immune blotting. Immunoblot - what is it? Immunoblot in the diagnosis of infectious diseases What does the immunoblot show

When I got tested for STDs, I decided to get tested for HIV. The next day, I received ready-made tests for ifa, except for HIV. As a result, I was diagnosed with chlamydia. Herpes and microplasmosis. But the vich never came. They call me in 3 days and say you need to come to the AIDS center to retake the blood. Can Imunablot Be False Positive in Chlamydia Diseases Mycraplasmosis HPV Herpes experts

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I don’t want to scare you, but when they call you to the AIDS center, it’s almost always positive, don’t retake it, good luck to you, the main thing is to take therapy and live long

One friend has been living with HIV for ten years, taking care of himself.
They say that in three years they will probably find a cure.
In any case, don't despair and don't spread it, get treated

No, IB cannot be false positive and no STDs affect this analysis, if it is positive, then alas, you have HIV, you need to monitor immune cells and start therapy on time.

alas, no ((if they called to the center, then it’s definitely HIV

As far as I know, the first and even subsequent immunoblot results can be questionable. not false positives, but doubtful. and then a reanalysis is ordered. Here is the text from the website:
“Immune blotting is most often used to confirm the diagnosis of HIV infection. The WHO considers sera positive if antibodies to any two of the HIV envelope proteins are detected by immunoblotting. According to these recommendations, if there is a reaction with only one of the envelope proteins (gp160, gp120, gp41) in combination or without reaction with other proteins, the result is considered doubtful and a second study is recommended using a kit from a different series or from another company. If after that the result remains doubtful, the studies are continued every 3 months.
you can google. if so, I hope you do not test positive for HIV. but if it is confirmed, know that today with this diagnosis they live and live as long as healthy people and children are born. the main condition is discipline in treatment. health to you!

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Deciphering the analysis - immunoblot

Please help me decipher the analysis

Hello! 2.5 years ago I took an HIV test, there was such an immunoblot:
Gp-160+, Gp-110/120+, Gp-41+, p17+, p25+, p31+, p34+, p52+, p55+, p68+. And here is the immunoblot from 05/30/18: Gp-160+, Gp-41+, GAG 1 -, poll+, env2-. It is not clear what roll + means? Is he the only one there or hasn't been revealed? And where did the rest of the proteins go?

Pol and Env are genes that encode groups of proteins. Consider it just a different record. The question is different. And what are we waiting for? Why are we considering a blot? Everything is pretty clear. Something needs to be done.

Already got used to the fact that I have HIV. And ready for therapy.
Just curious to hear your opinion. Is this a fresh infection or am I missing something? Or sometimes it happens that the immunoblot slowly opens up a lot?

Today I looked at my analyzes in my personal file (done in the SC):
ELISA on the first test system - positive
ELISA on the second test system is negative (how is it?)

Further IB (done in invitro and SC a month ago):
immunoblot on the first test system: gp 160+, gp 41+
immunoblot on another test system: gp41+, p24+, p17+
immunoblot on the third test system: gp160+, gp120+, gp41+, p24+

According to my predictions, I could have been infected a year ago ( acute stage was in April somewhere), or 9 months ago, but in general - xs when) I always used protection and had sex without condoms only once in the fall of 2017.

Today once again I passed on VN and IP. Teru will start in a month, when the order arrives.

Dates put to the tests mentioned.

First blot before ELISA? Doesn't beat. There is no moment here that would allow us to say that a fresh infection is highly likely, or vice versa.
It will remain a mystery if you do not accidentally find the source and compare.

To clarify, then

Handed over in Invitro.
The first IFA is May 11.
Then the same serum went to the blot and a positive analysis came in, where two proteins were identified.
gp 160+, gp 41+

Then I already handed over to the SC again.
Donated blood on May 29th.
And there he was run through several test systems, where the first showed negative, the second positive. Negative ELISA is funny though.
Then the same serum goes to the blot where the data came from:

First test system: gp41+, p24+, p17+
Second test system: gp160+, gp120+, gp41+, p24+

But not the point.
A new analysis of IP has come - 754. This pleases. VN is not ready yet. As soon as it arrives, I’ll probably start teru.

I am 80% sure that the infection was a year ago. And the fact that the blot is slowly opening and the ELISA is negative is strange. Or is it within the normal range?

Negative ELISA is funny though. I would also like to know the name of the system in order to write it down in a black notebook. Although, this moment, if you do not take the theory with marriage, is strongly for early infection.
I am 80% sure that the infection was a year ago. Poor blot for that period. Not impossible, but unlikely.

At some point, I even began to doubt the results of HIV tests - so I'm waiting for VN.
Here the last point in the question will already be put.

Is it also considered within the normal range that IP has grown by 200 copies without tera in a month? I am taking Ursosan now for a polyp in the gallbladder - the insert says that the drug improves immunity.

It is necessary to evaluate both with a relative content, and take into account the data of one laboratory with one calculation method. Because - God knows what's going on with CD4.

In general, CD4 count is 780 cells/µl. VN - 250 copies / ml.
This is without therapy. That is, CD4 out of 486 jumped to 780 in a month.
BH dropped from 550 to 250 copies.

Still, this is not strange, or are such jumps within the normal range? Is it time to start Tera?

Hello! I passed the ifa three times, each time +, an immunoblot p24+ p18+ came from the SC. The potential risk was more than six months ago. p24 indicates that it is still HIV?

Blot doubtful, repeat after 6-8 weeks. Most likely a false alarm.

Good day!
The test results came back, including a blot:

Dangerous contact: 04/24/2018
ELISA test for HIV 05/23/2018 (4 weeks from dangerous contact or 29 days) result "+"
ELISA test for HIV 05/28/2018 (5 weeks from dangerous contact or 34 days) “retake” result
ELISA test for HIV 06/01/2018 (5 weeks from dangerous contact or 38 days) result "+"

A blot came from the first analysis (05/23/18):
GP160 sl.
P24 sl.

New tests passed on 06.06.2018 ELISA and PCR HIV RNA at the local AIDS center. We are still waiting for the results.

Blot Questions:
1. If P24 is present, is it necessarily an HIV antigen or can such a protein be detected in other diseases?
2. What does the abbreviation "sl" mean next to the protein? Usually in the described blots there is + or -
3. What determines the deployment of a blot? From the term or from the individual characteristics of the body?
4. With such a blot at the 4th week from a dangerous contact, is there a chance that this is not HIV?

Have a nice day and thank you.

1. no, it may just be a similar protein of a different nature. 2. weak. those. doubtful. 3. deadlines and implement individual feature, but on average everything is very close. 4. the question is wrong, there is always a chance until the diagnosis is established.

Please help me to navigate the results of the analyzes and understand how to behave correctly so that the repeated analyzes are correct.

Analyzes handed over 05/25/2018
NEW LAV BLOT 1 - undefined from 29.05.2018
IB HIV markers
gp 160+
gp 120 —
gp 41 -
p 24+
p 68 —
p 52 —
p 34 —
ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag-Ab Reactivity ELISA 12.00 positive (28.05.2018)
It is recommended to repeat the analysis after 2 weeks.

In November 2017, I had an NPA, after which I took tests on the HIV Ag\Ab Combo Abbott Architect test system, then the result was negative.

In parallel handed over general analysis blood. Lymphocytes are slightly increased, eosinophils are exactly 0 (but I had such indicators for eosinophils before.

The main question is:
What medicines can and cannot be taken during these two weeks? (I want nothing to “flash”)
I have occasional allergy attacks, usually I drink tavegil. Should it be abandoned?
Can antibiotics be taken before testing? (if prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of other infections and diseases)

Immunoblotting in HIV diagnostics

Immune blotting (immunoblot, Western Blot, Western blot)- combines linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) with preliminary electrophoretic transfer to a nitrocellulose strip (strip) of virus antigens.

In this beautiful scientific name, “blot” most likely translates as “blot”, and “western” as “western” reflects the direction of distribution of this “blot” on paper from left to right, that is, on a geographical map, this corresponds to the direction from west to east. ". The essence of the "immune blot" method is that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent reaction is carried out not with a mixture of antigens, but with HIV antigens, previously distributed by immunophoresis into fractions located according to molecular weight on the surface of a nitrocellulose membrane. As a result, the main proteins of HIV, carriers of antigenic determinants, are distributed over the surface in the form of separate bands, which appear during the enzyme immunoassay.

Immunoblot includes several stages:

Strip preparation. The immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which has been previously purified and destroyed to its constituent components, is subjected to electrophoresis, while the antigens that make up HIV are separated by molecular weight. Then, by blotting (analogous to squeezing excess ink onto a “blotter”), the antigens are transferred to a strip of nitrocellulose, which now contains a spectrum of antigenic bands characteristic of HIV that is invisible to the eye.

Sample study. The test material (serum, blood plasma of the patient, etc.) is applied to the nitrocellulose strip, and if there are specific antibodies in the sample, they bind to the strictly corresponding (complementary) antigenic bands. As a result of subsequent manipulations, the result of this interaction is visualized - made visible.

Interpretation of the result. The presence of bands in certain areas of the nitrocellulose plate confirms the presence in the studied serum of antibodies to strictly defined HIV antigens.

Currently, immune blotting (immunoblot) is the main method for confirming the presence of virus-specific antibodies in the test serum. In some cases of HIV infection, prior to seroconversion, specific antibodies are more effectively detected by immunoblotting than by ELISA. An immune blotting study revealed that antibodies to gp 41 are most often detected in the sera of AIDS patients, and the detection of p24 in persons examined for prophylactic purposes requires additional studies for the presence of HIV infection. Immunoblot test systems based on genetically engineered recombinant proteins proved to be more specific than conventional systems based on purified virus lysate. When using a recombinant antigen, not a diffuse, but a clearly defined narrow band of antigen is formed, which is easily accessible for accounting and evaluation.

Serum of persons infected with HIV-1, detect antibodies to the following major proteins and glycoproteins - structural envelope proteins (env) - gp160, gp120, gp41; nuclei (gag) - p17, p24, p55, as well as virus enzymes (pol) - p31, p51, p66. For HIV-2, antibodies to env are typical - gp140, gp105, gp36; gag - p16, p25, p56; pol-p68.

Among laboratory methods, necessary to establish the specificity of the reaction, the detection of antibodies to the envelope proteins of HIV-1 - gp41, gp120, gp160, and HIV-2 - gp36, gp105, gp140 has the greatest recognition.

WHO considers sera positive if antibodies to any two HIV glycoproteins are detected by immunoblotting. According to these recommendations, if there is a reaction with only one of the envelope proteins (rp 160, rp 120, rp 41) in combination or without reaction with other proteins, the result is considered doubtful and a second test is recommended using a kit from a different series or another company. If after this the result remains doubtful, observation for 6 months is recommended (research after 3 months).

Availability positive reaction with the p24 antigen may indicate a period of seroconversion, since antibodies to this protein sometimes appear first. In this case, it is recommended, depending on the clinical and epidemiological data, to repeat the study with a serum sample taken at least 2 weeks later, and this is exactly the case when paired sera should be tested in HIV infection.

Positive reactions with gag and pol proteins without a reaction with env proteins may reflect the stage of early seroconversion, and may also indicate HIV-2 infection or a non-specific reaction. Individuals with such results after testing for HIV-2 are re-examined after 3 months (within 6 months).

Question: Repeated analysis for HIV?

I was tested for sexually transmitted infections (no symptoms, I wanted confidence in a relationship with a woman). The HIV test was positive. Following the ultrasound showed a tumor on the kidney, removed (it turned out to be malignant).
I read the book by Sazonova I.M., it says that malignant tumor can give positive result HIV tests.
Could this be the case, or is there nothing to hope for?

You need to have a control test for HIV. If the first HIV test was determined by ELISA, then the result may be false positive. Its reliability can be checked by a more sensitive diagnostic method - PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which determines the DNA of the virus in the blood.

Help. 12/16/10 ELISA (+) IB (+) then from 03/23/11 to 05/19/11 nine negative ELISA (-) and quantitative PCR. are not determined. in 2002 during pregnancy ELISA then (+) then (-) but IB is always (-). from 2004 to 2008 I took ELISA (-) 2 times a year, but on 30.04.08 ifa (+) and IB-undefined. then again each 2 months handed over IFA always (-). and since December 2010, it has been written above. At the same time, I have never injected, my husband always has an ELISA (-). CD4 980 cells. and even blood for syphilis from 29.04 gave 3 +++. and then three times. negative every 10 days. hepatitis all (-). Has anyone had a similar one. Thanks.

Please specify whether you underwent RIBT (treponema pallidum immobilization reaction), if so, what are the results of this study.

no, no one offered me to do such an analysis. what will it show? I hope you understand that I was talking about HIV tests. Thanks. Have you had similar cases in your practice? by the way, about information security in 2008 was uncertain. was p24/25 protein. in 2010 IB(+) proteins gp160.41.120 p24.17.31. then when ifa was again 3 times (-) sent to IB on April 4th. the result came positive, but the proteins gp 120 and 41. the rest are crossed out with red paste and at the bottom with red IB REPEAT. but PCR from the same number will be denied. after April 4 I handed over IFA already 4 times deny. everything in the AIDS center, including antigen and antibody. Now I'm waiting for a second IB and a high-quality PCR. that's it. VERY TIRED TO THINK AND WAIT. Hoping for the best. THANKS. I'm looking forward to a response.

If you ask any question, please try next time to formulate it more specifically, with a clarification of the diagnosis. RIBT is used to confirm the diagnosis of syphilis. For accurate diagnosis of HIV infection, antibodies to HIV in the blood are determined by ELISA and immunoblot. The diagnosis is confirmed only if both of these results are positive.

sorry for imprecisely formulating the question. I wrote that in December IFA and Imunoblot for HIV came positive. but since March ifa for HIV is negative 9 times. if I was registered in the AIDS center, then does this happen in principle. HIV is either always positive or negative. and how can an imunoblot be put on HIV if the result of ELISA is negative? then everyone will deny ifa needs to be checked for immunoblot, so what happens? in our speed center they can not answer me anything. Here is what I turned to you. Thanks.

Unfortunately, both ELISA and immunoblot can give false positive results. That is why the diagnosis of HIV is considered final, only with the simultaneous detection of HIV by ELISA and the immunoblot method.

hello. today I received the results of a pcr test for HIV, a qualitative virus was not detected and a repeated immunoblot for HIV, the result is uncertain due to protein 41. in the AIDS CENTER they said that most likely there is no HIV, but in my body there are bodies similar in structure to HIV. and what do you think, given my questions of June 15 and 16 (see above), is there HIV or not. THANKS.

In this case, the diagnosis of HIV infection is doubtful.

You write that only with the simultaneous detection of HIV with the help of IF and immunoblot, the diagnosis of HIV is considered final. But what about in my case? after all all ptsr will deny. and blot and ifa jump all the time. for 9 years. tell me, if the virus was in my blood, then its RNA and DNA could be accurately determined for so many years. and can the incubation period or "window" last that many years? Are there false negative results of PCR for HIV given such a period of time? Yes, I forgot to say that the rapid HIV tests that I take at the CPD are always negative. Or can I not rely on them either? Thanks.

In this case, PCR diagnostics is not the main method for identifying the dynamics of the process - more informative serological methods. In this case, the probability of false negative results is high. rapid HIV tests have a high sensitivity threshold, therefore they can also give a false negative result.

sorry. I definitely wrote in the wrong place. please answer in the subject of HIV or not HIV. Thanks.

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Hello! Please tell me, in order to register with the LCD (now 10 weeks pregnant), I passed tests for HIV, a couple of days ago the doctor called in and said that preliminary tests for HIV were positive (the first was done in Kirovograd, but there is still no official result from Kyiv ), on the same day, in our city laboratory, two express tests of the Pharmasco company CITO TEST HIV 1/2 were performed, both results are negative, the laboratory assistant said that these tests are reliable and I don’t have to worry, since this happens during pregnancy, And those analyzes could simply confuse. The doctor said to donate blood again and I donated my blood twice more for analysis in different hospitals (I still don’t have any of the three results). I'm very worried, I'm not a drug addict, there were no dubious sexual relationships, if I get sick very rarely, other tests are all normal. Can rapid tests be trusted? Does this really happen during pregnancy? Painfully strongly the doctor has frightened me. Thanks

First of all, you need to calm down and not think about the bad. Sometimes during pregnancy, there are false positive results. It is necessary to re-donate blood for HIV and wait for the results of the examination.

hello! The matter is that at me 2 months ago there was a sexual contact with the girl (till now we meet). after 1.5 weeks the temperature rose to 37.4. soon slept. to be sure, we passed the IF analysis after 2 weeks and again after 1.5 months. Both answers are negative. but I still have a fever and cough with a variable improvement. Can you please tell me if there is a risk? besides I long time I worked seven days a week and a week ago I was on sick leave (orvi). blood and lung tests are fine. Thanks.

This temperature may be related to the transferred viral disease, the body has not recovered yet, or chronic overwork. In the event that an organic pathology is excluded, a general blood and urine test is within the normal range, as well as the data of a fluorographic study are also within the normal range, then it is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, which can cause inflammation of the organs of the small pelvis and urethra and, as a result, an increase in body temperature. Read more about the reasons for the increase in body temperature by clicking on the link: High temperature.

Hello. There is such a thing - More than a year ago there was unprotected sexual contact with a walking girl. She assured me that she was not sick with anything, but I can’t believe her 100 percent. She also assured that she had undergone a medical examination before getting a job (she worked as a salesman) and everything was fine. 7 months after contact, I still passed an HIV test in the citylab laboratory - the result was negative. But lately, I often began to get sick - for 3 weeks now, I have red sore throat and I can't cure it. Again he began to be afraid, but suddenly he caught it then? Tell me, is this possible, and is it worth trusting the analysis from citylab? I'm afraid to give up again, my nerves will not stand it ..

In the event that the result is negative, then most likely you are not sick and not infected with HIV / AIDS. However, to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to re-analyze in specialized laboratories at state institutions, this examination is carried out anonymously. In the event that self-treatment does not bring the desired result, it is recommended to consult with an otolaryngologist to conduct an adequate examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Read more about HIV testing in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HIV.

Tell me, can you give any description of the citylab laboratory? Still, it is not always possible to pass an analysis when public institution. And what is the percentage chance for a man to get infected through unprotected contact?

Unfortunately, we do not give a comparative assessment of laboratories and private medical institutions. In the event that you doubt the reliability of the results, conduct a survey in another center and first ask for a license to provide data medical services whether this center has the right to conduct this examination and whether everything complies with accepted standards. The risk of infection is the same for both sexes through unprotected intercourse. Read more about HIV testing in a series of articles by clicking on the link: HIV.

Good afternoon! An 8-month-old child was tested for HIV by ELISA, gp160 + and p25 + were found in the blood, the rest is all minus, the conclusion of IB is doubtful. Judging by these analyzes, it turns out that the child is +? gp160 + gp110/120 - p68 - p55 - p52 - gp41 - p34 - p25 + p18 -

Unfortunately, based on the data obtained, it is impossible to make a diagnosis with a 100 percent probability, since a false positive result is not excluded. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo a series of examinations, including repeating this analysis by ELISA, as well as passing an analysis using the PCR method. After that, you should contact a specialized medical institution, where the infectious disease specialist will be able to evaluate the results in a complex. You can learn more about the manifestations of HIV infection in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: HIV

Can it show a false positive result in "ARI" or more acute infectious diseases? Somewhere I read that with 58 diseases or even higher, it can show “+”, including vaccination against hepatitis B, if the kidneys, etc., suffer?

There is a possibility of a false positive result, so I recommend that you do the following: re-analyze using the ELISA method and PCR method, and then re-visit the infectious disease specialist. You can learn more about the diagnosis of HIV infection in the thematic section: HIV

Good afternoon! Immunoblot indeterminate due to p25 protein. What is the likelihood of HIV?

In this situation, it is necessary to carefully study the study protocols in combination with other indicators, since it is not possible to make an assumption based on these data. Presumably, the result can be considered doubtful and a re-examination is required after 3 months. Read more in the section of our website: HIV

Good afternoon.
Can you comment on ELISA for HIV
1 serum +3.559 k=13.3
+2.121 k=4.9
r 24 neg
Serum 2 +3.696 k=13.9
+2.477 k=5.7

In this case, a false positive result is not ruled out, given that the ELISA method is indirect, so I recommend that you take an analysis using another, more sensitive method - immune blotting. Find out more information on this issue You can in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: HIV

Good afternoon, tell me what to tune in? A year ago, when planning a child, my husband and I went through all the tests, including for HIV (they took it very seriously and correctly), I was examined in Kr. Rog, my husband in Kyiv, he had a negative answer, I was told that some kind of reagent did not work, I need to retake it at the Center AIDS in Kyiv. Having passed the analysis at the Center, the answer came negative for me too. Now I am in position at 14 weeks, i.e. I get registered, I go through all the tests, and again the answer came back, the HIV test was indefinite, I re-passed it at the polyclinic and passed an express test to calm down at Dovir, but they didn’t calm me down, the express test showed a positive result (the second strip was less pronounced), immediately after all this procedure, without wasting time, I applied to the AIDS Center and also passed an analysis, I am waiting for the result. (I can’t calm down) Please tell me how much you can trust the express tests and why the first time there is no answer to the HIV test? (my husband and I are healthy lifestyle life and love each other. Thank you.

Do not panic ahead of time - express diagnostics is not the basis for making an HIV diagnosis, it allows you to identify groups of patients who require a more in-depth study. In such situations, it is recommended to conduct immune blotting and personally consult with an infectious disease doctor. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: HIV. Additional information you can also get in the following section of our website: Laboratory diagnostics

Hello, I was in an infectious disease, only today I was discharged when I left, the doctor called me and explained that I had a positive ifa, first when I went to the hospital, it was negative, then when I retaken it became positive, they sent an immunoblot study to the falconers on the mountain they said it would be ready for the next week, I was in the hospital with a sore throat and parainfluenza viruses, I arrive in a state of shock, I still don’t understand how to regard it, an extract for my clinic was also drawn up indicating that ifa was found and lower that the immunoblot was in work, if tomorrow I was discharged at my clinic, then in this extract everything will be indicated to what extent the probability of HIV is present? Could it be that due to the fact that I was being treated for a sore throat of the parainfluenza virus, show positive results for ifa?

The probability of a false positive result is very high. The presence of one positive result does not yet give grounds for making a diagnosis of HIV, so we recommend that you wait for the result of immunoblotting, and then personally consult with an infectious disease specialist regarding further examination and observation. Angina, parainfluenza and others colds did not significantly affect the results of the analysis.

I want to believe it, but at the end of August I felt unwell, my temperature rose, 37.5-38 was liquid stool about 4 days, it was on vacation where there were a lot of discos, I drank tap water, like many others, because it was very expensive a glass of water cost 300 rubles, I associated loose stools with such a temperature with some intestinal infection caught in the water, I don’t remember exactly, but there was also a small rash in the upper part of the body, having arrived home with a fever, she called the doctor, she wrote a rotavirus infection, after 5 days of illness, I volunteered to leave him and go to work where I fell ill a few days later with sinusitis, (during that period of time, due to my work duty, I had to be on the street) I connected it that a large temperature drop from vacation and poisoning lowered my immunity and therefore I caught a cold again with sinusitis, in total this is again a sick leave, at the direction of Laura I drank klacid cf 500 within 10 days, passed, went back to work after 3 weeks was on a business trip in a hot country for 3 days. the air conditioners in the transport and the hotel were merciless and upon returning home, on the plane I had a temperature already of 39.5. here I was at home with a temperature of 40, called the doctor to the house, wrote orvi and said my throat was very red, I had chronic tonsillitis and said this to Laura, she herself wrote to drink an antibiotic Levolet r. called an ambulance because she had a fever and the pace was 40 and did not decrease, they did not offer hospitalization, the next day the same story - the ambulance gave an antipyretic injection and left. The third time I insisted on hospitalization, they barely took me away to the infectious diseases hospital, where a mixed infection of parainfluenza and adenovirus infection was detected, but upon discharge, the doctor - head of the department said that I had a positive HIV ifa and that they did it twice, I'm in shock, I don't know what to do, I can't eat and drink .she said that I have a pronounced acute HIV infection and for verification they sent an analysis of my blood for an immunoblot to the AIDS center,
now drawing an analogy of events that happened to me lately, as well as 3 sick leave in a row, I tried on all the symptoms and I was horrified by what could be, after being discharged on the same day I went to take an analysis in in vitro anonymously and the next day the result for ifa was the same +
I'm sorry for such detailed information, but I'm swept away and killed, I drink strong sedatives and I have no appetite and I practically don't eat, I've lost a lot of weight
I also have such a question that the doctor with an extract from the hospital indicated the result of HIV by ifa was found and below that the immunoblot is in work, but as soon as I close the bl in my clinic at the place, everything will be written there. what should I do? it will no longer be confidential. I asked the doctor not to write this analysis in the extract, to which she refused me, to what extent my rights on non-disclosure of information are respected here.

Unfortunately, the results of the studies carried out in the hospital fit into the extract, since the attending district doctor must have full information about your state of health. In this situation, we are not talking about the disclosure of information, since it is only transferred to another attending physician, who will continue to observe you.

Hello! I took tests for HIV because I needed a certificate for the FMS, they didn’t give the tests for a couple of weeks, then they invited me to the head and they gave me a positive result, they took a bunch of receipts and sent them to the regional AIDS center for further examination, as it says on the certificate. I want to pass in another clinic and then go to the regional one, or does it make sense to retake it? I just don’t understand why they didn’t give them away for so long, but the doctor said that they allegedly did some kind of analysis and I owe them another 4 thousand rubles, because if they did it, they would probably give detailed information about the disease in addition to the certificate?

In this situation, one should not panic ahead of time - obtaining one positive result does not yet allow one to judge reliably about a possible infection, since false positive results are not excluded. We recommend that you take the test again and if there is a positive result, you will need to undergo another examination - immunoblotting. As a rule, the laboratory does not give detailed information about the results, which is normal and common practice. All questions you may have can be answered by the attending physician after the examination at a personal consultation.

I forgot to add that from the beginning of June until mid-September I did myself a course of anabolic steroids, namely sustanon 250 is a mixture of testosterones and stanozolol with primabolan, I wanted to prepare myself for the summer and vacation, could they bring down my immunity and everything that happened to me.

Immune disorders, as well as the presence of autoimmune diseases, can give false positive results of an HIV test. That is why in the case of obtaining 2 positive results by ELISA, immunoblotting is recommended, which will allow you to accurately answer the question of whether there is infection or not.

what does the presence of autoimmune diseases mean? what are they?
in general, I can say that I was sick quite often with early childhood and even a couple of years ago I asked the attending physician to take care of my immunity, because I was constant fatigue and often got sick, mostly ear, throat, nose, but all the time there were negative results for HIV, I passed them with sufficient ease, without hesitation.

A false-positive HIV test result may be after a recent viral infection, vaccination against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, hepatitis, herpes, as well as on the background of autoimmune diseases, such as: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, connective tissue diseases, etc.

I want to add to my question, my immunoblot came, it was negative, but the doctor said that since there were two ifs + when I was in the infectious diseases hospital, I still need to retake the analysis, but a little later

In this case, medical tactics are justified - we recommend that you take an immunoblot again in 1.5-2 months.

What is the probability: 2 ifa + difference between blood samplings of about 2 days, immunoblot - ; was in the infectious diseases hospital with adenovirus infection and parainfluenza, where the blood was taken, the immunoblot was sent to the AIDS center

Good afternoon! I got registered with the LCD, went through all the tests, the doctor says that I have herpes in my blood, then they call from the AIDS center and say that I need to retake it again, I applied and they tell me that I have HIV positive, in a panic, my husband and I went to repeat I also had an ifa and an immunoblot + my husband had an analysis, I gave it again a month later. I have + my husband - now I am 23 weeks pregnant!

In this situation, unfortunately, there is a possibility of HIV infection, but the final diagnosis cannot be made even with a positive immunoblot, given the state of pregnancy. In this situation, the exclusion of false positive results is required, therefore we recommend that you take the test again and personally consult with an infectious disease specialist.

if the immunoblot showed a positive result for HIV, and the screening is negative, which result should be trusted?

Immunoblot is a more accurate study, therefore, when this study if a positive result is obtained, it is required to continue the study and personally visit an infectious disease specialist.

In Russia, at present, the standard procedure for laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is detection of antibodies to HIVusing enzyme immunoassay followed by confirmation of their specificity in the reaction immune blotting.

Antibodies to HIV appear in 90-95% of those infected within 3 months after infection, in 5-9% - after 6 months from the moment of infection, and in 0.5-1% - at a later date. The earliest time for the detection of antibodies is 2 weeks from the moment of infection.

Detection of antibodies to HIV involves 2 stages. At the first stage the total spectrum of antibodies against HIV antigens is detected using various tests: enzyme immunoassay, agglutination, combined, comb, membrane-filter or membrane-diffuse. At the second stage immunoblotting is used to determine antibodies to individual proteins of the virus. In the work, it is permissible to use only test systems that have permission for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Diagnostic procedures should only be carried out in accordance with approved instructions for the use of the appropriate tests.

Blood sampling is made from the cubital vein into a clean, dry test tube in an amount of 3-5 ml. Cord blood can be taken from newborns. The obtained material (whole blood) is not recommended to be stored for more than 12 hours at room temperature and for more than 1 day in a refrigerator at 4-8°C. The upcoming hemolysis may affect the results of the analysis. Serum is separated by centrifugation or by tracing the blood along the wall of the test tube with a Pasteur pipette or glass rod. The separated serum is transferred into a clean (preferably sterile) test tube, vial or plastic container, and in this form it can be stored for up to 7 days at a temperature of 4-8°C. When working, you should follow the safety rules given in the "Instructions on the anti-epidemic regime in AIDS diagnostic laboratories" No. 42-28 / 38-90 dated July 5, 1990.

    Determination of total antibodies to HIV.

Upon receipt of the first positive result, the analysis is carried out 2 more times (with the same serum and in the same test system). If at least one positive result was obtained (two positive results out of three ELISA tests), the serum is sent to the reference laboratory.

In the reference laboratory, the primary positive sera (that is, that gave two positive results in the first test system) is re-examined in the ELISA in the second (other) test system selected for confirmation.

Upon receipt of a positive result of the analysis in the second test system, the serum must be examined in the IS.

If a negative result is obtained in the second test system, the serum is re-examined in the third test system.

If a negative test result is obtained in both the second and third test systems, a conclusion is issued on the absence of antibodies to HIV.

When a positive result is obtained in the third test system, the serum is also sent for analysis in immune blotting.

    immune blotting.

The principle of the method is to detect antibodies to certain proteins of the virus immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane. The envelope proteins (env) of HIV-1 are commonly referred to as glycoproteins ("gp" or "gp"), with molecular weights expressed in kilodaltons (cd): 160 kd, 120 kd, 41 kd. In HIV-2 glycoproteins have a weight of 140 kd, 105 kd, 36 kd. Core proteins (gag) (commonly referred to as proteins - "p" or "r") in HIV-1 have a molecular weight of 55 kd, 24 kd, 17 kd, respectively, and HIV-2 -56 kd, 26 kd, 18 kd. Enzymes HIV-1 (pol) have a molecular weight of 66 kd, 51 kd, 31 kd, HIV-2-68 kd.

Immunoblotting results are interpreted as positive, indeterminate, and negative.

positive(positive) are considered samples in which antibodies to 2 or 3 HIV glycoproteins are detected.

negative(negative) are sera that do not detect antibodies to any of the antigens (proteins) of HIV.

Samples that detect antibodies to one HIV glycoprotein and/or any of the HIV proteins are considered dubious(undefined or uninterpretable).

When an indeterminate result is obtained with antibodies to the core proteins (gag) in the immune blot with HIV-1 antigens, a test with HIV-2 antigens is performed.

Upon receipt of positive results of immune blotting, a conclusion is made about the presence of antibodies to HIV in the test material.

Upon receipt of a negative test result, the IB issues a conclusion that there are no antibodies to HIV.

Upon receipt of an indeterminate result (if the p24 antigen was not detected), repeated tests for antibodies to HIV are carried out after 3 months,

and while maintaining indeterminate results after another 3 months. If the p24 antigen was detected, a second examination is carried out 2 weeks after receiving the first indeterminate result.

If, 6 months after the first examination, indeterminate results are again obtained, and the patient does not have risk factors for infection and clinical symptoms of HIV infection, the result is regarded as a false positive. (If there are epidemiological and clinical indications, serological studies are repeated as prescribed).

Immune blotting using recombinant virus-specific polypeptides "HIV blot" differs in that it does not use the viral proteins themselves, but recombinant polypeptides - analogues of HIV antigens ("Env1", "Gag1", "Poll", "Env2"). The recombinant Env1 polypeptide detects antibodies directly to HIV-1 gp120 and gp41, the Gag1 polypeptide to the p17 and p24 antigens, the Po11 polypeptide to the p51 antigen, the Env2 polypeptide to the HIV-2 gp110 and gp38 antigens. Serum is considered positive if it reacts with either Env1 or Env2 or both Env (HIV type 1 and 2 dual infection). Reaction with only Poll and Gag is considered as an indeterminate result, in which case the follow-up is carried out similarly to cases of indeterminate results of classical immunoblot using HIV lysate.

Peculiarities of serological diagnosis of HIV infection in children born from HIV-infected mothers is that both infected and uninfected children in the first 6-12 months of life have antibodies to HIV of maternal origin, which can then disappear. The criterion indicating the presence of HIV infection in a child is the detection of antibodies to HIV in him at the age of 18 months or more. The absence of antibodies to HIV in an 18-month-old child born to an HIV-infected mother is a criterion against HIV infection.

Timely diagnosis of HIV infection becomes an extremely important measure, since early treatment can largely determine the further development of the disease and prolong the life of the patient. AT last years Significant progress has been made in the field of detecting this terrible disease: older test systems are being replaced by more advanced ones, examination methods are becoming more accessible, and their accuracy is significantly increasing.

In this article, we will talk about modern methods diagnosis of HIV infection, knowing which is useful for timely treatment of this problem and maintaining the normal quality of life of the diseased.

Methods for diagnosing HIV

In Russia, for the diagnosis of HIV infection, a standard procedure is carried out, which includes two levels:

  • ELISA test system (screening analysis);
  • immune blotting (IB).

Other diagnostic methods can also be used:

  • express tests.

ELISA test systems

At the first stage of diagnosis, a screening test (ELISA) is used to detect HIV infection, which is based on HIV proteins created in laboratories that capture specific antibodies produced in the body in response to infection. After their interaction with the reagents (enzymes) of the test system, the color of the indicator changes. Further, these color changes are processed on special equipment, which determines the result of the analysis performed.

Such ELISA tests are able to show results within a few weeks after the introduction of HIV infection. This analysis does not determine the presence of the virus, but detects the production of antibodies to it. Sometimes, in the human body, the production of antibodies to HIV begins after 2 weeks after infection, but in most people they are produced for more than later dates after 3-6 weeks.

There are four generations of ELISA tests with different sensitivities. In recent years, III and IV generation test systems have been more frequently used, which are based on synthetic peptides or recombinant proteins and have greater specificity and accuracy. They can be used to diagnose HIV infection, monitor HIV prevalence, and ensure safety when testing donated blood. The accuracy of III and IV generation ELISA test systems is 93-99% (more sensitive are the tests that are produced in Western Europe - 99%).

To perform an ELISA test, 5 ml of blood is taken from the patient's vein. Between the last meal and the analysis should be at least 8 hours (as a rule, it is performed in the morning on an empty stomach). Such a test is recommended to be taken no earlier than 3 weeks after the alleged infection (for example, after unprotected intercourse with a new sexual partner).

The results of the ELISA test are obtained after 2-10 days:

  • negative result: indicates the absence of HIV infection and does not require a referral to a specialist;
  • false negative result: can be observed on early dates infection (up to 3 weeks), in the late stages of AIDS with severe immune suppression and with improper blood preparation;
  • false positive result: it can be observed in some diseases and in case of improper blood preparation;
  • positive result: indicates infection HIV infection, requires an IB and the patient's referral to a specialist at the AIDS Center.

Why can an ELISA test give false positive results?

False-positive results of an ELISA test for HIV can be observed with improper processing of blood or in patients with such conditions and diseases:

  • multiple myeloma;
  • infectious diseases provoked by the Epstein-Barr virus;
  • state after ;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • against the background of pregnancy;
  • condition after vaccination.

For the reasons described above, non-specific cross-reacting antibodies may be present in the blood, the production of which was not provoked by HIV infection.

In recent years, the frequency of false positive results has significantly decreased due to the use of III and IV generation test systems, which contain more sensitive peptide and recombinant proteins (they are synthesized using in vitro genetic engineering). After the use of such ELISA tests, the frequency of false positive results has significantly decreased and is about 0.02-0.5%.

A false positive result does not mean that a person is infected with HIV. In such cases, WHO recommends another ELISA test (mandatory IV generation).

The patient's blood is sent to a reference or arbitration laboratory marked "repeat" and tested on a IV generation ELISA test system. If the result of the new analysis is negative, then the first result is recognized as erroneous (false positive) and IB is not carried out. If the result is positive or doubtful during the second test, the patient is required to undergo IB in 4-6 weeks to confirm or refute HIV infection.

immune blotting

A definitive diagnosis of HIV infection can only be made after a positive immune blotting (IB) result is obtained. For its implementation, a nitrocellulose strip is used, on which viral proteins are applied.

Blood sampling for IB is performed from a vein. Then it undergoes special treatment and the proteins contained in its serum are separated in a special gel according to their charge and molecular weight (the manipulation is carried out on special equipment under the influence of an electric field). A nitrocellulose strip is applied to the blood serum gel and blotting (“blotting”) is carried out in a special chamber. The strip is processed and if the materials used contain antibodies to HIV, they bind to the antigenic bands on IB and appear as lines.

IB is considered positive if:

  • according to American CDC criteria - there are two or three lines gp41, p24, gp120 / gp160 on the strip;
  • according to American FDA criteria - there are two lines p24, p31 and a line gp41 or gp120 / gp160 on the strip.

In 99.9% of cases, a positive IB result indicates HIV infection.

In the absence of lines - IB is negative.

When identifying lines with gp160, gp120 and gp41, IB is doubtful. Such a result can be detected when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent blood transfusions.

In such cases, it is recommended to perform a second study using a kit from another company. If, after additional IB, the result remains doubtful, then follow-up is necessary for six months (IB is performed every 3 months).

polymerase chain reaction

The PCR test can detect the RNA of the virus. Its sensitivity is quite high and it allows detecting HIV infection as early as 10 days after infection. In some cases, PCR can give false positive results, because its high sensitivity can also react to antibodies to other infections.

This diagnostic technique is expensive, requires special equipment and highly qualified specialists. These reasons do not allow it to be carried out during mass testing of the population.

PCR is used in such cases:

  • to detect HIV in newborns who were born to HIV-infected mothers;
  • to detect HIV in the "window period" or in case of doubtful IB;
  • to control the concentration of HIV in the blood;
  • for the study of donor blood.

Only by the PCR test, the diagnosis of HIV is not made, but is carried out as additional method diagnostics to resolve disputes.

Express Methods

One of the innovations in HIV diagnostics is rapid tests, the results of which can be assessed in 10-15 minutes. The most efficient and accurate results are obtained with immunochromatographic tests based on the principle of capillary flow. They are special strips on which blood or other test fluids (saliva, urine) are applied. In the presence of antibodies to HIV, after 10-15 minutes, a colored and control strip appears on the test - a positive result. If the result is negative, only the control line appears.

As with ELISA tests, rapid test results should be confirmed by IB analysis. Only then can a diagnosis of HIV infection be made.

There are express kits for home testing. The OraSure Technologies1 (USA) test is FDA approved, available without a prescription, and can be used to detect HIV. After the test, in case of a positive result, the patient is recommended to undergo an examination in a specialized center to confirm the diagnosis.

The remaining tests for home use have not yet been approved by the FDA and their results can be very questionable.

Despite the fact that rapid tests are inferior in accuracy to IV-generation ELISA tests, they are widely used for additional testing of the population.

You can get tested for HIV infection at any polyclinic, the Central Regional Hospital or at specialized AIDS centers. On the territory of Russia, they are held absolutely confidentially, or anonymously. Each patient can expect to receive medical or psychological advice before or after the analysis. You will only have to pay for HIV tests in commercial medical institutions, and in public clinics and hospitals they are performed free of charge.

For information on how you can get infected with HIV and what myths exist about the possibilities of getting infected, read

His name is AIDS Vyacheslav Zalmanovich Tarantul

Immunoblotting - an additional indirect method

In addition to ELISA, in certain cases, a procedure called “immunoblotting” or “immune blotting” (sometimes also called “western blot”) is used to test for HIV infection. According to the WHO recommendation, immunoblotting is used in the diagnosis of HIV infection as an additional expert method, which should confirm the results of ELISA. This method is usually used to double-check a positive ELISA result, as it is considered more sensitive and specific, although more complex and expensive. But before signing the final verdict on the patient, the doctor must be fully convinced of the correctness of the diagnosis. Therefore, the question of complexity and high cost cannot be decisive here.

Both in terms of purpose and method of execution, it is well suited for immunoblotting famous expression"bring it to the blotter." Immunoblotting combines enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) with preliminary electrophoretic separation of virus proteins in a gel and their transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane (“blotter”). The immunoblot procedure consists of several stages (Fig. 27). First, HIV, previously purified and destroyed to its constituent components, is subjected to electrophoresis, while all the antigens that make up the virus are separated by molecular weight. Then, by blotting (analogous to squeezing excess ink onto a “blotter”), the antigens are transferred from the gel to a strip of nitrocellulose or a nylon filter, which now contain a range of proteins characteristic of HIV that is invisible to the eye. Next, the test material (serum, patient's blood plasma, etc.) is applied to the strip, and if there are specific antibodies in the sample, they bind to the strips of antigen proteins that strictly correspond to them. As a result of subsequent manipulations (like ELISA), the result of this interaction is visualized - made visible. Ultimately, the presence of stripes in certain areas of the strip confirms the presence of antibodies to strictly defined HIV antigens in the studied serum.

Immunoblotting is most commonly used to confirm the diagnosis of HIV infection. The WHO considers sera positive if antibodies to any two of the HIV envelope proteins are detected by immunoblotting. According to these recommendations, if there is a reaction with only one of the envelope proteins (gp160, gp120, gp41), in combination or without reaction with other proteins, the result is considered doubtful and a second test using a kit from a different series or from another company is recommended. For insurance, if

Rice. 27. For immunoblotting, at the first stage, proteins contained in blood serum are separated in a gel according to their molecular weight and charge using an electric field (gel electrophoresis method). Then a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane is applied to the gel and “wet” (this is blotting). This is carried out in a special chamber, which allows complete transfer of the material from the gel to the membrane. As a result, the pattern of protein arrangement that was on the gel is reproduced on the membrane (blot), which can then be easily manipulated. Initially, the membrane is treated with antibodies to the desired antigen, and after washing off the unbound material, a radioactively labeled conjugate is added that specifically binds to antibodies (as in ELISA). The location of the resulting antigen-antibody-labeled conjugate complex is determined by autoradiography using x-ray film. After its manifestation, it becomes clear whether there are antigens in the blood or not, and after that the result remains doubtful, follow-up for six months is recommended (research continues every three months).

Currently, in the Russian Federation, it is recommended to use five test systems for use in diagnosing HIV infection, among which there are both Russian and foreign ones.

From the book Anesthesiology and Resuscitation author Marina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova

From the book Oddities of Our Body. Entertaining anatomy by Steven Juan

From the book First Aid Manual author Nikolai Berg

From the book How to Quit Smoking 100%, or Love Yourself and Change Your Life author David Kipnis

From the book The Complete Guide to Nursing author Elena Yurievna Khramova

From the book Handbook emergency care author Elena Yurievna Khramova

From the book CAESAREAN SECTION: Safe way out or a threat to the future? by Michelle Auden

by Gary Griffin

From the book How to increase the size of the male penis by Gary Griffin

From the book Flatfoot. Most effective methods treatment author Alexandra Vasilyeva

From the book Beauty and Health of a Woman author Vladislav Gennadievich Liflyandsky

From the book Yoga and Sexual Practices by Nick Douglas

Immune blotting (immunoblot, Western Blot, Western blot)- combines enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with preliminary electrophoretic transfer of virus antigens to a nitrocellulose strip (strip).

In this beautiful scientific name, “blot” is most likely translated as “blot”, and “western” as “western” reflects the direction of distribution of this “blot” on paper from left to right, that is, on a geographical map, this corresponds to the direction from west to east. ". The essence of the "immune blot" method is that the enzyme-linked immunosorbent reaction is carried out not with a mixture of antigens, but with HIV antigens, previously distributed by immunophoresis into fractions located according to molecular weight on the surface of a nitrocellulose membrane. As a result, the main proteins of HIV, carriers of antigenic determinants, are distributed over the surface in the form of separate bands, which appear during the enzyme immunoassay.

Immunoblot includes several stages:

Strip preparation. The immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which has been previously purified and destroyed to its constituent components, is subjected to electrophoresis, while the antigens that make up HIV are separated by molecular weight. Then, by blotting (analogous to squeezing out excess ink on a "blotter"), the antigens are transferred to a strip of nitrocellulose, which now contains a spectrum of antigenic bands characteristic of HIV, invisible to the eye.

Sample study. The test material (serum, blood plasma of the patient, etc.) is applied to the nitrocellulose strip, and if there are specific antibodies in the sample, they bind to the strictly corresponding (complementary) antigenic bands. As a result of subsequent manipulations, the result of this interaction is visualized - made visible.

Interpretation of the result. The presence of bands in certain areas of the nitrocellulose plate confirms the presence in the studied serum of antibodies to strictly defined HIV antigens.

    Lane A - Positive control

    Lane B - Weak positive control

    Lane C - Negative Control

    Strip D - Positive sample (antibodies to HIV-1 detected)

Currently, immune blotting (immunoblot) is the main method for confirming the presence of virus-specific antibodies in the test serum. In some cases of HIV infection, prior to seroconversion, specific antibodies are more effectively detected by immunoblotting than by ELISA. An immune blotting study revealed that antibodies to gp 41 are most often detected in the sera of AIDS patients, and the detection of p24 in persons examined for prophylactic purposes requires additional studies for the presence of HIV infection. Immunoblot test systems based on genetically engineered recombinant proteins proved to be more specific than conventional systems based on purified virus lysate. When using a recombinant antigen, not a diffuse, but a clearly defined narrow band of antigen is formed, which is easily accessible for accounting and evaluation.

Serum of persons infected with HIV-1, detect antibodies to the following major proteins and glycoproteins - structural envelope proteins (env) - gp160, gp120, gp41; nuclei (gag) - p17, p24, p55, as well as virus enzymes (pol) - p31, p51, p66. For HIV-2, antibodies to env are typical - gp140, gp105, gp36; gag - p16, p25, p56; pol-p68.

Among the laboratory methods necessary to establish the specificity of the reaction, the detection of antibodies to HIV-1 envelope proteins - gp41, gp120, gp160, and HIV-2 - gp36, gp105, gp140 has the greatest recognition.

WHO considers sera positive if antibodies to any two HIV glycoproteins are detected by immunoblotting. According to these recommendations, if there is a reaction with only one of the envelope proteins (rp 160, rp 120, rp 41) in combination or without reaction with other proteins, the result is considered doubtful and a second test is recommended using a kit from a different series or another company. If after this the result remains doubtful, observation for 6 months is recommended (research after 3 months).

The presence of a positive reaction with the p24 antigen may indicate a period of seroconversion, since antibodies to this protein sometimes appear first. In this case, it is recommended, depending on the clinical and epidemiological data, to repeat the study with a serum sample taken at least 2 weeks later, and this is exactly the case when paired sera should be tested in HIV infection.

Positive reactions with gag and pol proteins without a reaction with env proteins may reflect the stage of early seroconversion, and may also indicate HIV-2 infection or a non-specific reaction. Individuals with such results after testing for HIV-2 are re-examined after 3 months (within 6 months).