How to get rid of bad cholesterol. How to lower cholesterol folk remedies

Cholesterol is a natural component found in all living cells. About eighty percent of the produced blood protein element is necessary for the proper functioning of organs and systems. How to get rid of cholesterol, modern medicine knows well, but it should be remembered that it also performs many useful functions. The main tasks of fatty fractions in the human body:

  • needed for the production of vitamin D;
  • takes part in the production of male and female hormones;
  • activates the activity of the brain;
  • supports the protective functions of the body;
  • source of serotonin formation;
  • energy source;
  • protects against the development of malignant neoplasms.

If eighty percent are produced by the body, then twenty enter the body with food. You can get rid of this natural component like this:

  • thanks to the diet
  • with a healthy lifestyle;
  • folk remedies.

The norm of fatty fractions in the blood:

  • total cholesterol - no more than five millimoles;
  • low-density lipoprotein cholesterol - up to three millimoles;
  • high-density lipoprotein cholesterol - up to one millimol;
  • triglycerides - up to two millimoles.

Good and bad cholesterol

As you know, there are good and bad cholesterol. The fatty substance clogs the vessels, and this causes blockage of the lumen. This is manifested by such dangerous diseases:

  • atherosclerosis - inelasticity, narrowing and fragility of blood vessels;
  • coronary heart disease - a disease of the heart vessels;
  • ischemic disease heart - heart disease;
  • stroke - bleeding in the brain;
  • myocardial infarction is an acute vascular disease.

There are three types of fatty fractions, and each has its own role in the body:

  • low density lipoproteins - carries cholesterol from the liver to internal organs;
  • high-density lipoproteins - cleanses the body of fats;
  • triglyceride - a source of energy, with an increased content is deposited in adipose tissue.

Malfunctions in the work of three types of fatty components of the blood leads to serious deviations in health.

Where does bad cholesterol come from?

For balance and coherence human body this natural component is necessary, but an increase in its indicators in the blood adversely affects health. There are a number of reasons that affect the increase in bad cholesterol in the blood:

  • unbalanced diet - an excessive amount of fatty foods;
  • overweight and obesity - excess weight adversely affects the work of all organs;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages - negatively affects the state of blood vessels;
  • negative emotional mood - a nervous state is directly related to an increase in the indicators of fractions in the blood;
  • heredity - if there are patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension in the family, the likelihood of an increase in cholesterol is quite high;
  • chronic diseases - hormonal diseases, problems with the health of the heart and blood vessels threaten high cholesterol;
  • taking medications - corticosteroids and hormonal drugs cause high rates.

Each case of an increase in fatty fractions is individual. There are three well-known causes of an increase in an element in the blood:

What causes an increase in LDL cholesterol?

With an increase in protein fractions as a result of malnutrition, you should review your diet, decide how to get rid of excess cholesterol and take into account the main points:

  • Remove from the menu products containing the main sources of cholesterol - saturated fats. These foods include butter, fatty meats, cheeses, chicken skins, and refined oils. It should be replaced with healthy foods - fish, nuts, vegetables, olive oil.
  • Take eggs in doses - no more than three during the week. Proteins can be consumed in any quantity, yolks are the main source of cholesterol.
  • Introduce legumes into your diet, they are rich in pectin, which controls the level of cholesterol in the blood, removes excess. Beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans are recommended.
  • The presence of fruits in the diet is also a source of pectin. Apples, pears, grapefruit are especially rich in them.
  • Bran prevents the absorption of fat fractions, you can eat them in the form of porridge or add to pastries.
  • Skimmed milk and beef will not cause an increase in the levels of this substance in the blood.
  • Garlic stabilizes the level of fats in the blood.
  • Green tea increases the level of good cholesterol, it helps fight bad.
  • Refusal of coffee will positively affect the performance of fractions.
  • Nuts are rich in unsaturated fats, which increase good cholesterol levels.

British scientists have discovered that every third inhabitant of the Earth has a gene that can increase the amount of good cholesterol. To activate its work, you should eat fractionally and eat at the same time.

There is an opinion that an increase in fat fractions does not threaten you if your feature is:

  • no bad habit of smoking;
  • spiritual harmony and good disposition;
  • sports or long walks;
  • you do not abuse alcohol;
  • you are not overweight;
  • you are not prone to hypertension;
  • you do not have a burdened heredity;
  • you do not have hormonal diseases.

Then there will be no question about cholesterol how to get rid of it.

On cleansing blood vessels with garlic

Healthy lifestyle against fat fractions

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle affect blood cholesterol levels. To reduce the indicators, you should follow these rules:

  • quit smoking - the habit of smoking increases cholesterol levels by several points;
  • do not succumb to negative emotions - people who are subject to stress are subject to higher levels of fatty fractions in the blood than those who know how to control themselves.
  • morning jogging - they strengthen the body and positively affect cholesterol levels;
  • lose weight - every kilogram above the norm increases the performance of the substance by several points.

Good physical form, giving up bad habits and regular exercise prevent the risk of developing heart disease.

To reduce high rates of fatty fractions, you should introduce the following vitamin components into your diet:

  • nicotinic acid - taking the drug for a month reduces overall cholesterol levels;
  • less calcium effective drug, but also has a beneficial effect;
  • vitamin E - activates the production of good cholesterol, which helps cleanse blood vessels, should be taken for at least four months;
  • ascorbic acid - effectively reduces the indicators of fatty fractions, so citrus fruits are among the best drugs to combat this component.

Folk methods for high cholesterol effectively cope with the task of stabilizing the level of fatty fractions in the body. Complexes from medicinal herbs and phytopreparations enhance the effectiveness of diets and treatment. The best for a problem with cholesterol in the blood are:

  • healing medicinal plants- tea from ginseng, plantain, chamomile, dill accelerate the removal of negative substances;
  • legumes - eat half a glass of beans daily;
  • tea - tannin contained in tea helps to maintain normal fatty fractions;
  • eggplant - a salad of blue ones, carrots and greens seasoned with lemon juice, you must eat daily;
  • propolis - dissolved in a small amount of water, taken half an hour before meals, the duration of treatment is about six months;
  • flax seeds - add to the food consumed daily;
  • mountain ash - collected, after the first frost, it is necessary to dry and consume for about five days, repeat the course monthly.

You should not independently prescribe a course of treatment, only the attending physician can adjust the diet and prescribe optimal drugs. Should be considered individual characteristics and remember that there is a risk of developing an allergy or an underlying disease. Taking drugs uncontrolledly can harm your health.

How to lower blood cholesterol?

The following foods should be avoided:

  • fried and fatty - it is more expedient to cook food in the oven;
  • baking;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • smoked products;
  • offal.

Get rid of bad food habits and you will become healthier.

Most people have heard a lot about the blood component, but not everyone knows about it in detail. There is a misconception about the danger of the presence of this component in the blood, in the vessels. In fact, everything is not so clear. Several interesting facts will help to understand what is the cholesterol that we get rid of, in fact:

  • it does not dissolve in the blood;
  • every year, about three million people in the world die from diseases caused by high levels of protein fractions;
  • the accumulation of this element begins in early childhood;
  • persons over twenty-five years of age should be tested annually to determine the level of a substance in the blood;
  • low cholesterol is just as dangerous as high cholesterol;
  • the protein fraction is responsible for sexual desire;
  • women are subject to an increase in this natural component more often than men;
  • trans fats in pastries, chips, cakes dramatically increase the level of fat fractions;
  • substitutes breast milk contain fatty acids;
  • white plaques around the cornea - a signal of increased levels of the element in the blood;
  • cholesterol inside the vessels looks like butter.

In order not to get rid of the negative states that have arisen, one should not forget the basic rules. sports, leisure, proper and harmonious nutrition will help control the level of protein fractions in the blood, avoid many dangerous diseases and stay healthy until old age.

The presence of this substance in the human body is predetermined by nature. It belongs to the fatty alcohols necessary for the human body. Cholesterol or cholesterol makes cell membranes, nerve and vascular membranes strong, restoring defects if necessary. Low rate cholesterol levels indicate a high likelihood of acute cerebral hemorrhage or the development of a severe form of depression, infertility, anemia, osteoporosis, or diabetes mellitus.

At the end of the twentieth century, cholesterol was declared main reason cordially- vascular pathologies and started fighting with him. However, in the end, everything turned out to be not so clear-cut, and at present even its main role in the development of atherosclerosis has been questioned, since the direct connection between the presence of an excess of low-density lipoproteins in the blood (so to speak, “bad” cholesterol) and atherosclerosis (and other diseases of cardio-vascular system) has not been confirmed.

The role of this fatty alcohol in the functioning of organs and systems of the human body is very large. Its "harm" or "benefit" appears after binding to certain transport proteins. Low-density lipoproteins, settling on the inner surface of blood vessels, form cholesterol formations (plaques) that clog their lumen. These compounds are considered "harmful". However, it is they who are involved in the formation of the cell membranes of erythrocytes, hepatocytes, neurons, and maintain the tone of the muscles of the body. With the presence of plaques, “useful”, high-density cholesterol, capable of cleaning blood vessels, fights.

Both cholesterol compounds are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and, of course, it is good when these indicators are within the normal range. A high level of total cholesterol due to the concentration of low density lipoproteins is considered dangerous due to an increase in the likelihood of developing acute pathologies heart and cerebral circulation.

It is necessary to monitor the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, especially for people aged, with vascular diseases, who are overweight.

You can maintain its normal level by eating rationally and actively moving. However, what about those who have already formed an excess of this substance in excess of the norm of harmful compounds? Can you lower cholesterol without medication?

Three-quarters of cholesterol is endogenous - produced by the native organism, and only a quarter of it we get from food. However, by reviewing our lifestyle and nutrition, we ourselves can normalize the level of serum cholesterol without drugs, provided that the indicators do not go off scale and coronary pathologies are in their infancy.

Folk recipes for lowering cholesterol

Having received disappointing blood test results, the doctor usually prescribes pills that reduce serum level cholesterol, which recommends taking constantly to prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the likelihood of developing acute vascular pathologies. However, not all researchers agree on the need to prescribe cholesterol-lowering medications to everyone. Of course, in severe cases, medication is indispensable, there is simply no other way out. But these drugs have a lot side effects, and not all doctors share the opinion that older people need these drugs for preventive purposes.

People who have a high blood level of this fatty alcohol and do not suffer from severe vascular disease can first try to reduce this figure without drugs with folk remedies.

It is very effectively and quickly reduced by such a unique product as flax seed. All you need to do is grind the seeds into flour in a coffee grinder and add flaxseed powder to any ready-made daily dishes: cereals, soups, mashed potatoes, stews.

You can take flax seed oil in the morning on an empty stomach from one to three tablespoons. Just keep in mind that flaxseed flour should be consumed immediately, and the oil is not stored for a long time (usually no more than a week). Flaxseed powder and oil are afraid sunlight and rapidly oxidize in the open air.

To reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to take alcohol tincture propolis: before you sit down at the dinner table, dissolve a teaspoon of propolis tincture (4%) in a tablespoon pure water and drink immediately. The duration of this treatment is four months.

clean up vascular system from cholesterol plaques, you can use dandelion. It is recommended for six months before every meal to eat a teaspoon of powder from the dried roots of this plant.

Foods that lower cholesterol

In this sense, the benefits of tea, especially green tea, are undeniable. A substance such as tannin contained in the tea leaf helps to regulate cholesterol levels. According to the results of the studies, the people who took part in it regularly drank tea and at the same time ate food rich in cholesterol. Its serum concentration remained within the normal range. However, tea is not considered a leader in the fight against insidious fatty alcohol.

A number of products have properties to significantly reduce serum cholesterol. For example, legumes, and - any. They contain pectin, a hydrophilic fiber that has the ability to remove cholesterol from the body. Daily consumption of 100-150g of boiled beans for 21 days reduces cholesterol by 20%.

Pectin fibers are found in almost all vegetables, berries and fruits. There are many of them in beets, currants, apples, peaches, apricots, bananas, plums, pumpkins, citrus fruits, carrots. For example, it is enough to eat two carrots or half a grapefruit a day for breakfast and an apple in the afternoon (not instead of breakfast and lunch, but in addition to it). In addition, red fruits contain lycopene, which, according to some sources, also has the ability to significantly reduce serum cholesterol levels.

Bran, rich in fiber, removes cholesterol from the intestines, preventing it from being absorbed and entering the systemic circulation. Replace muffins, wheat bread made from high quality white flour with bran bakery products, eat half a cup of oat bran daily in the form of cereals, add them to homemade baked goods - cookies, muffins and, repeating a blood test in two weeks, make sure a positive result .

Nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts and peanut butter) also cleanse the blood and vessels of cholesterol due to the presence of monounsaturated fats in them. Olive oil and avocado fruits are rich in such fats.

Eggplant and celery should also become favorite foods. They must be consumed without heat treatment. Eggplant can be added to salads, before cooking which, briefly pour pieces of vegetable with salt water to eliminate the bitter taste.

You can make such a salad from celery: chop the clean stems of the plant and blanch for a couple of minutes, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sesame seeds, salt and sugar a little. Season to taste with unrefined vegetable oil. You need to cook this dish more often in season.

Fish oil is a natural statin that stabilizes cholesterol levels due to the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition.

Phytosterols contained in plants perform the functions inherent in cholesterol in the human body, which reacts to them by reducing its own production and eliminating excess. They are present in many products. healthy eating. They are rich in germinated wheat grains, brown rice bran, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, pistachios, almonds and pine nuts.

A little freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits will quickly drive high cholesterol into the normal range. Nutritionists offer the following juice therapy option, designed for only five days:

  • the first - 70 g of juice from celery root (you can also use leaf, squeezing juice from leaves with stems) and 130 g - from carrots;
  • the second - 100 g of juice from carrots, 70 g - from cucumbers, 70 g - from beets, which should be squeezed out at least two hours before use and allowed to stand in the refrigerator;
  • the third - 130 g of carrot juice, 70 g of apples and celery;
  • the fourth - 130g of juice from carrots, 50g - from cabbage;
  • fifth: 130 g of orange juice.

Separately, we will talk about alcohol. High-quality alcoholic beverages can also lower cholesterol. For example, malt whiskey at a dose of 40g per week can have an anti-cholesterol effect, as well as natural wine from dark grapes (150ml). However, with most diseases, as well as taking medications, alcohol is contraindicated. So you should not be treated with alcohol, especially since there are enough products that can normalize the level of low-density lipoproteins for all tastes.

Scientists from the UK have discovered a gene responsible for the balance of "harmful" and "useful" lipoproteins. About a third of the population, according to their calculations, this gene is present, only it needs to be activated, for which it is only necessary to observe a strict eating regimen - to eat every four or five hours at the same time.

By the way, the use of natural non-fried animal fats: lard, butter, fatty milk, of course, without fanaticism, is also rehabilitated - if cholesterol stops coming from food, then the body begins to intensively produce it itself, because it is a necessary component for normal life. The compensatory mechanism also works otherwise - by “feeding” ourselves with cholesterol products, we thereby reduce its production.

Healthy eating is now well-known and there was nothing new in our article, in general. Therefore, the question of how to lower cholesterol without drugs at home is also easy to answer. Everything in the body is interconnected, if you try to lead a healthy and mobile lifestyle, eat rationally, then you do not have hypercholesterolemia.

But if the concentration of this substance in the blood is increased, reconsider your lifestyle. This is a reason to quit smoking, reduce coffee consumption, reduce weight, improve your diet, start moving more. Physical activity helps lower cholesterol levels by reducing deposits that have accumulated on the walls of blood vessels. Intensive exercise raises the level of high-density lipoproteins, which will cleanse the vascular system in a natural way. Running and aerobics are considered the most effective in this sense, however, if an elderly person with a bunch of acquired pathologies suddenly starts running, this is also unlikely to benefit him. Loads need to be increased gradually. Even replacing the evening watching TV shows or the news with a walk in the fresh air, you can significantly help your body.

Research shows that relaxation helps a lot. Parts of the group of patients who were prescribed a low-cholesterol diet were placed to listen to twice a day relaxing music. In this group, the level of dangerous lipoproteins decreased much faster than in the other part of the patients who read the books.

Nutritional supplements such as ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, spirulina, vitamin E, and calcium may be helpful. A well-known Activated carbon attaches to cholesterol molecules and eliminates them from the body.

Just remember that active measures to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood are not recommended to be carried out just like that, without medical supervision and prescriptions. Excessive zeal in this field will not lead to good (this does not apply healthy lifestyle life and feasible physical activity).

Everyone knows that high cholesterol levels in the blood can lead to serious problems. It is deposited in the vessels in the form of plaques, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. But without this substance, the work of the body is impossible. Cholesterol is involved in metabolism, the synthesis of hormones, so it is important to maintain a balance in the body and carefully monitor its level. It is not necessary to drink handfuls of pills for this. To quickly reduce cholesterol without drugs, lifestyle and nutrition correction helps.

Cholesterol: harm or necessity

Cholesterol is one of the important components of the human body. Moreover, its excess is not only harmful, but also dangerous. As a result of hyperlipidemia (high fat content in the blood), plaques form, which eventually clog blood vessels and lead to the following consequences:

  • stroke;
  • pulmonary embolism:
  • heart attack;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • coronary death.

But we must not forget that lipids are part of the membranes, provide contacts between cells and strengthen them, facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses. They play an important role in thermoregulation, act as a source of energy. Cholesterol supports work nervous system and muscles involved in metabolism. A decrease in its level occurs in such diseases:

  • anemia;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • thyrotoxicosis (increased work of the thyroid gland);
  • malnutrition;
  • liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis.

Lack of cholesterol is fraught with psycho-emotional disorders, depression, osteoporosis, hemorrhagic stroke due to increased vascular permeability.

To overdo it with a decrease in lipids is no less dangerous than to allow them to increase. Regular diagnostics help to maintain the necessary balance. Doctors recommend checking cholesterol levels 1-2 times a year. For patients at risk, tests are prescribed more often - 2-4 times a year. These are people over 60 years of age, as well as those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension, hepatitis, hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, with a history of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Attention! Correction of hypercholesterolemia should be prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and concomitant diseases!

Ways to reduce without pills

With an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, it is not necessary to immediately drink medications. At the initial stage, the problem can be solved using a few simple methods.

The first thing to do is increase physical exercise. Running or other sports with monotonous rhythmic movements are especially effective. This normalizes the pulse, increases the intake of circulatory system oxygen, which promotes the "burning" of fat. Reduces the risk of plaque formation.

Moderate exercise is recommended for older people - daily walks, cycling, simple work in the garden. According to research, this lifestyle old age reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 50%.

Attention! During exercise, control the pulse! In an elderly person, its growth should not exceed 15 strokes.

But exercise alone is not enough. The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Quit smoking. Under the influence of tobacco, the ratio of "good" and "bad" cholesterol changes for the worse.
  2. Limit alcohol consumption. According to medical research, it does not directly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood, but worsens the metabolism in the body.
  3. Follow a special diet low in animal fats.
  4. Don't neglect resources traditional medicine. She offers a large number of recipes based on natural ingredients.
  5. Control weight. Overweight people are more likely to face the problem of cholesterol imbalance.

The approach to lowering cholesterol levels must be comprehensive and ongoing. You can not get involved in short-term diets or periodic gymnastics. You need to change your lifestyle completely, this will help to avoid many health problems.


You can also lower your cholesterol levels at home. Physical activity and weight loss will help in this. To lose weight, you need to completely change your eating habits.

When adjusting the diet, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • replace animal fats (lard, cheeses, butter and others) with vegetable ones;
  • minimize the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, cakes, sweets, cakes);
  • Instead of regular baked goods, eat bread and biscuits based on oats and wholemeal bran or whole grains;
  • eat more fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

This approach to nutrition will not only quickly reduce cholesterol levels, but also improve the entire body.

Attention! Patients diagnosed with diabetes or metabolic pathology, you should not count on home methods only! Any treatment option should be supervised by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for lowering lipid levels. Their use helps improve general state health, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Here are the most popular recipes:

  1. Mix half a glass of dill seeds with a glass of honey and a spoonful of valerian root, pour 1 liter of hot water. Insist for a day. Take three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before a meal.
  2. Squeeze 10 cloves of garlic, mix with two glasses olive oil. Insist a week. Add the resulting mixture to food instead of seasoning.
  3. Squeeze juice from 1 kg of lemons, add 200 g of crushed garlic. Keep in a cold place in the dark for three days, drink 1 tbsp. l. per day, previously diluted with water.
  4. Soak beans or peas in water overnight. In the morning, replace the water, add a pinch of soda, boil and eat in two doses. The duration of the course is 21 days.
  5. Drink half an hour before meals 7 drops of 4% propolis tincture, diluted with water. It is recommended to continue treatment for four months.
  6. Eat 20-25 alfalfa sprouts daily.
  7. Add flaxseeds to your food.
  8. Add 300 g of garlic to 200 g of alcohol and insist in the dark for seven days. Drinking this tincture is recommended three times a day. With each dose, you need to increase the number of drops from 2 to 20, and then decrease in the reverse order. The course of treatment is designed for a week, repeated every three years.

Attention! Before using any folk remedies, make sure that you are not allergic to the components!

What Foods Lower Blood Cholesterol

With hyperlipidemia, eating cholesterol-lowering foods will help. Nature has given us many plants whose enzymes restore the balance of fats in the body. Let's figure out which foods lower cholesterol:

  1. Avocado. Its use quickly normalizes metabolism.
  2. Fatty fish varieties are the leader in the presence of fatty acids in the composition. Enough 200 g of marine fish per week to prevent blood clots and thin the blood.
  3. Nuts and seeds of various plants - they increase the content of "good" lipids. The most useful are walnuts, pine nuts and Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, flax and sesame seeds.
  4. From vegetable oils, olive, soybean and linseed are effective. Only add oils to cooked food, and do not fry on them.
  5. Fruits and berries are blue, purple and red. Their color is provided by polyphenols, which normalize blood balance, stimulate the liver, and help cleanse blood vessels.
  6. Whole grains and oatmeal.
  7. Citrus. They contain unique fibers that, when combined with gastric juice, “absorb” cholesterol and remove it from the body, help in the fight against various diseases.
  8. All legumes contribute to the elimination of "bad" lipids through the stomach, due to their high fiber content. They are also rich in vegetable protein, which is easily digestible.
  9. Carrot.
  10. Garlic contains many statins, phytoncides and is considered a natural antibiotic. It is useful for hypercholesterolemia, but is not recommended for people with pathologies of the digestive tract.

It is advisable to add red rice, white cabbage and a lot of fresh herbs to the diet. All these natural "medicines" will help to quickly and without harm to the body to normalize the lipid balance. The positive effect will enhance the addition of decoctions from medicinal herbs.


For mild hypercholesterolemia, pharmaceuticals can be replaced with herbs. In the fight against "bad" cholesterol, decoctions and tinctures from such plants are used:

  • "Dioscorea Caucasian". It strengthens blood vessels, improves heart function, and is used as a choleretic agent.
  • "Golden mustache". it indoor plant with many useful properties. They cure diseases endocrine system, atherosclerosis, prostatitis.
  • Liquorice root. It is taken for three weeks, after which they take a month break.
  • Alfalfa. This plant eliminates hypercholesterolemia. Juice is made from its leaves and drunk for a month, 2 tablespoons three times a day.

You can also use general strengthening decoctions of hawthorn, linden, dandelion, jaundice, milk thistle, plantain, thistle and other herbs. There are a lot of them and here are the most common in use.

Several simple tips, which will help to quickly and safely reduce lipid levels to normal:

  • replace coffee with green tea;
  • do not snack on sandwiches with butter;
  • enter soy products and sea fish into the diet;
  • Eat pork fat, but in small quantities and, preferably, with garlic. It will quickly remove excess fat from the body;
  • Try to replace saturated fats with vegetable oils.

Another useful recommendation is juice therapy. Freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices effectively rid the body of "bad" lipids. With their help, the vessels at home are cleaned the fastest. You can drink juices in courses for five days, alternating squeezed from different vegetables and fruits. But before use, they must be diluted with water.

Summing up, it is worth emphasizing the danger of formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. This can be the initial stage of diseases, life threatening. To avoid negative consequences simple steps will help: proper nutrition, physical exercises, quitting smoking and alcohol. In addition, pay attention to the body and do a blood test every six months. Normal level"bad" cholesterol - from 4 to 5.2 mmol / l. If these figures are higher, consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will help you choose adequate treatment and preventive measures.

In the blood, it can lead to various kinds of complications, as well as to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Some people think that there is no point in dealing with this problem. Others, on the contrary, try on themselves a wide variety of cholesterol remedies. This includes proper nutrition, and medications, and even traditional medicine recipes. Which of these remedies is actually effective? How to get rid of cholesterol correctly? This is what we will tell you in as much detail as possible in this article.

general information

If you believe modern medicine, a consequence of high cholesterol is the viscosity of the blood. Consistently, the formation of clots occurs. They accumulate in the blood, so there can be no question of its normal circulation. Further more. The so-called cholesterol plaques contribute to the formation of blood clots, which, in turn, cannot pass through the vessels without hindrance and consequently clog them. Surely, everyone understands that there is no need to talk about the normal functioning of the main organ systems. How to get rid of cholesterol? Let's take a look at the most popular methods below.

Proper nutrition

Under no circumstances should you ignore this method, although to many it seems simply a common truth. Indeed, many health problems require patients to have some dietary restrictions. This also applies to cholesterol. First of all, experts strongly advise you to get a small table that indicates the content of this substance in products. It can be downloaded from the Internet. So, the daily diet must necessarily include lean varieties meat or fish, fruits and vegetables in fresh, as well as greens and dairy products with a fat content of not more than 1.5%. Special attention it is necessary to give honey, you can even completely replace sugar with it, including when cooking. An excellent breakfast option is a variety of cereals on the water (for example, oatmeal). Nuts, dried fruits and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.) should also be present in the diet.

Prohibited Products

How to get rid of excess cholesterol? First of all, you should give up all fatty and fried foods. It is better to cook food by steaming or baking in the oven. Experts recommend limiting the consumption of pork, pastries, fatty dairy products, smoked meats and offal. Note that some, struggling with this problem, resort to the help of the so-called vegetarian diet. However, experts warn that this measure should be exclusively temporary. The thing is that food of animal origin contains a large number of substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Traditional medicine knows how to clear blood vessels of cholesterol

Surely, everyone will agree that the recipes of our grandmothers can heal any ailment. Below are some really effective methods.


Usage medicines, perhaps at the moment is one of the most popular solutions on how to get rid of high cholesterol. Note that in this case, you must first consult with a specialist. The doctor must select individual drugs that are suitable for your body. Otherwise, the probability is very high not only not to overcome the problem, but also to cause detrimental harm to your health. The most commonly prescribed are the so-called statins. They allow you to significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and the parameters of good - on the contrary, increase. In addition, nicotinic acid preparations also help in combating this problem. They block the spontaneous release of fats from subcutaneous tissue into the blood. Once again, we note that in no case should you engage in self-medication that is popular today and choose the drug at your discretion. After all, the number of side effects includes not only significant violations in the liver, but also arrhythmia, a decrease in sexual desire.


In this article, we looked at the most popular methods of how to get rid of cholesterol in the blood. We hope that they will help you deal with such an unpleasant problem. Be healthy!

Scientists have long proven the involvement of cholesterol in the formation of atherosclerosis. A high level of cholesterol can turn a person's life overnight - turn it from a prosperous healthy person into a disabled person. Mortality from heart attack and stroke accounts for almost half of the total number of deaths.

Thanks to cholesterol, normal metabolism at the cellular level, the synthesis of the most important hormones and vitamins is possible.

Used to fight disease drug treatment. But not all and not always it is shown. Therefore, consider how to lower cholesterol without drugs. How can you reduce its level with a diet and is it possible to reduce "bad" cholesterol with folk remedies? Let's consider these questions.

Cholesterol - benefit and harm

Cholesterol is a fatty white waxy substance. In the body, it is involved in all vital processes:

  • Without it, the production of female and male sex hormones is impossible.
  • He takes part in the synthesis of non-sex hormones: cortisol, aldosterone, corticosteroids.
  • This substance is found in the cell membrane.
  • It is the basis of vitamin D.
  • It produces bile.
  • Without it, the exchange of substances between the cell and the intercellular space is impossible.

Separate "bad" and "good" cholesterol (synonymous with cholesterol). Entering the bloodstream, it combines with protein and circulates in the form of two compounds. One is high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and the other is low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

“Bad” cholesterol refers to LDL. The more they accumulate in the blood, the faster they are deposited, clogging the lumen of the vessel. And then the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases. Cholesterol comes from animal products - sausage, full-fat milk and processed meat. But it can be removed by foods containing fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals.

Why high cholesterol is dangerous

The level of blood cholesterol in different individuals differs depending on sex and age. The average total cholesterol in men and women ranges from 3.6 to 5.2 mmol / l. However, with age, its level increases. Up to 40 years, the maximum cholesterol level is from 5.17 to 6.27 mmol / l. In older people - from 6.27 to 7.77 mmol / l.

With atherosclerosis coronary arteries coronary heart disease occurs, manifested by angina pectoris, in severe cases, myocardial infarction

Elevated cholesterol increases the risk of diseases such as:

  • angina pectoris, myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • sclerosis of the kidney vessels.

Elevated cholesterol can be detected at any age. In some cases, hypercholesterolemia is a genetic problem. Therefore, it should be checked in some people as early as 20 years old.

Depending on the pathology, doctors of different profiles give recommendations on how to lower cholesterol. And often the implementation of therapeutic measures is associated with a change in a person's lifestyle. To lower cholesterol, you should follow these rules:

  • Complete refusal to eat fast food, fast food, chips, hamburgers, shop cakes, cakes. Only this measure helps to significantly lower cholesterol levels.
  • Refusal of fried foods. Dishes should be stewed, boiled, steamed or grilled. Roasting produces carcinogens.
  • Eliminate trans fats - margarine and cooking oil. They contribute to the accumulation of LDL in the blood. Trans fats in foods are referred to as "hydrogenated fats". They must be replaced with vegetable oils - olive, soy, sunflower.
  • The menu excludes animal products that are high in cholesterol.
  • Inclusion in the menu of products that lower LDL - fiber, vegetables, fruits.
  • The diet should include fatty fish of salmon species, containing "good" cholesterol.
  • Soy foods help lower cholesterol levels. They are rich in protein, help reduce consumption harmful products and also reduce weight.
  • Any physical activity reduces "bad" and increases "good" cholesterol.
  • To give up smoking. Nicotine damages the walls of blood vessels, facilitating the deposition of LDL on their inner surface.

Elevated cholesterol poses a health risk, but it is a manageable problem.

You can cope with it by giving up bad habits, changing your lifestyle. By taking preventive measures, you can lower blood cholesterol without medication.

Foods to Avoid for High Cholesterol

If the level of cholesterol has risen, first of all, you should change your diet. Doctors give recommendations on how to lower blood cholesterol through diet.

Excluded from the menu fatty foods animal origin, because it contains a lot of cholesterol.

Diet therapy consists in the exclusion of such foods as butter, cream, sour cream, hard cheese, margarine, fatty meat and meat products, (pork is especially undesirable), eggs, white bread

These products include:

  • fatty beef meat, including veal;
  • lamb, pork and lard;
  • beef brains are the champion in cholesterol content;
  • liver, kidneys;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products with high fat content - cream, butter, sour cream, hard cheeses;
  • mayonnaise;
  • trans fats (margarine and cooking oil) contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body;
  • granular and red caviar;
  • chicken with skin;
  • shrimps, crabs;
  • meat products - pates, sausages, sausages, stew.

The right foods and how they are prepared lower the "bad" and increase the "good" fraction of cholesterol.

Experts have found out which products can lower cholesterol without pills, protect the heart and blood vessels. The menu should include products of the following composition:

  • Vegetable fibers and pectins that remove "bad" cholesterol. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
  • Foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in fatty marine fish (salmon, chum salmon, trout).
  • Plant foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids. The largest number of them is found in cold-pressed olive oil, as well as in rapeseed and flaxseed.

These acids increase the content of "good" cholesterol. Thus, in the blood there is a balancing of the level of HDL and LDL. Recall that atherosclerosis develops when the balance of these fractions is disturbed.

Herbal products that lower cholesterol

  • Legumes - beans, lentils, soybeans, the regular use of which helps to quickly reduce cholesterol without medication. If you eat a plate of beans a day, cholesterol will decrease in 3 weeks. Legumes allow you to achieve a two-fold reduction in LDL.
  • Barley, known as pearl barley, is rich in plant fiber containing glucans that lower LDL. When doctors give recommendations on how to quickly lower cholesterol, they advise cooking barley porridge or pilaf with vegetables. Barley, like no other cereal, significantly reduces blood lipids. In addition, this whole grain cereal is a great alternative to rice.
  • Oatmeal made from cereals or grains is also useful in the fight against cholesterol. Oat bran is even more effective.
  • Contribute to the reduction of LDL nuts. Almonds, which contain phytosterols in the peel, have a pronounced effect. They combine in the intestines with saturated fats, forming an insoluble compound that is not absorbed into the bloodstream. They can be eaten neat or added to salads. Almonds also protect against atherosclerosis due to antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Avocados contain monounsaturated fats. They raise the level of “good” cholesterol. Avocados can be eaten with lemon and salt, or added to salads.
  • The diet should include unrefined vegetable oil - sunflower, soybean. It contains phytosterols.
  • Carrots are rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin A. Eating two carrots a day can lower cholesterol by 5-10% in 2-3 weeks. In addition, carrots improve memory.

Pectins should be supplied in an amount of 15 grams per day. They can be found in apples, plums, apricots, beets, carrots, black currants.

  • Cranberries are a source of antioxidants and vitamin C. This natural healer cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  • Eggplant contains a large amount of fiber. Eggplant fibers bind and remove LDL from the intestines. This product also improves heart function due to potassium.
  • Dairy products should be consumed low in fat - up to 2.5%.
  • To lower cholesterol, soy products are recommended - milk, cheese and tofu.
  • The cholesterol-lowering diet includes apples. Their skin contains polyphenols and antioxidants that prevent the accumulation and settling of "bad" cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels. It is recommended to use them before meals.
  • Cholesterol lowering agents are garlic and ginger. By speeding up the metabolism, they help to utilize fatty foods.

To combat cholesterol, olive, rapeseed and linseed oil. They contain monounsaturated fatty acids that dissolve atherosclerotic plaques. They also contain antioxidants Omega-6, Omega-3, which protect blood vessels from damaging factors. When using olive oil instead of animal fat, the level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced.

Rapeseed oil when consumed 1 tbsp. l. per day reduces total cholesterol by 29% in 5 months. Oil is sold in super- and hypermarkets. When buying, you should pay attention that it is stored in dark glass bottles, because fatty acids decompose in the light.

What fish lowers cholesterol

With high cholesterol, the diet includes foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The largest number these acids (up to 14%) are found in fish - salmon, chum salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna. Omega-3 in fish reduces cholesterol, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and thins the blood. At elevated level cholesterol, it is recommended to cook fish 2-3 times a week. A serving of cooked fish is 100-150 grams.

Folk ways

There are folk remedies for lowering cholesterol. But they must be used carefully, taking into account individual sensitivity:

  • At home, a decoction is prepared from the leaves of tansy and valerian. For this, 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture is poured with a glass of hot water, insisted for 15 minutes, after which they take ¼ cup three times a day for 2 weeks.
  • A mixture of flaxseed also helps. To do this, grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and mix with water to a slurry state. Take porridge for 1 tsp. before eating. Seeds can simply be added to prepared foods.
  • Dandelion root, ground into powder, is consumed in 1 tsp. before meals.

Help reduce cholesterol herbal preparation Tykveol or capsules with fish oil. herbal remedies are used in combination with dietary nutrition.

In conclusion, we note. The basis of treatment for lowering cholesterol is proper nutrition. Its principle is to use products that reduce "bad" and increase "good" cholesterol. What matters is the correct way of cooking. To help the diet, you can use folk remedies. Dietary nutrition balances the balance of HDL and LDL. This is at the head of the prevention of vascular atherosclerosis and its consequences - heart attack, stroke.