Kitten care 1.5 months Mekong bobtail. Mekong Bobtail - feeding kittens and adult cats

mekong bobtail- a relatively young breed of cats, bred mainly by Russian breeders. The breed is externally and historically related to the more famous Siamese cats, but has a number of differences. The most striking individual feature is taillessness, or rather, they have a tail, only it is very short and necessarily has kinks, due to which a characteristic twist appears. These cats are Siamese with a bright blue eyes and friendly disposition will be an excellent choice for any family.

The Mekong Bobtail is both a new and very ancient oriental cat breed. A manuscript depicting a Siamese-type cat dates back to the 14th century and is kept in the Bangkok Museum, meanwhile, the breed was officially approved only in 2004, but first things first.

Many legends are associated with Siamese cats in their historical homeland. One of them says that for many centuries animals with blue eyes and a dark muzzle lived at palaces, guarding treasures and accompanying princesses on walks. A special role was given to cats with twisted tails. While bathing, the girls took off their jewelry and hung them on their tails, because of their special structure, rings and earrings did not fall to the floor and were not lost.

The history of the development of the Mekong Bobtail breed is closely connected with the origin of the Siamese and Thai cats. For the first time, native cats from Siam came to Europe at the end of the 19th century. In 1884, they were brought to England by an official of the British consulate in Bangkok, Suen Good. The ambassador claimed that the king of the overseas state himself gave him a pair. Around the same time, the first cats arrived in America, traveling from present-day Thailand across the ocean to the New World. Many of these animals had creases and hooks on their tails, which was a sign of royal cats, but selection work went in the direction of culling animals "with a flaw". Perhaps this distinctive feature and a separate breed would have been lost if it were not for enthusiasts (in particular from Russia), who have been supporting the population for many years.

In addition to those first Siamese, many more bobtails were exported from the countries of Southeast Asia. There are short-tailed purrs - common occurrence. In general, the modern name emphasizes their origin Mekong - a long river of the Indochinese peninsula, which flows through different countries:

  • Burma;
  • Laos;
  • Vietnam;
  • Cambodia;
  • part of China and Thailand.

The ancestors of many modern lines were brought from these countries.

In the process of working on the breed, breeders had to add animals with short tails of unknown origin to the breeding, but beforehand they underwent a strict selection. It is believed that Thai cats with creases on their tails took part in breeding the Mekong, but large clubs claim that they did not do such matings, because they are unjustified. The kittens born as a result of such crossing did not correspond to the given type at all. Today, any interbreeding for the Mekong Bobtail is prohibited.

The first breed standard for the Thai Bobtail breed (this is what the Mekongs were called earlier) was developed by Olga Sergeevna Mironova, a breeder from St. Petersburg. Thanks to her many years of work, it was approved at a seminar of experts of felinologists on native breeds of cats in December 1994 and was only slightly corrected at a meeting of a board of experts of felinologists in Moscow in 1998.

The presentation of the breed took place in 2003 at the International Exhibition, which was organized by Royal Canin. 30 animals from different breeding lines were presented. A year later, the name was changed to the Mekong Bobtail (Eng. Mekong Bobtail) so that there would be no confusion with the Thais.

Today, more than 300 Mekongs are registered by clubs in Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Germany and Poland. The main part of the livestock is located in Russia, in particular in the Korgorushi club. Other notable clubs of this breed include:

  • Bast (Kursk);
  • Kotofey (St. Petersburg);
  • Triumph (Tver);
  • Aurinko (Petrozavodsk).

Appearance and standards

The Mekong is a unique medium-sized shorthaired pointy cat with an elegant build and a short pom-pom or tassel tail. Cats are much larger and more powerful than cats, weighing an average of 3.5-4 kg, while cats are no more than 2.5-3 kg.

Head and muzzle

The head of cats is smoothly outlined, almost flat from above. The oval shape of the muzzle is emphasized by the heavy lower jaw and chin. The ears are set slightly back, set high, wide at the base with slightly rounded tips. The eyes are large and expressive. A characteristic feature is a more rounded lower eyelid, which indicates a close relationship with other Thai cats. In general, the cut can be called slightly oblique. Only one color is allowed - intense blue.


The Mekong has a strong, muscular and at the same time graceful body of medium size. His back is straight and slightly arched towards the croup. The legs of cats are long with soft oval-shaped pillows. A notable feature of appearance, in addition to the tail, is that the claws on hind legs they are not fully retracted, therefore, if a cat walks on a hard surface, for example, on a laminate, a specific clatter is heard when walking, which is not typical for cats of other breeds.


The tail is short and broken, its length is not less than three vertebrae, but should not exceed ¼ of the body length. The first break should be at the base of the tail. Outwardly, the creases may not be visible, but they must be palpated through the skin. The tail of the bobtail is not only a distinctive feature of the breed, but also a kind of "passport" of each animal, because there are no two identical tails. Each is unique in its own way with unique curves, kinks and lengths. By the way, there are no long-tailed Mekongs.

Wool and colors

The soft short coat lies close to the body. She is beautiful and shiny, pleasant to the touch with minimal undercoat. Often such wool is compared with mink. Another feature of the Mekong is that its skin is not firmly attached to the muscles and is pulled back much stronger than that of other cats, and not only at the withers, but almost throughout the body.

For Mekong Bobtails, any point (Siamese colors) without white spots or marks are allowed. The most common:

  • blue point;
  • tabby point;
  • red point;
  • tabby point.


Cats of the Mekong Bobtail breed are distinguished by a balanced temperament and special intelligence, they are friendly and sociable. They are often compared to dogs. Indeed, these two animals have a lot in common in behavior. Mekongs walk calmly on a leash, are smart enough to remember house rules and simple commands, like to carry different things in their teeth and bring objects, they constantly accompany their owners, use their teeth rather than claws in fights, and express their range of emotions with their tail.

Like many other representatives of the eastern group, they are quite talkative, but unobtrusive. With all its appearance and habits, the Mekong shows belonging to the high society of blue-blooded cats - they are proud, majestic and independent.

The Mekong Bobtail is equally well suited for large and small families, as well as for single people.

You can safely take such cats with you on a trip or for a walk, without worrying that they will get lost. Pets prefer to be near the owner. In addition, cats treat small children well and endure many manifestations of children's love with angelic patience. Mekongs usually get along well with other animals in the house and never create conflict situations.

Mekong Bobtails are great for keeping in an apartment. They calmly endure loneliness, practically do not shed, clean and tidy, without a specific smell. Adult cats very rarely mark corners. Perhaps little kittens will cause a little trouble with their indefatigable energy and activity, but as they grow older they will become more and more serious and balanced, but by no means lazy.

Mekongs reach puberty very early, many by 4-5 months. It is important for owners of several cats not to miss this moment and to prevent accidental matings of young and fragile animals.

Mekong bobtail cats retain their sexual activity until old age. Interestingly, at the birth of kittens, cats take over the function of the mother, that is, they lick the babies, teach them to use the toilet, feed, etc. So, if you have a couple of Mekong Bobtails, then matriarchy will reign in your house. The cat, in turn, takes on only one responsibility - to feed, and carefully ensure that the "dad" fulfills all his responsibilities for education. In addition, representatives of the "female half" behave more independently, and strongly resemble an oriental princess in their behavior.


Representatives of this breed do not require special care. It is enough to comb them 3-4 times a month to remove dead hairs. They comb a little more often during the molting period and only in order to reduce the amount of hair left on things or furniture. Bathing the Mekong is not recommended often. Many owners resort to water procedures only before exhibitions.

Periodically inspect the ears and, as necessary, clean them with a special lotion. Eyes, as a rule, do not have to be cleaned. Cats wash their faces on time and are not prone to profuse lacrimation, and therefore their tear ducts remain clean without the intervention of the owner.


Each cat is individual, this must be taken into account when deciding the issue of feeding. Not picky animals can be fed with a natural woman by organizing a complete diet for them, in which, in addition to meat and offal, 15-20% should be cereals and vegetables. Once a week, you can give fish and a quail egg. It is not recommended to feed cats "from the table".

Remember that milk is useful only for kittens up to 2-3 months. With age, the ability to absorb lactose decreases markedly, and sometimes disappears altogether.

If, for some reason, organize a balanced natural diet impossible, it is worth giving preference to ready-made feeds. It is worth considering that these should be complete feeds of at least premium class. Also, when choosing food, it is important to consider physiological features animal:

  • age;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation and more.

Health and longevity

There are a lot of feline ailments that Mekongs can get sick at any time. Watch their behavior, and if it seems to you that the pet is behaving strangely, has begun to feel sad, refuses to eat, be sure to show it to a specialist. Remember that any disease is best treated at an early stage.

Mekong Bobtails are considered to be long-lived, for them 20 years is not the limit. Interestingly, until old age, they remain sexually active and are capable of childbearing. For example, a cat from the Korgorusha cattery Mars is a real sex symbol of the cat world, he became a father last time when he was 23! And a cat from the same cattery named Conchitta brought a litter at the age of 22!

Kitten selection and price

move to new house Mekong babies will be ready only by three months. It is worth considering that they are born almost white. Characteristic blackouts in certain areas of the body begin to appear only from two to three months and are finally formed by the age of one, and sometimes even later. Kittens must be healthy and well-groomed, with shiny fur, clear eyes and excellent appetite.

The average cost of a Mekong Bobtail kitten is 15-20 thousand rubles.

The following factors affect the final cost:

  • the appearance of the kitten;
  • place of purchase;
  • availability of documentation.

If you are not sure that you can choose a good baby yourself, it is better to seek help from a breed specialist.

On the Internet, you can often find more affordable options. As a rule, kittens "from hands" without documents are much cheaper, about 5 thousand rubles.

Where is the best place to buy a bobtail

The Mekong Bobtail is a common breed, so you have a lot of choices. You can visit a nursery, a pet store, or look for offers on bulletin boards on the Internet. It all depends on your wallet and preferences.

Mekong bobtail knitting

Like any oriental cat, the Mekong is characterized by early puberty and particular sexuality. Therefore, do not be surprised when a little six-month-old bobtail girl suddenly starts estrus.

Of course, at this age, the cat is not yet ready to become a mother, technically it is possible, but the offspring from a young mother is unlikely to be viable. Indeed, in the physical plane, the pet itself is still a kitten, and the physical and puberty are different things.

The cases are different, sometimes the Mekong Bobtail can be bred at a younger age - 7-8 months. This is necessary if the cat has early recurring estrus. In such cases, pregnancy is necessary to maintain the health of the animal. But in any case, a preliminary consultation with a veterinarian and agreement with the club is required.

In standard situations, one or two heats are missed, but not more than three, because a long delay is another threat to the health of the pet. Do not abuse drugs that stop or muffle estrus. If they are used frequently, the effectiveness of the drug decreases. In addition, hormonal disruptions begin in the body of the animal, as a result, the cat can become seriously ill.

Mekong Bobtail - owner reviews

Whom to entrust the judgment about the breed, if not the owners and connoisseurs of the Mekong Bobtail. Reviews about cats and cats for many people thinking about choosing a pet have great importance to make a final purchasing decision.

Personally, I consider the Mekong an excellent breed, and I picked up positive reviews (very negative, in principle, there were none).

  1. Olga. Korolev.

We have known Bobtails for a long time. My son was 10 when we bought our first cat. How we loved her, and she loved us. Followed us, slept next to us. Now my son is 25 and recently bought a copy of our first Sonechka. It seems that Sonya has returned, just as affectionate, purring at her side, lying next to her. And you know how it feels when it's bad, understands everything, we adore her. She gave birth recently, she has four kittens, caring, everything around them now only revolves.

  1. Marina. St. Petersburg.

Bobtail bought purely for myself, not for divorce. In principle, even saved on this. What can I say - smart, sociable, intellectual. So I adore him, but sometimes his vociferousness is out of place, but otherwise everything is fine.

These were reviews of the Mekong Bobtail breed. Maybe they will to some extent help you make a decision about buying a pet of this breed, or, on the contrary, make you think about a further choice. The point of posting reviews is not to put on display the pros and cons of bobtails. The main thing is that people are interested in these cats and are ready to share their attitude towards them, which means that the breed definitely has a future.


Pictures of Mekong Bobtail cats

Video review about Mekong Bobtail cats:

Many siamese cats, which first came to Europe from the capital of Siam - the City of Angels (now Bangkok), had pronounced hooks and characteristic creases on the tails. But, unfortunately, further breeding work went in the direction of "culling" such animals ...

And only thanks to avid enthusiasts (who, despite the staunch non-recognition of the breed by official felinology, continued to support populations mekong bobtail in Russia) this interesting and highly intelligent cat breed has not been lost.

The first standard of the Mekong Bobtail was approved in Russia at the end of 1994 at a seminar on native cats. A little later, in 1998, it was corrected according to the decision of the ICEF (International Board of Expert Felinologists).

Appearance. The head is smoothly outlined, almost flat in the upper part. The muzzle is oval in shape with a heavy lower jaw and chin. Large eyes are also oval in shape and have deep blue irises.

Mekong bobtail kitten. Kittens of unique colors lilac point and chocolate point.
Breeding nursery "Cofein Pride". Owners Olga and Alexey Opryatin

The ears of the Mekong Bobtail, which are wide at the base, with slightly rounded tips, are set high (slightly laid back). A muscular and graceful body of a rectangular shape of medium size, an almost straight back is slightly arched towards the croup. Medium length legs and soft oval paws.

The broken and short tail is a hallmark of all Mekong Bobtails. It consists of several vertebrae (and should not be longer than a quarter of the body of the animal). We can say that such a tail is a kind of bobtail passport.

The close fitting coat is soft to the touch and shiny with minimal undercoat. Popular colors: seal tabby point, blue point, seal point, red tabby point, etc.

The nature of the breed. Mekong Bobtails are quite sociable, friendly and very smart. Buying a kitten of this breed for your home, you get yourself a devoted and reliable "tail" that will accompany you everywhere.

The Mekong Bobtail will be happy to travel with you, drive a car or go for a simple street walk. Bobtail is attached to the owners, and not to the "walls of the house", so with you he will feel comfortable and comfortable in almost any conditions.

This is an ideal choice for families with small children - a bobtail with a "suffering muzzle" is ready to selflessly endure as yet inept "baby love". The Mekong Bobtail will become a wonderful friend and lonely people, giving them all of himself.

Mekong bobtails are not conflict and get along well with other pets (regardless of their size - parrots, dogs, cats of other breeds, etc.).

Bobtails are very loyal, and in their behavior are somewhat similar to dogs - they constantly follow a person, in a fight they most often use their teeth (rather than claws), they express a whole range of emotions through their tail, they prefer to drag their favorite toys in their teeth. In addition, their claws are not retracted on their hind legs, so when walking they click, which is not very typical for individuals from the cat family.

As for the characteristic features of cats and kitties, cats of this breed remain small kittens with huge naive blue eyes until the end of their days. But cats are more independent - such independent oriental princesses.

reproduction. Mekong bobtails remain sexually active until old age. If a couple of Mekong Bobtails live in your house, then the relationship will be more matriarchal. Cats take on the responsibility of raising kittens (licking, accustoming to feeding and toileting).

At the same time, cats only feed their offspring and are vigilant to ensure that "dads" are not lazy, doing everything that is supposed to. In fairness, it should be added that cats do not rest too much on this alignment in the family.

Care. Mekong bobtails do not require any specific care - it is enough to comb the pet once a week, removing dead hair, and clean the ears with cotton swabs, which are moistened in a special solution. You can trim the claws if necessary.

Health. This breed has enviable health (especially considering the fact that the bobtail is an aboriginal breed). Nevertheless, you should not relax - the Mekongs can get sick with any cat disease.

Food. In keeping the Mekong Bobtail, you should follow the standard rules for feeding cats (do not feed the cat with food "from the general table", remember that milk is useful only for kittens up to 2 months old, fish should be present in the diet no more than several times a week, etc.). d.).

Price. The price of a Mekong Bobtail kitten with a pedigree varies from $200 and up (depending on the class and gender - cats tend to cost more).

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The Mekong Bobtail, bred in Southeast Asia, is distinguished from other breeds of cats by a short tail with kinks and high intellectual level. The human breeders of this cat breed have a kind soul and a soft heart. And the pet itself teaches them to decency and order in the house and points out their shortcomings in everyday life and behavior. Bobtails can be considered both dogs and nannies in cat form. And if your animal is smart enough, then its not very long tail can be a virtue.

History of the origin of the Mekong Bobtail breed

This cat breed has been bred for a very long time. It is because of this that it is difficult to indicate the exact date of its origin. These animals come from the banks of the Mekong River. Even in the notes of Charles Darwin, you can find a mention that almost all cats of Southeast Asia have broken short tail. These cats were called royal. While bathing, the Mekong princesses strung their jewelry on broken cat tails. They did this in order not to lose them.

During walks, bobtails accompanied the royals. These cats guarded the treasures that were in ancient temples. It was forbidden to export them abroad, since they were considered a national treasure. The future ancestors of the line were first taken abroad as a gift to high-ranking persons in Southeast Asia, Iran, China, Cambodia, Laos, Burma and India.

Mekong bobtails were often called tailless cats, but they still have a tail. The color point is reminiscent of the colors of the Siamese friends of the old type. It is for this reason that Mekongs are often called Thai Bobtails. But still significant difference between them exists - the Thai Bobtail and Siamese cats do not have such a short wonderful broken tail that highlights and decorates the Mekong Bobtail, making it unique. Each representative of this genus has its own unique special tail.

The Mekong Bobtail has one very vital important feature - Their skin is pulled all over their body. This has saved the animal's life more than once. There are many poisonous insects and snakes in the Thai wild. Thanks to this feature of the skin, the Mekong managed to survive even after being bitten by a poisonous insect. When a wild animal bites, its poison first lingers under the skin for some time, and only after that it enters the bloodstream. While the poison reached the muscle tissues, the Mekong managed to heal himself slightly, thereby avoiding death.

Ancient and rare, but still quite a young cat breed. She is several years old. There are only 400 cats of this breed around the world.

This is an open breed of cat. In other words, if a cat meets the species standard, then it can be given a documentary pedigree.

Description of the appearance of the Mekong Bobtail

  1. These cats have a medium-sized, muscular, moderately elongated body.
  2. Paws are rounded, medium length, strong.
  3. The head is moderately wedge-shaped with rounded and smooth contours. Oval muzzle with a strong chin.
  4. Roman-shaped nose - with a hump.
  5. The ears are rounded at the ends, and wide at the base.
  6. Eyes slightly slanted, intense blue color. The lower eyelid has a rounded shape, and the upper eyelid is almond-shaped.
  7. The tail must have at least three vertebrae, and its length must not exceed a quarter of the length of the body. Starting from the base, it should be kinked and twisted. Wool on it grows in different directions.
  8. The coat is shiny and short. There is no undercoat.

Color different:

Various colors of Mekongs are allowed, except for white. The blue point color is considered the most exclusive.

Description of the behavior of the Mekong Bobtail

The Mekong Bobtail is often referred to as the little man. He understands everything and behaves accordingly. With expressed care and love for him, you will certainly receive the same return. The animal is tied at the genetic level to the owner, and not to the house. Wherever you are, he will always be with you. Mekong cats are very neat, tidy and loyal friends. Looking into the sky-blue eyes of an animal, you can understand everything that he thinks about. Even if you look into the eyes of these cats for hours, they will never look away.

The claws are not completely hidden on the hind legs of these cats. That's why when walking you can hear them like dogs. And more canine features can be seen in the behavior of a cat. They are home guards and growl when the bell rings. front door. After seeing who has come, they sniff the guest well, and only then decide whether to let him into the house.

This breed of cats is recommended for those people who need to communicate. They will communicate with you in different voice intonations. Instead of meowing, they make characteristic sounds. It is a must to have a conversation with them. If you have a mess in your apartment, they will definitely show you what and where is wrong.

Due to the fact that cats of this breed are calmer, they perfectly relieve stress. And cats are more sociable and mobile. It is recommended to start a cat not very economic people. She will point out home faults to you. In those places where you have a mess, she will stand for a long time and constantly meow.

Females are real women with a peculiar character. She is the mother of the house. They can always come up with something new. They require constant attention from those around them. They themselves are able to clean up toys after your child and check if everything is in order in his things.

Males also have a unique personality. They are always calm. Small children can play with them like dolls: carry them in toy strollers, tie bows for them and wrap them in diapers. They react calmly to such bullying.

This is a loyal cat breed that lends itself well to training. In their behavior, they are more like dogs. They get used to their master, and then accompany him in all his affairs. They can bring various household items to the owner. They can be safely walked on a leash. These are affectionate animals. They love to be given attention.

They are very curious, and their hunting instincts are expressed well. They prey on anything that can move (even flies). To avoid tragedy, it is better not to keep fish and birds in the house. They get along well with cats of other breeds and with dogs. If you have several animals in the house, then they must be dewormed and vaccinated.

They have a pronounced matriarchy. The behavior of cats has its own characteristics: they look after their lady, purr and sing arias to them. They never leave marks in the corners. Having taken the cat away from him, he will walk and look for it for several days. During pregnancy, a cat can afford pranks and whims. When babies are born, they immediately turn into a caring mother. Females are real nurses and breadwinners. The father brings up the children: he teaches the kids to toilet and neatness, licks them.

How to care for a Mekong Bobtail

Caring for this breed of cats consists of such procedures.

Animal health

Mekong cats have not been seen genetic diseases. Many scientists agree that this breed is one of the healthiest. But it has been observed that they are prone to gingivitis - periodontal disease is a mild form.

In order to determine the onset of the disease, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Bad appetite.
  2. Bleeding gums.
  3. Inflamed gums.
  4. Profuse salivation.
  5. An unpleasant smell comes from the mouth of cats.

But only a veterinarian can determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. But the owner can prevent gingivitis by brushing his teeth regularly and giving special foods that have been developed to reduce plaque.

To brush your teeth, you will need a special toothbrush, cotton swabs and cat paste. The paste that is intended for a person is by no means suitable for yours. pet. She can become a real poison for him. Your pet will get used to this procedure after a while. Just have a little patience.

Breed advantages

If you are still thinking about whether it is worth having a Mekong breed in your home, then pay attention to such positive qualities:

  1. These cats have dog-like devotion to their owner, as well as dog-like behavior.
  2. They are economic and very fond of order in the house.
  3. The hunting instinct is well developed.
  4. It is preferable to feed them raw meat.
  5. A distinctive feature is a short tail with bends.
  6. They have acromelonic coloration.
  7. Good health and immunity.
  8. Life expectancy is 20-25 years.

The Mekong Bobtail is a cat breed without a tail. More precisely, not completely without a tail: it is very short, while each cat has a unique curvature of its process.


The Mekong Bobtail breed dates back to the time of Siamese breeding and In Europe, the ancestors of these three breeds appeared in 1884, when they were brought from Siam. B were introduced in 1890. Then this breed was called Siamese by the name of its native country. An animal of this breed was the wife of one of the presidents of America. It was introduced into our breed already at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Animals of the Siamese color, the first to come to Europe, had significant curvature of the tail. This became a distinctive feature of this breed, which was also called the Royal Siamese, which indicates that the royal family loved these cats.

At a later time, selection was carried out, during the time with the most curved tails they began to be culled. If there were no Russian enthusiasts who fell in love with cats with broken tails, this breed would have disappeared long ago.

The breeding of the breed, called the Mekong Bobtail, began to be developed in Iran, China and Vietnam. In Moscow, there was a club of cat lovers "Korgorushi", in which this breed was also developed.

The Mekong Bobtail, whose photo adorns more than one photo album, has an amazing feature: cats of this breed live much longer than usual. Average duration their lives are 20-25 years. At the same time, up to a very old age, these animals are able to bear offspring.

Legends about these cats say that the purpose of the animals is to protect temples and palaces from rodents and snakes. At that time, tail breaks were called rings, and the strabismus of these cats was highly valued in the East. The skin of these cats is not tight enough to the bones, which allows it to be stretched in different directions without harming the animal. It is believed that this made it possible for furry guards to calmly endure the bites of poisonous snakes, since the poison did not get into the blood.

Another legend tells how the squint and rings on the tail appeared. Cats, guarding valuable vases in temples, covered them with their tails and stared at the object. It twisted their tails and damaged their eyesight. The Mekong Bobtail was carefully guarded by the Thais, there was even a ban on the export of animals from the city. For the abduction of a sacred animal, which these cats were considered to be, the criminal was awaiting the death penalty.

However, sometimes animals left the country, being donated by the kings to those persons who provided some significant services to the state as a whole or to its rulers personally.


This cat breed (Mekong Bobtail) is unique, it cannot be confused with any other variety. The most noticeable feature is the short broken tail, which immediately draws attention to itself.

According to the legend, princesses would hang jewelry on the breaks of their tails while taking a bath. In addition, this animal has many qualities that make them related to dogs. So, they are able to bring a feed in their teeth, quickly get used to walking on a leash, and become strongly attached to the owner. Moreover, surprisingly for a cat, this breed is able to establish an intuitive connection with the owner, based almost on the genetic level.

The Mekong Bobtail was singled out as a separate breed only in 2004. It was then that the standards specific only to this breed were finally approved.

Thus, the Mekong Bobtail, the description of which appeared not so long ago, should look like this: its body is medium, rectangular in shape, small, rather muscular, with simultaneous elegance and very slender. The back is almost a straight line, the paws are oval, the legs are of medium height.

Head with soft contours and almost flat upper part. The profile is almost Roman, with a strong chin, clearly defined.

The tail is entirely made up of knots. Their number cannot be less than three. If there are fewer or no knots at all, the cat cannot be considered as belonging to that breed. The length of the tail must not exceed a quarter of the length of the animal.

The Mekong Bobtail has expressive, large and very beautiful oval-shaped eyes. It is preferable that the eyes squint.

The ears are very broad at the base, appearing larger than they should be. The tips are rounded, the ears are slightly laid back.

The coat is short, close fitting, smooth, very pleasant to the touch, silky. Almost no undercoat.

The most common color is color point. Kittens are almost always born completely spotless, light, and acquire the standard coloration during adolescence.

About 4-6 kilograms, which is not very heavy compared to many other breeds.


A unique cat breed is the Mekong Bobtail. Their temperament makes them unlike any other breed. First of all, their instinct of the hunter, expressed unusually brightly, distinguishes them. Even in a closed room, these animals are able to find a prey. It can be any bug, fly, shadow - anything that can be confidently attacked.

In addition, the Mekongs have excellent muscles, they are unusually energetic and jumpy. Jumping from a place one and a half meters in height is a common thing for pets of this breed.

Cats of this breed mature very early. Even at 5 months they are ready to reproduce. There is evidence of an individual who continued to bring offspring when she was 21 years old. In addition, despite this earlier development, animals do not make marks in the house.

Amazing parents are the Mekong (Mekong Bobtail breed). Reviews say that both cats and cats are equally patient with their offspring. It is important that they take care not only of their own children, but they can "adopt" a completely foreign kitten.

In a cat family, the head is the female. The cat is a subject, but does not lose its natural vigor.

Bobtails love to sit on the arms of someone they like. They do not just sit on their hands, but actively communicate, because they are able to make various sounds.


The Mekong Bobtail, whose breed description can be seen above, does not need careful care. These cats are extremely clean, so the owner can only comb the fur during molting.

You can wash animals only as they get dirty, but not more often than twice a month. When washing, it is important to ensure that water does not get into the ears. After this, the pet should be wiped well and left to dry in a draft-free room. Sometimes it happens that the cat falls into a tantrum from the water. In this case, you just need to wipe it with napkins.

In addition, it is sometimes necessary to clean the ears with special means, without using cotton buds. It is necessary to remove pollution only from visible parts.

If the cat's eyes are festering, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with products that are sold in a pharmacy. But do not be too zealous with them, because cats are able to cope with minor inflammations on their own.


Genetically, these cats do not have any predispositions. However, you need to regularly take your pets to the veterinarian for examinations and vaccinations, which the specialist will recommend.


The breed is bred in many countries. This occurs both in kennels and in the homes of individual breeders. Having a couple of thoroughbred animals, waiting for kittens is not a problem. If a cat and a cat live in the same house, they make up a permanent couple. However, different partners will only improve the quality of the breed and the health of the kittens.

Breed advantages

The Mekong Bobtail, whose photo is in the article, has many advantages. This is excellent health, and activity, and devotion. Keeping a bobtail does not require much effort: it does not mark corners, it does not make loud sounds. In addition, like dogs, these animals come to the defense of their master when danger is suspected.


Kittens of this breed do not differ from others in the process of adaptation to a new home. They need to allocate a place in which the kitten will spend time until it is time to introduce him to the whole house. The baby must be provided with a house or bedding, a tray, bowls for food and water, and toys. If there are other pets in the house, there is no need to rush to introduce them to a new resident, this should be done a week or two after the kitten has settled in a new place.

For the safe living of the baby, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The balcony and windows in the room where the fluffy pet lives must be closed. If it is necessary to keep the windows open, they should have a mosquito net.
  2. Poisonous plants and dangerous objects should be removed from the room. Wires must be carefully masked.
  3. There should be no draft in the room, the room must be kept warm.
  4. Threads and plastic bags are bad toys. tubular bones Also, don't give it to a kitten.
  5. The washing machine should always be closed: the kitten can hide there and go unnoticed.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not climb under furniture with a low bottom.

There are several curious things that are unique to this breed.

  • In communicating with each other, these cats do not use voice, this type of communication is only for humans.
  • They follow on the heels of the owner, controlling his actions.
  • Paw pads sweat in hot weather.
  • There are 32 muscles in the ear that cats control with ease.
  • Cats of this breed do not like loud noises. They leave the room if the music is too loud or the TV is on.
  • First of all, in a fight, teeth are used, not claws.
  • When a pet's ears tremble, it means that the cat is excited.

The content of the article:

The Mekong Bobtail, bred in Southeast Asia, is distinguished from other cat breeds by a high degree of intelligence and a short tail with kinks. Among the breeders of this breed, people with a soft heart and a good soul are noted. The Mekong itself teaches them to order and decency, points out shortcomings in behavior and home. Bobtails are both nannies and dogs in cat form. And if the cat is really smart, then a short tail is a virtue!

Origin of the Mekong Bobtail

The Mekong Bobtail breed appeared a very long time ago, it is extremely difficult to indicate the exact date of its appearance. These animals come from the banks of the Mekong River. Even Charles Darwin, during his trip to Indochina, wrote that the cats of Southeast Asia almost without exception have a shortened, broken tail. It was believed that these were royal cats. Mekong princesses used to string their jewelry on the broken tails of cats while bathing so as not to lose it. Bobtails accompanied the royals during walks. They guarded the treasures of ancient temples. The Mekongs were considered a national treasure and were not allowed to be taken abroad. For the first time, the future ancestors of the line were exported as gifts to dignitaries from India, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, China, Iran, and Southeast Asia.

Mekongs are often called tailless cats, but these animals still have a tail. The color-point color of these amazing cats resembles the colors of the Siamese representatives of the old type. Often because of this, bobtail cats are called Thai cats, but there is a very significant difference between them - Siamese and Thais do not have such a wonderful short broken tail that decorates and highlights the Mekong, makes it unique. Each cat has its own special non-repeating tail, like human fingerprints.

At the exhibition championships, there were sometimes funny moments when some visitors asked the breeders of the breed: “At what age do you dock the tails of cats?” And when they were explained that it was their natural exterior, they answered: “Come on, that’s enough that I don’t see!”

The Mekong Bobtail has one feature that has saved their lives more than once or twice - the skin is pulled all over the body. In the wild Thai nature, there are countless poisonous snakes and insects. Thanks to the features skin, Mekong bobtails managed to survive even after a serious poisonous bite. When bitten by a snake or insect, the poison does not immediately penetrate the bloodstream, but lingers under the skin for some time. Since the main blood vessels are still contained in the muscles, while the poison reached the muscle tissues of the cat, the Mekong managed to heal himself a little and avoid death.

The Mekong Bobtail is a fairly rare, ancient, but at the same time a young breed. She is only a few years old. There are no more than four hundred cats of this amazing breed all over the world. Felinologists from the Russian city of St. Petersburg, in fact, only recently seriously engaged in breeding cats of this species.

The Mekong Bobtail is an open breed, that is, if an animal meets the species standard, then it can receive a documented pedigree. Now these cats are already treated as a more well-known breed, but you will not see them at every exhibition. If at the demonstration championship you were lucky enough to meet at least two individuals of this breed, then consider that you are very lucky, and now you know who the Mekong Bobtails are.

The representative of the Mekong cat breed has: a body of medium size, moderately stretched, medium height paws, a short tail, a completely flat head (like a lizard), a Roman profile (humped nose), a strong chin, large ears, oval blue eyes.

The whole cat consists of ovals: muzzle, eyes, paws. The tail goes with the first incorrectness at the base, and then it twists. It has an acromelonic color - a fusion of color to the limbs.

When some people say that Siamese cats are mean and unpredictable, then these people have never seen real oriental cats. If a cat is really smart, then a short tail is a virtue!

Characteristic features of the behavior of the cat Mekong breed

The Mekong Bobtail is not an animal, but a little man. He behaves accordingly, and understands everything. If you give him love, then the return is unstoppable. At the genetic level, the animal is attached not to the house, but to the owner. Wherever you are, he is always with you. Mekongs are insanely loyal friends, neat and tidy. And those heavenly deep eyes that express everything! Looking at them, you can understand what animals think. This cat never takes its eyes off you, even if you look into its eyes for hours.

In representatives of this breed, the claws are not completely hidden on the hind legs. When Mekong Bobtails walk around the apartment, they click their claws on the floor like dogs. Canine features are also noted in the behavior of cats of this species. The animals guard the house, growl when the bell rings at the front door. They run to check who has come, carefully sniff, and make their decision to let or not let the person into the house.

The breed is advised to be acquired by people who need communication. This is a cat that will talk to you in different intonations of the voice. They do not meow, but make characteristic sounds. You definitely need to talk to them. If you ask a question, be sure to get an immediate response with comments. When there is a mess in the apartment, they will come and tell you what and where is wrong.

Cats are more calm representatives of the Mekong Bobtail breed. Therefore, they are very good at relieving stress. Cats are more mobile and sociable. It is great to start a female for those who are not very economic, because she will always point out the shortcomings in the house. It will stand near the unwashed dishes and meow loudly - clean up the hostess!

The cat is a real woman, has her own character. This is the mother of the house. Always comes up with something new. Constantly requires attention from others. One breeder noted that the Mekongsha cleaned things in the apartment after her children. She escorted the older child to school, and checked everything that was in the briefcase, the main thing was that there would be breakfast. The younger girl was sent to the garden. Whether mother controlled correctly feeds them. Smiling, the owner of the cat said: “I am afraid that a murka will soon take my place!” Another breeder said that his six-month-old cat cleaned up toys for his daughter, and, moreover, dragged them into a box, into place, teddy bear twice your size!

The character of the male Mekongs is very peculiar. Cats, as a rule, are calm - felt boots. Small children play with them like dolls: they wrap them in diapers, tie bows and carry them in baby strollers. Cats calmly react to such bullying. One of the owners of the cat, named Suitcase, explained: “It was named so because where you put it, it lies there - only the handle is missing.”

Mekong Bobtails are loyal and easy to train. Their behavior is more like dogs. They get used to the owner and accompany him in all matters. They can bring various items: a ball, a toy, slippers. Easy to walk on a leash. These are affectionate animals, they love to be stroked and paid attention to them.

Mekongs are very curious, with a strong hunting instinct. They watch and hunt literally everything that moves - even flies. In the country, they like to catch and absorb grasshoppers and butterflies, this is a delicacy for them. As for mice, rats and lizards, they will not be on the site - that's for sure.

In order to avoid tragedy, it is better not to keep birds and fish in the house. Mekong Bobtails get along well with dogs and other cats. Animals that live together, in order to avoid infection from each other with various diseases, must be vaccinated and antihelminthic procedures should be carried out.

In the pride of the Mekong Bobtail, there is a pronounced matriarchy. Cats have their own characteristics in their behavior: they look after their lady, sing arias, purr, never leave marks in the corners. When a cat is taken away from mating for several days, they call her and cry. During pregnancy, the Mekongsha lady leads like a real woman, allowing herself whims and pranks. As soon as they give birth to babies, they become caring mothers. Mekong bobtail females are breadwinners and nurses. The father takes care of the upbringing of children, while receiving slaps from his wife if something is wrong. He licks kittens, accustoms to neatness and toilet.

Mekong Bobtail External Standard

  • Body. Like a brick with dense muscles. The body is moderately stretched.
  • Limbs. Strong, medium length, rounded paws.
  • Tail. Short, with the first incorrectness at the base, and then it twists. The hair of the Mekong Bobtail on the tail grows in different directions. Consists of kinks and nodules. Ideally, the length should be no more than a quarter of the body.
  • Head. Proportional to the body, moderately wedge-shaped, flat. The muzzle is oval, with a strong chin.
  • Nose. With a hump - Roman profile.
  • Eyes. Slanted, wide open rounded elongated. The color of representatives of the breeds of the Mekong Bobtail is recognized only blue, of varying intensity.
  • Ears. Large, widely set, wide at the base.
  • Wool and color. Short-haired, with a poorly developed undercoat. The coat is tight to the body, silky.
All cats of the Mekong Bobtail breed have an acromelonic color - this is a fusion of color to the limbs.

Color is divided into several types:

  • seal-point, on the ends of the legs, tail, and muzzle black-brown color, the main coat is milky-cream;
  • red-point, white-peach color throughout the coat, all limbs, tail, and muzzle fiery red, very rare color;
  • tortie-point, tortie - only cats can have this color;
  • blue-point, incredible central shade - silver, paws, muzzle, tail - pink-bluish;
  • chocolite-point, at the ends of the legs, tail, and muzzle - chocolate color, the main coat is white and cream;
  • tabby-point, color is white or slightly tinted with tabby stripes, the letter M is marked on the forehead.

Mekong Bobtail Care

  • Wool. These are short haired animals. They have a poorly developed undercoat. Therefore, caring for the Mekong Bobtail is not difficult. Shedding passes almost imperceptibly, as a result, the coat does not require special care. Mekongs can not be bathed at all, because they are very clean. Some owners simply wipe their pets with special wipes. If your animal just loves to swim, then arrange a bath for him more often.
  • Ears, claws. Once a month, be sure to inspect and clean auricles specialized means. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the eardrum. Twice a month, the Mekong Bobtail's claws are cut with a claw cutter. Only the stratum corneum is removed so as not to damage the blood vessels. Otherwise, the little animal will be hurt and it is unlikely that the next time, she will allow you to this procedure.
  • Feeding. Feed just like you would other cats. If the breeder prefers dry food and canned food, then only professional manufacturers. Mekong bobtail, hunter, with very strong instincts - so he urgently needs meat. It can be: veal, chicken, turkey. Pork meat is too fatty, so it is better to avoid it in the diet. All meat products must be raw, frozen, or scalded. Enrich the diet with cereals, vegetables, fermented milk products, raw chicken or quail eggs. In addition, the Mekongs should receive vitamins and trace elements.
  • Walks. Since the Mekong Bobtails are companions, and love to be close to the owner everywhere, teach them from a young age to the street, public places, and travel in transport. To do this, buy a regular collar with a leash. Never release or leave an animal unattended outside the home - this is very dangerous.

Mekong Bobtail cat health

The health of the representatives of the Mekong breed is very strong, not in vain in the cat world, they are considered exceptional centenarians. On average, bobtail cats live from 20 to 25 years, and sometimes more. It all depends on how you take care of them. If a cat is left to itself, and a disease that can arise from improper feeding is not detected in time, then naturally it will not live to be 20 years old. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate and anthelmintic procedures once a year, as well as regularly conduct examinations of the Mekong Bobtail at the veterinarian.

The nuances of acquiring a Mekong kitten and the price when buying

If you want to acquire a devoted friend, then your breed is the Mekong Bobtail. This is an animal that you will obey, and you will not clean the apartment for him. He will point out to you all the flaws in your home, in the upbringing of children, and will certainly force them to be corrected. He will talk with you, tell bedtime stories and be sure to sing songs. On your trips, you will be under reliable protection, and in continuous escort. As for his games, he organizes anything for you: from kicking the ball to hide and seek and running to the races. Since the bobtail cat breed has strong hunting instincts, it is better not to have birds, fish, and especially rodents in the house. The excellent health of your pet will allow you to decorate your existence for many years without any problems and costs.

Initially, Mekong kittens are born completely white. They gain their acromelonic color with age, usually by the age of two.

You need to choose a kitten of the Mekong Bobtail breed according to the following parameters:
  • the body is dense;
  • paws are strong;
  • the head is flat textured with a deep transition and a pronounced arch of the nose;
  • the muzzle is rounded;
  • eyes are large, oval, deep blue;
  • rosette tail.
In Russia, the Mekong Bobtail breed appeared relatively recently, and therefore there are still not many nurseries engaged in breeding this breed. Almost all of them are concentrated in the area of ​​the capital cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. In this regard, the cost of Mekong animals is not small. It is not so easy to buy them in other regions of the country.

Prices for kittens: from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles ($150–$752). The range of prices, as always, depends on the exterior, age and gender of the animal, with the UKU documents, or without documents. It is also important (and therefore always difficult and expensive) why a kitten is purchased. If you are planning to breed these amazing cats, then you don’t have to spare money - take the best and most expensive. If you just want to get a wonderful pet, then you can consider other options at more loyal prices. Your cat will not pass you by.

So, if you are ready to start a Mekong Bobtail, then let us remind you once again about the exceptional features of the breed:

  • exceptional centenarians;
  • strong immunity and health;
  • have an acromelonic color;
  • differ in a short tail with bends;
  • it is preferable to feed raw meat;
  • they have a strong hunting instinct;
  • they love order, they are exclusively economic;
  • behavior and devotion like a dog.
More information about the Mekong Bobtail in this video: