Ointment for neoplasms on the skin. Ointments for papilloma

Infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) occurs through close contact with a virus carrier (shaking hands, using common household items), and neoplasms of various shapes and sizes can occur. The appearance of papillomas in the genital area is always preceded by an intimate relationship with a sick person. The most common types of neoplasms localized inside or on the surface of the genital organs are genital warts and endourethral warts. Genital warts

This type papillomas pose a serious threat to human health and life, because in the absence of antiviral therapy and other methods conservative treatment genital warts can provoke the development of oncological diseases of the reproductive organs and not only.

To date, there is no universal remedy that completely eliminates HPV and its manifestations, but there is a fairly wide range of antiviral drugs, among which ointments that inhibit the growth of defective epithelium have proven themselves well.

Despite the fact that the ointment will not replace the complex of antiviral drugs that inhibit the DNA of the virus in human blood, it is an excellent addition to the general drug therapy and really effectively fights the external manifestations of the disease. Ointment from genital papillomas (warts) has the following effects on the body:

  1. It fights virus cells on the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane of the penis, and therefore the neoplasms slowly regress, and in some cases almost disappear.
  2. Improves with long-term use appearance of the affected tissue, smoothes the existing irregularities that appeared as a result of deformation of the outer skin due to the growth of extensive genital warts.
  3. When using the ointment in conjunction with other antiviral drugs, recovery is much faster.

Efficiency this method treatment largely depends on the regularity of applying the ointment to the affected area, as well as hygiene in the treatment of papilloma.

The most popular antiviral ointments for papillomas

Traditional medicine has a wide range of antiviral liniments that allow you to get rid of pain and cosmetic defects both in intimate places and on any part of the skin.

But it must be remembered that all ointments have a different composition, and accordingly, they affect the skin differently. So, for example, salicylic ointment is well suited for removing papillomas from large areas of the body, but its use in the area of ​​​​the eyes, mucous membranes and genital organs is unacceptable due to the acid it contains. Careless processing can lead to severe burns of the skin, which will lead to serious complications.

To avoid getting the product on healthy areas of the skin, doctors recommend treating genital warts in stationary conditions. But if this is not possible, before use, it is necessary to protect clean skin by sealing them with ordinary adhesive plasters.

Below is table with the most famous and proven ointments from papillomas, which dermatovenereologists most often prescribe to their patients. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Name of the ointmentAction takenPossible side effects
"Galaderm"This tool is well suited for the treatment of genital warts and other strains of papillomavirus, accelerates the natural regeneration of damaged tissues. Released strictly by prescription.Allergic rashes and burning. They can occur both as a result of individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the drug, and as a result of prolonged use of the ointment.
"Aldara"The immunomodulating agent is intended for the treatment of all types of condylomas located directly on the skin of the genital organs and the anal area.Disorders of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, decreased hemoglobin levels, muscle pain, itching, rash, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
"Veregen"The drug is applied in a thin layer on skin neoplasms in the genital area until they disappear completely. The maximum duration of therapy is sixteen weeks, even if after its termination there was a relapse of the disease.Thickening, ulceration of the skin, pain and burning in the area of ​​​​application.
"Condylox" or "Condilin"This tool is intended for the treatment of genital warts in the ano-genital area. The use of liniment is often accompanied by the use of corticosteroid drugs. The course of treatment is no more than three days, but subject to good tolerance, it can be extended by the doctor's decision after a four-day break.With care, side effects should not be applied. If the ointment gets on healthy areas of the skin, allergic reactions and the appearance of painful ulcers are possible.
"Panavir"The ointment is an immunomodulating agent, prescribed for the treatment viral diseases skin and mucous membranes. It is used in almost all types of papillomas.
"Viferon"The ointment contains human interferon and ascorbic acid, and is used in the treatment of all types of HPV that affect both the skin and mucous membranes. The duration of the course usually does not exceed more than one week, unless the doctor has changed the period due to the need. The lactation period and pregnancy are not contraindications to the use of liniment.Minor allergic reactions.
"Oxolinic"Liniment is a universal antiviral agent that blocks inflammatory processes, but despite this, it only reduces the external manifestations of genital warts without destroying HPV strains. If stored incorrectly (described in detail in the instructions for use), it can lose almost all healing properties.Not visible.
"Bonafton"With the help of this tool, all types of viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes are treated. It is used according to a scheme individually compiled by a dermatologist until a positive result is obtained. The tool can not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Severe allergic reactions that disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug.
"Riodoxol"Used in the treatment of viral and fungal diseases, the concentration level active substance(0.5%, 0.25%) is determined by the dermatologist depending on the severity of the clinical picture.Skin rashes, redness, burning and itching.

Even if any of the presented ointments for papillomas is dispensed from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, buy it without going through the full complex diagnostic procedures impractical. This is because there are many strains of HPV, and not all of them are sensitive to the active components of a particular medicinal product. Thus, choosing the wrong type of antiviral ointment, you can not only waste time and not achieve positive results, but also harm your health. In this regard, the decision to use one or another ointment from papillomas should be made only by a doctor based on the results of the tests.

Is it possible to treat genital papillomas at home

Use of funds traditional medicine to get rid of papillomas is acceptable, but it must be agreed with a dermatologist without fail. It is worth noting that homemade ointments are able to smooth out external defects, but do not affect the cells of the virus itself, which explains the low efficiency of this method. But since homemade infusions and decoctions are made from natural ingredients plant origin, their use can increase the overall immunity of the body, and hence its resistance to the virus. Phytotherapy gives good results in combination with traditional methods of treatment, accelerating the healing process.

The video shows how to make an ointment from the collected grass of Celandine with your own hands:

Self-removal of genital papillomas, even after their careful treatment by various means, is unacceptable, since this can cause severe bleeding and other serious consequences. For the same reason, you can not cauterize skin growths in the intimate area with the juice of celandine and other herbs, there is a high risk of burns. This method of removing papillomas is suitable only for low-oncoactive neoplasms of small diameter located on the arms or torso. Repeated injury to genital warts without antiviral therapy can trigger the growth of a cancerous tumor.

If none of the conservative and folk methods does not give a positive result and there is a constant growth of existing ones, as well as the appearance of new genital papillomas, it is necessary to remove large neoplasms with the help of a surgical operation.

Papillomas on the human body do not look very beautiful, and therefore, sooner or later, the question arises of their removal. Most fast way getting rid of genital warts is surgical intervention However, not every patient agrees to this. An alternative solution for removing skin neoplasms is the use of various ointments for papillomas, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently.

How do ointments for papillomas work?

Ointment is the most convenient remedy for removing papillomas. The active components in its composition negatively affect the neoplasm, completely destroying it to the root. To make the treatment more effective, the attending physician prescribes a complex treatment consisting of taking special creams and antiviral drugs. Antiviral ointment is selected based on the age of the patient, the type of papilloma and the degree of neglect of the viral pathology.

You can remove skin neoplasms at home, following all the recommendations of the attending physician. Ointment for removing papillomas is applied to clean, dry skin. With a light movement, the product is rubbed into the epidermis without injuring the wart.

If desired, the lubricated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is covered with a gauze pad. After a while, the papilloma crusts over and falls off.

On average, it takes about a month of therapy to completely remove skin growths using therapeutic creams.

Pharmacy ointments for removing neoplasms

On the pharmaceutical market today you can see a lot of drugs against papillomas. They differ in composition, manufacturer, price and method of exposure to skin disease. Some agents have an antiviral effect, others, using a series of chemical reactions, burn warts from the surface of the skin.


Oxolinic ointment

Many from childhood remember this ointment based on oxolin and petroleum jelly, which was used to lubricate the nasal passages during epidemics of influenza and SARS.

Oxolinic ointment belongs to the group of antiviral drugs that can be used on an ongoing basis for prophylactic purposes. The drug has practically no contraindications, and therefore can be prescribed to pregnant women and young children.

To get rid of papillomas on the neck or other parts of the body, the affected area of ​​the skin is treated with oxolin ointment three times a day for about four weeks. For treatment skin rashes, a product with a 3% content of oxolin is suitable. In the absence of positive dynamics, the drug is replaced by a more potent one.


The main active ingredient in the medicinal ointment for papillomas is interferon, which has an antiviral effect on HPV.

Auxiliary substances are petroleum jelly and vitamin E. Viferon is applied 4 times a day to the neoplasm for two weeks.

The drug has no side effects and can be used in the treatment of papillomavirus in pregnant women and young children.


The composition of Panavir includes herbal and biologically active components. The drug stimulates increased production human interferon, thereby reinforcing healing effect. Penetrating deep under the skin, the drug destroys the root system of the papilloma, and contributes to the rapid fall of the growth.

Compared with long-term therapy with oxolinic ointment, treatment with Panavir lasts no more than 10 days. The drug is applied 5 times a day on clean, dry skin. mass positive feedback the drug won in the treatment of papillomas in intimate places.


This drug is more used in the treatment of herpes, but it can also be used in the fight against papillomavirus. While taking Acyclovir, a decrease in the growth of skin formations is noticed.

Based on trace elements and acids

Salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment is often used in the treatment of many skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, urticaria and other rashes.

For the treatment of papillomas, a remedy with a 10% content of the main active substance is used. Salicylic ointment is quite effective in the initial stages of the rash of warts. The drug is applied 3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin, a gauze swab can be applied on top.

Sometimes zinc-salicylic ointment is used, which first softens the papilloma, and then contributes to its complete destruction.

Zinc ointment

Another time-tested remedy for many skin diseases. It has a drying effect, which is effective in the initial rashes of papillomas. The cream is applied three times a day until the skin growth is completely removed.

Zinc ointment can cause an allergic reaction, so if itching and burning appear on the treated areas, the treatment process should be stopped.

Ointments with natural ingredients

Vishnevsky ointment

When the skin formations are deformed, suppuration and inflammation may occur. A drug

Vishnevsky contributes to the speedy restoration of the skin, followed by getting rid of unwanted warts.

The drug should not be used for more than a week, as side effects are possible in the form of swelling and redness of the epidermis.


The manufacturer of the product claims that it is created entirely from natural ingredients. Raw materials are collected on the slopes of the Carpathians and processed into a creamy consistency. To completely remove the wart, just a few procedures using Stefalin are enough.

Literally after the first application, a crust forms on the papilloma, which in a few days will fall off along with the wart. The drug is applied only to the skin formation, without affecting healthy skin.

Ointment from papillomas: Chinese

New Chinese drug San Fen Zhong.

The drug has a burning effect, so it should be used with extreme caution. The cream is applied to the papilloma for three minutes, then washed off with warm water. Usually, positive dynamics is noticeable after six procedures.

Treatment for any of the above medicinal ointments must be carried out according to the instructions. When allergic reaction, you should immediately stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

Homemade ointments for removing papillomas

With the help of traditional medicine recipes, you can get rid of many skin diseases, including papillomas.

Unlike medical preparations, home-made products are completely natural and do not have a negative effect on the body.

There are several effective recipes for homemade ointments for papillomas:

Garlic ointment.

In equal proportions, you need to take garlic gruel and petroleum jelly. Sometimes instead of vaseline, a greasy baby cream is used. The resulting mixture is stirred until a homogeneous mass and applied to the warts three times a day until they disappear completely.

Celandine cream.

Medicinal herbs must be collected during the flowering period. Vaseline is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with finely chopped grass and applied to problem areas of the skin. After a while, the papilloma will begin to dry out and a crust will form on it. The prepared composition is stored for only a few days in the refrigerator. Full article about the treatment of growths with celandine.

Vinegar wart cream.

Flour and vinegar are combined in a ratio of 1: 1 and stirred until a homogeneous consistency is formed. In the form of applications, the mixture is applied to the skin until completely dry. Then the crust of flour and vinegar is washed off with warm water. Repeat the procedure for at least a month three times a day.

Acetic ointment with eggshell.

Stir the egg shell in vinegar essence and add pork fat. The resulting mixture is applied to the wart at least three times a day for four weeks.

Treatment of papillomas with castor oil.

Many positive reviews can be heard about castor oil. If you lubricate the skin growths with them for a long time, then they will eventually dry out and fall off.

Side effects and prevention

Many people, in order to get rid of papillomas, try a variety of ointments and creams purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Ointments made according to folk recipes do not have side effects, since they contain only natural ingredients.

To avoid the occurrence of side effects from pharmacy ointments, it is necessary to carefully study the attached instructions. Most often, a contraindication to use is individual intolerance to the main active substance, pregnancy and childhood up to two years. Not all drugs have such contraindications, so it is best to consult a specialist before treatment.

Once the papilloma virus has entered the human body, it is no longer possible to get rid of it. Skin rashes in the form of warts and other skin growths appear when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, the best prevention is to strengthen the immune system. You can increase the body's resistance by taking vitamins and minerals, playing sports, observing the daily routine and proper nutrition.

Properly selected ointment from papillomas is not a guarantee of success in the fight against the disease. Additional intake of immunomodulatory drugs will speed up the healing process and prevent the appearance of new skin rashes. An experienced specialist will help you choose the most suitable ointment, based on individual characteristics organisms and varieties of the papilloma virus.

list of remedies for HPV from a doctor

Source: https://ZaKozhy.ru/papillomy/maz-ot-papillom/


Ointments for papillomas and warts: how to choose, review

Papillomas are benign formations that form on the epidermis, mucous membranes. They can affect large areas and cause severe discomfort. Growths are easily injured. As a result, an additional infection can be introduced into the body, blood poisoning can occur. Some types of papillomas have the ability to degenerate into malignant formations. Therefore, growths must be disposed of. This will help ointment from papillomas.

Rules for the selection of ointment

Cream, ointment for removing papillomas are one of the safest means of treating growths on the mucous membranes, body, face and other areas. They can be purchased at any pharmacy chain and applied at home. However, not all so simple.

Any ointment from papillomas, warts can be used after consulting a doctor.

Not always ointment for human papillomavirus (HPV) gives the desired therapeutic result. When the growth affects large areas, is large, or is located in the deep layers of the epidermis, only surgical intervention to remove genital warts can help. Ointment, if there are neoplasms in the mouth, on the body, face, etc., which have a high oncogenic risk, can not only not bring the desired result, but also harm.

Antiviral creams, ointments are not able to get rid of warts completely. Any medicine for a woman, man, child can only stop the spread and reproduction of a pathogenic organism. When the immune system is weakened, it is activated again. To reduce the risk of relapse, you need to carefully monitor your health.

Balm and other preparations local application from HPV should be used only after the appointment of a specialist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. It can pose a threat to health and life. Only a qualified doctor will determine which in a particular case is the most effective ointment.

Garlic-based ointment will help from papillomas

Folk recipes for ointments

Remedies for papillomas on the face, neck and other areas, prepared independently:

  • Cream with celandine from growths. Mix the dried plant with lamb or pork fat. In a ratio of 1 to 2. Apply twice a day. Apply until the neoplasm is eliminated.
  • Ointment with vinegar to remove papillomas. Pour the vinegar liquid over the eggshell. Add nutria fat to the resulting product. Apply to growths 2 times a day until they are removed.
  • Ointment against warts on kerosene with walnuts. Grind the core and pour the substance in a ratio of 2 to 1. Let the agent brew for three weeks. After that, apply 1-2 times a day.
  • An effective cream with garlic against warts on the skin for men and women. Grind 1 clove of the main ingredient and add any face cream to the gruel. Clearly observe the proportion of 2 to 1. It is necessary to apply to the damaged area through a napkin, avoiding healthy areas of the skin. Fix with plaster. Remove the compress after three hours. Rinse the skin.

Folk recipes can eliminate growths and suppress the activity of the pathogen only if they are used in combination with traditional methods of treatment.

Before using any products, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the components in the composition. To do this, apply a small amount of cream on the elbow or wrist. Wait five minutes.

If redness, rashes do not appear on the skin, you do not feel burning and itching, then the remedy can be safely used.

How to smear papilloma to disappear

Active ingredients local preparations remove growths on the mucous membranes, skin, destroying them from the inside (up to the root). Ointment from genital warts, warts and papillomas, as a rule, is used as part of complex therapy with tablets, injections, sprays, suppositories. This is the only way to get rid of the symptoms of papillomavirus.

In any pharmacy chain, you can buy an inexpensive ointment from growths in intimate places, face, body, etc.: Vishnevsky, oxolin, salicylic and others from papillomas and warts. Such external preparations for the virus dry neoplasms, destroy their structure, and inhibit synthesis.

Troxevasin ointment will help against warts in intimate places

How to smear papilloma, wart to disappear:

  • ointment against papillomas Alpizarin;
  • salicylic ointment from growths on the eyelid and other delicate areas;
  • Chinese ointment Doctor wei speckle killer for warts in the intimate area, warts on the body and face;
  • ointment for warts in intimate places Troxevasin;
  • cream for the disappearance of growths based on thuja;
  • an effective remedy for the treatment of HPV Betadine;
  • a drug for genital warts called Akriderm;
  • good remedy from the growths of Zovirax;
  • inexpensive tetracycline;
  • effective means Panavir, Acyclovir;
  • well-known oxolinic.

What exactly to smear the neoplasm for removal, the doctor decides. Local medicines have contraindications. Many of them are prohibited during pregnancy.

Salicylic ointment from papillomas

If you look at the thematic forums for salicylic ointment from papillomas, warts reviews, you can be sure that it is in no way inferior in terms of the effectiveness of cryodestruction. Moreover, the drug costs much less than the removal procedure. Salicylic-zinc paste also helps to get rid of unwanted growths.

The use of salicylic in neoplasms cannot guarantee that the wart will not reappear. Therefore, it is necessary to use it in the composition with immunostimulants, antiviral drugs. Salicylic-zinc ointment from papillomas, genital warts does not give an instant result, like cryodestruction. You need to be patient. Treatment with salicylic ointment should be carried out clearly according to the instructions for use. The medication can cause side effects.

Salicylic ointment from papillomas is in no way inferior in terms of the effectiveness of cryodestruction

Chinese ointment for papillomas

Means for removing warts and papillomas (and other unwanted neoplasms) Doctor wei speckle killer is made on the basis of medicinal herbs growing only in China. Therefore, it has practically no contraindications and adverse reactions. Chinese ointment for warts, papillomas is used as follows:

  1. The tool for removing unwanted growths is available in a glass bottle. Shake it for 2-3 minutes before use. So that you get a uniform consistency.
  2. Cauterization of neoplasms is recommended to be carried out with a toothpick so that the product does not get on healthy areas of the skin. If this does happen, the cream should be washed off within a few seconds.
  3. After applying the cream "Killer Dr. Wei" on the skin should be sore. If a discomfort no, repeat application.
  4. The Chinese remedy consists of two parts (there is also a second bottle of papillomas). The contents of the white bubble should be applied to the neoplasm 2-3 minutes after the onset of acute pain.

The number of applications of the wart remedy and the duration of treatment depends on the size of the growth. If it is not larger than sesame seeds, it must be lubricated 2-5 times a day. The duration of therapy is 2-3 days. With large sizes, the duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

Alpizarin and Troxevasin

Alpizarin gel against HPV is an antiviral drug of plant origin. It is prescribed for neoplasms of various localization. It has contraindications in the form of pregnancy, childhood up to a year, an allergic reaction to the components in the composition of the drug. Apply to skin covering You need a thin layer 4-6 times a day. Children are assigned a 2% remedy. Adults 5%. For mucous membranes, a 2% gel is used.

Troxevasin gel is an anti-inflammatory drug with an antioxidant effect. A small amount of ointment is rubbed into the affected area. For greater effectiveness after the procedure, you need to impose elastic bandage. The number of applications and the duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient.

Ointment based on thuja oil is an effective remedy for papilloma

Ointment based on thuja oil

It is an effective remedy for papilloma, which is used by homeopathy, and not the thuja itself, but its oil is used. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy or make it yourself. Ointment from the Thuja plant for neoplasms is prepared as follows:

  1. Heat 100 mg of sunflower oil in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Pour it into a non-metallic container and add ten thuja shoots (pre-washed).
  3. Allow the product to brew in a dark place for at least ten days.
  4. Add any cream to the cooked oil. The drug is ready.

Thuja oil can be used without adding cream. But then the result will be less effective.

Betadine and Akriderm

Betadine, as a rule, is used in relation to neoplasms in intimate places. It is an antiviral drug with a bactericidal effect. The drug inhibits the synthesis of the pathogen. Prevents its further spread.

Akriderm is intended for the treatment of various skin diseases. The drug relieves inflammation and itching, eliminates swelling, reduces the amount of exudate. Prevent further spread of the virus.

Zovirax and tetracycline ointment

The active ingredient in Zovirax ointment is acyclovir. The drug has an antiviral effect. Suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, prevents their spread. Use a cotton pad to apply the cream. This will help prevent further infection. It is recommended to use the drug several times a day (up to 5). The duration of therapy does not exceed 10 days.

"Tetracycline" has contraindications: liver failure, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, allergy to components, dysbacteriosis of the digestive system. The drug is applied in an even layer to the affected area. It is recommended to apply 3 times a day. It is necessary to use the medication until the growths completely disappear. After that, it is desirable to repeat the therapeutic course to avoid relapses.

There are also the following, no less effective, antiviral drugs:

  • Panavir from papillomas.
  • Acyclovir against papillomas.
  • oxolinic ointment from growths.

Panavir gel, ointment for papillomas and the rest of the listed drugs have contraindications and adverse reactions. Their use is permissible only with the permission of a highly qualified specialist. This will help to avoid adverse consequences.

After eliminating unwanted neoplasms, you should carefully monitor the state of the immune system. The stronger it is, the lower the risk of relapse. Go to healthy eating, give up bad habits, treat concomitant pathologies in a timely manner, take vitamin complexes.

Fibromyoma, cysts, papillomas, warts are treated with thuja.

Source: https://ozppp.com/vpch/kakuyu-maz-primenyayut-ot-papillom.html

Antiviral ointments for papillomas, including for treatment in intimate places

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm of the skin that develops from squamous epithelium. They look like warts or growths. Papillomas are viral in origin and are caused by the human papillomavirus. HPV is transmitted by contact-household and sexual contact. Usually, papillomas begin to appear with a decrease in immunity, colds, alcohol or nicotine abuse.

Exists two ways to treat papillomas: conservative and surgical. Conservative methods include treatment of papillomas with ointments, and for surgical removal with electroknife, laser, liquid nitrogen and scalpel. Before resorting to extreme methods, you need to try to get rid of papillomas with ointments or try treatment with folk remedies.

Ointment from papillomas

Before resorting to drastic measures, you should definitely try antiviral ointments against papillomas. This method of treatment is the safest and most painless. It almost does not cause complications and has no contraindications. If this does not help, you need to resort to surgery.

List of ointments against papillomas

On the modern pharmacological market, a large number of ointments for warts and papillomas are presented. The most effective of them include oxolinic, Viferon, salicylic, Betadine and Panavir.

Oxolinic ointment from papillomas

Oxolinic ointment against papillomas contains an antiviral component - oxolin. It inhibits the replication of new viral particles and kills existing ones. Usually, the removal of papillomas with oxolinic ointment takes about 4 weeks.

Despite the fact that formations are not always completely removed, during the treatment of papillomas oxolinic ointment new elements do not appear. Apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin at least 2-3 times a day. After application, there may be a slight burning sensation.

The course of application is usually 2-8 weeks.

Ointment Viferon

Ointment Viferon with papillomas in last years received wide distribution. It contains human interferon, a substance that stimulates the production of protective antibodies that actively fight the reproduction of the virus.

The drug is safe and its use is allowed even during pregnancy and breastfeeding .

Also, as with other ointments for removing papillomas, discomfort may be felt at the site of application, but this should not be frightening - discomfort disappears within a few minutes. It is necessary to apply the ointment within one month.

Salicylic ointment

Many have heard about salicylic ointment from papillomas as a traditional, effective and safe means. She possesses disinfectant, exfoliating and healing properties. After applying the ointment, it is necessary to apply a sterile medical bandage to the skin for several hours. The time of use of the ointment is not limited - it is used as much as necessary for the complete disappearance of growths.


Ointment Betadine you can smear papillomas and warts, although it has antimicrobial property. Betadine simultaneously increases local skin immunity, thereby removing papillomas, and disinfects the resulting wound, preventing infection from developing. You need to use Betadine twice a day for 14 days.

Panavir Cream

Another antiviral ointment to remove papillomas, especially in intimate places, is Panavir. This herbal preparation helps to painlessly and quickly get rid of papillomas and warts. The advantage of this drug is no discomfort when applied, as well as the absence of contraindications and side effects. The average course of treatment is a month. Apply the product 3-4 times a day.

What ointments can be used on intimate places, face, eyelids, neck

Ointment from papillomas and condylomas in intimate places- Panavir Cream. This ointment against papillomas on the penis and labia gently removes formations without causing ulceration and irritation.

Ointments from papillomas on the face- salicylic ointment, betadine. These products have excellent regenerating, immunomodulatory and antiseptic effects, suitable for sensitive facial skin.

Ointment from papillomas on the eyelids– Panavir Cream and oxolinic ointment. They delicately get rid of defects on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Ointments from papillomas on the body, neck- Oxolinic ointment, Viferon, Salicylic ointment, Betadine, Panavir Cream.

Separately, it must be said about ointments after the removal of papillomas. D-Panthenol, Bepanthen and Dexapanthenol are suitable for healing and preventing scarring.

Source: http://idermatolog.net/boleznikogi/borodavki_i_papilomy/mazi-ot-papillom.html

What ointments for papillomas are most effective

Papillomas are benign neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In total, more than 100 varieties of HPV are known, including strains of high oncogenic risk. The virus is transmitted by sexual and contact-household routes, as well as from mother to child when passing through the birth canal.

In the body of an infected person, it persists for life, for many years - asymptomatically, but manifests itself only with a decrease in the overall immune status.

The reasons

  1. bad habits - smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, sedentary lifestyle,
  2. stress - physical overload, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, neuroses,
  3. hormonal changes - adolescence, menopause and menopause in women,
  4. foci chronic infections- carious teeth, urogenital diseases, chronic tonsillitis, carriage of herpes family viruses, etc.

Papillomas appear on the face, neck, chest skin, in the armpits, some strains - in intimate places, which causes particular inconvenience and very noticeable pain. Approximately 50% of patients experience self-healing from warts.

However, in the case of large formations, the intervention of a specialist is required, because they can become malignant - turn into malignant tumor. In addition, papillomas in the genital area and anus give patients significant discomfort, and in open areas of the skin - an unfavorable aesthetic impression.

Prevention methods

To avoid HPV infection, you should follow simple hygiene rules - wash your hands regularly, especially with cuts or cracks, wear comfortable shoes that do not rub, and use condoms during sexual contact. In addition, vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil have been developed that protect women from the most dangerous strains that cause cervical cancer significantly more often.

Successful treatment of papillomas requires an integrated approach, which includes:

  • increasing the overall resistance of the body,
  • methods of physical destruction - cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, laser excision, etc.,
  • chemical destruction - ointments and solutions that remove the wart,
  • cytotoxic drugs in the form of ointments and gels - stop uncontrolled cell division and, consequently, the growth of papilloma,
  • keratolytic agents - destroy excess skin cells,
  • antiviral ointments - fight the source of the problem by suppressing the activity of the virus.

The exact treatment complex will be selected by a dermatologist. Unfortunately, recurrence of the disease is possible regardless of the means of therapy. HPV carriers without any symptoms do not require treatment.

The most effective ointments

Treatment by any external means requires a certain patience and systematicity - it will take several weeks to achieve the result.

  1. One of the most famous antiviral ointments is oxolinic. It is available in 0.25% or 3% concentration. If the first is intended for the prevention of SARS, then the second is just for the fight against papillomas. The agent is applied to the problem area 2-3 times a day for 2-8 weeks. Oxolinic ointment from papillomas prevents the reproduction of the virus in the affected cells, thereby stopping the pathological process.
  2. Viferon is also known - a suitable ointment for papillomas. The active substance is human interferon, which has a direct antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. Viferon is approved for use during pregnancy and in children older than 1 year.
  3. Salicylic acid is applied in the form of a patch, varnish or ointment. It has a keratolytic effect. Only a 40% remedy is an ointment that helps with papillomas, since drugs with a lower content will not have the desired effect on the neoplasm.
  4. Gel Panavir, an ointment for removing papillomas, also has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, but it is not effective enough to deal with the problem alone. At the same time, Panavir can be successfully included in complex therapy.

Folk ways

Traditional medicine offers the milky juice of celandine to fight papillomas, but its careless use can cause serious chemical burns of the skin up to the formation of disfiguring scars when applied over a large surface area.

Some recipes suggest the use of onions, garlic, thuja oil, aloe juice, the most desperate - setting fire to match heads over the wart. All these methods are more dangerous than healing. They threaten health much more than the presence of a wart.

Ointments for skin healing after removal of papillomas

After removal of papillomas, it may also be necessary to apply special ointments to the affected skin. Firstly, the place where the wart was, will need to be treated as prescribed by the doctor, since this is a small, but surgical wound, and it requires cleanliness for successful healing. When a dry bloody crust forms at the site of the former papilloma, you can use means that accelerate healing - D-Panthenol, Dexapanthenol or Bepanten.

What does not work?

Contrary to a common myth, Levomekol does not help with papillomas. It contains two active ingredients - chloramphenicol and methyluracil. Chloramphenicol has an antibacterial effect, but does not affect viruses in any way.

Methyluracil accelerates wound healing and is more suitable at the stage of healing of the wart removal site only after physical destruction.

Thus, papillomas are a chronic disease of the skin and mucous membranes associated with the carriage of HPV and a decrease in the human immune status.

You can fight warts only by implementing complex therapy - you need to get rid of the foci and strengthen the body's defenses by abandoning bad habits, maintaining healthy lifestyle life, a full-fledged varied diet, treatment chronic diseases. Medications will help you choose a dermatovenereologist or an infectious disease specialist.

Source: http://ProPapillomi.ru/papillomy/mazi/ot-papillom.html

Ointment for papillomas: effective and inexpensive remedies against papillomavirus infection

It is impossible to cure papillomas caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), but with the help of topical preparations (gels, ointments, creams, emulsions) it is possible to reduce their spread, to “mute” their activity in the human body. Incubation period HPV lasts from a couple of months to several years.

Treatment with local drugs

The active substances of any ointment affect the structure of the papilloma itself, destroying it, up to the root part. Ointments and creams can be used as complex treatment with other groups of antiviral drugs (injections, tablets, sprays, suppositories).

Before you go to the pharmacy for another ointment, read the article, which describes in detail the causes of papillomas, their types and how they can still be treated.

In pharmacies you can buy inexpensive means from papillomas, for example, Vishnevsky ointment, salicylic-zinc ointment, oxolinic ointment. Almost all of them have a drying effect, destroy the structure of the build-up, prevent further distribution. Oxolinic ointment successfully fights infectious skin diseases, therefore, it is widely used both in therapeutic and dermatological practice.

Ointments and creams

Treatment with ointments or creams is carried out at home. The result of treatment is observed already on the 7th day after the start of the course.

With regular treatment of focal papilloma, it turns into a dry crust, which disappears after 4 weeks. Of the most effective ointments, some stand out especially.

Ointment oxolinic

For the treatment of papillomas, it is necessary to purchase an ointment with an active substance content (oxolin) of 3%. The ointment is safe to use for self-treatment of papillomas. The treatment will take about 3 months. For successful results, it is necessary to apply the ointment 3 times a day to the area of ​​\u200b\u200brashes and combine the remedy with other effective antiviral drugs.


Ointment Viferon has a powerful antiviral effect of long-term exposure. The main components are human interferon and excipients (vaseline, lanolin, vitamin E). The effect after applying the ointment lasts about 6 hours, from which the frequency of applications per day is 4. The duration of treatment is about a week. The drug is considered safe for newborn babies and pregnant women.

From this article, you will learn how papillomas affect pregnancy, and how dangerous they are during this period.

The drug is one of the most soft remedies in the fight against papillomas, condylomas. The composition of Panavir includes herbal ingredients and other biologically active substances.

The tool is considered a natural stimulator of human interferon, under the action of which it increases therapeutic effect. Against the background of treatment, the structure of not only the body of the neoplasm is destroyed, but also its root.

Dermavit gel

Dermavit is a powerful remedy against unaesthetic warts, papillomas and other growths. The main features of the drug are painless treatment and removal of growths without scars. The main composition includes the following components:

  • medicinal celandine extract;
  • purified water;
  • diazolidinil and propylene glycol;
  • C10-30 alkyl acrylate and crosspolyme acrylate;
  • urea and others.

The duration of treatment depends entirely on the degree of infection. Usually papillomas and warts disappear in a few weeks.


The drug refers to complex ointments, which are based on the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil (a substance that stimulates the immune system).

The drug activates the processes of skin renewal at the cellular level, restores water balance, inhibits the development of various bacteria, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Before treating papilloma near the genitals or oral cavity, it is important to protect the mucous tissues with a layer of neutral cream. The duration of treatment will be approximately 4-5 weeks.

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about features of HPV, manifestation, treatment tactics:

Stefalin ointment

Ointment Stefalin is made from natural ingredients without any addition of chemical components. The drug has a sharp pronounced odor, creamy texture and rich green color. In dermatology, the ointment is known as an effective remedy for warts, papillomas, including their precancerous stage.

Despite the aggressive effect on the skin growth, the ointment does not have a negative effect on the internal organs, does not cause allergies. Stefalin acts precisely on the build-up, destroying its structure and “pulling out” its root.

When treatment occurs during the degeneration of a mole or papilloma into a cancerous tumor, then at first the papilloma will begin to swell, liquid will ooze from it, and after that, a dense dry crust will appear on the surface. After a week, such crusts usually fall off by themselves.


Ointment Acyclovir is more used to treat herpes, but if HPV occurs, the drug can also be used. The main substance in the composition of the ointment is triphosphate, which penetrates the structure of growth cells at the DNA level and blocks their activity. Against the background of taking Acyclovir, there is a decrease in the growth of papillomas or warts, a decrease in soreness, and a rapid formation of a crust.

San Fen Zhong - Chinese ointment

With the help of a Chinese ointment against skin growths like papillomas, warts and other formations can be cauterized. The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days. Apply the ointment 1-2 times a day on cleansed skin. After treatment, traces of a chemical burn are formed at the site of the growth. The use of the drug is permissible only after consultation with a specialist in order to avoid severe skin burns.

Malavit cream-gel

Malavit is a valuable complex of numerous natural esters, extracts (mumiyo, wood chaga, pine or birch buds, glycerin and gum, cedar resin). Malavit does not contain synthetic components, ethanol. And it is available not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of a solution. The tool has an antibacterial, antifungal effect, being a natural antiseptic. The main advantage is the absence of scars after treatment, a quick effect.


The drug is convenient to use at home and without the help of third parties. The main components of the gel are sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, gelling agent. It is necessary to apply the gel on pre-steamed skin areas. The gel has a powerful drying and healing effect, destroys the structure of the papilloma. The duration of treatment varies from 5 to 7 days.

Tui oil ointment

The remedy is better known as thuja ointment for papillomas and warts. The ointment is made from oil obtained as a result of squeezing the deciduous part or tree bark. You can use any other ointment against growths, adding oil separately. It is important to monitor the dosage of the finished product, since the composition of the oil contains a toxic substance - thujone.

Important! To achieve high performance in the treatment of any ointment, you must follow the instructions for use. Recommended courses, application rules, frequency of applications per day - all this must be fully observed by patients.

Candles and suppositories

Candles or suppositories for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection are used when the spread of neoplasms is noted on the genitals and in the genital area. Candles are divided according to the type of impact:

  • rectal (general systemic, local);
  • vaginal (only local).

Rectal suppositories (for example, Viferon, Genferon, Panavir) systemically affect the infectious lesion, being part of the complex treatment of HPV. Vaginal (for example, Betadine) eliminate only papillomas formed on the genitals. By the nature of the impact, suppositories and suppositories are classified into antiviral, immunostimulating, antiseptic. Papillocan suppositories are one of the effective drugs.

Candles Papillokan

The composition of suppositories includes natural ingredients that in a short time reduce the spread of infection, destroy the structure of the formation (warts, condylomas, papillomas), eliminate growths around the sphincter ring in the anal area, as well as on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Main substances:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • tea tree esters;
  • homeopathic (medicinal elderberry extract, cocoa plant oil).

The main indication is the elimination of foci of infection in the rectum and on the external genitalia. Candles relieve swelling, redness, itching in the genital area.

« Important! Against the background of regular intake of the suppository, there is an improvement in blood circulation, a decrease in the growth of growths, and the restoration of the general condition of the mucous tissues and skin.

An excerpt from a program about warts, papillomas, methods of removal and treatment:

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of papillomas with folk recipes significantly slows down the therapeutic process, because the provision of an antiviral effect requires special knowledge. Known recipes include:

  • Cotton drying. Clean cotton wool must be applied to the growth and tightly glued with adhesive tape. It is necessary to walk with such a compress for 3 weeks. After a shower or bath, the patch should be changed with a new one and the treatment should be continued. Patient reviews suggest that the papilloma will dry out and fall off.
  • Protein mass. Ordinary egg white can eliminate the neoplasm at the beginning of its formation. To do this, apply the protein to the focus until it is completely removed.
  • Celandine. It is believed that the removal of papillomas with celandine is the most effective remedy. Juice is squeezed out of celandine, which is evaporated. After evaporation, the juice should resemble an extract. With this composition, you need to lubricate the focus of the infectious lesion up to 4 times a day.

Also, for the treatment of papillomas, you can use a drug called Supercleaner.

Question answer

Can Levomekol ointment get rid of papillomas?

Levomekol refers to ointments with a complex composition, the substances of which are more aimed at strengthening local immunity. To achieve a quick effect, it is recommended to use the ointment simultaneously with other methods of conservative medicine (tablets, injections, etc.).

What is better "Panavir" or "Viferon"?

Panavir and Viferon have a similar pharmacological effect, which is expressed in stimulating the body to produce its own interferon. Each has its own benefits. Viferon, for example, has a long-term effect, and Panavir can be used on mucous areas of the body.

The best HPV ointment is Panavir, which is intended for the treatment of papillomas in the genital area.

Treatment of papillomas requires a responsible approach. Non-compliance with the dosage, self-medication, the use of "inappropriate" drugs can provoke a deterioration in the general condition (for example, rash, allergies, local irritation, redness, and more). Ointments and creams are dispensed in pharmacy chains according to prescriptions, and their use is always agreed with the attending physician.

Source: http://nashdermatolog.ru/lechenie/preparaty/maz-ot-papillom.html

Ointment from papillomas and warts on the neck, intimate places

Ointments for the treatment of papillomas on the body are very easy to use and can help the patient get rid of growths on the skin within a few days or weeks, depending on the type of virus and the neglect of the disease.

But the use of ointments, to completely get rid of the disease, most often requires more time than taking medication or removing papillomas using hardware techniques.

In what cases is ointment used

The cycle of getting rid of papillomas with the help of ointments begins with the fact that the papilloma is covered with a dry crust, and then disappears after 1-4 weeks.
But, ointments that are used to treat warts (papillomas) can also be used in cases with diseases of dermatitis, lichen.

Due to the fact that the ointment is applied specifically to the affected part of the body, it can be used by girls who are pregnant or breastfeeding. But only a doctor can choose the right ointment that will definitely help recovery, after conducting examinations and passing tests.

Overview of ointments

Antiviral ointments for papillomas are the safest and most painless method of treatment, unlike surgical procedures. In the modern pharmacology market, there are a number of effective remedies for this virus, among them: Betadine, Viferon, Aldara, Panavir, oxolinic and salicylic ointments.

  1. Betadine. It has an antimicrobial property, but is also suitable as a means of combating papillomas. Betadine helps to strengthen local skin immunity, which leads to the disappearance of papilloma. Decontamination of the wound does not allow infection to develop. How to use: Apply twice a day for 14 days.
  2. Viferon is a common remedy against the papilloma virus. As part of the ointment - interferon, a component of immunity, which contributes to the production of protective antibodies that fight the reproduction of the virus. Viferon can be used by pregnant women and during lactation. When applying the ointment to the papilloma, discomfort on the affected area of ​​​​the skin is possible. However, there is nothing to worry about - it passes quickly. Course of treatment: one month.
  3. Aldara. The cream effectively affects the external factors that caused the appearance of the papillomavirus. Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug, children's age. How to use: wash the affected skin area with soapy water and dry, then apply the product in a thin layer. Wash off after 6-10 hours with warm water and soap. Apply the cream once a day until the complete disappearance of the papilloma. The maximum course of treatment is four months.
  4. Panavir is a herbal remedy with active biocomponents for removing papillomas in intimate places. Its main advantage is the absence of discomfort when applied to the affected area of ​​the body. Panavir is able to get rid of both the external symptoms of the virus and its pathogen. There are no contraindications and side effects. How to use: 3-4 times a day for a month.
  5. Oxolinic ointment. The ointment contains oxolin, an antiviral substance that prevents the reproduction of new viral particles and destroys existing ones. Most often, this tool helps to cope with papillomas in four weeks. It does not allow the virus to spread, although it may not be able to cope with the papilloma itself. A slight burning sensation is possible after applying the ointment to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The advantage of this drug is its low price. How to use: 2-3 times a day for 2-8 weeks.
  6. Salicylic ointment. It is a traditional remedy for the treatment of papilloma. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and keratolic properties. Method of application: apply the ointment to the papilloma, then apply a sterile napkin or medical bandage to the skin and leave it for several hours. The tool is used until the complete disappearance of papilloma. It is not recommended to use an ointment to remove papilloma in the face or neck.

Homemade ointments

There are the following recipes for homemade ointments:

  1. Thuja oil ointment. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. For cooking, you need to take half a glass of vegetable oil and add fifteen young shoots of a tree to it. Heat up but do not bring to a boil. Insist two weeks. The home remedy can be used without the addition of cream. If a pharmacy is used, then it is necessary to add any cream without specific additives. Because it is highly concentrated and can cause a burn.
  2. Mix in equal proportions vinegar and flour. Apply to growths.
  3. For garlic ointment, it is necessary to take garlic gruel and cream in equal proportions (can be replaced with petroleum jelly). Apply to papilloma, do not rinse.
  4. Mix one part of dry celandine with two parts of fat (pork or mutton) or cream without additives. Apply to the affected area in the morning and evening.

It is best to consult a doctor with the formation of growths. He will determine the type of papilloma and effective ways to remove it. In no case should you self-medicate.

The appearance of benign growths is associated with the rapid and uncontrolled reproduction of cells infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). If you apply an effective ointment from papillomas, then the aesthetic problem will recede. However, the fight against papillomavirus must be continued, because the infection remains in a latent state. Doctors recommend treating papillomas with antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system.

A simple remedy for HPV - oxolinic ointment

The development of papillomatosis indicates that the immune system can't cope with viral infection. To eliminate or at least reduce the growth of papillomas, medicines from the pharmacy (ointments and solutions) will also help. It is imperative to deal with viral skin lesions, otherwise the growths will spread and may become painful.

Pharmacy ointment - soft dosage form convenient for application to the skin and mucous membranes. The presence of one or more medicinal components is mandatory. Together with auxiliary compounds, they are evenly distributed in vaseline or other base. An emulsion ointment is obtained by introducing a liquid insoluble in it into the base. The gel is also an ointment, but the base has not hydrophobic, but hydrophilic properties.

At home, it is easier to prepare an extraction ointment. Useful material extracted from natural raw materials with vegetable oil, animal fat, melted ointment base.

Patients of dermatologists note in their reviews the effectiveness of treatment with external agents in non-started cases. Therapy for any viral lesions should be comprehensive. Under this term, doctors mean taking antiviral drugs inside, strengthening immunity, vitamin therapy, external use of ointments (gels, solutions).

Oxolinic ointment from papillomas

The drug oxolin 0.25% does not affect HPV, it is used to prevent acute respiratory viral infections. External treatment of a viral infection is carried out using oxolin ointment 3% (from papillomas). The tool is recommended to be applied to the steamed areas of the skin affected by viruses, after a bath or shower. The course of therapy will take from two weeks to two months when applied 2-3 times a day.

When buying oxolinic ointment for removing papillomas, you should pay attention not only to the concentration of the active substance. It is necessary to study the list of indications and contraindications, age restrictions, frequency of application in the instructions for the drug. At the same time, you can use other antiviral agents intended for oral administration.

Antiviral drugs for HPV

Ointment, gel, suppositories are produced using interferon alpha, distributed in petroleum jelly. In addition, tocopherol acetate and peach oil are added to better soften the keratinized areas of the epidermis. Ointment "Viferon" as an antiviral agent is used for papillomas and warts for 1-4 weeks.

Manufacturers of Panavir gel produce several under this name for anogenital warts. The active ingredient is obtained from potato shoots. The advantages of using the gel, as noted in the reviews, are a combination of antiviral and anti-inflammatory actions. Biologically active polysaccharide penetrates into those layers of the skin where HPV is just beginning to infect cells. The course of therapy lasts 10-14 days, then you need to take a break.

The drugs "Viferon" and "Panavir" act on the "body" of the growth, penetrate to its "root", prevent relapses.

Treatment with immunomodulating, antiviral agents can be combined with the use of alkaline solutions, preparations salicylic acid to remove papillomas. To prevent a secondary infection, doctors prescribe antibiotics.

Cream "Aldara" with imichimod is similar in properties to immunomodulatory ointments and gels. The drug stimulates the production of its own interferon in the body, which is necessary to fight a viral infection. Cream "Aldara" is recommended to be applied every other day to skin papillomas, genital warts in the vulva. Be sure to wash the affected area with water, then dry with a napkin. Then lubricate with cream only papillomas or condylomas, do not use a bandage or patch. After 8-10 hours, the product should be washed off with warm water and liquid soap.

Salicylic ointment - a drug for warts and papillomas

Salicylic acid has antiseptic, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. An ointment for removing papillomas with this active ingredient is applied to skin growths softened by steaming. There is a long struggle ahead: for several weeks, salicylic ointment from papillomas should be applied 2-3 times a day. Horny thickenings soften, then dry up and fall off.

It should be noted that the basis of the ointment - petroleum jelly - is not washed off with water, it forms a greasy film on the skin.

Additionally, with salicylic acid preparations, other medicines sold in pharmacies without a prescription are used. You will need disinfectant and healing solutions or creams. These funds prevent the spread of infection, accelerate regeneration.

Extraction ointments from papillomas

Included in folk remedies and homeopathic medicines from HPV. The extract is added to the base lipophilic substance and applied to papillomas. The oil contains the toxic component thujone and should not be ingested.

At home, the extraction ointment is prepared from the cones and young shoots of the western thuja (the eastern biota or the flathead is not used). Heated olive or sunflower oil is slightly heated, poured into a jar filled with vegetable raw materials, insisted for 10 days.

Nodules, "pendants", plaques on the neck and armpits in rural areas are usually cauterized with orange milky. Treatment is long, as in the case of most folk remedies. It is much more convenient to use an extraction ointment, which is obtained by infusing the herb in vegetable or animal fat.

Celandine oil is prepared from 500 g of fresh raw materials and 100 ml of purified sunflower or olive oil. The extract should be infused for about two weeks in a dark place. After this period, a thick green liquid must be drained and filtered. Vegetable oil in the manufacture of ointments is sometimes replaced with cream or petroleum jelly.

Celandine oil is suitable for external treatment of warts in children, helps with papillomas, allergic dermatitis and other skin problems.

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a specialist - a dermatologist. The first use of a gel, ointment or cream to remove papillomas is recommended to be preceded by an allergy test. It is necessary to lubricate the skin with a small amount of the drug on the bend of the elbow or behind auricle. A simple manipulation will avoid irritation, itching and redness that occurs with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of pharmaceutical or folk remedies.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, is not professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

There are several ways to remove warts - this is medication, surgical method, as well as the method of traditional medicine. Various ointments for warts, both pharmacy ones and those that can be prepared at home, have proven themselves very well. What ointment for warts and papillomas to choose you will learn from this article.

If the wart does not disappear for a long period of time, then you should contact a dermatologist who will select the most effective treatment for you.

The action of ointments from papillomas

The drugs, presented in the form of an ointment, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the treatment of HPV, destroying negative bacteria. Also, the medicine helps to increase immunity, which is extremely important in the fight against neoplasms. As a result of the suppression of HPV activity, the neoplasms die off, after which they fall off the surface of the skin.

Viral neoplasms that appear on the skin as a result of HPV infection can be located in a wide variety of places. They can occur not only on the hands, face, neck, but also on the genitals in women and men. In these cases, you should immediately contact a dermatologist who will select required drug.

Far from all drugs are suitable for removing warts in intimate places in people. some ointments should never be applied to the genital area, as well as the mucous membrane.

The treatment process has several features:

  • For the successful elimination of neoplasms, the complex use of drugs is necessary. In addition to ointments, the doctor can also;
  • If viral formations are large, then hardware methods must be used to remove them.

The main effect that the ointment has on papillomas is the removal of the virus, as well as the prevention of its occurrence.

The active substances that are contained in the composition of drugs destroy the affected cells and stop the process of reproducing new ones. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, ointments that are made at home are successfully used in the fight against papillomas. They can be used for, legs and other parts of the body.

Homemade ointments for treating warts

You can prepare an ointment for warts at home from the products that are at hand. They are no less effective. When using the ointment, extra care should be taken, because. you can get a chemical burn.


You need to take a clove of garlic and grind it to a pulp. After that, add a little vaseline to this consistency (you can replace it with cream) and mix well until a homogeneous porridge appears.

The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin before going to bed.

The procedure should be done until the period of time until the neoplasm completely disappears. Garlic can be replaced with celandine.


To prepare this ointment, you will need to prepare components such as vinegar and flour. It is necessary to take a small amount of flour and pour it with vinegar to end up with a thick mixture.

After that, the mixture should be mixed well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The resulting mixture should be lubricated with a wart, applying a bandage on top.

It is best to apply it in the evening.


You can also use onion ointment to remove the wart. To prepare it, you need to take onion juice and mix it with a teaspoon of honey.

Apply the resulting mixture to the wart, fixing it with something.

In order not to burn the skin with onion juice, which is next to the neoplasm, it should be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

On fat

An ointment for removing warts can be prepared from garlic and lard. For cooking, you need to take one teaspoon of grated garlic and mix it with four tablespoons of vinegar, as well as a teaspoon of melted lard.

The resulting ointment should be applied in the evening.

Review of pharmacy ointments for warts

Before starting treatment, you should determine. This can only be done by a specialist. Do not self-medicate. The use of various devices to remove unpleasant growths is considered a last resort. It is resorted to only when other methods have not had the desired effect.

Basically, various ointments are used to treat warts. There are several types of them intended for the treatment of these neoplasms:

  • Containing herbal ingredients;
  • Medicines with antiviral effect:
  • The product contains acid.

Antiviral ointments for warts

Oksolin against warts has a number of advantages compared to other drugs:

  1. It does not leave scars on the skin, which is extremely important especially for young girls.
  2. Does not cause any discomfort.
  3. This ointment is in every home, because. its action is extensive, and the cost is low. However, it should be understood that it is far from always possible to get rid of the neoplasm in a month. Treatment may take a long time.

Ointment based on acids and trace elements

One of the most popular means of this group is. It has a detrimental effect on the wart. As a result, the growth begins to die off, and soon disappears altogether. Burning may occur from its use, which is why it must be applied directly to the wart in such a way that the consistency does not fall on a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

The main disadvantage of the ointment is that it cannot be used for treatment, as well as genital warts, which are located in intimate places. Also, the ointment can leave scars after using the remedy.

The remedy has contraindications, so the doctor, not the patient, should prescribe the ointment.

Ointments based on natural ingredients

One of the most popular products based on natural ingredients is Stefalin. With its help, it is possible to effectively remove the wart without leaving your home.

It is allowed to use Stefalin to remove warts located on the face, because. it does not contain aggressive components and does not leave scars.

Ointments for warts on intimate places

Plant gel for removing warts Panavir penetrates deep into the tissues, and also stimulates the immune system to remove the virus from the body.

This drug can be classified as both antiviral and herbal remedies.

The drug can be used to treat warts on the face and genitals. The ointment must be applied to the neoplasm, capturing a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

How to choose the right one?

Only a specialist can deal with the selection of medicines for warts and papillomas, but not the patient himself.

This is not a complete list of drugs, and folk ointments, which allow you to quickly get rid of such problems as warts and papillomas. However, it should be understood that self-medication can significantly harm your body.

Pharmacy and homemade ointment for papillomas is one of the best remedies that helps to cope with the obvious signs of papillomavirus infection. The composition of such a drug contains active ingredients that can destroy the structure of benign growths. Strong ointments are usually used for application to the skin. And for the mucous membranes, sparing formulations are more suitable.

Ointments with antiviral action are prescribed by a doctor. He may recommend the use of such drugs to a patient who has benign rashes on the body and face caused by HPV or another disease that affects the skin. They do well with:

  1. Dermatitis;
  2. Viral rhinitis;
  3. Molluscum contagiosum;
  4. Papillomavirus;
  5. Depriving.

Often, ointments from papillomas are used as a prevention of recurrence of dermatological diseases that occur in a chronic form.

The advantage of drugs in the form of an ointment or cream is the ability to act only on the affected area

The best pharmacy products

In many pharmacies, you can find on sale a huge amount of products in the form of ointments that are designed to treat human papillomavirus infection. Specialists who are familiar with their action, and patients managed to identify for themselves among such a variety of several tools that do their job well.

Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment for papillomas is one of the budgetary local preparations. Many could use it for prevention purposes. colds and flu. And few people know that this remedy can also help to cope with the human papillomavirus.

In the fight against growths, it is best to use an ointment that contains a concentration of the active substance equal to 3%. Because of it, pathogenic cells cease to actively develop and spread throughout the body. After that, they gradually collapse and die. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to apply medicinal composition on problem areas at least 2-3 times a day for 2 months.

The drug is completely harmless to health, especially to the skin. Therefore, it can be used for application to papilloma in sensitive areas of the body.

Oxolinic ointment in pharmacies costs no more than 50 rubles. Therefore, absolutely anyone can buy it.


Ointment for the removal of papillomas "Viferon" is suitable for almost all patients with active papillomavirus. It gained immense popularity due to its harmlessness. And this means that it can be prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women. It does not pose any danger to mothers and their babies.

The main component of the drug is interferon. It is he who does the main work. The protein prevents the viral pathogen from continuing to multiply. In addition, interferon perfectly stimulates local immunity in the area that was affected by the disease.

Other components of the drug, such as petroleum jelly and natural oils, soften the skin and accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells.

It is recommended to apply "Viferon" in a thin layer about 3-4 times a day on benign neoplasms. You need to wait until the ointment is completely absorbed. This is a prerequisite. How long to be treated with this remedy, the doctor should tell.

In the pharmacy "Viferon" in the form of an ointment costs about 200 rubles.

Viferon helps the immune system cope with the virus

Salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment has a wide range of actions. With its help, you can cope not only with papillomas, but also with acne and other skin rashes. It helps with eczema and psoriasis.

Salicylic ointment has a powerful antiviral, keratolic and antiseptic effect. It is not difficult for her to destroy the structure of pathogenic cells, which make up benign growths.

To achieve a positive result of treatment, it is recommended to apply the therapeutic composition to problem areas daily. Before the procedure, it is required to steam the skin well and dry it. Only then can the ointment be applied in a thin layer.

It is advisable to secure in advance the skin areas that are near the papilloma, so as not to expose them to the drug. For these purposes, you can use adhesive tape.

It is desirable to fix the ointment on the growth with a sterile bandage for about 10-12 hours. After that, everything is removed, and a pumice stone is lightly passed along the papilloma itself. Do not rub hard, so as not to accidentally damage its tissue. During the procedure, it is required to remove only the upper exfoliated layers of the neoplasm.

Treatment with salicylic ointment will cost a patient with human papillomavirus cheaply, since this remedy costs no more than 30 rubles.


Ointment from papillomas "Panavir" is recommended by many dermatologists. Reviews about this pharmacy product in most cases are positive. This is because it differs in plant composition and a minimum number of contraindications. And these are important benefits.

"Panavir" helps to get rid of hated rashes on the body in a short time without pain. During application, the patient will not experience any discomfort. To see the first results, it is necessary to apply the ointment for a month. It is recommended to apply it to the places affected by the virus, at least 3-4 times a day.

You can buy a medicinal ointment in a pharmacy for 120-150 rubles.

Panavir is used not only for papillomas, but also for other viral lesions.


Often "Levomekol" is called an analogue of oxolinic and salicylic ointment, although they are much cheaper. This papilloma cream provides a positive result in correct application. Usually the course of treatment local preparation takes 4 to 5 weeks. It is during this time that benign neoplasms completely disappear.

Such a pronounced effect of a local drug is achieved due to the work of its two active components:

  1. Antibiotic chloramphenicol;
  2. Methyluracil immunostimulator.

Active substances lead to inhibition of protein synthesis in pathogenic cells. They also do well with inflammatory processes and improve tissue regeneration at sites of injury.

The drug must be applied to each papilloma in a small amount. Healthy skin should not be affected by this composition, as it can damage it. To obtain the maximum result, the growths should be treated with Levomekol twice a day for a week. Then there is a break for 4 days. Then the procedure is repeated again.

You can buy this remedy at a pharmacy for about 120 rubles.

Levomekol is another popular remedy


There are other antiviral ointments that work well with papillomas. Many of them are in no way inferior in efficiency. pharmaceutical products that were presented above. The following medicines fall into this category of topical medicines:

  1. "Papillux". Although this remedy is available in the form of drops, it is often recommended to use it instead of pharmacy ointments, which for one reason or another did not suit the patient. The drug is a mixture of oils and juices of plants, which are highly polyactive against human papillomavirus infection. It cleanses the skin well from benign rashes. Use "Papillux" locally. It is applied to the base of the growths. It is also allowed to take drops inside.
    "Papillux" really helps to cope with papillomas even in areas of the body with delicate skin. However, few patients can afford to buy it, since the cost of one package is 1000 rubles;
  2. Stefalin. Few people have heard about this drug in the form of an ointment. But this does not prevent him from doing an excellent job with his main task. Stefalin is a highly effective drug that successfully fights papillomas and warts on different parts of the body. Its active ingredients are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, where the virus can lurk. Interacting with the pathogen, these substances destroy the cells that have been changed.

Before using the ointment, it is necessary to study the instructions that come with the drug. It says that the therapeutic composition is required to be applied to the affected areas only 1 time per day. It is recommended to do this before going to bed. If the papilloma is very large, then it is allowed to increase the frequency of applying the ointment up to 2 times a day.

It is advisable to discuss the duration of treatment with Stefalin with a specialist. Usually the course of therapy takes 1 week.

This ointment is also among the expensive ones. Its price is about 2000 rubles per bottle of 5 ml;

  1. Malavit. In the fight against the signs of papillomavirus, namely against benign neoplasms this tool helps. It is a mixture of gel and cream. Active ingredients topical drugs quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and begin to work there.

After spot application of the ointment, it is required to fix it on the papilloma with a film and a sterile bandage. This procedure is carried out at intervals of a day. The course of treatment is usually continued until noticeable results appear.
In pharmacies, an ointment for papillomavirus rashes costs about 200 rubles.

You can continue the list of good ointments for a very long time, which are designed to remove benign neoplasms on the body caused by human papillomavirus infection. But they are not universal. This means that a particular tool may be ideal for one person and not help another at all. Therefore, you should not choose such medicines for yourself based on the recommendations of friends or reviews on the Internet. It is best to ask a specialist to prescribe an ointment.

What ointments can be used on intimate places

Papillomas can be found on different parts of the body, including in the intimate area. They deliver a lot of uncomfortable sensations, so people immediately have a desire to get rid of growths. Not all ointments are suitable for the treatment of genital rashes. In this case, it is required to choose topical preparations that do not contain very aggressive components.

For the treatment of the intimate zone, which was affected by papillomas, ointments already familiar to many are suitable:

  1. Salicylic;
  2. Oxolinic;
  3. "Panavir";
  4. "Viferon".

It is necessary to trust only those drugs that have successfully passed clinical researches. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of ointment for the treatment of genital rashes, it is recommended to consult with a competent doctor.

Homemade ointments

To replace an expensive ointment or gel to eliminate viral rashes, home remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes help. She can also suggest formulations that are used after the removal of papillomas to speed up the healing of damaged skin.

Homemade ointments - a budget but effective option

Such homemade ointments help to fight papillomas on the body:

  1. Garlic. It is made from petroleum jelly and several cloves of garlic, ground into a pulp. Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. If Vaseline is not at hand, you can replace it with baby cream. The agent is applied directly to the papilloma 1 time per day until it disappears completely;
  2. From celandine. Prepare such an ointment in a similar way. It is best to mix vaseline with fresh celandine collected during the flowering period;
  3. Acetic. There are several cooking methods home remedy. In the first case, vinegar is diluted with eggshells and interior fat. In the second, you need to mix the main ingredient with flour in the same proportion. Such compositions are required to be applied by applying an application to the papilloma for several hours.

Copes well with benign rashes caused by human papillomavirus infection, castor oil. It can be applied to the affected areas every day for a month. Such a tool will complement the action of homemade ointments.

Precautionary measures

Care must be taken with pharmacy and home remedies against papillomas intended for application to virus-affected areas. This is because they contain aggressive components that can cause harm to health.

Most ointments have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, patients should carefully read the instructions for the drugs in order to avoid negative consequences treatment.

Before applying to the papilloma, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test of the ointment. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the skin and wait about 24 hours. If no changes have occurred, then you can safely carry out the treatment of growths.

After applying the ointment, the patient may experience side effects. Usually they occur against the background of an overdose or improper use of the drug. Such compounds can cause such negative reactions:

  • Irritation;
  • Dermatitis;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • Burning;
  • The appearance of ulcers.