Do they take to the army with braces. Malocclusion and Army Malocclusion Army

The legislation provides for a number of cases exempting from compulsory military service. A delay is also possible, for a while. Problems can be related to many factors. Genetic defects, problems during the formation of teeth, belated referral to specialists are the most common causes problems with oral cavity. These problems often lead to inconveniences that affect the performance of the service.

Examples of possible problems:

  1. Difficulties with digestion of food, up to special diets.
  2. Problems with the assimilation of food, the digestive tract.
  3. Damage to the enamel of the teeth, its untimely wear.
  4. Gum disease, inflammation, bleeding.
  5. Defects of the speech apparatus, speech distortions.
  6. Facial deformities.

All pathological changes must be documented and presented to a therapist or dentist when passing a medical commission. Copies of documents must confirm the appeal to the orthodontist, it is desirable to have a history of the development of the pathology. After an additional examination, the conscript may receive a deferment or be completely exempted from military service. This dysfunction can affect nutrition, interfere with chewing, the army does not have the ability to provide military special support.

An equally important argument in granting a delay may be a violation of diction, the army requires clear speech, the ability to give commands and report on the situation to the chief.

Pathological problems can be solved in several ways. It should be noted that contacting a specialist is mandatory. According to the problem, the specialist can prescribe the following types of treatment:

  1. Surgical intervention.
  2. Chewing gymnastics.
  3. Installation of special devices (braces).

These treatments can be used individually or together. After the operation, a repeated commission is carried out no earlier than six months later. If the treatment has corrected the situation, the conscript receives a summons. If you refuse treatment, it is likely that the conscript will receive a category that allows you not to serve in peacetime.

So do they take to the army with braces?

Braces are an expensive design that requires large financial investments during installation, constant care, and control. The cleaning procedure is not always possible to perform. In the army, this possibility may not be. According to the responses of military personnel, it is known that cleaning, adjusting, using special equipment such as dental floss, rinses and other processing is difficult not only during the stay in the unit, but also during field exercises. The control of the use of braces is carried out by the attending physician, this is a prerequisite for the stay of a young man with a pathology in the army. Bracket - the system is not prohibited during the service, nor does it exempt from it. Diseases approved by law do not include the presence of braces. The only possible exception is bite problems. There are only two such exceptions:

  • Malocclusion of the 2nd degree with the activity of chewing actions less than 60 percent and dissociation up to 10 mm.
  • Malocclusion of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, the separation of which is more than 10 mm.

In the presence of braces that correct aesthetic functions, for example, align teeth, this is not a contraindication to the service. So yes. With braces they take to the army.

In any case, only at the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office can a conscript be assigned a category of fitness for compulsory service in the troops of the Russian Federation. Medical staff, as well as other personnel of the military commissariat, cannot force a conscript to remove the structure. But the young man must understand the consequences of his decision not to remove the braces. Most often, the decision to remove braces will be the most correct.

An overbite is an arrangement of teeth with a closed jaw. With the correct position, the incisors are in the center, the upper row of teeth overlaps the lower one by 1/3, and there are no extraneous gaps between the rows.

The right to exemption from military duty is due to the fact that a young man with a similar pathology will not be able to chew army food. The second reason is violation of diction. Army life requires military personnel to have a clear and intelligible speech. Therefore, with strong malocclusion exempt from the army.

To draw the attention of the dentist of the military medical commission to the passage of recruiting events, you need to take medical documents confirming the fact of contacting a specialist: copies of pages medical card with the conclusion of the attending physician, x-rays.

If at the medical examination the dentist pays attention to the problem of the conscript, the young man will be sent for an additional examination to the orthodontist. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the draft board will give the young man a deferment from the call and referral for treatment.

Treatment methods:

  • Surgical intervention (correction);
  • Myotherapy (chewing "physical education");
  • Installation of braces.

Citizens upon initial registration for military service, conscription for military service (military training), entry into military service under a contract and military educational institutions are recognized as temporarily unfit for military service, if after surgical treatment for malocclusion less than 6 months have passed.

They are not accepted into the army with malocclusion of the II degree with bite separation from 5 to 10 mm with chewing efficiency of less than 60 percent according to N.I. Agapov or with malocclusion of II and III degrees with bite separation of more than 10 mm (excluding chewing efficiency). The conclusion on the category of fitness for military service is made according to paragraph "b" of Article 56 of the Schedule of Diseases, the conscript is assigned the category of fitness "B", is limitedly fit and is not called up in peacetime.

With an anomaly of bite of the II degree with bite separation from 5 to 10 mm with a chewing efficiency of 60 percent or more, the conscript is subject to conscription into the army with a fitness category of B-3.

The presence of a malocclusion of the 1st degree (displacement of the dentition up to 5 mm inclusive) does not prevent military service.

In relation to those examined with non-removed metal structures after osteosynthesis of fractures of the maxillary bone and (or) lower jaw with a slight or no impairment of the respiratory, olfactory, chewing, swallowing and speech functions, paragraph "c" of Article 56, category B-3 is applied.

Malocclusion in dentistry is called dysfunction of jaw closure. More than half of the world's inhabitants suffer from malocclusion.

Unfortunately, malocclusion contradicts not only a pleasant, aesthetic appearance, but also much more serious.

bite problems entail a number of physiological consequences, up to death. The sooner a person turns to a specialist, the more likely it is that serious consequences can be avoided.

Consequences of different types of malocclusion in adults and children

malocclusion affect several body systems at once. Problems usually arise with the process of speech, chewing, swallowing, as well as with breathing and digestive systems. Malocclusion often entails headaches, pain in the spine, problems with the neck.

Photo 1. Schematic representation of the types of malocclusion: deep, open, cross, distal and mesial.

What threatens temporary

The period of formation of temporary occlusion 3-6 years. At this time, all temporary teeth erupt, the jaws grow and prepare for the eruption of permanent teeth. At this point, it is most important for the development of the occlusion to avoid pathological abnormalities and visual defects.

Negative consequences incorrect temporary bite:

when chewing food, it threatens with premature tooth loss;
  • increased risk of soft tissue injury mouth and tongue;
  • due to poorly chewed food contributes to the development of diseases abdominal cavity;
  • difficulty in oral care due to curvature of the mouth;
  • misaligned milk teeth contributes to the development of molars with the same defect.
  • What does the replacement affect, when it is necessary to correct the pathology and why

    Children's teeth change at age 6-12 years old. At this time, it is also important to take Special attention bite development.

    Consequences of incorrect interchangeable bite:

    • problems with swallowing food;
    • underdevelopment of the temporomandibular system are cause of increased susceptibility to diseases of the head and neck;
    • going on increased risk of ENT diseases;
    • increased wear of tooth enamel as a result of improper loading on the chewing surface.

    Important! From 6 to 12 years old it is much easier to correct bite anomalies than at a later age, therefore, if a child has a change of teeth and an abnormal development of the bite, contact an orthodontist, do not wait for a complete change of teeth!

    What does the permanent form lead to, why is it dangerous

    Negative consequences of incorrect permanent bite:

    • increased load on individual teeth;
    • increased tooth sensitivity to temperature due to enamel abrasion;
    • bite height reduction and loss of facial symmetry;
    • temporomandibular joint injuries;
    • developmental disorders of the temporomandibular bones and early erasure of enamel as a result of bruxism;
    • mucosal inflammation;
    • the appearance of apnea- frequent pauses in breathing during sleep.

    Attention! An advanced disease is much more difficult to cure, so contact your dentist. on the most early stages diseases.

    Impact on teeth

    The most common consequence is the uneven distribution of the load on the teeth during chewing. Due to improper closing of the jaws, some teeth do not take part in the process of chewing food at all, while others have to take on a double load. On the last one happens active abrasion of enamel, the dental tissue becomes very fragile. The likelihood of tooth decay is rapidly increasing. On those teeth that are practically not involved in the process, bacteria and plaque accumulate. This provokes the development of caries.

    Photo 2. Erasure of tooth enamel due to malocclusion. This is due to the fact that the teeth press against each other.

    When chewing food may cause discomfort and pain . And also there will be problems with swallowing food, and this, in turn, contributes to the development of carious processes.

    Due to the uneven load on the teeth, their frequent premature loss. This is due to the constant loosening of the crowns that provide chewing food, due to which the periodontal pocket gradually increases, turning into a place of accumulation pathogenic bacteria.

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    Influence on the soft tissues of the oral cavity

    Teeth in violation of the bite are located incorrectly. They may be too deviated towards the lips or, on the contrary, inside the mouth. it leads to injury inside cheeks and lateral surfaces of the tongue. The protruding sharp edges that occur on the teeth due to chips are a particular danger.

    Due to the incorrect distribution of the chewing load, it negatively affects not only the dental crowns, but also the condition of the soft tissues. Thereby gum tissue decreases they wear out quickly.

    The roots of the teeth are exposed, which is fraught with the accumulation of bacteria in the resulting recesses, which creates favorable conditions for the development of caries.

    Malocclusion leads to to periodontitis. This disease develops inflammatory process in the gums: bleeding, pain, an unpleasant odor appears.

    Diseases of the temporomandibular joint

    Diseases of the temporomandibular joint are a common consequence of malocclusion. They are extremely difficult to treat. they are practically not amenable to therapy.

    TMJ diseases occur due to incorrectly positioned incisors due to displacement of the jaw joints relative to each other. This phenomenon leads to headaches and earaches, dizziness, muscle spasms, crunching and clicking while eating.

    Bite and posture

    The development of bite and posture are closely interrelated. Bite affects the position of the head and the condition of the spine.

    A shift of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw by a fraction of a millimeter can change the person's posture, hence the pain throughout the body, from the head to the spine and legs.

    Occurs due to malocclusion asymmetrical contraction of the muscles of the jaws and neck, the position of the head changes, and then, in order to automatically compensate, the tension of the muscles and the position of the bones and joints change, first at shoulder level, then in the back and beyond.

    Does asymmetry affect speech, is it possible to correct diction after braces

    Malocclusion in a child early age can be one of the reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of "complex" letters. Already at 4-5 years old, when speech becomes clear and understandable, some children show the most common defects in speech - problems with pronunciation of certain words. And not in every case speech defects can be corrected speech therapist- it is often necessary first to correct their causes, the basis of which is the incorrect position of the teeth, that is, go to the dentist and correct the malocclusion with braces or other methods.

    How does the face change due to a violation of the closure of the jaws

    malocclusion have a pronounced cosmetic defect. This is an unattractive smile, changes in facial proportions, for example, too protruding lower jaw, constantly open mouth. A massive heavy chin also does not add to the attractiveness of the face, because due to it the jaw looks much larger.

    Photo 3. Woman's face in profile with malocclusion (left) and after correcting the pathology (right).

    The appearance of gaps between the lateral dental sections causes asymmetry of the face and the effect of "sunken cheeks" as if the side teeth were missing altogether. To all this, you can add a somewhat bewildered and surprised-stupid facial expression, which does not paint a person at all.

    Of course, malocclusion changes the face, asymmetry appears. This happens because on one side the teeth wear out faster. With age, this problem only increases.

    ENT diseases, respiratory disorders

    Severe bite anomalies can provoke serious violations in a person in the form of partial or complete replacement of nasal breathing with oral breathing.

    In the future, this the problem is complicated by the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity. This can make a person predisposed to ENT diseases, such as sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. It is extremely difficult to cope with them without the help of an orthodontist.


    Incorrect bite causes bruxism - grinding your teeth, due to the stereotypical periodic activity of a certain muscle group.

    This type of pathology dental system appears as a result of a violation of the typical functions of the neuromuscular complex.

    Allocate two forms bruxism - night and day. Most teeth grinding occurs at night. Teeth with malocclusion rub against each other, causing grinding and characteristic sounds.

    The appearance of bruxism is due to a number of other reasons, for example, stress, the development of other diseases, frustration, anger and aggressiveness. However, if you or your loved ones show signs of bruxism, see a dentist immediately but it's better to go full examination organism.

    Whether they take to the army with a deep, distal or mesial form of pathology

    It all depends on the degree of the defect. If it is not so pronounced, then the military registration and enlistment office may decide on fitness for military service.

    The army does not take young men with an anomaly 2 or 3 degrees with a separation of more 10 mm and with chewing activity less 60%. According to article 56 the young man's malocclusion must be confirmed by a doctor.

    The right to exemption from conscription is due to the fact that a young person with a similar pathology can't chew army food. The second reason - violation of diction. Army life requires military personnel to have clear and intelligible speech.

    To draw the attention of the dentist of the military medical commission to the passage of draft events, you need to take medical documents confirming the fact of contacting a specialist.

    Among them: copies of the pages of the medical record with the conclusion of the attending physician, x-rays.

    If at the medical examination the dentist pays attention to the problem of the conscript, the young man will be referred to an orthodontist for an additional check-up. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the draft board will give a deferment from the call and referral for treatment.

    Useful video

    Watch a video excerpt from Living Healthy, which explains what an overbite is and how to correct it.

    Rated: 0 readers .

    There is no unequivocal answer to the question "Do they take into the army with a malocclusion?" Conscripts with such a violation can be either drafted into the army or exempted from conscription. What the category of suitability will depend on - I will tell in this article.

    Deep bite - do they take to the army?

    Whether they take to the army with a bite (deep, distal, open or cross) depends on the degree of the defect. Article 56 states that a conscript is entitled to exemption from military duty in two cases:

    1. Anomaly of 2 degrees with separation of 5-10 mm. with chewing activity less than 60%.
    2. Anomaly of 2 or 3 degrees with a separation of more than 10 mm.

    Expert opinion

    Conscripts who want to get a military ID for health reasons either do not know whether it is possible not to serve with their illness, or do not understand how to be exempt from conscription due to their diagnosis. Real stories conscripts who received a military ID, read in the section "".

    Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

    Non-conscript forms of bite are immediately visible, so the dentist in the military commissariat must send you for an additional examination. With its help, the degree of bite and chewing activity will be determined. Upon confirmation of a non-conscription diagnosis, the conscription commission will approve your category “B” and give you a deferment from conscription for treatment.

    Treatment of maxillofacial pathology includes both individual listed methods, and their combination. At surgical intervention call-up is possible no earlier than 6 months after the operation. If during this time the problem is solved, the military commissariat will hand you over to send.

    In case of refusal of medical intervention is assigned.

    Do they take to the army with braces in 2019?

    Installing braces is an expensive procedure that requires careful attention to the treatment process. A person should periodically be examined by an orthodontist and regularly take care of the design: brush their teeth after each meal, use dental floss and other hygiene products.

    In the army, such care is not always feasible. If, while in a military unit, a conscript has some opportunity to take care of braces, then during the period of being on a field exercise, care will have to be forgotten. However, this fact does not entitle young people to be exempt from the call or to evade the teachings.

    Even if the conscript has braces, he is not entitled to a deferment from the army. There is no article in the Schedule of Diseases that guarantees the right to temporary or complete exemption from military duty when installing such structures. The only exception is if surgery used to correct grade 2 malocclusion with 5-10 mm separation and chewing activity less than 60% or grade 2-3 malocclusion with more than 10 mm separation.

    Treatment to correct a cosmetic defect is not a reason for granting a deferral or reserve. In some cases, members of the military medical commission may meet the conscript and give him time to complete the treatment. However, this depends solely on the personal attitude of doctors.

    When sending to the army, a conscript should think about how the installation of braces will affect his stay in a military unit, and whether he will be able to provide necessary care. In some cases, the only sure way out is to remove the structure. However, the recruit must make his own decision. Members of the military medical or draft commission to require the citizen to remove braces.

    With respect to you, Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Conscript Assistance Service.