What about fatty foods? Fats and fatty foods

has a bad reputation. But the body needs fat. Therefore, you should not go to extremes, excluding fats from the diet completely, even if you are doing a diet.

What are fats for?

Fats as a source of energy

When oxidized in the body, about 9 kcal is obtained from a gram of fat. Therefore, with sufficient reserves of fat, a person in an emergency can long time go without food.

Fats are an important component of cells

They are involved in the production of hormones by the body, and are also necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids that we get from food.

Fats are involved in metabolism

Fatty acids are essential for our blood vessels and regulation of cholesterol metabolism in the body.

Fats are involved in the construction of some tissues

Fat is the building material of nerve tissue. In addition, it supports the internal organs of a person. Prolapse of the kidneys or uterus is mainly due to a lack of internal fat. Also, fat, like a pillow, absorbs shock.

The daily intake of fats for an adult is 30-40 g per day, but in any case not less than 15 g, otherwise they will begin to be synthesized from carbohydrates. Therefore, the less fatty foods you eat, the more you will be drawn to sweets.

List of fatty foods

To list of fatty foods not recommended for abuse include: various meat products, minced meat, sausages, sausage, lamb, pork, beef, roast duck, various cheeses, high-calorie nuts, confectionery, oils of animal origin.

Our main mistake lies in the predominant use fatty foods with fatty acids of the Omega-6 family, which are found in soybean, corn and sunflower oils, and insufficient intake of fats of the Omega-3 family, which are found in sea fish, rapeseed and flaxseed oils. The fact is that Omega-6 fats are oxidized very quickly, resulting in the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and this leads to atherosclerosis. Exactly the same effect is obtained from the use of animal fats.

In addition, we use mainly refined vegetable oil, depriving ourselves of essential phospholipids, which can only be obtained from food, they are not synthesized in the body. It is thanks to phospholipids that normal digestion, absorption and metabolism of fats occur, and they are involved in the construction of cells.

The rate of consumption of phospholipids per day is 5 grams. It is especially important to observe this norm in atherosclerosis. A certain amount of phospholipids the body receives from fish, meat and eggs. But during the production of refined oils and margarine, phospholipids disappear. The most beneficial for health is unrefined cold-pressed oil. It is also useful to eat seeds, almonds and olives.
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Low fat foods

Dieters often eat zero-fat foods. But this does not solve the problem of getting rid of excess weight, and may even lead to diabetes. The most important thing here is not what to eat, but when. In the morning you can eat more fats, but in the evening lean food is preferable.

How to use fats correctly

  • If you want to maintain your weight, consume 30-40 g of fat per day, of which 20-25 g are vegetable and 10-15 g are animal. If you want to lose weight, reduce your daily intake to 20 grams of fat per day, and only 5 grams of animal fat.
  • Avoid combining fats with easily digestible carbohydrates and premium flour. This is a classic combination for most confectionery.
  • Fat lovers can safely use it, with garlic and in moderation. Garlic quickly utilizes the eaten fat. It is useful to wash down salo with red wine.
  • Eat a mixture of vegetable oils, mixing them in equal parts immediately before eating.
  • Those who prefer separate meals are recommended to eat meat with vegetables, and lard with bread.
  • See entire section

    If you are looking for a figure or losing weight, then you probably adhere to daily allowance calorie intake and you know the energy value some dishes. And what foods are the most high-calorie? Let's find out!

    So, the list of the 10 most fatty and high-calorie foods in the world:

    1. Salo. In fact, this is pure animal fat, the calorie content of which reaches 800 kilocalories per hundred grams, and this is a lot. The fat content is 89-90 grams, and it is not useful, unlike, for example, fish. Although it is quite possible to afford a few pieces once a week, it is definitely not worth abusing. Firstly, it is extremely harmful for the figure and completely inappropriate when losing weight. Secondly, the product helps to increase the level of "bad" cholesterol, which forms plaques and provokes the development of cholesterol. Thirdly, due to the high salt content, lard can cause swelling and impair kidney function.
    2. Nuts are also very high in calories, although they are useful, as they contain the necessary human body fats (their share reaches 50-60%) and slow carbohydrates that do not cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels and are used for energy production. Nutritionists recommend eating nuts, but little by little and infrequently. The record holder is macadamia - the rarest, the energy value of which is as much as 720 kilocalories. For comparison: peanuts have about 550 kcal, and walnuts have about 650.
    3. Chocolate. This is rather not a separate product, but a dessert, but since it is very popular and often included in different dishes, it can also be included in the list. The energy value of a treat is as much as 550 kilocalories, that is, a tile is half the daily intake. One hundred grams of fat contains about 35 grams. Of course, if you eat a few slices, nothing bad will happen: on the contrary, they will improve your mood and improve your mood. brain activity. And it is best to choose, and white is considered the most harmful.
    4. Seeds. Yes, despite the fact that many people love them and gnaw with pleasure, they can harm the figure. These small grains contain about 585 kilocalories and about 50 g of fat. And they can also damage teeth if consumed in large quantities, splitting the membranes. But not everything is so bad: seeds contain many valuable substances and are therefore useful. For example, they help maintain youth, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and normalize the functioning of nervous system increase brain activity.
    5. Vegetable oil. It is even more caloric than the feedstock used to obtain it. Soy and can be considered record holders. The energy value of the more familiar and commonly used olive and sunflower seeds is slightly less - about 870 kilocalories. But the difference is insignificant, so it will not affect your weight. Nevertheless, it is necessary to include oil in the diet, as it contains vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acid and many other useful substances.
    6. Butter is also very high in calories - 650-700 kcal, depending on the percentage of fat, which can be 70-80%. Sometimes it is quite possible to eat 10-15 grams of such a product, but you should definitely not abuse it. First of all, oil is bad for the figure. In addition, its use contributes to an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which eventually forms plaques and is deposited in the vessels, narrowing their lumen. But for the skeletal system, the oil is useful, as it contains calcium and vitamin D that helps the body absorb it.
    7. Cheese. Although it is very healthy due to its high calcium content and the presence of lactic acid bacteria in the composition, the calorie content of some hard varieties, such as parmesan, reaches 400 kilocalories. The percentage of fat content can be from 35 to 50-60%. Processed cheeses are very high in calories, as butter is added to them. If you do not want to harm yourself and your figure, then use low-fat pickled cheeses (feta, cheese), ricotta, mozzarella.
    8. Cream. If the percentage of fat content is 40-45% (this is possible if the product is natural and rustic), then the energy value will also be high - about 350 kcal. This is not as much as in the same butter, but if you are watching your figure, it is better to choose low-fat cream or replace it with milk.
    9. Sausages are included in the list of the most fatty and harmful dishes. There are several reasons. The first is high calorie content, which can reach 500-550 kilocalories (such is the energy value of raw smoked sausage). The second is a significant salt content, which provokes the development of edema. The third is the numerous artificial additives that many unscrupulous manufacturers add to improve the smell and taste. As a result, the short pleasure of eating will turn into sheer harm and extra pounds on different parts of the body.
    10. Mayonnaise - used to prepare salads and other dishes. Its calorie content can reach 630 kilocalories, since the main component is vegetable oil. But if you use mayonnaise in moderation and infrequently, your health will not suffer much. In general, you need to know the measure in everything. In addition, when buying a sauce, you should carefully study its composition: if it contains a lot of additives, it will definitely not bring benefits. It is better to choose mayonnaise containing only natural ingredients.

    These were the most high-calorie and fatty foods. Some of them are harmful, but there are others that can and should be included in the diet. It is simply important to know the measure and not to abuse it, then the figure and health will be in order.

    "Fats are not the enemy if you know all about them"

    If a person is faced with the choice of which product to eat - fatty or low fat - almost everyone will give preference to the second. People are always looking to lose weight. And to do this, you need to use diet foods. Fat, on the other hand, has consistently been touted as the enemy of the diet that can only do harm, so it's no surprise that people are baffled when doctors and nutritionists rave about fat. In fact, there are healthy fats for weight loss. You probably know that avocados are one of those that became popular in the diet and boomed on Instagram a few years ago, and only recently calm has been established. So you can take into account olive oil, the pearl of the Mediterranean food system. In addition to those mentioned, there are quite a few healthy fat-rich foods that are definitely worth incorporating into your diet on a regular basis. Here's what you need to know.

    What fats are good for the body? These are usually considered to be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help reduce arterial-clogging cholesterol levels, in addition to their other heart-health benefits. Research also shows that these fats help regulate insulin and blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    “Monounsaturated fats are among the healthiest of all fats,” says Dana Hanns, Ph.D., MHP, researcher and developer, senior nutritionist medical center UCLA and visiting associate professor at Fielding Public Health. “They resist inflammatory processes, reduce the risk cardiovascular disease and are full of good nutrients and are also beneficial for weight loss.”

    Polyunsaturated fats may also be beneficial. The two main types are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which our body needs for brain function and cell growth. Omega-3s are good for heart health and are mainly found in fish and algae, nuts and grains. “Other omega-6 polyunsaturated fats can be found in some vegetable oils,” Hanns adds. "They're not particularly bad, but they're not always healthy either, unlike omega-3s and monounsaturated fats." Omega-6s work together with omega-3s to lower cholesterol levels, but studies show that eating more omega-6s than omega-3s can promote inflammation and weight gain, so the bottom line is you need to be sure that you consume more omega-3s than omega-6s.

    What are bad fats

    One simple rule: Trans fats should always be avoided - they are listed as "partially hydrogenated oils" on the label. They really do not carry anything but harm. Most of them are artificial and increase the level bad cholesterol and reduce the level of good, which helps to cleanse the vessels. According to the American Heart Health Association, trans fats increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and are associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

    Saturated fats are a bit trickier to work with. Older nutritional studies said that saturated fat was really bad for cholesterol levels, but newer information says it has a neutral effect. The topic is very sensitive, and the recommendations of the USDA and the American Heart Association continue to limit saturated fat intake and favor monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Many of the healthy foods listed below contain saturated fats, but they do not make up a large proportion of all fats and therefore do not offset the benefits of healthy fats.

    List of foods containing healthy fats

    Here are the best sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. We have prepared a material about healthy fats, a list of products - especially for you!

    1. Avocado

    One medium avocado contains about 23 grams of fat, but it's mostly monounsaturated fat. In addition, a medium avocado contains 40% of the daily fiber requirement without sodium or cholesterol, and is a good source of lutein, an antioxidant that helps protect eyesight. Try using it in place of foods that are higher in bad fats—use 1/5 of a medium avocado instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich, butter on toast, or sour cream on a baked potato. Remember that avocados are quite high in calories, so you should eat no more than 1/4 of an avocado at a time.

    2. Walnuts

    Walnuts are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linoleic acid, found in plants. A recent study found that one handful of walnuts a day lowered overall levels of bad cholesterol and also improved the functioning of blood vessels. Studies have also found that eating nuts reduces the risk of blood clots that can cause heart attacks and also improves the health of the arteries.

    3. Other nuts like almonds and pistachios

    Nuts like pecans, pistachios, cashews, and almonds are also high in healthy fats. Almonds are the richest in vitamin E, while pistachios are richest in lutein and zeaxanthin, while carotenoids are important for eye health. All that is required is to eat about 30 grams of nuts daily to see a positive effect. Some varieties are fatter than others, such as cashews and macadamia nuts, so you need to pay more attention to serving size (nuts have an average of 45 grams of fat per 100 grams). Nutritionists love pistachios because the fact that you have to peel them helps you eat them more slowly, making portion control easier. Peanuts (legumes) contain both monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated omega-6 fats, indicating that they are good for the body.

    4. Nuts and seed oils

    Nut oils and oils from various seeds are where the healthy fats are found. Try almond, cashew, and sunflower oils for the right dose of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from a plant source. All you need is 2 tablespoons, which can be spread on toast or eaten with fresh apple slices. Choose natural nut butters with minimal ingredients.

    The fat in one cup of black olives is 15 grams, but again, that's mostly monounsaturated. Plus, no matter which type of olives you like, they all contain many other beneficial nutrients, such as hydroxytyrosol, which has long been known as a cancer preventative. New research shows that it also plays a role in reducing bone loss. If you have allergies or others inflammatory processes, olives may be the perfect snack for you as studies show that olive extracts act as antihistamines at the cellular level. However, with all these benefits, it is important to remember that the serving size depends on the amount of olive oil. Stick to 5 large or 10 small olives as the ideal norm.

    The reason olive oil is showing up in more and more cuisines is its richness in monounsaturated fats. But do not pour it in large quantities. One tablespoon contains as much as 14 grams of fat.

    One cup of ground flaxseed contains a whopping 48 grams of fat, but it's all healthy unsaturated fat. You only need 1-2 tablespoons. Flaxseed is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, so for vegetarians (or those who don't eat fish), it becomes the key to satisfying your need for healthy fats. In addition, flaxseed contains up to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. These nutrients contain both plant estrogen and antioxidants, and studies show they may help prevent certain types of cancer. Last but not least, flaxseed contains both insoluble and soluble fiber, so it can help keep you feeling fuller for longer, as well as lower cholesterol and promote heart health. Sprinkle flax seeds over yogurt or oatmeal, add a spoonful to smoothies. Or try adding it to a pie crust when baking.

    8. Salmon

    Fatty fish like salmon (as well as sardines, mackerel, and trout) are full of omega-3 fatty acids and are known to help improve heart health. This is one of better ways get the required amount of fat. The American Heart Health Association recommends eating at least two servings of fish per week to get the most benefit.

    Tuna also contains a large number of healthy fats and omega-3s. We're talking about convenient canned food and tuna in your favorite sushi. Steaks, hamburgers, tuna salads - the options are endless, so choosing something for yourself is easy. Like salmon, limit your tuna to 340 grams (twice a week total) to avoid overexposure to, for example, mercury, which can be found in small amounts in seafood.

    Yes that's right. Just 30 grams of dark chocolate (one serving) contains about 9 grams of fat. About half of that is saturated fat, while the other half is rich in healthy fats and a host of other essential nutrients—vitamins A, B, and E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and flavonoids (plant-based antioxidants). And did you know that one serving of dark chocolate also boasts 3 grams of fiber? It can be said that chocolate is practically a vegetable. To get the highest levels of flavonoids from chocolate, buy bars with at least 70% cocoa beans.

    This product does not contain much fat. Foods above or below may boast more, but tofu is still a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. A small, 80-gram serving of firm tofu contains 5 to 6 grams healthy fat and about 1 gram of saturated fat, but it is natural - from soybeans. Tofu is considered a healthy food for a reason - it's a low-sodium, solid plant protein that provides almost a quarter of your daily calcium requirement.

    12. Young soybeans

    Rich in both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, soybeans are also an excellent source of plant proteins and fibers. Enjoy them boiled or salted, as a delicious snack or hummus puree.

    Add them to a salad or just eat a small handful for a big dose of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

    These small but mighty seeds are loaded with omega-3s, fiber, protein, essential minerals and antioxidants. Their popularity as a superfood is well deserved - you can add a tablespoon to smoothies for a quick boost in fat, fiber, and protein, or soak them overnight for a boost. quick breakfast. You can even use them in desserts.

    15. Eggs

    Eggs are an inexpensive and easy source of protein. People often think that eating egg whites is a healthier option than whole eggs because they contain less fat, but while it's true that egg yolk contains some fat, it's also rich in important nutrients. One whole egg contains 5 grams of fat, but only 1.5 grams of saturates. Eggs are also a good source of choline (one egg yolk contains about 300 micrograms), a B vitamin that helps the brain, nervous system and of cardio-vascular system. When it comes to cholesterol, recent nutritional studies have found that eating eggs does not increase blood cholesterol levels. In fact, research has linked moderate egg consumption to improved heart health.

    The following foods are high in saturated fat and should be eaten more carefully. But they can also be part of a healthy proper nutrition.

    16. Beef and pork

    It is believed that high-fat foods, such as steak, are unhealthy. But it actually has less fat than you think, especially if you choose lean meats that have 5 grams of fat and less than 2 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams (on average). What's more, lean beef is a great source of protein, iron, and zinc, all important nutrients for active women. One 100 gram serving of lean beef contains a whopping 25g of muscle-building protein and three times the iron (important for transporting oxygen from the blood to the brain and muscles) than 1 cup of spinach, while getting a third of your daily zinc intake supports immune system. Lean pork can be a good source of fat when consumed in moderation. Processed pork, such as bacon, often contains sodium and other preservatives such as nitrates (which increase heart disease and cancer risk), so other white meats should be used instead.

    17. Whole milk

    As we have said, eating whole dairy products versus low-fat or low-fat dairy products has benefits for weight management. They even help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. One cup (220 grams) of whole milk contains 8 grams of fat, with 5 grams of saturated fat versus skim milk, which has none of them. Other proponents of the fat content of dairy products point out that fat is needed for the absorption of vitamins A and D from milk, since they are fat-soluble vitamins.

    18. Whole yogurt

    When shopping for yogurt, choose one that contains active cultures to reap the benefits for gut health. Take the classic version without filler - fruity flavors sin with a surprisingly large amount of additional sugar. Add to yogurt healthy nuts and fresh fruit.

    19. Parmesan

    Cheese completes the review of healthy fats and the list of products. It is often unfairly criticized for its high fat content, especially hard, fatty varieties such as Parmesan. While it's true that cheeses have more saturated fats than plant-based foods, they (especially Parmesan, which contains just 27 grams of fat and 18 grams of that per 100 grams of saturated fat) provide a host of other nutrients. From the point of view of supplying calcium to the body, in particular bone tissue, cheeses provide almost a third of the daily requirement. And yes, not in cheese. less protein than in any other food, even in comparison with meat and eggs!

    (20 ratings, average: 4.70 out of 5)

    There is a misconception: if you eat fat, you get fat. The logic is simple: they are more caloric than proteins and carbohydrates, and therefore they do more harm than good. But that doesn't mean you have to give up healthy fats altogether. Challenger has selected healthy fatty foods that can even help you lose weight.


    2. Olive oil


    Adding olive oil to your daily diet is one of the many things you can do if you're thinking about changing your eating habits in general. Olive oil belongs to a group of monounsaturated fatty acids that are considered a healthy source of fat for the body.

    Using olive oil will help:

    1. lower total and low-density cholesterol levels,
    2. reduce low-density lipoprotein levels,
    3. reduce blood clotting
    4. support best level insulin and control blood sugar levels (ideal for health if you suffer from type 2 diabetes).

    Despite these amazing health benefits, keep in mind that olive oil is still full of fatty acids and a fairly high-calorie fat (9 calories per gram). So try to consume it in moderation. Choosing olive oil over regular butter will help you stay healthy and beautiful all year round.

    Caution: Do not use olive oil for cooking as it has low level smokiness. This means that when heated, olive oil becomes rancid rather quickly, and healthy fats turn into unhealthy ones, which can lead to inflammation in the body.

    3. Avocado

    Avocado is one of the best-known ingredients for making guacamole and is also used quite often in salads, smoothies, and even cakes for its unique flavor. What makes this pear-shaped fruit so useful and loved?

    Avocado contains over 20 vitamins and minerals such as potassium ( blood pressure), folic acid (cell repair), lutein (eye health), and B vitamins that help fight infection and disease. Given the content of vitamins C and E, they are also an excellent tool to combat cancer and their prevention.

    In addition, they are low in sugar and contain fiber (which gives a feeling of satiety, and therefore - helps with any diet). But the most important fact of all is that avocados are high in monounsaturated "healthy" fats that lower bad cholesterol. The main thing is to use them with caution and in moderation, because avocados are quite high in calories.


    You have heard many times that eating omega-3 fatty acids (through food sources, not pills and supplements) is something you should absolutely do if you want to stay healthy. According to the American Heart Association, a person should eat fish (mostly oily) at least twice a week. Why oily fish? Because it has the highest level of omega-3 fatty acids. Try to choose mackerel, salmon, lake trout, tuna, sardines or herring.

    Fish is also an excellent source of high quality protein, and unlike fatty meat products- Low in saturated fat. Given the high doses of omega-3 acids, it is very beneficial for improving overall heart health and preventing various heart diseases.

    Numerous studies have confirmed the following health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids:

    1. reduces the risk of violation heart rate(arrhythmia), which often causes sudden death in people
    2. lowers blood pressure,
    3. prevents and reduces atherosclerosis (thickening of the walls of the arteries).

    Caution: Avoid eating Australian mackerel, tilefish, shark or swordfish as they contain excess mercury. And if you are taking omega-3 supplements, you should take more than 300 mg only under the supervision of a doctor.


    Nuts are a storehouse of healthy fats. Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, and other nuts, if eaten as part of a balanced, healthy diet, can contribute greatly to general state health and cholesterol levels. The best thing about nuts is that they are relatively inexpensive and easy to take on the go as a snack. Plus, they're full of heart-healthy nutrients, no matter what kind of nuts you like.

    Here are just some of the benefits of nuts for the cardiovascular system:

    1. lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood (the main cause of heart disease worldwide),
    2. reduce the risk of blood clotting,
    3. improve the condition of the walls of the arteries.

    Nuts are also a great source of unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber (which is what makes us eat less), vitamins, and other nutrients vital for health and longevity.

    Caution: Nuts are also very high in calories. Fats consumed in the diet in excess of what the body can immediately use as an energy source will turn into extra centimeters at the waist and hips. So make sure you don't eat more than a handful of your favorite nuts a day.

    6. Animal fats


    When it comes to animal fats (what is commonly referred to as "lard"), people tend to turn away in disgust because they believe they are harmful and prefer to stay away from them. The reason the hamburger doesn't fit into any weight loss diet is because it's fatty. The reason why this is bad is because hamburgers usually contain a large and complex mixture of toxic vegetable oils, as well as highly processed and genetically modified ingredients. In addition, the meat of sick factory animals often goes on sale, and this, in turn, depends on how they are treated.

    What happened to us?

    Each indigenous culture consumed a variety of animal fats in varying amounts, depending on the region where they lived. Even if these cultures consumed a lot of animal fats, there were no signs of the degenerative diseases that humanity suffers from today.

    In his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Weston Price, author and renowned scientist, states that these people were long-lived in large part due to the consumption of meat, fruits and vegetables, raw and unprocessed.

    The health benefits of animal fats are as follows:

    1. contain vitamins A and D (needed for protein absorption),
    2. dietary fats are essential for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A and the absorption of minerals,
    3. are concentrated sources of energy,
    4. are the building blocks of cell membranes
    5. saturated fats (in moderation) support cell walls,
    6. fatty acids necessary for metabolism strengthen the immune system, bones and protect the liver,
    7. Dietary cholesterol strengthens the intestinal walls and helps children develop a healthy nervous system.

    A word of caution: using animal fats (lard) for cooking is a great choice, but be sure these fats come from grass-fed, organic animals. If you can access high quality sources of fat such as butter, ghee, lard or lard, this is the best, tastiest and healthiest alternative for your diet. Try to choose low fat or lean varieties to maximize the following health benefits of the product:

    1. cheese is full of calcium, protein, zinc, vitamins A, B 12 and phosphorus,
    2. cheese keeps bones and teeth strong,
    3. eating cheese in moderation can help you lose weight
    4. protects against osteoporosis and PMS symptoms in women
    5. the zinc and biotin contained in cheese promote tissue repair, prevent and treat macular degeneration, keep nails healthy and skin smooth.

    If you're concerned about the high concentration of saturated fat in your diet, don't worry - recent studies have shown that there is virtually no link between saturated fat intake and heart disease. This does not mean that you can eat fats mindlessly - everything needs control and moderation in portions.

    A word of caution: if you're lactose intolerant, then cheddar, Swiss or other mature cheese would be an ideal choice because it's almost lactose-free. In 2010, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended three servings of milk, cheese, or yogurt for people ages 9 and older. One serving is equal to about 30 grams of hard, 60 grams of processed or 1/3 cup of grated cheese. Previous article 6 athletics arenas in Moscow

    More recently, nutritionists were quite categorical in their judgments: no fat! But progress does not stand still, and studies have shown that there are several varieties of this substance.

    Trans fats

    Or refined oils, a type of saturated fat that raises blood cholesterol and increases the risk of disease. internal organs. As you may have guessed, they are contained in the "most delicious": fast food, fried potatoes and meat, margarine, pastries, mayonnaise and chips. In its purest form, this vegetable oil, margarine, mayonnaise and dry biscuits. The whole essence of these fats, the harmfulness and the process of their formation are well covered in the video below:

    Video "Killer Foods"


    They are also called "saturated". You can find them in dairy products, yolks, natural butter and fatty meat. As recent studies have shown, the saturated look is not so dangerous, so you should not exclude it from the menu.


    Unsaturated acids have the opposite effect: they nourish the skin, reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. All this beauty is contained in avocados, nuts, fish and some vegetable oils (olive, corn, soy).

    Why is fatty food so bad?

    We are all used to the fact that nutritionists and doctors blame fatty foods for all troubles, without specifying why it is so terrible. So, if you often look into kiosks with shawarma and pasties, you will find such anti-bonuses:

    • Drowsiness and loss of strength, which is in no way combined with an active lifestyle;
    • Acne and increased sebum production - if cellulite can be hidden, then nothing can be done about unattractive facial skin;
    • Nausea - yes, having had a hearty lunch, you should not sit on the back seats of the bus;
    • Increase in body weight;
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system - faithful companions high-calorie food;
    • Destruction of the liver;
    • Development malignant tumors- in advanced cases, the number of free radicals exceeds the norm, which leads to serious illnesses and as a result, causes severe pain.

    But the biggest danger is addiction. Having tried fast food once, you sit down on a carcinogenic needle.

    How to determine the "fat content" of food

    To begin with, it should be clarified: fats are present almost everywhere. Be it sausage, cookies or cottage cheese. They are even in cucumbers! Yes, in an insignificant amount, but the fact itself confirms that there is no getting away from them. It is in our power to properly distribute and control their amount in food.

    Obesity is the plague of the 20th century, people eat everything new almost indiscriminately. Therefore, first of all, those products that modern civilization has given us should be excluded. it semi-finished products, deep-fried dishes, cream cakes and other culinary delights.

    Make your diet as natural as possible, should prevail simple, "peasant" dishes: salads, boiled meat, soups, fruits and vegetables.

    Is everything so bad?

    From the prospects described above, you will want to run away from the nearest cheburechnaya or McDuck. But anyone who is at least a little familiar with the principles of proper nutrition will tell you that you need to consume 20% of fat from the total amount eaten daily. So we still need them?

    Daily consumption of healthy fats will perform the following functions:

    • Replenishment of energy. The number of calories in fat is prohibitively large: 9 kcal per 1 gram. This is a kind of fuel that will instantly put you in an active state. Only now you need to burn all these calories instantly, otherwise you cannot avoid hanging sides;
    • Increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
    • Strengthening immunity;
    • Increase mental abilities and improve vision;
    • Prevention of hair loss and joint problems.

    How to reduce the harm from fatty foods

    If you have a weak character, and the unforgettable taste of fried in oil haunts you, try to at least neutralize the harm from french fries and meatballs. We suggest you "break down" fats. No, not in the truest sense of the word, but with the help of complex biochemical processes, the details of which we will not bore you with. The main thing is to remember these rules:

    1. Season your food generously with spices and spices

    No no no! This is not at all about the seasonings "Mivina" and "Galina Blanca"! It can be ginger, pepper, garlic, cinnamon, coriander and paprika. They not only remove toxins and toxins from the body, but also start metabolic processes, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;

    1. Drink plenty of water

    The liquid plays the role of a solvent for the food consumed. To "drown" all the harmfulness in yourself, drink about two liters of clean water a day;

    1. Green tea and coffee

    Excellent antioxidants, from which the "lard" literally melts. Naturally, you need to drink without sugar and cream, and not with a cake!;

    1. Sprouted grains and cocoa

    They contain polyphenol, which, like a magician, prevents fats from “penetrating” into our cells;

    1. Red wine

    Alcohol in small doses will also come in handy, it’s not for nothing that the French love to drink foie gras and meat fried in lard so much. Just do not get carried away: a few tablespoons after a plentiful feast is enough.

    The shocking truth about fat burning foods


    A step by step guide to changing your diet to a fat burning diet

    Healing and detoxifying the body

    launch natural process breakdown of fats in the body in the first 24 hours

    An ideal way to learn to distinguish really healthy foods and completely get rid of excess subcutaneous fat!

    Fast, Affordable, Efficient!

    As you can see, even fat can be used for the benefit of your figure. The main thing is to correctly approach the choice of diet and maintain a balance of BJU. Stay with us, and we will definitely please you with the next useful articles;)