Scenario of opening a financial and economic game for schoolchildren. Extracurricular activity - economic game "business start"


"In the world of economic knowledge"

1st leader: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Good afternoon, dear jury!

Good afternoon to the participants of our economic game "In the world of economic knowledge"

The motto of today's game: "Fortune accompanies the educated!"

2nd leader:

  • Tell me, is it possible to be illiterate?

1st leader:

  • It is possible, but very inconvenient. In the same way, you can try to live without knowing about the laws and mechanisms of the economic world. That's not fatal.

2nd leader:

  • That's just life will turn to you all the time with sharp corners, and you will hurt yourself on them.

1st leader:

  • Of course, we will all enter this wonderful world - the world of the economy! Someone as an entrepreneur, someone as a hired worker, someone will become a professional economist.

2nd leader:

  • And we really hope that years later, you will remember with a smile your first steps in the city of business people.

1st leader:

  • Someone will get better at this game, someone will fail.

2nd leader:

  • But better failure in the game than in life!

1st leader:

So welcome to the members!

(Introduction of teams-participants of the competition).

2nd leader:

  • So, you already know our players who risked to fight, and now I represent those who will evaluate their performance.

(Introduction of the members of the jury, the conditions of the competitions are announced).

1st leader:

  • And now, before the start of the game, we will perform the “Hymn to the Economy”.

(A performer enters the stage and sings a song to the melody “Enchanted, bewitched ...”. Team members sing along).

Anthem to the Economy

Not happy, not sad

Recently came to us in Russia

You are either profitable or lethal,

Well, most of the time it's crazy.

Whatever is asked will be offered

At a price that is called equilibrium.

Everyone remembers that "Marshall's scissors"

Keynes considered both poetry and song.

I bow to your laws

Choosing to make decisions.

And that I am bound by resources,

I'll tell the rest of the generations.

Enchanted, bewitched

Finally married to us.

Chained to exercises and tests

The economy is like a woman.

2nd leader:

  • So let's start the competition.

The first competition "Warm-up".

1st leader:

In order to do business and rotate in the business world, it is necessary to have a sum of economic knowledge, to understand special terms. Now, as a warm-up, participants are invited to answer questions. The maximum score of the competition is 5 points.

(Passing through the 1st stage of the competition. Questions of the stage appear on the screen. The presenter voices them).

(The results of the competition are announced)

1st leader:

Knowledge has no end, because the subject of their knowledge is infinite.

Second competition: "Sailing the seas of knowledge"

Economic questions from different fields of knowledge: literature, history, general knowledge.

For the correct answer - 20 points.

(There is a 2 stage of the competition).

2nd presenter: (to the audience)

  • While the jury is reviewing the results of round 2, let's remember what sayings you know about money.

(The jury announces the results of the competition. The amount of money in the account of the participants in the game is determined.)

1st leader:

The third contest "Money loves an account"

Ah, money, money! They love counting. This is the name of our third contest. It consists of two parts. In the first part of the competition, our future accountants must answer questions about money. Each answer is worth 50 points. In the second part of the competition, each team must write the text of a business letter addressed to the director of the bank with a request for a loan. The text of the letter should include words from the banking vocabulary. Runtime 3 min. (banking vocabulary appears on the screen). 200 points will be transferred to the team that completes the best option text of the letter. These points will be useful to the team for the next competition.

2nd leader: While the players are completing the task, I suggest that the audience also play a little.

Prove that...

One experienced accountant is worth two inexperienced ones;

You don’t become an experienced accountant right away, everything takes time;

And an experienced accountant can be wrong;

An accountant will not achieve results if he takes on several cases at once.

(After the fan contest, the results of the Money Loves Score contest are announced)

The floor is given to the jury.

The Fourth All-in-Bank Contest

1st leader:

Do you know what the expression "all in" means and what is its origin?

Translated from French - the bank is coming, so the players notified the partners that they were ready to play for the whole bank. The expression "all-in" has long meant - to take a big risk, to act with desperate courage.

And the fourth competition for our players will be associated with risk.

In this contest, participants will have to buy the right to answer a question. The value of the question is 100 points. If he answers correctly, this amount is returned in double size. If it fails, then the amount remains in the bank.

(There is a 4 stage of the competition).

2nd leader: Thanks to all the participants who today declared themselves in full voice as contenders for business chairs.

Now we will hear the jury, its decision, which of the players is declared the winner.

(Jury evaluation. Announcement and awarding of winners)

1st leader:

Congratulations to the winners of today's competition game. All participants of the competition receive memorable prizes. At the same time, participants who take 1st place are awarded a cash prize.


Conducting an intellectual economic game "In the world of economic knowledge"

for students of I-II courses special. 080110 "Economics and accounting in road transport"

(as part of the specialty week)


  • educational - formation of cognitive need; assessment of their capabilities in the competitive struggle.
  • developing - development of creative and logical thinking.
  1. Decor

1. Posters

2. Multimedia projector

3. Markers, sheets of paper

  1. Members

Three teams of 4-5 people each participate in the competitive program.

  1. Event progress

1. Opening speech of the presenters on the importance of economic knowledge in human life.

2. Presentation of the participating teams, the jury.

3. The first stage of the competition "Warm-up".

The participants' knowledge of economic terms is ascertained.

4. The second stage of the competition "Sailing the seas of knowledge".

Participants must answer questions related to economics from different fields of knowledge.

5. The third stage of the competition "Money loves an account":

A) checking knowledge from the history of the origin of money.

B) drawing up the document "Business letter" (in writing).

6. Fourth stage "All-In".

At this stage, participants can increase the earned points or lose them.

7. Summing up the competition.

8. Closing remarks by the moderators. Rewarding.

The economic training of modern schoolchildren is one of the most important for the normal development of market relations in the country.

Now the lack of economic knowledge is acutely felt by the majority of the country's population, and giving this knowledge to students is the most promising direction in the formation of the economic culture of the entire population.

The transition of the country to the market has set before the school, children's associations the tasks of social significance - to carry out effective preparation of adolescents for life in a society based on a market economy. This involves making significant adjustments to the entire education system. Today's school needs to help them adapt and survive in a market economy.

Most effective methods economics are game forms learning. Their use activates the cognitive activity of children. Games make it easier for kids to learn different ages complex economic concepts.

The educational goal of games is to deepen, consolidate and generalize knowledge, in addition, the development of such qualities as attention, memory, logical thinking, and the ability to act collectively.

Growing interest in business games explained by a number of factors:

- when using business games, the learning process is as close as possible to real practical activity, to life, imitating real life, allow children to get involved in the practical activities of organizations and firms, try themselves as a manager, accountant, economist, etc.

- the game is a collective teaching method that contributes to the development of students' communicative abilities. And it is impossible not to note the special emotional mood that is formed during the game, which contributes to the activation of the learning process. The researchers found that no more than 20% of information is assimilated during a lecture presentation of material, and about 90% during a business game.

- any business game is an imitation method that helps prepare students for life. During the game, participants perform a role, make decisions based on the interests of this role.

The proposed game is a variant of the game “Show Exchange – V, VI”, held in the Youth Center and adapted to the conditions of holding a general education school indoors.

Purpose of the game: To introduce students to the work of the stock exchange.

1. Create an active playing field, an atmosphere of business interaction between game participants.

2. To teach teenagers - participants in the game the basic skills in the field of management.

3. Organize and conduct a series of contests and trading sessions.

4. Continue the development of communicative, organizational, creative abilities of students during the game.

Purpose of the game

The game is played with students who have studied the topic “Financial market. Securities".

The number of participants is not limited to one class. Several parallel classes from (grades 9-11) of one school or several schools can take part in the game.


From students in grades 10-11, teams are created, called companies (firms) before the start of the game. They choose a name, a manager, distribute other roles (deputy, juror, etc.)

Each participant in the game wears a badge (tablet) with the name, the name of the team, with the class letter.

General provisions for the game.

The game being played will be not just a business game, but a business game with

show elements. This was introduced because of the need to create among the students - participants in the game - an atmosphere of mutual trust and looseness, since other options for the game are possible. This will make it possible to achieve great results in the tasks assigned to companies (firms).

The game is held as a comprehensive test for firms-companies.

All firms are equal players on the stock exchange. Them primary goal - “earn” as much game currency as possible.

The game is played by students of the 11th grade, under the guidance of a teacher (teachers).

Relationships during the game are regulated by documents issued by the Organization (Appendix 1). The main document is the Judicial Code (Appendix 7).

The game is being implemented in stages.

Stage 1. Preparing for the game.

Target; design of the working environment (creation of companies, tokens, game package).

Stage 2. Adaptation of students in a game situation.

Purpose: Creation of a favorable psychological and activity atmosphere during the development of the game.

Stage 3. Game implementation.

Purpose: to track the development of the plot within the scenario.

Stage 4: Summing up. Reflection.

Purpose: analysis of the activities of companies and individual participants in game situations.

Reflection of the participants and organizers of the game (questionnaires, round table) in order to identify the acquired skills of managerial and gaming activities; consolidation of acquired knowledge, formation of communication skills.

Requirements for companies

The total number of 10-11 people.

Before you start, you need to prepare:

  • shares of the company (the number of shares is determined by the formula: 100*n, where n-
  • number of team members).
  • creative presentation “Business card”
  • tokens for the show “Hello!” quantity of 50-80 pcs.

First day (preparatory) - date, Friday, evening.

Show Hello!

The competition "Business card" is held. Each team must prepare a speech for no more than 10 minutes, in the form of a greeting. The team makes tokens, which evaluates the performance of the contestants, the tokens can be given, changed. According to the results of the competition, each company receives the starting amount of game money, depending on how many more tokens are collected than the others.

Start - 16.00 to 18.00 (no more than 2 hours).

The second day (beginning of the first gaming day) - date, Saturday, evening.

Each company must register and list all its shares on the stock exchange before the game starts. As a result of trading and participation in competitions, the share price of each team will change (the starting price of all shares is 1:100).

The goal of the company is to earn as much in-game money as possible.

Beginning at 16.00 to 19.30 (no more than 4 hours).

Third day (second game day) - Sunday, all day.

Competitions and auctions on the stock exchange. "Rental" of premises. Court work. At the end of the game day, a musical marathon (disco). The results of the game are summed up by the companies themselves under the supervision of the Organizers of the game. The company that earns the most "real money" wins. Winners will be determined in several categories.

Start - 10.00 to 18.00 (19.00).


The results are summed up after each of the 3 days:

After first day the number of tokens for each company is counted and the rate of the team's shares on the second day (the first game day) is determined.

After second day the company's profit is determined (the difference between the company's income and expenses is determined by the formulas (P \u003d D-R) and the amount of tax paid by the company.

After third day summed up the amount of "live money". All remaining shares after the end of the last trading session are not taken into account.

Awarding teams with certificates and prizes.

Economic games are an obligatory component in economic education and upbringing of high school students.

A business game is a joint creativity, a joint search, which can provide a high effect of learning the basics of the economy. The difference between business games and traditional learning is that the participants play the practical situation in the accelerated mode of its development. Students are included in the analysis, discussion, decision-making, and as a result, they themselves find the necessary practical actions in a simulated situation. For business games new knowledge is not transferred from the teacher to the students, but is developed by the participants in the process themselves.

We held the first school game on January 28-30 2000. It was attended by students of 11th grade, and in the course of preparation they came to the conclusion that 10th graders should also be invited, i.e. the total number of participants was 96 people! (7 teams) and 2 teachers.

The organizers were students who participated in 2 city games that took place in the Youth Center in 1999

The results, interest and unusualness of the games caused such vigorous activity of the students that they began preparing for the school game on their own: they developed a document, the Regulations for the game, came up with game money, made cost calculations, distributed responsibilities and actually put me in front of the fact that the game can be played and school building.

The second game was held on January 30 - February 1 2004 year. School rumor spread the stories of graduates about the previous game and the people "also wanted to play." This time, besides the 11th graders, only the 10th grade took part, and then we decided to invite students from school No. 3, who not only accepted our proposal with great enthusiasm, but also quickly got involved in the preparation. Option interscholastic All the participants really liked the games, as they introduced new nuances that had to be thought through, decided, and it was great. The game was attended by 6 teams (106 people) and 4 teachers.

Questionnaire game participants showed The majority of those who came to the game volunteered to get skills and abilities, to test themselves in a particular case, although 29 people came just to “hang out”.

Rated the game “just class” and “good” -60% of the participants

Due to the long time frame, it is better to play the game outside school hours and coincide with Sundays, which will attract even more people who want to participate in the game. Rigid rules do not require the presence of fans, but this in turn helps the teacher not to worry about discipline and order throughout the game. The teams themselves control their activities, the behavior of the participants, follow the rules of the game so as not to lose game money on fines. If in the first game there were violations in the form of smoking in the toilet, counterfeit money of the Organization and counterfeit shares, then in the second game these negative points were no longer there. The school was left in perfect order, which greatly surprised the technical staff of the school.

A major role in the clearer organization and conduct of the game, and most importantly in a quick summing up, was played by technical equipment- all the work of the bank and the exchange was carried out on a computer, for which we were very grateful to the teacher of computer science.

This game can be used by teachers, class teachers and teachers of additional education both in class activities and in extracurricular activities. It can be a separate event or an integral part of an interactive training block.

I believe that this game is of high interest also because students in economics classes participated in the following business and role games:

book factory,

coffee market,

vegetable market,

Entrepreneurs and the unemployed

natural resource market,

profitable production,

Meeting of managers "How to make people work better?",

A family. Rational consumption. The budget of a socially mature family”.


  1. Baburin V. L. “Business games in economic and social geography”, M, “Enlightenment”, JSC “Educational book”, 1995
  2. Gudkova N. F. (compiler), “Business games in economics”, St. Petersburg, Laboratory of socio-economic education, 1995
  3. Merzlyakov V.F. “Problems and questions in economics”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1997
  4. Prudchenkov A. S., Raizberg B. A., Shemyakin B. P. “Market? The market… Hooray! Market!”, M, “New School”, 1994
  5. Prudchenkov A. S. “School of business game Stock exchange”, magazine “School technologies”, No. 5, 1998.
  6. Selevko G.K. “Pedagogical technologies based on the activation, intensification and effective management of UVP”, M, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005
  7. Strebulaev I. “The stock market, or something about summer impressions”, “School Economic Journal”, No. 5, 1997
  8. Trainev V. A. “Educational business games”, M, humanitarian publishing center “Vlados”, 2005
  9. Firsov E. T “Economics. Mind games for schoolchildren”, Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1998

Target: the development of the mental activity of students, allowing them to correctly make economically expedient and socially responsible decisions; ability development:

To a systematic analysis of problems and the adoption of appropriate decisions on them;

To effective business interaction in the course of collective decision-making;

Responsibility to other members of the "family" for the decision made; to instill frugality, frugality, enterprise.

Game progress

Students are divided into groups of 7-8 people and distribute playing roles: wife, husband, daughter, son, etc. Choose their last name.

1st stage(7-12 min).

They make up a description of the family, discussing together the game name, age, profession, wages (allowances, scholarships, pensions) of each family member, possible sources of other income, the total amount of income for the whole family. All these data are entered into a table.

Each "family" introduces other participants in the game, experts with their family members. Speakers are asked questions about the composition of the family and its income.

2nd stage(15-18 min).

It is necessary to plan close to real life upcoming expenses for one month, based on the total amount of expected income. Fill in the table

Each "family" presents their expenses and comments decisions taken. Answer the questions of experts and other participants of the game.

3rd stage(10-15 min).

Each "family" receives an individual situation. It is necessary to make a decision and find additional income. "Families", discussing, make decisions and talk about them.

1. A distant relative from Tambov came to visit you. She was very pleased with your hospitality and decided to stay for the whole month. How will you search additional funds its content?

2. When your son came home from school, he said that he accidentally broke the glass in the classroom and the administration asks the parents to compensate for the damage. Look for this opportunity in your family.

3. Your spouse broke his leg. Sick leave not paid this month. How will you seek apartment and other payments?

4. You were given an urgent ticket to a sanatorium. Your wife is in dire need of treatment. How will you plan for these additional costs?

4th stage. Summarizing.

The "head of the family" speaks about the behavior of each "family member". (Were there conflicts in the “family”? What arguments did they use? How did the “family” get out of various situations? What difficulties did they experience?)

Discuss the game and monitor the game.

The expert speaks and sums up the game. Rewards the "families" that have shown the best results.

Avtori: Shiryaeva V.V., Deputy Director for SD, Smirnova V.N., teacher of special disciplines, GBOU SPO MKMP

Methodical development

for vocational guidance of schoolchildren

Economic game "ENTERPRISE"

Explanatory note

“Take hold of what you are akin to, if you want,

so that in business there was a successful end "

I.A. Krylov

Every high school student faces the problem of choosing a future professional activity. AT modern world there are more than 10 thousand professions.

Profession - gender labor activity requiring special training (knowledge, practical skills, competencies). Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life. However, along the way, students face various surprises, obstacles, and difficulties. This is due to a lack of awareness about the world of professions, a lack of knowledge about the professions themselves and the requirements that apply to workers.

Today, in career guidance work, the interaction of the senior level of the school with educational institutions of the vocational education system is relevant. The purpose of this interaction is to provide career guidance support to school students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the scope of future professional activity, professional self-determination of students in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account potential employers.

The novelty of the presented development lies in the fact that it differs from the traditional, most commonly used forms of career guidance work (professional testing, excursions to production, career fairs, etc.). Carrying out career guidance in the form of a business game:

1. enhances the interest of its participants in a deeper understanding of the world of professions;

2. is highly productive and efficient;

3. activates the creative, cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the field of choosing a profession;

4. contributes to the consolidation of already acquired knowledge about professions in the framework of school lessons on professional self-determination.

The presented business economic game is of practical importance not only for improving career guidance. She can also complete the school course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship". The game can be played standalone or included in a series of themed games.

Socio-economic transformations in our country predetermined the emergence and development of entrepreneurial activity.

One of the activities of SBEI SPO MKMP is the training of graduates in the specialties of the economic cycle. To master these specialties, knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurial activity is necessary.

The economic business game "Entrepreneurship" is held to introduce students in grades 9-11 to such popular and sought-after professions as a manager, businessman, economist, etc. The participants get acquainted with the game immediately before it starts. The form of the game is team. The venue is a large auditorium or assembly hall. Preparatory work for the game is to prepare handouts for the competitive tasks. Working group and presenters - students of the College. The involvement of students in the game is due to the better perception of the material by schoolchildren, due to the small age difference between the participants in the game and the presenters.

The business game contributes to the manifestation of such personal qualities of the participants as discipline, responsibility, a sense of duty, the ability to work in a team and creates conditions for a great emotional involvement of the players in the process.

Summing up the results of the game is accompanied by the presentation of prizes, specially established awards for individual stages of the game and serves as a motivation factor for further acquaintance with the professions of an economic orientation and the choice of an educational institution of secondary vocational education.


stands out general positive result work;

highlights the positions occupied by the teams;

analysis of correct and incorrect decisions;

· substantiate optimal approaches to solving tasks;

· outlines the range of knowledge and skills necessary for the study of professions of economic orientation.

Business game scenario


The purpose of the game is to introduce the participants of the game to the basic concepts of entrepreneurial activity.

1. formation of group work skills;

2. assess your readiness for professional activities in the field of entrepreneurship;

3. professional orientation in the specialties "Economics and Accounting", "Commerce"


1. multimedia complex;

2. handout: task cards, puzzles, crossword puzzles;

3. stationery

Event progress

1. Organizational moment (5-8 min.)

Participants get acquainted with the competitive program, the composition of the jury.

Formation of two teams of 7-10 people, the choice of captains.

Each team comes up with a name and motto.

Command presentation.

Teams receive a competition task.

2. Fulfillment of competitive tasks.

1. Competition "Find a Pair" Task completion time 10 min.

Task: each team is given task cards. It is necessary to divide the words into parts that could serve as parts of new words (names of some professions and economic concepts).

Example: PROG-rama and hyp-NOZ = FORECAST

The winner is the team whose members, in a certain time, find a pair of two parts of different words, make up a new word.

Task for 1 team Task for 2 team:
















2. Puzzles. Estimated time to complete the task is 6-8 minutes.

Task: each team is given an equal number of puzzle cards, in which some concepts of career guidance are encrypted. Decipher them. The team that solves all the puzzles the fastest wins.

3. Competition of captains. Metagrams.

Estimated time to complete the task is 3-5 minutes.

A metagram is a riddle in which a word gets a new meaning from a word by replacing one letter with another.

Example: BARGE - EXCHANGE, HONOR - flattery.

Task: Captains receive two task cards with metagrams. The team whose captain completes the task the fastest wins.

Task for 1 team:

With the letter "T" verses sound from the stage,

songs and musical performance.

With "H" - enterprises of the form of association.

(concerT - concern)

With "A" - I'm striped and soft,

Convenient for adults and children.

With "O" - I have gold anchors on the ribbons.

On the yards and on the mast I climb like a cat.

(mattrAs - sailor)

Task for 2 teams:

In the shop and market

You can easily find me.

If you change "T" to "P",

I will become a profession

And you will see me in the kitchen.

(Product - Cook)

With the letter "O" goods are exported from the country.

And with "E" - permission specialist

Controversial and difficult issues between people.


4. Five "I"

There are many words in the world of words,

Which at the end contain "I".

You have met these words more than once,

Let them talk.

Task for 1 team:

1. fits us to surrounding life and labor (adaptation)

2. brings the owner a permanent dividend (share)

3. brings people together (association)

4. investment in business (investment)

5. reduces the amount paper money in humans (deflation)

Task for 2 teams:

1. rivalry between business people (competition)

2. helps to choose a profession (career guidance)

1. creates a small business (cooperation)

4.brings the owner an annual percentage income (bond)

5. Transfers a part of state property to a person (privatization)

5. Come on, collect!

Task: each team receives a set with an equal number of cards. Each set contains cards with letters, blank cards represent spaces between words. The 1st team has the first part of the proverb about labor, the second team has the second part of the same proverb.

Hint: in the first part of the proverb there is a negative particle and a verb, the second part of the proverb starts with a dash and also contains a verb.

Answer: Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds.


1. Didactic material for the course "Your professional career". Book. for the teacher / I.P. Arefiev, T.V. Vasilyeva, A.Ya. Zhurkin and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998

2. Your professional career: textbook. for 8-11 cells. general education institutions / M.S. Gutkin, G.F. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Prudilo and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova, T.I. Shalavina - M .: Enlightenment, 1998

3. Trainev V.A. Educational business games in pedagogy, economics, management, management, marketing, sociology, psychology: methodology and practice of conducting: textbook. allowance for university students - M.: Gumanitar. ed. center VLADOS, 2005

4. Firsov E.G. Economy. Intellectual games for schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998

Scenario of the business game "Entertaining Economy"

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 5-7

Author: Frantseva Olga Nikolaevna, methodologist of MBOUDOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities", Bryansk
Material Description: the development will be useful to counselors, teachers-organizers, class teachers of schools for extracurricular activities. The script is intended for students in grades 5-7. The material in a bright and fascinating form is aimed at summarizing the basic economic concepts and the formation of the economic thinking of schoolchildren.
Goals: formation and generalization of the basic economic concepts with which students deal in everyday life.
- learn to make decisions, analyze information, express your point of view and lead a discussion;
- to form conscious economic behavior;
- develop initiative, cognitive activity, interest in the constant need for new knowledge, the desire for self-expression and self-realization;
- to promote the economic education of students.
The form: business game.
task cards;
6 paper wallets;
toy paper money;
a poster with the inscription of the game;
sheets of paper, pens;
stage costume.
Preliminary work:
1) Teams are formed. Students come up with a name and motto for their team.
2) Teams prepare an advertisement for their creative work.
Members: students in grades 5-7. Znaika enters the stage
I want today, friends
Reveal your secret to you
My grandfather used to say this:
"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness!"
And how right he was!
Judge for yourself...
Everyone wants to live beautifully
And so you can eat chocolate
And drink coconut milk
You need friends
Lots of things to study first.
For example, the economy.
Kids! This lady is smart.
She does not like jokes in the account of money.
You will meet with her for many years,
While she will show you your life ticket.
There will be a lot of items -
Long time to count them
And to tell the truth,
I really can't wait to find out
Can you count?
Well, it's not difficult for me to check you.
Let's start the game "Entertaining Economy" now.
Leading: Hello guys, members of the jury. Do you recognize our hero? Who is it? Today we met here to show our knowledge and identify the best experts in economics, learn how to make decisions, analyze information, express our point of view and lead a discussion.
So, we begin the game "Entertaining Economy". Let's say hello to our teams.
Presentation of teams and jury.
Leading: For each correct task completed, the team will receive money, and the one that ends up with more of them wins.

Competition "Warm-up"
Leading: The warm-up will get us into the game, because. now we will try to recall and name some economic concepts.
Team warm-up questions
1.Financial credit institution. (Bank)
2. Deductions from income in favor of the state. (Tax)
3. Monetary unit of the state. (Currency)
4. Manager, management specialist. (Manager)
5.Money lent at interest. (Credit)
6. A person declared incapable of paying off debts. (Bankrupt)
7. A fairy-tale character who, with the help of mystical power, turned a heating surf into a vehicle. (Emelya)
8. The most, according to the legend, a reliable watchman for large valuables. (The Dragon)
9. Colloquial designation of a million monetary units. ("Lemon")
10. One of the world's largest firms for the production of children's designers. ("LEGO")
11. A fabulous creature that can make gold coins with a simple blow of a hoof. (Antelope)
12. The name of the room in which countless treasures were kept, lost during the Second World War. (Amber)
The jury summarizes the results of the warm-up.

Competition "Economics in Literature"
Leading: economic terms are found in literary works, in oral folk art (proverbs, sayings).
Exercise: remember as much as possible fairy tales, cartoons, movies, songs, literary works, proverbs, sayings that recall money or talk about wealth.
Answer options:"Golden Antelope", "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Puss in Boots" (Sh. Feather), "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" and "At the Lukomorye" (Pushkin), "Flint "(G. X. Andersen), "Pinocchio" (A. Tolstoy), film "Diamond Hand"; “There is no ruble without a penny”, “A penny saves a ruble”, “Money is an account, but a measure of bread”, “It is not easy to make money, but it is easy to live”, “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “Money loves an account” , etc.
The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Competition "Economic task"
Leading: Every housewife knows how much time is spent on cooking and other homework. To leave time for rest or for doing what you love, you need to properly plan and save working time. Shall we try?
Exercise: The girl decided to help her mother cook dinner. There was one hour left before my mother arrived. The dinner menu consists of a vegetable salad, mashed potatoes and cutlets. The cooking time required is as follows (in minutes):
- washing vegetables - 10 min.
- cutting vegetables - 10 min.
- cleaning potatoes - 10 min.
-boiling potatoes - 30 min.
- preparation of puree - 10 min.
- preparation of cutlets from minced meat - 10 min.
- fry cutlets - 30 min.
- laying the table - 10 min.
Total: 120 min.
Question: In what sequence is it necessary to make dinner preparation operations in order to be in time for my mother's arrival? Divide the work sequence to fit within 60 minutes. There is a solution.
- peeling potatoes - 10 min.- boil potatoes - 30 min.
-preparation of meatballs 10 min.- frying cutlets - 30 min.
- washing vegetables - 10 min.
- cutting vegetables - 10 min.
- making puree - 10 min.
- setting the table - 10 min.
Total: 60 min.

Competition "Logic"
Leading: Economics is a complex but interesting science. People working in this industry should be able to quickly and correctly make independent decisions, and for this you need to be not only knowledgeable and able, but also thinking.
1. The guys saw logs into meter-long pieces. Sawing one such piece takes one minute. In how many minutes will they cut a log 5 meters long?
Answer: 4 minutes.
2. Two diggers dig two meters of ditch in two hours. How many diggers will dig a 5 meter ditch in five hours?
Answer: 2 excavators.
3. One person bought three goats and paid 3 rubles. The question is: why did each goat go?
Answer: on the ground.
4. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw 3 bags, each bag had three cats, and each cat had three kittens with it. The question is whether there were many legs in the mill.
Answer: two legs.
5. Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three hardly. How many ducks flew in total?
Answer: there were three ducks in all, one after the other.
6. What can it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?
Answer: rider on a horse.
7. Two fathers and two sons caught three hares, and each got one hare. The question is, how could this happen?
Answer: they were grandfather, his son and grandson.

Competition "In the supermarket"
Leading: The next task is very close in nature to the original definition of the word "economy", that is, it is related to housekeeping. You have to go to the store and buy groceries.
Exercise: the player of the first team names a food product that can be purchased in a modern supermarket, a participant from the second team names the product with the last letter, etc. Anyone who cannot quickly name a product with the correct letter is out of the game. The game continues until one player remains.
For example: M I'm with O koro To olbas BUT Briko FROM methane...

Competition "Geometric Run"
Leading: Guys, many of you, as adults, will probably want to open your own business, go into business. And business is certainly risky work. And right now you will start overcoming the obstacle in the Geometric Run competition.
Representatives of the teams pull out cards with tasks.
Tasks of the contest "Geometric Run"
1. Run in a triangle
2. Run dotted line
3. Run around
4. Run with an oblique ruler
5. Run in an oval
6. Run with a rectangle, etc.
The jury sums up the results of 2 competitions.

Competition "Name a profession"
Leading: Guys, of course, you will agree with me that such behavioral traits as tact, politeness, delicacy are necessary not only for the ability to behave in society, but also for everyday life. It is the image of a person in any profession that guarantees both the success of the activity and satisfaction from it.
Team representatives pull out cards with the name of the profession and show it in pantomime. Other teams guess this profession.
Profession options: a hairdresser, a computer engineer, a salesman, a doctor, a teacher, an astronomer, a gardener, a driver, a cook, a janitor, an artist, an athlete.
Leading: And what qualities distinguish people of economic professions?
Student responses: wit, resourcefulness, deceit, etc.

Competition "Advertising"
Leading: What do you think is the key to commercial success?
Student responses.
Commercial success depends on how the production activity is aimed at studying the needs of people and creating a new product.
Everyone is well aware of the expression "Advertising is the engine of trade." What is advertising?
Student responses.
Advertising is the activity of acquainting people with goods and promoting them to the market.
Leading: What types of advertisements do you know?
Answer:television advertising, advertisement in newspapers and magazines, mailing, outdoor, exhibitions and sales, product packaging.
And now we will visit the presentation of your creative work.
Teams show homework"Advertising".
The jury sums up the results of 2 competitions and the whole game.
Winner's reward ceremony.