What are yellow flowers. Indoor yellow flowers and plants (with photo)

An interesting experience for a gardener of any level will be the creation of a monochrome flower bed with plants designed in a single color scheme. You can start, for example, with yellow, encouraging and empowering.

It is better to take perennial plants for flower beds, so that the man-made "sun" of your garden can please you not just for one season, but for many years.

yellow perennial garden flowers

In order for a flower garden of yellow perennials to look most harmonious, the height of the plants should be taken into account. For example, charming dwarf irises are best planted in the same flower bed with crocuses, and rudbeckia, whose height varies from 1.5 to 2 meters, with elecampane.

Below you will find a convenient list of perennials, divided into three groups depending on height: tall - 1-2.5 meters, medium-sized - 30-100 cm and undersized - up to 30 cm.

tall perennials

Tall perennials are able to add a touch of individuality to. Here are examples of the most effective representatives of the group:

  • Buzulnik or Ligularia (Ligularia) is a perennial plant with small, but very cute flowers, collected in long inflorescences. Reaches a height of 1.5 meters.
  • Elecampane or Yellow (Inula) is a beautiful perennial whose flowers are a bit like an aster. Plant height varies from 1.5 to 2 meters.
  • Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia) is a herbaceous plant with bright flowers of rich yellow or orange. Height - from 50 cm to 3 m.

The main secrets of growing and caring for hippeastrum:

Medium-sized perennials

Among medium-sized perennial flowers that look advantageous both in single and in group plantings, one can distinguish:

    • Catchment or Aquilegia (Aquilegia) - a plant with very unusual, but very elegant flowers. Grows up to 1 meter in height.
    • Helenium (Helenium) is a herbaceous perennial with a height of 10 to 160 cm. It blooms with bright and large flowers of one or two shades.
    • Doronicum or Kozulnik (Doronicum) is a perennial that blooms with large golden yellow flowers. It can grow from 15 cm to 1.4 m in height.
    • Iris or Kasatik (Iris) is a perennial plant with flowers that vaguely resemble an orchid. The height depends on the variety and species and varies from 15 cm to 1 m. There are wonderful dwarf varieties.
    • Swimsuit (Trollius) is a herbaceous plant with very pretty flowers-balls. Height ranges from 30 to 50 cm.
    • Daylily or Krasodnev (Hemerocallis) is a perennial that looks like a lily. It blooms with beautiful large flowers, but fades quickly enough. The height of the peduncles is from 60 to 90 cm, depending on the species. Detailed information about growing daylilies in open ground can be read in
    • Narcissus (Narcissus) is a bulbous perennial with large fragrant flowers on a tall peduncle. Height - from 15 to 60 cm. Right choice places (bright, not swampy) - important

    • (Paeonia) is a perennial shrub with lush foliage and large flowers. It can reach 1 meter in height.
    • Fritillaria (Fritillaria) - this perennial owes its funny name to the colorful pattern of its own flower, which, by the way, is incredibly good. The height of the hazel grouse depends on the variety and species. Its approximate range: 20 cm - 1 m.

  • (Tulipa) is an extremely showy and popular bulbous perennial whose height ranges from 15 to 80 cm depending on the variety and species. Tulip flowers are very beautiful and large enough.
  • Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum) - one of the most popular perennials (but note that there are also annual species), blooming with large "shaggy" flowers. Height - from 25 to 130 cm.

undersized perennials

Undersized species of perennials look great both along garden paths and as part of mixborders. In general, the choice of a place for planting these plants is a matter of taste for a summer resident.

Undersized perennials, including yellow ones, include:

  • Adonis or Yellowflower (Adonis) is a perennial herbaceous plant 20-30 cm high, but can reach 40 cm. It blooms with single flowers of a golden hue.
  • (Hyacinthus) - bulbous perennial with flowers collected in graceful brushes. Height - up to 30 cm.
  • Primrose or Primula (Primula) is a flowering herbaceous plant. The variety of primrose species is so great that almost any color can be chosen. Height - from 10 to 40 cm.
  • Saffron or Crocus (Crocus) - these babies have a poorly developed stem, so they rise very low above the ground. However, this is fully compensated by beautiful flowers, the number of which from one corm can even reach 2-3 pieces.

Types and varieties of yellow perennials

When arranging a “yellow” flower bed, it is important to choose the right types and varieties of some perennials, since not all of them are the right color. For example, tulips, peonies or chrysanthemums have a huge variety of colors and shades.

That is why you should prepare for the search and purchase desired types in advance, and the list below will help you with this:

    • Buzulnik: toothed buzulnik (Osiris Fantasy, Britt Marie Crawford, Desdemona varieties), Przhevalsky buzulnik (The Rocket).
    • Elecampane: elecampane high.
    • Rudbeckia: dissected rudbeckia, Hirta rudbeckia ("Meine Freude"), hybrid rudbeckia, brilliant rudbeckia.
    • Catchment: hybrid aquilegia.
    • Gelenium: Bigelow gelenium, low gelenium, autumn gelenium ("Sunny Hill"), hybrid gelenium.
    • Doronicum: oriental doronicum ("Spring Beauty", "Gold Dwarf"), plantain doronicum ("Miss Mason", "Harpuf Crewe"), Kolumna's doronicum ("Gold Straus"), Austrian doronicum.
    • Iris: dwarf iris ("Lutea"), garden iris or hybrid.
    • Bathing suit: European bathing suit.

    • Daylily: lemon yellow daylily, yellow daylily, small daylily, Thunberg's daylily.
    • Narcissus: tubular daffodil, daffodil (Daydream), triandrus daffodil (Hawera), cyclamen daffodil (February Gold), double daffodil (Yellow Cheerfulness, Irene Copeland, Rip Van Winkle), daffodil jonquillium ("Pipit"), narcissus tatsetovidny ("Scarlet Gem").
    • Peony: Wittmann peony, mountain peony, yellow peony, Mlokosevich peony.

    • Fritillary: imperial hazel grouse, yellow hazel grouse.
    • Tulip (florists usually classify tulips not by biological species, but by flowering time): early flowering - simple early ("Mon Tresor") and terry early ("Monte Carlo"), medium flowering - triumph tulips, late flowering - green, fringed (" Exotic Sun", "Hamilton"), Rembrandt tulips, terry late ("Akebono").
    • Chrysanthemum: autumn chrysanthemum, Korean chrysanthemum ("Altgold", "Mishal").
    • : adonis amur.

  • Hyacinth: Oriental hyacinth and its many hybrids ("Gipsy Queen").
  • Primula: common primrose, ear primrose, Florinda primrose, high primrose.
  • Crocus: sowing crocus, Sharoyan crocus, yellow crocus ("Largest Yellow"), golden crocus ("E.G. Bowles", "Nanette"), narrow-leaved crocus.

Note: some of the indicated species and varieties are not pure yellow in color, but with stripes, patches or spots of other colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of perennial yellow flowers

The undoubted advantage of the yellow flower garden is its sunny and positive appearance. As you know, yellow color tones, gives vigor and even cheers. And some "inhabitants" of your yellow flower bed, in addition to their beauty, also have medicinal properties(for example, elecampane).

If all the plants in the flower garden are perennial, then you will not need to buy new seedlings and seeds every year, and then spend a lot of time planting them.

Perennials are much less whimsical than annuals, but they also need your attention: a competent choice of a place for planting and soil, a well-thought-out layout of plants in height, light-loving and moisture-loving, periodic transplantation.

Perennial plants take some time to grow and then bloom, so your flower bed will not immediately take on a finished look. It will take some time to wait. Some plants may die due to too dry summer or unsuccessful wintering, so they will have to be planted again.

Flower garden care

An example of a well-groomed "yellow" flower garden

Having chosen plants for the "yellow" flower bed, familiarize yourself with the conditions for their planting and maintenance. The land for perennials must be prepared in the fall, and loosening and planting should be done in the spring. Peat compost can be added to sandy soil, and sand or compost soil can be added to clay soil.

When planting and transplanting perennials, be guided by the time of their flowering. and summer, plant in spring, and those that bloom in summer, transplant in late August or early September.

It's important to know: when planting perennials, remove all diseased, dried and rotten roots and leaves. It is better to do this in the shade, otherwise the roots may dry out.

Autumn (except evergreens). The stem of plants is usually left at a height of 10-15 cm. Before wintering, some plants can be covered with leaves so that they do not freeze.

Feed your perennials every year to provide them good growth and vigorous flowering. Top dressing should be stopped at the end of July. Do not forget about regular transplantation, as plants in cramped conditions are more likely to get sick and may even die.

Particular attention should be paid to bulbous perennials. You need to plant them in the fall, and in the summer - monitor the dying leaves and do not remove them until they are completely dry, otherwise this will greatly weaken the plant.

Subject to all these simple rules, the "sunny" flower bed will delight you for more than one year. And now that you've convinced yourself that planning a monochrome yellow flower garden is not difficult at all, it's time to try creating your own.

See video about yellow flowers in the country:

Dacha is not only garden beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. Perennial flowers help to create beauty on the site. For a garden, unpretentious long-flowering plants are indispensable, like a magnificent frame for a canvas created by labor of a summer resident.

It may seem to novice gardeners that laying out a flower garden and caring for it is too troublesome. But with the right selection of crops, caring for flowers will not take much time, and the buds will open from early spring to late autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

early spring in middle lane not happy with the colors. Annual flowers have not yet been sown, even the most unpretentious ones are just showing up from under the ground.

Are there really plants that are ready to bloom in the first warm days? Yes, wintering bulbous crops have formed the beginnings of buds since autumn and in the spring they are the first to illuminate the flower beds with all the shades of the rainbow.


Corollas of white, blue, yellow and even striped crocuses appear practically from under the snow. Plants with a height of 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after the flowers fade, they retire. Planting of bulbs is carried out in the traditional terms for spring bulbous plants, from August to September. The best place for crocuses is well-lit areas or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of shrubs or trees that have not yet blossomed.


Tulip - not only the most common perennials in summer cottages, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today, lovers of spring flowers have hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties at their disposal. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species that differ both in appearance and in the timing of flowering.

Having skillfully selected varieties, with the help of tulips alone, from 10 to 50 cm high, you can decorate the site up to the alpine hill. The flowering of the first tulips begins in March, and the latest varieties wither at the end of May.

Tulip bulbs are planted in the first half of autumn in sunny areas with loose, nutrient-rich soil.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which is stopped in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

Types of garden tulips react differently to frost. If in the southern regions the most lush terry and lily varieties can be considered unpretentious plants for summer cottages and gardens, then in the northern regions the common tulips of Greig, Gesner and Foster need to be dug up annually.

Undersized, but easily wintering in any climate, botanical tulips or Kaufman tulips will help to replace them.


Along with tulips garden beds daffodils appear. Flowering lasts from April to last days May, while the flowers illuminate the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also with an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the variety, the plants reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowers can be either simple or double, with a short or long crown. Daffodils prefer areas with loose fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns that open at this time. The main thing is that the soil in which the bulbs were planted in the fall should not be oversaturated with moisture.

Daffodils are long-blooming, hardy garden flowers used successfully in mixed plantings with tulips, garden varieties, dicentra and other plants. For several years, daffodils feel great in one place. Growing, they form very dense clumps, which are planted after the leaves wither, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Wintering bulbous crops seem to appear “out of nowhere” in the spring, unpretentious and bright, but at the same time their foliage cannot retain decorative effect for a long time. It dies off, exposing a place in a flower bed, so you should take care in advance of planting a number of "replacement" crops, such as peony bushes, perennial poppies or aquilegia.


It's one thing to pick long-blooming perennials and hardy flowers for a sunny garden. Another is to find the same plants for both open and shady areas.

There are not so many shade-tolerant garden crops - a vivid example of one of them is the periwinkle. or small dwarf shrubs bloom in the midst of spring and spread quickly, rooting easily on contact with the ground.

Periwinkle cultivars create spectacular clumps of fresh greens flecked in all shades of blue, white, pink and purple. At the disposal of gardeners are specimens with simple and terry corollas, smooth and variegated foliage.

Romantic legends are associated with many ornamental plants. No exception - which, thanks to such a story, is better known not by its real name, but as a "broken heart".

Due to the powerful rhizomes of the dicentra, it tolerates winter cold without loss. The foliage dying off in the fall with the advent of heat rises again above the ground, at different varieties reaching a height of 30 to 100 cm. A spectacular plant in May is covered with white, pink or two-tone corollas collected in racemose inflorescences of a bizarre, heart-shaped shape. Flowering lasts about a month, and under the transparent shade of young foliage, the drooping inflorescences of an unpretentious plant for summer cottages and gardens look brighter and last longer.

Dicentra will be indispensable in a flower bed next to primroses and daffodils, muscari, ferns and ornamental varieties of onions.

A flowering plant is worthy of admiration in a single planting, and after the inflorescences wither, it will become an excellent background for other flowers.

Lily of the valley

The classics of spring flower beds are forest ones that bloom in May. Thanks to creeping rhizomes, plants hibernate. In the spring, leathery leaves folded into dense tubes first appear on the flower beds, then flower stalks up to 30 cm high rise above the unfolded rosettes. Each inflorescence has from 6 to 20 white or pinkish, fragrant bells. Flowering lasts until the beginning of summer, and then red rounded berries appear in place of the flowers.

The advantage of these unpretentious garden perennials is flowers that do not lose their beauty in the sun and in the shade, the ability to grow in one place up to 10 years.


In the forest, next to lily of the valley curtains, you can see graceful kupen plants. Blooming from May to June, the perennial is not as bright as other spring flowers.

But in shady areas, near coniferous crops and shrubs, a culture from 30 to 80 cm high with drooping white or greenish bell flowers is simply irreplaceable.


May is the month of the brightest greenery and unusually lush flowering of garden perennials.

At this time, under the crowns of trees, near paths and ponds, under the protection of walls and fences, blue flowers brunners. Plants with a height of 30 to 50 cm, with decorative pointed-heart-shaped foliage, prefer to settle in partial shade, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush deciduous rosettes and inflorescences towering above them.

Pale blue, unpretentious garden flowers enliven the most shady corners, do not require special care, thanks to their attractive, often variegated foliage, they protect their decorative effect for a long time and can do without a transplant for many years.

AT favorable conditions brunner grows excellently and reproduces by dividing the bush.

Summer, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for a summer residence

Bright, fast-growing letniki, 1-2 months after sowing, bloom flower beds in the most incredible colors. But autumn comes, and the plants complete their short life. The next spring, the summer resident begins with the selection of annual, ornamental crops, sowing and caring for young seedlings. It takes a lot of precious time that could be devoted to vegetable seedlings, caring for fruit and berry plantations.

Long-flowering, unpretentious flowers specially selected for the garden, blooming in different seasons and not requiring painstaking care, will help save time and energy. Although they bloom only in the second half of summer or in the second year, they live in one place without a transplant for several years.

Summer is the most fertile time for flowering plants. An incredible number of species are ready to give their flowers to the summer resident. The main thing is to choose them from those plants that can rightly be called non-capricious and beautiful.


When late tulips and daffodils bloom in the garden at the end of May, decorative foliage of aquilegia or catchment areas begins to rise above the ground. The bizarre bells of this, one of the most unpretentious perennials for giving, as on, are revealed on tall erect peduncles.

Flowering almost without interruption lasts from late May to September. And even without flowers, plants do not lose their charm. Their leaves take on purple and lilac tones by autumn. Depending on the variety, aquilegia can grow from 30 to 80 cm in height. All of this species grow well both in the shade and in open areas. Already by the name it is clear that the catchment loves moisture, but even with a lack of irrigation, it can find water thanks to its powerful taproots. Aquilegia grows best in light, well-drained soils.

Flowers appear in the second year of life. Mature plants can be divided. You can do this in early spring or autumn.

Although, under favorable conditions, aquilegia propagates by self-sowing, this method does not allow preserving the properties of hybrid and varietal specimens. Seedlings are most often purple or pink in color and can become a kind of weed plant if immature seed pods are not removed in time or flower beds are not weeded.

bathing suit

The moisture-loving unpretentious garden flowers also include the favorite of many summer residents.

Its yellow or orange flowers open in May and, with regular watering, do not disappear until the second half of summer. The plant, with a height of 50 to 90 cm, is noticeable enough to lead in group plantings near and in shady corners of the garden. Tall flower stalks will be safe next to fences and ornamental shrubs.


Although the flowering of arabis begins in the second half of spring, this unpretentious perennial can rightly be considered summer, since its flowering does not end until the very frosts.

A ground cover or creeping plant with stems 20 to 30 cm long, the planting field quickly forms dense, cushion-like curtains covered with brushes of small white, pink or purple flowers.
Shearing helps to prolong flowering and maintain the shape of plantings. Arabis does best in open areas with light, aerated soil. This culture with variegated foliage is indispensable for decorating, slides and other parts of the garden.


At the junction of spring and summer, many rhizomatous perennials take the baton of flowering in bulbous plants. No exception - a bright doronicum with large yellow inflorescences-baskets resembling daisies. Flowers open on erect, bare or leafy stems 30–80 cm high. Unpretentious flowers for summer cottages and gardens are planted in the sun or in transparent shade, but not under the crowns of trees.

Doronicum plants love moisture in order to save it in the soil under light green foliage, the soil is mulched.

When flowering ends, the greens also wither. Ornamental ferns, curtains of leucanthemum and aquilegia, with which doronicum is perfectly combined, will help to hide the gap formed in the flower bed.


It's amazing how one type of perennial can decorate an entire garden. This is within the power of numerous, blooming from June to September. Lush inflorescences, racemose or panicle-like, are not the only decoration of this plant. Shade-tolerant carved foliage no less enlivens the site. To do this, you just need to cut the flower stalks with dead inflorescences in time.
Depending on the variety and species, plant height ranges from 40 to 120 cm. Astilbes bloom better with regular soil moisture, but do not like stagnant moisture. In garden plantings, these beautiful and unpretentious flowers for giving look great against the background of conifers, and they themselves will be a luxurious frame for.


Many cultivated varieties of garden perennials are descendants of wild-growing species, which can be found literally behind the fence of a summer cottage.

From May until the end of summer, amazingly quivering flowers continue to bloom. Single or collected in inflorescences corollas of all shades of pink, purple, lilac and blue are short-lived. All day, and on the spot withered flower a new one appears.

When the flowering season ends, the garden does not become empty thanks to the decorative cut foliage of geraniums. By autumn, it is painted in bright golden, orange and purple tones and enlivens faded flower beds and hills until the very snow.

The height of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for giving, depending on the type, is from 10 cm to a meter. All plants are unpretentious and do not impose special requirements on the soil; they grow in the light and under crowns.


If there is a place in the garden for, or you need to plant a tall plant with bright flowers and the same decorative leaves, there can be only one answer -!

How is this possible? This is about different types loosestrife, equally unpretentious and suitable for site decoration.

Depending on the variety and species, flowers easily adapting to different conditions have a height of 20 to 80 cm.

For shady corners and partial shade, the coin or meadow loosestrife is perfect with long lying stems covered with rounded leaves similar to coins. This culture is indispensable near the reservoir, in wet areas, which will be successfully revived by light green foliage and yellow flowers.

To decorate flower beds, mixborders and rocky hills, erect types of loosestrife with green or variegated foliage and yellow flowers are used, forming spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences in the upper part of the stem. All loosestrife are unpretentious, tolerate frost well and are rarely affected by pests.

Cornflower perennial

Annual cornflowers relatively recently moved from the meadow to the garden. They were followed by their perennial relatives. Blooming from June to September, plants form spectacular, thanks to the carved, rich green foliage of curtains from 40 cm to a meter high.

One of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages, cornflowers grow well in the sun and in partial shade. They do not impose special requirements on the soil, get along well with other crops and will be an excellent backdrop for peonies, cornflowers, low-growing flowering and decorative leafy plants in flower beds.

Today, gardeners have at their disposal varieties of perennial cornflower with flowers of purple-pink, lilac, purple and white. The large-headed cornflower has fluffy flowers of the original yellow color.

Turkish carnation

In June, the multicolored caps of the Turkish carnation open. Bright flowers with jagged petals are quite small, but collected in dense inflorescences, they will perfectly enliven the summer cottage, create a summer mood and color the flower beds in all shades from white to rich purple.

A distinctive feature of the plant is flowering, lasting until September, the possibility of reproduction by self-sowing and incredible combinations of colors. The height of the Turkish carnation, depending on the variety, ranges from 40 to 60 centimeters. Plants show maximum decorative effect in the light or in partial shade, if they are planted next to decorative leafy crops.


Not only belong to the most unpretentious garden flowers. This perennial culture alone can bloom the entire site. Blue, white, pink, purple and two-color spike-shaped inflorescences appear in the first half of June, and then re-blooming begins in the second half of summer.

Plants up to one meter high bloom magnificently in the sun, do not like too fertilized soils and, thanks to a powerful rhizome, are able to survive in conditions of moisture deficiency. In the garden, lupine is an ideal neighbor for leucanthemum, multi-colored aquilegia, perennial poppies.


In terms of flowering splendor, perennial poppies can only be compared with. Just one plant with corollas of scarlet, pink, white and purple is enough to change the look of the most inconspicuous corner of the garden.

Despite their exotic appearance, poppies are quite unpretentious. They are not afraid of frost, grow excellently on any soil and endure drought without loss. But they react negatively to excessive moisture. Once settled on the site, with the help of very small seeds, the poppy can settle on its own, creating spectacular clumps of densely pubescent carved foliage.


There are more than a hundred species of irises in the world, many of which are actively used as ornamental plants. The flowering of garden varieties begins at the border of spring and summer, and continues until mid-July.

With a difference in color, size, habitual habitat, these perennial rhizomatous plants have in common the appearance of pointed xiphoid leaves collected in flattened bunches, as well as the graceful shape of flowers. Although corollas that open for a day or a little more cannot be called centenarians, amia plants bloom profusely and for a long time due to the many simultaneous rising peduncles.

In the garden, irises choose light or barely shaded areas with light, loose soil.

During the growing season and flowering plants need regular soil moisture. But it is necessary to intervene in the development of the curtain carefully. Loosening and weeding can affect powerful rhizomes closely located below the surface.

Flowering shoots of irises rise 40–80 cm above the ground. White, yellow, pink, purple, cream, blue or light blue flowers make a great garden decoration and are ideal for cutting.


Daisies, along with cornflowers, are traditionally considered a symbol of Russian expanses. Garden varieties of leucanthemum are the same daisies, only much larger and more expressive. Simple and double inflorescences-baskets are crowned with erect stems from 30 to 100 cm high.

In the garden, cornflower prefers to grow in open, well-lit areas with loose, nutrient-rich, but not too light soil. The plant responds to the lack of moisture and organic matter with flowers shrinking over time and with the rapid withering of the baskets.

Nivyanik propagates by seeds, division of adult curtains, as well as self-sowing. This must be taken into account if all cultures have clearly defined boundaries in flowerbeds and mixborders. For the most lush flowering rosettes, it is advisable to divide the rosette every few years.

The best neighbors for one of the most unpretentious perennials to give, as in the photo, flowers, gypsophila, bright poppies and bluebells. White inflorescences look great against the background of carved greenery and cornflower inflorescences, next to decorative cereals and onions.


Growing bells in the country is not difficult even for beginners. Plants are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, winter well without shelter. The only thing that interferes with the perennial is an excess of moisture and dense, poorly drained soil.

In nature, there are many types of bluebells with simple, semi- and double flowers in white, blue, lilac, pink and deep purple tones. Plants from 20 to 120 cm tall, depending on the type and shape, find a place on the hills and as part of group plantings with cornflower, pyrethrum, lush peonies and strict cereals.


Easily tolerant of drought, with luxurious decorative greenery and racemose inflorescences, it can rightfully be considered the queen of the summer cottage. Plants up to 2 meters high are among the largest in Russian gardens. They rise above the rest of the flowers and even fruit bushes.

Stock roses or mallows can easily create a living wall or become the center of a lush flower bed. Beautiful, unpretentious flowers for summer cottages grow on light, well-drained soils, propagate by seeds, including self-sowing. But moving a large plant to another place will be problematic. Transplantation is hampered by powerful long rhizomes, damage to which leads to weakening and even death of the mallow.

Simple and double, white, yellow, pink and red, burgundy and bright crimson flowers on powerful erect stems are used to decorate hedges and walls, in flower beds and in, as background plants. Incredibly beautiful group plantings of mallows of different shades. In front of them, you can plant the same unpretentious phloxes, bells, decorative forms of onions, cornflowers and undersized varieties, as well as any letniki.

Spicy aromatic unpretentious perennials for summer cottages

When choosing long-blooming unpretentious flowers for the garden, one should not lose sight of plants that are more often popular as spicy, medicinal or fragrant herbs. At the same time, many of them are in no way inferior to flowering perennials, their flowers will decorate flower beds and can be used for cutting.

Today, numerous varieties are available to gardeners, lemon balm, catnip. On the site, if desired, you can plant hyssop, thyme and even lavender. These plants look great in a separate, “pharmaceutical” garden, but they can also be easily imagined as part of a mixborder, in a country-style flowerbed or in the form of free curtains near a hedge or wall of a house.

Unpretentious and useful perennials, thanks to lush greenery, are decorative from spring to frost. And during flowering, they attract a lot of bees and other pollinating insects.


Oregano is a native inhabitant of the European part of Russia. The plant, familiar to many by the characteristic aroma of greenery and pink-lilac caps of inflorescences, prefers to settle in open, well-lit areas with light soil. In nature, oregano can be seen in clearings and forest edges, in oak forests and in dry meadows.

The first green of oregano appears in March, literally from under the snow. By June, the plant forms a lush cap of densely leafy shoots from 20 to 50 centimeters high. A month later, stems with delicate inflorescences-baskets rise above the greenery.

The entire aerial part of the plant, incredibly revered in France, Italy, and the USA, has a spicy aroma. Here, oregano is grown as a natural seasoning for sauces, salads, pasta and poultry meat, pastries, in particular, in pizza. Tea with herbs and oregano flowers is no less tasty. Harvesting oregano or oregano is carried out from July to October, while the perennial blooms.

Herbaceous shrubs of oregano, covered with flowers, are magnificent in the company of nivyanik, lupins, rudbeckia, clouds of white-pink gypsophila and cereals.


Lofant or polygon with lilac-violet or white spike-shaped inflorescences is one of the most prominent medicinal and ornamental perennials. In the garden, the culture easily settles in the lightest areas, does not feel discomfort even in the sun itself and winters well, showing everyone the first green with a purple or bluish tint from early spring.

Lofant is so unpretentious that it grows and blooms not only with a lack of moisture, but also on poor soils. Simple care and a little attention - and an unpretentious plant will generously share with the summer resident a fragrant, smell reminiscent of anise or licorice, a herb rich in essential oils and useful for colds, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system.

In the garden, the spectacular inflorescences of the lofant will not go unnoticed by either people or bees. The plant, which blooms from June to the end of summer, is suitable for decorating front gardens and easily tolerates cutting.


Monarda with white, pink, purple and purple inflorescences is also a resident of the sunny, wind-protected corners of the garden with light soil.

For decorative purposes, this fragrant perennial is planted next to other similar plants, as well as in the vicinity of coreopsis and, nivyanik and undersized annuals, for which a monard up to a meter high will be a luxurious background.

The combination of this plant with annual, blue and white large-flowered bells, stonecrops and other crops is interesting, allowing you to imitate a corner of a wild meadow in the garden.

In summer cottages, you can often find lemon monarda. Its greenery during the flowering period, that is, from July to September, accumulates a lot essential oils, close to the oils of lemon balm, hyssop, and other spicy-flavoring and medicinal plants their Yasnotkov families.

Autumn unpretentious flowers: long-blooming perennials for the garden

With the onset of September, autumn comes into its own faster and faster. But it is too early to part with the beauty of the garden. Until the snow falls, garden geranium curtains amaze with the play of bright colors, bergenia dresses up in purple tones, on hills and curbs they surprise with bizarre forms of stonecrop. There are many flowers of unpretentious garden perennials in the garden.


One of the brightest "stars" of the autumn flowerbed is considered. These plants overwinter excellently in most regions, form green clumps in spring, and bloom in the second half of summer, almost until October, retaining an incredible variety of colors and splendor of inflorescences.

Depending on the type and variety, phloxes will be indispensable on alpine hills and traditional flower beds, near small ponds and next to buildings that tall plants perfectly decorate at any time of the year.

The list of cultivated phlox today includes more than four dozen species, among which only Drummond's phlox is an annual. All other creeping, bushy, semi-lodging forms with stems from 20 to 150 cm tall are ready for many years to settle in the garden of a lover of decorative and unpretentious perennial flowers.

perennial asters

Annual asters are the unchanging leaders in the list of garden flyers for summer cottages and gardens. However, the true ones are often and undeservedly forgotten.

From August until the very snow, these plants bloom, illuminating the whole area with flashes of blue, white, pink, purple hues. There are more than 200 species of perennial asters, varying in size, lifestyle and shape. The Alpine aster is quite small, and its inflorescences-baskets are located on grassy erect stems, resembling the familiar chamomile. And in the Italian variety - the form of a grassy, ​​densely leafy shrub, completely covered with medium-sized flowers. Moreover, all types are extremely decorative and non-capricious.

The height of perennial asters varies from 20 centimeters to one and a half meters. Flowers can be not only different colors, but simple and double. These perennials form dense dark green clumps from spring, easily tolerate excess light and moisture deficiency in summer, and completely transform the garden in autumn.

Bush forms can be molded, they can be used to create dense living borders and picturesque groups with other autumn plants.

The only drawback of the perennial aster is inherent in many perennial crops. A plant that takes root in the garden begins to multiply uncontrollably, quickly mastering all new territories. So that the flowerbed that was previously motley does not turn into the “kingdom” of asters, you will have to monitor the resettlement of the shrub and regularly remove the shoots.

Each of the 30 described ornamental plants can claim the title of the most unpretentious perennial flower for giving. All of them are beautiful and amazing in their own way. In fact, the list of non-capricious, requiring minimal attention and generously sharing their beauty of cultures is not three dozen, but much more. One has only to look around, notice and transfer an interesting plant to the garden, choosing a suitable place and neighborhood for the flower.

Video about ground cover perennials in the garden

Truly, there are no number of plants that bring warmth and goodness to our gardens in yellow, gold and orange. Many of them are familiar to you, while others you can “identify” by their name alone.

One has only to carefully read the Latin “name, surname, patronymic” of the plant: chrysantha, aureus (golden), sulfurea (sulphur-yellow), lutea (luteum), flavum (yellow), ochro-leuca (whitish yellow), croceum, aurantiacus (orange)...

But there is also a mass of yellow-, golden-edged and spotty decorative deciduous and coniferous plants - from the tiniest grasses to majestic trees ... The palette of the gardener is truly inexhaustible.

Yellow flowers

In spring, like shards of the sun that have fallen into the garden, yellow flowers sparkle. crocuses, buttercup anemone, adonis, semolina, primrose, as well as daffodils, tulips and daylilies.

Some lucky people on the site flaunt fluffy yellow pulsatilla. And everywhere they are preparing to give life to the hordes of their indestructible paratroopers dandelions.

Summer melts gold of the highest standard in its hot crucible and generously splashes it around. There are countless yellow flowers in the summer garden.

Luxuriously bloom navels and lupins, dahlias and gladioli, cinquefoil and hawks, sunflowers and tagetes (marigolds), calendula and stonecrops, and daylilies, yarrow and nasturtium.

Warm and sweet flowers buzulnik, one of the varieties of which bears the tragic name of the beautiful Desdemona.

See with what adoration the favorite rays of the sun are seen by the baskets sunflowers.

And with what luxurious color transitions - from bright yellow to purple and white - silk petals glow escholzium; how subtly and elegantly the milky whiteness of the petals of white escholcia is set off by bright yellow stamens. And like the eyelashes of a coquettish rosy-cheeked beauty, yellow stamens peep out from the middle of the poppy flower.

And in the flowerbed, it seems, fried eggs hiss in the hot sun - it blooms, distinguished by a striking combination of pure white and yellow limnantes Douglas. It is no coincidence that this variety is called Fried Egg. Small flowers sparkle nearby leptosiphon, painted not only in yellow and orange, but also in all other colors of the spectrum.

But through a tree-like leaf peony looking through two flowers tricolor violets(Pansies). One young - bright blue-violet with smart yellow spots; and the second - elderly and tired, tilting his yellow-white head, as if whitened with gray hair, to one side. Involuntarily, a Japanese three-line comes to mind:

I see in the rays of dawn: violets leaned to one side ...
This is the work of a mole. (Bonte)

Autumn melts the gold of the flowers into the gold of the leaves.

(rudbeckia dissected) and chrysanthemums, dahlias and gladioli, buzulniki and rudbeckia, geleniums and crocosmia give their color to the leaves of maples, elms, spireas, larches. The last flowers frozen in the cold autumn wind mullein they caught some kind of seed with a fluff and chilly wrap themselves in it.

Finally, the winter that has come covers all this luxury with a platinum of snow covers.

Scheme of a yellow-green flower bed

Color makes the strongest impression in contrast. But not everyone likes combinations shocking with their activity. Therefore, we settled on a combination of a small amount of yellow with green - neat and calm.

Yellow garden flowers always give dynamics to the flower bed and decorate the site. There are a huge number of their types. If you are planning to decorate your yard with such plants, then in this article you will find many attractive options: both annual and perennial flowers. Choose which ones you like best.

sun king

Here it is - the most popular yellow flower. The name, of course, is known to everyone: it is a sunflower. The plant not only has a high economic value, but also looks very attractive. This huge flower on a tall, thick stem, the height of a person, certainly attracts the eye and becomes a bright accent in a flower bed or in the garden. Sunflower is extremely unpretentious to the soil, the main thing is that moisture does not stagnate in it. Short-term droughts will not harm him either: the origin from the hot American prairies affects. This annual is sown directly into the ground, regular watering will help form large flowers. It is desirable to tie up the plant so that strong winds do not break it.

It is believed that the sunflower is so popular because it is a humanoid plant. The yellow flower looks like a head that looks at the sun, and when it begins to age, it bows sadly. No wonder sunflowers inspired artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso.

From the moment they were brought to Europe, they gained immense popularity: they could be found near every house. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian breeders bred more productive and disease-resistant varieties, and since the 60s they have been grown at an industrial level.

Well, to the delight of gardeners, decorative species were created, in which the flowers are most often smaller, but can boast of an interesting color. Note that many of these varieties have inedible seeds.

If you want to arouse the delight of guests and the envy of neighbors, then plant an ornamental Teddy Bear sunflower with a fluffy head. Children from such a miracle will be delighted.

But regardless of the appearance, the cultivation of all sunflowers is not difficult.

Persistent lady

In their homeland - North America - these yellow wild flowers are called "black-eyed Suzanne", in Europe they are called "sun hat", but here they are known under the name that Carl Linnaeus gave them - rudbeckia, in honor of the Swedish botanists - father and son of the Rudbeks.

This flower with yellow flowers is extremely unpretentious, resistant to heat and drought. The height of rudbeckia is from 50 cm to 2-3 m, depending on the variety. The plant prefers neutral soils with good drainage and sunny to slightly shaded areas. Rudbeckia is both annual and biennial or perennial. Most species have a strong ability to self-seeding.

High varieties are suitable for cutting, the flowers do not fade for about a week. Removing old buds only enhances the formation of new ones. Rudbeckia blooms for a long time and attracts butterflies. Moreover, there is a charming curly variety that will decorate gazebos and pergolas.

Attractive and useful

And also extremely unpretentious. This is a calendula - a small flower with yellow flowers. Another name for it is nails. It is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. A plant with yellow flowers is very attractive to pollinating insects, but it scares away a bear with its characteristic smell. Therefore, calendula paths in the garden are not only beautiful, but also useful.

This flower with yellow flowers belongs to self-seeding annuals and grows so well from fallen seeds that it can grow in one place for years, capturing more and more territory. If you want to keep young sprouts, then some of them will have to be removed, otherwise they will drown themselves. Calendula tolerates light shading, moreover, in regions with hot summers, it is even necessary. Otherwise, flowering in the heat will stop.

Calendula is undemanding to the soil, plant it immediately in the ground, water it as needed. Most species for long flowering will require the removal of old buds. But there are varieties devoid of this drawback, as well as with larger or double buds.

From the end of spring until the first frosts, this plant with yellow flowers will delight you with many small bright inflorescences that you will definitely need. A decoction of them helps fight pimples and inflammation on problem skin, strengthens hair and protects them from dandruff.

yellow perennial flowers

One of the plants that you “can rely on” and which is guaranteed not to disappoint you is the daylily. It has a lot of species, among which you can find chic yellow garden flowers.

A daylily bud lives only one day - from dawn to dusk, but there are up to 12 of them on the stem, so they will delight you for a long time. Most species bloom once a year, but if you try, you can find remontant varieties that bloom twice a season. Plant height - from 30 cm to 1.2 m, which allows it to be used in different roles in the flower bed.

Daylily prefers sunny areas (at least 6 hours of direct light), moist but loose soil. Bulbs are planted in spring or autumn, in cold regions - in spring. Regular watering, top dressing with compost once a year and shelter for the winter are the main requirements of a daylily for its owners. After 4-5 years, the bush will have to be divided.

If you're in need of some sun-kissed color, look no further than Hyperion, one of the oldest and most popular daylily varieties. It is a persistent flower with yellow flowers and a delightful fragrance. In the photo below, daylily and rudbeckia coexist beautifully in a sunny composition.

famous yellow flower

Everyone knows the name of this plant. Narcissus is one of the first to decorate gardens in early spring. Bulbs are planted in early autumn, deepening to a height equal to two bulbs so that they do not freeze in winter. After that, they need to be covered with leaves. The soil before planting should be enriched with compost and watered thoroughly.

After that, narcissists require almost no effort from you. Watering, spring feeding with compost, sheltering for the winter - care for them is minimal. Once every 4-5 years, the bush is divided after the plant has faded and the leaves have completely died. Young onions are immediately planted in a new place, the main thing is not to accidentally hit them with a shovel or chopper while working in the garden.

If it seems to you that the daffodil is a simple flower, then choose interesting terry varieties, such as Pencrebar.

Pot of gold

So called coreopsis in some countries. This is another beautiful plant with yellow flowers, which has an enviable vitality, is grown both as an annual and as a perennial.

Coreopsis seeds can be planted directly into the soil when it warms up. They need sunlight to germinate, so all you have to do is lightly tamp them down with soil and keep it moist. But coreopsis will bloom only on next year. If you grow it from seedlings planted in March, then you can expect the first buds this season.

An adult plant will delight you with flowering almost all summer, and in return it will only require watering and cutting old buds (up to 1/3 of the entire bush).

Like many Astroflowers, Coreopsis is self-seeded. It is not necessary to fertilize it, maximum cover the soil around with a thin layer of compost every spring. High varieties should be tied up, and after the first frost, cut off the aerial part of the plant, leaving 3-5 cm, and cover for the winter.


Isn't it a very beautiful name for a plant that blooms with yellow flowers? In addition to being decorative, goldenrod is attractive to bees and butterflies, so plant it to attract pollinating insects to your yard. This yellow-flowered flower is unfairly accused of aggravating allergic reactions in humans, but in fact, ambrosia is to blame for this, blooming at the same time as it, in August-September.

Goldenrod is a perennial that can be sown directly into the soil. It is tolerant of a variety of conditions, but thrives best in full sun and well-drained soils. It requires almost no maintenance, except for minimal watering and dividing the bush every 3-5 years.

Yellow wildflowers of this species are less attractive than specially bred ones and are considered a weed, and Canadian goldenrod has gained particular popularity in the CIS.

exquisite beauty

Aquilegia is a less frequent guest in our gardens, but this shortcoming must be corrected as soon as possible. After all, it boasts not only very beautiful flowers of a bizarre shape, but also interesting openwork foliage, which turns red by autumn. This is a perennial plant, however, by the third or fourth year of life, it begins to weaken. But in nature, everything is thought out. Aquilegia in the first year is gaining strength, in the second - it blooms and spreads seeds, in the third - the plant is still blooming, but it is already beginning to fade, and the young growth is preparing to take its place.

Another one interesting feature of this plant - it can cope with the bright sun, subject to regular watering, but prefers partial shade. Therefore, aquilegia makes an excellent company for more modest hostas and shrubs.

Flowering begins in late spring - early summer, lasts 4-6 weeks. Cutting the buds helps prolong it. If you need a flower with yellow flowers, then choose Origami Yellow, Yellow Star, Sunshine and others.

Aquilegia loves rich, moist soil. Therefore, before planting in the ground, generously apply compost. Seeds only need to be covered slightly as they require sunlight to grow.

Watering for aquilegia is very important, in hot summer it can dry out, so carefully monitor the condition of the soil around the flower. Feed it monthly with a liquid complex fertilizer.

Just in case, it is better to collect seeds, but do not forget that the plant is prone to cross-pollination and varietal characteristics are quickly lost.

In autumn, you need to cut the foliage to prevent pests from overwintering, and be sure to cover the plant.

These sunny flowers can settle in your garden and decorate it throughout the season.

With spectacular fresh flowers, which always delight with their bright shades and juicy greenery. Plants favorably emphasize and refresh the site, attract attention, make the courtyard cute and homely.

A special place among flowers is occupied by tall perennials that bloom all season. They not only retain their decorative effect for a long time, but also serve as a natural background for other plants in a multi-tiered mixborder, shade trees and shrubs favorably, and are grown in the form of a monoplant, as a large border or flowering screen under buildings.

Like all perennials, such specimens are frost-resistant, rather unpretentious in care and grow for years without a transplant.


A spectacular cornflower 1.5-2.1 m high is characterized by unusual inflorescences resembling small fluffy clouds, which, depending on the variety, are purple, purple, light pink, yellow, white or lilac.

This plant blooms most magnificently in the hottest time, in July - August.

The perennial is well suited for shrub or herbaceous borders, ideal against dark foliage, and also looks very beautiful in group plantings and as a tapeworm. Basil goes well with meadowsweet, columbine, astrantia, gravel, lightning, phlox, brunerra, astilbe, and especially miscanthus.


Incredibly pretty and willow-leaved sunflower (helianthus). This plant grows to a height of 2.0-2.8 m, so it can be clearly seen from anywhere in the garden. By appearance it looks like a small palm tree due to its oblong stem and long narrow leaves. Its saucer inflorescences are golden yellow, with a brown core and resemble small charming sunflowers.

Helianthus usually blooms from late July to September.

The flower looks especially interesting on the bank of an ornamental pond, reflected in the water surface. It can be chosen as a monochrome high border or planted in containers. This perennial is effective in the background of mixborders, as well as against the background of foliage of linden, viburnum or maple. Helianthus goes well with irises, echinacea, kirengeshoma, peltiphyllum, butterbur or asters.

Stock - rose (mallow)

The incomparable stock-rose (mallow) will add charm to the country farmstead. It reaches a height of 1.3-2.6 m. The main decoration of the plant is very beautiful and large funnel-shaped flowers. The shades of the inflorescences are pink, dark purple, snow white, bright red, yellow and purple.

Mallow blooms almost all summer, from June to August, and some varieties until mid-autumn.

Stem - a rose looks perfect in mixborders, as well as a monochrome flowering hedge against a wall or fence. Good neighbors for mallow will be rudbeckia, phlox, kosmeya, buzulnik, nivyanik.

Another pretty representative of tall long-flowering perennials is meadowsweet (meadowsweet), which stretches up to 1.5-2.2 m, less often up to 3.0 m. Its numerous snow-white or pink flowers gather in large panicles, usually blooming from July to August. Meadowsweet emits a pleasant honey aroma. In addition, this plant attracts with large decorative foliage up to 30-40 cm in size, often with unusual golden-pink stains.

The meadowsweet looks most beautiful as a tapeworm, as well as in any group plantings against the background or. Growing, it forms quite dense thickets. This plant is also useful for its medicinal qualities, and is also known for repelling midges and mosquitoes.


The eyes of the hosts and guests will be pleased with the spotted window sill. This beautiful plant rises up to 0.7 - 1.6 m and is characterized by original burgundy stems and elongated whorls of leaves.

Perennial blooms in the second half of summer in the form of large thyroid baskets, which are purple, purple, pale lavender, less often white. Interestingly, after the flowering of the basket, the plants acquire a silvery-white gamut and, in the form of dry bunches, retain their decorative effect even.

The plant looks spectacular when planted around a pond, near buildings and, as well as in the background of group arrays. Stem is ideally combined with rudbeckia, astilbe, gelenium, phlox, echinacea and various tall cereals.

Veronica (gorlanka)

It will be interesting to transform the flowerbed with honey-bearing veronica long-leaved (gorlanka), which is widely known for its medicinal properties. Its height usually varies from 0.5-0.7 to 1.2-1.5 m. The plant is easily recognizable due to the pointed high stems and elegant narrow tassels with many small blue or bluish-purple flowers.

Veronica blooms almost all summer.

In horticulture, gourd is used only in group plantings on flower beds and mixborders. At the same time, it blends perfectly with other specimens of yellow and white, and also serves as a beautiful background for smaller plants.


The queen among perennials is the charming rudbeckia (glossy, dissected, shiny, etc. types). The height of this wonderful plant varies from 50-80 cm to 2-3 m. Rudbeckia is extremely decorative and is distinguished by bright, large inflorescences-baskets up to 9-15 cm in diameter. The marginal petals are painted in a monochromatic golden yellow range, and the middle flowers are yellow, dark brown or even purple-black.

Rudbeckia blooms on average 50 days, usually in August-September. Its pinnatipartite or entire leaflets are also very showy, oval in shape, up to 25 cm long.

The flower goes well with both annuals - calendula, marigolds, cosmea, etc., and with perennial flora - with nyavnik, gelenium, gaillardia, monarda or heliopsis.

The picturesque gelenium will not leave indifferent to itself. This beautiful plant will grow on average by 0.8-1.6 m and attracts with single inflorescences-baskets with a convex center, resembling a huge chamomile. Their warm shades, depending on the variety, can be red, yellow, orange or even red-brown.

Different varieties of gelenium bloom very profusely, in summer and until October, on average 45-60 days.

It looks very pretty in group and single plantings (especially on the lawn), near the fence or buildings, near ornamental shrubs, and also in the background of flower beds. Gelenium most naturally harmonizes with phlox, asters, steed, rudbeckia, delphinium, stonecrop, geyhera, and goldenrod.


The buzulnik of Przhevalsky (ligularia), which rises 1.5-2.0 m above the ground, will add originality to the garden. Its flowers are small, yellowish in hues, collected in delicate and narrow inflorescences - “candles”. Also decorative are its graceful carved leaves in the shape of a heart, which change color from green to purple-raspberry over the season.

Ligularia blooms for a very long time, an average of 60 days, usually from June to August.

This perennial is convenient to use not only in a flower bed or near large mixborders, but also as a beautiful screen, masking unsightly areas. It also grows well near artificial ponds, ideal for rustic country style or for decorating a "wild" garden. Buzulnik is most beautifully combined with hosta, goryanka, rogersia, bergenia, rudbeckia, gaillardia, and also with lungwort.


The beautiful and honey-bearing monarda (fistula or double) reaches a height of 80-150 cm. Its very showy narrow flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences, which are bright red, white or lilac-pink in color.

The plant blooms for about 45 days in the summer, from July to August, surrounding itself with a pleasant fragrant mint aroma that repels midges.

This flower is grown everywhere - at the borders, in group mixborders, on and even in containers. Phloxes, snapdragons, goldenrod, rudbeckia, nasturtium, steap and heliopsis will be ideal neighbors for the monarda.

Daylily (tall varieties)

Picturesquely decorate your favorite flowerbed with giant daylily varieties that can grow up to 1.2-1.6 m. Its flowers are large (7-15 cm), funnel-shaped, very beautiful, mostly lemon yellow, pinkish, dark crimson, reddish brown or orange.

This wonderful sun-loving perennial blooms profusely from June to August.

The solitaire daylily is beautiful on a green lawn, and in group plantings it creates spectacular accents in a natural flower garden, in borders, in a winter garden, at the front area, in a rustic-style flower bed, and also in plantings around a pond. It looks great against the background of trees or bushes like hydrangeas and viburnum. Also, the daylily goes well with many annuals and perennials, especially with geranium, marsh iris, Rogersia, hosta, astilba, loosestrife, meadowsweet, phlox, etc.

A pretty and lush phlox paniculata (paniculata) will become a bright pearl of any home flower garden. Its inflorescences are large and unusually showy, mostly pink, lilac, lilac, silver, raspberry and deep purple.

This popular plant with many leaves grows to 0.5-1.6 m and blooms from mid-July until autumn.

Panicled phlox is effective in monoculture, as well as when decorating in the front area. But its main living environment is mixed plantings. In mixborders, paniculata looks great with bulbous, with loosestrife, astilba, sapling, meadowsweet, daylily, bluebells, aconites, monards, rudbeckia, echinacea, anemone, gentian, asters, gelenium, as well as with nivyanik and yarrow.

Thus, tall charming perennials will become a stunning flower bed decoration and a beautiful background for other flowers. And thanks to the long flowering, these plants in summer and autumn will please their owners for a long time with their delicate colors and fragrant aroma.