Half corset for the spine. Orthopedic corsets for the back

All orthopedic corsets, which are used for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of all parts of the spine, have medical appointment. What is the purpose of these accessories? Are there any contraindications that will prevent the patient from using the bandage? And what rules should be observed when choosing and wearing a medical corset for the spine?

Why do we need medical corsets

The orthopedic industry offers all types of medical corsets, including an impressive range presented in the Spine Bandages section. If we are talking about the back, then we exclude the cervical region and mean only the thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions.

Medical bandages, depending on the model, can perform the following functions:

  • corrective (corrective);
  • fixing;
  • supporting.

On a note! In addition to ready-made corsets, patients often need to make a custom-made bandage. Such products are cast from special plastic according to plaster casts from the patient's body. Naturally, individual corsets are more effective.

Corrective corset is indispensable for posture correction. With its help, they fight with lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis. Such products have stiffening ribs that affect the spine, trying to return it to an anatomically correct position.

Fixing medical bandages and corsets are prescribed when it is necessary to stabilize the spinal column with more serious illnesses, injuries or after operations, for example, to remove hernias. They are also used to correct posture with a degree of curvature greater than 2 degrees.

The purpose of unloading corsets is clear from the name. They are used to reduce stress on the back muscles. They are often worn by athletes and people whose professional activity associated with high physical activity. Such preventive bandages can reduce the risk of developing diseases and injuries.

Often the same model can perform several functions.. For example, a medical posture corset is ready to unload muscles and correct the position of the spine.

Types of medical corsets

Strictly speaking, warming and elastic belts cannot be attributed to orthopedic products. With their help, it is impossible to cure a disease, for example, sciatica or scoliosis. But they can significantly reduce pain and help the body in combination with the main methods of treatment.

For medical purposes, corsets of medium and rigid fixation are used, which, according to another classification, are called semi-rigid and rigid. They are prescribed after serious injuries and operations. when it is necessary to securely fix the spine. Such models do not allow intervertebral discs shift. At the same time, a rigid bandage can weaken the muscles, and non-compliance with the wearing regimen often leads to their dystrophy.

Attention! It is forbidden to use rigid corsets without a doctor's prescription!

In addition, a medical corset for the back is made for a specific department: chest, corset for the lumbar or sacral. You can often find models that "capture" two departments at once: thoracolumbar or sacro-lumbar.

Indications and contraindications for use

It is quite difficult to list all the diseases and cases when a medical corset is used. Here are just the most typical cases:

  • injuries and fractures;
  • curvature of posture;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis, etc.;
  • lower back pain;
  • excessive loads.

On a note! A separate group is medical back bandages, which are used during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Contraindications for the use of a corset may also be enough:

  • chronic heart disease does not allow wearing a chest corset;
  • in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys, a lumbar or abdominal bandage cannot be used;
  • a common contraindication is the presence of skin diseases with inflammation at the place where the corset is worn.

During a discussion with a doctor about whether to use a corset, you will have to weigh the pros and cons, and then make the final decision. It may turn out that the benefit of the orthosis will not be so great, while it may complicate the situation with chronic diseases. In such cases, it is quite reasonable to refuse to use a medical corset.

How to choose a corset

When choosing a corset, it is important to correctly determine the stiffness. This should be done by the attending physician, taking into account the nature of the disease (injury), the risks of complications, obvious or possible contraindications, age of the patient and many other factors. Only a comprehensive analysis will help you make the right decision and choose an orthosis that will be most effective in each specific case.

After determining the type of stiffness and the type of corset (for which department it is intended), the patient will have to choose the correct size on their own. It is better to go to an orthopedic salon, where specialists will come to the rescue. They will take the correct dimensions where they should and select the best option.

If this is not possible, then you will have to take measurements yourself. You can use a centimeter, which you need to tightly, but not tightly encircle the desired department. So, before buying a thoracolumbar corset, you should take measurements from chest and lower back, before buying a lumbar - from the lower back and hips, etc.

The resulting dimensions are correlated with the size range on the product packaging, and you need to focus not on the letter marking, but on centimeters.

It is also worth paying attention to materials that should be natural, comfortable to the body and hypoallergenic. Buckles, belts, fasteners, laces - such elements must be durable, reliable and ergonomic.

On a note! The price of a medical corset will depend on the manufacturer (American ones are more expensive than Russian analogues), complexity of the model (lumbar abdominal belts are cheaper than thoracolumbar plastic bandages). It is clear that you will also have to pay more for an individual orthosis to order.

In fact, the patient does not have to pick up a custom-made corset. Before casting the finished product, the patient tries on a plaster cast in three positions: lying down, sitting and standing, so that the workpiece ideally matches the human physiology, and the future corset does not cause discomfort, does not squeeze the chest, does not impede breathing and does not disrupt blood circulation.

Usually, personal corsets are made in cases where they are prescribed to be worn for a long time, for example, after a spinal fracture. That is why ventilation holes are necessarily made in the accessory so that the patient's skin can "breathe".

How to wear a medical corset

The mode of wearing a corset is also determined by the doctor, and the success of both treatment and rehabilitation depends on how the patient follows the recommendations.

The general requirements are:

  • you can wear a corset continuously for no more than 6 hours;
  • it is better to wear it not on a naked body, but on cotton underwear;
  • you can't sleep in a corset.

It should be understood that patients after complex injuries and operations will have to walk in a corset for a long time, and, for example, for the prevention of spinal curvature, it will be enough for children to put on a corset only for the time of preparing lessons. This means that there is no universal regime for using the bandage, and in each case, the schedule is selected individually.

With proven effectiveness, only a medical corset is not able to eliminate the disease or restore the body. The accessory is used in combination with other methods of treatment: massage, gymnastics, lifestyle and diet adjustments.

If you decide to purchase a corset for the spine or wear such an orthopedic product, the doctor advised you, then the choice should be approached very seriously. After all, an incorrectly selected corset on the spine will not only not help to fix the problem, but can cause additional and irreparable damage to your health.

Why do you need a corset for the spine

Sometimes medicines and exercises alone are not enough to treat diseases of the spine. In such cases, corsets for the spine will become an excellent ally in the fight against the disease. These orthopedic products can not only relieve back pain, but also straighten your posture, as well as correct the curvature of the spine in scoliosis. They are perfect for supporting the spinal column after surgery, etc.

Orthopedic corset for the spine provides unloading of problem areas of the spine due to the support that a properly selected and worn product creates. Compressive elements provide an increased tone of the back muscles, as well as additional stabilization of the spinal column. This results in a reduction in pressure on intervertebral discs, which stops their further degenerative changes and displacement, as well as deformations of the vertebrae. The corset also ensures that the spine stays in the correct position for a long time, and this helps to stop the development of curvature and posture disorders.

The corset perfectly copes with posture disorders

High-quality orthopedic corset for the spine provides:

  • decrease pain with diseases of the spine, its injuries;
  • excellent support and limitation of unnecessary movements after operations and traumatic injuries;
  • posture correction;
  • gradual straightening of the spinal column with scoliosis;
  • strengthening the processes of blood circulation and metabolism in damaged tissues of the spinal column (this ability is especially well expressed in a warming corset belt);
  • prevention of pathology of the musculoskeletal system with increased loads on the spine.

Indications for wearing:

  • chronic back pain syndrome;
  • recovery period after operations on the spine and traumatic injuries;
  • scoliosis and other types of curvature of the spine varying degrees expressiveness;
  • for unloading the spinal column during heavy physical work, with a long stay in one working position;
  • children's corset is recommended to be used during the formation of posture or with its pathological types;
  • prevention of various diseases of the spine;
  • period of exacerbation of radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis and the prevention of its complications, doctors especially recommend wearing a corset in case of a compression fracture of the spine in order to avoid damage spinal cord;
  • treatment and prevention of intervertebral hernias.

Important to remember! Anyone who wants to get rid of pain or protect their spine from damage can wear a back brace. You just need to choose the right product, because there are so many types of such products with different functions and purposes. If this choice is made thoughtlessly and incorrectly, then you can only harm your health.

Main types

The first thing to consider when choosing such a product is that there are elastic bandages, orthopedic corsets and antiradiculitis belts. They are often confused, but they are completely different things. An example of an elastic bandage is prenatal or postnatal, which is often used by women to provide additional support for the abdomen and lower back. An example of an antiradiculitis belt can be a warming product for the lumbar region made of wool.

Orthopedic corsets, as a rule, in addition to the elastic component, have a supporting and corrective one, which are represented by metal stiffeners and various plastic elements, additional fasteners (fasteners and belts). Thanks to this type of construction, it is possible to bring the shape of the product for the spine as close as possible to the anatomical forms of the human spine, which provides maximum protection and support.

According to their functional purpose, all orthopedic corsets are divided into the following types:

  • corrective - designed to support the spinal column, prevent its curvature, to correct posture defects;
  • fixing - limit movements in the spine, which is necessary for successful rehabilitation after operations, injuries, with an exacerbation of a back disease with severe pain, for the correction of various kinds of deformities.

Depending on the degree of rigidity, they are divided into:

  1. Rigid models that are prescribed only by doctors for special indications. They securely fix the spine, limiting all unnecessary movements. Most often they are indicated at the recovery stage after operations, injuries, when correcting severe deformities of the spinal column (in the latter case, bandages are often made to order according to individual measurements).
  2. Semi-rigid models that are used to unload the spine, they also have a massage and warming effect. Indications for wearing them are back pain associated with osteochondrosis, hard physical labor, stay long time in one working position, prevention of the development or progression of dorsopathies.
  3. There are also soft products, but, as we already know, they are not classified as corsets. It is correct to call such products bandages. They are made of durable and elastic fabric without additional fixing elements; the inner surface of such bandages is made of dog or camel hair. They improve blood circulation, warm. Designed to reduce pain in neurological vertebrogenic diseases, such as sciatica, sciatica.

Semi-rigid corset for the thoracic and lumbar spine

Depending on the part of the spine for which the orthopedic corset is intended, there are:

  • corset for the lumbar region - put on the lumbar region, covers the lower part of the thoracic spine and sacral region;
  • lumbosacral corset - fixes the entire lumbosacral spine;
  • corset for lumbar and thoracic- worn on the thoracic and lumbar spine (the most common type of corset).

Separately, it is worth highlighting the magnetic posture corrector, which, in addition to all the described functions and abilities, has an additional therapeutic effect, thanks to the built-in magnetic elements inside the product.

It is also important to understand that a corset is for cervical the spine is a completely different type orthopedic products. It is mainly used for injuries or operations on the cervical spine. Such a product is called a clamp for the cervical spine.

Contraindications for wearing

Before you buy an orthopedic corset, you should consult with your doctor. This is necessary even when you do not have diseases of the spine, and you get a corset for a preventive purpose. The fact is that there may be other contraindications to wearing such a product:

  • Recent surgery in the area of ​​the body where the corset is put on. This can lead to suppuration of the postoperative wound, divergence of sutures, development postoperative hernia or bleeding.
  • Reflux disease of the esophagus or other segment of the gastrointestinal tract, since squeezing the abdomen will contribute to the progression of symptoms.
  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​putting on the product.
  • Allergy to corset material.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by edema (pathology of the kidneys, liver, heart failure).

Reflux esophagitis - a contraindication to wearing a corset

You can choose a medical orthopedic corset based on the following recommendations:

  1. First you need to decide what type of corset you need, choose the appropriate degree of rigidity and choose products for a particular spine. This should be done only with a specialist.
  2. Then you need to choose the right size. The fact is that a large product will not fulfill its function, and a small one can disrupt blood circulation in soft tissues. Each manufacturer has its own sizing system, which is described in detail in the instructions. It also tells you how to determine your size and what measurements you need to take. You must choose carefully, as medical products cannot be returned or exchanged. Be sure to try on the corset in the store.
  3. Pay attention to the materials from which the corset is made. They must be natural, easy to wash, hypoallergenic, not deformed during operation.
  4. Be sure to pay attention to the fasteners, try the performance of each, and also pay attention to whether they rub you, do not press.
  5. Price is also an important criterion. As a rule, such products are not cheap, but after all, they serve for several years with proper care. The cost depends on the number of stiffeners, the material of the product, the manufacturer.

Perhaps these are the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a corset. But in each case, there may be individual nuances that need to be clarified with the doctor. There is also the possibility of custom-made orthopedic corsets, which is especially important for children.

Operating rules

Important to remember! Indications for the use of an orthopedic corset are determined only by a doctor. He must also explain when to wear it and how to wear the product, and when to take it off.

  1. It is not recommended to use the product for more than 6 consecutive hours.
  2. During sleep, such structures must be removed.
  3. Wear a corset strictly according to indications, for example, during physical exertion.
  4. Don't fasten your corset too tight. This negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, and can also contribute to rubbing skin.
  5. It is not advisable to wear on bare skin.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the recommendations described above will allow you to make right choice and protect your spine from damage. But in each case, the final choice must be approved by a specialist in the field of traumatology and orthopedics.

Bandages and corsets for the spine are used to relieve pain, stabilize and reduce the load on various groups of muscles of the back and spine, rehabilitation after surgery and injuries, and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What kind of corset suitable for osteochondrosis?

With osteochondrosis, the structure and functions of the intervertebral discs are disturbed. The distance between the vertebrae decreases, due to which the nerve endings are compressed and pain occurs. Further development of osteochondrosis can lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias, instability of the vertebrae and limitation of mobility, deformations of the bone tissue.

With osteochondrosis, a supporting corset for the spine is needed, which will redistribute the load and relieve pain without interfering with the work of the muscles to maintain their tone. To alleviate the symptoms of osteochondrosis in the lumbar region, almost all medi corsets for the lumbosacral spine are suitable:

  • Lumbamed basic- it is recommended to use for pain syndromes in the lower back of various origins and excessive mobility of the vertebrae against the background of osteochondrosis. This spinal corset contains spring steel stabilizing plates, also suitable for the treatment of pain during exercise, ligament injury, sacroiliac joint syndrome and other diseases.
  • Lumbamed Plus and Lumbamed plus E+motion- corsets to support the spine with a special massage insert Vario-Flex. Additional lumbar massage eliminates muscle spasms, improves blood circulation, which reduces swelling and pain in the problem area.
  • Lumbamed active- elastic corset for the spine, designed for active people involved in sports or physical labor. It is used for prophylactic purposes during prolonged exertion and for therapeutic purposes - with myofascial syndrome, osteoarthrosis / osteochondrosis of the spine, ligament damage, operated disc syndrome, sacroiliac joint syndrome.
  • Lumbamed stabilizer– a more rigid corset for the lumbosacral spine. On the back surface of the brace there are four metal plates that provide additional fixation of the lumbar region. The product is suitable for osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, sacroiliac joint syndrome.

Corsets with protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs

Degenerative changes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs, trauma, excessive stress on the spine, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture and many other factors can lead to the formation of an intervertebral hernia. It is a "protrusion" of the nucleus pulposus of the disc beyond the vertebrae. In this case, the nerve endings are infringed, which causes a constant severe pain, often giving in the legs. It is possible to completely get rid of a hernia only by surgery. But you can stop its development and reduce the pain syndrome with the help of regular exercises and wearing a fixing corset for the spine.

The following models of medi products are suitable for this:

  • Lumbamed disc- semi-rigid corset for the spine, or with variable stiffness. In the acute period, the bandage is used with an additional stabilizing splint, due to which fixation and almost complete immobilization of the lumbar spine is achieved. As the splint heals, the splint can be unfastened and a bandage with dynamic stiffeners can be used, which will eliminate excessive mobility that can provoke an exacerbation. This model is also recommended for osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthritis, after operations on the lumbar spine.
  • protect.Dorsofix– semi-rigid thoracolumbar corset for the spine. Effective not only for pain caused by intervertebral hernia, but also in recovery period after fractures of the vertebrae, with arthrosis, spondylolisthesis. It can also be used as a post-operative spine brace.

How to to choose a medical corset?

Depending on the symptoms and diagnosis, it is necessary to choose the type of corset for supporting the spine or posture corrector after consultation with the attending physician or an expert from a specialized store. With the wrong selection of an orthopedic product, it may not have the desired effect or cause discomfort. Some bandages have contraindications, be sure to read the information from the manufacturer.

It should be noted that there are male and female corsets for the spine, which are the same in function, but have differences in shape.

You can buy a corset for the spine in orthopedic salons or in the medi online store with delivery. At the same time, it is possible to order several sizes and models in order to make a choice after trying on.

Prices for corsets for the spine in different stores may vary slightly.

Our spine is not only the basis of the skeleton and the core of the entire skeletal system. The spinal cord, enclosed in a flexible case of a garland of vertebrae, governs all internal organs. From it to our lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys, etc. stretch nerve fibers that govern their work.

That is why the slightest deformation of the spinal column (displacement of the spinal discs, curvature, osteochondrosis, etc.), causing pinching of the nerve roots, can lead not only to serious discomfort in the musculoskeletal system, but also seriously unbalance the state of the whole organism.

Pain in the back and joints, numbness and weakness of the limbs, jumps blood pressure, dizziness, impaired potency - these are just some of the "charms" that accompany diseases of the spine. It also happens that the patient experiences symptoms, for example, cholecystitis, gastritis or even appendicitis, but the examination does not confirm the presence of these diseases.

And the pathology of the spine, which is responsible for the innervation of the corresponding organ, is to blame. In this case, it is enough to correct the defect of the spine, and the symptoms disappear by themselves. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to call the spine the "axis of life."

Unfortunately, the lifestyle of a modern person has a completely barbarous effect on the spine. Excess weight, many hours of sitting at the computer in an unnatural position, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, poor posture - all this sooner or later turns into a curvature of the spine, displacement of the vertebrae, herniated discs and similar troubles.

Orthopedic corsets for the spine - one of the methods of treatment

There are many methods to return the spine to its normal state, for example

  • physiotherapy
  • swimming
  • massage
  • manual therapy
  • inversion tables
  • corsets

In this article, we will discuss corsets for the spine. How to choose the right one? This is not an idle question. If the corset is chosen incorrectly, numerous problems will not only not be resolved, but will also get worse.

Orthopedic corsets for the spine. How to choose

First of all, you need to understand for what purpose you are purchasing a corset. Usually corsets for the spine are prescribed in the following situations:

  • preventively to neutralize the increased load on the spine during heavy physical work or sports exercises (for example, riggers, weightlifters, etc.)
  • for posture correction and scoliosis prevention
  • to correct the diagnosed curvature of the spine in children
  • for fixation and support in case of injuries of various parts of the spine (fractures, compression fractures, etc.), scoliosis in adults
  • to alleviate the condition with radiculitis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis

The next parameter is the localization of the corset. Our spine is divided into sections, corsets are made for each of them.

So, corsets are for:

  • cervical
  • thoracic
  • lumbosacral
  • thoracolumbar (combined for two departments at once)
  • light
  • medium (semi-rigid corset)
  • strong (hard corset)

Corsets with a light degree of fixation are soft, they are made of elastic materials and are intended for posture correction, prevention of scoliosis, removal of excessive load from the back in case of osteochondrosis, sciatica, scoliosis, and increased loads.

For radiculitis and other painful conditions, warming corsets are prescribed - they have a lining made of heat-saving materials. Such corsets simultaneously provide fixation, light massage and warming up.

Rigid corsets with strong fixation are prescribed for spinal injuries, during the recovery period after surgery, as well as for children diagnosed with scoliosis during the growth period (for example, Chenot corrective brace).

It is important to remember that in no case should rigid corsets be prescribed to oneself on one's own, this should only be done by a specialist and only after a comprehensive examination.

The material from which the orthopedic product is made is another important factor. We recommend choosing a corset with a predominance of natural materials, because you will have to wear it for hours, it is important that skin breathing is not disturbed.

Semi-rigid and rigid corsets have inserts made of hard materials - metal, plastic, etc. In high-quality products, they are securely wrapped with soft fabric, which eliminates the possibility of skin injury - this point must be carefully controlled when buying.

Also, do not disregard the reliability and convenience of fastenings so that the corset does not unfasten and does not slip off at the most inopportune moment.

Choosing a corset, you must consider the size. Measure the volume of your chest while inhaling and inform the seller, he will help you choose the right size corset. If your budget allows, it is better to order an individual production of an orthopedic corset, especially when it comes to a rigid corrective corset for a child with a curved spine. After all, the configuration of the deformed back is different for everyone.

Before you start using a spinal brace, find out how you wear it. The rules for the use of orthopedic corsets depend on the diagnosis and are dictated by a specialist. Corsets should not be abused. An orthopedic corset for the spine is a temporary and exceptional measure, and normally your own muscles must perform its functions.

The lower back is considered the second most vulnerable part of the spine, since it is on the lumbar vertebrae that the maximum load is associated with the distribution of support points for the human axial skeleton. Low back pain is the most common orthopedic symptom., with which patients most often seek help from a surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist. It can be associated with herbs, bruises, inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the spine dystrophic changes in articular and cartilaginous tissue.

Secondary pain syndrome is diagnosed in overweight people, as well as people whose professional activities require a constant stay in a static position or increased power loads on the lower back (athletes, office workers, drivers). To stabilize the vertebrae that make up the lumbosacral spine and reduce the load on the back muscles, the doctor may recommend wearing a special corset. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to know how to choose the right corset for the lower back, how long it can be worn, and what degree of fixation is considered optimal for the treatment of a particular pathology. Great importance It also has a correctly selected size of the product, so it is necessary to choose a suitable orthopedic corset together with an orthopedic doctor.

The loin and sacrum are part of the human spine - the central part of the axial skeleton in the form of an elongated and curved tube, the formation of which begins in the period from the first to the fifth week of embryonic development. To reduce the risk of congenital malformations and defects in the development of the neural tube of the fetus, the expectant mother is recommended to take 400-800 micrograms of vitamin B 9 (folic acid) daily. The spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae connected in series in a vertical position with the help of intervertebral discs.

Small of the back

The lumbosacral region consists of 10 vertebrae. Lumbar vertebrae (there are 5 in total) have increased mobility and create shock absorption when walking, physical activity, jumping, tilting. They have a maximum width in relation to other parts of the spine and high density, since it is on the lower back that the main load falls when a person assumes a vertical position.

Lumbar lordosis (physiological and anatomical curvature of the spine forward) is formed in a child from 5 to 12 months, when the baby learns to sit, crawl, stand up and walk. To avoid spinal deformities in the future, it is important to follow the recommendations of surgeons and orthopedists, for example:

  • do not sit the child on a pillow, knees and other soft surfaces if he does not have objective signs of readiness;
  • do not put the child on his feet if he himself does not make attempts (the exception is gymnastics by age);
  • do not abuse jumpers and walkers - experts do not advise using these devices for more than 30 minutes a day.

Baby walkers and jumpers

In an adult, the causes of diseases musculoskeletal system and chronic pain syndrome in the lower back are often a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, obesity, endocrine disorders, pathology of the pelvic organs.

Important! Among women chronic pain in the lumbosacral spine, which makes up the spinal motion segment of the human skeleton, may be the result of complicated pregnancy and childbirth. For this reason, the use of a special corset or is recommended for all women, starting from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy (especially for patients who are overweight, or those whose weight gain exceeds the recommended rate by more than 10%).


The sacrum is the fixed part of the spine that connects to lumbar with the help of a wedge-shaped closing lumbar vertebra and providing a connection between the spinal column and the small pelvis. In women, this part of the skeleton is wider and shorter than in men, and also has a greater degree of curvature necessary for bearing a child and labor.

The sacrum is made up of 5 vertebrae and connects to ilium forming the sacroiliac joint.

What are corsets and their varieties

A corset is an orthopedic device in the form of a belt, made of medical material that allows air to pass through and has a high degree of stretching. All corsets (orthoses) are reinforced with plastic or metal alloy inserts necessary to create the desired degree of fixation. Lumbar corsets can be highly stiff (usually have 6 metal splints) or middle degree compression. In traditional therapy, rigid structures are practically not used - they are necessary for recovery during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment spinal column and serious injuries, accompanied by fractures and cracks of the vertebrae.

For the treatment of orthopedic and neurological pathologies of the lumbosacral region, semi-rigid corsets are used that perform the following functions:

  • help to unload the muscles that support the human axial skeleton and relieve the load from damaged vertebrae;
  • fixes the spine in an anatomically correct position, correcting existing defects and restoring the work of associated internal organs (Bladder, ureters, kidneys, etc.);
  • reduce pain caused by displacement or pinching of the vertebrae.

The main indication for the use of orthopedic fixators for the lower back are chronic pain attacks. Pain can be triggered by various diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, sciatica, hernial protrusions. For prophylactic purposes, orthopedic corsets can be recommended for people who stay in one position for a long time, who are overweight, who are professionally involved in sports. Periodic wearing of a corset for the lower back is also indicated for patients with signs of partial muscle dystrophy, provoked by a sedentary lifestyle.

Warming belts

Such products are not considered orthopedic corsets, but can also be used to treat inflammatory, degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the back, accompanied by severe pain. They are made of natural wool and provide a pronounced warming effect, help reduce inflammation, normalize fluid flow in the blood and lymphatic vessels.

note! Warming belts cannot be a substitute for a corset in case of spinal injuries (the exception is soft tissue bruises).

Therapeutic warming products

The bandage is a well-stretched belt that does not restrict the mobility of the vertebrae, but at the same time helps to keep them in the correct position. These are sparing fixators that are recommended for pregnant women to properly distribute the load on the spine and prevent back pain.

For the correction of postpartum complications, for example, divergence of the bones of the pubic joint or small pelvis, the use of special semi-rigid fixators for women with an underestimated posterior surface is indicated.

Which corset to choose: product overview

To choose the right corset, you must first consult with an orthopedist. Many pharmacies (orthopedic pharmacies) in the state have a doctor trained as a surgeon or orthopedist, but it is better to have recommendations given by the specialist who prescribed the treatment, based on medical history, individual features patient and the dynamics of treatment, if any.

Fosta corsets

Fosta is one of the most popular manufacturers of orthopedic corsets and other orthopedic products necessary for the restoration of the musculoskeletal framework after injuries and injuries. The Fosta line includes products of various price ranges, and reviews about the manufacturer allow us to call products of this brand one of the most effective corsets for correcting pain in the lumbar region.

Fixators of this brand are made of hypoallergenic medical materials that are well breathable and prevent skin irritation. They fit perfectly to the body, do not move out during wearing and provide reliable fixation of the vertebrae in an anatomically correct position. Fosta corsets can contain from 4 to 6 stiffeners, so this manufacturer has both semi-rigid designs designed for complex treatment diseases of the spine, and rigid fixators necessary for recovery after injuries. They provide rigid fixation of the vertebrae and allow them to fuse properly, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and shortens the rehabilitation period.

The manufacturer offers a wide range of products, among which there are the following types of lumbosacral orthoses:

  • on a mesh basis;
  • with elastic and reinforced plates;
  • lightweight;
  • on a fabric basis;
  • with extra straps
  • with tourmaline;
  • neoprene;
  • lace up, etc.

Fosta products belong to the category of budgetary means of individual rehabilitation, therefore they are available for a wide range of patients who need orthopedic correction using fixing structures.

Orthoses Comfort (Comf-Ort)

Sufficiently comfortable and effective corsets for the correction of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine.

Products of this company can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, as they are in high demand among patients.