Masha Pogrebnyak instagram official page. Maria Pogrebnyak and her pages on social networks

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous thanks to her husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak. Mother of many children is a frequent guest of entertainment talk shows, so her personal life has long been made public.


Maria was born in Moscow into an intelligent family. She often remembers her mother, who worked at the Aviation Institute as an economist, and her father as an engineer.

Basically, Masha was raised by her grandmother, who took care of her granddaughter as best she could. Parents mostly disappeared at work, and the grandmother taught her granddaughter to be feminine, kind, and also the right manners.

At the insistence of the same grandmother, the girl attended an icon painting circle, which she herself really liked. She was engaged in painting until the age of 13, and, according to Maria herself, this helped develop her aesthetic taste. At the insistence of her mother, the girl also attended sports dances.

After school, she entered the Moscow Academy of Finance, and also tried to study in television skill courses. But in 2006, she got married, and her studies had to be interrupted due to her marriage.

Personal life

Maria met her husband in the 7th grade. Then Pavel was in the tenth, and periodically the guys crossed paths in one of the sports schools in Moscow. At first, the guys just talked as friends. But love broke out when Maria was in her senior year of school.

At that time, Pavel was already playing and training in Yaroslavl, and Masha skipped classes and “dangled” every week to her lover. Then she moved out strongly in school subjects, although before that she was a good student. As the girl herself recalls, she barely received a certificate.

In 2006, young people got married, and at that time Maria graduated from school. They played the wedding only 8 years later, when the family already had three sons.

What is known

Most of the time, the Pogrebnyak family lives in London. Masha gained great popularity after the release of the program “Meet the Russians”, which shows the daily life of wealthy Russians in England. But Masha was indignant for a very long time about what was shown on the screen. According to her, all the shots where she collects children to school and prepares breakfast were brazenly cut out, and only the luxury and ostentatious stiffness of the Pogrebnyak family was left.

Maria is often compared to Victoria Beckham. And not only because she gave birth to three children from a football player. Like Victoria, she tries her hand at fashion design. Of course, she only dreams of Victoria's glory, but she opened her own brand Maria Shatalova (Shatalova is Masha's maiden name) and runs her own business on her own.

Much controversy is the number plastic surgery made by Mary. First surgical intervention she suffered on her lips. And, according to the heroine herself, it was not entirely successful. She even tried to eliminate the consequences, but so far her lips look very unnatural.

During her life in London, Maria began to run her own YouTube channel. And one of her friends was the famous wife of the Russian oligarch Marina Smirnova. Together with another friend, Kristina Sysoeva, they starred in the sensational show “Meet the Russians”

Social networks

Maria Pogrebnyak on Instagram is represented by two accounts. One of them personal - Here, in addition to photographs of her designer dresses you can see family photos, as well as posts from social events. The other is a worker - Here are only photos that demonstrate the clothes of her brand. It is interesting that Masha herself is the face and model of her trademark.

Maria's personal page VKontakte - Here, in addition to photos of outfits, there is a photo of a football player and Maria from their wedding, which was distinguished by splendor and was discussed in the press for a long time.

Blonde Page on Facebook - There are both family photos and photos from social events.

Maria's Twitter - But, judging by the date of the last post, she has not maintained this page for more than a year.

Also, Maria Pogrebnyak has been running her channel for several years. on YouTube - Here she tells subscribers the story of her weight loss, and also tells her biography in one of the videos.

The personality of Maria Pogrebnyak is often discussed in the press. The wife of a football player often comes to the attention of journalists. They either discuss her excessive thinness, or another plastic surgery.

Gaining more than 725 thousand followers on Instagram is not an easy task. What should a person be like so that so many people want to look at his photographs every day? With this question will help to understand the one who has almost a million admirers. There is no better example for understanding popularity among users of social networks than the Russian Queen of Instagram, Maria Pogrebnyak. After all, this sweet girl attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of subscribers with her daily life. New photos are expected from her, statements are quoted, actions are taken into account.


Maria Pogrebnyak

To understand in detail the phenomenal attractiveness of Maria Pogrebnyak's Instagram, let's start with a detailed study of personality. This is necessary to understand where such charismatic people come from. Are they born with the gift of attracting attention, or is it somehow brought up using certain techniques.

All readers guess that the biography of Maria Pgorebnyak began under a different surname. A girl appeared on November 17, 1988 in the Shatalov family. She is a native Muscovite. From the numerous revelations of our star, it is known that her parents worked very hard, so her and her older brother were raised by her grandmother. This is not surprising, many of us know firsthand how hard it was to support a family in the dashing 90s. These years were especially painful for intelligent people with higher education, who were trying to find themselves in their professional activity. This referred to the mother of little Maria, who graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

A girl does not talk about her father the way she talks about her mother. With what this is connected is not known for certain. This is probably the request of the head of the Shatalov family. It is impossible to explain this fact in another way, because it is known for certain that our celebrity has excellent relations with relatives. Despite all the ups and downs, the personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak is a vivid example of how a girl can stand her ground and remain loved by everyone.

Personal life

Paul and Mary

The main barriers to the future Instagram star appeared in the 7th grade. Then the 13-year-old girl, who was fond of only icon painting, met her future husband. Pavel Pogrebnyak was already a prominent person, budding in sports. Therefore, a new hobby appeared in the life of a young girl - football. She needed to get familiar with the interests young man to find common topics for conversation and help your beloved achieve new heights.

Partly thanks to Maria, Pavel achieved impressive results in his career - the owner of the UEFA Cup with Zenit, the player of the Russian national team, memorable seasons in the strongest European football leagues. After all, next to him was a person who supported him in any situation.

The girl already at an early stage of their relationship determined that she was ready to sacrifice everything for her man. And these were not simple words, but the actions that Mary did for the sake of her beloved, starting from the first days of the relationship. In 2006, a student of the Moscow Financial Academy puts off her studies and follows Pavel to Tomsk. The local "Tom" then signed a lucrative contract with the young football player by the then Russian standards. As a result, this transition became a springboard into adulthood for this wonderful couple. This year they officially became husband and wife.

Maria and Pavel with children. The first son, Artem (born in 2007), was born in Tomsk. The second - Pavel (born 2009) - was born in St. Petersburg. The third one is Alexey (born in 2011) in Stuttgart (Germany).

Against the backdrop of complete prosperity in all areas of life, Pavel's game attracted the attention of many football experts. He joined the Russian national team, the head coach of Zenit, Dick Advocaat, identified Pavel as the main goal for his breeders in the offseason. 2007 was marked by the most expensive transfer in the history of the professional football league with a Russian player - it was a $ 5 million deal between Zenit and Pogrebnyak. In such unheard-of money for Russian athletes, Pavel's potential as a football player was estimated.

Star Trek

Maria did not sit idly by at home when her husband conquered sports peaks. First, she gave birth to three sons. The eldest appeared in 2007, when a young family lived in Tomsk. The first birth entailed a significant weight gain in a young mother. But the girl pulled herself together and started appearance very strict and orderly. After all, she understood that a spectacular wife should stand next to the star husband. Sports activities have brought positive results with a height of 168 cm, the weight of Maria Pogrebnyak is a modest 44-45 kg. To maintain such proportions, she made it a rule for herself to have a strict diet and daily fitness classes. Could not damage the luxurious figure, the next two pregnancies, after which Maria quickly returned to perfect shape. Each visitor to Maria Pogrebnyak's Instagram can evaluate the figure and appearance by looking at the photographs presented.

But this was not enough for the young girl. She decided on a radical change of image. Someone may like Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery, for some fans, appearance is secondary compared to the personal qualities of a purposeful girl. In addition to giving birth to children, raising them, creating coziness and comfort in the house, maintaining appearance in order, the woman managed to graduate from the academy and become a graduate, and also start a career as a designer. Now she is not just the wife of a football player Maria Pogrebnyak, but a real business woman who owns her own brand Maria Shatalova.

Before and after plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Internet technologies play an important role in the promotion of ideas in modern society. AT in social networks frank people open to communication are popular. Therefore, Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery is interesting to followers. She actively shares her experiences. She has no secrets from subscribers. Numerous interviews with fashion publications, publications, Maria's statements confirm this. The recent revelation about plastic surgery 10 years ago vividly confirms the image of an experienced woman who can give valuable, useful advice admirers. In general, Maria is satisfied with her external data obtained at birth and as a result of surgery.

Maria Pogrebnyak in her youth before plastic surgery and without makeup

She speaks flatteringly about the surgeons whom she entrusted to improve the body and eliminate shortcomings. Thanks to their skill, she began to feel more confident. And this fact is very important in family life, especially when a woman is responsible for supporting the spouse of an athlete. After all football career very capricious - success can be followed by a series of failed performances. A strong man who has a reliable rear and good support from the dearest, closest person can handle such a roller coaster.

Despite the spectacular photos of Maria Pogrebnyak in a swimsuit, she has points on which she is not happy with herself. This fact very favorably distinguishes our compatriot from foreign stylish icons who do not accept criticism in their address - love me as I am or don't love me.

Maria is a sane person, ready to discuss the shortcomings and advantages with people who want to have a normal dialogue. For example, she was critical of lip surgery, advising girls to appreciate their natural beauty. For clarity, she cites her photos before and after plastic surgery, focusing on her lips. In her opinion, this operation did not lead to improvements, and in old pictures this part of the face looks more beautiful. Pogrebnyak notes that repeated surgical intervention could not correct the mistake of youth.

Hot photos of Maria Pogrebnyak are especially popular on Instagram. It is surprising that among the connoisseurs of the female body are representatives of the better half of humanity. It’s just that girls understand how hard it is to bring the body into perfect shape after childbirth, and when they see in front of them a vivid example of a woman who has had three pregnancies with an amazing slim figure, it evokes positive emotions.

Secrets of success from Pogrebnyak

A beautiful figure, sociability is the key to the success of Maria Pogrebnyak's photo on Instagram, through which she attracts the attention of a large mass of people. The number of fans is increasing daily, but the star does not stop there. She tries to do without outrageous. Although, after watching her famous scandalous participation in the English show "Meet the Russians", other thoughts come to mind. The number of subscribers after the release of the program has increased significantly, but Maria is outraged by the shamelessness of the English television people, who exposed her in the light of a dim-witted girl mired in luxury. According to Pogrebnyak, all the statements presented in the final show are taken out of the general context.

It is worth noting that Maria is quite competently popular on Instagram, showing new collections of the Shatalova brand, attracting customers to products. As you know, scandals play a positive role in increasing popularity. However, practice shows that they often bring minute benefits. People who abuse scandals subsequently become objects of ridicule and former fans have no desire to take an example from them.

Most citizens appreciate the positive qualities that the domestic Instagram star certainly possesses. She insists that the family is the main priority in life, and despite the candid photos of Maria Pogrebnyak in a swimsuit, it’s hard to disagree with these words. Mary made happy children, husband, parents, relatives. The Russian Instagram star is close to fans. Simple worldly values ​​are close and dear to people. Confirming them, Maria erases the boundaries between different strata of society, and this is important for the average person.

Football is one of the most popular sports. He is loved not only by men, but also by women, and especially by the wives of football players. One of the famous and popular athletes playing football is He is married to a very beautiful woman, Maria, who also has her fans and fans.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Many men and women are interested in this woman. Fans and admirers are interested in how Maria Pogrebnyak looked before and after plastic surgery. But before you find out about this, you need to remember what kind of operation and when the woman decided.

Everyone remembers that a few years ago it became very fashionable to do various plastic surgeries and radically change your appearance. Many women began to experiment on themselves: to redo tighten the skin on their faces, enlarge their lips, etc. Maria Pogrebnyak was no exception and also decided to change her appearance. A young girl pumped bio-gel into her lips more than 10 years ago.

Fans were interested in how Mary used to look. Pogrebnyak "before and after plastic surgery", as the acquaintances of Pavel and his wife said, these are two different people. She used to be a bit overweight, but that didn't stop her from being pretty and attractive. After plastic surgery, Maria has changed a lot. Her lips became gigantic, and such beauty that was before was gone.

Pogrebnyak herself shared that all 11 years were a torment for her. The woman said that everyone who communicated with her always looked only at her lips, and this, of course, caused her discomfort. Maria realized that mothers of three children do not have such voluminous lips, and decided to have an operation to reduce them.

Lip reduction surgery

Recently, lip reduction surgery has become quite popular among celebrities. Many stars in their youth wanted to transform, change beyond recognition, but now most of them are suffering with their "new" appearance.

Maria Pogrebnyak suffered for 11 years because she enlarged her lips in her youth. When the woman got married and gave birth to three children, she realized that big lips should be got rid of as soon as possible. Pogrebnyak again fell under the surgeon's knife.

Maria Pogrebnyak after lip reduction

“Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery is 2 different people,” said all the fans of the woman who saw her photo on the network after lip reduction. She shared that most of her friends and acquaintances were happy for Maria and said that she had reduced her lips for good reason. Everyone around is saying that Pogrebnyak without big lips is a beauty!

Maria herself shared her joy after the Woman assures that until the age of 45 she will never again lie under the surgeon's knife. “The beauty that nature gives must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” says Pogrebnyak.

Doctors warn that the biopolymer used as lip filler is extremely dangerous. Because of it, fibrous tissue grows, which is a kind of seal in the lips. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to speak, as well as eat food.

Impressions of Maria, as well as her fans after the operation

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - two different women. The woman is very pleased that there is such a procedure that helped her become the same. Pogrebnyak recently posted photos of herself at the age of 18 on social networks. Many have noticed that before the plastic surgery, Mary's lips were lush and attractive, so her fans are perplexed why the woman decided to have the operation.

Friends, relatives and fans of Pogrebnyak claim that a woman is very good with natural lips and now she looks much more attractive. Many even began to ask the star for the number of the doctor who performed the operation on her, as almost everyone admired his excellent work.

Known not only for her beauty, but also for her courage, Maria Pogrebnyak. Before and after plastic surgery, she remained an attractive and fearless woman. In 2011, she became famous for being able to protect her house from burglars. In the middle of the night, she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the intruders, saved herself, her little son and the house.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery. A photo

Many are interested in how Maria looked before she did plastic surgery. After the operation, the woman has changed beyond recognition. Maria Pogrebnyak before and after the operation is just two different people!

Maria Pogrebnyak enlarged her lips in her youth, which she later regretted greatly. The woman did not like how she looked with big lips, so she decided to have an operation and restore their natural shape. The woman claims that natural beauty must be appreciated and preserved. She encourages young girls not to make costly mistakes, not to change their appearance and be proud of their

Maria Pogrebnyak (née Shatalova). She was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Russian media person, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Maria Shatalova, who became widely known under the name of her husband Pogrebnyak, was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an intelligent family.

Her mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Maria often published her photo on social networks. But she doesn't talk about her father.

He has an older brother, he is a microbiologist, there is a big age difference between them - Maria is a late child.

Since her parents were very busy at work, her grandmother was engaged in her upbringing. “From my grandmother, I learned kindness and tenderness, affection and love! She gave me advice on how to grow up as a real girl, not a tomboy, taught the rules of etiquette, manners,” said Maria.

From the age of seven, she attended an icon painting circle, to which her grandmother took her. According to Maria, she "sat at the writing of icons for five hours a day, it was impossible to tear me away from the easel and take me home." She painted icons until the age of 13.

In fact, from the 7th grade, when she began dating her future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, her life was subordinated to the interests of an athlete's career.

In 2006, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but since Pavel moved to play in Tomsk for the Tom team, she postponed her studies and left after him. Later, she nevertheless graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and her husband moved to England, where Pavel played in the Fulham and then Reading teams. It was there that she became widely known. In England, she began to design - first of evening dresses, then of economy class clothes and, in parallel with the line of VIP models, to present her collections. At the same time, Maria acted both as a designer and as a model.

Glorified Maria and her participation in the show "Meet the Russians"(“The Russians respond”). Maria herself was indignant that the interview filmed with her was edited and only frames were left that create the image of a poorly educated socialite, mired in luxury.

After returning to Moscow, he continues to produce clothes under the brand Maria Shatalova. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. She deals with them herself: "I spend the whole day traveling around warehouses, shops, clothing factories." “I always check the quality of purchased fabrics and accessories myself,” she said.

Maria Pogrebnyak - "Our London!"

The growth of Maria Pogrebnyak: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak:

Married. Husband - Pavel Pogrebnyak, a famous Russian football player.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak met at school - then Maria was in the seventh grade, and the future football player was in the tenth. She said: “We studied at the same sports school nearby, in Sokolniki. Although he was four years older than me, we often crossed paths in the dining room when we ran for buns. I remember that we met by chance in the subway, then we saw each other more than once in the park, where Pasha walked with his boys, and I with the girls. They began to communicate, but in a friendly way, "she recalled.

A serious relationship began when she was 17 years old. Pavel then played in Yaroslavl. And Maria began to go to him instead of lessons, skipped school. “The “twos” fell down, and I learned to gloss over the grades in the diary - in my graduation year ... I barely got a certificate. But I still continued to dangle to Pasha. It is not surprising that at some point love broke out, ”said she is.

They got married on October 23, 2006. But they got married only many years after the marriage was registered - on May 20, 2014 in Moscow, when three children were already born in the family.

The first son - Artem (born 2007) - appeared in Tomsk. The second - Pavel (born in 2009) - was born in St. Petersburg. The third - Alexey (born in 2011) - in Stuttgart (Germany).

After the birth of her first son, Maria recovered by 25 kilograms, after which she began to carefully monitor her figure. And she achieved significant results - she became so slender that some even reproached the girl for being anorexic.

Every day from nine to ten in the morning, she trains at the fitness center. With a height of 168 centimeters, she keeps her weight at the level of 44-45 kg.

Maria underwent several plastic surgeries, almost completely changing her face - shape, nose, lips.

With lips, as she herself admitted, she overdid it. She did not like how she looked with big lips, so Maria decided to have an operation and try to restore their natural shape. “The beauty that nature gives must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” she said.

Maria is known not only for being the wife of a famous football player, but also for her courage. In 2011, she became famous when she was able to protect her house from burglars. In the middle of the night, she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the intruders, saved herself, her little son and the house.

Account: mariapoga_

Occupation: designer, TV star

Instagram Maria Pogrebnyak is very eventful. And although there are only two hundred thousand subscribers so far, Masha still uploads a lot of photos per day. The girl is completely different from the usual secular party girl, she is literate and educated. Maria soberly assesses her abilities, strives for excellence and tries to remain attractive and interesting for her husband.

Photos of Maria Pogrebnyak on Instagram are mainly dedicated to her and her activities. There are many interesting selfies, the girl focuses on the accessories she likes and shows off her design achievements. Most often these are working moments, new things or cosmetics. But she tries not to deprive her family of attention in the tape - her husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak and three sons.

In addition, the designer has lost a lot of weight and now posts her progress after or during workouts. And recently, Maria Shatalova instagram and followers just surprised unusual hobby- icon painting, which he has been engaged in since childhood.

The life and interests of Maria Pogrebnyak

  • Maria had known football player Pavel Pogrebnyak since school, they met before his successful career, at 19 the girl first became a mother.
  • Now Maria has three sons, only in 2014 the couple officially registered the marriage.
  • In 2014, with the participation of Maria, a scandalous video was released about shopping in England with her friends, but the girl competently withstood criticism in her direction and believes that she did not lose her head from the money.
  • Because of her husband, in her student years, she was in conflict with her parents, even ran away to Pavel in another city during her studies and exams, because of this she did not graduate from the university.
  • Most of all, Mary likes to live in St. Petersburg.
  • Of the wives of football players, he is most friends with the spouses of Roman Shirokov and Konstantin Zyryanov.