Skin disease vitiligo. Vitiligo disease common causes

Vitiligo (pes) is a violation of skin pigmentation, which is associated with the disappearance of pigment in certain areas of the skin. In this article, we will talk about the causes and treatment of vitiligo.

Reasons for the appearance

Frequent, severe psycho-emotional stress is an important factor that increases the likelihood of developing vitiligo.

The disease occurs with equal frequency in men and women of any age. The causes of the disease and the mechanism of its development are not fully understood, but it is known for sure that vitiligo is not transmitted from sick people to healthy ones.

    There are a number of factors that play a role in the appearance of vitiligo:
  • violations of the endocrine balance in the body (disruption of the functions of the thyroid, sex glands, adrenal glands, pituitary gland);
  • psychological trauma, stress;
  • transferred infectious diseases, helminthic invasion of the body;
  • violation of vitamin balance, the exchange of certain trace elements (iron, copper);
  • hereditary predisposition (there are family cases of the disease).

Vitiligo symptoms

The disease usually has chronic course. The disease often starts without visible reasons with the appearance of small spots on the skin various shapes pink or milky white with clear borders. These spots gradually increase in size, tend to merge with each other.

Lesions can be either single or multiple, and are located on any part of the skin, but most often in open places (face, neck, upper and lower limbs).

A distinctive feature of vitiligo is the absence of peeling and atrophy in the affected areas of the skin. Vitiligo never develops on the soles, palms and mucous membranes.

Most often, the lesions are symmetrical, but sometimes unilateral lesions occur. In the area of ​​spots, the hair changes color, turns pale, sweating and skin sensitivity to irritants are disturbed. Often vitiligo is accompanied by solar dermatitis. Patients are advised to limit exposure to the sun, as pigmentation areas stand out even more on tanned skin.

The most severe degree of development of vitiligo is a universal skin lesion, in which it becomes all depigmented. With the progression of the disease, depigmented areas appear in places where pressure, friction is applied to the skin, or there has been a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Patients with vitiligo do not note any subjective sensations. Only a cosmetic defect causes concern, especially when spots are localized in open areas of the body. Perhaps the traceless spontaneous disappearance of individual spots.

Diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo

Diagnosis of the disease is usually straightforward because vitiligo has very specific symptoms.

To date, specific drugs for the treatment of vitiligo have not been developed. However, it should be remembered that this disease is often the result of any disturbances in the body, and the treatment of the conditions that caused the appearance of vitiligo can completely relieve the patient of its manifestations.

Photochemotherapy method (PCT) or PUVA therapy

The introduction of drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light, in combination with helium-neon laser therapy, is one of the most common treatments for vitiligo.

There are drugs that increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (beroxan, ammifurin, melagenin, psoralen), which are available in the form of tablets for oral administration, ointments and alcohol solutions for rubbing into depigmentation foci. To obtain the effect, the use of these drugs is combined with skin irradiation with ultraviolet light. It has been proven that long-wave UV irradiation (for example, with UVB 311 nm) has the greatest efficiency, which allows you to get a significant effect in patients with vitiligo.

The treatment includes many courses, carried out with short breaks, in order to achieve maximum effect.

PUVA therapy has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, hypersensitivity to radiation, diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, hematopoietic systems, as well as age up to 5 and over 60 years.

The combination of taking photosensitizing drugs with exposing the affected skin to helium-neon laser beams also helps in the treatment of vitiligo. Laser therapy has several advantages over photochemotherapy. High efficiency, reduced treatment time, no side effects, fewer contraindications make this method the most preferred in the treatment this disease.

The effectiveness of treatment usually increases with the inclusion of drugs containing copper and ascorbic acid in therapy. In most patients, positive results of treatment are achieved with the appointment of a course of corticosteroid hormones. It is also recommended to include immunomodulators (immunal, echinacea tincture) in the complex therapy of vitiligo.

Increasingly popular abroad surgical method treatment of vitiligo, during which donor skin areas are transplanted, which are preliminarily prepared by the PUVA method.

Vitiligo is chronic illness, which consists in the destruction of skin melanocytes. As a result, white spots of different sizes are formed on the skin of the patient and irregular shape.

The disease is asymptomatic and is more of a cosmetic defect, however, patients complain of psychological discomfort, depression and dissatisfaction with their own appearance.

Theories of the mechanisms of development of vitiligo

Vitiligo develops as follows: under the influence of negative factors, both external and internal, cells that produce the hormone melanin are damaged. As a result, melanocytes stop producing pigment, resulting in discolored patches.

The development of the disease goes in several stages:

  1. At the initial stage, as a rule, one small spot appears, from a few millimeters to 2 centimeters in diameter, pinkish or beige. In the future, the spot grows, acquiring a milky white or ivory shade. Over time, the spots become larger, their size increases.
  2. Progressive stage - the primary spot increases in size, depigmented areas appear on other parts of the body. The spots may merge, the hair on the skin becomes discolored. The contour of the pigment along the edge of the bleached area is clearly visible.
  3. Stationary stage - with a long course of the disease, large irregularly shaped spots with a lacy edge are clearly visible on the skin. Between the affected areas and areas with normal pigmentation lies a clear boundary. The spots do not peel off and do not protrude above the surface of the skin.
  4. Repigmentation stage - in some cases, normal skin pigmentation can spontaneously reappear. Areas of pigment appear mainly near the hair follicles, since they most often retain functioning melanocytes. Spots can disappear either completely or partially.

Reasons for the development of vitiligo

Science does not know either the exact causes or the mechanism of development of vitiligo. There is an assumption that the appearance of vitiligo disease can be explained by the following factors:

  • It has not been reliably studied why melanin suddenly disappears. It is customary to attribute vitiligo to autoimmune diseases: the immune system perceives pigment cells as foreign and destroys them. provoke such immune response any trauma, stress, prolonged contact with certain chemicals.

Until now, medicine has not come to the definition of the occurrence of such a disease as vitiligo.

Vitiligo variety

Vitiligo occurs in 1% of the population and is divided into several types depending on the location of the lesion and the color of the spots.

Spot color:

  • Tricolor - there is a contour at the transitions of the pigmented area, and the spot has three colors
  • Four-color - the spot has four transitions, separated by a contour with pronounced pigmentation
  • Inflamed - the spot has inflamed transitions with a contour that is expressed by raised skin.

There are also cases of spots with a bluish tinge.

Types of vitiligo depending on localization:

  • Focal form, which in turn is divided into three subspecies
  • Focal - one or more spots in one part of the body
  • Segmental - the location of the spots is built in the direction of the nerves or nerve plexuses
  • Mucous - only mucous membranes are affected
  • Generalized form, including three types of variety
  • Acrofascial - damage to the distal part of the limbs
  • Vulgar - spots are randomly scattered throughout the skin
  • Mixed - different types present in one place
  • Universal form, in which skin pigmentation is almost completely absent

At the same time, dermatologists also distinguish between two types of vitiligo:

  • A - any form of disease in which the sympathetic system is not disturbed
  • B - depigmentation in the direction of the nerves and impaired functionality of the sympathetic nervous system

Vitiligo initial stage photo

The process of a significant increase in the size of spots, an increase in the size of a spot or a sharp appearance of new ones. A slowly progressive disease is considered the normal development of pathology, but development can also be fulminant. In this case, the increase in the number occurs within a few weeks.

The process of formation of single spots. Further development of a progressive form, stable or recovery stage is possible.

It is characterized by one spot with a stable state. The spot does not increase for a long time, and there is no appearance of new spots.

In some cases, depending on the nature of the disease, it is possible to restore skin pigmentation. Most often occurs with an unspecified appearance of spots, which could be caused by drugs.

After stopping the drug, toxins are removed from the body, and skin regeneration occurs.

  • Progressive moment: if the spot increases over a three-month period. This moment may have a slow flow.


The disease most often occurs in a chronic form, the disease appears abruptly, for no reason, small spots of various shapes may appear on the skin, which have a pink or milky white color and clear boundaries. The spots eventually begin to increase in size, and merge into one.

The lesion can be single and multiple, it is located on different skin areas, most often it is characteristic of open areas - the face, neck, upper and lower extremities. The peculiarity of vitiligo is that the skin does not peel off, and there is no atrophy on the affected skin.

Vitiligo is not characteristic of the soles, palms, mucous membranes. The foci can be located symmetrically, lesions of a unilateral nature often appear.

Where spots appear, hair color changes, they turn pale, sweating may be disturbed, the skin is sensitive to an irritant. Often prone to photodermatitis.

Therefore, patients who suffer from vitiligo are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time, because white areas become more pronounced on tanned skin.

Vitiligo can also develop in a severe form, when the lesion is universal, the skin is completely depigmented. When the disease progresses, depigmented areas may appear in places where the skin is pressed, rubbed, and the integrity of the skin cover is violated.

Vitiligo can manifest as childhood, and in a more mature and most often takes chronic form the symptoms are exactly the same for everyone.

The disease most often begins to develop from small spots that have clear contours, white or pale pink, which eventually grow and merge with each other.

Lesions can be single or affect several parts of the body at the same time. Most often, these are open areas of the skin: hands, face, neck. Distinctive feature vitiligo spots - the absence of peeling and atrophy on previously affected areas of the skin.

The main symptoms are areas of the skin that become light in color and can lighten to a milky white hue. Most often, the disease progresses on such parts of the body:

  • Skin around the mouth, nose and eyes
  • limbs
  • inguinal zone

Vitiligo affects the skin, both without hairline and with it, while hair on the head and beard can fall out.

With vitiligo, there may be symptoms of other comorbidities:

  • Baldness
  • Inflammation of the posterior eye or retina
  • graying hair
  • scleroderma
  • Psoriasis
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Affected skin does not emit sweat, becomes less sensitive to irritating factors
  • Liver can't handle toxins

It is difficult to detect vitiligo right away, since usually white spots on the skin appear gradually and increase in size slowly.

On the early stage diseases, pinkish or milky spots may appear on the skin. After some time, the spots begin to increase in size, you can see their clear boundaries and outlines with roundness or elongated ovality. Due to the expansion of the spots, they can merge with each other. Usually the location of the spots is in open places like: on the neck, face, legs. This disease occurs in both adults and children. Lack of pigmentation appears more often in open areas of the skin. Some spots can pass and others appear in another place. If the disease recedes, pigmentation returns, but not always evenly. Completely discolor human body rather than be able to. The spots are most noticeable in summer during the tanning of the main skin color.

In some cases, vitiligo manifests itself along with other diseases: baldness, lichen planus, psoriasis. In people suffering from this disease, the functions of the digestive organs and liver are impaired.


It is very easy to make a diagnosis because vitiligo has specific symptoms. To date, no specific drugs have been developed to cure vitiligo.

But you need to remember that the disease develops due to a malfunction in the body, the treatment will depend only on getting rid of the cause that caused the disease.

Also, with the help of some drugs, you can increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays - beroxan, melagenin, ammifurin, psoralen, they are produced in the form of tablets that need to be taken orally, there are also many ointments, special alcohol solutions that need to be rubbed into the foci where depigmentation.

An excellent method is photochemotherapy and Puva therapy. To be effective, these drugs must be combined with ultraviolet irradiation of the skin. It has already been proven that long-wave UV irradiation is the most effective.

Treatment should have repeated courses of therapy, carried out with short interruptions in order to achieve maximum results.

But remember about the contraindications of PUVA therapy, it can not be performed during pregnancy, cancer, problems with the digestive, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. Also under the age of 5 years and after 60 years.

It is very important to take photosensitizing drugs and exposure to neon laser beams on the skin that is affected. Laser therapy has several advantages, it is better than the method of photochemotherapy:

1. Highly efficient.

2. Reduces the duration of treatment.

3. There are no side effects.

It is especially effective when it includes preparations that contain ascorbic acid and copper. A positive result in patients occurs after a person takes corticosteroid hormones.

To complex therapy vitiligo include immunomodulators - echinacea tincture, immunal.

A popular surgical method is one that can be used to cure vitiligo; for this, donor skin areas are transplanted; for this, the skin is pre-prepared using the PUVA method.

Diagnosis of vitiligo is usually not difficult. The disease has a specific form of course, and an experienced specialist can easily distinguish the disease from another kind of dermatoses.

For each person, the selection of a course of treatment occurs individually. To decide how to treat vitiligo, doctors often prescribe a series of diagnostic procedures.

Such determination schemes can last up to 4 months, and in some cases up to a year. In each organism, the processes are carried out differently.

Determination of the effectiveness of drugs can take up to three months, with constant use of the drug.

Diagnosis of vitiligo consists of the following activities:

  • Collection of anamnesis.
  • Taking a skin sample for a biopsy. At the cellular level, the cessation of melanin production is detected.
  • Held differential diagnosis with diseases such as syphilis, white lichen, melanoma and albinism.
  • If necessary, tests for biochemistry, thyroid hormones and corticosteroids are taken.

If metabolic disorders are detected, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

If noticeable depigmented spots are found on the body, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for an examination. The examination consists of determining the nature of the violation of skin pigmentation using a special lamp and taking material for laboratory tests.

These manipulations will help to exclude other skin diseases.

For a confirmed diagnosis, use different kinds drugs:

  1. Glucocorticoids. You need to start using the least concentrated topical preparations: Fluorocort, Hydrocortisone, Triacort. If the result does not improve after 3 months of therapy, then adjust the dosage - prescribe drugs with a higher amount active ingredient: Beloderm, Dermovate, Elokom. In the generalized form, drugs of this group are used in tablet form, but in combination with pulse therapy to avoid the risk of side effects in the form of diabetes. For oral administration, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone are prescribed.
  2. Photocoumarins in combination with an ultraviolet lamp. Herbal remedies increase the sensitivity of melanocytes to UV radiation: Beroxan, Psoberan, Puvalen, Methoxalen.
  3. Systemic therapy for concomitant diseases. Depending on the current situation and the existing pathologies as additional treatment may prescribe antidepressants, sedatives (for depression and nervous disorders ah), vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and antioxidants.

Innovative problem solving methods:

  1. Melanocyte transplantation - autotransplantation of healthy skin cells to a discolored area. Used on small areas.
  2. Melagenin Plus is an alcoholic preparation based on the human placenta.
  3. Laser therapy - vitiligo spots are affected laser beam different lengths. The technique will be effective if the pathology develops for less than 5 years and with segmental, vulgar and focal forms of leukoderma.
  4. Cosmetic skin whitening - the introduction of brightening injections to even out the tone of the skin surface.

New methods of combating vitiligo are being developed, in particular, a vaccine against the disease is being invented.

Vitiligo treatment

After the disease has been diagnosed in a clinical setting, treatment begins. The doctor prescribes drugs to the patient that improve the metabolic process directly in the skin.

In addition, local therapeutic actions are carried out, using alcohol medicinal solutions with which the disease can be cured.

Physiotherapeutic measures are also prescribed, including ultraviolet irradiation after the skin areas have been treated with special means.

To date, there are quite effective methods, the course of which is aimed at treating vitiligo for one month, followed by repetition throughout life.

Treatment of vitiligo in children is accompanied by certain difficulties, because most medicines, which are prescribed for adults, it is contraindicated to treat children.

Applying ointment, oil and other topical preparations to the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is not recommended. enjoy medicines follows only after they are prescribed by a doctor individually, because there are a number of contraindications in which any disease should be treated very carefully:

  • any form of hepatitis
  • gastrointestinal disease
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • tuberculosis
  • kidney infection
  • diabetes

In addition to traditional methods of treatment, you can get rid of vitiligo with folk remedies, in which St. John's wort oil is effective for external use.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of vitiligo

Treatment, or rather its outcome, depends on the correct appointment and responsibility of the patient, with which he approaches this issue. Medicine and hardware diagnostics are constantly developing, therefore, with an integrated approach, it is possible to get rid of vitiligo.

Modern methods in the treatment of vitiligo:

  • PUVA therapy - exposure to ultraviolet radiation of a certain intensity. After several procedures, patients experience a resumption of pigmentation on the affected areas of the skin;
  • vitamin therapy - ingestion of vitamins groups B, A and C;
  • treatment with the use of phytopreparations (locally and ingestion);
  • adherence to a special diet that includes cereals, seafood, vegetables and fruits;
  • laser treatment;
  • corticosteroid therapy - local application preparations in the form of applications, chipping and ingestion;
  • electrophoresis with copper sulfate, iron, zinc;
  • cosmetology - treatment consists in protecting the affected areas with UV protective agents. Masking compositions are often used to eliminate a cosmetic defect.

Like every disease that is not fully understood, vitiligo is shrouded in myths and conjectures. Oddly enough, even some doctors are mistaken in some matters relating to this disease.

The five most common myths about the treatment of the disease:

Despite the "gaps" in the study of this disease, it is curable. We can only agree that the path to recovery is quite difficult and long.

  1. Vitiligo is an infectious disease

Another fairly popular misconception. Vitiligo is not contagious and is not transmitted to others through contact with the patient.

  1. The manifestation of the disease is a cosmetic defect

Despite the fact that the appearance of discolored spots on the skin looks unaesthetic, their sharp growth and quantity is a signal to immediately contact a dermatologist who will prescribe an adequate treatment.

  1. Drug treatment has a toxic effect on the liver

Psoralens, which form the basis of drug treatment, do not adversely affect the liver.

  1. Psoralen + PUVA causes skin cancer

When spots appear on the skin, you should not postpone going to the doctor. The doctor must examine the stain with special equipment to determine the nature of the disease.

After the examination, it may be necessary to take material for analysis in order to obtain more accurate data about the disease and disorders in the body. During medical treatment it is very important correct use different medications.

Vitiligo treatment with glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids are used to suppress an autoimmune process or an allergic reaction in the body.

Vitiligo laser treatment

This method of treatment involves treatment with a laser. In the process of exposure to laser radiation, waves of a certain length are directed to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Laser therapy is similar to phototherapy. This method is well treated local form of vitiligo, which is present in humans for no more than five years.

It does not take much time for laser treatment, the first procedures take up to 1 second.

Surgery (melanocyte transplantation)

The method of home treatment can be divided into the following groups:

  • With the help of natural remedies
  • Through a balanced diet and lifestyle
  • Medical treatment

Before treating vitiligo, you should definitely consult a doctor. Drug treatment involves the use of drugs that reduce the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on human skin.

In this case, drugs are used local action to increase skin pigmentation. Any medicine can have contraindications, so it must be prescribed by doctors.

In case of detection of concomitant diseases, medicines are also used for them.

For the treatment and suppression of allergies or autoimmune processes, you can use medications - Glucocorticosteroids. This group of drugs is prescribed for the treatment of a localized type of disease.

In such cases, drugs in the form of an ointment are used. When a generalized form of pathology appears, drugs are prescribed in tablets.

Many cases of medical treatment did not give positive results and complete recovery. In this regard, many people resort to the use of traditional treatments that lead to the reduction of spots and disappearance.

With diet and conventional therapy, vitiligo is also treatable with folk remedies. There are plants from which you can prepare infusions, ointments and speed up the treatment of vitiligo at home.

The affected part of the skin is very susceptible to sun exposure and the skin burns easily due to the lack of protective pigments. In this regard, to prevent burns, it is necessary to cover the diseased skin with clothing or use a special cream.

Affected skin is very sensitive to sunlight and burns easily, because. in these areas there is no protective pigment. Therefore, the skin should be covered with clothes or sunscreens, and an ointment should be used against vitiligo so that there are no burns.

St. John's wort has an excellent healing effect. A decoction is prepared from it and taken orally three times a day after meals.

One dose is a tablespoon of the drink. You need to be treated for three weeks, after which they take a break for one week and continue the course.

To prepare a drink, you need to dry the plant, grind it and brew one teaspoon of the crushed plant in 200 ml of water.

Also, you can prepare and ointment. To do this, you will need grated St. John's wort, to which add a part of olive oil in a ratio of 1:10.

Before applying the ointment, you must first make a compress from the decoction of St. John's wort - a moistened cloth is applied to the affected area for half an hour. The course of this method of treatment is 40 days.

Black seed oil can be taken orally or used externally. soft cloth dipped in vinegar, wipe the affected skin, apply oil, and then take a sunbath for 30 minutes.

A drink can also be prepared from the oil by mixing a teaspoon of the substance with 200 ml of water.

The skin will acquire a normal color if you mix black pepper and baking soda 1: 1 and rub the substance regularly at the site of the formation of the disease.

Vitiligo is also treated with anise oil. To do this, you need 500 grams of olive oil and powder from grated anise seeds.

The resulting mixture should be infused in the dark for 30 days, after which the composition is boiled, cooled and filtered. By applying the product daily on the stain, you can get a positive result.

Pour the crushed leaves with boiling water - 1 tablespoon and 200 ml of boiled water. After 2 hours of infusion, take 50 ml 4 times a day before meals 15 minutes before meals.

After 7 days, the dose is doubled. When taking a drink, you need to rub the discolored spot.

The best result can be obtained by rubbing the skin with freshly squeezed juice from the leaves. In this case, you need to take a sunbath for a minute.

With each subsequent day, the time spent in the sun should be increased by 1 minute. The course of treatment lasts three weeks, after which they take a seven-day break and repeat the procedure.

To prepare the mixture, you need to burn the bark and mix a tablespoon of ashes with the same amount of olive oil. After mixing, rub into the affected skin.

Boil the crushed dry grass in 250 ml of water. The decoction should be infused for an hour. After that, you need to strain. The whole broth should be drunk 15 minutes before eating. The decoction must be consumed three times a day for 120 days.

This substance can also be used as a cure for vitiligo. It is necessary to buy a finished product at a pharmacy and lubricate the problematic part of the skin for a month. The course can be repeated after a two-week break.

Half a glass of powdered herb initials is poured with two liters of red wine. The remedy should be boiled for 15 minutes, then take 50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.

Also, in case of illness, various drugs from acetylsalicylic acid are used, which serve to remove skin spots. Aspirin and salicylic alcohol are often used.

Pathology can develop both in adults and in children and even in a newborn child. For the treatment of illness in children, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles.

First of all, you do not need to spare time and conduct a thorough diagnosis, since the effectiveness of the course of treatment and the amount of the drug or ointment that are used in the treatment will depend on this.

Children at 4 years of age are treated in the same way as adults, however, if the attending physician refuses to take on a child at that age, then there is no need to insist.

In young children, unlike adults, self-healing occurs more often. Most often, drugs are not used for 4 to 5 years, however, it must be remembered that the use of drugs based on placenta extract or natural medicinal herbs is allowed.

Also, before treating vitiligo with folk remedies, you need to remember that the indicator can move both for the better and for the worse. From drugs and radiation, there will probably be more negative effects than positive results.

In doing so, attention must be paid to healthy lifestyle life of the child, a healthy diet and a favorable psychological environment, do not expose the child to the action of the active sun and use cosmetic sunscreens.

To treat a disease in a child, they use almost all the methods that are prescribed for adults. The exception is systemic therapy hormonal drugs.

It is used only in the presence of strict indications, for a minimum time and in the lowest therapeutic doses. Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated in sessions of UV skin irradiation and PUVA therapy.

You can understand how much the skin condition can improve as a result of the treatment of vitiligo by looking at photos of people before and after the treatment of the disease. The pictures below of areas of the skin affected by vitiligo will give you an opportunity to roughly evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and help you decide on a strategy to combat this little-studied disease.

Treatment of the disease depends on the form and nature of the lesions.

With a small number of spots, the following methods are used:

There is currently no cure for vitiligo. But with this disease, photochemotherapy (PCT) or PUVA therapy is considered effective.

This method includes taking special drugs - for local application or in the form of tablets that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and the irradiation itself, preferably long-wavelength.

PHT courses are carried out with short breaks. Read more about the treatment of vitiligo on our website.

This type of therapy has contraindications: oncological diseases, pregnancy, individual sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive and urinary systems, PUVA therapy is not prescribed for children under 5 years of age and elderly people over 60 years of age.

Laser therapy will help get rid of vitiligo much better, especially if the patient is taking copper preparations and ascorbic acid. The terms of treatment are much shorter, and the list of contraindications for laser therapy is shorter.

In vitiligo, corticosteroids and immunomodulators are also used. In developed countries, the treatment of vitiligo with the help of donor skin transplantation is popular.

How to treat vitiligo at home read on our website.

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Even with the adoption of high-quality therapy measures, there is a high probability of relapse and progression of the disease. Usually, to eliminate the disease, external and internal use is used - tablets, ointments, gels.

The group of agents considered below is aimed at suppressing autoimmune phenomena and reactions.

  • With a localized type of disease, it is necessary to use ointments of medium and increased activity, their list will be discussed in the appropriate section.
  • With the general form of the disease, tablets are used - prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, pulse therapy. When treated with a lamp, patients should take photosensitizing drugs.

Considering the question of how to treat the disease, several main directions can be noted. Mostly this herbal remedies- lamadin, oxoralen, meladinin, psoberan, psoralen.

In addition, systemic therapy is carried out, which is aimed at eliminating hormonal disorders, removing patients from a state of depression, as well as suppressing diseases of the nervous system that act as triggers for the disease.

Modern methods of the treatment process

The key to defining a disease is its symptoms. How can you get rid of the manifestations and causal factors– should always be decided by a specialist.

The medical industry is pleased with the speed of its development, so progressive treatment is reduced to the use of several groups of drugs and hardware techniques.

  • Therapy of a laser nature with the provision of radiation to the affected areas. This method has many similarities with phototherapy and helps with local types of ailments.
  • Skin whitening contributes to a lower visibility of white spots present on the skin. At the same time, special techniques provide a general tone alignment using eloquine, hydroquinone in injections.
  • Surgical intervention (transplantation method). If the disease has not come to large skin areas, you can apply for a transplant, but there is a risk of complications - suppuration and rejection.
  • Transfer of own human cells from the good zone to the affected area.
  • The use of a special alcohol extract, which is isolated from the human placenta. This drug is effective in case of localized disease.

Vitiligo treatment medicine

This medication is used as an external agent and is able to restore the pigmentation of the skin, enhancing its ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation.

It acts in the same way as melagenin, but when it is used, cells actively multiply and synthesize melanin with greater exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

It is used even in severe conditions of vitiligo. At the same time, healthy areas of the skin are not affected by pathology, and depigmentation does not reappear.

The substance must not be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding. It is also used without additional procedures for exposure to an infrared lamp.

Ammifurin is also used as a photosensitizing agent and Vitasan as a cream made from natural ingredients.

Today this method is used because of the effectiveness and power of action on the affected areas. But PUVA involves a lot of side effects - erythema, a feeling of nausea.

In this regard, patients more often prefer ultraviolet irradiation with the narrowest spectral exposure, suggesting a low probability of external and internal manifestations as side effects.

Folic acid

According to studies in which people with this skin disease took this composition, they achieved positive results, which indicates the undeniable role of this vitamin composition.


This tool acts as a powerful depigmentation regulator, which was developed by a French laboratory. It has reached high standards and application levels.


This remedy is used externally and contributes to the rehabilitation of the pigmentation process on the skin. Substances that make up the drug, allow you to provide the most active reproduction of cells. But there are a number of contraindications for use, which are important to consider.


It is a strong photosensitizing agent used in case of irradiation under the sun. The drug has a release form in the form of tablets and a solution, provides the process of melanin production. There are several diseases-contraindications that are important to take into account.


This remedy has a natural herbal composition and is available as a cream. The composition contains walnut, St. John's wort, calendula, string. There is also oil of walnut, cedar, fir. Contraindications to use include only intolerance to an individual plan.

Vitiligo spot masking

Considering the disease of vitiligo, photos, symptoms, treatment, it can be noted that often patients are concerned about the issue of masking spots. There are several ways.

  1. Special cosmetics- most affordable way to make stains less visible. Tonal means and creams of the matting action are applied.
  2. Auto tan is another “cure” for unattractive white spots that will help hide rashes in adults. Preference should be given to salon procedures.
  3. The green peel of the walnut will remove the sharpness of the contrast between the areas and even out the skin tone. The advantage is that there are no marks on clothing upon application.

When leaving, it is important to follow the basic rules for monitoring the condition of the skin.

Vitiligo spot masking

It is quite natural that every person will want to hide white spots. In such cases, while a person is undergoing treatment, he can use the following masking methods:

This method is the most accessible and simple. Provides for the application of foundation creams and other matting agents. In this case, the skin is brought to a natural color, and then it is already matted. You can also use permanent tattooing, which will not wash off with water and will not be erased by clothes.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the salon, since it is difficult to select the tone and apply it to the skin yourself. In this case, the color is even and stable. With this method of masking, clothes will not get dirty, which makes it easy to use on the areas of the arms and legs.

  • Green walnut skin

The peel is crushed with a blender and left for a couple of hours. Next, the crushed product turns brown and is applied to the stain with a cotton swab. The substance contributes to the coloring of the skin and does not stain clothes.

The skin is treated in layers. The depth of treatment is selected depending on the stage of the disease and its nature.

Also, skin whitening is used to mask spots and make them less noticeable. This procedure includes color alignment.

For this, injections of aggressive drugs such as Elokvin, Monobenzone and Hydroquinone are used. Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor, as they have side effect and contraindications.

However, the drugs are expensive.

If vitiligo spots are masked, it is important to remember proper care over the affected areas of the skin. Do not apply allergens and thereby once again injure the skin.

Clothing that is too tight can cause stains, and you need to be very careful when using a razor. Jewelry on the neck or arms can also be harmful.

You do not need to spend a lot of time under the sun or in the cold, as sunburn can provoke the appearance of a spot, and frost can damage the affected skin.

  • Hydrocortisone butyrate, esperon - for the treatment of a localized form of the disease. The duration of the course of treatment is 3 months or more.
  • If there is no effect, a remedy with a wider activity is used - elocom, sinalar, beloderm. The duration is from 1 to 4 months. But you can get rid of vitiligo.

Disease prevention

The exact causes of vitiligo have not been established, so specific preventive procedures have not been developed, but it has been confirmed that frequent visits to seaside resorts have a positive effect on vitiligo.

Also pay attention to a balanced diet and diseases of the digestive tract.

Vitiligo (vitiligo), (dog, leukopathy, piebald skin) is one of the most unexplored and difficult to treat diseases. It can occur at any age and is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the skin, that is, areas devoid of pigment - melanin. This phenomenon is called depigmentation.

This disease is common in all countries of the world. The disease can occur at any age, but most often it develops in women, as well as young people under the age of 20 years. AT last years there is an increase in the number of patients, both among the adult and child population, especially among young people.

Vitiligo is a disease that official medicine not very sorry. It is believed that it does not threaten life and health. But it is not so. Maybe there is no threat to life, but the harm to health is obvious. After all, vitiligo is not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also more than a visual reminder of serious disorders in the body.

Causes leading to the development of vitiligo

Neither the cause nor the mechanism of action in the development of vitiligo has yet been definitively determined.

It is assumed that the following factors play a role in the appearance of vitiligo:

  • disorders of a neuroendocrine nature (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads);
  • mental trauma;
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system (the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system over the tone of its parasympathetic part);
  • autoimmune processes;
  • hereditary predisposition, which is confirmed by family cases of the disease.

Of great importance in the development of vitiligo are stressful conditions, infectious diseases, chronic diseases internal organs, intoxication, skin contact with certain synthetic fabrics, physical injury.

In many patients, imbalances, the exchange of copper, iron, zinc and other micro- and macroelements were determined, a syndrome of malabsorption was noted. In recent years, an important role has been assigned to violations by immune system, there is evidence of an autoimmune pathogenesis of vitiligo.

Depigmentation (discoloration) can be provoked by worms (helminths), disrupting the normal activity of the endocrine glands and leading to copper deficiency in the body. Conducted in such cases, deworming contributed to the cure of patients.

Vitiligo symptoms

The disease has, as a rule, a chronic course, morally depressing the patient and causing discomfort. The disease begins with the appearance of slightly pink or milky white spots on the skin. Gradually, the spots increase, acquire a different size, clear boundaries, rounded or oval outlines. Growing, the spots tend to merge with each other, forming extensive foci. The foci can be single or multiple, located on any part of the skin, most often in open places: on the face, neck, upper and lower limbs, large folds in the vulva, anus.

The foci are more often symmetrical, sometimes there are unilateral lesions, often localized along the course nerve trunks. In the foci, the hair changes color, turns pale; sweating and sebum secretion, vasomotor and musculoskeletal reflexes are disturbed (discolored skin loses its ability to respond to cold and other irritants, which form the so-called "goose bumps").

The most pronounced degree of development of vitiligo is a universal lesion, when the entire skin becomes depigmented.

Patients with vitiligo have no subjective sensations, and, as a rule, only a cosmetic defect worries them. Individual spots may spontaneously disappear. The patient should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, as white spots stand out more on tanned skin.

With the progression of vitiligo, foci of depigmentation appear at the sites of recent injuries, in areas of friction or pressure on the skin.

What can your doctor do?

Vitiligo is diagnosed based on clinical picture and in most cases does not cause difficulties, due to the characteristic clinical manifestations diseases.

The many factors that contribute to the onset of vitiligo necessitate complex treatment this disease.

Vitiligo is a complex problem due to the lack of a clear treatment regimen, despite the emergence in recent years of several causally based approaches to therapy. Use drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, followed by exposure to them.

A complete cure of patients is impossible without the elimination of concomitant diseases. Vitiligo is a skin marker of internal disease.

The search is currently ongoing effective methods treatment of this disease.

What can you do?

If signs of the disease appear, you should consult a dermatologist. But when describing the symptoms, it is not necessary to focus only on skin problems, and not to miss other signs that are not related to the skin. Because, as mentioned above, the cause can be caused by changes in the body as a whole.

Causes of vitiligo, what is this disease

From conversations with doctors
Vitiligo- this is one of the most complex, unexplored and difficult to treat diseases, the causes of which are still a lot of controversy. It can occur at any age, but most often between 10 and 30 years of age. The disease is characterized by the disappearance of melanin pigment in some areas of the skin and the appearance of white spots.

Here are some commonly recognized causes of vitiligo:

  1. heredity,
  2. hormonal disorders,
  3. stress,
  4. injury,
  5. infection,
  6. diseases of the internal organs,
  7. sunburn.

main cause of vitiligo- neuro-endocrine disorders. The disease belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases associated with infectious foci in the nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and gallbladder. Autoimmune diseases are associated with a violation of immunity with a hereditary predisposition. In this case, the immune system recognizes the pigment cells of its body as foreign antibodies.

The main symptom is the appearance of white age spots, having clear contours, often the spots are arranged symmetrically. White spots on the skin appear most often on open areas of the body - the face, neck, arms, legs. Often, depigmented areas appear on the eyelids, near the mouth, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints of the fingers. Over time, they can increase and merge, or they can remain the same size for a long time, not progressing. Sometimes the spots disappear on their own, and sometimes they increase at a high rate.
Another symptom of vitiligo: in the affected areas, fat and sweating decrease. The hair in the lesions is preserved, but they become completely white.
The essence of vitiligo disease is that there is a delay in the process of converting the amino acid tyrosine into the pigment melanin, which gives the skin its normal color. At the same time, the process of blocking the melanin-stimulating hormone in the skin by the antagonist hormone melatonin takes place. This hormone is produced by the pineal gland, the epiphysis of the brain.

Vitiligo treatment. Medications.

Since one of the causes of this disease is considered to be foci of infection in the body, it is first necessary to deal with them. To do this, you need to be examined by a therapist, an otolaryngologist, to be tested for worms, Giardia.
In the 50s of the last century, Professor A.I. Kartamyshev managed to successfully treat vitiligo with vitamins, sunbathing and arsenic in homeopathic doses. And Professor K. N. Suvorova noted good results by prescribing intramuscular injections of splenin and cryomassage with liquid nitrogen.
Vitiligo is, in fact, a cosmetic defect, this disease is in no way life-threatening. It is treated for a very long time and is not always effective. If spots on the skin have existed for a long time, then the main task is to stop the process. The easiest way to cure vitiligo in children.
If the spots are small, then they are simply masked foundation. With extensive lesions, treatment is carried out with ultraviolet rays. In more complex cases, use hormonal ointments and sometimes resort to skin grafting. Sometimes immunomodulating agents are used.
In addition, official medicine treats stress arising from this disease with persen preparations (1 tablet per day for a month) or ordinary valerian.
It helps to restore pigment to the skin vitamins of groups B1, B12, as well as nicotinic acid, which must be administered intramuscularly, starting with 10 ml, reducing the dose by 1 ml daily. Course - 8 days.

Must be checked once a year thyroid gland and adrenal glands, since this disease is often accompanied by impaired work endocrine system.

Modern methods of treatment of vitiligo.

For the treatment of vitiligo, a technique based on the use of ultraviolet rays is used: the sun, quartz and PUVA therapy in combination with a photosensitizing tablet. PUVA therapy is allowed for patients at least 15 years old. Contraindications - oncology, pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive, urinary, hematopoietic systems.

At one time, the drug from the placenta, melagenin, was popular, now it is called placendex. The course of treatment of vitiligo with this medicine takes at least 8 months.
Of the photosensitizing agents in the summer in the morning, gelarium is recommended in a dragee based on St. John's wort extract. It is necessary to take this medicine during meals, without chewing and drinking water. It can be given to children from the age of 12.

by the most effective way vitiligo treatment considered taking furocoumarins plant origin(beroxan, psoralen, ammifurin) with ultraviolet irradiation. Furocoumarins enhance the effects of ultraviolet radiation. These drugs are available in the form of tablets, ointments, alcohol solutions and are used under the strict supervision of a physician. This treatment includes many courses with short breaks. Furocoumarins enhance the effects of ultraviolet radiation. St. John's wort has the same property.

Gives good results cryomassage 2-3 times a week. A course of at least 20 procedures.

Recently, the effect of the use splenin immunomodulator, which, if not cured, then stops the process of formation of new spots. Recently, antihomotoxic drugs appeared in Russia in tablets and drops - these are Galium-Hel, Gormel S. They are prescribed by a dermatologist.

No less effective than PUVA therapy, helium-neon lasers. Laser therapy has fewer contraindications and reduces the treatment time.

At an early stage of the disease, doctors advise using vitiligo gel vitix. it new drug, treatment with this medicine gives very good results - it quickly helps to get rid of the signs of vitiligo. Apply this gel 2 times a day to the affected areas - in the morning and in the evening with warm fingers, without rubbing. The course of treatment is 1-6 months.

Consider best recipes according to the reviews of the readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle", which helped to cure vitiligo.

    You can use the following folk remedies for the treatment of vitiligo:
  • Drink infusion of St. John's wort in the morning, especially from spring to autumn. St. John's wort enhances the effects of ultraviolet radiation, as well as furocoumarins.
  • Rub a concentrated decoction of St. John's wort, parsley juice, celery into the lesions.
  • Lubricate the affected areas with juices of yellow and red vegetables and fruits, do it on the face nourishing masks with the addition of persimmon, carrot juice, algae.
  • At home, for the treatment of vitiligo, it is useful to massage the skin with a piece of ice prepared in molds from St. John's wort. Here two are combined therapeutic effect- cryomassage and photosensitizing properties of St. John's wort.
  • The collection of herbs will help to strengthen the formation of melanin: St. John's wort - 3 parts, calendula, sage, chamomile - 2 parts each, plantain, nettle - 1 part each. 2 tbsp. l. collection brew 500 ml of boiling water, drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day. Combine the infusion with ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Grind 10 g of fresh aconite leaves with 100 ml of vinegar and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Rub into white spots on the skin.
  • In the south, you can rub the juice of young green walnuts.
  • The most popular and effective folk remedy for vitiligo is duckweed powder mixed with honey. From this mass, make balls of 2-3 grams and swallow 2 pieces in the morning and evening.
  • From the juice of celandine, make lotions on the affected skin.
  • Carrot juice, beet radish - in equal proportions. Drink 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day.

How to treat vitiligo folk remedies.

Consider some good home recipes for the treatment of this disease.

  • Radish seeds. Pour 0.5 g of radish seeds with 0.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Wipe white spots on the skin with this infusion several times a day.
  • Parsnip
    Dried parsnip flowers grind into powder, 2 tbsp. l. powder mixed with 100 g interior fat, melt the mixture over low heat, bring to a boil, hold in a warm place, then heat again, strain. With the resulting healing ointment, smear the skin with a thin layer 2 times a day.

    1 st. l. crushed parsnip leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, insist. Drink per day in 3 divided doses.

  • Infusion of herbs. Mix in equal proportions chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle, St. John's wort, oregano, string. 1 st. l. collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain, take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for two months. The same infusion can wipe the skin. This is a very effective folk remedy for the treatment of vitiligo.
  • Therapeutic baths. For one bath, take 2 tbsp. l. coniferous extract and 50 ml of valerian tincture. The course of treatment is 15 baths every other day.

Nutrition for vitiligo.

Copper is involved in the formation of the melanin pigment, so patients should eat food with a high content of copper (beef liver, peas, buckwheat, cheese, shrimp, nuts, rose hips, seaweed) or take copper-containing preparations (0.5-1% sulfate copper 5-10 drops 3 times a day with milk after meals).
It is desirable that the diet contains vegetables and fruits of red, yellow and orange color - carrots, tomatoes, tangerines, persimmons, oranges. In the morning it is useful to eat buckwheat porridge, as buckwheat has a photosensitizing property. The treatment will benefit from eating parsley, melon pulp, juice from parsnip roots or Jerusalem artichoke.


After taking photosensitizing drugs, St. John's wort and many other folk remedies, sunbathing is necessary so that damaged skin begins to accumulate melanin. When pigment blotches appear on white spots, it means that the healing process has begun. Increase the time of solar irradiation gradually, starting from 1 minute. It must be remembered that the skin affected by the disease is very sensitive to sunlight and burns easily, because there is no protective pigment in these areas. The most useful sun is morning, it does not burn, and ultraviolet rays stimulate the skin to produce melanin in the affected areas. In the bright sun, the skin should be covered with clothes or sunscreen so that there are no burns. White spots on the body should not be injured, rubbed with tight clothing. This makes them grow even more.

Decorative cosmetics and masks that even out skin tone

If you have given up trying to treat vitiligo with drugs or other methods, use decorative cosmetics. Where pigmentation is impaired, self-tanning can be applied. It does not protect from the sun, so you need to use sunscreen before going out.
I recommend a nourishing and rejuvenating mask that will change the color of the foci. Ingredients: seaweed fucus and marinide, bran with or without Beta-carotene, carrot juice, full-fat sour cream. Grind algae (fucus - in a coffee grinder, marinide tablets - by hand). On the mask, take 1 teaspoon of fucus, 3-4 marinide tablets, 1 teaspoon of bran, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of carrot juice and sour cream. All this is mixed and heated, you can in a water bath. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face cold water. Do this mask 2-3 times a week. Course - 15 procedures.
"Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 4, p. 28 - advice from a general practitioner V.G. Gurevich;
"Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2004, No. 17, p. 12 - From a conversation with a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor the highest category Garina T.A.;
"Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2006, No. 7, pp. 26-27 - advice from a phytotherapeutist Kosterov V.M., candidate of biological sciences;
"Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2014, No. 17, pp. 8-9, advice from a dermatologist Baranova E.V.

St. John's wort washes away white spots on the skin

Treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort at home

Vitiligo is a disease in which white patches appear on the skin. They do not cause physical pain, but exposure to direct sunlight can lead to severe burns.
Treatment of vitiligo disease is a rather lengthy process. Here are some recipes from my experience.
Pour 1 teaspoon of dry St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water (200 g) and leave for 30 minutes. Take daily 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals. Take a week break after three weeks. Eight such cycles are usually sufficient for a cure.
St. John's wort oil will promote recovery, which is prepared as follows: pour finely chopped dry St. John's wort herb olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 and keep in a water bath for 3 hours. Then cool the oil, strain through a nylon stocking (gauze is not good) and pour into dark glass bottles.
The oil should be used simultaneously with the tincture. The usual method: we soak a gauze napkin folded in 2-3 layers with oil, apply it to the affected areas of the body and hold for 30-40 minutes. The course of treatment is 40 days.
(Folk way from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 17, p. 25)

Reviews about the treatment of vitiligo with St. John's wort.

Review. Treatment of vitiligo folk remedies.

The woman suffered from vitiligo for 40 years, there were spots on her face and body, she used various folk remedies, but without much success. Finally, after 40 years of illness, she found a prescription for vitiligo that helped her completely cure the spots.
She drank an infusion of St. John's wort, according to the recipe and according to the scheme described above, and made compresses from St. John's wort oil. The disease has completely passed (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2005, No. 5, p. 24)

Review. How to get rid of vitiligo quickly and permanently

A 22-year-old woman developed white spots on her skin due to a nervous shock. The spots were on the shoulders and on the back. Doctors immediately diagnosed - vitiligo. In the "Healthy Lifestyle" for 2003, I found an article "St. John's wort washes away spots on the skin" and immediately set to work. Prepared St. John's wort oil. Every day, the affected areas were smeared with this elixir, the girl waited 40 minutes, then went to the shower to wash off. Every day, to relieve stress from illness, I drank tea from soothing herbs. The entire treatment took 30 days. And, lo and behold, the spots on the body really washed off. Since then, 10 years have passed, there were no relapses, the woman got rid of vitiligo forever. ( folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2013, No. 14, p. 7)

Vitiligo treatment with duckweed at home.

The most famous folk remedy for vitiligo is duckweed. At home, the affected skin is smeared with juice, infusion or tincture, compresses are made. They drink an infusion (1 tablespoon of duckweed in a glass of boiling water - drink during the day in 3 doses, the course is 2-3 months). Or rub 1 tbsp. l. duckweed with 1 tbsp. l. honey is the daily norm for 3 prima (other sources say that balls weighing 1-2 g are made from a mixture of duckweed with honey and taken 1 ball 2-3 times a day). Prepare tincture: 1 tbsp. l. duckweed for 200 ml of vodka, drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
In summer, you can eat duckweed salad: put slices on boiled potatoes (100 gr) onion, 1 crushed egg. Mix 30 g of washed duckweed with 50 g of sauerkraut and put on top. Drizzle with sour cream. This salad will cure many diseases and purify the blood. (Advice from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2009, No. 13, pp. 12-13. From a conversation with the head of the dermatovenerological department of the dispensary No. 13, Candidate of Medical Sciences Shulgina I. G.; healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 11, pp. 18-19, Teslyakov, therapist)

From vitiligo will help duckweed from clean reservoirs.

To prepare the duckweed, you need to choose a clean reservoir with a rocky or sandy bottom, otherwise the duckweed will smell like a swamp. You can grow duckweed in homemade ponds.
It is convenient to scoop it up with a colander and immediately spread it on burlap, sort it out from foreign debris. Rinse at home in running water, fold in cheesecloth and hang to let water drain. You need to collect two buckets of raw duckweed. Dry on fabric, stirring frequently. Rub the dried duckweed through a metal sieve. Mix the resulting powder with honey to make a tight "dough". Store in a glass jar with a plastic lid.
Can cook from duckweed tincture: fill the jar 1/3 with unmashed duckweed and pour vodka to the top. Insist in a dark place for 21-30 days. Children are better off mixture of duckweed with honey .
These two drugs are the best folk remedies for vitiligo. Unfortunately, few people know about this. In people with this disease, after a course of treatment with duckweed, a complete restoration of color was observed. skin without relapse. But that's not all. Both preparations from duckweed significantly and permanently improve the condition of patients with blood diseases. ( Alternative treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 14, p. 13)

Several recommendations for the collection and use of duckweed for the treatment of vitiligo.
It is necessary to collect duckweed in the hottest time, when its roots are the longest. Spread napkins with duckweed and apply to white spots on the skin. In addition, drink duckweed tincture: 1 tsp, diluted with 20 ml of water, 2-3 times a day after meals. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2005, No. 5)

Reviews cured of vitiligo with duckweed

A woman had light patches on her skin at the age of 6. When she got an appointment at the regional skin clinic, the doctors examined her and sent her home, saying that this disease could not be cured. In the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH for 2005, she read a folk recipe for the treatment of vitiligo with duckweed. I found a clean pond with this plant only when I was visiting relatives in the Kaluga region. Duckweed gained a lot, dried. The woman took a water infusion (1 teaspoon of duckweed per 1 cup of boiling water, drink the entire volume during the day), made balls with honey and swallowed 1-2 times a day. I smeared the spots with a concentrated infusion of St. John's wort before going out into the sun. This treatment brought significant improvements.
Then the woman found a folk remedy with which she was able to cure vitiligo forever. I read the recipe in the newspaper. It is necessary to order in a pharmacy 300 grams of 5% salicylic alcohol. Once a day, wet a cloth and wipe the entire body. All gone in 10 days brown spots if they are, and white spots on the skin will disappear when the body tans in the sun. But you need to sunbathe carefully - adding a few minutes every day. And if you treat and sunbathe at the same time, then the skin becomes beautiful with an even tan. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 8, p. 10)

Treatment of vitiligo with horseradish - a simple folk method

There is a more affordable and no less effective folk remedy for vitiligo than duckweed. This is crap. It must be scrolled in a meat grinder, add boiled water to the gruel, in a ratio of 1: 3, leave for 2 hours, strain. Infusion to wipe the skin.
(Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2011, No. 20, pp. 12-13)

Baby cream and aspirin for vitiligo

The man's neck and shoulders were covered with white spots. For a long time they could not understand what kind of disease it was. The dermatologist diagnosed him with vitiligo. My wife read in a magazine and prepared an ointment: 20 powdered aspirin tablets mixed with a tube of baby cream. She kept the medicine in the refrigerator, lubricated her husband's damaged skin 2-3 times a day every day. Already on the fifth day, the signs of the disease began to disappear. Now the skin is clean, there were no relapses (HLS 2015, No. 22, p. 29)

The man had a small white spot. For three years it "multiplied". The entire back and shoulders turned white. Doctors prescribed ointments and lotions, various medicines for vitiligo, but this treatment did not help. My wife read about the ointment: a tube of baby cream or petroleum jelly should be mixed with 20 aspirin tablets. Vitiligo spots were smeared with this mixture for only 10 days, and the disease disappeared. (Review on the treatment of vitiligo from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2015, No. 7, p. 26.)

How to remove vitiligo spots with pepper tincture

This folk recipe has been tested many times and has helped a lot. Take 6-7 slightly dried red pepper pods, pour 0.5 liters of vodka into them. Leave for 25 days, shaking the jar daily. Strain, tincture wipe the discolored areas on the body for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. After rubbing, hold them in the sun for 20-30 minutes (start with small doses of radiation). (Folk treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2005, No. 3, p. 31)

Treatment of vitiligo with eggshell and pepper tincture.

The girls managed to get rid of the signs of vitiligo with the help of this folk remedy. Take some fresh shells from newly hatched chicks. Pour in water and boil for 3 minutes.
With this decoction several times a day, she made lotions on the spots. A day later, I lubricated them with tincture of red hot pepper (6-7 pods per 0.5 l of vodka - leave for 25 days). The color of the skin began to gradually level off, then all signs of the disease disappeared. Since then, 5 years have passed, there were no relapses. The girl gave the recipe to a friend - it also helped her. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2005, No. 5, p. 26)

Treatment of vitiligo - Testimonials cured.

Review of the treatment with tincture of the golden mustache.
The woman had old spots of vitiligo on her hands, besides, her joints hurt. She made a tincture for the treatment of diseased joints, insisting on the shoots of the golden mustache plant. And when she rubbed the sore knees with tincture, at the same time she rubbed the stains on her hands. She did this for 10 years. The discolored areas gradually turned pink, and then became even in color with the whole skin. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 10, p. 10)

Bifungin has helped cure vitiligo at home.

The girl took it according to the instructions for 1 month. At the same time, she did not drink spicy, alcohol. The girl had light spots of vitiligo on her skin in a month. If after the first course it did not help, repeat the monthly course of treatment after 3-4 weeks. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2008, No. 18, p. 30)

Review. How to cure vitiligo with lemon juice.

The woman was able to cure her son of white spots on the skin by rubbing her face and body with lemon (or cucumber) juice. In addition, he drank an infusion of sage, plantain, nettle, chamomile, calendula. The treatment lasted 6 months. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 23, p. 31)

How to cure vitiligo with cabbage juice at home.

The man developed vitiligo patches on his fingers. A workmate noticed this and said that his wife was able to cure this disease with the juice from cabbage stalks. The juice must be squeezed, drained into a vial, stored in the refrigerator. Wipe stains with juice at night. The man had enough 6 stumps. After he carried out this treatment, the disease immediately slowed down. Moreover, even those spots that he did not smear stopped growing. Now the traces of the disease are almost invisible. (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 13, p. 30)

Treatment of vitiligo with parsley juice and sunbathing.

The woman had vitiligo patches on her arms and legs. Treated them with parsley and parsnip:
fresh leaves rubbed on the stain until the juice appeared. Then her hands held out her hands to the sun. You need to start with 1-2 minutes, the procedure should be carried out for 20-30 days, without missing a single day, adding 1-2 minutes daily.
It was not possible to completely align the color of the hands. I began to look for other folk remedies for vitiligo. One of the recipes helped her. It is necessary to buy yellow sulfur in powder - 30 g and mix with 100 ml of alcohol, shake well and apply with a cotton swab to sore spots. Do not wipe. Sulfur itself crumbles over time, and alcohol is absorbed. After two treatments, the spots began to disappear. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 23, pp. 8-9)

Sulfur helped stop vitiligo

The man suffered for a long time from white spots on his legs and arms. Treatment of vitiligo with medicines prescribed by doctors and folk remedies helped, but temporarily. An acquaintance gave him a recipe with sulfur and alcohol (see above). The mixture was applied only twice, and the vitiligo disease disappeared forever. That was 40 years ago, no spots since then. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 14, p. 30)

How to cure vitiligo quickly with onions and garlic.

A child at the age of 7 had a white spot on the eyelid, which began to grow. The hair on my head started to fade. Old grandfather gave a simple one. Rub white areas with onion and garlic. One day with onions, the other with garlic.
Fresh white spots disappeared very quickly, and the old ones remained for another year. After that, the child's vitiligo did not return. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 11, pp. 32-33)

Review. How to cure vitiligo at home with hellebore water forever.

The girl rubbed hellebore water into the white spots on the skin and was able to completely and permanently cure vitiligo. This product is sold in a pharmacy, actually it is for lice, but it also helps to restore hair on a bald spot. (HLS 2001, No. 4, p. 12)

Vitiligo oil.

With vitiligo, the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with a mixture of unrefined sunflower oil with castor oil 1: 1, a swab is carried out from the edges to the middle. The same tool helps with uneven tanning, when whitish spots appear. ( folk recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2005, No. 6, p. 31)

ASD-3 and vinegar from vitiligo.

The man had white spots on his chest and back. The wife decided to treat him with folk remedies. Vitiligo treatment continued for a year. As a result, we achieved a lasting positive effect - the white spots on the back and chest were completely removed.
Here's what they did:
Mixed 70% acetic acid with vegetable oil 1:1 and lubricated problem areas - 7 days.
The spots were lubricated with the ASD fraction - 3. Also 7 days.
Treatment with vinegar and ASD alternated every week. The man washed only with tar soap. During treatment, I did not drink and protected my skin from the sun. (Review on the treatment of vitiligo ASD from the newspaper "Vestnik ZOZH" 2013, No. 21, p. 36)

Home treatment for vitiligo with sesame seeds

If white spots appear on the skin, then a simple folk remedy will help to remove them: you need to eat a handful of sesame seeds at night. Do not do this during the day - they cause drowsiness. (Folk method of treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 14, p. 31)

The woman had suffered from the symptoms of vitiligo for many years. Nothing helped to get rid of the disease, although I tried a lot of medicines. I once read about medicinal properties sesame and decided to try them on myself. Ground in a coffee grinder 10 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame seeds and began to take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening. Soon, yellow blotches began to appear on the white spots, similar to freckles. The woman was inspired and continued the treatment. She took sesame powder for several months, until the white spots on the body disappeared completely (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2013, No. 22, p. 36).

Treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies helped to get rid of the disease forever.

The woman had white spots on her body. She used the following recipes:
took mixture of herbs: St. John's wort, nettle, sage - 4 parts each, string, calendula flowers - 3 parts each, oregano - 2 parts. 2 tablespoons of the mixture was poured in a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. I drank 0.5 cups 3 times a day for 2 months. After a break of two months, the course was repeated.
12 joints golden mustache plants flooded 0.5 l of vodka, insisted for 10 days, drank 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
rhubarb root- Chinese folk remedy. The root is washed, crushed, poured with table vinegar so that the level of vinegar is slightly higher than the level of the root. The resulting infusion lubricates the affected areas, the more often the better.
used Shevchenko mix. Pour 30 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and the same amount of vodka into a container. Close tightly and shake for 5 minutes to emulsify. Lubricate problem areas.
After such treatment, 6 years have passed, the signs of vitiligo have not returned. The stains were removed permanently. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2014, No. 2, p. 17)

How to treat vitiligo with herbs

From the above examples, it can be seen that the most effective folk remedies for this disease are duckweed and St. John's wort. But there are many others medicinal plants with which you can get rid of the signs of vitiligo. Taking infusions from a mixture of herbs will help restore melanin pigment in discolored areas of the skin, resist stress and cure associated diseases. The juice of some plants is useful to apply to the skin so that it takes healthy look. You can read about the treatment of vitiligo with herbs in the article.

is a dermatological disease in which the skin loses color due to the destruction of melanin. Appear on the skin White spots, creating the effect of variegation. The disease has been known since ancient times, in Russia due to appearance sick, it was called "dog." AT modern medicine there is another name - leukoderma, which in Latin means "white skin". According to statistics, vitiligo is diagnosed in 1% of the population, the disease does not depend on racial and gender characteristics, up to 50% of cases occur in patients aged 10 to 30 years.

Features of Vitiligo

There are progressive, stable and unstable types of vitiligo. In the first case, the disease is constantly progressing, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. In the second case, white spots do not change shape and size for a long time. In the third, some spots disappear, new ones appear in another place, their shape and size change.

Vitiligo is divided into three types based on location:

  • Generalized- spots appear all over the body - the most common form.
  • Localized- spots are located in certain areas.
  • Universal- practically total loss colors (up to 80%) are the rarest form.

In turn, they are divided into subgroups:

The generalized type includes a combination of different forms of vitiligo (mixed form), symmetrical localization of spots on the body (vulgar form), spots exclusively on the limbs and face (acrofacial form). The localized type includes spots on the mucous membranes (mucous vitiligo), spots on one side of the body (segmental form), spots on one or two areas (focal form).

According to the type of spots, leukoderma is divided into:

  • tricolor- between white spots and healthy skin there is a zone with medium pigmentation.
  • four-color– spots are surrounded by zones with strong and medium pigmentation.
  • blue- spots with a bluish tint.
  • inflamed- the borders of the spots are raised above the surface of the skin and inflamed.

Various types, forms and types of the disease are shown in the photos below.

Vitiligo symptoms

Vitiligo appears as white patches on the skin. At the initial stage, they do not exceed 2-3 mm in diameter, have clear boundaries, and do not cause pain. They cause moral discomfort to the patient, especially if they are located in open areas of the body. Spots appear more clearly when tanning, since they do not react to ultraviolet light and do not change their color under the action of sunlight. Sometimes new depigmentation zones form inside existing spots, in some cases they expand, spread to other areas, merge, acquire irregular contours. Most often, spots appear on the face, near the ears, on the fingertips, feet, elbows, knees, scalp (under the beard, mustache), in the groin area and skin folds.

Additional symptoms of vitiligo:

  • Dermatological diseases - scleroderma, lichen planus, psoriasis, various types of dermatitis.
  • Increased sensitivity of the affected skin to infrared radiation.
  • No change when exposed to UV spots.
  • Reduced sensitivity of depigmented areas to the effects of cold.
  • Disturbed perspiration on the surface of the spots.
  • light or White hair in the affected areas.
  • Baldness limited to patches.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Alcoholic or drug intoxication of the liver.
  • White skin atrophy, Setton's nevus, porphyria, choreoretinitis.

Despite the violation of the process of sweating in the affected areas, the spots do not dry out and do not peel off.

Causes of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a common pigmentation disorder of the skin that is equally common in men and women, adults and children. Scientists have not yet finally determined the etiology and causes of vitiligo, but we can name a number of provoking factors that most patients were exposed to.

Causes of Vitiligo:

  • genetic predisposition. Leucoderma is not related to congenital pathologies, since it develops under the influence of a number of factors not related to genetics. However, scientists do not exclude heredity, since in some cases the disease affects several generations of the same family. There is a group of genes that makes a person more vulnerable to the factors that cause vitiligo. Interestingly, the disease is more often diagnosed in people with brown eyes, but the owners of gray and blue eyes the disease is rare.
  • Disorders of the immune system. The autoimmune origin of vitiligo is considered as the main one. When immunity is impaired, the body produces antibodies that affect not only bacteria, fungi and viruses, but also healthy cells, including skin cells. The autoimmune nature is also supported by the fact that leukoderma patients are often diagnosed with thyroid lesions, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Hormonal disorders. Hormonal disruptions caused by disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands can start the mechanism for the development of leukoderma. Therefore, patients are advised to check the condition of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries and pancreas.
  • Trophic disorders of the skin. The disease can develop against the background of skin damage - mechanical, thermal and chemical injuries. Often the first spots appear at the site of scars, since it is in these places that the antibodies that the body produces to fight inflammation are concentrated. At the same time, they cause depigmentation by destroying the cells that produce melanin.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes leukoderma develops against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, etc.), which impair the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Because of this, the nutrition of the skin is disturbed, the risk of developing vitiligo and other dermatological diseases increases.
  • Liver diseases. Liver diseases that cause stagnation of bile, negatively affect the condition of the skin and become the causes of various dermatological diseases.
    Medications. The development of skin pathologies contributes to the intake of certain medications.
  • Chemical substances. Vitiligo can be caused by skin exposure to chemical active substances contained in household chemicals and used in a number of hazardous industries.
  • Violations of the endocrine system. In 10% of patients diagnosed with vitiligo, various thyroid diseases are detected. The relationship between the state of the endocrine system and the skin exists, but it has not been fully studied.

Vitiligo in children

If children are singled out from 1% of cases, the disease can be called extremely rare in pediatrics. The symptoms and causes of vitiligo in children remain unchanged, the treatment is the same as in adults, but requires a more careful approach, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body. To diagnose vitiligo in children, the same methods are used, in some cases an examination is sufficient.

Diagnosis of Vitiligo

Diagnosis of vitiligo in adults and children in most cases does not cause difficulties, which cannot be said about treatment. Usually the disease is recognized by the characteristic white spots on the skin. If the dermatologist doubts the diagnosis, he prescribes:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Biopsy.
  • Histological examination.
  • Illumination of spots with a Wood's lamp.

For a more accurate diagnosis, leukoderma is differentiated from partial albinism, pityriasis versicolor, tuberous sclerosis, idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis, post-inflammatory, chemical and true leukoderma.

Vitiligo Treatment

If white spots appear on the skin, you should definitely contact a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination under special lighting, if necessary, prescribe a number of tests and studies. This will allow you to choose the optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Unfortunately, no one guarantees a complete cure for vitiligo, most often it happens spontaneously, but without treatment, the disease progresses. The standard scheme involves taking medications of various groups.
Glucocorticoids are drugs that suppress autoimmune processes and allergic reactions. At:

  • localized form. It is recommended to use ointments, for starters - with medium activity. It can be Triacort, Fluorocort, Alcometasone, Esperson, Hydrocortisone Butyrate, etc. The course is at least 3 months. In the absence of results, more active ointments are prescribed - Beloderm, Dermovate, Sinalar, Kutiveit, Elocom, etc. The course of treatment is 2 months, the interval between courses is at least 1 month.
  • generalized form. Preparations in the form of tablets and capsules are recommended. Since such treatment of vitiligo increases the risk of developing Iceno-Cushing's syndrome and diabetes mellitus, parallel pulse therapy and breaks in medication are recommended. The most commonly prescribed Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Triamcinolone.

Since ultraviolet is often used for treatment, patients are prescribed photosensitizing agents of plant origin that increase the sensitivity of melanocytes to ultraviolet rays:

  • Beroxan– contains xanthoxin and bergapten.
  • Methoxalen, Lamadin, Oxoralen, Puvalen– contain only xanthoxine.
  • Meladinin- contains xanthoxin and imperatonin.
  • Ammifurin- contains xanthoxin, isopimpinellin and bergapten.
  • Psoberan- isolated from figs.
  • Psoralen- isolated from psoralea.

Protopic and Epidel ointments are popular, which are used to treat psoriasis and dermatitis. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, suppress T-lymphocytes and slow down the body's immune response. In their action, they are somewhat similar to glucocorticoids. With the help of these ointments, children and adults can be treated, but for adults, the concentration of the main substance should be 0.1%, for children - 0.03%. The course of treatment is 3-6 months.

Systemic treatment of vitiligo is aimed at normalizing the hormonal background, strengthening the immune system, replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals, removing depression, eliminating nervous disorders that often provoke the development of the disease.

In some cases, treatment by the following methods is allowed:

  • Laser therapy. The impact of a laser beam on spots allows you to get good results in the treatment of local forms of the disease that develops no more than five years. The procedure takes a few minutes a day.
  • Whitening. This method allows you to make spots on the skin less noticeable. However, very aggressive and at the same time expensive means are used for the procedure, so the method is not suitable for everyone.
  • Melanocytic transplantation (surgical method). It is allowed to transplant healthy skin to a discolored one, but no one can guarantee that after a while white spots will not appear in the same place again.
  • UVB therapy. Treatment with ultraviolet rays is based on the use of a special lamp, the rays of which are directed to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Combined method. The greatest effect allows you to get a combination of medication, surgery and several other methods of treatment.

If the cause of vitiligo is accurately established, positive results can be achieved by eliminating provoking factors. It will not be superfluous to supplement the daily diet with foods rich in copper (cabbage, tomatoes, apples, seafood) and zinc (rice, oats, corn).

Complications of Vitiligo

In some cases, leukoderma is combined with psoriasis, lichen planus, focal alopecia, scleroderma. Often, patients are diagnosed with a weakening of the antitoxic function of the liver and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which require separate treatment.

Prevention of Vitiligo

There are no specific preventive measures for vitiligo. Reduce the risk of the disease allows limited exposure to the sun, hardening, taking vitamins, restorative procedures.