Pain in the joints of the knees treatment. Effective treatment of knee joints with folk remedies

At a young age, a person does not think about illnesses. He is sure that it will always be easy for him to climb stairs, to stand for a long time at stops waiting for transport. And even more so, he does not think about diseases of the joints, which can lie in wait for him much later.

Knee joint: what affects its premature aging?

For knee joints both excessive loads and insufficient movements are equally dangerous. What affects their aging? The reasons may be:

  • Once received injuries.
  • Excess weight.
  • Chronic stress on the joints.
  • Inherited predisposition.
  • The gender of the person. Women are often worried about pain in the knee joints during menopause, and men - when their joints have experienced severe pain for a long time. physical exercise.

It can be in athletes and dancers. Knee pain is the most common disease among people who run, play football, basketball, tennis, ski or cycle.

But medical statistics shows that overweight people with a sedentary lifestyle suffer from pain in the knee joints no less. To understand why the knee hurts, what to do in an emergency before medical attention is provided , you should get to know the structure of the joint.

The structure of the knee joint

The knee joint is not a simple mechanism in the human body. With its help, the femur and tibia are connected: large and small. The kneecap is connected to the thigh muscle by means of tendons. And the bone surfaces of the joints, covered with cartilage, are interconnected by ligaments and tendons.

The menisci are crescent-shaped cartilages located between the femur and tibia. The knee joint itself is placed in the articular bag. The cavity is filled with synovial fluid. If a person is healthy, it is thick, elastic and has a yellowish color. The fluid nourishes the joints and prevents the bones from rubbing against each other. With its lack, slipping worsens, which is why the knee hurts.

The reasons lie in the lack of load on the joint. If it is not there, the fluid goes inside the cartilage and the joints begin to atrophy. Sedentary and recumbent people are wondering: when the knee hurts - what to do? The answer is obvious: move, but with a reasonable load.

Pain in the knee joint, causes

If your knee hurts, the reasons can be very different. There are more than two hundred of them. Consider the most common.

  • Knee injury. It usually happens when you hit or fall. A person can get a bruise, dislocation, sprain and rupture of ligaments, a fracture.
  • Overweight.
  • congenital pathology.
  • infectious infections.
  • Vascular diseases. With pain of vascular origin, the mobility of the joints is not disturbed.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Inflammation of the joints.
  • Non-inflammatory diseases: meniscopathy, chondropathy, tendinopathy. As a rule, one type of connection is affected - tendons, ligaments, meniscus or cartilage. Pain occurs during walking, flexion or extension of the leg.

Causes of knee pain after running

If the jog is carried out for the first time, then it is not the joints that hurt, but the muscles. There is nothing threatening about this. And if you run all the time, your muscles are trained, but if your knees hurt after running, you need to find the causes of the pain.

They may be:

  • Injuries to the menisci, when an unsuccessful turn of the leg is accompanied by sharp pain. It becomes strong after running, when the leg is at rest, but it is impossible to stand on it. The knee is very swollen.
  • If your knees hurt after running, you may have a dislocated calyx. Pain is felt the first time this happens. If you do nothing and continue to run, dislocations will become frequent, and the pain will become habitual.
  • The destruction of the patella tissues is characterized by a decrease in joint mobility after running. My knees hurt right after a workout.
  • Rupture or stretching of the ligaments that strengthen the composition is characterized by acute pain in the knee immediately after running. The joint area will swell, its mobility will decrease, touching the knee will become painful.
  • It also happens like this: during excessive loads on the knee, pain appears. The person stops loading the joint, but it still appears. These are manifestations of an intervertebral hernia.

Causes of knee pain while walking

The walk is accompanied by pain when the joint itself, its ligamentous or synovial apparatus is affected. The reasons may be:

  • First of all, the wrong shoes.
  • Knee injuries due to bruising or falling on it. Ligaments and tendons can get torn or sprained, the knee joint can be dislocated, and the tibia can be fractured. The joint area in this case will swell and become covered with bruises. My knee hurts while walking. The reasons for this phenomenon are that the patella is displaced, the ligaments are stretched, or a fracture occurs.
  • Tibial disease is more common in boys aged 11-15 years. The child has knee pain when walking. The front part is swollen. So that the joint has some kind of support, and the swelling goes away, you can tighten the knee with an elastic bandage.

  • Walking is accompanied by pain if a person is sick with osteochondritis. In this case, the blood stops flowing to some part of the cartilage or bone, and it dies.

Knees hurt during and after squats, causes

  • Torn or stretched tendons. The pain occurs abruptly and is characterized by acute manifestations.
  • If the knee hurts and crunches, one can assume arthrosis or arthritis.
  • Squats can be accompanied by joint pain when done incorrectly. They will, if you do not change the approach to the exercise.

Pain in the knees during extension and flexion

  • Schlatter's disease is palpable when walking, going up and down stairs. The most acute pain is felt if the leg is bent at the knee. When the knee joint hurts, what to do? If pain is felt during flexion and extension of the legs, strict adherence to the orthopedic regimen with a decrease in the load on the joints is necessary. During the period of exacerbation, the patient should not refuse bed rest with a gradual activation of the legs. To reduce the load on the joints during this period, you can use crutches. Shoes should be comfortable and soft. Well, if the insole is orthopedic. Remember, this disease can be completely cured if you consult a doctor in time!
  • Bursitis - when fluid accumulates in the periarticular bag of the right or left leg. This process is one-sided. The joint swells, it cannot be bent, as the knee hurts a lot. Movement is limited.

  • Arthrosis is a disease characterized by the destruction of articular cartilage. The knee crunches and hurts, it is difficult to bend it. A person feels discomfort while walking and squatting.
  • The articular cartilage has a pathology. The pain is centered in front and is aggravated by bending the leg and walking, especially stairs.
  • Pain in the knee when it is bent can be if the sciatic nerve is inflamed.

Why does knee pain occur?

  • Pain under the knee impairs the mobility of the joint. The knees do not bend well, and stiffness appears. The joint becomes red, swollen and hot. In the morning the pain is stronger, in the afternoon it subsides. These are signs of arthritis.
  • The cause of pain under the knee is received before or on the eve of the injury. These can be dislocations, torn ligaments and menisci, sprains, fractures. They are usually obtained by falling or bruising. The site of injury swells, and a bruise forms. A person feels weak, he freezes. Under the knee goes numb and tingles.
  • Damage due to excessive overload occurs when the same movements are repeated many times on the joint or press on it for a long time. If a person climbs stairs many times every day, rides a bike, runs or jumps, his knees hurt a lot. What to do when a large load leads to inflammation of the joints and periarticular tissues? First you need to reduce the load on the joints, give them the opportunity to rest. If the pain does not stop, you should consult a doctor.
  • A Baker's cyst can cause pain below the knee.
  • An infection in the bone, skin, or bursa causes pain below the knee and limits movement.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans often causes popliteal pain that limits movement. This happens when there is no blood flow to a small area of ​​bone or cartilage inside the joint. He is dying.

Causes of swollen knees

  • Tendon inflammation. With their help, the muscles are attached to the bones. If they become inflamed or injured, the knees swell and begin to hurt. This disease is called tendonitis.
  • Knee ligament injuries occur when they are torn or sprained. It causes sharp pain and severe swelling.

A bruised knee joint causes redness, swelling, and pain during any movement.

  • With osteoporosis, the knee swells and hurts.
  • If the kneecap is displaced, the joint swells.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling of the knee and aching pain.
  • Inflammation of the bag of the joint is accompanied by swelling and pain in the knee when bending and unbending the leg. This is bursitis.
  • Gout is a disease characterized by swelling and severe pain in the knee. It periodically appears and suddenly subsides.

Pain and swelling of the joint: help at home

If the knee hurts a lot and swells, before going to the hospital, you can help yourself in the available ways:

  • Give the joint complete rest.
  • Apply a cold compress to the swollen area for 20 minutes. You can use ice.

  • If your knee hurts at night, what to do if it’s far away until morning, but you’re tired of enduring it? The pain goes away and the swelling is removed if you make an alcohol lotion on the diseased joint. For the future, make a tincture of medicinal herbs. Horse chestnut flowers help well. The tincture is prepared as follows: 50 g of dry raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of good quality vodka and infused in a dark place for two weeks.
  • A mesh applied to the sore spot with iodine is used.

Most importantly, do not stop moving if you have damaged knee joints. Even after surgical intervention. Actively engage in the rehabilitation of sore knees.

Treatment with folk methods

Medicinal plants have long been used to treat joint diseases. First of all, they remove toxins from the body and relieve inflammation.

  • When your knees hurt a lot, what should you do if a visit to the doctor is postponed for some reason? You can at home prepare an ointment against inflammation of the joints. Dry herbs: St. John's wort, hops, sweet clover are crushed. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of each plant. They are mixed with Vaseline until smooth. Ointment compresses are done at night: the diseased joint is rubbed with ointment and wrapped with something warm. The pain gradually subsides and the inflammation slows down.
  • My knee hurts, what should I do? Use sea buckthorn. Joints are rubbed with oil and juice of fresh berries, the pain subsides. You can make tea from berries. It will help the sore joint and strengthen your immunity.
  • Compresses from aloe juice - 50 grams, honey - 100 grams and vodka - 150 grams will relieve pain in the joints. Method of preparation: the leaves are ground, juice is squeezed out of them. It is mixed with honey, vodka and infused for two weeks. The diseased joint is rubbed with tincture, covered with parchment, a thick layer of cotton and wrapped in a warm blanket. You need to do 8-10 procedures.

The knee joint is considered one of the most difficult. At the same time, every day he has to cope with huge loads, which at a certain point in time can provoke injuries and diseases.

Diseases of the knee joints develop gradually. At first, the pain is very mild and does not really bother the person. However, as the disease progresses pain are growing. They are joined by tissue edema and limited mobility in the joint.

To avoid disability, it is necessary to begin treatment of diseased knee joints at the first sign of injury or illness. From this article, the reader will learn how to treat when knees hurt.

Causes of joint pain

In most cases, knee pain indicates the presence of some kind of disease. Their intensity increases gradually. An exception is pain in injuries: their peak is reached at the time of the traumatic effect and gradually decreases.

Pain in the knee joint most often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Gonarthrosis. This pathology is very common. It is detected in 50% of elderly patients who turn to doctors with pain in the knees. The pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms: pain is absent until the patient does not move; pain appears when getting up from a squat and walking for a long time; when moving, a distinct crunch is heard; joint mobility is limited. Over time, this pathology can lead to joint deformity.
  2. Meniscopathy. Usually this disease causes pain in one knee. It develops as a result of injury or periodic excessive stress on the joint. During the period of exacerbation, the pathology is manifested by acute, throbbing pains. In most cases, it does not threaten the very structure of the joint, but if left untreated, it can provoke inflammation of the synovial bag.
  3. Insufficient blood supply to the joint. Teenagers often face this problem. Their bones grow too fast. The vessels do not keep up with this growth, so the joint receives less nutrition. As a result, the patient begins to feel rather severe pain in the knee, localized at a certain point on the knee and not spreading to neighboring tissue areas. Over time, the intensity of pain is significantly reduced.
  4. Arthritis. This is an inflammatory process that can develop not only in the elderly, but also in young people. It is noteworthy that this pathology is most often detected in women. The disease is characterized by painful sensations, depending on the time of day. Usually at night their intensity increases.
  5. Bursitis. This is the name of the inflammatory process affecting the synovial bags of the joint. The disease can be identified by characteristic symptoms: hyperemia of the tissues of the knee, swelling in the affected area, limitation of mobility. With bursitis, a fluid containing the causative agent of inflammation accumulates in the synovial bag.
  6. Synovitis. This pathology differs from bursitis in more intense pain and severe swelling of the joint.
  7. periarthritis. The disease appears mainly in obese people older than 40 years. Patients feel problems with climbing stairs, as it is accompanied by pain in the knees. Pathology affects not only the joint capsule, but also the tendons of the knee. Pain in periarthritis is aching in nature and is accompanied by swelling.
  8. Chondromatosis. This disease leads to the formation of areas of connective tissue in the cartilage of the joint. The result is dehydration of the joint, limitation of its mobility and severe pain.
  9. Chondropathy of the kneecap. In this pathology, cartilage is completely replaced by connective tissue. This disease always develops due to injuries and leads to disability.
  10. Benign or malignant bone growth. The tumor causes compression of the nervous tissue and blood vessels, which provokes severe pain.
  11. . This is inflammation of the knee, leading to loss of joint functionality. With it, the tendons of the joint are primarily affected. Such a pathology can develop in any person.
  12. Osteochondritis of the knee. With this pathology, the cartilage tissue begins to exfoliate from the bone tissue. At first, the patient's knee does not hurt very much, but then the intensity of the pain increases. Over time, an inflammatory process is certainly added to the exfoliation.

These are not all the reasons for the development of pain in the knees. There are so many of them that it is impossible to talk about them in one article, so we drew the reader's attention to the most common of them.

Pain in the knees with organ pathologies

Treatment of knee joint pain sometimes does not work. The reason for the failure lies in the fact that a person is trying to treat one of the pathologies of the knee joint, but the source of the problem is in a completely different place.

For example, pain in the knee area often causes the following pathologies:

This small list of diseases is enough to understand that without diagnostic measures, it will be very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to cope with pain in the limbs. Therefore, before resorting to this or that type of treatment, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Pain in the knee joints can be caused not only by diseases of individual organs, but also by systemic diseases. The most common of them are:

Various autoimmune diseases that subsequently become the cause of pain in the lower limbs usually present with symptoms that are more characteristic of allergic reactions. Patients do not pay attention to them, and in vain, because autoimmune joint damage is much more severe than ordinary pathologies. These diseases require complex treatment and constant medical supervision. Otherwise, the prognosis will be unfavorable.


To know how to treat when knee joints hurt, doctors must accurately diagnose. AT modern medicine To identify pathologies of the knees, the following procedures are performed:

  • general analyzes urine and blood;
  • detailed blood biochemistry;
  • puncture of the joint cavity in order to obtain synovial fluid;
  • examination of exudate for bacterial microflora;
  • arthroscopy;
  • X-ray of the affected joints;
  • densitometry;

If necessary, doctors may prescribe additional methods instrumental research. Moreover, to clarify the diagnosis, specialists from other areas of medicine can be involved in the examination.

In the event of discomfort in the knee area, it is necessary to provide the leg with complete rest. Then you should stop the pain. At home, this is easiest to do with the help of drugs such as Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

You can also use a cold compress to relieve pain. This method of pain relief is best suited for relieving pain from injuries. If there are wounds on the knee, then they must be treated with any antiseptic.

It should be remembered that even after the disappearance of discomfort, you still need to seek help from a doctor.

Medical treatment

After an accurate diagnosis is made, doctors prescribe the appropriate therapy. At the initial stage, a course of antibiotics is prescribed if the pathology is caused by an infection, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To stop a strong pain syndrome, strong analgesics are used: Ketanov, Ketolong and others. If the pain is very strong, then Larfix and Ksefokam can be prescribed.

In some cases, conventional analgesics are powerless over pain. Then doctors prescribe painkillers containing narcotic substances: Tramadol or Promedol. In order to avoid addiction, injections of drugs are carried out in short courses.

To protect the cartilage tissue in the joints, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors.


They are resorted to when taking pills and powders does not have the expected effect. As a rule, the following groups of drugs are injected directly into the joint:

  1. Hormones based on corticosteroids. They allow you to quickly anesthetize the joint and eliminate discomfort in severe arthrosis.
  2. Chondroprotectors. They stop the process of cartilage destruction.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. These are expensive injections, but they bring relief to the patient very quickly.

Injections directly into the joint are very effective, but at the same time painful and can cause complications later. Therefore, they are resorted to in extreme cases.


These knee pain remedies are used when doctors want to minimize possible side effects. There are several groups of ointments:

  • non-steroidal: Nise, Ketonal, etc.;
  • capsacin ointments: Kapsikam, Espol, Finalgon;
  • aspirin ointments: Bom-benge, Viprosal.

Before you fully use this or that ointment, you need to apply a small amount of therapeutic agent to the skin and wait a while. This will reveal possible allergies and, if necessary, switch to another drug.


These means for relieving pain in the joints are divided into the following groups.

The knee joints are one of the most complex and vulnerable structures. musculoskeletal system person. Constant stress on the joints of the legs often leads to discomfort in the knees, the occurrence of aching, throbbing, prolonged pain. Therefore, for many people, the question of how to treat knee joints at home becomes relevant.

First of all, you need to remember that home therapy is not uncontrolled self-treatment. Only careful implementation of all doctor's prescriptions with the use of medications and means traditional medicine guarantees success and getting rid of the disease.

In the treatment of knee joints should be applied individual approach. The cause of the pain should be determined, and specific therapy prescribed. But the general thing is that any pain that occurs in the knee should be removed or reduced. The effect of anesthesia is given by tablets: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Aspirin. These drugs reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. These include the following ointments and gels: Finalgon, Diklak-gel, Diclofenac.

Important: The listed methods only help to anesthetize the knee, sometimes for a short time. To completely cure the knee joints, you must definitely visit a doctor - only a specialist can establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

In no case should you apply heat to a sore knee in case of injury. Cold helps relieve and reduce pain in the injured joint. You need to apply cold for 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. It is necessary to try to quickly get an appointment with a traumatologist.

A bit of anatomy: the structure of the knee joint

- the largest connection of bones in the human body, which provides flexion, extension, rotation of the lower leg in a half-bent state. Formed by the articular surfaces of the long tubular bones: femoral, tibial. The patella is also involved in the formation of the knee. The heads of the bones are covered with cartilage tissue up to 6 mm thick, which provides cushioning.

The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid, which nourishes, moisturizes, and protects cartilage and bones from damage. Such a complex structure of the joint and constant load make it very vulnerable to injury and inflammation. Therefore, you need to take care of the health of your knees.

Causes of knee pain

Pain, impaired mobility that occur in the knees signal pathological processes in the articular joints. The intensity of pain manifestations depends on the etiology and degree of damage to the knee joint.

DiagnosisThe main causes of pain Symptoms
ArthritisInflammatory disease. Symptoms: pain, swelling, fever
BursitisInflammation of the synovial bag of the articular joint. Symptoms: significant swelling
SynovitisCauses - trauma, hemorrhage, infection. Accumulation of excess synovial fluid in a joint. Severe swelling, impaired mobility
GonarthrosisDestruction, deformation of the tissues of the articular surfaces, crunching, decreased mobility
MeniscopathyInjury to the meniscus due to awkward movement or injury
periarthritisTendon inflammation. Characterized by discomfort inside knee. Pain worsens when descending or ascending
vascular painCaused by impaired blood circulation in the articular joints
InjuriesSharp pain, swelling, impaired mobility
Thrombosis of the veins of the extremitiesConstant aching pain that worsens at night

How and what medications to use

Medical treatment includes the following main groups of drugs:

Analgesics can only be prescribed by a doctor. Preference for joint pain is given to drugs that have a quick effect and are not addictive.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Celebrex, Ketanov have analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects. The only drawback of these drugs is a wide range of contraindications and side effects. These medicines go well with muscle relaxants - Mydocalm, Sirdalud. They relieve muscle spasms and reduce pain.

Steroid hormones (corticosteroids) are taken once at severe pain not relieved by conventional analgesics. Long-term use of steroids is prohibited - they destroy articular and cartilage tissue.

For muscle spasms are prescribed muscle relaxants. These drugs are recommended to be combined with anti-inflammatory drugs. A strong analgesic effect occurs when taken.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to replace tablets with ointments and gels local application. Diclac gel, Voltaren Emulgel, Ketoprofen, Finalgon, Apizatron, Indomethacin effectively eliminate pain and inflammation, but do not protect cartilage tissue from degenerative changes.

Artra, Structum, Chondroitin, Chondrolon improve tissue nutrition, restore articular cartilage. Drugs are taken for a long time according to the scheme drawn up by a specialist.

For the treatment of articular joints, it is mandatory to appoint complexes: Antioxycaps, ArtriVit (with the addition of trace elements, herbal extracts), Doppelgerz Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin, Teraflex, Osteomax-K. The various complexes include:

  1. Vitamin C improves the absorption of calcium, serves as protection against microbleeds, promotes the production of collagen protein.
  2. Vitamin D ensures the absorption and accumulation of calcium and phosphorus salts - the main building material of bone tissue.
  3. Vitamin E enhances regenerative processes, promotes the fastest recovery of bones after fractures or other traumatic interventions.
  4. Vitamin A is indicated for osteoporosis, protects against infectious diseases, prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  5. B vitamins increase the permeability of the collagen layer of the bone for essential minerals, reduce pain.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine is rich in proven recipes that can be used to treat knee joints.

Warning: Any, even the most harmless prescription, cannot be prescribed to yourself on your own. Only a doctor knows what your inflamed or injured joints need.

Soda-salt compress. Prepare a mixture of teaspoons of salt and soda, add 5-7 drops of iodine. Apply a compress from this mixture to the heated knee. Repeat the procedure at least 5 times.

Important: You can warm your knees only in the initial stages of arthritis. It is impossible to warm the joints with rheumatoid exacerbation, possible complications, the onset of destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joints.


Alcohol tinctures can be taken orally or used for rubbing. Rubbing from a golden mustache. Tincture can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy. Rub on sore knees at night.
Birch bud tincture. 20 g of birch buds for three weeks to insist in 100 g of 70% alcohol. Take 15-20 drops three times a day. Tincture can be prepared from 20 g of chestnut fruit and 500 ml of alcohol, leave for two weeks, rub knees at night.

Wrappings with washed leaves of coltsfoot, burdock, horseradish, cabbage reduce pain, restore the joint. To enhance the effect, the cabbage leaf can be smeared with honey. To achieve a complete cure, wraps must be applied for a long time.

herbal teas

Tasty and useful for arthritis of the knees, teas are obtained by brewing an incomplete tablespoon of a mixture of lingonberry leaves, black currant, rose hips.


Turpentine ointment. Ingredients: a teaspoon, egg yolk, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Rub the resulting ointment into the knees until completely absorbed.

Nettle ointment. Mix equal portions of honey and use to rub into the skin of the knees. You can not use this ointment with increased blood clotting.

The ointment is prepared from equal portions (150 ml) of alcohol, olive oil, turpentine, 3 g camphor. Designed for rubbing sore knees.

Propolis ointment. Melt equal portions of propolis and vegetable oil in a water bath. Lubricate the knees several times a day.

Decoctions and infusions

Potato decoction. Boil potatoes in their skins without draining the water, mash it, let the mass settle (an hour and a half), drain the upper part of the liquid. Drink three times a day for the third part of the glass.

Onion decoction for arthrosis. Cook two unpeeled, chopped onions until completely boiled. Drink 1 glass before meals.


With arthrosis of the knee joints, therapeutic exercises are important to restore their mobility. The attending physician, the doctor-instructor of the exercise therapy room will help you choose a set of special exercises. It is advisable to conduct the first classes with an instructor who will show you how to treat the knee joint at home.

Before performing the complex, you need to warm up, warm up the joints, then perform the main exercises (avoiding pain). Finish the gymnastics by walking in place and breathing exercises. Therapeutic gymnastics should be done daily for 10-15 minutes.

Therapeutic baths

Warm salt baths (600 g of sea salt per bucket of water) improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, tissue regeneration, and relieve swelling. Penetrating into the joint fluid, salt improves the quality of the synovial fluid, reduces inflammation.

A cleansing bath can be prepared from 200 g of cinquefoil rhizomes. Grass should be poured with four cups of boiling water, warmed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take a bath with the resulting solution. A bath with a decoction of juniper leaves and fruits soothes pain well.

In summer, you can take sand "baths". To do this, wrap your feet in hot sand for 20-30 minutes. Be sure to wear a hat to avoid sunstroke.

Nutrition for knee pain

With pain in the knees, you can not be skeptical about nutrition. to reduce weight, reduce inflammation. It is necessary to abandon the use of products that provoke inflammation in the joints (marinades, smoked meats, pickles, alcohol).

It is especially necessary to adhere to a diet for gout - malnutrition almost immediately causes an exacerbation of the disease: redness of the skin in the knee area, swelling and severe pain.


Knee pain is easier to prevent than to treat. High-quality nutrition, adequate drinking regimen, weight adjustment, physical activity, special physical exercises, swimming strengthen the knee joints, protect them from injury or pathological damage.

If you still failed to save your knees, you need to contact an orthopedist, a rheumatologist in time for recommendations on how to treat knee joints at home. Timely, high-quality implementation of appointments and recommendations will help to avoid complications, disability, and the need for surgical intervention. Take care of your knees and be healthy.

In a normal state, a person does not experience any discomfort, but pain in the knee when bending is quite common and there is nothing to worry about. The knee joints are subjected to increased loads every day, for this reason, with pain in them, you should not panic. Knee injury can occur with outdoor activities, sports, home activities that are associated with physical activity.

AT human body the knee joint is the largest, it is located at the junction of the tibia, tibia and femur. Ligaments, muscles, and tendons hold the bones of the knee and hip together. The menisci act as shock absorbers and are also responsible for the mobility of the knee to the sides. Articular cartilage provides free movement and protection from shock loads.

What to do when your knees hurt? You will learn about this later in the article, but for now we will talk about what provokes knee pain?

Causes of knee pain

Knees throughout a person's life are subjected to constant stress, so violations in their work bring pain. Pain syndromes in the knee can be caused by many reasons, and the pain itself can have various manifestations: chronic, acute.

The main causes of knee pain include rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and post-traumatic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that progresses very slowly, as a result of which the articular cartilage is worn away. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of knee arthritis. The development of arthrosis can be caused by a variety of reasons.

A torn meniscus can also cause knee pain. As mentioned above, the knee joint consists of three bones between which the meniscus is located. Thanks to him, the knee absorbs shock loads. Under particularly strong loads, the meniscus ruptures.

The inflammatory process of the tendon tissue - tendinitis - also causes pain. Patellar tendon rupture can occur due to excessive weight, muscle imbalance, muscle overexertion. With multiple ruptures, inflammation begins.

Pain in the legs that occurs below the knee can be caused by excessive physical exertion or anatomical weakness. The area below the knee is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons. Due to the lack of stabilizing structures there, this area is prone to increased injury. Tendons, nerves, cartilage, and blood vessels located under the knee are easily destroyed and for this reason can often cause pain under the knee.

Twisting or direct loads also provoke pain under the knee. Among the direct loads are implied - collisions, injuries, as a result of which cracks or bruises may occur.

Tissue deterioration and age are an obvious cause of pain behind the knee. Over time, cartilage, ligaments and bones lose their strength, which will naturally cause pain syndromes. To prevent pain under the knee, and to avoid the development of pathologies such as nerve degeneration, diabetes and arthritis, you should regularly carry out moderate exercise, eat right and give the body enough time to rest. Muscle tone lower leg promotes the development of cycling, running.

So why do your knees hurt? This question interests many. Consider what pathologies provoke pain in the knees.

Injuries and various degenerative-dystrophic processes are the main causes of pain in the knee joint. They, in turn, provoke various systemic diseases of the body and inflammatory processes in the periarticular and articular tissues.

1. Osteoarthrosis. The causes of gonarthrosis can be a metabolic disorder in the body, overweight, dehydration, impaired local blood circulation - all this causes a deficiency of the synovial fluid of the joint. As a result of the above changes, there is increased friction of bones and thinning of cartilage tissues. In osteoarthritis, pain in the knee joint is accompanied by limited mobility of the joint. Increased pain is provoked by squats, loads, walking, running, carrying weights. To reduce pain behind the knee, moxotherapy, treatment with chondroprotectors, acupressure and acupuncture. This therapy promotes natural tissue regeneration, improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, and improves the motor activity of the joints.

2. Drives (arthritis) - an inflammatory process that provokes pain in the knee joint. The reasons for its occurrence include: rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, gouty drives, hypothermia. Arthritis causes knee pain at rest and improves with walking. There may be swelling of the knee joint, redness skin and temperature rise. Tibetan therapy helps to stop the process of destruction of joint tissues, reduce pain, improve blood circulation and increase the immune system.
3. Problems with blood vessels can cause circulatory disorders in the knee, which will also be painful. The pains are aching and bilateral.
4. Inflammation of the tendons of the knee - makes up 10-15% of all visits to specialists. The category is most susceptible to the pathology of women over 40 years old. Soreness is manifested when carrying weights, climbing stairs, calm walking does not provoke pain. Basically, the pain manifests itself only in the knee area (on their inner side). With periarthritis of the "goose foot" there is no violation of the mobility of the leg, it is completely bent and unbent, does not deform and does not swell.

5. Lumbosacral osteochondrosis, hernia intervertebral discs, protrusions. These pathologies provoke pinching of the nerve roots.
6. Enthesopathy, bursitis, tendobursitis, tendinitis. Inflammation of muscles, synovial bags, ligaments and tendons brings pain. The reasons for their formation may be injuries and increased stress on the joint.
7. When the knee joint is irreversibly damaged, arthroplasty is performed, which in rehabilitation period can bring discomfort. For therapy, acupressure and acupuncture are used. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects laser therapy and shock wave therapy.

Other causes include: coxarthrosis, salt deposition, arthrosis hip joints, osteoporosis, impaired liver function, abnormalities in work endocrine system, problems with the bile ducts.

Also, the causes of damage to the knees can be:

  • Osteoporosis;
  • Pathology of ankylosing spondylitis;
  • synovitis;
  • Enthesitis;
  • Dissecting osteochondrosis;
  • Chondromallation of the patella;
  • Pathological process in the bone tissues of the knee joint;
  • Disfixation of the joint;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • dissection of the meniscus;
  • Pathological processes in the anterior or posterior cruciate ligament;
  • Ligamentite;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Tuberculous lesion of the joint;
  • Pathologies in the muscles;
  • Fracture inside the joint;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Pagett's disease.

Traditional medicine for joint pain

Using folk remedies, any person relies on achieving the same result as with drug therapy: anti-inflammatory effect, improvement of metabolic processes in the body, removal of pain, improvement of cartilage tissue in the joint.
The following are some recipes used for damage to the knee joints:

  • Black radish - can be used both internally and externally. For external use, apply freshly peeled peel to the knee for a period of 5 to 15 minutes (add one minute per day). Then we reduce again to 5 minutes (after 10 days, repeat the course). At internal application eat on an empty stomach 2-3 tablespoons of radish;

  • Pour 25 grams of gelatin into 300 ml. orange juice. This thick jelly is eaten in small portions 3 times a day;
  • Pour a tablespoon of soda with a liter of warm water and apply lotions or baths, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. After that, it is necessary to lubricate the joint with cream or oil (olive or sunflower);

  • A small onion in a husk, wash, finely chop and fry until golden brown. Pour ½ liter of boiling water and boil for about 15 minutes, strain. Drink with meals;
  • If your knees hurt, then at night they can be smeared with honey (wrapped with paper), then put on mustard plasters and wrapped with cellophane film, wrapped warm on top;
  • For 5 nights, wrap a piece of fresh fat on the knee, in the morning it should be removed;
  • Wash down ground eggshells with orange juice every morning;
  • Mix 2 eggs with table vinegar (2 tablespoons), mix. 10 days to carry out compresses;
  • Pour boiling water over a horseradish leaf and apply to the knee for several hours, conduct a course of 7 days;
  • Chopped Jerusalem artichoke pour boiling water and let it brew. Soak your feet in this infusion and wear warm socks. Infusion can be used up to 4 times;
  • Pour a large number of dandelions with triple cologne or 70% alcohol. Cover the dishes and infuse in a dark place for 40 days. Apply to the sore knee;
  • Dry the potato flowers. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. insist a spoonful of flowers for 3 hours and strain. 3 times a day, take ½ cup 30 minutes before meals. Pour the rest of the flowers with alcohol, leave for 3 weeks and apply to the sore joint.

First of all, the treatment of knee pain must begin with a change in your habits. And especially with a change in the nutritional diet, because a lot of weight only increases the load on the legs. Weight loss will help reduce the load on the legs and thereby reduce their soreness.

Some experts believe that walking can be used as a treatment. But this method has many controversies, since when walking, the load on the leg does not decrease, which can lead to the opposite result. For the treatment of knee pain, you can use walking in the water, for the reason that in the water there will not be such a big load on the legs.

To start treatment, not everyone can afford such drastic measures as weight loss, so wearing a bandage can be used, which will relieve pressure on the knee joint and reduce pain. The use of a bandage is recommended under the supervision of a doctor and on his recommendation. At the same time, it should be remembered that the constant wearing of a bandage provokes the development of muscle weakness.

Groups of drugs used for therapy

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Most effective drugs This group includes Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and Indomethacin. Ibuprofen, Aspirin and Amidopyrine cope much worse with the elimination of pain syndromes. Taking into account individual characteristics the body's effects of the above drugs may vary.

Side effects

Despite the fact that NSAIDs are very effective in diseases of the knee joint, they also have a number of side effects on the body. This explains the appointment of such drugs for short periods and small doses. What are the negative effects of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?

  • Taking NSAIDs negatively affects the mucous membranes of the stomach, namely, it can provoke the development peptic ulcer or erosion (with previously transferred gastritis, peptic ulcer duodenum or stomach). The latest produced NSAIDs have less negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. These drugs include Sulindac, Acetylsalicylic acid, Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Nabumeton, Naproxen, Lornoxicam, Thiaprofenic acid, Celecoxib, Tenoxicam and Flurbiprofen. Depending on the strength of the effect of the drug on the body, the negative effect on it also increases. The above drugs are good therapeutic effect on the joints, reducing inflammation in them. Celecoxib and Nimesulide are selective COX-2 inhibitors.
  • NSAIDs adversely affect the blood coagulation system, as well as the work of the heart. Improper intake of such drugs can provoke a myocardial infarction, vascular thrombosis or stroke.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs contribute to the retention of sodium and water in the body, reduce renal blood flow, resulting in increased blood pressure and acute renal or cardiac failure may develop.

Information to remember when taking NSAIDs

If you want to carry out treatment with these drugs, then it is imperative that you consult with a specialist, and not self-medicate. Self-medication can only harm your health.

You should not take drugs for a sufficiently long period so as not to provoke disturbances in the work of the cardiac, gastric and renal systems.

Longer reception is possible only under the constant supervision of a qualified doctor.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs should be carried out only in order to be able to carry out the main treatment of the knee joints without pain: massages, physiotherapy.

Chondroprotectors. These medicines provoke an increased formation of cartilage tissue in the joints and its protection. Chondroprotectors allow for improved nutrition of cartilage tissues and their gradual restoration.

This group includes the following medicines: Chondroitin, Dona, Chondrolon, Artra, Terafrex, Zinaxin, Elbona, Structum, Artrin. The composition of these drugs, in one or another combination, includes substances such as: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Chondrolon is a drug that is available as a powder in ampoules for subsequent intramuscular injection. For use, dilute the ampoule with 1 ml. water, a course of treatment from 25 to 30 injections every other day.

The drug Structum is a mono-drug containing 250 or 500 mg of chondroitin sulfate. The daily dose is 1000 mg per day.

A significant therapeutic effect will be seen when using medications directly into the cavity of the knee joint. With this method of administration, the drug will enter directly into the synovial fluid, through which the cartilage tissue is nourished.

Anti-inflammatory corticosteroid hormones such as Celeston, Hydrocortisone, Flosteron, Kenalog and Diprospan are often used. These drugs are recommended for intra-articular administration due to the fact that their use in tablets gives many side effects. Their introduction into the joint allows you to quickly reduce the inflammatory process and soreness of the joint.

Recently, the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the articular cavity has been quite common for treatment. It is, as it were, an additional synovial fluid that allows the joint to move less painfully and reduce its trauma. With its introduction, there is an improvement in nutrition and hydration of the cartilage tissue.

Hyaluronic acid for intra-articular injection is available in such medicines: Ostenil, Fermatron, Synvisc and Dyuralan. Such treatment is quite expensive, so not everyone can afford it. For therapeutic effect a course of 3-4 injections into the diseased joint once a week is used.

Medicines used for local action

Medicines that are used for local effects also have a good therapeutic effect.

Menovazin, Fastum-gel, Diclofenac, Butadione ointment, Indomethacin ointment, Voltaren-gel - gels and ointments for knee pain, which have proven themselves quite effectively. They work well on a painful joint, but when used in this way, only a small amount of the substance has positive impact. For this reason, ointment therapy should be supplemented with medications used intramuscularly or orally.

What to do if your knees hurt? Thousands of sufferers are looking for the answer to the question every day. Discomfort, swelling, joint problems, nocturnal or persistent pain in the knees interfere with a normal life and work.

Many patients suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the ligaments, bursitis dream of finding a remedy for pain in the knee joint. On the early stage help folk recipes, ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory effect, massage. Learn how to relieve pain, how to return the joy of movement.

Probable causes

The knee joint is under severe stress, takes the weight of the whole body. Bones, cartilage and ligaments gradually wear out, wear out, the volume of synovial fluid in the joint capsule decreases, age-related problems make themselves felt. The higher the load, the higher the likelihood of negative processes in the elements of the joint. One of the signs of degenerative-dystrophic changes is pain during the development of articular pathologies.

Why do knee joints hurt? In addition to natural aging, there are many reasons for the development of discomfort in the knee area:

  • infectious diseases: osteomyelitis, septic bursitis, infectious arthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendinitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • injuries (stretching and, dislocation of the knee, displacement of the patella).

Provoking factors:

  • acute and chronic systemic pathologies;
  • the presence of extra pounds;
  • professional sports;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent weight lifting;
  • poor diet, lack of vitamins;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, addiction to high heels;
  • high static loads on the knee joint;
  • past trauma.

General rules and methods of treatment

With mild pain in the knee, patients rarely seek help, postpone a visit to a rheumatologist, arthrologist and orthopedist, use folk remedies and ointments at their discretion. This approach temporarily removes the symptoms, reduces discomfort, but does not eliminate the problem.

Helpful Hints:

  • find out the cause of the pain syndrome. Be examined, take a test for a rheumatic complex, biochemical analysis blood, do an ultrasound, x-ray, CT or MRI;
  • at an early stage of many diseases, local treatment is effective: ointments, gels, compresses, rubbing, baths and massage;
  • when confirming the infectious nature of the articular pathology, identifying the inflammatory process, antibiotics will be needed;
  • agree on a treatment regimen with a doctor, pick up a few folk recipes;
  • combination pharmaceutical preparations and home remedies will gradually relieve pain in the knee joint.

Local funds

The pharmaceutical industry offers effective gels and ointments with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, high analgesic effect. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate drug, taking into account the identified disease.

Ointments and gels for pain in the knee joint area:

  • Voltaren.
  • Menovazin.
  • Fastum gel.
  • Troxerutin.
  • Apizartron.
  • Troxevasin.
  • Lyoton.
  • Traumeel S.
  • Kapsikam.
  • Troxigel.
  • Viprosal.

Do not buy topical formulations without a doctor's prescription: some drugs have a warming effect, which limits the use in acute inflammatory process with the release of purulent masses.


After eliminating inflammation in the knee joint, the doctor will show simple techniques for strengthening muscles, delicate treatment of the affected areas. Regular massage improves blood circulation, strengthens muscle tissue, and prevents salt deposits.

Be sure to massage your knees, if the work is associated with prolonged static loads (standing or sitting position). Massage will prevent blood stasis, reduce the risk of calcification, and give rest to tired joints. The effectiveness of the procedure will increase several times when using a massage cream or gel with a relaxing, anti-edematous effect (Troxevasin, Lyoton).

A selection of the best folk remedies and recipes

Choose a few home lineups, consult with your doctor. Many specialists involved in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system approve the use of products based on natural ingredients.

Warning! With purulent tissue damage, severe inflammation, it is forbidden to warm up the sore knee in any way. Heat accelerates the formation of exudate, increases the rate of infection.

Effective home remedies:

  • recipe number 1. Tear off the leaves of burdock, wash well, pour boiling water over, remember to extract the juice. Apply with the outer side to the affected area, gently bandage. Keep an hour, change three burdock compresses a day;
  • recipe number 2. Prepare a gruel from raw potatoes (grind with a blender or grate on a grater with small holes). Squeeze the juice lightly, put the mass on gauze, fix it on the sore joint. Potato compress quickly relieves swelling, reduces pain. The tool is safe, with a "soft" action, it is allowed to use 2 weeks in a row;
  • recipe number 3. herbal decoction for ingestion. It will take 3 tbsp. l. willow bark, parsley, nettle leaves, elder flowers. Select 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour in 250 ml of hot water, put on a quiet fire. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes, remove the saucepan from the stove. After half an hour, strain the infused broth. Drink 200 ml daily (divide into two doses);
  • recipe number 4. Combine nettle seeds (6 parts) and sweet clover (1 part), add 7 parts of honey. Every day, 20 minutes before meals, eat a teaspoon of the healing mixture. The tool perfectly cleanses the blood, treats diseases of the joints from the inside. Course - 2 weeks, repeat after 7 days;
  • recipe number 5. Rubbing against pain is prepared from 10 tablets of Analgin (crushed), 10 ml of camphor and 200 ml of medical alcohol. Leave the remedy for 14 days, use it for rubbing with arthrosis until the pain subsides;
  • recipe number 6. Herbal ointment will help with knee pain and tissue inflammation. Take 1 tbsp. l. vaseline, add a tablespoon of crushed yarrow and St. John's wort. Before going to bed, gently massage the mixture into problem areas. Use the ointment for up to two weeks;
  • recipe number 7. A decoction of burdock root restores the quality of cartilage tissue. For half a liter of boiling water, you need a couple of tablespoons of chopped roots. Boil the product for 10 minutes, remove from heat, wait an hour, strain. Drink a decoction every day for a third of a glass, frequency - three times a day;
  • recipe number 8. Prepare a mixture for compresses: combine 100 g of thin honey with 2 g of mumiyo. Every evening, apply a little ointment to the affected knee, gently rub in. Duration of treatment - 14 days, break - a week. The effect will be enhanced by the use of a small amount of the healing mixture in the morning (at the tip of a teaspoon);
  • recipe number 9. A tincture of lilac, chestnut and dandelion flowers is a proven remedy for improving blood circulation, relieving swelling, and pain in the legs. Put a tablespoon of natural raw materials in a jar, pour in 500 ml of high-quality vodka, close the lid, put it in a dark place. The tincture is ready in 14 days. In the evenings, rub the healing liquid into sore joints, treat areas with dilated veins. Regular use will relieve varicose veins, eliminate pain, heaviness in the legs.

Learn about characteristics and rules for the treatment of the knee joint.

Effective methods of treatment of scapular-shoulder periarthritis are collected on the page.

Go to the address and read about the rules for using the Akos Chondroitin complex for the treatment of joints.

This is only part of the formulations for the relief of knee pain. There are other recipes based on natural ingredients.

A few more proven tools:

  • recipe number 10. Ointment with pork fat against pain in the knee joint. For 100 g of the base, take a tablespoon of dry raw materials: plantain, St. John's wort, coltsfoot. To the mixture, add pharmacy turpentine - 1 tablespoon. Then sweat the ointment in the oven for an hour, let it stand overnight in a warm room. Every other day, rub homemade ointment into the problem knee. The optimal course is 14 days, if the effect is insufficient, repeat the treatment after 5 days;
  • recipe number 11. A decoction of lingonberry leaves actively dissolves salts. An important condition is the simultaneous intake of potassium orotate (three times a day, 1 tablet an hour before meals). Lingonberry broth washes out not only heavy calcium salts, but also potassium: for this reason, body support is required. Decoction recipe: for 500 ml of hot water - 1 tbsp. l. berries. Boil for 3 minutes, cover, wait 20 minutes. Drink lingonberry tea in the morning and evening, 30 minutes before a meal;
  • recipe number 12. Cabbage leaf to relieve swelling, pain. The easiest way to treat with minimal cost. Beat the washed cabbage leaf or cut it often: small droplets of juice should come out. Wrap a leaf around the affected knee, secure with a bandage. Keep the compress for half an hour, then change the dried, warm sheet. Repeat the procedure twice more. Cabbage leaf is allowed to be used even with severe inflammation;
  • recipe number 13. Honey compress with healing aloe juice. Natural components remove inflammation, swelling, relieve joint pain. For 1 part of aloe juice or pulp, you will need 2 parts of any honey. Store the mixture in a cool place, treat the affected area daily with the composition, cover with cellophane on top. In case of an inflammatory process, replace the polyethylene with a clean knitted fabric to avoid overheating. The course will require 10-15 procedures;
  • recipe number 14. Therapeutic baths are a great way to remove pain from arthrosis, rheumatism, after knee injury. In warm water, add a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calendula, 5-6 drops of lavender, mint, juniper, fir ether. Baths with coniferous elixir, oatmeal, hay dust are effective. The duration of a useful session is a third of an hour, the frequency is daily, the course is two weeks;
  • recipe number 15. Cook viscous oatmeal, add a little butter, cool. Apply a thick layer of oatmeal to the problem area, cover with a clean cloth, and rest the sore leg. After half an hour, remove the porridge, wash your leg, moisten with a decoction of chamomile. Do an oatmeal compress every night before bed.