This post shows what amazing things can. Fun brain test

Take a short and fun quiz. Test yourself and your brain for the ability to think logically.

Have you done it?! Excellent! Now find out the correct answers and check out the test results.

In fact, the riddle questions in this test are very simple, but they make it clear to the owner of his brain whether he uses it 100% or is sometimes too lazy to look for the most logical way out of any situation.

Answers to riddle questions:

1. If you only had one match and you walked into a room with a kerosene lamp, a fireplace, and a gas stove, what would you light first?

Answer: Of course, the first thing you would do is light a match.

2. There is a stack of 100 sheets. 10 sheets can be counted in 10 seconds. How long will it take to count 80 sheets?

Answer: The most common answer is 80 seconds. But is it rational? And how many times will you have to make a mistake when counting, start over, before you come to the final goal?
The correct answer is 20 seconds. You can count 20 sheets and 80 will remain. This is the most logical, simple, and this is how you properly manage your precious time.

3. Read the text below. Try to decipher it.

94NN03 S006SCH3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73LNY3 83SCHN M0ZH37 93L47L N4Sh R4ZUM! 8P3CH47LAYUSCHN3 83SCHN! CH4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZOOM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YAS 06 E70M. G0P9NC. LNSH 0PR393L3NNY3 LU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747E70.

Answer: This message shows what amazing things our minds can do! Impressive things! It was difficult at first, but now on this line your mind reads it automatically without thinking about it. Be proud, only certain people can read this.
After you have found out the answer to this riddle question, now try to decipher the text. I assure you, you will be surprised at your flexibility of the brain to perceive things that are not obvious at first.

Test results

Usually more than 70% of people answer all questions correctly, but as you can see, there are exceptions.

If you answered all three questions correctly:
Everything is in order with your head and development. You are accountable for yourself and your actions. You are confident and always know what you want. Perhaps you have situations when it is difficult for you to understand or analyze something, but this happens extremely rarely and in those cases when you are tired or depressed. You are a role model and you have a lot to learn.

If you answered two of the three questions correctly:

No problem. It happens. Maybe you're just tired or tired. Try to rest and relax more often. Don't forget to also train your brain with different puzzles and reading books. The brain always needs training, as well as your muscles. Train and you yourself will see how you will begin to look at things with different eyes and find the right way out of any situation.

If you didn't answer any of the questions:

As insulting as it sounds, you are in the minority here. If you did not manage to give the correct answer to any question, then you really have something to worry about. Train your brain more often: reading books, puzzles, analyze situations, and do not let everything take its course. If you are not indifferent to yourself, then start taking care of yourself today.

Great puzzles for brain training.

Having gathered at home with the whole family after a difficult and hectic day, it's time to relax and unwind in a friendly company. You can, for example, do a little warm-up for the brain by trying to solve 16 small problems for attentiveness and logic that we have collected for our readers.

1. Simple arithmetic

Only one person was able to solve this example on the UPSC exam.

2. Logic puzzle

A challenge for a first grader...

3. Test for attentiveness

Find a mouse.

4. Find the mistake

90% of people cannot find an error in this test.

5. Eye workout

Find a heart... And when you find it, feel if yours beats!

6. Find a baby

A simple task for experienced parents.

7. Spot the 7 Differences

Try not to focus on one point.

8. Find a cat

There is a stranger among the dogs. Find it!

9. Find a cat. Next level

The task has become more difficult. We are looking for a spy cat in the steppe.

10. Riddle

Riddle for adults.

11. Abstract thinking

Above we have a triangle, which consists of several parts. In the lower figure, the same figures, but inverted. Where did the empty cell come from?

12. Logic challenge​

What time should clock number 5 show in order to continue a certain sequence.

13. Attention!​

The cat is lost again.

14. Spot the difference

Each snowman is different in one way from the rest.

15. Higher mathematics

First solve the equations, and then find these numbers (answers) in the table of numbers. The sequence of numbers should go in a straight line, you can diagonally, from right to left, from bottom to top and vice versa.

The complexity and multidimensionality of the problem of today's large families is unlikely to be denied by both supporters of such families and their critics. Without pretending to be comprehensive, let's try to analyze the real difficulties and the advantages that emerge in the life of families with three or more children. Let us also pay attention to the attitude to the same problems of the so-called public opinion, which in itself becomes another serious problem for large families, since, despite the obvious demographic crisis, a large family today is an occasion for discussion, and not always benevolent. We will present the reader with both positions - "for" and "against" - and try to form an objective attitude to this issue.

Large family in modern conditions of life

Position "for"

Arguing on this topic, supporters of large families most often cite the patriarchal Russian family as an example. Indeed, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, families in Russia, as a rule, had many children. The religion and customs of the time supported such a family structure. Refusal to give birth to children or termination of pregnancy was a grave sin: "He who does not have children lives in sin." The peasants were not enlightened in matters of artificial termination of pregnancy, they did not have abortions, they did not know contraceptives. The childbearing age lasted for Russian women up to 42-47 years. The mothers breastfed the baby "two great fasts" and the intervals between births were about the same. A woman who lived married for the entire childbearing period gave birth 8-11 times. In Russia, a strong and large family, a high birth rate and population growth were the key to the welfare of the country.

Position "against"

Proponents of a different point of view believe that modern living conditions and that stage of Russia's economic development, which coincided with the childbearing age modern woman, the economic unpredictability of the level of family income makes it necessary to approach the issue of planning the number of children more responsibly. At the same time, in their opinion, the question of the actual demographic crisis that has begun should be addressed to the government, and not to ordinary citizens, for whom the orientation towards the material stability of life does not yet coincide with the orientation towards having many children.

Conclusion. Naturally, the modern attitude towards having few children gradually reduces the social value of motherhood, and the instability of economic life only exacerbates this process, despite the existence and revival of tradition.

Material wealth and the number of children in the family

Position "for"

Contrary to popular belief, money is far from the main problem in a large family. Often those who consciously give birth to many children really imagine how they will support these children. Most often these are successful, established professionals, representatives of the "middle class", or poor, but deeply religious people who believe that God, having sent them a child, will give him food.

On the other hand, everyone has a different level of ideas about material well-being: for someone it is a villa on the Cote d'Azur, for someone it is their own small apartment. Today, you can always earn money for normal nutrition and education for your children, if there is a desire.

Position "against"

The "favorite" argument of the supporters of a small family is as follows: it is necessary to start at least one child on its feet, and this requires means and conditions. The material standard of living of families with 5 or 6 children is below average: children wear clothes after each other, there are clearly not enough toys, and when they get older, there will be a problem with entering a university. What to do in this case? Reassure yourself that the family will be friendly, that the children will be independent and will not grow up to be selfish? Wouldn't it be better to give your strength to one or two children?

Conclusion. An analysis of the living conditions of families showed that the better the material and housing conditions, the more often the orientation towards the birth of one child. An inverse relationship between the number of children and family income was also revealed: the desired at the most favorable conditions the number of children is lower in families with higher incomes. Unfavorable conditions, low financial situation, lack of necessary living space reduce the likelihood of birth next child. Moreover, the expected increase in low income does not affect the reproductive attitude. The reproductive attitude of the family is associated with the subjective assessment of the spouses of their financial situation. Interestingly, in the most affluent families, a third of spouses (more often husbands) consider material conditions to be poor and regard this as an obstacle to the birth of a child. And families where the income is low and already have one or two children, but the financial situation is much lower than in wealthy families, assess their financial situation as sufficient. Thus, whatever the family income, satisfaction with it can be different. To a large extent, it is determined by the place material goods occupy in the family's value system. Those. children, as it were, enter into competition with the satisfaction of the material needs of their parents. If material needs are high, then the child cannot compete.

The possibility of self-realization of a mother of many children in the professional field

Position "for"

The main purpose of a woman is to give life. This is given to her by nature itself, that is, she is biologically, emotionally tuned in to motherhood. For real self-realization, a woman needs to give birth to 5-7 children, only then she fully realizes her potential. Carrying, giving birth, feeding, raising children require tremendous energy from a woman - and if this energy turns out to be unused, the woman begins to direct her in the wrong direction, she becomes dissatisfied with life, she loses her natural femininity and softness, becomes like a man and often falls into depression. and in such a state there can be no talk of any self-realization.

Position "against"

Today, the problem of female self-realization is very relevant. This desire is largely provoked by modern social attitudes. But it is quite natural that a woman who devotes herself to work cannot keep up with housekeeping and take care of the child sufficiently - one of these two important areas will still suffer. Therefore, many women get out of the situation by taking an au pair into the house, and for children - a nanny or governess (according to the age of the child). This is a normal phenomenon, which also allows the child to appreciate the mother more as a socially successful woman. But the combination of having many children and a successful career are two things that coincide only in very rare, simply exceptional cases.

Conclusion. In modern society, both the traditional point of view continues to exist, according to which the purpose of a woman is, first of all, motherhood and home, and the position according to which, in addition to children and home, in the life of a modern woman there are many other opportunities for realizing her potential, hence all women's priorities . Each woman chooses for herself what is closer to her. However, it is worth thinking about the statistics: today, about 25 women of childbearing age out of 100 do not intend to have children at all. This means that their motherhood instinct is either lost due to the priority of other tasks (career, acquisition of material goods), or suppressed due to material difficulties, which is physically and morally detrimental to a woman's health. This means that one fourth of the gene pool of the Russian nation is completely excluded from further development. 41 and 31 women out of 100 plan to give birth to one or two children, respectively. This once again proves that in our time there is a change in attitude from even a two-child family to a one-child family. It has been proven that the target for the planned number of children practically does not change with a change in the marital status of a woman and the related changes in her social status (a decrease in income per family member, deterioration in living conditions, nutrition, etc.). It is a fairly stable characteristic, apparently depending to a greater extent on the national and economic characteristics of society.

Raising children in a large family: the pros and cons

Position "for"

People who have one child often complain that they are tired of communicating with him, of worries, etc. It seems to them that parents of, for example, five children should be five times more tired. But that's not the case at all.

Firstly, elders can help parents: from the age of 5-6, a child is quite capable of taking a younger brother or sister for 2-4 years. Many adults get tired not so much from adult worries as from the need to play with children, it is often psychologically difficult for parents, but in a family where there is one baby, you can’t get away - the child needs to play with someone. And in a large family, children are "closed" to each other: the elders play with the younger ones, help them get dressed, do their homework, walk with them, freeing the mother from a lot of worries.

Secondly, children love to imitate. Moreover, psychologically it is much easier for them to imitate not adults, who are too difficult to reach, but older children. Therefore, in families with many children, the younger ones quickly acquire everyday skills, communication skills, they learn a lot in passing, in passing. A large family is a mini-society with its own internal laws: the child in it turns out to be both the eldest and the youngest, he must establish contacts with each family member, communicate with children of both his own and the opposite sex, learn to give in and insist on your own, defend your opinion, be flexible. With proper upbringing, children from large families have a more mobile psyche, are more resistant to stress and better adapt to any team. And responsibility and independence are a consequence of everyday problems that any family with more than two children faces.

Thirdly, the upbringing of a sense of responsibility in children in large families occurs quite naturally, due to circumstances. Other families face this issue with very serious difficulties.

Fourthly, a much greater burden falls on children from a large family. But she - and this is very important - is justified in their eyes. In a family with one child, it is much easier for a mother to do everything herself, hence often infantilism and the child's inability to serve himself. And in a large family, the mother's children need serious help, and the children are included in household chores, and for them this is all psychologically justified, and, in addition, joint affairs unite the family. In addition, the skills that the child receives by helping his mother with the housework will be useful to him in later life.

Fifthly, it is in a large family that everything is the necessary conditions for the continuity of generations. Children gradually develop communication skills with brothers and sisters, then the elders have their own children, and little uncles and aunts learn to communicate with their nephews, the age difference with which may not be so great. So children gradually, rising from step to step, themselves grow up to the role of parents. In general, children from large families are better prepared for marriage. They understand the difference between male and female psychology, they know how to compromise, they are very responsible, boys do not shy away from "female" housework, they know how to take care of babies.

Under such conditions, the errors of the previous generation of parents are taken into account and therefore smoothed out. This does not happen in a family with one child, where parents do not have the opportunity to take into account their mistakes.

Sixth, in a large family there is the effect of a small team. If there are one or two children in a family, then the children quickly become emotionally saturated with each other, parents have to invent something, put out quarrels and conflicts - and this is despite the presence of other things. In a large family, a system of children's collectives of different ages arises: there is an age hierarchy in it, the elders lead the younger ones. It is only necessary to ensure that the elders do not oppress the younger ones.

Position "against"

Firstly, in a family with only 1-2 children, parents have the opportunity to be attentive to any childish manifestation and respond to it accordingly. In a large family, it is almost a constant impossibility to carve out separate time to communicate with each child face to face, and children absolutely need the close attention of their parents for normal development.

Secondly, the amount of responsibility and household duties that a child in a large family has, may become a reason for children to subsequently reproach their parents for "depriving them of their childhood."

Thirdly, the state of health of children and care for them in such families is insufficient. Each large family is a small team, and if, for example, one child falls ill, then the rest may fall ill after him.

Fourthly, even in many families with one or two children, children develop competitive relationships, they are jealous of their parents for each other, what can we say then about a large family?

Fifth, children from a large family often have low self-esteem, because they perceive themselves as part of a large team and think little about the value of their "I". AT adolescence this can turn into hypercompensation: the child will begin to assert himself in all possible and impossible ways, proving his uniqueness and uniqueness.

Sixthly, even if there is a very large apartment in large families, both children and adults do not have enough privacy, the opportunity to sit quietly, to be alone with their affairs and thoughts.

Conclusion. Studies by demographers, psychologists and sociologists have shown a direct connection between the reproductive attitudes of parents and their children. There is a clear continuity in the question of the actual number of children: parents having one child, as a rule, was manifested in the one-children of their children, two-children gave rise to a transitional situation between one-children and two-children, and among children from large families (three or more children) it turned out the largest number those who aspired to three children. According to a survey of students different ages there is a direct relationship about the ideal, desired and expected number of children: the more brothers and sisters schoolchildren have, the more they have the expected number of their own children in the future, that is, they also strive for large families. As a result of this survey, another interesting pattern was revealed: the more children in the parental family, that is, the more brothers and sisters schoolchildren have, the later they begin to think about the number of their future children. This indicates moral satisfaction with their condition. And the fewer children in the parental family (especially if the child grows up in a family alone), the more often being in a children's environment (in a kindergarten or school) and comparing the situation of one's family with others leads to a certain discomfort. The only child in the family lacks partners for games and communication in the family, which leads to emotional distress.

The attitude of public opinion to a large family

The social status of a woman-mother depends on how much the model of reproductive behavior chosen by her family corresponds to generally accepted norms. And what is it like today? One or two children. Naturally, as long as the generally accepted norm is such, large families will be perceived by society rather as an exception to the rules, as an out of the ordinary phenomenon, and the attitude towards them will develop accordingly.

Around mothers of many children and their children, a zone of social disapproval, and even rejection, has arisen and still arises. Large families often regarded as "social dependents", although in practice their benefits are very modest, it is families with many children who have the highest risk of being among the poor, since the amount of child benefits does not correlate with the standard of living. A few years ago, the title of Mother Heroine was abolished in Russia. Often a large family and children are spoken of in a negative way: these are continuous problems, difficulties and troubles. It is unlikely that such an unambiguous point of view is fair: one should not idealize families with many children, just as one should not see only negative in them. A large family is neither good nor bad in itself, it is just a special world, with its pluses and minuses, its own joys and problems, like the world of any family. According to the observations of psychologists and sociologists, the stereotype of a large family began to change just a few years ago. These are not only families of irresponsible, socially disadvantaged people who require support from the state. Having many children becomes fashionable in a materially prosperous environment. And this means that families with many children have a future.

Konstantin Feofanov
sociologist, candidate of social sciences n.

Medical aspect

In Russia, according to legislative acts, large families include families with three or more minor children. According to the 1989 census, the proportion of such families was 5.74%. Since then, the number of large families in Russia has decreased from 2.7 million to 1.074 million. At the same time, families with 5 or more children account for 5.2% of the total number of "cells of society", and families with 9 and more children - 0.1%.

These figures show that it is not easy to be parents of many children. In addition to socio-economic and psychological problems, such families also face certain medical problems. Any parents raising more than 2 children should have an idea about them - only in this case they will be able to think in advance about how to protect themselves and their family.

Children's Health Issues

A large family is a large team, so the actual problem is the problem infectious diseases, especially highly contagious, that is, those that are easy to get infected. Indeed, in addition to the fact that all family members communicate at home, as a rule, each child also visits a children's group - be it a group kindergarten, school class or development group. And first of all, such diseases, of course, include acute respiratory infections (ARI). That is, if one kid in the team has a common cold, then it is likely that all members of a large family will sneeze and cough during the week, lie in bed with high temperature. Since not all children get sick at once, the period when one of the family members is unwell can last for several weeks. Solving the problem of acute respiratory infections in a large family is difficult, but you can try. And the cornerstone of its solution is prevention. To prevent acute respiratory diseases hardening, taking multivitamin preparations, vaccination are important. It should be noted that vaccination is important not only for children, but also for adult family members, including mothers on the eve of the planned next pregnancy.

In addition to respiratory diseases, there is a high probability of spreading childhood infections. This problem is of particular importance for the mother, since, firstly, childhood infections are quite difficult for adults to carry, and secondly, by the time of an epidemic in the family of a particular childhood infection, the mother may be waiting for the next baby. Then the infectious disease will affect not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the unborn child; even situations are likely in which it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy (for example, if the mother is ill with rubella). In this regard, all children in a large family should be vaccinated in a timely manner. On the other hand, this problem has its positive aspects. If one of the children gets measles or chickenpox, then most likely all the children will get sick. Thus, babies will transfer all childhood infections to early age when these diseases are mild.

Infectious diseases that can spread to all family members include intestinal infectious diseases. In order to protect the family from these infections, it is necessary to follow basic sanitary and hygienic rules. Ready-to-eat food should be covered with cling film or placed in a cupboard or refrigerator. It is necessary to use only freshly boiled water or artesian or mineral factory spill. Children should wash their hands regularly; toys, bicycles and other items brought from the street should also be washed with detergent.

To prevent the spread of any infectious diseases, a sick or suspected child should be isolated from other children until a doctor has examined them. In cases where the fact of the disease is established, the problem of isolating a sick baby is especially acute. It is appropriate to note here that if it is not possible to place him in a separate room and provide proper care (separate dishes, care items, their timely and correct processing), then it is most advisable to agree to hospitalization, if offered. Thus, the baby will be treated under the supervision of doctors, and other children will have a better chance of avoiding the disease.

Maternal health problems

A mother in a large family spends a significant part of her time in a state of pregnancy or lactation. Each subsequent pregnancy of a mother with many children is subject to some risks and complications. Fatigue, the inability to recover from childbirth to childbirth, especially if there were complications during previous pregnancies and childbirth, leads to the fact that with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of complications increases, such as the threat of abortion, toxicosis, preeclampsia, improper attachment of the placenta, incorrect positions and presentation of the fetus, etc. Complications during the postpartum period are also possible: bleeding, difficulties in separating the placenta.

If a subsequent pregnancy occurred a short time after the first, then the woman faces the question of the possibility of continuing breastfeeding. No matter how much a mother would like to breastfeed an older baby, feeding must be stopped. This is due to the fact that when the nipples are stimulated during feeding, the muscles of the uterus contract, which can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, during pregnancy, as a rule, the taste and composition of breast milk. The kid often refuses it himself. Therefore, you need to consult with a pediatrician about the further feeding of the baby.

At the same time, a mother with many children, as a rule, has a lot of experience breastfeeding, and she does not experience much difficulty in this regard.

Another problem that needs attention is the age of a mother who already has several children. The third, fourth and subsequent births, as a rule, fall on the age after 30-35 years. It also increases the likelihood of pregnancy complications and increases the risk of having children with a genetic disorder. In this regard, appropriate studies should be carried out during pregnancy: ultrasound at an expert level in the first trimester of pregnancy (the study should be carried out by a qualified specialist using equipment latest generations), a study of blood parameters that suggest a genetic pathology of the fetus (AFP, hCG, estriol).

Considering all these circumstances, a mother of many children should contact the antenatal clinic in a timely manner about the next pregnancy, follow the schedule of visiting the doctor and all his recommendations as carefully as possible, not relying only on her experience.

With the solution of many problems, proper planning of time for certain matters, the distribution of responsibilities between family members can help. Mom, despite the workload, should have some time every day to take care of herself and her health.

As you know, during pregnancy, changes occur in all systems and organs. In order to ensure the bearing of the baby, the entire body works in the mode of greatest stress than outside of pregnancy; for example, with each pregnancy it progresses varicose veins veins. Therefore, if there is a predisposition to certain diseases, including hypertension, kidney disease, in a mother of many children, pathology can begin to manifest itself at a relatively young age. This means that she needs to be doubly attentive to her health.

However, there is also positive influence multiple pregnancies and a long lactation period on the body of a mother with many children. Thus, a multiparous woman is practically insured against oncological diseases of the breast, uterus and ovaries. It is known that laughter, joy and good mood prolong life expectancy. And a mother of many children has much more reasons for joy than a mother of one baby. After all, she rejoices for every first step, every first word, every "five" in the diary.

Medicine plus economics

Medical problems of a large family cannot be considered in isolation from socio-economic problems. Thus, it is no secret that families with many children can be divided into two types: families with a sufficient budget (unfortunately, they are in the minority) and families with an insufficient budget. The last question is very relevant. proper nutrition. And today, no one doubts the fact that good nutrition is determined not so much energy value food and not so much the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the balance of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals play a huge role in the body. So, they participate in the immune response, that is, they protect the body from viruses and microbes, participate in the regulation of cell growth and reproduction, in the work of the nervous, endocrine, reproductive systems. With a lack of vitamins and minerals, there are malfunctions in the work of the whole organism. Therefore, the problem of multivitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency is relevant for all family members - both for children and for parents. This is especially true for the mother, since her body, especially with a short interval between births, does not have time to recover. The only true and in a simple way The solution to this problem is the intake of multivitamin preparations by all family members.

Usually, parents with many children cannot answer the question: "Why do you need so many?" You can hear words about faith, about the principles of education. But perhaps the closest answer to the truth is, "We just love kids." And it is important that this love be active: parents should not forget that the most precious thing - the health of children - depends primarily on them.

Igor Gushchin

Each child brings a new portion of happiness to the family. And when a child appears, it ALWAYS becomes possible not only to feed him, but also to grow fat himself. Finances are added, pay attention to this, if anyone has not noticed!

I agree that it’s not written for us (mothers of many children, though I don’t consider myself as such; three children are the norm, in my opinion), but it’s written for those who want not to have “problems” for themselves, those parents who want to pamper themselves throughout of your life. The only truth is that the moment when you realize that you will have another kind of miracle that will be the most expensive for you in the whole wide world, these problems (a child will graduate from a prestigious university or not; how much cosmetics will you buy her at 16 years old ; how much money you spend, etc.) is so petty and absolutely not interesting. When the child hugs you and says: “Mommy, I love you so much!” It is at this moment that you realize that you really do not live in vain. who want to have children, but cannot. And absolutely EMPTY "families" where there are no children and have chosen to live for themselves. And even in a large family, each child is a personality, flexible, developed and insightful, and where one child (for the most part) is not a personality, but an egoist. And this is a big difference.

Something happened to the head of people that they do not want to have children, continue their family, create a family. And all sorts of crises and material problems have nothing to do with it.
Even in 1941-1945, people gave birth to children. But the saddest thing is that women no longer want children. Our people have been so brainwashed that a child is a burden that you can live without children. And what are these idiotic expressions worth:
“why create poverty”, “you need to live for yourself” how many times I heard them. With such an approach to business, not a single government program will save us. For thousands of years people lived and gave birth to children and their life was not honey. Personally, I had to persuade she doesn’t want to listen to her wife for the second one, but she doesn’t want to listen to the third one, well, we’ll carry out explanatory work. So Russia will be saved not by economic growth, although this is also necessary, but by a change inside the brain.

08/30/2009 05:42:32 PM, tolyan

I am a mother of four children, it so happened that I am raising them alone. You need to have a desire to raise them, it is difficult, but possible. they themselves strive to achieve everything and this is more valuable to them. Too often I hear bad reviews towards large families. This is a different world that cannot be understood. Children learn responsibility and independence. hype, the opportunity to promote against the backdrop of presidential programs

12/14/2008 04:23:21 PM, fox

Flower. And let's punish them somehow, so that it would not be customary to give birth, for example, we will close the basement with a lock, and all of them - in a barracks. You are a miracle Yudo, not a believer. The show needs to be watched more carefully. According to our faith, each child comes with his own happiness, which means that their happiness is different, not visible to you. And the article is good, and it is correctly written here, however, only for Russia. For large families, nothing offensive is written here. All these denials and cries about poverty - just because of uncorrected brains.

26.11.2008 14:32:15, Louise 23.11.2008 19:23:14, Tata

I think that relying on God is criminal, even if she is a believer. Since you gave life to a person, then you are responsible for him, and not someone else. Hoping for benefits and "maybe" madness. You can only have children if you have somewhere to bring them and what to feed them. And to live underground, as was recently shown in the news, while still producing poverty - horror !!!

11/13/2008 18:16:36, Flower

It was interesting for me to read the article, especially since I am not only a mother of many children, but a mother raising twin children. The eldest daughter is 12 years old, twins - a son and a daughter - 6 years old. I agree with many pros and cons. Indeed, older children learn to live in a team quite early, provide invaluable assistance in raising the little ones, but illness is "something". They exhausted me. As soon as one of the twins gets sick, after 3 days the other gets sick, and then the eldest daughter also becomes infected. Therefore, I can’t work anywhere normally (we don’t have helping grandmothers. Now I’m waiting for them to grow up with me.

10/31/2008 02:53:05 PM, Irina

And I liked the article. In my opinion, a good analysis of what is happening. Only about rubella, they say that immediately an abortion - I do not agree. And about the fact that in large families with acute respiratory infections, everyone gets sick for several weeks - also nonsense. I only have one child, but I want many. As for food, we rely on God. He has not failed yet))). I have many friends with many children (there are even 9 children). Almost everyone works, at a good job.

29.10.2008 23:10:09, Miri

the combination of having many children and a successful career are two things that coincide only in very rare, simply exceptional cases. - BULLSHIT. I don't live in Russia. I work in a laboratory in a hospital. My boss is a mother of 5 children - but she came to the laboratory. simple employee. Another employee has 5 children, she is 34 years old. I have 3. another had a recently born 2nd. I personally still - God will give a face. You just have to work.

10/27/2008 11:44:27 PM, Ruth

I have four children. Both my husband and I work, and the career moved up as the children were born and the financial condition improved. I believe that a homeless person and a beggar can be both childless and with one child. And you can exist with a bunch of children, if not fat, then in normal abundance. And I am outraged by the opinion of some people who say that now there are so many benefits, of course, that's why you give birth. My husband and I did not fall under any social program, all the benefits slipped past us, but we always rely on our own strength. We are able to properly provide for children to the best of our ability and ability. And reading such "weighty" articles is unpleasant, in vain I "bought" on the headline. I don't like it when human life is measured by scales.

I have friends with many children different ages and financial situation. Someone deliberately wanted a lot of children, someone "it happened." But all these families have one thing in common - confidence in pantner. I know many women who have housing, work, material wealth, but at the same time do not dare even to have a second child, precisely because they are not sure of the stability of marriage.