2 thousand hours you spent on changes. During the years of your study at school, teachers have studied you so much that eyes closed can determine whose notebook it is, who is the author of the wall newspaper, whose “tricks” But do you know your teachers well? Now we will check this.

    Name the exact number of teachers who gave you knowledge for 11 years

    What is the name of the teacher who taught singing and music lessons?

    What is a physics teacher's hobby?

    Which teacher has a catchphrase? Which?

    Name a teacher who carefully monitors your appearance.

    Which teacher can immediately call you to the blackboard if you are late for the lesson and are standing near the door?

    Which teacher has the most perfect eyesight and doesn't need any glasses.

In life, such qualities as attentiveness and observation are always necessary. Demonstrate to us, please, at what level you have developed these qualities.

    How many doors are there in our school? (35)

    Whose portraits hang on the walls in the geography classroom?

    Which office is the largest in area?

    Which office has the largest wall clock?

    How many tables are in the Russian language classroom?

    How many steps does the staircase in front of the school have?

    What hangs over the blackboard in the chemistry lab?

You have been studying together for many years.
And we've been through a lot...
What could be more beautiful and wonderful
Than school friendship forever cherish!

How well do you know your classmates?

    Who in your class has a birthday on the same date? (there are twins in the class)

    Who is the youngest in the class?

    How many people live on the same street "Red"?

    Who in the class set a record for the number of missed lessons?

    Who keeps books, pens and notebooks in order? Who completes their homework on time?

    Which classmate has the lightest briefcase?

    With which classmate would you agree to spend 10 years on a desert island?

    When did your desk mate first fall in love?

Classroom teacher

I see that you have studied the school, teachers and, of course, your classmates quite well, whom I hope you will not forget even in 10 years. That is why you are worthy of the title of "Graduate" in which I notify you. (I hang a medal "Graduate" for everyone)

(Graduate slide)

A wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.”

Throughout your 11 years, from birth onwards, good helpers who love you have been ... parents who were worried about all the failures, rejoiced at your successes and are now ready to help in everything ...

Classroom teacher:

Your sleepless long nights

Here are your children so beloved,

We, the undersigned parents of today's graduates of secondary school No. 10, issue a receipt for what we really receive in 2015, deposited, educated and educated our children. There are no complaints about the school.

But nevertheless, looking at the well-fed, contented, beautiful and spiritualized faces of children, we hope that our children will soon give the knowledge gained at school for the benefit of society, and society, you see, will allocate something from these benefits to parents. Thank you for this and sign.
Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents of 2015 graduates.


Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire! Your kids have grown! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!

It was we who provided you all these years with life in extreme situations!

It is to us that you owe unbearable days, smoothly turning into sleepless nights!

Yes! We did not always bring you only joys and diaries proudly swollen from fives.

Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that you cannot call us exemplary children!

But we know that no matter what we do, no matter what we throw out THIS, you will write it off as a protracted transitional age and you will love us even more

And we want to tell you a secret:

All: We love you very much!

Classroom teacher

Dear parents! Thank you for helping children overcome the first school road in life. Thanks to you, they did not turn off it and made it to the final destination. And, probably, the phrase that has already become an aphorism is not quite right, that children learn only for themselves, and not for their parents - and for them too. After all, they rely on you so much, and today I would like to hear parting words from you, dear parents.

(Word to parents)

Classroom teacher

Dear my parents! I tell you my teacher's "thank you" for your children. They are kind and open. This is your merit. I am very grateful to you that all the years of study you understood me, supported me and always responded to my requests. It was easy for me to be with you. Thank you.

Classroom teacher.

Left to say goodbye

We make a wish

We got together.

(Slide "My dreams are my hopes")

In my hands you see an envelope on which the words "My dreams are my hopes" 2015-2020 are inscribed. Draw your palm and write your wish and your dreams in it and put it in this envelope. Let's meet in five years and see what happened in your life.

cool handsdriver
This has always been the case in Russia:
Mom collected a bundle on the way,
The road led away from home

Today I want to collect such a bundle for you, which would be useful to you being far from home.

1. A handkerchief... for wetting tears in moments of sadness and grief over an irrevocably gone childhood.

2. Tablets "Odobrin". Ingredients: kindness, love, happiness, affection. In adult life, where you enter, such qualities are necessary.

3. Chalk - a reminder of school life.

4. Eraser - so you can erase everything you want to forget.
5. The stone is a symbol of the future granite of science, which you will have to gnaw.
6. "Orbit" - And so that the teeth are strong and do not crumble.
7. Chocolate candy - To make life seem sweet.

Classroom teacher:

Dear my graduates!

It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

Blackboard, textbook and expensive class ...

Admit it, you certainly hurt

Leave the house that has become your own!

- Your last word to the class, the class teacher, your classmates.

(Slide photo where all the graduates are together)

Classroom teacher:

So our last class hour has come to an end! Long life ahead! With all my heart I wish you to find your place in life and I believe that you will always strive to know the truth, goodness, beauty, appreciate every moment. I hope that you will cherish the love of loved ones and true friendship.

May health, happiness, love and success always accompany you!

May all your bright dreams come true!

Be ready for any life trials. Remember the testament of the poet Asadov.

It will be difficult - be strong!

It will hurt - don't cry!

There will be wind - do not rot!

Don't hide your eyes in your hands!

And at the end of our class hour, I want to dedicate this parable to you.


God made a man out of clay. He worked for a long time, carefully - he tried. Finally the man was ready. But suddenly God looks - there is a small piece left. I thought: “What would you make of it?” God asked the man. And the man said: “Blind me happiness - such that it does not end until the end of the century!” To which God said: “And you, brother, blind him yourself!” And left the clay to the man...

Teacher. Wish you happiness! Sculpt it, God help you, and good luck!

Now, if you take the beautiful smile of Shcheglova Polina

Intelligence Gritsenko Anton

Artistic abilities of Makagonova Marina and Nezhentseva Natalia

Shuffle to the guitar picks of Potapov Timur

Add observation Shamurotova Ali and Zhirenko Anastasia

Pour the contents of Ekaterina Skalozubova's bag

Season with modesty Akhmedova Kamila and Shamurotova Asha

Ridiculousness Andrienko Vyacheslav and Musaev Islam

To endure in seriousness Efremenko Ksenia

Put a pinch of attractiveness Serdyukova Alexandra

Decorate with love Khvostikov Vladislav

As a surprise, put the unpredictability of Zatsarnaya Olga

Sprinkle talent Khvostikov Vyacheslav

Serve with gallantry Stanislav Krutko

And all this is warmed up on the energy of the class teacher.

That will turn out to be the long-suffering 11th grade, which finally reached

To the last step of our school.

Attention! Attention!

And now I am announcing the beginning of the solemn ceremony: the presentation of the Golden Rain award.

Of course, many of you would dream of graduating from school with a gold medal, but this is a huge long-term work. Each of you in your own way tried these 11 years.

But for me, you are all dear and loved, so I present a diploma to each of you.

So let's start...

(the student in question approaches the class teacher, he is awarded a medal and a diploma with a written poem).

Nomination "Soul wide open".

(students with a good soul, sympathetic, attentive)

Nastya is a kind soul.

Well, how good is that!

Cheerful disposition, the soul is wide open.

She will give the last shirt.

She is simple and easy to be friends with.

Not everyone can be like that.

Who is considerate and kind

And a smile all over your mouth.

And with the girls from the class

He will find a common language.

Sometimes he likes to be lazy

But who is not without sin?

In general, he is good

Well, of course, our Stories Seryoga.

"Two sides of the same coin" nomination

(there were 2 sisters in the class)

Two sides of the same coin -

It's no coincidence that people talk about it that way.

They complement each other

And they don't want to give in to each other.

Learning means both are excellent.

They can play any acting role.

Well, if only that one is a little short-tempered,

But I'd rather not say anything about it.

In general, they are good girls,

Kind, hardworking, funny...

They are two ladies, only of different suits,

Of course, these are our Sveta and Lena.

Nomination "We Can Do Anything"

(active, sociable, comprehensively developed students)

This guy, anywhere

Let stubborn sometimes.

Activist, athlete, artist,

Jokes often - humorist.

Velichkovich Sasha is a smart guy,

Everything is with him and everything is in order.

Nomination " Right choice"

(students coming from a different class or school)

School is always very difficult to change,

But it turned out that it is possible.

In any weather, in heat and cold

Eugene is storming the bus -

He needs to go to school.

He made many friends in the class.

After all, friendship is a great thing.

Sociable, active, businesslike,

Acting skills are developed.

And now we can confidently say

That the choice was made right, believe me.

Nominated "Will You Hear About Them"

(students who show some promise)


He has a sly smile

He is always happy with everything.

School ran fast

This smart our Ruslan.

Always tried to do everything

Wanted to please

He didn't stress too much.

But I got through the program.


Arthur! You are a goldfish.

How can we catch you?

For one smile of yours

You can give the whole world!

We talk about you

Only the good will have to -

After all, guys like you

Rarely seen!

Nomination "Undiscovered talents"

Well he could learn

On "4" and on "5".

But in 11th grade

Began to disappear somewhere.

But then he found

And the whole class was very happy.

Like everyone else, Sergei will receive

Long awaited certificate. (Tolkunov Sergey)


Good, kind, nice and simple.

With you it's so easy and so reliable.

May everyone who meets you in life

You will not be hurt by careless evil.

Many of us in life would be easier to live,

And less often had to be upset,

Whenever everyone could, how can you be friends,

Always be there, believe and laugh.

Nomination "Not verbose"


This guy is very kind

He is calm and simple.

He is smiling and modest, -

It was easy for us with you.

Let you in your favorite business

In this life you'll be lucky

To be loved and pitied

Everyone who lives nearby.

I am very glad that each of you is appreciated. Congratulations on your award. No other award ceremony can boast of so many gold medals. Therefore, today we have a real golden rain.

Cl leader.

Left to say goodbye

We make a wish

To be here again someday

We got together.

In my hands you see an envelope on which the words "My dreams are my hopes" are inscribed 2009-2014, write your dreams and put in this envelope, your parents can do it. We'll meet in five years and see what you've got (the students and parents write) in life.

Classroom teacher:

I release you...

I seem to have done

Lots to tell

And a lot to ask.

One more call

And you will be in action


What could you teach.

The song "Last call"

11. Class teacher

Sad moments of partingBut we won't cry now.Everything is behind: excitement, expectation,And I want to say in memory:Thank you for your honestyFor your sincerity. Patience.For those eyes that looked at meUnderstanding everything, without a doubt.Each of you has your own pathWhichever path you choose.I'm waiting for you all at the school door.With an open, pure soul.

I ask everyone to stand up! Your last lesson is over... All the best to you! Good luck with your exams and future life!

Vessel of life.

Once a wise man, standing in front of his disciples, took a large glass vessel and filled it to the brim with large stones. Having done this, he asked the disciples if the vessel was full. Everyone confirmed - yes, full. Then the sage took a box with small pebbles, poured it into a vessel and gently shook it several times. The pebbles rolled into the gaps between the large ones and filled them. After that, the sage again asked the disciples if the vessel was now full. They again confirmed - full. Finally, the sage took a box of sand from the table and poured it into a vessel. Sand, of course, filled the last gaps between the stones.

Now - the sage addressed his disciples - I would like you to be able to see your life in this vessel. Large stones are important things in life: your path, your faith, your family, your loved one, your health, your children - those things that, even without everything else, can still fill your life. Small pebbles represent less important things, such as, for example, work, home, hobbies. Sand is life's little things, everyday vanity. If you first fill the vessel with sand, then there will be no room for larger stones. It is the same in life: if you spend all your energy on small actions, then there will be nothing left for big ones. Therefore, pay attention, first of all, to important things, find time for your children and loved ones, take care of your health. You will still have enough time for work, for home, for celebrations and everything else. Watch your big stones - they are the only ones that have value, everything else is just sand.

Final word from the teacher:

And here is the result of five-only!-years.

The office is empty, and the silence is frightening:

You don't exist, it's as if I don't exist,

Separation teaches, time heals - right.

I walk you to the door

But I'm not strong enough to admit

How painful it is to leave.

This is the result of five priceless! - years.

I look at you - in the eyes of my sadness

Without you, it's like I don't exist

And I can hardly overcome this sadness.

Dear Guys! Be ready for any life trials. Remember the testament of the poet Asadov.

It will be difficult - be strong!

It will hurt - don't cry!

There will be wind - do not rot!

Don't hide your eyes in your hands!

(I give children knots as a keepsake)

And the day came when the last bell rang for you. The latter is always unfair. The last one always hurts. Never again will you be a student, never again will you enter a class as a student.
Let's remember how it all began...
One day God woke up
Startled, stretched
And the creator decided to create a student palace,
To populate with schoolchildren and to stick patrons.
Angelov called for help, mothers, folders a little
They pulled themselves up, who were idle, and the work began to boil.
Yes, it's hard work
To harp the school people.
Our creator is weary
But he is persistent in his work!
Everyone is ready to be born!
In 1993 - 1994, and not only, 26 bright stars lit up in the sky. 26 babies were born in different parts of our country - smart, talented, amazing. Here we are! Look! Do you recognize? (including class teacher)
Slides with small photos .... (including hand.). Children guess.

Cl. hand:
Kindergarten, you know, is a place where parents take their children in the morning to live for their own pleasure until the evening. Well, raise your hands, who did their parents send away from themselves?
Let's remember this glorious time.

Remember how, having climbed onto a chair, you read poems on matinees in kindergarten, and your parents looked at their artists with tears of joy and pride. Who wants to play this role?
(Children read poetry while standing on a chair. Parents also take part)

Cl. hand:
And which of the parents, just before the school day on September 1, honestly told the children that all this burden is for 11 years?
Completed global work.
Let the angels rest.
Got an excellent class
They will not find a replacement for him.
Slide 5 class
Cl. hand:

When did you enter fifth grade?
Like the first time we were alone
And I, worried, studied you.
There was an interest in me in your views:
What is she? And what are they?
I burned on a slow fire
You burned like field poppies.
Days passed, and months, and years flew by.
And again we are now almost alone ...
Well, what would you like to remember today?
How did you hustle in class?
Did you go to physical education?
Did you study literature?
How did you cover each other
Did they give teachers nicknames?
Yes, it was all once
And you had nicknames too.
But I will remember you guys
Like the coolest class in the world.

What was good and bad about 5th grade: Here are the answers to the questions: what was good and bad about 5th grade? (these answers were written on the last class hour in 5th grade)
Cl. hands: (reads)
This year there were many good things: we went camping with the whole class, there was a light, we congratulated boys and girls, and we will go camping again. (Katya V) Vacations are long - good, the class teacher is just super, cheerful, we have never had such a class teacher, knows how to communicate with children, knows how to arrange a holiday (Anya M). It was good that I finished the 2nd trimester without triples, and corrected my English (Sasha). Light, control - good (Nikita). Ogonyok, meeting with veterans, labor lessons, hike (Anton). This is what we were sometimes allowed to leave the lessons (Kolya). There were all sorts of funny moments (Dasha). I got 2 in mathematics, and then 4, and in the spring two 5 and one 3 (Anya N).
Bad: nothing (Nikita). We study until May 31. Irina Valentinovna fell ill on New Year(Lena). I don't like it in the dining room. Anton and Vitalik were walking.

Raise your hand, please, who has never skipped classes?... So it's not so bad!!!
Slides from various events over the years.

Cl. hand:
Once upon a time there was a big class in the world.
His mother looked after him
But as they would say in the old days:
"The gendarme is a classy lady."
For seven years I looked after the children,
Seven years from them chumela,
Raised day by day
She handled it the best she could.
But year after year flew by
My kids have turned
From gray ducks to white swans
And they decided to fly away from under the wing.

Alumni Slides.
Reading letters “To me, a high school student” (wrote at the first class hour in 6th grade)

Cl. hand: (parents)
Here they are your sons, your daughters,
Your sleepless long nights
Your efforts and your patience
Your indisputable achievement is that.
Here are your children so beloved,
Mature, smart, very beautiful.
Thank you moms and dads
For trusting your own child.

Parents' receipt: (read by one of the parents)
We, the undersigned parents of today's graduates of secondary school No. 4, issue a receipt for what we really receive in 2011, deposited, educated and trained. There are no complaints about the school.
The Parents' Committee for taking children back notes only one circumstance: we deposited small-sized children, but we get large-sized children back - it is difficult to feed, shoe, clothe and provide further education in market conditions.
But nevertheless, looking at the well-fed, contented, beautiful and spiritualized faces of children, we hope that our children will soon give the knowledge gained at school for the benefit of society, and society, you see, will allocate something from these benefits to parents. Thank you for this and sign.
Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents of 2011 graduates.

Do you remember, mom, a timid first-grader,
She once brought me here.
You gave me a white shirt.
You gave me a bouquet of flowers.
And she said, furtively brushing away a tear,
"Son, how big you are,
go ahead and everything will be alright
I want it with all my heart!"
And I went, and you walked with me
Winding way of knowing the world,
When it was difficult for me, she helped,
And from everything ridiculous kept.
She shared joys and sorrows with me,
First offenses and disappointments.
You always believed in my victories,
You always knew my schedule!
Sometimes, you scolded me for deuces,
Sometimes, she solved equations with me,
I rightfully forced to write a report,
Learn about cases and declensions!
Years passed, childhood flashed by,
I will soon leave the school threshold.
You, mother, just sighed softly:
"What are you already big, son!"

Moms, dads, our family!
We are today, perhaps for the first time
We thank you all
Because you got us!
Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, there are no people more valuable than you.
As they say, children are the joy in life,
And you for us ... Everything is a support in it!
Dear fathers, dear mothers.
The children have grown out of the school curriculum.
And the first scars appeared
Just do not cry, good mothers.

Good fathers, dear mothers,
We are already graduates.
There is sorrow and joy on the planet.
Have become big already - your children!
A huge blue sky awaits us,
Roads where there is no trace of us yet,
Mom and dad can understand everything.
They will hope, believe and wait.
Thank you dear parents.
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience,
Katya Sh:
For the gray hair at the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
In the belt we will bow to the ground,
Thank you family, thank you

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying,
And you smile, you don't hide your tears.
I'll rush into a big life from school,
Mom, mom, but I'll be back.

In moments of joy, in moments of sorrow,
For all the insults you forgive me
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness....
You have always been with me since childhood,
In moments of sincerity and hours of deceit,
And I thank you for everything
My beloved dear mother
Dad, you are the best in the world
The best father on the planet!
How I admire you, I'm proud
I firmly hold on to friendship and hand!
May you be harsh sometimes.
So, it is necessary! Always be healthy!
Don't get old, dear parents,
Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We don't have anyone else!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for raising us
For care and patience for a long time
May God bless you!

Cl. hand:
The most difficult - the first year, So people say. They got used to it, accepted it, re-learned everything.
Books, things and tasks
Often forgotten at school. They had fun and worked, They got angry, suffered, prayed, They rejoiced and rage - In general - they learned fun! The days have passed and
Completed the last year.
I want to congratulate you personally
All worked great! Helped as much as they could
Don't save your strength
Thank you letters to parents.

Katya Sh: Graduates, we ask everyone to stand up and greet our parents for their patience and work,
Misha: kindness and responsiveness,
Alyosha: devotion and love, without which we simply could not live!
Vitalik: Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire! Your kids have grown! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!
Lolita: It was we who provided you with life in extreme situations all these years!
Anton: It is to us that you owe unbearable days, smoothly turning into sleepless nights!
Nikita: Yes! We did not always bring you only joys and diaries proudly swollen from fives.
Sonya: Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that you cannot call us exemplary children!
Katya Sh: But we know: no matter what we do, no matter what we throw out SOMETHING, you will write everything off for a protracted transitional age and you will love us even more
Dima: And we want to tell you a secret:
All: We love you very much!
(Giving flowers).

The kindness of a beautiful parent
We want to hear slander.
To make everything perfect for us -
Looking forward to your parenting advice!
Presentation by parents.
Cl. hands:
Behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise and the first fall ...
And on this day I wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness for anything!

Ceremony of burning all grievances
(Leaflets and pens are prepared on the tables. Children write their grievances against any person in the class. Then everything is crushed, folded, for example, into a saucepan and burned.)

Cl. hands
Get up! Hold hands tightly - firmly: this is your friendship so strong. May she always be like this!
Raise your hands high, high: these are your dreams. Let them come true! And may your future be as brilliant as this silver rain.

Katya P:
In the morning we entered the familiar class
And in the turmoil of the eternal school days
We grew up here, made friends and loved
And getting older every day.
The lesson sometimes seemed to us long,
Well, the minutes raced by, in a hurry,
And we could learn a lot more
But nevertheless it has come - this hour!

Exams are waiting, there are still a lot of cases
And maybe a school year....
But for the desks of the school class
We will never sit down.
What will tomorrow be like? I don't know the answer
But only believing in good things now,
We are the new children of the new age
Now we leave our favorite class
Joy rings in us, only in the neighborhood
Quiet sadness lives with this joy.
Goodbye my childhood, forgive me childhood
For the fact that I will not return to you ...

Song "Last Call"
Cl. hands
This has always been the case in Russia:
Mom collected a bundle on the way,
The road led away from home
Where everything was painfully familiar.

(I give children bundles as a keepsake. I collect one in the classroom with them, the rest are prepared at home)

Chalk is a reminder of school life.
Eraser - so you can erase everything you want to forget.
Bread - If you want to have a bite on a long journey, take a piece of bread.
The stone is a symbol of the future granite of science, which you will have to gnaw.
"Orbit" - And so that the teeth are strong and do not crumble - chewing gum.
Chocolate candy - To make life seem sweet, here's a chocolate bar for you.

Cl. hands
I look at you and remember the days