What are biologically active substances. Chemistry of biologically active compounds

Biologically active substances

Biologically active substances include enzymes, hormones, antibiotics, vitamins.

Enzymes(enzymes) - specific proteins that perform the functions of biological catalysts in the body. About 1000 enzymes are known to catalyze the corresponding number of individual reactions. Enzymes have a high specificity of action, intensity, act in "mild" conditions (temperature 30-35ºС, normal pressure, pH~7). The process of catalysis is strictly limited in space and time. Often, substances formed by the action of one enzyme are the substrate for another enzyme. Enzymes have all levels of protein structure (primary, secondary, tertiary; quaternary - especially for regulatory enzymes). The structural part of the molecule, which is directly involved in the catalysis of Naz. catalytic site. A contact pad is a place on the surface of an enzyme to which a substance attaches. The catalytic center and the contact pad form an active center (there are usually several of them in a molecule). Enzyme groups:

1. Not having non-protein components;

2. Having a protein component - an apoenzyme and requiring certain organic substances - coenzymes for the manifestation of activity.

Sometimes the composition of the enzyme includes various ions, including metal ions. The ionic component is called an ionic cofactor. Inhibitors - substances that inhibit the activity of enzymes, form inert compounds with them. Such substances are sometimes the substrates themselves or the reaction products (depending on the concentration). Isoenzymes are genetically determined forms of an enzyme in the same organism, characterized by similar substrate specificity.

Enzyme classification

Enzymes are classified according to the type of reaction they catalyze. Classes:

1. Oxidoredutases - catalyze oxidation reactions.

2. Transferases - transfer of functional groups.

3. Hydrolases - hydrolytic decomposition.

4. Lyases - non-hydrolytic cleavage of certain groups of atoms with the formation of a double bond.

5. Isomerases - spatial rearrangement within one molecule.

6. Ligases - synthesis reactions associated with the disintegration of bonds full of energy.

Hormones- chemicals with extremely high biological activity are formed by a specific tissue (endocrine glands). Hormones control metabolism, cellular activity, cell membrane permeability, provide homeostasis, and other specific functions. They have a distant effect (carried by blood to all tissues). The formation of hormones is controlled by the feedback principle: not only the regulator affects the process, but also the state of the process affects the intensity of the formation of the regulator.

Classification of hormones

There are several classifications of hormones: related to the origin of the hormone, with its chemical composition etc. By chemical nature, hormones are divided into (chemical classification):

1. Steroid - derivatives of sterols with shortened side chains.

Estrone, estradiol, estriol - ovaries; cause the formation of female secondary sexual characteristics.

Ketones and oxyketones:

Testosterone (XVI) - testicles; causes the formation of male secondary sexual characteristics.

Cortisone, cortisol, corticosterone (XVII), 11-dehydrocorticosterone, 17-oxycorticosterone - adrenal cortex; regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

11-deoxycorticosterone, aldosterone - adrenal cortex; regulate the exchange of electrolytes in water.

2. Peptide.

Cyclic octapeptides.

Oxytocin and vasopressin are hormones of the posterior pituitary gland.


Intermedin, chromatotropin - hormones of the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland; causes expansion of melanophores in skin chromatophores.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone - a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland; stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex.

Insulin is a pancreatic hormone; regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Secretin - a hormone of the mucous glands of the intestine; stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice.

Glucagon is a hormone from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. increases the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Protein substances

Luteotropin - anterior pituitary gland; support function corpus luteum and lactation.

Parathyreocrine - parathyroid gland; maintains the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Somatotropin - anterior pituitary gland; stimulates growth, regulates protein anabolism.

Vagotonin - pancreas; stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.

Centropnein - pancreas; stimulates breathing.


Follicle-stimulating (gonadotropic) hormone - anterior pituitary gland; stimulates the growth of follicles, ovaries and spermatogenesis.

Luteinizing hormone - anterior pituitary gland; stimulates the formation of estrogens and androgens.

Thyrotropin - anterior pituitary gland; stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland.

3. Related to tyrosine.


Adrenaline (XVIII), norepinephrine (mediator of nervous excitation) - hormones of the adrenal medulla; increase blood pressure cause glycogenolysis and hyperglycemia.

iodinated thyronins.

Thyroxine, 3,5,3-triiodothyronine - thyroid hormones; stimulate basal metabolism.

Antibiotics- substances formed by microorganisms or obtained from other sources that have antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor effects. Selected and described by St. 400 antibiotics that belong to different classes of chemical compounds. Among them are peptides, polyene compounds, polycyclic substances.

They are characterized by a selective effect on certain types of microorganisms; characterized by a specific antimicrobial spectrum of action. They suppress some pathogens without damaging plant and animal tissues. Antibiotics act by integrating into the metabolism.

Classification of antibiotics

There are several classifications of antibiotics. Origin:

1. Fungal origin

2. Bacterial origin

3. Animal origin

According to the spectrum of action:

1. With a narrow spectrum of action - acting on gram-positive microbes (various cocci). These are penicillin, streptomycin.

2. With a wide spectrum of action - acting on both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (various rods). These are: tetracyclines, neomycin.

(Gram-positive and gram-negative antibiotics differ in relation to certain dyes. Gram-positive ones form a colored complex with the dye that does not decolorize with alcohol; gram-negative ones do not stain).

3. Acting on fungi - a group of polyene antibiotics. They are: nystatin, candicidin

4. Acting both on microorganisms and tumor cells of animals. These are: actinomycins, mitomycin ...

By type of antimicrobial activity:

1. Bactericidal.

2. Bacteriostatic.

vitamins- a group of additional food substances that are not synthesized in the human body. Vitamins are biological catalysts for chemical reactions or reagents for photochemical processes in the body. Participate in metabolism as part of enzyme systems. They enter human and animal organisms from the external environment. Some derivatives of vitamins with substituted functional groups have the opposite effect compared to vitamins, and are called antivitamins. become vitamins. Provitamins are substances that, after a series of transformations in the body

Vitamin classification

Classification in relation to the human body:

1. Increasing the overall activity of the body - regulate the functional state of the central nervous system(B1, B2, PP, A, C).

2. Antihemorrhagic - providing normal permeability and elasticity of blood vessels (C, P, K).

3. Antianemic - regulate hematopoiesis (B12, Bc, C).

4. Anti-infectious - increasing the body's resistance to infections (C, A).

5. Regulating vision - enhancing visual acuity. (A, B2, C).

Also distinguish:

1. Water-soluble (vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic acid, biotin, mesoinositol, choline, p-aminobenzoic acid, folic acid).

2. Fat-soluble (vitamins A, A2, D2, D3, E, K1, K2).

Vitamin A (retinol) - affects vision, growth (V).

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates (VI).

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins; affects growth, vision, central nervous system (VII).

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - participates in cellular respiration (VIII).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - is involved in the absorption of proteins, fats; nitrogen metabolism (IX).

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - is involved in metabolism, nucleic acid synthesis, hematopoiesis (X).

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - is involved in hematopoiesis (XI).

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - is involved in the absorption of proteins, tissue repair (XII).

Vitamin D (calciferol) - is involved in the metabolism of minerals (XIII).

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - muscles (XIV).

Vitamin K (phylloquinones) - affects blood clotting (XV).

In order for the body of an athlete to maintain working capacity and normal life after intense training and competition, he needs a balanced diet depending on the individual needs of the body, which must correspond to the age of the athlete, his gender and sport. To restore the normal functioning of the body systems, along with food, an athlete must receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as biologically active substances - vitamins and minerals. mineral salts.

As you know, the physiological needs of the body depend on the constantly changing living conditions of the athlete, which does not allow for a qualitatively balanced diet.

However, the human body has regulatory properties and can absorb the necessary nutrients from food in the amount that it needs at the moment. However, these ways of adapting the body have certain limits.

The fact is that the body cannot synthesize some valuable vitamins and essential amino acids in the process of metabolism, and they can only come from food. If the body does not receive them, the nutrition will be unbalanced, as a result of which the working capacity decreases, there is a threat of various diseases.


These substances are simply necessary for weightlifters, as they help build muscle mass. Proteins are formed in the body by absorbing them from food. By nutritional value they cannot be replaced by carbohydrates and fats. Protein sources are animal products and plant origin.

Proteins, which are divided into replaceable (about 80%) and irreplaceable (20%). Non-essential amino acids are synthesized in the body, but the body cannot synthesize essential amino acids, so they must be supplied with food or with the help of sports nutrition.

Protein is the main plastic material. Skeletal muscle contains approximately 20% protein. Protein is part of enzymes that accelerate various reactions and ensure the intensity of metabolism. Protein is also found in hormones that are involved in the regulation of physiological processes. Protein is involved in the contractile activity of muscles.

In addition, protein is an integral part of hemoglobin and provides oxygen transport. Blood protein (fibrinogen) is involved in the process of its coagulation. Complex proteins (nucleoproteins) contribute to the inheritance of the qualities of the body. Protein is also a source of energy needed for exercise: 1 g of protein contains 4.1 kcal.

Muscle tissue is made up of protein, so bodybuilders in order to maximize muscle size introduce a lot of protein into the diet, 2-3 times the recommended amount. It should be noted that the notion that high protein intake increases strength and endurance is erroneous. The only way to increase muscle size without harm to health is regular exercise.

If an athlete uses a large number of protein food, this leads to an increase in body weight. Since regular training increases the body's need for protein, most athletes eat protein-rich foods, taking into account the norm calculated by nutritionists.

Protein-fortified foods include meat, meat products, fish, milk, and eggs.

Meat is a source of complete proteins, fats, vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine). Also included in meat products contains nitrogenous substances that stimulate excretion gastric juice, and nitrogen-free extractives extracted during cooking.

Kidneys, liver, brains, lungs also contain protein and have a high biological value. In addition to protein, the liver contains a lot of vitamin A and fat-soluble compounds of iron, copper and phosphorus. It is especially useful for athletes who have undergone a severe injury or surgery.

A valuable source of protein is marine and River fish. By the presence of nutrients, it is not inferior to meat. Compared to meat, the chemical composition of fish is somewhat more diverse. It contains up to 20% proteins, 20-30% fats, 1.2% mineral salts (salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron). Sea fish contains a lot of fluorine and iodine.

In the nutrition of athletes, the advantage is given to chicken and quail eggs. The use of waterfowl eggs is undesirable, as they may be contaminated with intestinal pathogens.

In addition to animal proteins, there are plant proteins found mainly in nuts and legumes, as well as in soy.


Legumes are a nutritious and satisfying source of defatted protein, contain insoluble fiber, complex carbohydrates, iron, vitamins C and B group. Legumes are the best substitute for animal protein, lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar.

Their inclusion in the diet of athletes is necessary not only because legumes contain a large amount of protein. Such food allows you to control body weight. Legumes are best not consumed during the competition period, as they are rather difficult to digest food.

Soya contains high quality protein, soluble fiber, protease inhibitors. Soy products are good substitutes for meat, milk, and are indispensable in the diet of weightlifters and bodybuilders.

nuts, in addition to vegetable protein, contain B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, selenium. Various types of nuts are included in the diet of athletes as a nutritious product, a small amount of which can replace a large amount of food. Nuts enrich the body with vitamins, proteins and fats, reduce the risk of cancer, and prevent many heart diseases.

Fats (lipids)

Fats play an important role in regulating metabolism and contribute to the normal functioning of the body. Lack of fat in the diet leads to skin diseases, beriberi and other diseases. Excess fat in the body leads to obesity and some other diseases, which is not acceptable for people involved in sports.

When fats enter the intestines, the process of splitting them into glycerol and fatty acids begins. Then these substances penetrate the intestinal wall and are again converted into fats, which are absorbed into the blood. It transports fats to the tissues, and there they are used as an energy and building material.

Lipids are part of cell structures, so they are necessary for the formation of new cells. Excess fat is stored as adipose tissue stores. It should be noted that the normal amount of fat in an athlete is on average 10-12% of body weight. In the process of oxidation, 9.3 kcal of energy is released from 1 g of fat.

The most useful are milk fats, which are found in butter and ghee, milk, cream and sour cream. They contain a lot of vitamin A and other substances useful for the body: choline, tocopherol, phosphatides.

Vegetable fats (sunflower, corn, cotton and olive oil) are a source of vitamins and contribute to the normal development and growth of a young organism.

Vegetable oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Vegetable oil intended for heat treatment must be refined. If vegetable oil is used in fresh as a dressing for food and dishes, it is better to use unrefined, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Fats are rich in phosphorus-containing substances and vitamins and are a valuable source of energy.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids help to increase immunity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and activate metabolism.

A recent TV show reported that Russians are one of the last places in terms of knowledge about the composition of food products. It turns out that only 5% of Russian buyers are interested in the chemical composition of products, which is indicated on the label. Moreover, they are interested in the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but I have not heard of any (omega) fatty acids


In dietology, carbohydrates are divided into simple (sugar) and complex, more important from the point of view of rational nutrition. Simple carbohydrates are called monosaccharides (these are fructose and glucose). Monosaccharides dissolve quickly in water, which facilitates their entry from the intestines into the blood.

Complex carbohydrates are built from several monosaccharide molecules and are called polysaccharides. Polysaccharides include all types of sugars: milk, beet, malt and others, as well as fiber, starch and glycogen.

Glycogen is an essential element for the development of endurance in athletes; it belongs to polysaccharides and is produced in the body by animals. It is stored in the liver and muscle tissue, glycogen is almost not contained in meat, since after the death of living organisms it breaks down.

The body metabolizes carbohydrates in sufficient a short time. Glucose, getting into the blood, immediately becomes a source of energy, perceived by all tissues of the body. Glucose is essential for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Some carbohydrates are found in the body in the form of glycogen, which in large quantities is able to turn into fat. To avoid this, you should calculate the caloric content of food consumed and maintain a balance of consumed and received calories.

Carbohydrates are rich in rye and wheat bread, crackers, cereals (wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina, oatmeal, barley, corn, rice), bran and honey.

Corn grits- a valuable source of complex carbohydrates, fiber and thiamine. This is a high-calorie, but not fatty product. Athletes should use it for prevention coronary disease heart disease, certain types of cancer, and obesity.

The high-quality carbohydrates found in grains are the best replacement for the carbohydrates found in pasta and baked goods. It is recommended to introduce unground grain of some types of cereals into the diet of athletes.

  • Barley is widely used for making sauces, seasonings, first courses;
  • Millet is served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. The grains of the plant are rich in phosphorus and B vitamins;
  • Wild rice contains high quality carbohydrates, significant amounts of protein and B vitamins;
  • Quinoa is a South American cereal used in puddings, soups and main courses. Contains not only carbohydrates, but also a large amount of calcium, protein and iron;
  • Wheat is often used in sports nutrition as a substitute for rice.

Unground or coarse grains are healthier than ground grains or processed into flakes. Grain that has not undergone special technological processing is rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements. Dark grains (such as brown rice) do not cause osteoporosis, but processed grains such as semolina or white rice do.

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These substances are part of the tissues and participate in their normal functioning, maintain the necessary osmotic pressure in biological fluids and the constancy of the acid-base balance in the body. Consider the main minerals.

Potassium is part of the cells, and sodium is contained in the interstitial fluid. For the normal functioning of the body, a strictly defined ratio of sodium and potassium is necessary. It provides normal excitability of muscle and nervous tissues. Sodium is involved in maintaining a constant osmotic pressure, and potassium affects the contractile function of the heart.

Both excess and lack of potassium in the body can lead to disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Potassium is present in varying concentrations in all body fluids and helps maintain the water-salt balance. Rich natural sources of potassium are bananas, apricots, avocados, potatoes, dairy products, citrus fruits.

Calcium included in bones. Its ions are involved in the normal activity of skeletal muscles and the brain. The presence of calcium in the body promotes blood clotting. Excessive amounts of calcium increase the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, and in very high concentrations can cause cardiac arrest. Dairy products are the best source of calcium; broccoli and salmon fish are also rich in calcium.

Phosphorus is part of the cells and intercellular tissues. It is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Phosphorus salts play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood, strengthening muscles, bones and teeth. Phosphorus is rich in legumes, almonds, poultry, and especially fish.

Chlorine is part of the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice and is in the body in combination with sodium. Chlorine is essential for the life of all cells in the body.

Iron is an integral part of some enzymes and hemoglobin. It participates in the distribution of oxygen and promotes oxidative processes. A sufficient amount of iron in the body prevents the development of anemia and a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in the performance of the brain. Natural sources of iron are green apples, fatty fish, apricots, peas, lentils, figs, seafood, meat, and poultry.

Bromine found in the blood and other body fluids. It enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex and thus contributes to the normal relationship between inhibitory and excitatory processes.

Iodine part of the hormones produced thyroid gland. Lack of iodine can cause disruption of many bodily functions. The source of iodine is iodized salt, sea fish, algae and other seafood.

Sulfur included in proteins. It is found in hormones, enzymes, vitamins and other compounds that are involved in metabolic processes. Sulfuric acid neutralizes harmful substances in the liver. Sufficient presence of sulfur in the body lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of tumor cells. Onion crops, green tea, pomegranates, apples, various types of berries are rich in sulfur.

Zinc, magnesium, aluminum, cobalt and manganese are important for the normal functioning of the body. They are part of the cells in small quantities, so they are called trace elements.

Magnesium- a metal involved in biochemical reactions. It is essential for muscle contraction and enzyme activity. This trace element strengthens bone tissue, regulates heartbeat. Sources of magnesium are avocados, brown rice, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and amaranth.

Manganese- a trace element necessary for the formation of bone and connective tissues, the work of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Manganese is rich in pineapples, blackberries, raspberries.


Vitamins are biologically active organic substances that play an important role in metabolism. Some vitamins are contained in the composition of enzymes that ensure the flow of biological reactions, others are in close connection with the endocrine glands.

Vitamins support the immune system and ensure high performance of the body. The lack of vitamins causes disturbances in the normal functioning of the body, which are called beriberi. The body's need for vitamins increases significantly with increasing atmospheric pressure and temperature. environment, as well as during physical exertion and some diseases.

Currently, about 30 varieties of vitamins are known. Vitamins fall into two categories: fat-soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, K. They are found in body fat and do not always require regular intake from outside; in case of deficiency, the body takes them from its own resources. Too much of these vitamins can be toxic to the body.

Water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid. Due to the low solubility in fats, these vitamins hardly penetrate into adipose tissues and do not accumulate in the body, except for vitamin B12, which accumulates in the liver. Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, so they have low toxicity and can be taken in fairly large amounts. An overdose sometimes leads to allergic reactions.

For athletes, vitamins are especially important for a variety of reasons.

  • Firstly, vitamins are directly involved in the development, work and growth of muscle tissue, protein synthesis and cell integrity.
  • Secondly, during active physical activity, many useful material are spent in large quantities, so there is an increased need for vitamins during training and competition.
  • Thirdly, special vitamin supplements and natural vitamins enhance growth and increase muscle performance.

The most important vitamins for sports

Vitamin E(tocopherol). Contributes to the normal reproductive activity of the body. A lack of vitamin E can lead to irreversible changes in the muscles, which is unacceptable for athletes. This vitamin is an antioxidant that protects damaged cell membranes and reduces the amount of free radicals in the body, the accumulation of which leads to changes in cell composition.

Vitamin E is rich in vegetable oils, germs of cereal plants (rye, wheat), green vegetables. It should be noted that vitamin E increases the absorption and stability of vitamin A. The toxicity of vitamin E is quite low, but overdose may cause side effectsskin diseases, adverse changes in the sexual sphere. Vitamin E should be taken with a small amount of fat-containing food.

Vitamin H(biotin). Participates in the reproductive processes of the body and affects fat metabolism and the normal functioning of the skin. Biotin takes an important part in the synthesis of amino acids. You should know that biotin is neutralized by avidin contained in raw egg white. With excessive consumption of raw or undercooked eggs, athletes may experience problems with the growth of bone and muscle tissue. The source of biotin is yeast, egg yolk, liver, grains and legumes.

Vitamin C(vitamin C). Contained in enzymes, catalysts. Participates in redox reactions, metabolic processes of carbohydrates and proteins. With a lack of vitamin C in food, a person can get sick with scurvy. It should be noted that in most cases this disease leads athletes to unsuitability. His characteristic symptoms- fatigue, bleeding and loosening of the gums, tooth loss, hemorrhages in the muscles, joints and skin.

Vitamin C boosts immunity. It is an excellent antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals, accelerates the process of cell regeneration. In addition, ascorbic acid takes part in the formation of collagen, which is the main material of connective tissues, therefore, a sufficient content of this vitamin in the body reduces injuries during increased power loads.

Vitamin C promotes better absorption of iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, and also participates in the process of testosterone synthesis. Vitamin C has the highest solubility in water, therefore it is quickly distributed through the fluids in the body, as a result of which its concentration decreases. The greater the body weight, the lower the vitamin content in the body at the same intake rate.

In athletes who build up or participate in strength sports, the need for ascorbic acid is increased and increases with intense training. The body is not able to synthesize this vitamin and gets it from plant foods.

Daily intake of ascorbic acid is necessary to maintain the natural balance of substances in the body, while in stressful situations, the rate of vitamin C increases by 2, and during pregnancy - by 3 times.

Ascorbic acid is rich in blackcurrant and rosehip berries, citrus fruits, bell pepper, broccoli, melons, tomatoes and many other vegetables and fruits.

An overdose of vitamin C can lead to allergic reactions, itching and skin irritation, and large doses can stimulate the development of tumors.

Vitamin A. It ensures the normal state of the epithelial integument of the body and is necessary for the growth and reproduction of cells. This vitamin is synthesized from carotene. With a lack of vitamin A in the body, immunity decreases sharply, mucous membranes and skin become dry. Vitamin A has great importance for vision and normal sexual function.

In the absence of this vitamin, sexual development is delayed in girls, and seed production in men stops. For athletes, it is of particular importance that vitamin A is actively involved in protein synthesis, which is fundamental for muscle growth. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the accumulation of glycogen in the body - the main energy store.

For athletes, a fairly small amount of vitamin A is usually included. However, high physical activity does not contribute to the accumulation of vitamin A. Therefore, before important competitions, you should consume more foods containing this vitamin.

Its main source is vegetables and some fruits dyed red and orange: carrots, apricots, pumpkins, as well as sweet potatoes, dairy products, liver, fish fat, egg yolks.

Great care should be taken when increasing doses of vitamin A, since their excess is dangerous and leads to serious illnesses - jaundice, general weakness, skin flaking. This vitamin is soluble in fats and therefore absorbed by the body only with the intake. fatty foods. When eating raw carrots, it is recommended to fill it with vegetable oil.

B vitamins. These include vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6, B12, V3 (nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid and others.

Vitamin B1(thiamine) is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nervous tissue is most sensitive to thiamine deficiency. With its shortage in it, metabolic processes are sharply disturbed. In the absence of thiamine in the diet, severe beriberi disease can develop. It manifests itself in metabolic disorders and disruption of the normal
the functioning of the body.

Lack of vitamin B1 causes weakness, indigestion and disorders of the nervous system and cardiac activity. Thiamine is involved in the process of protein synthesis and cell growth. Effective in building muscle.

Vitamin B1 is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, which is important for enriching muscles with oxygen during active training. In addition, this vitamin generally improves performance, regulates energy costs. The more intense the training, the more thiamine is required.

Thiamine is not synthesized in the body, but comes from plant foods. They are especially rich in yeast and bran, organ meats, legumes and cereals.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin). It is found in all cells of the body and is a catalyst for redox reactions. With a lack of riboflavin, a decrease in temperature, weakness, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and damage to the mucous membranes are observed. Riboflavin is involved in critical processes energy release: glucose metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, hydrogen uptake, protein metabolism.

Between body weight without fat and the amount of riboflavin in food there is a direct relationship. For women, the need for vitamin B2 is higher than for men. This vitamin increases the excitability of muscle tissue. Natural sources of riboflavin are liver, yeast, grains, meat and dairy products.

A deficiency of pantothenic acid can cause liver dysfunction, and an insufficient amount of folic acid can cause anemia.

Vitamin B3(a nicotinic acid). It plays an important role in the synthesis of fats and proteins and affects the growth of the body, the condition of the skin and the functioning of the nervous system. Contained in enzymes that catalyze redox processes in tissues. Providing the body with sufficient amounts of this vitamin improves muscle nutrition during training.

Nicotinic acid causes vasoconstriction, which helps bodybuilders look more muscular in competition, but be aware that large doses of this acid reduce performance and slow down fat burning.

Vitamin VZ enters the body with food. It is especially required by the body in diseases of the liver, heart, mild forms of diabetes and peptic ulcer. Vitamin deficiency can lead to pellagra disease, which is characterized by damage to the skin and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

A large number of nicotinic acid contain yeast and bran, tuna meat, liver, milk, eggs, mushrooms.

Vitamin B4(choline). It is part of lecithin, which is involved in the construction of cell membranes and the formation of blood plasma. Has a lipotropic effect. Sources of vitamin B4 are meat, fish, soy, egg yolks.

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine). Contained in enzymes involved in the breakdown of amino acids. This vitamin is involved in protein metabolism and affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Pyridoxine is necessary for athletes in high doses, as it promotes the growth of muscle tissue and increases efficiency. The source of vitamin B6 is young poultry meat, fish, organ meats, pork, eggs, uncrushed rice.

Vitamin B9(folic acid). Stimulates and regulates the process of hematopoiesis, prevents anemia. Participates in the synthesis of the genetic composition of cells, the synthesis of amino acids, hematopoiesis. Vitamin should be present in the diet during pregnancy and intense physical activity. Natural sources of folic acid are leafy vegetables(lettuce, spinach, Chinese cabbage), fruits, legumes.

Vitamin B12. Increases appetite and eliminates gastrointestinal disorders. With its deficiency, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. Vitamin B12 is involved in metabolism, hematopoiesis and normal functioning of the nervous system. It is not synthesized, it enters the body with food.

Vitamin B12 is rich in liver and kidneys. It is found only in food of animal origin, so athletes on a fat-free or vegetarian diet should consult a doctor about the inclusion of this vitamin in the diet in the form of various preparations. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to pernicious anemia, accompanied by impaired hematopoiesis.

Vitamin B13(orotic acid). It has increased anabolic properties, stimulates protein metabolism. Takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Included in multivitamin preparations, yeast is a natural source.

Vitamin D It is very important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body. This vitamin contains a large amount of fat, so many athletes avoid its use, which leads to bone disorders. Vitamin D is rich in dairy products, butter, eggs, it is formed in skin when irradiated sunlight. This substance stimulates the growth of the body, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

A lack of vitamin D leads to dysfunction of the locomotor apparatus, deformation of the bones and the functioning of the respiratory system. Regular inclusion in the diet of products and preparations containing this vitamin contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after multi-day competitions and increased physical activity, better healing of injuries, increased endurance, as well as the well-being of athletes. With an overdose of vitamin D, a toxic reaction occurs, and the likelihood of developing tumors also increases.

Fruits and vegetables do not contain this vitamin, but they do contain provitamin D sterols, which are converted to vitamin D by sunlight.

Vitamin K. Regulates blood clotting. It is recommended to take it under heavy loads, dangers of microtrauma. Reduces blood loss during menstruation, hemorrhage, trauma. Vitamin K is synthesized in tissues and in excess can cause blood clots. The source of this vitamin is green crops.

Vitamin B15. Stimulates oxidative processes in cells.

Vitamin P. With its lack, the strength of capillaries is impaired, their permeability increases. This leads to increased bleeding.

Pantothenic acid. It contributes to the normal course of many chemical reactions in the body. With its deficiency, weight decreases, anemia develops, the functions of some glands are disturbed, and growth retardation occurs.

Since the needs of athletes for vitamins are very different, and in their natural form, their consumption is not always possible, good way out is the use of drugs, which in a dosage form includes a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Destruction of biologically active substances

All biologically active substances are capable of being destroyed. Destruction contributes not only natural processes but also improper use, storage and use of products containing biologically active substances.

Science is engaged in accumulation of knowledge, analysis of phenomena and facts. If in the period of its inception science was one, indivisible, and this beautiful, organically characteristic feature of it was especially clearly manifested in the encyclopedic works of the great thinkers of antiquity, then later it was time differentiation of science.

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This inevitable fragmentation of science, reflecting the objective processes in the development of the world, continues today - appeared cybernetics, nuclear physics, polymer chemistry, oceanology, ecology, oncology and dozens of other sciences.

The spirit of the times has become narrow specialization of scientists, whole teams. Of course, this by no means excludes the formation and education of well-educated scientists with brilliant erudition, and world science knows many examples of this.

And yet, the question is natural - is not the possibility of comprehending a holistic picture of the surrounding world lost in this case, is the statement of problems sometimes smaller, is the search for ways to solve them artificially limited? Especially for those who are just starting their way to knowledge...

A reflection of this contradiction and a direct consequence of the action of the laws of dialectics was counter movement of sciences on the way to mutual enrichment, interaction and integration.

Appeared mathematical linguistics, chemical physics, biological chemistry...

What will be the concrete and final result of this continuous search, the constant change of goals and objects of research, is still difficult to predict, but one thing is obvious - in the end, a person will achieve progress in those areas of knowledge that just recently seemed shrouded in a veil of deep mystery ...

One of the clearest examples is the area of ​​science that lies on the border between biology and chemistry.

What unites these scientific disciplines, what is the meaning of their interaction?

After all, biology has been and, perhaps, for a long time will be one of the most mysterious areas of knowledge, and there are many blank spots in it.

Chemistry, on the contrary, belongs to the category of the most established, exact sciences, in which the main laws have been clarified and tested by time.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that chemistry and biology have been moving towards each other for a long time.

When this began, it is hardly possible to establish now... Attempts to explain the phenomena of life from the standpoint of the exact sciences, we find even among the thinkers of ancient Greek and Roman civilization, such ideas were more clearly formulated in the works of prominent representatives of scientific thought of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

By the end of the 18th century, it was reliably established that the manifestation of life is based on chemical transformations of substances, sometimes simple, and often surprisingly complex. And it is from this period that the true chronicle of the union of the two sciences begins, a chronicle rich in the brightest facts and epoch-making discoveries, the fireworks of which do not stop today...

In the early stages, it was dominated by vitalistic views who claimed that chemical compounds isolated from living organisms, cannot be obtained artificially, without the participation of magical life force≫.

A crushing blow to the supporters of vitalism was inflicted by the works of F. Wöhler, who received a typical substance of animal origin - urea from ammonium cyanate. Subsequent research positions of vitalism were finally undermined.

In the middle of the XIX century. organic chemistry is already defined as the chemistry of carbon compounds in general - whether substances of natural origin or synthetic polymers, dyes or medications.

One by one, organic chemistry overcame the barriers that stood in the way of the knowledge of living matter.

In 1842, N. N. Zinin carried out synthesis aniline, in 1854 M. Berthelot received synthesis a number of complex organic substances, including fats.

In 1861, A. M. Butlerov was the first to synthesize a sugary substance - methylenenitane, by the end of the century, syntheses were successfully carried out a number of amino acids and fats , and the beginning of our century was marked by the first syntheses protein-like polypeptides.

This direction, which developed rapidly and fruitfully, took shape by the beginning of the 20th century. into an independent chemistry of natural compounds.

Among her brilliant victories can be attributed the deciphering of the structure and synthesis of biologically important alkaloids, terpenoids, vitamins and steroids, and the peaks of her achievements in the middle of our century should be considered the complete chemical synthesis of quinine, strychnine, reserpine, penicillin and prostaglandins.

Dozens of sciences deal with biological problems today, in which the ideas and methods of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and other fields of knowledge are closely intertwined.

The arsenal of means used by biology is huge. This is one of the sources of its rapid progress, the basis of the reliability of its conclusions and judgments.

The paths of biology and chemistry in the knowledge of the mechanisms of life lie side by side, and this is natural, because a living cell is a real kingdom of large and small molecules, continuously interacting, arising and disappearing ...

Here he finds a sphere of application and one of the new sciences- bioorganic chemistry.

Bioorganic chemistry is a science that studies the relationship between the structure of organic substances and their biological functions.

The objects of study are, such as: biopolymers, vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, pheromones, signaling substances, biologically active substances of plant origin, as well as synthetic regulators of biological processes (drugs, pesticides, etc.), bioregulators and individual metabolites.

Being a section (part) of organic chemistry, this science also studies carbon compounds.

Currently, there are 16 million organic substances.

Reasons for the diversity of organic substances:

1) Compounds of carbon atoms (C) can interact with each other and other elements of the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev. In this case, chains and cycles are formed.

2) A carbon atom can be in three different hybrid states. Tetrahedral configuration of the C atom → planar configuration of the C atom.

3) Homology is the existence of substances with similar properties, where each member of the homologous series differs from the previous one by a group - CH 2 -.

4) Isomerism is the existence of substances that have the same qualitative and quantitative composition, but a different structure.

A) M. Butlerov (1861) created a theory of the structure of organic compounds, which to this day serves as the scientific basis of organic chemistry.

B) The main provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds:

1) atoms in molecules are connected to each other by chemical bonds in accordance with their valency;

2) atoms in the molecules of organic compounds are interconnected in a certain sequence, which determines the chemical structure of the molecule;

3) the properties of organic compounds depend not only on the number and nature of their constituent atoms, but also on the chemical structure of the molecules;

4) in molecules there is a mutual influence of both connected and unrelated atoms directly with each other;

5) the chemical structure of a substance can be determined as a result of studying its chemical transformations and, conversely, its properties can be characterized by the structure of a substance.

So, the objects of study of bioorganic chemistry are:

1) biologically important natural and synthetic compounds: proteins and peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids,

2) biopolymers mixed type- glycoproteins, nucleoproteins, lipoproteins, glycolipids, etc.; alkaloids, terpenoids, vitamins, antibiotics, hormones, prostaglandins, growth substances, pheromones, toxins,

3) as well as synthetic drugs, pesticides, etc.

Biopolymers are high-molecular natural compounds that are the basis of all organisms. These are proteins, peptides, polysaccharides, nucleic acids (NA), lipids.

Bioregulators are compounds that chemically regulate metabolism. These are vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, alkaloids, drugs, etc.

Knowledge of the structure and properties of biopolymers and bioregulators makes it possible to understand the essence of biological processes. Thus, the establishment of the structure of proteins and NA made it possible to develop ideas about the matrix protein biosynthesis and the role of NA in the preservation and transmission of genetic information.

The main task of bioorganic chemistry is to elucidate the relationship between the structure and mechanism of action of compounds.

So, from what has been said, it is clear that bioorganic chemistry is a scientific direction that has developed at the junction of a number of branches of chemistry and biology.

At present, it has become a fundamental science. In essence, it is the chemical foundation of modern biology.

By developing the fundamental problems of the chemistry of the living world, bioorganic chemistry contributes to solving the problems of obtaining practically important drugs for medicine, agriculture, a number of industries.

Main goals:

- isolation in the individual state of the studied compounds by crystallization, distillation, various kinds chromatography, electrophoresis, ultrafiltration, ultracentrifugation, countercurrent distribution, etc. P.;

- establishing a structure, including the spatial structure, based on the approaches of organic and physical-organic chemistry with the use of mass spectrometry, various types of optical spectroscopy (IR, UV, laser, etc.), X-ray diffraction analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, optical rotation dispersion and circular dichroism, methods of fast kinetics, etc., combined with computer calculations;

- chemical synthesis and chemical modification studied compounds, including complete synthesis, synthesis of analogues and derivatives, in order to confirm the structure, clarify the relationship between the structure and biological function, and obtain practically valuable drugs;

- biological testing obtained compounds in vitro and in vivo.

Solution of the main problems of B. x. important for the further progress of biology. Without clarifying the structure and properties of the most important biopolymers and bioregulators, it is impossible to know the essence of life processes, and even more so to find ways to control such complex phenomena as:

Reproduction and transmission of hereditary traits,

Normal and malignant cell growth, -

Immunity, memory, nerve impulse transmission and much more.

At the same time, the study of highly specialized biologically active substances and the processes occurring with their participation can open up fundamentally new opportunities for the development of chemistry, chemical technology and technology.

The problems, the solution of which is associated with research in the field of B. x., include:

Creation of strictly specific highly active catalysts (based on the study of the structure and mechanism of action of enzymes),

Direct conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy (based on the study of muscle contraction),

The use in technology of the chemical principles of storage and transmission of information carried out in biological systems, the principles of self-regulation of multicomponent cell systems, primarily the selective permeability of biological membranes, and much more.

The listed problems lie far beyond actually B. x.; however, it creates the basic prerequisites for the development of these problems, providing the main strongholds for development biochemical research related to the field of molecular biology. The breadth and importance of the problems being solved, the variety of methods, and the close relationship with other scientific disciplines ensured the rapid development of B. x.

Bioorganic chemistry formed into an independent field in the 1950s. 20th century

In the same period, this direction began to take its first steps in the Soviet Union.

The credit for this belonged to Academician Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin.

Then he was strongly supported by the leaders of the Academy of Sciences A.N. Nesmeyanov and N.N. Semenov, and already in 1959, the Basic Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he headed from the moment of its creation (1959) until 1970. From 1970 to 1988, after the death of Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin, the institute was headed by his student and follower Academician Yu. A. Ovchinnikov. “Developing in the bowels of organic chemistry from the very beginning of its inception as a science, it not only fed and is fed by all the ideas of organic chemistry, but itself continuously enriches the latter with new ideas, new factual material of fundamental importance, new methods,” said the academician, a prominent scientist in field of organic chemistry Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin (1908-1970)"

In 1963, the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry of Physiologically Active Compounds of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was organized. M. M. Shemyakin’s associates in this activity, and sometimes in the struggle, were academicians A. N. Belozersky and V. A. Engelgardt; Already in 1965, Academician A.N. Belozersky founded the Interdepartmental Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry of Moscow State University, which now bears his name.

Research methods: the main arsenal is methods of organic chemistry, however, various physical, physicochemical, mathematical and biological methods are also involved in solving structural and functional problems.

Amino acids ( aminocarboxylic acids) - are bifunctional compounds that contain two reactive groups in the molecule: carbonyl (–COOH), amino group (–NH 2), α-carbon atom (in the center) and a radical (different for all α-amino acids).

Amino acids can be considered as derivatives of carboxylic acids in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by amine groups.

Amino acids (except glycine) exist in two stereoisomeric forms - L and D, which rotate the plane of polarization of light to the left and right, respectively.

All living organisms synthesize and assimilate only L-amino acids, and D-amino acids are either indifferent or harmful to them. In natural proteins, predominantly α-amino acids are found, in the molecule of which the amino group is attached to the first atom (α-atom) of carbon; in β-amino acids, the amino group is located at the second carbon atom.

Amino acids are the monomers from which polymer molecules are built - proteins, or proteins.

As noted earlier, almost all natural α-amino acids are optically active (with the exception of glycine) and belong to the L-series. This means that in projection Fisher, if below place the substituent, and the carboxyl group at the top, then the amino group will be on the left.

This, of course, does not mean that all natural amino acids rotate the plane of polarized light in the same direction, since the direction of rotation is determined by the properties of the entire molecule, and not by the configuration of its asymmetric carbon atom. Most natural amino acids have an S-configuration (in the case when it contains one asymmetric carbon atom).

Some microorganisms synthesize D-series amino acids. Such amino acids are called "unnatural".

The configuration of proteinogenic amino acids is correlated with D-glucose; such an approach was proposed by E. Fischer in 1891. In Fischer's spatial formulas, the substituents at the chiral C-2 atom occupy a position that corresponds to their absolute configuration (this was proved 60 years later).

The figure shows the spatial formulas of D- and L-alanine.

All amino acids, with the exception of glycine, are optically active due to their chiral structure.

The enantiomeric forms, or optical antipodes, have different refractive indices (circular birefringence) and different molar extinction coefficients (circular dichroism) for the left and right circularly polarized components of linearly polarized light. They rotate the plane of oscillation of linear polarized light at equal angles but in opposite directions. The rotation occurs in such a way that both light components pass through the optically active medium at different speeds and are shifted in phase.

By rotation angle a, determined on a polarimeter, you can determine the specific rotation [a]D.

Isomerism of amino acids

1) Isomerism of the carbon skeleton

All biologically active substances or individual elements that cause poisoning of animals or the normal functioning of individual body systems, depending on their intended purpose, are divided into a number of groups.

Pesticides(pestis - harmful, caedere - to kill). Pesticides are means of controlling pests of plants and animals. For veterinary toxicology, they are of greater importance than the toxic substances of all other groups. It is among the pesticides that the greatest number of chemical compounds with high biological activity. However, the conduct of modern highly productive agriculture is impossible without their use. Therefore, there is an increase in both the range and the volume of pesticide use. Pesticides have not only toxicological, but also veterinary and sanitary significance, since some of them pollute environmental objects and accumulate in animal tissues, are excreted with milk and eggs, which leads to contamination with food residues of animal origin.

Mycotoxins. Mycotoxins include toxic substances (metabolites) formed by microscopic fungi (mold). Among them there are compounds with exceptionally high biological activity, acting extrogenously, carcinogenicly, embryotoxically, gonadotoxically and teratogenically. Thus, the LDQ of one of the metabolites of the Fusarium genus, T-2-toxin, for white mice is 3.8 mg/kg, aflatoxin B has approximately the same toxicity. animals with such high toxicity. LDzo of carbofuran (furadan), one of the most toxic pesticides used to treat beet seeds and not approved for use on animals, is 15 mg/kg, i.e. it is 4 times less toxic than T-2 toxins.

In many countries of the world, extensive research is being carried out to isolate mycotoxins, study their chemical structure, determine biological activity, and develop methods for determining factors influencing the process of toxin formation in animal feed and tissues.

Toxic metals and their compounds. Of the metal compounds, mercury-, lead-, cadmium-containing substances and, to a lesser extent, chromium-, molybdenum-, zinc-containing compounds have the greatest sanitary and toxicological significance.

Until recently, poisoning of agricultural and wild animals with mercury compounds, which were used for dressing seeds, was often noted. In our country, for these purposes, mainly ethyl mercuric chloride (C 2 H 5 HgCl) was used, which belongs to the group of potent toxic substances (SDN) and is the active ingredient of the granosan disinfectant. Since 1997, granosan has been removed from the list of pesticides. Poisoning by other heavy metal compounds is less common, but they pose a danger as food contaminants, including those of animal origin - milk, meat, eggs, fish. The main source of pollution with heavy metals and their compounds is industrial enterprises using these elements in the technological process. With the development of industry using heavy metals and their compounds, their release into the environment increases, the content of heavy metal compounds in soil, water, plants, animals and, consequently, in food products increases. In this regard, there is an increasing need to control their accumulation in environmental objects, feed and food products in order to prevent food products containing toxic elements above the maximum allowable level from being eaten.

Toxic metalloids. The group of toxic metalloids includes compounds of arsenic, fluorine, selenium, antimony, sulfur, etc. However, these elements and their compounds can only be classified as poisons conditionally. The toxicity of metalloids is determined by the dose and type of compound, so it varies over a very wide range. So, for example, LD 50 of sodium arsenite for rats is 8-15 mg/kg of their weight, while the herbicide monocalcium methyl arsenate is 4000 mg/kg (N.N. Melnikov, 1975). More recently, arsenic compounds have been used in small doses as growth promoters. They are used as medicines (novarsenol, osarsol, etc.), for the destruction of harmful rodents (calcium arsenite). Fluorine- and selenium-containing substances in small doses are used to treat a number of diseases, while large doses cause poisoning in animals.

The elements of this group make it possible to most clearly demonstrate the dual effect of poisons on the body, depending on the dose. For example, selenium can poison farm animals, while small amounts of this element supplied with feed prevent the development of a number of diseases in them (white muscle disease, toxic liver dystrophy). It is also known that this element is necessary for the organism of animals (VV Ermakov, VV Kovalsky, 1974). Poorly defluorinated phosphates used as feed additives can be the cause of animal poisoning. At the same time, small concentrations of fluoride are added to drinking water to prevent dental caries.

Polychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls (PCBs, PBBs). Toxic substances of this group are similar in chemical structure to DDT and its metabolites. PCBs and PBBs are persistent organochlorine and bromine compounds widely used in industry in the production of rubber, plastics, and as plasticizers. The toxicity of these substances is relatively low (LD 5 o azrol - the most common compound in this group - is 1200 mg/kg animal weight). However, some of them are carcinogenic in experiments on laboratory animals. Based on this, very low permissible levels of their content in food products have been established. PCBs and PBBs are very slowly degraded in the environment and accumulate in the organs and tissues of animals. There have been cases of poisoning of people and animals with PCBs, as well as a high level of contamination of them with remnants of feed and food of animal origin. Particular attention is paid to the study of the biological activity of PCBs and PBBs, the long-term consequences of their action, as well as migration in environmental objects and animals.

Nitrogen compounds. Of the compounds of this group, nitrates (NO 3), nitrites (NO 2), nitrosamines and, to a certain extent, urea - carbamide, etc. have sanitary and toxicological significance. Urea is used as a feed additive for animals. In connection with the widespread chemicalization of agriculture and the large-scale use of nitrogenous fertilizers, the sanitary and toxicological significance of nitrates and nitrites significantly increases, which can accumulate in significant quantities in fodder crops, especially in root crops, due to adsorption from the soil.

Sodium chloride (common salt). Almost all types of farm animals are equally sensitive to sodium chloride. However, more often than others, pigs and birds are poisoned. This is due to the fact that the grain feed used to feed them,

Poisons of plant origin. In connection with the cultivation of pastures, the development of industrial animal husbandry and the transfer of animals to year-round stall keeping, the value of plant poisons in the poisoning of farm animals is reduced, although not completely lost. In addition, some poisons produced by plants in relatively small amounts do not cause acute poisoning, but act as embryotoxic and teratogenic. These include, for example, lupine alkaloids. In amounts that do not cause acute poisoning in cows, they have a teratogenic effect, in connection with which 50% of the experimental cows were born with calves with deformities.

Plant poisons can be alkaloids, thio- and cyanoglycosides, toxic amino acids and plant phenolic compounds.

Among the alkaloids, the alkaloids of plants of the genus lupine (sportein and lupinin), aconite (lipoctonin, belonging to the class of polycyclic diterpenes), larkspur, Trichodesma gray and some others have the greatest veterinary and toxicological significance.

Thioglycosides are mainly found in cruciferous plants. They can cause acute and chronic poisoning in animals. In addition, the intake of a large number of plants of this family with food can lead to a decrease in their productivity. Thioglycosides interact with iodine in the body, resulting in iodine deficiency and the development of a pathological process.

Of the plant phenolic compounds, dicoumarin and gossypol have the greatest veterinary and sanitary significance.

Medicines and premixes. Many drugs in therapeutic dosages have side effect- cause allergic reactions, affect individual organs. In excessive doses, they cause intoxication and death of animals. Some drugs can be stored in animal tissues for a long time, excreted in milk or eggs. For example, the anthelmintic hexachlorparaxylol is found in the fat of treated animals 60 days after its single administration. In significant quantities, it is excreted in the milk of cows. In eggs of chickens, the anthelmintic phenothiazine, used to treat birds, is often found. Therefore, the issues of toxicological and veterinary-sanitary evaluation of drugs are of particular importance. The solution of these issues is one of the tasks of veterinary toxicology. The toxicological and veterinary-sanitary assessments of premixes are of the same importance.

Polymer and plastic materials. Until recently, polymeric and plastic materials have been the object of medical toxicology research due to the fact that they were used mainly in residential and industrial premises, household products and other items that were mainly in contact with humans. Recently, however, various waste polymeric materials and plastics have been widely used in animal husbandry. Some polymeric materials for livestock buildings are produced directly on site without the necessary technological control. There have been cases of animal poisoning when using polymeric materials in livestock buildings that have not passed toxicological assessment. Therefore, all new polymeric materials intended for livestock buildings must undergo a toxicological assessment. They are the subject of research and control of veterinary toxicological laboratories.

Feeds of new species. AT Recently, there has been an active search for new biological substrates that could be used for feeding animals. Attempts are being made to use chicken and pig manure for this purpose, since birds and pigs digest no more than 50% of the nutrients contained in feed. More than 50% of the deficient protein is excreted in the faeces. The prospect of using such a protein for feeding animals is quite real. However, two circumstances prevent this: the psychological factor and the possible presence in the manure of toxic substances secreted by the body. Similar difficulties arise when introducing other types of feed, for example, protein-vitamin concentrate, which is yeast or bacteria grown on waste oil or methanol and other products. All feeds of these species must undergo toxicological and veterinary-sanitary assessment and are the object of study by veterinary toxicologists.


Any living organism is an open physicochemical system that can actively exist only under conditions of a sufficiently intense flow of chemicals necessary for the development and maintenance of structure and function. For heterotrophic organisms (animals, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, chlorophyll-free plants), chemical compounds supply all or most of the energy necessary for their life. In addition to supplying living organisms with building material and energy, they perform a variety of functions as information carriers for one organism, provide intra- and interspecific communication.

Thus, the biological activity of a chemical compound should be understood as its ability to change the functional capabilities of the organism ( in vitro or in vivo) or communities of organisms. This broad definition of biological activity means that almost any chemical compound or composition of compounds has some form of biological activity.

Even very chemically inert substances can have a noticeable biological effect when properly introduced into the body.

Thus, the probability of finding a biologically active compound among all chemical compounds is close to one, but finding a chemical compound with a given type of biological activity is a rather difficult task.

Biologically active substances- chemicals necessary to maintain the vital activity of living organisms, which have high physiological activity at low concentrations in relation to certain groups of living organisms or their cells.

Per unit of biological activity chemical substances take the minimum amount of this substance that can inhibit the development or delay the growth of a certain number of cells, tissues of a standard strain (biotests) in a nutrient medium unit.

Biological activity is a relative concept. One and the same substance can have different biological activity in relation to the same type of living organism, tissue or cell, depending on the pH value, temperature, and the presence of other biologically active substances. Needless to say, if we are talking about different biological species, then the effect of a substance can be the same, expressed to varying degrees, directly opposite, or have a noticeable effect on one organism and be inert for another.

Each type of BAS has its own methods for determining biological activity. So, for enzymes, the method for determining activity is to record the rate of consumption of the substrate (S) or the rate of formation of reaction products (P).

Each vitamin has its own method for determining activity (the amount of vitamin in a test sample (for example, tablets) in units of IU).

Often in medical and pharmacological practice such a concept as LD 50 is used - i.e. the concentration of a substance at the introduction of which half of the test animals die. This is a measure of the toxicity of BAS.


The simplest classification - General - divides all biologically active substances into two classes:

  • endogenous
  • exogenous

The endogenous substances are