What is a histological study? Histology - what is it, why and how is the analysis carried out? Long do histological studies.

The purpose of hysteroscopy is not only to examine the uterine cavity, etc., but also to obtain histological biomaterial to confirm the diagnosis and choose further tactics for managing the patient and her treatment.

Services table

Service name Price
Initial consultation with a gynecologist 2 300 rub.
Ultrasound gynecological expert 3 080 rub.
Insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive 4 500 rub.
Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
Repeated consultation with a gynecologist 1 900 rub.
Taking a smear-imprint (scrape) for cytological examination 500 rub.
Laparoscopy (1 category of complexity) 61 000 rub.
Program "Health of women after 40" RUB 31,770
Treatment of the cervix (medication) for 1 procedure 800 rub.
Diagnostic curettage 12 000 rub.

What is a histological conclusion after hysteroscopy

The pathohistological conclusion implies the conclusions of a histologist made through microscopic examination of the biomaterial obtained as a result of the sampling of tissues to be diagnosed.

Exist various methods obtaining tissues needed for research. It is possible to obtain tissue after surgical intervention(site of a remote organ, or a remote pathological site), by puncture, biopsy, aspiration biopsy. In the case of hysteroscopy, the biomaterial is obtained either as a result of separate diagnostic curettage, or by resection (removal) of the pathological area under the influence of an electrical device (polyp, myomatous node).

After a tissue sample is taken, in which a pathological process is suspected, it is sent to a histopathological laboratory. Where by successive actions (fixing, processing and staining), and then microscopic examination is determined cellular composition tissues, their possible changes. This study allows the most accurate diagnosis and follow-up healing effect during therapy.

Goals of histological examination

The tasks that a histopathological examination performs include:

  • Diagnosis and confirmation of the alleged diagnosis.
  • The degree of development of the pathological process, its stage.
  • The prevalence of the oncological process, in order to determine the volume of surgical intervention.
  • Differential diagnosis with other, similar processes.

In the case of a hysteroscopy operation, the biological material is fragments of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the uterine cavity, and also, if detected during diagnostic hysteroscopy, a remote polyp serves as a tissue for research, and so on.

What does histology show after hysteroscopy of the uterus

The received material is delivered to the study as soon as possible. The conclusion itself depends on the procedure for obtaining this material. The histology result after hysteroscopy may not be accurate enough. Errors in the study may result from incorrectly taken material, if the tissue is saturated with blood or tissues that have been subject to a necrotic process (for example, under the action of a coagulator).

When the tissue for examination has been obtained correctly, the histological results after hysteroscopy will be ready within ten to fourteen days.

Histological picture as the results of hysteroscopy

According to the process taking place in the uterus, a histological picture is visible. In the histological examination of the polyp, depending on its origin, the glandular structure of the growth of convoluted glands is visible (more common at a young age); with a fibrous polyp, the histological picture is represented by connective tissue ( this species observed in old age). there is also glandular-fibrous - where the structure is represented by convoluted glands in combination with connective tissue.

When the myomatous node is removed, the histology of hysteroscopy is also carried out, the decoding of the results of which focuses on the presence of fibrous-fibrous strands, represented by connective tissue and cartilage-like tissue.

In the case when the pathological focus is not detected and a separate diagnostic curettage is performed after the hysteroscopy operation, the analysis for histology and its assessment will be carried out in accordance with the day menstrual cycle female patients. That is, if a woman has the first phase of the menstrual cycle, in which, often, hysteroscopy is performed, scrapings may contain fragments of thin straight glands and some fragments of the basal layer. If the tissue is taken on the twentieth day of the cycle, then the result of hysteroscopy of the uterus, according to the histological conclusion, will look like large cells of lush endometrium with convoluted glands and increased blood supply. This decoding of histology after hysteroscopy is normal.

But, if there are pathological areas among the normal endometrium, in this case the histological picture will correspond to the pathological process: glandular endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial hyperplasia with atypia, glandular cystic hyperplasia, glandular stromal hyperplasia, as well as hypoplastic processes. According to the degree of processes associated with the atypical component, mild, moderate and severe are distinguished.

There are some general similarities of endometrial hyperplasia, which manifest themselves in the form of proliferative processes of glandular structures, in other words, the growth of glands that lose their usual appearance, but do not have signs of atypia. It is also possible to have cystic enlargements of the above glands. If the stroma of the uterine mucosa is involved in the process, this histological picture will be characteristic of glandular-stromal hyperplasia.

In any case, each hysteroscopy with a histological examination, and eventually a pathohistological conclusion, is mandatory for establishing a diagnosis and the ongoing process. In order to provide reliable information to the doctor and the patient about the state of her health, in addition to the histological biomaterial, clinical data (day of the menstrual cycle, number of births, place of material sampling) should be sent to the pathohistological laboratory. It should be borne in mind that each case is unique, and the body of each woman cannot be repeated, which requires exclusively individual approach to the interpretation of the histological conclusion and subsequent treatment.

Analysis for histology is very important and informative. More details about this type of research can be found in the article.

Histological examination makes it possible to accurately determine whether dangerous cells or neoplasms are present. Histology is carried out in order to carefully examine the tissues of various systems and internal organs. Distinctive features surveys from other methods are as follows - as a result, you can get the most accurate results.

Modern studies of the body are carried out using different methods: the patient is examined by a doctor, the doctor takes tests from the patient and makes him an ultrasound. However, not in all cases, these methods make it possible to accurately determine the diagnosis, or to find dangerous cells, new formations. It was for such cases that a method was invented that gives the most accurate results - this is histology. You have probably heard of a histology smear, but you have no idea what it is. The histological method of examination makes it possible to carefully study cells with tissues, to detect the pathology of the growth of diseases. This method is often used by doctors in gynecology and other medical fields.

Would you like to know what the histology examination itself means, how it is carried out and what it can show? Read our material carefully.

What is histology?

This science is considered very important, as it studies all the tissues of living organisms. Tissue is a set of cells and structures between cells, combined into one single system. This system performs certain vital functions. Human body consists of 5 main types of fabrics:

  • epithelial
  • muscular
  • nervous
  • Connective
  • Blood

Each type has its own signs of structure, growth during the life process. The science of histology allows doctors to normally study the structure of the listed tissues, and therefore it is considered mandatory knowledge for every doctor of any direction.

Pathological histology is a special science that studies tissues during various diseases and conditions that are not normal. Deep knowledge of the normal state of each cell and human organ enables doctors and pathologists to detect pathology, after which they make the necessary diagnosis.

Today, in medicine, this science is considered one of the most important among other methods of examination. There are laboratories that deal with histological examinations in almost any medical center.

Histological examinations often carried out in surgical departments, in obstetrics, as well as in gynecology. It is considered mandatory to examine tissues in this way after the death of the person himself, in order to establish the cause of death, to determine the presence of diseases.

Besides, histological examination method helps to establish a reliable diagnosis if the death is related to crime. Using this method, the exact time of the injury is established. The statute of limitations for wounds is established. Such processes are carried out in special laboratories with people who have the appropriate education. The data obtained helps law enforcement agencies to investigate a particular crime.

What can a histological analysis show?

With help histological examination the doctor can examine the tissue or organ at the cellular level.

This method makes it possible to detect the following processes in the body:

  • Inflammatory processes in acute or chronic form.
  • Find hemorrhages, blood clots and other disorders associated with the circulatory system.
  • Find new formations, find out what they are: benign or malignant.
  • Determine level malignancy if doctors notice a cancerous tumor.

Very often, examination of the scraping of the surface of the uterus allows you to determine the presence of any changes on different days of menstruation. The results obtained during such examinations allow you to know how the ovaries work. And this, in turn, is very important data that makes it possible to cure many diseases, for example, female infertility.

When examining the cervix with this method, it is possible to detect diseases that have just begun to develop, if, of course, conservative treatment did not bring positive results.

Histological analysis: how does the process itself take place?

Many people do not even know how the histology test is carried out. The survey has nothing to do with other methods familiar to people. Depending on the organ under study, the form of acceptance of the analysis has some differences. The patient can take:

  • Smear
  • Fabric cut
  • film with fabric
  • imprint

The process of taking should always be carried out carefully, and the doctor himself follows the clear rules of the examination. As soon as the doctor receives a piece of tissue, he places it in a bowl with formalin or ethanol, makes a thin cut and stains it using a special preparation. Methods for painting tissue sections also have some differences. Hematoxylin or eosin is often used for such procedures. After the drug begins to act on the tissues, they change their own color.

For example, due to hematoxylin, nucleic acids become bluish in color. But the proteins turn red after contact with this drug. After the doctor performs all the procedures, he begins to examine the received sample. For work, he takes an electron microscope, with which he looks for pathogenic and very dangerous cells.

There is also another method of performing histology. Sometimes tissue sections are placed in a balm.

Examination is carried out using different microscopes. With help:

  • light microscope
  • scanning microscope
  • electron microscope
  • Fluorescent microscope and so on

When a phase contrast microscope is used, doctors can view specimens that cannot be seen with conventional technology. The sampling of the desired sample is carried out using a special puncture needle, trapezoid bone or aspiration.

How is the preparation of histological examination technique carried out?

The production of such equipment is a very complex process. It includes the following steps:

  • Fixation. It is used to preserve the intravital structure of tissues and each cell. Does not allow them to decompose bacterially, digests cellular enzymes. This step requires a fixing fluid, such as formalin.
  • Wiring. Dehydration of tissues occurs, which are prepared for the next stage, that is, for filling. The tissue and fixing fluid is removed, and then the tissue is impregnated with paraffin, it becomes much harder. This is necessary in order to cut the fabric to be of better quality. If the tissue remains soft, it may wrinkle, making it difficult to detect pathology. Previously, wiring was done in several stages and manually. Today, this process has improved significantly.
  • Fill. It is needed in order to create a solid block, which is then cut. The fabric is filled with paraffin in small cassettes. As a result, a small block of paraffin is formed.
  • Cutting. Thin sections are made using microtomes. These devices have thin and very sharp blades.
  • Coloring. In order to carry out microscopy of tissue, it is stained. Before this, the cut is placed on a special glass, straightened. For additional examination, a huge number of staining methods have been developed. The most ideal method is chosen by the doctor himself. It all depends on the purpose of the survey. It is painted by means of automatic machines or manually.

  • Conclusion. The final stage is the placement of the painted piece under the glass. This is done using a special tool that has a transparent structure and tends to refract light. This stage makes it possible to keep the fabric unchanged for several years. This is necessary, for example, to resume the investigation after 1 year, 2 years, and so on.

The histological method of examination is considered accessible, giving accurate information. It allows you to detect a large number of diseases, determine the nature of the disease and the level of severity. As a result, the attending physician can prescribe the necessary treatment.

How long does a histological examination take?

The duration of the examination depends on several important factors. If the laboratory has old equipment, then the analysis is carried out for a long time. But there is no such medical institution, which could give accurate results after 7 days. Typically, the average turnaround time for a survey is 10 days.

  • Sometimes other factors also affect timing. For example, the professionalism of medical staff, the delivery time of the studied tissue, the quality of the reagents used.
  • If the institution where tissue sampling is planned is equipped with its own laboratory, then the examination time is greatly reduced. In the event that the tissue examination is planned to be carried out in a completely different city, then the time increases by several days.
  • There is the only method that allows you to conduct an examination in the shortest possible time - this is an express study. This examination is carried out during surgery, if the doctor needs to make the right decision.
  • As a rule, ultrasound or CT helps to detect and identify the nature of the neoplasm. Consequently, doctors are already giving a tentative conclusion about how the operation will take place. But sometimes, during the incision of tissues, the resulting neoplasm does not correspond to the previously set prognosis.
  • Express study- a method that quickly determines the presence of cancer cells in tissues. When they are detected, the area of ​​surgical intervention expands, since in this case it is necessary to remove the tissues that control the neoplasm.

Can a histological examination be erroneous?

People who receive the conclusion of the survey, which indicates the presence of a cancerous tumor, dream that there is an error in it. It's a pity, but there are never any mistakes in such a study. If this happens, it is very rare.

This method is considered the most accurate, and therefore it allows you to detect cancer cells and the reasons due to which they arose. Despite the fact that the method is the most accurate, doctors claim that there is a small percentage of getting erroneous, wrong results. But if the sampling and examination process is followed correctly, such errors are simply excluded.

Video: Conducting a histological analysis

At the core modern medicine lie various laboratory research. A variety of analyzes helps to accurately and promptly establish the diagnosis of the patient and begin treatment. The biological fluids of the body and tissues of various organs are subjected to research. There are well-known diagnostics: general analysis blood or urine, there are more rare. One of the important tests prescribed for strict indications is histological analysis.

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Inspection of biomaterial under a microscope

Such a popular study as histological diagnosis is carried out only for certain diseases. The main task of this diagnostic method is to identify cancer cells from which they can grow. malignant tumors, as well as to conduct a study of existing neoplasms for their malignancy or benignity. Histological examination is carried out to analyze any tissue human body, regardless of the organ system and the medical industry. The results, which contain the conclusion of the histological analysis, are highly informative and reliable.

The results of histological diagnosis are final and confirm all examinations of the patient carried out before: ultrasound, MRI and CT, x-rays, etc. According to the data of these methods, the diagnosis is made preliminary, and the histological examination establishes an accurate conclusion - benign neoplasm the patient or still a cancerous tumor.

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Histological analysis is very often prescribed after an ultrasound examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Histological examination is carried out in various ways. The analysis involves the study of blood, organ tissues and mucous membrane secretions. The last type of diagnosis is a histological smear, which is widely used in gynecology and urology. The analysis has differences in the implementation of the diagnostic procedure itself, but the quality of the study is the same in any case.

Method for performing histological analysis

Everyone knows how to take tests: for this, blood is taken from a finger or a vein. And how is such a study carried out as pathohistological? After all, this diagnosis requires the taking of tissues of internal organs. Having determined which organ of the body requires detailed study, its cells are taken. To do this, the doctor can do:

  • smear;
  • imprint;
  • cut;
  • film.

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Collection of biomaterial for histological analysis by tissue puncture

If a study such as histopathological examination requires an examination of internal organs, local or general anesthesia. Smears are taken "live", without anesthesia, because this is a painless procedure. Some types of tissue sampling require placement in a hospital, others require a standard visit to the clinic. As soon as the organ tissue is removed from the patient's body, it is immediately placed in a solution of ethanol or formalin, designed to preserve the cells and prevent them from dying. Next, special reagents are added to the tissue sample, which stain different substances in different colors.

When all the constituents of the sample are colored, the analysis itself is performed. A laboratory assistant examines the cells of a microorganism under a microscope for their danger and threat to the health and life of the patient.

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The next method of research is the preservation of the obtained samples. Using special balms, particles of organs can be stored for a long time. Such balms are used to transport samples to clinics (when the laboratory is located in another city) and study in various ways. This "preservation" helps to conduct an analysis several days after the moment the samples were taken from the patient. Histology is performed using various microscopes: light, scanning, electronic, etc., but the choice of equipment does not affect the quality of the results obtained.

The phase-contrast microscope is considered the most accurate and reliable. Thanks to this equipment, the laboratory assistant can study in detail such features of the obtained sample that cannot be seen with conventional microscopes.

What will the histological analysis reveal?

Histological examination requires strict indications. It is impossible to pass it as a preventive screening, because a specific organ is checked, and not general state health. The analysis is carried out for patients who have certain health problems, namely, tumors, the nature of which may be malignant.

Indications for histology are:

  • clarification of the nature of the developing neoplasm;
  • clarification of the reasons why pregnancy does not occur;
  • analysis of the health of the female genitourinary system;
  • determination of inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Almost half of the cases when such a diagnosis as histology is prescribed is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor in the human body. Moreover, not only formed tumors are studied, but also tissues of organs in which neoplasms can potentially occur. This analysis is also effective for diagnosing the state of the digestive organs, sexual and reproductive systems of men and women.

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Timing of histological analysis

The duration of the study depends on many factors. The more outdated equipment is present in the laboratory, the longer the histological response will have to wait. But no clinic will perform the analysis earlier than 7 days. On average, it takes up to 10 days to complete a histology.

Such factors as the professionalism of the personnel, the speed of delivery of the studied sample to the laboratory, compliance with the rules for its transportation, and the quality of the reagents used can affect the deadlines and factors. If the clinic where the biomaterial is taken has its own laboratory, then the time for performing the study is significantly reduced. If the diagnosis is performed in another city (as a rule, this is a regional or district center), then the time period increases by a few more days.

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But the shortest method of histology is express diagnostics. It is performed during surgery, helping to make a decision about the course of surgical intervention. Usually, ultrasound and CT scan, but because the doctors are already suggesting how the operation will go. But often, when dissecting tissues, the detected tumor does not correspond to the forecasts. Express diagnostics helps to quickly determine whether there are cancer cells in the tissues. If they are found, the area of ​​surgical intervention will be expanded, since all tissues with which the tumor had contact are subject to removal.

How to decipher the results

The conclusion of the histological examination is handed over to the patient or (if the diagnosis is carried out in another city) is sent to the attending physician. Recently, results have been sent to patients via e-mail(preliminary version), and the wet-printed form, if necessary, can be obtained in person at the laboratory or by letter.

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The main result of the study will be the answer whether there are cancer cells in the patient's body or whether a certain organ is not in danger. But in order to answer this question, you need to correctly decipher the parameters indicated in the survey form. Therefore, the interpretation of the results obtained is carried out by the attending specialist, who sent the patient for analysis.

The Analysis Form contains various information. First of all, these are the personal data of the patient, as well as the date and time of sampling of the biomaterial. Be sure to indicate the type of tissue sent for histology, as well as the organ whose cells require study (the place where the biomaterial was taken). The following data - the type of examination (smear, section, print, etc.), the equipment used for diagnostics (type of microscope), as well as the names of the reagents used in the analysis and chemical substances. The final information is the conclusion about the nature of the cells of the organ under study.

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If pathologies are found in the test sample, the conclusion will be quite voluminous. It indicates not only the type of cells (benign or malignant), but also all deviations from healthy values ​​found in the test sample. The attending physician will help to explain in detail the meaning of all terms and Latin words. He will establish the final diagnosis and choose the method medical therapy. Features of treatment, chances of recovery and preventive measures can also be discussed with a specialist.

The results of histology contain only information about the pathologies present in the tissues of the organ under study. The histology analysis form does not include any recommendations for treatment.

Everything that is cut off must be studied under a microscope - this is one of the main postulates of medicine. When and why is it important to do histology?

Histological examination of tissues is strongly associated with oncology, and referral to it often causes panic. Meanwhile, this is a routine procedure for many abdominal operations and some diseases. Done on time, it allows you to detect not even a tumor yet, but the very beginning of tissue degeneration, when the problem can be prevented. Pathologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Oksana Voznyak tells about the intricacies of histological examination.

When is a histological examination indicated?

Often enough. A changed mole, a formation in the thyroid or mammary gland can alert the doctor. Puncture required for sudden enlargement lymph nodes. Be sure to do an analysis after abdominal operations.

What is the research?

Histology is the analysis of a tissue sample. The cells of each neoplasm have their own structure. To recognize them, microscopic sections are made in tissue samples, laid out on a glass slide and stained, and then examined under a microscope.

That is, this study is only “by eye” or there are additional methods diagnostics?

The main responsibility, of course, lies with the morphologist who examines the material. But if there is any doubt, immunohistochemistry acts as an arbiter. In this case, the material is subjected to special processing using antibodies to certain tissues. This method is very accurate, but also expensive.

Are there any mistakes?

Sometimes they happen, and at different stages. For example, they took tissue from a healthy part of the organ. Or the material was processed incorrectly. Or the specialist "didn't see it". Therefore, if the result is in doubt, firstly, immunohistochemistry is used. And secondly, it is recommended to get the opinion of another specialist or even two.

That is, you can take the "glasses" (research material) from the laboratory?

Yes. A standard application is written in the name of the head. At the same time, it is important that not only the “glasses” themselves be given away, but also the remaining material (blocks), which will allow additional analysis if necessary.

Where can medications be reviewed?

Most major centers offer this service commercially. In Moscow, these are the N. N. Blokhin Cancer Center, the P. A. Herzen Research Institute of Oncology, and other large oncological centers. In St. Petersburg - N. N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology.

How much does it cost to review the "glass"? How soon will the result be ready?

Usually about 2 thousand rubles. If immunohistochemistry is required, it will cost from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. The response to drugs is usually ready within 2 days, when conducting immunohistochemistry - up to 5 days.

Text: Alexey Fedorov

The tissue composition of one or another part of the uterus, its cervix, plays an important role in the diagnosis of various diseases, both associated and not associated with neoplasms in the organs. reproductive system. For this reason, various studies of the cellular composition of tissues play such an important role in gynecology. It is to such studies that the histology of the uterus, which is carried out with various symptoms, and can be informative in the diagnosis various types diseases.



Histological examination of the endometrium and uterus - the study of morphological cellular structure certain tissue formations of an altered (or presumably altered) organ in order to establish the type of pathological process. In a situation when it comes to the study of the reproductive system, the fundamental difference from a smear for cytology, which also considers the cellular composition, is that in cytology only a scraping of the upper layer of the mucous membrane is taken, while in histology - directly a piece of tissue (that is, the procedure more traumatic).

It is carried out for patients of any age if there are sufficient indications for this. Unlike cytology, histology is not carried out for the purpose of prevention, it is planned. The preparation for study is a tissue fragment of a part of an organ, containing several cell layers, cells of various types.

His study is carried out using special solutions and dyes in the laboratory.


In what cases is cervical histology necessary? There are the following indications for the appointment of this method:

  • Infertility;
  • Menstrual disorders, lack of menstruation;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • Excessively painful premenstrual syndrome;
  • Uncharacteristic or specific vaginal discharge;
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, etc.

Moreover, since the method is quite traumatic, it is prescribed only in cases where all other diagnostic methods turned out to be uninformative, did not help to identify the disease, or there are significant contradictions between their results. In any case, an analysis is prescribed for the histology of the cervix in the following conditions: leukoplakia, uneven surface of the cervical canal for unknown reasons, a large number of malignant atypical cells in a smear for cytology, etc.


Although very often the histology of the endometrium of the uterus is studied, including for health reasons, in some conditions such an analysis cannot be performed. It is recommended to postpone it if:

  1. The patient is pregnant;
  2. The patient has very low blood clotting;
  3. Goes sharp inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system, as there is a high risk of infection;
  4. The patient is menstruating on the day of the proposed procedure.

Neglect of these contraindications can lead to the development of bleeding and / or inflammation. A large scar may also form, which will negatively affect the extensibility of the birth canal, and therefore complicate the birth process in the future. Damage to the tumor formation can lead to the fact that it will actively grow.

Preparations for the procedure

In preparation for this procedure, you need to undergo the following studies:

  1. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. Study on the degree of purity of the vagina;
  3. Cytological examination, bacteriology, PCR;
  4. For 48 hours before the intervention, you can not have sexual contact;
  5. During this time, do not use tampons, douches, vaginal suppositories, gels, creams, etc.;
  6. In consultation with your doctor, you should stop taking anticoagulants and hormonal drugs.

Correct and complete preparatory measures before the intervention are very important, as they significantly affect the information content and objectivity of the data obtained during the analysis.

What day to submit?

The stage of the menstrual cycle at which the analysis for the histology of the cervix is ​​taken depends on the purpose for which the study is being carried out. When determining certain indicators, it is better to choose one or another day for this study.

  • For the diagnosis of menorrhagia, it is recommended to take the material for research no later than 48 and no earlier than 72 hours before the expected onset of menstruation;
  • When determining the causes of infertility, this period increases to 5-7 days;
  • If it is necessary to assess the hormonal status based on the results of scraping, then it is better to do it in the third stage of the menstrual cycle, since it is during this period that its results are most objective and informative (from 17 to 25 days of the cycle);
  • If there is amenorrhea, then it is customary to take tests several times - four times with a week break between them (usually, low-traumatic methods are used);
  • If diagnosis is necessary in the presence of any tumors, then the results of the histology of the cervix are equally informative, regardless of the period in which they were taken.

There may be some other features as well. That is why it is very important to take a histological analysis exactly when it was prescribed by a doctor. If he is appointed urgently, then when deciphering, the specialist must make an adjustment for what stage of the menstrual cycle the study was conducted.

Collection Methods

Material from the uterine cavity can be taken in various ways. Usually, 8 of them are used most often. Some are more traumatic, others are less. The most appropriate method is selected by the doctor, based on individual features the patient's body. The most popular methods are:

The least traumatic methods include laser and radio wave. They are most often prescribed to young girls. The simplest and cheapest, as well as traumatic methods are those in which a simple scalpel or loop is used. This method is carried out, usually free of charge, under the policy of compulsory health insurance.

Research progress

After the drug has been taken for research, it is treated with a preservative, as well as coloring compounds to simplify diagnosis. Water is removed from the preparation, which also makes it more durable and its morphology easier to assess.

A dense block of tissue is made using paraffin wax. Then a thin section of tissue is drawn under a microscope with a special device. The material is colored along the cut in one way or another. The tissue section is then examined under a microscope. Normally, the epithelium is brown, the cells are approximately the same. If there are deviations, this suggests the presence of a particular disease.


Everyone taking this analysis should take into account that although the histological examination of the cervix is ​​​​a fairly common procedure that is prescribed more or less regularly, it is nevertheless complex. Therefore, an important role in its informativeness and the quality of the result is played by the professionalism of the specialist who performs it. This is especially true for the most innovative methods of work, in which doctors do not yet have sufficient experience (compared to the old methods).

In addition, high-quality preparation for such an analysis by the patient is very important. All recommendations must be fully implemented. Only then will the test result be as effective as possible.

Production time

How much is such an analysis done? Production time is different and depends on many parameters. This is the workload of the laboratory, and the features of the methods by which the material is studied, and the goals of the study, and the characteristics of the drug, etc., but on average, the results of the study can be obtained 3-7 days after delivery.


How to decipher the results? Only a doctor can do this correctly. It is possible to establish whether atypia is only of a background nature, or whether it affects the deep layers of tissues and atypical cells are present not only on the mucosa, but also in deeper layers. If atypical cells are found in the deep layers of tissues, then this makes it possible to assume or confirm the presence of invasive cancer, the most severe form of oncology.

Are there any mistakes?

Can a bad biopsy be wrong? A good biopsy is more likely to be erroneous, when, due to an error in tissue sampling or its study, atypical cells are not detected, although in fact they are. In general, if the preparations and technique of sampling and examination have been followed, then the probability of error is very low.

Recovery period

Taking into account the method used to collect tissues for study, there may be a different duration of the recovery period. It is generally recommended that the following restrictions be followed for three to six weeks after the intervention. Minimum recommended for low-traumatic interventions, the maximum - for fairly traumatic ones. What restrictions do experts recommend to observe during this period?

  1. Within 5-7 days, do not lift weights and limit physical activity;
  2. For 3 days it is better to avoid getting water into the vagina;
  3. Throughout recovery period you can not swim in natural reservoirs, chlorinated public pools, as there is a risk of infection;
  4. You should not bathe in saunas, sunbathe, visit a solarium also throughout the entire recovery period;
  5. start again sexual life it is possible not earlier than one month after the intervention, regardless of its type.

Normally, when such an intervention is carried out, minor bloody issues from the vagina and slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This is the normal state. However, if the pain becomes too intense, the discharge becomes uncharacteristic - the smell and color change, there is heavy bleeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The same must be done if marked fever body.


The cost of research varies in different cities.

Prices are indicative and may be increased due to the cost of materials and preparations.


Although a histological analysis is quite traumatic, it is nevertheless necessary. And if done in a timely manner, it can even indirectly help save the patient's life.