Clenbuterol syrup Sopharma cough for children: instructions for use and precautions. Clenbuterol for children: reviews and instructions for use Instructions for use for young children

100 ml and 150 ml of syrup contains 0.1 mg and 0.15 mg of clenbuterol hydrochloride as an active ingredient, respectively.

Excipients: non-crystallizing sorbitol solution, propylene glycol, glycerin, sodium benzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, sodium citrate, ethyl alcohol, Strawberry flavor AN1383, purified water.


Transparent, colorless or yellowish, slightly viscous liquid with a specific strawberry odor.

pharmachologic effect"type="checkbox">

pharmachologic effect

Clenbuterol is a stimulant of (3 2 -adrenergic receptors. It has a bronchodilator and secretolytic effect. Excites p 2 -adrenergic receptors, stimulates adenylate cyclase, increases the content of cAMP in cells, which, by affecting the protein kinase system, deprives myosin of the ability to combine with actin and promotes bronchial relaxation.

Pg-adrenergic stimulants can cause positive chronotropic and inotropic effects(increase in the frequency and strength of heart contractions).

It inhibits the release of mediators from mast cells that contribute to bronchospasm and inflammation of the bronchi. Reduces swelling or congestion in the bronchi, improves mucociliary clearance.

The action begins 10-15 minutes after taking the drug inside and reaches a maximum after 2-3 hours.


After oral administration, it is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Tsch in plasma is about 3 hours. High plasma concentrations are created 15 minutes after a single dose and are observed within 7-24 hours after a single dose. Biotransformirovatsya in the liver with the formation of 8 metabolites.

It is excreted mainly in the urine (about 78% unchanged). A small part is excreted in the bile.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic diseases respiratory tract.

Clenbuterol is not intended to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma.

Clenbuterol in bronchial asthma should be prescribed as an additional drug against the background of anti-inflammatory therapy with corticosteroids or other medicines affecting the inflammatory process.


Acute period of myocardial infarction;

Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease);

Stenosis of the mouth of the aorta;

Tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia;

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy;

Pregnancy (I trimester and immediately before childbirth);


Hypersensitivity to clenbuterol and other components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

You should not prescribe a drug during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, in the prenatal period and during childbirth, because. Clenbuterol, when used in high doses, has a tocolytic effect.

In preclinical studies, clenbuterol has been shown to pass into breast milk. For women while breastfeeding, taking Clenbuterol-Pharma syrup is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration

For children, the drug is prescribed depending on age and body weight:

For adults, the drug is prescribed 15 ml 2 times / day. Maintenance dose 10 ml 2 times / day.

The drug must be taken with meals.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

From the side of cardio-vascular system: tachycardia, extrasystole, arterial hypo- or (more often) hypertension, cardialgia, facial flushing.

From the side of the central nervous system: tremor of the fingers, anxiety, headache, dizziness, general weakness, insomnia, paresthesia.

From the side digestive system: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia. allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema.

Others: increased sweating, hypokalemia, muscle cramps.


Symptoms: arrhythmia, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, cardialgia, tremor, hypokalemia and hyperglycemia may develop.

Treatment: gastric lavage, appointment activated carbon, the use of water-salt solutions, monitoring the level of potassium in the blood serum, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

Beta-blockers are antagonists of Clenbuterol-Pharma syrup and can eliminate the effect of the drug.

When used simultaneously with Clenbuterol-Pharma cardiac glycosides, the syrup increases their toxicity and the risk of developing arrhythmias.

With simultaneous use with MAO inhibitors and theophylline, cardiac arrhythmias may be observed.

Clenbuterol-Pharma, syrup reduces the effect of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs.

1 tablet pharmaceutical product Clenbuterol Sopharma contains ingredients such as:

  • clenbuterol hydrochloride (the main biologically active substance) - 0.2 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate - 70 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) - 48.5 mg;
  • wheat starch - 31.48 mg;
  • povidone K 25 - 6 mg;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide - 2 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 2 mg.

1 ml syrup it contains the following components:

  • clenbuterol hydrochloride - 1 mcg;
  • sorbitol;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and butyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • essence "Raspberry" in liquid form;
  • purified water.

Release form

In pharmacies, the drug can be found in the form of:

  • Clenbutrol tablets 0.2 mg each. Packed in blisters (blister packs made of aluminum foil or PVC) of 10 pieces. A cardboard pack contains, as a rule, 5 records.
  • Transparent and slightly viscous Clenbuterol syrup from colorless to light yellow with a characteristic raspberry scent. This form of the drug is packaged in dark glass (or dark polyethylene terephthalate) bottles of 100 ml each with a measuring cup and a spoon included. The carton contains 1 vial with a pharmaceutical preparation and the above elements.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of the drug Clenbuterol Sopharma is a selective beta2-agonist , that is, the mechanism of action biologically active component includes a stimulating effect on this type of receptors, which are mainly located in bronchial tree . In response, the following is activated second messenger cycle in the following sequence: Adenylate cyclase - cAMP - Protinkinase A. Further, the effects of Clenbuterol extend to myosin , a component of smooth muscle fibers that, by interacting with actin, leads to bronchial relaxation . Thus, the problem of narrowing the lumen of the respiratory tract during attacks is eliminated and the respiratory processes are greatly facilitated.

Clenbuterol has and secretolytic action . In particular, the main component of the pharmaceutical preparation slows down the release of inflammatory mediators and other active biological substances from mast cells, which increase bronchospasm. Due to these therapeutic properties decreases , congestion in the lumen of the bronchial tree is eliminated, improved mucociliary clearance .

Separately, it should be noted the properties of Clenbuterol, which are used in sports pharmacology . The active ingredient of the drug has anabolic properties similar to , but manifests its effects with less force. The pharmaceutical product is active fat burner . The mechanism of this action is a slight increase in the internal temperature of the body, due to which the consumption of calories increases. Among athletes and bodybuilders, there is an opinion that an increase in temperature by 1 degree Celsius accelerates fat by 5 percent.

Due to such therapeutic effects, stiffness muscular frame and strength greatly exceeds initial readings prior to taking a conservative course. The body is attached relief , venosity and desired appearance. Outwardly, such effects are comparable to a long-term low-calorie diet.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used orally , after which it is quite completely and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Clenbuterol begins to act within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, and the maximum therapeutic properties appear after 2-3 hours. Metabolized active ingredients of the pharmaceutical product in the liver, after which 78 percent of the metabolic products output with urine. A small amount is eliminated with bile into the lumen of the digestive tube.

Indications for use

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the medicinal product;
  • acquired or hereditary intolerance biologically active substances Clenbuterol Sopharma;
  • and tachyarrhythmia;
  • idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis aorta;
  • severe forms ischemic heart disease ;
  • acute period .

Conservative treatment with Clenbutrol against the background of the following pathologies should be carried out carefully , which involves therapy in special hospitals under the constant supervision of qualified medical personnel and regular diagnostic tests:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (in particular, severe , cardiomyopathy, heart disease, ischemic disease or a tendency to ).

Side effects

  • From the side of the nervous system - and , anxiety, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness in the form of , intentional fingers.
  • From the side of the cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, extrasystole , cardialgia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - dry mouth, gastralgia , nausea leading to vomiting.
  • Local and generalized - , skin rash, bronchospasm, .
  • From other systems of organs and tissues - muscle cramps, intense hyperemia of the face , increased sweating, hypokalemia and consequently muscle pain.
  • There is a possibility of development rebound syndrome and drug withdrawal resistance.

Of particular note is the development muscle cramps when Clenbutrol tablets are used by athletes and bodybuilders. Such a side effect is caused by the depletion of endogenous reserves, a deficiency of sodium and potassium electrolytes, and a general insufficiency of water-salt metabolism. To relieve muscle spasms, recommended the following dietary changes:

  • eating plenty of fruits (especially bananas, as they contain a lot of potassium);
  • plentiful drink;
  • additional inclusion of taurine in the amount of 3-5 grams per day;
  • potassium supplement tablets daily at bedtime on an empty stomach (at least 200-400 mg).

Clenbuterol tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Syrup prescribed for oral administration. For adults the optimal dosage is 15 ml 2-3 times a day at the beginning of the course conservative treatment. After relief of a serious condition, the amount of the prescribed drug should be reduced to a maintenance dose of 10 ml 2 times a day.

Instructions for use of a pharmaceutical product allows you to use it and in pediatric practice , but with strict adherence to the following dosages:

  • children under 8 months weighing 4-8 kg - 2.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 8 months to 2 years (weighing about 8-12 kg) - 5 ml 2 times a day;
  • age category from 2 to 4 years (12-16 kg) - 7.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • children from 4 to 6 years old and weighing within 16-22 kg - 10 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 years (22-35 kg) - 15 ml 2 times a day;
  • children over 12 years old and weighing more than 35 kg - 15 ml 2-3 times a day.

Tablets , like syrup, is administered orally. Dosage pharmaceutical preparation depends on body weight and body response in the form of side effects or adverse drug effects. The average amount of the drug used for men is about 100-140 micrograms, and for women - 80-100 micrograms per day. Reception should not begin with optimal dosage , and accumulate it gradually to provide the maximum therapeutic effect. That is, a conservative course starts with 1 tablet per day, and then increases by 1 tablet every day.

Duration such therapy averages about 8-10 weeks. However, a special reception scheme drug, since Clenbuterol does not show its anabolic effects after 18 days of continuous use. Therefore, the course consists of 2 weeks of continuous use and 2 weeks of rest alternately, until the pharmaceutical product runs out or the attending physician stops its further use.


Taking dosages exceeding those prescribed is accompanied by:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypokalemia ;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • tremor limbs;
  • pain in the heart.

There is no specific antidote for Clenbuterol, therefore, it is used as a treatment detoxification and symptomatic therapy , that is, gastric lavage, the appointment of oral sorbents (for example,), the use of water-salt solutions to restore the corresponding metabolic disorders, control the level of potassium in the blood serum and correct it properly.


When prescribing Clenbuterol Sopharma, the following clinical drug interactions should be considered:

  • antagonism with opposing beta-blockers ;
  • violation of intracardiac conduction when combined with MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) and Theophylline ;
  • decrease in application efficiency hypoglycemic agents (requires recalculation of dosages at);
  • increase in toxicity cardiac glycosides (significantly increases the risk of developing such pathological condition like an arrhythmia);
  • increased intrinsic toxicity in combination with sympathetic mimetics .

Terms of sale

The drug is dispensed strictly according to the prescription, confirmed by the seal of the attending physician.

Storage conditions

Store the pharmaceutical preparation in a place protected from light, with a moderate humidity regime and at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Also medicinal tablets should be kept out of the reach of young children.

Best before date

special instructions

Adverse effects of conservative pharmaceutical treatment include intentional tremor , dizziness, weakness , therefore, during the passage of a therapeutic course should be abandoned from performing potentially hazardous activities that require maximum concentration of attention and speed of reaction. So, for example, you should not drive a car or other means of transportation on your own.


The drug can be used in pediatric practice only taking into account the above dosages, calculated for certain age categories and body weight of the child.

For weight loss

The drug can be used as a fat burner in sports pharmacology, since the active ingredients increase the core temperature of the body (see explanation of the mechanism of action above).

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Clenbuterol tablets to a certain extent has tocolytic property , because it does not follow prescribe a pharmaceutical preparation during childbearing, in the prenatal and birth periods. The drug is absolutely contraindicated in the 1st trimester.

Clinical researches did not reliably confirm or disprove the fact that the active ingredient is able to pass into breast milk. In the absence of relevant data, it is possible to prescribe a pharmaceutical preparation only if the expected useful therapeutic effect from pills will greatly outweigh the potential risk to the baby.

Clenbuterol- a drug that is used in medicine for the treatment of bronchial asthma. AT last years Clenbuterol has found widespread use in bodybuilding and fitness due to its ability to burn fat, which is why it is often used by athletes for weight loss and drying. Clenbuterol courses often include thyroxine and ketotifen to speed up the weight loss process. Clenbuterol is not related to anabolic steroids and belongs to the group of adrenergic agonists, which exert their physiological effect by stimulating beta-2-adrenergic receptors, as a result of which the sympathetic nervous system is activated and lipolysis is triggered. A prescription is required to purchase the drug.
Effect of Clenbuterol:
- Burning fat and drying muscles
- Strength increase
- Temperature rise
- Decreased appetite
- Mental activation
- Anti-catabolic effect
- Anabolic action (weakly expressed)
Low frequency of side effects, practically complete absence harm to health (practice shows that irreversible side effects are almost completely absent) and a wide range of positive effects make clenbuterol one of the best fat burners in bodybuilding.
Mechanism of action: B2 adrenergic receptors belong to the sympathetic vegetative system and are found in the smooth muscles of the bronchi, in adipose tissue, skeletal muscles, myocardium, and liver. Drug irritation of these receptors, incl. and through Clenbuterol leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, increased heart rate, intensification of metabolic processes in skeletal muscle tissue and the breakdown of adipose tissue. In addition, according to some observations, Clenbuterol enhances the activity of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, which also promotes fat burning.

Indications for use:
A drug Clenbuterol It is intended for the treatment of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Mode of application:
Syrup Clenbuterol take inside.
Children: up to 8 months (from 4 to 8 kg) - 2.5 ml 2 times a day;
from 8 to 24 months (from 8 to 12 kg) - 5 ml 2 times a day;
from 2 to 4 years (from 12 to 16 kg) - 7.5 ml 2 times a day;
from 4 to 6 years (from 16 to 22 kg) - 10 ml 2 times a day;
from 6 to 12 years (from 22 to 35 kg) - 15 ml 2 times a day;
over 12 years - 15 ml 2-3 times a day.
Adults are prescribed 15 ml 2-3 times a day. Maintenance dose - 10 ml 2 times a day.

Side effects:
From the side of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, extrasystole, decrease or (more often) increase in blood pressure, cardialgia.
From the nervous system: tremor of the fingers, anxiety, headache, dizziness, general weakness, insomnia, paresthesia. From the digestive system: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia.
Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema.
Other: redness of the face, increased sweating, hypokalemia, muscle cramps, possible development of resistance and rebound syndrome when the drug is discontinued.

Contraindications to the use of syrup Clenbuterol are: hypersensitivity to clenbuterol or excipients, thyrotoxicosis, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, severe coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction (acute period). With caution: hyperthyroidism, diseases of the cardiovascular system (a tendency to arrhythmias, heart defects, coronary heart disease, severe arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy), diabetes mellitus.

The drug should be avoided Clenbuterol during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, during the prenatal period and during childbirth, because high doses may inhibit uterine contractions. Clenbuterol is probably excreted from breast milk. There is no data on the relationship of the use of the drug during breastfeeding at risk for baby therefore, use in nursing mothers is not recommended. The drug is used only if the expected benefit from the treatment outweighs the potential risk to the child.

Interaction with other drugs:
Clenbuterol shows antagonism with beta-blockers. Reduces the effect of hypoglycemic agents. Increases the risk of developing intracardiac conduction disorders when administered simultaneously with MAO inhibitors and theophylline. Increases the toxicity of cardiac glycosides and the risk of developing arrhythmias. In combination with sympathomimetic agents mutually increase toxicity.
Due to the possibility of tremor, dizziness and weakness, the drug may adversely affect the ability to drive a car and work with machines, so during the period of treatment it is necessary to refrain from potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Syrup overdose Clenbuterol manifested by strengthening adverse reactions: arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, cardialgia, tremor of the extremities. There is a risk of hypokalemia after an overdose, so it is necessary to monitor the serum potassium concentration.
Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, the use of water-salt solutions, symptomatic.

Storage conditions:
Syrup Clenbuterol store in a place dark from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children. List B.

Release form:
Clenbuterol - dark glass bottles, syrup (0.001 mg / ml), dosing spoon.

5 ml syrup Clenbuterol contains:
active substance: clenbuterol hydrochloride - 0.005 mg
excipients: sorbitol, glycerin, 1,2 propylene glycol, sodium citrate, citric acid, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, butylparaben, sodium benzoate, "Forest Raspberry" essence, distilled water.

get beautiful and slim figure It is possible not only due to diets and the implementation of physical complexes.

You can achieve the desired effect with the help of a medication such as Clenbuterol. This drug has significant advantages over other similar drugs.

What is the peculiarity of the drug "Clenbuterol", its advantages

"Clenbuterol" is a medicine designed to treat bronchial asthma and lung diseases.

This drug affects nervous system, because of this human body substances such as norepinephrine and adrenaline begin to be released. Thanks to this, a fat burning effect can be observed.

The use of the drug increases the metabolism in the body by about 20-30%.

Therefore, it was first used in Hollywood to shape the athletic build of stars, then it spread all over the world.

"Clenbuterol" does not apply to anabolic steroids, but is an adrenomimetic.

Another one the peculiarity of "Clenbuterol" is that thanks to it muscles are not destroyed, and this is very important when drying and losing weight.

Also, the drug helps to facilitate the respiratory process and is characterized by fewer negative effects on the cardiovascular system.

Its purchase is possible in pharmacy chains, but only by prescription.

What effect does Clenbuterol have on the body when losing weight

"Clenbuterol" has a complex effect on the body. With the help of it, an increase in body temperature occurs, stimulating the breakdown of fats.

At the same time, the effect of this drug on the hormonal background is observed, contributing to the increased release of certain hormones that accelerate the process of losing excess weight, while the initial results are noticeable after a minimum time.

Since the drug helps to increase metabolism by up to 30%, the process of losing excess weight becomes less difficult for the person himself. After some time, you can observe a decrease in appetite.

The drug also affects the centers responsible for body fat, therefore, even after the drug is discontinued, the body will not leave an unwanted fat reserve.

Athletes often take Clenbuterol, as it does not have devastating effects on muscles. Recently, ordinary people have also joined them, losing weight with this drug is easy, and it does not have an undesirable effect on the body.

"Clenbuterol": instructions for use for weight loss (tablets)

"Clenbuterol" is a very serious medicine, which is why it is necessary to study the instructions for use for weight loss . Tablets and syrup - these are the main forms of release this tool.

Syrup is not suitable for weight loss due to the content of a huge amount of sugar in it, which can lead to problems with the liver and pancreas. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the tablet form.

The selection of the dosage of the drug should occur individually, all information on this subject is in the instructions for use.

Important to remember! The determination of the daily dose depends on the gender of the person who is losing weight. For best effect Men require more medication than women.

In order for weight loss to occur productively, it is necessary to take the drug first at 20 mg, and then increase this dose by the same amount daily, and thus until the sixth day comes.

The last dose consumed per day (120 mg) will help increase metabolism, activate hormonal production so that fat is burned more intensively.

When taking Clenbuterol, the instructions for use for weight loss (pills on sale with it) must be followed by you, otherwise there will be no effect.

When taking Clenbuterol, you should adhere to these rules:

  • On the sixth day of the course of taking the remedy, the daily dosage is 120 mg, which should be kept until the 12th day, after which the procedure for reverse side with a dosage reduction of 40 mcg;
  • "Clenbuterol": instructions for use for weight loss (tablets) recommend taking the medication 2 hours after eating, or 30 minutes before it;
  • Plentiful drinking is required after taking the medication;
  • If the indicator exceeds 50 mcg, it is advisable to take this dose in two approaches - strictly at the same time period;
  • for weight loss and therapeutic effect the product does not tolerate combination with alcohol.
  • In a situation of occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine and introduce its replacement.

When using Clenbuterol for weight loss, the instructions for use warn that the tablets should not be used together with a number of drugs.

Otherwise, you may expect side effects, complications, which include problems not only with the lack of weight loss results, but also with your body.

Among the additional prohibited means when taking Clenbuterol:

Note! The duration of the use of "Clenbuterol" is 2 weeks, after which a break of 14 days is necessary. This is due to the ability of the drug to provoke an addictive effect.

What results to expect after the course of "Clenbuterol"

Clenbuterol works great as a fat burner, but this is provided that the necessary nutrition and training have been observed. Without this, the drug will not help excess fat disappear.

For 2 weeks of using the medication, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, but this figure is conditional. Weight loss is largely dependent on individual characteristics each person.

"Clenbuterol": contraindications and side effects

"Clenbuterol": instructions for the use of diet pills contain a number of side effects and contraindications, due to which the drug is not always possible. All of them are presented in the table below.

Contraindications of the drug "Clenbuterol": instructions for use (tablets) warns

Side effects of Clenbuterol

ThyrotoxicosisTremor and convulsions (in 20% of cases)
Increased heart rateSweating (in 10% of cases)
Idiopathic, hypertrophic, subaortic stenosisInsomnia and anxiety (in 7% of cases)
Myocardial infarction in the acute phaseTachycardia, increased blood pressure (in 6% of cases)
Ischemic disease in severe formDiarrhea (in 5% of cases)
HypersensitivityNausea (in 3% of cases)
The period of gestation (provokes uterine tone)Dry mouth
allergic rashes

With an overdose of "Clenbuterol" (instructions for use also notes this) - diet pills, there will be an increase in side effects.

Opinions of experts about "Clenbuterol"

Experts agree that Clenbuterol really helps only if you have an active life position, a balanced diet and physical activity.

But without consulting a doctor, the use of this medication is not recommended, after all, this is a medicine, and improper use can result in serious consequences or even death.

It is also undesirable to do a sharp withdrawal of the drug, because a "rebound syndrome" may occur.

Where to buy "Clenbuterol" (tablets), price

You can buy "Clenbuterol" in tablets in any pharmacy chains. Prices vary depending on the city where the pharmacies are located: from 330 to 1960 rubles.

In the capital, the highest prices: from 450 to 1960 rubles. In other cities: from 300 to 500 rubles.

Buying Clenbuterol is also possible through online pharmacies, but in this case it is better to purchase it on specialized resources so as not to get a fake. The seller must have all the necessary documents and quality certificates.

Note! The country of manufacture of this medication cannot be the United States, so it is necessary to be wary of drugs with the inscription: "Made in the USA."

"Clenbuterol" is not only a remedy for asthma, but also useful for those who want to lose weight. But it only works if the person who is losing weight is additionally engaged physical activity and eats right.

Like any medicine "Clenbuterol" has negative effects and limitations, so it should be treated with caution.. Otherwise, instead of toned body, you can earn serious complications.

This video will introduce you to the Clenbuterol drug, instructions for using this weight loss product, and tell you a review about these pills.

From this video you will learn how to drink the Clenbuterol course for a beautiful figure.

In the office of a therapist or pediatrician, one often hears such diagnoses as tracheitis, bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis. Similar pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system require not only timely diagnosis but also a complete treatment. One of the drugs that is often used in the treatment of not only adults, but also young children is Clenbuterol.

Since this medication is often prescribed to babies of different age groups, if there are indications for this, it is important to know how to take Clenbuterol correctly, what are the indications and contraindications for using the medicine.

The composition and properties of the drug

Clenbuterol is a drug belonging to the group of bronchodilators. Main active substance the drug contains clenbuterol hydrochloride, which is a typical beta-adrenergic agonist. Compounds belonging to this group are today considered absolutely indispensable in the fight against respiratory diseases of various origins.

The main actions of the drug are the following:

  • under its influence, the production of substances that provoke spasm and inflammatory processes in the bronchopulmonary system;
  • due to the effect, the intensity of edema decreases, and pronounced congestion in the bronchial tree is eliminated;
  • under the influence of the drug, local immunity is activated, which allows the body to quickly cope with infectious processes, to protect itself from negative external influences.

Many pediatricians prefer Clenbuterol due to the fact that this drug is able to relax the muscle tissue of the bronchi by acting on specialized receptors. Thanks to this, it is possible to completely stop coughing or significantly reduce its intensity.

Clenbuterol shows effectiveness after the first ingestion, which indicates the effectiveness of the drug. The release of the drug occurs in two main dosage forms- tablets and syrup.

Tablets and syrup are slightly different in composition, as they include different excipients. It is important to remember that in both forms, the active substance that provides the main properties of the drug is clenbuterol hydrochloride.

Many mothers, faced with the appointment of Clenbuterol, mistakenly believe that this medication is available in the form of a suspension. This is a common mistake, since the suspension is a mixture of small particles, and the syrup is a homogeneous liquid. Clenbuterol is not available in suspension form, so calling it that is a misnomer.

Why do pediatricians often recommend this remedy for the treatment of children? The fact is that the drug has small, in comparison with other alpha-agonists, side effects on the heart, which allows you to safely prescribe it to children, if there are indications for this.

When Can Clenbuterol Be Used?

Clenbuterol - medicinal product, which is used to treat adults and children. It is prescribed if the patient suffers from a persistent or paroxysmal cough that has developed against the background of bronchitis, bronchospasm. It is important to keep in mind that the syrup can be prescribed to children of anyone, even the most young age. With pills, the situation is different! They are prescribed only to those patients who are already at least 6 years old.

It is interesting that for newborn children, the dose of the medicine is always selected individually, at the discretion of the doctor. You can not assign Clenbuterol to infants, focusing solely on the dosage indicated in the instructions.

The indications for which the medication is prescribed include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis of chronic obstructive type;
  • damage to the lungs with emphysematous phenomena;
  • recurrent tracheitis (the severity of the course of the disease is not important, the frequency of relapses is important);
  • other diseases accompanied by obsessive cough and bronchial obstruction syndrome.

Clenbuterol can be prescribed to patients who have impaired air permeability through the structures of the bronchi, which develops respiratory failure and other symptoms that reduce the patient's quality of life. The drug acts on the respiratory system in such a way as to facilitate the passage of air and eliminate at least some of the negative symptoms that cause inconvenience to the patient.

Contraindications and side effects

Clenbuterol, like any beta-agonist, has a number of serious contraindications that must be considered when prescribing this medicine to a patient. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to the main active substance or auxiliary components used in the drug;
  • overproduction thyroid gland own hormones;
  • cardiomyopathy of obstructive hypertrophic type;
  • closed glaucoma;
  • pheochromocytoma.

The drug is prescribed with great care to all patients suffering from any diseases of the cardiovascular system. The risk group includes people with arrhythmias, tachyarrhythmias, heart attacks, etc. As well as any other medicine, Clenbuterol is prescribed with caution for pathologies of the liver and kidneys, with diagnosed diabetes in the stage of decompensation or in the period of its instability.

Clenbuterol can be attributed to drugs that have systemic effects. This is due to the fact that beta-adrenergic receptors, which are affected by the main active substance, are present not only in lung tissues, but also in other organs of the human body.

If Clenbuterol is used off-label or abused, the following side effects may be experienced:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrheal phenomena, development of gastritis;
  • pathological changes in the process of urination;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • attacks of headaches, an acute feeling of anxiety;
  • changes in the normal rhythm of the heart, pain behind the sternum, etc.

Today, Clenbuterol is banned for use in the US and some other countries. This is due to the fact that the drug is poorly excreted from the body, which increases the risk of side effects. On the territory of Russia, the sale and prescription of the drug is not prohibited, it is actively used in medical practice.

Instructions for use - dosages

If Clenbuterol is prescribed to a baby, the decision on dosages and frequency of administration always remains with the pediatrician. Only a doctor can decide what doses and in what quantities are suitable for treating a very young child and will not harm him at the same time.

Children in the age range from 6 to 12 years of age are recommended a daily dose that will not exceed 15 mcg. The daily dose is given to the child in two doses, and not at once!

If we are talking about children over 12 years of age and adults, then for their treatment the daily dose can be increased to 20 mcg. It is also divided into two doses, not giving the entire volume at a time.

If the patient needs maintenance therapy, then a dosage of 10 mcg twice a day is recommended.

Clenbuterol does not apply to drugs with a long course of treatment. This drug is prescribed for a maximum of 3 days in order to save the patient from acute symptoms diseases that cause the greatest inconvenience. Very rarely, the doctor may extend the drug up to 7 days if the patient does not feel better. The decision on the need to prolong the treatment cannot be made independently, this should only be done by a specialist!

Which cough medicines to choose

Clenbuterol syrup analogs

Clenbuterol, if the patient has developed a personal intolerance to him, or he turned out to be ineffective, can be replaced by other drugs that have a similar effect on the patient's body. The most famous of them are Ascoril and Erespal.

Many patients wonder which of the three drugs is better? There is no single answer to this question, even a doctor is unlikely to be able to say what is better to use in a particular case.

Ascoril or Clenbuterol

Ascoril, unlike Clenbuterol, has in its composition salbutamol and bromhexidine as the main active ingredients. It is used for the same indications, but is additionally prescribed, for example, for whooping cough or tuberculosis, for pneumoconiosis.

Contraindications for both drugs are similar. Like Clenbuterol, Ascoril is available in the form of tablets and syrup.

Erespal or Clenbuterol

Erespal is a medicine produced only in the form of a syrup. It contains fenspiride hydrochloride, which is the main active ingredient that provides all the effects of the drug. The list of indications for this medication is wider.

So, for example, it is used in the treatment of otitis and sinusitis, with viral damage to the respiratory tract, with laryngitis and rhinopharyngitis. Among the contraindications, individual intolerance to the drug is especially clearly distinguished.

It is important to remember that the choice of the drug should be made by the doctor, as well as its replacement with the development of intolerance or inefficiency. It is forbidden to independently replace one drug with another without consulting a specialist, since such an act can only harm the patient.

Clenbuterol is a drug that has a pronounced bronchodilator effect, relieving cough symptoms after the first use. This medication naturally has its pros and cons, and therefore it is not recommended to use it as a drug for self-medication. Before using Clenbuterol, you need to consult a doctor!