Russia goes for broke! Continuation of the project "Russian Spring". Russian spring from within (continued) Russian spring 7

Alexey Georgievich Alexandrov - ex-head of the Administration People's Council DPR, one of the organizers of the May 11 referendum in Donetsk, long-term deputy chairman of the Russian Block party (Ukraine), head of several pro-Russian projects - “Russian World. Ukraine”, “Another Ukraine”, “Monolith”. From 2005 to 2013 - Ambassador of the "Donetsk Republic" in Kyiv.

Aleksey Alekseevich Alexandrov - ex-head of the Secretariat of the People's Council of the DPR, editor-in-chief of the online publication Russkiy Mir. Ukraine”, head of several youth organizations, including the “youth team” of the Russian Block party.

Also, the Alexandrovs were among the organizers of the first Kyiv anti-orange tent city in the spring of 2005, and were members of the initiative group to create the Donbass for EAC movement, which in the autumn-winter of 2013-2014. turned into a national liberation uprising in the Donbass.

Editor of the DZVON website: Now they began to talk about the end, even the folding of the Russian spring. Do you agree that she has fulfilled her role, should we move on to a peaceful life?

AHA: Yes you?! This is just the beginning! Crimea, Donbass - the first signs. Remember: at the end of 2013, it seemed that due to the complacent inaction of the Russian elites, Ukraine was leaving forever. But no, the Crimea rebelled, and behind it the entire South-West of the Russian world. Then, by starting the "Russian Spring", we gave the leadership of the Russian Federation a tremendous chance. Crimea returned home. Donbass, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, the southern regions were one step away from a dream. It was not only about the return of lost territories and the infliction of irreparable damage to the sworn enemy of the Russian world - Uniate-Ukrainian Nazism. The possibility of intercepting a common strategic initiative was quite real, they started talking aloud about the beginning of the formation of a new world agenda on our terms.

Alas… The system screwed up again. The moment was lost. The decrepit post-Soviet "elite" showed indecision and complete inability to constructive offensive actions. Choosing between war and shame, they preferred shame, and predictably received both shame and war. Instead of a military-political triumph, a spiritual and intellectual breakthrough, we got the Minsk process: the defeat of the already stunted "soft power" along the entire perimeter of Russia's borders; heavy defensive battles; economic and ideological stagnation; dubious quasi-formations, suspiciously reminiscent of Haiti in the days of Papa Duvalier. The decrepit system was unable to do more. The Russian Federation turned out to be categorically unprepared for the uprising that was gaining strength, and it was suppressed everywhere except Crimea and Donbass. Crimea was lucky, but we were too weak and immature and stuck somewhere halfway. Now is the time to sum up the first results and prepare for the next stage of the national liberation struggle. And, of course, the reaction time, as without it.

Editor: Understood. The first stage has been completed. The results so far are not particularly encouraging. The main thing is that it is not clear where we are heading? Well, maybe it's still - not for average minds " Big game, cunning plan?

AHA: Talk about the fact that we, they say, unthinking worms, is not our business, what political eagles are doing in the distant skies, we immediately stop all these notorious games for a long time. This story is almost 30 years old. After 1991, a huge number of citizens remained in the cut-off territories, who clearly did not accept the collapse of the country. In almost any of the former allied countries, they were in the majority. Plus, there is a single economic complex, cultural, historical ties, a common language, in almost every Soviet family there are family ties with citizens of new formations ... All this is mediocrely squandered. Cause? The Russian elite was quite satisfied with the state of affairs in Ukraine as of 1991-2004. A gray transit zone, in which accounting for distilled hydrocarbons, goods, and finances was carried out in a very specific way. In fact, it was a gigantic conversion center, where "gray" schemes were carried out, gigantic sums were laundered. Society received a small fraction of material wealth from the criminal "master's table", due to the inertia of the 80s and early 90s, a deceptive feeling of some kind of development was preserved. We were promised a speedy unification within either the CIS or EAC. The atmosphere was generally bearable. When the inertia faded away, the Soviet legacy was sawn and eaten away, leaving only a "transit-hydrocarbon needle". Society got worried. It was then, ahead of time, that the West, which was preparing for this, proposed an updated agenda “to get out of Moscow”. Well, you remember: European values, Western-style reforms, the fight against corruption, a social lift, visa-free travel, manna from heaven and all that ... She looked naive, even fabulous, but seemed so tempting and promising. Cheap gas and loans? It was then that the Ukrainian layman did not worry much. The Russian side did not offer any specific project for the future.

AAA: Even after the Maidans, the elites of the Russian Federation were solving a single unsolvable task - to push the dough back into the pan, to return everything to its previous state. And Ukrainian society is shifting to the West, to where there were prospects, where it was offered at least something beyond the sad memories of the great past.

Editor: Evil tongues say that exactly this result - the discrediting of the Russian world, the Russian idea - was achieved. You know, "fifth column", "sixth column"...

AAA: I fully admit that we [in the DPR and LPR] not only proclaimed, but also took the first, quite concrete steps to implement the anti-oligarchic agenda. The process of returning the loot stolen by the Ukrainian oligarchy has begun, moving towards a fair redistribution of the product. It was not for nothing that not only the “top” kleptocrats fled the Donbass: Taruta, Yanukovych, Akhmetov, but also smaller bloodsuckers – almost the entire “Ukrainian elite”. This was, in my opinion, the reason why the “representatives” sent from Moscow (of bad memory Borodai, Antyufeev, the current “crypto-curators”) are doing everything possible to turn the PEOPLE’S republics into shameful de-ideologized bantustans led by new oligarchs. Some have been eliminated, other leaders have been lured, the renewal process has been suspended, and hurried attempts are being made under various “plausible” pretexts to squeeze the rebellious territories back into the hands of the Ukrainian Nazis. Today, the situation has practically returned to the state of autumn 2013: all spheres of life in the DPR are controlled by pro-Ukrainian kleptocrats. LDNR turned into CADLO. The republics are preparing to surrender to "Ukrainian partners" after the 2018 elections. For the edification of the Russian "renovationists" and so that it would not be habitual from now on ...

Editor: Or maybe not so globally, maybe everything is simpler - you wanted the best, but it turned out as always?

AHA: Not without it. Of course, they talk more about a conspiracy, the involvement of the project curators in British and American structures, betrayal and all that, but I would not discount the banal incompetence and narrow-mindedness of the comrades responsible for the Donbass. Experience warns: Russia's main misfortune - a fool with powers - should be written off prematurely. Look at the situation in Russian sports, football in particular. Loud transfers, halks-witsels, tried to cover up a complete organizational, administrative collapse, corruption lawlessness, the omnipotence of bureaucrats and agents, backwardness and systemic failure, the lack of work with personnel and a coherent program for both the coming years and the medium term. Just tracing paper!

AAA: And in the DPR, they try to cover up the lack of real results and a viable program with all sorts of tinsel, they compensate by inflating disguised "leaders", stupid PR actions: "Pereyaslavskaya Rada-2.0", paid manifestations, fake " public organizations”, the chant of the “leaders” in the underground passages, and so on - up to the announced storming of London. In the meantime, the reputation of bandit enclaves is becoming more and more firmly fixed behind the once people's republics, and the neighbors are growing confident that such a “denaeria” cannot be allowed in their own country. What is happening in the Donbass is a heavy burden on the reputation of the Russian Federation and its top leadership.

AHA: Yes, instead of shining heights - a gaping abyss. In this situation, it is easiest for those responsible for the situation in the LDNR to pretend that Russia does not need the Donbass, just like the Donbass does not need Russia. In the DPR, the “wrong” Russians are to blame, so go back to “your Ukraine.” And there is no DNR, as if there is no problem. And here we return to your question - how much bureaucratic idiocy is in this, and how much malicious intent. I think half.

Editor: That is, if I understand correctly: the failure (to put it mildly) in the Donbass is blatantly obvious. But someone with a tenacity worthy of a better application continues to implement a failed program with little or no adjustment. This is not very similar to the usually cautious reinsurer officials - the consequences can be dire not only for the patriots, but for the system itself. What do you think is the matter?

AHA: Everything is simple. As already mentioned, wide sections of the new Russian bourgeoisie - compradors, liberals, globalists - are vitally interested in discrediting the Russian idea and, moreover, leftist sentiments. Local elites who dream of dividing the Russian Federation into uluses. An asset lured by the West, quite sincere in its delusions. There are many of them and they are strong, rich, influential. The Russian “throne” has a great many of them. They have experienced, educated, sophisticated curators. They have been preparing for a long time and carefully. The staff was not selected at random, but based on specific tasks. In our country, the Near Abroad has been engaged for many years ... how to put it more precisely ... for the most part, people of little competence and extremely unscrupulous. By the way, they are all in their original places, “on streams”. The fact that after the referendum in the Donbass and wider - the main hoaxer, a specialist in the creation of pre-election political simulators, was sent to the Ukrainian front, suggests that nothing but an imitation of socio-political activity was planned. There doesn't seem to be any plan, and apparently there never was. Or was, but so far from reality that no trace of it can be found. And the hoaxer coped with THIS task. We are divided, poor, we had no one to teach and prepare. We rushed into battle with an open visor, and predictably lost our first battle.

AAA: I will add that with the advent of the Russian spring, moods began to change in Russia as well. The tilt towards the patriotic forces became more and more obvious. The globalist transiters controlling the Russian Federation were then saved only by the complete absence of any noticeable structure that could mobilize patriotic forces. The purge was carried out throughout the post-Soviet years throughout the entire post-Soviet space, and there was simply no one to respond to the public request for patriotic politicians. Separate organizational centers and any noticeable leaders public opinion were crushed, partly repurchased, partly pushed into the political underground. Trained " talking heads", quickly changing their shoes into leavened patriots or "new Russian intellectuals." The first stage of the Russian spring was chattered. But by doing so, the process of maturation of the revolutionary situation has already been launched in the Russian Federation itself.

AHA: As for the officials... What else can you expect from them? In such situations bureaucracy always eliminates itself, sabotages. After all, initiative is punishable for them.

Editor: Aleksey Georgievich, you were at the very center of events, you were in the leadership, you were named among the most influential, although not media, figures in Donbass. Will you be accused of trying to shift responsibility onto others?

AHA: You can blame yourself for anything you want. But we should not be talking about the search for extremes, but about the most merciless analysis. The process is at the very beginning. It is necessary to draw the most serious conclusions from the Novorossiysk defeat. Otherwise, the tragedy will repeat itself on a different scale. We and our associates are often accused of numerous mistakes, miscalculations, indecision (haste), etc. And I agree with a lot. Today we would act differently, more far-sighted. But let's figure it out. We are confronted at the front and in the rear by an enemy of colossal strength and experience. And although Purgin and his team and I have been preparing the Russian Spring in the Donbass for the last 10 years, we have worked with little or no help, as they say, “on the knee”. And (now we can honestly admit) - without the belief that this will happen even during our lifetime. There was no long-term program. We worked more for the future. Therefore, in 2014 there was only one plan: to hold a referendum and go to Russia. We, as organizers and active participants in the events, can testify that only the determination of the inhabitants of Donbass to die, but not to surrender, helped us then. Those who saw the referendum on May 11 will understand me. Not otherwise - God's Providence ...

Editor: Can you elaborate on the Referendum?

AHA: You will not believe, directly in the core, the headquarters of the referendum included only about a dozen people. In addition to Andrey and Elena Purgin and your obedient servant - Boris Litvinov, Roma Lyagin, Alexander Khryakov, Sergei Tretyakov, Misha Sokol, 3-4 more people ... The legendary 11th floor (the first government of the DPR), a handful of activists on the ground. Many of them are no longer with us, unfortunately. The first stage is a complete mess, vanity. It was a wild improvisation. But the main thing is that we kept the situation and held a referendum. Practically without funds, on enthusiasm, but (and this is the main thing!) - with the full, colossal support of the inhabitants of Donbass. This is not a figure of speech. You know, you need to experience this, not everyone is destined for this ... Everything was absolutely sincere and honest.

And no matter what they say now, it is simply impossible to overestimate the role of Igor Strelkov's small volunteer army covering us. Bow to the earth and our eternal gratitude to them - the fallen and the living.

Editor: But then things went wrong. When, in your opinion, did the Russian Spring stall?

AHA: May 11, 2014 The trouble came in the guise of Bearded. Of course, he is just a minor functionary, but it was with his arrival that everything went downhill. It began with the fact that in the midst of the referendum he captured Lyagin, the head of the CEC, and tried to accuse us of sabotage and work for Kyiv. The guy wanted to attribute our work, already almost completed at that time, to himself. Imagine, the heroic Borodai uncovered the conspiracy of Purgin-Aleksandrov-Lyagin, and personally brought the referendum to a victorious end. Handsomely! But alas and ah! The activists broke into the CEC building, recaptured Lyagin and expelled the unfortunate raiders to hell. Alas, not for long. Soon Borodai reappeared with credentials from "respectable people" from Moscow. Authoritative calls followed with requests-orders to accept and appoint him. He himself loudly declared that “a special operation of the special services of the Russian Federation is underway in the Donbass, everyone should be afraid, he is responsible for the transfer of Russian special forces units to the Donbass,” etc., etc. Belief in the Crimean option and lightning-fast accession to Russia was so strong that almost everyone believed in this nonsense (especially since “Moscow itself!” Called incessantly in support of the raiders). With the coming to power of Borodai (and Antyufeev, who replaced him), the unrestrained oligarchization of the DPR began. The construction of the People's Republics was curtailed and their reformatting into a police-corruption enclave began. We were drawn into a grueling internal struggle that ended on September 4, 2015 with a coup d'état sanctioned by someone from Moscow, which finally established the rule of the anti-people regime. As a result, the "Minsk process", "brilliant Duce" ... Instead of a shining showcase of the Russian world - a terrible Middle Ages, devastation, managerial and personnel collapse, intellectual squalor, technological impotence.

Editor: In your opinion, what was the role of advisers from the Russian Federation in those events, in particular their leader, V.Yu.Surkov?

AHA: Our fate was predetermined by the Minsk agreements. There were more than enough people who wanted to end the Russian spring. I cannot say that the coup was specifically sanctioned by Surkov. His control over the situation even then was undeniably strong, but sometimes pretty exaggerated. Perhaps, as an experienced pragmatist, he simply accepted it after the fact and tried to lead it. We were removed because we were unnecessarily revolutionary and resisted defeatism and archaism. One thing is certain: as a result of the putsch on September 4, it was Surkov who received the maximum benefit. He became, in fact, the sole owner of a territory with a population of several million inhabitants, oversaturated with weapons. Why not a military springboard for solving the most difficult tasks already on the "mainland"? Today, traitors, thieves and provocateurs, soiled from head to toe, run the republic on his behalf. They are unpretentious, unscrupulous, easily controlled, ready to carry out any, I emphasize - any - tasks of the boss. Based on the principle of qui prodest, then yes, Vladislav Yuryevich became the main (and possibly the only) beneficiary.

Editor: Individually and collectively, the leaders of the uprising in Donbass are subjected to many complaints - from incompetence to absolutely monstrous...

AHA: Strelkov and Bezler, Tolstykh and Khodakovsky, Dryomov and Mozgovoy, Ishchenko and Khmury... Commanders of different levels, different specific gravity, different military fates. They came from another, peaceful life. They had something to lose. They did not have the necessary experience and skills. Did they make mistakes? Undoubtedly! But how else, in such and such a situation? But they are united by the main thing - they were not afraid. They came and fought to the death. The boys have done their duty. Thanks to their heroism and selflessness, the main thing turned out - we survived then. Therefore, I consider it impossible for me to discuss their actions.

Not so with us, the political leadership. We participated in the Russian Resistance for many years. This is a very sad story - years of struggle, hopelessness, total retreat, mistakes, disappointments, disappointments, and again struggle ... The result is the Russian Spring.

I consider our main miscalculation that it was not possible, there was not enough strength and experience to unite the key commanders and leaders of the Russian resistance into a single system, and to subordinate everyone to the united revolutionary leadership of the republic. We have been doing this since the early days. Taking into account the local mentality and the prevailing conditions, we began to create an intellectual and ideological core around the "Purgin group", which we planned to make an integration, coordination center, after joining the iconic field commanders - Strelkov, Bezler, Khodakovsky, and eventually Lugansk, would be created effective control center of the Republics, with division of functions, powers and responsibilities. At first it was very difficult, adrenaline, ambitions... They promised to shoot me.

The situation was almost reversed after the universal oath we carried out and the beginning of the creation of a single Military Council from scattered field commanders. But this frightened many, the walkers were drawn to the High Offices, and the process was suspended. Here is an example: even during the Slavic epic, about 30 thousand applications were collected from volunteers to join the ranks of the Militia. I have reached agreements with a fairly large number of active military and reserve officers. The creation of the Army of Novorossiya on the basis of the Strelkovskaya brigade was a matter of several weeks. The process was put on hold. The lists of volunteers have disappeared somewhere. And one of his generators, Sasha Proselkov, was treacherously shot dead (the killer has not been found yet). We were ordered to wait - everything is allegedly decided at the very top. But nothing happened. The Russians insisted on the usual, leader-like, vertically integrated version. For Donbass, this was a wrong decision. Of course, neither Borodai, nor Antyufeev, nor Zakharchenko were close to the role of the sole leader, the leader. But it was not only and not so much in them. Unacceptable, the scheme itself was flawed. This was confirmed by the failure of Igor Strelkov, who at that time had absolutely unquestioned authority.

And after the Strelkov detachment was squeezed out of Novorossia, and after Bezler, Khmury, the Cossacks, Dremov, Mozgovoy were eliminated, it became clear that the Russians lost this battle.

AAA: The crushing and inciting against each other - under the "leadership" scheme - of the leaders of the Russian Spring began simultaneously with the beginning of the Russian Spring itself (and continues to this day). As a result, the stake was placed on the weakest of them, A. Zakharchenko, and the situation generally went haywire, chaos, confusion and vacillation, disappointment set in ... The authorities responded in the only way possible for themselves - repressions against opponents. The situation was aggravated by the ridiculous actions of the all-powerful, but stunningly incompetent political advisers (or, as they are called in the Donbass - curators), people, for the most part, who do not know either the specifics of the region or the situation in Ukraine, who suffer from inflated self-esteem amateurs and, like all weak people , a tendency to rudeness. Already weak, Zakharchenko, surrounded by arrogant "curators" and outright thieves like Pushilin or Timofeev, quickly turned into a parody of Yanukovych, with all the consequences.

AHA: We, the political leadership of the Russian Spring, were forced to retreat, entrenched ourselves in the People's Council, tried to create from it a center of democracy, a platform for promoting new ideas and technologies, training personnel. We have made attempts to reformat, to move from the feudal-oligarchic structure, typical of the entire post-Soviet space, to a more modern one. For starters - in a single region. Despite the paramilitary situation and the overall difficult situation, we began to change the philosophy of power: power is not to line their pockets, to mock the "plebs", implementing old complexes. First of all, the authorities should set the general vector of development and create the most favorable regime for creative work for the benefit of the country. This, in fact, is what distinguishes an elitist, a statesman, from a fussy upstart temporary worker.

AAA: They counted on serious help and support from those who were entitled to be considered allies. Alas… Some turned out to be weak, others got involved in unworthy undercover games. Byzantium won, clan interests. It all came down to attempts to use us to achieve some of their corporate goals: to increase influence within the Garden Ring, to ride the streams. Also, probably, the right thing to do, but as a result of the republic we missed it.

AGA: We managed to hold out for some more time, but the forces were too unequal, and as a result of the coup d'état on September 4, 2015, power in the DPR completely passed to proteges of the anti-Russian forces. We were repressed, the reforms were trampled on.

Editor: And what is the disposition today?

AHA: A super-archaic, paralyzing all spheres of life, the slightest manifestations of initiative, a control system for everything and the entire group of neo-feudal appointees who do not have the slightest sign of legitimacy, is involved. Classical Latin American tyranny, ruled exclusively by corruption and violence: super concentration of forces and means in one hand, corruption of pocket “elites”, terror against the opposition and the “plebs”. There is no ideology, no clear program, oh modern methods Management didn't seem to hear. At the top of the pyramid sits a puppet icon-like "father-sovereign". The system is counterproductive and uncompetitive. It has long been rejected not only by the advanced countries, but also by the Latin American and Asian limitrophes. It was rejected not because of any excessive conscientiousness or advancement of the local elites, but because of its complete and obvious insolvency. The imposed archaic model makes the LDNR easily vulnerable ideologically, economically, informationally, defenseless against the “soft power” of the enemy, before penetration into the governing bodies and power structures of a hostile element. What we are seeing at the moment.

The pale political sickness created in place of the rebellious republics discredits not only and not so much the republics themselves, but those who really built this monster, and therefore the whole Russian system generally. Wider - the ruling post-Soviet class is unable to cope with current challenges. There is no modern, forward-looking program. Personnel are scooped exclusively from former sources. The only task is to stay in power at any cost. From elections to elections. The matrix has not changed - the result will be the same - a medieval criminal-leadership regime. Instead of democracy - the omnipotence of armed criminals, instead of the economy - the gray schemes of the bureaucracy merged with the criminals, instead of ideology - dirt and dungeons.

AAA: Add to this lack of ideas, lack of results, banditry, corruption ... They give rise to apathy, fermentation of minds. The fall of the authority of Russia, which in fact supports not so much the young Republics as a bunch of clowns depicting the "leadership of the people's republics", can no longer be avoided. Mass export from (speaking the “Minsk” language) “ORDLO” to the territory of the Russian Federation of all this indecency becomes a matter of time. Agree, a very serious challenge to the entire Russian statehood. This is despite the fact that 13 out of 15 "fraternal republics" are already under the control of the enemy. Belarus thinks. The latter, the RSFSR, was surrounded on all sides. The jokes are over. Therefore, it is time to put aside all talk of “cunning plans” and “elite alliances” and think together about how we will save ourselves. Until it's not too late!

Editor: Does this mean that you support those who claim that Russia is to blame for the current plight of the republics?

AHA: On RF? To a large extent. The Russian Federation is not the only, but the largest entity located on the territory of Greater Russia, the Russian World. Here are 2 of the 3 main capitals of the Russian state. The legal successor of the Russian Empire and the USSR, the most powerful and dominant Federation, has assumed the burden of responsibility for what is happening throughout the Russian world, for all of us, citizens of the Russian world. In Ukraine, Belarus, LDNR, Ossetia, Kazakhstan, everywhere. Moscow bears the main responsibility for the reunification of the Russian lands and the divided Russian people into a single state. Not annexation, not joining the Russian Federation, but reunification. Today it is - main question agenda, the question of the survival of our people and our civilization. The task is extremely difficult, but quite real.

Editor: We have decided on “who is to blame”. What to do?

AAA: Like the Crimean and Russian-Japanese wars before, the Novorossiysk epic demonstrated our weakness and outdatedness. Decisive, radical changes need to start urgently, already yesterday. About changes at the highest level, the level of meanings - a separate conversation. I can only say that without a real revolutionary Grand Plan, without a revision of the attitude to the situation, a radical change in the agenda, as, indeed, without a radical correction of the image of the Russian Federation, the unification of the Russian lands will stall, and this is fraught with the most serious shocks already in the Russian Federation itself.

AHA: It is vital to reconsider the policy towards the lost territories and compatriots. In Russia, there is no intelligible concept of relations within the Russian world, there is no stationary specialized body with the broadest powers and direct access to the top political leadership. Rossotrudnichestvo is even indecent to discuss. This, in theory, is largely the task of social movements that unite activists, Russian intellectuals, and leaders of public opinion. But so far there is nothing similar in Russia. Only "initiative from above". Anachronism. Since this is costly, non-technological, ineffective, the most affected side is the "prohibitors" themselves, who, as always, are preparing for the last war.

Editor: And who will do all this? After all, the "curators" did not fall to you from the moon, and where to get others?

AHA: I agree, personnel is an extremely sore point. “Ours”, Seliger, SDD, OD “Donetsk Republic”, all these public councils “from above”… This is an outright slander. Difficult legacy. But they are consequences. What is the general plan, such are the tasks. What were the tasks, such is our staff. We haven't even really started working with personnel yet. As the agenda changes, approaches change, incl. personnel. A prerequisite is that in no case should “veterans” be allowed close to the leadership - those who led, oversaw the Near Abroad in recent years. Everything is lost, sawn, squandered. The retention of the former leading cadres will make renewal impossible and lead to final collapse. To clean the frames - definitely. Fools, traitors and thieves to drive vzashey. For a quarter of a century, we rode these "horses" to the Maidan, the House of Trade Unions, the Minsk process.

But it is even more important to radically change management schemes. This was delayed by about 50 years. The notorious "vertical" puts pressure primarily on the active - passionaries, social activists, from whom the main weapon of the modern hybrid war, the so-called. "soft power". A series of "Maidans", and even more so - the disgrace of Novorossiysk, fully demonstrated the inability of the outdated, dilapidated Khrushchev-Brezhnev system to adequately respond to modern challenges. And no matter how brilliant helmsmen sit in the Kremlin, there is no hope for success and there will not be as long as the system generated by the command-administrative “genius” of the Nikitsergeichi, degraded to the current medieval feudal-administrative level, is alive.

Editor: And yet. Where to find new ones?

AAA: According to the experience of Ukraine: our allies number in the millions. And the official "compatriots" include several dozen of the same personalities. A good half of which are enemy agents or simply impudent backbones. The same picture is in the current LDNR. Active, passionaries in the corral, in exile, in disfavor. Under the current plan (the Minsk process, with access to the good old, completely untenable project of the “union of elites”), a group of “new professional compatriots” has been knocked together. There is only one principle of selection of personnel - away from the Russian spring, closer to the Ukrainian oligarchy. We have already gone through this, it is time to draw conclusions and radically change everything. Here - a lot of work with an acute shortage of time.

Editor: Do knowledgeable people say that maybe it's just not time yet? A victory in the Ukrainian direction can make a serious turning point in the course of events, so it is being planned for a more opportune moment?

AHA: Election 2018? HPP? Maybe. But the time when a local military victory in Novorossia unequivocally removed all questions and reconciled everyone at once has been lost. Carnival-pre-election fakes in the style of Mr. Surkov against the background of repressions against the dissatisfied have significantly worsened the situation. Let's put it this way: a "small victorious war" will slow down or (depending on the scale of the victory) stop the slide into a big conflict, and defeat or even the preservation of the current intolerable state of affairs will turn into a big disaster that everyone will not fail to take advantage of - inside and outside the Russian Federation, which cannot don't turn into chaos.

AAA: Refusal to protect Novorossiya (and even Little Russia) will entail a sharp reversal from the integration of the Russian world - to the final disintegration of the remnants of the Republic of Ingushetia. Next comes the question of belonging to Kaliningrad, the North Caucasus, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, Karelia ... further down the list. In the Donbass, the stakes are very high, and there is nowhere to retreat. The Maidans and the Russian Spring are a natural result of the mediocre rule of the post-Soviet “elites”. The Ukrainian experience is a warning to everyone.

Editor: So it's true, everything is just beginning? Or otherwise - is there life after Minsk?

AAA: Yes. Truth. Just starting. And yes, life will continue after Minsk, but it will be different. We were only the first sign.

AHA: By declaring the rights of the Russian people to self-determination, to restore sovereignty over the territories criminally seized in 1991, we mortally frightened the lobbyists of the raw materials transit project not only in London, Berlin, Kyiv, Washington, but also in Moscow itself. They managed to seize the initiative, push back or exterminate Russian activists, and put their people at the head of the young republics - Zakharchenko, Prilepin, Pushilin and the like. Now renegades, professional provocateurs, swindlers of all stripes have flocked there. The long-standing internal enemies of the Russian world are urgently mobilized - various opportunists, pocket "professional Russians". They managed to inflict serious damage on us, but they cannot stop the process of the Russian revival. We have ALREADY started the upgrade/merge process. The reaction of the eternally yesterdays was expectedly harsh, but… their time is running out. A system that is in constant conflict with society, based on crackling, annoying propaganda and stupid violence, lives only in the past, loses the future, is doomed. Already we need to think about what project of a joint future the Russian Federation will offer? A state for the people (first of all, Russians, but not only), or a transit-raw Eurasian territory, where Russians are only quantitatively the largest ethnic group serving the interests of transit globalists. To unite all Russian lands, Moscow must clearly formulate this and fix it constitutionally. We are waiting for a decision. We are still waiting. But time is short. The need for revolutionary change is overripe. A new stage of struggle is ripening. The end of an era is coming. Begins new Russia. The only question is, according to what scenario the situation will develop - conditionally Peter I, Lenin or Lee Kuan Yew.

There are serious suspicions that the Russian Spring website is an American provocative project.

The site itself is of good quality. The selection of news is also good, but there are serious alarming moments.

1. It is absolutely unclear who is behind this site. The heading "Contacts" has recently disappeared.
2. When the "Contacts" section existed, it contained an e-mail address on Now this address is shown at the very bottom of the page. This is the American postal service, to which, according to Snowden, specials have access. US services. The naive militias sent news, and after that, the United States possibly reported on pro-Russian citizens of the SBU of Ukraine.
3. Pavel Gubarev says on his Facebook page that near Volnovakha, the Right Sector shot the Ukrainian military, and the Russian Spring that it was done by the militias. It is unknown "who" speaks on behalf of the militias and delivers decisive news in the most unsightly form.
4. There were DDoS attacks on the site. At first glance, this indicates the pro-Russian mood of the site, however, during these attacks, a message was displayed stating that the site was protected by the American CloudFare service. Then it was admitted on the site itself that the attack was on the hosting where the site itself is located. You can find out where this hosting is located only with administrative access to CloudFare. The DDOS attack was carried out at the moment of informational uncertainty. At the very moment of the attack, the Ukrainian media were flooded with news that Strelkov was desperately breaking into Russia, and the militias were defeated.
This looks like a smart tactic to shoot down urgent real information about the situation - to make the "Russian Spring" the main resource, and then turn it off at the right time to confuse the militias.
5. The site has never collected any donations for its existence. What does it say about the available funding(?!).
6. One of the headings of the site is called "Uvaga!"(!) And this is on the Russian-language site!!! In Ukrainian it means "Attention". This suggests that the site was made by Ukrainians, not Russians.

There is another option: site administrators are idiots who trust Western services, but do not believe in such simplicity.

Defeat of the National Guard of the Army, Novotroitsk Blagodatnoye
Fighting Volnovakha 22 05 14:

But it’s not clear who the turntables fired at if the self-defense was completely gone? Did they get right-wingers?

And this is the defeat of the National Guard and the army, Novotroitsk; Gratitude... :

There are less than a thousand of them, according to Strelkov. And this is from 7 million inhabitants?!

This is Slavyansk, there is also the Donetsk region and the Luhansk region, people are also needed there. Now the fighting is going on near Lisichansk, this is the Luhansk region. Tanks are coming to Luhansk in the city of martial law.

Draw your own conclusions. And if something like this happens ... All the blame will lie with the inhabitants of the Republic and this SHAME will never be washed away by you.


    A giant "skull" of smoke rose over Vesuvius

    A giant skull appeared in clouds of smoke that rose from Mount Vesuvius. The reason for the smoke is forest fires in the vicinity of the volcano. The giant Italian volcano is famous for destroying the ancient city of Pompeii. Now, to his chilling reputation, a cloud has been added that looks like Voldemort from Harry Potter. Rosario Scotto Di Minico posted an adorable photo on Facebook and captioned…

    21.07.2017 1:02 45


    They didn't pray at night for democracy

    They didn't pray at night for democracy.

    12.03.2017 12:28 46



    Ten Russians detained in Ukraine were returned to their homeland

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    12.03.2017 12:28 46

    Science and technology


    Let's start from scratch

    You have to start somewhere. It is only natural to start from scratch. So, the zero chapter of the boring textbook of arithmetic for big and small is devoted to zero. It seems that since it is zero, that is, nothing, then nothing can be said about it. Don't tell! We can talk about zero endlessly, but since we have a finite time, we will try ...

    12.03.2017 12:27 129



    The magical world of childhood

    The magical world of childhood. from here

    12.03.2017 12:26 64

    Science and technology


    Why was NASA holding an emergency press conference?

    On February 21, NASA announced an emergency press conference. The theme of the speech was "discovery beyond our solar system, the search for extraterrestrial life." Some even had thoughts - “Will they announce to us that we are not alone in the universe?” It turned out - boron cheese due to the discovery of 6 potentially habitable planets at once in the TRAPPIST system very close to ...

    28.02.2017 11:02 47


    Pharmacology of the Maidans

    “I will never forget how united we were. They sang "Our Father" and "Shche not died." We were a strong united nation. And where did it all go? (from the memoirs of a Maidan participant) Reference: Kaptogan, a psychostimulant invented at the end of the twentieth century, gives a feeling of strength, about the same as methamphetamine and cathinone. But among empathogens (substances that give a feeling of unanimity ...

    28.02.2017 11:01 51



    Amazing Trees of the World We Didn't Know About

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    28.02.2017 11:01 353


    Russian Spring from the inside

    Aleksey Georgievich Alexandrov - ex-head of the People's Council of the DPR, one of the organizers of the referendum on May 11 in Donetsk, long-term deputy chairman of the Russian Block party (Ukraine), head of several pro-Russian projects - “Russian World. Ukraine”, “Another Ukraine”, “Monolith”. From 2005 to 2013 - Ambassador of the "Donetsk Republic" in Kyiv. Aleksey Alekseevich Alexandrov - ex-head of the Secretariat of the People's Council of the DPR, chief ...

    24.02.2017 20:02 51


    Russian spring from within (continued)

    Continuation of the previous post for those who do not like to follow links. Editor: We have decided on “who is to blame”. What to do? AAA: Like the Crimean and Russian-Japanese wars before, the Novorossiysk epic demonstrated our weakness and outdatedness. Decisive, radical changes need to start urgently, already yesterday. About changes at the highest level, the level of meanings - a separate conversation. I will only say that without a real revolutionary ...

    24.02.2017 20:01 61

    Political feuilleton


    About the Elves and the Burgomaster

    The ad says you have a job,” said the Half-elf to the burgomaster. “But it doesn’t explain what the point is. Could you clarify? - Yes, everything is simple, - the burgomaster shrugged his shoulders. - Do you see that hill over there? On it sat a goblin with a grenade launcher. And periodically bombard the city. That, in fact, is the whole problem. -Yeah, understandable. Gotta kill the goblin... -What do you,…

    22.02.2017 14:34 148

    Reports from the fronts


    Bad night in Donbass

    These are just the headlines of last night's news: And here's the video: These are brief summaries: * * * Two civilians were killed and 13 others were injured, including two children. This was announced today by a source in the law enforcement agencies of the DPR. “The shelling from the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed two civilians in the Kalininsky district of Donetsk, 13 more were injured, including ...

    6.02.2017 17:05 73



    What is the Donbass really fighting for? Reasons not given by the media

    About that, not for anything, but how the undeclared war is going on, a little later ... eBd * Let's start with the fact that it did not work out of us, the inhabitants of Donbass, Ukrainians, as representatives of a separate nationality. I emphasize, not just Ukrainians, when people who live on the edge of the Russian land and have Ukrainian citizenship are called that, but Ukrainians, as a people of a separate nationality ....

    30.01.2017 15:35 519



    About the case of the militia "Kapral"

    Original taken from omega45 in the case of the militia "Corporal" infa from here What do you want from an external enemy if a much worse enemy is at your side? It's not a secret for anyone that our best brigade commanders were killed by no means by dill? And a lot of ordinary guys who rose to defend the Donbass were killed or were captured thanks to those ...

    24.01.2017 15:58 43



    The world through the eyes of a child

    My previous meeting with Alexander Borisov took place in the middle of summer 2016. Despite his busyness:-then he was at the initial stage of organizational arrangements for the arrangement of the exhibition “Children draw the WORLD or protect us from fascism and world terrorism!” , we still found time to discuss the good work he had begun. Today we met again, everything turned out ...

    17.01.2017 12:54 573



    Captured by his own: Vladimir Ustyantsev

    The post about "Vargan" caused a mixed reaction. Like, some kind of Rodnover. Symbols ... And indeed, his character is not sugar ... But would he be sugar? Where would be the "grey zone"? He defended Donetsk together with others, because a warrior, a talented organizer, creating a formidable force out of nothing, is a primordially Russian person. Let's think about another hero who got into the same ...

    17.01.2017 12:53 64



    Message from Oleg Orchikov

    A request to all caring people, regardless of political views, religion and other divisions, MAXIMUM REPOST! Connect all your friends: journalists, bloggers, deputies, just caring people, fellow soldiers, EVERYONE! And do not say that it makes no sense to write to journalists, saying that people are forced. Of course, there will be an editor who will say: no way. But this journalist will inform someone else, that third one, and so on. This is illegal...

    17.01.2017 12:29 51



    Evidence of Khrushchev's lies and meanness

    At the October Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin expressed the idea that, while maintaining the current pace of development of the national economy, by about the mid-1960s, the transition of the USSR from socialism to communism would become possible. And this transition will begin with the elimination of money in the country. Officials and partocrats were on their guard: what to do with their by that time already solid ...

    17.01.2017 12:02 56



    Strange Christmas

    It's been a strange Christmas. I hope that only I have many sinners. The fact that Christmas is a working day is no stranger. My heart is not calm. I broke away in chats, talked with Svidomo, not all are lost, they congratulated me on the Holiday. They do not know anything about Russia or the Donbass. Only what they feed from the screen. They feed on poison. Porridge in the brain nev ......., God forgive me ....

    11.01.2017 13:13 45



    What should we do?! We need to unite!

    11.01.2017 13:10 47



    The amazing story of a strange spacecraft

    A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to do an impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions were put forward, but what the object is actually not clear until now. Labeled as a “Baltic Sea anomaly,” the man-made structure looks like a real spaceship descending…

    5.01.2017 15:20 61



    Asperatus - the scariest clouds

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    5.01.2017 15:20 351



    Dialogue: Donbass - Moscow. December 27 (recording)

    On December 27, a direct dialogue between Donbass and Moscow took place — a Skype conference with the participation of TV presenter and journalist Anastasia Mikhailovskaya, political scientist and journalist Natalia Makeeva (ECM) and chairman of the Patriotic Forces of Donbass NGO Alexander Khodakovsky. For the first time, Khodakovsky raised the problem of Russian volunteers, mainly the first wave, held in prisons in the DPR (on the topic from 29 min.) He knows what…