Laser hair removal: what to do after the first procedure. Laser hair removal: contraindications and consequences of the procedure, how it happens, what is important to know Is it possible to do hair removal after a laser

Laser hair removal is widespread and, contrary to numerous myths and horror stories, quite safe way get rid of excess body hair.

However, the experts conducting the procedure, unfortunately, do not always warn about how to properly care for the skin after laser hair removal, what to do and what, on the contrary, to refrain from.

Meanwhile, skin care after laser hair removal is very important, since failure to comply with elementary rules can lead not only to an undesirable cosmetic effect, but also to more serious troubles.

The skin after laser hair removal looks clean and smooth, but you need to understand that it has experienced serious stress and needs additional protection.

Immediately after the procedure and for the next three to five days a soothing cream should be applied to the treated areas of the skin such as "Panthenol", "Pantoderm" or "Bepanten". If the skin dries out, moisturizing creams can be applied as needed several times a day.

If there is a special sensitivity, allergic reactions or any doubts about the choice of cream, you should consult a beautician or doctor about this.

The cream in the first days after laser hair removal should be as light as possible in texture, since too heavy and fatty substances clog pores, as a result of which small acne rashes may appear on the skin. In addition, you should make sure that the creams you use do not contain retinol and glycolic acid, these substances are contraindicated for the skin after laser hair removal.

Regardless of what time of the year you did the epilation, the skin after the procedure should be especially protected from direct sunlight. Therefore, before going outside, be sure to treat the areas of skin that have survived epilation. sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30(in summer or when the sun is intense, use creams with maximum protection).

Sunscreen after laser hair removal must be used for at least for three months.

Important! When choosing a product, give preference to those that include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These substances are the most reliable filters. Do not forget that while in the sun, sunscreen should be "renewed" on the skin at least every two hours.

Another tip: for a few days after the procedure, when showering, use gels and foams instead of hard soaps. The water should be warm, not hot.

Within a day after laser hair removal, you should try not to wet the treated areas of the skin, and for the next two or three, do not rub the skin with a washcloth.

  • sunbathe (even with sunscreen) - at least two weeks ();
  • visit a solarium, sauna, bath, use an ultraviolet lamp - at least three weeks;
  • swim in pools and take a jacuzzi and any long-term water procedures - at least one and a half to two weeks;
  • go in for sports and all that is connected with strong physical activity, in order to avoid intensive work of the sweat glands - at least a week;
  • take an intensely hot shower and, especially, a bath - at least two weeks;
  • use scrubs and other products that irritate the skin (including those containing alcohol, abrasives, etc.) - at least two weeks.

Did you know? The laser pulse that is used during epilation is in the same color spectrum as the sun's rays. Therefore, the effect of the procedure for the skin can be compared with a tan, which, as you know, should not be abused. In order to protect the skin and at the same time not deprive yourself of the pleasure of relaxing on the beach, cosmetologists strongly recommend that the procedure be timed to the cold season, then the restrictions after it will be minimal.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that do not massage during the first few days after laser hair removal(with the exception of light massage of the skin, which is allowed from the second day after the procedure).

During this period, you should refrain from any stressful stress on the body, including smoking and drinking alcohol.

Any new drug prescribed at this time is also a reason to exercise caution and additionally consult with your doctor.

Any rough removal of growing hair reduces the effect of laser hair removal, while careful shaving them with a machine, on the contrary, gives positive result, which is why after laser hair removal you can neither pull out the hair with tweezers, nor remove it with wax, sugar paste, vibroepilator, etc.

Laser hair removal: possible complications after the hair removal procedure

Unfortunately, for all its effectiveness, laser hair removal sometimes still leads to certain complications. Usually they occur immediately after the procedure and after a while they disappear by themselves, without requiring any additional intervention or treatment. It is important to be prepared for what may come with this type of hair removal procedure and not to panic if it happens.

So, slight redness and some swelling of the skin- a completely normal phenomenon after laser hair removal. The same applies to color change(both towards dark and towards light) or appearance age spots on treated areas of the skin - such an incident can occur as a short-term side effect after laser hair removal.

Sometimes the procedure can also cause superficial skin burn, which, of course, cannot be considered the norm, and yet the situation is standard and, as a rule, not dangerous. Of the serious consequences, it is worth mentioning the appearance of scars and scars, with the special sensitivity of the skin and the low qualification of the master, this is theoretically possible, but very unlikely.

In order to understand in which cases it is worth worrying, we will understand the causes of such phenomena and learn how to minimize their consequences on our own.

Causes of complications and their treatment (burns, irritations and other troubles)

Any complication after laser hair removal, as a rule, is due to one of two reasons or their combination: the first is the individual characteristics of your body, the second and main one is an incorrectly performed procedure (bad specialist or low-quality equipment).

Important! Laser hair removal should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who has deep knowledge in the field of medicine and sufficient understanding of the principle of operation of the laser device. Hair removal with modern technologies- not the procedure that is worth saving.

But no one has canceled subjective features, including an individual pain threshold. If you feel uncomfortable during epilation, this does not necessarily mean that a quack is working with you.

Did you know? If you used only a razor before deciding on laser hair removal, be prepared for the fact that the procedure will seem very painful to you. With repeated hair removal with wax or an electric epilator, the hair follicles on your body are weakened, and the pain threshold, on the contrary, is increased, so you will feel much less discomfort.

Tendency to allergies, features of the structure of the hair and properties of the skin are the factors that affect the likelihood of complications and the nature of their manifestation after laser hair removal.

Early complications after laser hair removal

So the first complication is feeling of pain. We have already mentioned its reasons, now we will figure out what can be done about it. The simplest recommendation is cool compresses, under normal conditions, they quite help relieve pain.

Did you know? If you accelerate the movements of the laser, the effectiveness of the procedure will not decrease, but its duration will be significantly reduced. Use this not too original, but effective way help yourself through the unpleasant procedure.

If you absolutely cannot stand the pain, it may be worth talking to your doctor about anesthesia (usually lidocaine is used for this purpose). If the pain does not go away after the procedure, and ice compresses do not help, you can take an anesthetic such as Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Solpadein, etc.

Second moment - redness or irritation of the skin after laser hair removal. "Panthenol" or other similar means help to cope with this, helping to speed up the healing process of burns and damage to the epidermis. Usually such effects gradually decrease and, finally, disappear completely within a week or two. If the effect persists for more than a month, this may be due to too high a laser effect on the skin, but just in case, you should see a doctor.

Puffiness after laser hair removal can last up to two days. If the procedure was performed on the face and caused swelling, you should apply cold compresses to your face and sleep with your head on a high pillow.

Quite often, after the procedure, dry skin is felt, sometimes accompanied by burning or itching. This is a completely normal reaction to the laser (we feel the same after prolonged exposure to the sun).

In addition, the skin may darken and even begin to peel off, which is not very good, but also not scary. The methods of treatment are the same as for sunburn: "Panthenol", moisturizing creams, folk methods like lubricating the skin with kefir, and after a while everything will pass.

The appearance of burns after laser hair removal is in most cases the result of the work of a non-professional. Although not a reason to panic. The cause of a burn, in addition to incorrect technique or too strong a laser pulse, may be very sensitive to the sun or, conversely, too tanned skin, but in any case, a specialist should not allow such an effect.

A burn after laser hair removal is especially unpleasant in sensitive areas such as the bikini area or armpits, because such areas are especially difficult to protect from constant friction and leave completely open.

Did you know? The likelihood of a burn increases if the patient took antibiotics or sulfonamides (white streptocid, norsulfazol, etazol, sulfazin, sulfacyl, etc.) before the procedure, so the cosmetologist should be warned about such things before the procedure.

To avoid burns from laser hair removal, you should not carry out the procedure after arriving from a sunny resort, you need to give the skin a break from stress and “reset” the tan. The means of combating burns is standard - "Panthenol" or other drugs similar in action.

Important! You can not peel off the crust on the skin, which appears during the healing of the burn, otherwise a scar may remain in this place.

After laser hair removal, various manifestations are also possible. allergic reaction- itching, rash, cyanosis, etc. You can usually get rid of them with the help of antihistamines but in severe cases, you should consult a doctor.

Under any circumstances, it is necessary to warn the specialist about such a side effect before the next session and refrain from the procedure until the exact cause of the allergy is established (for example, the drug that was used for pain relief can cause an allergy, in which case it should be replaced by another ).

Another complication after laser hair removal is folliculitis(specific skin inflammation). This usually happens when ignoring the rules of behavior after the procedure, in particular, a long stay in the water.

Rarely, but it still happens when the consequence of laser hair removal becomes acne, herpetic eruptions and other skin problems.

Did you know? If you are chronically suffering from herpes, it is recommended to take a tablet of Gerpevir as a preventive measure the day before the procedure.

Usually, the unpleasant consequences after laser hair removal, no matter how serious they may seem, gradually pass without a trace. But if this or that painful symptom lasts for several weeks, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

The exception, perhaps, is the violation of the visual apparatus, which sometimes occurs as a result of laser hair removal of the eyebrows (especially if, in violation of safety precautions, the eyes were not protected at the same time).

Important! Laser hair removal of eyebrows must be carried out against the background of protection eyeball special glasses or contact lenses from metal.

Neglect of simple rules can, at best, cause conjunctivitis, and at worst, lead to photophobia, inflammation of the choroid, and greatly impair vision.

Late problems after the procedure

As a result of a burn after poor-quality laser hair removal, there may remain dark spots- lighter or, conversely, darker areas of the skin. The likelihood of such a nuisance increases dramatically if you neglect the rule on a ban on sunbathing in the first months after the procedure. As a rule, the problem can be dealt with, but not on your own, but with the help of a professional cosmetologist.

Another unpleasant consequence of a burn after epilation is scarring. Their appearance is almost guaranteed if the burn area festered or the patient tore off the crust from the wound when it began to heal. Paradoxically, some types of scars after laser hair removal are eliminated again with a laser.

Did you know? There have been cases of scarring after laser epilation of skin areas with tattoos. Tattoo lovers should think about this when choosing a method for removing hair in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture.

A rather rare, but still likely complication after laser hair removal - abnormal increase in hair growth. The condition has the nature of a disease and is treated with medication, so if such a nuisance happens, do not panic, but simply consult a doctor.

Even more exotic effects of laser hair removal - excessive sweating with a particularly unpleasant odor (sometimes occurs after removal of armpit hair), graying of hair.

Finally, a serious nuisance after epilation is considered appearance birthmarks and melanoma, which are always undesirable, because one way or another is associated with the formation of atypical cells.

Important! Laser hair removal should be avoided on areas of the skin where there are any neoplasms or, in extreme cases, cover them with protective equipment.

Black dots after laser hair removal - do not panic

Black dots after laser hair removal are nothing more than incorrectly removed hairs that have begun to grow inward (under the skin).

It looks ugly and, in addition, can cause inflammation, so you need to get rid of the problem - with a needle or tweezers.

Necessarily disinfect the instrument before the procedure and do not pick out the hairs with your hands so as not to bring any infection under the skin!

If you notice that after each epilation the number of ingrown hairs increases, you should consider changing the method of getting rid of excess hair.

From all of the above, we can conclude that laser hair removal is really effective, relatively painless and completely accessible way hair removal, but for this you need to adhere to two conditions: choose a trustworthy institution (preferably medical) and strictly follow all the rules for skin care before, during and, most importantly, after the procedure.

Many people consider laser hair removal one of the most effective ways to get rid of annoying hair once and for all. But two months after the desired procedure, hemp appears on the skin. They are thin and weakened, but look even worse than after shaving with a conventional machine. The article will tell you how quickly hair falls out after laser hair removal, whether they grow later and how to care for the skin after the procedure.

A bit of history

Now laser hair removal is a popular beauty procedure, but few people know that it was discovered by accident. In the 70s of the twentieth century, one physicist accidentally put his hand under laser ray. The skin was unharmed as the exposure only lasted a few seconds and the incident was quickly forgotten. But after a while, hair began to fall out on the area of ​​​​the skin that was exposed to radiation. After this incident, numerous experiments began to be carried out, and after some time this technique was allowed to be used in cosmetology and ophthalmology.

The action of laser hair removal: theory

Before asking why hair does not fall out after laser hair removal, you need to figure out on what principle this technique works. In essence, the laser destroys cells by heating the melanin in them. How quickly and intensively the device works is influenced by many factors:

  1. Hair type - hard or soft.
  2. Hair color - red, light or dark.
  3. Growth site - depends on the amount of hormones or not.
  4. growth stage.

Unfortunately, not all hair is equally susceptible to laser treatment. To understand why hair does not fall out after laser hair removal, you need to understand their structure and development.

Features of the structure of hair

So, each hair has three stages life cycle:

  1. Anagen is the stage when cells actively multiply and the hair follicle develops.
  2. Catagen - the period when the nutrition of the hair stops, and the follicle dies.
  3. Telogen - the so-called phase of "sleep" and the rejection of the hair shaft.

The most effective laser action is during the anagen period, when the hair is actively growing. At this time, they are saturated with melanin along the entire length. The laser heats the hair and destroys it from the base to the tip. After exposure to a laser beam, the hair root loses its nutrition and begins to gradually die off, and then the skin cells push out the hair shaft.


Unfortunately, not all girls can afford this procedure. And it's not about cost, but about contraindications. Laser hair removal is prohibited in the following categories:

  1. Diabetics and pregnant women, since the reaction to this procedure cannot be predicted.
  2. People with low pigmentation hair. It is possible to carry out the procedure in this case, but it is completely pointless, since then only a few hairs will fall out. In this case, you should not even dream of permanent hair removal.
  3. Dark-skinned women and people with a strong tan. In this case, under the influence of the laser, there is a risk of pigment spots or even burns.
  4. People with acute infectious diseases. In this case, exposure of the laser beam to the skin is strictly prohibited.

In order to achieve the desired result and not be afraid that hair does not fall out after laser hair removal, it is important to follow all the rules and not neglect contraindications. Only then will the procedure be useful.

Care after the procedure

In order not to run to the salon with complaints the next day after epilation, it is important to know how long hair falls out after laser hair removal and how to care for your skin.

Firstly, in the first time after the procedure, almost everyone has skin hyperthermia. For some, it passes only after a day (it all depends on the sensitivity). Salon experts generally recommend using anti-inflammatory and regenerating creams to help soothe the skin.

In the first days after the procedure, the hair is still growing, or rather, it is gradually rejected and removed. No need to rush things and try to speed up the process by shaving. This will be observed for several more weeks.

Remember that in the first few days you can not visit the pool, sauna and gym. Because of this, sweating increases and the risk of inflammation of the follicles increases. During the first 24 hours, it is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics and take a hot shower. Solarium and ordinary sun tanning are also prohibited, because then the level of melanin in the skin increases, and the effectiveness of the procedure decreases.

If laser hair removal is performed incorrectly or a low-quality device is used, then skin burns may occur. This is the most common consequence incorrect procedure. This happens, as a rule, when the quality of the skin cooling system is low, which leads to its overheating. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a professional competent specialist who will correctly set up the device and carry out a high-quality procedure.

In addition, poor-quality cooling cream can provoke the development of dermatitis or allergic reactions. To protect yourself, study the composition of the cream in advance and make sure that it does not contain components that you are allergic to. If you are often "visited" by herpes, then after laser hair removal this disease will only worsen. You need to be ready for this.

Permanent hair removal: myth or reality

Excess hair on the arms and legs in modern society is considered a sign of neglect. Therefore, all women try to choose for themselves such an option for hair removal that would suit them in all respects. Considering laser hair removal as a potential option for hair removal, many are wondering: “How much hair falls out after laser hair removal?”. Girls want one session of the procedure to be enough, and the hair disappears almost instantly. And for some reason, laser hair removal seems to be the ideal option. In reviews of this beauty procedure, most girls are very surprised why hair does not fall out after laser hair removal. To achieve the desired result and still get rid of annoying hair, you need to go through more than one course of procedures.

When and how hair falls out after laser hair removal

Don't expect the laser to destroy all unwanted hair on the same day. For this you need to wait some time. How much time, only a specialist in the salon can say, and only after studying the individual characteristics of your hair. Therefore, do not rush to go to the salon with claims that hair does not fall out after laser hair removal. As a rule, to see the first results, you need to wait a few weeks. At the same time, proper and high-quality care is very important.

It is worth noting that dark hair, due to the high content of melanin in it, is more susceptible to the influence of the laser. But for light and gray hair such a procedure may be useless.

How many procedures are needed

Before deciding on this procedure, girls, as a rule, ask two questions: “Does hair fall out after laser hair removal?” and “How many treatments are needed?” No matter how advertised this method of hair removal, you should not expect a 100% result instantly. The rate of hair loss depends on their structure. As a rule, not all hairs are immediately in the active growth stage, some of them are passive, and therefore more difficult to influence the laser. It takes several weeks and several procedures for the passive bulbs to “wake up”. In addition, the effect of epilation depends on the structure of the skin. Fair-skinned girls will observe a positive result much earlier than mulattos and tanned ones. For swarthy clients, it is necessary to select a laser power that does not injure the skin. Therefore, the experience of a specialist is extremely important, otherwise there is a risk of serious damage and burns. The number of procedures is determined individually for each client.

Active hair growth after epilation - a reason for panic or a normal phenomenon?

There is a very popular myth among girls that after laser hair removal, hair growth accelerates even more. It's actually an optical illusion. After all, in fact, just hard black hairs are replaced by thin and discolored ones. Although in terms of volume it really seems that there are more of them due to the “fluffy” structure.

Even two weeks after the procedure, frightening stumps still remain on the skin. This phenomenon is called false hair growth, and it appears 10 days after epilation. In fact, the laser-damaged hair is pushed out of the skin. Terrible thick stumps must be removed with tweezers.

For some girls, two or three procedures are enough to get rid of all the hair. Others need to repeat the epilation several more times. The number of procedures is individual for each.

However, successful laser hair removal still does not guarantee that hair will never grow back. For some, the effect lasts for 5 years, for others more. It also depends on the individual structure of the hair and skin type.


In the article, we examined the features of laser hair removal and the main reasons for the lack of effect from this procedure. Remember that laser hair removal is not a panacea. This method has its advantages and disadvantages, so first carefully study all the pitfalls, and only then decide whether to carry out this procedure or refuse it. If you still decide to try laser hair removal, then be patient and, most importantly, follow all the rules of skin care. Only then will the result please you, and all negative consequences will bypass.

Laser hair removal is an effective and long-term method of hair removal. In the world of beauty, it has been successfully used for over 20 years! Many women have already tried it on themselves and showed amazing results, others are just planning beauty sessions, collecting information bit by bit. As is often the case with beauty treatments, laser hair removal has become overgrown with an incredible amount of myths. We will tell you what to believe and what not to do when planning to get rid of unwanted body hair.

In cosmetology, there are quite a few new techniques, the safety of which is very doubtful. But laser hair removal has nothing to do with them. If the procedure is carried out correctly and on modern serviceable equipment, negative consequences not worth the wait. The penetration depth of the beam of the device is only 1-4 mm, which means that it reaches only the hair follicle, destroying its structure. Then the light is scattered - penetration into the tissue is excluded.

After the procedure, redness may occur similar to that which a person receives during the first sessions of tanning on yarn. It soon passes without a trace.

This is only partly true. If before the procedure you removed hair with wax, sugar paste or regular tweezers, you will have to wait until the hairs grow back a little, since the hair shaft is a conductor for the laser beam to the hair follicle. If you have previously used shaving, laser hair removal can be done at any time.

Myth 3: The procedure can be done at home

This is true. In the beauty market, you can really find devices for laser hair removal at home. For each person there is a device that differs in quality, range of action and pricing policy. But before deciding to buy, you should weigh the pros and cons. Laser hair removal is enough complicated procedure, and it must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to a professional.

If you are sure that you can handle it yourself, at least buy certified products and follow the instructions carefully.

This myth arose among "experts" in cosmetology, who confuse laser hair removal with another type - electrolysis. In the second case, unsightly scars may indeed appear at the injection sites of the needle. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, is not associated with a violation of the integrity of the cover, which means that scars cannot occur.

As for the potential for ingrown hairs, that is also out of the question. Moreover, laser hair removal is just recommended as a method that eliminates this problem.

Each person has their own pain threshold and what may seem like a slight discomfort to one, can be a real test for another. Cosmetologists note that the sensations during the procedure are comparable to a click on the skin, and are usually well tolerated. But when treating certain parts of the body - for example, the bikini area or armpits, you can use an anesthetic cream.

Myth 6: After the procedure, coarse hair will appear, which will be a lot

Sometimes, after two or three procedures, there is indeed an increase in hair growth, cosmetologists call this process “synchronization”. Oddly enough, this speaks of the effectiveness of the procedure, being a kind of evidence that the technique "works". There is no reason to worry here. Already after the fourth procedure, excess vegetation will go away, the hairs will become softer and sparse, and then completely disappear.

In fact, it is on the body of men that laser hair removal works best. Since the laser beam "catches", first of all, dark hairs. In addition, the technique is simply ideal for treating large areas of the body, such as the back, abdomen and chest. So men can safely enroll in a beauty salon, cosmetologists have something to offer them.

This myth is one of the popular "horror stories". In fact, oncology in the patient's history is a significant contraindication for the procedure. If there is at least some doubt about the nature of formations on the skin, the cosmetologist will refuse the procedure until the circumstances are fully clarified.

At the moment, cosmetology has no evidence that laser beams can cause dangerous formations. known to have oncogenic effects special kind ultraviolet rays - 320-400 nm, this spectrum is not present in laser beams.

Myth 9: The procedure can not be done in the summer

Removal of excess vegetation on the body is especially important in summer period when most people wear loose and short clothes. And therefore, the myth that laser hair removal cannot be practiced in the summer is perceived by patients as extremely painful. In fact, procedures can be scheduled during the "holiday season", but there are some restrictions.

If you need to treat areas hidden under clothing - for example, the bikini area, there is no problem. The procedure can be carried out at any time. It is impossible to carry out "treatment" only on tanned skin, since the likelihood of burns is high.

This is another common "summer" myth. Sunbathing after laser hair removal is possible, but time must pass after the procedure. The minimum "exposure" is 15 days, provided that you do not have redness on your skin.

During sunbathing, it is imperative to use sunscreen, the layer of which on the body must be constantly updated. This rule is especially important for owners of sensitive skin.

Myth 11: After the procedure, additional care is not needed.

After any type of epilation, the skin needs additional care. For example, after removing hair with a razor, you need to apply a soothing cream. There are some rules of care after laser hair removal.

Within 3-5 days after the procedure, lubricate the treated areas with an aloe vera-based product, it will quickly soothe the affected area and will contribute to a speedy recovery. Within two weeks after beauty sessions, you can not visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool, as well as any places where the skin can be exposed to moisture and heat. High-quality sunscreen cosmetics must be applied to exposed areas of the body.

In fact, not a single cosmetologist can say with certainty how many procedures you personally need to make your hair stop bothering you. The required number of beauty sessions is always individual, and depends on the area of ​​the body that needs to be treated, the color and thickness of the hair.

In addition, unfortunately, in modern cosmetology there is no such procedure that eliminates once and for all. You should know that laser hair removal is one of the best methods to get rid of hair for a long time, but it cannot give a lifetime guarantee. Changes in the hormonal background, endocrine disorders, as well as other processes occurring in the body, can contribute to the appearance of new hair.

Laser hair removal has been used in cosmetology for about 20 years, its main difference from depilation is that it is not the hair shaft that is removed, but the matrix cells from which the hair develops. This makes it possible to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation in any area. Laser hair removal, like photoepilation, refers to IPL technologies, i.e. exposed to high pulsed light.

A high-intensity flash of light at a specific wavelength is focused into a dyed pigmented hair. After that, the light energy is converted into heat and heats the hair shaft and the hair growth zone, ideally up to 70-80 degrees. This allows you to completely or partially destroy the hair follicle. In the first case, hair growth from this follicle will be impossible, in the second case, the effect may be long-term or there will be a growth of thinned “vellus” hair.

Reading reviews about the laser hair removal procedure, there are diametrically opposed opinions. The specialists of the MEDSI Clinic on Leningradsky Prospekt will help you understand and clarify some issues:

  • The effectiveness of the procedure.

How effective the procedure of laser and photoepilation will be depends on many parameters. From the data of a particular person: the ratio of hair and skin color, hair structure, hormonal levels, genetic characteristics, exposure area, and even age and gender; from the characteristics of the device and the qualifications of the beautician.

The principle of IPL technology is based on the heating of melanin-colored structures. Ideally, this is dark hair on light skin. In this case, all the energy will go to heat the hair follicle. The procedure will be effective and safe. The lighter the hair and the darker the skin, the less effective the procedure will be.

Efficiency on fine fluffy hairs will be much lower than on hard bristly ones. But modern devices allow you to work with red and light blond hair, subject to lighter skin. This procedure is ineffective on gray and white hair. The method of choice in this case is electrolysis.

  • Soreness and painlessness of the procedure.

This characteristic has many features and also depends on the data of a particular person, his pain threshold, hair and skin color, hair density, impact zone and on the characteristics of the device. Modern devices are equipped with effective skin cooling systems. For people with low pain threshold on sensitive areas it is possible to carry out application anesthesia.

  • Are these procedures safe?

With the correct procedure, taking into account individual characteristics and contraindications, these procedures are absolutely safe. Heating of deeply located tissues does not occur. During the procedure, do not expose yourself to pigmented nevi, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of fat-containing care products. Photoprotection is recommended 2 weeks before the laser hair removal session and 2 weeks after.

  • Service cost.

The price for this service fluctuates in a very wide range. How can this be explained? First of all, the cost of the equipment on which the procedure will be carried out. IPL systems, and even more so lasers, are high-tech expensive equipment. So the low price should alert you a little. Perhaps in this case you will need more procedures or the procedures will be more painful if the manufacturer of the device has saved on the cooling system.

  • Indications and contraindications for the procedure.

The indication is the desire to get rid of unwanted hair. In this case, it is worth noting that if you have hirsutism (increased hairiness), then before starting the procedures, you need to consult an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. In this case, the effectiveness of the procedures may have a temporary short-term character.

Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. Contraindications include: pregnancy and lactation, cancer, acute inflammatory processes at the site of the procedure, chronic dermatoses such as psoriasis, eczema, taking drugs that increase photosensitivity, certain mental illnesses, age under 18, sunburn.

In conclusion, I would like to call for a more responsible approach to this procedure, both cosmetologists and patients. And then there will be less disappointments and problems, and this service will bring you satisfaction, comfort and beauty.

– a safe, but still medical procedure. And, like any medical procedure, it requires compliance with certain rules both before and after the procedure. In this article, we have compiled for you the basic tips on what to do and what not to do before and after a laser hair removal session. Following these tips will ensure the most effective and comfortable procedure.

So, BEFORE the session of laser hair removal.

At least 3 weeks before the session of laser hair removal can not be removedb hair with a root, i.e. pull out. So, wax, shugaring, epilator, tweezers and thread are banned. You can remove the visible part of the hair without problems - with a razor or special depilatory creams. If this rule is violated, the laser will simply have nothing to affect.

- Furthermore, On the eve of the procedure, it is even necessary to shave the hairs, so that their length is no more than 1 mm. This is necessary so that the energy of the laser flash is not spent on the visible part of the hair, but acts on the hair follicle with the maximum possible force. The only exception to this rule, for obvious reasons, is laser facial hair removal.

You must not sunbathe for two weeks prior to your visit. Not in the sun, not in the solarium. If you prefer self-tanning, you should stop using it one week before your procedure. In general, the lighter the skin, the better. The laser targets melanin, the pigment that gives color to both hair and skin. Therefore, if the skin is dark, then part of the laser energy will be absorbed by the melanin of the skin. This, at least, reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. At the very least, it can cause burns.

- If you are taking any medications, be sure to make sure that they do not increase the photosensitivity of the skin. For example, tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline, terramycin, biomycin) and the well-known acne drug Roaccutane are photosensitizing.

- Approximately 3 days before the scheduled session, stop using cosmetics, which contain alcohol (lotions, tonics, alcohol-containing deodorants, etc.). On the eve of the procedure, you should also not use intensive skin cleansing products: scrubs, peels, deep-acting cleansing masks.

On the day of the session, do not apply aromatic oils to the skin areas that you plan to epilate.

Do not worry about redness of the skin in the epilation area. This is absolutely normal and indicates that the follicles have absorbed the laser energy. In addition, some part of the energy of the laser flash is “spent” on the skin in one way or another, hence the reaction of the skin. The redness will go away within a few hours. But over the next few days, it may show up briefly from exposure to hot water.

- Do not expose the epilated skin to the sun for at least a week after the procedure. Be sure to wear sunscreen and better than SPF 50. Even if it’s cloudy outside and it’s generally autumn, UVA rays work in any weather and at any time of the year. Self-tanning can be started as early as 3 days after the session.

Within 3 days after epilation, minimize the possible risks of skin injury. These can be: overheating (bath, sauna), exposure to aggressive chemical substances(alcohol, chlorine solution used in pools), massage, use of anti-cellulite products and other warming creams and ointments.

Thoroughly moisturize the treated areas for a week after the procedure. Products with a “soothing” effect, such as panthenol or aloe-based creams, are perfect.

- Just like before, after the procedure, you can not use products that remove hair from the roots, and a razor and depilatory creams can be used without problems.

Be patient: the "roots" of the hair will come out of the skin within 10-14 days, during which it may seem to you that nothing has happened, and the hair grows as it did. But it's not. After the hairs fall out, you will enjoy smooth skin for at least a month.

If you have ingrown hairs(and this, for example, is a very common consequence of waxing), do not try "pull" them out from under the skin, violating the integrity of the skin. They also "burned out" and over time, as natural renewal epidermis, they themselves "come out" to the surface. It will take some time, but stagnant spots from attempts to speed up this process, for example, with tweezers, will remain for an incomparably longer period.

And in the end, only one, but the most important and universal advice: always strictly follow the individual recommendations of your cosmetologist, a specialist in laser hair removal. Beauty is serious business!

AT last years in the intimate area and on the legs is becoming more and more popular and relevant. Many women save money for this expensive procedure in order to forget about it for several years and have a completely smooth body.

But the reviews of some clients of aesthetic cosmetology centers are doubtful, since about 20% of girls claim that hair growth after laser hair removal is enhanced. Before signing up for the procedure, you need to figure out how long the hair does not grow after laser hair removal, what the effect depends on, and what mistakes can lead to the absence of the desired effect.

It is believed that processing with a laser beam is the most effective method combating excess hair. Many women before recording are interested in how many sessions it takes to achieve perfect smoothness and whether hair growth is really delayed after laser hair removal.

Experts assure that the effect and speed of hair growth depend not only on the quality of the equipment used and the experience of the master himself, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism:

  • genetic predisposition. If one of the closest relatives has thick hair on the body, the feature can be inherited;
  • color type. Dark-skinned brunettes have thicker hair, and usually grow a little faster than girls with blond or blond hair;
  • hormonal background of the client;
  • the presence of endocrine diseases.

It must be understood that after the first session, the skin in any case will not be completely smooth and the effect obtained will remain for a short time. This is due to the fact that the laser beam only affects, but has practically no effect on sleeping follicles, which will also wake up a few days or weeks after treatment.

First treatment

On the Internet, on the forums, you can find reviews that after laser hair removal, hair grows even faster and that laser hair removal does not help. This is due to the fact that the laser beam, in addition to removing growing hairs, activates the dormant bulbs, which is why new thin hairs appear on the skin. In subsequent sessions, these hairs are very easily removed.

How do hairs grow after the first laser hair removal? After the first session, the hair on the legs and in the bikini area will grow almost the same as after sugaring. New hairs will break through gradually, the treated area will again be covered with hairs in about a month. The difference between these procedures is that after laser treatment, the hair will be thinner and lighter, and their growth rate will slow down significantly. After each session, the number of hairs will decrease by about 25%.

Series of procedures

If you complete the full course, the skin in the treated area will remain smooth for at least 4 years. If a woman initially had thin and sparse hairs, the effect can last up to 6-7 years. But experts warn that in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to complete the entire course, the duration and frequency of which is selected individually. If you interrupt it or go through the first few procedures, the result will be short-lived, and after a few months the hairs will begin to grow again.

Important! To get rid of unwanted hairs in the bikini area, it usually takes at least 7 sessions. For thighs and lower legs, 5-6 procedures are enough.

What does the result depend on?

Since laser hair removal is one of the radical ways to deal with unwanted vegetation, it will be possible to achieve smooth skin for several years in any case. Regardless of the type and thickness of the hairline, the laser beam will in any case affect the follicle and destroy it under the influence of high temperature. Approximately 30% of the hair immediately burns during treatment, the bulbs are also either partially damaged or destroyed.

Why is there no effect from laser hair removal? Often this is due to the fact that women do not complete the course or ignore supportive procedures. Total ways to destroy hairs on skin has not been developed so far, and even such a modern technique requires periodic correction.

In order for the effect to be permanent, the beautician must be visited at least once a year and undergo preventive procedures. How long does it take for hair to grow back after laser hair removal? Ideally, hair growth should completely stop for 4-6 years, but it must be understood that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

In the practice of cosmetologists, there are also women who have not been helped by laser hair removal. The lack of effect after light radiation is due to the specifics of the organism. Doctors say that this idiosyncrasy occurs extremely rarely, in less than 1% of clients, and is an exception to the rule.

What makes hair grow faster after laser treatment?

The light beam not only burns the hairs that are on the surface of the skin, but also activates the dormant follicles and accelerates their growth. This explains why hair grows more after laser hair removal. Thermal exposure leads to the awakening of almost all dormant bulbs, which can cause a doubling of the hair growth rate. You should not be afraid of such a reaction, since new vegetation will be easily removed during subsequent treatments.

Possible complications and side effects

Despite the fact that the laser has proven itself and still remains one of the most optimal procedures, the technique has certain contraindications that must be considered before signing up for a session. If the session is performed with contraindications ignored or is performed by an inexperienced master, the risk of complications will be quite high. Besides, side effects may occur if the specialist did not take into account the type of skin and hair and turned on the wrong mode of the device, or the skin was treated with an insufficient amount of coolant.

The most common complications after a poorly performed procedure are:

In rare cases, after laser treatment, an increase in moles in size can be observed. More often this happens in the absence of a full consultation and if the master did not close it with special overlays before processing.