Pain in the back and lower back - a harbinger of the disease or a common occurrence? What to do if the back hurts in the lower back Gnawing pain in the back.

Severe back pain dangerous symptom which should never be tolerated. Reasons can vary from degenerative changes in the spine to diseases of the internal organs. If your back hurts a lot, you must first ensure physiological rest, take a comfortable position.

Further actions are to call a doctor at home, and in case of acute, unbearable, sharp pain, when it is difficult to find a pose that alleviates the condition, call ambulance. If a person does not have an attack for the first time, and he knows the reason, you can take an analgesic (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). You can also apply a cold compress to the painful area. Next, you should contact the clinic and inform the doctor about the exacerbation of the existing disease.

The reasons

Sharp back pain has a different origin. The pain syndrome is acute or paroxysmal in nature, appears suddenly, disturbs constantly or from time to time. The pain can be aching, pulling, shooting and intensify after a long stay in one position. In the lower back, sometimes there is a feeling of stiffness, heaviness, tingling, numbness or goosebumps may occur. Severe acute back pain significantly reduces the quality of life, impairs performance.

The risk group includes the following people:

  • office workers, programmers, etc. (who sit at the computer for a long time);
  • overweight people;
  • persons leading an inactive lifestyle (physical inactivity);
  • those who are engaged in hard work, perform intense physical work;
  • those who have suffered a back injury;
  • professional athletes;
  • elderly people;
  • pregnant women, women after childbirth.

Sharp careless movements, hypothermia can provoke pain. Diseases accompanied by pain in the back:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • hernial protrusions;
  • root infringement;
  • cardiovascular disorders and respiratory systems;
  • neuralgia;
  • traumatization;
  • infectious processes, tumors, etc.


Back pain can be the result of various injuries: blows, bruises, fractures, etc. Mechanical trauma is a reason for immediate medical attention, even if, at first glance, it seems that there is nothing serious. Pain syndrome with mild injuries (for example, bruises) may not appear immediately, but after some time. In severe cases, in addition to sharp severe pain, paresis, paralysis can be observed.

History of trauma is a common source of severe back pain

To determine the severity of the condition, the patient is prescribed radiography, CT, MRI. In some cases, only surgery can help, since conservative therapy for injuries is aimed only at eliminating symptoms. After the operation, a long course of rehabilitation follows. Even such a volume of therapeutic measures does not guarantee that severe back pain will not bother a person throughout life.


The pathological process is more often localized in the lower back or cervical region spinal column. The vertebrae have significant mobility, they are under a lot of pressure, which, as a result of irrational physical activity and due to other circumstances, leads to pathological changes. Cartilage tissue is prone to metabolic disorders, inflammation and accumulation of salts. An MRI is done to detect osteochondrosis.

An acute pain attack occurs due to degenerative-dystrophic changes in the discs. In the mechanism of development of pain lies inflammation and infringement of the roots. Sharp pain in the neck radiates to the shoulder girdle, arms, shoulder blades. As the disease progresses, the disease spreads to the chest region, while severe pain appears already in the sternum. It is impossible to completely recover from osteochondrosis, but it is quite possible to improve the quality of life.

With an irrational distribution of the load on the back, a long stay in one position, a sedentary lifestyle, the spinal column undergoes deforming changes. Spasms constantly occur in the muscles, nerve endings are infringed. Because of this, there sharp pains. The onset of the disease is often childhood when children start going to school, they spend a lot of time at the desk, carry heavy textbooks.

To detect scoliosis, special studies are not required. The doctor will determine the curvature without instrumental methods during a routine examination.

The greater the degree of curvature of the spine, the more pronounced the pain

kyphosis of the thoracic region

This is a skeletal disorder in which the spinal column curves backward more anatomical norm. At the beginning of the disease, the patient looks simply stooped, as the pathological process develops, a hump forms. Shoulders protrude forward rib cage narrows. Because of this intervertebral discs thoracic squeeze and pain. The most dangerous is the kyphoscoliotic form, while the spinal column is curved in different departments.


With this disease, the cartilage tissue in the joints changes. Cartilage loses elasticity and flexibility. Bone tissue is gradually erased, but pathological bone growths - osteophytes are formed. They cause severe acute pain, damaging adjacent soft tissues and nerves. Often such patients require surgery, as conventional treatment gives a temporary, symptomatic effect.

Hernial formations

As the intervertebral discs wear out, their elasticity and strength are lost. In this case, the vertebrae exert a double load on the discs. All this leads to the fact that the cartilage tissue begins to go beyond the anatomically normal boundaries.

With the localization of the pathological process in the region of the spinal canal, sensitivity is disturbed, paresis, paralysis can occur. As a result of compression of the roots, severe pain attacks occur. A hernia can be detected using CT and MRI. The disease is treated surgically. Now they use low-traumatic laser interventions that reduce the recovery period.


Under the influence of a traumatic factor, hypothermia, physical overload, inflammation begins, which also affects the nerves. This is how neuralgia develops. Its sign is sharp, shooting, “pinching” pains in different parts of the back, on the right or left, below, in the chest, etc. The pain may appear with sudden movements, a strong cough.

In this condition, painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills are taken, and the correct daily routine is organized.

Pain in neuralgia is relieved by anti-inflammatory drugs

Internal illnesses

Pain in the back can appear with coronary artery disease. There are pains of a burning, squeezing nature, radiating to the back, shoulder blades, jaw, left shoulder. It may seem that it hurts in the left side. The patient can indicate a clear localization behind the sternum. A typical sign of coronary pain is relief with sublingual nitroglycerin. Heart pain after a tablet or nitrospray passes in 5-10 minutes. If the attack lasts 20 minutes or longer, there is reason to think about myocardial infarction. It is urgent to call an ambulance!

Another cause of severe acute back pain is renal colic. The process is localized on the one hand. The pain is so intense that the patient tosses about in bed, cannot find a forced position. In this case, dysuric disorders occur, little urine is separated, blood may be present in it. The pain spreads along the ureter down, gives to the lower abdomen, inguinal region. All of these conditions require urgent medical attention!

How to deal with pain syndrome

If the symptoms indicate a coronary, renal origin of pain (especially if the patient is aware of the presence of relevant problems), an ambulance should be called. These patients are admitted to the intensive care unit. With coronary syndrome, you should take a half-sitting position, unbutton tight clothing, take nitroglycerin under the tongue. At renal colic there is no forced posture, the patient can be helped by warmth on the area of ​​the affected side. Conventional painkillers for renal, hepatic colic, acute coronary syndrome do not help. The patient is injected narcotic analgesics.

Pain at coronary disease hearts can also give back, it is important not to ignore the dangerous symptom

The above are medical emergencies. In other cases, there is no threat to the patient's life. If the patient knows that he has back problems, he can take an anti-inflammatory pain medication (Diclofenac, Nimesulide) to ease the attack. It is important to ensure complete physiological rest, to exclude any load during the period of exacerbation.

In diseases of the musculoskeletal system during an exacerbation, anti-inflammatory, warming ointments are used. In severe cases, when pills do not help, doctors prescribe injections - novocaine, lidocaine blockades. If the symptoms persist, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The most famous and affordable are Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.

As soon as the condition improves, you need to come to the doctor's appointment. If the patient applied for the first time, the specialist will determine why the back hurts and what to do if intense pain appears. During the period of remission, when the pain attack is stopped, the patient is prescribed therapeutic massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc. All these methods are applicable in the initial stages of the disease. In severe cases, surgery is required.

It is useful to wear special orthopedic corsets that support the back and reduce the load. Such devices are also recommended during pregnancy to reduce the load on the spine. A good effect for problems with the back gives therapeutic exercises. The complex is prescribed by the attending physician, and it is better to conduct classes under the supervision of an instructor.

Physiotherapy gives good effect during remissions

Exercise examples:

  • Lie on your back. Bend your leg at the knee. Bend and unbend the other, touching the floor. Do 10 reps, then switch legs.
  • Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees. In turn, take your knees to the sides.
  • Put your hands on your shoulders, make rotational movements back and forth.
  • Raise your hands, clasp in the castle. Tilt your head back, try to look at the palms.
  • Make body turns.

It is important not to forget about prevention. If you are overweight, you need to lose it. You should lead an active lifestyle, especially for sedentary workers. Workplace should be comfortably equipped, it is better to purchase a special chair with an adjustable backrest. You also need to pay attention to shoes - avoid excessive wearing of high heels or models with an uncomfortable last. Diseases of the spine are easier to prevent than to treat, so you need to constantly remember the simple and quite feasible rules listed above.

Back pain can be caused different reasons- from simple overwork to pathologies requiring urgent treatment. If the pain occurs frequently, has a aching character and is localized in the lumbar region, this is already a reason to consult a doctor: such manifestations are often characteristic of diseases of the spine and urinary tract, which provoke the development serious complications. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it will be to fix it without health consequences.

So, what can cause lower back pain? If the pain occurs only after strenuous physical exertion and resolves during rest, muscle overwork is considered the most likely cause. Especially often this is experienced by people who lead an inactive lifestyle and those who constantly put their muscles under increased stress, for example, athletes. For the normal functioning of the muscles, a moderate but regular load is necessary, but if it is excessive or, conversely, insufficient, the muscles weaken, stretch, and their tendency to microtrauma and inflammation increases. This is expressed, as a rule, by aching pain in the back, which quickly passes when the body is at rest.

Diseases of the spine

Other reasons are not so harmless, unfortunately. Most often, the lower back aches due to pathologies of the spine - osteochondrosis, curvature, spondylarthrosis,. The lumbar region is a very vulnerable part of the lumbar column and experiences increased stress. In the presence of provoking factors in the discs and vertebrae, degenerative-dystrophic changes occur, which leads to the development of pain syndrome.

The provoking factors are:

  • spinal injury;
  • congenital pathologies of skeletal development;
  • excessive loads on the back, including static ones;
  • weakening of the muscular corset due to lack of physical activity;
  • infectious diseases bones;
  • hormonal disruptions and age-related changes;
  • malnutrition;
  • overweight.

Often, diseases of the spine develop against the background of neglected childhood scoliosis. If the curvature was not eliminated before the completion of bone growth, in the future the load on the skeleton is distributed incorrectly and provokes an increase in deformation with all the accompanying complications - thinning of the intervertebral discs, the occurrence of protrusions and hernias, displacement of the vertebrae, squeezing of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Such changes almost do not give visible signs, especially at an early stage of development, but they are expressed by dull aching pain in the lumbar region and sacrum.

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Back pain can be caused by spinal infections. Now they are quite rare compared to other pathologies, and in most cases they are secondary. At risk are people who are overweight, immunocompromised, have HIV in the body, diabetics, drug addicts, as well as those who have had cancer or organ transplants.

To infectious diseases spine include:

  • discitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • epidural abscess;
  • tuberculosis;
  • postoperative infections.

Osteomyelitis is one of the most dangerous spinal infections.

The cause of infection is pathogenic microorganisms and fungi that can penetrate into the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs from other foci of infection in the body. During surgery, the risk of infection is associated with the use of special fixators that are implanted in the vertebrae.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

Various pathologies of the urinary system can manifest as aching pain in the lumbar region:

  • kidney and bladder stones;
  • prolapse of the kidneys;
  • kidney failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal colic;
  • inflammation of the bladder.

Aching pain in the lower back - a typical symptom of kidney disease

If you want to know why in more detail, as well as consider diagnosis and treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

With such diseases, in addition to pain, there are many other pronounced symptoms, which makes it easy to establish the possible cause of the ailment.

Diseases of the digestive tract

Disorders in the work of the intestines, stomach, liver and pancreas can also cause aching dull pain that radiates to the lower back. Most often this happens with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and development peptic ulcer. Additional symptoms that usually accompany the pain syndrome help to determine the problem, but the exact cause can only be identified during a clinical study.

Other pathologies

In women, low back pain is often caused by diseases of the pelvic organs, for example, endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries, uterine fibroids. In men, this symptom can be caused by inflammation of the prostate. In each of these cases, the pain syndrome is accompanied by other characteristic features which simplifies the diagnosis. Oncological diseases cannot be ignored: the presence of malignant neoplasms in the pelvic organs or the spine itself, as well as their metastasis, is also manifested by aching pain. The more the tumor grows, the more intense the pain syndrome.

Spinal cancer is the most dangerous reason occurrence of back pain

Determining the cause of pain by symptoms

To know which specialist to contact, it is worth analyzing the existing symptoms. Of course, self-diagnosis does not guarantee the correct result at all, but in most cases it saves time on finding the right doctor.

Table. Determining the possible cause by symptoms

Dull back pain, aggravated by movement and exertion, stiffness (especially in the morning after sleep), impaired sensation in the legs, pelvic region, sacrum. When squeezing the nerve endings, sharp shooting pains appear, radiating to the leg and buttock from the pinched side. In advanced cases, there is a significant limitation of spinal mobility and increased pain.
Aching pain that does not go away with a change in body position and gradually spreads from the lower back to other parts of the spine. With the development of infection, the pain becomes more intense, can change character and turn into acute pain attacks. The patient has mild paresthesia of certain parts of the back and limbs, general weakness, fever. Often there are disorders of urination, photophobia, periodically a person feels chills.
Dull aching pains are felt on one side of the lower back, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the temperature may rise. In most cases, there is cloudy urine or the presence of small whitish flakes in it.
Depending on the specific disease, pain can occur in the sacro-lumbar region or in the hypochondrium on one side. The intensity of their manifestation often depends on the meal. Additionally, the pain is accompanied by stool disorders, flatulence, bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
Dull aching pains are felt in the lower back and sacrum, can be given in the hypochondrium. Attacks are aggravated by physical exertion, prolonged stay on the legs, after sexual intercourse. There are violations of menstruation, there are discharges of various consistency with an unpleasant odor.
Aching pain is localized in the lower back, radiates to the sacrum, thighs, calves, increases with movement, hypothermia and palpation of painful areas.

Orthopedic chairs

Oncological diseases do not always have such pronounced symptoms, especially at an early stage, and they can only be detected in a clinical setting.

Advice. To avoid complications and not start the disease, in the presence of the described signs, you should immediately make an appointment with.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect problems with the spine, you should contact an orthopedist or vertebrologist, and if there are signs indicating a pinched nerve, you will additionally need to consult a neurologist. As a rule, after the initial examination and history taking, the patient is assigned a hardware study to confirm the diagnosis. Traditionally, radiography is used for this: all vertebral deformities, microtraumas, changes in adjacent tissues are visible on the pictures.

If a more detailed examination is required, computed or magnetic resonance imaging is used. They can be used to identify the slightest change in the structure of tissues, which allows you to choose the most best option treatment. CT and MRI are also used when spinal infections and myositis are suspected, but in these cases a general and biochemical analysis blood. Such a study helps to identify the causative agent of the infection and correctly adjust the treatment technique.

If you suspect a disease of the internal organs, blood and urine tests, as well as ultrasound are required. abdominal cavity. Based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor may refer the patient to a urologist or gynecologist, gastroenterologist or other specialized specialist.

Lower back pain treatment

Therapeutic therapy is selected depending on the type of disease and its severity. If the cause of pain is diseases of the spine, treatment includes the following methods:

Physiotherapy devices

Treatment must necessarily be complex, since individually these methods of treatment give a much smaller effect. The main emphasis is on exercise therapy: properly selected exercises help strengthen the ligaments and muscles that support the spine, normalize blood flow and metabolic processes, and accelerate tissue regeneration. You can start classes only after the removal of the pain syndrome, so as not to cause complications.

Video - Exercises for back pain

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor, and you can use external agents with an analgesic effect on your own, if it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist.

Plaster "Voltaren": instructions for use

Advice. It is impossible to exceed the prescribed dosage or duration of treatment, and if the medicine does not help, it is allowed to change the drug only after consulting a doctor.

In case of infections of an infectious nature, a course of antibiotics should be drunk. They should also be prescribed by a doctor, since the choice of the drug depends on the type of infectious agent. In addition, antibiotics have a list of contraindications and side effects, and therefore you should not take risks and choose the medicine at your own discretion.

If the cause of pain is diseases of the internal organs, therapy includes taking medications and dieting. Diet correction is especially important in pathologies digestive system, since some products can aggravate the condition and provoke the development of complications.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used as an adjunct therapy, but it is advisable to consult a doctor first. The recipes described below are recommended for pain caused by pathologies of the spine - osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, sciatica.

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It is not always easy to understand why lower back pain appears: it can be either a symptom of an illness or just an unpleasant sensation caused by overwork of the body.

In the article we will talk about what to do if the back hurts in the lower back, what methods will help get rid of such a feeling, which doctor to contact to help cope with such an ailment.

The loin is that part of the back that covers the vertebrae of the lumbosacral region and the coccyx. And pain occurs most often in this area because this segment of the spine takes on the greatest load. And if a person simply overworked during the day, overdoing it with physical activity or carrying heavy objects, then there is already a possibility that by the evening his lower back will hurt.

Almost all people suffer from such pain. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population regularly or at least several times experienced lower back pain.

Frequent lower back pain is understandable: if a person is standing, the vertebrae and intervertebral discs in the lower back are under pressure of about 100 kg, and if he is sitting and slouching at the same time - 220 kg (the figure may vary depending on the person's weight). And if at the same time a person loads himself with additional weight, then the spine can “fail” because the pressure will increase. Therefore, you need to avoid too much stress, and in case of pain, immediately look for methods of treatment - if a serious problem happens to the spine, this will affect the health of the entire human body.

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Characteristics of low back pain

When people go to the doctor with such a symptom, they may characterize their sensations in different ways. Someone may say that his lower back was “pinched”, someone that he feels the so-called “lumbago”, and someone will experience pulling, aching or even “burning” sensations. By these differences, you can determine the cause of the pain.

Lower back pain can vary in character

Patients also mention that the pain intensifies with movements - this is a completely natural phenomenon. If no measures are taken to cure, the pain can change its character. It becomes difficult for a person to perform some movements, he remains fixed in one position.

Pain can last for minutes, or it can last for hours or even days. It all depends on what they are the result of. Sometimes it happens that an attack of pain is one-stage and does not repeat again. In this case, you can not go to the doctor, but it would be better to find out the reason.

But getting used to pain, if it occurs often, is impossible. Even if, instead of pain, a person experiences either stiffness or simple discomfort, but this happens permanently, it is imperative to pay attention to this.

There are two types of pain: primary and secondary. Primary pain refers to those sensations that are caused by diseases of the spine. Secondary pain syndrome is caused by other problems in the body: for example, diseases of the internal organs, muscle tension, fractures or fatigue.

Pain as a symptom of disease

Let's talk about the symptoms of which diseases lower back pain can become.

Name of disease or causeDescriptionHow to proceed?
Acute lower back pain
Prolonged sedentary work, hypothermia of the back due to draft or cold wind, blow or fall, muscle strain in the lumbar regionA person feels regular or irregular sharp back pain - the frequency depends on the severity of the damage. There is a difficulty with movements, being even in one position becomes problematic.To begin with, you can “rescue yourself” with ointments and gels that have a warming effect, as well as take permitted analgesic drugs inside. If this does not help for a long time, you need to see a doctor.
Intervertebral hernia or displacement of the intervertebral discs in the lumbosacral regionSensation of severe pain in the lower back. May occur due to overload of the lumbar region, a fracture or heavy physical labor. Over time, the pain intensifies.You won't be able to cope on your own. You need to see a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Lumbago, or backache in the lumbar regionIf a person regularly engages in physical labor, then he may suffer from such symptoms. If the damage is not severe, then the pain can pass quickly enough - within a few days.The patient will be helped by rest for the lower back for some time, as well as rubbing with warming ointments. If after a few days the pain does not go away, then you need to see a doctor.
Severe lower back pain
Osteochondrosis in the lumbarThis disease is common and occurs in 9 out of 10 people, but if it is in a more developed form, then severe pain can regularly disturb a person. When changing position, walking, lifting weights, even sneezing or coughing, the patient experiences increased pain.It will not work on your own - you need to contact a specialist.
Radiculitis in the lumbosacral regionThe pain is usually unilateral and may radiate to the leg. There is a feeling of "goosebumps" or some numbness in the lower back and lower limb. The pain can be sharp or dull, and also, as a rule, regular, aggravated by sudden movements.Such a disease can be cured on its own only with the help of physical exercises, but it is better if they are prescribed by a specialist. Contact him as soon as possible.
Chronic low back pain
Bechterew's diseaseSuch a disease is extremely difficult to cure, and it is better to catch it in the early stages. With such a disease, a person experiences incessant pain in the lower back and thoracic region, which are aggravated by movement, prolonged retention of one position, coughing and sneezing.Only a doctor can help you with treatment and pain relief, so you need to be constantly monitored by him.
Oncological diseasesA malignant tumor that has arisen in any part of the body can metastasize to the spine and nerves surrounding it. In such a case, the patient will suffer from permanent strong acute pain in the lumbosacral region.Unfortunately, it will not work out on your own to get rid of such pain - you need to contact an oncologist and a neurologist.
Deforming spondylosisPain in this disease is usually incessant. It can only subside if the person practically does not move. May be accompanied by numbness in the legs, a feeling of "goosebumps" and problems with the genitourinary system.You need to see a doctor because this chronic illness cannot be cured on its own.
Aching pain in the lower back
Inflammation of the muscles in the lumbar regionSuch sensations can occur due to muscle strain as a result of hard physical work, exercise, as well as due to hypothermia in a draft or cold. A person may experience constant pain for several days, which, at best, will subside in a few days.From the very beginning it is necessary to dress warmly, for some time to exclude physical exercise. Rub the inflamed area with warming ointments and gels. If the pain doesn't go away after a few days, see your doctor.
Transient lower back pain
Problem in other areas of the body or internal organsIt often happens that a person suffers from back pain, but he has no problems with it. This means that pain that has arisen for other reasons “gives” to the lumbar region. It may be a problem with internal organs, fractures, cysts, pancreas, genitourinary system or intestines. It can also be a symptom of fractures, muscle strain, or pinched nerves.Since the list possible diseases extensive, a person is unlikely to be able to independently determine what is the cause of lower back pain. Therefore, first you need to contact a therapist who will determine the primary diagnosis and refer you to a profiling doctor.

Common causes of back pain

Patients often perceive low back pain as a symptom of work dysfunction. musculoskeletal system. But the case with problems with the internal organs of sensation can be the same. Diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system are the most common cases.

We've made a list characteristic symptoms that are present in kidney disease. These include:

  1. Constant high blood pressure.
  2. Deterioration of general well-being, characterized by weakness, fever, excessive fatigue.
  3. Chills, excessive sweating.
  4. Edema that occurs on the face and in the lumbar region.
  5. Problems with urination: urges occur frequently, often false; When urinating, a person may experience pain and discomfort.
  6. Urine may be stained in an unnatural color, contain mucus.
  7. Loss of appetite, constant nausea, vomiting.

If a person has problems with internal organs, then when changing position, turning or bending, he will not experience a particular change in the nature of back pain, while with diseases of the spine pain will intensify. With kidney disease, pain is often observed only on one side. It can "give" to the pelvic region, the organs located in it, the groin and the upper part of the inner thighs.

If you want to learn more about how to treat, and also consider alternative methods treatment, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Lower back pain can also be a symptom of the following conditions:

  • spondylarthrosis;
  • fractures in the spinal column;
  • inflammation in the spinal canal;
  • pinched nerve in the spine;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis;
  • cyst or ovarian cancer;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • severe ongoing pregnancy.

Which doctor will help?

You should definitely consult a doctor if the pain does not leave you for more than three days.

First you need to see a therapist, who is a "universal" doctor. He will not prescribe treatment, but he will determine the preliminary diagnosis and refer him to a doctor with a narrower specialization. The therapist may refer you to:

  • A neurologist who will determine if you have spinal or muscle disease. He may prescribe ice compresses, analgesics, exercise, physical therapy. This will help reduce back pain.
  • Gynecologist if a woman suffers from back pain.
  • A urologist who will determine if there are any problems with the urogenital area.


The patient will be assigned a diagnosis, without which precise definition disease is not possible. First of all, this general analysis blood and urine: it will help determine whether infectious diseases are developing in the patient's body. This will be followed by ultrasound of the lumbosacral and hip joints.

An MRI scan will help you quickly determine the exact diagnosis.

It is often impossible to do without more modern method- an MRI image, in which the doctor will be able to examine the filmed area from different angles and determine what caused the pain. In some cases, additional diagnostics using CT and X-ray machines may be required.

Video - What to do if your back hurts in the lower back?

Methods of treatment

In medicine, there are two methods of treatment: conservative and surgical. In the event that lower back pain is caused by diseases of the internal organs, overwork, muscle tension or pinched nerves, then such ailments are eliminated by a strictly conservative method. It involves several goals: the reduction or complete elimination of pain, the appointment of therapeutic measures and the return of the patient to a normal rhythm of life.

If you want to learn more about how to treat, as well as consider alternative treatments, causes and symptoms, you can read an article about this on our portal.

The operative way of treatment involves surgical intervention. This method is used as a last resort when conservative treatment did not give the desired results.

How is the treatment done?


The fight against the disease usually begins with medication. As a rule, these are painkillers that will allow the patient to carry out a full treatment. The doctor selects necessary medicines based on individual features patient. If the pain is tolerable, analgesics in tablets can be prescribed, with more severe pain, injections. Such drugs include, for example, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Baclofen, Codeine, Dexamethasone.

Treatment always begins with medication to help relieve pain.

The doctor may prescribe warming gels and ointments, for example, Fastum-gel, Voltaren, Chondroxide, Finalgon.

Recently, treatment with patches is gaining popularity. They are filled with essential medicines, and through the skin have a therapeutic effect on the inflamed area. At the same time, the use of a patch is good because it can be glued under clothes and do any business. In pharmacies you can find therapeutic patches "Voltaren", "Ketonal", "Nanoplast".

Prices for painkillers for back pain


Physiotherapy - effective method helping to speed up the healing process by normalizing blood flow and metabolism. This effect effectively neutralizes pain. Doctors can be appointed:

  • Mud therapy. Mud baths relieve pain and normalize metabolic processes through the skin.
  • Paraffin applications. This method helps to warm up the inflamed area. Pieces of hot wax or a special substance are applied to the affected area. Then the back is covered with a warm blanket or wrapped in a towel, leaving the patient like that for half an hour or an hour.

Paraffin-ozocerite applications help to warm up the inflamed area and relieve pain

  • electrophoresis. This method is the introduction of the drug under the skin due to an electric current. In this case, the patient does not experience any discomfort. The effectiveness of this method is high: the direct effect of the drug on the inflamed area will speed up the healing process.
  • Also applies magnetotherapy, which relieves pain and swelling. It increases blood flow in the inflamed area.

Physiotherapy devices


Massage is a great way to get rid of pain. The most important thing is that a doctor who has the appropriate qualifications performs this procedure, otherwise you can worsen your condition.

Vacuum massage using cans is best suited. It improves blood flow and metabolism in the affected lumbar region. Suitable and classical massage, in which the doctor makes gentle pressure on the lower back, kneading it. By attending massage sessions for at least 15 days, the patient will feel a noticeable improvement.

Prices for vacuum jars for massage


Movement is life, therefore, without therapeutic exercises, nowhere. Doctors prescribe them when the patient's lower back pain is no longer too strong, and he is able to more or less move and warm up. The exercise program should be compiled by a doctor or exercise trainer. It is impossible to do everything that you find on the Internet without prior consultation with a specialist, because you do not know the exact diagnosis and cannot determine what exactly will help you.

The patient may be advised to walk more to knead the spine naturally. You should be extremely careful with weights - lifting them during an exacerbation of pain is not recommended.

These methods are aimed at getting rid of pain, and not at eliminating the cause itself. They can be combined with methods prescribed by your doctor. In this case, the maximum effect will be achieved.

Summing up

If the cause of lower back pain lies in any diseases, then you should not give up - you just need to apply enough strength to carry out a full range of treatment. If you do everything right, then very soon you will get rid of unpleasant sensations, and your life will become full again.

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site figured out possible reasons back pain.

Back pain is such a “popular” problem that no one needs to talk about it. However, it is worth talking about what will have to be checked before it can be said with certainty that the back really hurts.

female organs

Fans of warming a sore back should know that their pain in reality can have a completely different origin and warming something in this case is not only useless, but sometimes dangerous. Back pain can be caused by problems in the pelvic organs. For example, in women, it can be associated with painful periods (which have their own reasons) and adhesions, as well as with ovarian cysts, with inflammation of the appendages, with endometriosis, and even with an ectopic pregnancy, which requires already emergency assistance. Warming up in all these cases is strictly prohibited.

You can find out if everything is in order in the pelvic organs with the help of ultrasound.

Where to go with back pain?

Traditionally, with back pain in our country, it is customary to go to a neurologist. This is not always correct and not necessary: ​​pain in the spine can be "showed" to any of these specialists - an exercise therapy doctor, a trauma surgeon, a vertebrologist or a chiropractor.


Men with the appearance of back pain should remember how long ago they checked the condition of the prostate gland. The fact is that the symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be pain not only in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, but also in the lower back - and often this happens simultaneously.

If the lower back hurts in an older man and the condition of the prostate gland is unknown, it is worth visiting a urologist.


Lower back pain may well have nothing to do with the back - kidney pain is often mistaken for it. This reason should be suspected if the back hurts on the sides, approximately in those places where the palms lie down, if they rest against the back. Moreover, it is worth thinking about the kidneys if the lower back hurts on one side. But whatever the nature of the pain - it is pulling or, conversely, cutting - if it appears in the lumbar region, the kidneys must be checked in any case.

Whether the kidneys are in order will be shown by a urinalysis and ultrasound.

Don't brush it off!

You definitely need to see a doctor if:

Back pain doesn't go away when you lie down and your back hurts at night

When you are in pain, your body temperature is elevated

Pain in any part of the spine arose after an injury

You are under 18 and over 60 years old

You have recently had an infection

In addition to back pain, you note numbness of the limbs

Are you taking hormonal drugs?

You used to be treated for cancer


Pain in the thoracic spine (what people usually describe as "pain between the shoulder blades") can be associated with abnormalities in the work of the heart - up to a myocardial infarction. A particularly alarming symptom: the pain is accompanied by a cough or any breathing problems. However, it does not increase, as in the case of intercostal neuralgia. An ambulance is also needed if the pain is diffuse and it is impossible to accurately show the most “painful” place, if its nature does not depend on the posture (pain in the spine usually reacts to the posture, it can subside or intensify with a change in body position), if it does not changes with rubbing or massage if the pain feels more like pain in the chest than in the back. All this speaks "in favor" of a heart attack.

At least in such cases, you need to do an ECG and a number of other cardiological tests, if the situation is not an emergency.

gastrointestinal tract

The back can also hurt due to problems with the digestive system. For example, a symptom of acute pancreatitis is the so-called girdle pain, when not only the stomach hurts, but also the back, approximately under the shoulder blades - as if the body in this place was tied with an iron hoop. Pains can also be given under the shoulder blade, which are actually associated with stones in gallbladder. Pain in the lower back sometimes gives and intestines. However, in such cases, in addition to pain, there are other symptoms - those by which you can guess where it really hurts. For example, with an ulcer, pain is always somehow tied to food intake - either occurs on an empty stomach, or after food enters it. Cholecystitis is often bitterness in the mouth. And it's the same with any other gastrointestinal disease: in addition to pain, there is usually something else specific.

To clarify whether back pain is actually a sign of gastrointestinal pathology, you can use the same methods that are used to diagnose digestive diseases - ultrasound, gastroscopy, blood tests, feces, etc.

How to understand what is wrong with the spine

Back pain has a universal explanation, which many calm down: it is osteochondrosis. In fact, this is not a disease and a diagnosis that does not explain everything, but simply a statement of fact: degenerative processes occur in the spine, which can be found in almost any person with age. In reality, pain, even if not associated with damage to internal organs, can be explained by a lot of reasons: these can be problems with the vertebrae, with intervertebral discs, muscles, intervertebral nerves, spinal cord etc. As a rule, an MRI can provide exhaustive information here, but doctors do not recommend that everyone undergo this study without a referral, trying to “check everything at once” for their own money. MRI is performed for each section of the spine - cervical, thoracic or lumbar, and only the doctor knows what exactly needs to be looked at (and whether it is necessary at all).

However, it should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to clarify the cause of back pain - sometimes the question of why it hurts remains unanswered.

It can lead to back pain

Lifting and carrying weights

Hours of car driving

Uncomfortable bed

Long standing and sitting work


Stress and depression

And this is prevention.

✔ Back and abdominal muscle training

✔ Comfortable chair with lumbar support

✔ Ability to customize the seat in the car

✔ Proper weight lifting

(with support on legs)

✔ Quality mattress and good pillow

✔ Normal weight

The state of the spine is reflected in any organ or system of the body, as it is a support for the entire human body. If your back hurts in the middle of the spine, or you feel some kind of discomfort in this area, this should alert you. You should undergo an examination, identify the causes of pain and eliminate them as quickly as possible. A lot of different factors can negatively affect the condition of the spine (injuries, excessive stress, poor nutrition). It is necessary to consult a specialist in time and establish a diagnosis.

Types of pain. Mechanical violations

First you need to determine what kind of back pain you are worried about. After all, the exact identification of the cause depends on the type of painful sensations. So, the pain can be sharp and sharp, throbbing, dull or pulling. The latter type may occur in the middle of the back due to sudden physical overload. It belongs to the category of mechanical damage. There is a pulling pain after lifting heavy loads. It is because of this that the spine hurts in the middle of the back during pregnancy. It is difficult for a woman to carry a child, and therefore pulling pains appear in the back from the load. After childbirth, the baby is in her arms for a long time, this also affects the health of the spine.

Any gravity provokes the occurrence of pain in the middle of the spine, most often with scoliosis. With this pathology, the vertebrae are displaced, the reason for this is an incorrect fit. Scoliosis is detected at the appointment by a therapist, neurologist or surgeon. When lifting weights, the vertebrae are easily removed from their normal state, which causes pain. Large loads lead to osteochondrosis. This disease is practically not cured, it develops into a chronic form.

All people leading a sedentary lifestyle, one way or another, suffer from pain in the spine in the middle of the back or in the lower back. With the help of gymnastics, pain conditions can be avoided. Get up from your computer more often and stretch your stagnant spine. This will help get rid of stiffness and discomfort, feel lightness in the muscles of the back.

Non-mechanical violations

Not always the cause of displacement of the joints is any mechanical stress, disturbance, injury. The internal organs have a significant impact on the health of the back. If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, this may indicate some kind of ailment inside your body. The causes of pain should be identified by competent highly qualified doctors. A timely diagnosis will allow you to get rid of the disease without any complications.

Also, pain, spasms in the muscles of the back can appear with some kind of stress, excitement, nervous tension. Acute resulting pain in this case appears as a result of a sharp contraction of the muscles, spasms occur in the middle of the back. Frequent stressful situations with frequent spasms can lead to the appearance of a stoop, as a result, an incorrect distribution of body weight along the spine. The mechanical effect on the spine decreases or increases, pain appears.

Sharpness of pain

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back after childbirth, listen to the nature of the pain. Cutting, sharp, sharp, which hinders the movements of the legs, arms, the whole body, provokes nerve endings? If the pain appeared unexpectedly, with a sharp tilt, rise (maybe they took the child in their arms), most likely, there was a pinched nerve between the vertebrae. Usually the nature of such pain is short-term, after being in a calm state (better lying on a flat surface), it goes away. If the discomfort does not disappear for a long time, it is better to seek medical care. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine can be a sign of an illness that needs to be investigated. It could be a herniated disc. It can also manifest itself as a heart attack in heart disease. Persistent pain in the middle of the spine is a serious symptom that you should definitely contact your doctor. medical institution and get tested.


Pain that has a pulsating character that does not go away for a long time is lumbodynia, it has the following symptoms:

  • manifests itself after lifting weights;
  • severe pain when walking;
  • the manifestation of pain with a sharp movement;
  • shootings in the spine.

When the back hurts in the middle of the spine, it helps to identify the source of pain X-ray examination. With lumbalgia in the middle of the back, a throbbing, dull pain between the discs passes, it can occur after hypothermia of the body. If treatment is not started on time, the pain can spread throughout the spine. After suffering lumbodynia, osteochondrosis often occurs during exercise. And he, as you know, is the most common cause of pain in the back.


If the spine hurts in the middle of the back when pressed, this may be a manifestation of inflammatory processes in the muscles, such as myositis. Discomfort can occur both on the right and on the left, with pressure on the muscles or any movement.

Arthritis, which affects people of all ages, causes pain in the middle of the back, which makes it impossible to straighten the shoulders. The body gradually bends, and this leads to disruption of the work of all internal organs. There are both light and severe forms arthritis, and they all require treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine gives impetus to the development of degenerative processes, which causes growths and destruction of the vertebrae. If there are sudden painful sensations, this indicates that a pinched nerve fiber is occurring.

With diseases of the internal organs

Problems with internal organs (heart, kidneys) have a huge impact on the condition of the spine. Diseased heart always gives impulses to the shoulders, upper limbs. If the pain spreads in the thoracic region, this may be a symptom of a heart attack.

For kidney disease ( inflammatory process) the body temperature rises, there are pains in the back, edematous state take parts of the body. Acute renal dysfunction is accompanied by a very high temperature.

In the middle of the back, pain also occurs in diseases of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. If the back hurts to the left of the spine, in the middle, this may indicate a stomach ulcer. Pain in the upper abdomen, on the right, subsiding and intensifying, while accompanied by vomiting, speak of cholelithiasis.

Back pain in the middle can even be due to an infection in the body. Such pain is rare, but still worth mentioning. The blood flow can infect between the shoulder blades, which begins to cause pain of varying degrees. In this case, there will be an increased temperature.

Pain in the middle of the back. Treatment

If there is back pain, it is imperative to identify the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you need to undergo examinations that the doctor will prescribe. These include:

  • x-ray of the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • ultrasound of the OBP;
  • MRI or CT of the central part of the spine;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

The results will help doctors make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment in time. Methods of therapy can be different:

  • medical;
  • non-drug;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture;
  • manual therapy;
  • hardware and manual massages;
  • extraction method.

Massage is one of better ways in the fight against pain in the middle section of the back. Those who lead a passive lifestyle, spend a lot of time driving, experience physical exertion, very often complain of back pain. Massage helps to relieve pain, discomfort and even pleasure. Therapeutic massage can be performed both in clinics and at home. Of course, it is better if it is performed by a knowledgeable massage therapist with experience.

Temporary pain in the spine helps to remove various ointments and poultices. Some can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, and some are available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is best to know the cause of your condition and follow the recommendations of doctors. A hot bath or contrast shower can also help relieve pain.

Special bandages, corsets do not have a healing function, but only help relieve pain symptoms and alleviate suffering. If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, of course, wearing a corset will help you at first. But if you wear it all the time, the disease threatens to develop into a chronic stage.

Back pain in the middle of the spine. First aid

In what cases do you need immediate help if your back hurts?

  • At the age of less than 50 years, persistent back pain is present.
  • After an injury, overexertion or a fall.
  • With ever-increasing pain syndrome.
  • For back pain and fever.
  • If the pain increases constantly with a change in body position.

If the spine hurts in the middle of the back, the doctor will tell you what to do. Only a few seek help, believing that everything will pass by itself. You should not start your illnesses, it is better to apply on time. Increasingly, there are cases where the intervention of medicine is very important. It helps to cure the disease early stages and do not develop into a chronic form.


What should I do if my back often hurts in the middle of the spine? What preventive measures will help prevent a painful condition?

  • If you avoid strong and frequent stress on the spine, the risk of pain will be significantly reduced.
  • Always choose a comfortable body position, both lying and sitting.
  • To maintain a healthy spine, you need to do gymnastics, swimming, and sports.
  • Go up and down the stairs more often. Do not use the elevator.
  • Regularly diagnose not only the spine, but also the state of the whole organism.
  • Morning exercises are useful at any age. It strengthens the ligaments, eliminates possible damage.
  • Try preventive massage. In this case, you can use aromatic oils and creams.