The teddy bear can roar loudly. Poems about bears

The meaning of the name Michael: "who is like God" (Hebrew).
There are other forms of the name: in England - Michael, in Germany - Michel, in Spain - Miguel, in France - Michel.

Michael always a strict and serious young man. Able to think logically. Sometimes he likes to argue and tries to win the argument. It is better to immediately admit that he is right than he will spend hours proving it to you. Even if he is absolutely wrong, he will still prove the opposite. He does not like criticism and never engages in self-criticism. He does not perceive jokes in his address, you can take it for an insult and be offended. However, he does not hold a grudge for a long time, he quickly forgives everything.

In professional terms, he can reach any heights and work in absolutely any specialty. It all depends on his abilities and desires. Michael can even become the highest leader. It is easy to communicate with him, he successfully inserts jokes into the conversation. It can easily lift your spirits.

She loves women who are flexible, kind, soft and sympathetic. He chooses as his wife a woman who will endure his mood swings and forgive him everything. In general, in relations with his wife, Misha is kind and accommodating. The main problem is his inability to control his emotions sometimes.
Other forms of the name Mikhail: Misha, Mikhailo, Mikhey, Micah, Mihai.

Name day: September 15, September 17, September 19, October 1, October 3, October 13, October 14, October 15, October 17, November 1, November 20, November 21, November 23, November 27, November 29

Congratulations in verse to Michael

Happy holiday to you, dear Michael!
Be happy all the time
So that you are always full of strength,
Joy and positivity.
Luck always accompanies
Let in any life front,
Let your star shine bright
In the blue night horizon.

We wish you health and strength,
And happiness in addition - to you, Michael!

Today is your birthday
Today is not an easy anniversary.
I will tell you sincerely, loving -
You are a real, true man!
Michael May you be lucky in everything
Let luck turn its face
Health never fails
And outside the window, let the sun shine more often!


M soft, tender
And Darling...
X cheeky and unique!
BUT ngel light,
And sparkling -
L golden teacher of the sun!

Poems about Misha

Michael is a great master
Joke and laugh.
Jokes instead of "Hi"
And people rush to him.


Misha, my boy, kitten!
You are still just a child.
Be funny, be naughty
You are a blessing to all your family.
Learn a lot in life!
Be strong, brave, kind!
Let dreams come true!
You are the best in the world!

Mishenka, Mishutka is a little prankster,
Sit down and calm down, we have a holiday today,
You see everyone is laughing, there is a cake on the table,
So it will be delicious, open your mouth soon,
Grow up and be diligent, please mom and dad,
Life is very interesting, happy holiday, give me a paw!

I so want to believe in your fate, bear,
In life from fairy tales, legends, adventures.
Be a good, cheerful and kind boy,
Full of ideas and hobbies.


Like a flame
Light and cheerful
Pleases the family.
Waking up in the morning -
Filled with laughter
In the evening lulls
Your little sister.
How we love Mishenka,
Our little boy
How we cherish it -
There are no such words.
He is like the sun for us
He is like a month for us,
He is our main
The Greatest God!

Misha, Mishenka, Bear,
Stop crying in vain!
Record your roar on tape
Let everyone listen to the child.

Misha, Misha Mishenka
Brought Dana a cherry
Apricot smooth
And sweet raspberries
Cherry plum is beautiful,
Plum dark blue.
Mom cooks compote for them
And jam for the whole year.

Misha, Misha, you are a baby.
What? Why don't you sleep?
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And go to sleep soon.
Sleep with grandma and mom
Sleep, my stubborn granddaughter,
Sleep, spinner and talker,
Sleep, my little rascal.

Rides, rides bear
In brand new pants.
Riding down an icy hill
Like an inflatable ball.
Our bear does not want to wash,
He overturned the trough.
I shouted loudly - I do not want,
I will douse everyone with water!

Evening, the rain is pounding on the roof,
scary little Misha.
He doesn't want to go to bed
Because he is afraid.
Mom sat down by the bed
And softly she sang:
"The blue night floats,
Clouds lead a round dance,
Sleep, son, sleep
Sleep, son, bye, bye.
Close your eyes soon
The dream will tell you tales:
About hedgehogs, forest bear,
About a titmouse and a hare.
Sleep descended, hush, hush,
The boy Misha is sleeping peacefully.

Our Misha, little boy,
Such a naughty and mischievous:
Then he will tear his mother's book,
Then the soup will spill in a bowl,
Scatters toys everywhere
Take one and play with it.
Him: You Misha don't pamper.
And he answered: only: Ay! Yes - wow!
Give-give, Ba-ba and hoo,
This is his speech.
At the dacha he picks flowers
And then carries to the grandmother,
And smiles at her clearly
Take granny, you are beautiful.
And grandmother blooms with happiness
And, Misha, it’s not misfortune at all,
But it takes a lot of work
He is only a year old.

silver spoon
A little wrinkled
Shiny and black
Patterned at the waist
Antique silver spoon.
Among your girlfriends
Cheerful noisy spoons
She is always a princess
And the queen too.
And small Misha
Everything feeds a little,
All royal porridge
Silver spoon.

Mama lowered the curtains
The doors to the room closed
- The night has come, it's time for everyone to sleep,
Fast, Mishenka, in bed!
- They say that the night has come!
Where has she been all day?
I'm embarrassed again,
Why is it not visible?
I see dad, I see mom
I see my brother all the time...
Why am I this lady
Never meet?
Not in the kitchen, not in the hallway ...
Who does she look like?
My family dreams
Mom, dad, Dimka,
Why can't I see
Where does the invisible man sleep?
In the morning gently again
Mom will say: "Mi-sha,
The night is gone, it's time to get up!
How could I not have heard?

Maryin Misha- just a treasure.
He comes to kindergarten
Undressing in the hallway
Everyone faster, they say.
He is combed, he is washed,
Looking up is fun.
He skillfully brushes his teeth -
How the smile shines!
Little Petya fell -
Misha immediately ran up,
And stroked his head.
Peter stopped crying.
Pavlik was very upset -
The ball rolled somewhere.
Misha did not guess for a long time -
I quickly found the ball.
Misha does not interfere with adults,
And he helps the kids.
That's why they say:
- Hey, boy! Just a treasure.

E. Melnikova

Bear with a furry paw

Slowly tearing raspberries.

Walks, looking for a clubfoot

Sweet and fragrant honey.

Polar bear

White bear on fishing

Walking slowly, waddle.

The old fisherman smells

That the rich are waiting for the catch.

R. Aldonina

To the bears, to the bears

Let's go to the green forest

Let's go to the bears

In the dense green forest.

Where are the trees, where are the cones,

Where are the little bears

Where are the mischievous bears

With and without mothers.

To the bears with a basket

Let's go for raspberries

With a basket of raspberries

Let's go on a long journey!

Let only bears

Will go to the neighbors

L. Lukanova

Bear loves honey

Fresh, honeycomb

He would make friends with a bee

This delicacy got hold of

Only bees are the trouble

Never befriend him

N. Kapustyuk

We said strictly to dad:

Your son, Mishka, is a clubfoot.

And it's time to understand

Something must be done!"

And heard from dad:

My grandfather's son is clubfoot ...

Yes, and my great-grandfather - Potap

Born was a clubfoot.

Don't worry kids

We are all bears! -

M. Plyatskovsky

The bees are chasing the bear.

"Zhu-zhu-zhu, don't be a thief!

Don't touch our honey

Go your way!"

The bear rushes without looking back,

Only heels flicker in the grass.

Instead of honey there will be cones

Bear thieves on the nose.

A. Teslenko

Sleeping bear in his lair

Don't be alarmed

If he wakes up early,

He will be very, very angry.

After all, he used to sleep in winter,

Suck a warm paw

Only when spring comes

Mishka will not sleep.

B. Marchenko

The giant sleeps in winter

In a warm lair.

Looking forward to spring warmth

And the flowering of nature.

The clumsy is very dexterous,

Likes to fish.

To taste sweet honey

Can destroy the hive.

What kind of animal? Answer quickly.

This giant...bear.

M. Yasnov

The bear got into the hive,

And now, sweet honey drips from the paw ..

The hedgehog started laughing at him:

The teddy bear screwed up!

What kind of jokes? - He answered .-

I am a bear!

I hinted.

V. Prazdnichnova

A bear came out of the forest

Started to stomp and roar.

What are you, bear, upset?

I had a night mare,

I saw a girl Alina -

I ate all the raspberries in the grove!

Y. Asaeva.


He slept in the winter in a lair,

He didn't run on the road.

He sucked his paw.

Saved the fat from the cold.


And the bear is warm here.

Turn from side to side

Grumble and smile...

Where did you go, bear?

I went to look at the moon.

I'm on the other side

Haven't seen the moon yet!

I climbed over the mountain

Walked along the river, through the forest -

But everywhere was visible

Same moon!

V. Chardin

Come on, bear

Answer us quickly

Why are you called a bear?

I'm in charge of honey

Where is he hidden? -

The bear answered.

Is it healthy?

L. Khramova

Oh what a pleasure

Rivers and forests awakening!

The sun ray touched

And they were completely awake.

The fish are playing in the river

The birds welcome the sun.

The sound of swollen kidneys is heard,

And the bear doesn't want to get up!

Two sisters came running

Two shaggy foxes

They began to knock with their paws,

Shout out loud like this:

"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,

Go fishing.

Well you emaciated for the winter

And became completely powerless.

The animals have been at work for a long time.

They build houses, in care!"

And the bear growls in response:

"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"

A. Rakhimov

Brown Bear Bear

He sat down on a stump and began to roar.

A roar is heard throughout the forest.

The bear frightened the fox,

Hare, wolf, boar...

There was silence.

The hedgehog approached the bear:

Misha, why are you crying?

He stirred up everyone in the forest.

I bring honey to my house.

Here, in the forest I found a deck,

Fragrant honey.

How pleased I am with myself!!

Yozh, rejoice with me!!

N. Batsanova

Who knows how to cry like that?

Just an angry bear!

Who displeased him

Who made the bear angry?

What in it, the devil moved in?

Just a bear wants to go to the forest!

There is expanse and space!

Living in a cage, what a shame!

There, in the forest, relatives live

And the bearish whole family.

The bear was separated from them

Learned to live in an aviary.

Only the bear does not give up,

It still breaks free.

He rushes around the cage,

His sadness is not cured


Lullaby of a bear.

Sleeping bear in his lair.

He is warm, comfortable, happy.

And winter is on the doorstep.

Snowfall outside the window.

The bear sleeps, lies, does not grieve.

And in a dream he sees honey.

Silence stands outside.

A blizzard sweeps the ground.

Sleeping bear. White snow swirls.

Sweet, soft bed.

Wind in the yard, and cold.

The blizzard starts.

Sleeping bear. Knows no grief.

He sucks his paw in his sleep.

And does not know that, soon,

There will be a holiday - New Year.

Sleeping bear. A star is like a candle.

The winter world is full of wonders.

The ice is shining, the river is frozen.

And the forest is covered with snow.

M. Piudunen

The bear was sleeping in his lair,

sucked a fat paw,

Suddenly to him through the snowdrifts

The stream has crossed.

Lightly tapped on the nose

Slightly ringing drop,

Slowly crawl under it

Wet his sides.

Angry couch potato

Roared and immediately got up,

And when he was released

He didn't even recognize the forest.

No snowdrifts, only puddles

The sun is burning in the sky

Breeze friends-trees

Silently tells stories.

N. Volkova

Selected from the catalog

Teddy bear new lair

This one is too far

It's easy to get into this thief,

In this damp

It's hot in this

In this sun shines brightly...

And without choosing a winter home,

I lay down to sleep under a bush.

O. Tain

Sat down Bear - belly, like a globe,

On a crowded bus.

I began to make my way to the window,

And he had to push.

Clumsy, clumsy

Stepped on the Fox's paw;

He kicked the Hedgehog by accident, -

He screamed desperately;

Elbow gave the she-wolf in the back,

She howled, making a face.

Almost crushed Uzh,

I didn’t want to - he scared Chizh away ...

In general, wittingly or unwittingly,

Many Misha hurt.

But for all


He tried to be polite

I apologized, I apologized

Sorry, miss

Here, please take...

I didn't push on purpose

Sorry, I accidentally.

Don't move, Beavers,

Be kind brothers.

Animals shunned, huddled,

But imagine not being offended.

Although the Bear was well-fed,

The main thing - he was brought up!

And try to be kind

Know baby, it's not useless.

Polite people will always be noticed

You will be kindly answered.

S. Tsapaeva

In the thicket of the forest, where all around

Silence and windbreak

Where there is no road

I sleep all winter in a den.

And about summer to spring

I have colorful dreams:

Like a forest on the edge

I collected pigs all day,

I was looking for raspberries in the bushes,

Exposing your back to the sun.

The bees carried honey stealthily,

Hiding behind a brown paw.

Acorns, nuts, berries

I ate right away for a year!

And warmed up in the meadow

I sang along to the linnet -

He began to roar to the beat!

What is my name? Bear!

I. Alexandrova

In October according to the catalog

The bear chose the den.

Nice house with a balcony!

It's just a pity - it's too big.

The one where the eternal snows

Incredibly expensive.

Here's a nice place

Where the river meanders in the wilderness,

But lazy grouse

They chat until dawn.

The swamp has an apartment -

It will be cold and damp...

Went through the entire catalog

Couldn't find anything.

So that by heart and mind -

You need to build yourself!

and he could roar

and knew how to roar.

Once a letter came to him

not clear from whom.

He said in delight: Oh-oh-oh!

Met a rabbit in the grass

got up and scratched in the head,

doesn't know what to say: Uh-uh...

And he saw Moscow

my city where I live

roared in surprise: Wow!

Lullaby for little son

just a copper pipe.

He roared like the wind

all bears are like that.

In the thicket for three kilometers

from the lair you can hear: S-s-s!

I said: "At least with a paw

write us a letter."

- Oh, E, S, U, A -

that's all his words.

children's poems about bears.

Happy birthday to you, Michael! I wish you every success, everyday miracles, magical moments, success in work and personal life. May everything come true, whatever you want, and no sorrows will even come close to your life and fate, at the same time bypassing your loved ones on a long road.

Your main hobby is originality. You are a very interesting, versatile person, and it is pleasant to have conversations with you, as you can discuss anything with you. Mich, thank you for this. Thank you for the fact that with you the world opens up in a new way, that even in the most difficult moment you do not lose your positive, and you try to infect everyone around with it. You are like the sun breaking through the clouds. This quality is not given to many. And today, on your such a significant day, I just want to wish you unlimited happiness! Do not stop finding joy in the little things, and do not stop being so penetrating and purposeful, and then you will achieve everything.

Mishenka, Mishutka - a little prankster,
Sit down and calm down, we have a holiday today,
You see everyone is laughing, there is a cake on the table,
So it will be delicious, open your mouth soon,
Grow up and be diligent, please mom and dad,
Life is very interesting, happy holiday, give me a paw!

Michael is like God, the best of men.
Those who are close to him in life have no reason to be upset.
Fair, strong, kind and reliable, he is quite,
And Misha has skill and patience, as for me.
I'm proud of you, Mishan, and I wish you always
Your path is brightly illuminated by a guiding star.

Congratulations on a wonderful day!
May you, our Michael,
Every moment brings happiness
Every breath is a surge of strength!

Let love be crazy
Sweet bitter wine!
In the house of light will not decrease
Even at night when it's dark!

And now, do you hear, Misha,
Has the door lock rang?
We are standing in the hallway
They brought their congratulations!

Misha, my boy, kitten!
You are still just a child.
Be funny, be naughty
You are a blessing to all your family.

Learn a lot in life!
Be strong, brave, kind!
Let dreams come true!
You are the best in the world!

We wish the wind in the sails
And in the right direction!
We wish you faith in miracles
Without any doubts!

We wish you a hundred years of health
And enjoy life
Do not know any sorrows or troubles
And swim in joy!

Reading this greeting
At the festive festivities
You can be sure - just in time
All dreams will come true!

There is no more sociable you, there is no more fun,
You and I, Michael, even the day is brighter.
Kindness in your soul knows no weekend
And from the look of your heart comes to life.

Everything that you undertake is waiting for great success,
Well, difficulties are not a hindrance to you at all.
Whatever you do, always pay attention to you.
You can not do without you, you are the soul of the company!

Mikhail, your name is old, Russian
Illuminates your life path.
Your life colors are not dull,
External brightness - that's your essence.

And Misha's soul is pure, bright,
As the fields in Russia are wide.
Your kindness is a quick river -
Both beautiful and deep.

You and I are not sad, but fun,
We are with you all the days are good.
And you, Michael, happy birthday
Congratulations now from the bottom of our hearts.

We congratulate you, Misha!
So that you strive higher and higher.
And I looked for joy in everything.
Moonstone to sparkle
For you, a bright mystery.
He lived so that under the success of the arch.
He always said to be quiet,
But he achieved everything famously.

I don’t know about you, but the most favorite toy of my childhood was a teddy bear.

To this day I remember his splayed paws, button eyes and blue color. Too bad it didn't survive.

Today we have a selection of poems about Teddy bear- not just about a toy, but about a true true friend from our childhood.

What was your favorite toy or your child's? Maybe a teddy bear too?

Poems about a teddy bear

Teddy Bear

I have a toy
Plush animal.
lop-eared bear,
The most expensive.
He plays with me
Everything breaks everywhere.
And naughty, prankster,
He is with me too.

We are with him on Sunday
We ate all the jam.
Water faucet turned on
They flooded the house.
Why is mom
It stubbornly tells me
That I'm the only one to blame
Aren't we two?

Elena Eremina

plush mod

So many buttons on me -
On the sides and back
On the crown and on the belly,
A pair of buttons on the ear

There is also on the tail!
I see buttons in my dreams
I dream about buttons during the day.
As I see, I choose

I sew with thick thread.
Buttons are shining on me.
Bear cubs say:
"Well, you have a piercing -
You tried not in vain!”

Eugene Duering

A toy

I'm a hero from a children's fairy tale
I live in your bed
My button eyes
You were always looked at.

I know everything that you dream
A sea of ​​colorful dreams
How your eyelashes tremble
Tears on the cheeks.

I know all your signs
Everything you hide under your pillow
Your shameful secrets
The ones you whisper in my ear.

At night I hear you breathe
How do you fold a blanket
Only you don't hear me
Time has separated us.

In the dark they scare you
Creaks, rustles and things
Something suddenly reminds
Fear grips you.

When you hug me
I hear an alarming heartbeat.
I know what you dream about
I remember the warmth of your hands.

I'm your plush buddy
Clumsy sad bear
Silent observer.
You are a shy boy.

P. Loginov


The bear's ear is hard to hear,
He is a very sharp toy.
Grandma also went with him:
She fed, nursed, healed.

Shabby nose stained with paint
He snores in a doll carriage.
He is dearer to me than all animals,
Living in my room.

When I grow up a little
How will I become a mother, grow up,
I'll show him the way
To my daughter's heart.

Anna Shemyakina


Two sisters shared a bear -
With whom does the bear sleep today?
- You better read a book!
Why me again?

The sisters argued for a long time,
But then mom came to them
And page after page
I read them a bedtime story.

And the sisters closed their eyes
And fell into a sweet dream.
How useful bedtime stories are -
The sisters had a dream about

That there are two bear toys.
And the agility soon faded away:
They don't need to argue anymore.
Nothing more to share!

Irena Kotlyar

About the bear - a favorite toy

Played, tore, forgot
And they forgot to darn me.
I used to be a favorite bear
Ringleader, soul, naughty.
And I didn't think time would pass
And in the garbage will have to huddle.

I bathed a teddy bear

I bathed a teddy bear
He grumbled terribly loudly,
He jerked his paws, splashed,
And laughed with joy!

Blowing bubbles like a fountain
Wet all the rug in the bathroom
Mishka loves to wash very much,
It will be a clean rascal!

Lyubov Aleinikova

Teddy bear

Today I got out of the dresser -
Lop-eared, soft and big,
Plush to the claws. I would like honey:
Give me a barrel - don't lie!
Where is my cardboard candy?
With her in an embrace - the day will be sweet.
Ride in the car before lunch
And put on my cap sideways.
I am a favorite, in a jacket and pants -
Friend shaggy, faithful - I'm not kidding!
Read to me at night, Vanya, a book -
In my dreams I will ride you through the forest.

Maria Vinokurova

They gave a bear to Nyusha,
The bear was a great toy!
Nyusha played with him for a long time,
And then she broke it.

Nyusha to dad, help!
Urgently fix the bear
Cotton came out of it
Fix it soon dad.

Sewing a hole with a thread
And sew on a patch.
Bear is my favorite friend
It can suddenly break.

I don't want to leave him
I will play with it for a long time.

Lydia Rakhmankulova

plush tourist

Twishka bear,
former boy,
And now - the bear-dad:
shirt and hat,

nice vest,
In the pocket is a ticket.
flew by plane,
sailed on a steamboat,

On the tourist bus
He traveled around the globe.
Was in France
Was in Germany

And now he's at the station

Eugene Duering

plush sick

Little bear fell ill -
Fever, red nose
And now lies sad.
A steam locomotive is passing by -

The smoke is blown by the breeze
And the signal fire burns.
The driver has a long way
Only the bear does not let -

With his fluffy paw
The steam locomotive covers.
The machinist says:
“Here, touch it - your forehead is on fire!

You stay right here with me
And then I work alone.
Together will be more fun!
I will forget that I am sick.

If you are with me
I'll get well soon!"

Eugene Duering

Teddy bear

I was given today
What I have long dreamed of
What's in the window, in the store
Showed my mom and dad.

Bear cute, clubfoot,
Stuffed with soft cotton.
Ears, paws and furry,
Button nose is sewn on.

I will take him with me.
I'll take it for a walk.
And I'll take it to kindergarten
I want to show my friends.

Let's play with him
We will give Easter cake from the sand.
Let's make a house for a bear
(He needs it).

And then we are with him again
Let's have fun playing.

Elena Kovina

plush friend

Fluffy teddy bear,
Your plush friend.
In bed almost from the cradle
You put it on your side.

He will be a faithful guardian
your happy dreams
With him and Koschey is not terrible,
And the wolf is not so severe.

Here you burned your hand -
He consoled me seriously
His belly is furry
Seen a lot of tears.

You ate porridge together
They led a round dance
They cheered, they sang songs ...
Yes, it's a mess.

Though he knows all the secrets
Will never give out
Actually, I don't have a friend.
Bear is no nonsense!

Not just a bauble
What do you put in a corner?
Favorite toy,
Your plush friend.

Natalia Klyuchkina

Did you like the poem about the teddy bear? Be sure to share them with your friends on social networks or leave your comment.

The meaning and origin of the name Michael:"Who is like God" (Biblical)

Patron saints and name day dates:

  • January 24 (January 11) - St. Michael of Klopsky, Novgorod (Rus.).
  • February 27 (February 14) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov (Rus.) (transfer of relics).
  • March 23 (March 10) - Martyr Michael of Thessalonica.
  • March 27 (March 14) - Right-believing Grand Duke Rostislav-Michael. (Rus.).
  • April 29 (April 16) - Martyr Michael Vourliot.
  • May 15 (May 2) - Blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Boris, with the holy baptism Michael (Bolg.).
  • June 3 (May 2) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Murom (Rus.).
  • June 5 (May 23) - Rev. Michael, confessor, Bishop of Sinad and Rev. Martyr Michael, Chernorites.
  • June 28 (June 15) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, wonderworker of all Russia (Rus.).
  • July 12 (June 29) - Martyr Michael, gardener, Athens.
  • July 16 (July 3) - Blessed Mikhail Solvychegodsky.
  • July 17 (July 4) - Saint Michael, Archbishop of Athens.
  • July 25 (July 12) - Rev. Michael Maleip.
  • August 11 (July 29) - Martyr Michael.
  • September 19 (September 6) - Archangel Michael (remembrance of the miracle that happened in Khonekh).
  • October 3 (September 20) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov (Rus.).
  • October 13 (September 30) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, wonderworker of all Russia (Rus.).
  • October 14 (October 1) - Martyr Michael, hegumen of Zovia.
  • October 15 (October 2) - Martyr Michael of Kazan (Rus.).
  • November 21 (November 8) - Archangel Michael (cathedral).
  • December 5 (November 22) - Righteous Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy (Rus.) and righteous Michael, warrior (Bolg.).
  • December 31 (December 18) - St. Michael the Confessor.

E. Serova


I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,
And everyone praised me for the drawing.

First my mom
She said a word:
- Wonderful, Mishenka,
The sheep is out!

But with the same pattern
I went to my dad
And dad said to me:
- Excellent goat!

Then she praised
Baby sister:
- You are very good.
Made a kitten!

And my older brother
He praised me
Yawned and said:
- Nice crocodile!

Vladimir Orlov

Uncle MISHA on the stove
Ate cakes and rolls,
And during the break
Ate dumplings and donuts.
Very soon Uncle Misha
They got it through the roof.

Yes, coat
That's all

Michael, Mishan, Mishka
He loves to eat rugs.

Ilona Grosheva

Like a flame
Light and cheerful
Pleases the family.
Waking up in the morning -
Filled with laughter
In the evening lulls
Your little sister.
How we love Mishenka,
Our little boy
How we cherish it -
There are no such words.
He is like the sun for us
He is like a month for us,
He is our main
The Greatest God!

Dmitry Pinsky

We wish you health and strength,
And happiness in addition - to you, Michael!

Dmitry Pinsky

Misha, Mishenka, Bear,
Stop crying in vain!
Record your roar on tape
Let everyone listen to the child.

A. Mogilevskaya

Misha, Misha, Mishenka
Brought Dana a cherry
Apricot smooth
And sweet raspberries
Cherry plum is beautiful,
Plum dark blue.
Mom cooks compote for them
And jam for the whole year.

Y. Sveshnikov

Misha, Misha, you are a baby.
What? Why don't you sleep?
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And go to sleep soon.
Sleep with grandma and mom
Sleep, my stubborn granddaughter,
Sleep, spinner and talker,
Sleep, my little rascal.

M. Kuchukova

Bear rides, rides
In brand new pants.
Riding down an icy hill
Like an inflatable ball.

Our bear does not want to wash,
He overturned the trough.
I shouted loudly - I do not want,
I will douse everyone with water!

Z. Pisman

Evening, the rain is pounding on the roof,
Scary little Misha.
He doesn't want to go to bed
Because he is afraid.
Mom sat down by the bed
And softly she sang:
"The blue night floats,
Clouds lead a round dance,
Sleep, son, sleep
Sleep, son, bye, bye.
Close your eyes soon
The dream will tell you tales:
About hedgehogs, forest bear,
About a titmouse and a hare.
Sleep descended, hush, hush,
The boy Misha is sleeping peacefully.

V. Filenko

Our Misha, little boy,
Such a naughty and mischievous:
Then he will tear his mother's book,
Then the soup will spill in a bowl,
Scatters toys everywhere
Take one and play with it.
Him: - Don't spoil Misha.
And he answered: only: Ay! Yes - wow!
Give-give, Ba-ba and hoo,
This is his speech.
At the dacha he picks flowers
And then carries to the grandmother,
And smiles at her clearly
Take granny, you are beautiful.
And grandmother blooms with happiness
And, Misha, it’s not misfortune at all,
But it takes a lot of work
He is only a year old.

S. Rusanovskaya

silver spoon
A little wrinkled
Shiny and black
Patterned at the waist
Antique silver spoon.
Among your girlfriends
Cheerful noisy spoons
She is always a princess
And the queen too.
And little Misha
Everything feeds a little,
All royal porridge
Silver spoon.

N. Firefly

Mama lowered the curtains
The doors to the room closed
- The night has come, it's time for everyone to sleep,
Quickly, Mishenka, go to bed!
- They say that the night has come!
Where has she been all day?
I'm embarrassed again,
Why is it not visible?
I see dad, I see mom
I see my brother all the time...
Why am I this lady
Never meet?
Not in the kitchen, not in the hallway ...
Who does she look like?
My family dreams
Mom, dad, Dimka,
Why can't I see
Where does the invisible man sleep?
In the morning gently again
Mom will say: "Mi-sha,
The night is gone, it's time to get up!
How could I not have heard?

S. Smetanin

Maryin Misha is just a treasure.
He comes to kindergarten
Undressing in the hallway
Everyone faster, they say.
He is combed, he is washed,
Looking up is fun.
He skillfully brushes his teeth -
How the smile shines!
Little Petya fell -
Misha immediately ran up,
And stroked his head.
Peter stopped crying.
Pavlik was very upset -
The ball rolled somewhere.
Misha did not guess for a long time -
I quickly found the ball.
Misha does not interfere with adults,
And he helps the kids.
That's why they say:
- Hey, boy! Just a treasure.

Lira Eroshevskaya

Michael - this name seems blue to me,
What is glorified by the young poet of Russia.
This name is dearer and closer to me than others:
Yes, I loved a guy named Misha,
And I couldn’t forget, and I’m still toiling,
I keep this name as if it were a shrine.
Michael is balanced by nature,
Will give great advice if you ask, of course.
And if he gets angry - there is no holding him in anger,
Required, all promises will be kept.
Fair, "equal to God", there is no more honest.
But painfully perceives criticism.

Tongue twisters about Misha

A hat and a fur coat - that's the whole Mishutka.

Misha's grandmother knits warm mittens to warm the hands of Little Bear.

Sasha and Mishutka have funny jokes.