Mekong Bobtail feeding. Mekong Bobtail - feeding kittens and adult cats

Description of the breed

The Mekong Bobtail breed is remembered primarily for its unusual tail. Unlike their counterparts, these cats are adorned with a small, neat tail that looks like a fluffy pom-pom. Moreover, in nature there are no two identical tails - for each cat it is unique, like human fingerprints.

The color of this breed is similar to Siamese cats - dark points (mask, ears, tail and paws) and a contrastingly light body. The combination of bright colors and unusual physique made these cats popular, although not very common.

Mekong Bobtail breed standard

If the color of the Mekong Bobtail is exactly the same as the Siamese, then there are significant differences in the physique. The main visiting card of the breed is a short tail with kinks. Most often, it consists of several vertebrae, but according to the standard, a length of up to a quarter of the standard is allowed. Any breaks along the length are possible, but the first vertebra must be deformed.

The head is medium in size, round. The chin is well defined.

The eyes are large, blue in color, set slightly at an angle. The nose is straight. The ears are wide, set high, with rounded ends.

These cats are not large, compact. They have a strong muscular body, without weighting. The limbs are long, ending in rounded paws.

The coat has almost no undercoat.

In many ways, the Mekong Bobtail breed standard matches the Thai cat, with the exception of an unusual tail.

Coat and color of the Mekong Bobtail

The coat of the Mekong Bobtail is very shiny, smooth, with little or no undercoat. Modern breeders are working on breeding new colors. For example, getting cats with lilac, golden, and cream coats is a priority.

The most traditional are the following point colors:

    Seal point is the most famous traditional color for such pets. Cream base coat combined with black points.

    Red - previously quite a rare color, but now gaining popularity. The main coat is a delicate cream shade, and the paws, tail, ears and mask are brick.

    Tortoiseshell color (can only be in cats).

    Chocolate color - light coat is complemented by chocolate points. The eyes of such cats are most often lilac.

  1. Tabby (black, red, etc.) - there are many color variations. The main thing is the clarity and correctness of the drawing.

The nature and behavior of the Mekong Bobtail

Almost all Mekong Bobtails can boast of excellent character. These are loyal, courageous and receptive to learning animals that are more like dogs in behavior. The Mekong loves to play and will happily learn to fetch the ball and follow other simple commands. In addition, pets are better than others for walks on a harness (regular leashes for cats are not recommended).

The talkativeness of the Mekong is not intrusive. He will not insistently ask for something, annoying the owner. Instead, such a cat will stare at you with its sapphire eyes, occasionally making extremely expressive sounds.

Mekongs don't scratch. If he does not like someone's persistent attention, he will rather bite than attack with claws. However, the peaceful disposition of the pet does not allow him to harm a person. In addition, representatives of this breed are very inquisitive. They try to accompany the owner everywhere and follow him literally on his heels.

History and origin of the breed

The history of the Mekong Bobtail would not have begun if Russian cat lovers did not pay attention to the amazing feature of some Siamese with short deformed tails. Through many years of work, the breed was not only fixed, but also officially recognized by the World Cat Federation. It happened in 2003. At the same time, the name of the breed was officially fixed - Mekong bobtail.

Many Thai cats participated in the selection of representatives of the future breed, which, due to an unusual tail, were rejected and were not allowed to show. The first breed standard was written in the 90s of the last century. Modern short-tailed cats originate from their eastern ancestors, taken out from many Asian countries.

At the same time, there are many legends about the Mekong Bobtail. Siamese cats with broken short tails have been around for centuries. According to an ancient legend, eastern princesses were often accompanied by such cats. On the broken tails of their favorites, they hung rings and other jewelry so that they would not get lost during the bath. Then their popularity faded, and now the breed is experiencing a rebirth.

Care and maintenance of the Mekong Bobtail

Caring for the Mekong Bobtail is not difficult. His short coat only needs brushing once a week. The ears and eyes of the animal should be checked regularly, properly fed and provided with sufficient physical activity.


If you decide to feed the Mekong Bobtail with natural food, do not give him food from your table. Cats need a separate food that does not have salt and seasonings added. Lean beef, pork, chicken without small bones, offal, milk are useful. river fish you can’t give it - it has too many small bones, which can be dangerous, as well as a high salt content, which can provoke the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

Dry food is preferred, but good brands are expensive. Buying premium class and higher food, you can be sure that your pet receives the right amount of important substances and trace elements. The food cannot be combined with ordinary food, it is undesirable to add vitamins or other supplements to it - the factory food is balanced. It is important that there is always clean water in the drinker.

Health and disease of the Mekong Bobtail

Representatives of this native breed have good health. Despite their "pedigree" appearance, they are not susceptible to specific diseases characteristic of their breed, but they are not immune from common pet ailments.

To avoid infection, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal in a timely manner, it is advisable not to let it out alone on the street and not to let it come into contact with stray cats.

Estrus and matings of the Mekong Bobtail

Estrus in representatives of oriental breeds begins relatively early - as early as 4 months, a cat can show the first signs of sexual interest. However, if you want to breed a Mekong Bobtail, you should wait another two or three heats before the animal's body can bear the load of bearing a fetus. Pregnancy lasts an average of 63 days.

Matriarchy reigns in the family of these unusual cats. Cats are more independent than males and take less part in raising kittens. Fertility these animals retain until old age.

Pregnancy and Mekong Bobtail kittens

Mekong Bobtail kittens amaze with their activity and friendliness. They will not miss the opportunity to play with the owner or take an active part in his affairs. Due to their curiosity and devotion, the Mekongs have received the nickname "dogs in the cat world", which fully justifies their character. When choosing a kitten, it is important to examine not only him appearance but also assess the general situation. If the kitten's parents are kept clean and tidy, and all the kittens are fed and happy, you can start choosing a baby.

Each cat is unique in its own way. Each individual has a unique character, behavior, whims, addictions and, of course, food preferences. Therefore, deciding to have a kitten, you need to take into account the characteristics of the breed when raising, keeping, feeding. Consider the fundamental rules for compiling a diet for a Mekong Bobtail cat.

What to feed adult animals, what can be given to kittens, what kind of food for cats of this breed is most suitable.

The first piece of advice for inexperienced "cat owners" is not to feed your cat from your own table. Cats are predators, not opportunists like humans. Composing a diet pet, you need to include in the menu those products that would get "on the table" of a hunter in the wild.

Mekong Bobtail Diet

For breeding cat breeds, feeding rules have their own specifics. The diet of an adult cat must include meat (beef, poultry, lean pork, liver, etc.). In this case, it is advisable not to boil or stew it, but to freeze it.

Exception - . You need to start with baby meat puree, divided into boiled chicken fibers. A little later, add raw frozen minced meat to the diet.

In addition to meat, the cat's menu must include dairy products- cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, etc. As for fresh milk, this product is used only when feeding kittens. Milk is strictly prohibited for adult animals.

Additionally, the diet of the Mekong Bobtail includes eggs (possible with grated shells), fish (no more than 1 time per week), fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits, greens. The stomach of a cat is not designed to digest cereal porridges, therefore it is not recommended to treat your pet with porridge-based offal often.

Finally, adult cats must definitely add vitamins and lactobacilli to the food, which strengthen the animal's immunity and contribute to the normal course of all life processes in its body.

About prepared foods

Of course, it is better to give natural food to a Mekong Bobtail cat than to feed it with dry food or canned food. But if we are talking about ready-made food for the Mekong Bobtail, preference should be given to premium food, such as Sheba, Akana, Purina, Royal Canin.

This is not an axiom, since some "bobs" prefer to sit on dry food. But in this case, you need to buy your pet only high-quality professional food, which includes only nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates that are healthy for cats.

Important! If you feed a kitten with ready-made food from childhood, it is not recommended to mix it with natural products.

Feeding adult cats

mekong bobtail Leolyn Maley Phoebe, seal point color. Feeding an adult Mekong Bobtail. Mekong bobtail Fibie, seal point.

Food for a cat should be as close as possible to its physiology. Keep in mind that cats are predators by nature. Gastric juice they have a very strong, capable of digesting all small prey, without a trace. They do not have teeth adapted to crush food. That is why it is difficult for them to digest boiled food, because the boiled protein molecules are compressed into a tight ball and require grinding.

Cats tear off and swallow pieces of raw meat, and while they gnaw off the next piece, the first one begins to be digested. Cats do not have enzymes that can digest carbohydrates (bread, cereals). Swelling in the intestines, these products absorb gastric juice, which is intended for meat. As a result, the cat's digestion is disturbed. But cats adapt to the food they are given. Violations in their body occur imperceptibly, but with age they are manifested by diseases of the liver, pancreas, and malfunctions in the metabolic system.

It is necessary that the cat receives fresh greens, vegetables and fruits (any, with the exception of beets, grapes and bananas). Crushed and mixed with raw meat, they are readily eaten by cats. They are needed to maintain bacteria in the cat's stomach that produce B vitamins. And the cat will leave your house flowers alone.
Speaking of meat. The ideal food for cats is mice, small birds, raw eggs, chicks - everything that a cat would eat if it lived in nature. You can use this pattern to bring the cat's nutrition closer to natural. Any offal with the addition of meat and quail eggs with shells, mixed with finely chopped grass or vegetables, is the food for which her digestive tract is designed. Offal should be cut into strips, finger-thick and long, about the size of a pencil. Processing of raw products by freezing is obligatory. It does not matter if by morning the portion that you took out of the freezer and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator was not completely defrosted. Microbes will not have time to wake up and do their dirty work (they will be in suspended animation for quite a long time), and there will be no harm to the cat. Moreover, it is quite difficult to catch a cat. Cat diseases are due to weak immunity, and the immune system is directly related to nutrition. It is necessary to add lactobacilli to food, which cats do not produce themselves, but get by eating the contents of the stomach of caught game. For this purpose, suitable: Lacto-filtrum, Acipol, Mezim.

Whether to give a cat fish or not is a very individual question!

Only a kitten can digest milk, but not adult cat in which it will cause diarrhea. But fermented milk products are very useful for cats. These include yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir. From experience I can say that cats eat cottage cheese diluted with cream well.

Each cat is individual and it is necessary to approach the issue of nutrition in the same way, taking into account its individuality.

Feeding kittens

It is necessary to feed kittens from three weeks. The first complementary food is cottage cheese for children, diluted with 10-20% cream, with the addition of a quail egg without shell, and Vetom lactobacilli - 1.1. The second complementary food is scraped meat, which is given to kittens in portions, the size of a pea, at the age when the first teeth erupt in kittens (4 weeks). Portions gradually increase and are replaced at first with finely chopped, and then with rather coarsely chopped meat mixed with offal. By five, six weeks, kittens are switching to adult food.

The Mekong Bobtail is a relatively young breed of short-tailed cats. But its roots go back to hoary antiquity, and real story closely intertwined with legends. According to one of them, the Mekong or Thai bobtails were faithful guards of the treasures of Ancient Siam. They bravely fought rats, snakes and faithfully served beautiful princesses, accompanying them everywhere. These character traits have been preserved in modern cats, faithful, brave little beauties with a big loving heart.

The ancestors of the Mekong Bobtail came to European territory from ancient city Angels, the capital of Thailand in 1884. The first pair of sacred Siamese was a gift from the king and brought home by an official of the British Imperial Embassy in Bangkok, Owen Gould (Suen Good). At home, these white cats with dark muzzles, paws and tails guarded the royal and temple treasuries, libraries from mice, rats and snakes.

Their loose skins, like suits worn on a body, were insensitive to bites, did not allow toxins to spread in the body, and bactericidal saliva quickly healed wounds. The sacred guardians were fiercer than dogs, but affectionate and devoted to man. They were not allowed to be taken out of the country. A gift in the form of a Siamese kitten was a sign of the highest gratitude and location.

Siamese began to breed, and gradually they spread throughout the world. Sometimes in litters there were kittens with short, intricately broken tails. They were culled, and the "royal" cats could disappear forever, but in Russia there were enthusiasts who understood the value of such a phenomenon. It was thanks to them that the selection went along the path of preserving such an unusual trait. Russian cats were crossed with individuals brought from southeast Asia to maintain the purity of the blood.

The first breed standard characteristics were developed by the breeder and expert Olga Sergeevna Mironova. In December 1994, the Standard was approved at the WCF workshop. In 1998, it was corrected at the ICEF meeting held in Moscow.

Description and appearance

The Mekong Bobtail belongs to the Siamese-Oriental group and has common ancestors with the Siamese. However, despite this, Thai cats have many differences from Siamese.

breed standards

In addition to the main breed trait - a short tail with knots and creases, Thais must meet the following characteristics:

The skin of the Mekong Bobtail has a special structure - it has few nerve endings, which reduces pain sensitivity, and blood vessels. Even severe wounds do not threaten with profuse bleeding. In structure, it is dense and not soldered to the underlying layers, as in fighting dogs.


Representatives of the breed have the following types of color:

In domestic nurseries, work continues to expand the palette of colors. It is planned to breed Mekongs of cream color, various variants of tabby-point, lilac-point and unique "golden".

Personality of the Mekong Bobtail

According to legend, bobtails were valued for the unique combination of the best character traits of a companion cat and the fighting qualities, devotion and trainability of dogs. They accompanied the beautiful Thai princesses, entertained them and gave love and devotion to girls who were limited in communication with the outside world.

Cute animals guarded the jewelry of the beauties, which they strung on the twisted ponytails of their favorites while bathing. Bobtails boldly fought snakes in the dungeons and tunnels of temple treasures.

All the character traits attributed to the legends are present in modern pets. Bobtails retain their cheerful, playful disposition until their very last breath. They do not just have fun, but want to cheer up the owner. The Mekongs are extremely owner-oriented, yearn for his absence, rejoice when he comes home.

Cats trust the person they love. They patiently endure even the most unpleasant procedures and manipulations, as they believe that the owner will not harm them. They can follow a person, show him their love and disposition, invite him to games. Like most oriental cats, Mekongs are very talkative and use every opportunity to "talk" with the owner.

Bobtails rarely use their claws. In a fight or defense, they bite like dogs. Smart, flexible, fast and brave cats can give odds even big dog. They are able to carry small objects in their teeth and bring them on command, or wanting to please the owner. Bobtails are easy to train fetching, following commands, walking on a leash.

Another feature of the nature of these amazing cats is the hierarchy and attitude to parental responsibilities. In a pair, the leading position is occupied by cats, and cats take care of the kittens. They not only monitor their hygiene, but also accustom them to the tray, teach them to hunt and defend themselves.


The Mekong Bobtail is also unique in terms of lifespan. With good care, a cat can live 20-25 years, maintaining not only physical activity, but also fertility.

Contents of the Mekong Bobtail

A happy owner of a Thai bobtail may not worry about caring for a pet. The cat itself maintains its short fur in order. They are very clean, quickly accustomed to the tray and the scratching post, adapt to the family regime. Thais do not like enclosed spaces, so they try to open all the doors, they feel uncomfortable when carrying.

For supporting physical form Thais need active games, frequent walks in the fresh air. In the apartment, they can build a “playground” and purchase toys that will not only entertain, but also educate.

Care and hygiene

The bobtail coat, devoid of a thick undercoat, does not require regular combing. During the molting period, it is enough to “beautify” 1-2 times a week with the help of a rubber mitten-brush. Cats don't like water, so don't bathe them often. To keep the coat clean, you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth or use dry shampoo.

Ears, eyes and teeth are groomed at the same intervals as most other cat breeds. The Thais patiently endure hygiene procedures and examination, but it is better to accustom a kitten to them from the first months of life.

The claws are trimmed as they grow, especially on the hind legs, as they are subjected to more stress due to the fact that they do not retract into the pads. They need to be regularly inspected for integrity, trimmed and filed.

Mekong Bobtail food

Pets from the royal palace and the chambers of noble gentlemen are completely unpretentious in food. They equally apply to ready-made dry food, as well as to juicy lean meat, boiled fish, and vegetables. Products containing copper, iodine, iron, carotenes are undesirable, as they cause darkening of the coat.

As the best food for color-point cats, breeders advise:

  • Pronature Holistic;
  • Total Equlibrio;
  • Iams.

Diseases and breed defects

Thai Bobtails exclusively good health. But, despite the high immunity and the absence of genetic pathologies, they are not immune from the common cold, carnivorous diseases and rabies. Timely vaccination and periodic examinations by a veterinarian will help keep your pet in excellent condition until old age.

Mekongs, even in our country, are not yet the most common breed, so it is worth buying kittens in nurseries with a good reputation, professionally breeding cats of this breed. There are not so few short-tailed breeds of cats; “bobtails” are often found among outbred muroks. Only the presence of documents can guarantee purebred.

What to look out for

First of all, pay attention to the documents, the presence of a passport with vaccinations. Then the kitten needs to be examined for compliance with the standard. Be sure to examine the tail - it is the most important feature. The kitten should be clean, with a shiny coat, well-fed and active.

It is necessary to evaluate how he communicates with the babies of his litter, how he reacts to strangers. After the purchase, you need to consult with the breeder about nutrition, the brand of the tray filler, so as not to create additional stress factors for the baby.

Mekong bobtail price

These kittens are quite expensive. Outside the nursery in Russia, Bobtail babies will cost from 5,000 rubles. up to 35000 rub. In the nursery, this price rises to $ 600-800.

The Mekong Bobtail is a relatively young cat breed, bred mainly by Russian breeders. The breed is externally and historically related to the more famous Siamese cats, but has a number of differences. The most striking individual feature is taillessness, or rather, they have a tail, only it is very short and necessarily has kinks, due to which a characteristic twist appears. These cats are Siamese with a bright blue eyes and friendly disposition will be an excellent choice for any family.

The Mekong Bobtail is both a new and very ancient oriental cat breed. A manuscript depicting a Siamese-type cat dates back to the 14th century and is kept in the Bangkok Museum, meanwhile, the breed was officially approved only in 2004, but first things first.

Many legends are associated with Siamese cats in their historical homeland. One of them says that for many centuries animals with blue eyes and a dark muzzle lived at palaces, guarding treasures and accompanying princesses on walks. A special role was given to cats with twisted tails. While bathing, the girls took off their jewelry and hung them on their tails, because of their special structure, rings and earrings did not fall to the floor and were not lost.

The history of the development of the Mekong Bobtail breed is closely connected with the origin of the Siamese and Thai cats. For the first time, native cats from Siam came to Europe at the end of the 19th century. In 1884, they were brought to England by an official of the British consulate in Bangkok, Suen Good. The ambassador claimed that the king of the overseas state himself gave him a pair. Around the same time, the first cats arrived in America, traveling from present-day Thailand across the ocean to the New World. Many of these animals had creases and hooks on their tails, which was a sign of royal cats, but selection work went in the direction of culling animals "with a flaw". Perhaps this distinctive feature and a separate breed would have been lost if it were not for enthusiasts (in particular from Russia), who have been supporting the population for many years.

In addition to those first Siamese, many more bobtails were exported from the countries of Southeast Asia. There are short-tailed purrs - common occurrence. In general, the modern name emphasizes their origin Mekong - a long river of the Indochinese peninsula, which flows through different countries:

  • Burma;
  • Laos;
  • Vietnam;
  • Cambodia;
  • part of China and Thailand.

The ancestors of many modern lines were brought from these countries.

In the process of working on the breed, breeders had to add animals with short tails of unknown origin to the breeding, but beforehand they underwent a strict selection. It is believed that Thai cats with creases on their tails took part in breeding the Mekong, but large clubs claim that they did not do such matings, because they are unjustified. The kittens born as a result of such crossing did not correspond to the given type at all. Today, any interbreeding for the Mekong Bobtail is prohibited.

The first breed standard for the Thai Bobtail breed (this is what the Mekongs were called earlier) was developed by Olga Sergeevna Mironova, a breeder from St. Petersburg. Thanks to her many years of work, it was approved at a seminar of experts of felinologists on native breeds of cats in December 1994 and was only slightly corrected at a meeting of a board of experts of felinologists in Moscow in 1998.

The presentation of the breed took place in 2003 at the International Exhibition, which was organized by Royal Canin. 30 animals from different breeding lines were presented. A year later, the name was changed to the Mekong Bobtail (Eng. Mekong Bobtail) so that there would be no confusion with the Thais.

Today, more than 300 Mekongs are registered by clubs in Russia, Latvia, Belarus, Germany and Poland. The main part of the livestock is located in Russia, in particular in the Korgorushi club. Other notable clubs of this breed include:

  • Bast (Kursk);
  • Kotofey (St. Petersburg);
  • Triumph (Tver);
  • Aurinko (Petrozavodsk).

Appearance and standards

The Mekong is a unique medium-sized shorthaired pointy cat with an elegant build and a short pom-pom or tassel tail. Cats are much larger and more powerful than cats, weighing an average of 3.5-4 kg, while cats are no more than 2.5-3 kg.

Head and muzzle

The head of cats is smoothly outlined, almost flat from above. The oval shape of the muzzle is emphasized by the heavy lower jaw and chin. The ears are set slightly back, set high, wide at the base with slightly rounded tips. The eyes are large and expressive. A characteristic feature is a more rounded lower eyelid, which indicates a close relationship with other Thai cats. In general, the cut can be called slightly oblique. Only one color is allowed - intense blue.


The Mekong has a strong, muscular and at the same time graceful body of medium size. His back is straight and slightly arched towards the croup. The legs of cats are long with soft oval-shaped pillows. A notable feature of appearance, in addition to the tail, is that the claws on hind legs they are not fully retracted, therefore, if a cat walks on a hard surface, for example, on a laminate, a specific clatter is heard when walking, which is not typical for cats of other breeds.


The tail is short and broken, its length is not less than three vertebrae, but should not exceed ¼ of the body length. The first break should be at the base of the tail. Outwardly, the creases may not be visible, but they must be palpated through the skin. The tail of the bobtail is not only a distinctive feature of the breed, but also a kind of "passport" of each animal, because there are no two identical tails. Each is unique in its own way with unique curves, kinks and lengths. By the way, there are no long-tailed Mekongs.

Wool and colors

The soft short coat lies close to the body. She is beautiful and shiny, pleasant to the touch with minimal undercoat. Often such wool is compared with mink. Another feature of the Mekong is that its skin is not firmly attached to the muscles and is pulled back much stronger than that of other cats, and not only at the withers, but almost throughout the body.

For Mekong Bobtails, any point (Siamese colors) without white spots or marks are allowed. The most common:

  • blue point;
  • tabby point;
  • red point;
  • tabby point.


Cats of the Mekong Bobtail breed are distinguished by a balanced temperament and special intelligence, they are friendly and sociable. They are often compared to dogs. Indeed, these two animals have a lot in common in behavior. Mekongs walk calmly on a leash, are smart enough to remember house rules and simple commands, like to carry different things in their teeth and bring objects, they constantly accompany their owners, use their teeth rather than claws in fights, and express their range of emotions with their tail.

Like many other representatives of the eastern group, they are quite talkative, but unobtrusive. With all its appearance and habits, the Mekong shows belonging to the high society of blue-blooded cats - they are proud, majestic and independent.

The Mekong Bobtail is equally well suited for large and small families, as well as for single people.

You can safely take such cats with you on a trip or for a walk, without worrying that they will get lost. Pets prefer to be near the owner. In addition, cats treat small children well and endure many manifestations of children's love with angelic patience. Mekongs usually get along well with other animals in the house and never create conflict situations.

Mekong Bobtails are great for keeping in an apartment. They calmly endure loneliness, practically do not shed, clean and tidy, without a specific smell. Adult cats very rarely mark corners. Perhaps little kittens will cause a little trouble with their indefatigable energy and activity, but as they grow older they will become more and more serious and balanced, but by no means lazy.

Mekongs reach puberty very early, many by 4-5 months. It is important for owners of several cats not to miss this moment and to prevent accidental matings of young and fragile animals.

Mekong bobtail cats retain their sexual activity until old age. Interestingly, at the birth of kittens, cats take over the function of the mother, that is, they lick the babies, teach them to use the toilet, feed, etc. So, if you have a couple of Mekong Bobtails, then matriarchy will reign in your house. The cat, in turn, takes on only one responsibility - to feed, and carefully ensure that the "dad" fulfills all his responsibilities for education. In addition, representatives of the "female half" behave more independently, and strongly resemble an oriental princess in their behavior.


Representatives of this breed do not require special care. It is enough to comb them 3-4 times a month to remove dead hairs. They comb a little more often during the molting period and only in order to reduce the amount of hair left on things or furniture. Bathing the Mekong is not recommended often. Many owners resort to water procedures only before exhibitions.

Periodically inspect the ears and, as necessary, clean them with a special lotion. Eyes, as a rule, do not have to be cleaned. Cats wash their faces on time and are not prone to profuse lacrimation, and therefore their tear ducts remain clean without the intervention of the owner.


Each cat is individual, this must be taken into account when deciding the issue of feeding. Not picky animals can be fed with a natural woman by organizing a complete diet for them, in which, in addition to meat and offal, 15-20% should be cereals and vegetables. Once a week, you can give fish and a quail egg. It is not recommended to feed cats "from the table".

Remember that milk is useful only for kittens up to 2-3 months. With age, the ability to absorb lactose decreases markedly, and sometimes disappears altogether.

If, for some reason, organize a balanced natural diet impossible, it is worth giving preference to ready-made feeds. It is worth considering that these should be complete feeds of at least premium class. Also, when choosing food, it is important to consider physiological features animal:

  • age;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation and more.

Health and longevity

There are a lot of feline ailments that Mekongs can get sick at any time. Watch their behavior, and if it seems to you that the pet is behaving strangely, has begun to feel sad, refuses to eat, be sure to show it to a specialist. Remember that any disease is best treated at an early stage.

Mekong Bobtails are considered to be long-lived, for them 20 years is not the limit. Interestingly, until old age, they remain sexually active and are capable of childbearing. For example, a cat from the Korgorusha cattery Mars is a real sex symbol of the cat world, he became a father last time when he was 23! And a cat from the same cattery named Conchitta brought a litter at the age of 22!

Kitten selection and price

move to new house Mekong babies will be ready only by three months. It is worth considering that they are born almost white. Characteristic blackouts in certain areas of the body begin to appear only from two to three months and are finally formed by the age of one, and sometimes even later. Kittens must be healthy and well-groomed, with shiny fur, clear eyes and excellent appetite.

The average cost of a Mekong Bobtail kitten is 15-20 thousand rubles.

The following factors affect the final cost:

  • the appearance of the kitten;
  • place of purchase;
  • availability of documentation.

If you are not sure that you can choose a good baby yourself, it is better to seek help from a breed specialist.

On the Internet, you can often find more affordable options. As a rule, kittens "from hands" without documents are much cheaper, about 5 thousand rubles.

Where is the best place to buy a bobtail

The Mekong Bobtail is a common breed, so you have a lot of choices. You can visit a nursery, a pet store, or look for offers on bulletin boards on the Internet. It all depends on your wallet and preferences.

Mekong bobtail knitting

Like any oriental cat, the Mekong is characterized by early puberty and particular sexuality. Therefore, do not be surprised when a little six-month-old bobtail girl suddenly starts estrus.

Of course, at this age, the cat is not yet ready to become a mother, technically it is possible, but the offspring from a young mother is unlikely to be viable. Indeed, in the physical plane, the pet itself is still a kitten, and the physical and puberty are different things.

The cases are different, sometimes the Mekong Bobtail can be bred at a younger age - 7-8 months. This is necessary if the cat has early recurring estrus. In such cases, pregnancy is necessary to maintain the health of the animal. But in any case, a preliminary consultation with a veterinarian and agreement with the club is required.

In standard situations, one or two heats are missed, but not more than three, because a long delay is another threat to the health of the pet. Do not abuse drugs that stop or muffle estrus. If they are used frequently, the effectiveness of the drug decreases. In addition, hormonal disruptions begin in the body of the animal, as a result, the cat can become seriously ill.

Mekong Bobtail - owner reviews

Whom to entrust the judgment about the breed, if not the owners and connoisseurs of the Mekong Bobtail. Reviews about cats and cats for many people thinking about choosing a pet have great importance to make a final purchasing decision.

Personally, I consider the Mekong an excellent breed, and I picked up positive reviews (very negative, in principle, there were none).

  1. Olga. Korolev.

We have known Bobtails for a long time. My son was 10 when we bought our first cat. How we loved her, and she loved us. Followed us, slept next to us. Now my son is 25 and recently bought a copy of our first Sonechka. It seems that Sonya has returned, just as affectionate, purring at her side, lying next to her. And you know how it feels when it's bad, understands everything, we adore her. She gave birth recently, she has four kittens, caring, everything around them now only revolves.

  1. Marina. St. Petersburg.

Bobtail bought purely for myself, not for divorce. In principle, even saved on this. What can I say - smart, sociable, intellectual. So I adore him, but sometimes his vociferousness is out of place, but otherwise everything is fine.

These were reviews of the Mekong Bobtail breed. Maybe they will to some extent help you make a decision about buying a pet of this breed, or, on the contrary, make you think about a further choice. The point of posting reviews is not to put on display the pros and cons of bobtails. The main thing is that people are interested in these cats and are ready to share their attitude towards them, which means that the breed definitely has a future.


Pictures of Mekong Bobtail cats

Video review about Mekong Bobtail cats: