Is the Cape daisy afraid of the cold? Osteospermum

The specific name consists of the words of two languages: the Greek osteon, "bones", and the Latin spermum, "seeds", which quite accurately describes the type of seeds. Often the plant is called the Cape daisy, or African chamomile. For the bright blue color of the tubular flowers in the center of the inflorescences of some varieties, Osteospermum was nicknamed the Blue-eyed chamomile.

Due to the external similarity, certain types of Osteospermum are often confused with its close "relative",. The essential difference between these plants is that only annual species are classified as Dimorphotheca, while Osteospermums are perennials.

In nature, Osteospermum grows up to 1 m in height. Stems erect or creeping, densely leafy with sessile leaves.

The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, depending on the species, light, dark green or variegated with pronounced notches. Twigs semi-woody, very strong.

Buds are laid in the axils of the leaves. Numerous inflorescence baskets are white-blue, purple, purple, blue, red, orange, yellow, pink. Flowers simple or double, anemone-shaped. They are quite large, from 5 to 8 cm in diameter.

An interesting feature of the Osteospermum inflorescence is that the tubular flowers in its middle are asexual. Seeds are formed by reed flowers located at the edges.

Bicolor varieties of Osteospermum are very popular among Russian gardeners. Bicolor petals do not fade under the bright rays of the sun and are not damaged by heavy rains. The flowers of some species change color slightly as they fade. When the petals fly around, the core remains, surrounded by long, large seeds.

Particularly decorative are specimens with spoon-shaped reed petals. This form of petals gives Osteospermums a "cosmic" look.

Garden Osteospermums bloom in June-July. Flowering continues until hard frost. In a winter garden, greenhouse or indoors, it can be continuous, from May to December. A short-term drop in temperature to -5 ° C is not capable of causing significant damage to the buds.


In cold areas with a high continental climate, for example, in Siberia and the Urals, Osteospermums are grown as annuals. In warm countries, they are also cultivated as perennial garden plants. Blooming Osteospermums look great in group flower plantings, mixborders. They are very aesthetic in containers, hanging baskets, on balconies or terraces.

Osteospermum prefers sunny, warm places. Suitable for poor soil. Once every 7–10 days, top dressing is applied, alternating complex fertilizers with organic ones.

Regular watering is required as the soil dries out. Excess moisture can lead to root rot. With a severe drought, the plant hibernates, stopping the budding. After watering, Osteospermum comes to life and continues its vegetation.

The dormant period of Osteospermum lasts from December to March. During dormancy, it is necessary to provide the plant with a decrease in temperature, a reduction in the length of daylight hours and a decrease in watering. An ideal place for wintering would be a cool northern window sill.

Outdoor Osteospermums winter best indoors, at a temperature of + 15–17 ° С. Before the onset of frost, you can dig up a garden Osteospermum or bring a pot of houseplant from the balcony to the room. The uterine copy for further cuttings is preserved in this way.

Diseases and pests

The plant has a strong natural immunity, is slightly affected by diseases and pests.


Osteospermum is propagated by seeds and cuttings. The seed method is widespread, since the germination of seed is high. Seeds are sown in late March or early April. You can sow them directly into pots, bypassing the picking step to avoid possible damage to the roots.

The seed container is placed in a well-lit place, covered with glass. At a temperature of + 22–24 ° C, seedlings appear already on the eighth to tenth day. Young plants bloom in the same season, after 30–45 days.

Cuttings Osteospermum from March to August. Cuttings take root well in indoor greenhouses. For safety net, professional rooting agents are used, in which the cuttings are dipped before planting.

First steps after purchase

Osteospermum is overexposed for several days in a shady and cool place. If the plant has taken root normally, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Success Secrets

One of the secrets to properly caring for Osteospermum is a strong pruning before wintering. In summer, the plant is pruned several times a season. The tops of the shoots must be pinched so that the bushes grow more compact and lush.

Pruned shoots are used for propagation. During the season, you can get quite a lot of daughter plants, without reducing the decorative effect of the original specimen.

Fading inflorescences of Osteospermum should be removed in a timely manner. This will prolong flowering and make it more lush. Moderate exposure to cold can stimulate flowering, especially in spring.

Possible difficulties

Root rot.

The reasons:

  1. waterlogging.
  2. fungal damage.

Pale foliage.

The reasons:

  1. little sunlight.
  2. lack of nutrients.

Lack of flowering.

The reasons:

  1. lack of sunlight.
  2. nutrient deficiency.
  3. too poor watering.


Cape daisy growing from seed when to plant. Osteospermum: growing and caring for it at home

Osteospermum is a flower with many names and varieties, but with unchanging beauty and sophistication. African chamomile has conquered many flower growers not only with its appearance, but also with its unpretentious nature, as well as long-term flowering. And although outwardly osteospermum is similar to the chamomile or daisy familiar to all of us, it has its own characteristics. You can grow it at home from seeds, which will not cause much trouble and even bring pleasure to flower growers.

Variety Congo

Osteospermum came to us from the countries of the African continent. But here the flower has taken root well, it has recently begun to be actively planted not only in home plots, but also in parks, squares, and city flower beds. This plant belongs to the Astrov family. It grows in the form of bushes with thick leaves and many flowers. Osteospermum begins to bloom in mid-summer and continues until frost in the fall. Each flower reaches 5-8 cm in diameter. The color and shape of the osteosperm petals depends on the variety, of which there are a lot. The height of the bushes can be from 25 cm to 1 m. If the leaves or stem are damaged, the flower emits a rather unpleasant odor, which some people do not like. But when flowering, if there is no damage, this smell does not appear.

Zulu variety

To date, about 7 dozen species of osteospermum are known. But not all of them are cultivated in our country. Eklon's osteospermum can rightly be called the most popular. Its second name is Carpathian daisy. This shrub is a thermophilic perennial that is often grown as an annual in colder regions. Today, based on this species, many varieties have been bred. They differ in shape and color. Here are the most popular:

  • Silver Sparkler has white flowers and green leaves with white spots;
  • Buttermilk has bright green leaves and yellow flowers;
  • Zulu has a delicate shade of yellow flowers;
  • Congo blooms in the form of flowers with a pinkish-purple hue.

Variety Silver Sparkler

Another type of African chamomile, which appeared with us not so long ago, is conspicuous osteospermum. His main distinguishing feature- This is a variation in color during flowering. As the flower blooms, its shade changes, the same happens at the end of flowering. For example, the Volta variety turns white after blooming in lilac-pink tones. But Bamba is the opposite - at first it has a light color, and then becomes purple.

Gardeners most often use undersized varieties, which allows planting osteospermum not only in open field but also in containers, pots.

To plant osteospermum at home, you should not buy seedlings. It is quite possible to grow it yourself. This does not require much effort or time. African chamomile is perfectly sown at home, and seedlings are not difficult to care for. Therefore, this type of reproduction is excellent for this plant.

African chamomile seeds are very easy to collect. In the last summer month, a row of seeds begins to encircle the middle of the flowers. They are quite large and dark color. You can keep them until spring in a paper bag.

The best time to start sowing osteospermum is spring. You should not start too early, so that later the grown seedlings do not freeze on the street. The most suitable time is from mid-March to about mid-April. In this case, just in time for June, the seedlings will be ready and it will be easy to plant them in open ground.

It should be noted right away that the osteospermum has rather delicate roots that are easy to damage. That is why it is recommended to sow a flower immediately in separate containers. So you can avoid an intermediate transplant - a pick, during which the roots are often damaged.

The soil for seeds must be prepared loose. The usual flower composition made from humus, with the addition of soddy soil and sand, is excellent.

  • Seeds need to be deepened a little - only 0.5 cm, no more. Then they are sprinkled with soil on top.
  • When the seeds are placed in the ground, containers with them must be placed in a place where there is a lot of light. This will provide good growth seedlings.
  • It is important to take care of the air temperature. It should not decrease more than to 20 0 C.
  • From above, the boxes should be covered with a film or glass. You can not overdo it with watering. It should be moderate and timely.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the first shoots can be obtained very soon - after 5-7 days.

After that, the conditions change a little. Seedlings still require a lot of light, but the temperature should be a little lower. Watering should be done regularly, but with constant monitoring. It is important that water does not stagnate in the soil.

If you need a pick, then it is done after the appearance of 2-3 leaves on the stems.

Sometimes the osteospermum stretches too far ahead of time. In this case, the stems can be placed in small grooves and lightly sprinkled with soil. You can also form beautiful lush plants by pinching.

In May, it is hardening time for seedlings of African chamomile. It can be placed on window sills with open windows. Also a great option is to take it out to the glazed balcony, loggia.

By the way, it should be noted that The plant reproduces well by seeds. Osteospermum gives a high yield when self-sowing. If this option suits the grower, then you can just wait for spring without collecting seeds. They will sprout when the time is right.

How to grow osteospermum from seeds: video

Landing in the ground can be done in late spring. AT last days May is already warm enough, frosts will pass. Osteospermum will be able to develop perfectly. Bushes are planted quite widely - about 25-20 cm apart. You can choose a sunny place for osteospermum, but partial shade is also suitable for this plant. It is advisable to choose a well-drained, fertile soil, you can independently prepare the substrate and fertilize the site with it. For this, sand, humus, turfy soil are excellent.

The plant should be watered frequently immediately after planting. For about 2 weeks, the osteospermum needs to be watered twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

The unpretentiousness of the flower lies in the fact that it can endure various unpleasant conditions. African chamomile will survive with insufficient watering, hot weather, wind and even light frost. It is worth fertilizing the flower often - every week. This will improve growth, appearance. The plant will bloom for a long time and plentifully.

You need to weed the bushes only at first, until they grow up. When the leaves close in the rows of osteosperm, there will no longer be a need to loosen or weed the soil.

To give the flowers a beautiful shape, it is advisable to pinch the bushes. Thus, the plant will be more dense, branched. During the season, this procedure is done at least twice. Also, the complex of measures for the care of osteospermum includes the elimination of flowers that have wilted and dried up.

Seeds are not the only way to propagate osteospermum. Often new flowers are obtained using cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the bushes in the autumn and prepare the cuttings. They must be preserved throughout the winter in right conditions. From one adult bush you can get a lot of new plants - young and beautiful.

Cut the cuttings with a sharp knife. Branches 5-7 cm long are selected. All leaves at the bottom of the cuttings must be removed. After that, the blanks are placed in a container filled with a pre-moistened substrate. Moss with hydrogel or perlite, vermiculite is excellent as soil.

Cuttings should stand in a place with high temperature and good lighting. It is advisable to cover them with a transparent material - a film or glass. These blanks need daily airing and moisturizing. The latter is best done in the form of spraying, rather than watering. Already after only 10 days it will be noticeable which of the cuttings were able to take root and which died.

It is worth noting that it is this method of reproduction that is used if it is necessary to preserve the varietal characteristics of the flower. When sowing, these qualities are shared between new plants. But cuttings retain all the advantages of the variety.

Diseases and pests, growing problems

Diseases and harmful insects, as a rule, do not attack the osteospermum. The plant is resistant to them in most cases. But immunity is reduced if African chamomile grows in adverse conditions.

Most often, this condition is too much moist soil that does not dry out.

If the flower grows in the shade and the sun does not dry out the soil, then you should worry about it. Osteospermum can be affected by a fungus. Such a disease will lead to rotting of the roots, and the bush itself will begin to fade and die.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently take measures to save him. Osteospermum needs to be transplanted to a lighter place with better soil. But before that, the roots must be treated with special agents that destroy the fungus.

Aphids love to feast on the juice of a weakened African chamomile. This pest settles on leaves, stems. They begin to change color to yellow, fall off. The bush looks unhealthy, wilted. In this case, the most best way out- treatment with insecticides in the form of spraying osteosperm bushes. Some gardeners also use garlic water, a laundry soap solution for spraying.

Do not worry if the plant suddenly stops blooming in the summer. This happens with African chamomile when there is a strong heat. Flowering will be able to calmly resume as soon as the temperature drops and the plant feels better.

Osteospermum is considered a perennial plant. But in temperate latitudes, this flower is most often grown as an annual. And all because the plant cannot endure our winter, being in its permanent place. Only some varieties can withstand frost, and even then a small one - only up to -10 0 С.

Only healthy bushes are selected, strong, able to survive for a long time without heat. You need to dig up the bushes very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the roots. Then the bushes will not be able to survive. After that, they are transplanted into boxes or other containers with soil.

For the winter period, osteospermum is placed in a cool place, but bright. Cellars and cellars are not suitable for this. Some people leave the plant in the house on the windowsill. This allows you to enjoy its flowering longer. But it is unlikely that such a bush will be saved. After all, he will use up his strength until he completely fades in warmth. By the middle of the winter period, the plant will not be able to bloom and will gradually wither.

You can start placing a flower in heat no earlier than the third decade of February. In the last days of the month, you can bring the plant into a warm house and start watering. You can also carry out top dressing, which will give strength to the overwintered flower. It is best to transplant into open ground in May, as well as seedlings from seeds.

African chamomile can be considered a universal flower. He was very fond of landscape designers. It is grown in gardens, along with bushes, as well as in tubs and pots on terraces and balconies. Osteospermum also looks good in group plantings. It is grown along with flowers such as aquilegia, foxglove, phlox.

CRIB-REMINDER. WE FERTILIZE AND FEED ONION AND GARLIC ONION. Fresh manure is not brought under the onion, otherwise growth is delayed, the formation of leaves does not stop for a long time. The bulb is formed late and does not ripen well, is more affected by cervical rot, and is poorly stored. Onions respond well to the application of mineral fertilizers. However, its root system is sensitive to increased salt concentration, so it is better to apply them in small portions for 2-3 times. Immediately after the emergence of black seedlings, crops need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 g / m2. When 1-2 true leaves are formed, the first thinning is carried out, leaving 1.5-2 cm between plants. At the same time, weak plants are removed. After the appearance of 3-4 true leaves, thinning is repeated already at a final distance of 5-7 cm. After the second thinning, top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizer is necessary, preferably in liquid form. good effect gives top dressing with slurry, diluted with water 5-6 times, or bird droppings, diluted 10-15 times. Add 30-40 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water. 3-4 buckets of solution are consumed per 10 m. Stop watering a month before harvest. The last top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out during the formation of the bulb, 150 g of potassium salt and 200 g of superphosphate are added per 10 m2. When growing onion on heavy soil, the early formation and maturation is facilitated by the disintegration of plants. In this case, carefully, without damaging the root system, the soil is raked from the bulbs. When sown early in spring, onions are ready for harvest in late August or early September. In some years, due to unfavorable weather conditions, it does not have time to ripen by this time. To speed up maturation, plants dig in, damaging the root system, breaking the connection with the soil. After 2-4 days, depending on the weather, the bulbs are harvested and laid out to dry with the leaves. Due to the outflow of plastic substances, the ripening process occurs and bulbs suitable for storage are formed. Sometimes, to accelerate the ripening of the bulbs, rolling or crushing the leaves is used. However, this technique harms the crop, as the plants are damaged and pathogens penetrate the bulbs through the gaps formed. In addition, rolling does not stop growth, and with a broken stem, plants continue to grow. FROM SEVKA. When the feather reaches a height of 10 cm, the treatment of plants from diseases begins (phytosporin - every 2 weeks). When the feather reaches a height of 8-10 cm, the first feeding is carried out: for 10 liters of water - 1 cup of mushy mullein, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, per 1 m2 - 2-3 liters of solution. The second feeding - 12-15 days after the first. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution. The third - when the bulb reaches the size of a walnut. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution. Onion fly control measures. Onions are placed next to carrots. The specific smell of carrots repels the onion fly, and onion phytoncides - the carrot fly. 1 cup of table salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water, ridges of onions are poured from a watering can, trying not to get on the feather. The first time this is done, when the pen reaches 5 cm, watering is repeated after 20 days. When a fly appears, the soil is sprinkled with a deterrent: 100 g of wood ash, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tobacco dust, or 1 teaspoon of ground pepper per 1 m2 (2 times with an interval of 10-18 days). Measures to combat peronosporosis (downy mildew). The onion bed should have a direction from north to south, well lit by the sun. Crops and plantings must not be thickened. Before planting, the seedlings are warmed up. Feathers at a height of 10-12 cm are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride, every 2 weeks they are sprayed with phytosporin. LEEK. The first dressing - when 5-6 true leaves appear, the second - a month after the first. For 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein, 1 tsp. a spoonful of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. For 1 m2 - 3-4 liters of solution. Ashes are added once a week before hilling - 1 cup per 1 m2. GARLIC As soon as garlic leaves appear from the ground, plantings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of urea, 10 liters - per 1 m2. When the garlic leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, they rake the earth from the bulb, sprinkle with ashes and return the earth to its place. This operation is repeated when arrows appear. When removing the arrows of garlic, leave a few pieces. From them, you can easily determine the optimal harvesting time. As soon as the wrapper cracks on the heads and the bulbs begin to peek out, it's time to dig the garlic. To improve the planting material, it is recommended to regularly rejuvenate the cultivated variety by sowing air bulbs. In the first year of cultivation, single teeth are formed from them. They are planted in autumn and next year get normal multi-toothed bulbs.

Osteospermum is a flowering plant belonging to the marigold genus, one of the smaller tribes of the sunflower - the chamomile of the Aster family (Asteraceae). Osteospermum flowers are known in our country as African yellow daisy (daisybushes) or African daisy and are very similar to pansies.

Habitual flowerbeds in our urban jungle with bright flowers, similar to daisies, do not even give reason to suspect that an exotic plant grows on them. A guest from South Africa has perfectly taken root in our climate. The diversity is amazing - there are more than 60 species belonging to the aster family.

When osteospermum first appeared on the horticultural market, the selection consisted of several flowers, with the main colors being white and peach. But even with limited color choices, their vibrant blue-violet heartwood has made them a popular grower's choice.

With the advent of more color combinations, osteospermum breeding has made it possible to gird the flower beds with many new colors with an unlimited choice. During the summer season osteospermum is one of the hottest offers on the market.

General characteristics of Osteospermum

Osteospermum forms lush bushes with a large number of flowers, an appearance reminiscent of daisies. For its external resemblance to the domestic garden chamomile, it was called the "Cape chamomile". The height of the stem is 30 cm, the diameter of the flower is 5 cm. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties have been bred where the stem grows up to 75 cm with a flower diameter of 9 cm.

Such plants have not yet reached our latitudes; they grow only in European countries. Flower colors range from white to dark purple. Often found in pink and orange colors. The middle of the flower has rich color, most often found orange, white, rich pink. It is not capricious in care, the flowering period lasts all summer.

Inexperienced gardeners confuse osteospermum and dimorphoteca. Indeed, visually they are very similar. The main difference lies in the life span of the plant. Dimorphoteka is an annual, and osteospermum will delight with its flowering for several years.

Variety of varieties and species

Most of all, gardeners liked osteospermum eklona. An extensive bush covered with flowers grows on a powerful central stem. Its only drawback is that it does not tolerate frost well. It became the base species from which new varieties were derived.

The main difference between the varieties lies in the shape of the petals and color. Buttermilk flaunts pale - yellow flowers against the backdrop of emerald leaves. Silver Sparkler pleases with delicate milky white flowers.

Congo is distinguished by a pink-violet hue, and Volta changes the color of the flower depending on the growth phase, gradually brightening to almost white.

New innovations create colorful combinations of osteospermum

Sandy pink has an unusual shape of flower petals, as if glued in the middle. Yet there is one thing that unites all varieties and types of osteospermum, they all exude a pungent odor when the stems and leaves are damaged.

Osteospermum "Flower power of the white spider" - demonstrates the abundance of chamomile flowers with unique petals of the original form. The plant will grow to a height of 35 cm. Osteospermum 'Mara' produces large flowers of apricot yellow petals that blend with a beautiful, soft and pink center. This compact selection will grow up to 25cm.

Osteospermum ampelous the most thermophilic species of the family. It has to be hidden from frost in a bright place and provide rare watering. Perfectly takes root in pots on the windowsills, and in the summer in hanging balcony beds. Osteospermum ampelnaya looks amazing in the photo, but in real life, on your loggia, it will look even better!

Osteospermum "Coolness" - blooms until frost, not afraid of harsh wind and heat. The disadvantage is that it is one year old.

Osteospermum “Mix” – characterized as a perennial, but in practice does not withstand the harsh Russian winters.

Because this is a group of plants fairly new to the horticulture industry, more interesting varieties are being bred and brought to light every year. Research is being done to create colors with longer flowering. There are even osteospermum species whose flowers remain open all day and night.

In addition, the central discs of the osteospermum flowers have been redesigned to hold color longer, are denser, and create a three-dimensional effect. hybrid experiments continues and all new colors of osteospermum are constantly entering the market to the consumer.

Osteospermum "Solar darkness of Florence". Carries an orange mood with a flower height of 30 cm. Osteospermum "Zion Plum". This strong plant with blue-violet flowers is a joy in spring and autumn. It grows up to 30 cm in height.

Osteospermum Passion- rather, all the same, a dimorphotheque. It is annual, has a small stem height, feels great as a potted plant.

The subtleties of growing and caring for osteospermum

The principles of care for all varieties are very similar. He loves well loosened fluffy soil and good lighting. You can plant a flower in a shady corner, but the amount of flowering will be much more modest.

Fertilizers are applied before planting a flower and are added regularly. In this case, the plant will bloom for a long time and profusely, regardless of where it is located, in a pot or in open ground. 2 - 3 times per season, the bush should be pinched, and dried flowers and leaves should be removed regularly.

Growing osteospermum from seeds

If the goal is not to plant only varietal flowers, but you just want to decorate a flower bed or balcony, then you can grow osteospermum from a seed yourself. It is not difficult to get osteospermum flowers by growing from seeds at home, just dip it into the soil mixture for flowers or a peat tablet about 5 mm deep, water it and put it on the sunny side.

Seeds germinate in about a week. After the sprout hatches, you need to rearrange it to a cooler place. Before planting in open ground, the osteospermum is taken out for several days for hardening, and in the last days of May it can already be completely relocated to a flower bed. Plant shoots in a flower bed, taking into account the distance between the bushes, keeping a distance of at least 20 - 30 cm.

In order to preserve the flower in the cold season, you need to transplant it into a pot or other suitable container and bring it into a cool room with diffused light. During wintering, watering osteospermum should be minimal.

Seeds must be sought from outside reeds, they are formed there. They do not require special storage conditions and will lie quietly along with the seeds of cucumbers and beets until spring in a dark, cool place.

Seedling cuttings

At the end of winter, in the upper part of the plant, separate several cuttings with a sharp garden knife and put them in cups with water until the first roots form. Then transfer to small pots with humus or peat mixed with a fraction of sand.

Some experts advise immediately placing fresh osteosperm cuttings in hydrogel moss or wet peat.

Modern varieties of osteospermum grow continuously, especially when well watered and fertilized. If you have planted the cuttings in a container, you must prevent the soil from drying out completely. If they do, the plants will go into "sleep mode" and survive the drought period, but also, they will break off their flower buds and it won't be easy to get their flower back.

In addition, osteospermum roots are relatively susceptible to decay. The plant may die if watered too heavily after a dry period.

Little secrets of a successful landing

Ideally, an osteospermum prefers a place that is not saturated with the sun - the more sun you can give the plant, the better it will bloom. Osteospermum prefers evenly moist, well-drained soils. But be careful, too wet soil is a sure way to harm or even kill osteosperms.

Once they gain strength, they become quite drought tolerant. Remove any damaged flowers and fertilize regularly. In this case, osteospermum will thank you with cheerful flowering and will look charming throughout the summer.

1. Despite the fact that the seeds are large and hard, it is better not to soak them, because the osteospermum does not like excess moisture.

2. Hatching seedlings need to be moved closer to the sun.

3. Transplantation is carried out in the phase of 2 - 3 true leaves with deepening into the soil.

4. The first pinching is carried out when picking, then the bush will form more magnificently.

5. It is better to dry the osteospermum a little than to organize an excess of moisture.

6. If the bush is very lush and does not hold its shape, it can be carefully tied up without pulling the stems.

The plant is unpretentious, the rules of care are quite simple and understandable. The main varieties are hardy to cold zones, but they are best grown in temperate climate. In many cases, plants will take a break from flowering during hot summers until cool nights resume in autumn.

List of diseases and pests

Osteospermum is just a gardener's dream regarding pests. They simply do not see and do not want to eat it. Diseases also bypass the “Cape chamomile” side, practically without damaging the leaves and inflorescences.

One common pest that you can see on osteosperms, thrips, is extremely rare in our latitudes. They are long green beetles that love the pollen of flowers and use their sharp mouthparts to scrape nectar from the petals. Their actions cause damage to the kidneys and slow growth.

Fortunately, there are many other beneficial insects during the growing season that will keep these pests in check.

Growing osteospermum and caring for it is not difficult.

Osteospermum (lat. Osteospermum) - is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant, shrub or shrub. The flower got its name from the Greek word "osteo" - bone, and the Latin word "spermum" - seed. The flower belongs to the aster family. By appearance it resembles a camomile or a daisy.

general description

The birthplace of this unique flower is South Africa (Cape Province of South Africa), therefore it is called "African chamomile", "Cape daisy".

This unique flower was brought to Europe by the British in the 10th century. where he gained immense popularity. And all because the "African Chamomile" is very beautiful and unpretentious.

It is grown by seeds and cuttings. The seed method of cultivation is most preferable, as the plant develops quickly and does not require much care. But if varietal qualities are important to you, then it is better to grow by cuttings. The cuttings will convey all the parental qualities of the variety you love.

Growing osteospermum from seeds at home will not be a problem.

Seeds can be planted immediately in open ground, but then flowering will come late. That's why it is better to grow spermum flower through seedlings.

If you want to save the variety, you can dig up a bush, plant it in a spacious pot and bring it into the room. From December to March, provide osteospermum with winter rest. The temperature in the room where the flower will be kept should not be higher than 15 - 17 degrees. Watering should be reduced to a minimum. In the spring, plant the overwintered bush in the garden.

Lunar calendar - assistant florist in planting plants

Diseases and pests

Osteospermum is resistant to diseases and pests. Sometimes it can be attacked by aphids, which can be easily dealt with with any drug purchased from a specialized store. The main rule when caring for osteospermum is not to plant in the shade and not to fill it with water. And then all summer this wonderful flower will delight with its unique flowering.

Types and varieties of osteospermum

Garden annual flower osteospermum belongs to the aster family. A little-known among flower growers, the plant is very similar to the popular daisies, asters and daisies. Its homeland is African countries, so the second name of osteospermum is "African chamomile". In June, buds appear on the flower, which bloom and bloom until the very autumn frosts. Caring for it is very simple, and it is easy to grow osteospermum for your garden plot from seeds.

Osteospermum: photo, description, types

The African chamomile is a large shrub with erect, branching stems strewn with dense foliage. Its spatulate, irregularly toothed leaves are oblong ovoid in shape and can be bright green, gray or variegated.

Terry or semi-double inflorescence in diameter reaches 3-8 cm. It consists of central barren tubular and marginal reed flowers. Depending on the species and variety, the central flowers are most often blue or blue. Marginal flowers can be a variety of colors from white to purple. Quite rarely there are varieties with orange, yellow, purple, pink and red flowers.

Each inflorescence lives no more than five days. But in its place, new buds quickly form, due to which the plant blooms continuously and for a long time. With favorable weather, flowering can continue until almost mid-autumn.

Bright flowers of osteospermum open during the day on a clear day and closed at night and on cloudy days. This property of the plant protects the pollen of the flower from the effects of night moisture or rain.

Species and varieties

Osteospermum bushes can be of various heights and shapes, bloom with flowers with a wide variety of colors. It all depends on the type and variety, the variety of which African chamomile is famous for. Some hybrid varieties are distinguished by an unusual shape of reed flowers.

Osteospermum Eklona or Carpathian daisy is a perennial thermophilic shrub, therefore, in regions with cold winters, it is grown as an annual. The plant grows up to one meter in height, has strongly branched straight stems and decorative jagged leaves. On the basis of the Carpathian daisy, breeders have bred many hybrid varieties, each of which differs in the shape and color of the petals and the size of the bushes.

Osteospermum conspicuous is the new kind African chamomile. Its distinguishing feature is the change in color of the petals as the flower blooms. In bud, they may be white, and a fully bloomed flower may have a purple color. In this case, the upper part of the petal is always lighter than the lower. Lifespan of each flower 10 to 15 days. After that, the color of the petals becomes lighter again, and the flower fades. Osteospermum conspicuous, in comparison with the Carpathian daisy, is more difficult to grow.

Osteospermum: cultivation and care

African chamomile loves well-lit places and fertile soils. Therefore, it is necessary for her to choose a sunny area and enrich it with a nutrient mixture before planting. For this in equal parts you need to mix:

  • leaf ground;
  • sod land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

The prepared nutrient soil is poured into the hole in which the plant will be planted.

Plants are thermophilic, but are able to endure slight frosts. For the winter, some gardeners manage to dig up plant bushes and store them at home in order to plant them in the garden again in the spring.

Osteosparmum is an unpretentious drought-resistant plant. He will endure hot weather and a temporary lack of watering calmly. However, long lack of moisture affects the flowers, which lose their terry, decorative effect and become smaller.

The Carpathian daisy does not like waterlogging, therefore, when caring for it, you need to make sure that the soil dries out between waterings and water does not stagnate in it.

The key to successful cultivation and abundant flowering of osteosperm is its regular feeding. For this, mineral and organic fertilizers are alternately used. So that rapidly growing bushes do not stretch out, but branch, it is recommended to pinch them periodically.

In the middle of summer, at hot temperatures, African chamomile can stop laying new buds and flowering. But it will bloom profusely again literally as soon as the heat subsides.

Pests and diseases

Osteospermum is a very resistant plant, which is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests.

However, if the cultivation of shrubs takes place in the shade, where the soil is wet all the time, this can lead to weakened immunity. In this case, the plant may prone to fungal diseases. Its roots will begin to rot, and the bush itself will wither. You can save osteospermum by transplanting it to a well-lit place, having previously treated the roots with special antifungal drugs.

Immunocompromised plants may be attacked by aphids. The insect settles on leaves and stems, and feeds on their juice. As a result of this, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the bush itself begins to fade. Insect control should be carried out by spraying with special insecticides.


Osteospermum in the open field can survive winters only in a mild climate with temperatures not lower than -10 degrees. But if you dig a bush and grow it in a cool but bright room, then in the spring the plant can be planted again in its place in the garden. Winter care will consist only of rare watering.

Reproduction of osteospermum

Carpathian daisy can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

For seedlings, seeds are sown in March or April. Dry seeds are sown in peat tablets or seedling boxes with peat-sandy soil. Many mistakenly pre-soak them, because osteoperum seeds look like ordinary seeds. But this plant really does not like waterlogging, so in the future the sprouts can rot.

Seeds are laid to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. To do this, you can use a skewer or a toothpick by pushing them into moist soil. The box covered with glass or polyethylene is placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least + 20- + 22 degrees. The first shoots should appear already on the fifth or seventh day after planting.

Seedling care osteopermum is as follows:

  1. The seedling container is exposed to a well-lit, but cooler place.
  2. Seedlings are regularly watered, but it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the soil.
  3. After the appearance of the second or third true leaf, the seedlings are seated in separate containers. If they are very stretched out, then you can gently bend the stem, put it in a groove and cover it with earth.
  4. You can slow down the stretching and provoke a more lush flowering by pinching the plant after picking.
  5. With the onset of the last spring month, seedlings at home should be hardened off. In this case, it is taken out to the glazed loggia or the windows are opened.

At the end of May, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place of cultivation. The distance between young bushes should be at least 20-25 cm. In the first few days, care consists in watering the plant in the morning and evening.


Cuttings are harvested from osteospermum bushes dug out in autumn and preserved until spring. With their help, from one bush you can get several unpretentious, beautifully flowering annuals.

Cuttings 5-7 cm long cut with a sharp knife. The lower leaves are removed, and the segments are inserted into a container with a moist substrate. You can use vermiculite, perlite or moss with hydrogel.

The cuttings are covered with polyethylene or a glass container and exposed to a well-lit, warm place. Every day they need to be ventilated, and the soil should be sprayed regularly. Which cuttings have taken root can be seen in about ten days.

Unpretentious in care, beautiful and long-blooming osteosparums are ideal for for decorating flower beds and borders in the garden, decoration of balconies and loggias, flower beds near the entrances. The Carpathian daisy planted in a hanging planter can be grown even at home.

Beautiful osteospermum

Colorful, easy to care for and delighting us with abundant flowering - what else can you expect from annual flowers? From May to September, osteospermum pleases the eye with its bright colors, decorating flower beds, as well as our terraces and balconies.

This annual flower, which came to us from South Africa, belongs to the Astrov family, its genus includes over 70 species. The best known is (Osteospermum) with simple flowers. Due to the similarity of flowers with chamomile and daisy, this plant is more often called "Cape chamomile" or "African daisy". Osteospermum has long taken a central place in summer balcony compositions and is very popular with gardeners.

Sun-loving osteosperms have compact bushes, which, both in balcony plantings and in a flower garden, go well with upright annuals or herbs. Cape chamomile is fairly easy to care for, making it an ideal flower for beginner growers.

Cape daisy, osteospermum or dimorphoteca?

The Cape daisy with the botanical name "osteospermum" is not an annual plant. Although it is often grown on the balcony as an annual plant.


The external similarity of some types of osteosperm with its close relative sometimes leads to some confusion. The essential difference between these plants is that only annual species are classified as dimorphotekam, and osteospermum is a perennial plant.


Joyful blooming variety

Cape daisy seeds are sown in late winter in pots or a greenhouse. To do this, in September, darkened seeds are collected from the bushes, which gave earlier flowering and larger inflorescences. In May, at the end of spring frosts, seeds can be sown immediately in a permanent place, but in this case they will only need to be thinned out later, however, flowering with this method of cultivation will come quite late. Seedlings appear in about two weeks.

In July-August, charming flowers appear on bushes 20 to 40 cm high, which, depending on the variety, often have a two-color color. Sometimes the inner part of the petals has a different shade, which gives the Cape daisy a special decorative effect.

Attention! The life span of each individual inflorescence is no more than 5 days, but with proper care in place of wilted flowers, more and more buds will appear.

Osteospermum "Snow Pixie" - white flowers with a yellow core, Osteospermum jucundum var. Compactum with pink flowers, Osteospermum "Tresco Purple" with purple buds.

The optimal location of the Cape daisy on the balcony

You can count on the lush and abundant flowering of the perennial Cape daisy, cultivated as an annual, only if it suits the location that you have chosen for it. In other words: the Cape daisy prefers well-lit areas.

A well-lit sunny place means at the same time a fairly warm place. Therefore, do not worry if the mercury column of the thermometer rises quite high - too much for a South African plant. high temperatures not dangerous. Windy weather does not cause any harm to the Cape daisy, unless, of course, we are talking about a cold wind. Our sissy loves warmth very much and cannot stand rainy weather. Sprinkling rains from time to time will definitely not interfere with its active growth, which cannot be said about prolonged rains. Therefore, during the period of prolonged rains, it is recommended to move the Cape daisy to a protected place under a canopy.

The light-loving and heat-loving Cape daisy is taken out onto the balcony only when the threat of spring frosts has passed and when the sun begins to shine brighter and warmer. Because its flowers, reaching up to eight centimeters in diameter, fully open and show all their beauty only on sunny days.

Osteospermum "Lachende Lucy"

Perfect Care for the Cape Daisy

Since the Cape daisy is cultivated, as a rule, as an annual plant, the substrate of the highest class can be omitted. You can't go wrong if you use regular potting soil for balcony plants.

As for watering, you should be more careful here. It should be regular, but in no case excessive. Ideally - the soil is slightly moist, but no more. The main thing is to avoid excess moisture and a waterproof substrate, resulting in waterlogging of the soil. Such growing conditions certainly do not like the Cape daisy. In the worst case, the plant dies.

Do you fertilize your balcony plants regularly? So that the osteospermum does not “starve”, it needs top dressing every two weeks. Apply complex fertilizers regularly, and the profusion of flowering plants is guaranteed to you.

Watering and fertilizing is all that is included in the mandatory care program for many balcony plants. But this does not apply to the Cape daisy. To prolong flowering until October, treat your green pet. How? Regularly clean the bushes from old leaves, remove wilted inflorescences. Osteospermum, surrounded by care and attention, will live long and delight you with its incredibly beautiful flowering.

Osteospermum "Sternschnuppen"

Overwintering Cape Daisy

In autumn, before the start of autumn frosts, the Cape daisy should be moved to a bright and cool room with an air temperature of + 100C to + 150C. In winter, the plant is at rest, so watering should be economical, fertilizers should not be applied. In early spring, the Cape daisy can be cut to one-third so that it gives all its strength to future flowering. In April, with the onset of heat, the plant is accustomed to heat and direct sunlight gradually so that there are no sunburns.

Attractive bicolor osteospermum 'Pink & Honey' blooming from April to October

Terry osteospermum

Recently, the range of Cape daisies has been replenished with a new variety "Flower Power Double" with double flowers. New on the market are the so-called 3D-series varieties, which also have double flowers, but differ from the varieties of the Double series. A feature of the new varieties is that with the onset of darkness, their double flowers do not close. In principle, all terry varieties of Cape daisy have a long flowering, mesmerizing gardeners with beautifully shaped flowers and delicate shades that vary from the center to the edges of the petals. The color palette of flowers ranges from purple, soft pink to yellow.

Osteospermum „Flower Power Double White Berry“

Beautiful compositions

The Cape daisy is attractive not only for its bright flowers, but also for the shape of the bush. Its erect, compact, lush bushes are ideal for growing in balcony boxes and tubs. So that the composition of Cape daisies does not look uniformly boring, it is combined with other sun-loving balcony plants, for example, dorotheanthus, lobularia, bluebell or tender felicia.

Osteospermum pairs well with Verbena, Calibrachoa and Geranium, which have similar growing requirements.

We present to your attention some varieties of Cape daisies and plants with which they form beautiful compositions.

The Cape daisy looks elegant and playful at the same time. Here, dark red osteosperms of 'Margarita Rioch Red' and yellow 'Margarita Sunset' are planted in antique-patterned pots, complemented by rich green ivy.

The yellow Cape daisy ("Margarita yellow") brings the feeling of the presence of the sun into the garden. She looks beautiful in the company of vervain "Embress Red" and geyhera.

The flowers of the "Swing Yellow" variety are not as intense yellow, but no less attractive. Its inflorescences beautifully frame geyhera leaves with an unusual color.

A basket of soft pink flowers of the variety "Margarita Pink" evokes a romantic mood.

A gentle combination of Cape daisy "Margarita Pink" with verbena and geranium "Schöne von Rheinberg" will not leave indifferent any romantic.

The light composition of Cape Daisy "Margarita White", Geranium "Schöne von Rheinberg" and Calibrachoa "Aloha tiki soft pink" has a refreshing and joyful start.

Another ensemble for romantics: Cape daisy "Margarita Cream" and geranium.

And if you want your balcony to compare favorably with those of your neighbors, use not ordinary boxes and pots to plant a Cape daisy, but pick up something from old things for them that can quite unexpectedly turn into a flower pot. This will give the balcony interior an individuality, and the Cape daisy will show its beauty to the fullest.

Translation: Lesya V.
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your garden"

The Cape daisy (Cape basket, osteospermum) can sometimes be found commercially under the old name Dimorpbotheca ecklonis. In our climatic conditions, this attractive plant is grown as a beautifully flowering annual. At home, the Cape daisy is a perennial flowering plant. This unusual plant feels great in flower pots and other containers.

The Cape daisy is a highly branched perennial. It is easily grown from seed. Cape daisy can be grown as a beautiful potted plant for home, balcony and terrace.

Cape daisy reaches no more than 60 cm in height. Its beautiful dark green lanceolate leaves reach 5 - 10 cm in length.

In summer, the Cape daisy has a very abundant bloom. Individual inflorescences-baskets of this plant reach no more than 8 cm in diameter. They consist of white-purple reed flowers and blue tubular flowers (in last years plants with more colorful flowers appeared on sale). On cloudy days and in the evening, osteospermum inflorescences close.

Seeds of the Cape daisy are sown in the ground from May, when the danger of return frosts has passed. Sow the seeds of this plant in a permanent place or in flower pots and boxes filled with an earth mixture consisting of one part of coarse sand and three parts of nutritious compost soil.

After the shoots appear, thin them out, leaving only the strongest ones. Maintain consistent soil moisture. When buds appear, water more abundantly.

To plants bloom earlier, in March, sow the seeds in boxes filled with sterilized earth. Sow them to a depth of 1 cm. For normal seed germination, you need to put the container in a room with a temperature of 15 - 18 degrees.

Dive the grown seedlings into separate pots with a diameter of 8 cm (try not to damage the roots of the plants). When the danger of frost has passed, they can be taken outside.

Gray on the leaves of the plant appears if the plant grows in cold and damp rooms - this is a sign of gray mold damage. Remove the affected leaves and move the plant to a sunny location, and while watering, try not to wet the leaves. In case of severe infestation, treat the plant with a suitable fungicide. dark spots on the leaves - this is a sign of a fungal disease, which is called black spot. Before planting a plant outside for prevention, treat it with copper sulphate.

If there are few pests on the plant, then treat the plant with a strong stream of soapy water. In case of severe infestation, use an insecticide.

Cape daisy prefers soil that has good water permeability. However, be careful, especially in the first two weeks after planting, do not dry out the soil in potted plants.

Remove fading blooms from the Cape daisy regularly to prolong the flowering time of the plant. Some of the stems can be trimmed to give the plant a more attractive appearance. A group of flowering Cape daisies looks very attractive.

The Cape daisy is a perennial plant, but in our climate it is grown as an annual plant. Do not forget that it is planted in open ground only after the danger of returning frosts has passed. Cape daisy seeds are sown in May in a permanent place, and in early spring they are sown in flower boxes or pots.

When flower buds appear on the plants, start watering them more abundantly. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Special attention give plants growing in terracotta containers, as the soil in them dries out very quickly in sunny weather. Once every two weeks, feed Cape daisies with complex fertilizers.

The Cape daisy grows best in a bright, sunny location. The perfect place for its cultivation is the southern balcony or terrace. If you are growing Cape daisy at home, protect it from strong sunlight during the midday hours. If you are growing Cape daisies as perennials, then move them to a room with a temperature of 10 degrees for the winter.

Choose daisy seeds in paper bags with polyethylene inside. Such seeds remain viable for a longer time. Seedlings should have buds.

The Osteospermum plant (see photo) is very popular with flower growers, because it is distinguished not only by its decorative effect, but also by its long flowering. With proper care, you can enjoy the beauty of this flower from June to late autumn.


Osteospermum is also called Cape chamomile or Cape daisy. This flower actually looks a bit like a daisy. It has the same shape of flowers and petals. Africa is considered to be the birthplace of the plant, but this flower is grown culturally almost all over the world, with the exception of the northern regions.

Osteospermum is a genus of herbaceous, annual and perennial plants that are widely distributed in South Africa, and less popular here. Osteospermum belongs to the Astrov family, and this genus has about 70 species, most of which are - wild plants. Only a few varieties are grown culturally, the most popular of which is the Cape Chamomile.

Cape chamomile is a large shrub with erect stems and dense foliage. The leaves are more often ovoid, arranged on the stems in the next order, and also form a basal rosette. Basal leaves vary in size. The inflorescences of Osteospermum can be semi-double or double, approximately 4-8 cm in diameter, depending on the variety.

The middle of the inflorescence is formed by small tubular flowers, with adjoining marginal ones, which have a reed shape. According to external characteristics, the flower resembles a chamomile, but differs in a variety of colors - it can be orange, purple, white, blue, blue, yellow. Even perennial varieties in our climate are grown as annuals.


Osteospermum growing from seeds.

In early March, osteosperm seedlings should be prepared. Seeds are soaked in a solution to stimulate growth and then sown in small containers with nutrient soil. In order for them to germinate faster, you should cover the containers with foil and leave them in a well-lit, warm room with normal air humidity.

As a rule, seedlings appear 5-6 days after sowing. As they grow, it will be necessary to dive the seedlings, and 2 weeks before the final transplant, start hardening it in the fresh air.

The site for osteosperm should be protected from drafts, well lit by the sun. The soil will need fertile, loose, and preferably slightly alkaline. 3-4 weeks before the final planting of seedlings, it is recommended to dig up the site and simultaneously fertilize it with organic matter, as well as introduce drainage.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in warm weather, when frosts have passed. It is desirable that the soil is well warmed. It is recommended to plant seedlings together with clods of earth so as not to damage the sensitive root system. After planting, the plant needs frequent, not plentiful watering.


Unlike many plants, osteospermum can be quite demanding in care. Moreover, in order to enjoy its flowering all season, it is necessary to pay attention to the flower almost every day - cut off faded inflorescences. Each blooming flower lives no more than 5-6 days, after which it fades, and after cutting it, the rest of the buds open, and so the whole season.

In order for the Cape chamomile to please the eye not only with flowering, but also with neat, beautifully shaped bushes, you should pinch the shoots at an early stage of growth. If any of the leaves dry out, they must also be removed.

As for watering - it is important to know when to stop. The flower needs moisture, but may suffer from its excess. The plant comes from a hot country, therefore it has drought resistance. Weekly watering will be enough, and during the rainy seasons it is not needed at all.

The flower should be fed every 2 weeks, but only mineral fertilizers should be used for this. Organics can be applied no more than once a month. An excess of fertilizer is more dangerous for a flower than a deficiency.


As mentioned above, the plant is grown as an annual. Therefore, most often osteospermum is grown from seeds. But, experienced flower growers often propagate Cape chamomile vegetatively - they take the plant for the winter, store it until spring and cut it. It takes 3 weeks for cuttings to root.


Cape chamomile is not immune to disease. She is often hit different kinds rot that develops as a result of waterlogging of the soil and stagnant moisture. Putrefactive processes affect the root system, and the plants must be destroyed. The best prevention is moderate watering, as well as drainage. Of the pests, only aphids are dangerous, which are easy to destroy with insecticides.

Growing Cape chamomile, although it requires a lot of effort, but its beautiful flowering compensates for everything, because it serves as a decoration of the site throughout the warm season!

Osteospermum photo