Can lenses be worn after surgery? Colored contact lenses ADRIA Glamorous - «Is it possible to wear lenses after laser vision correction LASIK? My dream of an expressive puppet look. Is it possible to wear lenses after lasik.

Possibility to wear contact lenses after laser vision correction worries many people. Since the procedure may not give the desired effect, or with its help only part of the eye problems were solved, glasses or contact correctors could compensate for the unsatisfactory condition. If the use of glasses for a person is unacceptable, then wearing optics is the only way out. Contact lenses after surgery, the choice of their type, restrictions become important.

Is it possible to wear?

The operation is addressed with a desire to improve vision, solve the problem of ophthalmic pathology or remove a cosmetic defect. Despite the popularity of the procedure, no clinic can guarantee the quality and predict the results of the operation - a number of individual indicators decide the outcome. Vision may not be restored, it may even worsen the original condition. Discomfort may be little noticeable, but sometimes it does not allow you to live normally: astigmatism develops, eyes get tired quickly, they cannot see at dusk, etc.

You can wear lenses after laser vision correction. In some cases, doctors recommend doing this. The indications are as follows:

  • To compensate when a full recovery has not occurred.
  • Deterioration. Vision correction is accompanied by the removal of microscopic particles of the cornea, its shape becomes uneven. As a result - loss of clarity of vision or the appearance of astigmatism. If the cornea is already thin and re-correction is not possible, ophthalmologists may advise wearing lenses.
  • Ophthalmic pathologies. Some operations are not accompanied by correction of visual acuity. After correcting individual pathologies, the need to wear glasses or lenses persists.
  • Acceleration of rehabilitation, which is possible with the help of temporary lenses.
  • aesthetic changes. Colored, if a person wants to change the shade or color of the eyes.

What are needed?

After the surgical intervention On the eyes, doctors recommend the use of hard lenses.

All optical products are divided into types:

  • rigid, which do not change shape;
  • soft, that take the shape of the eye, for example, when blinking;
  • hybrid, which have the characteristics of both hard and soft.

Another conditional division is gas permeability, that is, the ability of the eye to “breathe”. If it is not there, the eye dries up, gets tired quickly. Accordingly, the selection criterion is a high degree of gas permeability. Both soft and hard samples give access to air, only soft ones have the highest rates - no higher than 38 units; in hard ones - over 200. Under the hard shell, the cornea breathes better. The lack of close contact of surfaces does not allow pathogenic bacteria to spread. In addition, after correction, the cornea changes and it becomes difficult to put on soft ones. For the safety of vision after surgery, ophthalmologists advise switching from soft to hard, gas-permeable specimens.

Wearing hard options is the most gentle: they rub less, have high breathability, and do not contribute to the spread of bacteria.

You can wear two varieties - hard and hybrid. The former are characterized by a large diameter and an aspherical shape (the lens is almost flat in the central part, and convex at the edges). They are made of polymers that retain their original state and allow air to pass through. The second - hybrid - soft at the edges and hard in the center, allow you to better adapt if the patient used only soft ones before.

Features: Is there an alternative?

The first days of corrective optics should not be worn all day, so the organs of vision will gradually get used to it.

To maximize the effect of using optical correctors, you need to give your eye time to get used to it. Ophthalmologists advise first to wear part-time to give rest to the organs of vision, and start with hybrid ones, as they are more comfortable. Often in the postoperative period, ophthalmologists offer a special type of optic with an increased diameter, aspherical or flatter shape in the center than at the edges. This design is also called "reverse geometry". There are already successful examples of correcting myopia (nearsightedness) with these lenses without surgery. The advantages of such alternative correctors are:

If your vision is not good enough after LASIK or other refractive surgery, then you may consider using gas permeable or hybrid contact lenses to improve your vision. Such contact lenses have a smooth and hard surface. These lenses will help correct optical imperfections that glasses and soft contact lenses cannot correct.

Why can't I see clearly after refractive surgery?

Despite high success rates, LASIK, PRK, and other laser vision correction procedures do not guarantee perfect vision for everyone. Your results depend largely on the unique structure of the cornea, the response to the laser, and how the tissue heals after surgery.

LASIK and other laser vision correction procedures reshape the front surface of your eye by removing microscopic pieces of corneal tissue in just the right amount. Sometimes this can lead to an uneven shape of the cornea, which can make your vision less clear after surgery than it was when you wore glasses or contact lenses before surgery.

When to start using contact lenses

Many people who do not have enough good vision after refractive surgery, there may be problems that have a mild manifestation and are quite tolerable, many do not even notice them. But for others, postoperative vision problems can reduce overall quality of life, such as eye fatigue, headaches, and difficulty driving at night.

Glare, halos, flashes, starbursts around bright objects (headlights, street lamps) may also occur. LASIK eye surgery and other procedures can also sometimes cause astigmatism to develop.

Sometimes these disorders can be corrected by a second operation. But your cornea may be too thin for revision surgery. In this case, gas-permeable contact lenses or hybrid contact lenses.

Gas permeable contact lenses after surgery

Gas permeable contact lenses are rigid contact lenses that retain their shape on the eye due to the density of their material, unlike soft contact lenses, due to which they are less deformed during eye blinking, which allows the image to remain stable.

In comparison, soft contact lenses are more flexible, causing their shape to change at the moment of blinking, meaning that soft contact lenses cannot achieve the same effect as gas permeable lenses.

Ordinary glasses also do not allow you to change the bumps on the cornea. Glasses can only correct basic refractions - myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Special design contact lenses for the postoperative eye

LASIK and other laser refractive surgeries can significantly change the shape of the cornea, putting contact lenses on a postoperative eye is more difficult than on an eye with a normally shaped cornea. In this case, special design gas permeable or hybrid lenses are required.

Modified gas permeable lens designs can have a larger diameter, aspherical design where the lens is much flatter at the center than at the periphery, similar to those used in orthokeratology to correct myopia and astigmatism without surgery. Many ophthalmologists recommend these lenses for those who do not want laser vision correction.

If you did not wear gas-tight lenses before the operation, you will need time to adapt to them. You may need to wear the lenses part-time at first before you feel comfortable wearing them. Putting gas-tight contact lenses on eyes that have undergone refractive surgery requires special skills.

Hybrid contact lenses and high-definition glasses

An alternative to gas permeable contact lenses for vision correction after eye surgery are hybrid contact lenses and high-definition glasses.

In most cases, hybrid contact lenses are effective as gas permeable contact lenses in correcting aberrations after refractive surgery and allow easier adaptation to gas permeable lenses. When worn, hybrid lenses are comparable to soft contact lenses.

High-definition glasses are a good choice for correcting minor refractive errors that may remain after surgery.

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If LASIK or another refractive surgery procedure fails, special gas permeable (GP) or hybrid contact lenses may be considered as an alternative way to improve vision. In particular, this option is acceptable if the subsequent operation or the positive effects of it are not possible.

The smooth and hard surface of these lenses allows you to correct those imperfections of vision that glasses and soft contact lenses cannot eliminate. This fact distinguishes gas permeable or hybrid lenses and presents them as best choice for more effective way improving visual acuity.

What are the reasons for not improving vision after refractive surgery procedures?

LASIK, PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and other laser vision correction surgeries show high success rates: the latest review of published studies actually showed that more than 95% of patients are satisfied with the result of the procedure.

Unfortunately, in all cases there are exceptions. Positive result operations in most cases depends on how the cornea of ​​​​the eye reacts to laser energy and how, as a result, the healing process proceeds.

Bright light, radial halos around light sources in some cases become a problem for the patient after vision corrective procedures. In some cases, they can cause irregular astigmatism accompanied by blurry and/or distorted vision.

Patients who managed to regain vision as a result of surgery, these problems are easier to tolerate; but for the rest - additional visual defects can cause a decrease in the level of the overall quality of life, manifesting itself in such side effects, as intraocular tension, pain in the back of the head and difficulty in driving at night.

When are contact lenses required in the postoperative period?

During LASIK and other corrective procedures, due to the removal of a microscopic layer of tissue from the sclera, the front surface changes eyeball. In some cases, this can lead to pathological changes in the shape of the retina and, as a result, to a decrease in the initial clarity of vision.

These pathological changes can be corrected by carrying out an additional improvement procedure. However, in cases where the cornea is too thin to be re-exposed, or there are other factors that limit re-exposure, gas-permeable or hybrid contact lenses may be the most optimal solution Problems.

The use of hard contact lenses in the postoperative period

Due to the fact that GP lenses are rigid in their structure, their design is preserved on the eye, in contrast to soft lenses, which, losing their own and acquiring the shape of the retina, only cover it.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the space between the cornea and the reverse part of the HP lens is filled with tear fluid. This "lake" of tears covers irregularities on the surface of the sclera that cause aberration. The cover lens optically replaces the surface of the cornea, eliminating blur and other visual distortions.

Compared to gas-permeable lenses, soft contact lenses are not able to create such an effect, due to the fact that they only conform to the surface of the cornea without changing it.

Of course, ordinary glasses, which in no way can affect the shape of the cornea, are not able to correct vision problems caused by it. irregular shape.

Spectacle optics is able to correct only the main refractive disorders - myopia, hypermetropia and regular astigmatism.

Special lenses for the postoperative period

Due to the fact that as a result of LASIK and other surgical procedures, the shape of the sclera changes, the patient in the postoperative period requires special lenses that are radically different from ordinary lenses. Under the circumstances, special gas-permeable or hybrid designs are required.

The modified model is a lens enlarged in diameter, with an aspherical or flatter center compared to the edges (reverse geometry design). Similar models are already used in orthokeratology to correct myopia without surgery.

Many ophthalmologists after the LASIK procedure, regardless of whether re-correction is necessary or not, recommend scleral contact lenses to patients. These gas-permeable lenses, due to their increased diameter, rest on the sclera and thus protect the entire surface of the cornea.

By protecting the entire cornea, scleral lenses can be particularly effective in correcting aberrations and irregular astigmatism. In addition, lenses help reduce the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms of dry eye syndrome in postoperative period.

Special computerized instruments, not required for the fitting of conventional lenses, are used to obtain highly accurate pinpoint measurements of the corneal surface after the procedure. Based on the results obtained, a possible and rational method of vision correction is being developed. These instruments, called keratotopographs or aberometers, use technology similar to that used before laser corrective procedures.

Due to additional manipulations, the fitting of contact lenses after corrective procedures usually requires more time and material costs than the fitting of conventional lenses. In addition, the process of initial adaptation to gas-permeable lenses takes longer than getting used to soft contact lenses. It is likely that before the discomfort disappears completely, the patient will first be forced to wear lenses for a short time every day for several days.

Fitting a gas-tight lens for an eye that has undergone refractive manipulation requires special skills, similar to those required for fitting a lens for an eye with a retinal malformation caused by keratoconus or corneal transplantation. Multiple lens options may need to be compared to obtain the best match between comfort and visual acuity. In order to achieve the best results, the patient may ask his ophthalmologist to contact colleagues who specialize in the selection of lenses for particular pathologies.

Hybrid contact lenses and high-definition optics

An alternative to gas-permeable contact lenses after vision correction can be hybrid lenses or glasses with high-definition lenses. The development of hybrid contact lenses has made it possible to combine the rigidity of an aberration-correcting HP lens with the comfort of wearing a soft lens.

Often, the effectiveness of hybrid lenses is comparable to gas-permeable ones, and the process of adaptation to them is much less.

Glasses with high definition lenses are new type glasses that can correct minor refractive errors that may still remain after surgery. This correction option is suitable for patients who do not want to wear contact lenses in the postoperative period, as well as in the absence of significant corneal aberrations.

High-definition spectacle lenses are made using advanced technologies and equipment capable of producing lenses with more precise and higher refractive characteristics than conventional spectacle lenses. AT modern world these are called digital or "shape-free" lenses.

Many patients, whether they have had ophthalmic surgery or not, report that high-definition lenses markedly improve visual acuity over conventional lenses, helping them perform everyday visual tasks, including night driving.

For getting additional information on vision correction in the postoperative period and definitions individual method The patient should contact their ophthalmologist.

Every person who has a history of visual impairment wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. For these purposes, ophthalmologists often recommend their patients to undergo laser correction. Those who plan to resort to this operation often have a question - is it possible to wear contact lenses after laser correction?

The eyes are a very complex mechanism. Most people do not even realize what process takes place in the human organs of vision every fraction of a second, due to which a clear and bright picture is formed. Light rays pass through the refractive parts of the eyeball, namely: the cornea, lens, vitreous body ... Then they reach the retina, after which the visual signal enters the brain through optic nerve, where it undergoes special treatment in the corresponding zone. With refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, light rays cannot be concentrated at one point, which is why the image we see is blurry. That is why ophthalmologists prescribe to their patients various means corrections, the most popular of which are glasses or. These optical products allow you to adjust the refractive power of our visual organs in such a way as to "collect" the light rays and deliver them to the retina, and do it in the shortest possible time. a short time. However, it is impossible to ensure the ideal quality of vision forever, neither with glasses nor with lenses. In such cases, ophthalmologists recommend laser vision correction to their patients. The consequences of this procedure are such that the patient can enjoy bright and contrast vision without the use of additional funds. However, it would be wrong to unambiguously call laser correction an ideal panacea suitable for all visually impaired people. So, for example, many of those who have managed to appreciate all the delights of this operation are wondering whether it is possible to wear lenses after laser correction or not?

Why is it prescribed to wear lenses after laser correction?

Regardless of the fact that such operations as LASIK, PRK, Epi-LASEK and other types of laser vision correction are very popular today and are in high demand among clients of ophthalmological clinics, they do not always provide the desired effect. In most cases, the results of the correction depend on individual features body, namely: the structure of the cornea, the reaction of the eye to the laser, as well as the adaptation of eye tissues after surgery. As you know, these procedures allow you to change the outer surface of the eye and remove microscopic particles of corneal tissue. Such work is truly jewelry, because it must be done as carefully as possible. Otherwise, this may cause the cornea to become uneven, which in turn may impair the clarity of visual functions and require further use of lenses.

Who is recommended to wear contact lenses after laser correction?

Some people who have undergone surgery complain that their vision has not improved after the operation. As a rule, they note increased eye fatigue during prolonged visual work during the day, increased headaches, and discomfort when driving at night. In addition, “flies”, glare and halos of images can often occur. For many years now, ophthalmologists have been offering to correct such violations by repeating the operation. However, firstly, not every lens user agrees to it, and secondly, it happens that the shape of the cornea does not allow repeating this procedure. Most users are interested in whether it is possible to continue to use contact lenses after surgery?

Rigid lenses after vision correction

Carrying out laser correction, as a rule, significantly changes the original shape of the cornea, therefore it is not possible to wear lenses that were previously used by the patient. Putting them on your eyes is not so easy now. What to do in such situations? Ophthalmologists recommend the use of special night lenses, which are often called rigid, gas-permeable, or orthokeratological lenses. These models feature a large diameter, practical aspheric design that flattens the center of the lens rather than the peripheral area. Compared to the usual soft models, these optical products are more durable, and therefore are not prone to various kinds of deformations during blinking, due to which the visible image does not lose its stability when wearing these lenses. Some users write on the forums "I wear hard lenses and do not experience discomfort." However, in this matter, everything is individual. Most users who have not previously used gas permeable optical products require a certain adaptation period. For many of them, doctors recommend wearing lenses for the first time not a full day, but only a few hours.

contact hybrid lenses

Another contact lens after surgery is called hybrid. This is a great alternative that night lenses have today. According to experts, they are effective in operation, and the adaptation of the visual organs to them requires only a few days. According to users who have been recommended to wear hybrid lenses by ophthalmologists, they are comparable to those lenses that are made on the basis of soft polymers.

Hi all!

Previously, for several years I used colored contact lenses for vision correction, but then I decided on SUPER LASIK laser vision correction and I no longer needed lenses. But the desire to wear colored lenses did not disappear, I really liked bright blue eyes and now, 2 years after the correction, I decided to start using colored lenses again!

And a month ago I got Adria Color Glamorous lenses. And I just love them!

Price: 1090 r.

Replacement period: 90 days

Wearing mode: Day

Producing country: Korea, designed in the USA

Buy you can on the official website of the brand - direct link to lenses

Adria Elegant Blue(blue) - a rich blue color that enhances the volume of the pupil. Covers your eye color.

Adria Elegant is a series of colored lenses that enlarge the eyes and cover the natural color of the eyes.

So: There are 2 blisters with lenses in the package.

I wore lenses for 6 years, so I put on the lenses quickly, but maybe the first time someone may not succeed. Also in the kit they sent me instructions for use, moisturizing eye drops and a solution for storing lenses.

With the lenses they sent an unrealistically cute container in the form of cats for storing lenses.

On the site you can choose diopters up to -10, if vision correction is not needed, you need to choose diopters of 0.00. Those are the ones I ordered.

The effect of eye enlargement occurs due to:

1. Increased lens diameter;

2. The black rim on the edge of the lens creates a clear contour that enhances the border of the pupil of the eye;

3. The lens pattern enhances the outer contour of the pupil;

4. The color of the lens has a rich tint to create more pupil contrast.


Basic Lens Curvature: 8.60
Diameter: 14.20
Pupillary area diameter: 5.5

Center thickness: T 0.07 (-3.00 D)


So, you can wear lenses after laser vision correction! But it is worth consulting with an ophthalmologist and not getting carried away with the frequent wearing of colored lenses. Indeed, after the operation, the cornea becomes thinner. I decided on colored lenses only 2 years after the operation.

My natural eye color:

Eyes with lenses, pixels are very visible up close:

And the image with lenses in general:


Up close, the lenses don't look very natural, but from a distance it looks like a transition from my eye color to blue. It turns out a very unusual beautiful color.

I love these lenses! I will wear them for holidays and special days, they create a simply gorgeous effect of doll eyes.

And most importantly, they are very comfortable, they are almost not felt on the eyes, but I wear lenses for 5-7 hours. The price is very low, because the period of wearing lenses is as long as 3 months, and if you don’t wear them every day, like me, then more.

I definitely advise those who like to create unusual images, you will definitely like Adria Color Glamorous!

The main advantages of Adria lenses:

Low price

original design

Very pretty colors and great selection.

Comfortable to wear all day long

Suitable for any eye color, even block the pigment brown eyes


For me they are not

Thank you for your attention!