Helenium growing from seeds. Perennial flower helenium

Helenium is a genus of perennial and annual herbaceous plants, numbering 32 species. It belongs to the Asteraceae family. These flowers are common on the North American continent. Most of the varieties grow in the central part of the mainland.

Gardeners fell in love with heleniums for their delicate beauty, which is fully revealed between August and October. It is at this time that flowering occurs. In autumn, flowers enliven the garden, attracting attention with bright baskets.

Gelenium - external characteristics

The height of the plant, depending on the species, can vary between 0.5–1.6 m. Straight or branched stems are erect. In some species they are bare, in others they are covered with a dense pile of thin hairs.

Leaf blades are petiolate and sessile. Their shape and size also differ. Most varieties of heleniums have alternate, lanceolate, oval leaves with jagged edges. The baskets can be either single or collected in inflorescences.

Spherical flowers with a diameter of 3 to 6 cm consist of marginal petals of red, orange, bright yellow, purple or brown. The central tubes are colored yellow or brown. After flowering ends, fruits are formed in the baskets - oblong seeds covered with thin fluff.

Types of heleniums

The genus of Heleniums is numerous, it includes 32 species of plants, differing in height, shape of the stem and leaves, size of flower baskets and their color. The table shows the most prominent representatives of the genus.

Species name Short description Photo
HybridIt is customary to include all known garden varieties and varieties. Plant height reaches 1.3 m. Baskets are 3.5–5 cm in diameter, painted in different shades of orange, purple, brown
AutumnThis species was taken as the basis for developing the most popular varieties for the garden. The stems are dense, branching, up to 1.6 m in height. The leaf blades are elongated, lanceolate, serrated at the edges. Flower baskets are collected in lush inflorescences. Tubular flowers are made in brown shades, and reed flowers are painted bright yellow. Flowering duration is 50-60 days. It starts at the end of July
PerennialA variety up to 90 cm high. Single baskets up to 5 cm in diameter. Tubular flowers in the central part are yellow, brown at the edges. Petals are purple with orange highlights
BrownThe plant is 130–160 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate, the marginal reed flowers are orange-brown, the tubular flowers are dark brown.
GupesaThe stem reaches 90 cm in height. The leaf blades are gray-green, narrow, elongated. Baskets are single, tubular and reed flowers are bright yellow

Based on Helenium Autumn, breeders have managed to develop many interesting varieties. German scientists invested a significant share of work in the creation of hybrid garden crops. The table shows popular varietal hybrids.

Variety Description Photo
RubinzvergThis variety is popular among gardeners. The height of the plant reaches 60 cm, the stem is branched and dense. Numerous flower heads attract attention with ruby ​​petals and central yellowish tubular flowers. Starts to bloom in July
Autumn JazzStraight branched stems grow up to 120 cm in height. The leaf blades are narrow-lanceolate with serrated edges. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are collected in inflorescences. The petal reeds are red-yellow, and the tubular flowers are yellow-brown.
Double TroubleStems are erect, 1–1.2 m long, branched. The leaves are elongated, oval-shaped, pointed at the ends. Flower baskets are plain, bright yellow
CockadeBush 1.2 m high. Leaves are sessile, lanceolate. The diameter of the flower baskets is 4.5 cm. The reed petals are colored red-brown, closer to the center of the flower the red shade is more saturated. The tubular petals are brownish-yellow. Flowering begins in August
Moerheim BeautyThe height of the plant reaches 120 cm. Flowering begins in August and continues until November. The variety is popular among gardeners due to the unusual colors of the baskets. When the buds open, the petals show shades of brown, orange, yellow and red. Once in bloom, the flowers turn brownish-red

Growing heleniums in the garden

Heleniums cannot be called capricious and demanding plants. This is an unpretentious crop, easy and pleasant to care for. IN open ground They are usually grown by seedlings. Flowers take root well and do not require much attention.

Caring for helenium includes standard procedures:

  • proper watering;
  • fertilizing;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • preparation for wintering (in perennial species).

Planting seeds for seedlings

Helenium can be planted in two ways - seeds and seedlings. The first option is more often used by gardeners from the southern regions. They sow in the fall, since the planting material needs stratification, and in the soil this process will take place naturally.

For residents of the middle zone, the seedling method of growing helenium is suitable, since there is a high risk of seeds freezing when sown in open ground in the fall. To get ready seedlings by mid-May, sowing work begins in February or March, but first the seeds are stratified.

When growing heleniums by seed, flowering is expected only in the second or third year.

Since the seeds will have to be kept in the cold for at least a month, sowing should be done in mid-January. You will need a small container of wet sand. The planting material is first soaked in water for 30 minutes, then slightly dried and scattered over the surface.

The container is wrapped in cling film and stored in the refrigerator. The suitable temperature for seed stratification is no higher than +7 ºС. This means there is a compartment for fruits and vegetables. The package should remain there for 30–40 days.

By the end of February, the container is placed in a well-lit place. Shoots will appear in 2–3 weeks. It is important to monitor the temperature. The thermometer should not fall below +22 ºС. When the seedlings hatch, the film is removed. Picking of seedlings is carried out after the appearance of the third leaf.

Young plants are dug up with a spoon, trying not to damage the delicate roots, and planted in separate containers filled with fertile soil. Seedlings are protected from exposure to direct sunlight and watered regularly. From the end of April they begin to harden them in order to accustom them to external conditions.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The seedlings are transferred to open ground when the threat of night frosts has passed. In the northern regions - at the end of May or beginning of June. Before planting, you should prepare the area and dig it up with compost. If the soil in the garden is heavy, it is recommended to add sand to loosen it.

The best time of day for planting is after sunset.

Seedlings are planted according to a 35x30 cm pattern. The diameter of the holes should be twice the size of the root system of the seedlings. Plants are deepened into the soil to the same level at which they grew in cups.

After planting is completed, the heleniums are watered and the soil is mulched. You can use peat or humus. Thanks to this coating, it retains moisture at the plant roots longer. Mulching serves another purpose - it prevents the growth of weeds.

Features of garden care

Caring for flowers is not difficult if you are familiar with their characteristics. Experienced gardeners know that heleniums do not tolerate drought. Missing watering can be disastrous. If the heat is very hot, the plants are watered every day in the evening. In cool weather, when moisture evaporates slowly, reduce watering to 2 or 3 times a week.

Weeding is an important aspect of flower care. Weeds will not bother the gardener if he mulches the soil immediately after planting. Otherwise, you will have to actively fight them. Weeds deplete the soil, causing crops to lack nutrients.

The soil around the stems must be loosened the day after watering. The formation of a dense crust around the bushes is unacceptable; the soil must have good air permeability.

How to feed helenium

During the entire growing season, the bushes are fed three times. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used. Detailed instructions for introducing fertilizing are contained in the table.

Gardeners recommend using foliar fertilizing of helenium. During budding, they spray the bushes with a growth stimulant. The drug Buton is suitable for these purposes. To prepare the product, you need to dissolve 10 g of powder in 10 liters of water.

During flowering, it is advisable to remove dry flower stalks. Thanks to this, new buds will form more actively. You can increase the bushiness of the stems by pinching the ends.

Preparing for winter

Perennial heleniums overwinter in open ground. When the above-ground part of the plants has completely dried out, the stems are cut off, leaving small fragments 12–15 cm long. In regions with warm climates, gardeners do not worry about covering the crop, other than adding dry leaves to the planting site.

IN middle lane flowers need a reliable insulated layer. After trimming the bushes, you should cover the area with a dense layer of sawdust or peat. If a snowless winter is predicted, lutrasil is placed on top. Immediately after the snow melts, the insulating synthetic material is removed, otherwise the roots of the heleniums will be blocked.

Diseases and pests

Helenium is resistant to diseases and is rarely affected by pests. The danger for it is stagnation of moisture in the soil. It can cause root rot. This problem can be avoided by adding sand to the soil when planting to make it porous and light.

The plant can be attacked by chrysanthemum nematodes - thin thread-like worms. They penetrate inside the stems and flower buds, where their full development cycle occurs. When infected by pests, helenium leaves become thinner, discolored and covered with yellowish spots. Damaged ones soon die and fall off.

If signs of nematode infection are detected, diseased plants must be burned and the soil under them must be poured with boiling water. The use of chemicals is not always effective.

Heleniums are unpretentious and beautiful flowers. They are loved for their bright blooms, which sometimes last until mid-autumn. These plants are one of the few that decorate an already yellowed garden.

There are more than 30 species of heleniums in the world today, growing mainly in North and Central America. These annual and perennial plants belong to the Asteraceae family. Heleniums are invisible on the site almost all summer, and only at the end of summer, when the bright colors of their neighbors gradually fade, do they (which seemed invisible before) come into the arena - moderately bright and colorful, with golden baskets of warm shades.

An interesting feature of this plant is its “perenniality”. In fact, by winter, the roots and peduncles die, but from the underground buds remaining on the annual stem, a leaf rosette with new roots is formed, which will grow a peduncle next year. It seems to us that there is an overgrown helenium bush growing in the garden bed, which we planted earlier, but in fact these are already independent plants growing close to each other.

The length of the helenium stem can reach 1.5 m. The leaves are alternate lanceolate. The baskets can be either single or collected in corymbose-type inflorescences. These flowers are purple, red, yellow, brown or orange depending on the variety (the central part is usually yellow or brown). After flowering, pubescent achenes of an elongated cylindrical shape are formed.

Types of helenium

As noted above, there are more than 30 varieties of helenium in the world, but only 5 of them are suitable for growing in Russian dachas:

  1. Helenium autumnal is the most common variety in summer cottages in our country. The lignified stems are strong and tall (up to 160 cm in height). The leaves are small in size with a characteristic serrated edge. 3-5 cm baskets are collected in corymbose inflorescences, which can be up to 30 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are yellow or yellow-reddish, tubular flowers are deep yellow (like egg yolk). The flowering period lasts from July to September.
  2. Gelenium Gupesa - plants up to 90 cm high. Grayish-green leaves are entire lanceolate. Peduncles are long. Single yellow inflorescences have a diameter of about 9 cm. Flowering lasts from June to July.
  3. Helenium vernatum is a flowering plant, the stems of which reach a height of about 1 m. The leaves are entire, lanceolate. The inflorescences have a diameter of up to 7 cm. The reed flowers are yellow-orange, and the tubular ones are colored brown. Flowering occurs in mid-May and continues until the end of June.
  4. Helenium Bigelow - quite rare to imagine. Straight stems reach a height of 80 cm. Leaves are lanceolate, entire. The diameter of the inflorescences is up to 6 cm. The reed flowers are colored yellow, and the tubular (middle) ones are brown. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the end of July.
  5. Helenium hybrid combines the characteristics of various varieties, but its basis is the autumn helenium.

The best varieties for the garden: “Moerheim Beauty”, “Cockade”, “Rubintsverg” (aka “Ruby Gnome”).

Helenium propagation

Helenium is most often propagated by leaf rosettes and by dividing the bush (dividing 2-3 year old bushes is done in the spring; this The best way for propagation of varietal helenium, characteristic features parents are preserved). The seed method is less commonly used (suitable for propagating the species helenium, when the varietal characteristics of the parents are not required to be fixed). In the latter case, the seeds can be sown in open ground in autumn or spring, or at the end of February - beginning of March - for seedlings.

When using the seedling method, it is necessary to perform stratification. The planting container with seeds is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months. At the end of this period, the container is taken out and placed in a warm place (+18...+22 C) with artificial lighting. At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, seedlings are planted in separate cups. Planting in open ground is carried out no earlier than the end of May, when the threat of night frosts has completely passed. The area should be sunny or slightly shaded. It is best to give preference to light, nutritious, well-drained soils with a neutral pH. Before planting helenium seedlings, the area should be dug up along with compost to a depth of about 25-30 cm.

The planting hole should be approximately 2 times larger than the planting ball. Before planting, the roots of the plant (along with a lump of earth on them) are immersed in water for several minutes so that they “drink” properly. Helenium seedlings should be planted so that they are approximately at the same depth as before transplanting. The optimal distance between adjacent plantings in a row is about 30 cm; the rows themselves should be separated from each other by a distance of 35-40 cm. Upon completion of planting, the ridges are mulched with humus or peat. Helenium grown in seedlings blooms only in the second year.

By the way, the seeds need to be collected before the period of prolonged autumn rains begins. Harvesting occurs after the reed and tubular flowers turn black.

Helenium care

The main thing to remember when growing helenium is that this plant does not tolerate dry soil. During particularly dry periods of summer, watering should be frequent and abundant. However, it is not recommended to flood these plants the rest of the time. Loose soil, which does not allow water to stagnate for a long time, saves you from overflowing. Therefore, loosening, combined with weeding, are important measures when growing heleniums. To avoid wasting time on weeding, mulch the soil.

Heleniums are fed three times per season:

  1. The first feeding is carried out in May, 1 tbsp is diluted in a bucket of water. l. urea, 1 tbsp. organic fertilizer "Effecton" and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate. To treat 1 m2, about 3.5 liters of the resulting solution are used.
  2. The time for the second feeding comes during the flowering period. Take 1 liter of liquid cow dung, add 1 tbsp to it. l. "Agricola-7" and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Fantasies". Dilute the resulting composition in a bucket of water. To treat 1 m2, use about 2.5 liters of the resulting mixture.
  3. Towards the end of October, dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. superphosphate. Use 5 liters of the resulting fertilizer per 1 m2.

Also, at the very beginning of the budding period, spray the plants with growth regulator “Bud” (10 g of the drug per bucket of water).

To maintain the splendor of flowering at the proper level, wilted flowers should be removed in time.

About once every 2-3 years, in spring, heleniums should be transplanted to a new location. Usually this procedure is combined with vegetative propagation.

Diseases and pests

Among diseases, heleniums can “attack” rot. To prevent this from happening to your flowers, try to maintain an optimal water balance in the soil.

Wintering helenium

At the end of autumn, helenium stems must be cut almost to ground level (leaving stumps about 10-15 cm high). At the end of pruning, the surface should be mulched with sawdust or moss, and covered with lutrasil on top, which will reliably protect the plants during severe frosts, as well as in the case of a winter with little snow.

​Similar articles​

​“Granatstern” - in the last days of July, baskets with brown-red petals open on stems 150 cm high, and their centers are yellow with the presence of brown.​

​During the nineteenth century, they were brought to Europe from America (considered the homeland of Heleniums) different types of this plant, thanks to which breeders were able to develop many varieties. In general, botanists count more than 30 species of heleniums. MirSovetov will name the most famous of them.​

Helenium among other plants

​An important rule: under no circumstances should you divide the bush in late autumn - this is due to the late flowering of this garden plant, as a result of which the root system of the bush remains practically unprepared for the conditions of the harsh Russian winter.​

Growing conditions and care

​it is necessary to carry out a lengthy procedure for stratification of the source material​

​– compost, manure, and other rotted substances of organic origin.​

​Gelenium is widely used in the field landscape design due to their beauty and unpretentiousness - the abundant lush flowers with which the bush is practically strewn have a bright and rich orange, sunny yellow, red or burgundy hue.​

At the beginning of flowering, it is also important to fertilize. This time they take fertilizers that stimulate flowering, so you can buy a solution for flowering plants.​ ​This way, seed germination increases several times when you take the boxes out of the refrigerator. The seeds begin to sprout within three weeks in a warm room. When the third leaf appears, the seedlings can be planted, and at the beginning of summer they can be transplanted to a permanent place.​

Helenium is a perennial decorative flower. In total there are more than 30 species of helenium. The plant is quite tall: the height of helenium reaches 1.5 m, although low-growing varieties have also been bred. Straight stems covered with leaves branch at the top, forming a lush bush with numerous flowers. The basket-shaped inflorescences are painted in bright orange, red, yellow, burgundy colors and are often two-tone. A very interesting property is that flowers can change color during the growing season: yellow ones become orange, and red ones acquire a brownish tint. The daisy-like flowers emit a sweet scent, attracting pollinating insects to the garden.​

"Goldfuchs" - grows up to a meter, the middle of the tubular flowers is usually brown, and it is surrounded by brown-orange tongues.


Helenium planting and care

​Helenium autumn - characterized by abundant, late flowering. The stems are very strong, branch, and can grow up to two meters. Each shoot has a basket (its diameter is 6 cm).​

​When a cold and frosty winter sets in, it is necessary to take care of carefully covering the helenium, as this beautiful plant is afraid of drafts and cold weather.​

​If the shrub is planted in poor and infertile soil, it is necessary to regularly fertilize it using complex mineral fertilizers, as well as various organic fertilizers - humus or peat.​

​. This is not at all as scary as it sounds - just at the very end of winter, for example, in February, plant the seeds of a garden plant in small boxes, thoroughly water the soil, carefully cover with plastic and place for about 30 days in a dark and cool place. The ideal option would be a cellar, basement or regular refrigerator. Long-term stratification significantly increases the percentage of overall seed germination.​

​Also do not forget about the use of complex mineral fertilizers, which are also recommended to nourish the soil during the spring season. For the summer, it will be quite enough to carry out two or three fertilizing of the soil.

Helenium planting and care

​Also, in some plant varieties the flowers are multicolored.​

Well, after the heleniums have flowered, they can be fed again with potassium sulfate and superphosphate (according to the instructions).

Helenium planting and propagation

​Young seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 30 cm. Plants grown from seeds begin to bloom only a year after planting.​

​Bright heleniums will be a real decoration for your garden plot at a time when everything in nature is fading!​

​The plant blooms quite late - in August and retains its color until late autumn, pleasing the eye with its rich color.​

​Helenium Gupesa (Hoopa) - in nature it grows on rocks, therefore it has a powerful rhizome, large leaves, lanceolate, highly branched stems (80 cm tall). The baskets are large (10 cm each), deep orange in color, collected in large umbrella-shaped inflorescences that open in all their glory in June-July.

​The “Magnificum” variety is considered low-growing, the stems are up to 80 cm, the center of the basket is yellow, flowering occurs in July-August.​

From time to time, remove the polyethylene or other material from the flowers that you used to cover the plant and ventilate the bushes, leaving them on a short time under the currents of fresh air.​

​Caring for such a beautiful and extremely fragrant plant as helenium will require you to carefully follow certain rules.​

Helenium planting, growing and care

​After the 30-day period, remove the boxes with the planted seeds and place them in a room with a comfortable room temperature​

​Helenium shoots

A special advantage of the flower is the duration of its flowering - luxurious double or semi-double flowers appear on the plant in July and disappear in mid-October.

​To stimulate flowering at the beginning of bud formation, the plant can be sprayed with a special solution, for example, “Bud”.​

Propagation of helenium by dividing the bush is best done in the spring, in May. To do this, the bush is dug up and divided into several parts. The bush is easy to divide.

​Today I would like to talk about another perennial that blooms in autumn. Helenium is a tall plant, reaching 100 cm or more. It is completely unpretentious, therefore, planting and caring for it is completely simple. The plant is not only unpretentious, but also has high decorative qualities. The main thing is to choose the right place for it where the flower will look great.​

​Gelenium in landscape design​

Helenium rubincverg are shrub-type plants, their height is approximately 60 cm, they are distinguished by ruby ​​petals, which are slightly yellowish along the cone. You will see such beautiful flowers from the first days of July until the end of September.​

“Katarina” - grows up to 140 cm. There are yellow petals along the edge of the flower, and the center is brown. Flowering begins in mid-August.​

At the end of spring or autumn, replant old, overgrown plants - dig up a bush, divide it into several rosettes and replant. This will make your ornamental plants much more beautiful, and their flowering even more abundant.​

Helenium planting and care. Drawing conclusions

  • ​The beautiful helenium autumnal should look like in the photo, with proper care​
  • ​. The best option It will be possible to place boxes with seeds under the direct light of an electric lamp. It is known that helenium belongs to the category of light-loving ornamental plants, and therefore the germination of sprouts under rays of light occurs several times faster. The seedlings will begin to actively germinate - approximately 20 days after this, the sprouts are ready for planting in open ground.​
  • ​A beautiful and unpretentious garden plant can be propagated in several ways - through seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.​


Chameleon flower helenium: a plant kissed by fire

​Gelenium attracts the attention of numerous gardeners and flower growers for its unpretentiousness and unique opportunity adapt to almost any growing conditions.​

Helenium can grow in one place for about four years, and then they must be replanted. During this time, the plant develops rosettes and every year they rise higher to the ground level, which can cause the green part to freeze.​

Appearance and features

The resulting sockets must be planted in the ground at a distance of 10 cm.

Helenium has a strong woody and strong trunk, completely covered with leaves, which ends at the top with beautiful, bright flowers. Helenium flowers are a bit like a daisy, having a convex middle and come in a variety of colors.​

​Tall flowers are planted in the center of the flowerbed, where they are placed so that they do not block shorter plants, or mono-plantings are made that mask unpresentable buildings and fences. Low-growing heleniums look great as borders. Among other plants, heleniums are combined with asters, which also begin to bloom in the second half of summer, and with ornamental shrubs.​

Heleniums are best planted in the background or middle background of a flower garden, placing purple monardas, blue speedwells, delphiniums, verbenas, sage, marigolds, bright asters and calm chrysanthemums in the foreground. Plant tall varieties near hedges, bushes and buildings that you want to decorate. These plants do well near garden ponds.​

​"Septemberzonne" - flowering on a tall plant (180 cm) also begins towards the end of summer. The flowers are yellow along the edges, and the tubular flowers in the middle are yellow-brown.​

Soil preparation and planting

In October or November, carry out mandatory pruning of old plants. After the first frost, cut off all flowers that have faded, and at the very beginning of winter, cut off all plants located above the surface of the ground.​

This is a charming ornamental plant

Before planting in the ground, prepare the soil

​It should be noted that cuttings are used the least often today - and the main reason for this is the complexity of this procedure.​

​But it is worth noting that, for all its unpretentiousness, the shrub is demanding of moisture, heat and light.​

So, the plant needs to be replanted every four years. If you don’t do this, helenium will simply freeze.​

​If you nevertheless decide to propagate helenium by cuttings, then cut several branches and place them in water, and when the roots appear, they can be transplanted into the ground.​​On one stem there may be many inflorescences, similar to beautiful bouquet. Depending on the variety, flowers can be double or semi-double. But the main advantage of the plant is the duration of its flowering. Please note: you should not cut flowers that have not fully blossomed to make a bouquet - they will no longer open in water.

​As companions for tall plants, choose rudbeckias, sunflowers, saplings, and phlox. These crops love light, so they need places that receive sunlight. In partial shade you can plant only those varieties that are described as yellow in color. It is better to make loose soil well supplied with nutrients for plants, adding manure and compost.​

Reproduction methods

​"Sunny Hill" is a common tall variety with bright yellow inflorescences.​

​Everything you need to know about planting and caring for helenium in open ground is in the video:​

- To do this, it must be completely freed from weeds and dug up. Then place a layer of fertilizer about 4-6 cm high on top of the soil, after which you can proceed directly to planting helenium. Try to plant seedlings in such a way that there is a distance of at least 35 cm between them - this will give them additional strength to grow.​

Most often, gardeners use propagation methods by seeds and dividing the bush.

​As a rule, growing a plant in open ground is not difficult.​

Growing from seeds

To increase the duration and abundance of flowering, you need to pinch. This will allow the stem not to stretch upward, but to grow into a beautiful bush. Pinching is carried out in the spring.

​As for care, everything is simple. It is necessary to regularly remove weeds, loosen the soil, water the plant and feed it. It is necessary to loosen the soil around the plant not deeply, so as not to damage the roots.

  1. ​And the plant begins to bloom from the end of July until frost. In addition, during flowering, helenium is simply strewn with flowers. Growing helenium is not particularly difficult, although the flower is light-loving, but also tolerates partial shade. The plant requires abundant watering and fairly fertile soil. Helenium survives frosty winters well, but if there is still little snow, the plant freezes. Helenium flower growers propagate by dividing an adult bush, cuttings and planting seeds. In autumn, sowing can be done in the ground or in spring in boxes or containers. But preliminary stratification is needed. To do this, in February, place the boxes with seeds scattered and slightly pressed to the ground in a bag, tie it, put it in the refrigerator on a shelf for a month, then they will sprout better. Then take out the packages. Germination occurs in two to three weeks if the room temperature is from 18 to 23 degrees. When three true leaves appear, you can start diving. Grown seedlings are usually planted in a flower garden at the beginning of summer, leaving 30-35 cm between small plants. Your plantings will bloom only next year. It is recommended to divide the bush in May. When you start digging up a bush, it quickly and very easily breaks up into independent rosettes with roots. They need to be buried better when planting in a new place. If you want to propagate by cuttings, first cut them and then place them in rooting accelerators for a while. Then root in moist soil.​
  2. ​“Di Blonde” - at the end of August, red-brown flowers with a diameter of 6 cm bloom on stems 170 cm high.​ ​Helenium can please gardeners and flower lovers with its excellent resistance to various garden pests and diseases.​
  3. ​– due to this, during hot and dry summers you will have to regularly water the soil on which the shrubs grow.​ ​Planting in the ground​

How and when to dig up muscari after flowering? Features of planting, care and reproduction are discussed in our material.​

​Depending on the plant variety you choose, helenium is planted in open ground at the very beginning of the summer season, or during October-November.​

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Before the onset of frost, be sure to cut off the top part of the plant.

During the summer, a layer of mulch is poured around the plant several times, and the plant is pruned for the winter. Mulching is a mandatory procedure; it is especially important for old plants, since they begin to develop rosettes and buds on the surface of the ground, and in winter they can freeze.​

​Helenium looks beautiful in a group of flowers in the background. Since the plants are tall, they can be used to hide an unattractive fence or building.​

​Planting and caring for helenium is not difficult, the main thing is to take into account the flower’s need for regular watering (especially in dry summers). The plant also responds gratefully to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. If you feed the flower 2–3 times a season, the helenium blooms more profusely. In winter, it is advisable to cut the faded stems to the ground and mulch the soil with sawdust, moss or cover with lutrasil. If the bushes are excessively tall, then it is advisable to remove the growing point. Then on next year helenium will be more lush, and the flowers will be evenly distributed throughout the entire height of the bush. It is recommended to replant the plant after 4 years, because Helenium becomes less frost-resistant over time.

High-quality care is the key to the beauty and health of the plant

If you want the helenium shoots to branch better, then at the beginning of summer, pinch their tops a little.

​"Kupfersprudel" - orange or yellow flowers.​

Some varieties are susceptible to the influence of the chrysanthemum nematode, which eats the leaves and flowers of the plant, which ultimately can lead to the complete destruction of the garden plant.

​Gratitude for your gardening efforts will be large and lush flowers, which will become a real decoration of any garden, regardless of the features of the landscape design.​​Please note Special attention the fact that the first flowering of seedlings is observed only 8-12 months after they are planted in open ground. Find out how to build a wooden toilet for a summer house with your own hands by studying the drawings we offer and detailed instructions with photo.​

​Plant seedlings​

Helenium is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae genus, which is quite common in our latitudes and serves to decorate a garden or summer cottage.

​Despite the fact that helenium does not like excessive humidity, water still plays important in caring for this plant. The flowering of a plant, its quality and duration depend on water. Therefore, if the weather is dry and hot, you will have to water regularly. And so that the moisture does not evaporate intensely, mulching will help.

​As mentioned above, helenium is a completely unpretentious plant that does not require any impossible growing conditions. However, before planting it is still better to choose sunny places with loamy soil.​


Preparing for cold weather

​Make sure that the soil of the heleniums is constantly moist. If the weather is dry and hot, you will have to constantly water them generously in the evenings. Mulching helps reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil layer. In the spring and during the period when the buds are set, feed the heleniums with organic matter and mineral complexes. When the stem has faded, cut it off, leaving 20 cm from the ground, this way you will extend the flowering period of other shoots. Plants bloom late, and it is difficult for the root system to fully prepare for winter in a short time. Cut the stems back to the ground in the fall. Hill up these places or mulch with drying leaves.​

​"Bruno" - red-brown flowers.​

In order to protect helenium from this unpleasant phenomenon, you can regularly add slaked lime or ground sulfur to the soil surface.

​Propagation of this garden plant by dividing the bush is perhaps the simplest and affordable way decorate your garden with a beautiful plant.​

Diseases and pests

​Growing this beautiful and fragrant garden plant through seeds is the easiest and most easy way make your garden or summer cottage much brighter and give it a special charm.​

​It is worth noting that every gardener or florist has seen this plant at least once, simply without knowing its correct name.​

​If you want to get a lush and beautifully flowering bush, then at the beginning of summer you can pinch the plant. In autumn, you need to cut off the entire top part of the plant, leaving shoots 10-15 cm from the ground.

Helenium, planting and care

​As for nutrition, you shouldn’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation. However, you should not plant helenium in lowlands; the plant does not like excessive waterlogging.

Description of the plant

Helenium is propagated both vegetatively and by seeds. In May, overgrown bushes can be planted in small rosettes. While the stems are growing, helenium is planted using stem cuttings. The plant reacts poorly to dense planting: it is undesirable to plant more than 5 cuttings per 1 m2. It is preferable to sow flower seeds in the soil in the fall, then young bushes will appear next summer. If you plan to grow helenium from seeds in the spring, then keep in mind that you will need to arrange

Common types

Plants feel comfortable in one place for four years, then they need to be replanted. As you remember, the replacement buds that form on the stems rise upward with each subsequent year of life. Gradually they find themselves above the soil layer, so they may not survive frosty winters and die.​

​Helenium is hybrid - its varieties differ in flowering time, size, color and shape of inflorescences. The duration of flowering for these plants is also different.

​If you see stems or leaves infected with chrysanthemum nematode, simply remove the infected area of ​​the plant.​

​You should also pay attention to the fact that helenium is a very light-loving plant - you should not plant it in the shady part of your garden or summer cottage.​

​At the end of the spring season, dig up a whole bush and divide it into several rosettes, which should then be planted separately.​

In order for helenium seeds to produce good and high-quality seedlings, you must adhere to a few simple planting rules:

​For this​

Today, more than 30 varieties of helenium are known, among which are both low-growing and tall ornamental plants, the height of which can reach over 1.6 m.

Helenium also needs moderate feeding, which is carried out 2-3 times per season.

Helenium is easy to propagate. It can be propagated by dividing the bush, grown by seeds and even by cuttings. I think it’s not worth describing cuttings of helenium, since growing with seeds and dividing the bush is simpler.​

​stratification process (growing seeds in wet sawdust at a temperature of +1 to +5 degrees for several weeks). After this, the seedlings are planted in the soil, planted, and only a year later you will wait for the helenium to bloom.

​Perennial heleniums are unpretentious plants, they are not difficult to care for, they are a godsend for beginning gardeners and busy people. By paying a little attention to them, you will get bouquet bushes in your garden, the bright spots of which will decorate the area until frost.​

"Gartensonne" - on stems 130 cm high, small baskets appear in July with tubular flowers in the middle that are yellow-brown and the edges are reddish-yellow.​

​Heleniums are actively grown by gardeners different countries. And only in Russia these cultures are not very widespread, not even everyone knows about them. But heleniums can fit well into any design composition. They will add bright colors to the autumn landscape, and light notes of honey aroma will be in the air.​

Helenium flowers are perennial or annual plants native to the western United States. The name of the flower is associated with an interesting legend: it bears the name of the wife of King Menelaus. The beautiful Queen Helen became the cause of a bloody war between Greece and Troy; these tragic events are described in more detail in the “Iliad” of the great Homer. The flower is very popular and unpretentious, so it is a frequent resident of home decorative flower beds.

Having planted such flowers, you will be surprised how unremarkable they are. For the time being, a modest bush of flowers is invisible, but one fine morning it will amaze you with its bright color, riot of colors and ability to change shade under the sun's rays. The beauty of helenium is in its modesty, but it does not get lost among other plants on the site.

A perennial plant has one interesting feature: peduncles and roots die off in the cold, but the underground root and leaf rosette of the annual remain, and next year a new bush grows from it. But the plant only looks like bushes; in fact, it consists of large quantity closely growing flowers independent of each other. The stem of the plant can reach 1–1.5 meters in height.

The color of the peduncles can be yellow, orange, bright purple, and the center of the plant is crowned with a brown center with pollen. Note that the shade of the petals can be combined, and one flower will have all of the above colors.

In our gallery you can see photos of helenium different colors and sizes.

Helenium varieties and types by flowering season

There are more than 40 species of helenium, all of which belong to the Asteraceae family. These are annual, perennial and deciduous herbaceous plants. Some fall varieties of this flower are called sneezing weeds.

There is a belief that helenium petals were previously used as tobacco, by inhaling which a person supposedly sneezed and rid his body of evil spirits. Is it true? It is not known for certain, but today in the world they love to plant helenium, because it is visually attractive and unpretentious in care.

Varieties of Helenium are divided according to their place of natural growth, shade, height in meters; there is also a category called hybrid Helenium, which includes garden flowers of unknown origin:

  1. Helenium Lolly (1.2 meters), Moerheim Beauty and Superboom (1.8 meters) are herbaceous perennials. The varieties bloom in mid-August - early September, their petals are yellow-orange.
  2. Hybrid gelenium, it includes such varieties as Ruby Tuesday, gelenium varieties Hupa, Gartenzonne, Rotgaud. These flowers differ in color, period and time of flowering, but they received their main features from autumn varieties.
  3. Helenium Autumn Serenade and the Sunrise variety have a pleasant burgundy hue, and these flowers will decorate your site until the first October frosts. The varieties are extremely resistant. And if you cut off unopened buds, then in the warmth of the house, once in a vase, they will bloom. Flower height is 1.2-1.3 meters.
  4. The golden-yellow color of helenium with attractive crimson strokes are varieties Bandera (up to 70 cm), Altgold (up to 90 cm), Goldfuks (1.4 m). The flowering period of these varieties is early or mid-August.
  5. Helenium vernatum - the origin of this flower is unknown. It blooms in the first half of May, and its flowering period lasts up to 30 days. It is distinguished by strong stems, the height of which does not exceed one meter. During the flowering period of the yellow helenium, there are no other tall perennials in the garden, so it looks especially impressive. In the northern parts of different countries, for example, in Siberia, it easily winters without shelter.

What varieties of helenium are in demand and grow well?

The most popular variety of helenium is Rubincverg. It is distinguished by the rich bright red color of the petals, and their edges are yellow. Rubincverg Helenium flowers reach 60 cm in height, bloom in early July and delight the eye until mid-September.

If you want to see flowering in mid-summer, then you should plant the red and yellow helenium Lava bush. The petals of this type of perennial seem to be velvety and have a rich pearl-burgundy color. The plant will bloom in early or mid-July and will delight you with a riot of colors until the end of August. Its flowering period is more than 60 days. Helenium Lava overwinters without shelter, grows to 1-1.5 meters in height, even a photo of this variety of Helenium in flower beds looks very bright.

Also of interest are the Helenium varieties Kokarda and Canaria, whose flowers grow 1.2 meters upward, and the Moerheim Beauty variety. In Europe and America, this type of garden flowers is very popular and is planted in literally every yard. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, hybrid helenium is most often planted.

Where to start planting helenium?

The seeds of these plants are sold in specialized stores, so it’s worth buying a pack and preparing a small plot of land. Reviews from many gardeners confirm that after the first flowering season, it is rational to collect and separate the rosettes so that the plant grows well. But if the plant is planted for the first time, then start growing helenium from seeds.

You need to know that the germination rate of these flowers in the northern part of the country, for example, in Vladivostok, Siberia, is 30–40% lower than in the southern part. This is due to the fact that the plant needs warm sunlight and abundant watering.

How to germinate helenium if the seeds do not germinate?

If the seeds do not germinate or all the shoots dry out quickly, then it is worth creating a mini-greenhouse for the flowers. To do this, helenium is planted in boxes or pots; the method of distribution is the same as for seedlings. The seeds are covered with polyethylene, which can be replaced with a glass lid, and wait for the first shoots. Natural organic fertilizer must be added to the soil, but this does not speed up germination.

Perhaps you will see the first shoots of the perennial 1-2 seasons after planting. Please note that the greenhouse must be constantly ventilated and watered; it is better to use a spray bottle so as not to erode the soil.

How does the perennial helenium propagate?

Reproduction of the helenium plant occurs in 2 ways:

  1. Dividing the bush (collecting rosettes). We remember that helenium is a collection of different flowers, so the bush is divided, easily breaking up into many flowers. It is better to divide and replant autumn and hybrid varieties in the first days of May.
  2. Sowing can be done in the fall, by sowing wooden boxes with seeds, or in the spring, in which case the seeds are placed in open ground. The time of planting in spring depends on the variety. It is better to sow spring varieties of helenium in boxes in the fall, and autumn varieties in open ground in the spring. In 14–20 days, the seeds germinate; for this, they are provided with good watering and access to sunlight for 5–6 hours.

Expect the sown seeds to bloom next year.

How to plant seeds in open ground?

When planting the seeds of these perennial flowers in the ground, do not plant them close to each other. The bushes grow quite spreading, and their root system requires space. The ideal planting is 3-4 bushes per 1 square meter. m. area.

Planting seeds is very, very simple. You should lightly fluff up the area of ​​land on which you will plant flowers, then fertilize it with organic fertilizers. Ready? Now you need to take the seeds (they are small in size) and carefully sow the ground with them. When all the seeds have been distributed, the patch is covered with a non-woven dense material through which watering is carried out.

Wait for the first leaves. And when they appear, the plant is dived. It needs replanting only after all parts of the false bush have completely grown.

5 rules for planting helenium in open ground

  1. Plant seeds outdoors only when the threat of early or late frosts has passed.
  2. The plant is planted in a well-lit part of the site; in partial shade, the stems stretch upward and become long with poorly developed flowers.
  3. If you do not plant the bushes for a long time, the root rosettes rise, as a result of which the root system of the plants may freeze in winter.
  4. Plant helenium in neutral soil. It is first moistened well and fertilized.
  5. If the plant has grown and looks sloppy, then the top part of the bush is cut off. In this case, the bush becomes more lush.

Growing and caring for helenium

Red, orange or yellow helenium is smiling brightly from the bush, and it’s time to talk about caring for this plant.

The natural habitat of the perennial is a wet, fertile swamp, so for full growth you will have to recreate such a microclimate on your site. First of all, watering is important. The fact is that perennial helenium has a poorly developed root system, and cannot obtain water for itself from the deep layers of the earth.

The plant needs feeding, and mineral and organic fertilizers are added to the soil 2-3 times per season. Due to thorough watering, the soil around the root system may harden, so it is recommended to loosen it 2-3 times a month. Loosening the soil will provide air flow to the root system, and your flowers will grow correctly.

We have already talked about the importance of planting bushes; it is advisable to do this every 2 years. And before the cold weather arrives in your area, be sure to insulate the root system of plants. Young moss and a mixture of sawdust, which are used to cover the helenium planting site, are perfect for these purposes. If winter in your region is accompanied by a thick layer of snow, then you don’t have to insulate, but it all depends on the type of flowers.

Diseases and shaping

Helenium is a tall plant, and its stems do not always have the required density and flexibility. Therefore, it is better to tie tall bushes to a support, otherwise gusts of strong wind can break them.

At the beginning of spring, the plants are pinched and then given a spherical shape. This is how Helenium looks neat and compact, and is also not afraid of bad weather (wind, hail, rain, etc.).

This plant goes well with aster and chrysanthemums. Perennials are most often used to revitalize the landscape on old sites or to decorate unpresentable houses. These plants perfectly hide unsightly fences and are an excellent addition to ornamental shrubs.

Helenium is an addition to the overall composition; it cannot be called an individual flower, such as a rose or tulips. Most often, several varieties of this plant are planted, and it blooms in stages, beginning in the spring and ending with the first frost.

The variety of colors of garden plants, which are planted taking into account their botanical characteristics, can please the eye for a long period of time.

Let's consider helenium flowers, which are increasingly finding a place in the sun in garden plots. It is a perennial and annual flower. Family - Asteraceae.

Description of helenium flowers and their photos

Introducing short description helenium flowers and some photos of this plant in bloom. It grows naturally in Central and North America.

It has shiny yellow petals that surround spherical brownish nugs that are coated with lightly golden pollen. The leaves are pointed.

Inflorescences in the form of baskets (single or group). Along the edges of the baskets are flowers of yellow, orange or red shades. There are also central flowers in the basket. They are tube-shaped and have a brown or yellow tint.

The plant gives color in August or September. Helenium blooms for quite a long time. Flowers on helenium can be observed for 6 weeks from July to the end of August. It reaches a height of up to 90 cm, and the area of ​​the bush occupies up to 60 cm. It is suitable for cutting and bouquet arrangements.

Look at the photo of helenium flowers of various varieties:

Growing helenium from seeds: planting and care

To obtain early and long-lasting flowering, the seedling planting method is recommended. Growing helenium from seeds can be started on a windowsill or in a greenhouse from the end of March. To do this, light, structured soil with a high content of organic matter is prepared in advance. Helenium seeds are sown in small and shallow containers for growing seedlings.

The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Then they need to be planted in separate peat pots with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. This procedure is carried out in the phase of 2 true leaves.

In the future, helenium is grown from seeds in open ground. Transplanting to a flowerbed or border is done during the period when the threat of returning spring frosts has passed. Helenium loves light, but it will do well in the shade.

Helenium is planted in the garden in a previously prepared hole, into which complex mineral and organic fertilizers are added.

After planting helenium is completed, the soil is generously moistened with warm, settled water. Repeated watering is carried out after 12 hours. It will do better in fertile, moist soil. But it is not recommended to plant it in one place all the time, as it depletes the soil quite significantly. It is recommended to fertilize it 2-3 times during the summer.

When planning care for helenium, it is worth considering that this is a moisture-loving plant, so in hot weather it requires abundant watering. Plants are frost-resistant. However, if you do not take measures to transplant and shelter, then it may not survive the winter.

Helenium flowers have one specific feature: buds, while still young, are formed annually higher and higher on the stem, eventually they can be seen above the soil, where they freeze. When preparing for winter, it is useful to mulch the flower with sawdust. These are the basic rules for caring for helenium.

Helenium can be propagated by seeds, rosettes or green cuttings.

Helenium can be planted either directly in the ground before winter or in seedling boxes in the spring. They usually grow in height, so it is possible to plant them close to each other (60-80 cm). The seeds germinate within 2-3 weeks, but only produce color for the next season.

The easiest way to propagate this flower is with rosettes. But remember that in the fall it is not recommended to divide it, since after this it will bloom later, and the roots will not have time to prepare for the cold. Therefore, the best time for this is spring.

It is not so difficult to propagate helenium from green cuttings. For this purpose, young one-year-old shoots, reaching a height of 10-15 cm, should be taken into circulation in the spring. It is advisable to cut off and root the upper part of the shoot 6-8 cm. For best effect It is advisable to cover the cuttings on top with jars.

As soon as you see new leaves on the cuttings, remove the jars immediately. And on the remaining stem new shoots will sprout, which will later be useful for cuttings in summer period or just leave them to bloom.

After you have already planted the cuttings in a permanent place, carefully mulch them with peat or humus, and cover them with covering material.

Know that helenium grown using the above methods will bloom only after a year.

Helenium varieties

Currently, there are numerous varieties of Helenium in breeding, which differ in flowering periods, bud colors and their sizes. The following describes some common varieties of helenium that can be grown in your garden.

Helenium spring and its photo

Helenium springum has straight stems, 1 meter in height. Foxes are dark green, pointed. The tongue-shaped flowers are orange, and the tube-shaped flowers are brown. The color begins to appear in mid-May and lasts for about 30 days. Actually for this reason the flower is called vernal helenium.

It is grown mainly by seedlings. Sowing takes place in early February.

Autumn helenium flowers and their photos

The helenium autumnalis flower grows naturally in North America. People also call it the “sneezing plant.” Autumn helenium flowers can grow up to one meter in height. In August and November you can see flowers in the shape of heads with curved rays.

Look at the photo of autumn helenium on this page further:

Helenium Rubinzwerg

The petals have a reddish tint, almost burgundy. There is a slight yellowish tint at the tip of the flower cones. Helenium Rubincverg is an elegant plant that can decorate any flower garden. Looks great in group plantings in flower beds.

Flowering lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The length of the stem reaches up to 60 cm, sometimes even higher. The stems are tall and straight. Suitable for cutting and making bouquets.

The leaves are green in color and small. Grows up to 70 cm. The flowers are burgundy. Cold-resistant.

Helenium Gupesa

Grows in the mountains of North America. Reaches 90 cm in height. The stems are straight, branched at the top. The leaves are oblong, pointed, gray-green. The flowers of Gelenium Gupes in the shape of a trumpet and tongue are yellowish. Flowering lasts about a month.

Helenium hybrid

Helenium hybrid has bright, attractive buds and is relatively resistant to adverse conditions. environment. It includes all garden forms and hybrids of unknown origin.

Its most famous representatives:

Brassingham Gold - height up to 1 m, bright yellow flowers;

Bruno - height 1.2 m, golden brown-red;

Butterpat - height 1 m, dark yellow;

Grimson Beauty - height 60 cm, yellow;

Riverton Jam - height 1 m, red-golden;

Windley - height 80 cm, yellow-orange.