Treatment of tooth canals by depophoresis. Treatment of dental root canals using depophoresis: stages and devices Advantages of the technique when used in dentistry

Do not rush to part with a bad tooth. It can still be saved from deletion. It is for this purpose that the depophoresis technique has been developed. It has already helped so many patients, despite the fact that it is used not so long ago. Like any other method, it has both opponents and supporters - reviews of depophoresis are very different. It is impossible to judge it without experiencing it for yourself. The cost of depophoresis, in principle, is available to everyone. And this is much better than removing a tooth and then putting an artificial one in its place.

What is depophoresis

This technique is used when access to the canals of the teeth is difficult due to individual features or curvature. When a tooth has been treated incorrectly, depophoresis also comes to the rescue. Poor filling can cause re-inflammation. After that, the dentist must redo the filling. But depophoresis allows you not to do this.

The essence of the procedure is to act on the root canal with an electric current using a special apparatus. In this procedure, a specialized solution of copper-calcium hydroxide is used - it has bactericidal properties. Thanks to this, the channel is completely sterilized, all microbes that caused the pathology are destroyed.

The method works even when "everything is running". The advantages of depophoresis are that this method allows you to treat even very twisted roots that are inaccessible to the dentist's instruments. At the same time, the mechanical stability of the root is preserved. This procedure is relatively simple, economical and not painful.

Who is prescribed depophoresis

This method is not always used. Indications for its use are usually associated with the impossibility of high-quality root canal filling. In some cases, the procedure is carried out at the request of the patient himself. The price of depophoresis in dentistry allows it to be carried out by everyone who needs it.

In general, the procedure is justified in such cases as the presence of hard-to-reach or curved dental canals, the presence of necrotic tissues or gangrenous contents in the root canal of the tooth. An indication for the use of depophoresis is also perforation of the tooth root, a wide apical foramen and obliterated canals.

The procedure is also carried out if the channels were previously sealed and cannot be re-sealed, or if a piece of a broken dental instrument remains in the channel (this rarely happens). However, you need to know that depophoresis also has contraindications. This procedure is not carried out during pregnancy and during exacerbation of periodontitis. It is dangerous to use this technique if the patient is allergic to copper, or if he has silver posts in the roots of his teeth.

Depophoresis - step by step

Of course, depophoresis in dentistry is not a panacea for all dental diseases, but often it can help prevent tooth extraction. As a rule, treatment with this method is carried out in three stages. There must be at least a seven-day interval between them. At the first session, the doctor prepares the canal for the depophoresis procedure - it opens the tooth cavity, expands the upper quarter or half of the tooth up to size 30 with a special bur. At the same time, the coronal part expands a little more, since it will become a depot for copper-calcium hydroxide. Next, the channel is filled with this substance.

A few millimeters into the channel is immersed one of the electrodes, which has a negative charge. An electrode with a positive charge is placed in the cheek area. After that, an electric current is applied, it is gradually increased until the patient notices a feeling of warmth in the root of the tooth. It is undesirable for the current to exceed five milliamps. At the end of the session, the channel is filled with copper-calcium hydroxide and closed. But sometimes it can be left open. If teeth with many roots are being treated, then each of their canals must be treated separately. Simultaneous processing of all channels at once through a cavity filled with copper-calcium hydroxide can lead to an inhomogeneous distribution of electric current, and therefore worsen the quality of treatment.

At the second session (a week or two after the first), the same actions are carried out as the last time. During the third, final session, the dentist must close the channel with atacamit. Atacamit is a plastic cement with high antibacterial properties. Note that each session lasts only about five minutes.

As a result of treatment, almost all pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are destroyed in the root canals of the tooth. If there are pulp remnants in the canal, they disintegrate. Another plus of the procedure is that copper-calcium hydroxide promotes the formation of bone tissue, which means that the root canals will heal quickly. Thus, the tooth is preserved for a long time, without the repetition of inflammatory processes in its root.

Root canal therapy is one of the most important procedures in the practice of dentists. Given that the root of the tooth is a difficult area for therapy by a specialist due to the difficulty of controlling the process.

Depophoresis is considered a modern and effective method of root canal treatment, which consists in the interaction of an electric field and copper hydroxide - calcium. A special task of the dentist in the treatment of the root canal of the tooth is the complete sterilization of infected areas. The depophoresis procedure guarantees complete disinfection even in hard-to-reach places. Copper hydroxide - calcium has a strong bactericidal effect on the dental canal.

The main advantages of depophoresis include:

  1. High success in most cases
  2. Relatively short duration of treatment
  3. No need to remove the upper lobe of the root
  4. Minimal risk of various unwanted damage
  5. Root canal therapy in hard to reach areas
  6. Relatively low cost and much more.

The main prescriptions for depophoresis are considered to be the presence of the following indications: wide dental canals, a hard-to-reach and curved canal, remnants of dead pulp, if pulpitis has been treated incorrectly, or gangrenous content in the canal, holes in the dental canals, granuloma or cyst in the upper lobe of the root. Contraindications include allergic reactions on copper, pregnancy, purulent processes gums.

The procedure is carried out only after a qualified study of the area of ​​therapy and in the presence of anesthesia, therefore, it brings the patient a minimum of discomfort. Depophoresis is performed for each canal of the affected tooth.

Root canal electrophoresis

This procedure is a kind of therapeutic use of direct current with low voltage. Therapeutic use electrophoresis is explained by the influence of electric current and the administered drug.

Electrophoresis is performed in cases of treatment of periodontitis. The need to apply this method arises in the case of complete or partial obstruction root canals. The ability to move drug ions and administer it externally is the main function of electrophoresis. The procedure is relatively long and requires several sessions. Electrophoresis requires a special apparatus. The success of the procedure depends on the severity of the disease and the depth of the lesion.

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Sometimes the doctor needs to disinfect hard-to-reach segments inside the tooth, such as root canals. In particular, with pulpitis, periodontitis, cysts or granulomas. It is not always mechanically possible to reach such nooks and crannies, so depophoresis comes to the rescue in dentistry. What is this procedure and what is it used for - read full review in today's article.

What is depophoresis

Depophoresis is a method that helps to disinfect tooth tissues from inflamed participants, various pathological microorganisms. For this, copper-calcium hydroxide is used, which, when a weak electric current is passed through it, releases ions that can penetrate microscopic cracks, channels and holes. Copper ions create an alkaline environment that is detrimental to bacteria, which means that the disinfection process takes place.

The fact is that the pattern of the root canal is individual for each person. Moreover, the main channel may have up to 300 branches, many of which are so small that they cannot be passed by any of the modern instruments. However, even in such thin tubules, microbes can accumulate or gangrenous processes can arise. It is depophoresis treatment that helps to solve the problem with the sterilization of such microscopic passages.

When is depophoresis used?

To use this method, there must be certain indications:

  • inflammation in the dental canals, especially in curved ones,
  • acute and chronic
  • Availability foreign body in the dental canal, for example, a fragment of a medical instrument, as well as inflammation that has developed against this background,
  • root perforation or diagnosed wide apical foramen,
  • cyst or granuloma at the tooth root,
  • dead tissue in the canals.

Advantages of the technique when used in dentistry

The clinical application of depophoresis shows good results, which allows us to highlight several advantages of this method of physiotherapy:

  • the method allows you to save natural teeth even in the most difficult cases and even with a strong curvature of the root canals,
  • depophoresis can be used to process already treated and once sealed canals without completely unsealing them. At the same time, the doctor does not need to increase the length of the canal, which means that the risk of damage to the walls of the crown disappears,
  • of all root and canal treatments, depophoresis is the most gentle, because it does not destroy the tissue inside the crown,
  • this technology allows to provide the most complete and almost life-long sterility of the canals,
  • the method provides safe treatment for neoplasms at the roots of the tooth, such as cysts and granulomas, and also avoids the removal of the root apex in these diseases,
  • since copper stimulates bone growth, after treatment, the process of formation of osteocement occurs, which seals the root canal,
  • the procedure is practically painless and does not require expensive materials for execution.

When not to do depophoresis

Despite the good penetrating ability of ions and the objective advantages of the procedure, it also has its own contraindications:

  • acute periodontitis,
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding,
  • allergic to copper
  • silver pin in the root of the tooth.

How is the disinfection procedure

Depophoresis is performed using a special apparatus invented by the German dentist Adolf Knappvost. The treatment procedure lasts several sessions (from three to five - depending on clinical picture), between which there should be a rest period of 10-14 days. As a rule, the treatment itself does not cause severe discomfort to the patient, but some experience discomfort from the effects of current, which disappear immediately after the termination of the procedure.

Attention! If the frontal region of the teeth is treated, then after each session, the doctor abundantly rinses the patient's mouth with highly dispersed copper-calcium hydroxide to prevent staining of the enamel.

The session consists of several stages:

  • under local anesthesia, the doctor reams the canal of the tooth and prepares it for treatment by removing the nerve,
  • then the channel is filled with copper-calcium hydroxide by a third or two thirds,
  • a negative electrode is placed in the tooth cavity, and a positive electrode is attached to the cheek area,
  • for three to five minutes, a weak discharge of current is applied to the electrodes, which is gradually increased until the patient feels warmth at the root of the tooth,
  • after electrical exposure, the channel is either left open or closed with a special bactericidal cement - atacamit.

Manipulations are repeated at each next session, and at the last, the channel is closed with a permanent seal. After that, the patient should be observed by a doctor to make sure the treatment is effective.

The procedure is completely safe, but, of course, if it is carried out by a professional doctor. Here it is important to evaluate the current strength in order for the process to be effective, but at the same time not damage the surrounding tissues.

What devices for depophoresis exist

The classic physiotherapy method is the Original II device (Humanchemie). It was he who was patented and used in his work by Adolf Knappvosta. However, the technologies of this treatment are being improved every year, so modern dentistry has several types of alternative devices for canal disinfection using copper-calcium hydroxide.

Some of them combine diagnostic capabilities with therapeutic ones, such as EndoEst. Others perform a number of therapeutic electroprocedures, including depophoresis. These are devices AOK 1.1 Endo-Lux and AOK 2.1.

Method efficiency

Different doctors evaluate the effectiveness of depophoresis differently, but one nuance should be taken into account. This method shows itself especially well in the treatment of narrow channels. It is important to understand that the wider the passage, the lower the current density, and hence the penetration depth of the ions. Therefore, when applied to wide root canals this method not very efficient. But if the canal is narrow and has a lot of hard-to-reach or difficult-to-pass branches, depophoresis treatment gives amazing results. In some cases, its effectiveness reaches 95%. At proper treatment the tooth acquires protection against infections for several decades.

However, no matter how good this method is, the patient needs constant monitoring. It is necessary to see a doctor at least twice a year and examine the condition of the teeth treated with depophoresis.

According to statistics, root canal treatment is not always easy. The dentist can make a mistake and introduce an infection. To avoid such incidents, there is a technique - depophoresis in dentistry. Thanks to this method, you can disinfect the root canals and save your teeth.

The concept of depophoresis

An inexperienced person in medical matters immediately raises the question: depophoresis - what is it? This is disinfection of the oral cavity by electrochemical action. Root canal treatment is carried out with copper-calcium hydroxide and a weak electric field.

This method was first invented by the German doctor A. Knappovost. However, the method reached the territory of the CIS countries only in the 90s.

The process of depophoresis consists of several stages

Depophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide penetrates into the dental canal and forms a kind of shields in them. There is coppering of the walls of the root gaps.

The methodology involves the following stages:

  • removal of the affected part of the pulp;
  • canal washing;
  • drying;
  • cupral-hydroxide of copper-calcium is immersed in the lumen simultaneously with a charged electrode;
  • a charged electrode is brought to the outside of the cheek;
  • the channel is washed and injected again with a solution of copper-calcium.

The procedure is performed three times in the interval of 1-2 weeks.

The last procedure involves filling the canal with an alkaline cement containing copper.

It has long been known that copper has unique disinfecting properties. Getting into the deepest canals of the tooth, it promotes their healing and restoration, affects the growth of the bone. As a result, after this method of exposure, the teeth are ready for safe filling.

Effective performance of the procedure depends on the quality of the diagnosis.

Diagnosis of root canals occurs with the help of radiography. Before starting depophoresis, the doctor examines the tooth in detail and studies:

  • the number of roots in the tooth and its branches;
  • root length;
  • location of the tooth and root;
  • general condition of the entire root system.

Depophoresis - before and after results

Accurate diagnosis guarantees a quality result. According to statistics, most patients have problems after improper filling, and only a properly performed depophoresis technique helps to prevent negative results. Depophoresis treatment increases success by 95%.

it effective method to save bad teeth, which allows you to disinfect the root gaps from harmful microorganisms. Today at dental clinics only copper hydroxide depophoresis is used, which provides permanent sterilization of the tooth.

The procedure itself is simple, painless and inexpensive. It lasts about 10 minutes.

Contraindications for visiting the procedure

There are a number of contraindications for this dental procedure. To avoid unwanted complications, it is not recommended to undergo depophoresis when:

  • gestational period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the solution;
  • with a metal or silver crown or filling with these metals;
  • with periodontal inflammation.


The method is absolutely harmless and in other cases it can be done by everyone (except for the cases indicated in contraindications). Depophoresis can be done after nerve removal. The technique has a number of advantages over other methods of treatment:

  • ensures the strength of the dental canal;
  • reduces the risk of microbial contamination;
  • eliminates the need to remove the root tip;
  • does not damage the roots of the tooth;
  • does not bring discomfort.

The effectiveness reaches 95%, despite the fact that the procedure itself is done very quickly.

Relapses after depophoresis are very rare.

Indications for the procedure

The method is not always used. The procedure is relevant only if it is not possible to properly seal the canal. Usually the indications are as follows:

  • twisted root canals;
  • the presence of instrument residues in the canal;
  • cyst or lesions on the root;
  • root perforation;
  • apical foramen;
  • obliterated channels;
  • dead tissue with gangrene.

Depophoresis can solve the problems of endodontics. Doctors can influence the microflora of root canals in this way. In simple cases of treatment, this method is not used. They are mainly prescribed in difficult cases with curved or inflamed canals. The injected drug has a potent effect and penetrates into the inflamed areas without damaging healthy tissues.

The doctor can apply this method at the request of the patient. The main motive is to avoid complications in the treatment of the tooth.

Copper hydroxide for depophoresis procedure

Stages of the procedure

The procedure is carried out in three stages. To avoid pain doctor suggests injection local anesthesia. With the help of boron, the cavity is expanded to the required size. An electrode with a negative charge is inserted into the dental canal to a depth of up to eight millimeters, and a positive one is applied to the outer part of the cheek opposite the diseased tooth. So that during the application of the electrode with a charge + it does not affect all the teeth.

After installing the electrodes, a small power charge is started. In parallel with the charge, a copper-calcium hydroxide solution enters the channel. At the first stage, all bacteria are disinfected and the canal tissues are completely neutralized.

After ten minutes, the electrodes are removed and the channel is washed with water. For washing, 10% calcium hydroxide or plain purified water is used. A pasty hydroxide solution is immersed in a clean channel.

When a tooth has several roots, the above procedure is performed on each root separately. When all channels are filled with solution at the same time, the quality of treatment drops sharply.

At the first stage, the channels are prepared for the upcoming treatment and disinfected. At the second stage, the procedure is repeated in the same way as at the 1st stage. The third stage is the completion of treatment. The dentist performs manipulations already familiar to the patient and seals the canals with special cement so that the infection does not get into them.

The interval between stages of treatment is 7-14 days. The minimum interval is one week.

Effect after the procedure

After the three stages of treatment, the channels become cleared, and there is no risk of harmful microorganisms entering them. If the patient applied with inflammatory process or a cyst, pulpitis, necrosis, all these processes will no longer bother. Depophoresis reduces the risk of recurrence of these pathologies. The method significantly extends the life of the tooth. After the procedure, the channels heal quickly. To track the stage of healing, you can take an x-ray.

The cost of the procedure in clinics

The procedure is budgetary and most people can afford it. Prices depend on the qualifications and status of the clinic, the professionalism of dentists. The price can range from $7 to $30.

Devices for the procedure

The method is performed using special equipment.

The technique is registered and patented and involves the use of the ORIGINAL II device.

Each device is approved by the creator of the methodology. Dentists began to use the device in practice only after passing it for safety and effectiveness. So far, this is the only device for the depophoresis technique.

ORIGINAL II device for depophoresis

It is easy to use and helps the dentist choose the duration of the procedure that is convenient for him. And also has the function of registering the number of milliamps per minute. When using the device, make sure that there is no overheating in the area of ​​the gums, oral mucosa, lips. It is forbidden to use the device in direct contact with metal crowns. Subject to all the rules for using the device and safety rules, the author of the device and the technique guarantees the highest result of dental treatment. The author is not responsible for analogues.

In addition to the main device, auxiliary tools and preparations are attached to it to carry out all stages of the procedure: a highly dispersed fraction, methylcellulose, Cupral, distilled water, Atacamita.