Exact spacing between teeth a. Three teeth and how to fix them

Trema is the gaps between the teeth, which in many cases are considered as a pathology. Such gaps between the teeth are the norm during the shelf bite (up to 6 years).

Tremes are often combined with a diastema - the gap between the central incisors of the upper jaw.

  • An increase in the size of the jaw with normal teeth.
  • Reduction in the size of the teeth with the normal development of the jaw.
  • Anomalies in the shape of the teeth.
  • Adentia (absence of a tooth) - congenital or due to caries. After the removal of individual teeth, the neighboring ones begin to move towards the formed defect, however, it is extremely rare to completely close it. As a result, gaps up to 4-6 mm wide are formed.
  • Bad habits.

The appearance of gaps between teeth is often hereditary.

Problems and complications

At first glance, tremas and diastemas are quite harmless - they rarely cause concern, so patients often do not seek help from a dentist. However, there are a number of problems and complications that this pathology can lead to:

  1. Firstly, a violation of aesthetics - the gaps between the teeth (especially between the central incisors) cause a cosmetic defect. Most patients are dissatisfied with the presence of such gaps.
  2. Secondly, numerous tremas can lead to periodontal diseases. This is due to the lack of contact between the teeth, which helps to evenly distribute the chewing load on the entire dentition. As a result, there is an overload of individual teeth, which leads to gum disease and periodontal disease.
  3. Thirdly, the development of diseases of the temporomandibular joint. The gaps between the teeth reduce the efficiency of chewing food on the side where they are located, which causes one-sided chewing. For a long time, this situation leads to joint overload and the occurrence of pain dysfunction or arthrosis of the TMJ.
  4. Fourth, violation of the functions of chewing and speech. Poor chewing of food can lead to diseases of the digestive tract. Wide trems can also contribute to the deterioration of the pronunciation of individual sounds.


The tactics of treating pathology depends on the cause that caused it.

  • In the absence of individual teeth, restoration of defects with the help of prostheses is indicated.
  • In case of shape anomalies or microdentia (reducing the size of the teeth), restorative therapy is carried out (the shape of the teeth is restored with the help of fillings, veneers) or prosthetics.
  • When the teeth are in the wrong position in the arch, orthodontic treatment is indicated, most often braces are used.
  • In some cases, they resort to a complex method - first they carry out surgical operations on the jaws (in order to reduce their size), after which the results are fixed with the help of orthodontic appliances.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile, but sometimes small defects do not allow this dream to come true. Often there is such a thing as trem between the teeth. They can be even, white, but these gaps completely spoil the impression. In this article, we will tell you what diastema and trema are, why they appear and how to get rid of them forever.

What is the pathology?

The diastema is the gap between the central incisors. It can appear in both the upper and lower dentition. This most often does not affect the condition of the teeth, but is a clear cosmetic defect. In some cases, the presence of a pronounced diastema can impair a person's diction.

The gap between the front teeth can have different sizes - from 1 to 6 mm. Although in some cases the gap reaches 1 cm. With a mild defect, most people simply put up with it, considering it to be their innate feature that nothing can be done about. And it’s completely in vain, because modern dentistry can permanently save you from dental diastema.

Trema is an increased distance between the remaining teeth. Very often the problem is observed in people with small teeth. A gap of up to 0.7 mm is considered completely normal. When the distance increases to 1 mm, then we can already say that there is a dental pathology.

Small gaps are purely cosmetic. The pronounced tremas are already functional in nature. They can contribute to the development of speech defects, soft tissue damage and the formation of gum pockets. Three teeth in adults can become a source of endless oral diseases and be accompanied by the development of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

The terms diastema and trema are similar in essence, as they are used in the same way to denote an increased distance between the teeth. This defect is quite common. We can say that it occurs in every fifth person, but only in some cases is the reason for going to the dentist.

What is the cause of the anomaly?

Trema may appear on different reasons. Is it heredity or external factors. Let's look at the most common reasons.

  1. genetic predisposition. If one of the parents has increased gaps between the teeth, then it is likely that the child will inherit this feature.
  2. congenital pathology frenulums upper lip The child has. If the film is attached very low and is located in close proximity to the teeth, then due to its excessive tension, increased gaps may form.
  3. Also, pathology can appear with a congenital small size of the teeth or increased growth of the jaw bones.
  4. AT childhood trema can form if the baby long time does not part with the nipple, has a habit of dragging his own fingers or any objects into his mouth.
  5. The defect can develop during the change of temporary occlusion to permanent occlusion. In adulthood, the space increases due to the loss of a single tooth due to the formation of a free gap.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of three, you do not need to put up with this defect. In modern dentistry, there are effective ways corrections. The exception is situations when the gaps between the teeth are formed in a child during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. In this case, the dimensions of the gaps can be normalized independently.

Physiological or pathological process?

The appearance of three is not always a cause for concern. Dentists distinguish among them physiological and pathological varieties. If the gaps between the teeth are found in the second period of the milk bite, then they are physiological. The jaw bones of the child at this time grow intensively, which causes the appearance of gaps.

Gaps of a pathological nature occur when the process of changing milk teeth is completed. Pathological tremas are most often caused by the following reasons:

  • displacement of teeth;
  • partial edentulous;
  • wrong bite;
  • anomalies in the shape and size of the teeth.

Physiological forms do not require treatment, as they pass on their own as the child grows. But the pathological type of trema is a serious reason to see a doctor. Depending on the reasons that led to the formation of gaps and their size, the dentist may decide to use certain orthodontic structures.

Types of diastema

Diastema is even more common. And since it appears between the front teeth, it is a serious cosmetic flaw. Dentists conditionally distinguish true and false diastema. Let's see what that means.

  1. A true diastema develops in an intact dentition. There is a wide gap between the upper incisors and a powerful frenulum of the lip woven into the incisive papilla. X-rays usually show a small indurated seam. If you pull back the upper lip, you can see the whitening of the mucosa of the incisive papilla and sometimes even its displacement. Usually this type of gap is considered a hereditary defect.
  2. False diastema develops as a result of the absence of lateral incisors, with anomalies in the shape of the teeth. Sometimes a supernumerary tooth of an impacted type is found between the anterior incisors on an x-ray. The frenulum in this case remains normal, but the diastema is corrected if it causes aesthetic discomfort to a person or affects the quality of speech.

Elimination of tooth gaps

Tremes are not always inconvenient, but it should be noted that they tend to expand, so it is better to take action in a timely manner. In modern dentistry, there are many ways to solve this problem. During the examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the teeth, the severity of the gap, takes into account individual characteristics patient and then decides whether to use one of the orthodontic appliances. These can be braces, caps or orthodontic plates.

When orthodontic treatment is not required, you can go the simpler route by contacting a dental clinic to make and install veneers. Artificial overlays made of composite materials or porcelain will close the gap and completely eliminate the cosmetic defect.

From this article, you learned about a common defect in the dentition. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a helpful video in which the dentist will tell you why it is better to clean the gaps between your teeth.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile, but sometimes small defects become an obstacle.

For example, multiple gaps between teeth do not look attractive. This phenomenon is called trema.

About why they arise, how to get rid of them, and more, you will learn from this article.


Trema (translated from Greek means trema - hole) is the presence of an increased distance between any teeth in oral cavity except for the front ones.

A hole no larger than 0.7 mm is not considered a pathology, but if it exceeds 1 cm, this indicates a dental anomaly called trema.

This defect occurs in many people, and in some cases it is necessary to see a doctor to correct this problem.

Reasons for the appearance

The occurrence of trema can be preceded by many factors, both external and hereditary.

The most common causes are as follows:

  1. genetic inheritance. A child can inherit this defect from one of the relatives.
  2. Large size and shape of teeth. This usually indicates irregular shape lateral incisors, so gaps form near them.
  3. The presence of neoplasms, tumors in the oral cavity, which prevents correct location bone organs .
  4. Change from milk bite to permanent- This defect often resolves itself.
  5. Disproportionate jawbones does not allow the proper development of teeth.
  6. Congenital malposition of the frenulum of the upper lip. When the film is very close to the teeth, which causes tension and cracks.
  7. Incorrect incisor placement appearing rather late.
  8. Prolonged nipple sucking in childhood, as well as the habit of babies sucking fingers, toys or objects, biting their nails.
  9. Delayed growth of molars- when the process of milk loss is too slow.
  10. Deformity of the lower or upper jaw arising for various reasons.
  11. Damage/loss of one or more teeth in adulthood. In this case, the remaining teeth begin to shift and gaps appear between them. If prostheses or implants are installed in a timely manner, this will not happen.
  12. Diseases of the teeth and gums. If the disease is advanced, complications arise, in particular inflammatory processes on the gums, which leads to discrepancy, loosening and loss of teeth.
  13. Incorrect swallowing reflex. If, during swallowing, the tongue is pressed not to the palate, but to the front teeth, this will lead to their divergence.

If tremas appeared during the period of change of a temporary occlusion to a permanent one, their size can naturally normalize over time. If this defect was provoked by other factors, dental correction is necessary.


Many believe that trema is an exclusively aesthetic problem. Usually they do not bother people and do not cause much discomfort, but still in some cases, they can cause a number of serious problems.

Complications are of a different nature:

  1. Damage to gum tissue and the formation of deep periodontal pockets. Due to the fact that pieces of food remain in these holes, the hygienic state of the oral cavity is disturbed, harmful bacteria spread, affecting soft tissues gums.

    If you constantly remove food debris with a toothpick, the mucous membrane, gums, and even the surface of the enamel can be inadvertently injured.

  2. The development of such a serious inflammatory disease gums, like a periodontium, which is difficult to treat.
  3. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. As a result of poor chewing of food for a long time, the joint receives excessive stress, which leads to arthrosis and other diseases of the TMJ.
  4. Disorders in the work of the chewing apparatus. Inefficiently chewed food can lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Speech disorders. If the trems are too wide, the pronunciation of some sounds deteriorates.

If the problem is not corrected in time, more serious complication- damage to bone tissue. In this case, surgery is indispensable.


There are three types of defects - pathological and physiological defects.

Pathological ones occur after the completion of the formation of a permanent occlusion. There are many reasons for the appearance of gaps of a pathological nature ( malocclusion, displacement, abnormal dimensions of the jaw bones, etc.). This type of defect requires immediate correction.

The dentist helps the patient to choose the necessary orthodontic or orthopedic design, depending on general condition oral cavity, the width of the gaps and the reasons for their formation.

Physiological tremes appear in early age when milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. During this period, there is an intensive growth of the jaw bones, which provokes the formation of gaps between the teeth.

Trems of the physiological type are not a cause for concern, they gradually decrease on their own.

Methods of treatment

The gaps between the teeth tend to expand, so you need to start treatment as soon as possible. modern medicine has a large number of ways to solve this problem.

The most acceptable of them is determined individually in each case. The effectiveness of the methods largely depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.

Orthodontic constructions

The technique involves the use of removable or non-removable devices. Its purpose is to correct the location of the dentition and fix it in this position.

Removable structures are presented in the form of orthodontic plates, aligners, corrective wires and elastopositioners. They are recommended for children under 12 years of age, as they have a gentle and, at the same time, highly effective effect.

Fixed structures are braces. In any dental clinic there is a wide selection of braces that differ in material, cost, type of fastening and principle of action.

Wearing braces does not harm your teeth at all, but the lack of proper care can lead to the development of caries.

Treatment of small trema with orthodontic structures lasts approximately 6-8 months. Severe tremas need to be treated for more than a year.

Orthopedic treatment includes the use of corrective devices such as veneers and lumineers, crowns, composite materials, and implants. The purpose of orthopedic techniques is the visual elimination of the defect.

Veneers and Lumineers

These are ultra-thin ceramic plates (0.5-1.7 mm thick), which are attached to the front surface of the enamel with a special adhesive. They come in various widths, which allows you to effectively eliminate gaps.

Veneers and lumineers can be installed in the presence of small gaps (up to 3 mm). Before using veneers, it is necessary to grind the teeth. If lumineers are used, turning procedures can be avoided.


If there are gaps of large size, crowns can be used to eliminate them. They must be made of high quality materials, and accurately match the color of the teeth. Unlike veneers, crowns completely cover the tooth, correcting its shape.

The advantage of this method is that it can be used to get rid of gaps in the entire dentition. . The disadvantage is the need for deep grinding and the mandatory destruction of the nerve.

Composite materials

The technique of composite restoration is very similar to the installation of veneers. But in this case, composite overlays are attached. Although this method is one of the most economical, it has several disadvantages:

  • slight grinding of enamel;
  • low aesthetic performance;
  • short duration of the effect (due to excessive softness of the material).

This method is good because composite materials can be re-restored and teeth preparation is not required for their installation.

The video talks about hiding the gaps between the teeth with straight veneers - what it is and how the procedure is performed.


This method can be used if the defect arose as a result of partial loss of teeth.

There is a whole list of contraindications for implantation, so you have to complete medical examination before the procedure.


There are no preventive measures as such. Mostly recommendations of a general nature, which are also relevant for the prevention of many other dental defects.

The main advice regarding the prevention of the development of gaps between the teeth is a careful observation of the state of the dentition during the period when the milk bite changes to permanent.

  1. It is necessary to monitor the development of the dentition, in accordance with the norms.
  2. If, when changing the bite, milk teeth fell out prematurely, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to fix special splints in the holes to avoid the process of divergence of other teeth.
  3. If an abnormal arrangement of teeth is detected at the age of 6-8 years, you should undergo myotherapy.

Preventive measures for adults are to maintain a satisfactory oral hygiene and surgical treatment dental diseases.

In the video, the doctor will tell you whether to leave or remove trem between the teeth.

The gap between the front teeth in dentistry is called a diastema. This anomaly is very common and is often associated with another common defect - three, gaps of various sizes in the dentition. characteristic feature Diastema is the presence of a gap 1-6 mm wide in the space between the central incisors of the upper or lower dentition. However, in severe clinical cases, the width of the gap can reach 10 mm.

Most often, this defect is observed between the incisors of the upper jaw, while the diastema mandible considered rare. Depending on the complexity of the anomaly, some changes in the patient's appearance become noticeable, as well as speech and diction dysfunctions. But since many people do not know what the gap between the teeth means and what is called, some of them put up with this defect and avoid the treatment that is so necessary even with such a seemingly insignificant problem.

Reasons for the formation of a diastema

There are different opinions about the formation of a large gap between the front teeth. Some researchers believe that a significant factor in the development of the anomaly is low level attachments between the central incisors of a short and powerful frenulum in the region of the upper lip. Others argue that the reason for this is the insufficient calcification of the seam in the sky. And still others defend the point of view regarding the overdevelopment of the upper jaw, which allegedly leads not only to the appearance of a gap between the front teeth, but also to the development of gaps (three) in general.

Be that as it may, the proven cause of the development of the mandibular diastema can be considered the high fastening of the frenulum of the tongue, which limits its movement and violates diction.

In this case, the operation to cut off the frenulum and suturing the surface of the wound is used as a treatment. If we talk about the occurrence of this anomaly in general, then an interesting topic is the transmission of diastema by inheritance, voiced at the beginning of the 20th century, which implies the presence of a gap between the front teeth in about 50% of the patient's relatives.

The development of the diastema of the upper incisors is caused by the following reasons:

  • the presence of a germ of a supernumerary tooth between the roots of the anterior teeth;
  • the frenulum of the upper lip accompanying the formation of the diastema, attached too low;
  • microdentia of the central incisors;
  • excessively developed bony septum in the region of the central incisors or the jaw as a whole;
  • early loss of one of the front milk teeth;
  • defect in shape and size, and, complete absence lateral incisors;
  • anomaly in the position of all teeth of the anterior group;
  • belated change of milk teeth by molars.

Despite the extensive list of reasons that can lead not only to the appearance of a gap between the anterior incisors, but also to the formation of gaps, the most common cause of this anomaly is considered to be low attachment of the frenulum, corrected by surgery.

Tremes: causes and treatment

Tremes are gaps of various sizes found in the dentition, both in multiple and in a single manifestation. According to the principle of occurrence, they are divided into pathological and physiological. At the same time, the method of treating this defect is very similar to the same process with diastema.

Tremas of physiological origin can be observed in the second period of the milk occlusion. Their appearance is due to the high growth rate of the child's jaw, while the teeth do not change their original size, which leads to the formation of gaps.

Pathological tremas, in turn, occur already at the end of the process of changing milk teeth and can be caused by the following reasons:

  • malocclusion;
  • partial adentia (lack of one or a pair of teeth);
  • anomalies in the size and shape of the teeth;
  • displacement of teeth.

With physiological trema, treatment is not required, since the defect is corrected on its own immediately after the appearance of molars. In the case of pathological types, the procedure for correcting the anomaly depends on the cause of its occurrence and may include both the use of orthodontic devices and surgical solutions. In some cases, an integrated approach becomes necessary.

Types of diastema

Before thinking about how to fix the gap, you should find out what kind of distema belongs to - false or true.


An anomaly of the true type develops in the intact dentition, and is also characterized by the presence of a wide gap between the upper incisors and a powerful frenulum of the lip woven into the incisive papilla. At the same time, a compacted seam of a small size is visible on the x-ray. And the retraction of the upper lip leads to whitening of the mucous membrane of the incisive papilla up to its displacement. This type of gap between the tooth and the gum is considered to be a hereditary defect.


False diastema develops in the absence of lateral incisors, various anomalies in size and shape central teeth, and also when there is a supernumerary tooth of an impacted type between the front incisors, which can be easily identified radiographically. In this case, the frenulum of the upper lip remains normal, however, the decision to close the diastema, as in the case of the true form of the defect, is made based on aesthetic and speech disorders. varying degrees gravity.

What to do about diastema

Removal of the diastema can be performed both surgically and orthodontically. At the same time, the need for one or another method of treating this anomaly directly depends on its complexity, as well as the age of the patient. So, for example, with a diastema of milk teeth, the defect resolves itself immediately after the change of teeth, which eliminates the need to search for an answer on how to remove the gap between the teeth in a child when changing milk to molars. If the gap in the child remains even after their renewal, then treatment is inevitable.

The most common method of diastema repair is considered to be the use of weak force, provided, for example, by removable plates with hand-shaped springs. This approach is due to the fact that the use of high force can lead to bone resorption and deformation, and they, in turn, to complications from the perapical tissues.

When looking for options on how to get rid of the diastema and close the gap between the teeth in adults, as in the case of children, one should count on orthodontic or surgical correction. And if, for example, the presence of an overdeveloped short frenulum of the lip is confirmed, it becomes justified to get rid of the diastema by surgery by excision and plastic displacement of the inter-incisal connective tissue. This method of diastema restoration, even in adults, facilitates further treatment, and also allows you to consolidate previously obtained results.

However, the choice of only surgical intervention cannot be final, since it is always associated with an integrated approach, and therefore, with diastema, orthodontic treatment is no less important. It should also be noted that the use of specialized devices can be carried out both before the operation and after it. This means that with diastema, braces can be used both as an intermediate remedy and as the main device for correcting the gap.

Cosmetic treatments

Modern dentistry offers patients a number of quick cosmetic solutions to eliminate the defect - veneers and tooth extensions:

  • Veneers are thin overlays for teeth made of porcelain or composite material. For their reliable fastening, a special composition is used, which in function resembles superglue, applied to the pre-treated tooth surface. In general, they are quick to implement and handy as a temporary solution, but do not physically fix the anomaly.
  • In the case of extension, the actual treatment of the diastema also does not occur, however, this method of closing the gap between the teeth is the most preferable if it is only a restoration. It involves applying a certain number of layers of photographic material to the walls of the front teeth, designed to fill the existing gap. And although the reliability of building is higher than, for example, when using veneers, the strength of the created coating is incomparable with the natural resistance of the teeth.

Currently dental clinics provide a wide range of services to improve the aesthetics of your smile. With help modern technologies specialists carry out high-quality whitening, installation of veneers, restoration of missing teeth through prosthetics. For patients who turn to a specialist with pathologies such as diastema or trema (they are also called "gaps between the teeth"), there are also several treatment options. From today's article, you can learn in detail about how they differ and how to fix these pathologies.

What is a diastema

Sometimes a small gap is formed between the central incisors of a person - from 1 to 6 millimeters. This condition is called diastema of the teeth. This pathology can be located both between the upper teeth and between the lower incisors of a person. Diastema occurs not so rarely - in about 20% of patients.

“For as long as I can remember, I have always had a gap in my upper jaw. Never complexed about it. Although the boys in the yard tried to tease, I whistled louder, and they were jealous. When I went to the dentist at the institute to cure caries, they told me about the diastema and advised me to keep my gums healthy.”

Karina P., review from the sitebaby. en

What is trema

Trema between the teeth is also observed in many people. Its main difference from the diastema is only in the location. Trema also denotes the interval between the teeth, but is located in a different place in the dentition. For example, between the lateral incisor and canine, canine and premolar, etc. With a normal structure, the value of this distance in an adult is up to 0.7 mm. If the gap is more than 1 mm, then the doctor will diagnose "trema".

Types of gaps between teeth

There are several types of diastema and trema. Some are diagnosed only in children, but the most dangerous of them occur at an older age. Let's take a closer look at the types of pathologies:

  • false diastema: appears in children during the eruption of the milk row. Usually, the closure of such a diastema takes place as the milk teeth appear or they are replaced by permanent ones,
  • true: the diagnosis is made if, after the loss of the milk row and the appearance of all molars, an interval of more than 1 mm remains between the central incisors,
  • physiological trema: occurs during the growth of the jaw in childhood. In a situation where it develops faster than new teeth have time to grow. This state passes as all elements in the row appear. But parents need to observe that the child does not injure the gums,
  • pathological trema: may be provoked by atrophy spongy bone jaw, lack of teeth in a row. For example, due to early extraction of milk teeth or improper development of tooth germs. This species needs to be treated.

Causes of gaps between teeth

Let's take a closer look at the prerequisites for the occurrence of the pathologies in question. The causes of diastema are usually considered the following phenomena:

  • physiologically incorrect development of the frenulum of the lip: a shortened frenulum is attached below the upper part of the incisors (upper jaw), and on the lower jaw the frenulum can be attached higher. Because of this, the side surfaces of the incisors cannot touch, a defect appears,
  • genetic predisposition: if a close relative has a “hole”, then the probability of manifestation of pathology in descendants is high,
  • bad habits: thumb sucking, illiterate breast-feeding, the use of non-orthodontic pacifiers and pacifiers can provoke the appearance of a gap between the front teeth.

Despite the fact that the diastema is, in fact, a type of trema, the latter may appear due to the following reasons (the previous ones, respectively, are also not excluded):

  • the small size of the teeth against the background of a strong development of the jaw: because of this, gaps appear in the dentition,
  • removal or prolapse: if the prosthesis is not installed in a timely manner or, then the elements may spread along the row and, as a result, the appearance of gaps,
  • hereditary factor: this pathology can again be transmitted from generation to generation.

Interesting fact! It is known that diastema - a gap between the front incisors in 80% of cases is transmitted from parents to children.

Symptoms of pathologies and complications

After we have answered the questions about tremas and diastemas - what they are and what they are, let's look at the signs and consequences of these pathologies. It is clear that the appearance of interdental gaps in itself indicates a symptom. In fact, everything is limited to them. Everything else is already unpleasant consequences, and sometimes complications.

So, it should be remembered that the gums and teeth in the presence of such gaps are subject to many diseases:

  • inflammation of the gum tissue and ligamentous apparatus: manifests itself in the form of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease,
  • speech defect: very large gaps do not always allow you to put the tongue correctly, this leads to a violation of diction,
  • protruding teeth forward (towards the lips) or backward deviation (toward the palate or tongue),
  • injuries: occur due to exposure to hard food,
  • diseases: caries, can be triggered by trauma to the tooth enamel and dentin,
  • stress: often in adults there is psychological discomfort due to a violation of the aesthetics of a smile,
  • and atrophy of the jaw bone: normally, when chewing food, the load is evenly distributed over the entire dentition. If there is a gap in the row, then the tissues in this place become weakened.

Important! According to studies, more than 60% of the owners of the gap between the central incisors do not think about how to remove it, and are not going to treat the diastema. And patients with trema in 90% of cases want to correct the pathology.

Diagnosis of diseases

During a visit to the dentist, the doctor must correctly establish the diagnosis in order to determine the severity of the case, plan further actions and choose a method of correction. In some cases, visual inspection is not enough. Then the orthodontist will refer the patient to. It is important to exclude or confirm the presence of bone tissue in the problem area. The picture will also allow you to see the location of the roots in the jaw, to detect underdeveloped tooth germs.

Treatment: how to get rid of gaps between teeth

There are surgical and therapeutic methods for correcting interdental clefts. Of course, it is preferable to use therapy - this is the direction of the orthodontist. Beforehand, the duration of achieving the final result is discussed with the patient, that is, whether it is necessary to remove the diastema urgently or in a few months. The price of therapy also plays a significant role.

Consider all the methods of treatment:

  • braces: this is the name of metal, ceramic or sapphire devices that are attached to the teeth for several months in order to form the correct bite, that is, to shift the position of the teeth. The main approach in the treatment of such pathologies. The cost starts from 25 thousand rubles. Suitable for the treatment of numerous three in a row,
  • mouthguards or silicone aligners: alternatives to braces. Also suitable in the presence of multiple three. Price - from 180 thousand rubles for the complex,
  • filling or closing with a composite material: the gap between the frontal incisors is corrected with a filling material in the way of artistic restoration of the diastema. The price starts from 4000 rubles per tooth. This and the methods described below are not used for three, since it is only about restoring the aesthetics of the frontal region,
  • veneers for diastema: ceramic onlays 0.5-0.7 mm thick. These micro prostheses have been used for decades and rightfully hold the palm in terms of the quality of restored smile aesthetics. However, to install them, you need to grind off your own enamel, which is not suitable for every patient. Veneers serve 10-15 years. The price of 1 element starts from 15 thousand rubles,
  • (these are also plates, but thinner - about 0.2 mm thick). Their advantages are in a quick and almost painless installation, without grinding off the enamel. Cost - from 30 thousand rubles for 1 plate. But such a restoration is only suitable for ideal teeth. Correction in this way is not used if the diastema width is greater than 7 mm,
  • carbon retainers: used in children to tighten the anterior incisors. Installed for a period of 12 months.

As for the installation of braces and aligners, this is for the orthodontist. You must definitely contact him if the child has gaps in a row, regardless of the bite - whether it is milky or permanent. It is important to start treatment as early as possible so that there are no problems in adulthood.

For crowns, veneers or lumineers, you need to contact an orthopedic dentist (he is also called a prosthodontist). These techniques are justified in situations where, apart from cracks, no other bite pathologies are present. And, accordingly, there are no complications.

“Last year I decided to make a filling in place of the gap. I did not like the way my smile looked, although my parents and boyfriend claimed that it gave me charm. What can I say - the procedure was not very long, just over an hour. At first, the filling interfered with me, I wanted to push it out with my tongue. But after a couple of weeks, I stopped feeling discomfort. But now I really like the reflection in the mirror!”

Oksana I., review from the siteirecommend. en

Surgical methods for the treatment of pathology include the following (they are carried out only in the presence of really complex pathologies):

  • corticostomy: correction of the palatine suture, required if the suture between the central incisors is filled with connective and bone tissue. It is carried out under anesthesia. An unpleasant procedure, especially for children. Long-term rehabilitation
  • removal of milk incisors: if their size is very large. The permanent incisors grow to a normal size.

Prevention of pathologies and complications

To maintain the health of the oral cavity and the formation of the correct bite, parents should pay attention to the bad habits of the child - do not allow him to suck his finger, change pacifiers and nipples in time (it is better to use orthodontic ones). After the eruption of the milk row, it is necessary to control the position of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips, and if an anomaly is noticed, contact the orthodontist.

In adulthood, you need to monitor the condition of the gums, to prevent injuries. It is also important to install a prosthesis in time or in place of a lost or removed element - so that the teeth do not spread along the row.

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