Modern treatment of HPV in women and men. Consequences of HPV

About 80% of the inhabitants of the earth are infected with the human papillomavirus. Depending on the genotype, the virus causes various diseases. It can manifest itself in the form of papillomas, condylomas, warts.

About 100 genotypes of the virus have been identified, but only 80 have been thoroughly studied. About 30 species can cause oncogenic neoplasms and cause cancer.

Is it possible and how to cure HPV (papillomavirus) in women forever, what is the drug treatment, how to live with the human papillomavirus further?

Is there a cure for human papillomavirus?

Bye no such drugs have been invented, which would be able to completely kill the virus.

Treatment regimens for the disease are reduced to the use of antiviral drugs and procedures to eliminate papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes.

This virus can be driven into a latent or dormant state when it does not harm the body.

It is especially important to treat when HPV of a high oncogenic type is detected.

The following virus genotypes are dangerous for women - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52. They most often cause dysplasia and cervical cancer.

After treatment for HPV of a high oncogenic type, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist and carry out recommended examinations to eliminate the risk of malignant tumors.

About the human papillomavirus will tell "Popular Doctor":

General scheme of therapy

During normal operation immune system the body will be able to suppress the manifestations of the virus after a course of special therapy.

The general treatment regimen includes:

  1. Removal of external manifestations of HPV.
  2. A course of antiviral drugs.
  3. Strengthening immunity.

Treatment can be carried out only after passing the necessary tests and identifying the genotype of the virus. Self-medication does not always give results and can cause complications.

Very often, HPV is complicated by other inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

First, concomitant diseases are treated, then warts are removed and antiviral drugs are taken.

Removal of papillomas is possible in the following ways:

  • laser;
  • chemical solutions;
  • radio waves;
  • scalpel;
  • electroknife;
  • liquid nitrogen.

It is very important to remove papillomas, as they appear in places where the virus accumulates. This will reduce the viral load and reduce the risk of infection of the sexual partner.

Which method of removing papillomas will be the most effective depends on the location of the neoplasms, their genotype, number and size.

The most affordable way to remove genital warts is a surgical method, which is now rarely used.

It can cause serious wounds and scars, so it is only relevant in case of malignant neoplasms. Most painless method removal- radio wave.

How to treat the human papillomavirus (HPV, papillomavirus) in women, the program "Live healthy!" will tell:

Prescribed drugs and their use

HPV treatment is expensive and does not always guarantee recovery.

If the prescribed course is not completed completely, the disease will again begin to progress and manifest itself on the skin and mucous membranes.

Sometimes it is necessary to use antiviral agents for 6 months or more. How is HPV treated in women and how, with what drugs?


Antiviral drugs for treatment destroy the structure of HPV in women and disrupt the process of its reproduction.

The drugs in this group are produced in different forms, since the nature of the course of the disease and the location of the neoplasms are different.

Antiviral drugs are available in the form of ointments, gels, creams, injections, suppositories, tablets.

The most effective injections and tablets. Ointments, creams should also be included in the scheme if neoplasms are detected on the mucous or skin integuments.

During treatment, it is important to prevent the spread of papillomas to healthy areas of the body.


Popular drugs:

    Valtrex. The active substance is valaciclovir. The purpose of the drug is relevant in the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted diseases.

    Valtrex blocks the RNA of the virus and helps to stop its reproduction;

  • Groprinosin. It has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months. On average, with genital warts used for 28 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day. The use of Groprinosin should be at the same time throughout the course;
  • Famvir. The active substance is famciclovir. Treatment is desirable to begin in the initial stages of the disease. The course of therapy is 7 days. Only the treating specialist can choose the required dosage;
  • Amiksin. Harmless unlike analogues. The course of application is no more than 4 weeks. The active substance is tilorone. In the presence of growths on the skin or mucous membranes, the use of additional medications is required.

Antiviral drugs must be prescribed by the attending physician. These medical devices have a direct effect on the immune system, and their misuse can only aggravate the disease.

Medicines for topical use

The use of drugs for internal use most often does not have any effect on the already appeared condylomas and papillomas. To remove them, you need to see a doctor.

There are many ways to remove tumors, but before removing them, you should make sure that it is not malignant.

Removal of formations is possible by the following means:

After removal of genital warts, apply to the affected areas of the skin or Epigen gel. It is necessary to treat wounds after removal of neoplasms until they are completely healed.

Candles from papillomavirus

Highly often the treatment regimen includes suppositories. Their action is aimed at preventing the development inflammatory process in the vaginal area, strengthening immunity, preventing the development of genital warts and papillomas.

The following candles are often used:

  • Genferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Polyoxidonium.

It is necessary to use candles in conjunction with other medications that are included in the scheme. The course of application is 10 days.

List of immunomodulators

In order for the body to be able to suppress the reproduction of the virus, medicines with immunomodulatory properties are recommended.

They can only be used with a doctor's prescription. because they affect the human immune system.

Depending on the degree of decrease in immunity, the following is prescribed:

  • human interferon;
  • Kipferon;
  • Reaferon-ES;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Leukinferon.

These drugs act on the whole body and are quickly absorbed into the blood, but they can cause an allergic reaction and unpleasant side effects.

Other immunomodulators:

  • Tamerite;
  • Neovir;
  • Cordyceps;
  • Immunofan.

Folk remedies

Is it possible and how to treat papillomavirus in women with folk remedies and drugs? HPV treatment with folk remedies is unacceptable.

Various methods that are aimed at cauterization of papillomas and condylomas, can only aggravate the disease.

You can find a lot of advice where it is advised to remove neoplasms with celandine and garlic. These methods are powerless against the insidious HPV virus.

Methods and recipes traditional medicine able to strengthen the immune system. Echinacea tincture, Chinese lemongrass, aloe juice, honey, thyme and elecampane root help.

But with severe immunodeficiency, these drugs will not be able to affect the body.

For many women HPV diagnosis looks daunting, especially when they are found to have a high oncogenic type of virus. After all, most publications indicate the possibility of degeneration of genital warts into malignant tumors.

You should not be afraid - it is necessary to direct all efforts to strengthen immunity, eliminate the virus from the body.

HPV does not always cause dysplasia or cancer. This can happen if left untreated.

If you take a course of antiviral drugs, remove neoplasms, refrain from bad habits, HPV will not lead to sad consequences. A woman will be able to lead a normal life, give birth to a child.

It is important to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, stop smoking, alcohol, and avoid stress.

Human papillomavirus is not cancer, but one of the factors that can lead to it. Smoking has a similar effect fatty foods, frequent stress.

Each person is responsible for their own health. If you consult a doctor in time, undergo a course of treatment, then you can forget about HPV for a long time.

Papilloma pills are among the most popular medicines. This is because the human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common on Earth. According to studies, about 60% of people are infected with it.

The effect of papillomavirus on the human body

Science knows about 600 varieties of HPV. Some of them provoke the appearance of warts and genital warts, while others can cause malignant tumors. The virus is embedded in the DNA of epithelial cells, causing their pathological growth. Infection occurs through household or sexual contact.

The main symptom of the disease are warts, warts and other neoplasms that appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the hands, feet, face, neck, chest, and genitals. Growths can also occur on internal organs, for example, on the walls of the esophagus or intestines, in the renal pelvis, on the trachea, vocal cords, and ureter.

With HPV, unpleasant symptoms may be absent for a long time. The duration of the latent period sometimes reaches several years. The first signs of the disease appear in patients with a weakened immune system, namely: in people who have suffered severe infectious diseases, have undergone antibiotic treatment or surgery. The risk group includes people living in conditions of constant stress, pregnant and lactating women, HIV carriers, people with alcohol and drug addiction.

The main ways to deal with the disease

pledge effective fight with the disease is the right treatment. Many people, having discovered neoplasms in themselves, rush to buy medications and start using them at home. However, self-medication can lead to serious complications up to the transformation of benign neoplasms into malignant ones. To prevent this, you need to see a doctor.

At the appointment, the dermatovenereologist will examine the growths, conduct a biopsy and transfer the resulting material to histological analysis. He can refer the patient to laboratory research, the purpose of which is to identify a particular strain. It depends on the results of the tests which tablets from the human papillomavirus the doctor will prescribe to the patient. The selection of medicines is carried out individually for each patient, depending on the type of virus present in his body, as well as taking into account the general state of his health.

Therapy against the human papillomavirus should be comprehensive, it is carried out in several directions at once. Treatment is carried out using the following means:

  1. antiviral drugs that reduce the intensity of the impact of HPV on the patient's body;
  2. immunomodulators that increase a person's immunity and allow him to more successfully fight the disease;
  3. ointments and creams, with which the removal of growths is carried out.

In the conditions of an outpatient clinic or a cosmetology room, hardware methods for removing neoplasms can be used, for example, cryodestruction, laser removal, electrocoagulation, surgical removal of formations or with the help of a radio knife.

Features of the use of tablets for papillomavirus

Many patients seek to treat papillomas on the body with pills because they are the easiest to use. But it should be remembered that only antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are produced in tablet form, that is, those drugs that improve the condition of the body and prevent the appearance of new warts, but do not eliminate existing growths. To get rid of papilloma and prevent the appearance of new formations, you need to take pills and at the same time use creams, ointments.

It must be remembered that it is impossible to completely get rid of papillomavirus infection, but the right remedy can increase immunity and suppress the reproduction of the virus. You can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, because different strains of HPV are sensitive to different antiviral drugs, and only a doctor can determine which ones are suitable for a particular patient.

Mandatory part complex therapy is the intake of immunomodulators, they increase the body's defenses in recurrent infections. Their main active ingredient is purified Interferon, which is obtained from human blood cells. It is these cells that are produced in healthy person when pathogens enter the body. Interferon has a similar effect: it prevents the reproduction of HPV, as it suppresses the production of its proteins. Some Interferon preparations have an antiviral effect, for example, Acyclovir, Viferon.

It is necessary to drink immunomodulators carefully, because they can activate those parts of the immune system that are already active, and at the same time have a depressing effect on those parts whose activity is insufficient. And this will lead to an imbalance in the body. Only a doctor can choose the right immunomodulator.

Competently conducted drug therapy leads to a decrease in the activity of viruses, stabilization of the immune system, the disappearance of itching in the area of ​​neoplasms. The growths themselves can decrease in size and even disappear completely.

Isoprinosine, Groprinosine

From papillomas on the body, Isoprinosine, which belongs to the group of antiviral agents, is excellent. It is able to directly affect HPV, suppress its development by blocking the synthesis of dihydropteroate synthetase. At the same time, Isoprinosine stimulates the protective functions of the body, activates the synthesis of immunoglobulins and leukocytes, thereby contributing to the complete destruction of affected cells.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 500 mg of the active substance - inosine pranobex. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, taking into account the type of virus, age and weight of the patient. Adults, as well as children over 12 years of age, are most often prescribed medication according to the standard scheme: 1-2 tablets 4 times a day. They need to be washed down with plenty of water.

The duration of the therapeutic course varies from 2 weeks to 1 month. Then you need to take a break of 30 days and repeat the therapy 2 more times. The use of Isoprinosine is allowed for children from 3 years old, the dosage for them is calculated depending on body weight: 500 mg of inosine pranobex per day per 10 kg of the child's weight. This dose should be divided into 3 doses.

This medicine enhances the effect on the body of other immunomodulatory and antiviral agents that are used to treat papillomas. Therefore, Isoprinosine is considered an ideal drug for complex therapy. In addition, it can be prescribed after surgical removal of genital warts to prevent the recurrence of the disease. A possible side effect of taking the drug is disruption of the organs digestive system, in particular the liver.

Groprinosin is an analogue of Isoprinosine, its advantage lies in a milder effect on the patient. Therefore, this medication is often prescribed to children, the elderly, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

His main active substance is magniferin, extracted from a plant called kopeck. Magniferin destroys the DNA of the virus. Each tablet contains 10 mg of this substance. You need to start taking Alpizarin on the first day of the recurrence of the disease.

Since the medicine is made from natural ingredients, even children can drink it. Dosage for babies - 1 tablet 3 times a day, and for adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day. Taking the medication is not associated with eating. The duration of treatment should be 3 weeks, and in case of recurrence of the disease - 4 weeks. Side effects of taking the medication include digestive disorders, fatigue, and allergies.


This is a powerful drug that ensures the destruction of the outer shell of the papillomavirus. Available in powder form for children, as well as tablets recommended for use by adult patients. It is widely used to prevent the recurrence of the disease after surgical removal of growths. Also shown for use as prophylactic after contact with an HPV carrier. In such cases, the medicine should be taken once a day for 14 days.

Rimantadine is contraindicated in patients with intolerance to its components, as well as with severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Not accepted during pregnancy, lactation. Side effects are rare, these include indigestion, tachycardia, increased nervous excitability. These symptoms disappear within a few hours after discontinuation of the drug.

Other medications

Treatment of papillomavirus can also be carried out with other medicines that demonstrate high efficiency and safety of use. These include:

  1. Acyclovir. Available in the form of tablets, ointments, creams. It is a synthetic analogue of a purine base, it has an immunostimulating effect, and also blocks the synthesis of viral DNA, thereby preventing the reproduction of pathogens. Acyclovir can be used by children from 2 years old, the standard regimen is 5 times a day. At severe forms diseases, it is possible to increase the dosage up to 2 pieces at a time. Contraindications to use are allergies to the components of the drug, as well as lactation. It should be taken with caution when kidney failure, pregnancy.
  2. Cycloferon. A drug that stimulates the synthesis of interferon and increases the body's defenses. Used to treat papillomavirus, as well as other serious diseases, such as HIV. The dosage is determined by the strain of the virus present in the patient's body. Cycloferon can be addictive, so it is used only as directed by a doctor, for a limited amount of time.
  3. Galavit. Increases the body's defenses, stops the reproduction of HPV, eliminates inflammation. Drink 4 times a day. Contraindications are individual intolerance, pregnancy, age up to 12 years.
  4. Arbidol. This drug from papillomavirus not only has a detrimental effect on the infection, but also increases local immunity. Due to this, the medicine reduces the risk of infection with other strains of HPV. Arbidol is recommended to be used after contact with an infected person (drink 0.2 mg 1 time per day for 14 days). After surgery, the drug should be consumed for 3-5 days, 0.5 g 4 times a day. Possible side effect is an allergic reaction. Arbidol is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with preparations containing umifenovir, because these substances enhance each other's action.
  5. Likopid. It has an immunostimulating effect, and also helps fight papillomavirus infection, fungi, and pathogenic microorganisms. Likopid enhances the therapeutic effect of other HPV drugs, it has no contraindications and can be used to treat young children. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet three times a day, the duration of treatment is 10-14 days. Then you need to take a break of 10 days and repeat the treatment.

Maximum therapeutic effect can be achieved with the combined use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, as well as local agents that ensure the removal of papillomas.

Papilloma viral infection- This is a whole group of diseases, the causative agent of which is the human papillomavirus. This microorganism causes various pathological conditions, most often it infects the skin, mucous membranes and is transmitted through skin and sexual contact. Common diseases associated with HPV:

  • papillomas;
  • Warts vulgaris, flat, plantar, filiform;
  • Genital warts;
  • Juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx (when a newborn is infected from the mother);
  • Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

In addition, the influence of highly oncogenic HPV strains on the development of certain types of malignant tumors has been proven:

  • cervix and body of the uterus;
  • penis;
  • brain;
  • rectum;
  • mammary gland;
  • larynx and throat;
  • lungs.

As can be seen from this list, the manifestations of papillomavirus are diverse, they occur in children, women and men. Each disease requires its own treatment. In this article, we will address the issues drug treatment PVI, find out what drugs are used for papillomavirus.

The classification of PVI of the genital organs includes three groups of conditions:

  1. Clinical forms i.e. visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the doctor observes exophytic condylomas, papillomas during a routine examination.
  2. Subclinical forms. There are no visible manifestations, but epithelial tissues affected by HPV are detected according to the results of studies (colposcopy, cytology, histology) and analyzes (PCR).
  3. latent forms. Tests showed DNA of the virus, but no clinical manifestations or morphological changes in cells are not detected.

The latent form of the infection does not need treatment. Patients in this case are shown therapeutic monitoring. If a highly oncogenic type of HPV is detected, then it is recommended to take PCR, and for women it is recommended to undergo a colposcopy and a PAP test every six months. If the type is not oncogenic, then once a year.

The tactics of treating clinical and subclinical forms of infection is determined by the doctor and depends on the results of diagnosis, the severity and localization of the lesion and other circumstances, such as pregnancy, concomitant infections, etc.

When PVI of the genital organs is detected, it is necessary to treat both partners at the same time, this will make it possible to avoid re-infection and the return of the infection.

Operative and chemical methods of treatment

As a rule, neoplasms on the genitals (genital warts, papillomas) are removed surgically. Cryodestruction, excision with a laser, diathermocoagulation and other techniques are used. Neoplasia of the cervix is ​​also treated surgically: cryo-, diathermo-, laser and radio wave coagulation.

Good results with surgical removal of neoplasms can be obtained in 50-95% of cases, however, PVI is characterized by recurrence, so sometimes the treatment has to be repeated.

Another common method is the chemical destruction of altered tissues. For this, the drug Solcoderm is used. It is a solution for application to the skin. When applied topically, it leads to necrosis of altered tissues. Available in ampoules. Solcoderm solution will contain a mixture of concentrated acids:

  • nitrogen;
  • acetic;
  • oxalic;
  • dairy.

This chemical remedy helps with genital warts, plantar and vulgar warts, nevi. Only a doctor should use Solcoderm, it cannot be used independently without certain skills, otherwise you can get severe chemical burns. The affected areas are treated once a week, in total, 5-6 procedures will have to be completed to completely remove the neoplasms.

The advantage of this drug is that it is approved for use during pregnancy. But there is a minus - Solcoderm is contraindicated with a tendency to form scar tissue. In patients with this feature, visible scars may remain after application.

Other means are also used for chemical destruction: hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid, celandine, quinacrine solution, etc.

Cytostatics: podophyllotoxin and 5-fluorouracil

Cytostatics are drugs that inhibit pathological cell division and are used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases. Locally, some substances with a cytostatic effect are applied to skin neoplasms caused by HPV.

Uses of podophyllotoxin

Podophyllotoxin is an alkaloid of plant origin that treats genital warts and papillomas. It can be attributed both to substances for chemical destruction, and to cytotatics. Contained in the preparations Kondilin and Kondilayn-Nycomed, presented as a solution for local application(5%). Vartek cream containing podophyllotoxin is produced in Europe, but it is rare in Russian pharmacies. It is believed that the form of the cream is more convenient for application.

During pregnancy, this drug is contraindicated, since the toxic component penetrates into the blood in a small amount. But this remedy can be used at home to get rid of genital warts.

The scheme of application is as follows: with a special applicator, the drug is carefully applied to neoplasms twice a day for three days. Then they take a break for four days. And so on until the complete disappearance of genital warts, but not longer than five weeks. At a time, you can use no more than 2 mg of the drug, it is important to avoid contact with the skin.

Podophyllin is an effective way to eliminate genital warts, but it must be used with extreme caution. Possible allergic reaction, the appearance of severe redness, inflammation.

Use of 5-fluorouracil

This drug is used in the treatment of malignant tumors and fungal diseases. To get rid of genital warts, a 5% cream or ointment is used, as well as a solution. 5-fluorouracil is toxic, therefore it is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Only a doctor prescribes this drug. It should be applied to the affected areas once a day for a week.

I would like to note that chemical agents allow you to quickly cure condylomas and other manifestations of PVI, but relapses are possible after a while. With normal immunity, HPV is removed from the human body a year or two after infection, but this does not always happen, so immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs have to be connected.

It is impossible to completely cure PVI with the help of such drugs, they only help the body cope with the infection on its own. And so far, no drugs have been invented to destroy viruses.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy is prescribed if the viral infection recurs, as well as with large and multiple lesions that are difficult to completely remove with the help of destruction. For treatment, antiviral and immunostimulating agents are used. They cannot be used on their own. Appointment by a doctor is based on the study of the immune status and other data.

Antiviral drugs purposefully suppress the synthesis of DNA and RNA of viruses in the ribsomes of cells. Used on their own (for early stages) or in combination with other methods (later).

Immunomodulators activate protective cells - T-lymphocytes and monocytes, the production of their own interferons. Sometimes drugs have a combined effect, that is, they stimulate the immune system and suppress the reproduction of the virus.

List of the most commonly prescribed drugs:

  • Isoprinosine;
  • Immunomax;
  • Panavir;
  • Allokin-Alpha;
  • Keravort;
  • interferon preparations.


An effective medicine for PVI, which is often prescribed by doctors. It has both antiviral and immunomodulatory activity. With monotherapy, the drug is usually drunk for two to three weeks three times a day, two tablets (1000 mg). At combined treatment(surgical destruction or the use of cytostatics plus antiviral therapy) a different scheme is used - two tablets three times a day for five to ten days. The course is repeated three times with a break of a month.

A clinical study of isoprinosine showed that epithelial lesions completely disappeared in 88.6% of women with cervical neoplasia of grades I and II in 88.6% of women. At the same time, a relapse within six months was observed only in 2.6%.

Use during pregnancy has not been studied, and although the drug is considered safe and non-toxic, it is not recommended for pregnant women.

It is a synthetic immunostimulant that has few side effects and is well tolerated by patients. With exophytic condylomas and papillomas, it is prescribed for 10 days before the removal of neoplasms (1 tablet 10 mg twice a day) and another 10 days after. At the same time take any antiviral drug.

Likopid tablets from HPV should be taken at the same time of the day, without skipping, this is important for stimulating the immune response. Children under 18 years of age and the elderly are prescribed the drug at a dosage of 1 mg. Likopid is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.


Doctors consider this herbal preparation to be promising in the treatment of PVI in women and men due to the fact that it stimulates antiviral immunity. Immunomax is produced in powder packaged in vials for injection. It is prescribed after surgical removal of neoplasms to prevent relapse.

A solution is prepared from the powder, which is then injected intramuscularly. The injection is made on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day after treatment. The course is repeated on the 8th, 9th, and 10th day.


The herbal medicine has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. Available in different forms: vaginal and rectal suppositories(candles), solution for intravenous injection, gel.

Injections give a systemic effect. They are used in the treatment of PVI as part of complex therapy. It is possible to use for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester with the permission of a doctor. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. The first injection is done three times with a break of two days. In the second - twice with a break of three days.

Rectal suppositories are prescribed in the same way, that is, they can replace injections if the patient does not tolerate them well.

Gel and vaginal suppositories- means for local action. They are prescribed after removal of neoplasms to relieve inflammation, accelerate healing and prevent recurrence of infection.

Allokin Alpha

This tool also has a combined effect: antiviral and stimulating the immune system. It is produced in the form of a powder in ampoules, from which a solution for injection is prepared. Usually the patient is given 6 injections every other day, the drug is administered in an amount of 1 mg.

Allokin-Alpha significantly reduces the risk of recurrence and reappearance of skin neoplasms. Recommended for both women and men, but shows the best results in the early stages of the disease. Fresh neoplasms can pass without surgical intervention. Not intended for children and pregnant women.


This cream, containing the synthetic immunomodulator imichimod (5%), is used in the complex treatment of only external genital warts in men and women. For the treatment of neoplasms in the urethra, on the cervix, in the rectum and in other areas is not recommended. It is applied to the skin three times a week at night, and in the morning it is washed off with warm water and soap.

Pregnant women are prescribed exclusively for strict indications, with multiple formations. Released by prescription. The drug is effective, but often causes itching and pain at the site of application.

Interferon preparations

Interferons are proteins that the human body produces in response to the penetration of the virus. AT last years began to produce drugs based on interferons obtained from donated blood or using microbiological and genetic engineering methods.

Interferon preparations inhibit the synthesis of viral DNA, reduce its concentration in tissues (viral load) and activate immune responses. For the treatment of PVI, various agents are used as part of complex therapy along with antiviral drugs). Common trade names:

  • Interferon human leukocyte;
  • Interal;
  • Intron-A;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Altevir;
  • Laferon and others.

They are available in different forms: injection solution, suppositories, gels, ointments. At the same time, injections are not prescribed for pregnant women, but the use of local forms in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is permissible as directed by a doctor.

Treatment of HPV in women with interferon preparations is effective. This has been proven by clinical studies. However, the use of these substances can reduce the production of the body's own interferons, so they are prescribed, taking into account the results of the immunogram. Otherwise, you can subsequently get a reactive decrease in the body's defenses and depletion of the immune system. The doctor, based on his professional experience, draws up a certain algorithm for the use of the medicine, which must be strictly adhered to.

The cost of interferon preparations varies greatly. For example, Viferon is relatively inexpensive, most often used as part of complex therapy after removal of neoplasms and for prevention. And Intron-A, which is used in the treatment of non-invasive cervical cancer, will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

The carrier of papillomavirus is every sixth person - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexual. Occasionally, cases of domestic HPV infection have been recorded in medical practice. Infection can occur during vertical birth (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person complains only about and mucous membranes -.

These benign neoplasms can form on any part of the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on mucous membranes internal organs, oral and nasal cavities.

The lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors in men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of genital warts () or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulations of large condylomas in the genital tract and threatens with severe bleeding and difficulty in childbirth.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus during passage through the genital tract. After childbirth, the child of an infected mother develops polyposis respiratory tract. However, there have been cases when the infection in children disappeared a few months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection of the newborn. Experts insist on such an intervention in the presence of a massive accumulation of condylomas in the genital tract of a woman in labor or when delivery is impossible in a natural way.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How to treat the human papillomavirus? Helping the patient begins with the appointment of conservative therapy.

If the wart or condyloma has not degenerated into malignant tumor, doctors focus on drugs that affect cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient's immune status and determining sensitivity. immune cells to specific medications. The appointment of antiherpetic drugs is meaningless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person with a papillomavirus carrier.

Usually, to treat an infection, specialists prescribe:

Isoprinosine is prescribed for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and larynx, fibrotic manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection etc.

People suffering from the human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine leave positive. Following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen immunity at home, tea is brewed from hop cones, oregano herb, motherwort, linden blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh cudweed, valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. each, poured into a thermos and doused with 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. Drink it 4 p. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

Symptoms of papillomavirus infection are warts,. Get rid of them with the help of electro- and chemical coagulation, cryodestruction. possibly through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure the human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is carried out with Solkovagin and Solcoderm preparations.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and on the cervix. These drugs are a mixture of organic and non-organic acids, but they are only effective for removing single warts. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average soreness and the possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or treatment of neoplasms with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless. When reducing single ones from the cervix, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus has shown itself - through the appearance of flat and confluent warts on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring and scars. Complications of the procedure can be bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority direction in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is able to defeat even high oncogenicity types of the virus. The vaccine minimizes the risk of developing cancer and speeds up the production of immune memory. This means that under its influence, protective antibodies are produced that were present in the body before infection.

The radiosurgical method for the treatment of manifestations of papillomavirus is performed by the Surgitron apparatus. Along with the removal of condyloma, the specialist conducts coagulation of the vessels. The excised element must be subjected to histological examination.

Today, an infection caused by the human papillomavirus is becoming more widespread. First of all, this is due to the fact that the direct connection between the manifestation of oncological diseases in the cervical region and persistence has already been proven. This means that the long-term existence of this pathogen directly in the female body is life-threatening.

Diagnostic and therapeutic practice about ten years ago in case of suspicion of a serious pathology of the cervical region, presumably associated with papillomavirus infection, was uncertain, but today a decisive step has been taken in this direction by practical medicine.

Through the use and study of international cervical screening protocols, various stages of examination were carried out, differing in terms depending on the country, while with regard to the need for the manifestation of oncological diseases and the dependence of symptoms on strains of the papillomavirus, many clinical studies were conducted, the results of which were positive results have been obtained.

What is papillomavirus infection

Papillomavirus infection, or as it is commonly called the human papillomavirus (HPV for short), is not in all cases pathogenic to humans.

To date, more than 1 thousand varieties of this infection have been identified, and only a part of them can lead to a long transient stay in the body.

Moreover, this does not mean that its stay will be something dangerous for a person, only if it is embedded directly into the chromosome apparatus of cells, the infection will begin to pose a threat in the form of various pathological changes.

The most aggressive for human body are only 16, 18, 31. 33, 48, 52, 58 strains of the virus, while the potential development of cervical cancer can lead to 16 and 18 species. in this regard, it is necessary to be aware of what a high carcinogenic risk human papillomavirus is.

Statistics show that it is these strains that have been identified in more than 80 percent of women with this cancer worldwide. In terms of carcinogenesis, the remaining strains do not pose a serious health hazard, so at this stage of time, all the efforts of doctors are aimed at the direct creation of effective drugs against strains 16 and 18 of the species.

It is worth noting that the significance of certain low-oncogenic species in the development of so-called condylomas (warts) in the genital area was additionally proven. This process is absolutely benign character, but can lead to significant discomfort and that is why it requires treatment without fail.

As a rule, infection with the virus occurs in the case of unprotected sexual contact. However, the percentage of infection by domestic means at this stage of time has not been proven in any way.

The virus can enter the child's respiratory tract if it passes through infected birth contacts, which, in turn, can lead to the development of a very rare pathology, expressed by the growth of papillomas in the baby's larynx. The fact that it could be considered the gender specificity of highly oncogenic HPV types is also considered very important. In other words, the relatively high risk of developing cervical cancer in the case of HPV infection in women can be countered by extremely rare cases of cancer in the genital area associated with papillomavirus in the male half of the population.

However, the likelihood of warts in men is also much lower, but a pubic wart, for example, is not uncommon. It is worth noting that infection with a virus and the very fact of the disease are not synonymous, and this applies not only to papillomavirus infection. If it enters the body, especially if we are talking about young people, the immune system will react accordingly, as a result of which, in the absence of favorable conditions for the development of the strain, self-elimination will be observed - the removal of the pathogen itself. A similar mechanism is triggered in 4 out of 5 cases of HPV directly entering the body of a woman under the age of 30 over a period ranging from 8 months to 2 years. In this case, there is no relation to age and the above indications are conditional. However, scientists have proven that as the body ages, the probability of self-elimination of the strain decreases, thereby increasing the risk of developing cancer in the cervical region, taking into account reaching its peak at the age of 45 years.

This fact is explained by the fact that all screening studies in many countries of the world include patients of 30 years of age, while the tactics of examining patients with detected HPV infection at a younger age is considered more sparing compared to older women.

Now a little about that 1/5 of women who were not lucky enough to get rid of the virus on their own. It turns out that in the body of these women all the conditions for the imperceptible and painless development of the disease to the most dangerous stage are presented. As a rule, the most dangerous group on the grounds is the early onset of sexual activity, the constant change of sexual partners, even if the condition of protection is preserved.

The fact is that in this case, infection can even occur in the case of ordinary skin-to-skin contact in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mucous component. In this case, we are not even talking about various urogenital contacts. In addition, chronic inflammatory diseases in the cervical region are considered a risk factor, contributing to the introduction of the virus, while changing local immunity.

The most at risk of infection are smokers, as well as pregnant young women. Scientists have proven the importance of a large number of births and abortions as events leading to trauma to the surface of the cervix. Moreover, the frequency of HPV carriage in relation to cervical cancer in Muslim countries is lower compared to other regions, but this can be explained by the peculiarities of traditional hygiene.

The incidence of oncological tumors in the cervical region is also low in Western developed countries, which only confirms the effectiveness of rather expensive budgetary screening studies aimed primarily at detecting HPV, as well as precancerous cervical conditions.

The pathological process itself starts only at the moment when the infection begins to integrate into the immediate chromosomal apparatus of the cell, which is considered necessary condition for successful reproduction.

Clinically, this fact is manifested by epithelial dysplasia in the cervical region, whose severity gradually progresses in the absence of adequate treatment.

It is worth noting that the process of intracellular changes, starting with mild dysplasia, which can also turn into papillomatous malformation of the skin, and ending with the fact of invasive cancer of the cervix, is quite long and, according to various statistical research data, can last for 3-15 years. depending on the specific presence of risk factors, as well as the characteristics of the immune system.

Mild dysplasia can often be reversed once the infection is eliminated, which in turn leads to ambiguity about the real significance of various intracellular lesions as potential risk factors for cancer.

The role of screening examinations

Given these features of the existence, as well as the development of HPV, the role of preventive screening examinations becomes clear. In developed countries with adequate screening systems, such as Switzerland or Finland, scientists have been able to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer by about 40-60 percent over the past 10 years.

Approaches to the screening process in different countries differ, in particular, the interval between examinations (usually from 1 to 5 years). The essence of the examination itself is to take a smear from the cervix for the purpose of cytological (cellular) examination or from the cervical canal to identify the fact of HPV carriage. In fact, approaches to identifying infectious disease in samples taken from the cervical canal have also changed significantly recently.

If a couple of years ago it was fundamental to identify highly oncogenic strains of infection in general, today not only the unjustified method is considered proven, but also, to a certain extent, the harmfulness of such tactics. This fact is due to the fact that in order to integrate the infection into the cell genome, taking into account the subsequent development of the pathological process, its sufficient (threshold) concentration is required, which, as a rule, is 10 * 5 copies of the strain in 1 milliliter of the sample. Scientists believe that a lower concentration of infection cannot ensure the full development of dysplasia, as well as cervical cancer, as a result of which it always ends in self-elimination.

Therefore, the detection of such a subthreshold clinically insignificant concentration of the virus in a patient does not make any practical sense, however, it can cause extremely negative psychological consequences, for example, when a woman who is aware of the carcinogenic effect of HPV is aware of herself as a potential carrier, but has no idea how to properly interpret this situation.

This is often exacerbated by a lack of awareness of this issue from some medical representatives who, with their authoritative opinion about the presence of an incomprehensible disease, can aggravate and only prolong the stress associated with the examination process itself.

Treatment of papillomavirus infection

If HPV carriage is detected, subsequent tactics are determined based on the age of the patient, taking into account the study of the results cytological examination material taken from the cervix. however, we note right away that the cure for papillomavirus has not been fully invented.

For example, if a woman is a potential carrier of HPV, but the doctor does not see any pathological changes in the cervix, while a cytological smear shows positive reaction, then she should not panic and conduct various additional studies, which are distinguished by their high cost.

In the future, she just needs to visit her gynecologist in a timely manner at least once every six months, while simultaneously monitoring the indicators of a cytological smear taken from the cervix, as well as checking for the presence and condition of HPV. You should be aware that the probability of self-destruction of the infection is very high! If HPV carriage is detected along with pathological changes in the cervical region, which have been proven cytologically and colposcopically, such expectant management may be acceptable only in adolescents or pregnant women, and only if there are moderately pronounced changes.

The most radical treatment option for precancerous pathology in the cervix is ​​considered to be excision of the altered area through the use of a high-temperature electric or radio wave knife. A similar procedure is carried out in practice under local anesthesia and in a consultation, but in some cases short-term intravenous anesthesia may be used. The resulting excised area must be sent for histological examination.

In addition, doctors can prescribe medications based on interferons that stimulate local immunity and accelerate not only the elimination of the virus, but also the direct healing of the cervix due to excision.

From point of view evidence-based medicine only local (in the genital area) use of such drugs is considered justified. Undoubtedly, radical surgical treatment of the disease cannot guarantee the absence of consequences in women planning a pregnancy soon.

Excision of tissue in the region of the cervix, in particular the cervical canal, in the event of a subsequent pregnancy, may be fraught with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the muscular part of the uterine os will not be able to adequately hold the fetal egg. And this, you understand, in most cases leads to termination of pregnancy and almost always requires surgical correction.

Therefore, in young women who are planning for pregnancy, such treatment should be carried out only on strict indications. It should be noted that in such a group, an alternative may be the destruction of the pathological focus through the use of a cryosurgical method or the use of a carbon dioxide laser. Tissue trauma in this case is much less, as a result of which the consequences for potential reproductive function will not be so deplorable.

However significant disadvantage of similar methods is the impossibility of examining the altered tissue, which in case of an inadequate assessment of the state of the neck before the operation or a deep lesion, when it is not possible to obtain or examine the correct smear, can be the cause of a fatal error.

In any case, there is a way out of this situation, and it is completely simple - a mandatory biopsy will be required, in other words, obtaining a small piece of modified tissue using a special tool. This procedure is carried out before cryo or laser procedure, whereas after receiving a conclusion regarding the good quality of the process without the presence of a risk to health, it is already possible to carry out sparing treatment.

Despite the radical surgical treatment, the probability of recurrence of the process is high. Often this is due to the practical non-compliance with the recommendations of the surgeon within the framework of postoperative period and the continuation of an extremely active sexual lifestyle, which is a fact of re-infection. In other words, treatment in such a case will be more and more difficult, while the risk of increased infection aggression against the organ is ever higher.

A significant breakthrough in terms of prevention of human papillomavirus infection was observed in the last decade. For example, in 2005 clinical researches on the study of a preventive vaccine that helps to get rid of infection types 6,11, 16, 18 showed their effectiveness, as a result of which the vaccine went on free sale in almost all countries of the world.

In addition, in developed countries, the vaccine was included in the state programs of preventive vaccinations, in other words, all stages of treatment through the introduction of the vaccine were carried out completely free of charge at the expense of the state budget. The vaccine against papillomavirus infection was obtained by genetic engineering, which is why it does not contain any live, killed or weakened viral particles, that is, infection with the virus will not be caused.

At this stage of time, research is ongoing in the field of cross-efficacy in relation to other highly oncogenic types of the virus, taking into account the possible therapeutic effect. In addition, the question of the importance of repeating vaccination after the expiration of its guaranteed effect has not yet been considered.

Modern vaccines have a validity period of 5 years.

Many questions have to be addressed after the diagnosis of HPV type 16 in women: treatment, how to live, what to do? But you should not despair, because, despite the fact that type 16 is particularly aggressive and oncogenic, methods of dealing with it modern medicine knows a lot.

Features of HPV treatment in women

The only drug capable of completely destroying the virus once and for all has not yet been invented. Relatively recently, Panavir appeared on sale. This drug is administered intravenously and is able to destroy a large number of viruses. However, a complete recovery from HPV after its use still does not occur. The struggle has to be carried out with the use of auxiliary drugs.

Treatment of HPV 16 does not occur according to any one, clear scheme for everyone, it must be selected by the doctor in each individual case.

The two-component treatment option has proven itself best. In this case, the patient is prescribed special antiviral drugs that are able to overcome the human papillomavirus types 16 and 18, and a surgical method is prescribed for the treatment of genital warts - warts characteristic of this virus on the body. Such a set of measures, as statistics show, is estimated at 80-90%.

If the desired effect from such treatment does not occur, the patient is prescribed a three-component scheme. In this case, the use of immunomodulators joins the surgical method and antiviral drugs. Although the latter are distinguished by numerous side effects, HPV 16 therapy in women is not complete without them. Doctors should prescribe any immunomodulators taking into account the patient's immunogram.

Treatment of infection should be carried out even in cases where there are no obvious symptoms, because HPV type 16 DNA contains transforming and infectious components, as a result of which a complication can develop almost at any time. Highly specialized specialists should diagnose and prescribe the treatment of this virus: an infectious disease specialist, an oncologist, a gynecologist or an immunologist.

Main medical drugs

The first group of mandatory drugs that can overcome papillomavirus includes antiviral agents:

The drugs of the second group are immunomodulators. The following are the most popular:

  1. Likopid. Quickly activates the immune system to fight the human papillomavirus. Has the form of tablets. Among the main side effects of this drug should be called elevated temperature body during the first days of use (up to 38 °C).
  2. Immunomax. It is impossible to cure HPV 16 only with its help. However, it is able to well enhance the effect of antiviral drugs and is often used in combination with destructive methods. Although no side effects have yet been found after using this remedy, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy, lactation, with possible allergic reactions on the components.
  3. Isoprinosine. This is an adjuvant that can enhance the effect of antiviral drugs. Produced in the form of tablets and is particularly effective. However, it has many contraindications and can cause numerous adverse reactions. That is why without a comprehensive examination, including an immunogram, this drug is not used.

Preparations for the fight against papillomavirus at home

If the papillomas are small in size or located on the face (photo 1), in this case, doctors recommend using the following special medications to deal with them:

Modern surgical methods for removing condyloma

If medications do not help get rid of papillomas, or the processes are too large, located in places that cannot be lubricated with chemical medications (vagina, inguinal cavity, mammary gland), doctors may recommend surgical methods of treatment:

Traditional medicine in the fight against HPV in women

Alternative medicine offers its own methods that make it possible to destroy papillomavirus. For a general strengthening of the immune system, it is proposed to take a decoction of a collection of herbs daily. In this case, the following will be appropriate: clover flowers, violets, St. John's wort (all its parts), calamus roots, plantain leaves, dill seeds.

  1. Egg. Only the protein part of the egg should be applied to the papilloma in layers. Little liquid is needed, but the use should be frequent. Within a few days, the papilloma should completely dry out and fall off.
  2. Castor oil. Since this tool contains an acid that is especially dangerous for neoplasm, it must be applied in several layers. The advantage of the method is that the oil does not damage healthy tissues. After spreading the papilloma, it is better to cover it with a plaster.
  3. Home ointment. Only 2 components are needed for its preparation: ground walnut (in the ripening stage, green) and castor oil. By combining them, you need to insist for about 2 weeks, until the infusion gets the desired consistency. You can apply the remedy to the growth several times a day.

With external manifestations, treatment (the virus in this case is especially active) can also be carried out using herbal remedies:

  • dandelion - having made a cologne infusion on its basis, you need to apply the product daily to the neoplasm;
  • chestnut - added to the hot bath, which the patient should take;
  • celandine - just a few drops a day are enough for the papilloma to completely disappear after 1-2 weeks.

What to do when carrying?

As a rule, pregnancy with HPV 16 proceeds well. This diagnosis cannot, as practice shows, affect pathological changes fetal development and pregnancy complications. Papillomavirus itself is not an indication for a caesarean section. If the woman's organs have not undergone negative changes due to HPV, the birth occurs naturally. The likelihood that the baby will become infected during childbirth, as noted by pediatricians, is small.

However, there are situations when the virus still causes certain changes in the tissues of the cervix. To exclude the development of cancer, even during pregnancy, a woman undergoes systematic examinations by a gynecologist, takes smears for cytology. HPV therapy during childbearing, as a rule, is not carried out. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs can cause Negative consequences for the baby, so they are prescribed after childbirth.

The presence of genital warts on the walls of the internal genital organs of a woman can become a cause that interferes with normal childbearing. Especially often C-section performed if the papillomas have already reached a large size and cause mild bleeding.

If a woman feels well and there are no other problems with pregnancy, surgical removal of the formations can be performed even during pregnancy.

However, it is quite difficult to give birth on your own after such a manipulation: the organs will be injured after the intervention. In addition, there may be scars, scars that make it difficult for the normal contraction of the uterus. The best option is an examination for the presence of human papillomavirus at the stage of pregnancy planning. Having been treated in a timely manner, a woman will be able to be confident in the protection of her unborn baby and normal childbirth.

How to behave with HPV?

Although HPV 16 can have a very negative effect on the female body, do not despair. The main task after the established diagnosis is high-quality and long-term (within several months) treatment. A woman with this diagnosis should be systematically examined by a gynecologist. Papillomas can occur not only on the skin from the outside, but also damage the internal genital organs. Often in this case, tumor markers are given for cervical cancer.

Continuous support of the immune system is one of the key tasks in HPV. To overcome the human papillomavirus type 16, a woman must sleep well, eat right, maintain and strengthen the immune system. Hardening, sports, vitamin kits, the systematic use of greens, fresh vegetables, berry fruit drinks - without all this, you should not count on a positive result of treatment with antiviral drugs.

Surely a woman should quit such bad habits like smoking or excessive drinking. The likelihood of erosion, dysplasia and cervical cancer from this increases significantly. Do not worry that HPV 16 and pregnancy are incompatible. After consulting with doctors, you can choose an effective treatment regimen that will ensure the safest conception and birth of a baby.

Do not resort to dubious methods of removing papillomas on the body. Type 16 virus is characterized by increased oncogenicity, and therefore even mild injuries to papillomas can lead to the development of cancer. Thus, it can be argued that HPV type 16 is a dangerous disease for a woman's health, but it can be fought. That is why, after establishing a diagnosis, a woman should definitely consult a doctor and find out if HPV can be cured, and how to protect her partner from the disease.

Features of the treatment of papillomavirus in women: methods and preparations

The human papillomavirus is dangerous for the female body, especially for organs reproductive system. The DNA of the virus is introduced into a human cell, changing its structure, causing uncontrolled division, which results in neoplasms in the vulva, perianal zone, and on the cervix. Treatment of women from papillomavirus is aimed at eliminating clinical manifestations by removing neoplasms, as well as strengthening immune response organism.

When and how to treat?

Medicine has not yet confirmed the existence of drugs that can completely cure a person of HPV. However, the complex treatment of HPV with drugs from the group of immunomodulators and antiviral agents, as well as the removal of neoplasms by various methods, has a positive result confirmed in many cases of diseases.

It is impossible to cure the papillomavirus forever and in a short time. However, the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs will prevent the spread of the disease, malignancy of neoplasms. Medical methods - medicines(tablets, injections, suppositories) are prescribed only after the diagnosis is made by the attending physician:

  1. If non-oncogenic or low-risk HPV is detected, treatment is not required. Control is carried out in a year.
  2. If HPV from a high oncogenic risk group is detected in the analyzes - without clinical manifestations - no treatment is required, control every 3 months. In the presence of symptoms - their elimination, immunostimulating and antiviral therapy. Monitoring the results of treatment every 3 months.
  3. In malignant forms of clinical manifestations, an oncologist's consultation and further examination are necessary.

Comprehensive treatment of HPV in women consists of taking medications, using ointments and suppositories, as well as destructive removal of genital warts and warts.

The choice of means and methods of elimination is great, but almost all of them do not have a high level of effectiveness, which can lead to short-term remission and relapses. That is, for some patients, treatment can help get rid of HPV and forget about the disease forever, while others are forced to constantly fight this disease.


Drugs used to treat papillomavirus in women are divided into groups:

  • immunostimulants;
  • antiviral;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • destructive drugs;
  • cytotoxic agents.

The first three groups are available in various dosage forms - tablets, injection solutions, creams, ointments. Drug cytotoxic drugs and destructive agents are solutions for external use for the gradual removal of pathological formations.


They are used in the early stages of the disease only in the case of weakened immunity in the patient, according to the results of the immunogram. Most often prescribed at the stage of clinical manifestations in the composition complex treatment.

The purpose of immunostimulants is to activate, strengthen the protective functions of the body, increase the production of immune cells various types, promote the synthesis of antibodies that are aimed at fighting viruses and bacteria.

With three-component treatment, drugs enhance the effect of antiviral agents. Dosage forms of immunomodulators - tablets, creams, injection solutions.

The drug is classified as a highly effective drug, which was confirmed by research and described in scientific papers (Ershov F.I., Kovchur P.I., Bakhlaev I.E., Petrozavodsky). In 9 out of 10 cases of cervical disease in women, provoked by HPV, the virus was not detected in the results of the analysis after treatment with the drug.

Allokin-alpha is similar to interferon alpha, its function is to promote the synthesis of endogenous interferons, as well as antibodies aimed at fighting viruses and bacteria. If oncogenic HPV is detected in women, as part of complex therapy, the drug is prescribed at 1 mg every other day, the course is 6 injections, administered subcutaneously.


It is an immunostimulant that triggers the body's defense reactions by enhancing the secretion of neutrophilic granulocytes and cytotoxins, activating the action of macrophages that produce various bactericidal compounds. The drug is administered intravenously or subcutaneously. It is prescribed in a course of 6 injections, with a break of 4 days after the first 3 injections.


It is an immune system activator that has gained credibility in recent years. The composition of this medicine includes inosine and salts of several acids that deliver active substance through the cell membrane. Stimulates the maturation and division of T-lymphocytes, which leads to the appearance of specific antigens, enhances the activity of killer cells, increases the level of immunoglobulin G, prevents the reproduction of the virus by blocking the use of ribosomal RNA.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for injection or tablets. The course of treatment is from two weeks to a month, depending on the degree of clinical manifestations. It is used for diseases of the cervix in women, genital warts and warts on the skin. Most often it is part of a complex treatment.


Synthetic oligopeptide containing 14 amino acid residues. Increases the activity of the body's immune response to pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi. Getting into the blood, Gepon starts and enhances the production of interferons, increases the production of antibodies, prevents the reproduction of HPV, enhances the activity of neutrophils, which are the main components in the chain of the body's protective function.

Apply the drug topically and systemically. After removing the foci of infection, applications with Gepon are prescribed, as well as taking tablets orally 3 times a week. The dosage and duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

This tool is an activator of the immune system, has a similar effect with the drugs of the same group. Forms of release - tablets, solution for injections, suppositories.

The effectiveness of immunostimulants in the treatment of papillomavirus depends on the individual reaction of the human body, as well as on the complex treatment formula in which they are included.

However, in most cases, with clinical picture diseases of the human papillomavirus in women, there is a regressive dynamics of the disease, up to the disappearance of the virus in the body.


Antiviral drugs have not been scientifically proven to be effective against HPV. No specific drug has been developed to kill papillomavirus. Existing antiviral agents have a wide range of effectiveness, which depends on the stage and form of the disease, as well as on the individual response of the woman's body to treatment.

Antiviral agents are prescribed to reduce the viral load in the body, to prevent the reproduction of the virus. Drugs can be part of complex treatment or prescribed as monotherapy.


A popular antiviral drug from the class of natural interferons. It has an immunomodulatory effect, forms a non-specific local defense of the body. It is produced in the form of a cream or ointment for external use, as well as in the form of suppositories for rectal administration. It is not available in the form of tablets or injections, since the action of interferon is neutralized in the stomach and is not absorbed from muscle tissue.


It is considered natural human interferon alpha b. It has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects:

  • stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and cytotoxins;
  • activates the function of macrophages, killer cells and T-lymphocytes;
  • prevents the production of viral RNA in cells;
  • prevents the proliferation of oncogenic cells, thereby reducing the risk of developing a tumor.

It is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The course of therapy for papillomavirus is prescribed by a doctor. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Roferon A

Interferon alpha 2-a, identical to human. It has an antiviral effect, stimulating the immune response in the form of neutralizing the virus or eliminating infected cells. It has a pronounced effect against tumors, as it prevents the growth of pathogenic cells. It is injected subcutaneously.

Means of destructive action

To cure papillomavirus in women, it is necessary to eliminate foci of infection - warts, warts, neoplasms on the cervix. Except surgical methods and special devices apply removal by using chemicals:

  1. Solcoderm - a solution for external use, consisting of oxalic, nitric, acetic and lactic acids, copper ions. It has a mummified effect on the treated tissue area, fixing it instantly, over time, the papilloma dries up and falls off.
  2. Nitric acid affects the pathological formation of necrotic papillomavirus. After a course of external use (5 weeks - 5 cauterization procedures), the tissue of condyloma, warts dies and dries up.

Cytotoxic drugs

Podophyllin and Podophyllotoxin are made from vegetable resins. The first agent is available in the form of a solution, the second is more purified, produced in the form of a cream for external use and a solution. They are used for skin lesions caused by HPV, and are not recommended for condylomas on the internal genital organs. Apply to damaged areas of the skin with a course of up to 5 weeks with 1-2 procedures per week. They act as inhibitors of cell division, preventing the spread of the virus.

5-fluorouracil - a cream of 5% concentration for external use for the treatment of warts in the anogenital zone. Apply at night for 7 days.

Cytotoxic drugs can cause side effects as allergic rash, ulceration, edema and weeping dermatitis, disorders of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. They are contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.


The prognosis for the treatment of human papillomavirus is favorable, early diagnosis of clinical symptoms can reduce the risk of malignancy of neoplasms to a minimum with the help of complex therapy.