Distortion of the bones of the hands. Three stages of development of arthritis of the fingers

Arthrosis is a degenerative change in cartilage and joints. Most often, the disease affects the fingers. The shell of the joints thickens, fluid accumulates in them.

With arthrosis, osteophytes or growths form on the phalanges of the fingers.. Pathology is usually attributed to hereditary diseases, the disease usually manifests itself among the female population.

Women get sick 10 times more often than men. The thumb usually becomes inflamed (arthritis of the thumb hands - see the video at the end of the article). At the first sign of illness, you should consult a doctor.

Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers, if left untreated, can cause serious complications, including the complete loss of functionality of the fingers.
Here are some signs:

  • Pain: when arthrosis is on early stage you will feel a monotonous burning sensation in your fingers. The pain will become more severe with more intensive use of the hands. Over time, the condition of the cartilage deteriorates, leaving no protective pad between your joints. This will cause pain even if you don't use your fingers and hands.
  • Edema: in the absence of cartilage, the delicate joints in your fingers become inflamed and your fingers may look puffier than usual.
  • Rigidity: you may also feel stiffness in your joints caused by swollen cartilage and tissues. Joint stiffness usually increases in the morning. You may also notice that your joints become stiffer after using your arms for a long time.
  • cysts: the synovial fluid surrounding the joints leaks into the cracks and forms cysts, which are small sacs. They usually appear at the ends of the fingers and can even occur under the nail, up to half a centimeter in size.
  • Deformations: your fingers look deformed because the cartilage wears unevenly. Over time, the ligaments and tissues meant to support the joints become weak. These two problems cause deformities in your fingers.
  • joint friction: under normal circumstances, you don't feel like the joints come together because the cartilage layer remains intact. The loss of this layer allows the joints to touch each other and causes a creaking or rubbing sensation.
  • Warm: with serious damage, inflammation develops in the tissues and ligaments around. This can make your joint look red and warm to the touch.
  • bone spurs: your body is trying to repair any joint damage. In response to irritation of the bone and its surrounding structure, the creation of new bone in the form of a protrusion called a bone spur (osteophyte) is induced. These knotty growths can make your hands and fingers deformed. Over time, bone spurs make it difficult correct use fingers.

To diagnose arthrosis of the fingers, the subject is examined by a doctor, the disturbing areas are palpated. For a more accurate diagnosis, they are sent for an x-ray and a blood test. On the finished images, the deformation of the bones is clearly visible. If the blood test is different from the norm, inconsistencies are revealed, then the doctor may allow the appearance of other, more serious diseases. Arthrosis of the fingers - photo:

Clinical picture of arthrosis

In the early stages, the disease is almost asymptomatic. But there is a group of signs that indicate the onset of the disease. These include the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the upper or middle phalanges of the fingers;
  • redness of the skin over the joints;
  • during movements, the fingers emit a characteristic crunch;
  • after work, a person feels pain, but they pass by themselves. Over time, the pain becomes more and more prolonged.

At this stage of the disease, cartilage nutrition is disrupted, tissues lose their elasticity.. The movements of the fingers are not yet impaired, their functions are preserved.

At the second stage, the following picture develops

  • joint pains are permanent and do not stop even during rest;
  • the affected joints swell and are constantly in this state;
  • muscles atrophy in the deformation zone;
  • fingers lose their functions;
  • seals appear in the region of the interphalangeal joints.

At the final stage of arthrosis, the fingers lose their motor activity. The joints become deformed and lose their activity. Patients are haunted by constant and intense pain, which can be stopped with painkillers.

Attention! The pathology is treated by a rheumatologist, orthopedist or arthrologist.

Causes of the disease

Arthrosis of the fingers is considered a pathology of the elderly, while arthrosis of large joints (hip or shoulder) is usually found among the middle-aged population.

In recent years, arthrosis in the hands has become more common among relatively young people.

The main factors influencing the development of pathology include:

  • genetic predisposition to arthrosis;
  • age-related changes as part of tissues, cartilage and joints;
  • large and permanent loads on the hands and fingers;
  • menopause in women- at this time, the production of estrogen hormones decreases, which leads to cartilage depletion;
  • disruption of the endocrine system including diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • injury hands and fingers;
  • transferred infectious diseases ;
  • constant hypothermia, weathering, vibration and others adverse environmental conditions.
Attention! With a genetic predisposition to the disease, you should regularly engage in prevention, since the likelihood of the disease is high.

Stages of arthrosis

There are three stages in the development of the disease.

In the first stage, the joints remain mobile, the symptoms are very minor. Even an x-ray still does not show changes in the joints. When examining the fingers, the doctor visually determines irregularities and tubercles in the interphalangeal space.

On the the second stage is the progression of the disease. Muscle tissue atrophies, and the joint is deformed. X-ray shows bony growths, osteophytes and irregularities. The joint space is significantly narrowed. Fingers lose a number of their functions. Heberden's nodules appear on the upper phalanges, and Bouchard's nodules appear on the middle phalanges.

For the third stage is characterized by pronounced changes in the joints. Motor skills are disturbed, sometimes even complete immobilization of the hand occurs. The articular surfaces of cartilage can fuse.

Treatment of the disease

Rheumatologist Osipov Mikhail Borisovich advises: “How to treat arthrosis of the fingers: after removing pain you should undergo physiotherapy procedures, thanks to which blood circulation in the affected joints improves and their mobility is restored. Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, paraffin thermal applications, and ultrasound treatment.

The therapy is permanent, since arthrosis does not go away completely. But it is possible to achieve a state of stable remission. Treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease, during this period it is to improve the nutrition of the articular tissues and stop the process of cartilage destruction.

classical drug therapy consists of several stages:

  • Sick it is necessary to stop pain and relieve inflammation. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Among them: Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Celecoxib. The duration of admission should not exceed 21 days, since the drugs adversely affect digestive system. Voltaren or Diclofenac are used as local remedies, but ointments only reduce pain, and do not treat sore joints.
Attention! After the pain has been removed, you can use warming ointments: "Kapsicam", "Apizartron", rubbing camphor alcohol has a beneficial effect. They speed up blood circulation in the affected area.
  • If a nonsteroidal drugs unable to relieve pain, then doctors prescribe glucocorticosteroids. it hormonal preparations, the main component of which is methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone. They are used as ointments or injections.
  • The main role in the treatment of arthrosis of the fingers is played by the use of chondoprotectors.. These drugs improve tissue nutrition. The course of their use is long, about six months. Among the chondoprotectors used: "Chondroitin", "Struktum", "Mukosat", "Alflutop". Preparations are produced on the basis of chondroitin sulfate, hydrochloride, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine sulfate.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures include the following

  • regular but moderate exercise- cartilage is nourished during movement;
  • stick to proper nutrition - the diet includes the maximum amount of collagen and excludes alcohol;
  • regular use of chondroprotectors;
  • it is recommended to keep your hands warm, gloves should be worn during cold weather, since arthrosis often occurs as a result of hypothermia.

Diet for arthritis

A healthy diet during illness improves overall well-being, is aimed at restoring cartilage tissue. You can not sit on strict diets, nutrition should be correct and balanced.

  • drinking regimen- drink at least two liters of pure water per day;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • eat small meals, observe portioned principles of nutrition;
  • necessary give up sweets, any fast carbohydrates, fried and fatty foods;
  • include complex carbohydrates in your diet- whole grain bread, cereals, fruits;
  • the food you eat should be boiled stewed or steamed;
  • well restore cartilage tissue jellies, jellies, aspics and other products containing gelatin;
  • avoid fast food, semi-finished products and others harmful products from the diet.

Maintaining a diet along with drug treatment improves the condition and contributes to the recovery of the patient.

Useful video

Dr. Nikolai Karpinsky talks in an accessible language about the treatment of arthrosis of the thumb:

Arthrosis is a disease in which cartilage is destroyed. The disease usually affects the joints of the fingers. At timely treatment you can achieve a stable remission, but you need to see a doctor in time, regularly drink a course of vitamins. If there is a genetic predisposition to arthrosis, then chondoprotectors should be taken several times a year.

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Arthritis is considered dangerous disease prone to progression. The disease is an inflammatory process that affects the cartilage and ligaments in the fingers. At the same time, the patient feels a strong ...

This pathology is often found, especially in the elderly and those involved in heavy manual labor. There are many reasons, so it is important to identify them correctly by contacting a doctor. Depending on this, the appropriate treatment is selected.

Curvature of the fingers itself is not a separate disease unless it's an injury. For the most part, this is a sign of some kind of pathology associated with inflammation or destruction of the joints. There are several such diseases.

The reasons

The most common joint diseases that cause curvature of the fingers are arthritis and arthrosis.

Arthritis- an inflammatory reaction of an infectious type. The disease soon progresses, leading to the destruction of cartilage and ligaments. In this case, a person experiences severe pain in the joints, accompanied by local or general hyperthermia of the body, swelling. The disease has several types:

  1. Psoriatic, manifested in the defeat of the joints of all fingers, accompanied by an increase in their size and the acquisition of a red-brown skin tone.
  2. Gouty associated with metabolic disorders, leading to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood and, as a result, to the deposition of its salts in the hands.
  3. rheumatoid concerning inflammation of the connective tissue. As a result, a symmetrical deformation of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers occurs. The disease can also affect the wrist joints.
  4. post-traumatic- the result of an injury or surgical manipulation.

arthrosis. This disease affects the cartilaginous tissues of the joints, gradually leading to their thinning and destruction. Symptoms are manifested by severe pain in the hands, nodular formations (Heberden, Bouchard), deforming phalanges, impaired functioning of the fingers. The middle, ring and index fingers are most commonly affected.

The described pathologies are more susceptible to women during menopause, people professionally involved in sports, or activities associated with the active use of hands: massage therapists, programmers, pianists, etc. The hereditary factor also plays a large role.

Other reasons:

  • Rhizarthrosis. The disease is localized at the base of the thumb, leading to cartilage degeneration.
  • Felon. In this case, not only the joints (interphalangeal), but also the bones of the hands are affected. At the same time, the fingers have the shape of a spindle, they hurt a lot and do not bend well.
  • Gout. Accompanied by the formation of gouty tophi in the joints of the fingers, limiting their functionality and mobility. Diseases are mainly affected by people after 45-50 years old, who have problems with metabolism and the endocrine system.
  • clinodactylycongenital pathology, characterized by the displacement of the fingers relative to the axis of the hand. The disease affects the little fingers, ring fingers. The deformity is symmetrical on both hands, intra-articular structures are broken.
  • Psoriatic arthropathy associated with inflammation of the joints due to psoriasis.
  • vibration disease.


As a rule, any deformation changes in the hands can be detected already during the examination. However, the signs of arthritis and arthrosis are very similar to each other, so additional studies are often prescribed, including:

  1. Blood test (for the presence / absence of inflammatory processes, detection of uric acid levels).
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Radiography. The picture will show in detail the articular deformities, osteophyte formations.

Diagnostic manipulations also have a wider range, depending on the characteristics of the genesis of the disease under study.


Unfortunately, therapeutic actions cannot always completely cure the disease, especially if it is chronic stage or a severely neglected state. However, treatment in this case will help to cope with the symptoms of an exacerbation, significantly reducing discomfort.

Rhizarthrosis responds well to treatment at an early stage. It is effective to take chondoprotectors, vitamin complexes in conjunction with physiotherapy: massage, compresses, rubbing, etc. In a more severe form of the disease, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal medicines are prescribed ( Nimesulide, Movalis), glucocorticosteroids. The complex of physiotherapy in this case includes:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Laser therapy.

With inefficiency conservative treatment arthroplasty of the injured finger is performed.

Panaritium is successfully treated with a course of antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapy methods.

Gout requires a comprehensive approach based on:

  1. Following a strict diet limiting or excluding the consumption of food containing purines (fatty fish, meat, tea, coffee, cocoa, etc.). The diet aims to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body.
  2. drug therapy, including the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (Colchicine, Phenylbutazone, Indomethacin), the appointment of intra-articular injections of glucocorticosteroids (in the acute stage).
  3. The use of external medicines(ointments, gels, etc.) to relieve symptoms and enhance other therapeutic methods.
  4. The use of physiotherapy, such as acupuncture therapy, acting through active points on the joints and activating the processes of blood circulation, metabolism in them.

Psoriatic arthropathy is not completely curable. The disease is very dangerous and fraught with malignant genesis. In this case, long-acting drugs (Methotrexate), immunosuppressive drugs, as well as UV irradiation and plasmapheresis are used.

For treatment in the initial stage and for prevention, splinting is used - the imposition of special splints on the joints for fixation correct location and erosion reduction.

Clinodactyly needs surgical intervention. It is not possible to help in this case by other methods.

The treatment of arthritis and arthrosis is largely similar and is aimed at eliminating the causes of diseases and severe symptoms. It provides for:

  • Drugs that relieve inflammation in the joints and tissues.
  • Painkillers for pain relief.
  • antibiotics.
  • Glucocorticosteroids.
  • Hyaluronic acid (injections).
  • Chondoprotectors.
  • vitamins.

Physiotherapy involves exercise therapy, massage, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mud therapy, paraffin or ozocerite applications.

In particularly severe cases, surgical replacement of the damaged joint with an implant is performed.

An unpleasant phenomenon that requires medical advice is a change in the shape of the fingers: curvature, thickening, swelling. Deformity of small joints in patients over 40 years of age is a common clinical sign progressive degenerative disease - osteoarthritis.

Convexity, knotting, thickening of small joints on the fingers are popularly called the disease of worn joints. However, doctors do not consider the development of the disease to be an invariable consequence of the natural biological aging of the body, pointing out that chronic arthrosis develops against the background of a complex of unfavorable factors.

Cone-like growths on the bones of the fingers prevent people from performing the usual amount of activity, making it difficult to carry out even the simplest self-service activities. Often, osteoarthritis pesters a person with debilitating, monotonous, dull pain, which also overcomes when moving. upper limb and at rest.

  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

Causes of arthrosis and development mechanism

Deformation of the shape of the fingers is more often observed in female patients during the period of intensive hormonal changes - with menopause. However, pathology also affects representatives of the strong half of humanity, especially those men who, by virtue of their professional activity or active sports regularly experienced excessive stress on the hands and received minor, but frequent microtrauma of the fingers.

Currently, the exact cause of arthrosis of the fingers has not been established. One of the most likely versions of the development of the disease is a genetic predisposition: hereditary anatomical features structures of bone and joint tissue, congenital anomalies of metabolism.

Quite a few clinical cases have been recorded that several generations suffer from the degradation of small joints on the hands, and the tendency to pathology is transmitted exclusively through the female line.

Another important factor that creates the prerequisites for the development of inferiority of the joints is the combination of insufficient peripheral circulation and an unbalanced, meager diet. Deficiency of useful trace elements in the body and poor blood circulation in the distal parts leads to the fact that the cartilaginous elements do not receive the necessary substances for normal life.

The mechanism of development of finger deformity is as follows. Under the influence of unfavorable circumstances, an insufficient amount of synovial fluid- natural lubricating mass. Due to the significant friction of the surfaces of the bones and the lack of their necessary strength, the surface layer of the cartilage becomes thinner, becomes brittle and brittle.

To ensure the usual functions of the joints, the body initiates the formation and growth of osteophytes - a kind of bone growths. The growth of such spikes leads to visual deformation of the bones, limits the usual mobility in the bone "hinges". An active increase in the number and size of osteophytes gives rise to inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by pain, swelling and swelling of soft tissues, and discoloration. skin.

In addition, abnormal dryness of the joints stimulates excessive secretion of synovial fluid, altered in qualitative structure. Its excess exerts strong pressure on the joint from the inside, due to which the joint increases in size even more. Such "bursting" is accompanied by a sharp intense pain.


The main sign of arthrosis of the fingers is the appearance of formations on the joints: Heberden's or Bouchard's nodules. Such growths cover the back or side surface of the damaged joint, and most often Heberden's nodules are observed in the departments close to the nail plate, and Bouchard's bubbles cover the middle of the fingers. Almost always, nodules appear symmetrically on the fingers of both hands. The size of such formations varies from the size of a match head to a pea.

During the development of such formations, the patient often experiences an unbearable burning sensation. The growth of nodules may be accompanied by pain of a throbbing nature, characteristic of the process of formation of purulent contents under the skin. After the bubble matures, it bursts and the liquid mass flows out to the surface of the skin. After a certain period of time after this, the pain subsides, the swelling disappears and the skin acquires a natural color.

In addition to the visual signs mentioned above, and the pain that constantly overcomes and intensifies with the acute development of inflammation - the addition of arthritis, the following symptoms may be observed. With a recurrence of the disease, there is an increase in body temperature and signs of general intoxication of the body: headache, muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.

As the disease worsens, the joints of the hand become more and more deformed, and the fingers take on the appearance of hooks.


As arthrological practice shows, if an acute inflammatory process does not join the deformity of the fingers, get rid of the symptoms of the disease and prevent burdening degenerative changes quite possible. However, the treatment of osteoarthritis requires painstaking, continuous and consistent work for several months.

The main group of drugs in the treatment of dystrophic changes in the joints are chondoprotectors: drugs that directly "work" for the restoration of bone and cartilage elements. To achieve the desired result, medicines of this group are taken in long courses - at least three months. Well proven in the treatment of arthrosis:

  • artra (Artra);
  • structum (Structum);
  • arthrolon (Artrolon).

To alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the intensity of pain and relieve inflammatory process non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are included in the treatment. In the heyday phase of the disease, it is advisable to inject medications, then carry out treatment by taking tablet forms and applying ointments, gels, and creams to the affected joints. Most often resort to use:

  • Ketoprofen (Ketoprofen);
  • diclofenac sodium (Diclofenac Na);
  • naproxen (Naproxenum).

Used to improve peripheral circulation medicines With active substance pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum). Excellent results are shown by treatment with the powerful drug Trental, which can be administered as an injection or taken orally in tablets.

High therapeutic effect in the treatment of finger deformity shows the use of compresses and lotions based on Bishofit (Bishofit) - an over-the-counter drug in the form of a brine that contains natural ingredients: chloride-magnesium-sodium complex, bromine, iodine, iron.

Apart from drug treatment a special role in the treatment of arthrosis is the observance of a special diet. And the menu should include foods rich in calcium: dairy products, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes. To compensate for the deficiency of phosphorus, sea fish, seafood, cereals from cereals should be present on the table.

In severe situations with severe deformation of the joints of the fingers, restore the functions of the joints without surgical intervention fails. However, today the possibilities modern surgery significantly expanded due to manipulations using new low-traumatic technologies.


What is the dangerous deformation of the joints of the fingers

In the event that a person is not yet thirty years old, however, he notices symptoms of deformation of the joints of the fingers, then most likely this is a sign rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is quite serious, therefore, it requires immediate treatment, because otherwise it can lead to complete disability of the joint. In the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, damage is observed not only to one joint, but to the entire ligamentous apparatus. An inflammatory process develops in the joints, which leads to the fact that fluid begins to actively accumulate in the joint cavity, which in turn leads to excessive stretching of the ligaments, which gradually lose their ability to hold the joints in a stable position. In this case, the so-called increased mobility of the joints of the fingers may occur. Without proper treatment, joint deformity can progress and reach an extreme degree. Rheumatoid arthritis is much more common in women between the ages of 35 and 45 than in men, but doctors cannot name the reasons why men get this disease much less often.

Treatment of deformity of the joints of the fingers

Deformed fingers that have changed their original shape can only be corrected through surgery. However, joint pain can be reduced on its own. Among the most common ways to deal with pain in the joints of the hands, the following can be distinguished:

  • Taking common pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin.
  • On the advice of a doctor, you can start taking anti-inflammatory drugs that will reduce the inflammatory processes that develop in the joints.
  • Paraffin treatment. Experts say that to get rid of pain in the joints, you can use warm paraffin. In this case, the hands must be overlaid with paraffin, which must first be heated. When solidified, it warms the hands and reduces pain.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis must begin promptly. However, if this disease progresses rapidly and has already reached a strong degree, while the hands may become completely disabled, then do not despair. In this case, a rheumatologist can refer you to a joint reconstruction specialist who will restore the original shape of the joint, strengthen the affected tendons, if necessary, he can even install a prosthesis, and also remove those tissues that have undergone an inflammatory process. Surgical intervention can mean not one, but a whole range of operations at once, for example, it may include the correction of the wrist joint.


What can cause deformity?

There are two main diseases that often cause deformation of the joints of the fingers. In the first case, inflammation in the joints of the fingers can occur and then arthritis will become the cause of the deformity. If painful sensations and modifications appeared for another reason, then there is a high probability that this was due to arthrosis of the fingers.


Polyarthritis occurs due to inflammation in the fingers. And if arthritis affects one joint, then polyarthritis affects several joints at the same time. This disease is especially common among people over 50 years of age. The cause of the disease may be different problems, but this does not change the fact that with such an ailment, the patient feels constant pain in the fingers, with activity, the pain can intensify, which significantly affects performance.

The reasons

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons for the occurrence of polyarthritis, but there are those that are the most common and scientifically confirmed. Polyarthritis occurs if:

  • the patient has impaired tissue metabolism;
  • the person has had an infectious disease;
  • there are autoallergic and allergic conditions;
  • previously had injuries in the joints of the fingers.

As for the varieties of polyarthritis, which could provoke deformation of the joints of the fingers, we can name the following types:

  • infectious polyarthritis appears when a person has developed an extensive infectious process in the body; Crystalline polyarthritis, popularly common as the deposition of salts in the joints;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, this disease is chronic and affects not only the joints, but also the internal organs of a person;
  • post-traumatic arthritis occurs with severe injuries of the joints.


The symptoms of this disease manifest themselves in different ways. For some, it may be pain in the joints, while for others there are other unpleasant manifestations of the disease. Symptoms specific to polyarthritis:

  • pain in the joints where the changes have occurred;
  • stiffness in the joints in the morning;
  • swelling and numbness of the fingers;
  • the formation of nodules that form in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • fever at the site of injury;
  • general weakness in the arms, especially in the area of ​​the hands and fingers.


Diagnosis of this disease requires a full examination, since confusing arthritis with arthrosis is quite simple. Diagnosis includes several factors, firstly, an examination by a doctor is required, and secondly, it is necessary to find out from the patient how often pains appear and how long ago they occurred. Then you will need to take a blood and urine test. As for the blood, a general analysis will not be enough, you also need to do biochemistry. Then additional examinations may be required to confirm the diagnosis or refute it.


Patients in whom this disease began to manifest itself for a long time must come to terms with the idea that such inflammation is treated for a long time. It is necessary to treat joint disease with the help of complex therapy, it will not be enough to take one tablet per day to get rid of this problem. The most unpleasant thing in treatment is that it is impossible to cure the disease completely, and it doesn’t matter how long ago the joints began to become inflamed. The essence of the treatment process is to stop this process, respectively, eliminate pain and prolong the normal functioning of the joints of the hands.


Treatment of joints with medications consists in the fact that the patient takes several groups of drugs that have a positive effect on those joints that could become inflamed. To do this, you will need to take the following medications:

  • Antibiotics. These drugs primarily fight the infection that has entered the body and caused the development of the inflammatory process, which is why polyarthritis appeared. Destroying the cause of the disease, you can stop its spread to other joints that have not yet been affected.
  • Corticosteroids. They help reduce inflammation and also affect immune system of a person, reduce its negative impact, which occurs during inflammation.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are considered the most effective in the treatment of joint diseases. Depending on the characteristics of the body, it can be a special ointment or tablets. These drugs not only inhibit inflammation, but also reduce pain.

In addition to the usual treatment, which uses pills, ointment and injections, doctors recommend undergoing a course of physiotherapy. Such procedures have a positive effect not only on the affected joints, but also on the whole organism as a whole. In inflammatory processes, a violation of blood flow is possible, which negatively affects the hands, so it is important to normalize it, and this is where physiotherapy helps. In addition, with the help of such procedures, puffiness can be eliminated and pain can be significantly reduced.

You can use magnetotherapy or ultrasound as a treatment, electrophoresis remains popular. But this also does not exclude other methods of physical therapy that your doctor may prescribe.

It must be remembered that the inflammatory process accelerates when heated, therefore, if you feel pain in the joints that resemble polyarthritis, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.


Another disease that can provoke the appearance of ugly nodules in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the fingers. Despite the fact that this disease most often affects large joints in human body arthrosis of the joints of the toes and hands may also occur.

Causes of changes in small joints

Changes in cartilage, which covers the surfaces of bone joints, occur along different reasons, but the result is joint pain and deformity. To provoke the development of arthrosis of the fingers can:

  • genetic changes that have occurred in the body and negatively affect the process of collagen formation in the body;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • work that involves the same, monotonous finger movements;
  • hypothermia of the hands;
  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries of the hand and fingers of varying severity;
  • menopause.

The first signs of the disease can be noticed at the initial stages, then the treatment will be more effective. Its advantage is also that it does not progress too quickly.

How does the disease develop?

There are several stages of this disease, each subsequent one is characterized by aggravation of the condition of the joints. The third stage of the disease is considered the most dangerous.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, there is no need to talk about any significant changes, but at the same time, pain urges can already be noticed. The first changes relate to problems with cartilage nutrition, in principle, this process gives rise to the development of arthrosis. At this stage, you can notice swelling of the joints, the first pain urge after physical activity and crunch in the fingers with active movement.

The second stage leads to the fact that the cartilage becomes thinner, respectively, depreciation will no longer be the same as it was originally. The inflammatory process begins in the joints of the fingers. This can occur in the area of ​​the thumbs, index and middle fingers, it is they who most often suffer from this disease, but this does not exclude damage to the ring finger and little finger.

Seals appear in the area of ​​damaged joints, which retain their appearance until the end of life, since it is impossible to change them. These changes are called Bouchard's and Heberden's nodes. Their formation occurs further from the brush. To determine this stage of the disease, you need to observe the symptoms that you have:

  • the second stage is characterized by constant pain in the joints, which interferes with normal work;
  • pain is especially severe after a load on the joints;
  • puffiness;
  • burning in the joints;
  • atrophy of muscle fibers occurs;
  • pain occurs at night at rest;
  • some functions of the fingers are limited.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by the aggravation of all negative processes. The cartilage tissue not only becomes thinner, but is destroyed completely, depreciation disappears and changes occur in the bone tissue. Bone growths appear, which are called spikes. Due to changes in the fingers, they are not able to perform many functions. All movements are accompanied by painful urges. There is a curvature of the fingers.

Due to changes in the joints, the third stage is rarely treated conservatively, usually in such cases, patients resort to surgery. If the deforming arthrosis is in the third stage, then the recovery process will be long and difficult, and one should not expect supernatural results after the operation either.

How to treat?

Despite the fact that it will not be possible to restore natural cartilage in its complete absence, in the first stages it is possible to significantly stop the process of destruction. There are several options for treatment.


As in the case of polyarthritis, NSAIDs will help to stop the disease, which can eliminate pain and positively affect problem areas. In the treatment, you can use Dicofenac ointment, which in appearance resembles a white cream, Ibupofen or Movalis ointment. These drugs can also be prescribed in the form of tablets. They must be taken strictly in accordance with the dosage, since these drugs have many side effects.

Chondroprotectors are also prescribed, which must be taken long time because they help cartilage tissue to regenerate. If the pain practically does not leave the patient, then it is possible to take painkillers.

Physical procedures

Physical procedures will help maintain at the proper level the result that was achieved with the help of drugs. In addition, they actively appoint massotherapy and exercise for joint pain. But in both the first and second cases, you must be very careful, because wrong movements can have the opposite effect.

Watch your diet, because it is a very significant factor in the treatment of the disease. Try to eat less seasonings, smoked meats, salt and semi-finished products. In addition, make sure that the food is rich in greens, fruits, dairy products, fish.

It is possible to treat joints using a special ointment or herbal decoction to restore cartilage, but it must be remembered that this type of treatment may not give the result you expect.


Features of arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

This pathology mainly affects the elderly. Articular structures wear out over time, bone density decreases, cartilage thins, cracks, and bone outgrowths appear. Untreated disease contributes to the curvature of the fingers, the occurrence of severe pain, which increases with the load on the joints, movements become limited, stiffness appears. In advanced cases, a person cannot do elementary things: it becomes impossible to pick up a fork or unscrew the cap on a bottle.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

The main reason for the occurrence pathological condition considered a genetic predisposition. If someone in the family had such a disease, then it is likely that the next generation will also have it.

Another reason due to which arthrosis of the joints of the fingers occurs is the increased load on this area. The risk group for the development of the disease includes such professions as a pianist, massage therapist and office workers. The work of the latter is associated with constant typing on a computer.

Provokes the occurrence of pathology diabetes mellitus, diseases of the endocrine system. The hormonal restructuring of a woman's body that occurs during menopause leads to a decrease in estrogen levels, as a result, moisture loss occurs, due to which cartilage tissue becomes thinner, and bones and joints become fragile.

The most common cause of the development of pathology are injuries of the wrist joints and flanks of the fingers, especially when an inflammatory process occurs. Also, the occurrence of the disease leads to the abuse of alcohol, smoking, frequent colds, weak immunity, radiation exposure, endocrine disorders, allergic reactions, infectious diseases (chlamydia).


If arthrosis of the fingers has occurred, the symptoms of this disease may be different. When the fingers move, there is a crunch and aching pain, which after a while becomes chronic. There is a thickening of the joints, which is very noticeable from the side, and the affected area begins to swell. The periarticular muscles are almost always in a tense state. Such symptoms are typical for the initial stage of the disease, when there is a loss of elasticity of the articular bag.

In the second stage, the cartilage becomes thin and deformed. There is constant pain, the movement of the fingers becomes limited, the affected area turns red, the body temperature rises. Puffiness begins to increase even more, and the finger or even the entire hand loses sensitivity.

The last stage of such a disease as arthrosis of the fingers is accompanied by a complete destruction of the cartilage, and severe pain occurs, the fingers are deformed, and their length changes. Swelling and edema in the affected area pass into Bouchard's and Heberden's nodules. The formation of the first occurs at the extreme joints of the fingers, the second - at the middle ones. The joints and bones are deformed, the fingers practically stop moving. Instead of cartilage, growths appear on the periarticular bones.

If in this case the treatment of arthrosis of the fingers is not carried out, then complete immobilization of the hand is possible. The resulting nodules often accompany a disease such as rhizarthrosis, which affects the base of the thumb, the signs of which resemble ordinary arthrosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose arthrosis of the fingers, the doctor examines the patient and palpates the affected area. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient for x-rays and blood tests. The resulting images clearly show bone deformity, narrowing of the gaps of the affected joints, osteophytes. Blood tests should be within the normal range, and if there are deviations, the doctor suggests the occurrence of other, more formidable diseases, such as arthritis.

Methods of treatment

If there is arthrosis of the fingers, how to treat this pathology? The result will be much more effective when conducting complex therapy, which includes methods such as:

  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture, massage;
  • the use of medicines;
  • ethnoscience;
  • surgery.

A remarkable effect is achieved when using ointments. They are able to eliminate pain, restore mobility, increase blood flow to the pathological area. Such medications include Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Voltaren-Emulgel, Dolgit-cream, Butadion.

At an early stage, there is still a high probability of a complete cure for deforming arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints and restoration of cartilage tissue. At the 2-3rd stage, the pathology becomes irreversible. In this case, the doctor prescribes conservative therapy aimed at preventing further changes and destruction of tissues.

Medical treatment

If arthrosis of the joints of the fingers has occurred, treatment is usually carried out medicines which should be prescribed only by a doctor.

The initial stage of the disease is rarely treated with medications. Typically, the patient undergoes therapy with chondroprotectors (chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine), which help restore cartilage tissue and nourish it. It is very effective at the initial stage to carry out physiotherapy. Also be sure to take vitamins and minerals. With the help of warm compresses, pain is relieved.

The second stage of the disease is accompanied by the occurrence of severe pain, inflammation and deterioration of joint mobility. The doctor in this case prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Butadion, Diclofenac, Piroxicam), chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid. Treatment of arthrosis is recommended to be carried out in a complex manner, so the course of therapy also includes the use of vasodilators. Basically it is "Pentoxifylline", "Agapurin", "Teonikol".

In the third stage, strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Nise, Fastum-gel, are usually already used. Surgery carried out when all of the above methods were ineffective, and the deformation of the cartilaginous tissue caused a complete loss of mobility of the fingers.

Treatment at home

If arthrosis of the joints of the fingers occurs, treatment is carried out and folk ways. But they will not be aimed at combating symptoms, but at strengthening immunity and restoring metabolism.

There are the following ways to treat the disease at home:

  • physical exercises that help to gently warm up the joints and stretch the muscles;
  • adherence to a diet, but it is forbidden to starve;
  • a visit to the bath, the steam room of which activates metabolic processes and softens muscle tissue;
  • the use of hirudotherapy, since the substances contained in the saliva of leeches thin the blood and eliminate pain;
  • herbal treatment, but in this case, care should be taken, because simultaneous administration with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs causes a severe allergic reaction.

Preventive measures

To avoid such a formidable disease as arthrosis of the fingers, doctors recommend taking care of preventive measures, namely:

  • perform moderate physical activity;
  • keep hands warm, prevent hypothermia;
  • stick to proper nutrition.

Such preventive measures are the best remedy from the pathology of the fingers.


Thus, we found out what arthrosis of the fingers is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease were also considered. This pathology occurs mainly in old age, when the body is already wearing out. This ailment causes discomfort, and subsequently severe pain. It is important not to start such a disease, and if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, a complete recovery occurs.


Etiological factors

There are several reasons for the development of polyarthritis, and it is very important to accurately determine the adverse effect factor that caused the inflammatory processes. The prognosis of the disease and the choice of the direction of its treatment depend on this. Character clinical picture polyarthritis of the fingers can be different, which is also associated with etiology.

The main causes of pathology are:

  1. age-related changes in the body and joints in particular;
  2. injuries and damage to connections;
  3. prolonged loads;
  4. failure of the hormonal background;
  5. metabolic disorders;
  6. allergic reactions;
  7. autoimmune diseases;
  8. infections.

Hand polyarthritis, depending on the reasons for its development, is divided into several types, which are discussed in more detail below.



Multiple lesions of small joints are accompanied by various signs, the nature of which changes with the development of polyarthritis. In the first stages of the progression of the disease after waking up, stiffness and tightness in the fingers are felt.

Gradually, the condition worsens, swelling and swelling are increasingly observed, the color of the skin (redness) of the hands changes. In addition, seals - nodules are formed at the attachment points of the ligaments. The listed symptoms are supplemented by general and local fever, painful manifestations, paresis of the upper extremities, and a tingling sensation. There is also a characteristic crunch in the joints. The sick are worried constant fatigue weakness in arms and legs.

The last stage of the course of polyarthritis is especially severe. A neglected disease causes severe deformity and curvature of the fingers. Joints lose their functionality, people become disabled and cannot even fully serve themselves.

The described signs of polyarthritis are also characteristic of some other diseases, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct x-rays and analyzes.


Polyarthritis of the fingers is a complex pathology that requires long-term and properly selected treatment.

The main task of specialists is to find out the exact cause of the disease and prescribe measures to eliminate it. With the development of metabolic polyarthritis, therapy is based on the use of a special diet that contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. If infectious diseases serve as an etiological factor, then it is necessary to direct all efforts to their treatment. Restrictions on physical activity may also be required.

At the initial stages of the disease, physiotherapeutic procedures, manual therapy, exercise therapy and massage are used for patients. If there is a serious damage to the joints, then drug treatment is prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or glucocorticoids.

Advanced polyarthritis of the hands needs surgical intervention with subsequent rehabilitation activities. With a strong deformity of the joints, patients undergo arthroplasty - replacement of the affected joints with artificial prostheses. Arthrodesis, an operation that prevents the bones of deformed joints from growing together, can also help.

Curvature of the fingers is a change in the shape of the joints or bone tissue, changing the configuration and direction of the bones. Pathology causes many different problems. In the case of toe deformity, uneven loads occur, which leads to various joint diseases. If the curvature of the toes can still be hidden from the eyes of strangers, then a similar problem with the upper limbs immediately attracts attention. If not treated, this can lead to a complete loss of control over the hand. Joint curvature is one of the most common problems in orthopedics.

In the article we will answer the question of how to correct the curvature of the fingers and toes, we will analyze the causes that cause such pathologies.

Causes of curvature of the fingers and toes - various diseases. There are diseases that cause curvature of the joints only on the legs. But there are also those that affect both the upper and lower extremities equally.

The main causes of curvature:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis- a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints . Any joints become inflamed, but more often small joints of the hands and feet. The disease rheumatoid arthritis is periodically exacerbated under the influence of climatic conditions, hypothermia, trauma, psycho-emotional stress, physical activity, infections and concomitant diseases. In the course of the disease, damage often occurs internal organs- blood vessels nervous system, kidneys, heart, lungs.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic progressive disease of the joints that develops during the course of psoriasis. The disease is characterized by asymmetric joint damage, pronounced phenomena of secondary osteoarthritis, focal compaction of bone structures, marginal outgrowths. During the course of the disease, dislocations and subluxations of damaged joints develop, osteolysis ("dissolution") of the epiphyses of small bones, the development of immobility of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet. In severe cases, the toes can be observed to curl over each other.
  3. Arthrosis - chronic degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joints, as a result of which cartilage is destroyed, there are pathological changes in the capsule, synovial membrane, ligamentous apparatus and adjacent bone structures. The main cause of the disease is a violation of metabolic processes. Manifested by severe pain, morning stiffness and limited mobility. If treatment is not started in time, deformity of the hands and curvature of the little finger appear.
  4. Diabetes. One of the complications of this disease - neuropathy - manifests itself in damage to the nerves in the limbs. This greatly reduces the sensitivity of the hands and feet. Therefore, a person does not notice when his shoes are rubbed, something gets into his shoes and injures his leg, he does not feel cuts and other injuries. Dirt can get into the wound, and inflammation will begin. As a consequence of neuropathy, deformity of the toes and hands may begin.

Diseases and factors that cause deformation of the toes include:

  1. - a chronic progressive disease characterized by impaired purine metabolism, excess uric acid in the blood, deposition of uric acid salts in tissues and recurrent inflammation of the joints (arthritis). In 75% of cases, the joints of the first toes are affected, less often - the ankle and knee joints. Strong ones arise sharp pains in the affected joint, pronounced swelling of the joint and redness of the skin over it. As the disease progresses, persistent deformation of the joints develops, the range of motion is disturbed, up to complete immobility.
  2. Flat feet. In people with flat feet, the foot lengthens, as a result of which the muscles responsible for flexion seem to overpower the extensor muscles. This contributes to even greater tension in the tendons and subsequently leads to deformation of the fingers. With this disease, such a pathology as crossed toes is not uncommon.
  3. vascular atherosclerosis lower extremities - This is a disease of the arteries, in which blood flow in the lower extremities is partially or completely stopped due to blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots. With the progression of the disease, the arteries narrow or completely clog, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the lower extremities, the appearance of pain in the calf muscles when walking, discomfort in the legs at night, numbness of the feet and deformation of the little finger on the leg.

Reference. In addition, the curvature of the joints in the legs causes the wearing of uncomfortable shoes with hard soles, narrow toe and high heels, as well as prolonged stress on the feet, such as standing for a long time or walking. Often the causes are various injuries of the foot.

Varieties of deformations

Types of pathological curvature of the toes:

  1. Valgus deformity of the big toe in which a bony outgrowth forms at the base of the thumbs. In the people, this growth is called "bone". The development of this disease is accompanied by flattening of the arches of the foot, deviation of the first metatarsal bone inward. In addition to the formation of outgrowths, corns are formed on the sole and a hammer-like deformation of 2-5 fingers develops.
  2. hammer deformity usually affects the joints of the index fingers of the feet, which are bent and fixed at an angle, which causes severe pain. This deformity on the legs often occurs as a result of a genetic predisposition - long metatarsal bones. People with progressive transverse flat feet are predisposed to pathology.
  3. Claw deformity, in which the joints of all fingers suffer, with the exception of the thumb. The toes curl down into the inside of the foot, resembling animal claws. The cause of the disease is a violation of the functions of the muscular system. Flat feet, injury or cerebral paralysis may contribute to the development of this disease.
  4. , or as it is also called, the tailor's foot. With this pathology, the lateral part of the foot increases and varus deviation of the little toe occurs. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint. Predisposing factors for the development of the tailor's foot are injuries, congenital defects of the ligamentous or musculoskeletal system.

On the upper limbs, the following types of finger deformities are possible:

  1. hammer deformity- this is damage to the tendon that straightens the nail phalanx of the joint. As a result of this, the nail phalanx of the finger is bent at the upper joint towards the palm. The function of active extension of the nail phalanx is absent.
  2. When deformed by the type of "button loop" the limb is bent at the middle joint and straightened at the upper joint. This type of deformity results from tendon rupture, dislocation, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Classical deformity develops when the attachment site of the central fibers of the extensor tendon at the base of the middle phalanges of the fingers is destroyed, while the head of the proximal phalanx penetrates between the lateral fibers of the tendon.
  3. "Swan Neck" characterized by excessive extension of the fingers in the middle and flexion in the upper joint. True swan neck deformity does not affect the thumb, which has only one interphalangeal joint. However, with the development of strong hyperextension of the interphalangeal joints of the thumbs, a curvature called the "duck's beak", a zigzag or rectangular deformity, appears.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of toe deformity include:

  • elongation of the second finger (its nail phalanx looks down);
  • involuntarily bent toe (tendons are pulled on the back of the foot, and the limb is difficult to straighten);
  • the joints of the four fingers are strongly pressed by the first (deformation under the load of the foot);
  • pain in the foot area;
  • the appearance of corns, corns;
  • the occurrence of wounds and suppuration.

The most common symptoms of a finger injury:

  • visible deformity of the thumb and other fingers;
  • and soreness of the joints of the fingers;
  • with the deformation of the "swan neck" there may be "jamming" and "clicking" in the middle joints of the fingers;
  • in the case of a “button loop” deformity, the function of extension of the middle joint is limited or completely absent;
  • with a "hammer finger" deformities occur in the upper joints of the fingers.

Diagnostic methods

After taking an anamnesis, the doctor examines the foot or hand and then directs the patient for x-rays. The picture is taken in 3 projections. For accurate diagnosis, bacteriological, clinical and biochemical research blood, synovial fluid, urine. Depending on the situation, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination, computed tomography or MRI of the foot.

Reference. To diagnose finger deformity, in most cases, a visual assessment of its shape and mobility testing is sufficient. To assess the condition of the joint and determine the presence or absence of bone fractures, an X-ray examination is also performed.


When deforming the joints of the fingers is important complex therapy . It consists of a course of medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, classes physical therapy, use of orthopedic devices recommended by the doctor.

Conservative treatment

The main goal of drug exposure- symptomatic therapy, namely the elimination of pain, inflammation, swelling, as well as the normalization of metabolic processes and blood supply to the joints. Prescribe the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("", "Ketorolac", "Piroxicam"), which reduce pain and stop the inflammatory process;
  • muscle relaxants ("", "Sirdalud"), relieving spasm, minimizing muscle pain, normalizing blood circulation in the body;
  • painkillers ("Baralgin", "Analgin", etc.).

Orthopedic products

Orthopedic devices reduce the load on problem areas of the fingers and eliminate the risk of additional injury. With the help of a specialist, special shoes are selected, various devices, clamps are used. At an early stage positive result achieved by wearing ordinary, but soft and wide shoes.

To correct defects such as the curvature of the second toe, apply:

  • special insoles;
  • supinators;
  • correctors.

In cases with curvature of the fingers, as a rule, it is enough to apply a splint to the joint of the nail phalanx, i.e., the upper joint, for six to eight weeks, followed by a gradual restoration of joint mobility.

Surgical intervention

The operation is done with a rigid (fixed) deformity if conservative methods of correction did not give the desired effect. soft tissues corrected by tenotomy, flexor lengthening or other modern methods.

With the curvature of the fingers, surgical operations such as:

  • exostectomy (excision of part of the head of the metatarsal bone);
  • osteotomy (removal of a small element of the phalanx or metatarsal bone);
  • resection arthroplasty (cutting out the end section of the metatarsal bone);
  • resection and replacement of soft tissues around the affected joint;
  • arthrodesis (providing artificial articular immobilization);
  • installation of implants;
  • distal osteotomy (reducing the angle between the bones by cutting the distal edge and moving it to the lateral area);
  • removal of bursitis.

Important! After surgery, rehabilitation is required for two months, first in a hospital, then at home.


If you are faced with such a problem as the curvature of the fingers, you need to know that the causes and treatment of deformity of the fingers and toes are different. Serious diseases can be hidden behind this pathology. If treatment is not started on time, the disease will end with surgery or even disability. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

The specialist will identify the cause and prescribe an individual treatment that will correct the situation within a period of four to five weeks to seven to eight months. As a preventive measure and to avoid recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to do gymnastics, massage, and diet.

An unpleasant phenomenon that requires medical advice is a change in the shape of the fingers: curvature, thickening, swelling. Deformation of small joints in patients over 40 years of age is a common clinical sign of a progressive degenerative disease - osteoarthritis.

Convexity, knotting, thickening of small joints on the fingers are popularly called the disease of worn joints. However, doctors do not consider the development of the disease to be an invariable consequence of the natural biological aging of the body, pointing out that chronic arthrosis develops against the background of a complex of unfavorable factors.

Cone-like growths on the bones of the fingers prevent people from performing the usual amount of activity, making it difficult to carry out even the simplest self-service activities. Often, osteoarthritis pesters a person with debilitating, monotonous dull pain, which overcomes both when moving the upper limb and at rest.

Causes of arthrosis and development mechanism

Deformation of the shape of the fingers is more often observed in female patients during the period of intensive hormonal changes - with menopause. However, the pathology also affects representatives of the strong half of humanity, especially those men who, due to their professional activities or active sports, regularly experienced excessive stress on the hands and received minor but frequent microtraumas of the fingers.

Currently, the exact cause of arthrosis of the fingers has not been established. One of the most likely versions of the development of the disease is a genetic predisposition: hereditary anatomical features of the structure of bone and joint tissue, congenital metabolic anomalies.

Quite a few clinical cases have been recorded that several generations suffer from the degradation of small joints on the hands, and the tendency to pathology is transmitted exclusively through the female line.

Another important factor that creates the prerequisites for the development of inferiority of the joints is the combination of insufficient peripheral circulation and an unbalanced, meager diet. Deficiency of useful trace elements in the body and poor blood circulation in the distal parts leads to the fact that the cartilaginous elements do not receive the necessary substances for normal life.

The mechanism of development of finger deformity is as follows. Under the influence of adverse circumstances, an insufficient amount of synovial fluid, a natural lubricating mass, is synthesized in the cartilaginous element. Due to the significant friction of the surfaces of the bones and the lack of their necessary strength, the surface layer of the cartilage becomes thinner, becomes brittle and brittle.

To ensure the usual functions of the joints, the body initiates the formation and growth of osteophytes - a kind of bone growths. The growth of such spikes leads to visual deformation of the bones, limits the usual mobility in the bone "hinges". An active increase in the number and size of osteophytes gives rise to inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by pain, swelling and swelling of soft tissues, and a change in the color of the skin.

In addition, abnormal dryness of the joints stimulates excessive secretion of synovial fluid, altered in qualitative structure. Its excess exerts strong pressure on the joint from the inside, due to which the joint increases in size even more. Such "bursting" is accompanied by a sharp intense pain.


The main sign of arthrosis of the fingers is the appearance of formations on the joints: Heberden's or Bouchard's nodules. Such growths cover the back or side surface of the damaged joint, and most often Heberden's nodules are observed in the departments close to the nail plate, and Bouchard's bubbles cover the middle of the fingers. Almost always, nodules appear symmetrically on the fingers of both hands. The size of such formations varies from the size of a match head to a pea.

During the development of such formations, the patient often experiences an unbearable burning sensation. The growth of nodules may be accompanied by pain of a throbbing nature, characteristic of the process of formation of purulent contents under the skin. After the bubble matures, it bursts and the liquid mass flows out to the surface of the skin. After a certain period of time after this, the pain subsides, the swelling disappears and the skin acquires a natural color.

In addition to the visual signs mentioned above, and the pain that constantly overcomes and intensifies with the acute development of inflammation - the addition of arthritis, the following symptoms may be observed. With a recurrence of the disease, there is an increase in body temperature and signs of general intoxication of the body: headache, muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.

As the disease worsens, the joints of the hand become more and more deformed, and the fingers take on the appearance of hooks.


As arthrological practice shows, if an acute inflammatory process does not join the deformity of the fingers, it is quite possible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and prevent the aggravation of degenerative changes. However, the treatment of osteoarthritis requires painstaking, continuous and consistent work for several months.

The main group of drugs in the treatment of dystrophic changes in the joints are chondoprotectors: drugs that directly "work" for the restoration of bone and cartilage elements. To achieve the desired result, medicines of this group are taken in long courses - at least three months. Well proven in the treatment of arthrosis:

  • artra (Artra);
  • structum (Structum);
  • arthrolon (Artrolon).

To alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the intensity of pain and stop the inflammatory process, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are included in the treatment. In the heyday phase of the disease, it is advisable to inject medications, then carry out treatment by taking tablet forms and applying ointments, gels, and creams to the affected joints. Most often resort to use:

  • Ketoprofen (Ketoprofen);
  • diclofenac sodium (Diclofenac Na);
  • naproxen (Naproxenum).

To improve peripheral circulation, drugs with the active substance pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) are used. Excellent results are shown by treatment with the powerful drug Trental, which can be administered as an injection or taken orally in tablets.

A high therapeutic effect in the treatment of finger deformities is shown by the use of compresses and lotions based on Bishofit (Bishofit) - an over-the-counter preparation in the form of a brine that contains natural ingredients: chloride-magnesium-sodium complex, bromine, iodine, iron.

In addition to drug treatment, a special diet plays a special role in the treatment of arthrosis. And the menu should include foods rich in calcium: dairy products, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes. To compensate for the deficiency of phosphorus, sea fish, seafood, cereals from cereals should be present on the table.

In severe situations, with severe deformation of the joints of the fingers, it is not possible to restore the functions of the joints without surgical intervention. However, today the possibilities of modern surgery have significantly expanded due to manipulations using new low-traumatic technologies.