Growths all over the body. All types of skin growths

HPV hides many secrets, and the fact that a lot of papillomas suddenly appeared on the body is explained by different doctors in different ways.

Although it is the most common virus on the planet, the immunologists of the world are still looking for answers why single and multiple papillomas can appear. What to do if the body was attacked by many warts at once?

If there are a lot of papillomas on the body, we must understand that this is a kind of sign that signals that there is trouble in the body.

That is, if a carrier of an active virus after influenza or bronchitis notices 1, maximum 2 growths on the body - this may seem normal, then a large number, even small neoplasms, can scare anyone to death. This behavior of the virus indicates a serious failure of the body's defenses, which is why HPV was activated.

There may be hundreds of reasons. However, 90% of cases of multiple rashes on the body are hidden in the patient's lifestyle, non-observance of the simplest hygiene standards. Which, by the way, is taught at school.

Causes of appearance all over the body, what does this mean?

  • Any viral or bacterial disease can make the immune defense of the human body unable to contain HPV in "sleep mode".
  • Chronic diseases also have a significant impact on the nature and intensity of the papillomavirus.
  • Sunburn abuse is common cause appearance of multiple lesions. There is an opinion that ultraviolet light plays a significant role in the treatment, drying the formations. This is a 100% myth that has not been proven in any scientific study.
  • Mass rashes can occur with metabolic disorders, especially in elderly patients.
  • Most serious illness- AIDS, HIV, oncology - all of them to the greatest extent prevent the body from resisting any adversity. Many papillomas may appear, but getting rid of them, especially for carriers of AIDS and HIV, is almost impossible.
  • Stress, a prolonged state of nervous tension, depression, sleep disturbances - all this cannot but affect the immune system, which means that there is a great chance to become a “happy” owner of the mass appearance of warts.
  • Non-compliance with personal and intimate hygiene is the main way to get acquainted with HPV. In a special risk zone, those who do not consider it necessary to use condoms, wash themselves after sex and treat the genitals with special means (for example, it may be Miramistin).

What are the dangers of small formations

The presence of even single warts already darkens life for many, and when a person has small papillomas all over his body, you should worry more. Lonely rashes carry a small percentage of the likelihood of their degeneration into cancer. Accordingly, if there are many of them, the risk increases in proportion to the number.

Each growth, even if it does not interfere, does not cause discomfort, both physical and moral, is a time bomb. You never know if there will be an “explosion” or if it will not. Only a doctor can answer for sure, using data from several tests, scrapings, tests, even a biopsy. Those neoplasms that are hidden from the eyes and located on organs and mucous membranes have the greatest risk of "burst".

HPV may not appear in any way for years, even tens of years, and a person is already its carrier, although he does not suspect it. It also happens that the virus is activated immediately, gaining power in just a few months after infection. The situation is especially difficult with the female genital organs: since the risk of papilloma growing on the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix and uterine cavity into cancer is much higher.

Types and places of localization

The human papillomavirus is just common name, which already generalizes more than a hundred subtypes. They are called strains and are divided into groups according to the likelihood of degeneration into cancer. A larger percentage of all strains carry only a minimal likelihood of such a development.

But each specific case of infection is absolutely unique: someone will become infected, but will never see even a mole on their body, someone will periodically visit the clinic to remove warts, and for some, infection will give rise to a large number of papilloma on the body.

Classification by oncogenicity makes it possible to recognize one or another subtype, depending on where the mole appeared and what shape it is.

  1. Protozoa. A fairly common strain number 2. It looks like a dense, hard neoplasm. Most frequent place localization - the back of the palms, which does not exclude the spread throughout the body. Can be large in size, multiple growths can coalesce.
  2. Plantar. 1,2 and 4 strains. It is very similar to a banal callus, but over time it does not go away, developing into a bubble formation.
  3. Flat. Flat papillomas may be oval or polygonal in shape, similar in color to the skin, and may itch (unobtrusively). Often attack the stomach, hips, shoulders, neck. 3 strain.
  4. Filiform. The most common type, which does not pose a particular danger, but is easily damaged. Localization: armpit, chest, face, even neck and eyes. Often found in the groin, on the labia majora or pubis. They look like a knot on a thin leg.
  5. . They often develop into cancer, they are difficult to detect (you can’t find out about them without a doctor). They can grow for a long time on mucous organs.
  6. Intraductal papillomas of the mammary glands. It is dangerous because it is easily injured, it is not detected without a doctor. It can easily cause a purulent infection, and other complications.
  7. In the mouth. Dangerous because they can grow quickly. This may mean blockage of the respiratory ducts, the risk of infection due to damage and the spread of infection throughout the oral mucosa.

Any of these manifestations of HPV can go away on its own. However, the opposite happens: the body may not be able to cope with the virus and there will be a massive spread of papilloma on the skin. In this case, it is better to go to an immunologist or a dermatologist.

Methods of infection

The number of warts that appear does not indicate that an infection has occurred: the virus “sleeps” in the body for months or manifests itself in the first year after infection. A lot of papillomas can only mean a strong drop in immunity.

You can get infected, for example:

  • through shared bedding, towels;
  • through sexual contact;
  • through a handshake, especially if there is an abrasion, a wound;
  • through a kiss, hug, shared dishes;
  • during a visit to the solarium, beauty salon, manicure room;
  • at the household level, and so on.

It is impossible to make yourself immune to HPV, therefore, the number of infected people is close to a hundred percent, and it is impossible to get rid of it and remove it from the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the body is suddenly covered with papillomas, the only remedy for your own safety and peace of mind is to visit a specialist. Typing and treatment appointment occur after:

  • external examination;
  • taking a smear, scraping, sometimes a biopsy may be required;
  • conducting tests.

Only after the doctor is convinced that the growth is not cancerous, one can talk about treatment and choose a method for removing the formation.


Treatment of human papillomavirus should be comprehensive. The patient begins antiviral therapy while changing your lifestyle, working on the quality of nutrition, improving immune protection (walking, sleeping in a ventilated room, vitamin complexes, etc.).

After the beginning of the internal struggle with the misfortune, it is necessary to treat and external signs. Each wart is removed using the chosen technique. Someone prefers removal by folk methods, more modern people trust only modern devices.

Important: Self-medication and pregnancy are incompatible. During this period, papillomas can appear on their own and also disappear. They should signal their carrier only about hormonal disruptions, but it will not be superfluous to check in any case.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmaceutical products for antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy:

  • Viferon.
  • Verrukatsid.
  • Isoprinosine.

It will not be superfluous to cleanse the body of toxins, using:

  • Sextaphagus.
  • Linex.
  • Bifidumbacterin.
  • Lactobacterin.

For external exposure, one of the following drugs can be used:

  • hydrogen peroxide is used as a lotion;
  • Supercleaner - a tool that is used for spot treatment;
  • oils (castor, tea tree, and others) to lubricate growths.

Professional approach

It is better and more effective to trust your warts to specialists. The "execution" of papillomas on the body today can be done in many ways, and there are quite budgetary ones for those who are not used to saving.

  1. Surgeons will always be held in high esteem. Removal of warts with a scalpel is rarely used, but, for example, in the outback of Russia, it is still in demand. Better not on visible areas in this way, since in 99% of cases a trace remains.
  2. Electrocoagulation - exposure to current.
  3. Laser is the most popular method of dealing with growths.
  4. - fight with the use of nitrogen.
  5. Radio waves are also used to resolve papilloma.

You can choose a technique only in tandem with the attending physician. These methods are the safest, simplest. Processing one papilloma takes a maximum of 15 minutes.

How to get rid of them at home?

To fight with improvised means traditional medicine celandine is often used. This plant cauterizes well, often compared with iodine in terms of strength. A fresh plant breaks, papilloma is smeared with juice, without affecting healthy skin.

Small warts are well treated with ordinary castor oil, which is familiar to many from childhood. safely and effectively fights neoplasms, although treatment will take a fairly long period of time.

Many recommend using regular potatoes as a dressing. A piece is attached with a plaster for several hours to the affected area 2 times a day. If there are many warts, it is better to lubricate them with potato juice every hour with a break for the night. Raw potato juice is also taken orally for a complex effect on HPV.

Disease prevention

Prevention of HPV recurrence is quite simple, it is because of this that many do not give due attention to the rules.

  1. Personal hygiene - that's why it is personal, which does not imply the use of a brush, sponge, towel of another person. It is better to avoid shared baths, showers, saunas with dubious cleaning quality.
  2. Washing your hands is the most important thing to do after coming home.
  3. Clothing must be individual. Women love to change dresses with their girlfriends.
  4. Vitamins, sports, daily walks, air quality in the apartment - all this helps to strengthen the immune system. It is also important to control your diet.
  5. Good rest is very important for a modern person.

The main rule of health is to try to avoid stress, take care of your nerves. No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves. This is true, although it is far from the only one of the factors accompanying the violation.

Papilloma - benign tumor, which develops from squamous epithelial tissues. It acts on the skin in the form of a papilla or a drop, can affect both the skin and mucous membranes, vocal cords, bladder, other internal organs. The causative agent is the human papillomavirus (papillomavirus, HPV). There are about 32 types of the virus and many of its subspecies that can enter the human body.

Photo of papillomas on the body

Types and types of papillomas

There are more than 100 types of papillomas, but 5 of them are most common on the human body:

  • Simple (vulgar) papillomas appear on the hands and fingers, exist for many years and can pass without a trace. They often appear in childhood and adolescence.
  • plantar papillomas form on the soles of the feet and cause pain and discomfort when walking.
  • flat papillomas appear on the hands, face and can cause inflammation of the skin.
  • filiform papillomas are common in older people and old age, place of localization - groin, neck, eyes, armpits.
  • pointed warts are detected on the genitals, representing the most dangerous view diseases.

How is papillomas transmitted?

Papillomas on the body are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus. The way the virus spreads is sexual contact between a healthy and an infected person. It has been proven that HPV infection is also possible by the contact-household method in the presence of microdamages of the skin.

In addition to the main routes of transmission, there is a possibility of infection of the newborn during the passage through the birth canal mother.

In this case, the infant may develop anogenital warts and laryngeal papillomatosis.

Some can cause HPV infection factors:

  • decreased immunity;
  • severe stress, shocks, depressive states;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • infectious diseases (flu, SARS);
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • long-term use of certain drugs, such as antibiotics;
  • visits to crowded places with high humidity - baths, saunas, beaches, pools.

Symptoms and signs of papillomas

The HPV incubation period can be 2-3 months or even several years. All this time, he does not manifest himself, and the appearance of formations on the body can occur only under the influence of provoking factors. The main signs of papillomas on the body are as follows:

Simple papillomas are tough growths on the skin with a rough surface. Dimensions - from a millimeter and more. They tend to group together with a common stratum corneum. Most often found on the back of the fingers, on the palms, under the knees. The growth of papillomas is stimulated by disturbances in the human immune system.

plantar papillomas are often confused with corns. The onset of the disease is the formation of a small shiny bump, which transforms over time into a papilloma with a protruding rim. Next to the main formation, subsidiaries appear - smaller in size.

flat papillomas, like others, have a normal skin tone and look like bumps with a flattened surface. Shape - round, oval, polygonal. Flat papillomas are usually accompanied by itching, sometimes redness.

filiform papillomas appear in the form of small yellowish bumps that grow in length, turning into elongated outgrowths of 1-6 mm.

pointed condylomas may not manifest themselves throughout the life of an infected person. If the immune system is working normally, the virus is in a latent state and does not cause external manifestations. As the provoking factors are exposed to the genitals of men and women, characteristic rashes appear. In women, the cervix, vagina, clitoris, labia are more often affected, in men - the scrotum, frenulum foreskin, glans penis. Also, papillomas can be found on the perineum and the entrance to the anus, in the mouth. They are formations on a thin stalk ranging in size from a millimeter to several centimeters. Color - pink, flesh, red. Itching and pain are absent.

The consequences of the occurrence of papillomas

For a person in the presence of a pathogen in the body, there is a risk of developing cancer. Some types of the virus are highly oncogenic, so they can provoke the occurrence of tumors of the cervix, anus. The disease most often develops after 50 years, but recently there has been a trend towards rejuvenation of cancer of the female genital organs. HPV can also cause the development of cervical erosion, which is often a precancerous condition.

For men, the virus is practically not dangerous.

The likelihood of developing cancer due to HPV carriage is low, but papillomas can interfere with a full sexual life.

Formations on the body located in places subject to friction with clothing or on the bends of the joints can not only be injured and infected with bacteria, but also degenerate into malignant tumors over time.

Diagnosis of papillomas

Usually when contacting medical institution the doctor has no doubt about what type of papilloma is present in the patient. During the examination, the gynecologist or urologist visually examines the genitals with signs of genital warts.

In order to determine whether a virus in the body has oncogenicity, blood tests are prescribed. PCR method or DNA diagnostics for HPV. The analysis not only determines the type of papillomavirus, but also its amount in the body. Usually, the doctor recommends that all sexual partners of a person undergo similar tests.

Women may additionally be assigned a colposcopy and a biopsy of the genital organs. During colposcopy, condyloma is treated with a solution acetic acid, resulting in White color. Due to staining on the cervix, all condylomas are clearly visible, since healthy tissue does not change its shade. Cervical cells are taken for a biopsy if there is a suspicion of the occurrence of malignant processes.

Women with high oncogenicity HPV are recommended to 2 times per year pass preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

When planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to be diagnosed for the human papillomavirus. If the detected virus is in the active phase, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment, postponing pregnancy. If genital warts are detected in a pregnant woman, their mechanical removal is necessary due to the tendency to progress.

Treatment of papilloma on the body

In the event that there are no genital warts on the genitals, the doctor usually does not insist on treatment. But, since papillomas can affect the aesthetic appeal, they can be removed by several available methods:

  • Cryodestruction method consists in exposing papillomas to liquid nitrogen low temperatures. As a result, tissue destruction occurs. The method requires precise application active ingredient, as otherwise scars and scars may remain on the body.
  • Thermocoagulation. Consists of burning papilloma high temperatures. After removal, a damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin remains on the body, which heals in a few days.
  • laser destruction. With a beam of a surgical laser, papillomas are excised, and the healing process of the skin area occurs quite quickly.
  • radiosurgical removal. High frequency radio waves are used, as a result, the papilloma is removed quickly and with high accuracy. The downside is the overpriced cost of the service performed by this method.
  • Chemical destruction. Formations are treated with special preparations that completely burn their tissues.

If the presence of the human papillomavirus in the blood, especially high oncogenicity, has been diagnosed, and there are genital warts on the skin, mucous genital organs, it is carried out conservative treatment HPV:

  1. Drugs to stop the reproduction of papillomavirus. For this purpose, inosiplex is usually used, which in parallel increases the activity of its own immune cells. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is prescribed in the form of tablets or injections.
  2. Alpha-interferon preparations - viferon, geneferon. Used in the form of suppositories, intramuscular injections. They have an antiviral effect, increase immunity. Well proven in the treatment of papillomas and allokin-alpha, similar in action to interferons.
  3. Drugs to enhance your own immune system, as well as accelerating the production of interferon, for example, amixin, immunomax, licopid.
  4. Medicines that inhibit the division of cells infected with the papillomavirus. Relevant for a high degree of damage to the cervix by formations. This group includes condylin, podophyllin. Available in the form of creams and ointments, applied topically daily for 5-6 weeks.
  5. Epigen intimate. It is a local immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, produced in the form of a spray. As part of complex therapy proved to be effective against the human papillomavirus.
  6. Surgical excision of genital warts is often recommended, especially at a high risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Prevention of infection with papillomavirus.

Prevention of HPV ingestion is the most important step in the prevention of cervical cancer in women.

Its main directions:

sex education young people, explaining information about the ways of transmission of HPV, means of protection from the virus;

Immunity Boost, rejection bad habits, development of stress resistance, timely treatment all infectious diseases;

The use of vaccination from papillomavirus in risk groups. After the introduction of a vaccine against the most oncogenic types of the virus, immunity is formed, which is a reliable guarantee of preventing the disease. Vaccination is recommended for all girls before the onset of sexual activity and for women in whom the absence of the virus in the body is clinically confirmed. To date, the vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil are used.

News that helps!

A growth on the skin is called a variety of defects. Such defects may consist in the appearance of bubbles, outgrowths, rough plaques or seals. These skin defects are formed due to cell division of the epidermis.

Neoplasms on the skin can be both benign and malignant. Some of them may even be a sign of the development of skin cancer.

But it should be noted that many on the surface of the skin in the form of moles and papillomas are present in most of the inhabitants of the planet. And in order for some ordinary mole not to cause a serious illness, a person must be regularly examined.

What are skin growths?

In medicine, growths on the skin are divided into three main types:

  1. Benign growths. They do not pose a particular threat to the human body. These neoplasms can only give physical or moral inconvenience if they are localized in in large numbers or on those areas of the skin that cannot be covered with clothing.
  2. Malignant growths. Such growths, as a rule, belong to a cancerous tumor. Malignant growths can grow rapidly and affect the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. Border growths. These neoplasms on the skin can transform into malignant tumor if you do not start timely treatment.

Growths on the skin of the hands

Neoplasms in the form of growths on the arm can form at absolutely any age. As a rule, such growths are not accompanied by pain. But it is also worth noting that the formations on the skin of the hands cannot be called completely harmless. There are times when the growth causes bone deformation, which entails not the most favorable consequences.

People who have an outgrowth on their arm try to remove it on their own without seeking the help of a specialist, which is most often an ineffective action, since the outgrowth has a direct relationship with a violation in the bones and joints. Neoplasms on the arm should only be removed surgically with the help of a specialist.

Growths on the skin of the legs

Almost half of all women on the planet are exposed to a neoplasm in the form of growths on their legs. These growths appear due to harmful interactions with external factors. It mostly happens wearing uncomfortable shoes which unevenly distributes the load on the foot.

Neoplasms on the legs are treated in a very diverse way, but the most common is surgery. However, to surgical intervention they resort only in that situation if there is a possibility of developing complications related to the musculoskeletal system.

Growths on the scalp

Growths on the scalp are most often. Externally, warts are an oval-shaped nodule that is located on the skin under the hair. The main reason for the formation of a wart on the head is the presence of papillomavirus, which is contagious. But in many people, the immune system is able to overcome this virus.

Growths on the skin of the face

Neoplasms on the skin of the face look especially unattractive. The color of the growths in this place can be both flesh-colored and have a brownish tint. Most often, such neoplasms on the face are formed in the form of warts.

The main causes of warts on the face:

  • unprotected intercourse
  • Close contact with a person who is infected with the papilloma virus
  • Infection from objects
  • Infection of a child from a sick mother after childbirth

Malignant or benign growth?

Signs of malignant and benign growth:

  • With a benign growth tissues partially retain their usual functions. These neoplasms are characterized by a slow growth rate. Rarely, they can put pressure on tissues that are located nearby, unable to penetrate them. The structure of the growths is very similar to the tissue from which they are formed.
  • Malignant growths different rapid growth and getting into the tissues that are nearby. Such growths also in most cases create metastases. Usually, malignant formations very hard to cure.

Keratosis called a skin disease characterized by the formation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The most common type of keratosis is seborrheic. This skin disease in most cases manifests itself in people over 40 years of age. Seborrheic keratosis is a benign growth. Keratomas can form both in a single case and in groups.


The main symptoms of seborrheic keratosis:

  • Localization of keratomas occurs in the chest area and on the back.
  • Lesions on the skin are rounded
  • The diameter of the keratoma can reach 6 cm
  • The presence of itching at the site of a keratoma
  • Keratome color - pink, yellow, burgundy, brown, black
  • Peeling formations
  • Formation of a crust on keratomas

Photo of seborrheic keratosis

It is also very common skin disease. This disease is most often seen in the elderly. Actinic keratosis is mainly manifested due to exposure to direct sunlight. The disease is very dangerous, as it develops into skin cancer. Treatment of actinic keratosis is carried out by hardware-cosmetic or radical-surgical way.


Symptoms of actinic keratosis:

  • Lesions appear on open areas of the skin
  • Peeling formations
  • Spot color - red
  • Spots up to 1 cm in diameter
  • Entities have clear boundaries
  • The formations can transform into a cutaneous horn

Photo of actinic keratosis

Periungual, plantar, filiform warts

Types and features of warts:

  1. Periungual warts are benign formations that do not pose a particular danger to the body. Most often, periungual warts are formed due to a type 2 virus. The main places of defeat: cuticle, under the nails. The virus that causes the appearance of periungual warts can be contracted from a sick person. In addition, the virus can enter the human body through minor injuries and cuts to the skin.
  2. plantar warts Outwardly, they are growths of a rounded shape, quite dense. As a rule, plantar warts form on the feet and toes. The main reason for the formation of plantar warts is the presence of papillomavirus in the body. Here you can read detailed information about this type of growths and see.
  3. Filiform warts called thin growths that form on the skin of the face and in the folds of the skin. The size of the formations can reach 6 mm in length. Filiform warts are caused by the papillomavirus and can spread to adjacent areas of the skin.

Very often you can observe on the surface of the skin, in addition to the usual moles or acne, strange neoplasms. The appearance of a build-up of an indeterminate nature should cause concern and become an excuse for an immediate visit to a dermatologist. Neoplasms can carry a number of problems, up to the development of skin cancer. Even the most harmless wart should be checked by a doctor for good quality. What are the types of skin growths and what they threaten.

Types of growths

Skin growths are divided into three main groups - benign, malignant and precancerous. And each group has its subspecies.


Such neoplasms on the skin do not pose a direct threat to their carrier, if they are not subjected to various kinds of mechanical effects.


Skin neoplasm that forms in the process of blockage sebaceous glands. Outwardly, the growth resembles a small dense bump, with a clearly defined contour. Such a bump is very elastic and mobile to the touch. When probing does not deliver pain sensation and other discomfort. The bump can suppurate and even break through. With a breakthrough, a purulent-sebaceous fluid is released from the growth. During the period of inflammation, the temperature rises, atheroma can hurt. The growth is formed in places of a large accumulation of sebaceous glands - on the skin of the head, neck, back, in the inguinal region.

Atheroma tends to degenerate into malignant liposarcoma. It is possible to remove the growth with laser or surgical excision.


Hemangioma is a vascular tumor neoplasm, it happens:

  • Capillary - growth on the surface of the skin, can reach large sizes. Color from red to bluish. Often expands to the sides.
  • Tricky - limited subcutaneous nodular outgrowth. The skin in the area of ​​a tricky hemangioma usually turns red. Such tumors often appear in newborns in the neck and head.
  • Combined - a neoplasm that combines capillary and tricky hemangioma in one growth. Such a subcutaneous or external neoplasm is usually bluish in color, with a spreading or limited edge.
  • Mixed is a hemangioma, which, when growing, affects not only the vessels, but also the adjacent connective tissues.

To remove a hemangioma, a radiation method is used, hormonal preparations, cryotherapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision.


Tumor neoplasm that develops on the walls of the vessels of the lymphatic system. The tumor is characterized by very slow growth. A swollen skin tumor grows in the region of the lymph nodes, it is painless. Neoplasm is cystic, consisting of several isolated or united cysts. The disease mainly affects children, but can also develop in adults. This disease usually occurs in the fetus during fetal development. The disease is not dangerous, but tends to instantly grow under the influence of adverse environmental factors. In this case, immediate surgical excision is required.

If lymphangioma is not removed during the period of its detection or rapid growth, it can cause irreparable harm to the internal organs of the child.

Lipoma or wen

A neoplasm that develops under the skin from adipose tissue cells. Outwardly, the wen looks like an atheroma. The subcutaneous lump is completely painless. It is felt as a hard and mobile ball when probing. Lipoma can develop on any part of the body where there is subcutaneous fatty tissue. The growth is single or multiple. One wen can grow in size from a large pea to a medium-sized apple. The tumor brings its owner aesthetic discomfort.

To get rid of the lipoma, surgical and laser intervention is applicable.

Papillomas and warts

Growths on the skin that form from epithelial tissue. Such growths can be spherical (in the form of a papilla), horny (filamentous) or flat. Neoplasms are small, painless. They can develop anywhere on the body. The color of the growths can be flesh, brown, red and even black. The appearance of warts indicates the presence in the body of HPV - the human papillomavirus.

To get rid of such growths, you need to combine antiviral therapy with the correction of immunity. There are also a lot of drugs for burning papillomas and warts.

Nevi and moles

These are congenital or acquired flat neoplasms in the form of one or more spots. Such growths are small or large accumulations of cells overflowing with a natural coloring pigment - melanin. Neoplasms can be different in color (from beige to dark brown), texture, shape and size. Such growths do not pose much harm to health.

If nevi or moles are constantly mechanically injured and cause discomfort, they need to be removed (by laser, radio waves or surgically), as they can degenerate into a malignant form.


A growth that forms from a collection of connective tissue. Outwardly, fibroma resembles a wart on a thin stalk. The growth looks like a cluster of small skin spherical nodes. The surface of the fibroma may be smooth or loose. The color of the growth varies from flesh pink to dark brown. Fibroma grows very slowly, does not cause discomfort (except for mechanical inconvenience caused by clothing or its location). If there is no effect on the fibroma, it is safe.

If the build-up interferes, it is better to remove it before it turns into a malignant form - fibrosarcoma.


A skin neoplasm that develops from nerve cells. Most often it develops on the basis of stress and nervous overexcitation. Often the growth is located in the area of ​​fat subcutaneous tissue and under the skin. Outwardly, the neoplasm is a dense tubercle, with a pigmented outer ball of skin. Growths quickly grow over the skin, very rarely they are lonely. Most often, the back, neck, bends of the elbow and knees are affected.

Require outgrowths binding drug treatment or surgical excision.



A neoplasm arising as a result of incorrect removal of a mole (nevus) or its degeneration into a malignant form. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. The disease proceeds very aggressively, quickly spreading over the skin. Such a tumor very soon metastasizes throughout the body, to internal organs and even to the brain.

If you take timely measures of the chemical-radiation therapy complex, you can slow down or avoid the development of cancer.


Squamous cell skin cancer, which is formed from the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis, in the form of flat, single purulent wounds. Small nodular tumors progress rapidly and develop into mushroom-shaped ulcerative growths. Most often, wounds appear on the face, the cheeks, wings of the nose, the area behind the ears and ears, and the lower eyelid are affected. This type cancer does not metastasize to internal organs and does not spread much over the skin.

With timely detection, treatment or excision, the ulcers are completely removed and the skin is regenerated.

Kaposi's sarcoma

A malignant neoplasm on the skin in the form of extensive dark spots (from the color of boiled blood clots to black), which merge into large affected areas. The disease is diagnosed in most cases in HIV-infected later dates the course of the disease. Sites affected by sarcoma: hands, legs and feet. This disease is a consequence of serious problems with internal organs, it cannot be cured, it is only possible to relieve severe symptoms with a little medication.

According to statistics, Kaposi's sarcoma carries numerous deaths.


A tumor that occurs as a result of damage to adipose tissue. This is a large subcutaneous rounded outgrowth (single node), can grow up to 20 centimeters. By itself, the growth is uneven, with irregular outlines. When probing, it can be hard and elastic. Such an outgrowth often occurs in people over the age of 50 and mainly in men. Liposarcoma occurs by the degeneration of a lipoma or atheroma into a malignant tumor. The growth grows very slowly, does not spread metastases to internal organs.

For treatment, you need to resort to surgical intervention and a complex of chemical-radiation therapy.


A neoplasm developing in the connective soft tissues. Most often, the growth affects skin covering lower limbs.

Fibrosarcoma can be located externally or subcutaneously. The skin protrudes above the skin, such an outgrowth has clearly visible borders and a dark blue or brown tint.

Subcutaneous fibrosarcoma is located deep under the skin and is hardly noticeable. We see only a small venous tubercle.

Fibrosarcoma grows slowly, does not affect internal organs with metastases. But after removal of the build-up, relapses almost always occur.


Despite the terrible name of the category, most of these neoplasms, if they are quickly identified, can be removed and cured without serious harm to health.

Bowen's disease

At the initial stages of tumor development, it is located in the upper layers of the epidermis. A clearly defined plaque of a brownish tint appears on the skin, with a flaky surface. Under its surface, a weeping purulent layer of the epidermis is hidden. Often the disease develops after 40 years, mainly in men. Bowen's disease affects the genitals, skin of the face, hands, mucous membrane of the mouth. If the disease is not detected in time and treatment is not started, it metastasizes and passes into the stage of invasive cancer. Treatment is usually carried out locally, medically.

With extensive skin lesions, chemical radiation therapy and surgical intervention are required.

Pigmented xeroderma

The disease develops by rebirth age spots. Occurs in people with hypersensitivity to the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays on the skin. Such pigmentation most often appears on the skin of the hands, face, back and chest. It densely covers the entire skin with dark brown spots. Spots can act as growths above the surface of the skin and contain purulent-bloody ichorus.

On the early dates the development of the disease, it can be cured with medication, in advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.

Senile keratoma

The growth looks like a rash at first, then a cluster of small skin spherical nodes that join into a common spot. A flat outgrowth eventually acquires a dense loose crust on its surface. At the initial stage of development, the growth is flesh-colored, in the process of progression it darkens to brown. The upper scales of the keratoma may peel off, the wound begins to bleed.

If any seals form in the neoplasm, then the keratoma becomes malignant. It is removed surgically. Appears exclusively in the elderly.

Skin horn

It is formed by the proliferation of cells of the epidermis of the prickly layer of the skin. A cone-shaped elevation is formed on the skin, which looks like a small horn. The horn has a multi-layered and scaly structure. Usually, a dry growth appears in older people behind the ears, on the fingers and toes, feet and rough parts of the skin.

If you do not provide timely detection and treatment, it can go into a cancerous stage. removed by surgical excision.

Can live long life and avoid such misfortune as warts on the skin. But if they appear, you should not worry. They will not cause serious harm to the body. Over time, they will disappear on their own. If this does not happen, it can be removed.

Warts on the body are unpleasant, but they often go away on their own.

Reasons for the appearance

If you have grown warts on your body, the reasons for their appearance are different. So a senile wart or age-related keratoma, which is diagnosed after 40 years, appears due to the growth of cells in the outer layer of the skin. Why this process is activated is not yet clear, there are many hypotheses.


But more often the growth is formed due to the defeat of the patient by the human papillomavirus. There are many varieties of this virus. It enters through wounds, scratches on the skin, and leads to the formation of tubercles and growths. This is how warts appear on the body.

It is not difficult to become infected with the virus: you shook the hand of an infected person (the carrier of the virus does not always have a wart), dried yourself with one towel, held on to the handrails in public transport. Some types of the virus are sexually transmitted through unprotected sex. Human papillomavirus occurs in many, according to some sources, in 85% of the population.

wart virus under microscope

Weakening of the body

But if you are a carrier of this virus, then this does not mean that growths will immediately grow after infection. A healthy strong body will neutralize the virus, and it will not manifest itself. It may be weeks or months before he "wakes up". And this will happen for a number of reasons:

  1. A person has experienced severe stress or constantly lives in stress.
  2. He has many microtraumas on his skin.
  3. The growths on the legs appeared due to wearing tight shoes or shoes made of synthetic materials, due to which the skin of the feet sweats.
  4. Sweating.
  5. Reduced immunity due to previous diseases or hypothermia of the body.
  6. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins.
  7. Hormonal disorders.

We figured out why warts appear on the body, the reasons for their occurrence. It is bad if there are a lot of warts on the body. Their number could increase if you removed it incorrectly, cut it off, or picked it out. Or there was a re-infection, the virus that was in one place spread. What to do if there are a lot of warts on the body? Urgently go to a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment. It will help you make a diagnosis. If you are concerned about a wart under the skin, this growth is not necessarily caused by HPV.

There are many diseases due to which a seal appears under the skin (neurofibroma, lipoma, epidermoid cyst, etc.). This growth may look like a growth on the skin, but it is not a wart.

Poor, unbalanced diet weakens the immune system

Types of warts

How to understand that this is a formation on the skin in the form of a wart, a safe growth, or the beginning of an oncological disease? Even an experienced doctor will not be able to diagnose “by eye”, it is necessary to pass tests. There are single small warts on the body, or larger specimens, they have different shape and size.

  1. Ordinary. Most often appears on the hands, but is also found in other places. It is shaped like a dome, rough to the touch. The size is different, from 1 to 1.5 cm. Sometimes the growths form one plaque.
  2. plantar. Grow on your feet. They often appear where shoes press on the foot, in people with heavily sweaty feet. This is a variation of the first type of growths, but because of them there is pain when walking.
  3. Youthful. Most often seen in children or adolescents. They grow up to 1-5 mm, similar in shape to nodules. Color - from pink to darker.
  4. Filiform. This is a 5 ̶6 mm growth that rises above the surface of the skin. The color is the same as human skin. Most often they grow under the breasts or in the armpits, cover the face and neck.
  5. Pointed condyloma. Appears in intimate places, in the anus. They can also grow in the mouth.
  6. Senile. it noncommunicable disease that appears in older people. The growths are visible on the neck, head, torso, all over the body, except for the palms and soles.

Filiform wart - elongated growth


Is treatment needed?

If small warts appear on the body, wait a while, they will disappear on their own. But watch your health. Avoid stressful situations, rest, eat right, do not forget about sleep. Then the body will recover and cope with the virus itself, the wart will resolve.

But sometimes a visit to the doctor is necessary:

  1. Growths appeared in an intimate place.
  2. They hurt, they itch a lot.
  3. You accidentally injured the growth, or she herself began to bleed.
  4. You were alerted by the color of the wart and its shape. She has an indefinite contour, a non-uniform color.
  5. The number of outgrowths has increased dramatically.

If the wart grows, it should be removed

Methods of treatment

Visit a dermatologist who will advise you on treatments. Now there are many options for removing the build-up, painless and effective. The doctor can also advise immunotherapy, which activates the body's defenses. This method is not suitable for pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in asthma, allergies, flu, etc.

Fighting methods:

  1. Chemical. Rarely used. The growth is lubricated with acid or alkali, which cauterize it.
  2. Cryotherapy. it effective method, after which in 10 ̶15% of cases there are relapses. The growth is frozen, thereby removing it and destroying the virus. The procedure is carried out either in the doctor's office, or at home, using the Cryopharm preparation.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The wart is "cut off" with the help of current. Tissues are disinfected at the same time. The operation goes without bleeding. The method works in 80 ̶95% of cases.
  4. Laser. The growth is destroyed in layers. Where there used to be a wart, a hole remains, but it also disappears after 1 ̶̶ 2 weeks. There is a high probability that neoplasms will not appear. One of better ways: the patient does not feel pain, there are no traces of growth.
  5. Surgery. This method is rarely used. If only the wart has grown a lot, or if several growths have grown together into one. It is removed with a scalpel, then a suture is applied. After surgical removal, scars and scars remain. The probability that the growth will return is 40 ̶ 55%.

Cryotherapy - the destruction of the wart with cold


The appearance of warts on the body does not please anyone, because these growths cannot be called beautiful. Therefore, it is better to prevent their occurrence, rather than treat them.

  1. Do not wear other people's clothes, do not use another person's towel. Observe other rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Do not shake hands with a person who has a wart on it. Avoid contact with infected skin.
  3. Avoid promiscuity.
  4. Try not to injure the skin, treat the wounds. It is through them that the virus enters.
  5. Take care of yourself, your health. Strengthen your immune system.