Rhymes about children's teddy bears. Dear bears! poems about bears

I don’t know about you, but my favorite childhood toy was a teddy bear.

To this day I remember his splayed paws, button eyes and color - blue. It's a shame it didn't survive.

Today we have a selection of poems about Teddy bear- not just about a toy, but about a real faithful friend from our childhood.

What was your or your child’s favorite toy? Maybe a teddy bear too?

Poems about a teddy bear

Teddy bear

I have a toy
Plush animal.
Lop-eared bear,
He plays with me
Everything breaks everywhere.
And he plays pranks, the prankster,
He is also with me.

We are with him on Sunday
We ate all the jam.
The water tap is turned on
The house was flooded.
Why mom
He stubbornly tells me
That I'm the only one to blame
Isn't it just the two of us?

Elena Eremina

Teddy fashionista

So many buttons on me -
On the sides and back
On the top of the head and on the belly,
A couple of buttons on the ear

There is also one on the tail!
I see buttons in my dreams,
During the day I dream about buttons.
As soon as I see it, I pick it up,

I sew it on with thick thread.
The buttons on me are shiny.
Bear cubs say:
“Well, you have piercings -
Your efforts were not in vain!”

Evgeniy Dühring


I'm a hero from a children's fairy tale
I live in your bed
My button eyes
They always looked at you.

I know everything you dream about
A sea of ​​colorful dreams,
How your eyelashes tremble
There are tracks of tears on the cheeks.

I know all your signs,
Everything you hide under your pillow,
Your shameful secrets
The ones you whisper in my ear.

At night I hear you breathing
How do you knock down a blanket?
Only you don't hear me,
Time has separated us.

In the dark they scare you
Creaks, rustles and things,
They suddenly remind me of something
Fear squeezes you in pincers.

When you hug me
I hear an alarming heartbeat.
I know what you dream about
I remember the warmth of your hands.

I'm your plush buddy
Clumsy sad bear
Silent observer.
You are a shy boy.

P. Loginov


The bear's ear has trouble hearing,
He is a very cool toy.
Granny also went with him:
She fed, nursed, treated.

The worn nose is stained with paint,
He snorts in a doll's stroller.
He is dearer to me than all the animals,
Living in my room.

When I grow up a little,
I will become like a mother, grow up,
I'll show him the way
To my daughter's heart.

Anna Shemyakina


Two sisters shared a teddy bear -
Who should the bear sleep with today?
- You better read a book!
-Why me again?

The sisters argued for a long time,
But then mom came to them
And, page by page,
I read them a bedtime story.

And the sisters closed their eyes,
And they fell into a sweet sleep.
How useful are bedtime stories?
The sisters had a dream about

That there are two bear toys.
And the agility soon faded:
There's no point in arguing anymore
There is nothing more to share!

Irena Kotlyar

About the bear - my favorite toy

We played, tore it up, forgot,
And they forgot to mend me.
I used to be a favorite bear
The ringleader, the soul, the naughty girl.
And I didn’t think that time would fly by
And you'll have to live in a garbage dump.

I bathed the little bear

I bathed the little bear
He grumbled terribly loudly
He kicked his paws, splashed,
And he laughed with joy!

He blew bubbles like a fountain,
Wet the entire bath mat
Mishka loves to wash very much,
The naughty girl will be clean!

Lyubov Aleynikova

Teddy bear

Today I crawled out of the chest of drawers -
Lop-eared, soft and big,
Plush to the claws. I would like some honey:
Give me a barrel - don't cheat!
Where's my cardboard candy?
With her in your arms, the day will be sweet.
Ride in the car until lunchtime
And put my cap on one side.
I am my beloved, in a jacket and pants -
A shaggy, faithful friend - I'm not kidding!
Read me a book at night, Vanya -
In my dreams I’ll give you a ride through the forest.

Maria Vinokurova

They gave a bear to Nyusha,
The bear was a big toy!
Nyusha played with him for a long time,
And then she broke it.

Nyusha to dad - help!
Fix the bear urgently
Cotton came out of it
Fix it soon dad.

Sew up the hole with thread
And sew on a patch.
Teddy bear is my favorite friend
It might suddenly break.

I don't want to leave him
I'll be playing with him for a long time.

Lidia Rakhmankulova

Plush tourist

Former boy
And now - daddy bear:
Shirt and hat

Nice vest
There is a ticket in the pocket.
Flew by plane
Sailed on a steamboat

On a tourist bus
He drove around the globe.
I was in France
I was also in Germany

And now he's at the station

Evgeniy Dühring

Teddy sick

The little bear fell ill -
Fever, red nose -
And now he lies sad.
A steam locomotive is passing by -

The smoke is carried by the breeze,
And the signal fire burns.
The driver has a long way to go,
Only the bear won’t let me in -

With his furry paw
The locomotive is covering.
The driver says:
“Touch it - your forehead is burning!

Just stay here with me,
Otherwise I’m the only one who’s timid.
It will be more fun together!
I will forget that I am sick.

If you're with me,
I’ll get better quickly!”

Evgeniy Dühring

Teddy bear

They gave it to me today
What I have long dreamed of,
What's in the window, in the store
Showed it to mom and dad.

Cute bear, clubfooted,
Stuffed with soft cotton wool.
Ears, paws and furry,
The button nose is sewn on.

I'll take it with me.
I'll take it for a walk.
And I’ll take it to kindergarten -
I want to show it to my friends.

Let's play with him
We'll give you a cake made from sand.
Let's make a house for a bear
(He needs it).

And then we are with him again
We'll have fun playing.

Elena Kovina

Teddy friend

Fluffy teddy bear,
Your teddy friend.
In bed almost from diapers
You put it on your side.

He will be a faithful guardian
Your happy dreams
With him, Koschey is not afraid,
And the wolf is not so harsh.

You burned your hand -
He seriously consoled
His belly is furry
I saw a lot of tears.

You ate porridge together
They did a round dance,
They were sick, they sang songs...
Yes, there is a lot to do.

Although he knows all the secrets,
Will never give it away
There is no truer friend.
The bear is no nonsense!

Not just a trinket
What do you put in the corner?
Favorite toy,
Your teddy friend.

Natalia Klyuchkina

Did you like the poems about the teddy bear? Be sure to share them with your friends on social networks or leave your comment.

E. Melnikova

Teddy bear with furry paw

Slowly he picks raspberries.

The clubfoot walks and looks

Sweet and fragrant honey.

Polar bear

White bear fishing

Walks slowly, waddles.

The old fisherman senses

That the rich man is waiting for a catch.

R. Aldonina

To the bears, to the bears

Let's go to the green forest,

Let's go to the bears

Into the dense green forest.

Where are the trees, where are the cones,

Where are the little bears?

Where are the naughty bears

With and without mothers.

To the bears with a basket

Let's go for raspberries

With a basket of raspberries

Let's go on a long journey!

Let only bears

They'll go to the neighbors for now

L. Lukanova

The bear loves honey very much

Fresh, from honeycomb

He would make friends with the bee

I got my hands on this delicacy

Only the bees are the problem

They never make friends with him

N. Kapustyuk

We told dad strictly:

Your son, Mishka, has a club foot.

And it's high time to understand

Something needs to be done!"

And we heard from dad:

My grandfather's son is clubfooted...

And my great-grandfather - Potap

I was born with a clubfoot.

Don't worry guys

We are all teddy bears! -

M. Plyatskovsky

The bees are chasing Mishka.

"Ju-zhu-zhu, don't be a thief!

Don't touch our honey

Go on your way!"

The bear rushes without looking back,

Only heels flash in the grass.

Instead of honey there will be cones

There are bears on the thief's nose.

A. Teslenko

The bear sleeps in his den,

Don't be alarmed

If he wakes up early,

He will be very, very angry.

After all, in winter he is used to sleeping,

Suck a warm paw,

Only when spring comes,

The bear will not have time to sleep.

B. Marchenko

The giant sleeps in winter

In a warm den.

Waiting for spring warmth

And the flourishing of nature.

Clubfoot is very dexterous,

Loves to catch fish.

To taste the sweet honey

It might ruin the hive.

What kind of animal? Answer quickly.

This giant...a bear.

M. Yasnov

The bear climbed into the hive

And now sweet honey drips from the paw...

The hedgehog started laughing at him:

The little bear made a joke!

What kind of jokes? - He answered. -

I'm a bear!

I've told you a bit of harm.

V. Prazdnichnova

A bear came out of the forest,

He started stomping and roaring.

What are you upset about, little bear?

I had a night mare,

I saw the girl Alina-

I ate all the raspberries in the grove!

Yu. Asaeva.


He slept through the winter in a den,

He didn't run on the road.

He sucked his paw.

Fat saved me from the cold.


And the bear is warm here.

Turns from side to side,

He grumbles and smiles...

Where did you go, bear?

I went to look at the moon.

I'm on the other side

Haven't seen the moon yet!

I climbed over the mountain

Walked along the river, through the forest -

But it was visible everywhere

The same moon!

V. Shardin

Come on, bear!

Answer us quickly

Why do they call you bear?

I'm in charge of the honey shop

I don’t know where it’s hidden. -

The bear answered.

That's great, isn't it?

L. Khramova

Oh, what a pleasure

Rivers and forests awakening!

The sun touched with a ray,

And they completely woke up.

The fish are playing in the river again,

Birds greet the sun.

The sound of swollen buds is heard,

But the bear doesn’t want to get up!

Two sisters came running,

Two shaggy foxes

They began to knock their paws,

Shout loudly and loudly:

"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,

Go fishing.

You've grown thin over the winter

And he became completely powerless.

The animals have all been at work for a long time.

They are building houses, in care!"

And the bear growls in response:

"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"

A. Rakhimov

Brown Mishenka Bear

He sat down on a stump and began to roar.

A roar is heard throughout the forest.

The bear scared the fox

Hare, wolf, boar...

There was silence.

The hedgehog approached the bear:

Misha, why are you crying?

It excited everyone in the forest.

I bring honey to my home.

So, I found a deck in the forest,

The most fragrant honey.

How pleased I am with myself!!

Hedgehog, rejoice with me!!

N. Batsanova

Who can roar like that?

Just an angry bear!

Who didn't please him?

Who made the bear angry?

What, a demon has possessed him?

The bear just wants to go to the forest!

There is freedom and space there!

Living in a cage, what a shame!

There, in the forest, relatives live

And the whole bear family.

The bear was separated from them

They taught us to live in an enclosure.

Only the bear does not give up,

Still eager to be released.

He rushes around the cage,

His sadness cannot be cured


Bear's lullaby.

A bear sleeps in his den.

He is warm, comfortable, happy.

And winter is already on the doorstep.

It's snowing outside the window.

The bear is sleeping, lying down, not bothering.

And in a dream he sees honey.

There is silence outside.

A blizzard sweeps across the ground.

The bear is sleeping. White snow is swirling.

Sweet, soft bed.

It's windy outside and cold.

A snowstorm begins.

The bear is sleeping. Doesn't know grief.

He sucks his paw in his sleep.

And he doesn’t know that, soon,

There will be a holiday - New Year.

The bear is sleeping. A star like a candle.

The winter world is full of wonders.

The ice is shining, the river is frozen.

And the forest is covered under the snow.

M. Piudunen

The bear was sleeping in his den,

Sucked a fat paw

Suddenly towards him through the snowdrifts

The stream ran across.

I hit you lightly on the nose,

With a slightly ringing drop,

I crawled under it quietly,

Wetting his sides.

The couch potato got angry,

He roared and immediately stood up,

And when he was released,

I didn’t even recognize the forest.

There are no snowdrifts, only puddles,

The sun is burning in the sky,

Breeze for tree friends

Quietly speaks fairy tales.

N. Volkova

Chose from the catalog

Bear's new den

This one is too far

It's easy to get into this thief,

It's damp in this one,

It's hot in this one

In this sun shines brightly...

And without choosing a winter home,

I lay down to sleep under a bush.

O. Tain

The Bear sat down - his belly is like a globe,

On a crowded bus.

I began to make my way to the window,

And he had to push.

Clumsy, clubfooted

Stepped on the Fox's paw;

Kicked the Hedgehog accidentally -

He screamed desperately;

Elbowed the She-Wolf in the back,

She howled, making a face.

Almost crushed the snake

I didn’t want to - I scared Chizh away...

In general, willingly or unwillingly,

Misha hurt many.

But with all

Your clumsiness

He tried to be polite

He apologized, he apologized:

Sorry, miss it

Here, please take...

I didn't push on purpose

Sorry, I did it by accident.

Don't move, Beavers,

Be so kind, brothers.

The animals avoided, huddled,

But, imagine, they weren’t offended.

Even though the Bear was well-fed,

The main thing is that he was educated!

And try to be kind

Know, baby, it's not useless.

Polite people will always be noticed

They will answer you with kindness.

S. Tsapaeva

In the thicket of the forest, where all around

Silence and windbreak,

There is no road anywhere

I sleep all winter in a den.

And about summer until spring

I have colorful dreams:

Like at the edge of a forest

I spent all day collecting pigs,

I was looking for raspberries in the bushes,

Exposing your back to the sun.

I stole honey from the bees,

Hiding behind a brown paw.

Acorns, nuts, berries

I ate enough for a year!

And, having warmed up, in the clearing

I sang along with the linnet -

He began to roar in time with her!

What's my name? Bear!

I. Alexandrova

In October according to the catalog

The bear chose a den.

Nice house with a balcony!

It's just a pity - it's too big.

The one where the eternal snows are,

Fabulously expensive.

This is a nice place

Where the river meanders in the wilderness,

But lazy wood grouse

They chat until dawn.

The swamp has an apartment -

It will be cold and damp...

I looked through the entire catalog,

I couldn't find anything.

So that according to the heart and mind -

You need to build it yourself!

but he could growl

and knew how to roar.

Once a letter came to him

It’s unclear from whom.

He said in delight: Ooooh!

Met a Rabbit in the grass

stood up and scratched his head,

doesn’t know what to say: Uh-uh...

And he saw Moscow,

my city, where I live,

he barked in surprise: Oooh!

Lullaby for my little son

just a copper pipe.

He roared like the wind,

all bears are like that.

In the thicket three kilometers away

from the den you can hear: Y-y-y!

I said: “At least with a paw

You scribble a letter for us.”

- O, E, Y, U, A -

that's all his words.

children's poems about bears.

Happy Birthday to you, Mikhail! I wish you every success, everyday miracles, magical moments, success in work and personal life. Let everything you want come true, and let no sorrows even come close to your life and destiny, at the same time bypassing your loved ones on a distant path.

Your main strong point is originality. You are a very interesting, versatile person, and it is pleasant to talk with you, since you can discuss anything with you. Misha, thank you for this. Thank you for the fact that with you the world opens up in a new way, that even in the most difficult moments you do not lose your positivity, and try to infect everyone around you with it. You resemble the sun breaking through the clouds. Not many people have this quality. And today, on your so significant day, I just want to wish you limitless happiness! Don't stop finding joy in the little things, and don't stop being so driven and purposeful, and then you will achieve everything.

Mishutka, Mishutka is a little prankster,
Sit down and calm down, today is our holiday,
You see everyone is laughing, there is a cake on the table,
So it will be delicious, open your mouth quickly,
Grow up and be diligent, make mom and dad happy,
Life is very interesting, happy holiday, give me your paw!

Michael is like a god, the best of men.
Those who are close to him in life have no reason to be upset.
He is fair, strong, kind and reliable,
And Misha has skill and patience, as for me.
I am proud of you, Mishanya, and I wish that you always
Your path was brightly illuminated by a guiding star.

Congratulations on your wonderful day!
Let you, our Mikhail,
Every moment brings happiness
Every breath is a burst of strength!

Let love be crazy
Sweet bitter wine!
There will be no light in the house
Even on nights when it's dark!

And now, do you hear, Misha,
Did the door lock ring?
This is us standing in the entrance,
Brought your congratulations!

Misha, my boy, kitten!
You are still just a child.
Be cheerful, mischievous
You are a joy to all your family.

There is a lot to learn in life!
Become strong, brave, kind!
Let your dreams come true!
You are the best in the world!

We wish you wind in your sails
And in the right direction!
We wish you faith in miracles
Without any doubts!

We wish you a hundred years of good health
And enjoy life
Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes
And swim in joy!

Reading this greeting
At a festive celebration,
You can be sure - right on time
All dreams will come true!

No one is more sociable than you, no one is more fun,
For you and me, Mikhail, even the day is brighter.
The kindness in your soul knows no days off,
And from your glance the heart comes alive.

Everything you undertake will lead to great success,
Well, difficulties are not a hindrance to you at all.
No matter what you do, attention is always on you.
We can’t do without you, you are the life of the party!

Mikhail, your name is old, Russian
Illuminates your life path.
The colors of your life are not dull,
External brightness is your essence.

And Misha’s soul is pure, bright,
As the fields in Rus' are wide.
Your kindness is a quick river -
Both beautiful and deep.

You and I are not sad, but happy,
All days are good for you and me.
Happy Birthday to you too, Mikhail.
Congratulations now from the bottom of our hearts.

We congratulate you, Misha!
So that you strive higher and higher.
And I looked for joy in everything.
Moonstone to sparkle
A bright mystery for you.
He lived under the arch of success.
He always spoke quietly,
But he achieved everything famously.

...we have such an autumn - a real one, and not very cold. Everything is red and black - from leaves and wet asphalt, it is raining but the air temperature is plus 12...

And then I found amazing poems about bears and put together a whole selection. I really hope that they will cheer up someone, because there is something for every taste here - from lyrics to almost hardcore. Seriously - read it and see for yourself :)

Christmas lullaby
for teddy bears

Until the face of the moon in the window was erased
And spots of light sleep on the floor,
Dream, my beloved plush Orso,
To the sawdust-filled Ball.

When the roar of a blizzard suddenly subsides in winter,
Listen - you will hear a quiet sound...
How serene is this bear's sleep,
What miracles do bears dream of!!!

The bears are sleeping, the moon doesn't bother them...
Wonderful love keeps a light sleep.
Bear dreams are simple, but who understands them?
Who will smile at them and who will bless them?

Let the pure snow sparkle outside the windows.
I'll ask the wizard to help
Two bears dream about each other
On a fabulous Christmas night.

bear dream

The bear sleeps, scaring the mice with his snoring,
Fat and gray-haired from kurzhak.
Pulls a dirty paw
A tenacious handful of lips and tongue.
He pulls and smacks his lips: “Delicious!”
...The lazy dew is falling,
Ripened to a sugar crunch
Milk oat strip.
The moon sleeps in the early morning fog,
The night watchmen are sleeping in the village,
Just a stream through a berry meadow
Rolling, trembling on the stones...
And above it all, behind the fog,
The ringing of birches, the rustling of a snowstorm,
The wolf howl of a blizzard.
T. Belozerov

The next one really made my heart ache... :(
Who can roar like that?
Just an angry bear!
Who didn't please him?
Who made the bear angry?
What, a demon has possessed him?
The bear just wants to go to the forest!
There is freedom and space there!
Living in a cage, what a shame!
There, in the forest, relatives live
And the whole bear family.
The bear was separated from them
They taught us to live in an enclosure.
Only the bear does not give up,
Still eager to be released.
He rushes around the cage,
His sadness cannot be cured.
N. Batsanova

Well, that's what he is, a bear...
Teddy bear, teddy bear, couch potato

Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deeply,
I slept through the whole winter
And I didn’t get on the tree,
And I didn’t go sledding,
And I didn’t throw snowballs,
The target would still be snoring.
Oh you little bear!
V. Berestov

but because - here! and in fact...
Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Bear, bear! What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
-Because snow and ice -
Not raspberries and not honey!
V. Orlov

Politeness can work wonders, right? :)
The Bear sat down - his belly is like a globe,
On a crowded bus.
I began to make my way to the window,
And he had to push.
Clumsy, clubfooted
Stepped on the Fox's paw;
Kicked the Hedgehog accidentally -
He screamed desperately;
Elbowed the She-Wolf in the back,
She howled, making a face.
Almost crushed the snake
I didn’t want to - I scared Chizh away...
In general, willingly or unwillingly,
Misha hurt many.
But with all
Your clumsiness
He tried to be polite
He apologized, he apologized:
- Sorry, miss it,
Here, please take...
I didn't push on purpose
Sorry, I did it by accident.
Don't move, Beavers,
Be so kind, brothers.
The animals avoided, huddled,
But, imagine, they weren’t offended.
Even though the Bear was well-fed,
The main thing is that he was educated!
And try to be kind
Know, baby, it's not useless.
Polite people will always be noticed
They will answer you with kindness.
O. Tain

It's hard to wake up a bear...
Oh, what a pleasure
Rivers and forests awakening!
The sun touched with a ray,
And they completely woke up.
The fish are playing in the river again,
Birds greet the sun.
The sound of swollen buds is heard,
But the bear doesn’t want to get up!
Two sisters came running,
Two shaggy foxes
They began to knock their paws,
Shout loudly and loudly:
"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,
Go fishing.
You've grown thin over the winter
And he became completely powerless.
The animals have all been at work for a long time.
They are building houses, in care!"
And the bear growls in response:
"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"
L. Khramova

everything is actually very simple
Come on, bear!
Answer us quickly
Why do they call you bear?
- I'm in charge of the honey shop,
I don’t know where it’s hidden. -
The bear answered.
That's great, isn't it?
V. Shardin

bears are very inquisitive :)
- Where did you go, bear?
- I went to look at the moon.
I'm on the other side
Haven't seen the moon yet!
I climbed over the mountain
Walked along the river, through the forest -
But it was visible everywhere
The same moon!

and not at all evil... when they sleep :)

He slept through the winter in a den,
He didn't run on the road.
He sucked his paw.
Fat saved me from the cold.
And the bear is warm here.
Turns from side to side,
He grumbles and smiles...
Yu. Asaeva

very lyrical :)
Bear Lullaby

A bear sleeps in his den.
He is warm, comfortable, happy.
And winter is already on the doorstep.
It's snowing outside the window.
The bear is sleeping, lying down, not bothering.
And in a dream he sees honey.
There is silence outside.
A blizzard sweeps across the ground.
The bear is sleeping. White snow is swirling.
Sweet, soft bed.
It's windy outside and cold.
A snowstorm begins.
The bear is sleeping. Doesn't know grief.
He sucks his paw in his sleep.
And he doesn’t know that, soon,
There will be a holiday - New Year.
The bear is sleeping. A star like a candle.
The winter world is full of wonders.
The ice is shining, the river is frozen.
And the forest is covered under the snow.

don't scare the bears, otherwise you won't meet them
Once in a frosty winter
Along the forest path
The bear was walking towards his home
In a warm fur coat.

He walked, walked to his den
Along a country road
And walking across the bridge,
Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry,
The dark forest rustled
And the bear suddenly got scared
Climbed a large pine tree.

A cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
Caulked the squirrel's house
And he said: “You, bear,
I have to watch my step."

From then on the bear decided
That in winter you need to sleep,
Don't walk on the paths.
Do not step on tails.

And in winter it’s serene
A bear sleeps under a snowy roof.
And it’s not without reason that I’m happy,
Who was born without a tail!

It’s terrible, for some reason I even felt sorry for the bear...
About the girl
who found her teddy bear

Bear, bear, what a shame!
Get out from under the dresser...
You don't love me, okay?
What kind of fashion is this...
How dare you run away without asking?
Who do you look like?
On the unfortunate watchdog,
The hedgehog was chasing...
All covered in specks of dust,
In cobwebs,
With a shell on your nose...
That's how they draw it in pictures
Only the devil in the forest.
I've been looking for you all day -
In the nursery, in the kitchen, in the pantry,
I wiped away my tears with my elbow
And shook her head...
Flew in the corridor -
Here's a scratch on my lip...
Would you like some soup? I did not eat -
I left everything to you.
Teddy bear, shaggy bear,
My shaggy baby!
Once upon a time there was a cat and a mouse...
We weren't being naughty! Do you hear, mish?
Apologize, say: I won’t
Climb under dressers.
I'll buy you a camel
And a green bed.
My favorite bow
I'll tie it on your chest:
You'll be cute, you'll be a dandy, -
Just be obedient...
Why are you keeping silent? Let's take a brush -
We need to remove all the specks.
So that you quickly, freak,
I could kiss you.
Sasha Cherny

It’s tough, if you can imagine all this, try it :)
Bears and ears

To houses where naughty children live
At night the ear bears come,
Because those who are sometimes naughty
Ears hang like dumplings from the pillows.
And to everyone who would like to sing to music,
A bear steps on his ear.

Ear bears are slightly clubbed,
They are not afraid of either mom or dad.
They come and put their paw on the pillow,
Where the harmful ears stretch sleepily,
Just give them a reason to climb onto the bed.
And trample the musical ear with your foot.

well, almost hardcore!
The Bears

(Initial idea by Kirill Blintsov)

The city slept and heard nothing,
I saw dreams about a new lightning.
He didn't hear the armadas of bears
They captured the approaches to the capital.

Slot machines in plush palms
And grenades in backpacks on the backs.
Legs walk hard on the grass
In high-laced boots.

A very strange look in glass eyes
And a grin appeared on Misha’s face.
On banners in the brightest colors
The word “I hate you!” is blazing.

The bears are going to avenge their brother,
The bears are going to destroy cities.
They threw him on the floor and cut off his paw:
Bears will never forgive insults.
Bears are ruthless and heartless,
The bears will carry out total terror.
A new race that has come into eternity,
He will pronounce his sentence on eternity...

March for Plush Toys
In the morning it will end at the Reichstag.
Hundreds of planes, hundreds of guns,
Hundreds of waving flags.

The sun is rising in the sky.
Adults and children cry in fear.
Can't escape righteous anger
Angry teddy bears.




It's a pity, the countries of Medvedia
Not in the encyclopedia.

But there is Mongolia,
Mexico with "M"
With Malta and Mauritius
No problem either.

There is also Malaysia
Mozambique, Mali,
Only for Bear
Somehow they didn’t take it into account.

But the encyclopedia
This is bullshit!
They just don't fit
The countries are all there.

Here come the Crocodiles
Also not on "K"
And about Kangurundia
Not a word yet.

Ancient Dinosauria
No place found
But it will come someday
And before them, maybe.

To everyone in the encyclopedia
There's enough room for them
Everyone will be written in FONT

The bear bought some diapers,
Signed up for kindergarten -
He has a lion cub in his family
Appeared a day ago!

He found it under the tree
Almost crushed me -
All covered in burrs and with red bangs -
He took it and adopted it.

And from my adopted son
He does not take his gentle eyes off:
"Let all bears have Bears,
Well, Lyovushka is with us!”


Announcement on the den:
(And master, don’t waste your energy -
You don’t have to wipe your paws.)”

The new kind

The bear has slippers at home
Turned into club feet
And bear sandals
They turned into sandals.
Only his felt boots
It looks like nothing...
The bear will not distort them,
He doesn’t wear them in winter -
He sleeps in these felt boots,
Here they have a new look.

Three Bears

Once upon a time there lived three bears -
Fedka, Fedenka and Fedya.

Fedka was a terrible robber,
Real punks!
He poured out yesterday's soup
On passers-by from the window.

Well, Fedenka is good
He was a very kind soul -
Didn't even hit flies with galoshes,
He was a great smart guy.

The animals loved Fedenka,
They invited me over for pancakes,
Well, they beat Fedka with a stick
That's how thick it is.

Fedya was kind of average,
Incomprehensible and strange -
Then with a malicious grin,
That with a harmonica.

Well, how did these Fedyas live?
All in one big
Both outside and inside
There was a BEAR
Like three.

A sad bear wanders in the thicket -
He lost his home.
Burrows in the ravines,
Like in handkerchiefs it roars:
“Where are you, where are you, my den?
Answer me, light up the window!
Squeak the door hinge!
Come talk to me!”

"Vile and evil -
That's what she is!
There is nothing more insidious than her
There’s nothing worse than her!” –
The bears say
Bear kids
From the very first days. –

"Clicks his teeth
The scoundrel is clever!
God forbid you get into it
Paw please!
Be careful, bears, -
In more often there is a michel trap!
You should go there without adults
It’s better not to go!”

Mishka's tease

Let the likes rant angrily -
The bear is not afraid of likes,
And strums the balalaika
He told them from the top of a pine tree:

Fill up for at least three days!
Tryn-dyn-dyn, dyn-dyn, dyn-holes,
Here's a bump from me!

Flew into the bear's ear
A very small fly.
I was buzzing inside all day,
So my ear was shaking
And hoarse, she flew away,
Without saying what she wanted.

A bear in a T-shirt was walking through the forest,
And the whole forest read on it:
“There are no bees meaner than a bullet!”

A koala came to visit the bear -
The bag of overseas gifts is full!
I put all kinds of greenery in there
And she has eucalyptus leaves.

Eucalyptus foliage smells fabulous!
A wonderful aroma flows through the house,
Flies out the door, floats out the gate
And it flows back through the windows...

“Oh,” the koala admitted over dinner, “
How high I had to climb!
How I risked myself for them,
To have dessert with you!

Why didn't you touch the dish?
Eat the leaves, I beg you!”
“No,” the owner smiled, “I won’t.
I’ll dry bath brooms from them!”

Star Bears

The moon spoke to Ursa Major:
“Will you allow me to join you?
I will nurse your little daughter,
I’ll gently put it out, pamper you,
I’ll teach you “goat”, “magpie”, “ladushki”
I'll hang quietly next to her.

Bureau of Disservices

Bear opened a service bureau
"Bear Kindness" -
For this he will fix your heel,
And the spokes of the umbrella,

Helps tie the laces
Peel your banana
And he can tell a fairy tale,
And unfold the sofa.

But I already rubbed my pants to holes
There's a bear in his office,
And no one at least has cheese
Doesn't ask to be rubbed!

Everyone is afraid of his services -
They're bears, after all.
And everyone thinks: “What if
Are they the only pitfalls?

The bear did not expect such problems
And hangs it on a nail
A completely different sign:
“Bureau “Bear Anger”! –

Will help you break your heel,
Will pierce a car with an umbrella...
Now from all his services
No one can hide!

High art

It's a whole science
It's hard to master -
Stepping on your ear
Just like a bear does.

Neither elephants nor hippos
They won’t be able to attack like that
So that the singer, forgetting about the notes,
He sang more disgustingly than a donkey.

And the bear has all the tricks
Have been worked out for a long time -
He trains at home
On the tatami in a kimono!

How to lay it on your shoulder blades,
He will loudly shout: “Kiya!” -
And with one touch of the heel
Your song is sung.

Grandfather Bear

"Hello, grandfather bear,
How old are you? Answer."

“Guys, that’s how old I am,
How many cones are there on a pine tree!”

“Tell us, without hiding,
How big is your family?

“It’s hard to count everyone,
The house is full of bear cubs!”

“Are you all, confess to us,
Do you remember their names?"

“How can you not remember if you have relatives?
Everyone is Mikhaily, in honor of me!”

To Grandma

Oh, how long it takes
To Grandma Bear!
The bear is in such a hurry
Visit her for a day off!
There's jam in a bowl!
There are fairy tales in the evening!
Yes, and grandma is sad
All alone there!

The bear is making friends
With a monkey and a pony
Knows the approach
To the talking crow

Hangs out with a clown
And with the African elephant -

Tigers and lions
He shakes his paws
Whispers with the rabbit
White from the hat.

The lady who
Sawing into pieces
Every intermission
He says “hello” to him.

Only yet
I should make friends
With a gloomy girl
From the fifth row.

It's time for the full moon

Looked out at night
Bear from the window -
The spruce hissed
Like a black cat

Your claws
Spread out on her paws,
Like prey
I smelled it.

There's a moon in the sky
Like a gray-haired witch, -
Here it is
It's time for the full moon...

The bear feels
Goosebumps -
There are two witches
We took off on brooms!

Following the big one -
Less girlfriend.
Near the moon
Described two circles

Suddenly, like a robber
They whistled! –
The bear shuddered
And he buried himself in bed.

Pink mouse

Got started by a bear
Pink mouse.
Pink mouse...
What is this strange beast?
And he doesn’t believe his eyes
Surprised bear -
Well, try it
Believe it yourself!
Gray - it happens
We saw the white one,
There are no pink ones
In the world under the moon.
Even in the "Red Book"
You will hardly meet them -
There's also a pinkish one
I don't have one!
The bear scratches his turnip:
“What a baby!
It's a pity for this
Raise your paw!”
So this mouse
Cunning thief
Continues in jam
Take baths.

About the weather

Announced this morning
“Bearvest” program:
“For tomorrow in the forecast
Frost "minus two hundred"!

"Wow! Have you heard?
Well, this is too much! -
Fear is like a wave
Rolled over the bears.

They put on
About ten coats each,
They were thrown into the ovens
Coal and firewood

They are sitting at home
In woolen mittens,
In earflaps, scarves
And with anxiety on their faces.

“Cough cough,” she apologized
Program "Bears" -
Frost "minus twenty"
And the one in Bucharest!

The forecast turned out to be
Erroneous, false,
And the correct one is exactly

It's warm for tomorrow
We promise “plus twenty”!”
But bears for now
They are in no hurry to undress.

Born to bears
Tiny baby,
Although in the tummy
It wasn't bad!

And Mishutka would be glad
Come back,
But first we must
Go to kindergarten

Then learn
A little bit at school
Choose a profession
Since I was born...

And if they take it,
Then go as a sailor -
Scare away the fish
Steamboat whistle!

And also get married
I still wouldn't forget,
After all, what kind of life is it?
Without love and marriage?

It's no good to walk
Single sailor!
Therefore it is necessary
Think about who.

So that her sons are with her
Babysit your daughters too,
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren
A little too...

Well, in general, so much
Things haven't been done!
And so would my mother’s
I sat still.

Happy father

A bear walked holding a teddy bear by the hand
And with another one under his arm,
And under the arm another -
The third son dangled his leg.
The fourth sat on the shoulders,
The fifth one rode on his back,
The bear walked with a proud gait
For the sixth - to the maternity hospital to my wife!

Brave bear

“That’s it,” said the bear, “
I'm done!
There are hunters with guns!
Only the bear is not a coward,
He won't give up alive!
I'll be out right now!
I'm about to roar!
I'll show you my fangs!
I’ll shout to the guys from the thicket!
The brats will run away!”

The bear came out of the den,
Sat down, tired, on the threshold,
He stretched out his legs helplessly,
He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his paw:

“Wow cleaning!
A bucket full of dirt!
There's a rag in the holes!
What a pig, you hut!”

Who's good?

“It’s good big, like a bear! -
The ant was daydreaming.-
They won't be crushed underfoot
They won’t tease you with small fry!”

Well, the bear is on the way
The key sowed from the den:
“Eh, if only I were smaller -
I would have gotten into the house without the keys!”

I once received a bear
A very tender letter.
“Hello, bunny! –
Someone is writing. –
How are you doing, work?
I'll be visiting soon,
I'll bake some pancakes for lunch!
I'll bring a barrel of honey!
I'll treat you, little squirrel!
I'll give you raspberries straight from the branch!
Well, see you, little bird!

They push the bear in the side: “Mish,
You snore too much!
You swing the forest back and forth!
You should have covered your mouth with your paw!
Cones are falling on us!
Turn down your bass just a little!
Do they snore that loud?! –
You blew off all the hats!
Jay in panic and blackbird:
The eggs will fall out of the nests!
Your terrible loud snoring
It even knocks out the gag!
Wake up, you bully!
Apologize for the hurricane!
We also want to sleep!
Oh, catch us – we’re flying!”

The wolf looks at the bear:
“Well, you, brother, are a bandit!
The eye is blackened, the nose is bloody,
A tuft of hair was torn out from behind,
The burr stuck to the beard,
The cone grew like a mushroom!
Did he break the moose?”
“Nope! Zaitsev separated!

I met two bears.
There was one of them in a shirtfront,
Tailcoat, bow tie, raincoat
And with an umbrella on his elbow.

And the other, or rather the other,
Like a dear doll,
She walked, blinking her eyelashes,
With a lush fan in hand.

Chatting with me about fashion,
About the weather, about nature:
“Well,” said the bears, “it seems
We were going to a dinner party..."

Well, there are bears
Gentlemen and ladies!
Well, I'm wearing a sneaker with holes in it
She waved her cap at them.

I'll get myself a bear

I'll get myself a bear
I’ll proudly go out into the yard with him -
Let the neighbors be jealous
Looking out the windows from behind the curtains!

They would also like a couple of bears,
But they already have it like that
There is a surplus of any living creatures -
Kangaroo, gorilla, yak.

Two penguins share a bathtub
Duck, toad and seal.
They put a dolphin next to them -
Immediately the bath became squeaky clean.

Zebras walk everywhere in formation
And giraffes in full growth,
And one peacock is like three,
If his tail opens.

Not enough for lunch
The tiger has a place at the table!
Where should you put the bear?
Not on the chandelier with the eagle!
Honey Sea

One bear
Loved to roar.
He had a terrible roar!
The bear roared:
“I want some candy!”
And I didn’t want a second one.

He was asked:
“Eat the jelly,
Be a good bear!"
And he whined “calamel”
And “plyanichka” with “ilishka”.

He didn’t eat soup for his aunts and uncles,
Seeing a vase of honey,
But he promised
What will eat all the “copper”,
And for everyone at once!

“Once a raspberry,
Two raspberries!-
The bear is treating himself.-
In every berry
Rain -

Not a raspberry
And the picture! -
The big man licked his lips.-
And big, like a basket!
Come on, get off her, you worm!”

Mishutka's paws are covered in honey,
Mishutka's nose is covered in honey.
But he didn’t eat honey, it seems, -
He just carried it very quickly!

The honey was just very liquid
He pretended to be water
The honey was just very quick,
Like a young grasshopper!

He splashed on the plate -
Who would stop him?
Honey was faster than a squirrel,
That's why he ran away!

Excellent student

Bear with pride
Carries from school
Notebook in the backpack
For control work.

In this notebook
Today again
He received
High five for the bear!

Happy mom
And papa bear:
“Well done!
Keep trying!

There's bear-bearing at school -
The main subject
For admission
To university!"

Mishka's bees

Bear started an apiary
With hives and bees
And I decided to name all the bees
Funny nicknames.

I chose names for them myself -
Daisy, Rosette,
Vasilisa is alone
And one Mimosa.

Loved dandelion
Groomed the Bellflower,
I even nailed them to the hives
Pegs with names!

So that, flying among the flowers,
The Mishkin bees knew
That they are not someone there!
That they are Toptyzhkins!

Raspberry Dream

If only raspberries
It was without thorns
No scratches
Needle things

They wouldn't stick around
Splinters from the nose,
How ugly
Ugly goats.

If only raspberries
It wasn't thick
Not with worms inside,
And empty

Right in the den
Grew up by the fireplace -
That would be it
Not life, but raspberries!

Barrel of honey

The sun is a barrel of honey, -
One bear thought so
And at any time of the year
I loved looking at him.

He sat on a hill
And sat with his mouth open,
With the air of a glutton
And a rumbling stomach.

The eccentric was waiting for drops of honey
They will fly into an open mouth,
But in the end from the sky
It was rain, not honey.

Honey Sea

I'd really like to
To the glutton bear,
So that it appears
Honey sea.

He would bathe in it
Crawl and breaststroke
With a donut circle
And a bun-mattress.

There would be a sea
Amber, radiant,
Clean, transparent
And very fragrant.

It would smell like the sea
Buckwheat and sticky,
Shore wave
It would feel sticky.

There would be a sea
Yummy sweet -
You swim in it
And you swallow furtively!

Ode to honey

The bear composes an ode
Under the title “Glory to Honey!”
And it shoots like a machine gun,
Hundred-meter verse about honey:

"Glory to the golden honey,
Pour generously into the barrel,
In the saucer, in the vase, glory, honey!
Hail sandwich with honey!

Hail, honey, in the pot and in the jar,
In cake and casserole,
In milk and in pie,
On pancakes and in cottage cheese.

Hail, honey, with hot tea!
Honey with pumpkin is extraordinary!
Sweeter sour lemon with it
About a million times.

Honey is always held in high esteem and in fashion,
And everything that is in honey is held in high esteem -
Pear, apple, banana,
Even blue eggplant.

And to the point of insanity
Decorates honey cookies.
Honey, you are worthy of poems!
All. I’ll go eat you.”

Honey cows

Eyes blink in the dark -
The bears lay down to sleep side by side,
And the bear tells them stories
In a hoarse whisper:

“I will repeat to you word for word,
What my grandfather used to say:
There are honey cows
Where there are no cold winters.

Where snow hasn't fallen in ages,
They chew cornflowers,
Fresh milk with honey
They give you three buckets a day!

For sore throats, colds
There is no better remedy in the world.
Once I brought it from there
I have it in my grandfather's can.

Better than anyone else
This is miracle milk!
Sorry honey cows
So far from here...

This valuable breed
The bears of those regions love
Well, what about those here, without honey,
They don’t count them as cows!”

Raspberry Mom

The bear has such a wonderful mother!
Not like the tiger and the hippopotamus!
You can't replace her with the lion's mother,
After all, the lion's mother does not smell like raspberries.

It's so delicious for the lucky bear
Baking raspberry gingerbread for your birthday!
Compote and jam, sore throat syrup,
Her jelly and marmalade are made from raspberries!

What is there! She and baked goose
I always stuff it with raspberries for taste.
And even meatballs in her frying pan
They start to squeak with a raspberry note.

She pickles and ferments raspberries
And she paints her head for the holiday with it,
And if he kisses someone on the cheeks
The lips leave raspberry smacks.

Why does she need other blush or lipstick?
And she doesn’t even need any perfume,
After all, it smells nice, like raspberries.
Well, she’s not really a mother, but Malvina!
Winter dreams

What's on the bear's mind?

What's on the bear's mind?
Buns, gingerbreads and crumpets,
Cakes, waffles, pies
And ice cream cones.
So, here's what's on my mind:
Stock up on fat for winter.

The bear is tormented by yawning -
Doesn't let my mouth close,
And for some reason in the stew
He nods all day long.

Just start reading the book -
The right eye falls asleep.
“Well,” the bear scratches the back of his head, “
It's time to spread out the mattress.

Behind the window is a refrigerator,
The pine tree's paws are freezing...
Time to set the alarm clock
For me on the first day of spring."

Dear bears!

Dear bears!
I ask you one thing:
From claws to armpits
Wash your paw before bed!

After all, when you suck in a dream,
You are like a sandwich
You bring it to yourself
A million germs in your mouth!

They might even take you to the hospital
Put it because of the paw!
So it's better not to be lazy
And wash it with shampoo -

So that strawberries and raspberries
My paw smelled every time
Like in your own feather bed
You went to bed for a quiet hour.

Mishkina backfill

The sun shone in the sky -
Feet, march under the blanket!

My head, spinner,
Your pillow is waiting for you.

Paw, smear yourself in jam
And put it in my mouth quickly.

Close your eyes together, -
Soon you will dream of fairy tales!

Ursa Lullaby

Sleep little bear
It's not spring yet!
We've been waiting for three months
Winter sleep.

The snow is falling asleep
Grass and foliage
We say goodbye to them
We are in reality.

I'll be in a dream
I miss you
I will get up
Rock you.

Cute baby,
Don't cry, don't be sad.
A little better
Grow up in your sleep!

You'll wake up in March
With a cheerful soul
And you will be surprised
How big you are!

It will become for you
The cradle is cramped...
Sleep, little bear,
Sweet dreams!

Footprints in the snow

There are a lot of footprints in the snow:
There the fox caught the mouse,
There the little bunny was gnawing on the bark,
There's a kangaroo galloping...
The elephant was hanging back and forth...
A hippopotamus was rolling down the mountain...
Zebras trampled the paths...
The ostrich dived headfirst into a snowdrift...
And the giraffe decorated the forest
Snow tower to the sky!
Yes! And this is not a joke -
Just Mishutka's winter dream.

Bear rod

There is cold and hammering everywhere,
Birds can't fly.
A connecting rod wanders through the forest
And he staggers in his sleep.

Walks right in slippers
And in pajamas with bees.
Oh, I'm afraid it will fall
On birch trees with fir trees!

Hey, connecting rod, you'll break your nose! –
He is not upset.
He's just a sailor in a dream,
And the ship is rocking.

Dormouse Bear

The bear sleeps sweetly in the den,
After all, the bear has cotton wool in his ears.
Sleeping, not hearing at all,
How the roof cracks under the snow,
How the old lady's bed creaks,
How the firecracker rattles in the forest,
How they knock on the door outside
All his neighbors are animals,
How a cone flies through the window:
“Happy New Year, Dormouse Bear!”


Yes, “knock-knock-knock” -
What kind of sound is that?
Whose hooves are trampling there -
Elk, horse, donkey?

Yes, “knock-knock-knock” -
What kind of guest appeared suddenly?
Who's knocking on the bear's door?
In March, on the first day?

Yes, “knock-knock-knock”...
- Come back later, friend!
Don’t shake the door with your fists -
Distracts you from sleep!

Yes, “knock-knock-knock”...
- Who is there - a squirrel, a wolf, a badger?
What kind of animal is so stubborn?
- It’s me who has come - Spring!

Mishka's alarm clock

Open, right eye!
Look what time it is.

Paw, wipe your left eye!
Left eye, don't sleep - look!

Head, it's good to yawn! -
Which foot should I get up on?

Bears in the north

At the North Pole
It's chilly for the bears.
The bears decided:
“We’ll move to the south!”
Lying down, sunbathing
At the South Pole,
At the snowy pole,
Cold and blizzard.

White bears

There are only blondes in their family,
There are only blondes in their family,
Mother and father are white as ice floes
And their children are like pieces of ice.

Blonde grandmothers and grandfathers
Everything down to the most distant ancestors.
Only one had brown skin,
Because I rarely washed.

What's happened?

The polar bear will not understand:
What kind of sweetness is “honey”?
What kind of animals are these “bees”?
What kind of land is this “flowering meadow”?
Where there is ice and icebreakers
He had never seen these things.

If there is no summer

Don't hibernate
White bears,
Don't snore all winter
In a soft, warm blanket.

Because if
Blizzards all year round
Is it their whole life?
Spend it in bed?

There is, after all, without summer
Swimming, fishing...
And sleep through it all
Very, very sorry!

Northern lights

This is the radiance -
All colors merge,
Northern Rainbow,
Overflow of colors!

Bears love poles
This stripe in the sky
This is a wonderful miracle
The best of divas!

They put on boots,
They sit and admire:
A fabulous spectacle!
Just like in the movies!

They look up with smiles,
They feast on fish
Someone's kissing
Even at the same time.


It's slippery and icy in the Arctic.
Stepping out onto slippery ice,
The bears are there, like figure skaters,
They perform all year round.

They ride like a swallow, like aces,
To the store for milk
And with a cart at the cash register
They brake with one skate.

For your talented streak
They should give cups to everyone.
And a special sharpener
To sharpen the blades!

This is hardening, this is hardening -
Swim in an ice hole in the cold!
The wind whips like a skipping rope
And he bites like a watchdog.

In winter waters even fish
Aches bones, cramps tail,
And the scales stick out on end, -
That's how cold the ice is not simple!

And bears are like in a jacuzzi,
They fall face down into the hole
And some are frolicking on their bellies,
Some on the back, some sideways!

And then the bears come out
Barefoot on the ice
And shake off the ice
Freezing water.


He's a clumsy bear
And not clubfoot.
He has another
Strange feature:

This cute bear
I've been clumsy since childhood,
And why does the bear
Paws from a cat?

Maybe so as not to stomp
And walk without making a sound?
To quietly
Walk in the bushes?

No, the panda has them
For bamboo stems -
Their cat's paw
Easier to hook.

Spectacled bear

He's not farsighted
And not myopic
But he walks all the time
Like a dude, with glasses,

Maybe very soon
Will he put on his trousers?
Flaunt in fashionable
Will there be jackets?

“Well, what’s wrong!? -
The bear answers, -
If I want, I'll wear it
I have pince-nez on my nose!

Sometimes wearing a monocle
I'm reading a book.
Very, by the way,
It suits me!

Grizzly bear at the zoo at night
The bars in the cages were gnawed
Tiger, lion, elephant, raccoon,
Hamadryas, hippopotamus,
Kangaroo, donkey, lemur,
Wolf, zebra, bison, aurochs,
Boar, tapir, lynx,
The path for the eagle has been opened on high!
But, like everyone else, they didn’t whistle -
Just too tired...

Sloth bear

The sloth bear himself does not know,
What a great trumpeter he would be.
With your talented lip
He could blow clarinet, oboe,
Bassoon, horn, bugle, trumpet
And find your destiny in them!
And he could make us happy,
Jazz on the saxophone...
But he's not blowing at all
Shifting the dust a hundred steps,
And, having cleared the way to the ants,
He is in a hurry to blow them into himself.
At leisure

The bear asks the bear:
“Do you fish with a jig?
I heard that with a jig
Even a catfish might bite!”

“No, buddy, use a jig
I catch a mouse in the closet,
The one who hops around
And I go after fish with a lasso(m)!”

No, they don't like bears
Play cards.
But they are crazy
From another game - lotto!

They pull on the bench
Barrels from a bag.
- Who has “back and forth”?
- I have! Come here!

Who has the “gloves”?
Who has ducklings?
Who has the hatchet?
- I have! Look! In!

Well, what about “granny with a stick”?
- At Peter and Ilyushka!
- Come on, “felt boots” for anyone?
- To me!
- And me!
- And I'll take it!

They sit like that, playing
Without end and edge.
It's all about who takes it
The main prize is a barrel of honey.

Little bear cubs at leisure
We decided to play hide and seek:
- Only vada, mind you, not me!
- You! After all, it's your turn!
- I found you three times!
- You were peeping with both eyes!
- Come on, for me
Who will do it for half a day...
- Who is this?
- Bear…
- He’s a toy after all!
- But you have to try!
Maybe he's a good vada!
- Okay, mind you, only in raspberries
Now I and Kolka are hiding,
Because you, Taras,
I ate raspberries last time!
- Well, then I’m by the river,
In a secret place.
Only, teddy bear,
Don't eavesdrop on us!

The bears haven’t seen checkers,
They don’t have checkers in the forest,
But they call it a game of cones
The same game.

Here in the shadow of a fir branch
The bears will sit down in a crowd,
Cells will be drawn on the stump
And they lead battle after battle.

And for those who are too noisy -
Announcement on a pine tree:
“Shh! The cone tournament is underway!
We ask everyone for silence!

"Cat and Mouse"

No, guys, it's cat and mouse -
Not a game, but nonsense.
It's a "bee-bear" thing!
“Bees-bears” - yes!

Real fun
For funny bears!
Who's left, who's right
They run away and scream!

The bees are rushing about and getting angry -
Fear for honey
Well, the bears are having fun
All day long.

Hula Hup

The bear is doing exercises -
Spins the hula hoop
And inside it, like in a tub,
The soup beats with a noisy splash.

The porridge gurgles angrily
The sandwich burst out:
“Hey, Toptygin, wait a minute!
Stop shaking your stomach!”

Jam has the same opinion
And the mint tea is angry:
“Hey, Toptygin, exercises
Finish yours quickly!”

Having crushed a packet of cookies,
The cake bounces like a ball:
“Stop, Toptygin, the pumping!
We might fall overboard!”

But, chewing a cutlet with a bun,
The bear responds:
“Hey guys, stop babbling!
Don’t stop me from losing weight!”


Who's in the forest clearing
Did you leave a mark from the wheels?
This is Mishkin high-speed
Passenger jalopy!

Not a fancy Mercedes
He, of course, but
The entire forest fits
In this bear's car.

The full body will gain
He's the beast from all around
And rolls back and forth
Squirrels, hares, foxes, moose.

Sounds all day long
A loud “beep-beep!” echoes.
"Beep!" - and a stump shuddered in the thicket,
"Beep!" - and the mushroom jumped to the side.

And in the evening the jalopy
Rushing home like a fire,
Turning on the high beams
Bright eagle owl headlights.