After the extraction of the tooth, a fistula formed. How to treat a fistula on the gums: methods, drugs, folk advice

A dental fistula is literally a through hole in the gum or in the upper palate, which connects a strong inflammation in the root of the tooth with the oral cavity. Such a pathology can be observed in absolutely any person, it has no age or gender characteristics. It is worth noting that a fistula is a consequence of an untreated dental disease or a dentist’s mistake during treatment, removal, implantation.

Causes of a fistula on the gum

A fistula on the gums can appear for one single reason - an acute inflammatory process at the very top of the tooth root. As a result, soft and bone tissues are destroyed, which leads to the formation of a fistulous canal that connects the focus of inflammation and the oral cavity. Inflammation is always accompanied by the release of pus (blood and pus), it comes out through the fistulous tract. The localization of the hole always coincides with the diseased tooth (it is located near it).

There are many reasons that provoked inflammation and led to an abscess:

  1. caries or pulpitis;
  2. poorly sealed canal;
  3. cyst;
  4. granulating periodontitis;
  5. complicated eruption of the wisdom tooth;
  6. dental error during treatment, removal or implantation.

Consequences of caries

Often a fistula is formed if dental caries is not treated on time or is not completely treated.

Over time, caries, which affects only the outside of the tooth, turns into pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp). Ignoring pulpitis leads to periodontitis, which means that the inflammation has passed into soft tissues and reached the very base of the root.

In this area, an acute inflammatory process begins, a large amount of pus is released. Purulent inflammation of the root apex is called periodontal abscess. Gradually, the tissues are destroyed, a hole appears between the gum and the tooth, through which the pus comes out.

Poorly sealed canals

This reason is one of those in which unscrupulous dentists are to blame. As a result of the fact that the doctor did not report the filling material, did not reach the very root, left voids, inflammation begins in the canal. Gradually, it grows, affects neighboring tissues and leads to the appearance of a hole in the gum.

Cyst formation

The danger of a cyst is that the patient may not know about it for a long time. Symptoms may be absent or very vague. Under the influence of one of the factors (weakened immunity, hypothermia, etc.), the cyst becomes inflamed, an infection appears, a purulent abscess, and the surrounding soft tissues are affected. Without the necessary treatment, the abscess progresses, resulting in a fistula on the gum.

Granulating periodontitis

Granulating periodontitis is very dangerous, it is a complicated and advanced form of the disease, in which bone and soft tissues are completely destroyed. Malicious granulomas lead to the death of healthy cells, inflammation progresses rapidly and spreads. An excess of pus and blood are looking for a way out, which provokes the appearance of a through hole between the tooth and gum.

Complications during the eruption of the wisdom tooth

Teething of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and consequences, including fistulas. There are cases when it is strongly tightened or the tooth climbs in the wrong direction.

Inflammation begins, the gum swells and increases in size. The inflamed area is additionally injured by food and teeth when biting, which gives rise to infections and increases inflammation. After some time, the inflammatory process progresses, reaches the tooth root and forms a fistula.

Root perforation

Root perforation is a non-physiological hole that most often appears due to the fault of dentists. This means that during the treatment, the doctor made an extra hole, and then did not close it with a special material. Basically, such errors occur during the filling of canals and the installation of pins for prosthetics. Signs of inflammation in such a hole do not appear immediately, but it gradually worsens and turns into a periodontal abscess, which provokes the appearance of a fistula.

Symptoms and signs of a dental fistula with a photo

The first symptoms appear, as a rule, even before the hole has formed. If the fistula has already appeared, pus and blood have a way out, and therefore do not exert strong pressure on the gum. In this case, a hole in the mucous membrane of the mouth and pus released from it are the most characteristic signs. It is not hard to recognize him, especially if you look at a few photos with examples of the affected gums. The soft tissues affected by the fistula may not hurt at all, but the causative tooth (which provoked the hole) will hurt during biting.

Previous symptoms:

  • sharp or aching pain in the teeth;
  • swelling, redness and inflammation of the gums;
  • temperature rise is possible.

It is possible that the hole is surrounded by a thin outer tissue of the gums, the so-called "pouch" (in the photo, such a fistula will look like a large abscess or callus) (more in the article: abscess on the gums: causes, methods of treatment and photo). Its signs:

  1. mobility of one or more teeth;
  2. toothache, which is aggravated by biting;
  3. temperature rise;
  4. The "pouch" is filled with pus (possibly with blood), and around it there is redness and inflammation.

Medical treatment of a fistula on the gums

Fistula treatment involves a mandatory visit to the dentist. It is the dentist who will be able to determine the cause of its appearance, assess the situation (the tooth may have to be removed) and prescribe proper treatment. First of all, it is necessary to cure the causative tooth that provoked the problem, otherwise the abscess will grow (we recommend reading: tooth abscess: symptoms with a photo). Treatment depends entirely on the cause:

In parallel with solving the main problem (cause), it is necessary to treat the fistula itself:

  1. a course of antibiotics, as the released pus spreads the infection throughout the body;
  2. treatment of the wound with disinfectants;
  3. medicinal pastes and mouthwashes, which are sold in pharmacies;
  4. rinsing saline solution for disinfection and fast tightening of the fistula.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the appearance of a fistula is not uncommon, since at this time women's teeth are prone to disease and destruction. It is necessary to undergo examination and diagnosis. The dentist will offer treatment options. By the way, teeth can be treated only during certain periods when the effect on the fetus is minimal. The course of therapy must be agreed with the gynecologist, antibiotics and anesthesia are undesirable during pregnancy, so the doctor must assess the possible risk to the child.

Methods for the treatment of fistula in children on the gum of a milk tooth

The appearance of a fistula in a child can be explained by the eruption of milk teeth, the formation of caries, chronic diseases oral cavity.

Noticing characteristics parents should contact a pediatric dentist immediately. The doctor will conduct an initial examination of the milk teeth, take an x-ray to determine the cause.

Then it is necessary to cure the source of inflammation itself, in the same way as in adults. For a complete recovery, the dentist will prescribe necessary drugs for home use.

Folk recipes for inflammation in the mouth

Traditional medicine offers several effective options for relieving inflammation in the mouth. It will not help to completely get rid of the fistula, but it will significantly speed up recovery. Most popular recipes:

  1. Healing infusions. Chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort in equal parts (you can choose one herb) in a total of 40 g pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, then strain. Rinse the affected areas with infusion or use as a rinse 2-3 times a day.
  2. Mix 10 crushed mummy tablets with finely chopped onion and a tablespoon of quality olive oil. Put the resulting slurry on a sterile bandage, folded several times, and make applications on the sore spot for 5 minutes 3 times a day. Disinfect the gums before the procedure.
  3. In a blender or meat grinder, grind 2-3 leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe and a clove of garlic. Wrap the resulting mixture in a sterile bandage and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, after treating the sore spot with an antiseptic.
  4. Therapeutic rinses. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda and 1-2 drops of iodine in a glass of water at room temperature. You can rinse your mouth every couple of hours.

A fistula formed after tooth extraction is not a very common phenomenon, which, as a rule, indicates an undetected inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the gums, jaw or maxillary sinuses, if it was a question of extracting a tooth in the upper jaw.

A fistula is a channel formed between the focus of inflammation and the oral cavity, through which the infection, along with the accumulated pus, tries to get out. However, this pus cannot come out completely. So, a fistula during the removal of the upper tooth can connect the oral cavity with the maxillary sinus of the upper jaw. Below in the article, read useful information on how to treat a fistula, as well as the causes, symptoms and complications of this pathology.

Causes of the problem

Fistula (fistula) is not an easy disease. The fact that a fistula has formed can be influenced by many factors, so the disease can occur in different places and manifest itself in different ways. For example, fistula on the gum is often a complication. A fistula after can form if the patient did not properly care for the hole and an infection entered the wound. This is also the reason for the appearance of a fistula after removal baby tooth The child has. Often, a fistula occurs after poor filling of the root canals.

In addition to these main reasons, there are other provoking factors:

  • medical errors during tooth extraction, due to which root perforation occurred and the infection remained inside the hole,
  • the appearance of a cyst on the root, which eventually became inflamed with the formation of suppuration,
  • incorrect eruption of the wisdom tooth and its subsequent difficult removal,
  • severe or advanced inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis), for example, adjacent to the extracted tooth.

Fistula in maxillary sinus is a serious complication after the extraction of a tooth of the upper jaw. Since the channel formed after the procedure connects the sore spot and the maxillary sinus, inflammation of the latter can occur due to infection in it.

On a note! Fistula in children is not always caused by tooth decay and inflammation at the root. During teething, the baby's gums are vulnerable. In turn, babies try to lick, suck dirty fingers and other objects. Bacteria get into the wounds and can provoke the development of inflammation.

Symptoms of the pathology and the nature of the course

Here are some signs that may indicate the development of a fistula:

  1. throbbing pain
  2. redness and inflammation of a separate area of ​​​​the gums,
  3. purulent discharge from the wound formed after tooth extraction,
  4. strong and extremely bad breath,
  5. an increase in body temperature to 38 or even 39 degrees.

In the process of formation of a purulent formation, the pain gradually weakens, and when a fistula appears, it disappears completely or occurs only when pressure is applied to the diseased area. Then the fistula will burst and pus will flow out through this hole, and the patient will feel relief.

Important! Does the fistula go away on its own? No. And getting rid of the problem at home will not work. Therefore, if at least one of the above symptoms is present, it is better not to delay visiting a doctor. Timely correct diagnosis is a guarantee effective treatment without unpleasant consequences.

What is the danger

First, it is ugly, unpleasant and painful. Secondly, pathology can result in more serious consequences: inflammation will spread to healthy teeth, which can also be lost later; a purulent-necrotic process of the jaw (osteomyelitis or phlegmon) will develop, which will result in the destruction of bone tissue; there will be dysfunction of the nerves and auditory passages. As in any other case, the sooner the visit to the dentist and treatment begins, the easier the path to recovery will be.

Principles of treating the problem

Before deciding on treatment, the doctor will take x-rays. They will help to understand how deeply the infection has spread. Be sure to clean the hole of the extracted tooth, which will help eliminate the inflammatory process.

In general, treatment has two directions: medical and surgical. The first option involves the appointment of a course of antibiotics, the second, if the situation is difficult - the removal of the fistula during surgery. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

1. Drug treatment

This approach involves the use of drugs. It should be noted that the treatment will be successful only if the oral cavity has been carefully processed, i.e. all bacteria were eliminated (for example, adjacent teeth were cleaned of plaque and calculus, if necessary, sealed).

As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed. The important thing is that for each patient they are individual! Therefore, self-treatment according to our list is still not worth doing:

  • 7-10-day course of antibiotics: most often it is "Gentamicin", "Amoxiclav", "Trichopolum", "Amoxicillin",
  • pastes and gels with an antibacterial effect, which are rubbed into the affected area,
  • antihistamines ("Suprastin", "Tavegil"),
  • medicinal solutions for rinsing ("Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin").

On a note! At the time of treatment, it is necessary to replace hygiene products. Pick up a professional antibacterial paste, and use a brush with soft (or medium hard) bristles. That is, try not to injure the affected area.

2. Surgical removal of the fistula

If time is lost and the problem has acquired, one might say, a global scale, it will be necessary to surgical operation. It consists in opening a fistula in the area of ​​​​accumulation of pus, as well as removing pus and washing the entire cavity. Finally, a drain will be installed for the patient so that the newly formed pus flows out, antibiotics and decongestants will be prescribed. If after three days no new suppuration has formed, the drainage can be removed.

Important! In a pregnant woman, a fistula on the gums may appear due to the fact that her immunity and the body as a whole are weakened. It is impossible to leave inflammation unattended, because it can harm the fetus. However, antibiotics during pregnancy still cannot be taken, they are also not at all useful for the baby. What to do? In such a situation, the fistula will be removed surgically, and then rehabilitation complex. But, nevertheless, most likely with the use of antibiotics, if the situation is difficult.

It should be noted that after any surgical intervention, rehabilitation procedures are required that contribute to the speedy regeneration of the affected area: cauterization of wounds with current, laser, ultrasound, rinsing at home.

Help at home and folk methods

Traditional medicine is not a complete treatment and cannot eliminate the cause of the disease. It can only stop the foci of the spread of infection, relieve pain. In addition, do not forget that some herbs can cause allergic reactions.

For rinsing, you can prepare a medicinal decoction according to folk recipes. In equal proportions, you will need dandelion, yarrow, tansy, calendula. One tablespoon of a mixture of these herbs should be brewed with boiling water. After cooling, hold the decoction in the mouth for 4-5 minutes, repeat several times a day. Important! DO NOT rinse! This can lead to damage to the wound - just hold the infusion in your mouth.

Attention! Alcohol tinctures must not be used! Alcohol irritates the mucous membrane and exacerbates inflammation. Besides, folk methods only temporarily alleviate the condition and are not able to eliminate the cause of the disease.

An ointment made from ground plants is also effective. For its preparation, two parts of yarrow flowers and leaves, calendula flowers and dandelion root and one part of inflorescences and herbs of tansy, garden sorrel root, sweet clover grass are ground. Then all this is mixed with "Vishnevsky's ointment" and used to treat the inflamed part of the gum.

It must be remembered that it is useless and dangerous to engage in treatment without consulting a doctor. Because if you do not get rid of the root cause, the problem will return, and even worse. And pus is generally dangerous because it spreads very quickly throughout the body. Therefore, all treatment must be agreed with a specialist.

To reduce the risk of a fistula after tooth extraction, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations of a specialist: take prescribed drugs, conduct oral baths. In advance of removal, make sure that all leaking in the body acute diseases were cured or at least put into remission. Of course, this also applies to various dental diseases.

Regular and high-quality hygiene procedures before and after tooth extraction. Another rule that does not depend on the patient is the use of sterile instruments and the maintenance of a high sanitary and hygienic condition of the dental office. So it is also worth choosing a professional specialist - a lot also depends on him.

“Seven years ago, the upper tooth was removed, which is near the wisdom tooth. After some time, a fistula formed on the gum. I want to say that this is such an unpleasant and awkward thing ... The worst thing is that I work with people, and because of the fistula, there was such an unpleasant smell from the mouth. I did not go to the doctor, I was afraid and hoped for a miracle. But it never happened, so I went to the clinic anyway. The doctor took a picture and operated on, inserted a drain, with which I walked for about a week. In the end, everything healed and now there are no problems.

Boris T., from a review from

It is important to remember that a fistula that appears on the gum is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a serious threat to the entire body. Do not let the disease take its course, but contact a specialist as soon as possible who will provide qualified assistance.

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Fistula on the gums is a fairly common disease of the oral cavity. Dentists consider this condition one of the most dangerous and requiring immediate treatment. Fistula in the gum very often it is a consequence of the lack of treatment of pulpitis or caries and develops over teeth in which there are carious cavities.

If caries is not cured in time, it will affect the pulp, and after a while, it will develop into periodontitis and inflammation of the pulp will go to the root of the tooth.

A fistula in the gum is purulent inflammatory disease. It is a small cavity in the form of a tube connecting the inflammatory focus and the outer surface of the gums, through which the formed pus comes out.

The disease has another name - phlegmon, the danger of which lies in the high risk of intoxication of the tissues surrounding the site of inflammation and the likelihood of blood poisoning.

Outwardly he looks like a small red dot near the root of the tooth above the gum. A fistula cannot form near healthy teeth. Inflammation develops near a sealed tooth affected by caries or over a crown.

Dental fistula can be easily detected on its own. Outwardly, this is a small swelling on the gum next to the root of the tooth. Before its formation, in the place of accumulation of purulent exudate, the surface of the gums swells. Its formation is accompanied by severe throbbing pain. Then a small red dot forms and the pus comes out. After the release of pus, the pain subsides.

This unpleasant condition can be caused as a result of the lack of treatment for caries. The disease affects the pulp, from where pathogens go beyond the affected tooth to the root, where the inflammatory focus develops.

It may develop as a result poor quality treatment caries or pulpitis. in the treatment of caries root canals are sealed, but if the procedure is not completed completely, pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation can develop in unfilled canals.

The disease is a consequence of the formation of a cyst or granuloma at the top of the affected tooth. E then small formations, formed as a result of untreated caries or pulpitis, resulting in the accumulation of fluid in place inflammatory process.

A granuloma can form with poor-quality dental care. Very often it occurs if voids have formed during the filling of the dental canals.

A fistula on the gums can form during treatment as a result of perforation of the tooth root.

Often it is formed when a wisdom tooth erupts or during prolonged teething in a child. Injury occurs to the gums from the inside . It swells and becomes inflamed under the influence pathogenic microflora that is present in the oral cavity.

If you start treatment in a timely manner and eliminate the focus of purulent inflammation, then the cavity heals. In the absence of treatment, the fistula on the gum remains and there is a high probability of the formation of a number of new formations.


Only a dentist can correctly diagnose the disease. However, the formation of a dental fistula is characterized by a number of external signs. Separately, these symptoms may not mean that an inflammatory process occurs in the gum with the formation of a fistula. Such signs should be in the majority.

The formation of a fistula is characterized by the following features:

If the place of accumulation of pus is located deep in the gum, then it can be detected only with the help of an x-ray examination.

Types of fistulas in the gums

The type of disease directly depends on the cause that caused it, from prolonged teething to the provision of dental care.

Fistula after tooth resection: tooth extraction cause an inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums, jaw or sinuses. Infection can be introduced during surgery or be the result of improper care of the cavity after surgery.

A fistula at the site of an extracted tooth can form if it has insufficient resistance to foci of inflammation that develop under the teeth located nearby.

Also, a fistula can occur if poorly processed tools were used to remove a tooth.

In this case, an inflammatory process develops at the site of the extracted tooth, the gum swells. After the formation of an abscess, the release of pus begins. In case of severe pain, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. To remove a boil a small incision is made on the gum and a drain is inserted, which allows the contents of the fistula to drain freely. Also, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs and rinsing.

The lesion can occur as a result of complications after the removal of the upper teeth and provoke inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

A fistula on the gum resulting from the formation of a cyst on the gum. A cyst is a small formation with purulent exudate accumulated inside, which needs to come to the surface. . If there is no such exit, surgical intervention is necessary, during which an “artificial” fistula is created. To do this, the gum is incised so that the accumulated pus can come out.

Fistula under the crown is a common occurrence in dental practice. Such fistulas can form if, in preparation for the installation of crowns, the dental canals were not sealed. The difficulty lies in the fact that the doctor is forced to remove crowns from the problem area in order to accurately diagnose the disease and carry out treatment.

Fistula on the gum: treatment

The fistula on the gum does not go away on its own. At home, you can relieve inflammation for a while. At this time, puffiness will decrease, pus will cease to stand out, that is, all signs of recovery will take place. But this can lead to an exacerbation of the problem, as caries continues to affect the teeth. We can talk about a complete cure after cleaning the canals of the tooth and filling them.

It is unacceptable to treat a fistula at home. At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately seek help from a specialist , which will establish the severity of the lesion. Since it is possible to correctly diagnose the presence of a fistula only with the help of an x-ray.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the age of the patient and the degree of infection. For the treatment of fistula, as a rule, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. If the patient decides to take medicines independently, then the fistula, sooner or later, will arise again.

First of all, you should contact your dentist to eliminate the source of pathogens that cause inflammation. It is necessary to cure the affected tooth and remove the remnants of pus.

Fistula on the gum: treatment at home

To take off discomfort At home, the following methods are very often used:

  • rinsing with the use of products that include antibiotics;
  • warming, which contributes to the rapid discharge of purulent exudate;
  • the use of traditional medicine;

At home, the use of a mummy solution is effective. To prepare it, the plate is dissolved in warm boiled water, a cotton swab is impregnated with the resulting solution and applied to the site of inflammation.

Strong anti-inflammatory action have eucalyptus leaves. To prepare the product, crush the leaves and pour them with vegetable oil. The medicine is used in the form of lotions, which are applied to the sore spot for half an hour.

You can relieve inflammation with the help of aloe leaves, pieces of which must be applied to the site of fistula formation for 15 minutes.

Also used for rinsing baking soda and iodine, to prepare it, dissolve one teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water and add 1-2 drops of iodine. This composition helps to get rid of other diseases of the oral cavity.

For rinsing, it is recommended to use decoctions medicinal plants with antibacterial and healing properties. Most Effective the use of pharmacy chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, calendula. Decoctions should be used at least three times a day.

Fistula on the gums of a child

The occurrence of an inflammatory process in children is quite common. This is usually associated with suppuration of the soft tissues of the gums, caused by abnormal growth of milk teeth.

With the development of a fistula in a child, you should not postpone a visit to the dentist. Since this is not only harmful to the child's body as a whole, but can also lead to disease in permanent teeth and tissues adjacent to the teeth.

Treatment of fistula in children is carried out using medicines prescribed after examination by a doctor, and herbal decoctions and fees in the form of rinses or antiseptics such as Chloregcidin, Betadine, Miramistin. In a more severe case It can not be shown resection of a milk tooth, which caused the formation of a fistula on the gums.

Fistula on the gum during pregnancy

At the first signs of an inflammatory process on the gums, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Since pathogens can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

Treatment includes opening the affected canals and cleaning them, after which the tooth will be filled. Additionally, ointments or rinses may be prescribed.

Consequences and complications

The fistula on the gum does not look aesthetically pleasing. The disease causes severe pain, and in the absence timely treatment healthy teeth are damaged, bone tissue is destroyed.

At severe forms disease is affected facial nerves and ear canals.


Preventive measures play an important role in preventing such a dangerous condition as dental fistula.

dental fistula (fistula)- this is a hole between the gum and the apex of the tooth root (channel for the removal of pus), which is formed due to inflammation of the tooth, for example, or.

It is divided into external and internal. If pus accumulates at a distance of up to 3 mm from the surface, suppuration quickly breaks through.

As a result, a tubular formation is obtained. If the pathogens have completely left the place of suppuration, such a channel heals over time. But this is in a few cases out of a hundred.

In the rest, either suppuration does not go away, or a purulent formation deeper than 3 mm is an internal fistula that can break through in an unexpected place with unforeseen consequences. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the golden rule: "if something hurts and or swells in the oral cavity, then this is the hour when you should contact the dentist."

The reasons

All causes of occurrence can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Complication of the underlying disease - periodontitis, caries, pulpitis.
  2. Mechanical: penetration of pneumococci, gonococci, streptococci and other pyogenic bacteria into the pulp (soft tissue of the tooth); foreign objects entering the pulp, for example, food residues through damaged enamel; periodontal deformation due to the growth of a wisdom tooth, which can cause pathogens to enter the dentin.
  3. Poor-quality treatment: poor-quality filling, prosthetics, crowning, implant installation; root perforation; entry into the pulp of hydrophobic and toxic drugs, for example, arsenium (arsenic) after temporary filling.
  4. Failure to comply with oral hygiene standards and failure to take preventive measures after the treatment of a particular dental disease.


All symptoms are classified by type:



  1. Bad breath, even after proper oral care.
  2. Unpleasant persistent taste and yellowish salivation, even some time after eating.
  3. Changing the structure of the gums - you can feel with your tongue, the hole formed or the thinnest septum behind which you feel a void, if the suppuration is displaced into the periodontium or a hole in the tooth enamel, if the suppuration is displaced towards it.
  4. The release of a liquid of an unpleasant odor and taste when pressed on a sore spot.


Symptoms of an internal fistula are similar to those of other dental diseases, for example,.

Symptoms of the occurrence of an internal fistula are quite diverse: swelling on the gums; heat- in the evenings more than 38, and in the mornings not lower than 37.2 degrees, despite taking antipyretics; headache; an increase in the tooth and or gums, possibly the tongue; swollen lymph nodes.

Depending on the type, a dental fistula is accompanied by redness on the gums, tooth pain when pressed, and sometimes tooth mobility.

How to treat?

Before choosing one or another method of treating a dental fistula, however, like any other disease, the dentist conducts a diagnosis. To detect external, a visual inspection is sufficient.

To diagnose the internal - you need a dental x-ray. X-ray is carried out in any case, since the fistula may be the result of a concomitant disease.

In this case, the main attention is paid to the treatment of the disease, then the main focus of the infection is removed, and the treatment of the pus outlet channel is either carried out in parallel with the main treatment, or is treated after the elimination of another disease, or only the fistula is eliminated as the main ailment.


The method (method) depends on the type of impact on the fistula:

  1. medical- carried out on early stage suppuration, or when, due to the large depth of formation, it is not possible to apply other methods. The medical method is the main one. It is used as the only method of treatment or in combination with other methods, because only antiseptic drugs can completely destroy harmful microorganisms in the focus of suppuration. The choice of the drug is carried out by the attending physician, depending on the effectiveness against microorganisms of this class, the individual tolerance of the patient, and other factors.
  2. Laser and ultrasound therapy. This method is used for external fistula after passage drug therapy. The main task is to cauterize the dentin before filling.
  3. Surgery- at an advanced stage, when a - (benign solid formation) or a granuloma (purulent bladder) has formed at the site of the main suppuration, the breakthrough of which can develop into a gingival fistula.
  4. Removal of a tooth- in case of impossibility of carrying out the operation without the occurrence of complications or in order to save the patient's money at his request.

If a fistula is found in a child, it is better to remove this tooth. Firstly, milk teeth fly out sooner or later; secondly, there is a risk of pus getting into the stomach or soft tissues, and these are additional complications, and pain negatively affect the child's psyche.

Possible consequences

with untimely treatment of the fistula, there is a high probability of getting periodontal disease

Where is it easier for pus to blaze a path? Naturally, not through hard enamel, but through soft periodontal tissues.

In 80% or more cases, a dental fistula develops into a gingival fistula, and these are:

  1. The occurrence of periodontal disease.
  2. Periodontal destruction.
  3. Destruction of bone tissue in the jaw.
  4. The entry of pus into the lymphatic or circulatory system.
  5. Fistula rupture on the cheek.

Folk remedies

Dental fistula treatment folk remedies without prior consultation with a dentist is not advisable, and sometimes dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. It may not be a fistula at all.
  2. The antiseptic action of plants is much weaker and slower than that of antibiotics.
  3. Many plants can be allergic.
  4. Symptoms may become dull for a while, and the pus outlet can be tightened without removing toxins.

Folk remedies should be used only for preventive purposes.

This treatment (prevention) mainly comes down to decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect - sage, yarrow, calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, etc.

These plants not only relieve inflammation, but also draw out pus. Calendula, yarrow and eucalyptus are good antiseptics.


  1. In no case do not rinse the mouth with alcohol tinctures! Alcohol introduces most bacteria into suspended animation, and this significantly prolongs their existence.
  2. It is better to buy herbs in special herbal pharmacies with detailed instructions and dosages, otherwise you can burn the oral cavity, or reduce the effectiveness of the plants.


  1. Observe oral hygiene: brush your teeth 2 times a day; rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions and or dental elixirs
  2. The diet should contain foods that include calcium, for example, cottage cheese.
  3. Reduce chewing load, such as chewing gum, replace with frequent brushing and sucking on mints.
  4. Avoid sudden changes in temperature in the oral cavity, this adversely affects the integrity of the dental enamel.
  5. 2 times a year to undergo an examination at the dentist and carry out professional cleaning teeth from plaque and stones (solid salt formations on tooth enamel).

A fistula after tooth extraction is a rather rare form of complication, accompanied, as a rule, by an unrecognized process of decay in the tissues of the gums, jaw or sinus. The fistula is a channel connecting the point of accumulation of pus and the surface of the gums.

Usually, the formation of a fistula can be observed in the oppressed places of the gums, for example, on the surface damaged as a result of tooth extraction. It is through this channel, called the fistula, that the accumulated pus begins to drain into the oral cavity over time under the influence of pressure. However, it is not completely transported. For example, in the case of the removal of the upper tooth, the fistula connects the oral cavity with the sinus of the upper jaw.

The appearance of a fistula, or as it is also called fistula, indicates that acute or chronic inflammatory processes occur inside the gums.

Sometimes a fistula appears next to the tooth due to poor canal filling. But it also occurs after a poorly performed tooth extraction procedure.

The most common cause of a fistula today is considered to be poor root canal therapy.

Along with these reasons, there are other reasons for the appearance of a fistula:

  • tooth extraction procedure, during which the root walls are damaged and infection enters the canal;
  • insufficient filling of the canal after endodontic therapy;
  • development of cysts at the root tips and their inflammation;
  • germination of the wisdom tooth;
  • running the process of caries in the teeth or inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth (pulpitis).

At the initial stage, purulent masses begin to accumulate in the wound, which later look for a way out, as a result of which a fistula forms on the gum. This education must be eliminated immediately.

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The process of decay can occur in the periodontium, periodontium, gums and maxillary sinuses. Such areas are characterized by the presence of extensible tissues and cavities formed from the tissues of the tooth, gums and the jaw itself.

Often, for the treatment of a fistula, it is necessary to re-treat the root canals (if the fistula appeared near the tooth), or open the gum and clean it if an extraction was performed. This can be done only by contacting the appropriate specialists. If periodontitis has served as a factor in the occurrence of a fistula, then you can treat it at home.

Symptoms of pathology

One of the symptoms of a fistula is the presence of a large number teeth in the oral cavity, prone to carious process and not cured for a long time. Very often, this process contributes to the development of such a pathology as periodontitis, as a result of which a fistula develops.

However, the main sign of the development of pathology is the appearance of a channel through which purulent masses flow into the oral cavity. Along with this, a small bag appears on the upper part of the gum, in which pus accumulates. If the head of the specified education has White color, this indicates the neglect of the pathology.

Specialists identify several more symptoms that may indicate the presence of a fistula:

  • painful sensations of a pulsating nature, which are aggravated by pressure;
  • at the location possible fistula the gum area has a reddish tint;
  • the appearance of purulent masses from the point of tooth extraction;
  • purulent smell that manifests itself during a conversation with a patient;
  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • looseness of the tooth.

If at least one of the above symptoms is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, if you ignore this process, it can lead to various complications, for example, to osteomyelitis.

Principles of treatment

Before deciding on the treatment process, the doctor takes x-rays to clarify the degree of the disease. Along with this, the picture can indicate the size of the fistula. As noted earlier, it is not recommended to delay the treatment of pathology, since the process develops quickly and penetrates deep into the tissues.

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If the patient seeks medical help in a timely manner, then there are chances to cure the problem without surgical intervention. It will also be possible to save the tooth, provided there is no infectious process in the periosteal tissue.

At the initial stage of therapy, measures are taken to eliminate the cause of the pathology. As a rule, carious stones deposited on the enamel are removed, the teeth are treated with a special disinfectant solution. After that, the doctor fills the treated canals, and the patient is prescribed antibiotic drugs. In such a situation, treatment is selected for each person individually.

If the fistula has developed as a result of poor quality, then the dentist removes the previous material, treats the canal, and only then processes it again.

To date, clinics offer rehabilitation therapy, in which the affected teeth are treated with a laser and ultrasonic waves. This will remove microorganisms from their surface and prevent the recurrence of pathology in the future.

Many of the patients are very often interested in the question of the possibility of treating a fistula at home. Since this pathology is very specific, it is possible to deal with its elimination on your own only after visiting a doctor and agreeing on the proposed actions with him. Otherwise, the process of intoxication of the entire body of the patient may develop.

For home treatment, the following traditional medicine recipes are offered:

  1. Cleansing the fistulous canal from microbes and treating a tooth with infusion medicinal herbs. For this, for example, an infusion of ash can be used to tighten the fistula. For these purposes, a handful of the substance is dipped in 7 liters of boiling water and kept on fire for half an hour. After that, the resulting infusion must be filtered.
  2. Rinsing the mouth with a soda solution prepared from 1 tsp. powder and 1 glass of water with the addition of a few drops of iodine. Also, a rinse solution can be prepared from chamomile or eucalyptus leaves.


As you know, it is better to prevent the onset of a disease than to fight it. This is especially true for those who have already experienced the appearance of a fistula and must take the necessary measures to avoid a relapse of the pathology. In this regard, experts suggest the following methods of prevention:

  • visiting the dentist at least once every six months for the purpose of preventive examination;
  • adherence to the principles of a balanced diet, including foods containing calcium;
  • professional cleaning of the oral cavity at least 2 times a year, which will eliminate existing bacteria and prevent the reproduction of new ones;
  • oral hygiene.

In conclusion, it must be added that such a process as the appearance of a fistula on the gums cannot be ignored. In this case, highly qualified health care. Otherwise, the most severe health consequences may occur.