How is the search in the transfer wait for me. How to see who is looking for you in "Wait for me" - step by step instructions


Type in the address bar of your Internet browser the address of the website of the Wait for me program and press the Enter key. It is better to go immediately by driving the address into the search bar. If you try to access the "Wait for me" site by writing a search query in one of the popular Internet search engines, you may encounter a clone of the site that will try to take fraudulent actions against you. By going to the site via a direct link, you protect yourself from the likelihood of being deceived. The main site is not enriched with information. Instead of background, you will see episodes from the program where people find each other. You can see a window for filling in the center of the site. It is signed with a phrase with a proposal to enter your last name, first name and patronymic to check if anyone is looking for you. Data in a special line must be entered in the nominative case. After that, click on the magnifying glass icon.

If, according to the search results, the requested person was not searched, then on the page that opens you will see information that there was no person according to the parameters you specified. If requests were found in the system at your request, the site will automatically transfer you to a page with a list of people who were searched on the site. If the list is quite impressive, then you can expand the filter. You can do this at the top of the page next to the windows for the last name of the person you are looking for. On the right you will see the inscription "Open filter". Immediately you will see a window with additional search options. Unfortunately, in addition to the last name and first name, you can only specify gender and age. But when entering your age, remember that if a person is looking for you, then he may simply indicate it incorrectly in the search query. And if you enter your age, you can simply hide the query you need.

If you want to immediately go to the search with all the filters available on the site, then you need to slightly scroll down the page. The menu bar of the official website "Wait for me" will open at the top. Select the fourth item "Check" and click on it with the left mouse button. A search window will open in front of you. In the right corner there will be an item "Open filter". By clicking on it, you will get access to all the filters available on the site. Enter your data in the appropriate boxes on the site and click the "Find" button.

On the page with an advanced search form, you will see the fields that you need to fill out, and inside them - recommendations for the correct filling of each. In addition, there is an extended filter form and an item called "Search by application number". But it is useful only to those who know this number. The number entered in this field contains several digits. If you know the application number containing your last name, enter it in the first line of the form and click the "find" button at the bottom of the page.

You can also enter your first and last name. You can type them in both uppercase and lowercase - the search engine is case insensitive. But the keyboard layout (Cyrillic or Latin) matters. Check both spellings of the first and last names in turn. Previously, you could use the virtual Russian-language keyboard by clicking on its icon to the right of each field. For it to work, it was necessary that your browser supported JavaScript. But now, after updating the site, this function has been canceled. If your keyboard does not work well, then you can enter the data necessary for the search using the special features of your computer. You can find the On-Screen Keyboard in the default Start menu settings on your computer. Next, select the "accessibility" item and click on the icon that says "On-Screen Keyboard". After that, you can work with the site without having a keyboard.

If you know that the story in which they talked about you appeared on the air, indicate the date of release of this program and the fragment of the text that sounded in it. You can also do this by scrolling home page slightly down, and clicking on the third section of the horizontal menu - "Report". A form window will open in front of you, which you will need to fill out. Select the country in which the episode was shown on television. Write your last name and broadcast date. If you are not sure exactly when the program was shown, where they were looking for you, then you can simply drive in an approximate period of time. When all the required fields are filled in, click on the word "find" on the right side of the page. Below the form you will see a list of broadcasters and people with the last name you specified. It's important to note that entering a last name will return all people with that last name, regardless of gender. Even if you enter the name of a man, the system will give you women with the same parameters.

If you watched one of the episodes of Wait for Me and saw a person you know something about, you can help people find him. To do this, slightly scroll the main page of the official site down with the mouse wheel and select the "Report" item in the horizontal menu that appears. In the window that opens, you can simply enter the date of the broadcast of the program or the name of the person you are looking for and click the "Find" button. If the issue was shown recently, then you can scroll down the page. You'll see the people you've searched for in the program over the past four episodes. If the broadcast was earlier, then at the bottom of the page, simply click the "More episodes" button. Four more broadcasts of the program will open before you. So you can press the “More Issues” button until you find the desired search application.


Unfortunately, almost every person is familiar with one misfortune - the loss of communication with people close to him: good acquaintances, friends, relatives. Despite the fact that now is the age of information technology, to find right person far from easy...

This is probably why the national service for the mutual search for people appeared in Russia - “Wait for me” (there are also programs of the same name on TV screens, in which, by the way, you can see people who are wanted).

It is clear that it is simply impossible to show everyone who is wanted on TV, there will not be enough air time! That is why, there is a site where you can find information of interest, this is what this article will be about.

The article is designed more for novice users ...

Step-by-step instructions: how to see who is looking for you in "Wait for me"

Website address:

Let's consider all the actions in order.

1) First, we type in the address bar of the browser the address of the site "Wait for me" ( or follow the link of the same name (see a little higher in the article under the heading).

2) Right in the center of the screen (the location of the search bar may vary slightly depending on the browser) - there will be a search form. In the form, you need to fill in the last name and first name of the person you are looking for (in this case, your first and last name), then click the "find" button (see Fig. 1).

3) If there are people at your request, you will see a list of all those who are wanted. Perhaps you will be among them ... By the way, in addition to the last name and first name, the date of birth of the person is also displayed, the text of the person who is looking for him.

Some profiles may still be under moderation, so there will be no description for them.

4) If the last name and first name of the person you are looking for are very common (Petrov, Ivanov, Sidorov, etc.), then it is possible that the search will give out just a huge database of wanted people. To refine the search criteria, you can use the search form on the left in the site column (left sidebar):

Indicate the date of birth (at least the estimated range);

The gender of the person;

Select sorting type (see Fig. 3).

5) By the way, I will give one small piece of advice. You can write the last name and first name in both uppercase and lowercase letters - the search engine is not case sensitive. But the choice of language is very important! Therefore, first look for the right person in Russian, and then, if you don’t find it, try to fill in the search for his first and last name in Latin (sometimes it helps).

I also want to add. If you are looking for a person - you can leave your application on the site "Wait for Me". To do this, you need to register on the site, and then submit an application: the more accurately and more data you provide on the person you are looking for, the greater the chances of success (see Fig. 4).

This concludes the article. It would be good for no one, ever, no one and nothing to lose ...

about the project

It was to assist in the search for people that this social project was created. His story begins way back 1964, when the program "Find a person" was aired on the radio "Mayak". Over time, the format and name of the program has changed. Since the early 2000s, the TV show has taken the form that is now familiar to viewers.

However, the limited television broadcast does not allow to cover all applications that come with a request to search for people. In this connection, the management of the TV company VID decides to launch Internet service.

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About the service

Finding it is pretty easy. To do this, in any search engine (for example, Yandex or Google), you must enter a request and get a link to the site you are looking for.

The scale of the project and the coverage of the audience can be judged by the statistics provided by the founders.

More 2 million. people are users of the system, order 2.2 thousand. volunteers all over the world (of which in Russia about 1300 human).

As a result of the work of the “Wait for me” team and all caring citizens, more than 200 human.

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How to find the missing

The main page of the site offers visitors the opportunity to:

The search algorithm consists of two simple steps, which will not be difficult for a beginner to go through either:

Registration requires a few simple steps:

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All registration fields must be filled in correctly

Enter in the form field:

Having given consent to the processing of personal data, having studied the User Agreement, you must click the "Register" button. A notification will appear informing you about the creation of a new account. On the email address, specified during registration, a confirmation e-mail will be sent, which will make feedback from site administrators more convenient.

In the form that opens, enter:

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Don't Forget More Information

Additionally, you must provide the following information:

If possible, the last known place of residence should also be indicated, which will simplify the search.

Having a photo of the wanted person will help expedite the search process. The main thing is to scan the photo in good resolution.

At the last stage of filling out the questionnaire, you can specify additional data related to the life, habits, preferences of the person you are looking for. This data will facilitate a quick search.

At the end, you should agree to the publication of the application on the Wait for me website and the processing of personal data.

By clicking the "Submit Request" button, create a request to search for a person you care about. During 10 minutes the application will be published on the website, and in the coming 2 days- will go to the work of the search team and volunteers.

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How to know if they are looking for you

The service provides an opportunity not only to find someone, but also to get information about who is looking for a meeting with you, your relatives, friends.

A registered user will automatically receive a notification if a search request is created. The administrators of the resource took care of this. And how to help, for example, relatives or neighbors who are wanted by their colleagues, fellow countrymen will tell further.

In the top menu, select the "Check" tab.

In the form that opens, fill in the available data (Fig. 17):

Then click "Find" and study the results of the search query.

To get the opportunity to study the application in detail, you must select the questionnaire that interests you.

In the window that opens, you can find out all the information about the person - who he is, who is looking for him, etc. At the same time, if you have information about this person, it is possible to report it. Thus, you will help meet people who are looking for each other.

Program of the same name

How many souls are invested in these two words: "Wait for me" ... Are they looking for me - that's main question that many people ask. Therefore, we return to the program of the same name. What can be said about her? This TV show made many people cry while sitting in front of the screen. Each story touches to the depths of the soul, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. A real drama is unfolding before the eyes of the audience, and not fictional, but quite real. The realization that all this is really happening has a strong impact on people.

Not fun, but useful

"Wait for me" stands out among the many empty and stupid shows, this program is really useful. It was created not for entertainment, but for real help to people. Just think: in the history of the existence of the program, several thousand people have already been discovered. Yes, from such a number of found ones, it would be possible to create a separate city and call it "The Abode of Happy People." Just imagine these joyful families that managed to reunite. Fathers and sons, grandparents and grandchildren, second cousins, nephews, lovers - they are all grateful to the program for the happiness they have been given.

Success and popularity

The TV show has won a really huge success, and high ratings are far from the main indicator.
The best evidence of universal acceptance is that a huge number of people turn to "Wait for me". "Are they looking for me?" they ask the program staff. How happy many are to know that they are wanted by people once dear to them ...

Impressive numbers

Over the entire history of the project, the editorial office received over 250,000 letters with a plea for help in searching for loved ones and relatives. And such a large number of appeals is not surprising, because many citizens of our country were lost due to the collapse of the USSR, wars, interethnic conflicts, exile and other historical events. At present, there are also many reasons that contribute to the separation of people. But there are caring citizens who are ready to help in the search and provide support.

Computer database, newspaper and kiosk

Currently, the project is an unparalleled electronic database created specifically for the search for missing persons. The resource has brought together people from Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad: they are all ready to help.
Every day there are more and more volunteers, at present their number has already exceeded 500. There is also a newspaper “Wait for me”. "Are they looking for me?" many people ask themselves and look into this edition to find out. In the newspaper you can see many notes about the search. Not everyone knows that there is a kiosk at the Kazansky railway station in the capital, where you can go to place a wanted notice or ask for help, which will be provided urgently.

The telecast can be considered a symbol of the restoration of broken bonds. It is carried out through television, the Internet and print media. People first ask themselves the question: “How do I know if they are looking for me?”, And then, quite by chance, they receive an answer from some source.

Prevalence in the provinces

Thanks to the existing electronic database, the “Wait for me” project has penetrated many provincial cities and towns: there, local TV programs, radio stations and newspapers disseminate information about the missing. This fact cannot but rejoice, because in the outback people are also often lost.

How to use the search on the site?

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Wait for Me project is the most successful and useful program of all available on our television. It helps to find even those who got lost twenty or even thirty years ago. But the program, unfortunately, is quite short, and everyone who wants to be on the air simply will not fit. To whom to address the question "Are they looking for me?". The official site will give you the answer to it. Just go to - this is the easiest and most effective method search.

Advanced Search

If no query is found, please use advanced search. It will open itself in front of you if nothing is found in the usual one.

The resource offers several versions of advanced search. For example, you can simply enter the order number in the window (but this is unlikely to be done, since you don’t even know if it was created or not). The most optimal is the second version. Ask yourself: “Is anyone looking for me?” You can easily check this. You will need to enter the first and last names in separate windows (for some reason, there is no line for patronymics), specify gender and date of birth, and then mark how you want to sort the received data - by last name or by the date when the application was submitted.

The third version is quite interesting - a person searches for stories that were broadcast on television. It should be noted in what period of time the program was supposedly shown with a mention of your person. It is required to enter the date and time of the beginning and end of the TV show, and then select the state where it was broadcast from the list. You no longer need to rack your brains and ask yourself an idle question: “Are they looking for me on the Internet?” Now you can easily check it. The list contains several countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China and Armenia.

How to apply?


Unfortunately, almost every person is familiar with one misfortune - the loss of communication with people close to him: good acquaintances, friends, relatives. Despite the fact that now is the age of information technology, finding the right person is far from easy ...

This is probably why the national service for the mutual search for people appeared in Russia - “Wait for me” (there are also programs of the same name on TV screens, in which, by the way, you can see people who are wanted).

It is clear that it is simply impossible to show everyone who is wanted on TV, there will not be enough air time! That is why, there is a site where you can find information of interest, this is what this article will be about.

The article is designed more for novice users ...

Step-by-step instructions: how to see who is looking for you in "Wait for me"

Website address:

Let's consider all the actions in order.

1) First, we type in the address bar of the browser the address of the site "Wait for me" ( or follow the link of the same name (see a little higher in the article under the heading).

2) Right in the center of the screen (the location of the search bar may vary slightly depending on the browser) - there will be a search form. In the form you need to fill in the last name and first name of the person you are looking for (in this case, your first and last name), then click the “ find" button (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Wait for Me - National Mutual Search Service

3) If there are people at your request, you will see a list of all those who are wanted. Perhaps you will be among them ... By the way, in addition to the last name and first name, the date of birth of the person is also displayed, the text of the person who is looking for him.

Some profiles may still be under moderation, so there will be no description for them.

4) If the last name and first name of the person you are looking for are very common (Petrov, Ivanov, Sidorov, etc.), then it is possible that the search will give out just a huge database of wanted people. To refine the search criteria, you can use the search form on the left in the site column (left sidebar):

Indicate the date of birth (at least the estimated range);

The gender of the person;

Select sorting type (see Fig. 3).

5) By the way, I will give one small piece of advice. You can write the last name and first name in both uppercase and lowercase letters - the search engine is not case sensitive. But the choice of language is very important! Therefore, first look for the right person in Russian, and then, if you don’t find it, try to fill in the search for his first and last name in Latin (sometimes it helps).

I also want to add. If you are looking for a person - you can leave your application on the site "Wait for Me". To do this, you need to register on the site, and then submit an application: the more accurately and more data you provide on the person you are looking for, the greater the chances of success (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Leave a request

This concludes the article. It would be good for no one, ever, no one and nothing to lose ...

Find out for free whether people search for you on the website of the program Wait for me in Russia. Here you will find a search for people by last name, comments and user tips on how to find out if they are looking for you in the program Wait for me.


The emergence of the Internet, its rapid development and distribution in the territory Russian Federation quite a beneficial effect on the work of the popular program in Russia “Wait for me”, which searches for people. To date, the program "Wait for me" is not only a TV show, but also a large-scale social project, which recently has its own official website.

You can get to the site by entering "" in the address bar. Thanks to the existence of this site, the entire database, which contains information about missing and found people, is updated daily. The editors of the program “Wait for me” constantly receive a large number of letters written by grateful people who managed to find someone from their loved ones thanks to this site.

Everyone has a real opportunity to become a spectator or participant in the program "Wait for me". In order to be on the set of a TV program, it is enough to send a special application on the website.

Through the website, we managed to create a team of 500 volunteers not only in Russia, but all over the world. Together, the participants in this program have managed to find about seven thousand people to date.

How do I know if they are looking for me in Wait for me?

Many people are interested in the question of how to find out if they are looking for me in "Wait for me"? Finding out is very simple - you only need access to the Internet and time to search electronically. You can understand if they are looking for me in Russia through the Wait for me website. To do this, in one of the special forms of the site, you just need to enter your last name. In response to such a request, the search engine will return all people with the same last name that someone is currently looking for. It is not at all difficult to find yourself among this small list of people. Facilitates the search task and the fact that you can enter your name in the same form. Then the list of namesakes will decrease significantly. For the same purpose, you can use the item to search for history. It is located in the first column under the section called “Looking for a person?”.

The online service of the television program "Wait for me" allows you to independently find the right person. To do this, it is enough to know his first and last name. Search by name is free. You can check if they are looking for me on “Wait for me” every day, since the site database is updated all the time. You can even register and each time enter the site through your personal account.

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In the "Wait for me" program, the names and surnames of people whom someone is looking for are called. However, it is impossible to list all those who applied to the program in one hour. Therefore, on the Wait for Me website, everyone is given the opportunity to find out if anyone is looking for them.

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Type in the address bar of your Internet browser the website address of the "Wait for me" program and press the Enter key. It is better to go immediately by driving the address into the search bar.


If you try to go to the "Wait for me" site by writing a search query in one of the popular Internet search engines, then you may encounter a site clone, who will try to take fraudulent actions against you.

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The main page of the site is not enriched with information. Instead of a background image, you will see episodes from the program where people find each other.


You can see a window for filling in the center of the site. It is signed with a phrase with a proposal to enter your last name, first name and patronymic to check if anyone is looking for you.


Data in a special line must be entered in the nominative case. After that, click on the magnifying glass icon.

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If, according to the results of the search, the requested person was not searched, then on the page that opens you will see information that no person was found according to the parameters you specified.

If requests were found in the system at your request, then the site will automatically take you to a page with a list of people they searched on the site.


If the list is quite impressive, then you can expand the filter. You can do this at the top of the page next to the windows for the last name and first name of the person you are looking for. On the right you will see the inscription "Open filter". Immediately you will see a window with additional search options. Unfortunately, in addition to the last name and first name, you can only specify gender and age. But when entering your age, remember that if a person is looking for you, then he may simply indicate it incorrectly in the search query. And if you enter your age, you can simply hide the query you need.


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If you want to immediately go to the search with all the filters available on the site, then you need to scroll down the page a little. The menu bar of the official website "Wait for me" will open at the top.


Select the fourth item "Check" and click on it with the left mouse button. A search window will open in front of you. In the right corner there will be an item "Open filter". By clicking on it, you will get access to all the filters available on the site. Enter your data in the appropriate boxes on the site and click the "Find" button.

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On the page with an advanced search form, you will see the fields that you need to fill out, and inside them - recommendations for the correct filling of each.

In addition, there is an extended filter form and an item called "Search by application number". But it is useful only to those who know this number. The number entered in this field contains several digits. If you know the application number containing your last name, enter it in the first line of the form and click the "find" button at the bottom of the page.

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You can also enter your first and last name. You can type them in both uppercase and lowercase letters - the search engine is case insensitive.


But the keyboard layout (Cyrillic or Latin) matters. Check both spellings of the first and last names in turn. Previously, you could use the virtual Russian-language keyboard by clicking on its icon to the right of each field. For it to work, it was necessary that your browser supports javascript. But now, after updating the site, this function has been canceled.


If your keyboard is not working properly, then you can enter the data necessary for the search using the special capabilities of your computer. You can find the On-Screen Keyboard in the default Start menu settings on your computer. Next, select the "accessibility" item and click on the icon that says "On-Screen Keyboard". After that, you can work with the site without having a keyboard.

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If you know that a story about you has aired, indicate the release date of this program and the fragment of the text that sounded in it. You can also do this by scrolling the main page slightly down and clicking on the third section of the horizontal menu - "Report".


A form window will open in front of you, which you will need to fill out. Select the country in which the episode was shown on television. Write your last name and broadcast date. If you are not sure exactly when the program was shown, where they were looking for you, then you can simply drive in an approximate period of time. When all the required fields are filled in, click on the word "find" on the right side of the page. Below the form you will see a list of broadcasters and people with the last name you specified. It's important to note that entering a last name will return all people with that last name, regardless of gender. Even if you enter the name of a man, the system will give you women with the same parameters.


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If you watched one of the episodes of the “Wait for me” program and saw a person about whom you know something, you can help people find it. To do this, slightly scroll the main page of the official site down with the mouse wheel and select the item in the horizontal menu that appears. "To report".


In the window that opens, you can simply enter the date of the broadcast of the program or the name of the person you are looking for and click the "Find" button. If the issue was shown recently, then you can scroll down the page. You'll see the people you've searched for in the program over the past four episodes. If the broadcast was earlier, then at the bottom of the page, simply click the "More episodes" button. Four more broadcasts of the program will open before you. So you can press the “More Issues” button until you find the desired search application.
