MRI of the sacroiliac joints shows. MRI of the sacrum and iliac bones

MRI of the sacroiliac joints is the only way to examine in detail the layered structure of the joint and identify pathology. An informative method allows you to notice sacroiliitis changes in early stages and start treatment promptly. Instrumental research safe, has a minimum of contraindications. The procedure is contraindicated in patients with metal implants and pacemakers.

Benefits of diagnostic examination MRI of the SIJ

Pathological changes in the sacroiliac joint (SJJ) are manifested by pain in the lower back, shooting in the thigh and further to the knee. Their cause may be ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease) or sacroiliitis. The articulation of the ilium and the sacrum is a shock absorber during movement, withstands the weight of the body in an upright position. Joint pathology is provoked by high loads, injuries, autoimmune diseases.

MRI of the SIJ is prescribed after radiography and CT of the sacroiliac joints. CT scan better shows changes in the size of the joint space and deformation of the bones. CT is more effective in late stages of sacroiliitis, and MRI is recommended for early diagnosis.

The method is based on the phenomenon of magnetic resonance. Special tomograph sensors read pulses sent by hydrogen atoms located in the structure of various tissues.

The main advantages of MRI of the iliac region:

  • The technique is safe, does not give radiation exposure, and can be prescribed to children. This quality is indispensable for monitoring the dynamics of the disease, when you have to undergo a scan several times.
  • Detection of pathological changes in tissues, cartilage and bones in the early stages. Timely diagnosis and the beginning of treatment save the patient from severe consequences and disability.
  • MRI of the SIJ provides detailed images, a three-dimensional image allows you to study the pathology from different angles.
  • The procedure does not require special preparation. The result is prepared within an hour.

Indications and contraindications for MRI

To clarify the clinical picture, compiled according to the patient's complaints, the doctor prescribes an MRI. The grounds for the study are:

  • The presence of symptoms of joint pathology, unconfirmed by radiography.
  • Injuries of the spine and pelvis.
  • Hereditary disposition to ankylosing spondylitis.
  • The likelihood of tumor formation, the presence of metastases.
  • Severe pain in the lower back, aggravated by exertion, while sleeping and sitting.
  • Signs of inflammation of the joint and tissues, swelling.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the selected therapy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.


The impact of a powerful magnetic field on the body, safe in most cases, has several absolute and relative contraindications.

In the presence of metal endoprostheses, MRI is strictly prohibited.

Absolute contraindications:

  • The presence of metal objects and medical devices in the patient's body. These can be hemostatic clips, metal implants (endoprostheses), pacemakers, insulin pumps, foreign bodies(bullets, fragments), tattoos. The metal is heated under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, and medical devices fail.
  • The first three months of pregnancy, the period of formation of the child's organs.
  • Severe renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Allergy to iodine and gadolinium precludes a contrast scan.

Relative contraindications:

  • The emotional state of the diagnosed person: fear of closed space, panic. Introduction to overcome anxiety medical workers mild sedatives.
  • In the second and third trimester, examination of pregnant women occurs when a serious threat to the health of the mother. Doctors do not have information about the effect of the procedure on the fetus.
  • Excess weight does not allow to place a person in the apparatus. The patient in size does not fit on the table and in the channel of the tomograph. It is recommended to lose weight up to 130-150 kg, the weight for which the equipment is designed.

Preparation for the procedure

MRI of the SIJ does not require specific preparation, a special diet. If it is planned to introduce a contrast agent into the human body, then the day before, a test for sensitivity to gadolinium is performed.

Before the procedure, all metal jewelry, hairpins, piercings, and dentures are removed. It is recommended that you come to the scan in clothes made of natural fabric; gowns are issued in some clinics.

Tomography technique

Before starting the procedure, the patient is instructed. Headphones are provided to reduce the noise of the device. The tomograph is a closed scanner, you should lie in it calmly, without moving. The study time is about 30 minutes. During the procedure, a person does not experience pain. For some studies, special techniques are used: contrasting and fat suppression.


To improve the detail of images of the articulation, intravenous administration of a gadolinium-based contrast agent into the patient's blood allows. The drug is safe, as a rule, does not cause allergies, it is quickly excreted from the body. A contrast agent is indicated when scanning tumors and blood vessels.

Fat suppression

The mode allows you to get the most reliable and complete information about tissues containing fat. The technology is effective in detecting tumors. Scanning is performed twice - in the normal mode and with the suppression of signals from adipose tissue. Differences in MRI results provide additional information. The method is supplemented by the introduction of contrast.

Deciphering the results

MRI of the sacroiliac joint shows degenerative changes in bone tissue, cartilage destruction and other pathological processes. The images are sent to the attending physician, who analyzes clinical picture illness. The scan reveals:

  • tumor neoplasms;
  • anomalies of the structure and consequences of injuries;
  • all types of bone growths;
  • trabecular edema on MRI of the iliac joint;
  • inflammation and pinching of the nerves of the spinal cord;
  • ossification of the spine and nearby tissues in ankylosing spondylitis;
  • early manifestations of arthrosis;
  • changes characteristic of sacroiliitis of the first or second degree;
  • a dangerous amount of calcium salt deposits in the vessels.

The doctor who performed the scan, based on the results of the tomogram, draws up a conclusion on the state of the articulation and issues it to the patient. Information may be provided in the form of pictures or recorded in in electronic format. After studying the interpretation of the MRI results, a traumatologist, rheumatologist or orthopedist establishes an accurate diagnosis.

Cost of MRI

In clinics of large cities, the prices for MRI of the sacroiliac joints are 3300-4500 rubles. Some diagnostic centers offer a discount for examinations at night. The cost of the procedure depends on the type of tomograph, consumables used.

Do not neglect the referral to magnetic resonance imaging. Informative scanning of organs allows you to start treatment on time, avoiding serious consequences.

If the patient has problems in one of the sections of the spine, he is usually assigned to undergo a comprehensive examination. We will tell you what MRI is and how to properly prepare for tomography of the sacroiliac joint so that the results are more informative.

MRI is a diagnostic that helps to carefully examine any part of the body, in particular the state of the sacroiliac joints. The latter are located between the pelvic bones and the sacrum.

Magnetic resonance imaging helps to detect Bechterew's disease at an early stage, as well as the presence of rheumatoid arthritis in a patient. It is noteworthy that it does not use x-rays, so it is considered safe for human health.

MRI of the sacroiliac joint is indicated if a person has the following problems:

  • various malformations;
  • excessive load on the iliac joint and sacrum;
  • if the patient has injuries and inflammation in the joints and surrounding soft tissues.

Key Benefits of MRI

Many patients before undergoing the procedure ask themselves what the study shows. MRI diagnostics of the sacroiliac joints provides the most complete information about the patient's health status, while the magnetic device does not exert any radiation exposure.

This study can be performed on the patient several times over a short period of time. Another advantage is that the procedure produces images of the problem area from various angles and with high accuracy. This allows you to determine pathological changes in their early stages of development. According to the obtained images, the specialist can examine the state of the sacral joints, as well as muscle bundles.

Indications for diagnostics

Many patients ask questions about what the procedure shows and whether they need it. Usually, specialists prescribe tomography:

  • If there is suspicion of the formation of ankylosing spondylitis and sacroiliitis.
  • With a genetic predisposition to the appearance of Bechterew's disease and the HLA-B27 gene.
  • When a patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis. It is characterized by the presence of pain that cannot be relieved with anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, the presence of osteochondrosis is characterized by the appearance of cervical and lumbar backache, an increase in the load on the joint.
  • When there is inflammation in the joints lower extremities and especially the ankle.
  • At chronic pain in the back area, which lead to a decrease in efficiency and difficulty in motor activity, an increase in the load on the joint.
  • With a decrease in the flexibility and mobility of the spinal column.
  • In the presence of injuries in the lower back and pelvic bones.

In addition, MRI of the sacroiliac joint is prescribed when diagnosing an ankylosing spondylitis to a patient and rheumatoid arthritis. The study helps to monitor the course of the disease in dynamics.

What can be seen during an MRI of the sacroiliac joints?

In this study, it is diagnosed:

  • the presence of foci of inflammation in spinal cord, as well as vertebral discs and joints;
  • the appearance of expansion in the joint space and bone growths;
  • the formation of foci of calcium deposits in the articular-ligamentous apparatus, as well as various injuries in the joints;
  • the presence of tumors in the patient's body.

Also, magnetic resonance imaging helps to identify the following types of diseases:

  • the presence of pathologies, anomalies, disorders in the joints;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • the appearance of protrusions and disorders in the intervertebral discs;
  • the presence of a hernia and various neoplasms, as well as injuries in bone and soft tissues, especially in the sacrum;
  • development of lumbarization of the vertebral bodies and pinching in the nerve endings of the spinal cord;
  • Availability multiple sclerosis and vascular disorders.

Contraindications for the study

There are some groups of patients who should not undergo this diagnosis. This category includes people who have metal inserts in their bodies. These include: hemostatic clips, pacemakers, insulin pumps. They are a contraindication for the patient to undergo a tomography.

In these cases, studies are not carried out due to the fact that the magnetic field of the tomograph can adversely affect the operation of the devices in the patient. In addition, metal inserts can heat up and burn a person. Objects made of plastic, polymers or titanium do not adversely affect the operation of the tomograph, therefore, if they are present, MRI can be performed, in particular the sacroiliac joint.

It should also be noted that MRI with contrast for the sacroiliac joints should not be performed for the following categories of citizens:

  • women during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of renal and hepatic insufficiency.

This diagnosis is not carried out if the patient has an allergic reaction to a special substance. In addition, the presence of a person anxiety disorder, in particular claustrophobia, is not considered a contraindication to the procedure. If a person is afraid of closed-type devices, a sedative may be administered before the procedure.

How is the preparation for diagnosis carried out?

Doctors note that the patient does not require special preparation for a conventional MRI examination of the sacroiliac joint. No restrictions on application medications, food and drink. Also, there are no special restrictions in motor activity and performance. exercise. A person should lead a normal life for him.

Special preparation is required only if a special substance is administered to the patient. It usually consists of a test for an allergic reaction.

In any case, the doctor will tell you what an MRI of the sacroiliac joints is, how to properly prepare for it, and what the tomograph shows.

For the procedure, the patient should take with him:

  • medical card and the results of previous studies;
  • referral from the attending physician for the procedure.

In order for the problem area to be more clearly visible in the picture, a special substance is injected into the patient.

MRI of the sacroiliac joints using contrast

Usually preparations containing gadolinium are used as a special substance. They help to better see in the picture small inflammatory foci in the sacral joints. The introduction is carried out intravenously. Contrast is displayed a few hours after diagnosis.

With the introduction of the substance, there is a high probability of an allergic reaction, so the need for its use is determined only by the attending physician or radiologist. It is noteworthy that the use of a special substance can increase the price of MRI of the sacral joints by several times. In addition, when contrast is injected, diagnostics is carried out for about 20 minutes.

How is the research done?

  1. The patient should arrive early for the procedure. This is necessary in order to remove all objects containing metal from yourself.
  2. After that, he needs to lie down on a special medical table. It, together with a person, is rolled inside the rotating element of the device, while the area under study should be inside the device.
  3. During the entire diagnosis, a person must maintain complete immobility. This is necessary so that the images are of better quality and the diagnosis is made correctly.
  4. After the magnetic device has taken several survey pictures, the specialist raises the question of the need to introduce a special substance. It is rarely used and is necessary if the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis, because the obtained images do not provide complete information about the state of the internal organs.
  5. During the entire procedure, the patient should not experience any discomfort. However, the device makes some sounds, so ear plugs may be offered to the patient. In addition, a person can take a relative for diagnosis. This is necessary to relieve psychological stress. When a child is examined, the presence of parents is considered mandatory.
  6. The whole procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. Its duration depends on the size of the area under study and the need to introduce a special substance.
  7. After the diagnosis is completed, the patient can go home.
  8. The resulting images are given to the person on hand within 1 hour. In addition, he receives an opinion from a specialist on the results of the study. If a special substance was used, then the waiting time for results may be increased. In this case, the results can be issued to the patient the next day. In addition, many medical centers send the results of the study to the patient by e-mail.

If a person was examined without a special appointment from the attending physician, then doctors such as a traumatologist and rheumatologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

MRI of the sacroiliac joints in children

The implementation of the diagnosis of sacral joints in young children requires the specialist to comply with certain requirements. Doctors note that in order to obtain high-quality images, it is necessary that the patient is in a motionless state.

Thus, this diagnosis is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. This is due to the fact that Small child can not be stationary for a long period of time. Parents can also ask a specialist in advance about what this diagnostic shows and how to properly prepare for it.

Where can you make a diagnosis?

Almost everyone medical Center equipped with all the necessary equipment for diagnosing sacral joints. In paid medical centers, the patient can independently choose a convenient time for the procedure. As a result, he won't have to wait long in line.

By contacting a paid medical center, a person can find out all the necessary information about the progress of the diagnosis and proper preparation for it.

The sacroiliac joints do not have increased mobility. The articulations provide a fixing function, create the strength of the “design” of the sacrum and ilium. Damage to the area leads to pain, limited mobility of the hip joints. The most common diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, sacroiliitis, ankylosing spondylitis Bekhterev. Early detection changes in the ileosacral region with the help of radiography, magnetic resonance and computed tomography prevents irreversible consequences with proper treatment.

The latest types of MRI of the joints are able to verify formations larger than one millimeter in diameter.

What is magnetic resonance imaging

The harmlessness of the MRI method (MRI) for human health is due to the use of a magnetic field that promotes the resonance of hydrogen atoms. Magnetization results in distortion of the radio frequency by tissues containing water. Signal registration, subsequent processing by a software application, provides a graphic image.

The phenomenon of magnetic resonance is used by medicine for diagnostic purposes. The operating modes of the tomograph show tissues of different densities - connective, fat, muscle.

Explaining what MRI is, it is necessary to note the different design features of the installations according to the weight limits of the table, the design of the tunnel. The open type of devices is rarely used for diagnosing sacroiliac joints due to low resolution. The equipment is used for tomography of patients with a fear of closed spaces.

Qualitatively shows tomography of the sacral joints when scanning with closed tomographs. The products have a powerful magnet (1.5-3 Tesla) that allows you to verify lesions with a diameter of more than 0.3 mm.

MRI is an expensive diagnostic method. Well visualizes soft tissue structures - ligaments, muscles, cartilage. Sacred articulations are clearly visible on tomograms, which makes it possible to verify inflammatory, oncological, degenerative-dystrophic processes.

The price of a limb scan is different. The high cost of MRI of the legs is due to the complexity of examining the knee.

What are sacroiliac joints

Located on both sides of the sacrum. They have limited mobility. They consist of developed cartilaginous structures, a strong capsular membrane. The anatomical design firmly fixes the formation to the pelvis and spinal column.

MRI of the sacroiliac region - what shows

Inflammatory changes in the ileosacral joints are specific. Due to the abundance of cartilage tissue, there is a danger of bacterial damage, reactive arthritis. Bilateral or unilateral sacroiliitis accompanies several types of inflammatory processes:

  1. reactive arthritis;
  2. Spondyloarthritis;
  3. Bechterew's disease.

The consequence of the condition is the syndrome of the sacroiliac joint, which causes pain hip joint, hips, legs. Symptoms due to infringement nerve fibers emerging from the spinal column, extending to the lower limbs. Compression is not necessarily achieved by an inflammatory process. The increased tone of the piriformis, iliopsoas, abductors and piriformis muscles contributes to the infringement of the nerve fibers extending to the legs.

Ankylosing spondylitis on MRI of the sacrum

The initial stage of Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondyloarthrosis) is determined by MRI of the sacroiliac joints by detecting narrowing of the joint space, subchondral osteosclerosis of the surfaces, and accumulation of inflammatory fluid. Inflammatory process is proliferative in nature with bone growths, deposition of calcium salts along the ligaments of the spine. Syndesmophytes and enthesophytes are well seen on radiographs in the form of a “bamboo stick” symptom. Changes are typical for stage 3 of the disease.

What changes are determined by MRI in Bechterew's disease:

  • Destruction of the femoral head;
  • Sclerotic changes in bones;
  • Erosion formation;
  • Inflammation of the joint capsule (capsilitis);
  • Ligament infiltration (synovitis).

The late stage of ankylosing spondylitis is accompanied by a narrowing of the gap of the ileosacral joint. An MRI is not required. Signs of sacroiliitis stage 4 will show the x-ray of the pelvis.

An MRI scan in a patient with an early stage of Bechterew's disease reveals comorbidities:

  1. Tarzit;
  2. Fusion of the frontal joint;
  3. Inflammatory processes of large joints (hip, knee).

Magnetic resonance imaging of inflammation of the sacral areas

Sacroiliitis is classified into primary and secondary. The first form is due to changes in the connection of the sacrum and ilium. Accompanies trauma, infectious processes, tumors.

Secondary sacroiliitis occurs against the background of other diseases - systemic changes in the connective tissue (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, seronegative spondyloarthropathies). Magnetic resonance imaging can detect early signs pathologies - subchondral osteosclerosis, erosion, loss of bone density.

An MRI of the knee is performed for arthrosis simultaneously with an examination of the iliac joints to exclude Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis).

How is an MRI of the ileosacral joints done in the stir mode

Over the past ten years, approaches to sacroiliitis have changed significantly. The complex of pathological changes that occur in psoriatic and a number of other arthritis, specialists have combined the term "spondyloarthritis". The classification summarizes the pathology complex with lesions of the spinal column and sacroiliac joints. Isolation of "pre-radiological arthritis" allows the use of MRI of the joints for early verification of diseases.

According to international classification all changes in the sacroiliac regions are divided into 2 categories - structural and inflammatory. The first manifestations are irreversible. Timely detection of inflammation can prevent the development of the disease.

Inflammatory signs of sacroiliitis on MRI:

  • Capsulitis;
  • Enthesitis;
  • synovitis.

Structural manifestations:

  • fatty infiltration;
  • erosion;
  • osteosclerotic changes.

Modern MRI of the joints of the pelvis and sacrum with the presence of the stil mode helps to detect the described morphological manifestations. A feature of scanning is the use of an echo gradient with suppression of the adipose tissue signal.

Complex diagnostics of MRI of sacral joints involves the use of MRI modes with T1-weighted display. The dark signal is formed from inflammatory hyperintense areas. A similar picture is created intervertebral disc, liquor.

Differential diagnosis is helped by MRI with contrast for the sacroiliac joints. Gadolinium changes the intensity of the signal in the inflammatory segment.

Tumors of the sacrum on MRI

Sacral neoplasms are diagnosed late due to the presence of a large free space inside. More than two years pass from the appearance of a tumor to the infringement of the nerves.

What formations does an MRI of the joints of the pelvis show:

  1. Perineural cysts;
  2. Myelomeningocele;
  3. Abscesses;
  4. Arteriovenous malformations;
  5. Vascular aneurysms.

Clinical symptoms occur gradually as the neoplasm grows and nerves are pinched.

Principles of decoding magnetic resonance imaging

The interpretation of tomograms in St. Petersburg is carried out by qualified specialists. Depending on the occupation of the doctor, the description is made in at least 30 minutes. Private clinics in St. Petersburg offer the service of sending tomograms by e-mail.

The initial changes in the sacroiliac joints are shown by a high-power tomograph. When choosing a diagnostic center, pay attention to the presence of the stil mode in the device, which allows you to verify inflammatory processes.

Thanks to modern diagnostic methods can see the structure appearance and location of a wide variety of tissues and organs. The sacroiliac joints are located in a hard-to-reach place and are not easy to palpate. To assess their condition, modern diagnostic equipment comes to the rescue. MRI of the sacroiliac joints is unparalleled in terms of information content and safety.

It is easy to detect pathologies of the sacroiliac joints on MRI

In this article you will learn:

What is the essence of the study

Pathological processes in the region of the sacrum occur very rarely; therefore, targeted scanning is done infrequently. Magnetic resonance imaging has been rated as the safest and most informative method. Such a procedure helps to identify various pathologies in this part of the body even before the first symptoms appear. This is very important, because the patient's chance to start treatment on time increases many times over, thus avoiding unpleasant complications.

The procedure is performed without x-rays and therefore is safe. MRI of the sacroiliac joints shows a clear and detailed image of the problematic part of the body. The obtained information allows us to consider the pathology from all angles.

The duration of the MRI of this area is about 40 minutes. You can pick up the finished result in an hour.

In what cases is

MRI of the sacral region is prescribed when the information obtained with the help of other diagnostic measures is not enough to make a correct diagnosis.

MRI of the sacrum is performed for injuries

Such a study is prescribed:

  • when the patient injures this zone;
  • in case of development of tissue pathologies;
  • if during movement in the region of the sacrum atypical sounds are distinguished;
  • with sudden lameness;
  • in case of swelling, redness or heat in the sacral area;
  • if tension arises in this part of the body during a sharp movement;
  • when the patient complains of discomfort or pain in the lower back, not only during movement, but also in a calm state;
  • if the flexibility of the spine has decreased, and the movements have become more constrained;
  • in case of cramps in the calf muscles.

Such an examination is prescribed if the doctor suspects oncological diseases or changes in the vessels in the study area.

With convulsions, MRI diagnostics is also indicated.

What preparation is required

For tomography, special preliminary preparation is not needed. No restrictions on food, medication or physical activity. If you plan to inject a contrast agent, then you need to make sure that the patient's stomach is empty. Before performing a tomography, you should:

  • get rid of watches and jewelry;
  • clothing should be loose, not contain metal parts and inserts;
  • pull everything out of pockets;
  • remove the hearing aid, any type of prosthesis, even dental;
  • Bring your previous test results with you.

To feel more comfortable, it is recommended to wear earplugs or special headphones before the examination.

Important! Throughout the procedure, it is important for the patient to lie absolutely still, to remain completely calm until the end and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

How is the procedure

Shortly before the MRI procedure, the patient must prepare documents, in particular: a medical card with a detailed description of the disease, information about other studies, a certificate on which drugs may be allergic.

Do not smoke or drink before the test

You can eat any food before the examination, but it is recommended to temporarily refuse alcohol and tobacco products.

Conducting a diagnostic scan includes certain steps:

  1. The doctor assesses the condition in which the patient is located, examines the available documentation. He also advises the patient on the features of the procedure.
  2. The subject is laid on a table and, in order to ensure his immobility, his arms and legs are fixed with special belts.
  3. To protect the patient's hearing aid from the loud sounds emitted by the tomograph, special headphones are put on his ears.
  4. If necessary, contrast is injected intravenously. In this case, a slight cold may be felt, which quickly passes.
  5. The table with the patient is completely immersed in the chamber of the apparatus.
  6. Next, the scanning itself begins, which can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  7. Upon completion of the examination, the table is pulled out, the patient stands up.

During an MRI, a person lies down while the machine takes pictures.

Important! The patient does not experience any pain or discomfort during the examination.

What are the features of MRI with contrast

Sometimes an MRI of the sacroiliac joints requires the use of a contrast agent that is injected into a vein. Contrast is needed to identify vascular or tumor pathologies.

In the role of contrast are safe preparations, which are based on gadolinium. The risk of developing an allergic reaction is minimal.

It is possible to obtain a clearer and more informative image of the images due to the uniform distribution of the contrast agent throughout the vessels of the whole organism. The contrast agent is removed on its own, naturally, after a certain time after the procedure.

What is an MRI with contrast? You can learn about it from this video:

What changes are seen on an MRI

MRI examination of the sacroiliac zone makes it possible to establish the condition of the soft tissues, and also, are there any pathologies, in particular:

  • whether ankylosing spondylitis develops (when the spinal column becomes like a bamboo stick);
  • whether there is inflammation in the spinal cord or in the vertebrae;
  • whether there are neoplasms;
  • the nature of the spinal injury, if any;
  • development of arthrosis or arthritis.

Diagnosing pathological processes in the spine at an early stage makes it possible not to delay treatment and prevent further development of the disease. In many cases, due to such timely diagnosis, the chances of avoiding disability are high.

Upon completion of the MRI procedure, the interpretation of the obtained results is carried out by a specialist who writes the corresponding conclusion. Based on these data, the doctor prescribes the necessary therapy.

An experienced doctor should study the pictures and make a diagnosis.

Is MRI dangerous for the body?

Magnetic resonance imaging is an absolutely safe examination. Scanning is carried out due to a powerful magnetic field. The radio pulse influences the protons of the hydrogen atoms that make up the human body. The software transfers the received information to the doctor's computer monitor.

Important! MRI for a person is completely harmless, but only if there are no contraindications.

What are the contraindications for the procedure

The magnetic field is completely harmless to humans. But it is important to remember that it affects metals that have the ability to magnetize. Therefore, MRI is strictly forbidden for patients with metal implants in the body (meaning pacemakers, endoprostheses, etc.).

Important! If the implants are made of titanium or its alloys, then MRI can be done.

Besides, diagnostic procedure contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnant women (especially in the first trimester);
  • when breastfeeding;

People with kidney failure MRI not recommended

  • suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • if you are allergic to formulations containing gadolinium;
  • having a diagnosis of epilepsy or convulsive syndrome.

Also, the passage of an MRI is contraindicated for people with claustrophobia.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac region is an important and necessary examination. Thanks to high-quality three-dimensional images, it is possible to accurately make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac joints is suitable for early detection of ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. This method diagnostics does not use x-rays, therefore it is absolutely safe for the patient.

When appointed

The doctor prescribes a diagnosis for the following indications:

  • suspicion of the development of ankylosing spondylitis and its particular manifestation - sacroiliitis
  • genetic predisposition to ankylosing spondylitis (its diagnosis in parents or relatives) or isolation of the HLA-B27 gene from a patient
  • diagnosed with osteochondrosis, in which the pain syndrome does not go away for a long time and is not relieved by anti-inflammatory drugs, cervical and lumbar backache
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints of the lower extremities (especially the ankle)
  • chronic back pain leading to decreased performance and difficulty moving
  • decreased flexibility and mobility of the spine
  • lower back and pelvic injuries

Also, an examination can be prescribed to see the dynamics of the already diagnosed Bechterew's disease or other rheumatoid arthritis.

What does an MRI of the sacroiliac joints show?

  • foci of inflammation in the spinal cord, vertebral discs and joints
  • expansion of the joint space
  • bone formation
  • foci of calcium deposition in the articular-ligamentous apparatus
  • joint injury
  • tumor processes

MRI with contrast

In some cases, the most detailed visualization of the problem area is necessary to make a diagnosis. The patient is then asked to use a gadolinium-containing contrast agent. This procedure allows you to better visualize small inflammatory foci in the spine and joints. The contrast agent is injected intravenously, and after the procedure, it is excreted from the body naturally within a few hours.

In rare cases, there may be allergic reactions Therefore, this study is carried out only in the direction of the attending physician or radiologist.

MRI with contrast increases the cost and duration of the procedure by 1.5 - 2 times, without the introduction of contrast lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.

The standard limitation is pregnancy, the presence of metal grafts in the body and other factors. More information about them can be found on the website in the section General contraindications for MRI.

In addition to magnetic resonance imaging at the Ramsey Diagnostic Centers, patients are given the opportunity to do CT / MSCT of the lumbosacral spine.

Advantages over CT

MRI allows diagnosing pathological changes in the joints and spinal cord at the earliest stages of the disease, when the patient does not feel any unpleasant symptoms. Computed tomography allows you to identify obvious degenerative changes in bone and joint tissue, when the treatment becomes almost ineffective. It should not be forgotten that the majority of patients are men of reproductive age and X-ray irradiation of the SIJ region is highly undesirable for their offspring.